Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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Local Jobbers Generally Eoport a Very Pair
Business Doing.
AVIlltiT CooiN ( inltlK > < < > Conmiitiii-
tlnii Mil re ltiiililly | 'I'liuti n Yonr
, \H' > Soulli ( Ininliii'H Un-
i iiNinilly HUH } ' Work *
From tlio jobbers * standpoint business Is
progressing healthfully. Collections nro
Htcndlly Improving , which menus Unit the
retail nicrchiuitH uro nulling more goods
for ciiHh , but there ? Is plenty at room for
Htlll further Improvement aloiif ? that line.
Sloney Is becoming n. llttlo more plentiful
In the country owing to thu forwarding
to milrkel of fat stock. The cold weather
has greatly invroimud thu demand for nil
kinds of seasonable poods In the country
nnd incrchantH without exception report n
largo trade In Much lines as cups , gloves
nnd mittens , boots , rubbers nnd arctics ,
underwear nnd heavy clothing of all kinds.
litiHlnesg In thc o lines Is much better than
R year ago at this time , largely as a re
sult of the Bovcro weather which has ar
rived at nn earlier dale this year than
Whllo there Is no boom In business , local
Jobbers express themselves as very well
pleased with the Improvement that has
taken place within the past thirty days ,
and no one appears to be disposed to llml
itny fault with present conditions.
In the line of hardware there Is a much
liealthltr feeling dlsccrnltite , the vol
ume of business doing Is very fair for the
Benson. Kxtenslvo Improvements or build
ing operations of any Importance nru not
to bo expected at this time , or until lifter
there has btvn a more complete revival
of all other Industries , so that It Is cer
tainly encouraging to be nblo to report a
very' satisfactory movement of goods com
ing under the head of hardware. The
breaking up of tin * pool controlling the
price of nails and the consequent drop
In the market has had a beriotlclnl effect
upon the sales. Some Idea of the Influence.
exerted by the pool may bo gained from
the fact that thirty days ago UK- price
of nails wns JI.50 pur keg higher than at
thu present tlrno.
The grocers nil report n very good busl-
ness doing In nil sections of tributary tcr-
rltory , but more especially In some of the
westi/rn states.
At most Jobbing points , especially In the
east , the reports arc that the dry goods
trade In not satisfactory , tint on the con
trary that It Is decidedly cull. In many
localities this Is ascribed to the condition
of the weather. At this point , however ,
the weather has been fnvornMc. and the
demand for heavy goods hns been Htlniu-
lated to an extent that has rendered tlu
total volume ; of business doing of very fair
In tin * line of boots nnd shoes a good
deal of activity has been manifested. All
local Jobbers reported n most excellent
trade for November , while the present
month has opened under most favorable
conditions. Stocks In the country wcr
very light , and the early arrival of cold
and Htormy weather created an urgent
demand for heavy goods. Overshoes and
lined boots nnd felt goods of all kinds have
been great Hellers.
The jobbers of rubber goods especially
have been enjoying a very active trade
With them It has not been a question o
Belling goods , but of securing the goods to
well. A few weeks ago It wns Impossible.
for thu manufacturer to get any one to
look at rubbers. The retailers seemed to
think that the hot and dry weather wn
destined to Inst forever , nnd Jobbers did no
feel like taking too much risk In the mat
ter. Thc consequence was Hint the mill
were without orders and stocks were al
lowed to remain at the low water mark
The coming of cold weather found stocks It
nil sections of the country depleted , nne
since then there has been a great scramble
.to secure goods. Thu big factoiles In the
cast arc running full force nnd straining
every nerve to Increase the output , ant
Btlll sotno * > < > ople may have tp do withou
rubbers for a time.
'Tho past week has witnessed great ac
ttvlty In the stork market at South Omaha
consequent upon thu largely increased ro
celpts. No great gain had been anticipate
In the volunm of stock coming forward thl
month , so that the sudden Increase In th
run wns something In the nature of a stir
prise. The packing house * , however , wcr
prepared to inku part ! of everything rocclvce
nnd the receipts , large as they were , wcr
all absorbed on the day of arrival.
The fact Is that the receipts of stock a
South Omaha have been much too small al
the. time nnd the packers have been forcec
to buy largely In other markets In ordc
to supply the demand for meat products
Such an Increase as the past week wit
nesscd would bo greatly appreciated If I
could be maintained right along.
The market on country produce has beet
rather quiet during the period undo
review. As usual. Immediately after i
holiday , the demand for poultry ha
been very small nnd that of It
self removes a good deal of trad
from the market. The egg market bus bee
very ( Inn nnd fresh slock scarce ut unj
-irlco. The butter market has been stron
and the last of the week the creanierle
notified their patrons In the city that the
would advance the prlco Immediately to i
point uhlch will make good creamery but
ter cost the consumer 25 to SS cents pc
pound. Such nn advance seldom falls to re
duoo the consumption , nnd retail dealer
look upon thu move as a most unwise one
as It drives consumers lo the use of cheapo
grades of dairy butter , or to Imtterlne. t
thu great detriment of tlio creameries an
the dealers In fancy creamery goods. It I
pointed out that feed Is very cheap am
labor low , so that the cost of yromiclim
creamery butter can not be very much It
excess of what It was a month or two ago.
Ciiuilllloii of Triulf mill Quotation
on Simile mill I'niiey I'roiluee.
KGC.S - l-'resh Kathcred. lie.
Ill TTUH-Common lo fulr. FODo ; choice t
fnnry , roll , 13Uic : tcimriilor creumcry , 21c
fathered cream , IStfiOc.
GAME 1'rnlile chickens , per doz. . } 0.003C.:0
Hiuill , il.Urfl.IO ; blue whiKcd tent -Jocks , | l.0 (
1,73 : Krcen wlnir. | 1.V3 ; redheads anil mallards
J3.Mj3.73 : unall rabbits , GOliCCc ; Jacks. Il.tttfl.GO
fciiulrrels , CO if Toe ; deer saddles , l701Ec ; carcases
lifl-c ; uiilvliipu buddies , ISi/ili.1 ; carcutscs , IK
le.CHKKHK Domestic brick , lOo ; Edam. per dot.
13. CO , club house , l-lti. jura , per doz. . 13.15 ; I.lm
berger fancy. ( < er 111. . Kluinui'tori : , H-Ib
jam , per iloz. . J3.00 ; Youni ; Americas , lie
twins. fnncy , ID'ic. '
VI3AS. i'hoiee rill. SO In 1:0 Ibs. , are quoted a
TifSc , larcu and co'iiw1 , 4j5c.
I > Ki.SHii : > roi'I.TUY Chickens , Bll tur
keys. 9c Ktfre. { tSc : ducks , Sc.
1.1 VK rOl'l.TllY-Not wantrd.
IMCIKONS Live , 75030o ; dead pigeons no
wanted ,
HAY -Upland , li.50 : midland. 4.M ; lowland
} 4j rye straw. j | ; color makes the price o
liny ; bales tell the U-si ; only top urnde
brlnu li'p prlcen.
UltOOM COHN Extremely slow wile : new
crop , delivered on track In country : cnoica ureen
ffir.woiklntf cnrp. > t. per Hi. . JWc : cholc * sreea
nmnlnc to hurl ? Ur : cnr-mnn , IHc.
BWKirr I'OTATOnS-On orders. per bbl. . JJ.OO
ONlONS-V.ood nlock. per bu. . SSOIOc.
LIMA linANS-I > r Hi. . 4a.
IICANS lliind picked nuvy. per liu. , tt.3001.40
PA1IIIAI1K Homo grown , per hundred , We
OKI.HKY Per dox. , HCJOc ; fancy , large. KQ
POTATOES flood ito-h , per bit. . Z3c ; Wyom
Inr look. > acl < ej , SOc per 100 llu.
aUAI'KK-Crntrs , 15 pony baiUets , Concord
nnd CalautaK , p r rrnlea , I3.W.
11AI.AOA ( JltAI'KS-1'er keif. J7.Mff7.SO.
rit.\NlliilHliK-Cnpo : Toil , pi-rbbl. , JC.OOOC-.50
Al'l'l.n.S-CookliiB. per libl. , 11.75 : eutln * , 11.7
CS.Mi fancy New York. J1.75tr.00.
New York , per Mil. , JJ.WJffi4.vO.
Ql'INC'KS-rcr Mil. . 14
OIl.VNaKS-Mcxlcan. IJ.75.
l.KMD.NS- snu | , Jj.CV ; cliolco California
J3.'t ) < r3.75 : fancy , JI.W.
IIAtlAMAK-C'liolco. large stock , per bunch
1UW7.S ; medlum-iiUed liunclin. tl.DOUMX.
IIONKY-l'uncy \ , per lu. , lie ; choice , 13c
California , amber color , lOc ,
ClUKH ClurliUd juice , per lul ( bbl. , J.M ; pc
tbl. . J < .fSli4.M > .
MAI'I.U tiVltUl'-rUc-gAl. cam. each. ll.K
Hal. cans , per dot. , tl'i lialf-tul. cam. J&ii
quart cans. I3.W1.
HAt'lllt KltAUT Per half bbl. . Jt.750 00
-imparted fancy , S crown. JO-lb. boiti
ICoi choice 10-lb. boxet. 3-crown , KUUc.
