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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1896)
THIS OMAHA DAILY 11T3E : Sl'NHAV , NEC113M111811 G , 1800. REACTION AFTER CA\ETV \ flocioty Rests After a Busy Thanksgiving Week. LEAP YEAR'S ' LAST DESPERATE RALLY Clreiii Will lit- tinOrcat of tin * \ VH < In Cimii' . lint lii-re Will lie Oilier In- torcNtliiK i\cntM. At after n Btorm comes n cnlm ; as after passion follows rcpwo ; as "after life's fit ful fovc-r he sleeps well ; " so to a week of uiiuaiml activity , crowded full of Measures and overflowing with the modern Kplrll of Iho Thanksgiving festival , succeeds n wool ; which , without being quite stale , flat and unprofitable , certnlnly has coma nearer to It than nn early winter week In Eocloty ought to conic , and has afforded a welcome respite to a nuiubur of wearied minds and bodies. llcforo another Sunday , the society circus will have coino and gone , and the ( iodowsky concert , both of which aru likely to be gcnurously patronized by society In ioneral. The announcement of the circus , which ap pears hereafter , will be found to promise quite as Rood entertainment as any of the latter-day throe-ringers. The only difference Is that the attract Inns are not presented with that wealth of adJcrtlvcH which char acterize the "paper" of the real thing. The posters displayed round about , however , have Iho genuine high-colored look , the horscB arc duly dappled and the men anil women suitably attired. These , with the Htupendous end uncounted street parade , which will occur In all ll world-embracing mnKnltiidn on the morning of Tuesday , are. relied upon to ntlmulntc the Interest w'llc-h the performance Itself will assuredly retain. The circus Is given for clmrlty the greatest of the three wwrut attributes which abide last of all. The excellent custom of New Year's calling , which for some years has fallen Into disuse from a variety of cauots , la likely to bo re vived to mime extent this season In Omaha. Certain , whose Influence nnd ex ample In such matters no far , have expressed themselves as favorable to the practice In general , and as Intending to open their linusca to rails on N'cw Year's day. It h thought that other women will fall Into line , und that the old-tlmu hospitality may onro nmro be extended nt the outset of the dawning year. It Is currently reported , by these who ouht to know , that the maidens of Omaha , real izing that their days are gliding swirtly by , nnd feeling reluctant to let slip their leap- year privileges without n struggle , ore plan ning a last rally In the shape of a party to be given to their masculine friends within thn next two or three weeks. As the men , judging from the number of recent engage ments , uccm disposed to aid them In all their laudable undertakings , there would ap pear to be nothing In the way of the en tire suecesj of such a project. Snrir | ! od Mauler ltil | > ! i Cole. One of the most complete surprise parties of the season wan that given to Unlpli Cole nt the rcHldence of his parents. .Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 0. Cole , 2109 Douglas street. last Wednesday night. Mauler Italph was Invited out to dinner and upon bis return homu he found t'e jiarloru filled with friends. Games , dancing nnd iniu'o helped to pass u most delightful miming. AhyJanu's Dates , Katz nnd Winter rendered tximo line piano solos during this evening. Mrs. Cole was assisted In enter taining by Miss Klttlo I'olack. Mrt' . Kntz. lira Hates and Mrs. Rood. The rooms ) wore prettily decorated with palms , ferns nnd chrymulhrmums. Master lialph Cole and Mloi Kltllo I'olack lead the grand march down to the dining room , wiioro delicious refreshments were served. The tables looked lovely with their simple decoration of yellow chrysanthemums nnd ferns , and centerpclces done In yellow chrpmnthcimims. Those present were : Lucy Parrlsh , Anna , Ethel Morrison , Edith Lewis , Marlon Chrlutlson , Mamie MorrU'oa , NIobo Oodfry , Jeano Ilrnnncr , Llllle Hose. Marcy Morroll , Clara Smith , Hernlco lloode , Ilalph Cole , Harry Churchill. Kdward Collins , Wllllo Mc- Caffery. Prank McCaffery. John Clark , Gay Katz , Lomcr Hall , I'M ' Petty , Artie Kllkcn- ney. Will Johnron , Frank Meade , Howard Hales , Mrn. Todd , Mrs. Katz. Mrs. Hates' , Mrs. Mcade. Mrs. Ilooile , MI-3 Kittle I'olack. Sllnj Anna Hotlischlld , Mr. and Mrs. Winter , Jlr. nnd Mrs. Irundao ) ; , Mr. nnd Mrs. Cole. Each of the gtiesta upon leaving were presented by Master Ilalph with a box of bon lions tied with ribbon. l.ii Holla Siielnl Cluli. The La Bella Social club made Its second appearance In the social world by giving a most delightful leap year party , and as there were no wall Dowers during iho evening everything passed off gracefully. Thoao who participated were : Lyda Byrne , Wlrt Thompson , Jennie Scbrlerateln , lllch Oratte , Kannlo Schlprstlcn , G. W. WInslade , May Hill , 1) . II. .McMahan , Sadie Hill , Enimlt Murphy , HMO Kltzpatrlck , Fred i ) . Grnmlsh , Bessie Kitzpatrlck , Archibald Grotte , Anna MoXnmara , Hcglnald Fries. Olive Mally. I'aul Coulter. Kino Oertcr. 