Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1896, Page 2, Image 2
DATLY frfiti MONDAY DECEMBER 7 1.S90. THE OMAHA : , , . . liotuo put llfl nhouldcr to the wheel of llio rcRular appropriation bill * . Chairman Can non and llio committee on appropriations were at work nil last week , and It Is their cnrnrnt Intention to pas * two. and possibly three , of the bill * before the Chrlntman holi days , The pension and legislative appro priation bill * arc about ready , and work on nno or the oilier of thcso will bo bcRtin In the house before the week closes. The pen sion bill. allhouRh It cnrrlea a larger amount of money than nny u ! the other supply lillla , Is very brief , anil , unless some political ills- cuofllon Ifl precipitated , Is not likely to con- mime much tlmo In Its consideration. He- yond thcBo two bills nothlns la In sight at present. It Is , of course , not unlikely that the committee on rule * will provide some thing for the liouso to do In case the com- inlttoo on appropriations Is not prepared to RO ahead With cither of those appropriation bills , The course of legislation , ao far an the Important measures on the ralcmlar nro concerned , like the Pacific funding bill , the Nicaragua canal bill , etc. , will be deter mined entirely by the rule * committee. Hut it Is nfo to assume that nnlhliiK will bo al lowed to block the appropriation bllla ns they are reported for action. They alwayo bavo the rlsbt of way at the short session. Toninrroxv the opening day will probably bo dovotcd entirely to Iho readlni ; of Hit ) pres ident' * ) Avoiuc OP TIM : i' . AHMlNlllIlt SlMTCtlirj' Itc.VIHllllH iKNIIL-n 111 * Annual llciiorl. V/ASIIINQTON. Deo. G. The report of As- ulatant Secretary of the Interior llcynolda for llio present year ahoww the policy pur- nucd In the administration of pension af fairs. It stairs Ibo Important changes In the rulings and practice of the department nnd the enforcement of a Roncral plan for uniformity and Justice In the determination of appeals. The assistant secretary sayn the liberal nud Ronerona spirit which prompted the enactment of the pension lawa lias been the gulilo of the department In their construction. Former ndjiullcatlonn have not been disturbed Have where fraud , error In law or mistake was apparent. KlRtiros arc cited to r.liow the slKiitflcaut reduction of pending cases and to demon strate that for the drat time In eight years the work of the olllce during the pasl year wus dovotcd to con.ildcrlnK current appcala. The commissioner of pensions was reversed In 2.0GC. of the canes ruled. The report Bays : "General satisfaction has followed the rcc- ommcndallon of laal year for such legisla tion as would occurc better protection to the pension fund , due Incompetents and oth ers , followed by the law directing all quar terly payments to bo tnudo by check. Grat ifying reflulta Imvo followed the act of March 2 , 1895 , which secured an extension of cafirn wlicron payments of accrued pension could bo made , 0.1 well as that of llio act of March G , 183G. relallng to the commence ment of pensions under net of Juno 7 , 1890. The suggestion U again made as to the ad- vlalblllty of Buch legislation na will lodge In the federal courts the right of nny one on behalf of the government lo ask better protection to the pension fund of Ihoao la boring under legal dUahllltlra. The fol lowing nlao arc suggested : That Justice demands the universal application of the common law rule In proof of marriage , state laws governing anil leading lo denial of title In cases which are equally meritorious. That the pensionable rights of minor chil dren , v/ho claim under the act of Juno 27. 1S90 , should be defined with moro certainty where the soldier dlca leaving no widow surviving. The net of August 5 , 1S92 , re lates lo pensionable title of those women who served as nurses during Ibo war of the rebellion. Title la confined to those who served In regimental post , camp or general hospitals. The refusal of the- War depart ment to recognize those ns properly em ployed who ficrvcil In the flrat three classes mentioned tends to defeat their title and renders Ibis portion of the act nugatory. Attention Is Invited to this In order that proper legislation may bo enacted to relieve any deserving claimants of an unjust and unintentional discrimination. On February 1 , 189G , a new division was organized In the ofilco of the secretary by his order , nnd the board of pension appeals was thereby merged In this new division , which was designated the disposition of pen sion affairs , Ily this means all matters re lating to pensions were brought Into a di vision and under the assistant secretary's supervision. The result has been to har- monlzo arid systematize this work and has also led to Its greater expedition In the disposition of business. Itnyiinl DrclliH-N the Olfl. WASMIN'OTON , Dec. G. Information re ceived hero tonight from London states that Sir. Hayard has declined the gift pro posed to bo made to him In recognition of Ills efforts In the cause of peace and good will between the United Stales and Kng- land. In his declination , Mr. Bayard cor dially thanks the Dally Telegraph and those who supported Us proposition , but says his position as an ambassador would prevent Ills accepting any testimonial. Sl.ASIIKH HIS HOST WITH A KMI-T. Too Mmiy Ilt-orM DriMViicil Out fiooil l'VlllMVHllll. | Raphael Mark , an Italian fruit peddler , Invited a number of friends to his house near Thirteenth nnd Jones streets last even ing , and after his guests had assembled ho "ruahed the growler" so many times that he count early In theevening. . When It came tlmo to disperse Mark and ono of his friends , Mike Hruo , got Into an altercation over the last glass of beer , and Hnn , drawing a. long tlletto from his sleeve , plunged It Into the left cheek of his host. The wounded man called for help , and ameers arriving , bo was taken to the station. A gash several Inches In length was found along hla left Jaw , which bled profusely. The city physician took seven ittltches In the wound nnd Mark was then locked up for being druuk'nnd disorderly. Urue has not as yet been arrested. Dyniniillc .lliilc n lllntnlcp. Kdwnrd Thomns , popularly known as "Dynninlte , " on account of hla quick tem per , drank heavily last evonlne nnd while passing In front of n F.inmin street hotel saw n nmn stnmllng In front whoso per- Boniil appeiirunvc bo took exception : ! to. "I'm n bolter innn thnn you any day. " nalil "Dynamite. " "I travel In tbn "best society , 1 Uo , " and then he reached for the parly who Imd so olTomlcd him. Tlio other man. however , was the quicker and "Dynnnilto" soon received a bruised nose nnd a black eye amiVIIH willing lo call the mill off. tioth men wens ta' ' . < cn to the xtatlon ou the charge nf bclntr disorderly. The Btriingcr gave the name of Hilly Moil- uhan. ( iovi-ruor Iriullo > 'M SIcUnt-Nx. CINCINNATI. Dec. G.