Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1896, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    a THIS OMAHA DAILY 111313 : DEO 13 IS MUSI ? ( ? , 180(5. (
Except Prince Alberts nnd Extra Sizes
Which Will Bo S5.00 More ,
InrlnilrN Choice nfny I'li-co of CJnoilH
in tinriiMiini lltioin TinWlinle
Tli INK MIIN ! IKriiiMdl Out In
Mnki * HOOIII for n .Ni'vv Il'pl.
Tlie mnRninrcnt tallorlnR department of
the Contlncntnl will bo n thing of the part
nftur Jnwmry 1. Intensive alterations niul
Improvements nbout to take plnco make It
ueecHsary tlmt the cmtom room bo vacated.
Mr Gamble , In tweaking of the matter ,
inlilVo don't want to cut these Roods tip
Into ready made milta nnd overcoat It's
too much trouble , nnd btinltiesu U lively
enoiiRli without that , but vvo do want and
must get rid of this utock of plcco Koodo ,
nnd what wo will do Is that wo will make to
order any sull from any piece of goods In
the tailoring room for $ l.r ! > .
Tor ten dove at least this offer will bo a
dandy , for there Isn't n plcco of goods In the
Btoro that tailors ran make n prollt on nt lens
than $15 a milt , wMlc the bulk of the stock
include ! ) goods that tailors are making up
today for $50 and $ CO. This offer Is con
fined to cutaway frocks and Hack suits
I'rlncc Alberts and extra size , $5 cvlra. Any
overrun ! , $3fi , any pair of pantalootiH. $8 no.
Mr SchmltflierRor , formerly with Hamgo ,
will do the cutting as usual.
Tliu Continental has made almost an great
n reputation for flno tailoring , to order , as
they ha\o In their ready to wear department
Thcro arc any number of people who cannot
be nt toil unless the tailor docs It or at least
they think BO and aw a consequence the
Continental lias been making suits for the
tie't citizens of Omnlia , who will Jump at this
chance to have made up to their order any
piece of goods In the rtoro for the one price
of $25 No full drcso mi Its. Of course tills
IB a cnih deal
IliirlliiK < on HoutoCiillfornlu
A cheap and plc-isant way to make the
overland tilp Is to take one of the Ilurllng-
ton weekly personally conducted excursions
to California They leave Omaha 4 35 c\or >
Thursday afternoon. Most Interesting route
n < ro"s 'ho ' continent through Denver and
Halt Lake City. The schedule Is tx > arranged
as to afford parecngcro n daylight view of
the wonderful wcnery of the Heckles. Cais
nre clean , comfortable , modem nnd not
crowded Host of care given ladles and chil
dren Second-class tickets honored. Call at
ticket olllce , 1502 rarnam St. , and get full
Information. _
will be open evening" until Christmas ? . Finest
selection of holiday goods In the city. Every
thing new and the latest.
Uflo "Rtx" 1'cpsln gum. "
Yin tliVnluinli Itnllronil ,
WINTKIl TOUIIIST tickets now on sale.
HOMnsnnKKKS' TICKETS on sale No
vember 17 , December 1 and 15.
Till ! \VAHASH Is the whorl Hue and quick
est route to St. Louis and points south.
Kor tickets or further Information call nt
Wabasli olllce , 1415 Farnam street , (1'axton (
Hotel block ) or write ,
G N CIAYTON , Agent.
The ladlto of the First Presbyterian
church will have a sale of useful Christ
mas gifts at the church , Seventeenth nnd
Dodge streets , from tl a. m. to 6 p in ,
Friday , December 11. Chicken pie lunch will
bo served from II .30 o 2 , 25c.
Marnette , for jears with Davis K.
COM , gill Iron works , has opened n machine
and general lepalr Rhop at 31C 8. 13th st.
A 1'rriiloxIiiK I'roltlein.
Whether to take "Northwestern Lino" No
2 at 4:45 p. in. or No. G at :30 : p. m. , Chi-
cagoward. "No. 2" arrives at Chicago
7 15 a. m. and "No. G" nt 9.30 a. m. lloth
trains arc models of modern art skill and
ONE Call at the City Olllce , 1401 Farnam
street , and talk It over.
J. A. KUIIN. General Agent.
G. F WEST , C. P T. A.
Read the Charity Circus advertisement In
this paper. _ >
Heller & Co. , tailors. 215 South 13th street
Crelghton "Town Topics" nt 2:30 : and S-15.
Pretty novelties for Christmas presents
Just in John Riidd. 115 So. ICth st.
Hamilton Warren , .M. 1) ) . , electric anil mag-
liotlc ploslclan ; special attention to diseases
of women am' children and all obscure and
long-standing diseases 110 N 16th St. , n. 2
i , vwiniis .inot'T UKSOM-TIONS
Iu Memory of ( li * l.i ! < \Vllllnm II.
A meeting of the bar of Douglas count >
was held in court room No. 1 > estcrday morn
ing to iccelvo the report of the couimlttcu
appointed by the bench several weeks ago to
prepare and unbuilt appropriate ievolutions
on the death of William 11. Ucckman , a
member of the bar of this county.