. NtTt-Abnond , California , per Ib. , Urg
lie. Uoj HraxlU , per Ib , , lOc : Kngllihvul
uuu. jvcr Ib. , fancy , reft ihcll , UtfltHci tand
urilj. HOllKc : Illbeili , per Ib. , 10o ; pecuin , pol
lilied. Urge , * U10oj Jumbo. HOlicj large hick
ory nuU , JI.25 per bu.t > nmll. Sl.W.
lATiS-l'unl : , IS-lli. boitu , | HT box , Pc.
mian MBATB.
UlIKl'-OooJ putlv * > teer > , 400 to COO ll ) . , to
7Cj c > lin teer > . HfiVtC , good row * and helf
CM. tttfHc : medium cnw * and htlfcri. 4ViO ; KOO <
roreiu | ri r cow * and helfrri , JUo ; ooa
formuurUri native itcen. let icood lilnU
quurtera cou'f and hvlfcru , 6cj good hlr.dqu r-
ft native uteerK , SV4oj eo - roiindx , tvc ; cnw
latc , SHe ; lionele chuckn , 4c ; fnvr chuckn , 3Hoj
tecr rliuckn , 4ci lieef tenderloins , 21ci beef
ulln , bonetem , lee ; ulrloln bultii , tmnelers , lee ;
oln bncks , txinrlpix. 10o ; loin backs , fc ; covr
Iti5. No. 3 , 7c ; cnw lolnx. No. 3 , He ; beef
, : HC ; rump butts , Cc ; shoulder clods ,
I'OIIK Dre > w > d | IOK . be ; pork lolnn , CWej pork
emltrlnlnn , l.r > c ; p/ire rlln. Go ; ham snunaKo ,
intt.o , Cc ; pork houldern. roiiRli , 4Vic : pnrk shoul-
lent , Kklnnod , f > c ; pork trimmings , Cc ; lent lard ,
ntit rendered. Cc.
MUTTON Dresfed lamb , 7o ; drc od mutton ,
Ac ; tacks , mutton , S'.ic ; legs , mutton , SVio : sad *
lies , mutton , SHc ; stew , 3c : slitep plucks , 3c.
Acconllng to HIP Shoe At lynther Itevlew of
'lilcnKo , packer hides arc tin the down Kfndc.
The packers arc holding ( Irmly on some selec-
Ions , notably native utter * , but wuen Inrgo
ixtlen arc nmile concessions lire tnxarlably
Kriinteil. Knim 12,100 to 15.000 native cow hides
vero sold this week at Mic. ThU selection
imuR'.H lOc Just after election. The advanv :
van too suildeti , however , as the choicest cow
tides n f the yeir were sold la August tit tc.
riit > deniAinl tcuina to be mainly for clienp
branded stock Hint will tan Into cheap spre.idy
mile leather. Several pastern buyers hnve ( 'nnu
icimu without buying , nnd a dlillnctly weak lotto
invades the market. Tanners arc not disposed
o pay the prices naked , but tltfy fear the effect
of the decline 'it hldu prices upon lealncr values.
This fear would seem Rroundlesi , howeer , for
he reason that lenther has laRRed behind In
he upward movement ami has not anything like
tept pace nltlt the boom In hides. Quotallonn :
HIP1W No. 1 green tildes , 5c ; No. 2 Krccn
ililes , 4cj No. 1 urcen raited hldea , 7e ; No. !
green salted hides. Cc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. .
"c ; Nn. 2 veal cnlf , 8 tii K Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry
lint hides , SWIOoNo. . 2 dry Hint hides , S iac : No.
1 Ory polled hides. SH"c ; part cured "hides , ' .Jo
ier Ib , less than fully cured.
HIIRKP YI-n.TS-drecn salted , each. I WCOc ;
; rccn salted , shearlnc * ( short wooled rarly rlilns ) ,
rnch , K.c ; dry shcnrlnKs ( flinrt winded early
Bklns ) , No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd
Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , , actual
ll-r > lr'lit i ? r.p * ilrv flint l nn n nnit KAt > prt , > l/n
Murrain wixil pells , per Ib. , nclual welKbl , 3jT4c ;
Iry Mini Colorado bulcher wool pelts , per Ib. .
actual wrlght , 4 r > c ; dry flint folorodo Murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , JlJTtc ; feel
cut off. nt It Is useless to pay frelcht on them.
TALLOW AND OREARK Tnllow. No. 1 , 3o :
tallow. No. 2. 2'4c ' : Kronse , white A , 3c ; Kieasc ,
wliltu It , 2c ; Krease , yellow , 2c ; Krcasf * . dark. Pic ;
old butter. 2l)2l4e ) ; beeswax , prime , 15I22c ; roush
fallow , le.
WOOl Unwashed , line , heavy. Cf7c ; line , llKlil.
ffi'jo ; quarterblood , I0ffl5o ; needy , burry unit
eliaffy , 85i9c ; cottcd and broken , coarse , 7ff9e ;
cottcd nnd broken , line , CWSc. t'leeieVaslicil
Medium , ir , ISo ; line. HfflCc ; tub washed. IfifTlSc ;
lilaek. Sc ; bucks. Cc ; tag locks , ! 03c ; dead pulled ,
5fi Cc.
HONKS In car lots , welched nnd delivered In
PhlcaRo : Dry buffalo , per ton. Jll.COitll.OO ; dry
country , bleached , per ton , J10.OOTH2.Cfl ; dry coun
try , damp nnd mealy , per Ion , JC.COlfS.CO.
( liiotnlloiiN of tin * Day on YttrloiiH
NBW YOntC , Dec. S. rLOUIl-Ilecelpts , M.300
bbls. ; exports , 3S.I.20 bids. ; dull , but held llrni.
with the advance In wheat ; winter patents , J4.W
J(5.10 ( ; Minnesota patents , 5I.C004.80 ; winter ex
tras. J3.33if4.CO ; Minnesota bakers , J3.55ffl.2 : ;
wlnler low ( -rades , J2.S583.05. Hyo Hour , dull ;
supernne , J2.sJtt.05 ; fancy , J3.10a3.35. lluck-
wbeal Hour , easy ; J3.03.
lU'CiaVIIKAT-Qulet at 3rJ37c.
CXJIIN MKAISteady ; yellow western , & 9c.
HYi ; Dull ; car lots. 40iMc.
IIAULIIY-Dull ; western fecdlnp , ZS'.S929c ;
iimltlnir. ssfficc.
IIAHLKY MALT Nominal ; weslcrn. COffKic.
WHKAT Itecelpls. 125.J.OO bu. ; exports , 73i.S
bu. Spot flnn ; No. 1 hard , O'.lc. Options opened
stronR on hlRhrr cables , due lo unfavorable
Arciillne news , rasnl oft slightly under reallzliiK ,
but rallied sharply nt noon on covering nl-
trlbutud to Inrne cash sales nt Chicago ; closed
IffHic nel advance ; No. 2 red. May , b7iSS ! 1-lCc ,
closed at SSc ; December , SSH&i'J'.lc I'loBed nt
( XUN Itecelpls , 1H.100 bu. ; exports , 227.913
bu. Spot steady ; No. 2 , 29 < c. Options opened
steadier , with wheat and ruled generally Hrmer :
rinsing at ' .4o. advance ; May , 32 32 1-lCc , closed
ut SJc ; Deccmlwr , 25i ? : V4c , closed nt ZOHc.
OATS Hecelpts , 91.:0) bu. ; exports , 18 , < il4 bu.
Spot dull ; No. 2. 23'ic. Options dull nnd nom
inal ; closlni * unchanRed ; May , closed nt Wic ;
December closed lit 23tic.
HAY Dull ; fhlppliiK , J5.DOHC.OO ; Rood to choice ,
HOPH Stonily ; state , common to choice , IMS
crop , 3f7'ic ; liOC crop. SJTlIc ; Paclllc coast , U05
crop. 3fi'Uc ; ISM crop , SOUc.
H1DKS I'lrin : OalveElon , 13c ; Iliienos Ayres ,
dry , nominal ; Texas dry , IKo ; California , ISlfcc.
LIIATI1KH Finn ; hemlock sole Iliienos Ayres.
IlKht to heavy welKhts , PJViW20iic.
PltOVISIONS lleef , steady ; family. J9.00B10.00 ;
cxtrn menu. J7 ; beef hams , Jt7.Mnns.00. Cut
meatR. dull : pickled bellies , t'.jlfr.c ' ; plckloil
shoulderx , J4 ; pickled hams , Sfi'-lc. Ijinl , easy ;
western steamed , 14.10. nominal ; refined , steady.
I'ork , dull ; old inesi. J8.2J8S.73 ; nhort clear J8.75
WIO.M ; family. J10.30ftll.00.
OILS Collonseed , dull nnd lower ; prime crude ,
22o inked ; off crude. 21c ; prime summer , yellow ,
2c ! ; oft summer , yellow , S4c : butter urmles. 2Sc ;
prlmi * . 27i(2'c ( , Petroleum , flrm ; United closed
at Jl.OTi bid. Rosin , steady ; strained , common
to Rood. J1.82H. Turpentine , firm ; 27ff27c.
