Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1896, Part I, Page 6, Image 6
COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MI.NOII > IINTION. Cnmcrafl nnd plioto lupplle * , No 12 I'enrl trcc-t. ' Mn Lewis of PllUliiirg Mais , Is the Rilc-Bt of Mr ami Mrs T II Hushes. William Arnil , Jr , left Init rvctiliiB for ONleve , Pin , to spend the winter. Mr and Mrs Keller will leave this week for California , where they will spend the wlntor Sheriff .MorRan returned from Clarlnda ju te rday , wherehe had taken J. M Tldd to the QKVllir ) . .tiiatlro Cook jcsterdny united In mar- rlnRc 0 P Turner nnd Lttha n. llutchcn , Iiolh ( this city. At the Dohany theater Tuesday nlnnt , Ilcn"li d Howerfl' Mlnstrtls will present their clever entertainments. Th broarh of promlie CIRC of Henpie-ton Rgnlnit I'BKO Is flcheduled for trial In Ihe superior court tomorrow morning A inarrlaRO was Ksuiel yc , tyrday to ficorio Hojt. KC 21. nnd Oraco Wilding Iloth rftilile In Pottnwnttamlo county. Ilimli T Morrison , the boy preacher from ! ) ( Mollies , will occupy the pulpit nt the ChrlHtlan tabernacle inornlnt ; an.l cvcnlni ; . Alderman Ilrown Is reported to he Im proving tliKO IIP went to Plnrldi for his liealtli Ho will remain Kiutli all winter riirl'tnini art sale by Mesdnmea Ooehrlng & L-irliiR , Tueolay nnd Wetlnesday , lie- comber S and 9 , nt fi20 Washington avenue AH the family glanced over the tahle , 10- cplrndent In snow-white linen , they pondered dered Great la the Kaglo laundry on family work ! " There ! will he n congregational meeting In the I'lrat Presbyterian church to norrow evening at 7 o'clock Ilii"lncsti matters of the church will bo dlciisw. d. DcKlmilng this evening. Hev. L P. Mc- Donild will holel evening services each Sun day at 7 ' 10 o'clock at All Saint's ilnpel. corner of Eighteenth stieet ami Third avenue ix-OIlcer : ! Weir has become Identified with Frank Klgaii'a special force TUP force H now patrollug a large portion of the busl- nc-j district ami will teen extend the pro tection lo the re 'Itlcnco streets. Mis I N Miller of the Fifteenth street ml'uloii has airanged to give a free dinner to the poor children of the tlty on Wednes day before Clul'tmns She asks those who are able to a helping hand for the chil dren The subject to be discussed at the rally today at I p m In the rooms of the Y M C A Is "Friend. What Destination Is Your Ticket Taken For' " Men are cordially In vited to Lome and help discuss this vital iiic | tlon "Jolly Old Chums , " one of the very best of farce comcdleR , In announced to appear nt the Dohany theater tonight. The people engaged to play the part of the chums Jenks and McFod , nre John J. Magec and J 0 Moore. llcv H L Yargcr , field secretary of the Lutheran lloird of Church Extension , will preach today at St John's Rnglish Lutheran Uiurih Mctcalf'R hall , 17 Piarl street , at 10 30 a m and 7 'M p m ; Sunday school at 12 m , joting people's meeting at G 30 p m Tin- Joint committees appointed by the county lio-irel and the city council to look after tin ) Broadway macadam will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon. The ! membeis will llnd all there Is to learn about slag and will announce their conchmlono In the city council A Mejer , the farmer who suffered the lo s of a wagon load of groceries which were t'tolcn ' from hla wagon while ho enJoyed - Joyed the hospitalities of a South Main street saloon , nought to drown his twrow In drink As a result he paid a fine of $10 CO In the peillcc court yesterday morning. 0. n. Vlavl Co. , fennlc remedy. Medical consultation frco Wednesdays. Health book furnished. 303 Mcrrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel , 250. Nine bars silk soap for 23c. Hronn's C 0 I ) . _ _ Flesh meats. Dartlett Grocery Co. Itt-iil INtiile'I'riiiiHferN. . The following real estate transfers were reported jestcrday at the olllce of J. W. Squire : James T Jackson to Albertle M Jack son , sb lot 12 , block 30. Avoca , w d. $ 10 00 A S Wariler to Jessie M Halter , u 3 ! fe'i-t lot I , block 3 , Grimes' adil vv el 1,300 00 H Frost ami wife to Joe 11 Orunnon , n'4 b < oek 50 , Allen & Cook's add , H vv d 1 00 AII Kncphcr to Hena Kiicpher , lot ( i. bloik A nrlmes' add , 11 c d . . . . 1 CO Sheriff to Winchester National bank , lot 3 , block Ii , Hurkes's add s el . . . . 22C 2.1 JIH er Gallup to C T Itiuegenlienike , pirt nw'4 neVi 24771 ) 1 acre , w el. . 37 M Causlne K Hart and husband lo Or- 1 indo S Wood , lot I. block 13 , Hay- llss , < c Palmer'n add d . . . 200 00 "W S Mayne ami wife to William Moore , und 1-5 vv'fc e C-8 sw'i sw" 31 "VII , vv el . . 500 00 Marvin 1) Heed and wife to John O lle-tt , no14 ne',4 nvv'4 ! l-77-3 . vv el. . 700 00 SherllT to William J Hlder. lot S , block 31. KviMett'H adil H e\ \ . . 2.IOS OS Chicago , Hoik Island & Pacific Itnll- vuiy compinv to Joseph Gllmore , sw'/4 se1 ! l'i-77-ll , ej c el "SO Stephen raldwell lo Orln W II irton , . - ' ; < neVi Htt'4 5-76-3't , rc \ d . . . . . 