Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1896, Part III, Page 17, Image 17
PART III. jj THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 17 TO 20. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , O EAHA , SUNDAY tt 0 , ISOO-TWENTY PAGES. SIXGI/E COl\r ITVE CUNTS. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE More than Half a Million Dollars worth , of Hew ( Winter Merchandise will be offered all the way TIIS SALE WILL INCLUDE THE ENTIRE PURCHASE OP THE ' 4F. H. FRANKE'S FAIR" DEPARTMENT STORE STOCK , the leading department store on the north side , CHICAGO WHICH WAS INVENTORIED AT OVER $100,000.00 AND SOLD FOR $35,000.00 ATvrir WHICH ALI , COBS ON SALE TOMORROW AT _ _ _ _ _ MESHEnMHOIi5BIHBiMB ? ! ! g HKBVl . flHMP . .HRfe lH MWI335 . _ ! | THIS SALE TSsNAsLE i iega I HiHI i - STARTS , FOUR (4) ( ) BARGAINS IN vamssfi' * TO SHOW HOW ALL THE REST GO. $ I.M qunllty of 41- THAT COST 7Bc qunllty of a fnn- Inch Novelty Crepe , cy wcnvo Mohair , tufted Black Dress Jacquanl , strictly Good ! , large assort all wool nnil boiiKht ment of nil new to retail In Chicago rough effect ? , on at 73c yard , on wile sale In Ulack Gooda During tlio entire past summer our Toy buyer lias beou scouring thi > YOUR CHOICE OF THE WHOLE LOT In Hlnck aooJs ilo- department at one- Kuropean markets. Our Dolls came direct 1'ioin Sonni'iihci % our Toys partincnt tit , ynrd. . half price , yard. . . . direct from licrlln. our Austrian novelties direct from Vienna ; the Omnliii Custom House books will .show yon where we imfil the duty. Ilcpcllant Broadcloth New plaid twilled , We have gathered tofiether the largest collection of Dolls , the hand double width Dress cloth , 1V& yds wide , somest collect Ion of European Mechanical Toys , the most extensive line Goods , bought to In two shades of of Juvenile Hooks , an immense line of Wooden Toys , Hobby Horses , sell In ClilcaRO at gray , regular prlco Iron Toys , Savings llnnks , etc. , etc. 12V4c , on sale at , yard C9c , ou bale at , yard In fact , we have the only real up-to-date Toy Department in the west. One glance at our second floor , where decorators and trimmers have been at work for the last ten days , will readily convince you of what we say to be a fact. r - - " ----j . Our ical live Santa Clans on hand 40 slinko.hands and delight This includes the finest and highest oracles of Men's Overcoats - O t O light the children. Also our mammoth Santa Glaus Mairiiox Is at the and ulsters made of all wool beaver- kersey and melton in chinchilla front door , where any child writing a letter to Santa Claus will have his ; wants fulfilled on Christmas eve. v chilla , Irish Frieze , real Montagnae , etc no better or finer garments 'At ' $2.50 Indies' very fine ' ' ' i * * At OSc A double diagonal kersey bcijver Jackets , Santa Claus , on his snow will te steed , with his beantiriilMver-bule'j ; 5 | 'Were---evervs61dforup to$25rOOWeofljbryou < youi ejipice of-'theen latest style sleeves. Inlaid Cheviot capo , braided and jmay be seen on the streets of Omaha from now until Christmas eve. velvet collaou-lnLtiulecl to tire- fifteen hundred for $5. 