Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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    - - *
> J3J T T * /1 / " \ S \ /t "Y" TN EJJ
In c'.e cf tt uburJ.n tofn th-e * yousg
c boot girlit. their hair still In braids down
lh ° ir backs , met on evening at one of their
hornet to istudy their leuonn for the fol
low ig day. A they wr drawn up
arouud the dining room table a chince
newspaper caught their attention and
s cmed to Interest them wore than their
Latin grammars. Glancing down the col-
u.r.nj they came upon one of thrift aelrd
personal ! . nuJ piompted by A spirit of
ni'sihlnf ' they decided to answer It. As a
result of their cornmponden' * * they made
an at olnmrat : to iac-el toe unknown In- ii under a certain tree at 4 o'clock
t.nfo.lG.vInK Saturday altemoou. Con-
tilably before the hour appointed , these
tnre girling girls were < afely Installed
at tnelr point of vantage , and nearly
fi < - c. me ! with laughter when they saw
ai troachlns a somewhat pedagogical look-
I .j ? man with a book under bis arm , the
ttign agreed upon They watched him pace
Inu itirntly up ami down for the space of
La r an hour or more and then go a-vay
qi < : il'jected. This was too goo-i fun to
be ri-iiuiuishcd. o a. note of explanation
as " > tie cauxe of detention and ,1 renewed
apl-nli'tment ' gave them a repetition of
thnr amusement. They continued their
corrr ; nndence until they became a little
anxioi s as to how they were going to with-
dra > It and xtlll mere anxious an to what
mltbt hippen to thrm In case they were
drt ti J So , partly toellevo Ihcmsclver
from further responilbliity acd partly for
t..p hu e Joke of tue thing , they pave
their correspondent the name and addrrss
of a t-plcal. prim Noiv Uagland old maid ,
a number of the church which they at-
ten'ir.l an tbe person to . horn he had been
T ! c beautiful denouement of the whole
ndMtuuro was that the object of their base
dernt went , aw and conquered. And on
the day that the ancient spinster fluttered
up the church aisle In white srastla and
blue ribbons to Iho tune of the "Wedding
Manh' the three gay > oung girls aat to
gether on a back seat and secretly gloated
over the hilarious result of their audacious
Mn , | holr collecting U the fad of the ino-
rnrnt as costly as It l a curlotw one. too
1" IT i bit of linen the enthusiastic collector
i mieril ; her soul , and as for her purae
wh. , that U & trere bagetelle compared to
tbe satUfartlon which a new and coveted
bit of lac- and muslin Rives her !
Mrr- > Enema Eamea-Rtory. the Amerlran
Flr .r his probably the most famous hand-
Ji ri i.efs She own * one that Is saM to
ha > belonged to the fair Juliet , a thin , fine
on of Rachel's and one that the great Mrs.
Sii ln used
v ss Van Alen's cell otion Is not confined
l > v any means to linen having theatrical
% a're
> h > has acclent Venetian and Moorish
Ta rs of exquisite fabric. Some of silk
nr LIK enough to wrap around one's head
An authentic Marie Antoinette reposes
In hrr cabinet. It te of solid Valenciennes
w H Marie" worked bel w a crown In tht
CPU ei medallion. A copy of that famouo
Mar\ Stuart one. owreil by a Trench
du hp * * Is also In her possession.
: > xt to It. and In great contrast. Is a
: lit of item unfemlnlno. unadorned linen
tha' belonged to George Eliot.
MM lUlmont Tiffany wants only those
used by royal hands. Her most prized
one neans a black border , with a tiny out-
linI I ' E" In the corner , and waa given her
bv th' forcer empress of the 'French. '
The prettUot In this collection Is a fine
thiiiK that wafts a faint scent of violets
and i' * "P C. " Is the mark of the first lady
In the land , who Is a friend of Mtes Cam
It n mos amusing to hear the girls who
go in for ntage celebrities tell their ex-
pi-ri- i > with the actress"
Ho A { 50 never moved Dueo to acquiesce
and hnv Dcrnhardt laughed and threw at
them 'he little wet ball of muslin , which
she arrlea rolled up In the palm of her
The method * of propoelng have changed
elnce our grandfathers' and grandmothers'
time Then tbe enamored jouth. however
languUhlng in his love had first to court
the 'a or of the parents and gain their per-
miss.oT before even his attentions could be
bcs . ' 1 upon the fair one If he wae so
for'una-e as to gain their favor and allowed
atss to their home hi * calls were ne.-er
pai 1 without the presence of either father
or mother in tbe room Hence , their chanced
of Itniaklng were few
So . timca a came of chess gavean op
portunity for a sly hand press. Or a song
a > the harpsichord brought the loving heads
, Jn o neighborly contact Then there w < is
lUe n. ver-to-be-forgotten hank of yarn that
'Tjf ' 1 itn part , and has given rise to the
werhue Wo holdti the hank will be
the winder's husband" This milted love-
mak i ; usually ended In a formal letter
bearing the declaration of hte pa lon. and
a hast > reply bearing a formal rejection
was generally the result. In those days It
was i jnsidered unmaldenly to seize the
firs' offer "Refuse him In order to try his
) > \t The lover who did not promptly re-
hi suit and whose ardor could be
i ! bthe first rebuff wag not considered
IOV.T worth having
Smh were the customs of our ancestors.