1 00 A N Halladav i > ml wife to George C Potter , eVi nvv'i 13-70-40. vv el 3,20000 Tlili teen transfers , total . JS5S73J If jou wnnt a bargain In watches and dhmond's call at Sn > der's , 328 H'way. Dartlett Giocery Co.'s big n ( lour , 09c. Ciiinlnu CiitUliCn The Western Iowa Poultry. Parm nnd Gar den association Is arranging for n magnifi cent exhibition in Council Bluffs , beginning December II , and to continue six dnjs. The1 exhibition given last jcnr was such a suc cess In point of Interest taken by exhibitors of line fowls , farm and garden and house hold products as to greatly cncourago the stockholders. On this account they have ; enlarged upon their Ideas , nnd will Include with their new show that of the Omaha l-'nnclcrs * association , also the exhibition of the Southwestern Iowa Horticultural so- tley. The entire Klsemnn block will he utilised , comprising the three floors , thus making a capacity for use equal to that of nny similar show ever given In the cast Premium lists have been prepared , shoeing liberality on the part of the management , and n determination to outstrip all former shows held In the west Pull particulars may bo learned by addressing the secretary , W. A. Uroneweg , Council B luffs. The \ . M. C. \ . Drill. The debt statement of the Y. M. C. A. nt the * present time slious n balance on the wrong side of Jl.MO. which Is only an In crease of $20 since' August 1. This Indicates that the Increase Is not so had as It was eupposed to he nnd tint the management linn come very near keeping within the monthly Income There Is little doubt but that at the coming meeting of the board there will bo some radical changes made nnd the ncopo of the work great ! } enlarged A Corellnl Invitation. The Co-oporntlve Premium association In- \lles everyone to call nt their olllco. No. 10 Pearl street , ami tee the full line of Roger ? Ilros table ware , which they are giving and will continue to give next year In con nection with their premiums to those who collect their premium utnnips. Iluffniajr'n fancy patent ( lour makes the best and moat bread , Ask jour grocer for It. Go to Ilartlctt Grocery Co.'a flour sale. 'l'in .lle-n In a riurlil. Olllcer Peterson was celled upon to < iuell a small riot on South Main street last night. A light was In progress , In which It wns said ten men were Involved. Dm trouble grow out of a fight In a trnloon , The of ficer turned In a wagon call and utartod lute to make some at rests. He rccurcd Thom.-u Haph , hut the other nine men dlnuppeiroel In the darkness. Haph was locked up In the city jail , charged with disturbing the peace , . Itnrl.erx for ( lirlxliutiN Prem-nlx Don't forget that S. S. Keller bun the lineal line of rocker * and clmlrn at the loue-st prices. _ , VUIt 0 , 0. O. Urowa'i toy department IN MEMORY OF SISTER MARY lltujy People in CouEoil Bluffs Drop a Tcnr cu Her Eicr. HER LIFE WCRK AND ACHIEVEMENTS rt SKt < lli l of the- Career of an Art- Istle- Woman villli a MHNIIII | Hint Mir Well Pri-roriurel. Only the briefest announcement has been made In the papers of the death of Sister Mary Dnnilcn , who died In the Mother House at Dubuiuo | a few ilajs ago. There are thou- sandi'of men nnd women In this vicinity who have more than n parsing Interest In the cn- notinccment , for during almost a generation she has had the care and training of wmo of the brightest youth of Council Bluffs and Omaha. Per nearly n epiartcr cf a century she lived and Ubortd In tills community , a large portion tion of the time ns sitter superloresD of St PrnncU' acaJcmy. A few jcurs ago her health became nffcctel. The management of the educatlcnal Institution here Involved too much wcrk for her , but she was devote ! to It and icluctiint to give It up Those who were working with her tuw tint her time on earth was bhort and Piey lovingly pleaded with her to go to the Mother House for .needed rcot , where she could &tlll oxerclto her talcnta by teac'ilng art to the novitiates and obtain the nee lei ] rest , in wlilch alone lay hope of her recovery. Tl.o dUcaso prosrcsi-od In spite of all that could bo done nnd the sis ter iasi < od away , working until almost the last day and conscious up to the last mo ment. Sls'cr ' .Mary cime to Council Hlults in the cjrly part of the 70s nnd took up her work ns a lay sli'lor ' In St Prancls academy. She was splendidly fitted by culture and nature for educational work. She wis a talented aitlbt nnd for moie than twenty yoirs she wau the art Instruetieus nt the academy After fevcral jcnrs ns a lay worker t-hc Joined the community nnd was soon advanced to the pot'ltlcn of Euperlorcas. The responsi bility came at a most critical time In the history of the Institution. The academy had been moved from the humble starting point on Vine street Into the present buildings. The giounels had been beautified. evcr > thing about the building was new and bright nnd the slaters were as proud of their beautiful prop- crt ) as they were devoted to their work The overflow cf the Missouri rver In the great flood of 18S1 surrounded them with seveial feet of ovvlft. muddy water , dcstrojed their grounds and filled the lower portions of the buildings A > ear or two later the great brick structure was raised Hx feet and the pre cnt beautiful grcunds created and the danger cf another Hood forever removed. Slbter Mary waa not satisfied with the academy as it existed. She longed to have a greater institution further away from the city A tract of land was purchasx-d In the hills north of town Ileforo her health failed she had tie project of building well under way , the plans for a great structure drawn , the contiacts rcadj to let and the building slto selected und grade 1 It lu a most beau tiful location Eclected by a vvomin of finest artistic pcrccpticnt' , and If It Is ever built It will bo one of the most commanding aim conspicuous ohjectu In the city. St. Prancls academy Is one of the monuments ments Sister Mary left behind. There are others that are not as conspicuous , but they will endure ns long as the human hearts Keep warm. In which are consecrated the memories of the elster's tunny life and torch ing. The walls of the ncademy today are aderned with her work , and bcneatb two of the pictures are hanging the blue and gold ribbons announcing the award of merit by the art commissioners nt the World'a fair. Three of her pictures , a St. Ceccllan nnd n chlld'D head In oil and n lamlocapo In water color , drew much attention nt the Columbian exposition nnd won medals. They occupy now conspicuous pla"co In the art studio at St. Krancls. There are liundreda of i eoplo In Council muffs and Omalu who cherish the memory of the sweet-faced sister with a love that is nkln to reverence. M1IIS12ASON CI.HAIII.NK -HMon Cli-arlnur Sale- \\II1 Con- Hum- All Tlilx \ \ i-e-U. The cxlyting low prices on maple mer chandise make this sale one to bo long re membered. Not a few of the special offering for this week. Another COPO of 30-inch Prench percales , new patorns , value lOc , on tale nt "c a > ard. Ten pieces plaid worsted dress goods on sale at uc a yard. Largo figured comfort calicos on sale at Cc a j.ird. Ten cases of cotton balls on sale at Cc each. each.Heavy Heavy white Shaker flannel , 34c a yard. Unbleached canton flannel , 4c a yard. Heavy stoim flannel. SHc a yard. Special price on lablo lineup , BOO our bar gains al 39c and 4Sc a jard. Ten by four blankets In white or gray , a special value at 50c a pair. Heavy wool mixed blankets , nt | 1.25 and ? 