-Governor Kradloy of Kentucky Is still hero In charge or Dr. Max Tborner. Two operation : ) were per formed yesterday and the patient rested well today , bill up lo tonlghl the jrtiyslclan de nied nil callers nrcow lo the governor. Ow ing to his trouiili'.H h cannot talk , but It Is believed ho will soon recover. AYlth Hood's Sarnnpa- Illft , " Sales Talk , " end iho\v that this mcdi- clnn has enjoyed public confidence and Iintronngo to n great or extent than accord ed any other proprietary medicine. . Tills is Dimply because It possesses greater merit nnd produccu greater cures than any otbur. It Is not what wo Bay , but what Ilooil'tj Sarsnpnrllla does , that lella the story. All advertisements of Hood's Barsnpnrilln , lll.'o Hood's Siinsiipnrllla It self , arc honest. Wo Imvo never deceived the public , and thU with its superlative medicinal merit , la why the people have abiding contUloncu in it , nnd buy S.arsaparilla Almost to tlio exclusion of nil others. Try It , 1'reiuri'il only by C , I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , .Masa. u it r-iMt arc Ibu only pllli to tuK'O ilOOtl S FlIlS with llooU'bBurJuparllU. MAKE A BREAK FOR LIBERTY Boys at tbo Kearnoj Industrial School Stampede in a Body. ONLY TWENTY-EIGHT OF THEM GET AWAY Arincilllli Knlvrii Sclr.cil from Hit- .SiiiMT | | Tnlttr , tinVIIIIIIK IIO ! - licrailni'M Dnnli for I'roctlom. KRAIINK.Y , Neb. . Dec. C. ( Special Tele gram. ) Sonio of the older bos at the In dustrial Fchool ha\e made up tholr minds that they would leave Iho Institution , and twenty-eight of them made the attempt last night. The break was made from the sup per t.iblo , Just as their meal was finished , nnd many of them took their knives along with them. The plan lieu been brewing uomc time , and about 100 of the boys were Im plicated In It. The only reason about fifty or sixty more did not make the attempt was because Mr. Snydcr , one of the Instructor , pulled his revolver and told them he would nhout the llrst boy that started. As soon aa possible , the olllcers In town were telephoned to , and telegrams were sent to neighboring towns , and up to the present time all but fifteen have been captured , and five or six otlier.i h.ive been located. They seem lo be heading for the south , niM It Is bellrvcd that they are trying for the Kanfl.18 line. "ICld" Thrasher , a boy went up from PlattamouUi , was the leader of the break , and was caught about midnight , but hU assistant , Yates of Omaha , Is still at largo. Some of the boys are armed with butcher knives nnd sugar beet ktilveu , and will re sist arrest It the opportunity offers. DllMITilUIUA IX UOliPAX COUXTV. DlNfiiNC ItiM'ortnl to lie KpliliMiilo III I \olKliliorliooil o ( CltirlcKoii. SCHUYLER , Neb. , Dec. C. ( Special. ) Nu merous cases of diphtheria arc reported nt Clarkson , In the northern part of the county , whcro It has been prevalent since early In the fall , that community having been very frequently aflllctcd with the malady at fre quently recurring perlodu for several years. Stringent precautions have been enforced from lime to time , yet the disease appears nnd oftentimes carries away a father's and mother's entire group of children. At limes adults have succumbed to Ito ravages. During a Icrm of the district court earlier In the year Judge William Marshall ren dered a verdict for the defendant In the case of the Schuyler Building nnd Loan as sociation against Harriet M. Fulmcr ct al. The case was appealed nnd shortly after ward the supreme court rendered Its de cision In a similar case from another county , the verdict being In contravention of that rendered here. Mrs. Fulmer contested on grounds of usury and unconstttutlonnllty of the law governing the associations , the as sociation having Instituted proceedings In foreclosure for non-payment of dues , and won the case mainly upon the charge of In terest upon the premium charged by the association for money borrowed. After re hearing it Is expected tlmt the association will bo given the benefit of the judge's de cision , rehearing having been granted. Members of the "Women's Auxiliary" of the Episcopal church arc preparing for an entertainment of unusual merit , to be given December 12. During the Icy weather Dale Woods , who had previously broken his arm while tryIng - Ing to take a barrel of apples to the cellar , slipped , fell and so Injured the arm that his father. Dr. James Woods , was obliged to rcbreak and reset It. Miss Viola Jennings , daughter of the pas tor of tbo Methodist church , Is nt homo from school work at Wcsleynn university , Lin coln , nnd will assist In the meetings to be conducted at the Methodist church until December 21 and remain until after the holi days. E. H. Phclps , who has carefully measured the rainfall of this locality during the year , 'reports ' as follows : For month of Novem ber , 3.14 Inches ; normal , .08 Inch. Fall for eleven months ending with November 30 , :1 : > , PI Inchon ; normal. 22.C1 Inches. Something over ? 