T\h > thought they knew the- moat approved
roe'h xls of love-making If they could come
ba tiiay t their periwigs weald turn white
In r iht > If wigs could turn white , at
what they would consider our lack of good
form Uut times change , and we change
with hem Many of the granddaughters of
thi o snsndmothers who were kept in glasig
C3b < i are now bread-winners Their pro
fess n and trade * ; have given them a w'der
field tban that age- dreamed of Their In
tellect. are now mature and the romantic
drear IP * of thooe idle live * has given way
to ac ue force.
M ne Emma CIve contributes a paper
on th. "Conquering RICH In Music" to the
\tniber 1-adiet , ' Homo Journal , In which
ihe rsi i-olally addresses students ofoeal
musi.- She tells of the training required
for the operatic and tbe concert tage. the
impersonation of character , the value of
* us ; csiius. . etc and paj * this tribute teA
A me uang "The Americans have. It seenn
to me in the field of music , and especially
In the Hold of vocal mutlc. all of the charac
teristic of the conquering race They are
poiscssed naturally of the moat exquisite
voiced which when properly trained are
almost unrivaled , thej nave Indomitable en- '
< ! } perseverance and pluck , the > stop at
nothing ere deterred b ) no trouble and pre
vented by no obftacle Poverty , weirlness
extriion hard work none of these living
specters which affright and terrify the
avejo art worker has terrors for them.
Tbctr physique and their temperament feem
ma Jo for toll and to surmount discourage
ment and the success which tbej are daily
arhievinK. In the field of both operatic anl
C3 rt singing , to testimony to their nitu-
ral fitness for accomplishment , and to their
ability to excel The } seem. In fact , to be
most lavlihlv fitted b > nature for the par ; *
thy are assuming. To thee glfta of the
vni e energy , pluck and pertevereuce thr/
frtHiU'-ntly add a beauty of face and grace of
form anl movement which the publ'c ' recog
nizes m iuot luiporuot factors In the uc-
crf = of the klnger'g career. They have , too
th temierament which make great artU'.t
aid grtit atrM s the artistic feeliOR
wblch lisi for Its standard perfection , an :
which Is satisfied with nothing lest. "
i' lilcmarck U nuppoied by some
to b < blind to a woman's charms
but a itory U told which Indicate * that tbe
eX T n chancellor is quite as au c ptlble
to feminine lovellneia as other men. A
Colorado belle , who waa tiklns the waters
at KlMlngcn when HUnur Jc was there , one
day walked up to him. a American RlrU
will when they have made up their mlndi
to do a thing , and Mid
'I am going home today , may I shake
hands with you ? "
film shook the offered hand and attempted
to MM it. but he promptly withdrew It
Jajing "III KlMlngen we do not kic <
hands anj the scarcely dUplaaMMl damsel
a cbatte lalute upon her llpi.
write * a I'arta correipondeni
call to mind that Mile Du Chemlii aca
Mllf ruemlnee have taken up with th > fa l--t uiln | butterflici A grntlvnun
re en'ly returned from Asia , happened to
bring the young women * omc rare IJH'CI
as louvenlri of tbe trip Kach
nojun hai avut fifty In her cclpr ! lnn and
It la marveloiM how tame the creatures have
bfome. Upon the entrance of their ml-
tre they fly to greet her , perching upon
her ihoulJerH head and finger tips The
nay they ar * trained was by feeding them
with honey from the finger tips. They have
been meet serviceable as studlt'K for all
kind * of art wurk. ptlntlng them on the
win ? and In groups , wh u embroidering and
when reproducing their gorgeotti huen In
oil. The butterflies have shown thctoeelve *
very susceptible to the charm o ! music.
Two more of Nw York'a society women
have decldtd to start late buslnew This
time It is nothing more nor fe s than a rei- !
Uurant. although eallw ! by U * owner * au j
artistic afternoon tea room. The tno won < > n
directly interested are Mrs. John A bowery
who has Just returned from Kuropo. aud Miis ,
Marsar-et Wllmerding. lloth women are w11 ,
known among the smart set. Mrs Low-cry i
Is prominent In charitable and artistic ciri i
cles. She wa Miss Ellen Prince of Haiti- i
more. Miw Wllmerdlni ; Is a daughter of the !
late William K. Wllmerdlng and Is epe-
| clatly knowo to society for her bea-itlful i
j voice. Like many other new Idea * , this one
comei from Paris , where Mrs. Lowery and
Mis * Wllmerdlng first saw It The enter
prise Is a purelv buslnesn one , aud no 2-
set ! nce will be asked The doon will be
open every day from noon until 6 o'clock In
the evening. Men will b as welcome as
women , but most of the patronage Is ex
pected from society women who will drop In
to chat while out shopping , tight luncheon
and afternoon te s will be served In the most
elegant stvle. It will bo the flrat afternoon
tea room In this country.