1'anl Kpeneter , Ida Dlnwald , Adolph Hlnwald , Mabel Flood , Anirnso Islington. Minnie Hacoek , F. Hits. Grace Light , Jim Cook. Dot Frazier , Ilcrt Honey , Jennie Sufpcn. Mr. CollIuM. Mnrle Diillcy , Clyde Katlpln. Kster Iloamnn. J. M. Ilramnn. Geneve Jef- fers. Ni-d Von Uorn , Lulu Miller , Evelyn Von Horn , ( { enclave Hush , Josephine Frost. \VIIh ( lie Oinnliii ( ; uirilN. The competitive drill last Monday night brought out an unusually large number of spectators , the attendance of members be ing , on the contrary , rather small. Pre liminary to the chief event of the evening , the company was drilled in matching movo- jniMitd with commands given by bugle In- Btead of the voice. The drill was very creditable to the company as a whole , con- vldcriiiR the few practice drills It has had COMMON SENSE CURE. ii.K ( 'titi : : ci iis i u. KS i'in.M.\xixTi.v MY cuiiixc TIII : C.\ISK. ; IteinarUnlile ItiiiiedyVlilch IH IlrluK- llIKClllllftirt to TIllMIHIIIIllH < lf Sllf- frri-rx. Probably half the people who see this nrtlclii Buffer from plies. It Is one of the commonest diseases and one of the most obstinate. People have It for years , and Just because It Is not Immediately fatal they neglect It. Carelessness causes no end of suffering. Carclcssncas about ho ilmplo a thing as piles has often caused death. Hemorrhages occur from no ap parent cause and loss of blood causes death. Hemorrhages occur during surgical treat ment , often causing death. Piles arc simple In the beginning nnd lastly cured. They can bo cured even In Iho worst stages , without pain or loss o/ blood , tiulckly , surely and completely. There U only one remedy that will do It Pyramid I'llo Cure. It all.ijs the Inflammation Immediately , deals Iho Irritated surface und with con tinued treatment reduces the swelling and nuts the membranes Into good , sound , healthy condition. The cure U thorough unil permanent. Hero are some voluntary and unsolicited tCEtlmonlalB we have lately received : Mrs. M. C. Hlnkly , C01 MUsUslppI St. , Indianapolis , Iiul. . gays : Huvo been n sufferer from the pain nnd annoyance of piles for fifteen years ; thu Pyramid Pile Ouro and Pyramid Pills gave mo Immediate relief and In a short time u complete cure. Major Dean of Columbus , Ohio , says : I wish to add to thu number of certificates as to the benefits derived from the Pyramid I'llo Cure. 1 suffered from pIlcH for forty yearn , and from Itching piles for twenty yrara , and two boxes of thu Pyramid Pile Cure tiaa effectually cured me. Most druggUts Hell Pyramid Pile Cure or will gut It for you If you auk thorn to. It la ono dollar per packagu and Is put up only ftlX thu Pyramid Drug Co. . Albion , Mich. t with the bugle , but Its regularity wno notnc what mrmi.l by a few men who had nppnr ctnly nlMcutcd themselves from the pracllc drills. The competition re-suited In n victory fo Private Krank Freeman , nnd. after Hi modal had been presented by Captain Mill ford , the company wan dismissed nnd never Ity of military maneuver gnvet place to th pIcnstircA of the danre. The numbers of the company have her much gratified by the rc-cnllstmcnt of SIT gcantR lloilglns , Lund nnd McOaguo. Scr giMnt Anderson and Privates Ferguson am Wllll * have form granted honorable dls charge * and their nnnirs placed on the lion orary membership roll. Corporal Hohb ha been promoted to be quartermaster scr goant , vice Anderson , discharged , and Pr ! vale Ilcnawa made corporal , vice Hobb promoted , _ An Kvonlnur nl Dundee. There was nn enjoyable cntcrtnlnmeii Friday evening under the auspices of th Dundee We man's club , given for the benefit fit of the Sunday school. The meeting wn presided over by Mrs. D. L. Johnson , rireal dent of the club , who cnllo.l for order will "raps olllrlal" by means of n dainty n tbiuc oak pavcl. presented to the cbi'.i b ) Master Kilwln Ileaford. Mrs. A. 0. Kdward sang two Scotch songs. Mrs. C.raham Park read "Tho Last Journey , " from "Dontil Brier Bush. Mrs. Park was preceded by Mrs Perry , vho gave as a prpfar . a brief rt view of Ian Maclarcn's book . . : id a thacrlp tlnn of the appearance and character o William M-iclure. The wpcaker of the evening was K. A Benson. Ho took for bis theme , "Three Brl'lsh Poets. " Ho handled thu aubjcc * . It both nn Instructive and Interesting manner At the close of the Iccturo Mrs. Kdward sang. "Atild Lane Sync" and the audHict. Joined In the refrain. Beautiful hnmiucts o chi > Eanthimuins were presented to Mn Pntk , Mrs. I"dward and Mr. Benson. M nnd l Mr. William Glnmlt nnd Mlsa Kate Ilohnrr both of Millard , were married last Thuro day by County Judge Baxter. The marriage of Mr. Ariel Meinrath of Sau Francisco , a brother of Mrs. Andrew Hose water of this city , to Mlsa Gertrude Richard son of Danville , Pa. , Ls announced. The marriage of Mr. Herman P. Sutorlti ; of Omnha nnd Mlsa Frances Uodcnhaus o Leavonworth will take placu next Tuesday at the rcshltnce of the bride's parents In Leaven worth. Cards are out announcing the weddlnr of Miss Orn Den of Brownvlllp. Neb. , to Mr L. R. Planters of the same place. Miss Den has visited a number of times In Omaha , as the guest of her sister. Mis. W. C. Cole 2109 Douglas Htrcot. A pleasant home wedding occurred on the evening of Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. Isaac Mycro , 1210 South Twen ty-seventh strcfct , when Mr. Charles Myers ami Miss Marie Watts were united In mar- rlnge by Hev. W. P. Murray of the Hanscoin Park MutiioilUt Kplseopal church. 