Charles W. Haller lead the follow Ing
preamble and resolutions prepared by the
committee :
"Whereas , William II. DccKman has been
removed from our midst by an inscrutable
Providence , and we have been deprived of
nib valued association , sterling v\oith and
Inspiring personality , It Is with gicat bor-
low that wo mourn the lota of him , 0111
de-parted biother.
Rcbolvcd , b > the bar of Douglas county ,
That In the death of William II. Ileckman
the county line loat a worthy cltl/en nnd
the bar of this county nnd state an able
and promising Invvjcr. lie was u genial
companion , n true and untiring filcnd
lll.s diaiaetur vvas pine , lilb life upright
nnd his Integrity nmiticstloned. Modest and
unnbsumlng. he was cqml to any duty re
quired of him , doing this alwajs rit'dltabl.v
ami honoiahl ) . Respected by all who
Knew him , his dcpartme will be keen ! )
'llcsohed. That wo tender to his aged
nnd bcrt.ivcd patents and to the other
niembeiB of his family our sincere sym
pathy and direct that thcto lesolutloi.i. bo
engrossed and communicated to them ; nm' '
that resolutions bo epicad upon the
lecords of this court. "
The icBolutlons were signed by the full
commltUo , namely W. 1) . Mcllugh , John
W Pan lull. Chat lea W. Halltr , A. W. Jcf-
lulN and Leo S. EstUlc.
Following the reading of the resolutions
Mr Haller addressed the court brlclly , add
ing a high tilbuto to the memory of Mr.
DcekiiUiii with whom ho had been associated
In a piofetHlonal capacity
C A Ilaldwln , J H. Mclntodh and Judge
Cunningham It Scott , also addressed the
meeting brlclly , after vvhlrli nn order was
inado by Judge Halter , directing that the
icsolutlons bu spread upon the record ! ) .
SI I'M. Vu1ll < rt ( Il'tN JllllKHII'Ilt AKUlllkt
lux urn not * CiiiiiiiuiiU'ri.
In the federal court the Jury In the cnso
of the widow of Augustus Egbert ugalmit
the Fidelity and Casualty company and the
Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance com
pany returned a verdict for the plaintiff
for thu full amount of the policies. The
deceased was insured for $10,000 $ In the
former and $5,000 In the latter iompany ,
the defendant ! ! refusing to pay on the
Kioutnl that Egbert committed eulcldo ,
which , according to tlu > terms of the
pollclcii , rendered them void. The plain
tiff a/i i'rlcd Unit death vvaa thu ienult cither
of areldent or murder ,
Judge McHugh heard the case of Gra
ham agalimt the Yankton & Not folk rail-
load ymtetday. It la an action to enforce
n mechanic's Urn ngalust a partially com
pleted rend projected to run from Norfolk ,
Nfb , , ( o Yaukton , 3 , 1) .
For your furnace u o Wear Nut coal , 14 per
Ion , for ale cnly by o , T , Mount , 209 S. ICtli
TinJrrnfoM of All.
Will tnki ) place nt O. 1C. Scofleld'g Cloak
nnd Pur * ou j. Sixteenth ami Pnrnntn , all this
week , eonimcnclng Monday All new gar-
men IB ; most of them received yc'-torday from
New York , and will bo shown tomorrow for
the flr t time everybody knows Scoflcld
carries no shoddy goods anything tlmt
Scofleld buys to cell must bo worth having
If a clonk , the cloth must bo good , the style
correct nnd the workmanship perfect. The
Block of cloaks received at Pcoflold's yes
terday are the greatest bargains over offered
In Omaha , nnd In order to innko the clocks
ho had on hand compare In prlcu with thcw
new onet\ the price ha 1 to bo cut to loss
than half what they were selling nt the past
$8 , $10 nnd $11 cloaks , tomorrow $5.
$12 , $13 r,0 and $15 cloaks , tomorrow $7.RO.
$1C , $1S , 20 and $23 cloaks , tomorrow $12
Not old style cloak" , mind > oti , but the
latest cut nnd In tot t materials.
$ " > and $0 cloth eapcs , tomorrow $2 OS
$ S nnd $ ! > cloth capes tomorrow $1 IS
$12 nnd $10 cloth capes , tomorrow $7.50.
$10 nnd $18 cloth cape" , tomorrow $12.
$20 nnd $22 cloth capes , tomorrow $15.
The grcnlcpt bargains jet offered :
$50 fur capes , tomorrow $25.
$10 fur capes. ' , tomorrow $20.
$10 fur capes , tomorrow $15. *
$20 fur capes tomorrow $10 ,
Fur collnrottea. ? 1 98 , $3.18 , $3.
Go ECC what Srofleld has to offer. He'll
convince > ou that ho Is telling good gar
ments cheaper than any IIOUPO In Omaha.
Crelghton "Town ToplcV nt 2:30 : nnd 8:15 : ,
In ( In * llciirl of
The Union Parsengcr Station In Chicago ,
Into which all Durlington Route trains run ,
Is located In the very heart of the city.