1 50 a pair. SPECIAL CLEARING SALH OF HIGH GRADE DRHSS GOODS. $1 CO novelties reduced to ! )5c ) a jard ; ? 1 and $1 25 dress goodn to go at 7Bc a yard. Dig Hue of colored dross goods at 3Cc and 39c. 39c anil EOc fancy ribbons , reduced to 2Gc a ) ard. SPECIAL PHICCS O.V HOSIERY THIS WEEK. Men's heavy merino shirts and drawers , 25c each. Men's brown and gray jersey ribbed underwear - we-ar , 7Ec a Bull. Men's wool fleeced underwear , KOc each. SPECIAL CLOAK SALE TO CONTINUE ALL THIS WEEK. UOSTON STORK. COUNCIL DLUPPS. IA. N. 0. Ilooton rloro will bo open every evening until Christmas. Parties having fire Insurance policies writ1 ton by E H Odell that need attention should call on Messrs Day & Hcso , 30 Pearl strecl , general Insurance agcnlti. Mixed nuts , Cc pound. Broun's C. 0. D. Snvtoii .Saw Cane landed. ' Jiibtlco Cook heard some more evidence jcsterday In the case w herein Mr. nnd Mrs. II. D Carbeo were prosecuting Wilbur Sax- ton , n Nebraska farmer , on the charge of disposing of mortgaged properly. There was some very fine legal halr-spllttlng done , but when the Jubilee simmered all of the evi dence down It fulled to ci > stnIUe Into any thing tangible , and Sa\ton was discharged. The costs , amounting to just the amount of the claim held by the Cnrbccs , was taxed to them and an execution for Its collection or dered lliirualiiN In Mlllliierj. Mies ItaKsdulo Is selling out her entire stock of hats at cost and less than cost Must be closed out by January 1. No 10 Pe < arl street. 23 Ibs fine granulated sugar. SI.00. Hrown's C. 0. D. Durfco Furniture Co 's grcal removal sale Is now In full blasl You In It ? HUM . .IIIHIlint 1 tin Waal. The question of Christmas presents Is one that Is perplexing many people those dn > 8. Hard times make It almost nrc < * M > ary to combine usefulness with clejin-o , com fort with beauty. Hughes , the Men's Out- lit tor , has the finest assortment of euch presents for brothers , fathers , uncles and friends to bo found In the city. Santa Ulaus has his headquarters there for tine ties , elegant linen , hats , caps , mufilcrs , etc Remember Hughes , the Men's Outflt'cr , 415 Broadway , U the place. V , W. Dean , M. D. . c > e , ear , noeo and throat , 2U Mc-rlani block , Daitlett Grocery Co.'i bis A flour , S1.10. I son\i , APPAIIIS or TIII : wiiic. Note * nf Severn ! Piinrlloan nf More or lii-HN linpiirtiine'e , A reception was tcndcted to Prof nnd Mrs Hlsoy nnd Prof nnd Mrs Ilajdcn last evenIng - Ing at the home of Mr and Mrs L W. Ross The affair was given by Miss Anna Ross nnd Miss Jnnie Baldwin , two of the teachern of the High school. The evening was pleasantly spent , refreshments being served The Weelnesday Night Dancing club met ns usual vvllh Prof Hnndc on Wednesday. Miss Sade Wlckham entertained Informally Tuosdi > evening In honor of her blrthda ) Mr and Mrs Dunn and Mr and Mrs H. V Ilurkley of Omaha and Miss Moore end Miss Keating were prcaonl. George Kecllnc enlerlnlned a few friends Salurday evening. A "jollv" game of cards a dellthlful lunch and a few fragrant Hn- vanas patocd the time all too quickly. Those In the pirty were Messrs. William Moore , A. Rlckman , Uerl Sergeant and Gus Kecllnc Chambers Keller of Hot Springs. S. D , spent n few dajs last week with the family of William Moore , on Plrst avenue Mlas BrjMoti of Kentucky nnd Miss Thomp son of Omnhn are the guests of Pi of. am : Mrs Chnirhers. MIES Dodge enlcrtnlned n numb'r of friends nt another very charming musical on Friday even Ing. An effort tins been mndo for some tlmo pai. by iho cnlcrprlslng > oung men of Coun cil Illuffs lo form n social organlrnllon foi t ! > o purpose of giving n ten Ice of subscrip tion dnnces Pour will bo given during the dancing naa-onNat Iho Royal Arcanum hall and an cxcollonl orchestra of fhc plecer has been secured All of the prominent society people will net ns patrons , which Insures the success of the organization. A inrctlntr wnu hold nil Tnesilnv motilm * fnr Ihe purpose of rclccllng an ovccullvo com mittee. Messrs. II , 52 Unas , George S Mnyno , J. M Fenlon and W. L Douglas' were elected with J. M. Kenlon Installed in the capacity of treasurer. The club will consist of about fifty members , will be Known as the "Dancing Club" and Include many of the > oung prominent people The first party will he given Friday evening A number of toclety people from hero at tended Sol Smith Russell's performance of "A Hacholor'ti Romance" on Tuotilay evenIng - Ing There avere also ejulto a number of Ihcalcr parties on Wednesday evening Mrs W. P. Sopp Is homo from an ex tended visit In Denver. Prof. Chambers' nssembly on ThurtJny evening was well attended and a great many people from Omaha as well ns hero enjojed the exceptionally flue music and good floor. George S. Wright hns icturned from Dos Molncs. Mrs. S. E. Holies , whoso residence has been In Chlctgo for the past > ear , retuincd on Sunday , nnd will spend the winter with her parents , Mr nnd Mrs Owen W Hutts The Ladles' Musical club will meet next Monday at the residence of Mrs. It. E. Montgomery. An