Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1896, Page 7, Image 7
TJIT3 OMAHA TAlIiY WEE : MONDAY , T)13OBJI1E11 ) 7. 1800. 8PEG1RL NOTICES _ iK'titn for ( lirxc rolninnn nlll In- nki-ii until liiiilO p. in. , for Mu ll ml until S | i. in. for Ilu > 1 nnil Hniiiln- ( Million * . All H Plll ITH ( ll > - PI lHP | ll IK II 1IMIII- ln-r ' < l < < hi > rl < t ' lm\i nii i i'r ml- li-i-.Hxnl lo n niiiiiiHTeil Ictti-r in ciro j if Tin- HIMAnaxvirfc mi uiltlrt'xM'tl j lie itillvi'r il mi prvxriilliUoM ut ; tin- < -l : enl > . I 1-Hr n Moril llrMl lnni'Hlon | In n ivoril lln-rrnfli-r. Notliluir Inkcn for II-NN limn xrc fur lhi > llr l InMur- Illlll , TIlCIC Hllvi-1'llNI'llll-llln IIIIIHt IlL- run IMIIIXI WANTIJII : AN IDEA ; WHO PAN THINK OV Mniplo tlilnit to potent ? Protect your tluy may LrlnR yiiu wenltl' . Write Jiihn Mlmm ft Co. . Dppt. V. , I'ntern Atmrnpys , lnRtun. II. C. . for tlitlr 1.MO 1'rlzioffer nnd a llxl of ! 0 Inventions wanted. ll-SII VANTii : > . "TlTAVIJMNO HAI.KSMKN KOH clunrs , old , rollalile house ; cxperlenrc unnceeii. tnry , exlrn Inducements to cUFloinem ; JT3.00 to J1M.OO per month nnd expcnci-j. Chnrlea C. lllshop A Co. , St. Louis. WANTHD. 8AI.tSMKN : IN nVKHY IM-ACI ! ; pnlary nnd commission. Tlio Ilnwkii Nursery Co. . Milwaukee , Win. II-MT4j-I B GOOD rANVAssnus" " \V"ANTID AT isis DoiiKlns. Snlnry paid weekly _ llli'SO D2t iNsUiiANrn on- EnnlrerK. Omul pay. K. I' . Hocse , 1UH I-nrnam Btn-et , Omnlin , Neb. l > M9M Mi.V : AND WOMIJM OUT OI' IJMI'l/miKNT und vi Illlntc to wnik cnn Icnrn of u permanent ltuati | n nt KOO.I vtiKen liy writing In 1' . V II. . box JS1. AllBlntn , Mnlnv. II M91C ! ! A rn\v i.sKiior.Tir : , IHISTI.INO MIN : CAN Ilinl stonily , iirntltnlilc employment with C. K Ailntnit Co. . 621 S. ICth et. IJ MO'.S 10 WANTIID , HAMISMAN ; HAI.AIIY 1'AID weekly ; experience unnccc nry ; iierninnent. Ilruwn mothers. Co. , Clilcano. II Mi.03-H2'l' ' \VANTI3D7"cANVASSiil. : WITH THAM , IN every county In Mote ; ta psr cent commission on snlen , I1W to 110.00 lr l Jay easily. K. II. Wright i Co. , Ul > > ea , Neb. U-M12S IS * . DHST OI'I'OHTIJNITY ONVIIAUTH TO I.i\UN it K ol lnulc , wo tench the Kirlier trft'le thor- uuitlily In 8 weeks nml K"nrnnUo ntendy ultim- tlons when through ; cninplrte uutlll of tools Klven I'nch sluilrnt ; catalogue malli-d freo. .Molrr's Jlartcr College , 121 N. llth Rt. . St. Louis. .Mo. 1I-M1S8 D * _ 1JY A iToUSK OF LONO STANPINQ AND pstahllclicd reputation , 23 talesmen , who nre already on tlif road , nnd cnlllntf on the drug nnd More trnile , to curry us n side line an article In grent demand ; tamplp Binall and comniltdlons IIIIBOJ none but men who lime nn eftnlillihed trnile nnd nre order-setters need nn | > ly , confidential If desired. AdilifM Wallace ft Co. , 8723 llroadway , Cleveland. O. IJ M1C3 7' WANTKD--HTUICT. HKMAIII.K AND CAP- ahlc milesmen to sell complete line of lubrl- cntliiK oils , Rrciises , palntcr'B supidles nnd Kiii-elaltlcs. AUdruHs The Sterling HelliilnR Co. , Cleveland , O. 1I-JUC2 7 * AVA.NTI3U K-HMAI.I5 IIHI.l' . YOU CAN KAIIN OOOD WAGiS IIANDMNO our Koodn ; we have room for n few Indies. C. P. Adams Co. . C2I S. 16th fcU C M 37 _ W A NT I : D-A dbo D COO 1C IN SMALL FAMILY. Cirrman preferred ; Rood wanes ; IK-HI lofi-iences tenulieil , Inqulie from 2 to C p. m , 131 S. Ut St. . I57" ? WANTKD , OIIII. FOU GnNHKAT. IIOUSH work. In fnmlly of two. Cull 535 South l"Jtli avenue. C MHO 7 KOIl IlKXT HOUSIJS. OlISrH IN ALL I'AHTS OF TIIK CITY. TIIK O. K. Davis Company , 1M > 3 Farnam. 'irH5 nri , IUNI\VA & co. . 103 N. ufh MODBIIN 1IOUSH3 C. A. STAHR 0 N. Y. , I.I1JE CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVEU the city. W to M. Fidelity. 1702 Fnrnmn. HOUSES , WALLACE , UUOWN 1ILOCIC. 1 TI I nnd Dunning. n si9 _ HOUSEU , FllOM J3 III' : LAUGE LIST. Me- Cn uo investment Co. , lf-05 Dodge olreet.D . D Sjl A UEAUTIFUI/HOME IN LAFAYETTE PLACE : 8-rooma ; all modern ; rpk-ulM condltlun ; nc\ct liron rented before ; now uffeinl nt u low lental to tlrst-cl. > ss tenant. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam St. D-S-'J nous ES. i-ruvf S. G A imN DnosTTsTTFA UNA M D KO 1-X H RENT. 7-UOOM OUTSiDE FLAT ; NEWLY papered , modern. Uincu block , Wi S. Ulh. D-SJS-U.10 _ STL'All HEATED UESIDENCE. W13 HAUNEY. D M9 D-10 * 10-uooxi "MODE IIN liincic. OAK FINISH AND mantels , rooms on llrst floor niu nil connectet with laiBo KllJIns doms. Lnruo li.unJry und cistern. A nominal rent If tnlten by December 31st. Inquire of owner , 1031 S. ZOth Avi > . D MCG2 _ EIGHT-ROOM MblTEnSTDWELLING. HOT AIR furnace and l.iumliy In basement ; huso yard ' and iitahlo ; 701 GcoiRla avenue. Apply J. J ! Kelkcnney. Knrb.ich llllc. D M701 D-21 _ FOR RENTT812 N. DOTH MODERN cm house ; K'O per mo. liHiuIre on prcmlsea. D-S1722 JM NOUTJI 8IVnNTKiNTII. rOUUTKUN rocnib : ( Hint rooming liouno In city. D-MTSQ-nM' roil HHNT-8-UOOM MOUK1IN IJWIU.MNO , HL-uly pai > cifd nml jiulnteil Itirouclmut , Irani In rear , rent 523. Location SM3 DnvcnpDrt at. W. IJ. Mclklc. Klret National Lank ljulMlnh- . U-OCi l-'IVS ROOMS , E31 S. MUD ST. D-37M1 * I'UUNISIIED Oil UNFURNISHED NINE-ROOM house ; 2JIO Webster sticct. l-'rujulrc llurltlej Printing Co. D i > 0-H rj SIX-ROOM HOUSE ; COR. TWENTY- niut Leavi-ntvorth ; prUc , ( IC.CO. D-SI130 12 rou itixTi.uitxisin-i > HOOMS. BTEAjfl I E ATED ROOMS. 