The Chicago Times-Herald tells this * tory
about Sir Walter Desant"One d ! . $ In mid
summer while the World's Fair Auxiliary
Congre < of Authors was In session the Art
Institute became as hot as aa oxen , and
Walter Becant the Ennllsh novelist , now
Sir Walter nudged one of 'the managers of
the congre B. while pome one was reading
a tiresome paper , and whispered 'I say , ra >
man. can't we clip out of here and get a
bmath of air and a little something cool to
drink ? ' The great and good man thus nd
dressed readily assented and piloted tl < e
Englishman across Michigan avenue Into r ,
drug store and against a soda fountain.
'What will jou have. Mr Besanf' he In
quired waving his hand toward the foun
tain. 'Gimme a pint of 'alf and 'alf. promptly
responded the novelist. The embarrassed
pilot gasped and explained that no 'strong'
drinks could be bought there. Mr Ilesant
calmly adjusted lite c > eglasccs , looked the
marble outfit over quizzically and ejacu
lated : 'It's one of those blarsted American
fizzing machines' All right , sir ; go ahead ;
do jou choose for me. Pick out whatever
} ou consider least dangerous ' "
Ex-Governor James E. Campbell's con
gratulations to Major McKlnley were late ,
but they were no less hearty in their ex
pression of good wishes Mr Campbell and
Major McKlnley have been personal friend *
for > ears. and five jears ago , when MrKlnley
was nominated for governor , one of the first
to congratulate him was his opponent. Gov
ernor Campbell. There was an Interesting
Incident in connection with McKlnley's nom
ination at that time The nomination had
Just been made by acclamation when Gov
ernor Campbell and his wife drove up to the
hotel They called on Major McKlnley , and
the governor said"Major. . Mrs Campbell
has expressed a desire to take the next
governor of Ohio for a drive , and I think
she means you. Will you accept a seat In
hecarriage' " The major took the drive
and he was the next governor of Ohio , de
feating the husband of the lady who had
extended the Invitation.
Ex-Senator Phlletus Sawyer of Wisconsin
told the following story the other day
"When we were living on my tarm at los-
endale It became necessary to sell a cow.
The bujer wanted a certain cow or none at
all. It happened to be the cow I had given
to my wife. I went Into the house and told
my wife. She. the good soul , said'Sell
her , but I want the money. ' I sold the cow ,
gave my wife a couple of dollars and said-
'Call on me when you want more' When
she wanted to buy a dress , bonnet or wed
ding prc ent she would aak for some of that
cow money I had paid back several thou
sand dollars of the cow- money , and was
wondering when the demand wouU erase
A house was built. It bad to be furnished
We figured up what the furnishing would
cost. It amounted to several thousand del
lars. I eald 'Wife. I'll pay jou the balance
of that cow money and you can pay for
furnhthing the house with It' It wae a bar
gain and the cow deal was over. " The $10
cow cost the old senator not far from tW.OOO.
but he never complained at the price.
The death of Napoleon Sarony of New- York
roti-ovcs a notable figure from the not-too-
large group of great American artists. He
was classed as a photographer , but he took
high rank with thoee kr.orrn 33 painters
and sculptors The amaurt of work he did
was Immense. He posed and photographed
no less than 230,000 persons , and of these
30.000 were members of the theatrical pro
fession. The list of thoEe who sit before
hl camera Includes nearly If not quite , all
of the celebrities of the past generation In
thte country and vUltlng notables as well
Among his first sitters were Peter Cooper ,
William Cullen Bryant. Longfellow. Char
lotte Cushman , Forrest , Ilootb. John Me-
Cullough and Rlstorl. HU famous picture
of the latter as Marie Antoinette was one
of his greatest creations Charlotte Cujh-
man used to refer to him ae "the crary
little man. " and Coquelln called hjm ' the
\pis onler of photographers " The Grand
Duke Alexis of Russia cave tbe little ar1
1st may sittings Generals Grant , Sherman.
Sheridan and Hancock were among his sub
jects , and presidents from tbe time of Lin
coln to the present sought hU etu-lio.
Casslus Marcellus I.oomU of Chicjpo tolls
the Chicago Tribune how he found out what
his middle name and thi : of rasiiu-a M
Clay was At his birth he was named fib-
slus M , after Claj' . "But. " be sajs ' LO
one thought to Inquire what the let'er M
stood for in the name. Time ran on ( or
korae thlrty-elsht jears. when the newlj
born , having inherited an inquisitive turn
of mind , wrote Mr Clay for the decired In
formation. Mr. Clay responded , sending his
Harm-sake a photograph of himself and a
friendly note , In which , inifead cf sta'tng
directly what his middle name wae , Le
quoted two lines from Pen 'i 'Essay on
Man' :
And more truf Joy Marcellus exiled feels
Than Ciusar with a senate at hU htel.- < .
