Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1896, Part III, Page 17, Image 17

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More than Half a Million Dollars worth , of Hew ( Winter Merchandise will be offered all the way
' 4F. H. FRANKE'S FAIR" DEPARTMENT STORE STOCK , the leading department store on the north side , CHICAGO
_ _ _ _ _
MESHEnMHOIi5BIHBiMB ? ! ! g HKBVl . flHMP . .HRfe lH MWI335 . _ !
TSsNAsLE i iega I HiHI i - STARTS
„ ,
FOUR (4) ( ) BARGAINS IN vamssfi' *
$ I.M qunllty of 41- THAT COST
7Bc qunllty of a fnn- Inch Novelty Crepe ,
cy wcnvo Mohair , tufted Black Dress
Jacquanl , strictly Good ! , large assort
all wool nnil boiiKht ment of nil new
to retail In Chicago rough effect ? , on
at 73c yard , on wile sale In Ulack Gooda During tlio entire past summer our Toy buyer lias beou scouring thi > YOUR CHOICE OF THE WHOLE LOT
In Hlnck aooJs ilo- department at one- Kuropean markets. Our Dolls came direct 1'ioin Sonni'iihci % our Toys
partincnt tit , ynrd. . half price , yard. . . .
direct from licrlln. our Austrian novelties direct from Vienna ; the
Omnliii Custom House books will .show yon where we imfil the duty.
Ilcpcllant Broadcloth
New plaid twilled , We have gathered tofiether the largest collection of Dolls , the hand
double width Dress cloth , 1V& yds wide , somest collect Ion of European Mechanical Toys , the most extensive line
Goods , bought to In two shades of of Juvenile Hooks , an immense line of Wooden Toys , Hobby Horses ,
sell In ClilcaRO at gray , regular prlco Iron Toys , Savings llnnks , etc. , etc.
12V4c , on sale at ,
yard C9c , ou bale at , yard In fact , we have the only real up-to-date Toy Department in the
west. One glance at our second floor , where decorators and trimmers
have been at work for the last ten days , will readily convince you of
what we say to be a fact. r - - " ----j .
Our ical live Santa Clans on hand 40 slinko.hands and delight This includes the finest and highest oracles of Men's Overcoats
- O t O
light the children. Also our mammoth Santa Glaus Mairiiox Is at the and ulsters made of all wool beaver- kersey and melton in chinchilla
front door , where any child writing a letter to Santa Claus will have his ;
wants fulfilled on Christmas eve. v chilla , Irish Frieze , real Montagnae , etc no better or finer garments
'At ' $2.50 Indies' very fine ' ' ' i * *
At OSc A double diagonal kersey bcijver Jackets , Santa Claus , on his snow will te steed , with his beantiriilMver-bule'j ; 5 | 'Were---evervs61dforup to$25rOOWeofljbryou < youi ejipice of-'theen
latest style sleeves. Inlaid
Cheviot capo , braided and jmay be seen on the streets of Omaha from now until Christmas eve.
velvet collaou-lnLtiulecl to tire- fifteen hundred for $5. 00 > ancl 47.50.
fur trimmed ; Intended to sell In Chicago at JG.75 , garments . . .
black aniUnuvy blue ; on '
cell it ) Chicago nt M.H3 ; pale at J2tpO. . . . ' , " , , . . " . . . . . . . . - T
sale at OSc. strictly all -wool ; ; ' Hoys' Cape Hoys' Heavy All the Hoys' Men's
ICO lined seta , hand warranted engraved qundhipto , 4-pIeoe plate sets , , gold con- All the Men's $5.00 aud $7.50 Overcoats Chinchilla Astrakhan and Hoys'
Hlstlng of teapot , aiiahr bowl , crrnm and Cape and Finest ( iradu
J5 . & 0-A flno bin ek Ki-r- At M.OS A heavy uoavi-r WATCH ! pitcher nt and spoon holder , . . , , worth JIO.UO , Ulsters , Overcoats Chinchilla Ulsters and
> $1 93
worth and Reefers
6By Jacket , latest box cloth or Irish frltzu tlght- CO Syrup Pltchcrj\ with trny , warranted tip Cape
lined throughout auadriiple plate , worth $3.00. at $1.38 to $5.00 Ulsters coats , worth
frout , tmtln illthu jmjkot , edged with 50 I'lcklo Castors , warranted to Go up to $10 ,
out ; Intended to sell at Astrakhan and beauti years ) , worth $2.50 , at. . . . . . wear , $1 2.
