71 THE OMAHA "DAILY 1M313 : SATt'UDAY , NOVJSMitliiu : : . I 5U > . COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT Ml.NO It MC.Vrin.V , Tliolo Mippll < w and cameras , Cll n'dway. ' JuilRO A. V. Larimer of Sioux City In a I ) I lifts visitor. Mm. C. W. McDonald la homo from a visit to Ottumwn. Dr. K. W. 1'orlcrncld of Atlnntlo la In the city visiting his parents. Klnloy Hurko was severely hurt by fallIng - Ing from nn onico clialr became of the breaking of a spring. V. 12. Ilendcr left his Ice box out of doors the other evening nnd a thief took the next day's breakfast sjipply. J. M. Callcndar and wife of Dos Molnos were In the city yesterday , guests of the family of J. J. Stpadman. The Olrls' Industrial ( school meets 'hli aftnrnoon at 20D South Main Htrect at L:30 : o'clock. Visitors always welcome. Wo offer special facilities to the man with a llmliod supply of linen. Work returned on mirh short notlco at the Eagle Laundry. 721 Droadway. A sneak thief Invaded the hallway of the residence of J. N. Cochran. 720 WashlnRlon avenue , yesterday and stole a coat belong ing to W. H. Huff corn , a boarder. At the home of Mr. J. E. llollenbcck , Mr. C. II. Sprague nnd Miss Iluny Savage , both of llellcvllle , Kim. , were married on Thanks giving evening , Itcv. Thlckstun omclatlng. Sheriff Tubbs of Mills county sent to the 1'ollro department yesterday descriptions of two burglars who performed n successful I Job at Olenwood. One of them Is a colored fellow , who Rives the name of William 1 Duller. The other Is a small white man named Fred llrown. lloth are said to be expert burglars , and travel together. IJntrlcs are coming In fast for the chicken Bhow to be held In this city at the Klseman building December II to in. The exhibition Is under the auspices of the Western Iowa I'oultry , K.irm nnd Garden association , seconded ended by Ihe Omaha Poultry Fanciers' asso ciation , which have decided to abandon Its show and unite with the Council muffs pee ple. The Southwestern Horticultural soci ety will meet at the same time. Tlie heavy accumulation of sleet on the electric llfiht wires was sulilclcnt to break HIP connections on all of the tower circuits , nnd Council muffs celebrated Thanksgiving night In total darkness , so far as Illumina tion from the lower lights was concerned. The breaks were repaired yesterday , and the llRhts wcro burning last night. The "outage" that was charged up against the lighting company will approximate 1,000 hours. The coming of the notable play , "Sowing the Wind. " at the Dohany theater Sunday night is attracting much attention. Since Its Introduction at the New York Empire theater no dramatic production has attracted , such widespread comment for years. It Is | full of Intense Interest nnd the powerful t theme , "Sex Against Sex , " Is presented In i n remarkably thrilling manner. The Froh- ' man company which will present It Sunday night Is a stroni ; aggrcgallon of players and will undoubtedly develop one of Iho best productions seen hero Ihls sca&on. MUs Lillian I ) . Jones nnd Miss Eugenln nrlnklmus gave ono of the most delightful evening entertainments at the First Baptist church last evening. Miss Urlnkhaus Is u charming vocalist , with a cultivated voice 01 great strength and the rarest sweetness and n violin virtuoso whoso powers would charm any audience. Miss Jones Is an Iowa and Nebraska girl whose friends Tiave discovered that she posscscs talents ns an elocutionist that will surely bring her fame on the stage. The young women gave a modest perform ance last night , unhcralcd by the press , and all who braved the cold to hear them wcro i greatly ilollghlcd. Miss Jones' homo Is now I in Darlington , Neb. Miss Ilrlnkhaus Is a graduate and a medal winner In ono of the great European conservatories. The young women are going cast , with the Intention ot giving a few unpretentious entertainments In churches. C. U. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical consultation free. Wednesdays. Health took furnished. 30D Mcrrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. llnrfi-c Furniture Co. Will Move- On January 1 to the Dccbo building , but they won'l move much furniture , because they'ro going to sell It before then sell it If prices count as factors. All Christmas goods. Finest stock of furnlturo In the city. Chances to get Just what you want at prices that will suit even you. 336-33C Broadway. OH can , grater and cake turner , all for lOc at Ilrown's C. O. I ) . dill to n\ioNllloii SiiliNcrllterN. Chairman Wells has Issued the following call for n meeting of the Council UlufTs people who havu taken a financial Interest In the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition : To the Council I Huffs Subscribers to the Stock of the Traiismlxsisslppl Exposition : You lire hereby notllled Unit a meeting of nil subscribers In found ) muffs to the stock of the TninxmlsMls'litpl Exposition will lie. hold In the city building. Council Bluffs , Katurdtiy evening. November "S , at t o'clock Hl'iirp , for the purpose of considering liny matters that may bo dei-mi-d necessary by the subscribers. LUCIUS WISLI.S. Chairman Finance Committee. Iturulnry IiiNiiriiiioo. Our burglary policies cover burglaries in their broadest sense , even where there Is collusion with employes or servants. Hates ore low and company first class. E. II. SHEAFE & CO. , Agents. Ret your winter supply of coal now before the rush and rtao In prices. L. M. Shubcrt will till ycur orders promptly and his prices are- the lowest. Telephone No. 70 ; C2S West Hroadway. _ llcservo your eeats today for the "Car nival of Fame" at the opera house , Tuesday evening , December 1. For Kent No. 9S Fourth street , ten rooms , all modern conveniences , steam heat. Low rent. E. II. Slicufe & Co. Duke's Mixture tobacco , per pound 25c. Brown's C. O. 1) . Hi-ill i : lat < ' TriuiNri-rH. The following transfers of real estate were n ported yesterday at thu otllce of J , W. Squire : Charles Ilaughn and wife to Emma Warner , lot fi , block 11 , Mc.Mation , Cooper & Jefferls' add , w d . J l T J Hatch and .wife to William J Siimp- KOII , n'i neU , S-75-40 , w d . . . -1.000 William A Hcdlck ami wife to John I HedleU. lands In 21-75-41. < i o d . 