Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1896, Part I, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DA1L.V . BEE : DEC EM HE K (5 ( , lSfP . HILTON JURY FAILS TO AGREE Eight Favor tlio State and Bnlnnco the Ex-Oil Inspector. CASE WILL COME UP AGAIN SOON Iti-iiulillciin C-ii I I'll I Ciiiiiinlttrr of l.ln- _ J' 'I > | Will Mori .M.niiliiy to Ili-Ar- riniKi * ( In * Sjnlriu of Primary ii vIoii In tluii City. LINCOLN , Dr-o. B.--Sp ( i'lnl.---Tho ) Jury In the cafio of thu nl.'ito against Frank 1111- ton. to remoter JC,2."U few. alleged to have been rotalm d unlawfully , leportcd to the court nt noon toOay tliat It had been iinnhle In agree niion a verdict , whcieupon the jury wan dial-harped , and tlic cnso 'will go to trial again. It Ih rciartod | the Jury Mood eight to four In fnvor of giving the sl.ito n vor- illcl for thi ; full amount asked. The only question loft for the jury to decide , pmc- tlpallyM whether or not gasoline Is an Illuminating oil. Under the Instructions of the court , qualified an stated In yctitcrday'R Iou ! special , the jury must have found for the defrnihint , If It lind found that ganollno was not an Illuinliunt. The case occupied nn entire week of the time : of the district court , and the expense of retrial will be far from nominal. UP.PUILICAN I'ltlMAIlY SYSTBM. The- republican city ccntial eomwltlcp will hold a mi'i-tlng at the Llndcll hotel next Monilni- evening , for the purportof con- HlderliiK prnnoHO'I amendments to the Lincoln pi-Unary syr.tcm The meeting will lie an open one. nnd all rcpuhllcuna desiring to submit oniptidinen'.s or changes will bi > nlfordcd the opportunity of no doing. It Is the expressed ilesMro of HIP cominlttcu to remedy any do- fcctH thai niny exist In the system nnd to make any i-hangcs that may ndd to Its clll- racy In prndiiclni ; the best rvsulttt at the spring primaries. The committee renllzca that the system wca adopted liy reason if ) tlic widespread dissatisfaction of n large. tniijnrlty of the paity. with the objectionable delegate convention nyatum. which permitted wholesale parking In caucuses and farcical primaries. The result of tlime tactlrs , the committee clultns. la shown In the fact that the 2.500 republican inajcrlty In this city has droin'cd ' to about 1.000. SOMU PROPOSED CHANGES. Om > of the Important amendments that has lii'Pii Hiiggrttted Is the use of registry Il w nt Iho priiimrltti. It Is propcocd to make duplicates of the registry lists used In the November election. In order to pre clude the possibility of Illegal voting. In rases wheru n voter has changed his resi dence. since the. last election ho will be 10- ( | Ulre < l to Bwcnr In his vote. There will be two cunlle'igciYi at each polling place , wlui nro to be selected by the committee , and none others , except n police olllcer nnd the election officers , will bo permitted Inside the polling place. Another proposed amendment Is that the election Judges lie required , Immediately upon the completion of the count In their fDicrtlvp | precincts , to lock nnd seal the lullot box ( nnd proceed with them , to gether with the tally sheets , to the head quarters of the central committee , nnd turn them over forthwith to the executive committee , In whose custody they will re main until the ofllclal count is mude. This Is Intended to avoid any grounds for charges the ballots wcro tampered with In cane at a content. Among other proposed amendments U one requiring all candidates for mayor to pres ent the committee with n petition containing tlio names of at least ! > 0' ) legal republican voters In order to get lil.s name on the offi- clnl ballot , Instead of but fifty us now re quired. The object of this la to prevent the candidacy of nun of straw and a multipli city of candidates. Tliuic who favor this amendment contend that no candidate who cannot secure tlio denatures of GOO voters Bhouhl run for mayor. No voter can sign but ono petition for the same olllcc. Some members of the committee believe that 1100 names would ho stitllclcnt. It Is also pro posed to formulate tlio heading of the pctl tlons. In which It iu ccrtllled that the sign- cm have attached their names to no other petition for the name office ; also to require the candidate to certify that ho Its nn an- In good fulfil. Candidates for treasurer , city clerk and excise commissioners will be required tr Rccuro the same number of signatures OB the mayoralty candidates , while cnnncllmnnle candidates must obtain 100 names to their petitions , Instead of only twenty no at pres ent. ent.Thu Thu committee proposes to reduce thr compensation of the judges and clerks of the primaries from $3 to J2 per day. Numerous other amendments of minor Importance have been suggested and will bo considered by the committee. - LINCOLN LOCAL NOTKS. Cangrosninn-elect Sutherland was n caller tt the governor's office today . Representative J. S. Goshorn of Hebron , Thaycr county , selected his scat In thu house tliU afternoon. Governor Holcomh hax appointed Charles Q. DeFranco of Falrbury , to succeed Mr. j Nelson , who becomes deputy land commls- * Jx Kloner under * J. V. Wolfe. .Mr. DeFranco lei x a populist iinel newspaper man , and Is con sidered one of the ablest economic writers In the party. He la also .state eommltte email from Jefferson county. Ports Wilson of Lincoln has been appointed n delegate to the coast defense convention. to bo held at Tampa. Kla. , January 20. 