00 > ancl 47.50. fur trimmed ; Intended to sell In Chicago at JG.75 , garments . . . black aniUnuvy blue ; on ' cell it ) Chicago nt M.H3 ; pale at J2tpO. . . . ' , " , , . . " . . . . . . . . - T sale at OSc. strictly all -wool ; ; ' Hoys' Cape Hoys' Heavy All the Hoys' Men's on ICO lined seta , hand warranted engraved qundhipto , 4-pIeoe plate sets , , gold con- All the Men's $5.00 aud $7.50 Overcoats Chinchilla Astrakhan and Hoys' Hlstlng of teapot , aiiahr bowl , crrnm and Cape and Finest ( iradu J5 . & 0-A flno bin ek Ki-r- At M.OS A heavy uoavi-r WATCH ! pitcher nt and spoon holder , . . , , worth JIO.UO , Ulsters , Overcoats Chinchilla Ulsters and > $1 93 worth and Reefers Overcoats 6By Jacket , latest box cloth or Irish frltzu tlght- CO Syrup Pltchcrj\ with trny , warranted tip Cape . lined throughout auadriiple plate , worth $3.00. at $1.38 to $5.00 Ulsters coats , worth frout , tmtln illthu jmjkot , edged with 50 I'lcklo Castors , warranted to Go up to $10 , 5 out ; Intended to sell at Astrakhan and beauti years ) , worth $2.50 , at. . . . . . wear , $1 2. CiiJeiiBO at Jl'J.t.0. . on sale fully brnldod ; Intended 10 JEWELR W. spoons A. Rogers' , warranted 0 Knlven to , wear 6 Perks 10 years and'B , at. . . . 98c .9 ; S3.50 at soil In Chicago at 10.00 IS pieces at t. . , J2.G9 . W. A. Uogcrs' Tea Spoons , set of 6 40c on h.ilo nt W. A , Hoters' Table Spoons , warranted , to wear 10 ycar.s , set of Ocpoons 73c Your Your Your All the men's Ilogcr Bros. ' 1K47 ICnU'os , and Forks- Choice Choice and hoys' set of 12 pieces , . . .J3.SD Choice 2 So grade Thousands of Sterling1 Silver Kovcities nnd For For Winter For Manicure Bets for the holiday trade nt Uos- ton Store ' ' Caps , 4 n-ujulslto designs In Comb nml lirimli Sets nt $ l.s and { 2.43 Hand engnwed Soap Ilexes , n.ilo price. . 2.1c Of all the Man's Finest ALL THE Men's 5c Xut Cracker on < l C i'lckp. worth J1.3 . . . . 49c All Wool Worsted hn China Astrakhan ported Cheviot and Men's Fine All Wool At JD.9S-A11 of the high- capes , extra wide Ciissliuere All Wool clans novelties In Jackets Heep and very $5.00 and niul that weie ox- , - ladles' coin silver Chatclaln Watches , Gents' K ! trlii or Walthnm ntem wind Ten and All thu75c& cnpes long Just the thing- stein wind and tet , worth $6.00 $2.69 and set. In double cup dllverlna cases , $1 men's and presaly Imported for fof the coming Indies' gold stiffened cases , with flno worth $7.50 . : Z , $2.88 Twelve $7.5O ' I'-ranko and cost as high cold weather ; movement , pendent set. worth $10.00.$4.93 Cents' elegant gold and engraved cases' , hoys' line . , Ladles' beautiful g old filled Hunting with thtJ celebrated P. S. Bartlett Winter 25.00 each to Import as { bought to bo Hold , , , - , case with 7-joweied Elgin movement movement 15-Jeweled warranted to Caps , no two allko In this selection In Chicago nt J1350 ; worth $12.00 $7.13 wear 20 years , worth $ tJ.OO , . $13.1 ? SUITS SUITS Bulo at . . Ladles' II kt. IT. S. solid , Gents' tilled tion ; on J0.33. on sale at $7.60. assay gold elegant gold hunting case That sold for $ t5 , Klein or Waltham movement , worth Watches , warranted to wear 10 years , J30.CO $15.43 Klpln or Waltham movement , worth $18 or $20 , $25.CO u \ $11.39 all at $7.50. $2.50 25C-50C Ladles' , misses' and Ladles' Ka full go Go at $ * .9S. 73c black nnd whlto $0.00 Double Slm-nls , children's 23c nil seamless h o a v y Htrlclly all , wool , 1,000 yards of good Turkey red and Lonsdalo Ulcachcd JJstra heavy outing pure Saxony wool lieavy Ice Wool also $5 CO extra hea black Prints , worth VJannel , light and IN and zephyr knit tleeco lined Hose go Shawls , vy Hlankot Shawls , plaid Dicss Glng- Cc yard , Muslin , -north Sc dark colors , worth Mittens , ut go at 1min3 , worth 6ic ! yard , / " &l c yard , 23 sample pieces of the fin 1,000 yards of Mill Remnants of One table of odd Fringed utlOc yard