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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1896)
lsiSJ EDITORIAL SHEET. THE TTND AY -\T PAGES 9 TO 16. U LJjt\.i ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 187J. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , DECItftfjJER 0 , lSi)0-TWENTV ) PAGES. SlNGLti COPY JTlVliJ CUNTS. Dress Spool Ladles' Ladles' Dozen Embroidery GOo Pin Rlbbmi Stamped Fancy Tinted Table U3o Crepe Mo Head Trimmings , 2iC Cotton lc Collnrs Cuffs. . . 2ic broidery Silk , Cushions. . . . Qc YnVd Linens 2c Goods 1C Covers 15c Paper IOc Rests 25C Ladles' $100 Cotton Ivld Gloves nattlnj. 49c Japan Lamb's Tea I'ots 8c Every dollar's worth of this Big House's big stock thrown on the counters at the most tremendous reductions ever known Room must be made for UnUlnj Wool , our Christmas goods including toys of every description-1-the entire reserve stock on the fourth floor all the latest 1.50 purchase everything cut down to make a big clay Monday at the Big Store , Crystal Snuco Dishes Jackets Grand Clearing Sale ( > 0o Colored Dress Goods- - of Men's , Boys' ' and Children's ! Mailed He Throe Special Lots for . Mill ; Monday. AND l.ot No. 1. eomprlsinjr wool novelties , silk and woil nov Suits and Overcoats 38c Fine silks were never so cheap. Ono line of fancy elties ami mohairs , In checks , stripes , banelos , covers , silk , bent patterns , that wo have sold as high as $1. ! " mixtures , etc. , goods that sold earlier in the'-eason as 50c Hang nnd 9-1.CO , go on sale Monday at high as 8oe , 7 > ! c and 05e a yard , all go Monday at We have so'd great bargains before ing Lot No. 2. Including all wool and silk and wool novel this we shall have some great bargains Lamps An elegant line of novcltifs the finest ties In plaids , broken checks , boucles and rough ellcets $1.00 fancy changeable , in the future but before and never 39c Iri again number of niaek and blue Melton Jackets , and gray goods wo a dlllurent styles , sold as hiL'h us Ooe , &Vti Malted 1.98 nnd brov > n mixed , sizes 32 to 41 , worth on sale Monday carry , nt and 50c ; all go Monday at perhaps never again will we be able to $501 } ' Lot No. H. In this lo . yon will sec goods that would equal the magnificent bargain list we submit Mlllc be elicap at f > 0c , In mixtures , changeable clTeots , 75c 200 Jackets , In black nnd blue kerseys , blacic We will sell 81.2. > and $1.50 cheeks , overshot weaves , all high grade goods , pho- mit herewith. and blue bouclc clothH , brown nnd Mack black brocade nomcnal bargains , all go Mi-nday at Hall friezes , gray nnd black chinchillas ; regular ' black nnd Oxford r 00 men's first class blue , And lar $7.CO to $10.00 Jackets , for at All our S12.00 , Slo.OO , $20.00 and Si'i.OO suits , latest novelties , this > Overcoats nnd UNtets. lined throughout Hraekol season's styles , on sale Monday at $10.00. with exeellent cloth. In finality , cut nnd finish ociiml to the best $ ( .6U Overcoat or $ : t.75 LampB A West of England KcMoy Jacket , halt Plain black satin , 21 inches wide , an extra fine Ulster to bo seen nnyKhrio In this city ; ; Black Dress Goods no Kittlnett or shoddy Hold hnro , therefoio Malted 35c lined with taffeta silk number , for Too a yard , worth we Kunranteo every garment ns sold or 375 Millc , double your iioncy b.iek for the nsklni ? . llny- Hospital 30-inch all wool black ai 2oc flens' offer at the remarkable low prlco