1S T. Articles weret tiled today by 1-MwIn I ) . Gould. Albert 1) . Hughes and W. W. Barrc , with the secretary of state. Incorporating the Woodllno farm , with a capital stock of J45.000. Iho new corporation will run a general tock farm uneler the guldanro of n board of three directors. The principal place of bii8lnr 8 of thu company will bo at Fullerton - ton , Nance county. A general meeting of the teachers of Lan caster rotmty was held at the olllco of the county superintendent this morning. The teachers met by sections , with n leader for each one , the High ( school section being in charge * of 1'rof. Stone. PAYS FOR KILLING J. II. TIPLING. The Burlington railroad company answers the petition of Mrs. J. M. Tlpllng. which 4 , s not been Illcel yet , and saya that the death of hei hi'shand by the Irish special , which was following W. J. Ilryan about the state thu day before election , was an unavold- nblo ono and not duo to any fault of the company or Its agents. It la said , however , that the company will permit a judgment for the full sum of $5,000 to he entered up. Judge Holmes yesterday afternoon heard the exceptions filed by C. C. llurr to the report of Kccclver McUiren of the various llurr blocks and took It utiiler advisement , with the exception of tlw ono relating to the reduction of Hurley's rent , us the court had duly authorized that. Attorney General Churchill Is In receipt of a letter f.-om 11 girl named Elizabeth Sle- mnnd of Thorn , Germany. asking for In formation concerning the whereabouts of her brother , John Herman Slemuml. The writer In 13 years of ago. She Li very anxious to llml her brother , whom I'he thinks Is some where In this vicinity. A motion to transfer the Hock Island re ward case to the equity docket was filed today. Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Llndcll a. W. Colwell , Ir. C. O. Spragtio , II. C. Itountrce. At the Lincoln A. M. Jeffrey. I'I > | IMN After I'OH ! tlium. KEARNEY. Neb. , Dec. D. ( Speclal.- ) Thcro Is a lively scrap going on just now over the now appointments at the State In dustrial school from superintendent to night watchman. Superintendent Mallallctt getting things ready to turn over , and 'will leave thu school In good shape In every rexpcct. Among the applicants for the vari ous positions which have cuino to light al ready are : I ) . T. 1'hilllpti , for superintend ent ; W. I ) . Cocke , for bookkeeper ; L. 1) . Korchaml , for superintendent of the agri cultural department ; II. II. Sydpiiham , for military Instructor and W. ! ' . Kck , for night watch , There will probably be others for . the other positions an the time for the ap- < > poltitmcnts draw near. SliTi'liiiiiill < > Hlni-U .Sold at Auction. TKKA..MAII , Neb. , Dec. 6. ( Special. ) The K. P. Worct'Btcr stock of general merchandise wan sold nt chattel mortgage sale today to It. II. Smith of Tckamah. it brought $7,005 , There were claim * uualuat it aggregating STAM ) OP IIISIIOI' lUI.VAltM. \ot or I be Mrtroiiiilltiin ( . 'tirlu. The Hco has been furnished by HI. llcv. Thonua Ilonacum , bMhop of Lincoln , with a f > py ef n letter presumably addresstel to nn Intercited nubordln.ito Iu the diocese , which explains tlio position of the prelate ns ro- gardg the decUlon rcaently h.indcd down In DubUtic ( ] by Ilev. Father Ilaart , acting no judge of the metropolitan curia there called , It reads : LINCOLN. Dec. 3 , ISM.-HeVerend nnd lienr Sir : I luve been absent from homo .ulmlnUterlni ; conllrm.itlun In tlio xuiilli- western tuirt of the stutu and thl clreiliii- Mtanco will eNpbiln why 1 nuvo not written to you sooner. In order that you and your people may not lie deceived by the telegraph dispatches which arc liclng rent out from Uuhuiiuc In rcfcrciK-i- 'lie encn of tlio diocese of Lin coln versus tin1 I5cv. JipnlH l ltzgernld I will Mute for your Informittlon that the ills- putehcs In qmMton Imvu been written or In- siplied by two tieisoii" who nre known to UH all n.s men or iinbUishtng mendacity , nnd who , In collusion with two others , have for tin1 past three or four yenrs made- use of the United pre.x.1 ngenclcs and two or three spe cial newspaper oignnn to rreate a public opinion nfjiiln t HIP tbro-irliout the eountry. Itx \ linown to y i ! , reViTviiel and dear sir , that with two or tluoo ixr-e\ptlonn I have never nutlvi'd llu-so B'-iisili-rous nttnck : * , for I do not riM-eignlze Hitliuldle ithe tribunal to which I urn airu'timhlc for my olllclul coneluct. NeltliiT have 1 hud tit iniy time a desireor Imdlniitlon tt e-r.gnie In newspaper controversy \\lth alundancd men. An to the prneopdlngs In the metropolitan curia