50 was raised for N. I ) . Rathbono , whoso barber outfit wan destroyed In the fire that burned the Wells building last Sunday night and he has since pur chased a now outfit and Is at work again. IMTHKIl MIMUMIY'S mill Kml of tin- \o v Pmiioiin Clmroh IjltlKiitlon. TECUMSEH. Neb. , Dec. C. ( Special Tele gram. ) Responding to Iho Invitation to bo present at St. Andrew's Catholic church this morning , to hear the reading of the Judgment of the metropolitan court at Du- btiquo In the famous Gonacum against Mur phy and Fitzgerald case , the commodious edifice was packed with both members of the church and non-Catholic citizens. At the close of mass Father Murphy announced that In reading the judgment It was not to make a personal demonstration of triumph , but was , In fact , contrary to his own wishes. Ho said that In the reading of the document ho was carrying out the Instructions of Judge llaart of the metro politan court. Disregarding the fact that the bishop at Lincoln had persecuted him. for the past 'two years and a half , ho har bored no ei.mlty toward him , and as regards the Cathollcu here , that at the critical mo ments of the commencement of the con troversy between bishop and priest , decided lo leave hit ) parish nud attend dlvtno serv ices at the place of worship provided by the bishop , thereby declaring themselves as not In sympathy with him In the Maud ho had taken against his superior , he believed they were actuated In BO doing by the dictates of their best Judgment and ho bore them no 111 will whatsoever. Therefore ho did not dcslro to make any manifestation of the vioto-ry he had achieved that would In any \vay harnre the feelings of either the bishop 01 his Catholic brethren here who disapproved of the course ho pursued. The reading of the findings of the court was supplemented with u resume of the case , and fully two hours wore consumed by the reverend gentlemen in the review. It was listened to with marked attention by the largo congregation. ( ) | | | IUN < > < 'o-Oii'rntlvc HoiiNHcf FREMONT , Dec. C. ( Special. ) The Woman's club discussed co-operatlvo house keeping at Jtu regular meeting yesterday afternoon. The discussion was opened by Mrs. T. L. Mathews for the affirmative. She advocated eevcral families occupying ono large residence suitably arranged ami all the work of the establishment , Including the earn of the children , being done on the co-operative plan. Mrs. F. H. Uarnard also < tpoko In favor of It. Miss Marshall. Mrs. M. H. Hlnman and others brought out many arguments allowing the Impracticabil ity of the plan. Mrs. Hlnman made a strong argument against It on the plea that It would break up the Influence of the home. After the discussion tea waa served by Mra. McKlnncy nnd Mrs. W. A. Q. Cobb. ' ' " * Olil HorNi'.s'liiiivH "SIKHM of 1.1 fr. FAIRMONT. Neb. . Dec. C. ( Special Tcle- Gram. ) George Sylcr made a purchnne of an did and crippled horse u day * or BO aijo , and yesterday bethought himself to take a rldo. Ililt a idiort distance had been traveled when bo homo bopan to kick nnd run , The dash board went nt the fimt shot. Mr. Saylcr was the next article aimed at. Ho waa struck on both knees and kicked out of the buggy. being Injured to badly bo had to be carried homo. The buggy and barncsa were badly domnllahed , but the homo ntlll lives , and Mr. Saylcr vIll recover , but In still 'unnblo ( o walk , _ _ _ _ Tpncliurn' Itcnilliifv Circle. nELLIJVUU , Neb. . Dec. C. ( Special. ) The local Teachers' Readlne clrqlo held tta regu lar monthly mooting Saturday afternoon at the libiue of Mlas Josslo Flynt. Mr. FreJ I''iblnson of Avcry , presiding , illbcva Flynt and ICast read papers-on "Tho Founding of Jiimojtmvu Colony , " "Tlio French and Indian War , " and "Tho Manner * nnd Cuitonu of the Ear'y ' Inhabitant ? , 'of America. " Mlas JennloVnllico \ ( hen 'favored thu company witii an Instrumental solo , which was heartily . " ' " " " applauded. "J'reccpllon" and "Imagination" were ( ho mibjictH dla-usseil by Mr # . Guttcry and Miss Gray , respectively. A paper on "How Shall Wo Grade Our Country School ? , " by Mr. Robinson , gave rlso lo an nnlmitod diRCUMlon. The teachers then responded to roll call by reporting on current events , aflcr which the meeting adjourned , For n HlntiitorjOuVniir. . WAHOO. Neb. , Dee. G. ( Special. ) Yoatcr- day , tu-foro County Judge Oruver. occurred llio trial of John Johnson , a young man about 23 years of age , who wiis accused of the crlmo of statutory assault upon the peraon of Mary lllomgren , a ll-yoar-o'.d girl. Jud e Oruver thought the evidence BUlllcl < * nt to hold Johnson , and ho was bound over to the district court , Ills ball being fixed at $309 , which ho could not give , and waa takin back to jail , whcro ho has been con fined for the last three week * . Will of > . U. McDotuilil. FREMONT , Dec. C. ( Special. ) The \VI1 of the late J. D. McDonald wr.s admUtcd/to probate In the county court yesterday Onc-lhlrd of his estate la bequeathed to lit widow and the balance to be equally dl vlilcil between his four children , the shan of his youngrot child to bo held by hlii widow until he la 21 years of age. Ilia son Charles McDonald , and Henry Torpln o Olonroc'.t , Wyo , nro apixjlntcd txrculors The estate Is c.itlniateJ at about $125,000. Will Illlllll U \ MV llOIISI' . NEI1RASKA CITY , Dec. G. ( Special. ) Hon. John C. Watson arrived home lae nlaht from Fullcrlon , where ho has beet detained on btislno3 all week. Ho was ? nr conil > anled by Henry Voss , the architect , fron Omaha , who will Immediately draw plans for another residence , the erection of wh'cl ' will bo commenced at once. Since the fire there has been rome talk of Mr. Watr.oi removing to Omaha , but ho states omphatl cally that ho liaa no Intention of doing so t\AIIIIO ! TO KIM ) JOHN .1OXKH Pli-nly of Illiu , 1ml tinritrtlrtilnr One \Vnulcil IN .IllNHlnii. , Chief Slgwart received a letter fronv.a woman signing the name of Mrs. Ii. O'Mal- ley , dated at Minneapolis , Minn. , In which It was requested that ho furnish her "all the addresses of people in Omaha named Jones' There are several chapters of the Jones fam ily In the city directory and a compliance with the request proved something of n Job The letter recites that a brother of the writer's , named John Jones , has been absent from hla home , which was formerly located In Boston , for twenty-seven years. Word had lately been iccclved by Ills relatives John was sick and dragging out a miserable existence somewhere In this city. Providing himaclf with n hack and a short hand man In order that namou and addrcsscu might bo taken with rapidity , Frank King , secretary lo Chief Slgwart , started out on r. tour of the city. A glance at the first page of John Jones' In the directory made flit secretary dlxzy at the magnitude of his Job. There wcru people by the name of Jones In every Imaginable walk of llfo. they rangea from the day laborer to the Independently wealthy , lu desperation Iho secretary struck upon a novel plan. He closed both eyes anil taking a pencil thrust It point downward on the vast expanse of the Jones family. It alighted upon the name of John Q. Jones , who rcsldca nt Sixth and Martha. "Good enough , I'll probably strike John Jones around the corner , " cald Mr. King an ho gave the necessary directions to the driver. "John Q. " proved to bo a laborer In Ihe smelting works. He