I r ' 10 THE OMAHA DAILY 111213SATlrlr : ? > AY , NOVJ3M 11211 28 , 1800. SPECIAL NOTICES Ailvortlai'liicnlN fir Ilirup Trill lie < itl.cn iiulll llii.'lO | i. tn , . for tin- c\cnlliK HIM ! until N | i. in. ( or thu iiiornliiit mill Snnilii } cillllnn * . Ailvt'rllMcri. l > rciiii | * linir n niiin * licrcil clicclt , cien IIIMC nniXYcm ml- ( IrcNHril KI n iiiiinlicrctl Idler In cure of The lice. AIINMC NO MililrcnM-il fvlll IIP ilellvoreil ( tn prcKciiliillon of 1h * cln-ek oiilr- Itntrx , I l--c n Miiril llrit Inarrtloni IP n Udiil Ilicrcnflcr. Notlilim tulo-ii for Ion * limn line fin- < li - llr ln -r- llnii , ' 1 li "M > nil * rrllnriiii'iilM IIIIIN ! be run n > nse < Millelj , SI'I \TltlNS \ \ \ > Tti ) . WANTTH iv GOOD OI.UMAV OIHI. OIN cral lioiiBcnurk Aillrtmi I > M 209 Albert at A-M74H WANTI : AN I IAiio ; CAN THINK or foino MmpliIlilnu to iifttcnt ? 1'roloct > our IdPim lh y may lirlMK yoj iAe Hli Write Jolm Weil Iprburn * I'D , Dcit | V. 1'nltnt Attoinos niililtiRtiin 1 > r. for tliclr Jl HA prlzo offer nml n list of 200 Inventions wnntel IJ-103 r TttAVKI.INO SAI.t : MKN TOH oil rrllnlile bouse , experience mi ni rcsnrytri Induce tnrnts to custom 18 ! 175 00 tn tl" * , 10 per month nnd expense * . Clmrlc c HWiop & Co , St. 1-nils NTrn TJlintlAI. roMPllNSATION. oxfTlriipn , ! or not , utorlt Kiiarnnti-i-l to glow. Itrmvn llroi Co Nuiieryinon. .f'1' ' ' " " . . , II IGOS I ' 20 : n nM'riinNrn : ! ; rr/i\\iu i r who pppnkii ilirmnn nnJ Unglluli Apply nt II tl.iim 1MI Vlnton Ktrcet _ H-MCSf. 29 _ TMIITII i vvANrin : rb IIANPM : MUI AND tnko onlrri" for us , excellent nrollts , our wurst agent clinra over 120 vveeltl ) A rnre > inonev making clmnce Wrltf * nt once be fore It I * too Inte 1'arngua } To , Federal ulrcft Lvnn Xfnsii I1-.M7Z1 29 _ WANTHI ) , TWO Oll TIIUti : : (5OOI ) SOI.Ifl- tnrs for nrel lent department of the Aetnt , I.lfe Inturanee Co , of llnrtfonl ApplJ to John Dale , ucncrnl iiKcnt , 209 Ncx\ York Life II M72i ) 20 Halnry ami totiiiiiHslons 1 ho Hawks Nursery Co , Mlluanhee , \ \ 13 1I-M711 I ) ! ' . _ TO i7iAUN iuuium IUAHI : . now Is the hc-nt time to lonrn anil Ret Btenily cnipln > nifiit foi the winter , we te.ic'i the tnilc thnnn ithly In elcht weeki by nil entlrclj new n tim , VMiK4 nhllp lenrnlnii. coinplote otitllt of looH rHen each ntuilent eipon enterliiB , vvrllo at i nte fur free calaloRUe Motor's llar- licr College , S19 N. Olh st , SI I/Mil * . Mo II .M7"S ! > : wNii.n AOKNTS , jsooo \vntiv sum : TO wniker * new Ruoilg , new nlnn. It s n wlniftr , ev r > fni.Mly moili It , Folia nt night 11 S. ( it I ! x l-'t ( Inrlnnntl Oliln * 4 y > i'iit i oto CASH POH IHTIUIIPTIMJ ri | nliirH rnclnvo Cc 17 S iJlstrllnillni ; lln- rpiiu , Clili-iif. ! ! -X176S 2S' . SAt.USMHN IN WHIM 1JIS1 lilt T , now pi .iron , uninpli s free , salary or coniinls- RlMi. with extienrcH from etnrt l.ukc llroa. Co flilcnRo I1-M7C7 'Si * nr.i.p. \ \ \Niri i A ( u.Mri.n.sr ( inti > nr : Kwnl cuik nml launilrcm ) Mm ' 1 .1 29nr No 1120 Park Ave C 743 29 ANII.I > - aim. niMic : not'Hi\\ouic. ( Ipimun 01 lilfh pief.rr * I mall family , no chlMren 1122 8 Will Ave C 700-27' run nr.vr inuisnx. IlOt HI.S FN A I.I. 1'AUTH OV T1II7 CITY TUB O I" Uav a Company , 1S03 Pnruuni D 103 J1OUSIJS. UCNHWA & CO , 103 N. I5T1I WT. D-110 MonnnN nous-cs a A. STAUH 9 ; v. Y upn u-iii CIIOICU IIOUSUS AND COTTAOHS AM. OVHIl the. city , | 3 to ISO riJcllty. 1702 Pnrn.imD112 D-112 I < AHli : LIST OlJIOUSKS. . inn I1YHON Ileeil Co 212 S. 14th Ft D-113 HOUHis , WALLACE. IIROWN IILK 1CTII nilel DoURlni D 111 v ruMinnTAcnco. . 2719 I'oppleton nvemie , cliOn- , . ! ' " 10 room mo lern brick 620 N. 23cir" > 11 ? . 9 room mo.lirn brick. CM S 29th } 2J 00 v. 12 room moilerii , ZSIh aliiVoolw m \ J22 M. C A STAIHl. 025 N. i" . Life Hlil - . D MI15 _ _ uouhis. rnoM * 3 UP : t.Anan LIST. McC.ino Imc tmtnt Co , 15CG Ooilitu Ht. -M7GS _ A HPAt' ril'UI , HOMR TN LArAYHTTn rinoe , R roum < * . nil moilrrn ; hplen llil condition , n v been renlnl before , now offered lit n low tvntn ! to llrtt cH H tcrant Pldillty Trust Company 1702 Piirnnni 81 DSISM r c ioosts. MounnN M2 worth J \V bquire , ! tS lice ni.ls U 931 biiuerri.Y MoonitN 10 UOOM I'OTTAOU , N \V cuimrStli nml Jnrkion. largu lot. Inilf _ prro JV' .Smilre. 548 lloe H-170 roil HUNT S-HOOJt 11OUS1 : AT ! 215 1IUIIT nt , ull conveniences , low rental Inqulic' of I * I ) Zlmim rman lit county clerk'H cltlci * ilut- InU Imnbu-BH Imtir I ) SIW l'l7\'Fs UAUV1N UltOS ICtJPAUNAM FOII itn.N'r , 7 UOOM ouTsion PLAT. NI\VLY impcred modern Laimo lllock , COO Ho 13th D 3 13-1)10 sniAM oi3A itNi : . utauio * 7 ItOOMlT 717 SOUTH 1STH St. Jl 0-C22 Dl I'Oll 11P.NF. 7-llOOM MODHTiN COTTACSIAT ! 2 16 N litli fct . 3il ik'or north nt Like , nt 121 00 In ilmlnililei piity E riHim cuttiihe ut MS S. SCtli nvc. , 510 per niunili Sto.li ni B room lionsi' } 20 00 per montb 253 } Unv- enportV 11 MrlkK (01 Ut Nnfl Ilinli Ilblg DM721 10 UOOM MODKllN IlltlCK. OAK PINlhlfANU inaiilclK rooms on Ural llnor nro nil coniiecleil v\llli latkc tllilln iluora LnrKO laiiiulr ) nnd rlHteiii A nominal rent If taken Ijj Ii > rember Ut Inqulio of owner , 10S1 S 30th .Vvo D-MCC2- IIOIIT UOOM Monnux UWHLUN'O. HOT air rurimti * anil liuniirj 111 biiietiient , IntKC Mini and Ktnlilo. 