of A Onterplller Hondo Jacket serge , usually 25c tal H/.U | A furl Astrakhan Jacket . toll for 'I'Jo ' only 3.10 Or A Scotch mi Imported I'hrvlot Kerrey Jacket Jacket We have just received a new line of changeable A 40-Inch fine silk finished , all wool Ilnnrielta at 39c 3.0 men'1 * extra heavy all wool Frieze Ul . Granite .silk lined throughout Lining Silks , in beautiful colors , to sell 'le ! ) , cut from oc ! ) sters and Kersey Overcoats ; real $10.00 Iron at 2'Jc ' a yard 10 more pieces 48-inch all wool , mohair finished serge SOc flsti-rs and Overcoats , for this week spe Wash fur Cl'Ci ' regular $1.00 quality cial at llayden' for only Basin Klectrlo Seal Capes , lined with finest 50 quality A 40-inch all wool Li/ard cloth mohair finished fiOo 15c satin , 30 Inches long , full sweep Wo place on sale Monday a full line of Japanese 70c quality , for , , regular SOc T.O Frieze men's t'lsters blue , black nnd , keisey brown , nnd beaver Oxford nnd fiOoWil silks in all colors , 21 inches wide , for \ Our $ l.f > 0 , $2.00 , 82.2o blacic mohair Canifeh cloth , all mellon Overcoats , lined with Hue leather- liams' 125 Ine body lining , Iron sleeve lining , I'ink Illnck Double Cnpes mndo of fancy work , at for $1.25 a.yard , good heavy and cally superior to any that you could PlllH melton , trimmed with several rows of 298 1m v elsewhere for $12 50. Hnyilen HroH. , braid \\lll sell th- ! week at the rcin.irlcablc low 32c Kango The greatest sale of the kind ever started in the price of only TeaKettle Double P.ities. of flnc t quality English kersey Grand closing out snle of nil finest men's lines of Sterling west. Having1 purchased six Kettle sey cloth , trimmed all around with sev . sample Suits , Overooats and Ulsters , choice of eral rows of stitching ing Silver Novelties i'rom one of tli2 largest manufacturers < in America , we are in position to offer Omaha and any prices. gaiment All $15.10. In Jlfi.50 the and bouse JK.'O at men's two 15c Ladles' Single Cnpes , of the latest cut , of vicinity prices that will speak for themselves , choice very line for Suits less than , Oveieo.its wh > ! nnd cost Ulsters pi Ice , , Mdllor'i line bouclc cloth , high storm collar , edged In sizes to fit any slzo men , to dost , at. . . Cod Sterling silver Pen Knives , regular $1.0) Sterling silver Hack Combs- 200 quadruple plated , * hand engraved , goldri Liver with thlbct fur style worth $2.00 . 1. ' . ' , lined Tea Sets , worth $1000 . < J. ' . made. Overcoats All men's very finest Suits , Oil Sterling silver 3-plcco Manicure Sets , worth Sterling silver cap Shoe Horn- 49 300 syrup Pitchers , Spoon Holders. O.iko Oil55c 69c c Single Capes , made of finest quality full $1.50 worth $1.00 . , n.iskets. muter Dishes. Celery Dishes nnd Ulsters that we have sold for { 2U.CO , 55c Shaker curl boucle cloth , lined throughout ultli 00 Sterling Fllvcr cap Nail Buffer 4 Pickle Castors ; worth $11.00 each , sale price 1 & 2.GO anil $23.00 , now for only rhadatm- silk , storm collar and fur tilm- | Sterling silver Flics- worth $1.00 . . . : l inline med front worth fl.25 " Sterling silver Teaspoons , worth $0.00 pero StcrlJiiB silver WilsS" Broom 1. c , Choice of all set of six . Sterling silver back Pocket Combs , worth worth J3.00 i 1.e Jl.CO Sterling silver Curling Ironu Sterling silver lion Don Spoons. Meat Forks , ' e Children's Jackets In sizes 4 to 14 ' , 5c years , 25 Sterling NIVIT Hat nrushes worth $2.0) Cream Ladcs ! , Olive Spoons , Sugar Spoons , Boys' Knee Pants Suits 7fG mndo of fancy mixture cloaking ! worth $3.50 1.48 Sterling silver Buttonhooks- - 69c worth J2.00 each . Uall's ' worth 52.00 . . . . . . . . Sterling sliver Nail Brushes 1.48 Sterling silver Tooth Brushes v. Ilogcrs 1S17 Knives and Forks , per set ofo QQ 'Jntutrl . worth { ISO 12 pieces . * , JiJ * " 95c 1.95 2 95 3.95 Cure worth $2.25 . . . . . .V. , . . , , , , ' Children's Jackets , In heavy beaver anJ Sterling silver Honnct Brushes -i Sterling silver Files- nogcrs AA Soup Spoons , per set of C , worth * 49c > ,3.30 worth . l. . . . . , . * $1.00 worth $1.00 { .50 i Heavy Cotton kersey , nnvy'nnd blackball sizes ; . . . . . . , , . * > f.f i r > j-- " ' r T"iL,3-rr Not a suit worth less than $2 and up 1057.50. 50c Flannel Long Clonks , nges 4 to 14. made of 198 Watches Choice of all Young Men's and Boy's Long dark mixture Cloaklngx , deep full cape , 5c trimmed with black braid Ladles' beautiful gold filled Pants Suits this week for $2.75 , $3.75 , Lndles" coin sliver Chatclaln Gentlemen's gold stiffened 81.75 Hunting Case Watches , war iand worth and Ladles' Wrappers In nil sizes matin of nlco Watches , stem wind and set , 2.25 ranted to wear 20 years , line Hunting Cnse Watches , with $5.00 $7.50 , regularly quality benrlettn , trimmed with Inco nnd 375 worth tO.OU ror . Elgin or Wnlthnm movef f Ati Ameilcan mnde woiko , worth Oentlemen's elegant gold satin ribbon meats , worth $20. ( 1I. * J $7.00 tilled Hunting Cnsa Watches , sold for $5.00 to $15.00. S. S. S. wnrranteil to wear 20 years , U-idlcs' gold filled Hunting Ladles' H kt. tl. S. assay Indies' beautiful hnnd madn with tine Klgln or Waltham A full line of dark lleeco lined Wrappers , 119 Case Watches , stem wind solid gold , hunting case , Mom 14 kt. solid gold Watches , set ttorlts , fully warranted , 11 Ask to see our loc , 25c , 350 and 500 Knee and set , line Klgln or Wal- 8,95 wind and set Watches , with with genuine diamond * , line worth $23.00 11. 1.25 All pointed yoke , full front nnd Wiitteau back thain movements , worth $20. line Klgln or Wnlthnm movet A QE1 Klgln or Wnltham works. Pants they are worth double. Wool . ' > . mcnts , worth $30.03 l + - - worth $33.00 Fancy Flannel Furnishings FH rniture. Carpets. Piano Bargains. Optical Department. Crockery , China 31.00 25c Why do people persist In paying moru for The Carpets wo lied to take out of our Visit our expert optician for n pair of and Glassware. and Underwear. a thing than you can buy It hero for ? Tor stock room crowds us for room. We are ANNOUNCEMENT In addition to our reg perfect lilting Spectacles or Eye Glasses nt . Miles' example , look at this India Seat. You compelled to move them and quote exceed ular line of Chlckcrlng , Stelnway , Knabe , lowest pilccs. Satisfaction guaranteed. SPECIAL HAHOAINS. Men's natural wool Shirts and Drawers have seen them fo > sale at all prices from ingly low prices. Klycher and other high grade I'lanos , there EYES TESTED FREE. Imported Decorated Covered Dish , worth Norvln JJ.50 down to $1.75 , and you have no doubt A good Ingrain Carpet at 2."c will Holiday I'orfnines. $1.75 , sells for 35c . C2' be found at our music roomy ns complete i Wool ers , worth $1.00 , go at c paid one of these prices for one. Our price A regular lOc goods for 300 Imported Decorated Platters , worth 68c rod and Men's electric blno Australian wool of $1.50 