attempt is being made among the musically Inclined people of Council Illuffs to organize a choral society , to present some oratories , among them "Elijah" and the "Messiah. " H Is to be hoped , If such n society should bo organized , that It will meet with approval and lerelvo the en couragement worthy of the efforts on the part of those who me to Ing to Introduce the venture. A very prctts' reception was given in honor of Mrs. Charles Van Court , formerly Miss Kittle Ogden of this city , by Mrs. Van Court of Omaha , on Thursday fiom 2 until 5 o'clock , during which time Mrs. Van Court lecelvcd many of her friends , both from Omaha and Council Bluffs Donald Ancbhory was the guest of T E Cavlu and family during the past week. Miss Caroline Dodge entertained n num ber of her friends at her home , on South Sixth btrect , Friday evening. A delightful musical was cnjovcd , and the following program rendered : KrulilliiK'n Jlare-h Prench Misses Key and Barnard Rosemonde Charmlnadc Miss Montgomery. n. Impromptu Op. 2 , No. 1 Ix-scbetlzky b. Valse Augtisto Durand ' JIIss Cook. Selection Miss Tulle > s nnd Mr. Tullejs When Love Is Told Vnnuili Mrs. Sherman. Caprice Mendelssohn Mrs. Hart. Selection Mr.s T.nomls a. Opus .1. No. 1 Edwnrel Grle g b. Opus C , No. 1 Nevln Miss Stovvnrt Goodby Sweet Day Yunnan Mr. Tre > nor. Cnvnllcrla Rustlcunl Miss Darnard The Bluffs Street Ideal club will meet Tuesday and the prosiam will bo devoted to the works of Eugene Field. Mrs. Dr. Simons and Mrs Wadsworth will render several of his ballads and Mrs. Mathewson of Omaha wilt read a number of his poems. Mlsa Olla Cook expects to leave for Chicago cage shortly to continue her art and literary studies The First Street Social club held an Interesting session at the home of Dr. and Mrs Carter Wednesday evening. Those piescnt were Messrs. and Mcsdamcs A. C Graham , Cofeen , Gardner , G H Jackson , Ed Schlkctnnz , Levin , Harris , C H Warren , L M Sbubert Hucllo Van Fassen , Plthcn and Mr. and Mrs C E. White of Omaha Dr and Mrs Carter were a'slstcd In enter taining by their daughter. Miss Lttitla Car ter. ter.The The members of the Second Prcsbjterlan church very pleasantly surprised their pas tor and his good wife at their homo , corner Prank and Elm streets , Friday night. Each ono brought a pound of some useful article for the benefit of the pastor and family About ficvcnty-flvo were present and had a thoioughlv good time , besides doing Justice to the cotee and cake which were passed around. Miss Ragsdalc Is selling out at cost. No better flour made than Dartlctt Gro cery Co.'s big A , $1.10. The ladles of Unity Guild of the Grace Episcopal church will servo meals Wednes day nnd Thursday. December 'J and 10 , at the Dennett building , 407 Uroadway. Bartlett Grocery Co lias two stores , ono opposite postofilce , one Eighth street and Uroadway. Wanted , position as stenographer by lady of ten years' experience. S , Ilco office. Fancy Now York apples , $1.50 per barrel. Crown's C. 0. D. * " Dartlett Grocery Co 's big A flour , $1.10. wn.i. iMtoMOTi : KIIIM ivrniinsTf * . Horticultural niul Poultry heirli-lli-N Will VI..el al Council lllullM. LENOX , la , Dec 5 ( Special ) The South- wca'crn ' Iowa Horticultural society will con vene In Council nluffs for a thrce-dajs' ses sion. The Western lown Poultry , Farm and Fanciers' nssoclrtlon , will meet December Fanciers 'association , will meet December II to 19 , All of thcso different associations offer attractions that will pay tlioao inter ested to attend , far ono trip will enable at tend , for ono trip will enable attendance at all of the asoclutlona. Reduced hotel rates have been pecurod , mid If 100 or more at tend by railroads , whore the fare H $4 50 or less. In Iowa , and secure receipts for tickets purchased to attend the meeting , will bo returned at one-third faro , when the re ceipts uro properly signed and stamped at the * meeting. Prult growers , farmers , poultry breeders and the general public ore Invited to attend. Liberal piemlums will bring out a good dis play In each line , and the programs will bring out dcMrablo Information that will well repay for the trip. imiilc-cl lluiill | > t'ullril. SIOUX CITY , Dec. 5. ( Special Tele gram. ) L M. Smith , a resident of Alceater , S. D. , found his wife In Sioux City today after a search of over a > oar. Ho had for merly lived hero , and on the death of his firm wife married a German girl who had been working In the family. They moved to South Dakota , and went to various towns , finally locating In Alcestcr , where Smith conducted u. hotel. About a. > car ago the wife deserted Smith , Today he was In tlio city hunting for her , and when nbu found It out aho Bent word for him , ana they uro both happily reunited. p. n. I\ANS | < I\TS \ A .it'iitmnvr. 83 .Iiiry la DistrictJCourt AvvanN Him % rarl > 'I'rxO'J 1'Iiiiilminnl HullnrM , The Jury In Intense of P H. Evans ngalnst Joslah j3Wiorth ( returned a ver dict shortly nfter iiidnlght jestcrdny morn ing , giving tha plnjnttrf a judgment for J1.7in.Cfl This Included Evans' full claim for wages , Jl.lGG.f.C , and $500 for the fail ure of the defendant to carry out his eon- tract regarding Evans' purchase of stock In the Plro Escape Manufacturing com pany , nnd $50 for expenses. The verdict was returned , scaled , accord ing to agreement of the attornc > o , nnd was opened when Judge Green convened court > estorday morning. Notice of appeal was nt once given by the defendant and an ap plication for a new trial will he made nt once. Danforth Is determined to fight the case to the end , nnd further litigation will result. While the Jury was out during the night It called for further Instructions from the court relating the claim for damages because - cause of the defendant falling lo carry out his agreement to put certain money Into the concern nnd