1011 HAUN'RYi -3I.D7 1 _ _ _ DOrilLlTpARLORfli COMPLETE FbllTlOUSlJ kceiin,7. | COJ N. ISIIl. E M3I1 .S * FL'RNIKIIED T.OOMS , HGHTlOt'Sl keeplnir , UI2 S. llth. E lifJ K' SUITE OF rTtboSlTiOR ] ; GE.VrLESIENT OR light housekeeping. l"'i No. lllli. E MlCfi 9 * I'l ltM.'iIlii ) KOO.MS A.M > IIOAUU. ROOMS WITH OR W1THOU1 boartl ; steam heat nnd nil modern Improvr- ments ; special low iatc-i for ulnliT. Mid land hotel , ICth und Chlrasu. 21. J. Frnnck prop ) Ictiir. F S37 _ FOU RENT. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH board. Ki Cnllfurnln.trcct. F M5C1 7 icasonable. The Itci.o , IBi'J ' llainey , I'-MWI WAUM IIOOMS AM ) UOAnD t3.50 WUHIC. CH North liilli. 1 " " AUIANY. fill""loiJoKAH : PARLOR SUITE" other i-uomn ; excellent table. F M151 13 rtFllNlSIIED PARLOUS ; TToDERNT UENT rcasonublo ; buurU If ileflred. 1707 Curs Ft. F-M1C5 7 rou m.vrUM' : ! ) HOK.MS. 8 ciiAMinTi'is"roiPilousiiKiHi'iNo ' , M.\N nnd wire ; nulcr In kitchen ; Meet kink. 319 ; ; . 17th. Q.-UI rou nr.x'i' .sToitus .VXD OKKICP.S. VUACKAUU WAHE1IOUSE ; ( "KNTHALLY LO cnted , S. a Ciutls. ISi'J ' Hnuiey. 1-iHOjj.U RENT. THE 1-STol Y llccll'I LDI NC at 10 k-.iinum ' St. Thin bulMln : has u ilrcprc-of fcmcnt Laiemcnt , cnmpU'to kit-am heullPi ; llx- lurcs ; water on oil Hour * , gut , etc. Apply nt thii ulllco of Tim Ilee. 1-910 AHK.Vr.S WA.NTKIJ. WANTED , I.IVK PEOPLE IN EVERY LOCAL ity in 112.10 ucckly nalnry nml rxpcnteii to tukj orders fur Christmas nooUs ; peinuncnt employ mcnt 1C rlRht. Manufacturer , P. O. llux 1303 Roston , Mu l. J MSS-I1 * JVOUNTH MAKE JO TO J18 A DAY INTUODUC Ihu "I'onicl. " thft only SI tnap liot camera < i , Hie creatcst seller of the century ; ten. lul und luc l agents wnntud all over lh ivprM. cxcluihe Urrltory ; nrlto today for tcmu and samples. Alken Glcaion Co. . X 2 ; , La Crowe. WIs. J-M977 ! _ 'ro un.vr. > VAKTniV-nOAHD AND ROOM FOR A MAN un4 wife ; prlvata family preferred , Rcfercnct d , Address II Ci , lice otllre. oirVAN8TOHA01J. " I IIS FAUN'M. TKU tUi. - PACIFIC STOItAOP. AND WAIlKIIOUflK CO. . WS-910 Joncn , Ucntlnl ttorago nnJ forwarding. M aw WANTIJI ) TO I1UV. nottsn AN'rTToT.l "ou io nooMs u li > one mile of ponlofllce : must I"n l r- gain , Hernia , I'nxton blk. N M82T _ \VANTID. : TO 11UY flKCON'OHANOH" ; roKlHli-r. Adilrera A. K Dftorak. Or.1. Noli. * " M6I 33 ; JRT < : ITY I-\\HM IUAI. : isfATh WITH Oarvln tire * . , 1013 Tarnnm street. N SCI KOIl SM.n KUUMTUIll-3. xm : HAi.lf AT'HAMruin : , os'i : Nn\v"nrYn- room wt , three Move * , hnnl ronl. soft coil , gannllno. ffilO N. Ulh. Call mnrnln * . KOIl MI.SCr.M.A.\KOU.S. . : IIIAPIHT : IIAIUMVOODvovi.v : COUN cum- bine mmlc. C. It. Leo.01 Douglas. _ Q61. . . Ml"JAT riXTUP.i7s ; "cOMPUrPK OUTl-'IT , IN- clndlni ? Ice box , for mile nt n barcnln. or will trade for a first-duns delivery wagon. C. M. Hanfoitt , uroctr , Kill nnd 1 streets , _ Omalm. Q-M.IM * K\v niuviuYVAOONS uut.o\v COST : 1 top , t open nml 1 ulako wnson. Call cinliK. DrninmonJ Carriage Co. Q-5)j in. > ixiaiis-siNciLi : AND IX > UIII.BI.swni.i . , body for J5.00. Uiummand Carriage Co. IJ 1J1 It 1 * . nin.ivr.UY WAOON } : o.oo : UJATHUI top luK1y. JS3 Family carrlago Hj. Dn m- nioiul CarrlnBQCo. - _ _ _ nun & mJlioi\n SArn'a ; NIW & nml ; safe nnd lock rcimlrlnR : crmlilnntlona chanced. J. J. DcrlKlit & Co. . 1110 1' CIIICKKHINO m-uitlHT ; 183. 313 C SUAI. SICIN CI.OA K POll'sAI.r. ; ailljAT UAH- Knln. J. Sonnenberc. 1503 DougliiB street TlUISTMAH I'linSENTS. NEAT AND USKKUI. : ilr.twlnir Instrument * nnd materials. Alvn J. Grovcra , 318 Houth15tliHtrcct. _ _ " Q-MH8 31 wmi' JTusiYTow. v."o. \viAn. ICTII nnd UuiiRlns. U-MI.6 1- 70S N. ICth. _ I.M'NDHY , OOOD WOHK AND GOOD WACIKS IR the motto of the City Steam Laundry. = 11 So. lltli St. , Tel. Z3I.'I' ' J" OLA1HVOYANTS. MUS. FUITZ. CLAinVOYANT. 1MO CALiron- * fa-2jl-Jo nla. SIASHAOI'J IIATIIS , r.TC. MM1J. SMITH. 1121 DOUGLAS , UOOM B : MAS- BKO and steam lialln. 1 11133 1. IHII'TUIUJ CUHHD ; NO PAIN : NO UL1L , tlon from ) > u > lmr * ; we nfcito hundreds of jiatlcnts cured. O. 15. Miller Co. . 717 N. "I. I.Ifp ImlMlwr. Omalm , Neb. U SCI flATHS MASSAGE. S1MH. POST , ntD't S. liTH. U eOo VIAYI , IIOMi : TKCATxinNT FOU UTttUINn troublea ; I'liyslclan In utlendance ; vonslutii- tlon or health book free. 310 Iee Inillilln . . b SGv UOOIvtIN INO. UUHKLKY 1'TO. GlINTI.nMAN. JO YHAIIS. WEIGHT ISO pimnils , e\en dlrposlllcn , line louUlns. wuith KiT.OiO.00 , would Ilk ; correypoiiUi-nl , ullh view to matrimony. 1 ! . O. Harry , Don ! 33. Hia watha. C-M372 S yis YOU CAN GIT HIIIUTS for fc , but II you nnnt KDO > ! work , have them done nt the City Steam Laundry , 211 Sn. llth. Tel. I.