1'll-IIMIirCN I'llNt. Miss Curtis gave a tea at the Madison last Tucniay afterroon for Mist' BonI of Chi cago. A party of neighborhood frleiuU surprised Mr. anil Mrs. Ulchard Carrier layt Friday night. Mrj. J. M. Woolworth and Mlsa Wool- wnrth gave nn afternoon reception nt Court- land yesterday. Mlm Lucille Plnney of Council Bluffs gave a dinner last night In honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Mctcnlf. Mrs ? . C. N. Dintz entertained the women of the FIrt't ' Congregational church last Tues day afternoon nt a tea. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. T. Stnbbs entertained the Dorcas tea most delightfully at progressive ! Igh live Friday evening. Mm Philip Potter entertained at cards last Monday afternoon for Mlw Wilson and Mlcu Holfo of Nebraska City. In honor of MHu Holfo and Mlw Wllnon of Nebraska City. Mho Colpetzor gave a delightful clmnng-dish supper last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Thcndoro Scbwan entertained at luncheon last Wednesday Mrs. Slaymakcr of St. Paul. Mrs. Melklo , Mro. Jones , Miss Dcwey and MIsu Summers. ' . Miss Amelia Muller , on Monday evening lat't , entertained twenty of her friends In honor of her thirteenth birthday at her homo. HOC South Thlrty-ficcond avonuo. At a meeting of the Lillian Whist club Thursday evening , Mrs. Butterflcld and Mr. Hubert Hunter won prizes. The full membership was present and several guests wcro Invited. At the weekly meeting of the Forest Hill Whist club last Wednesday at the residence of Mrs. Bruce , prizes were won by .Mrs. Windsor and Mrs. Metcalf. MM. lloldrcge will entertain the club at Its next meeting. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. N. Nasran gave a rcrlcs of small dinners' lapt week , entertaining on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. George W. Nat- tlngcr ; on Friday , Mr. and Mra. George W. Linlngcr and Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank L. llallcr , and on Saturday , Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Stone and Mrs. R. V. Barney. Miss Ida Havoncroft of St. Louis enter tained a few friends Thursday evening nt the homo of her sister. Miss Martin Meyer. After a pleasant social evening light re- frsshments were served. Those present were : The Ml3cs Bushman , Mullen and MacRlroy and Mesirs. .Mullen , Bushman and Kdward and UuEcne Meyer. Mm II. K. Welch. nsrlPtcd by Mrs. J. A. Hannon , entertained the Wisteria Afternoon club on Wednesday. High. live way In order and nine games were played. Mrs. J. N. Barrett cni.tured the first prize , whllo the second prize went to Mrs. James Green. Booby prizes were given to Mra. John Tray- nor und Mrs. Joseph McCaffery. Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Hough entertained \ery charmingly Wednesday evening at their home. G15 Park avenue. Those prudent wcro : Mr. anil Mrs. Whitney. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. S. Kelly , Mr. and Mm Edward Langan ; MLssca lilnnchurd , filhson , Bowie. Brenton , Htigg , Paris , Arnold , Hough and Agard , and Messrs. Axtell. Iliirdutte , Small , Heddlngton , King , Hake , nnd Hymnn. One of the ploasantopt occr.s-lons of the week wautho mntlneo tea glvea last Wednes day by Mra Howard Baldrlgo for her guest , MUa Ballanco of Pcorla , III. The dining- room was beautifully and profusely decorated with English violets. Miss Dickinson pre sided over the punch bowl In the library , and Mra. Baldrlgo was nho npsIsleJ by Mra. Chat'o. Mrs. Keller. Mrs. Carrier , Mr > . Baum , Ml"j Allen. Miss Bartlett , MUa Taylor and Mlffl Sloan. A delightful uurprlEo party was given Mil © Blanche Donatuto last Friday evening In honor of her sixteenth birthday. Games were played and refreshments were served. These present were Messrs. Paul Robinson , Hnlph Llbbey , William Falrchlld , William Myers , George Hadfleld , George Welters , Clifford Huntley , Newton Batelle ; Mlaji-s Josephine nnd Lulu Stafford , Julia and Elizabeth Short- llff , Pearl and Myrtle Pine , Kdyllio Cheney and Mabel Dodmvorth. A very plcKnant surprise party was given to Miss Minnie Mack nt her home. South Tenth atrcet. Saturday. November 2S , by her many friends. The evr.tlng waa spent with games and music , after which a light luncheon was sencd , the guests departing at a late hour. Among thcae Invited were : Misses Alice Pendcry , Anna Someia. Eniclla Somors , Ivu Cope and Lizzie Jo'lolt , nnd Messrs. Frank Mack , Frank Cox , Itlson Klgcr , Albert Pearson , Will Hlchcllcu and Alexander Goodman. The Jolly Ten Afternoon club celebrated Its llfth onnlversiry Thursday cvenl.ig , No vember 26 , at the homo of Mr. and Mm. Hobert Hosuizwflg. Ten gnmea ot high five wcro played , after which gamea and dancing were enjoyed. ' Prizes were awarded to Mm. It. Horfeiizwclg and Mro. G. Mlttaucr , Mra. 0. Kuehne ami Mr. Hoienzweig. Mrs. Me- Cullough a lid Mr. 0. Dake won the consal.i- tlon prizes. A dainty lunch was served at midnight. Those present wore : Mr. and Mra. G. Dako Mr. < uid Mra. G. Kuehne , Mr. anil Mia. J. Burster , Mr. and Mrs. G. Mlttaucr , Mr. nnd Mra. Conrad , Mr. and Mra. William Wlgman. and Mr. and Mrs , McCullough. A very pleasant mtnlcal was tendered Mr. C. C. Hancock of Chicago at the residence of Mr. J. C. Parker lajt Friday afternoon. 