at Uulmrim- b.ive to say that they nre null nnd void , ab Inltlo and. thnrofore , that the sentenop ofvhloh tb - ill pati-'ieH ? | penK IM of no force nnd la not 10 be re garded liy you. The nilrenrrhiKC i.f the case Is to be aseillieel solely to the Judge who wait delegated liy the ivoi t reverend motro- Iiolllan to hear tlio rasu. For various * and w Tilth ! } ' reiison-i auel In aeeonhineo with u praetli-L- which prcvulU In xutno metropo'l- tnn court. . bis grace f Ijiiiibcitic deemed It In HI not to take any part In the jroeocdlnH , niiil he iiffordlniily left the adjudication of the easi- entirely In tbe handr. of u certain Itiv. P. A. Il.iart of Mlrlilgati. It ! projier to state lieu- mat this elersyman was wholly unknown to the IIHIHI reverend are-hblMhop , nnd that his cr.iro seleeteil him polely on the reeommi'iid itlr.of another person. As > the aforementioned Itev. Father Ilaartv.i not above ! > U'V Melon on iiccount of his strained relations with his own ordinary and for other reasons. Key Thomas K.isiin of .Milwaukee , iiroeiirator for the diocese of Lincoln , i-lialle'iige'd him peremploiily , but , str.itiFc to say , rontnirv te > all laws and lir-niti-s Itev. Father It.iurt lefused to wltlidrnw from the fuse. He even declined c-lined to receive * and to plae-e on Ille the formal rhnllctiKP which bad be 'ii in-ido ng.tlnst him. hut wltli Indeserlliable niine-ha- lanee bis put the document In hH pocket. Nay , he we-nt so far as to Instruct the no tary not to enter the procurator's exceptions on the reeord. Under the circumstances nothing wan left for the diocese of Lincoln to do but to protest against such arbitrary conduct anil to withdraw. This was done , and we left the metropolitan curia. The case now goes on apppeal to the apostolic tolic delegation at Washington , and I will advise you of the outcome. I am , reverend ami dear sir , your devoted servant In the Lord THOMAS HONACUM. Itlshop of Lincoln. P. S. As I finish writing the above an olll- clalopy of the decision In the case Is handeel to me. U Is Indeed a very strange elocument and replete with the grossest calumnies against me1. In It llev. Itaart becomes a special pleader for a brace of clerical adventurers who Tiave Invariably given trouble to the bishops and people of the various dioceses In which they have been. I shall have occasion In the future to animadvert more at length on this extraor dinary production of judicial acumen. TKCUMSnil. Neb. . Dec. 5. ( Special. ) The following Invitation , which hap been gener ally circulated here today , li self-explanatory : "llev. William Murphy extends a cordial in vitation to the public , and especially to hi ? non-Catholic friends en account of their great Interest In the case , to hear the reading of the Judgment of the church court on his con troversy with the bh'hop of Lincoln at St. Airlrow'a church Sunday morning , December ( i. 1S96 , at 11 o'clock. " Hurl County Criminal CIINCM. TKKAMAII , Neb. , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) District court Is htlll at work on criminal eases In this county. John and Isaac Shcp- ard , who wcro sentenced to eight years In the penitentiary by Judge Keysor Home eighteen months ago , and who were , during the past summer , sent back here for a new trial , have been tried and again found guilty of burglary. George ICclly , charged with stealing a steer from H. C. Sawtell , has beer found guilty , which means a penitentiary sentence. William Hunt nnd Oeorgo Arm strong , two trampa , were found guilty of burglary. The latter crime was committed at n farm house during the past Rummer. The court is now trying Hugo Nelson ol Oakland for selling intoxicating liquors with out a license. Judge Powell haw not yet passed sentence upon the prisoners. llllsilK'NH Mcil'N Clllll Ol-Klllll/.l-N. FURMONT , Dec. 0. ( Special. ) A local lodge of the liuslncss Men's Fraternity was organized hero last evening. The following olllcers were elected : Past president , J. C. Leo ; president , E. Anderson ; vice president , C. C. Pollard ; treasurer. W. E. Smalls ; sec retary , D. J. Springer ; stewards , II. W. Itey- nolds , J. C. Clelnnd , D. W. Harlow and 0. W. I ) . Reynolds. The lodge decided to take ac tion to secure n reduction of the Insurnncc rates In this city , which nre much higher than they wcro n few years ago. nnd a com mittee consisting of 1) . J. Springer , O. W. D. Reynolds and S. W. lioyd , all Insurance agents , was appointed for that purpose. The charter membership of the lodge Is Blxty- three. _ _ _ Til Kill illlllKf ( ilHM'lle'N SIlOl'H. KEARNEY. Neb. , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) There Is considerable speculation Just now among the members of the bar In particular as to who will etcp Into Judge Orecue'ii .ihocs ns Judge In this Judicial district. The indications , however , point very strongly toward - ward W. D. Oldham. but W. L. Hand will be strongly endorsed for the position. Xlr. Olilhcm lias the endorsement of the most prominent attorneys In the city. Including