1 Sheriff to I < * J Day , trustee , lot 11. block U' , Crawford's add , H d . . 1CS Four transfen Jotnl . . { 1,170 The following marriage licenses \\cro Is- pued yesterday : Numo ami address. AGO Froil lie a runt. Council muffs . -15 Miih'Klu M. Llonberger , Council ItluiTs. . . . 2 | Horace Olmstcd , Douglas county. Neb. . . , K Anna Hundschuh , Douglas county , Neb. . 12 . We tell your doctor all there is in Scott's Emulsion , just how much cod liver oil , hypophosphitcs , glycerine. But we do not tell him how these are combined. You have your secrets ; this is ours. This knack of mak ing the very best thing has come to us from years * of ex perience with just one thing. We make only Scott's Emul sion all our energy is bent on making that better than any other emulsion in the world. We have no other business thought. Is it any wonder that it is thestandard ? fctorr & UOWMI. Ch mUu , NtwYoik. BAXIl CASHIER A FUGITIVE J , 0. Wntts of Ncola , la. , Short Several Thousands , BONDSMEN MAKE GOOD THE AMOUNT Co in in n n It } ' N" ( Willing to Wltliilratv UN CimlltleniM ; from Him , i\cn In ( InI'a eo ot i tlie Dcfnlentloii. J. C , Watts , cashier of the State bank of Ncola , has gone wrong. Ho Is a heavy defaulter and Is now a fugitive from Justice , supposed to bo somowhcro In Colorado. His bondsmen have taken charge of tbo bank and have made good his shortage. A week ago Walls left Ncola In answer tea a telegram announcing the dangerous ill ness of his brother In Denver. It was ex pected that ho would return In a few days , or would at least communicate with the bank. Several days passed without hearing from him. In the course of business some paper en mo Into the hands of the bank ofll- clals that excited their curiosity. A little Investigation allayed Iho curiosity and ex cited suspicion and the work of overhauling the cashier's accounts was begun. All day Thanksgiving experts were at work on Iho books and before night Iho fact was made plain lhat Iho cashier was short In his ac counts , The first Investigations revealed a discrepancy of $2fiOO , and the Investigations continued yesterday brought Ihe shortage to nearly $0.000 , with a possibility that U would reach $10,000. Tlui president of the bank Is C. M. King , a bridge contractor and builder In. Def > Molnes. Ho was at once advised by wire and has been present , assisting In the In vestigation. Herman Mendel ami C. D. 1)11- lln , bondsmen of Watts , also assisted. Yes terday at n meeting of the directors Mendel was made cashier. The bondsmen have paid Into the bank every dollar of the shortage so far discovered and stand ready to make good any further loss that may bo discovered. Dlllln Is the father-in-law of Watts. VERY LIKELY THE OLD STORY. The story of Watts' downfall Is ono that liis been written and printed In the news papers a thousand times. He was a young man of an exemplary character , enjoying the confidence of his business associates and the Ncola public to a most remarkable extent. In an evil hour ho yielded to the temptation of a friend to speculate a little on the Chicago cage Hoard of Trade. Ho had the usual luck nnd lo retrieve his losses began lo use the bank's funds. He was on the wrong Rldo of the wheat market and the last losses tin sustained came Just at the time ho re ceived the telegram announcing the Illness of his brother. He left without attempting to conceal his latest misappropriation of the li.inl''s money. Nolhlng has been heard from him since his departure. His mother Is with the sick brother in Denver nnd It Is only supposition that ho has gene there. Walts Is well known In Council muffs. For years his father , A. A. Walls , was cashier of Iho Council Uluffs Savings bank and young Watts held various positions In Iho bank under his father. When the elder Watts went lo Ncola for Iho purpose of establishing the bank there the son accom panied him. Three years ago when the Tallier died Ihe young man was advanced to Iho position of cashier. Walls married Dtllln's daughter three years ago and his family are among the most highly respected licoplo In the village. STILL HAS FRIENDS. There wcro rumors thai Walts had do mestic trouble , but this Is most emphatically . denied by every person in Neola who could ! bo talked with by wire last evening. The I ilgh standing of the young man is Indl- . catcd by the general expression of sympathy " ; rom all classes of people. Merchants freely expressed the opinion that if Watts would return today they would not withhold their confidence , but would entrust their money and business to him ! without hesitancy. The prompt action of Walls' bondsmen in making up the amount of his shorlago pre vented any Injury lo the credit of the In stitution and there will bo no Interruption of Us business. _ DO good cigars for COc. Hrown's C. O. D. Kruli OriMtiTM' M A special meeting ; of the fruit growers