secures you just the saino India All wool , good styles , at 37'Ac assortment of lower priced Instruments. It Fine Perfumes In all In sizes. elegant Our Imitation line is the cut $1.75 cncli , ecll for 2."c glass bottles. blade ShlrtH and Drawers , worth $1.00 , go Seat as you sec anywhere cls > e. A largo lliiu of patterns In best all Is , our purpose to nuke our mublc rooms a most complete and tbo lowiot priced wo Sugar Howls , worth 73c , sell for lEc i'lalil at 59o And BO It Is with Hookers , Pictures , etc. wool COc natural market place for new I'lanos at nil ever had. Glass Syrup Can , worth m'c , sells for. . . 3c Wo'vo made a special effort this fall and are Brussels , n good one , at 37'Xsc " Fancy Decorated Milk Pitcher , vorth Flannel priceas It hao always been for Pianos of Wo have some nice bottled goods at "c , ' Men's natural undycd Australian wool now showing n line of goods that for STYLK , Better grades at 45c , SOc and C5o . Goods COc , for 15c the highest grade. Wo can furnish now fie , Sc , lOc , 12Vjc and up to EOc. ready Shirts nnd Drawers , worth 75c. go at. 49c FINISH and WORKMANSHIP ranks with A full line of Oil Cloths and Linoleums at for Monday. Fancy China Cups and Saucers , worth S1.2o ' ' the best. the same low prices. Upright I'lanos for $1C5. Do wo recom Inspection 35U , for ] 5c War Men's camel's heir Shirts and Drawers , We are selling an Onk Chair for S5c. CURTAINS. mend them aa hlph grade ? No ; but for the Special Hoolc liargains for Fancy China Dread Plato , worth EOc , ner's worth TKc , BO at 49c Rockers at $1.00 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.45 Lace Curtains they start at 50c pair ; wo money they are good value and arc the best the Holidays. sells for DC Safe Men's natural random Shirts and and $2.50. have them also at COc , 75c , S5c and 1.00 ; all Planoo that can be sold for $103. We have Wo have the most complete line in the For the Chilstmafl trade we have the Cure Drawers , worth GOc , go at 29c Tables at 50c , f.r.c. 75c. $1.00 and $1.50. would be good values at double these prices. better I'ianos for $200. If you want a city. finest line ot Fancy Fruit Dlhhcs , , Heavy Kasols at SOc. 75c. $1.00 and $1.25. A full line of Fish Net and other Fancy IMano that Is a delight both to the ear and to city.We will put on sale 1,000 Books at l'/jc. Platco. Trays , Cups and Saucers , 80c Calilor Men's Wool Sox. worth 25c pair , goat. . 9c Screens at $1.00. $1.2. . , $1.50 and $1.75. Net Curtains at prices that will Interest you. the eye , an artistic , modern , up-to-date I'lano Another lot at 2Vic , 3c. 5c. lOc , 13c , 25c , ever shown In Omaha. Plates from ( Je up nia Ladles' Kid Gloves , worth $1.00 , $1.25 Mattresses , wool top , $1.C5 ; cotton top , A full line of Scrim ami other goods for that will last a life tlmo and bo good to the 35c. COc. Cups and Sauccro from lOc up Hlan nnd $1.50 , go at , pair 49c SI S5 sash curtains. i end , at a moderate price , you will nnd them All the latest nooks. Magazines and Fancy Stand , Hammct and Parlor Lampti , ' Oak Desks at $3.9r , $4.50 , $5.00 and $7.50. Wo are showing a nice asaortment of Up la our niuulc rooms at prices from $223 up. Stationery. from KOc up 500 dozen Children's Underwear go at halt Combination Cases , $9.85 , $11.50 , $12.50 and holstery Gocd In Plushes , Corduroys , Valoins , New I'lanos for rent. Bargains In Pianos An elegant line of fancy Holiday Cards at Full line of Dclph and Dresden Lamp price. $15.00. | Tapcstrlcu and DrnaJcloths. ellghtly used. 2o to DSc. Globes. Hot 2.75 Water BARGAINS LIKE THESE OAN ONLY BE HAD AT HAYDEN'S BIG STOKE Bottles 48c Cotton Fresh Our Great Sale on Crackers. 