'Ora Pro Nobls. " a tenor solo , wcu the Ilrst number , sung by Mr. D. Heed , and was well received , followed by a contralto solo , " 0 , Take Me to Your Heart Again , " given by Miti ! L. II. Green , a graduate of the town Conservatory of Music at Grliuicll. g Lena Wllaon sang Ardltl'H " 11 Baclo. " Mr. Hancock sang two numbera , which ijliowed him to bo a vocalist of much prom- Mo , bU Detections being "Answers" and 0 , Promise Mo. " Mr. Woods of Sioux City , a nlanlst of finu ability , played delightfully. Tbooo present were : MUa Lottie Green of N'owton , In , Miss Mary Mnldou , t'elln WlMon , M < dnmes Parker , Pratt. U II son , Messrs. Itamock , Itced and Wooils One of the plcannntcst as well ns ono of tbo largest of the week's functions warf Hie reception given by Mrn. Van Court nnd Mr * . Schneider lapt Thursday afternoon. In honor of Mrs. Charles K. Van Court of Council HltilTo. The floral ilecornllonr were tnvteful and abundant. Mrs. J. II. Collins. Mrs. J. D. Foster. Mrs. Wllle L. Jones. Mrs. 13. V. LowlD. Mrs. C. K. Weller , Mra H. S. Jaynes. Mm W. E. Pnlmntler , Mlts Fannlo Batei Mlcj Mary Brolllar , Miss Mary Hall and Mlfs Anna Fowler assisted lit rei-elvlng. At the tea given by MlM May Pargmt last Saturday afternoon the ongasement won announced of Mlsa "argent to Mr. J. Clarke Colt of Omaha. A guessing contest resulted In awarding to Mlm Mor o a lovely heart-shape 1 calendar for 1W. Painty re freshment ! ! wcro served , the "heart" Interest being maintained by carrying out the idea In that appropriate form In pink and wblto. Tlioee present wcro : Misses McKell , TuVv. . Allen , Colppt/.er , Alexander , Klssam. Gil bert. Taylor , S ? < iulrcs , Barker , Parrotto. Ella Allen. Conk. Morop nnd Crawford. A most enjoyable surprise party oecurrod at the rcnldcnro of Mrs. G. W. Wllllami. 1030 South Twenty-third street , last Tuesday evening , thn ocnslon being Mrs. Williams' birthday. Several games of progressive whin wore played for prlzra , the honors being carried off by Mr. 0. W. Williams nnd Mra John Hagan. Dainty refreshments were served during the evening nnd Mrs. Williams entertained delightfully at the piano. Those present wcro Messrs. nnd McsdPrncs Harry Miller , C. N Howitzer , John Hagan. n. L. Salisbury , John Kuhn , W. M. Jacobs and G. W. Williams. Ml. s Mamie Hawltzcr nnd Mr. Jrseph A very pleasant surprise wns given to Ml. s Kthol Lynn , who waa home from school on a visit , Thursday evening , November 2tl nt bor home. ,1111 Davenport street. These par- lleipitlng were : The Misses Vrro Bardrn of Cedar Haplds , Neb. , Maud Bucbannn , Thurma LMinl-ef-k , Francca Gnllatln , MagiIe Galvln. Kllzabeth Smith , Anna Pott-rson , Edith Wal lace. Nettle Wallace , Clara Heywood , Cora Bentley , Ora Houton , Ethel Lvnn. Anna Gates , Jeanette Jepanti , Beatrice Lynn ; Mrs. Cora Van Tochlno ; Mcs-ors. George Kane. John Williams , Fred Kops. Charlie McKrn- zle. Art Hathaway. John Buchanan , Frank Harrison , George D. Williams , Peterson. O. L. Hooock , Fred Evans. George Foster , Frank Impey , Albert Blombcrg , J. H. McDInrmld. George Campbell , Van Tochlno nnd Dr. Foster. IMciiMiirrM In I'roxpecl. Mrs. Charles E. Ford nas iisurd Invita tions for a reception next Thursday. The Up-to-Date Dancing club will make Its first appearance next Wednesday evening by giving a dancing party nt Morand's academy. The Misses Comatock have lasucd Invita tions for a card party ott Thursday aft'-r- noon , December 10. to meet Mlsa Bnllancc. Mrs. Charles E. Ford will give a rercptloti From .1 to 5 o'clock on Thursday , to bo fol lowed In the evening by a card party for the younger set. The Mca'lamcs Van Court and Mrs. Schneider will be at home on the two Wednesdays In January , at the resilience of Mru. Fred Schneider , 2200 Miami street. Invitations are out for the third dancing larty of the Outre Mor Athletic club , to I bo given next Wednesday evening. The club Is a south side Institution , and it * Vincing partita are enjoyable features of racial lite In that section of the city. I'lMipIr U'lui Citnif and fSo. Miss Jeannette Halford of Denver Is visit ing In the city. Mrs. J. H. Buchanan Is entertaining Mrs. Hoot of Illinois. .Mr. nnd Mrs. J. L. Lord of Dixon , 111. , are visiting Dr. J. P. Lord. Miss Summers has returned from an ex tended visit In the east. Mr. A. C. Powell has returned from a tripe o the principal eastern cltloa. Mrs. Arthur Herbert of Now York Is spend ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mra. Lcmlst. Mrs. S. H. Hulbert and Miss Atherton of ) cs Molncs are the guests of Mrs. II. C. Colo. Dr. Edward S. Furay , son of Major John 1. Furay , has gone to Old Mexico , where 10 will practice medicine. Mr. Lntta Grlsuold , who has been vlslt- ng his father , Mr. S. G. V. Grlswold. lu ? gone on a short trip to Colorado. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. D. Fisher , who have been Isltlug their daughter. Mrs. Pinto , have cturned to their home In the cast. Mr. and Mra. Franklin F. Grunlnger ha\e omoved from QIC South Twenty-third .v.rcet o their new homo nt U1G7 Davenport street. Miss Wilson and Mlsa Holfo , who have icon the guests of Mrs. Valll since Thanks- ; lvliig , will return to Nebraska City early this week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Ohcr of Chlcpgo will be In Omaha Sunday nnd Monday , tlio guests of Mrs. Godso , Eighteenth and Capitol tel avenue. Mrs. Edward E. Wise , who has been visit- i > g friends In DCS Molnes and other Iowa cities for two month ? , returned to her home lat't Monday. Mr. James Wallace Broatch , son of Mayor V. J. Broatch , la expected to be at homo urlng the holidays from Yale college , where 10 la taking a pnst-grnduate course. Mrs. C. J. Morris of Chicago , who spent 'hanksglvlng with her parents. Mr. nnd Mra. Jdwin W. Kerr of 2111) ) Seward street , rc- urned to her home Thursday of last week. .Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Hunting of Bos on returned to their homo last week , after visit to their daughter , Mrs. Arthur B. Smith. Miss Hunting will remain until fter the holidays. Misa Alice Hleharda , daughter of Governor tlchards of Wyoming , will be the guest of Irs. Douglas Graves for two weeks nt 1001 Gitth First street. Council Bluffs. Miss llclnrds la pleasantly remembered as liav- ig visited In Omaha last winter. < > Ties mini OJIAIIA .summits. DoilMOIl XotCM. Miss Smith of Plattsmouth was a visitor n Benson Thursday. F. M. V/atenpaugh nnd family have moved o the city for the winter. Mrs. E. E. Hoffman returned from Lincoln a't week , where she visited about three Miss Mary Illllyard will leave this week for St. Jocph , Mo. , where she will visit for scino time. Mi'i' . B. Illllyard wont to SherlJan , la. , Thursday evening , where she waa called by the sickness of her father. She will vls.t among relatives during the winter. Miss McDunn , ono of the teachcry of the schools , whllt ) spending the holldayo In Iowa received qulto a blow on the head whllo skat ing Saturday afternoon. She was able to be at the school , however , Monday. Pcto Larson of Helicon and Miss Hhoas of Omaha were married Krldny evening nt the homo of the bride. They have taken the Hills house on the military road und will bo at home to their many friends otter thU > week. The Epworth league held the regular busl- nc3j meeting nt the MethodUt Episcopal church Friday evening. H waa decided at the meeting to glvo a lop year social before the now year. After tbo business a t > ! iort literary program of nix numbera waa given. V. W. C. A. Ainiiiiil .Meeting. The annual meeting of the Woman's Chris tian association will bo held Tuesday , De cember S , at 10 a. in , . In the rooms of the Hey a I Arcanum , Bee building. All are In vited. The following program will be given : Devotional exercises Mrs.V. . 11. KiiHiol Iteport of recording secretary Mrs. 11. Can-ton Treasurer's report Miss K. I'r.'ehcn Solo Mrs. Wllhelm Iteport from Old Ladles' Homo . Mrs. P. L. Perrlnc Iteport from Children's Homo Mrs. H. Ludlngton Mutdc n'ocllon of olllcers 1'a.ier Address Hev. A. J. Turkic Heavy Kliit-H for Siiiiiuivllnpr In ltiiHln , ST. PETEHSBUHG , Dec. G. A final de cision by the government In the case of the customs department against the Batoum naphtha manufacturers , who for a decade have Indulged in the systematic smuggling of foreign tin plate for thu purpose of mak ing petroleum tanks , has been reached. By this decision thu manufacturers , who were accused of violating the laws against sniug- gllug , will bo compelled to pay lines exceed ing 1,000,000 roubles. ( ) | icrn Nymllcnle I.OHPN Heavily. LONDON , Dec. 6. The Sunday Times this morning aays : The total losses of the syn dicate backing the Mnplcaon Opura com pany will reach 20,000. 1319 Farnaiti Street. Thif store if full of it ! The pi ensures of anticipation and getting ready are best of all' ' We've done our best to make this the most interesting place to do your Christmas I buying. There is deep-seated confidence that prices arc right at Hardy's Iron Trains consisting of Engine , Tender and Car , J5c. Boys' Velocipedes ; The best make , $ J.48. Child's Carpet Sweepers "Like ma ma uses , " 49c each. " "V heelbarrow , strong1 , painted red , 25c each , Rubber Foot Balls , With Key , 25c each i I Child's Tea Sets in decorated Doll's Trunks , JO inch , with , tray china , JOc ; others up to $3 95. Doll Cabs , 22c. 25c each. Upright 15 inches long , curly wig , shoes and stockings , Toy Pianos. closing eye , regular 50c } quality iat Metal keys , the 50c kind I 25c each. at 25c. JUST AS A 'CURTAIN RAISER Madison fqnaro Mnnacr3 ; Spring a Sliort . Program of Eaccs. SIX DAY RIDERS AVOID THE EVENTS OtitlnoU for MILSlnrl n JllilnlKlit T i- iilKhl IH Vfi-y rromlKliiK il Some During tliu Wi-c-k. NEW YORK , Dec. 