-H. U-11SJS CUT THIS OUT AND PltnSIJNT IT TO I'HOC- tor. C16 S. 16th t. . with $1.00 , nnd net 12 extra llnlsheil cnblnct photos nnd one extra cnrlton llnlslu-d punvl ; 30 days only. U MUD 31 m'pTmTK I > KIWIANINTLY : OIWID : ; PAY when cured : no pain and no detention from buGlm-ps. Fidelity Kupturc Cure , S04 Ilee build- Ins. Omalm. U MISS MJY TO LOAN HKAIi USTATH. ANTHONY LOAN & TIIUST CO. , 31S N. Y. I ( lulcU money nt low rates for choice farm loa In lov , u , northern Missouri , cnstern S'ebraskn. W-S6S CITY LOANS. C. A. STAHIl , M3 N. Y. L1FK. W-8C3 MONIJY TO LOAN ON IMPUOYI3D O.IAJIA real estate. Hicnnan , Love Cu. , 1'axton block. W-S70 LOANS ON IMPUOVni ) .t UNIMPHOVIID CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-S71 MONIY TO LOAN AT ix > w HATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. . IMo Farnam st. W-S72 0 1'BIl OI3NT MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. U. Mclklo , Omalm. W-S73 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPEIITY AT loucHt rates ; building loans wanted. Flilalltj- Tiu < t company. W S7I MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA piouvity. 1'iitey & Thomar , 1st Nat Ilk Hide. W-57" AIISTISACTS. THE MIDLAND , 510 N. Life. W JICI7 3 9IOMJV TO LOA.V CIIATT13I.S. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUKNITURE , PIANOS. liorsei : . \\m-unn , etc. ; nt lowest late * In city , no tx-moMil uf RuodR , strictly canllJentlal ; > ou cnn pay the loan off nt any time or In any amount. OMAHA MOUTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30fi So. ICIll St. X-S7G MO'NKY TO IXDA'X. so , Go7To""b.\Ysr FUUNI ture , plaiKis. etc. Duff Gicen , room S. Ilarker blk X-S77 misixnss FOU SALE. A110UT 2.0 < V ) LIJS. MINION TYl'E. 700 Ilia. iiKatc , 110 pair tun-tlilrJ 41) doublu lion ntamls fi-r tno-thlrd cases. This matcil.U UII.H ured on Tl.c Omahn lire nnd Is In fairly KCO < ! coidltlcn.V1II Incohl cheap In bulk or In iinanlltlen to suit purchaser. Apply In peifon or by mall to The lice Tub- llthlni : Company , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 iiKTAiLDut'o STont : rou SAI.I : ; "GREAT : wtlte. llarle , Haas & Co. . Council la. Y M212 " FINE 1JAKEUY : JIt HC.NT. IJ 47 , Iini : Y SALOON KOIl SALE , DOING A OOOD TIIADE ; Icnre , ttoclc uml IIMiireiiOf THE 1'LACE ; build. Ins built expressly for the buMnejs ; n I'lrc.iln. ' imiulro on premUen , rear 1317 Douglas stieet. Y-MS02 31 ONLY TOY AND NOTION STOUE IN TOWN ; fault or cattle ; oth < .r butlneba to n'e to. H , ShcrlJuiiV > o. Y M1S3 7 KKSTAIIUANV FOU SALE CHEAI1 ; A GUEAT bargain ; ever > ; llilni ; In good iihape , " Aililiefs U 3 , llec olllce. Y-MlClk * ' rou SAI.I : HIAL KSTATH. A1ISTUACTS. THE HYUON HEED COMPANY. UU-478 HOUSES , I.OTS. I-'AHMS , LANDS. I.o7\NS ' Oro. 1' . liemls Itiat Estate Co. , Puxton blk. _ . UE-K79 AIWTIIACTS. THE MIDLAND. 310 N. Y. 1 jfe. KE-M610 1)20 t rOU SALE-UO\Y 18 THIS FOU JC o7cOT LOT. one mile outli of court house , with small cottaje , on ginde ; ifooa nclKliborhood. And ono IM , with fvur-room IUHUC. JSW.w. near South Omaliii car lino. Dyruii U Hastings. 212 S. Htli HI. 1U3-M7IS W13 1IAV13 11AIIGAINS IN IIOMKS ; ALSO Inrmn. niul wnnt moru ; Hat your property with u . O. II. ; : attlns r i : Co. , 1701 Karnnm. Iii-SSO Kpl'NT7.n I'LACR HAIlOATNS-KIOlIT-nOOM home. J2.p. worth. tl.iOO ; 9-room honsa und barn , IJ.7 0. worth. J5.COO ; tO-room lioutu nnd ' ' ' " ! " -JM. worth 17.000. J. J. Clll on. CU I'lnt National hank. JU3 M9U rou SAM : . Tin ] uiaansT IIAHQAIN ON THE boa I'd ; I7.00 home for M.COO ; 8 roonn. modern In every respect ; almost new , with teed barn : located In that popular part of the city near v\e t I-yrnnm t. rnr line. M. J. Kennard & Son. dale intents. 310 Urovrn block. . Itn-77S DT " FOU SAM : JI',4 acrci near Florencr , JI.J50. . . $ _ ! ! * . . . . ; : . - " ' well Improved , fruit tc. , all In tine . } " " fr0m Omnha' wc" Improved , < 0 oorc ten nillei from Omaha , only (33 per 1 ncres near South Omaha , well Improved. II 700 t ncr i near Pouth Omaha , for ISM cmli. . \ Hero with yaven-room hau > e and other Improve- \int \ 3r&8 > Cor , IStti ( in4 Funium stin-ts. ItE-m IJO-f rou HALiitnAi , P.STATI : . ( Continued. ) FOUII.IIOO.M COTTAGE. LAHOE I/IT ; IUOIIT In the city. 21st and rinrk. Just rlRht for younn couple , nnd only 11,300.00 ; easy terms. ItlMlM SI5VEHAI. PIIOPEIITIES LAST ADVEIITISED nre nold , price rnlred nr withdrawn , but hero nrr fomn more bargains : Iin W1SE-HUY ON THOUOL'ailFAltnS , Tnttflgc ami lot , 13th , north of Ylnton , J7M ) . Cottngo nnd lot , l th , north of Ylnlon , $1,100. r.-r cottage , 10th St , boulevard , city water , It.KO. Sightly residence property ncnr H. park , 12.000. on iiiTY llrond acre * that can IH * rulnllvlded , such ns : 3 ncres on 30th St. , Ft. Omihn , 1(1 ( loin , | 2roO. 12 ncrcH jiMt uutsltlp city limits , north , 12.000. 2 l ncren with H.OUO IIOIIPO nnd large barn , ono hour drlvt- from P. O. , III.SOO. 40 ncrei , splendid fruit land , t2,000. F. r . WEAD , ICth nnd Douglas. IIE-M5-I I'MIIlMTtllti : I'AOKIOI ) . FUHNITl'Itn PACKED. LOWEST FUEIUHT rates tecured nnd bills of lading Issued , Omnhi Furniture nnd Carpet Co. , 1211-13 Fnrnntn M. Tel. 113J. Xt SW D15 OBT XI. 8. WALKLIN'B PUICE3 ON FUUNI- turo packing , repairing , upholstering ; mat- trcs. o3 mndc and reno\ated ; 2111 Cumlng. Tel , 1231. SSI lA\Cl\r. SCHOOL. Mil. AND XlTia. XlbltAN MAICH A SPE- cln'.ty by their own inclhoi ! of teaching > OUIIB nnd old to becoii'o grncoful dancers In n few private or dni let-ions. New cliwes now forming. 1310 Ilarney. 