The principal hotels , the largest stores , the
best theaters , the biggest business establish
ments nro only a few blocks distant. To
roach them It Isn't even necossiry to take
a t'trect car.
To reach Chicago It IS necessary to take
the Durllngton's "VeMlbulcd Flyer , " that U- ,
It IH If you want the be t there Is.
Leaves Omaha C 00 P. M.
Arrives Chicago 8-20 A. M.
Slcepori" chair cars diner.
Ticket olllce 1502 Farnam St
Road the Charity Circus advertisement In
this paper.
Dr. Mnttlce , 205 J. J. Drown block.
will bo open evenings until Clirlstmas. Finest
selection of holiday goods In the city. Every
thing new nnd the latest.
Stove repairs of any description. 1202
Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Works.
P < THonnll5 Conducted n\cMirNloiix
Leave Omal'a every Friday via the Union
P.ii lllc No cl'nngo of ears to Ogden , Sun
Francisco or Los AngcliH. Tourist Blcepcro
dally to San Francisco.
Special attention paid to ladles traveling
alone. A. C. DUNN.
City Pass , nnd Tkt. Agent ,
1302 Farnam St.
Crelghton "Town Topics" at 2:30 : and 8.15.
will be open evenings until Christmas. Finest
selection of holiday goods In the city. Every
thing new and the latest.
hIv-Thlrt > C. .11. Train.
of tbo
Hust service.
Dining car.
City office : 1504 Farnam.
Crelghton "Town Toplco" at 2:30 nnd 8:15. :
Xniui'iL 1i > Confer tilth tin-
Union I'liolllo.
A committee of the newly formed Union
Depot league , con&tatlng of J. H. Dumont ,
Mayor Hroatch , Lyinan Richardson , Dr
George L. Miller , A. L Reed , Judge Doane
A. Horpo , and G M. Hitchcock , met in the
Commercial olub loouui jotlcrday afternoon
to formulate plans for yociirlng the erection
of n now depot. The gi cater portion of
the time was occupied In an Informal dis
cussion nnd consisted laigcly of the recital
of nn Interview which Dr. Miller had with
Ptesldont nnd Receiver S. H. II. Clark of
the Union Paclllc. Mr. Clark , so the doctor
.stated , had expressed himself willing and
anxious to do all In his power toward the
erection of n union depot ut the foot of
Farnam street. In doing HO ho was of the
opinion that ho voiced the sentiments of all
the ottlclals of his rond. The fact , however
that the road was In receivers' handy
and would probably eventually bo foreclosed ,
prevented nny action being taken at the
present time. The unsettled condition of the
road's Hnanccs mndo It nn lmpost > lblllt } for
the lecctvers to promise an > thing , nltltough
It was probable that the road might enter
Into a union depot compact with others If
forced to do so , on account of self Intcrsts.
Sir. Hltchco-k was of the opinion tlmt
the Durlington meant business In Its late
announcement to build nt Tenth and Pacific
streets , and he had been Informed that
either of two plans under advisement by
the ofllclals of the road would bo adopted
In the near future. The tlrst plan contem
plated the building of u Joint depot for the
Rock Island , Burlington and SHlwaukco and
would cost appioxlmately $350,000. The
second scheme was for a station for the
Huiltngton's urcs alone , the cost of which
would bo eonsiaoinbly less than the first
named structure. He thought It. Improbable
that the Union Pacific would finish the old
building as ho was. Informed that the yard
room of the company would bo Inadequate to
the transaction of even Its own business , ex
clusive of other roads which might wish
to use the same depot.
Upon motion of Mr. Hitchcock , Judge
Doano vva > elected permanent chairman of
the committed with A. L. Reed as secietaty
Upon a second motion of Sir. Hitchcock It
was decided to wait upon President Clark
nnd Receiver Oliver W Slink of the Union
Pacific and get a definite Idea no to whrtl
the road proposed to do 01 could do in con
nection with the- depot matter. The > would
bo Invited to meet the committee in the
Commercial club rooms Slomlay afternoon
The motion ' .vas oarrled. The meeting then
adjouucd until .Monday nt uacli na hour au
thti chniinmn slm'l ' select.
Crelghton "Town Toplcn" nt 2:30 : nnd S 15.
D. T. Mount , coal , 208 S. 18.
nation niul Ilruiicr Ha\c Too Maii >
Dnlton and Hrimei , two susplcloun
chatacteiu wl > u wcie iirre&tcd a couple of
dujs ngo , ore suppojal to have been of tin
pnrty Hint robbed a wagon of the Richardson
Drug company several days ago 'lliej were
trjlng to dispose of boxes of cigars , and
when the olllce ! 't , nt trillion wau drawn to
them , they ran. Ualton dropped his box
of cigars In u street car , but Druncr had u
box In his possession when ho was captured
H In bollovol tlmt the cigars nro n portion
of there which wcro stolen from the wagon.