5. Madison Square garden never looked better than It did to night , when wheelmen from both continents tried their prowcas on the Improvised track. The managers of the big six days' bicycle contest , which will not begin until Sunday at midnight , prepared an appetizing program of hard races tonight and fully 30,000 people enjoyed the aport. The principal features of the program were a special match race be- twecen Jay Eaton of Elizabeth and V. E. Goodman , who has lately been relegated to the professional ranks , nnd a mile exhibition by the professional champion of America. Sam Llnton , J. D. Lumsdcn and Eddy Mc- Duffy were amcjJtJ.the racers tonight. Eddy Plummet- , who is managing the European contingent. Is very hopeful of bringing back the championship of the long distance go-as-you-please contest , which will begin tomorrow nt midnight. Following are the results of tonight's contests : One-half mlle amateur , scratch : Final boat wo ; ) by A. J. Latham. Saratoga , N. Y. Time : 1:10 : 2-3. Ono mile open , professional : Won by Al \\Vlmir. Buffalo. Charles Hadlleld second , J. F. Starbuck , Philadelphia , third. Time : 2:221-3. : One mile handlcnp. amateur : Final heat won by C. S. Honshaw , New York , In 2:22 : 2- , " , . One-half mile ) , profosslqiial : Final heat won by Major Taylor , Brooklyn : A. Maxwell. Philadelphia , second ; 1C. C. Bald , JJulT.ilo. third. Time : 1 : OS 1-j. Special match race , best two out of three , one mlle heats : First heat , .Jay Katon , Kllxabi-th , N. J. , won by ten lengths from F. K. Goodwin , Riverside Wheelmen , Now York : time. 2:272-5. : Second heat. Jay Katon won by five lengths ; time , 2:2U : 1-3. 1MM.S CITY KKKI'S OX WIXMXfJ. X < > lmixliii Clty'H Slronjv Tenni I.ONCN < n ItlcliiirdMoii CUiinily lloyN. FALLS CITY. Neb. , Dee. & . ( Sppulal. ) The strong Nebraska City foot ball team went down before the Falls City eleven Fri day aftirnoon 'by ti score of Hi to 0. game was the hardest fought ever seen In this city , but the home boys outplayed their opponents at ovary turn. lleavls. Kclm , ( jettman , Welly'f\nd \ I'lckett made brilliant runs with tho. ball several times. Norrls took acltman's place after he was disabled and made need ; ralU3. Gottman and Ileavln were dls.iblcd and i ad to retire , and Ulill was dl.uullllcl < ( | for llshtlni ? . Gctlman of Nebraska City.wasbadly , hurt , but kept on playing. Golden' nfid llyder did the best playing for XtibMHk.i City. Falls City a team Bho may-well be proud of. and Cap tain Kelm umli Uoiich Farlngton deserve mueh credit for lltrlr good work. Kvery man on t'he ( IJIIMI .played good foot ball. Following wns..tho llno-uo : Falls City. i Position. Nebraska City. JohtiBon , , .Left end L. Hyiler Mettz lie'ft taek > L. Lynch . ' . .Left nuard Colon Hershey . ' ( Vntcr M. Crcody Hiitehlngs . 'UUht guard W. Golden Kelm ( captain.fclwht ) tackle A. Glllmau Uhllg Hlsht end 11. Hydt-r. . Gottman HIibt -1liHlflmck..O. Iithrop IMckott Left halfback..J. CJohlon ( cnot. ) Fisher Quarter. . . Hloomlngd.ilo Ileavia-Norrls . . .Fullback C. L'oyd TouclidownH : Itenvh 1 , Kelm 2. Go.iU : Hershry2. Ilefert.-o : Gllnen. t'midrn : Wil son. Linemen : lleavls ami K.umiun. WAHOQ , Neb. , Dec. S. ( Spcc-ml.-A ) Kood foot ball' game was wltnesiwd at the base ball park yeutfrday afternoon Iwlw.-eii teams from the eleventh grade of the Ill h school and n picked eleven from the other prndt'H of the school. The grounds were In bad shape. bPlnir covered In many places with mud and water. The two teams strug gled for nn hour with each other , but when lime- wan called nflthur side had boon nblu to Hcoro. The pickups had the host of the contest , however , us all the playing was done In the territory of the opposing Mde. The teams will meet again In a few days and decide the matter of superiority. li-oiinrd ICnocKN Out Aliliiitt. NKW YO11K , Deo. H.-MIko Leonard knocked out Btnnton Abbott , the ICngllsh | llrrt-wclslit : , In the third round In the , Brooklyn Bridge Athletic club tonight. The ' tiK'n fought at catch weights and Leonaid had the hett.-r of It from the start. The b nit b.-tween .loo IJurko of this city nnd Maurice HaKorstrom of I'rovld' m-c was slopped by the police In the third round. Il.isorstrom tloored twice and the gong .saved him from n knockout. TWO M-KT ix THU KICMT. IMiliIlf I'lills OiH f ( Inlloiv lletuc.-li SlinrUey mill l'lt/.ilniiion . SAN FI5ANCISCO , Dec. 3. The oxclte- ineiil caused by the Fitzslmmons-Shar'/.ey llglit has abated , and even popular Interest In the llnal disposition of the $10,000 purse Is waning. ShnrUoy is still In bed and re ceives visitors In a room Illlod with ( lowers , the gifts of admiring female friends. lie confidently expects to receive the purse soon , although neither s-Ife made any move today. Fltzslmmons says he will remain hero only until the suit for the purse Is de termined , and that ho will thereafter be at Dan Stuart's disposal. Fltzslmjnons was occupied today In de- fondlng the suit brought against him by Jimmy Carroll , his former tralnor , for $900 , alleged to bo duo for training sorviws. The story Is now current In sporting clr- c'.es