TALI/JW Steady ; city , 3 ! c ; country , 3Uc , as
to quality.
nUTTKIl Uecelpts , 3.845 pkRS. ; quiet ; cream
ery. western , 13 2lc : UlKlns , 24c ; factorj' , 7012o ;
Imitation butter , 118 17c.
miKlWII Hceclpts , 5.2S9 pkKS. : steady ; state ,
larKc. 7WR104c ! ; small. 7seiO'4c ( ; part skims.
3\6 7c ; full skims , 2Hfflc.
iUO8 Hecelpts. 5.4S3 pkRS. ; steady ; slate nnd
Pennsylvania , 22iT2Cc ; western , 15iff24c. ?
COTTON Hy steam , ? ic ,
QUAIN-Hy steam. 4Vic.
HICK Firm : fair to extra , 3UCCc : Japan ,
MOLASSES Firm ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
coed to choice. 26j34c : new crop , Sc.
Ml'TTALS Dull southern . .
; J11.00iM2.2S ; nilrth-
ern , Jll.00ifl3.00. Copper , cosy ; brokers , J11.371J ,
Ix-ad , strontr : brokers. J3.75 ; tin plates , dull.
Tin. firm ; Mmlts. J12.95 ; platen , cusy. Spelter ,
linn ; domestic , J4.25.
Wool 'MiirKet.
IXJNDOM' , Dec , 0. There was n larpe attend
ance nt the wool auction sales loday. There was
.1 belter spirit apparent , nnd Rood wools bronchi
full rates. Inferior and faulty were Irresular.
Cape of Good Hope and Nnlal scoured was verj
linn , ami Rreasy nnd snow-whites were In de
mand. Following nro Ihe Bale * nnd prlcca ob-
lalned : OfTerlnBs. 11.812 Jiates : wlthdrnwnls. 1.000
bales ; New South " .Voles , 3uc bales : scoured. Is
IHd ; srensy , MTlOd. Queensland. 2.567 bales
scoured. 10'4d ' la 3d ; Rrrniy , SHOlOlJd. Victoria
2.360 bales ; rcoured. lu.llfls B'4 < 1 ; Rreasy , CliJTlld
South Australia , 1.057 bales ; Rivasy. CJiGUd. Tas
mania. 170 bales ; scourod. 7'.5ffll'.5d ' ; Kivasy , Sd.
New Zealand. 1,550 bales ; scoured , 9dflU 2'.4d'
Krcasy , SHHSd. Capo of Good Hope nnd Natal ,
SS5 bates ; scoured , lOdSls 4V4d. Kreasy , MiQ7d.
Sales will be held < m Monday , Tuesday , Wednes
day nnd Thursday of next week , when Ibc fol
lowing will be offered ; New South Wales , 23.4.10
bales ; Queensland , 3.CW bales ; Victoria , 10.031
bales ; South Australia , 3,050 bales ; West AuMra-
lla , 230 bales ; New Zealand. 6co bales ; Cape of
( .ood llopo and Natnl , 3f'W bales.
NKW YOUK. Dec. D. WOOIQulet ; domca-
llo llecce. 1302UC ; pulled , 15JJ1SC.
Lomloii AVliiMit Jlnrlcrl.
I/1NDON , Dec. B , The weather during the past
week has | i > n favorable lo wheat howlnn am !
that work Is mostly completed. The early sown
wheat looks well. In the market wheat was
dull and rather fftblc In point of demand , but
offering ! , were relatively IlKht , nnd there wns
no special wcnknct.8. I'arly In the wc-ec ! there
was more doliiB , but buyer * held off on the
American depression nnd Drills ) ! wheat storks
Increasing. 'California wheat , prompt delivery ,
wns nuoled at 36s S.I. Nortlyrn spring wheat ,
parcels , was quoted al 31s 3d. Flour was stead )
and Millet. Maize waa dull and easy. Mixed
American maize , December delivery , was quotci1
at 14s Cd. Ilarley wan quiet nnd n shade
weaker. Oats were slow. American clipped oats ,
while , prompt delivery , were quoted at 13a Cd ,
320 Ibs.
ICiniKHH Oil ) Mnrki'lH.
KANSAS CITY. Dec. C. WHEAT Active : red
rather scarce ; No. 2 hard. SOc ; No. 3 , 74ff7Cc :
No. 2 red , nominally. 93fiS4c [ ; No. 3 , OlHc ; No. 2
spring , 77678Hc ; No. 3 , 75c.
COHN Active ; No. 2 mixed. 15Mc ; No. 2
white. 19c.
OATS Slow ; No. 2 mixed , nominally. 17HS >
184c : No. 2 white , new , nominally , 2IW23C ; old ,
nominally , 22H25c ; No. 3 white , new , SOc ; old ,
nominally. 21 T22c.
HYK Stcnily ; No. 2. 3HSc.
HAY Firm : choice timothy , JS.U09.00 : choice
prnlrle. J3.rOO6.00.
I1UTTKU Higher for creamery nt 20HH22c :
dairy. 10 12c.
KOGS-Flrm nt IStfc ,
Dec. B.-COn.N-Mntket active ,
raster ; No. 2. 21c ; No. 3 , 20'ic ' ; new No. 2. 20Kc
new No. 3. ZOUc.
OATS Market active. Irregular ; No , I white.
19 23l4c : No. 3 white , ! Citil7ie. !
HYK Market quiet ; No. 2 , 4lc.
WHISKY Market steady ; finished goods on the
balds of J1.1S for high wines.
HiCKI : ITS Corn. 9.S50 bu , ; oats 75.SOO bu. ;
rye. 1,200 bu. : whlvky , 75 gals. ; wheat , 0,000 bu ,
HHIPMKNTS-Corn. 11.400 bu. ; oats. 7,100 bu. ;
rye , none ; whhtky , 825 gals. ; wheat , COO bu.
NKW YOniC. Dec. S. SliQAlt Ilavr. nrm ; fair
rellnliig. 215-lCc ; centrifugal , W teal , 36-lCc. lie.
lined. linn ; standard "A , " 4Uc ; confectioners'
"A , " 4Uc ; cut loaf , Oc ; crushed , Sc ; granulated ,
4 He.
LONDON. Dec. G.-SUdAIl-Cnne. ilrm : lltlle
doliiR ; cenlrlfugal. Java. Ha 4Kd ; Munrovudo
fair rcnnlng , 10 > , Hect sugar quiet ; prices barely
maintained ; December , 8 Hid ; January , 9n 3d.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. B.-COTTON-Steady nnd un
changed ; sales , 623 hales ; middling , 7 3-lCo ; re
ceipts , 2.4W bales ; ahlpmenta , l.DtS bales ; mock ,
42.ISI lialea.
N1J\V YOUK Deo. .
, 5.-COTTON-Qulet ; mid *
illltiK. 70-lSc.
inlddllnir. 7 3-16c ; low middling , 7c ; good cr-
dlimrj' . 5 c. _
? llllllllllllllH Will-lit.
MINNKAPOL1B , Deo. D.-WHiAT-Decembr.
79io ; May. WJitiSOHo : on track. No. 1 hard.
Wic ! ; No. l northern , 79Kc ; No. 2 norttieni , "Mio
rfcelpti. 331 cara.
1'1/JVU Uuslnesa rontlnunl exlremely dull :
nrat patent * , J4.SiM.32 ; lecond patrnln , Jt.lCHl.w
Ilrm clear * , J3.30&3.40 ; wconJ clears , | 2.40ij2.CO.
Tuli-ilo ( iriiln.
TOLKDO. firr. C.-WHKAT-Hlsher ; nrm : No.
I caih. Sltfo ; May. 7c.
CO11N Dull ; lower ; No. 2 mixed , SIKc.
OATri-Dull. iteady ; No. 3 mixed , title
HYKSteadyi dull ; No. ! caih , 40c.
CLQVUIt BiiD-Dull : : ; prime December , 15.30.
Wheat Recovers Part of Its Severe Los3 of
I'rlvntiItriiortN from Unit Source lu
ll lento I'lirthcr Heavy llniit-
IIK'N to CrniiH Corn IN
Unite Dull.
CHICAGO , Dec. 5. Wheat today recov
ered part of Its severe loss of yesterday.
May closing nt n Hie advance. Various In-
Iluoncen contributed to the strength , among
them being a large cash business. Corn
and oats were dull and Inclined to weakness ,
but show lllltle change. Provisions declined
from 2'io ' to 5c.
The news from Liverpool gave n strong
lone to the opening of the local market to
day. That market pnld but slight attention
to the 3e per bushel decline which occurred
licro yesterday. Spot wheat was marked
down Vid per cental , but tlio prices of fu
tures wore quoted H unchanged. Argentine
tine news wiu > evidently behind the Indiffer
ence1 of Liverpool to the Chicago decline.
Private cablegrams reported further dam-
ace to the crops of that country by heavy
rains , nnd that there was no reason to doubt
that the next crop In Argentina would bo
no hotter than that of the season now end-
Ing. The consequence was that May , which
closed Filday at from Sd c to Sic. found
buyers at the opening at from Sl'.ic to & ! c ,
ami after a reaction to Sllte advanced le per
bushel to S2- % , reaching the latter point
about nn hour from the end of the day's
short session. There were other strong fea
tures lo the day's Btatistlcal news , among
them being a peed local demand for car-
lo.ida from country millers and Ihe an
nouncement of 2CO.COO bu. , consisting of
spring and No. 3 red having been sold late
yesterday afternoon for shipment by lake
and rail to thu seaboard. Chicago received
47 ears , against ZtM a year ago. Minneapolis
and Duluth got 4'V.I ' , compared with 1,011 last
year. The day's Atlantic port clearances
\\cro 411(0l ) bu. of wheat and Hour toKctlier.