had just arrived homo nnd was washing his face of Its smutty coverIng - Ing , out In the kitchen of his humble dwell ing. When questioned by Mr. King as lo his ancestors , and moro particularly In re gard lo his health , John Q. gazed at him In mild amazement. Thinking possibly that this particular scion of the Jones family might bo hard of hearing the secretary raised his volco ami repeated the questions. Then a llttlo girl came out of the Inner room nnd Informed the city official that her father was a Polander and did not under stand English. The neighbors called htm "Dig John , " to which the tax assessor added the surname of Jones and thus the directory man had found him. From this point the wanderings of the sec retary leave but ah Indistinct Impression upon his memory. A horseshocr , n brakeman , a cigar maker and butcher were visited In rapid wuccesslon. They lived at the four points of the compass. Thcro were Innumerable Jones' mixed In between , yet every man's first name wa John and every one aworo he waa enjoying good health. It was n meet thankless Job , so thought the secretary. Thcro were Just seventeen pages of closcb written manuscript In the possession of liic shorthand man when Secretary King returned from a fruitless s'oirch In the western otit- t'klrts of the city for the particular Jonw. Upon reaching the Farium street motor line a car was standing on the track. "Do you know a man named Jones living atonad hero ? " asked King of the conduc tor. "Certainly , " replied the molornun and conductor In one voice. "Is ho sick ? " asked the weary official. "You bet he Is. " replied the "con. " "K you don't believe It go over and see. " Following directions the secretary located n little shack with a dejected piece of stove pipe sticking out of ono corner down at tin ? foot of the utreot , in an angle of the rail road tracks. A knock brought no response , a second one ditto , and thinking possibly that poor Jones was too weak to talk the secretary pushed open the door. A dense blackness was all thst could bo discerned at first , yet as ho gazed two black balls of ( Ire slowly took form In the rear of the shanty and glared at the Intruder. "la your name Jones ? " timidly Inquired the man In the door. "You bet It Is. pard. I am the crlglnal Joneo and this Is my busy day , " mid the owner of the eyes , which by this tlmo had nhawn thcmsslvcs to bo located In n b"-e ! ! of rags standing upright upon a low bed. The bundle had a broom and was making wild sweeps nt an Imaslnory foe. "Wough ! There gees 11 big ono ! " ehrlokeJ Jones. "There's another ! Whoopee ! Hero coinoa a whole job lot ! " ho howled nnd , hurling' hit weapon Into the corner , ho climbed the bac'.t the lOiack with the agility of a squirrel. "What's the instter ? " "Snakes ! " veiled the Invalid Jonea "Mil lions of 'em ! Jump and run ! " nnd his teeth chattered as ho beckoned his visitors nwr.v. "Well. I Ruesa It's no use. " said the sec retary to his assistant. "This lu the last one on the lift and he's got the Jlmjama. " Tlso present addroas of John Jones , who formerly lived In Boston. Is still veiled In mystery R" far as the police are concerned. MYSTIC SIIIII.MMIS ATTIC Ml OllllltCIl. Hiu-clnl MiiHlciiI I'l'oprriiin for till * OlTIIHlOIl. The members of Tangier Temple , Nobles of tlio Mystic Shrine , attended cervices In a body last evening at St. Mary's Avenue Con gregational church. The nobles met at the temple on Sixteenth street at G:30 : and pro ceeded In a body to the church. There wan a large representation of the membership present. Rev. S. Wright Duller , the paetor and also a member of Tangier temple , preached a rcrmon appropriate to the occa sion. A special musical program had been arranged , In addition to noted local slngcro the Ottumwa male quartet having been se cured for one selection. The following was the musical program ; Introduction to Worship Organ . . H. H. Allen Hymn . All Call to I'rayer Muezzin. . . . L. E. Wcttllng Solo , Cornet Ave Maria . Schubert H. It. Mulford , Soprano Solo Angels Ever might and Rilr . Handel Miss Lillian Terry. Ottumwn Male Quartet . Selected Hymn . All Soprano Solo There la a Land Mine Eye Hath Been . Crownanshlld Miss Lillian Terry. Offertory , Cornet Solo The l'aIms.Fauro H. II. Mulford. Gloria Glory lie to tbo Father , etc . All Tlio Modern Has found that her llttlo ones are Improved moro by the pleasant Syrup of Figs , when In need of the laxatlvo effect of a genslo remedy than by any other , and that It Is moro acceptable to them.- Children enjoy It and 11 benefits them. The true remedy , Syrup of Flga , Is manufactured by the 'Cali fornia Fig' Syrup company only. HENSON-IInlen Marie , Infant daughter of Itcnjamln L. nnd Hannah lieiison , 1023 Houth Twenty-fifth avenue. Fune-ml will take plnco from family residence. Friends uro Invited , DOING i JlLUIINARY WORK ConiraUtcQ:6fIExpositiou Directory Formu lates aPlan of Procedure. WILL \UBJHITTED TUESDAY NIGHT Clillfornln t'rliiiliKnlrr fl ? I'liuifr J o hamttt ) nn Aiiri | > iirliitlon \ from tlio lptlNliiltirr. The committee on rganlzatlon appointed nt Saturday's meeting of the directors of the JtoJsmlsslsslppl Kxposltlon directory mctH crday aflcnioon. The noccsslly of coinmctirhiK nctlvo work at tbo earliest dale possible wjj so apparent that the committee did nol s though any tlmo should he wastcd Hcllmlnary work. Nothing can Ifl Khcd until the organization of the ilU i s completed nnd some def inite plan of procedure Is decided upon. Thcro were present at the meeting Krnnk Murphy , G.V. . U'nlllca , Dudley Smith and E. Uosowater. nil the members of the com- mlttoo except General Malidcrson. Several hours were spent In discussing llio varloun pLuis of organization which had been pro posed , nt the. conclusion of which one was formulated which will' very likely bo sub- milted lo the directory when It mcclo Tues day. Only a rough draft was completed yes terday nnd the committee will meet ugalu this afternoon , when It Is hoped all the mem bers cnn bo present , to further consider nnd reduce U lo a proper form for consideration of tlie-dJreeJflpy4 ' , While Omaha d'ooplc arc busy formula nr plins for activity organizing the c-xpoaltlm the pe"opl lif flthcr states In the great wee nro making arrangements to have the re sources and advantages of their alntea stilt ably represented. None have been moro nc tlvo than llio Uallfornlaus , as the follow ing from the San Francisco Examiner wll show ! * - - CALIFORNIA. INTElinSTBU. "GeorgeV. . 