931 J-l PAWMIOIIKHIIS. II. MAHOW1TZ LOANS MONEY , 3 N. 10 ST. SS2 KI.\A\CI.\I < . LIFE INS. POLICIES IJOCGHT. W. F. HOLDEN MAhO.V WOU1C , J. P. IIEALY. U2J CI Mtlt STltEirr. 437-D-13 * IMIYHlOAIj CUI.TDltn. ELECUTION , MUS. W. DOUWAHD. C23 N. 19TH M CS4-DJ1 * TYPHWHITiniS. GKT TIIH I1HST TYI'inVIUTEUS ; SUPPLUM. iPinlr * . fnlted Typcvultcr & Supplies Co. . 1CI9 I-'arnnm St. 883 Juno-30 THE PALACE 11EAUTIFUU 1013 DOUGLAS , hnlrdrcsplng , manicuring , massace cml com plexion treatments n specialty. MU9-D7 MACIII.MiS A.MJ NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE sewing machine olllce. 1511 Cap. ave. Tel. 137 < . SSi AXI ) LOAX ASSOCIATION'S. SHAUES IN MUTUAl7ir & Il. ASS'N PAYS C. 7 , S per cent whin 1 , 2 , 3 years clil ; always- deemable. 1701 Fnrnnm St. , Nnttlngcr , Sec.SS7 SS7 HOW TO GET A HOME OU SKCtTIlE OOOD Interest on t-avlngs. Apply to Omaha L. & II. Afs'n , 1701 Farnam. G. M. Nnttlnger. Sec. SIIOUTIIAXI ) AXI ) TYPnWIHTIXR. , V. C , VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. D13 N. Y. LIFE. S5 " \s PRIVATE LESSONS IN SHOIITHAND. 2103 Douglas M-09.D21 * J1USIC , AHT AM ) OEOUGE F. OELLENI1ECK. I1ANJO , MANDO- lln nnd guitar teacher , lloom112 lice IlMg. Tel. 2H 100 HATH IIOO1IS. RUSSIAN. TU11KISII , AND JIEDICATED bntha , to cents ; nla-j exclusive department for lailles ; everything new ; la-llea1 hair ilu-srln - nnil barber shop In connection. 107 S. 14th. HOHSHS PLENTY OF FEED. SHEDS AND WATER ; luirses called for nnd ilellvcicd , rates , ft per month. Addicss Dalley. Crescent City , la. f03-D-20 HOUSES TO WINTKU ; 1JEST SHELTEU ; satisfaction guaranteed. Write O. A. Wolcolt. Ell ; City , Neb. 511-DH\ici\i. : ixa IJY THE DAY. v.'ouic anteed , referiinces. Address II C3. Hoc. SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITOUS , Dee Ilnlldlnir.Omalm Omalm , Nol > r Ailvlco und P.ilunt HDO.I KKEE. THB BES PRINTS DAILY THE .MOST COMPLETE SPORTING NEWS. THR SPORTING DE PARTMENT OK THE OMAHA SUNDAY 11KE IS UNEXCELLED. BA1LWAK Tlifi CARD Leaves inLT.LlNGTON & MO , RIVER.iAirlvea OmahujJJnlon Depot , lOlli & Mason Sts. | Omaha S:3im : . Denver Expiets.TT * . . 933an ; < :3pm.I..k : Hills , Mom & I'UKOI Una E * . { . ( Urns 4ttpm : . Denver Expics . l.i nm 7OSpm..Nebni : ka Locnl lex Sunday ) . . . 7:4jyni : . . . .Lincoln Local ( ex. Sutnlayj.ij3mul ( 2:5pm..Fnst : Slall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . . Leaves ( CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Q.IArr'vcs ' OniulmlUi.lon Depot. 10th & MasonjilB.Omuha | Csobpn . Chicago Vestibule. . .77177.7 8:00am : 9 : < Sam . Chicago Expre.'g . . . . 4i5pm 7Opin..Chlcacu : and St. Loula Express. . S.ouarn ll:10am : . PaclHo Junction Locnl . C:10pm : . . . . . . . . . . . 20pm : Leaves ICHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAuITJArrlvcs OmahaUnlon ] Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.f Omaha G:33pm : . Chlcaeo Limited . Juam : ll:00am. : . . Chicago Express ( e . Suntlay ) . . . 3Sjptn : Leaves [ CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N.IArrlves Omahaiynlpin Depot , 10th & JIason Sis. ) Omaha lOMam . Eastern Express. . . . . . 3 ; < 0pm 4 : pm . Vestlbuled Limited . 510pm ; t > : ! > pm . St , Paul Express. . . . . 9:30im : GMO.ini . St. Paul Limited . OiOJpm 7:30am. . . . Carroll & Sioux City cal..Hlmm : ( 0SOpm : . Omnha Chicago bpcclal . 8COam ; . Mlscourl Ytilley Local . Lef.vcs CHICAGO. R. I. K PACIFIC.IArrlves Omalm Union Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. | O.natm EAST. 10:40am..Atlantic : Express ( ex , Sunday ) . . B:55pm : 7:00pm : NlRht Express 8:15am : :50pin..Chlcno : ( Veatlbuled Limited , . . . ljpiii Opni..St. Paul Vestlbuled Limited. . . . l35pm ; : WEST. _ _ _ . .7 "T ' OMSpm.Oklahoma & Texas Ex ( ex. Sun..10:3Sam ) : IHOpm Colorado Limited 4:00pm : Leaves I C. , ST. P. . M. & O. I Arrives _ Omahnl DcpoJ lGthjuid Webster Sti. i Omalm SlSnm..Sloux : Clty Accommoaatlon. . . . 8:00pm : 12:30pm..Sioux : City Expieaa ( ox. aun..llJ5nm ) ; CilSpm St. Paul Limited 910am Oniahnl Depot. 15th nnd Webster St . I Omaha 3:0pin : < Fast Mall end Express S:00pm : 3:00pm.ex : ( Sat ) \Vjo Ex ( ex Man ) . . . , 200pm ; 7U : > am.Kiemont Local ( Sundays only ) . . 7SOam.Norfolk Express ( ex Sun ) 10:23am : B'.lSpm..St. Paul Expres aluam Leaves I K. C , , BT , J. & C , II. ( Arrives OmahaUnlonJpepct | , 10th & Mason at8. | Oniaha " 5Cam.7Kan ; an"Clty Day"Exp > e .l. . . GUOpm lOiOOpin.K. C. NlKht Ex. via U. p. Trans. pmahnlDepot , IMIi 'WebVtef'Bt ! . | Omaha .1:00iiu..Nebraska : [ & Kansas Limited.,1255pm ; 0:30pm : Kansas City Kxpress 6Wain ; al5pm..Nebra ! kii Ixxial lex , Hun. ) 0Cuam : Lenves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( ArrlveT Omahal Depot. 15th and Webster Bt . | Omaha :18pm : St. P aul Limited STlOam Uaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. [ Arrives OmahajUnlon De-pot , 10th & Mason Sli.l Omaha fiMOam . . .St. Paul Passeneer ll:10pm : 7SOam.Sloux : City Puviengrr , . ; Mpm CUSpm St. Paul Limited 9:20am : Leave * UNION PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sis. Omalm I -20am . Overland Limited . . . . . 4 ; < Spm EUpm.Ueat'ce : & Stromsb's Ex ( ex Sun ) . , 30pm ; . Grand Island Eipress ( ex. Bun ) . . 