Thu weeirs clearances or wheat nmt nour
ftom both coasts were reported at .I.GTiS.OOrt
hti. , agalnxl 3,158.000 bu. the similar weelt of
last year. There was not much activity to
the trndo , however. During the last hour
fluctuations were narrow. May reacted to
82Wa after touching E2o nnd closed Ilrm
at from S2'ic ' to S2Uc.
Cor.u was dull and Inclined to weakness ,
but price changes wore slight. There was
no special feature In the markets , and even
the strength In wheat had little Influence on
corn. There wns hut little shipping demand ,
nnd receipts cTiowed some Inercaso. Mny
mencd unchanged nt I'CUc , declined to from
Me to 2lMc ( and closed easy at from SC',8 to
Oats were firm early , but closed n shade
lower than they did on yesterday. Ilusl-
ness wns dull all day nnd nothing of any In
terest developed. 1'rlees were conllried to a
narrow range and for the most part fol
lowed after wheat nnd rorn. May started
nt from 21Hc to 21HC. sold oft to from 21VC
to 21e and cloned with sellers nt from 21 c
to 2l < ic.
There was not much llfo to the provision
market. Hog reeelnts were liberal and their
prices lee lower. This caused a weak openIng -
Ing In provisions. After a further slight de
cline the market steadied , and at the close
prlco changes were narrow. May pork
closed Bo lower nt $7.S7',4 ; May lard about Be
lower nt from $1.05 to ? l.07'-i ; May ribs .lie
lower at $ .1.fl72. .
Estimated receipts Monday. AVhoiit , 2(5 (
cars : corn , 4 ? 6 curs ; oats , 1S7 cars ; hogs ,
48.000 head.
The lending futures ranged as follows :
Articles , ! OncnTrniEhrT"Low. I ClosoTfYesfy.
Doc. . . . 78H 7D ! < 78 ? ; 77M
May. . . . 81U-H-J H-'V * S'W 80Is |
July. . . . 70 7CH
Dec 23 23 23 23
Jan. . , . am :
May. . UUJi
OatMay. ' IhH 18 < 4
May. . . .
Dco. . . . G 8B o on
Jan. . . . 7 f.5 7 CO - no
May. . . 7 as 7 DO 7 83 7 87H 7 no
Uoo. . . . B 07 > , 3 73
Jan. . . . J HS ; H. 3 ( - > : l no
May. . . 407K 4 07K 4 US 4 07H 4 10
3 FO
Jan. . . . 3 HS 3 2 : i H-ji a M7J1
_ Mayi. . 3 07H 4 00 U Ul : i U7h 4 00
NoT 2.
Cash quotations were OB follows :
PIjOL'H Kaslcr ; winter patenls , tl..V)94.7a ) ;
strulKhts , Jl.IOif I.CO ; spring Kpeelalii , JI.'JO ; spring
palents , | 4.Jffl4.C5i stralshls , J3.90y4.10 ; bakers' ,
3. . 3.r,0.
WHIAT-NO. 2 sprlnc. TOVio ; No. 3 eprlnK. 77Q >
79c ; No. S red. VOU/91Uc.
COIIN No. 2 21Via23Uc ; No. 2 yellow , 21Uf
OATS-NO. ! . iswc : NO. 2 while , f. o. b. , : iir
22c : No. 3 white , f. o. b. , ISJfllc.
KYlNo 2. 41c.
IIAHLKY No. 2. nominal : No. 3. f. 0. b. , 23f
35c ; No. 4. f. o. b. , 23sc ,
KLAXKHKI ) No. 1. 7CCl79o
I'llOVLSIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J6.S38G.90 :
lard , per ICO Ibs. , $3.75 ; short ribs , sides , loose ,
} 3.75ff3.i3 ; dry suited shoulders , boxed , $4.25j > 4.riO ;
short clear sides , boxed , JI.OOJN.n'i.
WIIISUY-Ulstlllers' Ilnlshed goods , per gal. ,
HUOAIIS Cut loaf , | .1.i > : granulated , JI.C3.
The following were the receipts and shipments
loday :
On Ihorruducu oxctiiiiTa to.lir'.no Utitlor inir-
det WHB firm : creamery , 130'Jllc : tlnlry. lou
ltc. ) ICct'a , ilrm : frush , 2L'o. Cliucau , bloaily ;
.Speculation for the Day Lliiiltcil a ml
( lulfi * Irrt'Kiilnr.
Niw YOIIIC. Dec. G. Today's limited fpecu-
Inllon was Irregular In movement , but the
changes were In most instances unimportant ,
libido from the ppcclaltlCB. This lat > l clans .van
affected by Independent Influences. The market
was clearly professional , and the trend of prices
mainly downward. The declines were Inter
rupted at Inlcrvals by purchases lo cover vhorts.
The Initial dentines Bhoueil losses generally In
part occasioned by the Inlluencc In the I ndon
market for American Eecurlllen. A rally hoon
occurred , under the leadership of the IndUR-
trlals. Union Pacific dlcplayeil activity nml
streiiKth , nnd rose 14 per cenl In connection
with the resumption of efforts by strom ; financial
Intcreuls lo iiKllute the qucsllon of aselllemcnt
of the company's ilebt lo Iho government. In
the llnal ilenllncs some stocks saKKeil sharply.
particularly Tobacco. The present plethora of
money caused a favorable bank statement. The
nmikct clo.icd heavy al fractional ncl con-
ceEnlons generally , llullwuy bonds were active ,
bui Inclied fcnlure. Flrnmebi was almost en-
cnilly noted , but declines occurred In several
IKSUC8. International and Great Northern tec-
ondu lost H4 per rent , Tlio sales were J1.1W.OOO.
The market durliiK the week was dominated
by the Interest ntlaclilnR lo the forlhcomliiR
session of ronures.1 and the ( irobablc tenor of
the president's mcsK.iEe louchliiK upon Ihe Cuban
question , Ix-ndlnu Interests were content to re
main passive until the oullook was mure dellnlle ,
nnd tills fact wns Improve : ! by thu operators
for it decline , their special efforts belne directed
against the Industrial group. The market was
unfavorably affected by more or less constant
liquidation In the specialties and tllscouracltiK
exhibits of railway earnings. Forclmi dealers
cabled moderate eclllm ; orders In the leading
International shares. The tpeclaltles were the
features of the speculation , however , and fluctu
ated rapidly , wllh n downwanl ircml. The Blocks
of Iron and iteel companies were depressed , The
extreme case In money rates , receding to H IHii ?
per cent baels , which would ordinarily rllmulute
activity In stocks , Involved nn advance In ster
ling rales , which occasioned dltcusulon regarding
the probability of n resumption of gold exports
from this country. The theory dues
not find wide acceptance , owing to the
unusually favorable International trade poiltlon
of tlio United States and the large sums of money
that have been loaned lo ICurope. In addition
to the Inlluences noted , the subsidence of nc-
tlvlly In the railway bond department nnd the
lighter movement of gialn to the f onboard were
claimed by the h-nri > to foreshadow dcci end
ing bull prospects. Hugar wan depressed , with a
view toward Influencing the general list , In cim-
necllon wllh thu reported Impending starting
up of the Independent Arbucklo refinery. The
market mrrnglnened us the week progressed , and
a wider distribution of tnc dealings was noted ,
Commlttlon houfo buying became evident , nnd
nn Increased Inquiry for gilt-edged securities ,
Improvement also occurred In the to-called mis *
cellaneous clocks. Kugxesllons of favorable
prospecls for dividends on somu of Ihe low priced
stocks helped to an Improving tendency of the
market and were lo an extent homo out by the
declaration of a 1 per cent disbursement on
Uoulhern railway preferred. This action wns
considered especially significant of confidence
entcrlrlned by the powerful Interests connected
with the property , us to the Improved
rule situation In the south nnd the general
business outlook. I'oreliin operator * changed
front In tha closing half nf tlio week nnd repur
chased n conslilcrable proportion of the stocks
prevloutly fold. Including those of the rcor-
KunlzcJ properties. The Indications , of early ac *
tlon of the usual December dividends on tlio
Vumlcrblll properties Induced n brisk demand for
those shnrrs , whlc-li , In turn , gave tnno In Ihe
oilier regular dividend piyrru. The Lake Hluiro
statement for nine nn nths , shiwlmi umplc pro *
vision for all charges and tllvldm 's , caused nn
advance lo lUli , the best prli-e rvcr recorded
fur Ihe clock , llaltlmcre & Ohio dl. played pro-
nouncpil weakness on Ihe pyhUeatlon nf the Little
expert account of the matinftmiont of Ihe prop
erly. The market cliued heavy In tone on tx'nll-
rations , but most stocks ' * l vr net gnlns. nil
- ago.