1'arsons of I.tM Angeles Is li the city In the Interest of the TratwmlsslB slmil a > nd Internallonal 13xiioltlon. to b ° held at Omaha Juno 1 to November 1. 1S9S Mr. Parson. ? Is. ono of the vice presidents lo llio proposed Exposition , his special mis slon being to look after the Intercuts c California. , , "At the las' congress of the Irnnsmlssla slppl stales It wca unanimously determine that the mwt cffcctlva means of d'oplaylus to the world nt largo the matchlczs rcsourow of the west was through the inpjliim of .11 expedition hold nt some central point. Omaha was Eolcetul on account of Itn ppograplilca location , for wllhln n radius of r.OO miles of that city over 20,000,000 people arc to be found. " 'My object In visiting San Krane'seo ' am northern California at the present time , ' said Mr. Parsoni last nlGht , 'Is lo arouse llio In terest of the masaea In this great enterprise The Kx.pcflltlon' 'Ul be international In character , thuugh npoclal nttentbii will bo given the IndUstrlS ! ) found In llio trausmls- .3l3h7pl stated twenty-four altogether. This means that dlic-hMf of the wealth of the United StntccfW Interested In the success of the enterprise."n " 'Tho Ksficnltlon Is now practically as sured. Tbo capital Is fixed at $ lOOO.OOJ. am one-third of lUla' Una already boon subscribe ! by citizens of Omlha. Congress has passed an act authorizing the opposition and ap propriating jJOO'.OOO for a government buildIng - Ing and exhibit' The com'ng ' con rtvM will bo naked to IrtcfeaAo the amount to $500.000 and wo are assured that Ibo request will bo granted. Thootatt } of Iowa at Ihe last ses sion of Its legislature made a prellmlnarj appropriation 'of'SlO.OOO , but this sum will hi materially Increased , awurlnt ; them of n splendid rcpresehtdtlon In Iho exposition. Louisiana , Utah ; Wyoming , Colorado ami olher states h YO pledged Ihelr support , .and It now rcinaliu to-sec what action California will fnkn. o . ( t --i-- l "I dud thati our' fcltlzcns generally are grcally lntcrestedjh : the exposition , ami thu nuxt Ic-Islr.tViV-'wlll bo asked to ap propriate $75,000. We must have the fullest lepresentatlon of products , Industries , cto. , end nothing short ofthe sum named will do this. I ii m no\v making a ol the state , nnd may truthfully nay that 1 have not. yet found a buslnepa man who doca not heartily Indorse our echt-me. Tin. representative men of nil classes , profes sions nud business Intoresls of the trans- mtiiitolpp'J states nro Intercalcd In tbo Hiiccccts of the exposition , because It wll ! unquestionably add to the commercial ami welfare of the region In v/hlcli they live. " "Every stale west of the Mississippi will bo represented In the directorate of the exposition ccmpany by a vice president to bo named by thp governor. The Los An geles Chamber of Commerce Indorsed Mi PnraoiiD , and aome weeks ago Governor Dudd named him as California's repre sentative. " A dispatch to the same paper from Loa Angeles staten that a mooting of the mem bers of the legislature from the southern part of the slate has been called to con sider proposed legislation , and among other things which will receive consideration will bii plans to further the securing of an ap propriation for state representation at the Transms3l ! ' . It Is ! > slppl 'Exposition. expected the southern California delegation will bo a unit for this measure. Dr. Bull'rt Cough Syrup Is Iho best In Iho market. A slnglo bottle will convince you of Us excellence. Try It. AMUSEMENTS. The Broadway comedians presented at the Crelghton last night the new tiling called "Town Topics , " purporting to be a "frolic uamo , fun-making , farco-comeJy. " These are the adjcctural title : . ' given to the piece by Do authors and If It Is a funny play It U funny because they say It Is. The authoro also claim that "Town Topics" la a "laugh- Ing entertainment" In threa .parta. A dis criminating audience may have aomo little difficulty In detsrmlr.lng which of the three parts Is the b&stor the worst. The cast Includes a number o'f people ; IKIIIO who have boon In Omaha before. I'hll Ott Is as clover as of yore and his Icga have lost none of their vcrt'itlllty since ho was hero the lasl tlmo. Ho did thre'S or four eccentric dincca In the last act which really deserved the whirlwind of aWplftbo which swept down from Iho gallery. ' Jllss Beatrice Norman did some clover clutracler work In the cloying act and tung one''of 'two ' wlo-j In a pleasing manner. Her couirallo voice IB a marked ono and could oasilybo picked out from a hundred. The eMlrVcompany render a num ber of choruses that give evidence of porno attention to toxo ) ! f rtB of this musical di rector. "Off the Karlh" waa first perpetrated upon nn unsufipecllnglJijJiNlc two years ago , nnd oven then thcrote'eincil to bo no valid rea son why It eto'U"1 hive outlived Its Initial oea oii. It waiHCV S"- ' ! . according to the voracious edlto t V "y1 * " . UV Jolln D- Gilbert , The pie S-ka've been competed > y Mr. Gilbert , buVtfias been sadly ilecom- loscd by the agMKHiJon of player. ! who are drawing salaries rBishlng It before a for getful public t ; eoapnv It came back lo loyd's last ovclfhiBj ailxJ. was presented by Eddlo Fey and fifteen or' sixteen asslatanta , who labored hard and with Indifferent sue- cces to make It RO , Ju .tho cast are : Mlns \dolo Karrlngton. Miss Mary Marble , Mies Louise Afcher aiWMlifs , Adlyn Estle , all of vhom iriiido coiiBcIcntloua efforts to ploaso. They all pf gna good votc s and ploaiilng , graceful nrt rs : The M'slng of Mlssos Farrlngton , Archer and KStlo In the second act did much to relieve the play of Its soin- berneia. Miss Marble carried the soubrette role In a manner really crcdllablo. Her longH were now and sung with chic. Outside of thcuo inentlone-l , the work of tbo cast hardly attracted the attention of tbo audi ence , The sconlc effects ere superb and have not > ccn excelled by anything In llio extrava ganza line neon here/ this season. "Tho Gates of the Moon by Earthllght" and 'Luna's Palace. " both In the closing act , are fine specimen * of the scenic painter's urt. The costumes , too , are very good. The horua girls are up to tlio average In general charms , and the manner In which the latter are exhibited furnish the luld-p.ited con tingent no reasonable excuse for occupying scats In the rear of the house. rainier