ind gardeners will be held In Farmers' mil , county court house , Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Action will bo taken then with reference lo making a display of frull before the State Horticultural society at DCS Molnes , December 8-11. Further ar rangements will be made for making the meeting of the Southwee'crn Iowa Horticul tural society , to be held In this city , Decem ber 15-17 , n success. success.G. 0. RICE , President. L. O. WILLIAMS , Secretary. Special Xotlee. After December 1 the following named firms will discontinue giving ntamps of the Co-Operative Premium association : IIOSTON STORE , SIETCALF UROS. , J. ZOLLER , ELI DROWN , H. A. COX. Sewer IMp < - , Fire llrlck , Held up. Wholesale and retail. J. C. lilxby , 202 Main street. Day & Hess , 39 Pearl street. Council Illuffj , have some extraordinary bargains lu fruit , garden and farm lands near Council DluflH. Now Is the lime to buy real estate. Ilattlo Ax plug lobacco , 20c pound. Ilrown's C. O. D. \V1I.I < KKHI' , T1IK WAI.ICS CI.KA.V. .Street CoiiiiulsNloiier I'l'iipom-M ncv Deal 1 > urliiK the \Vluler. The people of Council Hluffs , lhat is , a good majority of thu good people , will have occasion to thank Street Commissioner Mor ris before the winter la over for the deep and intelligent Interest ho Is taking In the problem of good streets and sidewalks. The cold weather which came around so sud denly compelled a complete unspent-Ion of all street work , and all of the extra force under the direction ot the commissioner was laid off. Only ono man on the regular gang , of fldowalk repairers was retained , and he failed to report for duty. The commissioner spent an hour or Iwo at the city building yesterday looking up the matter of his authority for taking care of the sidewalks In winter , and particularly his authorlly for requiring properly owners lo keep their walks clear of mow. Ho found an ordinance giving him authority to put men at work shoveling off snow from the sidewalks In front of property where the owners neglect or refute to do eo. The Ptreel commissioner can , with the advice of the engineer nnd city marshal , rot his gangn to work removing the snow and reporting the cost for taxation against the property. The ordinance If. perhaps , a little weak , but it Is probable that the council will consent to strengthen it. There 1 a statute In the I'tato ' code which gives cities the right to pass ordinances taxing the cost of removing wiow from the tldowalks to the abutting property. For years the ncglecl of cltlzeno to keep their walks clean has been one of the most serious nultancos , Many of the wealthier citizens , amply able to pay for the labor necemary to do this work , steadfastly refuse or neglect to have It done , Many of the wealthiest have not spent a dollar on thlu work for years , and have taken no Interest In the complaints that have been made by an Inconvenienced public. Accidents have occurred and the city has been sued and heavy Judgmontu obtained through their neglect. This winter the Intention la to compel these men to discharge the duty they owe to the public. It U a singular fact that the poorer claw of people are the most prompt to clear away the enow , Street Commlmloner Morris has a scheme by which ho can do the work promptly and rapidly. Ho haa devised a wraper , which will bo drawn by a horse. Host sugar cured h m , 11 cents pound. Urown'i C. 0. D. IMPOIITA.VI' POI.VP IN l.A.M ) I.Att .Indue Citron Drelitrn n tliieMInu o Snli-K I'tiitcr MnrtmtKo. Judge Smith handed down a decision yes terday In the case of Wilbur AV. Holcom against Daniel Dull nnd others. The cas Involves the foreclosure of a mortRage on 1,400 acres of land In this county. Th principal , with accrued Interest , amount to about $18,000 on the loan , which wa madci In 1SS6. In June , 1SS9 , Dull sold 55 acres of the land to John E. Hlackman ntu In February , 1892 , notice of this purchast \vts sent to Holcomh by Illackman. Sovera mouths subsequent to this notice Dull soli moio of the land to Urablll and Klopplng These sales amounted to about -410 acres At the tlmo the deeds to these lands were filed releases were given by Holcomh1 to the purchases. ) The title to the lands sold to IMuckman by Dull passed Into the possesslot of Pholon , Duffy fc Savage , who appear ns Interested parties In Iho foreclosure pro ceodlnRS. They Insisted that before the mortgage was brought In force ns agalns their portion of the 1,400 acre tract tha the plaintiff exhausted the full value of the laud sold to Ctrablll and Klopplng , whlcl ho released. In the scttlemenl of Ihls poln an interesting proposition of law was do velopcd and ono that the courts of Iowa have never been callc/d upon to determine Judge Smith dwells at length nu the qucs lion raised and his decision handed down yesterday sustains the position of Phclon Duffy & Savage. They Insisted that the value of the land released must be credited on Iho mortgage to Its full value and no prorated , as asked by the plaintiff. In deciding the point Judge Smith callct' attention to the laws of the state regarding the foreclosure of mortgages lu case the original property given as security lias been sold In parcels. The rule of all the stales except Iowa and Kentucky is that the burden of the mortgage shall rest upon the tracts In the Inverse order of their date ot sale. The Iowa courts hold thai Ihe various Iracts shall bo imposed with the burden pro rota , and Ihls was Iho position taken by the plaintiff In the present suit. Judge Smith held thai Inasmuch