and added 'You will find jour name in the
above couplet. ' "
A thorough cosmopolitan declares that the
iltogther moat fascinating men In the world
are the higher class Russians. "The offi
cers , " sht > savs "In 'h 'r ' 'jn'fcrss. ' too. are
quite Irresistible. They are so handsome. 50
gallant , so easy and courteous , and their
dree * Is so becoming to them that , old
woman as I am. my heart go s out to tb m
all. And glrla find them perfect heartbreakers -
breakers Give me a Hus.lan for looks , an
American , of course , for steady wear , but
the czar's subjects for manners and ad
dress. "
In three davi. when well-educated , refined
women are- Marching ni-A field * for con
genial employment , the Idea of a "children' *
cbaporone" ai ret forth In an English
paper U decidedly apropos. A cultivated
lady for child's companion would surely l * >
a vast Improvement on tbe average nurwe
girl who Is usually the cowl ant attendant.
inJ there are many rich motbeis who wouU
gladly give more thought to the companion *
of their little ones if they co M g : the de
sire. ! qualltlcattoDi by paying for them. The
"children's chaperone" mu < t aecompanj
'them on their walks and "Interpret nature
with special reference to botany , blrda and
For Infanta and Children.
the common objects arounJ them anil a must
them at home " Certainly tbe rtiulrement
arc modest nouih. ; but the atmosphere of
refinement thrown about the children would
b Invaluable to many a society lajy.
Th ( art of portrait palatine on wooden
panel * haa lately been revived , and the
popti .r appreciation with which it haa bwn
received Irdlcate * that It Ifi one of tha
most miccctcful and pleasint ; methods of
portraiture ever used.
Sine * Charles Frederic Xaesele save the
public an Insight Into hta new work by
holding a small exhibit of portrait p nela
In the galleries of the Salmagundi club.
A omen of society have devoted much atten
tion to this kind of art. Mrs. John Sargent
i Wise , president of the New York branch of
i the Daughters of the Revolution , has been
1 painted on mahogany Another successful
portrait on wood Is of Mies Helen Clifford
Page , the > oung woman who was chosen
to name the man-of-war New York. The
portraits of Mrs Alexander C Morgan anJ
of Mrs Naegele are both remarkable ex
amples of what can be done In portraiture
without the aid of cast shadows The grain of the wood Is always pre
served and allowed to ser\e aa a back
The method of preparation U Interesting
Each panel Is made of six thin layers of
wood glued together with the grains cross-
Ins : at rlcht angles. They are then placed
under hydraulic pressure , where they stay
for several weeks This process produce *
a panel which will neither shrink , warp nor
It M not generally known that a famous
singer made the first move toward the estab
lishing of private cars. In 1S31. when the
famous Jenny Llnd got married In this coun
try , she was very much annoyed during her
honeymoon by the Intrusion of Impertinent
Interviewers , and to escape the Infliction
she had a passenger car cleared of Its
seats and fitted up as a drawing room In
this she naj able to stop off at scheduled
points or go from place to place without
molestation. The Idea was quite original
with the great singer , and directed so much
attention that other people of luxurious
tastes wanted to Imitate that method of
travel The fashion did not spread xerj
rapidly , but It got a start then , and has.
gone on slcwly Into the development of the
palace car and dining car.
The fashion of wearing real gems In the
colffuro arose from an example set by the
princess of Wales , who began the style some
seasons past by appearing at a very fash-
lonablo church wedding at the Hrompton
Oratory In a violet bonnet , the soft plume *
run through with a superb diamond-hilled
saber and the brim dotted with small real
gems This fashion , though really appro
priate enl > to royalty , has been appropruted
by our own wealthy cosmopolitan countrv-
womcn , but the display of diamonds worn
In such form seems not quite In good tas'e
and the risks attending It are obvious
What is life without a rabbit's foot" The-
jewelers say It is Impossible to supply tin
demand for the left hind foot of the grave
yard rabbit. Of course , the charm is
doubly charming If the rabbit is killed at
midnight , the moon Is on the wane ,
and the animal la running south through a
lonely country church > ard. Silver-mounted
they are difplaved In the form of pen
holders , paper cutters , watch charms , but
ton hooks , and various other fancy and use
ful articles Gold mounted , they are at
tached to a little chain and worn arounJ the
The young and rich Baron do Selys-Long-
chamrt ! . who was recently elected senator
in Helslum , polled a remarkably larse vote
among the peasantry. He has caused a sen
sation In the oSice of the secretary of the
senate by requesting that his tltlcj be omit
ted in calling the roll. This sensation was
Increased when he announced the intention
of appearing at all cessions of the senut
In the workingman's blouse which ho dalh
wears as a sjmbol of his love for the ma s s
As the senile Is composed chiefly of prtnct s
nooiemen and millionaires , the.r opinion r- '
their new associate's taste and secse ma >
be easily Imagined.
A queer Maine notability Is William
Brown , an old man wno lives na ? In on-
village and now In another c v oting h
time a Ith much success to th trappiop or
foxes. This jear he Is camped near Oak
land. Kennebec county , v. here In the last
twelve-months , he haa caught over lOu foxi. .