3SOpm : LeavtiT WAIlASirilAILWAY" n\friv T OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason 8ts. ( Omiihl 4JOpm . , . , . , . ll:30ara : n-IRISTMAS is coming and do you * ' 'know any one who wouldn't like a Camera for a Christmas present ? Anybody can take a picture nowadays - days and everybody would like to if thcjjfcwjly had a camera. You can get pleasure out of it than any- ttying * you own. You can take snap sliots of your friends you can photo graph your pets you can get pictures of Jppautiful scenery , u" * * h * ts * & c * TUB COMKT" Is n small but perfect pocket magazine Camera , crtiTyliiK suuleleut Him for four pictures without reloading. The Illiu can be developed nutl pictures printed at'a cost of about 20 cents per dozen. The Illustrations will give you an idea of ( be size of picture taken with "The Conietkjfc \ If desired they can bo BiVgeU | f J fit a very small cost. ' YOU BRING OR SF.ND US Four new subscribers for three weeks ? each Two new subscribers for six weeks each One new subscriber -for twelve weeks to The Omaha Bee , prepaid at the rate of 15 cents a week , paper to be delivered in Omaha , Council Bluffs or South Omaha by carrier , or sent elbewhere by mail WE WILL GIVE YOU "THE COMKT" Is made of strong material , Is beau- covered with black leatherette and Is of the very simplest construction. It cannot sot out of order and is practically Indo- struetnble. Should any parts of It bo mislaid or lost , they can easily be replaced , as all parts are made luter- iliangeable ! , liud duplicates can bo obtained. "TUB COMKT" will taken picture one Inch square or a round picture otic Inch In diameter. TII-J directions anr&o simple e II(1 ( ca" successfully use It. The opcrat u of Inking a picture is simply to point the camera and press a button. Its small sl/e ena'bies It to lie carried with no Incon venience when a-1 person would hesitate about being burdened with a"niorc uuwleldly Instrument. Size of "The 'cbiiieV Is ! Vlxl-ix2 inches ; weighs three ounces. ' ' } YOU BRING OR SEND US Eight nqw subscribers for three weeks each Six new subscribers Jor four weeks each Four new subscribers for six weeks each > , Two new subscribers for twelve weeks each One new subscriber for twenty-four weeks Prepaid at the rate of 15 cents a week , paper to be de livered in Omaha , Council Bluffs or South Omaha by car rier , or sent elsewhere by mail WE WSLL GIVE YOU A The "Crescent" as a high-grade , first- class camera Is not only a surprise , but a delight to the thousands now Uhlng them In preference : o nil others. It takes a photograph tree by three inches , ihe size of the accompanying picture. The size of the camera la f" by 4 by ! Inches. The "Crescent" Is warranted to be f rst-elass In every particular and cqul ! ( to.ny $10.00 hand camera on the mar ket. ket.The The "Crescent" Is the latest thing out In the camera line. They were first Introduced in October , 1SSHJ , and the enormous sale of more than L'0,000 the first month Illustrates the great dcmaiul for a lupulnr high grade camera. The "Orescent" Is equipped with an achromatic lens ground from the finest imported optical glass , made expressly for the "Crescent" camera and warranted to give equal If not better results than the lenses found in Instru ments costing from ? . " .00 to ? 12.00. The "Crescent" shutter is probably the most perfect ever used on a hand camera. It Is adapted lo instantaneous or time exposure , and can bo changed from one to the other in a second. ' 1 ho "Cr < > . < cent" is adapted to either plates or Illms , but as better results are Invariably obtained from plates at a less expense , we recommend their use iu the "Crescent , " nt least to start with. a'f. I N. B. A now i sub scriber under thia'Olfor ' BS ono who has not'li Vi taking tlio Bee thrpi/ffi1 our ollice or it's regular agents later than Nov. 25 , 1890. Bring in till subscrip tions to the bu no V pfllco of The Bco , flOMU 100 , Boo Building , Omaha , or No. 10 lAVn Street , Council BlulTs , la , or address Omaha Bee , Current Literature Very Interesting , and rovpanng Iho humor nnil pathos of tlio ChrUtmnH of the children j of the very poor Is a page of M , F. Woolt's Waifs , appearing In tlio Christmas Ladles' Homo Journal. In sharp and bright con trast Is nn nrtlclo by I.nAy JCIIIIL * tcllliiK "What Chrlotmna Means to Queen Victoria : " i ran ) n fcnturo nf romantic Interest Is nn lllus- 11rated article on the"Creoles of New Or leans , " by Huth Kmory Stuart. Sirs. Henry Ward llcecher recall * "When Mr. Ueecher Sold Slaves In Plymouth 1'ulplt , " the ex citement Incident to those slave auctions nnd tholr wide-reaching effect being graphically detailed. The attitude of Punch toward America la critically reviewed In an article entitled "I'unch and Cousin Jonathan , " appearing In the December number of Cnsscll's Family Magazine. A charming frontispiece entitled "Under the Mistletoe" ndorns the December IFSIIP of The Cosmopolitan. A thrilling sketch la contrlbuteil by Austin C. Rogers In "A I're- Arranged Head Kml Collision ; " Theodore Tr.icey write * entertainingly of "Maccarls HHtorlc Frescoes : " Colonel