CiiJeiiBO at Jl'J.t.0. . on sale fully brnldod ; Intended 10 JEWELR W. spoons A. Rogers' , warranted 0 Knlven to , wear 6 Perks 10 years and'B , at. . . . 98c .9 ; S3.50
at soil In Chicago at 10.00 IS pieces at t. . , J2.G9
. W. A. Uogcrs' Tea Spoons , set of 6 40c
on h.ilo nt W. A , Hoters' Table Spoons , warranted ,
to wear 10 ycar.s , set of Ocpoons 73c Your Your Your All the men's
Ilogcr Bros. ' 1K47 ICnU'os , and Forks- Choice Choice and hoys'
set of 12 pieces , . . .J3.SD Choice 2 So grade
Thousands of Sterling1 Silver Kovcities nnd For For Winter
Manicure Bets for the holiday trade nt Uos-
ton Store ' ' Caps ,
4 n-ujulslto designs In Comb nml lirimli
Sets nt $ l.s and { 2.43
Hand engnwed Soap Ilexes , n.ilo price. . 2.1c Of all the Man's Finest ALL THE Men's 5c
Xut Cracker on < l C i'lckp. worth J1.3 . . . . 49c All Wool Worsted hn
China Astrakhan ported Cheviot and Men's Fine All Wool
At JD.9S-A11 of the high- capes , extra wide Ciissliuere All Wool
clans novelties In Jackets Heep and very $5.00 and
niul that weie ox- , - ladles' coin silver Chatclaln Watches , Gents' K ! trlii or Walthnm ntem wind Ten and All thu75c&
cnpes long Just the thing- stein wind and tet , worth $6.00 $2.69 and set. In double cup dllverlna cases , $1 men's and
presaly Imported for fof the coming Indies' gold stiffened cases , with flno worth $7.50 . : Z , $2.88 Twelve $7.5O '
I'-ranko and cost as high cold weather ; movement , pendent set. worth $10.00.$4.93 Cents' elegant gold and engraved cases' , hoys' line
. , Ladles' beautiful g old filled Hunting with thtJ celebrated P. S. Bartlett Winter
25.00 each to Import
as { bought to bo Hold , , , - ,
case with 7-joweied Elgin movement movement 15-Jeweled warranted to
Caps ,
no two allko In this selection In Chicago nt J1350 ; worth $12.00 $7.13 wear 20 years , worth $ tJ.OO , . $13.1 ? SUITS SUITS
Bulo at . . Ladles' II kt. IT. S. solid , Gents' tilled
tion ; on J0.33. on sale at $7.60. assay gold elegant gold hunting case That
sold for $ t5 ,
Klein or Waltham movement , worth Watches , warranted to wear 10 years ,
J30.CO $15.43 Klpln or Waltham movement , worth $18 or $20 ,
$25.CO u \ $11.39 all at $7.50. $2.50 25C-50C
Ladles' , misses' and Ladles' Ka full go Go at $ * .9S.
73c black nnd whlto $0.00 Double Slm-nls ,
children's 23c nil seamless h o a v y Htrlclly all , wool , 1,000 yards of good Turkey red and Lonsdalo Ulcachcd JJstra heavy outing
pure Saxony wool lieavy Ice Wool also $5 CO extra hea black Prints , worth VJannel , light and IN
and zephyr knit tleeco lined Hose go Shawls , vy Hlankot Shawls , plaid Dicss Glng- Cc yard , Muslin , -north Sc dark colors , worth
Mittens , ut go at 1min3 , worth 6ic ! yard , / " &l c yard , 23 sample pieces of the fin 1,000 yards of Mill Remnants of One table of odd Fringed
utlOc yard est grade of bleached Table bleached and turkey red Cloths , some with fanuy
lOc 25e Damask ; these arc small border , some plain white ,
5c $1,75
, Damask , worth up as high as
4G 3G pieces , no two allko , up to some turkey red , worth up
% % Inches wide , of double ,
Kxtra Inrge size , 72 Mo yard go at 19c yard to $2 apiece , all at
line quality knotted satin Damask , worth $1.50 go onu
fringe Towels , yard ; they go tomprrow at. One big lot of llncst quality price , 9Sc cacli
Ladles' nnd ohll- $3 SO Badger. Wolf , Infants' and child's' Ladles llncst double worth 35c each ,
' .