Cox's "IlrownltB , " which will bo the attraction nt the Crclghlon for four Ulghto , commencing Tnuradny , December 10 , comes heralded as one of the most success ful spectacular productions yet offered lethe the public , having met with unqualified ap proval during extended riiRagomcntfl In Now York and Chicago. "Tho Ilrownlos" Is under the management of MCMIVI Jefferson , Klaw & I'rlnngcr , who nro well known In the theatrical world , as the managers of "In Gay Now Yor ! : , " which so recently scored an artistic nnd financial hit In thlo rlty , and of ether attracllona of equal merit. The coming attmctlon Is said to bo staged In n sumptuous manner , being presented by the mine company of over 100 portions which was scon ! : i Iho production during the IfiO night run In Now York City. The company Include Frank Dtrshon. Ida Mtille , Marie I Colcsto , Ida Hrookos , Sol Solomon , Charles Hngaii and other prominent players. Seats I will bo placed on ale nt the Crclgbton box , otrico this morning. Matlnew will bo given Saturday and Sunday. Iloyd's announces for the dolcctitlon of nmuaomnnt oeekort' ' . Ue-icli & Ilowors' mln- strels for four porformancps , commencing TucsJay nlgbt , H Is reported to bo nn evenly balanced and successful company nnd the management promises much that Is good In the way of muylc. specialties , dancing , fin llrst pirt nnd other on-entlals to mlnstro show. Edison's vltnacc-po , which opens Its seaso nt Hoyd's theater Friday evening , Dccembc II , Is suld to bb a greater marvel than hi klnetcscopc , which hnsi created nuch n MUM lion all over the wrrld. The llguros adapt" to this mac''lno are shown llfo size. Ther lo an absence of annoying nnd dlt-ttnc wavering motion and ether defects whle would delraet from n highly satlnfactor piodiictlon. In slicrt when the mnchlr.o I ftnrtod by the operator Ihe bare c-inva before the audlonco lui'tantly become * alago upon which living bolus ? move abou nnd RO through ttiolr respective .iota , movements monts , ixcstures , and changing ctproislons ourroumlEi ! by appropriate t < cttlng9 and accr.i Eorles the very couulerpart of the stagi. the Hold , the city , the country. The vita Ecopo lo pla e-1 from fifty to tovcnty-llve fo- away from llio canvas , thereby placing Hi audience between tlio machine nnd the force and most excellent results are said to b thus secured. Somt > of the films used by th ! machine are highly colrred , for Inytanc Clojy Fitzgerald In her famous danco. show IPK calcium offoctH , and the Lugh sister In tlio "umbrella" dance , showing the earn cffofto. One of tl'o mcst realistic scone shown by this wonderful machine Is th execution of Ilary , Queen cf Scots. Corned sccrey are also Introduced , such ai < a water melon eating ccntest , by llttlo neiro boys Tha macMno will probably create n b1 : nsatlon 1-oro ay It has In other cities The dramatic attraction for Friday nigh will bo "Tho Fire Patrol. " The play fo each evening will be announced In these col wnra. Tlio Australian press fcems to have gen Into rapture ? ever Mr. N. C. Goodwin's ne\ play , "An American Cltl/cn ; " wtilch wll bo presented by this well known comedlii during the three night cng.iscnient at the CrolRhton. which will commence Monday December 14. Hut they were no more enthusiastic over the performance thin were the theater goers and press o San Fr.-.ncisco when he produced It before the critici ! audiences of that city. Ths play was credited with bring the befit of lit order of comedies that hay over bcon hrough out in the city cf the Golden Gate , am much waa said In praise of He work done by Mr. Goodwin , PS llorerford Crupcr and Maxlne Elliot aa Dcatrlce Carow. ai well as the ro mnlndcr cf the excellent cict. The appearance tomorrow night at the Crelghton theater of Leopold Godowsky wll be one of the stellar musical attractions of the season , and the Indications nro Ilia bo will have one of the larsrst audiences that ever filled Crolghton theater. Much has been written end B.I Id concerning this great artlat , both abroad and at homo , am 1,0. thoroughly appreciate him he must IIL hoard. His rungo Is marvelous , nnd his execution c.-Minot be equaled by any living pianist. ST. LOUIS. Dec. G. Joraph Jcffenon. who has bcon playing a week's engagement nt the Olympic theater here , before the curtain las nlglit denied the rumor that ha Intended to rotlro from the t'tngc. ' Ho said In p.irt "When I do retire. It shall ho after It hue born announced to the public , and I shal not make the announcement ao long as have health. " NEW YORK , Dec. 0. Messrs. AI Hiymnn Klaw & Erlaugcr have signed contracts with Mine. Nordlca. for a concert tour be ginning December 28. The tour will extent from New York to San Francisco nnd retun nnd Mmo. Nordloa will appear about four times a woek. An organization of carcfull ) Delected artists will bo engaged for Mine Nordlca. Mine. Nordlci has * gone to Gin clnnati , where she will sing on Munda > right. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 6. For the first time In their career the Holland Fires. . E. M. am Joseph , nisde their appearance In the "Socla Highwayman" hero tonight at the Olympic theater. Joseph Jefferson , their godfather and his family , occupied a box. The house was packed. Two Kr.illnTN Killed In a Klprlil. NK\V YORK , Dec. C. The two brothers Francesco and .lames Oarilla , who were shot during a quarrel on Saturday night b > Oulscppe Uosarlo. nro both dead. Fran- epsi'o. wtoo was shot In the-temple , died In- tuunlly , and James died early toxlay from a pistol i'bot wound In the abdonion. Ie- sarlo , the murderer , wjs arraigned In iiollet rourt today and hold to await tbo action ol the coroner. All are Italians. Jealousy Is given aa the cause of the double murder. Neuralgia Is the prayer of the nerves for pure blood. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is the Ono True Illood Purifier and nerve builder. l'iiliiO.