The bond mnrkcl duringthr week was active ,
with n well defined Inquiry 'for ' Investment. Too
Important CIIUKC-I were noted In tha usually In *
active Issues , Tlio comparative nRUres show gen
eral gains , which were fractional In the nctlvo
bonds , llnck Inland dctwrlu'rV Ba'iind Denver
* lilo GrHinIi Bs ndvano'il 4 per cenl. Union
raclllo gold < Sf , m per cenL The declines In
cluded fnlon I'nclllo collsttTiil Bu , G per cent ;
fnlon Tacllle Hi * , trum receipts , 1'i per cent ;
Ulii.i Southern extension 7s ) tru t recelpls. 3 per
renl ; Utah Southern gen rnll7s , tnisl receipts ,
214 per ctnt , nnd Wuliauli ilclHnturm. series 11 ,
SH per com. The aggrcgule wiles were > 9.H. > .OOU.
The noveinmenl liond market ruled linn and
active ( in nil Investment Inquliy , uhlclly for the
new fours , lipnlrra reported larBe over-the-coun
ter sale * . Tlie trRtisacllonV on Ihe luard fnoli-d
up Jjna.POO. Appllciillon will be made to the gov
erning commlllec of the New York Stork ex
change to cloce the cxclMtutt * from Tliurtnlny ,
necemb'-r 54 , nt 3 p. in. , to Monday. December
: ; f. at 10 n. m.
The Kvenlng Post's London financial cablegram
says : ( "ontols sold at 112 cash today , and money
continued cheap. The tone of Ihe slock markets
was good , but buslncsi was quiet. Speculation
here wns largely contlnel to homo Industrial coin-
Tlie New York V'lnnncler says this week : V'.ir
the llrst time slnco December 2S , IfM , the de
posits of the New York clearing house banks
exceed JSCO.WO.COO , the bonk statement for the
current week thowlng A total deposit of f2.0lfi.-
IVM , nr nn Increnfp slnco November 7 last of
Jf3.G08.400. In oilier words , the gain hns bt-en nt
the rate of J15.WO.WO per wc k slnrc the Monday
following election. This reC'ird. It Is unnecessary
to say , has never been surpassed In the hlstrjy
of Ihe New York banks. There Is seemingly no
cessation In the growth of Ihe ih'poMt Item. 11
reflects In part ll-.o How of money from Ihe In-
tcrli-r but n law percentnrte doubtless comes
from the deposit of hoarded funds In savings
banks. Then , too , theie have been n number of
llnanrlnl operations of large mapnltude , which
must be tnkrn Into cnnsliKrallon find the treasury
has been losing money to Ihe banks. The loan
feature Is not less marked. The expansion for
thu week brings Ihe lntiilloam from f44.l.i-
700 reported Novemlwr 7 , to II72.441.SOO for the
week Just ended , n gain ot'neaily J30.0 > U.(00. It
cannot be raid thai till Oils Increase reprerenls
commercial needs. Demands of Hint nalure ba\e
fallen elf lately , and the continued expansion
shows the effect of the operations now golnn
on , by which available American capital l
placed to the credit of Ixtndon , where Ihe rate
Is higher. It has required less than six wccis-i
to chance Ihe market from n panic basis to one
whern the United Stales can loan money lo Ihe
oldesl and flrmosl of foreign llnnnclal centers
This Is one of the mosl noteworthy Incidents
thai has occurred In American banking. The
olhcr fealures of Ihe eurrcnl statement nre about
as had been expected. The decrease In specie
reprefonts operations with the treasury , and la
Interesting n being the llrst loss In gold which
the banks have reported since the lasl of August.
vh"n cold Imports began.
The following were the closlnc quolallons on
Iho leading slocks of Ihe New York exchange
loday :
offered. J all nssessmmils paid.
The lotiil sales of stocks lo'lay were 75,623
shares. Including the following : American Sugar.
7.SOO ; llurllnglon , 3,700 ; llalllmore & Ohio , .1.200 ;
Chicago Gas , 9.WO ; Mnnhatlan. 4r.OO : SI. 1'nul.
4.r,00 : Union Paclllc , 10iOOj ! Southern railroad
ivcfcrrcd. 0,700. .
Nfiv Vorlc Money Mnrlcct.
Easy nt 2 per cent.
1'ItIMK MKUCANTILK PAPBIl 4ff3 percent.
STKULINd KXCHANOK Steady , with nctual
buslncrs In bankers' bills nt J4.S < iifl'4.S7 for de
mand nnd > 4.S34n4.SI for sixty days ; posted
rati-s , t4.Slffl.SC nnd JI.ST.ii3l.SS ; commercial bills ,
J4.-2 ! > 4.
1IONDS State bonds , dull ; railroad bonds ,
firm ; gox-ernment bonds , firm ; new 4s , reg. . 119i ;
Coupon. 119i ; Cs , rcg. , 1134 ! ; coupon , 1U',1 : 4 .
reg. . 109 ; coupon , llOVi ; 2s , reg. , 93 ; I'uellic Cs
of 'U7. 9914.
Closing quolallons on bonds were as follows :
Sun I'rnnclicM > .Illnlunr QunlnMoriN ,
SAN FUANCISCO. Dec. n , The oinclal clotlnir
iiuotatlona for minim ; slojkn tvJiy : were ia fol *
lowb : "
I'ori-lnii flrinnrliil.
HKItl.IN , Dec. f > . IJxchatiRft on London , eight
days' slKht , : o marks 34Vi pfff.
I'AHIB , Dec. B. Three pr rent rentfcf , 103f
I'Hc for Ihe account ; vxclmneo on London , 2if
t3f for checks ,
IXJNUON , Dec , C. OeM li utloloil at llnenos
Ayrf-s today at 1M.75 ; Ms' ' , n ? ' " , Ilfme. 10l,6i' .
liar cold Is quoted a I' 77 *
Fair Kun of Onttlo Finds Business Bailly
Ciiiiiili-to Stniulsllll ItrNiilli iii Far nn
llrof SlitrN An > roiiocnu'il
Other Criuli-N 'MoriAntlve . '
HOHH Still Lower.
SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. C.-Kccclpts for the
ilixys Ititllrutcd wore :
Cuttle. Hoi-s. Sheep. HOIPCH.IS
. . . .
brought lit toiluy by each roaJ waa :
Cuttli ! . Hogs. Sheel ) . Horses.
C. , M. Jt St. t . lly. . . .
O. ft St. IUy . 2
Mo. Par. Uy . 4
IT. P. ny.item . 13 23
C. & N.V. . Uy . 1
R. 15. & M. V. It. H. 9 13
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Hy 0
II. & M. II. II . 1C 35 . . 1
C. . it Q. Hy . 3
K. O. & St. .1 . 13 . . 4
C. . 15. I. it P. lly , o. . . . 3
C. , It. I. it P. Ity. , w . . 2
Tolnl receipts. . . . "I S3 S 1
The tllaposltlon of the day's receipts wita
nn follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of Instil Indicated :
Htiycrs. Cattle , HOKS. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . 1,43.1
a. It. Hammond Co . 1S7 1.0
Swlfi nnd Company . 119 2,001
Cudaby Packing Co . 210 l.IStf.
II. llecker niul began. . . . 5.T . . .
Vanwint it Co . G
Cudaby Pack's Co. , K. C 517 . . . 1,030
Other buyers . 103 fi
Left over . ICO
Total . 1.70 $ 6,732 l.WO
CATTIjK The recc-lits of eattlo were
Rllghtly In excess of yesterday's run , but
IlKhter than n week ago by nbout WW head.
The murliet on dressed boot Htccrs wan
In u most unsatisfactory condition. There
were quite a number of loads of corn-fed
steers on sale and sotno of them were
pretty good cattle , but tin * market was ex
tremely dull. Thu buyers claimed that
they were willing to pay steady prices ,
while salesmen claimed that tins buyers
were bidding way lower. The buyers
would not ralso their hands nnd salesmen
would not part with their holdings at life
prices cffcted. As a result the market
wns at a complete .standstill and the fore
noon passed with Very llttlo being ac
complished. Late In the day a number of
loads sold at prices ranging all the way from
$ , ! .uO to $1.40.
In butchers' stock there wan more activ
ity and the few loads of cows and heifers
changed hands In good season nnd at fully
steady price * .