Including two of the verj valuable silver
gray variety. He is accompanied in his wau
derlng life by hte wife , who Is said to be an
artist of considerable talent Brown has a
dog and a gun. but owes most of his eu ec- . ,
to a mysterious scent with wnich h
sprinkles ordinary steel trap * He * ill no
reveal the composition of this subetan e tu
The girl who wobbles mav be thankful
to kno : that an athlete scys that in walkIng -
Ing the let ; chould be swung from the hit
very much as the arm is swung from tlu
shouUer , pot from the elbow. The hir
muscles are among the strongest in thi
body , and n.en who me them and walk
with the leg comparatively stiff cover th-
ground 30 per cent faster vv'th the sam <
exertion than those who walk from the
A number of Ohio women have entcro !
the domestic science department rectnil )
added to the college of agriculture of ui
Ohio State university at Columbus Some
are taking a two years' course others a fou-
years' course The board of trustee i la
sparing no effort to have women admitted to
every privilege to do advantageous work
Fashionable waists are to bo large and
accorlttu ; to the Greek measurement for
correct physical proportions , twice the size
of the neck is the right size for a s > mmet-
rical waist.
On Victorian railways "station mistresses'
are rapidly replacing stat on masters Over
200 women are now holding the pov an 1
the > civ their work as well js men Thei-
average annual salary is $ ! < vvhejeas tbe
station masters n e'vej 4 " , > 0
being to give pleasure ,
why not give all the
pleasure possible ? Cause
the loved one to exclaim ,
as she opens your Christ
mas gift of Silver :
Silver , too ! 1 Sec ths -3
Lion , Anchor , and Letter ( e |
G ! How perfectly
delightful P
Beyond " GORHAM , "
desire or expectation
never reaches. i S
Too good for Dry Goods Stores
Jcv.-elers only.
C. S. J
S. E , Cor. 1 5th and Douglas
.Notli'i"f > tiu'kliulili-r ' J
Tbe DtcckhoMers and stock subscriber * of
the Trunsmlitnlftilppl and International Ex
position art * her. by notified , as provide. ) in
article vlll as amended of the Articles of In
corporation of Bald corporation , a
gtockholiler * ' meet In B of the xald corpora
tion will l > e held , beginning at half past
seven ( ? ) o'clock p m on the tlrst d.iv of
IXremlwr. liW. at the Board of Trade hill
in the building at the nouthAnt Corner of
i'arnam and sixteenth mreetn In the . Ity
of Omaha. In the count ) of I > OUSI.IH. gt.u.
of Nebraika , for the purpose of electing lift )
i.'o ) directors , to constitute the board of
directors of the said corporation. In a <
i ordance with article vil as amei.ded of the
AriK lea of Incorporation of the said ror-
puratlon , Oy onJ r of the Hoar.i of D'rec
tots. CrilDON WATTLK3
l > -milent
Over $411,000,000 Paid to Policy Holders
in Fifty-three Years !
RICHARD A. McCURDY , President ,
Who will pay that mortgage
on your home if you die before
It's lifted ?
A life insurance policy will
do it , and the cost to you is
only the annual premium paid
to the company. It is like pay
ing a little extra interest on
your mortgage to insure its re
lease if you die.
The resources of the Mutual
Life of New York exceed the
combined capital of all the na
tional banks of New York City ,
Chicago , Boston , Philadelphia ,
St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti
A duty delayed is a duty
shirked. Let a man convinced
of responsibility secure adequate
protection and at once.
A Policy of Insurance in the
Mutual Life is the quickest
asset vou can leave.
Searles ,
Servons , Chronic
Private Diseases.
Private Diseases
DHnrderiof Men
Treatment b * mill
untiiltation free
Curr-d for life and the po.s n thoroughly
cleansed from the > "em PILES ririTUi.A
and VARICOCELK r 'minrntlj an3 suc
cessful" ) < ured Me I , > d new and unfailing
Dy nen method w'thout pain or cutting.
Call on or address nUh stamp.
Dr. Searlcs & Searles , 119 Graaba. S l-lth St.
Orje Thousand ior Orjc.
( Trada Mart. )
'i unit } Coiuiiunr atc'v York.
Biv',3 THREE MCNTHS1 insurance ,
$1,000 for $1.OO ,
to in ell or noiue-n ,
tr n IS and CO > ean of age acaintt fatal
.MxidFott a lout , or on Ulcycles , Hones.
ni Hone C-arj. lUilroad can nievate'j ,
r , Tr llcy and Cable can. Stramihl i ,
bonis , mi Steam F'rrlfs. J1W COO deposited
vlth thr Insurance Drnnripii-nt of tbe tatj ol
New 7ork for the security of the insured.
1'or Sale by
Chns.Knufmaiiii ,
UO ] Doucla * Street.
Tel. Mf Cmahx. V < b.
-I f / ArrrwM'ir nr falling Mem
tj ) \ OMJ atiJ ofixw KifiM'i And Indit *
( /J l Off jn * Tv 7uirAtOIK / urr/i/
' * / ie iont I Mt \ u l ij In old or loan ; , and
tii a man for * t d ? btuinor marrnje
. ' 1 rrent Incurn > 1 rontutnition i (
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Irrilii : r r u. rr tioQ3
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I CJV n t i-- frr iar-k 1iri"Vi iiuocU'Vrcl
* ? W i : llt/Tor Ijullcmliir t. rrlorn
A _ _ / ? „ . . " . . . ' ' ? ' " " ! T.r.'u. . . * rn- .