\\l < 1'AltACKAl'IIS. C. M. Thompson of Cheyenne was In the city yesterday. II. L. Scovcl of Chadron was among Ihe arrivals yesterday. Philip A. Ott of the Town Topics com pany Is at Ihe Darker. A. J. Plowman of Dead wood was an Omaha visitor yesterday. C. J. Anderson , a Nellgh stockman , was one of yesterday's arrivals. Sixteen members of Eddlo Foy's company nro quartered at the Barker. C. H. Webster and A. S. Allen are Chicago cage arrivals at the Ilarker. C. W. Morton has gone to Chicago on busl- ncFQ , to bo absent for a week. I. M. Humphrey of Rapid Clly was one of the hotel arrivals yesterday. J. E. Dniim left last night for Chicago and the cast , to bo gene for several days. Lew Franklin , J. Russell and John Dow- den , jr. , are Lincoln arrivals at the Darker. G. I ) . Abbott left for the east last night o be absent a fortnight. I. C. Knotts nnd J. W. Illler were Lin coln people registered at the hotels ye.Uer- day. day.C. C. II , Coiu/icr loft yesterday for Chicago and Detroit , where ho will pass the Christmas lollday : ) . A. M. Johnson has gene to Chicago , and will visit other eastern points before re turning home , A. A. Abbott. E. M. Westcrvelt and W. I. Thompson of Grand Island v/uro Omaha visitors yesterday. Dan Cameron , manager for llio Cudahy company , left yrstcrd.iy for Chicago on a short bunlnefs trip. MIsB Winifred Kennedy , who has been visiting friends In Tacoina and Portland , re turned homo last evening' n. L. of the Union Pacific , accom- milled by hU wife , has gene to Boston , where hey will pass the Christinas holidays , Tom II. Cotter , foil many years a resident of this city , though now of Boston , passed lirouKh Omaha last night on bin way to Denver , Wharon ( Darker of Philadelphia , ono of ho most noted advocates of bimetallism n thin country , stopped over In the city for a fotv hours yesterday while passing hrough. Joseph E. Barntow , for some tlmo cashier at the Mlllard , has been transferred to Green River , whcro ho will have charge of u hotel owned by Markol & Son. F , L. 'rc brey takes hla place hero. Mr , 1'rea- iroy has boon for several years In the hotel ou the Pacific coast , IN MEMORY OF THEIR DEAD Annual Loilgo of Sorrow Conducted by tbo Local Elks. SERVICES OF AN IMPRESSIVE CHARACTER Motlvrrcil ! > > ' Itrv. lotiit .Mc- O.llolil unit .Indue M HI null .lliiNlo Wan Kxi'fl'Uon- nll.v rim- . The Elks of Omaha lo > lgc , No. 85. gathered together yesterday afternoon In their annual "Lodge of Sorrow" to perform memorial services over the absent brothers who have p.iHitd away since the Institution of the lodge. The services took place In CrolRllton hall , as neither of Iho theater ? , which are ununlly obtained for the occasion , could b'j gotten on account of the theatrical engago- I incuts. The devotions wore attended by a largo number of the friends of tlio Klks , who llllo.l the hall completely , derpllo the muddy and threatening weather without. They were waled In the rear portion of the hall directly behind n reproduction of the lodge- room In front of the little stago. The ytago Itself was occupied by those who took part In the program. The representation of the lotlse room was a particularly appropriate feature of the occasion. About the I'tollovv square were fcnleil In tholr positions tlio following ofilcoro of the lodge : W. II. Taylor , oxallcd ruler ; Lloyd Joncu , o'lteeinoil loading knight ; Curtis L. Day , esteemed loyal knight ; Low W. Ilnber , esteemed lecturing knight ; George W. Shields , secretary ; Frank llarrott , treas urer ; Ge-orgo Nasou , osqulru ; Rev. T. J. Mnckay , chaplain ; J. C. Fnrrlsh , Inner guard ; Martin Kelly , tylor. To the right and left of the exalted ruler Bat the two grand of ficers In Omaha , George P. Cronk. grand trut'teo , and Moica P. O'llrlon. OUlrl't dep-tty grand exalted ruler. Upon llio sldou were fluated n good proportion of Iho members of the lodge , each adorned with the emblem of the order , while to the rear was mas-vd the audience. Palms and ilowers were plenti ful and upon the walls of the hall api > cared portraits of a number of the departed brothers , tae frames encircled with ever green. At 2:30 : o'cloek Exalted Ruler W. R. Tay lor called the lodge to order , and the pro gram was Inaugurated by the Impressive opening ceremony of the order. The openIng - Ing ode was sung by the entire body of members , and this was followed with prayer from Rev. T. J. Mackay , the chaplain of the lodge. This preliminary ceremony Inaugu rated a program of memorial and religious addresses and music that haj never been excelled In the history of the local Elks. The culoglt'j were uttered Iiy iiev. Joan McQuold of the First Methodist church and Judge William I ) . MoIIugh. The former spoke hopefully and with words of connota tion , the strain of his remarks being to the effect that sorrow was needed to bind hu manity together , anrl that sorrow and troubles were employed by God simply for the purpose of molding mankind to future glory. Judge McHugh dwelt upon the pre eminent watchtulnrsa of the order , bioth- cily love , which , together with Iho othcra , charily. Justlco and fidelity , binds the mem bership together. He maintained that his order symbolized the primary Inllucucc of modern civilization , love , for ho Insisted that the world was growing better despite its materialistic tendency. The musical numbers of the program were of exceptional excellence. A chorus , con sisting of the Elk quartet. Arthur Van Kuran , Thomas J. Kelley , William S. Mc- Cune nnd Jo F. Uarton , asalated by Mli Mao Robinson , Mrs. Stcffcson. Miss Julia McCuno and Miss Estollo Drown , lendorod C. Lee Williams' anthem , "Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace. " nnd the choral re sponse arranged by Dowcs , "Our Father Which Art In Heaven. " The quartet also sang Dudley Ruck's "Lead Kindly Light. " The solca were also of great excellence. M la. ? Mac Robinson eang with great force and sweetness Mascagnl's soprano "Avo Maria ; " Mr. Wllllan S. McCune rendered "Thou'rt I'asBlng Hence , My llrothor. " by Sullivan , and Mr. Grafton Uaker of Chicago , who appeared In the recent concert of the Mnml.tmln soclotv. Ranir the tenor aolo. "Sun of My Soul. " Mr. Frank Lea Short gave an excellent reading , an anonymous piece ap propriate to the occasion , entitled "Pass Under the Rod. " At the conclusion of these numbers tlio lodge of mrrow waa closed with the usual ceremony by the lodge and the services ended with the hymn , "Abide With 'Me ' , " sung by tbo chorus , the audlenco standing during the rendition. Chaplain Mackay pronounced the bpnellctlon. During the past year tlio lodge has lest but one of Its members , Cheater C. Ilulctt. The services , however , were performed In inamory of the entire roll of the dead , which Includes the following : William I ) . Alexander , John F. Royd. Willis F. Clarke. ' Colonel James M. Eddy , Dvvlght G. Hull. Colonel Edward D. Woln'o- , Captain Abncr D. Halncs , William L. Harding , Charlea McCormlck , Charlco I' . Neodham , Xacharla Thomason , Phillip A. Wnrrlek. John 1' . Thomas , Joslah H. McCormlck , Chester C. Ilulott. The committee which had t'io arrange ments for the service In charge was com posed of : Muses P. O'lirlon , E. 0. Ilrandt , Frank Klmball , John Tctard , C. S. Potter. Kill * n MooriNlilucr. GREENS11ORO. N. C. , Dec. C.-Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue Motlitt. whoso homo was at Asheboro , Randolph oounly. was killed while ou n raid In the northwestern part of Montgomery county Friday ovonlng. About live miles from tbo old UtiHsc II gold mine they found the block- idu distillery of Lee Turner , an old char- ictor. Ho forbido : the collector's entrance , > ut the latter boldly proceeded. In an In stant Turner's rllle wont a hullot Into the icart of the olllcer , but before ho fell he returned thu lire , killing the blockadcr. Fifty Years Ago. Who could imnglne tlmt thU should be The place where , In eighteen ninety-three That white world-wouder of nrch and dome Should shadow the nations , polychrome. . . Here nt the 1'ntr wna the prize conferred On Aycr'H Tills , by the world preferred. ClilcaL'o-llkc , they n record show , tlucc they blurted 50 year * ago. Ayer's ' Cathartic Pills have , from the time of their preparation , boon a continuous success with the public. And that moans that Ayer's Fills accomplish -what is promised for thorn ; they euro where others fail. It was fitting , therefore , that the world-wido popularity of these pills should bo recognized by the World's Fair modal of 1003 a fact which emphasizes the record ; 50 Years of Cures. HOW TIIKY SUCCliliDlil ) , Tlu i\in-rlcnoo of Oilier * Simula n Vulunlilo Ttiliiw for I'M ' , How many people wo meet these dnys who complain of llred. worn oul feelings and scorn to be very much "under the weather. " Thrro seems lo bo an epidemic of III health nnd nn unusually largo number of people are feeling nnd looking weak and sickly. Hut tlii'ro In fortunately n. way to ovvrvomo tbeso mlMprnblo foellngH nnd regain health and strength. Thousands of pe have ( Hoovered ibis way n"d many of them are giving olhers the benetll of their ex perience. Hero Is nn Interesting opinion on the subject : Mr. K. U. Toalo of 432 DC Knlb avpuue , Hrooklyn , says : 'Un the spring and sum mer Ivns formerly a constant miffoivr from 'Weakness ' nnd nervous debility. 1 tried many remedies , bill obtained no relief until I began taking Duffy's 1'uro Malt \VhUUey. Since I commoneod using1 It my friends uro iiHlonlthed nl my Improved appear.uu-o. " The above opinion hnx been selooted from thousands of others , all tostlfylug to the same effort. It proves beyond any iiucstlon thai for building up tbo system and Impart ing now llfo to weak , weary people Huffy' * 1'tire Malt \Vhlskey Is simply uneiiua'.od. It purltlOH the blood , quickens the clroula- tlou , promotes digestion , euros constipation and glvos now llfo lo every part of the body. All grooors and drugslsl.M keep Puffy'8 1'uro M-ilt. but In purohaslng euro sliou'd bo taken to gu ird against Inferior Imitations. port INTKIIXAI. AXD nxTisiiNAii usn. CURES AND I'HKVEN'TS Cold * . CounliN , Sore Tliriiat , Inlliiru/.n , llronoliltlN , I'lieiiiniiitlii , Suollliitr of ( ho .lolntn , IiitmliiiKo , In- Mainntliiu , ItllCIIIIllltlHIIIIMI1 FroNtlillex , Clilllilnlnn , Tuotliiielic , ANlliinii , 1UKKIOUI.T llllKATHI.VK. CURUS THU WORST 1'AINS 111 from one to twenty minutes. NOT ON'W HOL'U nfter rcnd- Ins Hi' ' " ndvertlscmcnt need nny one St'KFKU WITH TAIN. ItiuIivnj'H llenily IlolU-f In u Sure Cur * for KVITJ * I'ntii , Siii'nliin , Urnluc * , I'nIiiM In tli < > llmUChist or l.tinbM. It IVIIN tlic llrHt mill In ( he only I'AI.V HiMI-iV : Ttint Inslnntly Flops the most cxcrtitlntlne / palnr , allays Inllamniallon nnd euro * congestions , ' ( wlicllier of the I.unRii , Stomach , Dowels or otlior " ' ' " ' Klniids or orKnns , by onu npiillratlon. A hulf to n tcncpoonful In ImK a tumbler nt water will In n few mlnutm euro Cnuni" . Hpnsin . Slff | > lo3nncs5 < , Kick Headache , Dlnrrhcn. Dysentery , Colic , flatulency ivnJ all Internal Tht'rp Is not n remedial niient In the worM tlmt will cine l'"oxer nnd Actic nnd nil uii ; > r Malnrlous. lllllous nnd other fevers , nlded by HAIIWAA'S I'll.IS , nn < ] UicKly us 1IAD- WAY'S ItlJAllY HUMKF. per IxiltlLtiiIil by lrniKl.i ; < . EVERY WOMAN Soiiii'tlniea neeo , a rellnbl/ inunllily reRiiliitini ; inwllcluf DR. PEAL'S SpENNYROYAL PILLS , Aroirniiipt. | Afi nndcertnlnIn remit. Tliocrmt ino ( Dr. IVnl's ) iiin-t-rdlsuuiiiiliit , SoarnnrnoaKi Sherninii & McConnol llrun Co , 1313 Uidga street. Omnbu , Neu MIL j > nxton Mmuucrs _ TM(5IIT AT Sil. The Ooinoily C'yeloiio TOV/N TOPICS. The Coined } Cyclone , Prlc < > i 2r.c , CCo , 73e , H.OO. Mutlneo I'rlccu 25c nnd Sflo. Tcl- IMxtoit-t I , ninuaucr.i. Tomorrow , Tiit-mlny Kveiiliifv , Doc. 8. LEOPOLD GODOWSKY , The cr nlent I'limlst of tlio npc. Ilex olJlce now open. I'ilciLower Hour , si 60 ; balcony , JI.OO , "Oo , nailery. COc. Tel. 1531. . . CRESGfiTQH I'.nlon Mnn.Kjers. SEATS NOW ON SALE. PALMER DDfliAfftSii ! l-'our NlKhta , ConinicnctnK THHSIAY ; , DKCK.tllll'Hl IO. Miillnee Saturday nnd Sunday. Prices iV , TOc. 75o. JI.OO , Jl.f/ ) . Mnllnro I'rlecs 23e. 60c , "H ; JI.OO. Dii1 .1-1(1 ( , NAT U. < ; ( ) ( II\VI.V. BOYD'S ( Lil.'it L. M. Cniwfi TllliATIUM . Mur. I I'Cl' forniiuicc. TO.VIRUT AT Klf. ! _ EDDIE FOY OFF THE In his hit est edition of the apfiMucit Inr e.\truvaKiiu/i : , EARTH. ( lend reserved eentx , Mo and I'KOi'f.r.'fi J THBATP.X I'OI'HI.AIl L. M. Cr.iwford , Mgr. I TUESIIAY.VK NKSIAY AND TIII'llSUAY , DICL' . R. 9. 10. Mutlneu Wi'dncsilay , The Nabobs of I' ' n XliiUcrn , m\cii .v ito\vii.s : Mi.vs'i'iti-.i.s. A I'aroxylxM of I'lensuic for n TrlllliiB ex- pciist. I'rl.'i' - ; > i ; Me and 30c. See the great parotid : it 11 : Ji a. m. THE CIRCUS IS COMING Secoaid Annual i THE , 3 , 9 and SO. DOORS OPEN M 7 P. M. Admission 80c Children 2Bc Street Paraiie Tuesday , Besesrates1 S , at Si a. The Only Rent Thing' This Winter. BARKER HOTEL. TimiTij.vni A.M > JOMH : KTUKKTM. 110 ronin , tiallm , ( team heat uml all modern convenience * . Kate * , I.W anil il.O'J ' IM.T tiny , Tulila unenccIlcU. Kprclal luw rate * to regular | j < mrdcr . PJIANK IIII.UITCII , Mcr. Pozzoni's Complexion I'owmm produce * a noft and bcuutlful elilni K combluuH uvcry element , of bcuuty mid purity