701 Ocorxln avenue Apply J II Kclkennej , Knrbach llllc D-M701 U2i rou iip.NT ui.utiANT MniinnN ID HOOM hoUKO 601 Ho 2Sth P. 1) Wead 18 ,1 Uouglig. D-711 29 2ffill DAVlINl'OllT , $2500. 9 HOOMF SSI I Il.imllton tl'i.OOJ room1' . 2217 Hpriue. 113 00. 8 looms ISIS N 24lh. ts 00 , 4 looms 1831 N 23d , JITO 4 looiiix HlINt-ON. 310 R-unge. bultdlnff H-M72S "J * rou ifn.NT. 812 N SOTII HT , T IIOOM MOD rrn hoiihe Innulru on pivmlFes D M722 tos NOUTH siviNTiis'Tir7 pot iiTiJifN rooms , lliuut rounilniliuiiso In ell ) -M720 D2t I'Oll HUNT SIODillN : IIIOIIT HOOM IlOl'hi : 17th S. e'.insV N NIIHOII , 511 North 17th D 741 30 rou iiiN'rriHMSiiii ; ! ) itoons. BTHAM Hi\TUI ) HOOMS. . 'Oil HAH.Nr.Y U312-D7' NICM : HOOMS. itatiT nopsi 1112 H Hth i-tC 27' NII'ILY pi'itNi iiit ) HOO.MS , tsoo AND stw n inontb 1518 Howard 1J 77 2i' ! lAUli : M.e'OVI ! HOOM 1'iiiNAei : IUJAT t.07 b'outh 25lh avenue luxnis AND IIOAHD. roil IHI.NT. PUHNIHIUID IIOOMrt. U1TI1 OK without lionril , Henm lunt and all modem Improvenunta , rpeclul low rate' for tha winter Midland hotel. Pith unit ChliaK" M J Prnnck , properltor. P 9M _ _ _ UOOM AND HOAHl ) . bIKAM. f02 H I' M971 N23 N1CRVUM HOOMH. OOO1) IlOAlin. HATHS ruahanalile the Hum. VW Ihiriie ) P MSM 1)4 11OOM8ITH IlOAItn. UTOPIA 1721 Daven port st . tcain bent P M7M U2 rou UINTir.M : 6 CIIAMIIKUH l\U rioT'.SiKiii'lNO. ' : : MAN and wife , water In kltcNen , ntc-cl ( ink 319 N 17th. 0-4 ! lli.NThTOHis > I'lHBT-CLASS 11H1CIC 8TOUC UUILDINC1 , 1011 Punittin , Ihrt-K nlorlcs and Ijaifiiu-nl , will niter to null tenant , law rent. Ill Ut Nat'l H'k bUn I"IIS VH \ CKAnUYAHiiIOU8ii CHNIIIALIA' LO- cuteHl. B. H , Ci.rllii , IkW Ilarnvy 1-M40S UU K 5u HINT. : THU 4-sionY niiioic HUILDINO at tit Purnam * t. ThU bulldlni : ( Ian a fireproof cenuint tmm Intnl. completu kluam hcutlnir llx > tuici , water iin all ttoon , iiun tto. Apply at th olllc * of Th UM. 1-(10 VA T n. \VANTI.T ) L1VI3 PKOl'I.K IN KVSUY LOCAI Ity nt SIJIO weekly utlftr ) nnd expenncii to Inke orders for Chrlntmnii Ooodsj iwrmanent employment If rlsht Manufacturer. P O Hex MW llonton. Mmm J-MIM AOKNTrt IF YOU WANT A PtlOKITAllLr ! mid i rnmnclil medicine nsnc > nddr American "nipp1 ! houee , lluffalo. N Y J-M7IJ \ni.NT M\IvP 16 TO tA \ DAISTHOIH fIns - Ins the ' i omet ' the only H i > nn | > rhut rnmel i tnnde , the crentent wller if ttic centur > , general - oral and 1msi aRcnU wnntnl all over the world , e-xrluflxo lerrltorj , write today for terms nnd HainpUn Alken-Olen'oii fo , X 2 * . Lft e'rixre , Wl J-.MC8 DP OM VAVi STOHAan. 