131 an- Grocery Hardware Skates ! . Butter , Meats , Lard , Roasted Coffee Building Hardware and Tools : Skates ! Beat Soda and Oyster CrackeM Cc 49c Bargains Fish Crackers Beat Oatmeal Wafers Ccc . "il-in. Wo have a largo lot of odds and ends In , Cream Crackers "Vic Table 35 LHS. LOUISIANA CUY3TAL1ZED 5 llw. Golden Klo Coffee , roasted $1.00 Skates ! and Cheese. Linen flno Lock8 Butts Cocoa nut Hare , Vanilla and Lemon High grndo Java and Mocha , per Ib SOc , , Sash Locks and Lifts , sun AU . $ i-oo Extra choice broken coffee 12V4c IlUTTEll. Wa f erfl 12c at BEST MINNESOTA FLOUR. PER SACK ? t.OO Crushed Java and Mocha , l ! > c and IT'/jC Drawer Pulls , etc. ; also In fine Tools. Will For boys and girls : - Honey Drops 12n $11 Pali Spider Leg Japan Tea , only 3Sc A' fine all stcci Skate , double screw , Choice Country Butter 8e , lOc and 12 < ic- wool 22 Ibs. flno Granulated Sugar . 1.00 Extra fancy Japan Tea , only , . . 35c sell them regardless of value. .patent lever , worth COc , our prlco. . . 27c Very best Country l"u Lemon Creams Sc 19c tan York State apples , peeled , gallon cans. . lUc HasVi-t fired Japan , very choice -)3c ) A' ' fine full nickel plated solid Fancy Creamery , . .18o and t'Oo Ludy Kingorti J2c Good uncoloretl Japan , 25c 2Sc und..HS'/ic ' Weather Strip , per foot . , . ' ( c very Separator Creamery 22u We will cell you the finest line of Hlunlc- . . Sc / - . 3-lb. lever California , - cans Btccl , double screw , patent * Tea Him Mortise Lock < CHEESE. Ciackorn made for Japan , Dust , only 12V&C or . jc 1 UlB , Piachce 3-lb. . - -Skate , worth $1.00 , our price C3c California , - cans The new Cereal Coffee , per Ib lOc ' Ncufchatcl 3'/iiC ' A flno Hand Hammered Ax. . . 79c / COMPUUSSJCn VKAST. Solid Packed Tomatoes , 3-lb. cans . 7Vic Our host seller a fine hardened steel Brick lOc 2 , Door Bolts . 2c 1 double Llmbcrger IS'.ic Coinincncing .Monday we will cll jon jnnner , polished , patent screw Tahlp Now Sugar Corn , 2-lb. cans . Oc New Evaporated Magnetic Hammers . Cc , lover , regular J1.25 , our prlco 70c Youug America lOc Compressed Yeast nt , per cake lc Linen ' 10 Ibs. Beans for . 3o Hand CheoFi' , two for fit- Navy A flno hardened steel Pliers . Sc Ofio of the finest : A fine hardened Sap Sago 7c MINCI3 MKAT. at Vi 10 Ibs. Brtukfast Oatmeal for . 25c Fruits Coat Hook. ? , per dozen 7o 'steel runner , fill nickel plated , \Vo keep nil kinds of DomuUlc and Im Homo made , per pound Cc lin-lli. sack whole wheat Hour . fiOc Hand Saw . 29c ycrow , patent lc\cr , regular $2.00 , ported Cheese. Old Virginia urnnd ( la packages ) 'lie 29c $3 pair 10 Ihsi granulated corn meal . lOc Good RalHlna , per Ib * . Cc Steel Pointed Snow Shuvcl . 17c .our . prlco $1.25 MEATS. wool 5 Ibs. extra fancy Japan Illcc . 25c Now Muscatel Hnlslna. t Ibs , for 25c Crown Halsln Seeder . 09c Our ' best a very fine hardened and No. 1 Hams 10c O ray New Callfornli' ' Peaches Ciic The Nail combination knocked clean 'welded atccl runner , extra heavy No. 1 Sugar Cured Hacou 'c out 3-lb. cans choice new pumpkin . Now California Prunes Be Honolcsd Feet In lOc Plga ( Jelly ) nia n- nickel plated , double screw , patent 3-lb. Boston bakctl beans . ' Choice California Prunes only R'.ic of the box. Ox Lip Sausage He - cans 7'/jC Sheet kuts Music. ( ll-in , Now Secdlrbj Ilalttlns only 71&C lever ; this is ono of the finest made. . - 10 to CO Wlro Nails Salt Pork -lu , pound . Pint bottle.