YiiUK , Compl acainat ST. JO
COMPANY and others. Defendants
\ \ her > > .i < by decree of the clrc ult court
nf the L'nit- States , for the dlstrh-t of Xe-
tiraska , tnurvJ JCo\ember 5th. l * i , and a
iltcrie of the circuit court of the United
t5' iUs for the district of Kansas , entered
No\emb r 2Jth , IQw , anil a decree of the
< In-uit court of tht- United States for the
western district of Missouri , \vestern di
vision , fu : ri-d November Hth , li&5 , in the
ui's of C ntral Trust Company of New
York , against St. JoMph & Grand Is-
1 mil R.iiroaJ ! Company and others. It was
adjudged and decned. that the said St.
Joph AOrand Island Railroad Company ,
hall. within twenty days after the entry
of said decrt * of the circuit court of the
United States for the district of Nebraska ,
I'.tj or cause to be paid to raid complain
ant CVntral Truot Company of New York ,
or to the tlerk of the United States circuit
court. dUtrkt of Nebraska , for the use and
benefit of the holders of the outstanding
bonds and coupons seournl by the mort-
jrafe described In paid decrees , the sum of
iT.STJ. l'J In gold coin of the United States ,
v. ith Interest thereon from the date of
the entry of saiii decree of said laat men
tioned court to the day of payment : and that
unless such payment han be made uithln
tin time directed , as aforesaid , the mort
gage described In the said decrees be fore
closed , and all property , rlRhts or Interest
conteyeJ thereby , and upon which sild
morteace Is a lien , which said property Is
hereinafter particularly described , l sold
as hurcinaftcT i > roIdeu and as directed by
paid decrees , and that under and by > .atd
ale all iciulty of redemption of the defend
ants and any and all persons claiming by.
trrouch or under said defendants or repre
sented b > any of the parties hereto , of. In
and to ald mortgaged premises , property ,
rishti and franehij-es and etry part and
pan el thereof embraced or included or In-
tt nded to be Included In said mort race be
foreeo-eJ ! ind cut off and forever barred ,
and that th < - prorerty cohered by the said
mortm e shall , subject to the provisions
aforesaid , and In default of the payment of
I he sums found to be due , a hereinbefore
stated , and directed to be paid , be bold as an
entirety and In one ; i < * rcel without valua
tion appraisement or redi r-plon , at public
auction to the highest blocer or bidJe's on
the mortgaged premises , at the depot ut
Hustings. Nebraska , on a day am ] hour to
be fixed by the special master such day and
hour to be tlxed In accordance with the
reque t of tile solicitor * or the complain
ant : and that notice of the time , place and
terms of sale de crlbln ? briefly the property
to be hold , and referring to s. UI decrees ,
should Ue published as In J'ald Jecreea di-
And whereas , said decrees were thereafter
mollified by decree * duly entered In each
of said couru reducing the uroount of the
lowest bid which may received for the
property to be sold to 11000 < ' ! :
And whertas neither catdSt Joseph and
Grand Inland Hailroad Company , nor any
one claiming under It , or for It * account ,
has paid or caused to lie paKl eald xum di-
Uted to be i > ald an afori-Mald or any sum.
tlthouiih more thin twenty days have
elapxed xlnce the entry of mid decree * ;
And whereas , the Kolk-ltorn of the com
plainant h ivt requented the undentUned
xpc-clal mamer dolgnated In said decrees to
make anl conluct Maid wale to fix the H !
day of December , 1 * J. at 1 ! o'clock noon
of that day an the time for xuch Kale
Now. therefore , pursuant to the said tie-
cr.ex. order and rvijuetit. I. the * ubtfcrlb r.
kpei l-il mtHtor , hereby irlve notice that I
nil ) , on the * M day of December. 1W. or
the diy to which I may adjourn the ale. at
12 o i lock noon , on tbe mortKagml prml * a.
at thM dtpot at HanUns * . .Neliraskj. nell at
public uui tlon to the iilirhent bidder or bid
der * as an entirety and In one parcel with
out v Uuatlon or appraisement or re temp-
tlon the following deii < rlbed rallwayM and
properti to-wlt All and dlngu'ar th rall-
rca < I of the Hi Jot ph an < ] Ciran 1 Island
Ual'road t'ompui ) . exti-nJlns from the city
of Ht Joifiph In the county of lluihtnm
anJ state of Missouri , and runnlns thence
a < ro"i th < bridge over tne Missouri rlr
thro .cli the counties of Donlphui Droan
V. T i ) i Marshall indhln ton , in the
t i * if Kaj--is : and the counties of Jefl > ron -
[ on Thir. . Nu'kolts flat. Adam * and
Hill in the > atat.of Nrbraski subject to
I tl-i joint use of the said track from Elwood
j to Troy Junction by the St Joseph and
TopUa Railroad ; also the bridge aforesaid
o\ir the MUt.ourI ii\ir connected with
siid railroad at or near St. Joseph. In the
Mate of Missouri ; and also all the bridges
mm ( I or erected b > the St Joseph and
< ir < > nd Island Railroad Company , and all
the riilroad right' of way. lands , depot
ground.depits , station houses , engine
houses car hou e , freight houses , grain
houses , wood hou s , coal huses and other
buildings fences , trestles , bridges and cul
vert * , car shops , machine hhops and all
kinds of machinery and tools ippvrt.t iii g
to said railroad , held or .vv' r d for ute
In connection therewith , inclu I'nill li > -
oomotl\e-s , tenders , cars or other rolling
tock and equipment , and all implerr.rnts ,
fuel and materials for thi * < xMurntfn. .