1415 PAH'-M. , . , 908 910 Jones Central MdraKe nrd fornnrdlni ; . M-IIH > VAATi : _ 'l t ) IIIJY. A SECOND HAND SAPK IIIC PAUNAM v-Mm NO MST IHAL CSTATI : WITH r. D WUAU , % Uourlas N 40l-3) n\ > with ( Jurvlii Uros , 1C13 Painam st. N 152 CARII POIl LOT NKAll I.VKI3 AND 2'7TH. mum bo rlienp P 1) Wend. Kill nnd Doimtas. N7 .1.-29 A T'iM\lTu WATrll POO OVP.lt 1 YUAII ell.I ) ; dtnto where ran be seen. Address II 42 Ili-e N 701-27 * rou s\ii : MISCM.L\MJOUS. nsT iiAtinuocuVOVIN : COUN-CUIII- bins' imile C U. Lee. Ml Douglas Q-120 aLCOND HAND SAPU3 OHHAP. 1H5 PAUNAM O-MI72 N30 L\DIiS. CI/lAKb. PlillH. I UIB-I HOODS. easy | ia > ir.U8 , drop postal nnd vxlll cill with inmnlei I' . Illrch , ulllee Drexel Hotil " 0 SINCIU : AND DOUHLE Drumrnond 'JnrrliKe Co , ISIh and Ilirney Q-I1S-D-13 a\uTiNih ; ou OUOCRIIY WACJON , ALSO fnrnlliiro wafion , l > j\nwlii ! < Drummond far- _ rlieCo. _ . . I'lh am ! Hnrney Sts _ Q-5I5-D13 _ _ D"ANi > v"aboi > TOp"iH'aaY AND TWO ROOD family carriages chonp. Uriunniond e'nirlnso Co. ISth and Ilnrney Q-BH , U15 A MI3W PIIANKMN TVPP.WHITnU POIl SAW : nt n bargain. Ailelre s Omaha. Neb , P O WILL I1PY A LIGHT \LNPT cni-D ' "Klmb-itl" uprlRht piano peed as newOiniha MnrtgaKc Loan Co , SM So IClh street Q-75S MKAT Pl.Vn UPS , rOMPLUTIJ OPTPIT , IN cludlnK lee IKIX for Kale , nt n bnrgnln , or will trade for n llrst-i Inns elell\eo wncon < M Binford , grocer , 21th and 1 streets. Eolith Onmhn Q-.M7W POlt SAI.I2 TIIOItOPOHlllini ) RKYi : Tiil- rl < rn 111. ! Ijike ticet ej-JI7rl : s OMAHA MIHHOH MPQ CO , IIKMOVHD TO 701 N ICth U M3D5 1)10 WVNTHIi TO 111 NT OH LHSIJ A UOOD liarn KMitratl } IIK itid , lir o enough for ahuut tv > ent > head of horftn. Addreos II II Uec U MiliO 2J \IIIVOYAATS. . MUS 1'IHTZ. CLAII OYANTJ S21 N 101 iT S-231 DJ' n vi us , inc. SMITH. 1121 POUOL\S , HOOM 5. MAS- nagu and itcam Ijaths. ' 1 M7U2-2i' MLSS AMES. VM'OIl IJATHS , MASSAOE 607 S 13th t-t , room 3 T M2U DC * M1W Dll LI.ON. KLIK'TIHeMASSAGE PAH- loirf. lefirxhliiK mid cuiiitlve. don t full to call 417 ho Hth ft , , upi-tulra T M751 SO * rmt.so.N VL , . MIt-S VAN VALKUNIIUHG DESTROYS PEH- lnanemi > by electricity supcrlluous hair , moles , wartB , clc. Room 416 , N. Y. Life UUg UUI'TUUE CPUED. NO PAIN. NO MJTEN- t'on from liutntt > d , we refer to hundreds of intlents cup'd O E Miller Co , 717 N Y. l.lfe building Omaha , Ncti 'J 122 _ 11ATIIS MAShAOE. MME POfaT , 319'i b 15TH. U-123 V1AVI , HOME THE VTMENT POH UTEHINE troubles l'h > elclnn III nttcndance Consult. ! , lion or hcalta boul. free. 2-1G IKe Iildu U-J2I bPE C'ARTEIl HAIIDWAIIE CO , 1403 DOUO- lao. for jmntels. initeD , lllei marlilo work , etc. U 123 1SOOK1IINDINC5 Ill'RKLEY 1 > TO CO U M3C2 D9 ' 1O LOAN Ui\I. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO . 315 N Y. L guli k money at low rates for choice farm loans In lovn , northern Missouri , eiislcrn Nebraska. W-12i5 CITY LOVN.S. C. A. STARR. 923 N. Y LIPB VV-127 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAIIV. real estate llrennnn , Love Co , I'axton block. LOANS ON IMPROVED .t UNIMPROVED CITY pupcrty W 1'arnam bmlth & . Co , 1320 Pnrnam MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O P Uivls Co. , 1503 Parnam St _ \\-130 cT'IjiT'oENT MONEY 10 LOAN ON OMAHA real cstatpiNeb farms W. 11 MclUeOniaha JlONlf O 1.0 VN OMAHApPERTY AT Invvfut rat.s UulldlnR loans wanted Phlellty Trust compnns \\-S3. ONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA nr. i rtv Pusey Ac Thomas Plrst National - Till : MIDLAND 310 N T. W-MG17 1)20 Life MOMJV TO LOAN CIIVTTIM.S. MONEY TO LOAN ON PURMTURE PIANOS. hon-cf , vMiKona itc . nt Ion cut rile In city , iin removal of goods. rtrlctl > conlldentlnl > ou inn pay the loan olT nt nn > tlmn or In nny amount OMAHA MORTQAC1E LOAN PO 20G So 16th St X-1JI MONEY TO LOAN 30 CO 90 D AY8. PUHN tbre , plnnos , clc. Duff Ore.n , loom 8 Hark r h k CIIANCIS. TOR SALE AP.OUT 2.COO L1S MINION TYPE. 70) His ai&te , ISO piilr two-third cneen 10 double Iron Mumls for two-third enxea 1 III J niHtMlal wan u > cd on Ihe Omihn llio and U In falrb coi.d cmdltlon AMU bo Fold chenp In bulk or In quantities to Milt purclnipir Apiil > In person or li > mall to The Hie I'nlj- llihlni ; Co , Omnlin Neb _ _ Y 713 ifiTAii nui'a HToitu poiftiAiTdT OREAT IjuiK-iln. vultc. lluile. Ham & Co riinii.ll IllutfH. la. Y-M212 I'Oll bAI.i : HI3AL I3STATH. THE 11YHON HEED COMPANY. He-lM _ _ _ HOl'hES LOTS. PAUM8. LANDS , LOANS Ue.o r , 1 tun 1 3 Heal Eatato Co. , Pnxlon Hlk. He 9.0 TiiiMi VN a so N v. Life- RE-MCli. D20 _ _ NO\V IS A GOOD TIMS TO 1IUY II HO AD in n-B Thekc uiu siuim. 12 lure-f. north Pt Omaha , for 12,000. Suipy Co. nice farm , at 123 on , Piirm S ml from P O , at JtO CO. tiaiiv farm , 13 ml at (37,00. 1" 1) V.'ead. ICtn A. Doiujlas , RE 729 30 \VE HAVE 1IAIK1AIN8 IN HOMES. ALSO f.irni . and want mere. LUt your property with u now U M Nattinger & Co 1704 Fnrnnin HE-GO POIl HALE IlIUllKhT IIAIIQAIN ON'iFiTi ; bunds 57 SOO homu for 13(00 , S raonm modern In uver > rr p et. almost new. with KIHK ! burn M J Kennnrd & . ban , sole UKcnts 310 Ilrown block HI72S 1)3 _ WU AluT'AUTIlO IXiirT6 OPPKU PIKI'Y aeivi ilrnt-cluiw fiult and viuclablo land within Ibreu mlleH of