- Tomato Catsup . Sc Cholco New Pcara only Gic ! per a xegular $ : i.OO Skate , our price J1.9S Picnic Hams Cc Tnhlo 2. New Mustard Sardines , per can . Cc i to 8 D Wire Nails , per pound . 2o For girls and ladles : Premium Trlpo . . . ' 4c Special ralo of Books this week. Linen A flno polished solid steel Skate , double Wo will place on sale. 1,000 Follow at SKc at Now Saidliit's la oil , per can . 3'&c Our Candy Guns and Ammunition screw , patent lever , russet leather LAUU. cuch. This Is nn elegant book , \\llli y.-'inc CoiulciiBcd Milk , per can , only . heel straps , nickel hctl cap , regular - 3-lb. palls Hex , Silver Leaf or Calumet. 19c New SelMte'elnc ' Buckwheat only . A flno Flobcrt Rifle . $ iCS lar $1.25 Skate , our prlco SSo 5.II ) , palli Hex , Silver Leaf or Calumet. : ! 0c of the very latest Hongs. No ono should fall 35c Pail- Department A new Wurnaut action , uhoots 22 shorts This la u beauty : A very fine solid 10-lb. pallfi Rex , Silver Leaf or Calumet 59c to get one. New Self-Halsliig Pancaku Flour . 3 ic " < steel , full nickel plated , russet leather FISH. Wo cnrry all of tlio very latest Sheet AllVool 10 Ibs. pure nrahaiu Flour only . All our candles are made fresh every half or long . $2.95 J liwl otrapa , double ncrmv , patent Nlro rnd Columbia Ither Salmon 7'/ie ' Music to ho had. both clastic and popular , \Vool \Vhealell the breakfast food . hour Come In and xco us making randy. A Rcmnlngton Sporting Rifle . $4.33 lever ; a regular $2.00 hkatc , our White Fllh , DC ; In 15 kits COc vocal and Instrumental , and neil It to yuu at \ , lilan- now It Is really ( julti > Interesting to sci > all the Winchester Pump Gun . $16.25 price $1.25 Nlco Herring , each lo Jiu.'t ' about half the prlco other dealers auk 72-ln. aiycorlno Toilet Soap , per bar . 2 3c different forum of candy being niailo and Loaded Shells , per 100 . $1.25 Our best : A very flno hardened steel Now Nouvay Herring ; Cod Fish , lc ; Flnaii you for the wino. If you want to he i-iir- Table Larco palls Table Jelly . 20c the novel ua > In which It U done. Gun Canes . 490 Skate , extra heavy nickel , In full Huddles und 0)Ht rg received dally ; Llngon prlhcil jut cull at our inuBlo rnoiim anO ecu Unun \Ve will pack the raudy daintily In any rutiset leather heel etrajvi , double Berries , Se at per quart the Sliccl Music wo can null Cc Largo IMIls Tnblu Syrup . , . 45c A line double action you at pur pure klr.o box you want We make the best hand- nickel plated Re - lever sells ' Bcri-w , patent , everywhere Smoked White Fish , Salmon. Sturgeon copy 10 bars LaunCry Soap for . 25c madu bon bonu la Omaha. volver' 32 or 3S . $ i. B for from $3.00 to $3.GO , our price $1.98 Halllbut and Stock l'l h or Lutcnsk. copyMall orders promptly flllud , at49c Hs-tnv Huavy Towels Getting Beady to Sei/:0iiristmas ! : Toys , at TOWO'H 5c 19c and up , ( ) - ! Un 8-1 Un. 11-4 I'll- M Heavy 1-1 Iloavy f ea.oo Now Silk Llnucl w.oo 7Co bleached , bleached bloaitbed Pillow Unblcacliotl t liluaclKul Dor by Soft _ _ Htylo Fancy 1'lati fir ) Silk Slioettng * JC Hhot'tlujj , . . 12c Sheeting" . iOc 5c MuBhn 4C Muslin . . . 44 c Ilatb. $1 50 Hats 75C Caps. . IOc Hiwkolb . . . .20C $3.50 Drapes . . . .25c