est grade of bleached Table bleached and turkey red Cloths , some with fanuy lOc 25e Damask ; these arc small border , some plain white , 5c $1,75 , Damask , worth up as high as 4G 3G pieces , no two allko , up to some turkey red , worth up % % Inches wide , of double , Kxtra Inrge size , 72 Mo yard go at 19c yard to $2 apiece , all at line quality knotted satin Damask , worth $1.50 go onu fringe Towels , yard ; they go tomprrow at. One big lot of llncst quality price , 9Sc cacli Ladles' nnd ohll- $3 SO Badger. Wolf , Infants' and child's' Ladles llncst double worth 35c each , ' . ilrcn'tt 15c full seam Caps , Hats , llon- knit plain nnd fan- I'ull sl/o Nutlnghani nastUig Cotton , T 0' 1,000 pairs white ICO dozen sample Napkins , Knotted Fringe D.unnsU Special sale In MarfcIlloH lied Spreads , less , good , weight , and Dliiclc Hair T.un 15c no two dozen alike , full bought from u bankrupt manufacturer , ' and tu'tx cv Coral Saxony and gray Cotton Towels , worth 33c apiece at go line gauge Hose , O'Shanters , worth Mittens , worth 75c , It n c a Curtains , yard spools , a dozen tnrec-nuarter size. In Ilnest ; go at do , 7. > c , 9Sc , $1.23 , fl.w and $2.M each. ut Muffs , at , lllankuts , worth gr.ido of bleached satin . . Thcso are worth from . . . go up to $1,50 , go at go ut . , ISo $ up to $5.00 each. worth $1.00 a pair 10,00) yaids of lightweight en spools. , Jl.OO , dam.isk ; we offer them to ut25c weight unbleached morrow ar long as they last Turkey red Towels , largo filze , 67c 75c 98c 25c 6c 39c 15c. 25c Muslin , worth Sc at $1.2' > dozen ; this Isthe big , , , 39c 49c yard , go at , yard ' gest Napkin b.trg.iln ever 20c grade , go at $1.25 $1.69 $2.50. , 49c Ic 5c 49c offered In Omaha . , . , . . Ail the Men's All the All the All the Men's Men's 50-cont All the men's All the.Men's All the hlKhust Men's Men's All the All thel. . ( ) All men's $1 SOcliiue Men's Dollar Grade French Ultie Flannel LincU Knido of Men's Dollar Fifty Cent Men's uracle men's urade Colored i'lald ' Wool Cashmere Shirts , double . NightShirts Laundereu 50o and 75c Hoys'All Kid Gloyes Lined and Unlincd Sill ; Su.speii' Laundered Jumpers , Knee Pants Hose , and single Uncle and Calf ders , Shirts , White Shirts , Shirts. 15c OVERALLS 25c VESTS OOc breasted 70c , 98c Mitts. nnd . L f . . Gloves Mitts , and Neckwear , \ ders2c 2uutf5c JUST A LITTLE WHILE BEFORE Every Pair is Strictly Up to Pate Just as Nice as Ca/n Be Everything is Right as it Should Be All We Have Poue i ? to Cut the Price to About Half. Infants' ' MEN'S ARCTICS Ladles' IN UASUMINT. I3ASBMENT , Ilf HASEMENT IN DASKMUNT. Ladies' ' Hit IN * HASEMUNT ° , In Ilascment. * - 500 Pairs Lailhs' ' Wool 50c Ladles' Misses' ' Child's Warm Men's Ladies' 35c Soft Wool Kill Kid Kill Lace 1 19 notion llutton Billion Oxfords and Storm Sole Over Shoes CoDgress Shoes Shoes Slippers Itubbcrs liootes Gaiters Shoes woitliM 12 In 'J 9 loll IN UA8EMIONT. Worth up to $2,50 $ Ladies' New Winter Tan , Wine and Black ( $5 $ and $6) $ ) Five Dollar and Six Dollar Siioes go at S3 o iiiiii' Small MENS Si/.uH. Ladies' ' Weit and Fine Sewed Donp'a ' Button and Lace Shoes inide lu sell 111 Fl(6 ! ( a ! H go at $1.98 $ SLIPPERS Men's $5 $ and $6 $ Winter Tan and Calfskin Lined Shoes go tomorrow at $3,00 $ a pair Leather Pelt and , SJOO SJ35 Men's ' Real $6 $ Cord wan Shoes or S3--AH ti s $4,50 $ Calfskin Lace and Congress Men's ' Shoes ill $2,25 Velvet. SJ75 s CJD ( Calf S iocs 50 at $ ,59 , 2 Leather Slippers go at IlBoys'and ' loufc1 Shoes