such men as County Attorney Non-la Drown. ex-Judge F. G. Hamer , ex-Judge II. M. Sinclair , E. C. Calkins and others. SclioTll Children Kiilcrtiiln at Ml I ford. MILFORD , Neb. , Dec. B. ( Special. ) The village Kchoolo gave a unique and Intcrent- Ing entertainment for the benefit of the Soldier. ? ' home last evening. The large as sembly room at the home was tilled. Prof. Snare and his corps of teachers , Miss Thlck- oraon. Mas ! Alley and Miss Opeglz , had their departments well drilled , and the schol ars entered Into the cxercl'ie ' with a spirit that wae commendable- alike to pupils and teacher. The old veterans enjoyed the en tertainment. _ _ K n n crnl of IMivnrd Hall. GRAND ISLAND. Dec. C. ( Special. ) The funeral of Edward J. Hall via held from his late residence yesterday afternoon under the ausplcca of the Masonic order. Hon. J. W. Kdgerton addressed n few words of com fort to the mourning family and friends at thu residence and Hon. W. II. Thompson at the grave. There's more wind thnn smoke over In Cuba Just now but If It's the smoke you're utter and not wind you e-an get more of It for tlvei cents out of "The Stoeckcr Ciuar" and a better quality than you ever had for the money them nre lols of tso-culled ) ten cent clFurtt that are not near so good we put our reputation back of "Tho Stoeeker" that's why all the deiilerH linndlu ti-and most all thu mnokcrs buy It , ' W. F. Stoecker , 11404 Douglas , OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF 'LADIES' ' AND MISSES' S' ' < . < t < Even the most exclusive styles and styles which are confined to us go on sale Monday at from SCOUNT- From the lowest prices of the season , Underwear Special Blanket Sale Uist week's Illanket nnd Comfort rale WSB n huge success. We attempt our seeond LA DIBS' FLLKCED UNDERWEAR. sale and offer n few sensa chiefs Lidlcs' heavy fleeced Vests and Pants' , tional bargains which will even eclipse the ecru or natural , good full slzco and re bargains of last Saturday : markably cheap , each S5c Gray blankets for ? i or single beds , 75c SPECIAL , UARGA1NS. quality , for this sale at 43c a pair. 10-4 dark In assorted bordero , at - gray HAND-MADE VALENCIENNES LACES , - . ladles natural A llr.o of broken sizes In " IPc a pair. ( ! 0i for rli'h tn < w 1'lnliK Milk mill wool ; cut from 7. p. dtQlcno , at 33c , J5c COe , "Sc , Vests very dainty , and white ribbed Wool ? , regular $1.00 a yard. $1.00 mmllty , closing out for , each. . . . COc 10-4 light gray and white . . blankets at 59c CMC- for lu > st styles " > ( ) iiu-li Won' Cluvks. now i-olorlti > ; s , out from Jsio. pair , reduced from Jl.OO. " a Tide for -1(1 ( Inoli stylish \Vorstoil Suitings , 7"i' < niillty ; ; plaids t'lo. FINE FRENCH VALENCIENNES LACES NONSHKINKIXG. 10-1 dark gray and heavy weight at S3c Insertions and Heading to match , all widths , Wo have complete line of ladles natural a pair , formerly $1.25. for bordering handkerchiefs. a 10-4 variegated whitennd blankets , ural wool ribbed Vests and Pants. gray Reduced Prices on all High 45-Inch Gilt Striped Costume Gauze , spec ncnshrlnUIng , made from firm twisted all our $1.35 lot. go nt SOc n pair. ial value , COe a yard. 11-1 heavy natural gray this we offer nt yarn , Pants finished with deep yoke OSc retailed nt $1.35 nnd $1.50. Imported Dress Goods. " 15-Inch all-silk French Chiffons , nil colors , bolt , perfect lit , ordinarily $1.25 value , everywhere . 5c. 11-4 extra heavy gray blanket this la our . 5c.Fine each 75c , SUB and $1.00 Fine II. S. Sheer Linen Center Hand leader at ? 1.23 was alwajw $ .2.00. $1.'J."i- Stylish SuUlit s , UiUK-lo ohoofcs , llouivlto stripes , Sea lull Worsteds , kerchiefs , 9 Inches square , for bordering ULAC1C TIGHTS. Our heavy woolen blankets In dark gray ok1. ; $ l."iO Krado. with lace. l3c ! and 3Bc each. at $2.75 a pair are a snap. black wool , extra heavyweight Fine II. S. Scalloped Hand Embroidered Ladle-V anltlo Tights or closed , We have many more of the fine all wool Sl.OO-iHMiu-h Imported Sail Cloth Xnveltle.s ; ; > quality. weight , length , open all Linen Handkerchief * , very latest novel- bargain , pair $1-00 blankets J4.75 grade at $3.75 n pair. tics , 2t" c , 30c , r.Oc , 75o and $1.00 each. a - Out- white all wool blankets at $3.75 arc French II. S. Hand Embroidered Initial All Linen DXCEl'TIO.N'AL VALUE. quick scllcra , wcro $5.00. Best Serges. Handkerchiefs , very neat Initial , only luc. Lidies' black wool Tights , knee or See our large nlzcd "Ohio Fleece" fine H. S. Hand En.broldcred Initial Fine Cam nnklc length , full fashioned and long wool blankets at $6.60 , would bo cheap at I0eAll shades , for Iho "ido quality. bric Handkerchiefs , very special , 5c each. fibre wool , many are sold at $2.00 that ? 