as the sale of the Gra- blll and Klopplng Iracts was made subse quent to the Hlackman sale , the full value of the land last sold should he credited on Iho mortgage before any of its burden should bo established against the Illackman tract. A decree of foreclosure will be drawn up by the attorneys In the case In accordance with Judge Smith's holding on this point. In the case ot the Security Savings and Loan association against Patrick Lyons a decree of foreclosure was rendered. A landlord's writ of attachment was sued out yesterday In the district court bj' S. M. Sorcnson against John Nelson. The defend ant rented the plaintiff's farm In Fcbruar- , 1S33 , nnd has failed to pay his rent to the amount of $312.92. The Milwaukee Harvester company -was given a Judgment against A. C. Jensen and others for $53 on a note. The sealed verdict in the case of John P. Martin against Anna D. Shugart wa.1. opened by Judge Green yesterday morning. The plaintiff was given Judgment for $135. The suit Involves some real estate commis sion on the sale of lands near Missouri Valley. The case of James Wcston against Charles P. Ilraslan and others Is on trial In the district court. Removal sale of furniture. 33C-33S llroad- way. A AVoril to tlu > Wine. Sweets to Iho ewcel. Young man , you don't want to forget that In your efforts to get along In the world there are more ways than one to catch bceo. Come and see RIekman's fine chocolates and get a few pointers. Cll < ( illlHK Ill-lllltlflll. Just received a complete line of the rich est cut glass manufactured. Low prices. Rich designs. Useful articles. Jacquemln & Co. , 27 Main strccl. Chuck steak , EC per pound. Chuck roast. 4c per pound. IIcat rib boiling beef. 2'/jc pound. DROWN'S C. O. D. Mrx. SliimlU-y StnrlH Attain. Mrs. Martha A. Standley , the widow whose home on Avenue A , belwccn Fourlecnlh and Fifteenth strecls , was destroyed by an In cendiary fire Wednesday night , Is reported to bo In a destitute condition. The house was net on fire between 3 and 4 o'clock In the morning , and the Inmiitcs only escaped with their lives. Mrs. Standley Is a seams tress , dependent upon her exertions for maintenance of herself and family. The loss of all her household goods ( eft her entirely destitute. An unhappy Tnanksglvlng was spent with kind neighbors , who tiharcd their shelter with her. but yesterday she entered anew Into Ihe slrugglo for exlslence. She succeeded In securing a sewing machine find a slovc lhal would heat a room into and was engaged last night in the effort to which she Is preparing to move. The police are still unable to locate the person whn committed arson and narrowly escaped com mitting murder. 28 pounds New 'Orleans sugar for $1. Rrown's C. O. D. ijllIO.IIOO.OO Worth of Kiirnltiirr Must be sold before January 1 regardless of cost. Going to tnovo the stock. The like In prices and quality never was heard of before. Lundgard , Iho Taller , 130 S. Main street. Now Orleans molasses , 25c per gallon , tlrown's C. O. D. AllcKcil Vn rnii ( Will Kl lit. L. C. Taylor was locked up In the city Jail last evening' on the charge of vagrancy. On Sunday evening Taylor was escorted to a motor car and sent across the river by the police department , with Instructions to keep away. Last evening ho was found In a livery stable on North Main street by Detective Murphy and locked up. Ho at once employed - ployed an attorney and announced thai ho will make a hot fight for his liberty and the privilege of living anywhere he may chose. Hoffmayr'fl fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for U. F. W. Dean , M. D. , eye , car , nose and throat , 241 Merrlam block , The excellence and purity of the home made tallies at Rtckman's are unexcelled. Good potatoes , 20c bushel. Drown's C. 0. D. Wantfd ii Ili-iM-lpt for HlH Our Fnrc. The passengers on a Chestnut street car enjoyed a laugh the other afternoon , relates the Philadelphia Record , thai was worth double the fare. At Eighteenth and Chest nut streets the car stopped and an old man , who attracted considerable attention , got en. He looked like a man who had built up a brUk business In some provincial town. Ho sat down near the rear platform and when the conductor came In for his faro he handed him a quarter and pocketed lila change. "Say , " he shouted , "you give mo a re ceipt ! " "A what ? " "I want receipt. First thing I know some other coiiductor'll get on hero and'll want another fare. You give mo a receipt. " The other passengers laughed , but the old man persisted : "You give mo a receipt. " "My good man , " said the conductor , "wo do not give receipts. Your faro Is paid and it ls all right. " The old man was not satisfied with Ihls and ullll requested his iccolpt. The con ductor went out on the platform and pondered dered deeply for a moment. Then ho fished an old transfer ticket from bin pocket and handed It to the passenger. Ho was satis- fled with thlu and held It lightly In his fin gers until the car reached Eleventh street , when ho gel off. I'ronipt O , R. Sims , the newspaper man and play wright of London , tells a good story about Switzerland. A referendum was approachIng - Ing Its completion , The votes had been given and the chairman was ready to declare the figures. In this moment of anxious expectation , when the fortunes of the coun try were at stake , a voice from the public gallery was heard crying : "Waiter ! " The result was Instntantoua. The whole hov- erclgn anucmbly of the Swiss people rcvo to Itu feet an ono uian and answered , "Vce , sir. " s "i \ I - rrwS5 = " A