The market on stockcrs nnd feeders wns
also nbout steady and the offering ! ) were
practically nil taken In good season and at
about yesterday's prices. The country de
mand was a little larger yi-sterday than
usual , nnd the entile In speculators' hands
were pretty well cleaned up. so that the
feeling on the market was decidedly bet
ter. Iteprtsontatlvo sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
20..1101 J3 50 13..1273 II ( W ' 17..1119 Jl 40
20..US. , 393 25..1327 400 17..1373 440
13 . . .1527 393 40..1117 4 20
3. . . . S73 ISO L. . . 8SO 233 3..1COC 260
4. . . . 1110 2 CO 1..11DO 233 2..1KO 2 63
1..1220 20) 3. . . . KM 233 1..H.-.0 263
1. . . . SCO 2 CO 2..1003 240 1..12IO 263
4..1012 210 1. . . . 950 240 4..1182 273
f , . . . . MS 213 1. . . . fJO 240 3..1153 2 SO
1D..IOSO 2 S ) 2..1100 2 DO 3. . . . K3 2 S3
1. . . . 970 223 1. . . . ! I30 2 M 2..1110 283
l.r..UOO 2 50 10. . . . S17 2 K
2. . . . S73 253 I. ' . . . COO 2 E5 3. . . . 850 293
; ! . . . . 4(0 255 1. . . . 920 2110 E. . . . 912 310
7. . . . C07 2 73
l..iOS 1 50 1..1470 2 23 2..1010 2 50
1..1270 2 09 1..13W 2 23 2..13J3 2 50
2..1210 200 1..14M 240 3.127ti 2 C3
2..111 ! 200
3. . . . 303 2 63 1. . . , ISO 400 L. . . ISO D 00
L. . . 210 2 70 3. . . . 123 4 00 1. . . . 130 G 23
L. . . 120 300 L. . . 12i ) 450 L. . . 180 6 CO
L. . . ICO 3 DO
4. . . . 5(2 ( 250 1..I110 325 9. . . . C33 340
7. . . . C31 2 CO 23. . . . CK 3 30
A. Newberry.
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
C cows S23 J2 43 1 feeilcr 1070 S3 50
13 cows 101B 2 kO 2 feeders. . . . 4CO SCO
2 feeders. . . . 415 300 1 cult 240 4 DO
C feeders. . . . K'i 3 23
2 bulls 1350 200 1 stair. 1100 333
2 cows S73 2 DO 15 steels. 1124 333
1 heifer. 660 250 7 feeders..1111 340
Scows 1115 283 12 feeders. . . . 993 343
1 elr. tiff..1150 300 21 feeders..1110 360
1 cow ! > 00 300 S steers 10C3 365
1 lair. 1130 3 00 21 steers. 1207 3 C5
8 feeders. . . . CIJ 3 30
C. Wait.
1 bull 1370 200 12 heifers fSI 295
I cows 637 2W 8 feeders. . . . 978 SCO
1 btr. Us..1090 250
Sweetser Bros. & Tierce.
2 bulls 1300 200 Gfeeders 93S 300
9 bulls 1157 223 Cstrers 1253 323
42 cows 973 243 D6 feeders. . . . 903 343
43 heifers 730 275 1 calf 200 400
Sam Garvln.
Scows 910 225 11 feeder-.1157 ! 330
1 cow lOi'O 2 CO 15 feeders. . . . 910 345
10 cows fcvj 290 8 steers 11SC 345
2 cows 1003 2 CO 2S cows 1003 300
10 nulls 1023 203 1 feeder 630 250
51 bulls 122 220 27 feeders. . . . 7 > 2 333
IIOIIS The week closed with a eood , liberal
run of hotis , In spite of the fact that the market
luiH been worKlnir downward.
. - The telling Interests had cverythlns nicnlnst
them lance receipts on the last day of the week ,
and lower markets nt other points. As a result
the trade here opened with values 5M10c lower
In most cases , and the sreat bulk of all the boss
sold on that | MHS. | A few loads sold early thai
did nol show Ihe full decline , and loward Ihe
close the market was a little belter. iverylhlntr
was sold mid the yards cleared In KOOI ! season.
Heavy IIOBS. which brounht mostly J3.10 3.15
yesterday , > .old today at $3.00fl3.IO. but princi
pally at J3.C3. Thu medium weights nnd llnlita
sold all the way from 13.15 to 11.25 , nu against
! .20/3.35 yesterday.
The past week witnessed Brent nctlvlly In , Ihe
bos market at this point. The receipts were
Iho heaviest for a long time , the total for the
week footlnc up 41,500 head , as against 21.700
head for Ihe previous week. The heavy Increase
coinlm- all of u sudden , both here nnd at other
market points , could have but one result , values
broke badly. The demand , however , was uood
all the week , and was fiulk-lent to absorb the
receipts , Iiirse ah they were. AH lo values , the
week opened at nn advance , IIORS selling on
Monday nl the hlKhest avenue price since lasl
April , lly Wednesday Ihe market had broken
over25c. which curried the market to Iho lowest
point touched up to thai datu since tlio early
part of October. On Thursday Ihe market re
acted , values advancing 10ffl5c , bul only lo fall
back again on Friday und Satunlny. The week
closed nllh the market on an average 25j30c
lower thiin It was at the opening of the week ,
Iteprcgcntullvc calcs :
i o
} . 17r. . . . ICO 5S. . . . . . . . 58 , , . JM
i . jso . . . s TS r. . w . . . so *
1 . 310 . . . ITS 7 . 3t > 0 . . . S PI
r , . s . . . i > : s . int . . . so : .
A . 3W . . . 30i ) 6 . 3 ! . . . .110
9 . 37l ! . . . 3 0 > ) IV , . . 110 . . . J IJ'i
B . 4 < W SO 30i ) 17 . 1M 40 Sir.
6 . 37 * . . . SIX ) 8 . 128 40 315
S . JSO . . . 3 CO
SIIiir : There were four cars of sheep here.
but they were nil consigned direct to packers
nnd weic not offered fur sale , so thai Iho mar-
krt entirely bare of supplies. Oood mutton
shaMi or lamtn would probably have brought
steady to strong prices.
L'lllC.\7t : > lilVK .STOCIC.
Itori-lptH of Cnttlr SoniiMvliiit I.nruror
Tlinti I'MIIII ! Sntiirilny Hiitiit ,
nill-AdO. Dec. 5. Today's receipts of cattle
were somewhat larger limn Is UMinl on Sal-
unlay , bul were lee small to form much of n
mnrtcet. All the arrivals i > old nt prices tin-
changed from yesterday1 * quotations.
Today1 * nin of hog * was umuuaUy large for
Satuiday , nnd prices fiifti-rcd n decline of fully
lOo per 100 Ibs.Salcji were nt n rangeof fiont
tDO to M.3.1. chlelly lit from J3.15 to 13.30 , prices
being 2 c to 3 ( > c loner tlmn neek ago.
Trade wns fairly nctl\e nt from (2 to $3.75 for
sheep from M M tn 11.23 for yearlings and nl
from 13 25 to J5.10 for lambs. Very few nhcep
nold as high as } 3. 10. while lambs sold largely nt
from JI.W to JS. reeding sheep brought from
f..K' . to | 3 , mul fcodliiR lambs from II to $3.75.
Krrelpts : Cattle. COO head : hogs , 31,000 head ;
fcheop , 5,000 head.
ItitnvilH I'lty l.lviStorlr. .
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 8. OATTI.K-Hecelpls.
l.ouo hrii'l ; rhlpment * , 7.200 head. Market stc.uly ;
only retail trade.
1HM1H Hecelpls , 10.000 In ad ; shipments , none.
Market weak to lOc lower ; bulk of snles. H.f.Oif
3.20 ; lienvlcs nnd packers , t3.05f3.20 ; mixed ,
J3.IOO3.38 ; lights , J3.tOjj3.30 ; Yorkers , J3.15U3.20j
pigs. J3.M1I3.10.
HHKKl' Ilecclpts , none ; shipments , 3.COO head.
No market. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. iTlllllN I.V ) > Slllfli.
ST. I.OITIS , Dec. B.-CATTl.K-Herelpt * . 1.500
head. Market active and strong for nil grades ;
unlive shipping stceis , JI.COR4.75 : Rtockcrs nnd
feeders , Ji.005f3.70 : cows nnd bi-lfi-rs , Jl.75ff3.50 ;
Texas ami Indian steers , JI.40W3.70.
HOOS lleerlpts. 3.HOO head. Market barely
sle.idy ; Ilitht. J3.155f3.Mj packers. J2.90lf3.15 :
henvles. J2.SC5i3.20.
SlIIIHP lli-cflpts , l.OiW lii-ail. Market slrons ;
millions , J2.tOff3.50 ; lambs , ta.00ff4.50.
Sto'ck In Sllilil.
Hecnnl of receipts of live stock at the four prin
cipal inarketH for Saturday , December 5. :
Cuttle. Hogs. Sliocp.
South Omaha . B.KIO l.OTO
Chicago . CX ( > 31.01 * ) B.COO
Kansas City . l. " 0 10.000 .
St. l uls . l.SOO 3.001) 1,000
Totals . . 3.431 49,550 7.0CO
SI. I.oiilN C.-iii-rnl .tlnrUcl.
ST. IXM/'IS. Dec. B. KI/UH Dull and weak :
patents. Jt.Wtfl.73 ; extra fancy , Jl.10ffl.20 ; fancy ,
J3.4fi5(3.50 ; choice , J3.00if1.10.
WIIi\T The ppeculntlvo opening was 4c
blRher this mornhiK- , and the market wns
stn nger , but Ihe trading was exceedingly light ,
allliiiugh t.icro was a gradual advance before
calling time. To tire close the strength wns
maintained , nnd fulurcs finally ended itfl' c
higher than yesterday. Spot easier ; No. 2 red ,
i-nPh elevator , We bid : track. 02i(9Sie ( * : No. 2
hard. cash. S > 04c asked ; December , l ic ; May ,
9IMc bid. .
COIIN Futures dull nnd neglected , except ns
lo Mny nnd the changes from yestcnlnjr were
bul fractional. Spot steady ; No. 2 cash. 21c ;
December. CO'ic bid ; May , 2.TS.C bid.
OATS Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 cash , 200 bid ;
Mny , 22'iC ! bid.
UYtJ Finn nt 37c bid.
ItHAN Dull and unchanged.
n.AXHKin Steady at 7 c.
TIMOTHY H1JHD Prime. J2.50.
HAY Quiet , but steady ; prairie , Jl.00 7.50 ;
timothy , J0.0i1jrl2.50.
I.KAD-lJulet ; J2.73fl2.fO.