the clu limits nt CIO M an ucrc on ru > > } ternu. | IK Mir wain for MOIIIU one beu Puiie & . Harder 170J Purnum st. , llee III IK UK-MMi \LL UAUOAINS- otUGu and 00 foot frontniie , 21th K , JI.MM , S arroti 30th st. north 12 u > g or u few ilioit easy tirms larku lot , houses , rent , IS7.M. pries t..doo U acic one hour's drive from P. O , at ( SO per win' ottnKU and lot Ho IClh , II 000 , ' . Ucud , IClli und Doui.Ua. n.K-757-J.S I'oii \irni : vi , nsTATi : . ( Continued ) POH MALE-HOW IS THtH POH J W 007 I.OT , ono mile Koulli of court lioune , with mnnll rnttnRC , on Rraile. gooil neighborhood And une Int w llh four-room bonce tW 00 near South Omnhie car line II ) roll H HnMlnita 212 S. llth tt. Ili-.M7f : ( 1'OTTAWATTAMIi : TOPNTPAHMB PHI Nile , lin neren Improved , nt } 16. nli > o M nrres nt 117 Hnih nf thew nre tlr t-eln fHrmi under cultivation. 13 miles from Council HlulT * Cull nt 17 , Penrl James . O'Keefe , Council Hlnffn , In HE 761-SS MY IIOMi : i'OHT lT < i \VILI. SKI.I. POIl > 200 ) If sold In live itt > s. Addrmn fwner , 11 41 lice RE-7C2 29 wivrnnnn. PLENTY OP PEED. SHP.D9 AND WATER ! hor-08 called for nnd dellveied rntc. , (3 per month Addicus Dalley , Crescent City. In S09-D M HOUSCH TO WINTER : I1EST SIIP.LTER ; natlsfnctlon punrantecd Wtlte O. A Wolcott , P.Ik City , Neb. 511 LI4 PACKII > . PPRN1TPRE PACKED , 1/WEHT PREUJHT rates secured nnd bills of lading l ued Otmhn Pnrnltuic nnd Cnipct Co , 1211-13 Pnrniin st Tel 1133 M'VJ D19 GET M t' UALKLINS PRICIN ON PI RN1- tuiepaiklng tcpnlrlnx iipbuUterlnK. mattii es nmdo and lennvatcd 2111 Cinnlnp , Tel 1311 121 DAY , R. S , 3RD PLOOH. 220 9 1STII. ' p.MUtoicr.ns. . II. MAHOWITK LOANS MONEY. 4IS N. 1C ST 13S LIPE INd POLICIES 11OUO11T W. P 1IOLDEN SWAPS. WANTED. GOOD IMPROVED PARM POR A N.1 city propcrtj Aelelicsi A 52 , Oimlin le ) ( . M-232 D3 * PHYSICAL ciJi.Ttiun. ELOCUTION MRS W DORWARD 623 N 15th M CSI IWl * ELOCUTION. ZULUMA PL'LLl.U 1C13 HOt O- laa tlrect. 1SG N-"C TVPIitprnits. . O"T THE REST TYPEWIUTPllS St PPLIPP rep-lira Unltid Tjpevvrltei .t Biiiiplles Co , tr,19 rnrnnni ttiect. M5"u Juno 30 ii xiuimnssiNc. THE PALACE 11EAI PIPUL 1GI3 DOUGLAS. lialrdrefflnK imnlcurlng mcsKnBe nnd com plexion licatmcntft a Fpeclalt } M339 D7 SI\VIM : nvciiisns AMI SUPPLIES. NEW HOME HOUbEHOLD AND WHITE machine olllce , 1511 Cap avc Tel 1171 137 .SIKHITIIAM ) AMI TVIMJWIUTI.X ! . A. C. VAN bANT'S SCHOOL. 013 N. Y. LIPE 139 AT OMAIIA RUS COLLEGE"ICTH DOUGLAS Kit PR1VVTI3 LEbSONS IN SHORTHAND 2109 DiUKlnn ( -MO i 1)21 * AMI LOAN ASSOCIAT1O. > S. SHARES IN MU1UAL L K. II ASS'N PAYS 6. 