make the stock put chased by Evans of more value than It Is at pres ent. Another petition was filed by the Finn National bank of Omaha ngalnst Mrs. Allco D. Redman , wife of D. C Redman , asking that the deed Riven by the husband to the wife on certain real estate bo sot aside. December 1 the bank brought an attach ment suit ngalnst Redman and his brothers on a claim for $2,600. The property sup posed to bo owned by Redman was at tached , but It was found to have been trans ferred to his wife November 16 This con- vojanco , the bank'claims , was Illegal nnd without consideration , and done to prevent the bi-nk from establishing It clnlm Mrs Mary A Gorton hns filed n petition In the district court nbklng for a divorce from her husband , E. Gorton The plaintiff Is a daughter of the late Pleasant Taylor and the property she has Inherited from him foims an Important question In the petition for the legal separation. They were married March 12 , 1851 , and have six children living. She asserts that her husband deserted her In November , 1SS9 , and has never returned. She recites her Inheritance of the property of her father and asks that the title to it bo quieted In her on the ground that she re ceived none of it from her husband The case of Slgler against Murphy was commenced before Judge Green jesterday morning A Jury was empanelled and part of thc > evidence heard. Owing to a failure to get some of the witnesses In court a post ponement was taken until tomoirow. Hlg II flour , B9c ; good enough for anj body. IJartlctt Grocery Co. Mixed candy , Cc pound. Brown's C. 0. D. mt sii.i.s > nun To cimmnv. Mrx. Jcilm Cajvviniel InilllTrrriit lo Ilio Paliiffiler Oirsprlnn. JEFFERSON , In. , Dec. 5 ( Special ) The day of the auction block la past , but under certain circumstances human lle-sh and blood are still bartered nnd sold In Iowa. A few > ear.i ago John Cay wood moved to Scranton , this county. He was a bard workIng - Ing man , ampb provided for his fnmllj and boio a good name In the community Two > eaiu ago ho died , leaving a wife , two amall children and two grown sons and a daughter The sens arc Industrious young men. giol cltl7cns , and respected by their neighbors , but recently the mother and daughter hive acquired a bad name. Matters i cached n climax , last weelc , when a Jefferson man , a pcison of shady reputation , who had fro- quilted the hoaio of Mrs Cajwood , waa ai- leuted and jailed. Then It became so hot for the mother and daughter that they con cluded the best thing for them to do was to Ret out ot town , t nut how ? They had no money , and were avere to working to eai"i any Finally overtures were made to the city authorities , with a view to selling the two small children for cash enough to get them out of the city. After some tlmo n bargain waa struck , by the terms of which 'Mrs Caywood agreed to dispose of her off- spilng for the sum of $5. The trancactlon was made in a bln-llng manner , a lawjcr drawing up the papers , which were duly signer ! nnd ncknowlodged. The town of Scranlon paid ibe money , n.nd then the women of the city nrianccd for a "sowing bee , " at which clothes were made that would enable the little waifs to make a presentable appearance , and then they were sent to the Orphans' Homo In Council muffs. Here they w 111 be mire of a good homo until cmch tlmo as they may ho legally adopted Into some worthy family. Mrs Caj wood evidenced no more maternal feeling In putting her bablco away from her forever than ehfc would had the chattels been domestic animals In stead of her own flesh nnd blood. She. with her daughter , left town on the first train after the $5 was paid over Mt'MCIII , CIVIL SHItVICK. IleM Millars AVIII Attempt lo Put ( lie- Se-lirmr Into Piirrc. DES MOINES. Dec G ( Special ) DCS Molnoa will be the first clt > In Iowa to tr > the scheme of civil service regulation of Iti employes. Under direction of the council , an ordlmnco has been propircd which piovldcs for the creation of a civil service commission , to have general charge of all Its appoint ments and apiMjintces under the city The commission will bo compcaed of three mem bers , to bo named by the major. The first board will be appointed for varying terms , ono member for three , one for two and one for one jear. After that ono will be ap pointed each year , and two will bo named from the dominant party and ono from tlio opposition The board will have chaigo of all city appointments ; members of the Hoard of Public Works , city clerk , city physician all clerical appointees nnd employes In gen eral , Includl'ig the police and lire depart ments. No employ o can be discharged ex cept for cause , and after a hearing A eyatem of examination will be Inaugurated , and per sons securing the best marks will have picf- crcnce. When vacancies occur , appolntmenta will bo made fiom the head of the lists of those who have taken examinations. rOlll 1IL1L1)IM-S 111 Il.N AT MI IM.II V. I , < IKH Is I'rrlly Wrll Cnrroel liy IiiHiiranrr. SHELBY , la. , Dec. G. ( Special Telegram ) A flro which started In the hardware store of J , F. Mayno at 1030 this evening con sumed the building and contents , the Imple ment establishment of Johnson & Thompson , the livery H table pt Fred Chamberlain and a duelling belonging to Fre-d Myers , Nothing was. saved from the hardware store and the bull"K ( ) ! and contents are a total loss Lost on _ stock , $3COO : Insurance , ? J,000. The lniJdJj\K ( was owned by J. W. Gaimong and wps.jifiijltied at $1,500 , fully cov ered by Insurance , The goods In thb'Implement house vvero all saved The hMlldlng was valued at $1,500 , fully covered by Insurance. All the live stock and vehicles vvero re moved from the livery btablc The building was worth aboutj.tOOO and from $50 to $75 worth of feed was burned Hilly Insured. Fred .Myers' mylilenco was worth about $200. I The fire started In the worshop of the hard ware store fronusoino unknown cause. \niiilrrlillt anil Part ) \VnIK a I.ltlle. ST LOUIS , 'tfce ' 5-W. K Vnndcrbllt walked Into St. Louis today Ho was ex pected to nrrlvo nt the union station nt it a. in , and bcvcral railroad olllclalH ax- Hcmhlcd to welcome him , but bo ami his party left their special tialn at East St. LoulH and strolled across the Kails bridge for the fake of the air and exercise , and to get a view of the riverside- railroads The paity. v\hlch consists of Mr Vander- liilt. President IngallH of the Hit,1 Four , and the Chomipcnko & Ohio , and Vluo President Laymr nnd General Manager He-haff of tlio lllg Pour , Inspected tlio tc-iinitials on this Bldei of the river At noon they dennrtcd on their xpeclal train fur Cincinnati. Top Part of a llnlldhiK I'allN , SIACON , da. . Dec 5. Tno top Htory of the front wall of tlm Wolfe building , 119 Cotton avenue , fell this morning , killing Jim Ilrlce , colored , and seriously Injuring . n. Puulln und ( JhiiKeH Marshall , white. MooiiHhlnerH Kill ( lie Sln-rllT , WINSTON , N. C. , Dc-c. C.-Sherlff E. A. Motlitt , of Randolph county , wax shot and killed In Ashborouuh Inxt night , while male , liib' u ruld on inooimhlnuiH. , FIVE THE RECORD OF A SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL ENTERPRISE Drs Gopclmitl nnit Slicparil Kilter Upon Their Sixth Yutirof I'r.ictlcc It Oinahtt Sonic Reason * Why They llitve Won a I. t nnd ( irowing Put rouge. During the live ) c. rs of constant prac tice of Drs Coicland and Shcp.ud In this city not a week has none li\ but statements of one or more persons have appealed In these columns These hnndtedx of wili- llshed statements and tistlmonlal * onlv a small per rent of UIOBC- offered for publication Ministers , lawviis , mcr- cl ants , mechanics and others representing all trades , professions an 1 c tiring * , men and women well known In Omaha ami tl.roughout Ihe MSI , have spoken words of pral e In behalf of Drs Copiland and Shepard - ard and their excellent s > stcm of disease liealnu lit. The success of Urs Copeland nnd Shep- aid In the treatment of all chionli diseases does not rest upon the nue of anspeclllc or pitcnte'el arllcle 01 appliance , nut upon the knowledge and skill that long jeurs of study , training and experience hive given them a'ul which enables them to give to cae h e'.isp the special attrntlon which It ro- eiilreii | They have tlulr own private lab oratory , wlieie tindoi theii dlicct supervi sion , prescriptions to suit each Indlvlduil case are prepared and compounded fiom the host and purest drugs obtainable * . Medi cines are not manufactured In Job lots to be sold at a bit ; prollt , but are furnished to e-ach pitlent under treatment with them free of charge. WHOTIJ roil A lll\Mv. Alr.H. Iioi-Umioil SIn N n ( llominiul IK Cnt-eil Wlthiiiit Hie i\iieliise of Coin- Inn In Ointihii. "You will Inrdly reeogi.lre me as the sime peison , had . \ou seen me at the time I came to Di s Cope-land and Shepird for tieatment , " h.iys Mrs. Nina H Lockwood of Lexington , Neb. MUS NINA U LOCKWOOD , Lexington , Neb "I had been lck so long that I was e-r.m- plctely discouraged. I , vas ible 10 do vny little woik and just dragged mvelf aroui el 1 was weak ami Uriel an 1 vvoin Mil all .be time I had been pooily foi a zeiod ninny years but got so much WDISO icce.itlv that I was forced to make an ex'ia effor ; to M t well My digestion was no bid ill it 'he stomach and bowels -oiinul * o have no action whatever. I coul-l take nothing In the way of food except a f w mv i"owof limited milk or Home , times a law e-pir 1 lived three months In this cor. IPlon ind mv tuffiniiB and exhaustlan Horn this 1 ilf starved state hi ought on a complication that proved the .vorst of , ] | i | , pc unc so wretchedly nervous and prostiated that every hour was a period of mlsoiy I was unable to ehhei sleep night 01 May. and from this cause 1 could fool my whole nerv ous Hvstem hroikliiK down " 1 knew If Drs C'opelaml ami Shepaid ' , who have M > manv puicntu In - - t'r ? ruHhnr'0 " " ro "oul" "l > " lou c vim , , ° ' ' I hem ! They did ! lK'Vlln treatment v.uh not Ml me positively that they could cure me right nw ly < ii fact I wa ; . a little disappointed bc-viV . did , lot gut more encouragement , but I felt that TO BE A CHEAT 1EGAL BATTLE Federal Government Issues Warrants for Iowa Soldiers' Home Officials. ABLEST LAWYERS IN THE STATE ENGAGED Will ! ! Maden Ten ! CIIKO anil ( lie Court of I.iiNt Itt-Niirt ANUe-d lu PUNS on Ilic CtticNtlon.i i Involved. DES MOINES , Dec. C. ( Special Telegram. ) The v.arrants for the arrest of Commander Hatckln and the trustees of the Iowa Sold iers' home were a.vorn out today by United States Attorney Fullen. They were all placed in the hands of officers , but will not be served till Monday. Each information specified n largo number of countw. About twcnty-fho Inmates of the home 'ad been examined and each ono had had his pension trimmed several tlmey. Each separate occa sion was made the basis for ono count In the information. As coon na the offlcois arc arrested they will bo released on their own recognlznnces nnd notified to appear before Judge Woolfon whenever they uhall ho cited 'Ihcir hearing will he had in about ten dnjy .Meantime the trustees will meet and lay piano for their defence They w 111 make n strong light and are taking flops to engage the best counsel. Whatever the result the cases will go to tlio court of hii't ' resort. CONDITION OP IO\VV II VII.UOADS. .Sj II < > PNH | of Hie Aniiiiiil lie-port of Hie- Slnle CoiiimlNNloiK-r. DES MOINES , Dec1 C. ( Special ) The an nual report of the Iowa Hallroad commis sion to the governor will bo filed within n short time. It will show that Die loads have had a gratify Ing Increase of earnings In the pait year. Their total earnings foot up | 41C39.S14 , an Increase of over $3,000.000 as compared with the previous year. The lines have all submitted the statistical reports required by the law. There arc thir ty-three roads In the state , operating S.COO miles of track. Within the year the last narrow gauge road In the state has gone out of existence It was the DCS Molncs & Kansas City , which has been changed tea a standard gauge. There has been llttlo building of now lines. The trunk lines all mala > good showings of earnings , but the smaller systems , comparatively , show the greatest Improvements. Some representa tive lines shov/ the following percentages of operating expenses to gross earnings Chicago cage & Northwestern. Gl ; Chicago , Great Western , 77 ; Durllngton , Cedar Rapids & Northern , CO ; Chicago , Hock Island & Pa cific. 