that Flt/.slmmons has done pretty well with his tight venture oven If he receives no part of the purse. Most of the money wag ered on the llsht was placed on the question of Sharkey's ability to stay six rounds. It Is now said Fitzslmmons placed several thousand dollars on Sharkoy to hold out six rounds and then took care that he did not knock out his orpmifiit too soon. Hoforoo Wyatt Harp has boon quoted as saylmr that when ho mot Major Frank McLuughlln he would call McLauKhlln to account for hnv- Inif aahl that Karp's dodslou was unsavory and for Insinuating that the referee had boon "Jlxod. " The two mot In n hotel Icir today and an encounter was expected , but Karp's friends managed to pot him out be fore there was any chance for an alterca tion. Some Xo\v Tandem HcoordN. DENVliK , Dec. u.-S'isor and Swan- brough made six professional tandem rec ords , unpaec'd , nt the Denver Wheel club track today. They rode throe-quartern of a millIn 1:23 : 2-3 , two-tifth of u pccoml better limn the record of Kvans and Hal- ton , made at San Jose last May. They then wont for the ten mile record nnd broke all records from six miles up. They rode six miles In 1U:22 : 2-1 , seven In I.V.W 4- " . , eight In lSil : ! 3-"i , nine in 20Wi : and ton In 22lli : 2-S , three-fifths of a second under livans and nation s record of 22:17 : , mndr at San Jose last May. Sager and brotigh now hold nil world's tandem pro fessional records up to ten miles , with Iho exception of those for 0110 and four miles. SAN FIJANCISCO. Doc.At the Velo drome today George Dlxon nnd Charles Kraft of the Day City wheelmen lowered the world's amateur tandem record for five miles , to 11:011 : , a cut of twenty seconds. They rode tilpaeod , with a Hying start. Tlirer Klnlxlfhoo * . NEW YOIUC , Dee. 3.-The Montaux Ath letic club , a new organisation , opened its doors at Coronna , L. I. , with throe contests tonight. Light-weight Sam Tompklnn of Astoria. L. I . knocked out Tom Morlnrlly of Holyoke , Mas * . , In Iho llfth round. Hurry Flriier of Brooklyn drfoatod , Ia' " . ; IJeld of Iteland In the seventh round. 1'ats-y Haley of liufTulo knocked out John Madden of Urooklyn in the fifteenth round. I'roHlinicil Heal Snplis. ITHACA , N. Y. . Dec. 3. The management of the Cornell navy Is endeavoring to raise funds to enable them to engage Coach Courtney for thi > coming year. The fresh- nii'ii and sophomore elevens played foot bill this afternoon for the benullt of the navy , thu freshmen winning by a score of I to 0. I'lerco Outpoint * HiiriiN. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 5.-Losie ! I'lorco of this city anil Joe Burns of Brooklyn fought four rounds tonight at the An Ath letic club. The Philadelphia hoxor easily outpointed Burns and had the light won at all stares. Troubles In IIii * IJllNlncHht U'orld. CLINTON , Mo. , Dec. C. The Henry County tank of Clinton \vas closed by Cordon Jnnn. state bank oxu'.nlncr. The capital htock of tbo ItutltuUun IH FiXDS \\'iAl.TII lllll)10\ OLD Df.SIC X'nliiatilo l'i'iirt.i . HrlfiiiKliiK < < tlio I.utc Jlr.H. HoMslo Mnri'iiu. NI3W YOUIC , Dec. 5. The World tomor row will publish the following : Ilryan Hughes , a wealthy paper box manufacturer , has written a letter to the public admin istrator. In which he states he has found In nn old desk which ho purchased at n public auction In November , lS9i ! , a quan tity of valuable Jewelry and many thousand dollars worth of bonds , stocks , deeds tn real estate and other valuables. Among the papers found was a receipt made out In the name of Mrs. J. n. Marcou. The valuables were found In a secret compart ment , nnd In the list ho furnishes are the following : One hundred shares of Western Ublon Telegraph company stock , par value , J10.000 ; ! lfl ! ) shares of the Panama Trading and Developing company , par value , $96,000 ; li.nuo shares of the American Ice Machine company , par value. $250.000 ; three C per ct'iit gold bonds of the Seal Falls Stock Yards company , par value , $3.000 ; 1,000 shares of the Chlrlgul Trading company , par value , $1,000 ; deeds for COO acres of land In Lawrence county , Kentucky ; deeds for 23,000 acres of la.nd In Lawrence county , Kentucky ; deeds for 1,000 acres of land In Long Sandy creek. Kentucky. All bore dates from IS'JO up. Investigation showed that the Mrs. Marcou referred to was Mrs. Hessle Marcou , whose death from suicide by morphtno in September , 1S93 , created a great sensation , the autopsy showing 118 grains of thi > drug In her stomach and her body showing many bruises. This Mrs. Iles sle Marcou was in New Orleans fifteen years ago. There she was Bessie Poland , as reckless us she was beautiful. i-'he drifted to Washington , nnd eventually fell In love with John Belknap Murcou , son of Prof. Julius Mnrcou of Cambridge , .Mass. Three years ago they separated , tbo young woman going to ruin. MVIOli .M'KIM.KV AM ) HIM C.YI.I.KItS. 1'rcr.ldcnl-Klool Still Con < lline * < j' KM- lorlnlii Tinny KrlomlN. CANTON , Dee. 5. Major McKlnley had little opportunity for an outing this morning. Ho was engaged moat of the time with Mr. Charlrs G. Dawca of Chicago , who remained