8.BO n pair. fiOr Ui-liieh , for our snin-rHne 7."e fjrado. Indies' Combination Pocket Hooks-In Reel are no better value , pair $1.50 A fine assortment of the very best blankets - 7" > e Kor our regular ? ! Oil quality. Alligator , Real Seal , Russia and other COMBINATION. kets In white , gray , brown anil red at re leathers , special , BOe each. THE LATEST PATENT duced prices. Real - . . Just received , a pew line of the Munslng A new line of blanket robes for , Osti-lch Feather Doas $ , $9.50 , Suits for laellep , wrappers Black Dress Goods. $12.00 , $15.00 and $18.00. Plated Combination coats and bath robes. In assorted colors and . the latest patent , buttoned only to the figures , ( California wool ) , at $1.00 , $4.50 and waist , a perfect fit and very comfort $5.00 each. SHe-Now fJraulto mH Sail Cloth ; $1.00 quality. able ; these arc nonshrlnklng , natural COMFORTS . tiOf Fur Storm Kl-lueh T.'e Underwear AT LESS THAN IIALK PRICK. Series. - ; quality. ural and white ; tlio very bept finish , Home mail. , comforts , largest size , made Trie Novelty weaves ; reilar Ittc tfr per suit $1-75 and $2.50 of fine < all wool clialll , sateen and silk , and KC , IURGAINS KOIl CHILDREN. filled only with "White Rose , " made by FINE CASHMERE Wo have a line of children's natural Omaha experts , at from $2.00 to $1.05 each. Seres Cut Prices. Ladles' line black cashmere hose , double wool and white ribbed VPS > ! B , regular heel , toe and aole , a regular 50c quality 35c and COe qualities ; closing out entire Extraordinary Reduction Now - "elOe , fiOe and 75e. ity , 35c. 3 pair for $1.00 tire line at , oJch 15c ' tion in Down Quilts. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY BARGAINS UNION FOR CHILDREN. FLORENCE THE Children's heavy ribbed , fast black , cot Jtii't received , another case of Florence We have , as everybody knows , the nicest Silks ! Silks ! Silks ! ton hexse , all sizes , C to 9V , per pair. 12'-c { Combination Suits for children ; these line of Down Quilts In the city $7.50 , $9.00. ' SPECIAL MENTION are a special nuke for comfort and I $10.00. $12.00 an- ' $14.00 grades A few of < U' Full rustle Chaiiw.tlile Tall'i-tan. Misses' fine black cashmere ribbed hose wear. non-ehrlnklnK and perfect fit the finer ones were carried over , nnd con- $1.00 IU" t all silk Satin Diu-hosse. : > 7 Inohes wide. , double knee , heel and toe , all sizes , , ting. 2. 3. S5c suit ; 4 , E , C , $1.00 suit ; sciiuently became slightly soiled. $1. in-New Kvonltif , ' llroeadeil Silks ; $ l.w : quality. 5 to SHs , per pair 25c 7 , 8 , milt $1-25 Ono can afford to clean , when they con Velvets Plaid Velvets Now ? 1.00. COMFORT FOR Two .necessary qualifications our hosiery sider that the whole lot will be put on oale > Volvets--Kvery coiieolvahlo shade now lit Nloek. HOYS at $4.95 each. possesses , good wear and fast color. Hoya1 extra heavy winter weight black Tlio assortment Is large and designs are WH IIAVK ATTAlMOl ) A HMIM'TATION IN film VHI.VHT 11HPAHT- Saxony and wool extra double HEAVY WOOL beautiful. Let advise to , us you come ' ' ON ACCOVNT OF Sri'KKIOU ( I'AUTY AND (5HI-JAT MHXT ( VAHIHTV knee , heel and toe , special make for Ladies' all wool , fast blaek htee. full early In order to get a big bargain. school wear , aU sizes , 7 to 10 , per length and size , merino heel and toe , There's n goo.l chance for a suitable OF SIIADKS ALWAYS ON HAND. pair 50c per pair 25c Christmas gift. HUACK DKKSS SILKS Special prices on Monday i-il.DO-all weaves $1. Our stock of Ladies' Kid Gloves , is now complete , embracing all the fashionible shades for bDth street and evening weir. Cor. Farnam and I5th Streets. V. M. C. A. STATI3 CO.VVUXTIOX. Itev. Ilr. Stuilil of London la-niln tin * Illlilc Sillily CliiNH. LINCOLN , Dec. C. ( Special. ) Saturday morning's session opened with a song and prayer service , after which Rev. C. A. Studd of London , England , led In "Personal and Devotional Bible Study. " He spoke In part as follows : "If there Is one thing more than another that Is plain It Is that every disciple of Christ must be a savior. Jesus thirsts for souls. We want to know how to read our bibles , and If you and I don't get to saving souls our bible will do us no good and our study will be nauseating. If you do not use the sword of the spirit It will rewt. "There arc so many , even among Y. M. C. A. officers and secretaries , who have trouble about consecration. They want to work out their lives In their own way and are not willing to trust the Lord Jesus Christ to make a success of their lives. Wo cannot save souls unless we arc saved ourselves So mr.ny even among our old professing Christians nre not sure they are saved. They ) .rust they are. The only foundation lii C'hrUt ; all others are as shifting sand calvatlon Is n gift. We know we are saved only by accepting salvation a.i a gift. "We do not have to be great speakers to be soul winners. More are saved by persona' work than by speaking. As a matter of fact the world Is being damned today because the gospel Is so simple. AH the helps In the world are no good If you do not take your blblo and go after souls. Sonio think though that a man has got to have a large head to do good work. The trouble Is In many of these cases that the big head gives bandy legs and weakness. God very often wakes us up to these