S. 1C. Tlllman , I * . S. army , describes "Ten Years' Captivity of Slatln Pashn ; " "Perfect A Love Story. " la contributed by Anita Vlvantl Clmrtrra , and a galaxy of beautiful poitraits embellish a paper on "IJngllah Ilcautlca ot the Victorian Era. " "Jubilate Deo" Is the title of a beautifully Illustrated Christmas poem , contributed by Christian Iltirko In the December Issue of The Pall Mail Magazine. Another holiday feature appears In the shape of a delightful - ful fairy story called "Tho Golden Hair , " by C. P. Lirlicn. An Interesting feature of tlio number Is a sorlos of "Letters Written from Paris During the French Revolution. " Santa Clans bearing aloft a. Rrcat ravish ing dish of plum pudding h the appropriate cover design of the December number of What To Kat. Among the subjects treated rtfa "Food and Digestion , " " .Modern Five O'clocks , " "A Talk " " on Pottery. "Tho Chaf ing Dish. " "Favorite Dishes of Favorite Ac ton , " "Hints About Living , " "Christmas GUIs" and "Menus and Hcslpco. " The num ber Is ornate with rlrh and artistic designs and Is filled with timely hints and auggea- tlona. T'ie ' Initial number of Poet-Lore , as a quarterly magazine of letters , comes consld- cribly enlarged and enhanced , making a stronger appeal than ever In creative , Crit ical and educational matter. Among the prominent features of the number Is an essay on "Tom Hood , " hj Dr. W. J. llolfo ; nn Inquiry , "Is Illank Verso Lawless ? " by Jeannette I ) . Perry , and a paper on "Tho Dramatic Sentiment and Tennyson's Plays , " by Prof. Lou la J. Illoclt. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly Is among the drat of the Christmas magazines to ap- pcir , and It Is In every respect a beautiful number. Under the title , "A Magic Island , " Ileatrlz II. Do Luna writes entertainingly of the picturesque Catallnns of California : Cornell university Is described by Herbert Cromblo Howe In the second paper on "American Universities and Colleges ; " Ma jor General 0. O. Howard tells something of the "Character nnd Campaigns of General Itobcrt 13. Lee , " and In addition to other attractive features there are numerous abort stories nnd poems and a splendid young folks' department. Santo Domingo is n region unfamiliar to readers of fiction , and hero Is laid the sccno of Christian Hold's "Tlfn Cbaso of an H < elr- css. " which appears nn the complete novel In the December Llpplncott'n. "Tho Whip ping of Uncle Henry" Is a tale of Georgia before the war. and "Two Old Boys" Is a de lightful Thanksgiving story by Pauline Shacklcford Colyar. A voluminous work , covering more than 600 pages , tells the "History of Proprietary Government In Pennsylvania. " The au- uthor. William Robert Shepherd , Ph. D. . de fines proprietary government as "essentially feudal principalities , upon the grantees of which were bestowed all the Inferior regall- tlco and subordinate powers of legislation which formerly belonged to the courts pal atine , while provision was also made for the maintenance of sovereignty In the king nnd for the realization of the objects of the Brant. " The treatise Is a valuable addition to the literature touching tlio evolution of governments. Columbia university , Now i ork. Itarclr indeed lias such superb excellence been attained as seen In the assortment of holiday remembrances that have Just Issued from the enterprising house of Raphael Tuck & Sons. Art , poesy and skill have seldom been combined with nioro pleasing effect than In the exuberant variety of these productions. Ono would hardly Imagine anything prettier than Katherlne Klein's "Remembrance , " Illustrating lines from Oli ver Wendell Holmes ; nor a richer variety than In Bllen Elizabeth iDurman's poem , "Look Up , " Illustrated by Kllen Wclby , "This nnd My Good Wishes , " consisting of extracts from Shakespeare. ; "Stepping Stones , " a text book for every day of the week , by Frances Ridley Havcrgnl , Illus trated by Adolph Noother , and "Grains of Gold. " by Charlotte Murray , Illustrated by Kllen Wolby , Raphael Tuck & Sons , Now York. "Under the Liberty Tree , " by James Otis , Is a narrative addressed to juvcnllo reailcrs , and pictures the events connected with the famous "Boston Massacre. " It is n book that will Inspire its young readers with patriotic zeal while Imparting Important historic knowledge. It Is nlso handsomely illustrated and In attractive form. Estes & Laurlat , Boston. Ilrct Harte , ns a story teller , Is always In his clement , nnd rarely has he been more so than In his latest collection , "Barker's Luck , and Other Talcs. " Among these "A Mother of Flvo" is delightfully romantic , portraying the little motherless daughter of a miner nnd her doll family of five cxtraodl- nary children. "In the Tules" is a touching love story. In which but a single sex figures. It reveals the romantic love of a solitary Pike county rancher for Captain Jack DCS- pard , ono of those handsome desperadoes that are only found made to order In books. Houghton. Mllllln & Co. , Boston. Mrgcath'a. Yo good old times are picturesquely re vived In Frank Samuel Child's "Tho Colonial Parson in Now England. " Few public functions In the town