70 ; Iowa Cential , CO ; Des Molncs , Northern & Western , 65 ; Chicago , Ilurllng- ton fi. Qulncy , C7 , Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , CO. The Chicago & Northwestern employs on Its entire system 21,092 people , at avenge elally wages of $1 BS , The Chicago Great Western , 2,020 , at ave-rago wages of $1.84 ; the Hurllngton , Cedar Ilaplds & Northern , 3,020 , at average wages of $1 S ! > , the Chicago , Hock Ibland & Pacific , 10.M9 , at average wages of % \ 97 , the Iowa Central , 1,370. at averngo wages of J17C , the DCS Molnes , Northern & Western , 285 , nt av erage wages of $1 C3 ; the Chicago , Dutling- ton d Qulncy , 17,998 , at average wages of $1 77 ; the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul , 20.24C , at averngo wages of $1 93. During the year the Chicago ft Northwestern killed twenty-six pcoplo and Injured fifty-two , the Great Western killed flvu and Injured eighty-three , the Ilinllngton , Cedar Haplds & Northern killed seventeen and Injured fifty-six : the Hock Island killed seventeen and Injured five , the Iowa Central killed four and Injured 120 ; the Hurllngton killed twenty-two and Injured forty ; the Milwau kee killed twenty-three and Injured feovc-n- tccn. Cn ii ill ilii I I'M for I'Vili-rnl Appointment. DES MOINES , Dec. C ( Special. ) Candi dates for federal upiwlntments In Iowa are numerous and the number Is Incrcai'Ing. In both the northern and ( southern el ! trl tH com plicated contests are on for Indoruumcnts of incinborn of the congretulonal delegation , and the outcome It ) uncertain In the northern district candidates for attorney are II U McMillan of. Hock , liaplds , O. K , Btrublo ot Dr. Shepnrd was honest with if.o nnd tha he would do all he could lor me I did no fee-I that he- was Hying to elcvelvcme by making great piomlses. "Well , aftel a little while I oould .ce inn 1 was getting bettei. 1 kept up the i < U me nt eo ic < lentlously ami followe-d the dele ters advice , and now 1 am Inelicel like i new person 1 am strong and will am able to work every day. The blessings o the Home Tre'atment cannot be too hlphly praised I i < commend It to sufieiliiR v omei wherever they aie " rt itr.D A \ r.\it ACII. VmilbeT K n n MII H Soiiuiii 'IViii'lii-r ' ( nre-c lij ( he- Home Treatment. Mrs Lottie Strltchlleld , 1 ! ivensvllle Kan iviltes with i > ntliilsii | m of the Home Tuat- ment Hoi letter Is elati d Oeloliei 2\ 1 * > 0 and runs ns fo'lowsDon Dortois-Thls testimony was due von something like i , ve-ar ago , and now 1 give It with a ureat s-ense of thanKfulne-.s After teaching vi'liool sevetal ye-ais , 1 found 1 was a vktln of e-atarih In Its most offensive form 1 tried several doctors and miimioUH icme- elles with little benefit Then 1 took a couise with yem anel found it a perfect i-iiie My ge nernl health has been Holendld lnce yen discharged me a.s cured In the sinninei ol ' ! ' . " PleM"eend me a Symptom lllaiik te fill out for my mothii. 1 hope you lau tine hei also " ii VD J.-IIIK-N N. lliislliiKH , n All Her , of Lead S. I ) . , IMnelN n I'orttitHNot III II lioln VII lie. Hut In Perf.-e'tl ) lU-Htorecl Health. JAS N HASTINGS , Leul , S 1 > . "I am stronger and better In every way than I have been for ten veais , and I owe my cure to Drfopelanel and Shepard of Omaha Their Home en Mall Tieatment did the work I had a filthy cat in h In the i head and throat for years , with a severe eoiiKh , tle-kllni ; of the throat and soreness | all thiougb the M > nose was tightly stopped and the sense of smell badly af- fecte-el. My eves were Inflamed we-ak and 1 watery. At the le ist cold 1 took I would i have severe headaches , with pain and -ore- i ness all thiongh the body All this Is pist I am ounil and hearty and able to icslst all changes of weather I didn't haveto go to Omaha for my cure but kept light on with i my work at home , having weekly conMilta- tlons with the doctor.s through the mills " w ii. < "OIMI.AM > , M. n. . m , , . , C. b. MinPAItn , M. I ) . , ( PUj-lelins rtOOMS 112 ANIJ 313 NEW "iOHK LIFE UUILDING , OMAHA NKB Ofllce Hours 9 to 11 a m ,2 lo 5 p m Hvo- nlngs Wcdnesda > 3 nnd Saturdab only- 6 to S Sunday 10 to 12 m. Under the Mistletoe , There can bo only ono outcome to tlio ahjvo example of Rcntlo eoeidon if foi- lowcel up by the presentation of ono of those oogunt ) i-iniraof which WOEjL- has faiioh a line scleotun. WOLLMAN 409 BROADWAY , Jeweler and Scientific Optician. DOHANY THEATER. Jubt r > ne funny tiorfi nuance , Sunday nlE'it. ' l > cc C , tie liuwllni ; , lill-irloeiJ lilt , JOLLY OX.TO C.