things very roughly , but Oh. so lovingly nnd kindly. " Fred L. Willis then sang with much feel ing nnd eltjct "I'll Live for Him , " fol lowed by prayer by George C. Buck. The convention then went Into business session , as per program , Mr. Willis leading. The committee's report on the state com mittee's report was received and adopted with little change. The recommendation In section 5 was then taken up In regard to this convention raising $800 for state committee , and the result was as follows : Personal subscription , $139.35 ; association pledges , $1E5 ; conditional , $35 ; total , $329.35. Following art- the names of the members of the state committee for the ensuing year : Dr. W. 0. Henry. W. S. Curbls. Fred L. Willis , John Dale , Omaha ; Dr. H. H. Ward , Prof. J. S. Saylor. Prof. G. E. Condra. Prof. Charles Fordyce , George A. Adams , W. E. Dougherty , Lincoln ; Prof , Dnneanson , Peru ; Dr. E. A. Weir. Chadron ; T. C. Marsh , South Omaha ; A. L. Tucker. Wayne. Joe Morris. Grand Island ; H. V. Hlllaker. North Platte ; Thomas H. Glllan , Auburn ; V. ' . J. Hire. Fremont ; J. H. Van Gaasberd , Nellgh ; Charles Kelsey , Hastings ; C. E. White , B. R. Cogswell , Beatrice ; Prof. J. B. Maxwell , York ; J. W. Dougherty , Lincoln ; E. AV. Ellis , Crete. Last night's session of the Young Men's Christian association convention waa largely Mr. Urcx L. Hheoirnn put In a tuny i.cck with the "ftuirlty 1'lrcun" KOI lil iluir und lilnifclf nil over panic but' * ) ie'n tiitlDlli'il now whrn tie n-eti the mill's anil mlk'H of Ki'nulne fancy circuit poHtrm lie linn pluce'l Iiofuro I lie Oniuliu public everybody pays "they me iulte | the tldnit" mum- with our minuet ) ' Kenulno ilonKeilii Kent heavy nole wet wrnther ho i ! equul to any II.CO time In the city mlfciV Uf H\i \ to 2 Jl.W clillilmi'a iu to u ii. : : . Drexel Shoe Co. , Send for our IlltiHtratul 1410 Farnam Catalogue. , l ? attended , the hall bolng crowded. After a spirited song service. iMr. Ohcr Jed In prayer. C. A. Studd 'Of England entertained the convention with a brief , , though pleasIng - Ing address , after which the hall was dark ened. and C. Wilbur Mesecr of .Chicago gave his famous stcrcoptlcon JecMire. He exhib ited fine pictures of many association build ings In England and America , both exterior and Interior. Ho also gave some pictures showing the temptations that assail young raon In strange cities. _ PAHMKItS AHU 1IWSY lIUSICIMi CI1II.V. Hi-cent Cold Wi-ntlier IJmiiiiKros tlic Chicory Crop .Mlnlitly. FREMONT , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) The warmer weather of the past two days has given the farmers a chance to do some corn- husking , though It has been very muddy and disagreeable work. Over a third of the corn crop Is still In the fields. There will bo some loss on chicory , which Is not yet dug. All that portion of the root which cx- tenels above the ground will have to bo cut off. All that part which thaws out In the ground will not bo Injured. The chicory factory hero worked all this week on roots that were frozen solid. A little more heat was necessary to dry them ; otherwise they worked all right. DUNCAN , Neb. , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) The weather today Is quite warm , the Ice Is all off the trees and corn and the snow is all gone. Corn-luiBklng Is again In full blast and hay presses will start again Monday. I'lM'imrlnpr I" Mnti-rtnlii IMItorn. GRAND ISLAND , Dec. 6. ( Special. ) The printers and publishers of the city met at the Independent office last night and or ganized for the work of entertaining the vis itors to the forthcoming State Press association convention. S. P. Mobley was selected president , W. M. Gcddca trcasurci and A. F. Huechlcr secretary. The necessary committees wcro appointed and Grand Island will make every effort to pleasantly entertain the convention. HIIIIK * Tnli-nt Hntt-rtuliiN nt ToiMiniNi'Ii. TECUMSEH , Neb. , Dec. C. ( Special. ) The young people of the Epworth league hero held a very novel entertainment at the Scavcr opera house last evening. It was i. "Huskln1 Hco" of fifty years ago and the persons portraying the various characters In the play were very appropriately cos tumed and acted their parts well. A good sized audience was present and a snug sum was raised for benevolent purposes. Ki-rM Arri-Nti-il. DECATUR , Neb. , Dec. G. ( Special. ) Richie , Page and Cayvle , thrco allcgeel boot leggers , wcro arrested last night by a deputy marshal and taken to Omaha , A number of Indictments are already on file ) against the men , _ Scvi n IIU-IICN of Ice nt .Mllforil. MILFORD. Neb. . Dec. , D , ( Special. ) The Ice on Lake Quenchaqua. IB seven Inches thick and clear as crystal. . There arc no cobwebs un uur Modikce [ > n niuvlntr xo taut tliero'H ne > chance for tlicm apartment lidim-'ho du quality ami price wv've cot nil lluco In a luippy comlilniitlon that you'll llnd an Ir- rentstnUle IIH tlic tide you can ciicnd u riuall or Inrco nninunt with UK imil be perfectly vutlillnl In either event- lace ceirtulMH