OIUceiH weio ve.sloulny morning trying to
loeate the two men v > ho attempted to dUpoee
of NOino patent tncdlclno to a North Twenty-
fourth Htrret diugglst Filduy night This
medicine Iu aln > pnpporod to have been stolen
out of the wagon It Is understood that
the men tiled to dispose of thu stuff to
soerul north tide druggists.
Crm-lty ( o AiiliinilM. t
Yesterday morning a complaint was fllpd In
police court against a nun named Da'nka ,
whoso residence Is at Thirtieth and Miami
utroetu. Cruelty to nnlinalu Is charged. The
Information was given to the police by P
A. Hall , who llvm at 2731 Grant. . street. Hall
alleged that Friday Hanlii was driving
a horse along Grant street , The iinlmal
( flipped and nlmaat foil. Hall suhl tint
Hanks , In Ills anger , seized a shovel mid
beat the animal most cruelly with It , and
then left U tn die In the Ftrcet. The
horse wan found ycotciclay morning by a police
liceotlicer , almobt dead. >
Newly Elected Exposition Directors Hold
Their First Mooting ,
Poititoni-il I'nlll O.III-N-
lloiiM ln\oUiil In the Knlliiro to
Kli-i-t n Pull Hoard Are SoUoil
liiiliorHiH \ Iti-iircNfiitntlon.
The first meeting of the newly elected < 1I-
rcctor of the Transmlsslsslppl nnd Interna
tional Exposition association was held nt the
Commercial club rooms jesterday afternoon
Of the forty-nine members elected by the
stockholders last Tuesday night , forty-three
were present , the other members being out
of the city. The meeting was characterized
by a disposition to proceed with the grcntest
caution In order that the success of the ex
position might not be Jeopardized In the
slightest degree by an unwise step. There
was apparent n healthy amount of enthu
siasm , which was manifested several times ,
but there waa nothing of nn effervescent
nature In the sentiment which developed.
The meeting was called to order by Pusl-
dcnt G. W. Wattles of the old board of
directors , nnd ex-Governor Alvln Salimlers
was chosen temporniy chairman and John
A. Wakeflold temporary secretary.
The fact that but forty-nine directors had
been elected by the stockholders , Instead of
fifty , as provided In the articles of Incor
poration , was the first subject for discus
sion. The consensus of opinion was to the
effect that. It was a vital point whether the
board could legally organize with less than
fifty directors , or whether the forty-nlno
elected by the stockholders bad the power to
elect the fiftieth man , or whether Sir. Hcn-
nctt , by virtue of the fact that he Is a mem
ber of the old board , would
hold over ami be a member
of the new board of directors. These
phasca of the question were debated nt gieat
length nnd the whole matter was finally re
ferred to n committee , consisting of SIcssrs.
C. S. Slontgomery , J. C. Wharton and J. L
Webster , to investigate all the questions In
volved and report to the board at KB next
During this discussion a communication was
presented from W. It. Dennett , In which he
tendered his resignation as a director of the
exposition. This was laid on the table until
the report of the committee referred to above
Is received. The same action was taken with
reference to n communication from organised ,
labor , presented by I. W. Carpenter , one of
the directors. This communication was
signed by T. F. Sturgcss , president of the
Typographical union , nnd asked that , In case
of n vacancy In the boaid of directors , a rep
resentative of organized labor bo elected
to till the vacancy.
J. C. Wharton called attention of the
board to the fact that a great deal of dlftut-
Isfactlon existed among the members ef the
labor unions on account of the fact that
they had not been given representation on
the board of directors , and he Introduced a
resolution , providing that In case of n vn-
cancy occurring In the board of directors the
labor unions of Omaha and South Omaha be
requested to select and present to the board
of directors the names of three men repre
senting organized labor , and providing , fur
ther , that the nameso presented ehould
receive the consideration of the board In
the election of a director to fill vacancy. This
resolution was unanimously adopted.
In view of the complications existing re
garding the legal organization of tbo board
on account of the failure to elect a full
board of fifty directors , It was decided to
postpone the election of officers until the ne.xt
E , Rohcwatcr euggcsted that , In order that
the work of the board might bo expedited as
much as possible , a committee should bo ap
pointed to recommend a plan of organization
and work nnd present the tame to the board
at Its next meeting , nnd bo moved the ap
pointment of such a commlttca. The Idcu
met with favor and the motion wns adopted.
The chair appointed Slessrs. E. Roscwatcr , C.
F. Slanderein , Frank Murphy , Dudley Smith
and G W. Wattles aa such committee.
The meeting was adjourneil until next Tues
day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the rooms of
the Commercial club.
As the name indicates , Hall's Vegetable
Sicilian Hnlr Rcnewer Is a renewer of the
hair. Including Its growth , health , youth
ful eolor and beauty. H will please jou.