MAJORITY OVER Would-be competitors CLAIM to have made themselves heard in the CANVASS for the better patronage of Western Iowa and the GREAT state of Nebraska , but there is one CANDIDATE for the intelligent VOTE that up to the latest RETURNS places beyond doubt the original and genuine Sandwich Adams Corn Shcllcr has had a greater number of sales n this territory than all other corn shellers combined. It is hard work to get them fast enough , but we are hard workers. Catalogue and terms quoted on application to branch house. Office Telephone , No. S ( > . iM an tiger's Residence Tel. 303. CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. South Omaha News. A conference has been held between Gen eral Manager Dabcock ot the stock yards company and Chief Ilrcnnan of the local lollco force In relation lo card sharps and aklrs of different kinds frequenting the yards for the purpose of catching some un- vary Htockman with money. U Is known thai men of the class mcn- loncd hang about the yaros and Exchuigc mtldlng watching for cattlemen who draw money. An acquaintance is quickly formed and the stockman Is steered across the tracks nto some low resort where .In a very shorl lime ho Is fleeced of his money. Man ager Dabcock Is willing lo keep Ihese sharp ers off stock yards property , provided ho local police will work In harmony with ilm. Chief lircnnan and Mr. Habcock both aver the Idea of stationing an officer who mows all of these swindlers at the ex change lo warn Ihcm off Iho grounds under penalty of arrest. Under an ordinance > asscd November 3 , 1S91 , the mayor la cm- > owcrcd to appoint one or more citizens of good repute as special policemen , wlthoul o-st to the city , to patrol grounds and mlldlngs and prevent trespassing and mali cious destruction of property. Ono section of this ordinance provides that no person shall trespass upon th6 grounds of the lock yards company , without permission of ho company or remain there after being varncd to leave. The penalty for a viola- Ion of this ordinance Is a flue of not more nan $100 or not to exceed ninety days in he county Jail. Mr' . ' Habcock says that If his ordinance Is good ) ic thinks he will mvc no dllllculty In" keeping swindlers off he company's .properly Janet wllh , a little assistance from the police such men could eon bo driven from..the city. Xo SucecHHor Yet for AVlilte. No one has yet been appointed chief mlcroscoplst In place of Dr. W. S. White , vho was removed av short tlmo ago , nnd t Is understood that no appointment wJil ie made at present. Mrs. Ilushncll Is now n charge of the microscopical room. At ho time Dr. While was removed two nlcroscoplsts and a laggcr were dismissed nd they have appealed their cases to Jho JIvlI Service commission. Dr. White refused o apply for reinstatement and the papers of the other three wcro sent forward wlth oul his. City CiiKxIp. Twelve cars of feeders wcro sent to the ounlry ycplerday. John Tous of Cordova Is Ihe guest of Police udge Frank Chrlstmann. Dr. Slabaugh baa returned from a three ceks" trip through Old Mexico. James Wyness , one of Hammond's cattle uyera , has returned from a trip to Chicago. C. M. McCoreff of Iloswcll. Cole , , IsIn j 10 city looking after come business mat ers. ers.Wallace Wallace Carpenter , a Utah cattleman , rought eight cars of stock to this market csterday. Mlaj Elizabeth Claeby of Savannah and Mrs , . M. Ross of Stanb3rry are the guests of Miss Anna Hunter. German Towl Is spending a few days with ID parents. Ho will return to thu State nlverslty Monday. "Ncta" was repeated at nium'tt hall last light to a crowde'd house. A matinee will ic given this afternoon. The members of the Eastern Star will give social nnd card parly lo their friends at laronlc hall this evening. Nora , the Infant daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. 'atrlck Doyle , Twenty-fifth and I * etrccls , as burled yesterday afternoon. Jack Vannoy was tried In police court 'csterday for fleecing Joseph Smith out of 10 and was sentenced to thirty days In ho county Jail. Vannoy appealed the case ind Mrs , Mary Dolczal signed the appeal > end for him. Mrs. Condon of Pawnee City , president of ho Women's Relief corps of Nebraska , will 10 In the city this afternoon to Inspect Saw- icl Dennis Women's Relief corps , All mem. icrs ore requested to be at the hall over lie South Omaha National bank at 2 o'clock. City Treasurer Droadwcll yesterday sent o the ututo ( local agency In Now York the inn of $ SG30 , lo pay interest on intersection laving , refunding viaduct bondx and power lends , which becomes due December I. The ; rcatcr portion of tlils'amoimt ' is for Interest , ' nit a number of Hinall ma'turing bonds will bo akcn up. i George Worley , atf old Ecltlcr here. Is cad , and the fuucraj ivjrvlccs will be held t hli ) late rcpldcncei Twcnty-sixlh and P trceto , nt 2 o'clock' ' this afternoon. The IcccatxMl wao Ptrlckeri w lth paralysis about wo months ago and never recovered from 10 attack. At thu time of his death he was 4 years of age. ' , Ron Drooks , who | pccured of robbing "rank Hrablk of Avery of a mini of money nd a revolver last Sunday , wao arraigned bo- ore the county Judge ut I'apllllon ycslor- ay and held to the district court. In default f 41.000 hondo. Uroolo admitted taking oino money and a revolver , but asserts lhat 10 amount of money was not as largo as aimed by Hrablk. ' Tie ) prisoner will bo alien to the Douglas county Jail for Eafe- ecplng , pending a hearing. ItelleelloiiH of n Ilm-lii'lnr. Now York Press : A wise man never tells woman lhat she looks well in a veil. There never was an intellectual woman ho didn't envy some pretty one. A man's opinions almost always have come tile weight , exccpl In his own family. Love U like the toothache It makes every ther feeling ncem as though It were not orth inentlcnlng. Girls always seem to think they have to my a whole lot of futsy lace things to wear ust because they are going to get married. The woman who marries a man with an dca of devoting her whole life to reforming ilm generally compromises on taking care t her own complexion , uvmn.