SPKI.TBU Klrnr ; J1.15.
PHOVISinNS Pork , lower : Mandard mesa.
jobbing , J7.10jT7.35. I ird. lower ; primp Fleam ,
J3.CO ; choice , J3.72'.i. llacon. boxed shoulders ,
JI.53 ; cxtrn clear and ribs , JI.70 ; shorts , JI.ST'.i.
Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , J4.03 ; extra
short clear and ribs , J4 ; hhorts , Jt.15.
I'Ofl.THY Chlrkrns. lower : old and spring. 5c ;
turkey * , Ilrm ; ducks , Ilrm , 7ff71ic ; geese , quiet ,
4lfS < . e.
IllITTnil Crvnmcry , 14M9'4c ' ; ilnlry. lliflSc.
KKCKIITS Klour , 2.CCO bids.heat , 12,000
bu. ; corn. Sl.OuO bu. ; oats , 33.000 bu.
SHIPMIINTS I'lour , 3.0-)0Jdils. ) ; wheat , 25,000
bu. ; com , 12.WO bu. ; oats , 5.000 bu.
Liverpool Mnrkot.
MN'KIIPOOU Dec. B. WHKAT Ppot quiet ;
demand poor ; No. 2 red. spring. Cs IHid ; No. 1
California , 7s Ed , Futures cloreil Ilrm , with near
and distant positions unchanged ; hutliiPsa henv
lesl on middle poslllons ; December , CH lOd ; Jan
uary , February. Cs lOVid ; March , Cs lO'.iil ; April ,
nominal ; May , Cs lOd.
COHN Spol quiet ; American mixed , new ,
2s IHid. Futures closed Ilrm , with near and
distant positions unchanged ; liiiHlni-ss about
equally distributed ; December , 2s ll'.td ; January.
February and March , 2s lOttd ; April , nominal ,
May. 2s I0id.
FIXDUK Firm ; demand poor ; fancy winter ,
9s 3d ,
PltOVISIONS llacon , steady : demand moder
ate ; Cumberland cut , 28 to SO Ibs. , 29s Cd ; shorl
rlbH , 20 to 24 Ibs. , 29s ; long clear , light. 33 to
38 Ibs. , 29s Cd ; long clear , heavy , 40 to 45 Ibs , ,
3Ss ; short clear backs , light. IS Ibs. . 284 Cd ; shorl
clear middles , heavy , 43 to 50 Ibs. , 20 , clear
bellies , 14 to 1C Ibs. , 29s. Shoulders , square , 17
to 13 Ibs. . 30s. Hams , shorl cul , 14 lo 1C Ibs. ,
43s. Tallow , line Norlh American , 17s Sd. lleef.
extra India mess , 57s Cd ; prime mess , 47s 6d.
Pork , prime mess , fine wcslern , 4Ss 9d ; medium
wcslern , 41s 3d. Iard , steady ; prime western ,
2ts : refined. In palls , 21s.
CIIEICSK Dull ; demand poor ; finest Ameri
can , while and colored , September , 51s.
1UJTTK11 Finest United States , ! > 3a ; cood. CDs.
OILS Turpentine ( splrlls , 20s Cd. I.lnseed ,
ICs. Petroleum , refined. Cifcd.
HWIliniiUATOll IIEUF-Forequarters , 3.d.
hindquarters. E'.id.
HOPS-At London ( Pacific coast ) 3 109.
Coffc't * MnrUct.
NKW YOHK , Dec. B.-COI'I'IJi : Optluns
opened quiet , with prlcca unchanged lo S points
lower on featureless cables nnd absence of or
ders ; rallied bharply on buying , largely for Hal-
llmoru account ; closed Ilrm at ISirJJ points net
advance : December , JD.2Jfi9.33 ; March. t9.3Mr9.EO.
Spot coffee , Illo. steady : No. 7 , Invoice. JIO ; lob
bing. J10.50. Mild , steady ; Cordova , JI5.50ifl7.23.
Total warehouse deliveries from the I'nlled
Btates. 7,097 bags , Including 5,821 bags from
New York : New York stock today , 327,7711 bags ,
United Stales slock. 3C7.7C3 bags : nlluat for the
United Stales. 2HS.OOO bags : lolal visible supply
for lh < * I'nlled States , C55.C73 bags , against 545,511
bags last year. N
SANTOS. Dee. E. COFFER Quiet : good av
erage Santos. 10.500 relsj receipts , S6.WO bags.
stock , 701,000 bags.
lIAMIIUUa. Doc. B. COFFER Quiet nnd n-
chunged : Fales , 15,000 bags.
1IAVIIK , Dec. 5. COFFKK Closed steady ; tin-
changed to ' / ! net decline ; sales. 23,000 bags.
HIO. Dec. 5. roiTKK Oulct : No. 7 Illo. 10200
rela ; recelpls. 9.0O ) bags ; cleared , for the I'nlted
States , 5.000 bags ; for I'urope , 9.000 bags ; stock.
351,000 bags , _ _
'KrlNi'O AVlinit.
December , Jl.COU.
iilolcM. .
IIALTIMOIIK , Dec. E. Clearings , J2C7S.972 ; bal-
ances. J33C.80S.
1IOSTON. Dec. f. Clearings , J17,22S,729 ; bal
ances. J2.07S.32t.
PlIII < ADiM'HIA , Dec. E. Clcarlnss , J9i:9-
133 ; balunccs , J1.073.l7i .
ST. I.OUIS. Dec. 5. Clearings , J3,5l,337 ; bal
ances , J51C.12I. Money , CfjS PT cent ; New York
exchnnge , 75c premium bid ; Jl premium risked.
CHICACiO. Dec. E. Clearings , Jll.410.759.
Money , steady at CSJ7 ) icr cent : New York ex
change , COc premium ; foreign cxchannc , Ilrm ;
di-mand , JI.S7 ; slxly days , Jl.Si.
NKW YOIIIC , Dec. 6. Clearings , J102.0S5.514 :
balances , J3.712.S1C. The exports of specie from
the port of Nuw Yoric for the week amounted to
J51CO In gold and JOS0.2SO In silver. The 1m-
porta were : Oold. JC.CC6 ; silver , J27K3 ; dry goods ,
Jl , 515,579 ; general merchandise , JO.SS3.7K.
\ > w YurieVcMlily Ilnnk .Sfnlciiiciit.
NKW YOIIIC , Dee. B. The weekly bank slate-
mcnts shows Iho following changes : llescrve ,
Increase , Jl , 052,775 ; loans , Increase , J3CCOO ! ;
specie decrcare , Ji)3CloO ) ; legal tenders , Increnee ,
11,841,800 ; deposits. Increase , til , 411.700 ; clrcula *
tlon , decrease , J220.300. The banks now hold
J32.4C4.400 In excess of the requirements of the
23 per cent rule ,
Ill 1'iiMliil Trli-Kr.ii.i1i OIHoInlN.
DKNVKH , Deo. B. H la announced that
O , K. I'alne , manager of the Chicago
olllco of the Postal Telegraph company ,
rum been appolnteil superintendent of the
Second niul Fifth dlvlHloiiH combined , with
head < iuartcrti at KII.MUH City , to micceoil
J , II. ConnorK at Denver * nnd Christopher
Dougherty at St. Loulx. The Hcconil dis
trict roiiBlstH of Mlasotul anil Kannaa. niul
the Fifth cxtenilH from Dodge City. Kim. ,
to Harotow , Cul. Mr. 1'alno arrived In
Denver today , accompanied by AHHlstant
SiH | > rIiitiiilcnt ! : . J. Nally , U. N. linker ,
Hiii > crlnteiidcnt of construction , IH expected
hero tonight , W. C. lilac ) : , manager of
the Denver olllce. It Is umlcnitood , will
bu appointed assistant KuperlntcndciU In
this district , _
L'liiirli'Htiiil-lliiNloii Ntrllllicr I , | | | < ; HIIMJ' ,
C1IA1U.1C8TON , H , C. . Dec. 5. The Hleam-
hIp , Morgan City , Captain John I.cnch ,
tlio IIrot vuHBCl of the Clmrloston-lJoaton
line , recently liiHtltuted by the Clyde com
pany , arrived In port yeHlorday. The com
pany HlartH InmfncHa with two ateamcrs ,
and Hhoulil bUHlnt-HH warrant , otlicrn will be
placed on thu linn. The Morgan City Hailed
this afternoon with n largo cargo of cotton ,
rice , nuval HtoroH , etc.
Klftrrn CiiilH n Yuril.
KAMwS CITV. Nob. . Dec. 2 , ISM.-To tlio
Kdltor of Thu Ileo : Will you pleanu tell mo
what It ) consldoreil a paying placer mlno
pur yard of uand. W. H. IIIIANNIN.
DependH on the water xupply und the oual-
Uy of tlif ! ground generally ; cun bo worked
ut u profit of 15 cunla , tolJ , per yurd ,
Irullcf-i riiiiiiinnr OlIlcInlM , OlmrKlrin ;
Iliiclii-l .Shop Aliftlnricf.
CHIUAUO. Dec. B. The grninl Jury 1ms
voted tmllctmcnta nKaln.1t flvo nf the West
ern. Union olllcl.ila of thla city nn the rhnrgo
of aiding and abetting httckrl simp keopem.