Read the Charity Clrcud advertisement in
this paper.'1 Burns , 1318 Karnam , announces a
"holiday opening" from now until Christmas
His display Is now complete and all are In
vited to come and bring their friends ,
whether bujers or not. "Visitors and pui-
chasers equally welcome. "
hii'itnui : COMIT I\TIHS MJ\V uui.n
< > MTuriiH a Practice Hint HUN I.oiiK
At Its hst sitting the supreme court made
a ruling In a case appealed from Douglas
county which completely overturns a prac
tice which has obtained in this county to a
greater or less extent for several years , re
garding the tlmo within which a bill of ex
ceptions may be filed. Under the rule an
appellant Is allowed forty da > from the
end of the term of the district court at
which a cafe Is tried In which to file his bill
of exceptions with the supreme court. At
the expiration of this time the appellant may
make a proper showing and secure an addi
tional forty dajs. It has been customary to
take Ktlll further time by making a showing
that the reporter has been unable to prepare
tha tianscrlpt of the testimony Tls prac
tice has obtained since the ruling of the
supreme court in the cato of Richards against
the elate In the Twenty-second Nebraska , In
which the court held that a paity could not
bo deprived of his bill of exceptions on ac
count of the Inability of the reporter to fur
nish the tianscrlpt within eighty days.
Tbo itiling In question was made In the
ease of Horbach against Omaha , being n
diclalon sustaining a motion to qucsh the
bill of exceptions filed In the case on the
ground that tl o bill WHS not prepared nnd
served until more than eighty days after the
ilslni ; of the couit In passing upon the
motion to quash the supreme court ex-
pi cssly stated that the meat satisfactory
showing had been made of diligence on the
patt of the appellant and bis counsel.
It's not the only chewing gum , Bt'T IT'S
Small AtlcnilnniMvnt ( lit * Mooting or
tlir CoimoU Committee.
The city council 'charter amendment com
mittee held another meeting of n couple of
hours' duration yrattnlny afternoon In the
council chamber. TUn smallest crowd thnt
has > ct attended the meetings was on hand
It comprised Counollmcn Taylor , Sntindcrs ,
Allan nnd Hnscall , Senator-elect Ed Howell ,
Representatives-elect Cox of South Omaha
nnd John Ilntlcr , Dr. Bavllle , City Attorney
Council nnd John Strcle.
The problem regarding repaying vvns
brought up first by Hnscall , who offered
an amendment giving the city council the
power to order streets repnvcd without n
petition front property owners , and provid
ing that in mich cases the city should pay
one-fifth of the coat , the remainder to be
assessed against the property In the district
At present repavlng can bo done only on
petition of the owners of property abutting
on the street nnd the entire cost Is assessed
upon the district In which the street Is
located The amendment failed of adoption
The tax levy and Its distribution among
the various city departments vvns left to n
committee consisting of the city attorney
ami Councilman Wheeler after some discus
sion. The same action was taken on an
amendment proposed by Hascall , providing
that tbo limit to the sinking fund levy
should bo tnken away The present charter
provides that the sinking fund for the pay
ment of bonded Indebtedness and Interest
should consist of 1 per cent of the levy.
Hascall and Wheeler maintained that the
amount accruing from this apportionment
was Insufilclcnt to meet the demands ,
thereby Impairing the credit of the city.
Council opposed the amendment because he
said It would raise n "howl" from taxpajcrs.
While the matter of taxes was up City
Attorney Council advanced an amendment
to the state revenue law , authorizing the
city to assess taxes ngalnst the propel ty of
railroads and other corporations within the
city limits for municipal purposes. Tills
csscEsment by the city Is to be taken out
of the assessment levied ngalnst railroad
property by the state. The city attorney
maintained that Inasmuch as the railroads
nnd other similar corporations enjoy the
police and fire protection and Improvements
of the city. It was only Justice that the city
should tax them. The city attorney will
draw up an amendment cmbod > lng this.
An amendment changing the rate of In-
tcrcat on delinquent taxes from 12 tn 10 per
cent a year , payable monthly In advance ,
was ndopttd.
In this connection City Attorney Connell
presented an amendment , which provided
that delinquent taxes should constitute n
permanent Hen upon personal property from
the date thu tax was levied , the Hen to bo
prior to any mortgage or sale entered Into
thereafter unless In the ordinary course of
trade ; and further , that the city treasurer
should be authorized to attach such prop
erty when he had reason to believe that any
attempt was being made to avoid the tax
This nmcndmcnt was practically adopted
and l to be drawn up by the city attorney.
A motion to adjourn was sprung but Hcs-
call Interjected the Board of Public Worka
matter. He desired that an nmcndmcnt be
passed , abolishing the body and vesting Its
power In a board consisting of the mayor ,
the president of the council and the city
figlneer. This failed to meet the approval
of How ells , whose scheme piovldcd for n
board of the heads of the seven depart
ments of the city. Itivas finally decided to
lay the matter over until next Slonday
night nt 7 30 o'clock , when It Is to be the
order or bvslness.