-vcn AOAIVST I.ADV SCOTT. IIiu-l ItiiNHell Sllll Air * ] | | H Family NenniliilH In I'ollee Court. LONDON , Nov. 27. The central criminal court ( Old Dalley ) was not to crowded today no yesterday , when the trial of Lady Sollna Scott , mother of the Conntew HuHJcll , nnd co-defendant with John Cockcrton , nn en gineer ; Frederick Kasl , n groom , nnd Wil liam Alott , a valet , In the action brought by Earl Hn3L'll for criminal libel , was resumed thh ) morning before Justice Hawkins. Earl Kuiucll was re-examined by his coun sel , Sir Frank Lockwood , Q. C. , nnd said he Informed Lady Scott on the subject of his "wild oats" prior to his marriage to her daughter. Counsel for the carl , continuing , read n teller from Lady Scoll lo his client. In which she wrote : "I wanl you always to trust me. I am thankful I know every thing. I love you Just the same. Your lov ing IJo. " Answering further questions , put to him by Sir Frank Lockwood , Earl Russell said that by the end of the suit of the countess for a restitution ot her conjugal rights the litigation had cost him between 10,000 nnd 15,000. St. George Lane Fox , a cousin of Earl Russell , corroborated the Jailer's evidence on Iho subject of the yachting trip , and said thai ho warned Ihe earl not to marry , for from Inquiries which he had made , he considered Lady Scotl lo be "a woman of Infamous reputation. " A bookseller named Carres testified that a "masseuse" had Introduced him to Lady Scott as her sister. Witness then proved the printing and dis tribution of the libels on Lady Scott's orders and produced a letter from her. In which she said : "I want you to find me a rich American gentleman to help me bear these expenses with a view to marriage. I have had plenty of good offers , but I must have riches. Kindly have all ready. " The documents were mailed by her order to every paper In London , some Paris news papers , the colonels of the regiments of Foot guards , to the three masters of Bath college , Ihe masters at Winchester , the New York and California clubs , the Jockey club , to tradesmen In Maidenhead , Windsor and London , to the station masters nt Maiden head , Cambridge , Oxford , Teddlngton , Wln- chcslcr and Ilrighlon , nnd to all secretaries of clubs at Maidenhead , to the members of the County Council , the managers of all theaters , the head masters at Oxford , Cam bridge , Harrow Eton and Winchester ; to the police of Maidenhead , and to a large num ber of private Individuals , as well as to the members of the House of Lords and HtniMC of Commons. The document giving the list of persons to whom the documents were to bo sent was. It appears. In the handwriting of Lady Seotl. The Irlal was again adjourned unlll Mon- IlnimllcH. PAIUS , Nov. 27. The customs committee of the Chamber of Dcpullcs today adopted the sugar bounties , 3 % to 4V& francs , and also a tax of 2 francs to 2'/ francs , accord ing to distance on colonial and French raw sugars sent to port refineries. The tariff committee of the Chamber will consider on Tuesday how to raise money to provide for an Increase of sugar bounties. During today's discussion it was con tended lhat beet root culture was Jeopardized and even if there was any prospecl of an International contest It would not benefit France to enter It with bounties equal to Germany's ' Terrible Stormx In Ori-eee. ATHENS , Nov. 27. An immense amount of damage has been caused by the terrible storms and floods which have Inundated the low-lying quarters of this city and the Piraeus , drowning a number of people , floodIng - Ing the gas works at the Jailer place and plunging Ihe port In complete darknc % > last night. Many houses liavo been destroyed and the tents sheltering the Armenian refugees have been swept away. As a result ot the disaster great distress prevails ) . De tachments of Bailers from the foreign war ships In port imvo been npplPtlng all the night long lu the work of rcucue. Herlnt ; Sen CoiiiinlHHloii MeefN. VICTORIA , H. C. , Nov. 27. The licrlng sea claims commission met at 0:30 thla morning. Mr. Pclcrs made an application for an order to examine Andrew I ) . Lane of Victoria , witness in the W. P. Sayward case. None of the American counsel w'cre present and the order la subject to their approval. Duel Small wan appointed a spe cial examiner to take evidence In the claims. From sixteen to twcnty-alx have nov been filed. Tom .MaIIH Kxpelleil from fieriiiniiy. IIAMIJURG , Nov. 27. U now seems lhat the report circulating In London last night and subsequently denied that Tom Mann , the well known Englluh labor leader and prlmo mover In the proposed universal dockers' L'trlke ' , has been arrcutod in Germany Is correct. Mann was taken Into custody at Elmsbrueta , charged with Inciting to create dlKU'tor , and UUP placed aboard n otcamer bound for Grlmaby , England , after having been cautioned not lo rclurn. Found Ili'iul In HlH Hut. TOUERMORAY. Onl. , Nov. 27. The cap tain ot the tug Seaman ycotcrday found flic dead body