the guest of the family during the night. Mr. Dawea let * , for Washington on the 2:05 : train. Congressman A. J. Hopkins of the Eighth Illinois distrh t nus among the morning callers upon Major McKinlcy , storing over in Canton on hl.s way to the national capital. With Mr. Hopkins was Congressman Q. K. Foas of the Seventh Illlnol.i district. They liad a pleasant talk with the president-elect and left nn the afternoon train for the rant. Congressman-elect Mclnlyro of .Maryland irrlved here at 10:2fi : thld morning and went direct to the McKinlcy residence. .Mr. I ) . M. Brown cf Wichita , Kan. , ami Colonel Dmry of York , Pa. , had a very ; > lcasant t.tlk with the president-elect during iho morning. _ not xi ) TO < ; o iiotir : run CIIIIISTMAS T\v 'iily Xiivnl AiiitriMitli'i * Itoyn INeiipc from IN cu port , 1C. I. NKWI'OIIT , II. L , Dec. D. One hundred naval apprentice boyti made a dasn for lib erty this aflernotn and twenty siic-uedud In escaping from Counters'Harbor ii'Uml. Tlio Newport and cavalry police have been ank.-d to help state olllclals In capturing the hoya. Thu trr.ublo Is .iald to bo the outgrowth ot- the refuel of furloughs for the Carlstmas holidays. The outbreak occurred In the nbi'onoo of Commander Dickens , who Is In Wwlilng- lon on oniclnl bu.'lness. Trouble lias bien brewing several dayn among the apiirentlcivi. It culminated today w.en ! . they formed a fly- Ini ; wudgo and at full epceil dathel o er the btlilge which connects the bland with the main land. Tlio inlltury scntlnal coulil do nothing to flop them. Aid won uin- Highest of all in Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. moncd at once nnd several boys were cap tured in the vicinity. Others returned vol untarily , but twenty arc still unaccounted for. Sn | i > > ti > il .Murderer .lulled. LEXINGTON , Mo. . Uec. fi. James Nelson was arrested at Hlchmoud late lasc night charged with being Implicated in the murder of the \Vli ner family , and was this morning brought hero for safekeeping. Two other men. Winner and Lackey , also charged with complicity In the crime , wtre brought hero two weeks ago to prevent lynching. TII.t : < ; \I'llic mtcvn ns. DoiacMlc. Speaker Hood has arrived in Washington for tile session. Bishop Keane Mulled yesterday from Now York en route to Home. Yvette Utillhcrt , the concert hall , and Louise Heufetto , the actress. reached New York yesterday from England. Postmasters at Wniikcgaii and lOvunston. .III. , removed liy the presiilent. have n-fiisTn to yield their ollloos , and Inspectors have been apjolntcd ) to assume ulmrKc. Justice- John M. ll.irlim of tlie I'nltcil States supreme court will deliver the an nual address at the commencement of the Yale law school on Monday , June ill next. Louise Mlehel , the French uiurchlst , was expected to arrive liy H learner from Muropo , but a largo croud which had gathered on the doeUs at N < > rt York was disappointed. Pension appropriation hill Is ready for- presentation to tin * general house committee Monday. It Is understood It carries thu same appropriation as the present law tno. < John It. Tanner , governor-elect of IlllaoU , will be nurricd December 10 at Sprlntflleld 111. , to Miss Cora Edit' ' ! ] English. daughter of r'arm-y English , a prominent man of that city. Congressman Hoswoll I * . Ilorr Is d.uiKcr- ously ill In Now York with lironchliis and n. complication of other dlticaje9. He traveled lo.noii miles during thu campaign and was taken sick Immediately after tile elm-Hun. Consul O'llara at Cireytown reports that Nicaragua hart amended Its rubber expor tation decree do as to permit such exporta tion until January 1 , 1MIS , subject to a tax of 10 cents ( Nlcnrugimn money ) per libra ( about 0.049 cent * ) pur 1.0 tj : pounds. ) Heavy sentences on Hey Waddle and forty-two other Oklahoma citizens for Ille gal limber cutting have been commuted by the president to $1 line and east" . I'ardon has but n dented to K. It. West , sentenced In Kansas to one year for lorci-ry. With the aid of east and rtent railroads the Treasury dep.irtnient will : mv ( lain In regard to goods shipped thni.K.i Canada from one port In t'he ' united ! ! ' : iies to an other port In the United States. This ilatt has frequently bean called for by congress. Populist Chairman llosenhcltner of Iii'll- nnna has called a conference of populists to meet at Indianapolis December yj. Silver n pubilcans an * invited ami the mlddle-of- men I" bi'Vitin - call Indicates a move liy which the d > muerais hope to absorb serb the populists In the t ile. $30 Hals , $4.98 $8 Hats.3.98 $6 Hats , $2,98 $5 Hats , $1.08 lU'iiiilifully tritium i ) HATS , 98c. Gi'caic-it > mr iiln ever oftVroi ] , Sever al hundred pat terns ju-l din-cud 1512 Donu'as St. $50,00 FOK A NAMK. \V mini you to try our now | > rcpiiriiton | for cluipticil or loiiKh Hkln Try u ami iiiiino II , uml yuu muy win tliu prlzu nt | . , < > .oo w nffcr fur thu liCKt niiint. ( NjiitrHt utti'ii to ull. Kt < nil t'lrflit 3-vml Htuiiiim for Humplii uml nilun. I'rlza uwunl * ud ifttiid ; > i'r 2 n ) . TIII ; iiusiiiji : i'\ , Co. . lilt ) , V , Jluaroc St. , I'corlii , 111.