ThU afternoon nn olllolnl of the Western
Union nld : "Tho report that rcrlaln otn- * of Iho Western Union Telegraph com
pany were Indicted by the grand Jury today
for nldlng nnd abetting bucket shops In tin-
true. "
At 1:15 : p. m. the grand Jurors nppenreil
before Jtulge llutolilnsoii nnd said they had
votcil an Indictment ngnlnst the corporation
ofNcers. but that the state's attorney had
refused to draw It up.
"t can't find nny law covering the cane ,
your honor , " said Assistant State's Attorney
Lynch , "we might as well try lo rmivlct
a railroad for hauling goods which had been
stolen. "
"Well , gentlemen. " said Judge llutchln-
son. "Mr. Lynch has been drawing Indict
ments for a. long tlmo and knows his bus- If ho says no conviction can be had
1 believe he Is right. You hail better recon
sider your action. "
There wna nothing else to do nnd the
grand Jtirora returned to their rooms nnd
followed the court's Instructions.
Not Dvniniillc Did ; , lint IIlack Crnl r.
KANSAS CITY , DOP. 5. A sprvlal to the
Slur from Onthrle. Old. , Bays : Later Iilen-
tllleatlnn proves that the outlaw killed
near Illnekwell yesterday la not Dyimmlto
Ulck but Hlaek frulij , one of Iho most
notorious highwaymen of the west , "who
linn operated for yenrs In the Indian ter
ritory , Atkansns. New Mexico nnd Colorado
rado , having robbed hundreds of travelers ,
having held tip trains nnd killed dozens of
men. lien rrnlg , the other nutlnw wounded
In Iho light , with the sheriff , Is dying.
Rocky Mountain Mining Co.
Is nn-nnlzed on plan of Itulldlni * nnd Loan asso
ciation , but Its Fharcill return I.A1U1P.R 1N-
CO.MK. One nhaie cimtn K > per month. legi
timate m\M minim ; Is Ihe most prolllablc busi
ness Known.
Di'iivor. Coli * .
Ppcculnte Juillclously mul nvolil nit risks.
Our Co-operative Symllcnto emlorseil br
IcuillnR tlnanclfni , nn unprecedented success.
10 I'KU l.UNT.
profits weekly , our record ,
Prospectus Riving full pnrtlrulnrx. also Mar
ket Ix-ttcr in.illeil free ; write for It.
1)I < ; WOLK .V CO. , llanUiTK .V llroUi-rn ,
Ilnnk Ilcfcrenccs. CO llromlwny. New York City
Umler our systcmutlo ro-opemtlvc plnn of
ppecnhitloii. "You Avoid ItlKkH. " Srttlo-
mentK niailc onro n wrrlc. Siimn of t''i ) to
tl.OCfl Invcstcil Umler nur pliin will ylelil
satlsfnctory returns. 1'rospectun explain-
Inir our miMlnnl. mnlli-il fivp.
.SAIL KILLIH : .t co. ,
M llr nil ny , ? e ' YorU.
Ilcst reference. Acnt8 ( wnntuil In every
Money ! Money ! !
MlilM Iliillillnp : , Nr-v York.
lltiyer for Its own and foreign account
Oold , Copper and Lead mines ; Kleclrlo
Slruot Railroads ; Water I'oivors ; Tlmbor
and Coal LimdH. Money advanced for
Mine , Railroad and other development.
HUhusl marltet nrlco ti.ilil niul prompt ruturi.s.
KufurencoOnuilii : Nnllcnal ll.inic
F. S. HUSH & CO. ,
No commlflBloii. 013 S. Dili St. , Omuli.i , Nob.
Nervous , Chronic
Private Diseases.
r > * jUll Private Diseases
'j-iid DIsnrdcrsof Mott
Trcatmont by mill
Continuation frco.
Cured for llfo and the poison thorough/ ]
cleansed from the system. TILES. FISTULA
and VARICOCELK permanently and HUO-
cossfully cured , Method now and unfalllnff
By now method without pain or cutting.
Call on or address with stamp ,
Or Scarlcs & Searlcs 110 S. 14 til St.
, , Omaha. Nob.
Leave * IIII'IILINGTON & MO. HIVaiUArrtvra *
OmahaUnion , Uepol , Klh & lluton Htt. | Omulu
SiJJain Denver Express . . . . " . a:33ait" :
4:35pm.l.'lk : Hills , Mont Ai I'ucet linJ Kx. 4OJpm :
4:3 pm Denver Uxpiess lt&pm :
7:0jim..Nebraska : Local ( ex Sunday ) . . . 7 : < ; pni
. . . .Lincoln Local ( ex. Bundayi:30aiu
2D5pin..l"unt : Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . .
Leaves ICM1ICAGO , 11UHLINOTON & Q.IArrlvcT.
OmahalUiilon Uepol , Itilli & Munon bl .j Oniah.i
TiiOOpni ChlciiKo Vestibule..T. . . 8:00aii : !
0:4Sam : Chicago 4:15um :
7fiOprn..ClileaBo : nnd .St. Louis Kxprvss. . iUaiii : )
ll:40am : raclllo Junrtlon Local C0pm : !
Fust Mull 2Wpm :
Leaves [ CHICAGO , MIU & ST. rAUL.ArrlvcB" |
OmahalUiilon Uepol , 10th & Mason Sts.J Omaha
C:30pm : Chicago Limited j'Xiam Uxprcss ( tx. fiunJay ) . . . 3ip.n ;
Omaliallnon ) Depot , 10th & Mason Bts.f Omaha
10:45atn : Kastcrn Uxpresai. . , . 340i ; > m
4MSpni Vrstlbulcd Limited Clipm : (
ti-.Kiim HI. 1'aul Express ! i:0am :
C:40am : Ht. 1'uul Limited 9OJpm :
7SOam..Carroll : & Sioux City I/ical. . .lllOinn
C30i ; > m Omalii Chlcaiio Special , 8Wiam :
, . . . . . .Mlxourl Valley ixienl. . . . . . . PSI/ain
Ler.vcn ( CHICAGO , 11. I. & VACII'lC.j.Vrrlves
OinahalUnlon Depot , Cth & Mason Ht3. | Omaha
10:40am..Atlanllo : Kxprcss ( ex. Bunjjy ) . .
7:00im : | NlEht iiiirc :
4DCim.-lilraKO : Vcsttbuled Limited. . . .
< : f.Opm..Bl. I'ttUl Vcstlbuicd Limited. . . . i:35pm :
AVEST. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C:4IpmOklahoma : & Tcxa s 1rcx. ( Sun.,10llam ) ;
l:40pm Colorado Limned 4:00pm :
Ix-nvea I C. . RT. P. . M. c u. ( Arrives
OinahajDepol , 151h und Webster Sts.lOniuha _ _
Siram..Sioux flty Arcommoaatlon. . . . B:00pm :
I3:30prn..Sioux City Hxprris ( ex. Huri.lUam ) : SI. Paul Limited DilOam
Leaves "l V i : ft MoTVAlTLn Y. j ArrTvo"
Omalial Depot. 13lh and Welnter His. | Omaha
300pm ; Ka t MalT'iind ifxprc-ss G:00pm :
3:00im.ex : | ( Sal ) Wyo r.x ( ex Mon ) . . . , LMpm
7COam..t ; < 'iimcnt Local ( Hundays only ) . .
- . { fam Norfolk llxpicss ( ex Sun ) 10:25ara : ; . St. Paul iiprtt UilOam
Leaves | 1C. C , 6T. J. & O > , n , ( Arrives"
OmuhaUnlpn | Depot , lOlh & Muson Bls , | Omaha
" " "
' : CJam..T7Kan ! nii"city Day Kxprcis. . . . . C:10pm :
10Mpin.lC.C _ JNIllit Kx. via U. p. Truns. C30am
Loaves f MIBBOUIU PACIFIC. ( Arrives
OmiiliaJptpot , lllii sr.J Webster 81s. _ J _ Omaha
3'OOpm..Ncbraiiia ) & Kansas LlrnltcJ..12lSpin :
9SOpm : .ICuniai City ISipresi ; Wam
2liipiii ; KuliruikaLoculex.Huii. _ _ ( _ ) . „ . . 8Main ;
Omulitt Depot. ISth and Webster His , I Omaha
Ciiipm. . . HI. i'aul Limited. . . OilOam
LeTve-Tl BIOUX"C1TY & I'ACIFIC. fAifl'vcr
OinalialUnlon Depot. ICth U Mason Bts. ( Onutu
IJMOain HI , I'aul I'lisscntcr llilOpia
7SOam : Bloux City rasscnucr KWpni ;
tftpm : HI. 1 'aul LImllnl. . . . . . . . . . DiZOain
Lrav-s I UNION PACIFIC. Arilves
qinahaynlpnDepot [ , 10th & Mason Bl . | Omalu
"f ; 0am..i..Overland Limited , " 17(5piri (
eUpm.llrat'ca : & Htromib'B IJx ( ex Hun ) , , 3t,0um ;
H:3Spm.arand : Island Kuness ( ex , Hun ) , . lWpm :
JJOpm ; . .1'atl Mall..10:80um :
fesvesT WAIIASH HAILWAY " ( Arrlv * * *
OmnhalUnlon Depot , lOlh & Mat.on Hts.J Onutu
4:30pm : , . . . . . . . . . .