Ufa of those creeping days , In which the sturdy parson did not flguro conspicuously. Whatever questions \vero broached , what plans were devised , what tasks wore achieved , he was Invariably a powerful factor In the Issue. In this book tlio rugged personality of the colonial par son is given an intelligent nnd discrimi nating tieatmcnt , refreshing nnd deepening the loyal and loving remembrance in which ho la held. The delineation is not only inoro clearly outlined through the countless Incident ! ) revived , but Is Imbued with life nnd color and n fascination peculiarly charm- Ing. The Uahcr , Taylor Company , New York. hearing witness to perfect press work and printed on antique finished deckle edge paper , with a wraith ot Illustration , the artistic publication which Will Bradley calls "Ills Book. " Is before the public In the first number of its second volume. Even the advertisements are embellished by decorative borders In the wc-11 known Bradley xtyle. The letter prr s comprises , "At the 1-Mgo of the Woods , " a delightful appreciation uf nature by George W. Cable ; most IntercHtlng ootcA on William Morris , the lately mourned artlit. poet anil craftsman , George du Maurler , Maxfiold Parrlsh , n rapidly rising young designer , and Charted RIckcttH , an other nrtlst. In addition thcro la a netful primer of ornament nnd design , conducted by Mr. Bradley , and Van Der Datcr tall of "Posters. " "Tho Complctn Angler , " "Tho Color of Life , " and "Tho Weir of Honalu- AN KLF.GANT TniLET LUXURY , by people of refinement GYcr a quarter of a century , ton. " The MiftrRlrml heads for t - last nnmcd criticism betray cnTolesanrtw In proof. ronillnR , four ot them upclllntvclr" ns "wlor. " Tlicro are nlfo errors In the nlilo lip.iilliiR.i. All the articles nro appropriately Illuptrntril , and there arc several valtmlilo tletacheil ilr.twlnRS. llloRrflphlrs of poets are quite frequently ilry and prosy reaillnK. n charRo that no one will impute to II. 0. l'lower'sVhlttlpr ; I'rophot. Seer nml Man. " Throughout tlio book l.i HtlmtilatlnR. cxaltltiK nnd deeply Interesting. Tlie subject. It lo true. l not n gunpowder warrior , but nevertheless U a warrior In the Kittle of life wlu-re It Is at Its vvhltpst heat , where there Is no glamor of applause to cheer and no c.xclti > nu'iit ' In the blood to mnko one- forgot the dangers of the hour , lie was ono of the stormliu ; party who. with Oarrlson and Phillips , led humanity to n higher plane to n loftier manhood. Ho waa pre-eminently n man of character , who preferred right to the emula tion of men. Aa a prophet of freedom , submitting to the odium ot an unpopular catiso. he manifested the Hplrlt of the true poet as distinguished from the Jlngler of rhymes. That the book pictures the man In his true colors and places his work and Ills character on Us proper pedcatnl nf no bility and grandeur Is highly creditable to the author , and to this fact may bo attrib uted the strong Interest with which ho Invests the story of Whlttlcr'n life. The Aronn 1'tibltahlng Company , Itoaton. Clem ent Chase. Very Instructive and full of absorbing Interest Is "Tho Story of Hold" as detailed by U.V. . Hoelofs In a handsome brochure Just Issued. In It lie describes the precious metal. bglnnliiK as It appears In the wcinb of nature and tr.iclng It to Its ultlmato destiny , ready for nso In the arts and In commerce. What a gold mine Is like anil how It Is operated arc faithfully dcscilhed and also Illustrated through appropriate engraving * , so that by the time one has finished reading he has a fair conception of gold mining. O.V. . Crawford , Chicago. A graceful llttlo volume of verso haw been leci-lved bearing upon Its cover the Imprint , "Krnnk Putnam , Memories nnd Impressions. Chicago. 1S36. " Mr. 1'utnnm hns gathered a number nf his popular Btnurau that hnvo np- pcnred In tlio Chicago Times-Herald and printed them In n nnall edition do Inxo for a few friends nnd editors , each copy boltiR signed and numbered by the author. Tim typography In neat and the quality of the poetry far nbovo that of the overage news paper productions In rliymo. In veraUlllly and feeling. "Poverty's Children" and "Threo Lives" are goo.l examples of the kindly nnd humnne spirit displayed throughout. Simultaneously with the Html Inxtallmcnt of their serial piullcatlon In McCluro's Maa- zlno , nilzahoth Stuart I'holpV "Chapters from n Llfo" nro published In book form. They are entirely autobiographical and In diction of surpassing charm. Tlio reader Is led on and on , though the lamp burn low nnd the room grow cold , over hesitating lo ntop. The chapters toll of Mrs. Ward's early life , hrr first literary efforts , the evolution of "natos Ajar , " nnd personal recollections ot Mrs. Stowo. Jnmcs T. Fields , Longfellow , Whittle- . Holmes , Colla Tlmxtcr. Lucy coni , Phillips HrooliH and others , nil doscrll-cd with Infinite grace. The Html chnptur Is perhaps Iho best of nil. The sweetness of Sirs. Ward's character oSlne.s through and through those "Chapters , " conrtralnlng ono to read In the ln t ono her creed , her opinions rpgnrdlng her own books nnd the disquisition urging nrt for truth's rake , with