IrUli point uiu ( till vry popular wo begin them at C.UO a pair , Omaha Carpet Co. 1515 Dodge. ! | KXX > O-O-CMD O OO-O CAMMDATKS I'Oll l-'KDKIlAI. OI'FK'i : . Many Ki-nriicy Cltl/.rn * AiixliuiH to I Kill llif I'ONlollU-c. I KEARNEY , Neb. , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) The question that seems to be agitating the poll- j tlclana Just now Is , "Who will be Kearney's next postmaster ? " There are several who prefers to be on the "Inside" regarding such mattcra , but in some way no two arc agreed upon the person as the lucky applicant. Those most prominently mentioned are : I * . T. Lambert , chairman of the republican con gressional committee far this district ; M. j A. Urown , editor of the Kearney Dally Hub ; 1 J. T. Mallallcu , superintendent of the In- ' mistrial school ; K. O. Holmes , a citizen who I did gooel campaign service In both Iowa and Nebraska during thu last campaign , and 1 A , J. Snowdcn and J. W. Shahan , who have been lifelong republicans and stand well In the community. So.far as the public is concerned , It makes but little dif ference which one of these Is success ful , as the people have the utmost confi dence In their ability and believe that the affairs of the olllco would be conducted In a most satisfactory manner to all concerned. There Is plenty of time yet , however , for new asplranta to come to the front , and there Is no telling who the successful man will he. Affiilil of Dlplitlicrlii nt llroi-k. IJROCK. Neb. , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) The diphtheria has been prevalent In this place for a few days and yesterday four cases of scarlet fever were reported. The public schools have been closcO , but no other pre cautions wcro taken to prevent the spread. \Vnulil SuiiiTlntrnil Hi-form School. FREMONT , Dee. 5. ( Special. ) G. W. D. Rcynolels has como out as a candidate for the position of superintendent of the Kear ney Reform school and It Is claimed has t strong backing for the place. Mr. Reynolds Is well known throughout the state. Itli-liiirilNon County Court AilJoiiriiN. FALLS CITY , Neb. , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) The December tcrm > of the district court for Richardson county has been adjourned from December 8 to December 21. < ; nIlly of Murilcr In Seoouil I > i > nrn > r. HOWLING GRKKN , O. . Dec. 5. After being out twenty-five hours , tlio Jury brought In a verdlet of guilty of murder In tlio second degree ngnlnst Thomas C. Jones , alias "Doe" Lee of Chicago , one of tlio burslara who shot Nluht Watchman Jesse Haktr of North Hnltlmoro on the morning of Juno 21 , ThenWIIH u hard IlKht for n verdict In the first degree , but It could not be nccompllHhcd. A motion has been mnde by the defence for u now trial. Anollii'r Km-lory oil Full Time. NORWICH , Conn. , Pec. 5. The Hopkins & Allen company , the manufiicttirer.s of gutiH , piHtolH nnd bicycles , Btarted up today on full time with the entire complement ofIdO ImmlH. The plant IIIIH been operat ing on short time for Home months. It wll bo n Kwndiff ilr when the circus comcH to town for every body will bo there from all the country 'round Bonio will come to xeo the show nnd bring1 the little OUCH along while otherH will come wo know to HCO what Hospo 1ms In art nnd none they've henrel of the Klmball great iinel pictures we have Kiilore that they win Hcurcely wait till they get Inside our door. A. Hospe , Jr. , & ISlilDoiiKltiH. X A ? 3 + O + & + O + O + O + O + O + O + O * O + O + O * IXVKSTKJATKI ) CIHUCII I-M\ . \\CKS. .Spci-lnl CoiiiinlKi-c of rroNliyti-rlann MnliVN 1'iilillc ii Hi-port. NEW YORK , Dec. 5. The special commit tee of nine , appointed by the general oaacin- uly of the Presbyterian church , at Its last conference In May , to confer with the Hoard of Home Missions on the financial affairs of the chui\h : h&a finished Its labors. The com mittee consists of Rev. Dr. W. P. Kane of Chicago , chairman ; Judge R. N.Vlllbon of Philadelphia , S. M. Clement of Buffalo. S. H. Harbison of Plttsburg , Robert Pitcalrn of Plttsburg , T. W. Yuggy of Chicago , Rev. Dr. John Dlxon of Newark , N. J. ; Rev. Dr. Charles A. Dickey of Philadelphia and Dan P. EKa of Cleveland. The report of the committee will be prrscnteel to the general assembly when It meets In May , 1SU7. An abstract of the report Is given out for pub lication today. It la as follows : "In accordance with the Instruction cf the general assembly to publish to the church at lar d during tlio progress of the work of the committee whatever information the church might deem necessary we desire to announce that diligent attention has been given to the matter entrusted to us. Wo have hold several conferences with the hoard and are glad to bo able to announce tlul tr.ici : a result will h ? reached as will pro mote the efficiency of the board and meet the approval of the church generally. While our work U < not completed , substantial prog ress hai : been made. "Wo have made a thorough examination of the securities of the board and of the hooka