operating , repairing or replacing Hie stld
railroad or branches , and all franchlsea
connected with or relating to thr - , > M rail
road between St. Joseph , Missouri , end
Grand Island. Nebraska , and the said
bridge across the Missouri river held or
acquired by the said St. 'osepn t Grand
Island Railroad Company , toother wilh
all and singular the tenements and ap
purtenances thereunto belonging , aid the
reversion ? , remainders , tolls Incomes ,
rents. Issues and profits the-r. of. tnd il o
the otates. rights claims , d mandi. tlt'cs ,
and Interest whatsoever , as > v il at law . .a
In equity , of the said St Joseph & Grand
Island Railroad Company , it. In. against
and to the same , and also S 000 sharp ; ! cf
the stock of the St Joseph Uridg ; Ilullding
Company , being the entire imou-u of the
capital stock of said company
Said sale Bhall be on the following tfflt.s.
The complainant , or uny bundholder cr
bondholders , and any of ihe rartles to
said su.t , mav bid and pur.-nase at the
The said special master shall nccept no
bid for the property from any bidder for a
sum less than three rnlllljn dollira , r or
from any 1 Idder who stvll r.t lirst
In his ham's or deposit with i im a. n
pledge tl.-it such bidder will make seed his
lild. If aciepted. the sum of one luinuitti dollars in money , or in a certi
fied check upon a national bank. sallMbC-
tory to the i-pe-clal mamer. " The deposit
s-o rec-lv-l from any un v cos f'i ! I .Jdei
will be returned to him whf i the property
Is struck down , and the deposit reo lvcd
from the successful bidder will lw applied
on account of th1 purchase price of the
property , in case such bidder compiles with
the terms of bale , obeys the orders of the
court re-gardlng the same and completes
his piirchaxo If he fall so to do. such
deposit will b < ? forfeited as a penalty for
such failure and nil ) be applied as the
court may direct
If , without fault of the bidder , any gale
for which a deposit has bven made shall
not be f onflrmoil by the court , such deposit
shall be returned to the bidder Unless ;
a deposit of one hundred thousand dollars
Is made as aforesaid and a bid of not
than three million dollars , is made at the
sale , the special master shall adjourn the
sale and apply to the court for further
t'pon confirmation of the sale by the
court the purchaser will make such further
payment or payments In cash on account
of the pun hase price paid , to be applied
to the payment of the numa to be paid out
of the prcH-fceds of the sale , as provided
In said dtcree of foreclosure and Hale an
the court may from time to time direct
The balance of the purchase- price not re-
qulrvd to be paid in cash may b p ild ,
either in cash , or the purchaser may salUfy
and make good the balance of his bid In
whole , or In part , by turning In to be can
celled or credited , ag provided in said cle-
cn , bonds and coupons secured by the
mortifage foreclose * ! in paid suitw. and to
| H > pa 111 out of the proceeds of sute upon
distribution thereof , B hereinafter pro
vided , and such purchaser will U- endued
therefor on account of the purch.ise price
sue h sums in cash as would be payable on
such bonds nd coupons out of the proceeds
uf sale. If the whole amount of the pur-
purchase price were paid In cash All bonds
and coupons that may b * > uxed to make
su h pa > ment mimt be surrendered to the
said special muster , and If the whole
amount due thereon I * applied upon the
purchase price , will be cancelled , but if
less than said whole amount is applied ,
then the amount so applltd shall bst impeder
or written upon maid bonds and coupons
by the special master and they ihaI ! then IK
returned to the hulder Th court re rvt4
the right to re-wll the property on such
notice ut the court shall direct. In cu *
thn purer < er shall fall to make any pay
ment on account of any unjiaUl iMlunce
of the pure hue prlcu within thirty tia/n
after the entry of the order requiring such
The ] > ur.'hi'er or purrtiacerH at said xile ,
his or their suiceiMors or MkSlKiui. will
hathe right within ninety clt ) after the
confirmation of the sale and the delivery of
the deed by the special muster , as provide * !