peculiar nml tlccp Interest. Numerous portraits traits of the people mentioned enhance the volume. Honghton , Mllllln & Co. . Now York. Clement ChtiPo. Thcro are calendars nnd calendars , but In few of them nro the footprints of Father Time traced with more refined tnsto nml richer delicacy than In the collection before us , Just fresh from the Immomra establish ment of Raphael Tuck .t Rons. Hopoclally noteworthy for Its wonderfully unique design is the bird calendar " " "Songs of All Seasons. nnd another , "Tho Photogravure , " exhibits a high dcgrco of nrt In the half dozen plate ? composing tl-o r-erles , each pictorial being accompanied with nn appropriate Inscription from Tcnnyron , Others besides the > xj are "Ooldon Words , " from ltu kln ; "Kloral Fancies , " "When the Heart In Young" and "Golden Words. " from the bible , every ono of them a gem In Its own particular style nnd admirably suited for a holiday gift. Raphael Tuck S- Sons , Limited. , Now York. A very pathetic story Is that of "Isla Heren , " a poor orphan girl , willful nnd wild , a otrange character Indeed , living among an uncouth people , who dwelt upon an Island on the coast of Milne. A world nnd tragic tale , It Is well written , the author , Laura Illcharils , fully sustaining the high estimate In which she Is held for her "Captain January. " Bastes & Laurlat , lloston. Happy llttlo heartn will ho theirs who will bo thelra who will be fortunate enough to ho raclplenta of cither of three handsome otory books coming from Haphucl , Tuck & Sons. From cover to cover they nro filled with the choicest fancies from fairyland , breathing tbo odor of llowcra nnd shimmer ing with the dazzle of sunlit wonderland. The trio are called "Llttlo Folks and Their Frlendo , " "Woodland Stories , " nml "All Sorts of Stories. " Ueautlfnlly Illustrated , handsomely bound and printed , thcro li nothing left wanting to make thcso hooka absolutely fascinating to the little folks for whom they nro designed. Itaphael Tuck & Sons , Ltd. , New York. Irish brogue and Irish character nro aeledom more truthfully depleted than has been done by Shan F. Ilullock In "Uluu o * Hushes , " a bevy of clover short stories. Mr. liullock eems to be thoroughly familiar with every detail of Irish country lifo. which Is all Incidentally bi ought out. and , whllo overflowing with a constant bubbling of droll humor , the ntorlrs arc not without their vein of pathos. The ready wit and icpartco , und the quaint Idiosyncrasies of the "limorald Islo" arc vividly reproduced and the reader Is readily transported to the region In which the events transpire. Wliun the author , however , exhibits a Chlragnau with pronounced yankuo dialect and dudlxh manner , as In the story , "Ills .Magnificence , " ono Is apt to smllo nnd draw hla own ccn- cluGloiiB. Nevertheless ono can upend an enjojublo evening with "King o' Hushes. " Stone & Klmbull , New York. Clement Chose. Six lovely fairy tales garbed In Iho sweetest language , punctured with the pret tiest pictures and iraised ! In the moat superb typography eomo greeting the holidays In n hook hearing Iho tlllo "Tho Village of Youth and Other Fairy Tales. " It Is writ ten by Ilesslo Hatton. The Illustrations by W. H. Murgctson am not only Humorous , but uro each an artUtlc creation of mnro than ordinary merit. Frederick A. Stokes company , New York. Megcath'/i. A valuable collection of culllngs from the poets appears in Unco little volumes hand somely bound and decorated , entitled re spectively "Hopta , " "Dreams" and "Alein- orlcs , " by ldrlo Vredcnberg. Deautlful colored Illuutratlonfl by F. Corbyn I'rlco en rich the pagrs. Huphnol Tuck & Sons , Ltd. , Now Voile. BOOKS JIKGBIVBD. Town Topics Publishing Company , Now York : "On the Altar of Passion , " by John. Ollllat , paper , CO contu. Henry T. Coatcs & Company , Philadel phia : "Tho Young Salesman , " by Horatio Alger , jr. , cloth , 352 pdgrti. Schlattcr Publishing Co. , Denver , Colo. : "Jllograpuy of Francis Schlnttcr , " Paper ; 50 cents. Hand , McN'ally & Company , Chicago : "Sons and Fathers , " by Hurry Stlllwcll KJwards. Cloth ; I ! 10 pagrn. MAOAKINKS UECCIVRD. The Great West. Klbha Holllngjworlh Tallot , Co'.pcr building , Denver Cole , The llaton , Ilatou Puhllchlng Co. , ICauai City Mo. Jnlornntlonnl Union , Quoin comiiunr , Chicago. F.tctn nml Fiction , The Dominion company , Chicago. Self Culture , The Werner company , Chicago. Tlio BiiRlneerlngMagazine , Times buildIng - Ing , New York. l.ailloV Hnmn Rnmnanlon. flrnwnll & Kiikpatrlclc , Hprlugtlnld , Ohio. Llpplncott'n .Magaxlne , J. 1) Llpplncott & Co. , Philadelphia. The Lotus : IltidHon-Klmberly Publlnh- Ing Company , Kantian City , Mo. The Westinlnulor Ituvluw ; Leonard Soott Puul lent Ion Cumpany , Now York. The Nineteenth Century : Lcomird Scott 1'ubllc.itlon Company , Now York. Omaha i > riiitUt ; ; : Omalm Druggist Pub- llfllilnir Company , Oiniilia. The llankora' Magn/lne : llardford Co. , 78 William street. Now York. llio Diillctln ami Oood Heads ; lloston , Annuls of the American Aendoniy of Po litical ami Social Sclaneu ; Philadelphia , The careful mother olwr.H kin-pa Halva * lion Oil handy , for cut * uuil