and accounts of the treasurer's ofilcc , with the aid of a public auditor , and It gives no satisfaction to state that tlio acocunlo arc being kept with accuracy and buslness-llUc ability , and that the Income from Invest ments has been received with unusual promptness. "We feel warranted In appealing to the ehurchca to stand loyally by the worX he- Ing conducted by the board , and urge Immediate mediate- liberal contributions to meet the emergency which Is Just now upon us. We ire c-nfldent that the Interest cf the great cause which we all have at heart will he greatly promoted , not only for the present , but for the future , If generous and imme diate response be made to the urgent appcata now being sent r t. " _ COIO.MIJ i-Ki.i.oxvs SI.VKIXC FAST. rii > NllniiH Kxiice-t Him to I'IIKH Aivny lit Any Moim-iit. NEW YORK. Dec. 5. Colonel Fellows ral lied a little shortly after noon , but toward night it was announced by the attending physicians that he was growing rapidly worse. The physicians In attendance made the following statement : "Colonel Follows Is suffering from a tumor In the stomach. It Is an ulcerated , cancerous growth , which has been developing for some time. Colonel Fel lows Is In a high fever and is delirious at times. His heart is giving out and the chances are that he will not see Sunday morning. " Colonel Fellows was unconscious. He cannot survive more than a few hours. DOYOUHIMHTbinXCSnAIC'ir ' ? the micpenders nro not as gooel IIH they ( should bo nonu are HO Kood an Ouyot'H. Ouyot Hiippe-ndorH . 45p NlKht ShlrtH . 4'-u Wilson Bros. ' White HhlrtH . Mo Bilk lien , all klmlH . ' . ' . ' Handkerchief ) ! . do ICIi'Kiuit colured borde.-r hdks . 12'H' Bilk ( 'nrtern . 2UC Albert Cahn , 1322 Furimm Timii : : ASIMIVXIATKU. Dnrlnttf tlif MKI ! ( KHrnpllipr'MH Ovi-r- IHIUI-I'M OI > CIIIIIII < H of T\to HOIINI-N. BOSTON , Dec. 5. A strong odor of gas , noticed by paasersby at 3" Neweomb street , In the Hoxlury district this morning , led to an Investigation , which revealed the fact , that the Inmates of the house , three In num ber , had been killed by the fumes , whllo In the adjoining house. No. 35 , four persona were found In an unconscious condition , ono being seriously affected. Tlio dead are : MRS. SARAH LAWRENCE , aged -10 years. MISS SOPHIE LAWRENCE , a years , daughter of Mrs. Lawrence. SAWYER , 35 years , a lodger In the house. The names of those found unconscious nro : George Ciirran , 6fi years. Nellie Curran , 1C years , daughter ot George. Hugh Curran , 20 years , son of George. Edgar Thomas , a lodger. Thomas was barely nllve when found ami was taken to a hospital. The others were , soon revived and are out of danger. All the dead were negroes. When the house was cleared of fumes , a. search was made for the source of the trouble and It wn/i found that u leak had oc curred In the cellar , at the Junction of the ) pipes which supplied both houses with gas. WKI.I. K.VOWX IIOTin , ATTAClli : DIUS \ftor a Hunt Spr.iAllnrt I.uvi-Joy romniltN .Siili-lilc. NEW YORK , Dec. 5. Albert J. Lovejoy , who hail been head porter nt the Fifth Ave nue hotel for the thirty years preceding 1SU5 , committed sulclelo nt the Putnam house last night. He had been drinking hard for several days. This morning there was a strong smell of gas In the halls , and when Lovejoy's room was broken open he wan found dead in bed. He had stopped all the cracks In the room and had turned on the gas. gas.LoveJoy was C. years old. Ho was a great favoilto with prominent men , and was made ono of the delegates to the first republican convention at Philadelphia. Every time Gen eral Grant came to the hotel Lovejoy aeted as his valet , abandoning his work as porter for the time. Ho was u great admirer ot Hlalno and after his defeat In 1SS1 took to drink. .It-iriTHon Iliirriii-l < N Mny Aliiiniloiii-il ST. 1XJUIS , Uee. S. The I'usl-Dh-p.'itcli this iifternoon sajs : The probability Unit Jefferson liarrackH will abandonee ] by tiniovf ; rmr.ont us n military pom IH not re mote. This prediction Is busi-il on known fiu-tH Biippli'meiited by UKollli'lnl com- plulntH IIH to the bad winllary e-omlltlou of the post , registered during yearn puHt. by tlic various comnmndlnK oHIce-m In ilmrmAn oreler bus lieiij received from ( ii'iii-ral Wrtdey Mi-rrltt , In command of the ) Ue'partim-nt of MfHMiiirl , with hi-ud- qimrterH at Chicago , ellrectlng a board of ofllrerH to mi-i-t at Jcfl'i-rbem ImrnickH Do- c-i-inlM r 1C , to Inquire Into the mmlhiry con dition of the post , anil the advisability oC continuing It n Hueh. There's lots of excitement over the "Charity Circus" that will bo here on the Sth , ! HM nnd loth-hut It doe-Hii't 6 equal by half the i-xelti'ine-nt we have caiiH.'d by a gcnerouii reduction on all our heating Htove prlt-t-H have been ri-diic- on our Itnyal Acorn Imperial At-oriiB Aeorn Orik nnd Acorn Radio.- torn HH well tin on every other hcntliiK Htove we have you never have had Huch a chance to gut u good utuvu for HO little money. ( tdiisidiiriiur 2407 little prices , Cuming.