ilrcn'tt 15c full seam Caps , Hats , llon- knit plain nnd fan- I'ull sl/o Nutlnghani nastUig Cotton , T 0' 1,000 pairs white ICO dozen sample Napkins , Knotted Fringe D.unnsU Special sale In MarfcIlloH lied Spreads ,
less , good , weight , and Dliiclc Hair T.un 15c no two dozen alike , full bought from u bankrupt manufacturer ,
' and
tu'tx cv Coral Saxony and gray Cotton Towels , worth 33c apiece at go
line gauge Hose , O'Shanters , worth Mittens , worth 75c , It n c a Curtains , yard spools , a dozen tnrec-nuarter size. In Ilnest ; go at do , 7. > c , 9Sc , $1.23 , fl.w and $2.M each.
ut Muffs , at , lllankuts , worth gr.ido of bleached satin . . Thcso are worth from . . .
go up to $1,50 , go at go ut . , ISo $ up to $5.00 each.
worth $1.00 a pair 10,00) yaids of lightweight en spools. , Jl.OO , dam.isk ; we offer them to
ut25c weight unbleached morrow ar long as they last Turkey red Towels , largo filze , 67c 75c 98c
6c 39c 15c. 25c Muslin , worth Sc at $1.2' > dozen ; this Isthe big , , ,
39c 49c yard , go at , yard ' gest Napkin b.trg.iln ever 20c grade , go at $1.25 $1.69
, 49c Ic 5c 49c offered In Omaha . , . , . .
Ail the Men's All the All the All the Men's Men's 50-cont All the men's All the.Men's All the hlKhust Men's Men's All the All thel. . ( ) All men's $1
SOcliiue Men's Dollar Grade French Ultie Flannel LincU Knido of Men's Dollar Fifty Cent Men's uracle men's urade Colored
i'lald ' Wool Cashmere Shirts , double . NightShirts Laundereu
50o and 75c Hoys'All Kid Gloyes Lined and Unlincd Sill ; Su.speii' Laundered
Jumpers , Knee Pants Hose , and single Uncle and Calf ders , Shirts , White Shirts , Shirts.
15c OVERALLS 25c VESTS OOc breasted 70c , 98c Mitts. nnd . L f . . Gloves Mitts , and Neckwear , \ ders2c 2uutf5c
Every Pair is Strictly Up to Pate Just as Nice as Ca/n Be Everything is Right as it Should Be All We Have Poue i ? to Cut the Price to About Half.
Infants' ' MEN'S ARCTICS Ladles' IN UASUMINT. I3ASBMENT , Ilf HASEMENT IN DASKMUNT. Ladies' ' Hit IN * HASEMUNT ° , In Ilascment.
* - 500 Pairs
Lailhs' ' Wool 50c Ladles' Misses' ' Child's Warm Men's Ladies'
35c Soft Wool Kill Kid Kill Lace
19 notion llutton Billion Oxfords and
Storm Sole Over Shoes CoDgress
Shoes Shoes Slippers
liootes Gaiters Shoes
woitliM 12 In 'J 9 loll IN UA8EMIONT.
up to $2,50 $
Ladies' New Winter Tan , Wine and Black ( $5 $ and $6) $ ) Five Dollar and Six Dollar Siioes go at S3 o iiiiii' Small MENS Si/.uH.
Ladies' ' Weit and Fine Sewed Donp'a ' Button and Lace Shoes inide lu sell 111 Fl(6 ! ( a ! H go at $1.98 $ SLIPPERS
Men's $5 $ and $6 $ Winter Tan and Calfskin Lined Shoes go tomorrow at $3,00 $ a pair Leather Pelt and , SJOO SJ35
Men's ' Real $6 $ Cord wan Shoes or S3--AH ti s $4,50 $ Calfskin Lace and Congress Men's ' Shoes ill $2,25 Velvet. SJ75
s CJD ( Calf S iocs 50 at $ ,59 , 2 Leather Slippers go at IlBoys'and ' loufc1 Shoes