Yesterday we K VO our Ilr. t surprise , nml It
wns n Kinnil bucci" sold iloublc the number
or liottlos of our KKjiitlnn Lotus Cream than
we txpctei ) We'll sprint ; our Fcranil sur
prise Hioitlj Hut wait for our thlid-tlirn's
when we'll fprlrp our SlianKlial Hoostir It will
lie the Kfcatext surprise of 'cm all.
r.KMitiiiM 1-ottis Cream lOc
Williams' 1'lnlt Pill * src
Curlir'H I.Uir Pills jjc
J'alnc'H Cilery Compound. . . . . . 63o
Haml'M Sarnjp.irllH „ , f..i etc
S > rui > of Plies 3Jc
Illrnej's Catarrh Cure We
Ourfy's Malt Whllkey Mo
Vine IColnfrn 7-o
A > cr's Hnlr VlRor ; COc
I'lerce'B l'a\orltc Prescription C2c
S S. S 73c
Cullciirn Po j ) ] io
\Vimillnir's racial Soap lric
Mnltlne 7.V
Scott's nmulflnn C7p
Pond's Ilxtruet sse
I'aMmla . . 2-e
Fellows' Ilypopliosp'iltcs { 1 00
Pe-ru na . 710
10th and Chicago.
You'll sec more iun nt
8 , 9 and 10 than ever be
fore but you can't get the
satisfaction you can from
Base Burners
Big heat little coal hills
all sizes and Prices.
Keep Fire Three Days With
out Attention.
14th ami Fnruam.
Bargains in Pianos.
Largo Ohlckerlnu I'prlght . J1S500
Cinrle'i U Stone tlprlglit . J1S3.00
Tine 1'iape 1'lnno nnl > . $75,00
Htiln a > & . KnnlMi I'innoa nt i-peclul prlcen.
\\u aie the \\estwn nKtntii for Vnte < V hens ,
I\era Jt I'onil , nnJ imirHon : IM.inoa , and fell
InntrimientB nt nhsoluuly lower price * than uny
other utore In Omnlia Call and ho convinced
We tell planoa b > ' mnll "nil Kuaraiitio intlre
Mitmlollns and KtrlnxH cloecil out below cost.
El. SG , ,
: tril l''loor IIi
N. AV. Cor Jnili nnil DoilKi * Mri-oH. (
A. C. MlM.iHt IMiiiio Tn HIT.
l'oolotlnnKH ) nro placed on inn vntilllty n my urines urii
low on lfl | jlAV GOnnS'80'1' ' ' ' ll1"1 Hhviir. Vint
i"in et"ULI"rtl UU17UJ , ( , „ , ) UHimt yon , ( or
the i ) r 'iii you v , Isli t u pi leu you o in ulfuru tu pay.
A cull tvlll convince you.
, Jeweler , COP. i5th&n tiK .
Our store is packed full of
A large line of
; ant
that have never been shown before ,
Outside of our Novelties our
regular departments are full of
choice goods bought especially r
for Christmas.
Presents for Ladies for Chilsimus presents which we cnnnot
enumeinte here.
Wo know wo nre thovvlni ; the llno t line
of rilrlMtmns Hiinilkorohlo'ti over thown Iu Presents for Men.
thN city , and nt prices ure bound to
hell them Pine Linen Handkerchiefs , with dainty
Very line Linen Handkerchiefs with Initial , at 2Se each , or $1C3 per handsome
ilnlntv , Jl.r.O per handsome box of box of half ilozon.
half dozen.
Dalntv Frenoh bund embroidered Ilniul- A white pnio nllk Initialed Handkerchief
korrhleft ftom 75o and up. nt 2"e , COe and 7. io each.
A -Oner , nil linen , hiinil embroidered lloautlful Embroidered. Handkerchiefs nt
Initial hnmlketchlof , l.'e each , or See Irnlt'
dozen. 25c , COc , 7iic ami $1 15 oaeh ,
A liner qunllty nt 23e each , or $1.50 per A voiy handsome line of nil linen Ilnnd-
box. of hnlf ilozen korehlcfs , fiom lOc up.
A nil linen handkerchief ,
line theer
very A beautiful '
line of Gents' Ties
nt 23c niul
with ilnlntv script Initial , .Tic each , or $ I.S7
ImmKomo box of hnlf ilo/en. Me.A
An all linen hemstitched handkerchief A handsome line of Mulllers nt 50c , 73o ,
from r > o u ix $1 Ort , $1.30 and $2.2S.
Iteaiitlful Empire Full" .
Ostrich Poitlur and Nook Boa1 * nil Elegntit Silk Hose nt $1.00 n pair.
klniN , from $1 ! > " up ; wllk , ( . "c up. Handsome Silk Umbrellas.