in said decree * , to elect which of the
and contracts o > Aned or held by the MIII |
Grand Island Itallrond Company such pur-
i hawr or purchase hU or thHr repn >
Hent'itUfii or analgns detilrto asitmne and
accept , and will no' I * held to huw UH-
' any of said K-ascj or cotttracu \ > hlct >
he or tfey may elect not to assume anJ
arn pt
Th s purchast r or pun hnsers. his or th. Ir
suif'Ssors or a"-sl ns s-h ill as part conslJ-
eritlon and purchase prlctof the prop i y
punhascd and in addition to the um pii 1 ,
take the same and receive the deed there
for upon the express condition that he or
the-y , or his or their successors or as-tUns ,
shall pay , satisfy and lUonarge or.y un
paid cotni > ensatton which has been or shall
be allowed by the court to the ret-'Ufrs ,
having possession of the priprrty
' above de.scril > d. and all indi bi-
edness pbllgations inl labin ! < lit
which have been legally contracted or in
curred by said receivers in the operation or
or. account of the mortgaged property at
any time before the same ph. ill be delivered
to the purchaser or purch isers. and also
any Indebtedness and liabilities conineled
or Incurred b > said defendant r a. I road com
pany In the operation of Its railroads prior
to the appointment of the receivers which
are prior In lien to the said mortgage fore
closed In said suits , payment whereof w la
provided for by the order uf the circuit
court of the United Statts for the District
of Nebraska , dated August 27 , ISM iml
which shall not be paid or satUfl'M out of
the Income of the property In the hands of
the receivers , upon the- court adjudging
tbe same to be prior in lien to the mort
gaged foreclosed In said suit" , and directing
payment thereof , provided , that auit ue.
brought for the enforcement of such indebt
edness , obligation or liability within the
period allowed by the statute of limitations
of the state of Nebraska , fcr the commence
ment of such suit thereon after such In-
dchtednes- . obligation or liability was con
tracted or arose
In the event that said purchaser or pur
chasers shall refuse after demand to piy
any su < h Indebtedness , obi gallon or liabil
ity , th * > person holding the claim therefor ,
whether established In a state court or any
other court of competent jurisdiction , may
u ] on fifteen days' notice to said purchaser
or purchasers , their successors or a. hUns.
file hlB petition In the cire-ult court of the
United States for the District of Nebraska ,
to have my such claim enfon-ed against
the property aforesaid. In accordance ' 'A Ith
the usual practice in relation to claims of a
similar character , and such purchaser or
purchabi r . his or their succe-ssors or as
signs shall have the right to appear and
make defense to anv claim , debt or demand
so sought to be enforced , and either party
snail have the rltht to appeal from my
judgment , decree or order made therein.
Jurisdiction of this cause is retained by
said i ourt for the purpose of enforcing th&
foregoing provision ; ) ofsaid decrees and the
court reserves the right to re-take and re
sell said property In case the purchaser or
purchasers his or their i-uccessors or as
signs , shall fall to comply with any order
of the court , in refpect t she payment of
such prior Indi btedness , obligation or 11 1-
billty within thirty days after service of a ,
copy of such order dlree-ting such payment.
iSuch purchiser or purchasers and his or
their successors or assigns shull have the
right to enter his or their appiaiance In saM
court or In < tn > other court and he or they
or any of the p irtlcs to Mid Hulth Khali h.ivu
the right to contest any claim , denund or
allowance existing at the time of the stilu
then undetermined and any claim or de
mand which may arise or be prexentuil
thereafter , which would br tiayablu by .such
pun hater or purchasers nis or their uc-
r..sBor or assigns , or which would bo
clllveablcagainst the property purchased ,
in uddl'lon to the amount paid by said ptir-
rnuur or purchasers at the sale , and" may
at peal from any decision relating to any
Mi < h claim , demand or allow ince.
Upon payment of the purcl-aiie price by
the purchaser or purcharers of the prop
erty , or upon making such provision for
the payment thereof , as the nurt ihall ap-
jrove. the purchaser or purchasers will IM
entitled to receive from the special master
a deed conveying the property purchased
to such purchaser or purchasers or his or
their successors nr assigns , and upon the
execution and d > livery of such deed the
trainee thereunder will be let into the
possession of the premises conveyed , anil
the receivers hen in and any party to said
nults who Is in ponDegslon or any of thu
Mamei are dlrec'i d by suld decrees to deliver
such proirt > over to the purcHawr or
purchasers , his or tlulr suiv urs or as
signs , together with any property and In
come acquired or nielve ! by such n-celveri
since the comnimo ment of t.ald Hultx
through the management or oeratlon of
the mortgaged premises , that has not been
applied or shall not be applied , pursuant
to the orders of the court , to the payment
of expenres of operation and lUbllltieH of
the receivers and tbe railroad corrpany ,
This po etilon will , nevertheless , be sub
ject to the i onditlon that th court may
re-take and re-sell the property conveyed ,
In case the purchaser or purchaser * , his or
their kuccesnors or a.sUii , shall fall to pay
any balance of the purchase price remaining
unpaid , or to comply with any order of thi )
court with renpeet to the payment of any
lrdhtf > dn s obllsrMtloiiH or liabilities ax
provided In sjld dei re-en , within thirty days
after the service of a copy of such order
for further particular * , and for a more
full anil speclrlc description of the property
to be sol. ) find the term * am ) condition * of
sale reference In hereby made to the Haiti
decrees , and eeh of them on Illw with thn
clerks of the courts hereinbefore mentioned ,
Dated November 12. l&C
Di-iSH , Solicitor * for Complainant. 'A
Wall Htrtict , New York Cny
MonNov21-2 UeOU-li.