of John S. Rankln , a Detroit landlookcr. In n hut on Fltzwllllam Uland , Georgian bay. A note pinned to the corpse stated that Rankln'd companions , Thomca J. Austin of Dcfrolt and George L , Ilolrose , a guldo from Tobermoray , had left for Tober- tnoray last Tuesday. Nothing ha been seen yet of the two men. South Afrlon lli-ntrlctH ImiiilKrjitlon. PRETORIA , South Africa , Nov. 27. The t'nlksraad today formally paraed the Im migration restriction bill , requiring Immi grants to produce pauportB showing that they posuosu the means of support or that they can obtain work. The measure goes Into force on January 1 , 1S97. CriN | l SIIN IluropcVitiitH AViir. LONDON. Sept , 27. A Ilorlln dispatch to the Morning Post says : Signer Crlspl , the former Italian premier , In an autograph let ter to a charity bazar duclaren U la a de lusion to suppose that Europe Is In favor ot peace. The ambitious and revengeful powers , said Slgnor Crl&pl , are only waiting until success is assured to plunge Europe Inlo war. _ ItrltlMh War Ship Ooen < Maiilln. HONG KONG , Nov. 27. There has been a continuous exchange of telegraphic messages tween the British consul at Manila and tlie Hong Kong government. As one of the results the Itrltlt'h t > ccond class cruiser Pique has gone to the Philippine it-lands. Itclicllliiii Ciroi\s In PARIS. Nov. 27. Dispatches received from Antonarlvo , dated November 13 , say that the rebellion In the Island of Madagascar Is rampant , though the vicinity of the capital Is quieter. No colonists are arriving and trade Is paralyzed. AVIIIIniil Hits Another \ < > phew. KIEL , Nov. 27. Princess Henry of Prussia , wlfo of the emperor's brother , gave birth to a son today. The mother was formerly Princess Irene of Hosse , and Is a sister ot the empress ot Russia. She was married In 1SSS. _ \ < MV I'l-fNldi-nt for Hungarian IHcl. DUDA-PEST , Nov. 27. In the upper house ot the Hungarian Diet today Huron llaiiffy , the premier , communicated to the house a roynlarrunt appointing Wllhelm Toth presi dent ot that body. \VII1 111UN On n 1'rliue Mlnlhler. TEHERAN. Nov. 27. The shall an nounces that hereafter he will dispense with a premier and will preside In person over the cabinet , which will consist of Iwche minlslcrs. _ ItiisNlu mill iniIiiiiil llainl In Iliinil. LONDON , Nov. 27. The Times Vienna correspondcnl says that pourparlers ex changed between Russia and England prom ise to succeed In securing reforms In Turkey Cieriunii Ih lo Itc Itefiiiult'il. DERLIN , Nov. 27. The budget committee of the lower house of Iho Prussian Diet today adopted the bill providing for the conversion d the 4 per cent consols into Wstock. . run un.ut's KIXIJ. A TiisNlo Mllli llrulii I.cndM to n Fall anil n Fortune. John IJ. Sargent of San Francisco , who has been In the Kootenay mining districts for the past two months , tells n remark able story of the way a tenderfoot from Montreal discovered a gold mine In thai far away mining region. The young man , who was a clerk , was spending a few weeks wllh a friend engaged In mining , and put In his lime fishing and hunting , relates Ihe Denver Republican. The location of his friend's cabin was far up toward the head waters of ono of Iho tributaries of the Kootenay river , far fron < any other pros pector , and In a section where the bears wore not only numerous , but Inquisitive and troublesome. When l-itli men were away from the cabin it was necessary to carefully close up all the openings , as the bears had an unpleasant habit of climbing Into the cabin , and. besides gelling away with nil the pro visions In sight , playing foot ball with the cooking utensils. The bears were of the common brown variety , none of them very large , and were not considered dangerous ; In fact , their worst trait of character was the familiarity which bred anger rather tlian contempt. One day as the two friends returned from n hunting excursion they saw three bears Investigating the surround ings of the cabin , occasionally stopping to roll about a camp kettle which had been thoughtlessly left , outside. lloth men were armed with rifles , and as they succeeded In getting near the aiilmnls wlthoul being perceived , were able to take deliberate aim. As tliey delivered their fire , two of the bears fell , the third t-cam- wrlng off up the mountain. As they sup- xvcd both animals dead , they neglected to reload , and had approached to within a few 'eet of the prostrate bears when the larg est auddenly sprang to his feet , and , with a fierce roar , mai'Jirectiy for them. The young man from the city had never cultivated a close acquaintance -\lth the jcar family , and did the first tiling that occurred to him dropped his weapon and sprinted for the nearest tree , about 100 , -arJe away , and growing on the edge of n julch twelve or fifteen feet deep. The bear stopped a few second : ) to milff at the rifle , and then contemptuously tossing It asldo continued the chase. The hunter reached he tree and had climbed to the lower limbs when his pursuer reached It , and without any limitation commenced the ascent Thh wa * something that the amateur huntsman lad not calculated upon , and lie at once iroceeded to climb higher. In the hope that its antagonlsl might get tired and give up. The tree loaned somewhat ovrr the ravine , making the climbing easy , but the fact favored the bear as well , and when near the upper branches the young fellow found to his dismay that the hear was entirely too close for comfort. At thai moment , however - over , his friend , who had recovered from lila fright , and reloaded , shot the animal through the head. Now another danger manifested Itself. The combined weight of the man and the bear had been too much for the slender hold of the roots of the tree upon the soil , and as It leaned further and further over the gulch it became evident that unless ho could sercmblo down the man would be thrown upon the rocks at the bottom. Clinging to ono limb after another , he made desperate efforts to got down , but before he had ac complished more than half the distance the last rcot gave way and there seemed to hn nothing between him and death or Herloim Injury. Ills grip closed upon the limit to which ho was clinging , and In another mo ment the top of the tree rested on thu hot- i torn of the ravine , while the thoroughly ' frightened man dropped upon the carcass of , the dead bear , hlmuelf almost dead wl'.n ' fright. Hut the ulrangost feature of the udven- turo was that In falling over the Ireo had re moved thu earth from a four-foot vein ot rich quartz , the existence of which had heon entirely unsuspected. Now the young man from Montreal la a. horny-handed miner , nuKlnir a good Income out of hlu claim , winch bo haa named "Tho llcnr , " THE TAILOK. Fine Line of Fall and Winter Suitings. 130 S. Main Street CouncilBltiffs , In. Council Bluffs , lovsa. CAPITAL , . . . $100,00 * \vn SOLICIT YOUII iiusi.vn.ss. ' vvu nnbiun YOLII COLI.KCTIONS. OM ; OK THH oi.niLhT IIAMCS i.v IOWA ; C flJll GKNT PAID ON TI.MH DIU'OSITS , CALL. AMD HKK US OH WHITE. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY All Druggists. DOHANY Sl'NDAY NMC.IIT. NOV 29. Till ! Umpire Theali-r X. 1. SueiM-HM , SOWING TIIK WIND Presented only by the c < un | > .iny i > rcsc > itltiR thli brnntlful drama TliPino "SHX AISAI.NST SIJ.V. " PHICi:8 : Iloxes. Jl.CO , 75c , . ' .do uiul Me. On vale ut Kellrin' drug pture. sin : is OMV IKHT. : SfienlCH Four I.HIIKIIIIK N nnilono ( iliN ii CliMV lit ll * r Nil I liiiinllty. Maria Hose , aged 8 , was born In America , but Dr. Achilles Hose of 332 East Fifteenth street , New York , who adopted the nweel- fuced orphan four years ago , docs not know , to what race her parents belonged and can not explain her extraordinary ability for the acquisition of languages except by saying thai her natural gifts are great and her am bition to succeed keen. The girl Is of fair complexion and her hair and eyes are brown , relates tlie New York Herald. She Is quiet anil demure , but of quick observation. Dr. Hose has Inng written and spoken in advocacy of the adoption oC living Greek as Ihe International language for physicians. Ho was anxious lhat the child should learn Greek wlien he saw how rapidly she progressed In English ami French , both of which he speaks fluently. He speaks Greek al.so , but he does not be lieve In the general method of teaching It , being sure that the acquqlrcmcnt of a now tongue through daily contact with some ono using it Is the best way. Not content with what his own compan ionship might do for his adopted daughter , ho brought from Greece Miss Kustathla Momochartzi. Maria in a very tdiurt tlmo spoke Greek nearly as well as her governess. Miss Maria for the last few mouths lias been attending the school of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart , In West Seventeenth strcel. It was there she prepared u sur prise for Dr. Itose. She know It would plcaso him greatly If she acquired still another language. Without taking any one Into her confidence , she began to talk with the Ger man speaking school children and borrow their vocabulary. She busied her little head In this way1 for mouths , and yet during all that tlmo not a word of German escaped her wlillo she was In Dr. Hose's Iiearlng. When ho hpoko German to his friends or patients the little woman pretended to pay no at tention. She heard every word and under stood most of what was said , but slio wan not yet cs far advanced as she wished to be , so she said nothing. The Greek fox which disposed the aforesaid gold brick ; was not nearly as shrewd as this modern llngulsl. Her triumph was coming. One day when she felt fully equipped she surprised Dr. Hose by breaking Into a conversation hv German which he and a friend were having and making II plain lhal she could xpcalc Iho language as well as ho could. . . . . "How's Ibis ? " ho cried , delighted. \ , . "Oh ! " slio said , laughing , "It was easy to learn. I thought you would like U. You do , I see. " The best feature of It all In thai the child has not been a victim of over-study. Dr. Hose is thu enemy of all systems ot forcing. "I teamed English In the slums , " he says , "and I know a man who speaks It well and scholur-llke. who learned It In thu Howery. My little girl bus not been tlcil down to Irksome tusks as some are. She linn learned naturally I mean , In the most nat ural way. " Dr. Hone says the assertion that w do not know how the ancient Greeks pro nounced their language Is all nonsense. Greek , he says , Is the only homugeneouH speech easy of acquirement. H had not liorroucil from languages. The Greek spoked today , ho says , lu practically the saino tongue that wus iibi.'d by I'lato , Demosthenes and Plutarch. The Greeks of today , he nay * , Hpoak a language which I'erlclcs and Socra tes would undeniably have understood , Dr. Hose lu attacking the methods or teaching Greek In the schools has lila adoptcil daughter as evidence of the uc- cms of the methods ho favors. Many prom inent men am In uympathy with his work , and have vpoken enthusiastically of hli cblld'u accomplishment ! ) .