Silk Sltttont , lined , fiom Wic nnd up. Don't fall to visit our Novelty Depart
Kid MltteiiR. from Me nnd up. ment , where you will find beautiful Cuff
A laigo nnd complete line of KM Oloveq
for strut , drivingnnil evening1 wear. nnd Collar HOXOH In leather nnd mctnl ,
Prices from $100 up. & 'J obacco Hoxcs.Olllce Hnskels.Tollct
12-buttnn Evening Gloves $1.50 up ; IC-bllt- Sots , Traveling Cases , PotfunioH nnd Toilet
ton $1 ST tip. Wntors. Ask >
to sco o : r beautiful Travel-
Wo carry thcc elebrated Ilonler of pcrln
Gloves. Inn Cnnos In ronl MM ! anil ebony fittings ,
Klo jrant line of Aproni from 25e up Smoking Sots , Cnlerdai.s. Dilnklng Glasses
Hnnil Kmbiolderod Pieces n large assort In caws , Stamp POXIB , Whisk Brooms anil
ment nt vrrv low price * Jloldois , Cards In Cases and Shaving Paper
UulloV Silk Hoso. $100 , $150 , $2.00 , $250 , Cases.
$2 73 nnd J3 7" n pair. Cases.CHOWN SERIES OF CLASSICS.
Ice Wool Foarfs nnd Lnco Scnrfs
Something entirely now anil nn Inexpensive
vvrnppplng bend and nook.
sive gonteil Christmas Is
Entliely now nnd beautiful novelties In
" "
"Clown Series of Clas-slcs" These books
neckwear Lnco nnd ribbon effects anil
nre bound In hnnil decorated covers. Price
chllTon rnschliii silk nnd chiffon lions , etc.
? ;
per volume In box , $1 CO.
Henutlful Dirsoor Sets , Tlllovv Shinni ,
Among those A Window in Thrums
nro : ,
TnlilrSpiomls Sofa Pillows Sc.trls
, Drapes , Idle ,
Thoughts of nn Idle Fellow , Tales
Mexican dtnvvn work , otc.
fiom -
. Slmkospearo , Sos-imo nnd Lllllos ,
Hnnd.somo Silk Umbrellas I'lo isuus of Llfo , Sc.irlot Letter , House of
A beautiful line of Toilet Sets brush
, Seven Gables Twice
, Told Tales , Emer-
comli and mirror from JI M .
up. hon's
Essajs , llrst nnd pocond sotlos ;
Elegant hand doeoratfil Travs. Thoughts of Mnrcus Aurollns ; Imitation
An elegant line of Knnev Hnskols nnil of Christ Address
, by Henry Dnimmond ,
Decorated Haskot < , Including olllce , In
' Iteverlis of n Bachelor , Dream Life , Kept
fants' nnd work baskets.
for the Alamo's Use , My King and Ills
Our Novelties nro the prettiest over Service , Ijilla Kookh. Lndv of the Lake ,
shown In this cltv snob ns Veil C.isos , Mnimlon Princess Child Harold
, , , KvaiiRO-
Handkerchief and Olovo Hnxos , Jivvel llno , Whlttlei's Poems , llrst ami second
Hoxcs Work ll&xo.s , Nocdlo Hooks , Hand volumes ; Ailili esses by Philip IJrooks ; A
and Stand SHrrorn , Calendars , Chrlslmns DOJJ of
Cards , lllottors. Music Holders anil Music
Hacks. Hose Howls. Vases Fnney llflc-n-
Hrnc , Onyx Frame * , entirely new n'ognnt '
Pyrnllno Baskets , Urusli nnd Comli Trnvs ,
Hull ShoII Combs , T'ocketliookH , Shopping1
Hips , Chatelaines , Hoston Hns. Manicure Handsome
Sets , Tr.iys and Photo Holders , f.ird presents
Counters Onera Glass Hags , otc ; Hand
Doeor.Uod Ca os for Cllpnlngs nnd Ho-
colptf , Hand Decorated Photo Holdeis , ents for children
Nolo Ca ! os , etc
The vetv cbolrfst I'orfnines nnil Toilet
Waters In cut glass bottles.
Writing P.iper In tbo newest designs and infants.
Wo b.ivo hundreds of beautiful things
You remember the tempting notice which the dealer
placed over his 37-cent bhlrta : "THEY WONT LAST
You think of this when yon see some ot the Kluod-np
Sideboards marked with sensational figures In the
ntoro of the bargain dealer. Ono womjers whether
they will reach their destination befoio they break
apart at $101110 point.
It Is nil the more pitiable that mich Sideboards can
be sold when one recalls the fact that reliable furnt-
auro la no v so low In cost. Here , for example , la a
Sideboard which will last for n quarter of n century ,
ministering In counties wajs to dally convenience and
adorning th ) house with Its clarolc beautyct ; It costs
nnly a few dollars more than the cheap patterns we
have mentioned.
Selected white oak , quartered and hand carved ; ser
pentine froit and sides ; 26-Inch plate minor ; three
shcvles abo'e the board ; immense plate closets ; four
outside lira .era ; plcndldly constiucted throughout.
Special Prices on All Holiday Furniture.
12th and Douglas ,
THF . TRnfiHrflM TCI. isai.
pnxtOM a , , rics ( ) .
2:30 | HI5 :
Tbo Comedy t'yclono
The Comeily Cj clone ,
Prices-Sip , DOe , TSe. $1 00.
JIatinco Prices Ko and COc.
DCBfiHTfJIJ Tel. 1531.
bnsBunlUid Paxtou A. unless ,
_ Manager * .