-1UMS. Interpreted ! > > a mieiilllrtnt array of talent. An uvalanilie- merriment Just the tlilnn to elrlMHWIIJ t it tilup IlefiUlur prices llox , Jl IU 7-c , DOc Me , I5c hmtts on Fnle nt HUlii * ' drug t > tore on ami after Tuesday , licccinbir 3 DOHANY THEATER. MONDAY , DEC. 7 , A chance of a lifetime ; the ever popular Beach & Bowel's hlinsfrels. A par.iKon of pleasure , a re-KUlar dollar show foi onlj 1 < > , iio mill III ) tM'litN. Popular piRo for the people Sco the KrancI paraele at 11 0 Sain of HcatH for the monarch of model n inlnntrclsy will open Friday mornlni ; . Toledo nml M I ) O'Comiell of Fort Dodge For United States marshal , Robert St John of OMRC. J. W. Patterson of Marlon , ex- Mayor HiiRhes of Clinton , aifd 1M Knott of Wnverly For collector , 0 H. Pray of Web ster City , Frank Hums of Ida Grove and ono or two otherx lire out. In the Houthern dis trict , candidates for dl&tilct attorney arc Louis Mllco of Corydon , Hobert Spence of Mount Ayr , OeorKO II Stuart of Fort Mudl ton , T C Daw ran of Council HlufTa , M L Tcmplo of Osccola , N K Kendall of Albla W A. Connolly of Ueo Molncn , and N 13 Coflln of Dos Molncs. Connolly Is reputed to have tie Indorse ment of National C'ommlt- teeman A. I ) Cummlnn , whllo Kendall Is raid to be supported by Pcnutor dear For marshal , the list of candidates Includes. Gior o M ChrUtlan of Orlnncll and I ) . F Clayton of Imllanola. and there nro two or three otbcro , only lew prominently men tioned. For collector of Internal revenues. John M Kcmblo of Muncatlno Is understood to bo baclicil by Senator dear , LoulB Weln- I'tt'ln ' of KeoknU II H ne > nd backing , and Frank O'Neill of HurlliiKton Is lupportoj well at homo. HOLDS T\A TITI.I > TO Hi : LCCAL , louie L'liurl IM-i-lele-M Oni' of llnIrvtln IM ml CIINI-N , Di.S MOINKS , Dec 5 ( Special Tolesram ) A decision wan handed down In dlutrlct court today In ono of the John Irwln land cases. Irwln Hvul In Nebraska City forty yearn ago nnd tccurod control of an Im- mia area of Iowa land In Ilurrlfon Ouciola , Clay , Plymouth , and Pottawattainlo coimtliv ) After ho had tueurcil the tltlcu ho U alleged to have become Incann anil allowed the land to bo sold for taxed After he died Ma helru briniKht eve > r 100 miltfl tenet net aslila tlio tax docdH unilur an Iowa law which In case It wuro proved that Iio was Imiano the duods could bo pot "fide Thu .KJH have bcicin In the ) courtu for several yeur.f Tha ducluaii confirms the tux tltleu Over half a million dollaru ls Involved In the caaca , U will bo appealed at uiicu. MAURER'S -KKTAII. 342-344 BROADWAY , Counoll II hi IPs , In. Visitors ntul purclwa * TS pq uilly wok'Oinc. LarjjtMt cMiibllsh- nioiit in the west , KntPriqps in Ktit Crystal Our stoi-k I * the lurjiest tuul price ? the lowest. Inch ItovvR Hosedale cuttliiR ( a * cuO J00 < hull HtruvviiPir } ( ll.nnoiul and fan cut Howls . . . . ' -1m h Stiawbeiij ( liunoml and fan cut HewN . , . fl 73 cut Olive lilMhi'i . $100 tut ( IHSM ! Salt * niul Peppct , vvaiiantcd wllver top * , e-aeh . . DCo Libratorv Snippet M ntul deep , fancy cutlliif ; Vine | . < it Ciuet-i , out li 75o Pi lies on Vuxpi. PIlem-iH , Tumble Stem , etc , In iiroportlon to the above n In i R o line of noMStli ? we mention tlic following 1'lnt IMIntc-il llottlcs , Ui Inking Strlni rnch J 1.00 Decorated Uccr Mugs In n varloO of do- slcns Kmplie Green and Cupid C ilni In Uiosscr Sct , Plate * , cups Candle-nicks , Hon lions , etc : Under GlareHlue and lie < es rhln i , In Salad Sots. lie Crcaiii Sets. Chocolate Hits. Puddlntr Fcts and novelties foi the dtos"cr Hlch baud ( minted Prult Ctntcr t'ompoiti and Plates , Sugars ami Cn.inis. Chocoialo Se ts , etc Copies of Louis XIV shape" and die n- tlons In all the ilchness ur ( 'ootls of that peilod An attractive line In odd things foi the tnhlp Is the new die-oration \ h ind pilnt- < d Maisehiilt Nell Hoses In different colors , llnlslud with uvular heavj Kold edge A \erv dalntj line consisting of PuddlUE Sets , Chocolate 1'ots , lllscult .tars I'l ites , Celerj Tia > 9 , etc. Is dicoiatcd with heavy Kohl scroll and Prench hand painted IlKnro e-e liters We have In odds and ends "choice lilts" of -Ji Sevres , niesileii , Doulton , Woiccstei Pails - e n inu'l .mil K'olil inonnteil Roods anil a par ticularly good collection of Patuv Potteiy. LAMPS. LAMPS. Dresden I/imps. Delft UuniiH , Wionfiht Imn Lamps. Gold and Onyv , In fact every- t hi lit , ' desirable In the Lamp line Silver novelties and wares lor the table : he larpest variety nnd prices by far the owest. Dresden and fancy i > nticin * > In Hat and " 'lollies Hrnshes , metal mounted Cigar f lloxes , Ilarors. Match llo\es , in fact n great variety of new novelties for gentlemen Kern Dishes in huge varletj Di corated Dinner Hots from $ .1 CO to J125 , n every conceivable sh.iue and deeotatlon. Chamber Sets from JI 21 to $2"i ( W , from the practical to the odd ami quaint shape which ii'ds so much to the attiactlviness of jour room Carvers In large variety from 7r > c upwards. Apiece pearl and silver mounted Carvcra. 7 7. , Hoger Uros ' 12 oz Ttlple Plate Knives nnJ Porks. $1 3. per set Retail 342-344 Broadway COUNCIL HLUFFS. of Council Bluffs 803 S. MAIN ST. , OFFERS THE FOLLOWING P1HCES Te ? THE PUHLIO. 'otatoes , per busliel 17o Coffee , per pound pkg , XXXX 17o 'Icklcs , per quart , Co 'op Corn , three pounds Co Something Good" Tobacco , per plug. . Co "cast , two packages Co Cranbcrles , per ejuart Co Good Mixed Candy , per pound Co Jce , per pound -Ga- leans , per pound 3o wcet Cider , per gallon 25o nlslns , per pound Co [ erring. Hound Irish , thrco for Co i bars of Soap 25o ) rlcd Peaches , per pound Co .emons , per doen lOa Cocoanuts , Co .hpild Glue , per bottle Co \ largo Cook Hook Co Viltlng Tablets , icgular lOc , for Co \ 25c Ilex Paper for lOo axony Yarn , per skein Co hlldrcn's Stockings Co Joys' Gloves , per pair lOo Icn's Suspenders lOo Ml Copper Tea Kettle 7Co int Cups , two for Co I of Council Bluffs. 'JIIIS SALK WILL CONSIST OF $20,000 worth of goods will lau htcrcd at Auction. Don't ; overlook this sale. No. iii Sodh Him Si I rapirc , Shujart & Co Council Bluffs , Iowa , t- CAPITAL , . . . $100,0001 VJJ SOLICIT YOUR IMJHJMCSM. WL3 MICSIItH YOim COLLECTION ! ) . Ni ; OK THIS OLU128T HANKS IN IOWA1 flill OUNT PAID ON Tltll" IMSI'OS AU > AJID KBH V OHVH1TH. . /