The greatest 1'lanlst of tbo nge. } \ oofllco
cpen umionov. morning at 'Jo clock.
Prices : 50i7oe and Jl.OO.
Tel. 1331.
8 fit U Si 8 Oill IS Ufa Paitcn i llurocss ,
Tomorrow 9 it. in. for
Four Nights , ComincncliiK
TIII USD vi , JH : ( IMIIIH : 10.
Matinee S.itwday nnil Sunday.
Prleos i"C. Me , 75e. * I 00 , { 1 50.
Mntlnco 1'ilces 23e , 50c , 75c , $1.00.
1307 Douglas St OIX ) . MITCIIRMj. Plop.
Popular nrllulB will tippcar nt thin ic-
eort durliiK the weds Iji-slnnlnrf Diccmbtr 7Mr.
more of tlicm than cxci , toov Thcie uio Mr.
John Wcnny and Cmrle Unora. the coninly
lioomcra ; Huhy Knight , In fetchlnn eoiiKb , Mny
Cameron , hi pee tonKstronBViincllii Hose In
llvlni ; plctuies , the popular \VeKt , Pal nnil
TorU In coineily HltctchcB , Chus K HairlH , In
hla latest catchy minir. "There Will Come a
Time : " tlmtwo Pecks In n luilf bufhtl of nov
elty 1-ketchcn ; Winnie Ailnms , a mountain of
btti-ct muloOy ; Omaha's favorite , Tlllle Kl"rU ,
1'uul Wt-at , the U"1"16114'0'1 ! c ° ° n. Thou Olh-
IJOIIH. In "I CliallriiKO our Vote , " the nrnt up-
l > cnintice of The Prlnitlon Hletirs , nontt nnil
daneo nrll t . late of the "Ohl C'hum Co , "
rioitncoeller In illsclpllne Ijnllmln ; the Do-
IOKH .SUtL'in , uircutitlc dntictiM , chnimilon high
of America Doom optn at 7 p. m
I"IUJAIMIIS > SIO.N ruin : .
Who does not like SHHK I
I COAL lifter the II rut trial. H-nt |
I coal mined \V.vominjr. .
To I. 127. 1005 Farun in
L. M Crawford , PRICES.
I i
n his Infest edition of the
bpo ctncnlar EARTH.
( ! oed rc6cr\eil tents , SOc niul 35c.
I. . M. Crawford , flier. I
mX' 8. ! P , 10 Matinee \VVil nesU.i > .
Hie Nabobs of 1'un MuKern ,
IIHACII .1'h viiNS'i uiis.
A l'arox > lKm of Plonsuro for n Trinini ; ex-
pens.0 1'rlces ICe , zoo and Site bee the gnat
parade ut 11.20 u. m ,
ROVn'9 NEW THEATEIl-I , M rrnwfon ) , Mdr.
OUI U O o nl lit OPK Jrliluy. Dec 11. unuiil iiiuts.
'lliiiMnetoontliOnlurr Mnrtel. iliaoiulcrlul
Flmt Time irr TCOr\T few nml IVrfoct
in Omnhu. HlJlOUiN MoMoiiI'lctureii.
f littnu < ( ufIctrn uiul Phi ) rttft pt rt'irmitiui. It < * .
< r u MtnlK. 1(5. ( i 5uml ( Go. iiillniifi ii * uittl I&c *
u lot. _
" "
Second Annual
DEGEMBER , 8 , 9 and 10.
Admission SOc
Children 26c
Grand Street Parade
Tu&seky , 0@6enai8r ! 8 ,
at II a. m.
The Only Heal Thing
This Winter.
Yon canrot afford to miss this uale on
Shoes , Overshoes and Hnhbors toraoirow. -
Ladles' Canvas I.eKRlngsISc. .
Ladles' 3Gc Croijilet Itubbcrti ISc.
Ladles' flno 50c Clotli OvcrgalterH ISc.
Unites' flno Dongola $200 Ihittoii Shooe
Ladles' flno Kelt $1.25 House Slippers C5e.
Ladlcti' fine Kelt $1.50 Lace Shoes U8c.
.Misses' line Dongola $1.SO Dutton Shoes
Iloja' flno $1 CO La co Shoes 9Sc.
Infant' flno U'clt SSc Shoes CGe.
Men's flno Satin Calf $2 00 Lace Suoe
$1 " . " ) .
Children's Arctlca 47c.
Misses' Airtlcs C.r.c.
Ladies' Arctics 7Cc.
Men's Aictlcw SSc.
Hayden Bros.
in Ooi'inuii IIIOIUIH
Pitehoi' in Kn- { ,
Ji li inc'ins "jjrovvlof. "
"fJrowloi1" in O in a h sv
means hoot :
Hut tlio bcor I'eforrcd to
lioro necilH no yiowlcr
it's put up in bottles It's
Ki'tty's eolobratcil
And id brewed hpocittlly
for family UHC. For pui'ity
of llavor it plcui-o.H tlio
jmlnto of the njllnul
tastns. Will yon order a
cuso today ?
' 1-20