7 , 8 per cenl when 1 2 , 3 yearn old , alua > s ru- Ocenabie. 1701 Parnam si Nnttlnger , bee 133 JIOVY TO OET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on tnvlngs. Appl > to Oiiinln L & IJ Ans n , Ii04 1 amain G M NntlliiEer , bee 136 MVSON WORK . J. P IIEALY , 16J2 CLA 1 1 K STREET. : ; : D-i3 , AIlT A3T OnOROE P. GELLEMU'CK. HANJO , MANDO Un nnd guitar teacher. Room 412 Rc llhli ; Ti I 23S 100 11TII HOOMS. RUbblAN. TPRUl.iH AND MEPIC\TEI ) tilths , Co cents. nUo exclusive dcpart > nent for Indus. cMljthlnt ; new , ladles' hilr dreialni ; unu barber bhop In connection. 107 S. Hth 171 SUES & CO. , PAThXT SOMC110KS , Hi o lUillilin.- . Dm ilia , Nobr Aelvlco und I'Hunt , Hoot THE BSB PRINTS DAILY THi : MOST spoiiTixa xnws THI : SPOUTING m- PAUT.MK.VT OV ' 1HI3 OMAHA SUNDAY mi : is UNHM ULLIID RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves | l LLINUION S. MO RIYLR lArrlve/ OnialiaLnlun , Dcpul Kill .V Maion bU | umalia S ilam . Denver Expnsa -j .m 4 i , | > m 1111. HIllB Mont .V l'u ei bud Lx 4 txi.iii 4 Soiiin . . . Denver LMHISS. I e inn 7 Otfpm Nebraska I ocal ( ebundi ) 74jim . . Lincoln Local ( ex faundij ) . u uuam 2 Mpin .Past Mull ( for Lincoln ; dull ) . , ieaves ICII19AGO , IIPRL1NGTON & . Q ( Arrives _ OnmhaUi ] Ion Depot , lutli A. Maton om [ Omaha C OOmn . , t-hlcaco VcnllLule .7. . . SOOim 9.4sim . Clilau.0 Expie < > > . , . 4 l pm 7 dOpm..Chlc 1,0 and bt LoulH llxpreja t > wain 11 40am Pacific Junction Local . . , G lupin _ _ _ . Pubt Mull . S.IUpm LeavcH ICHICAGO. MIL & . ST P\ULIArrlvcs Qmnhal Union Depot , 10th & Mason fata | Omiln 0 3fliin | . . Chicago Limited . S / : un 11 CO un Chleugo Express ( ex htir.Jny ) , 3.Liiii | Leaves ICHICAOO . NORTH WEST'N7rrlvca | Oinalinl Union Depot , 10th A Mnsun bis | Oinatii 1045am . Enntern Eiiiresn . . " . .T3.40nm 4 tpm . Vcallbuled Limited . n.lOpm t > 5'imi. . . . bt Paul Expretii . -j.GOam D 40eiii St Paul Limited . . . 9 03pm 7 SOirn. Unroll KImix C'll > Ixioil 11 limm G.uCinn . . . . Omnhu dikauo .Special . . S.OOam . . . Mlnaourl Ynllcy laical . . [ i.Jjain Lerves ICHICAriO. II. I PACIPIO ( Arrives OnialialUnlon Depot. ICtli .1 Mason Ms | Omulm " _ 10 40am Allanllo Expicsa ( ex huiulj , .3jim | 7 oojim Mkhl l.MUCfu . . s ! .im 4 Mpin tlilrngo Vcullhuled Llm lid 1 l > pm JJldpin i PnulVe5tlliiilcd _ Limited . . . 1 33im | WEST. C t'pm. Oklahoma .t Texan Ex ( nxf Hun > 10 35-un 1 lOpm . Colorado Llmltea . . . I OU.-im cTST.'P.TM . ej JAnlves _ Omihftl _ Depot , 15th nnd Wehstir SK i Om'iha " ITinm filoux CHv ' cc immolation S 00pm 12 SCprn .Sioux Clly ExpiOAH < rxan ) ll.3nm ti'lipin _ _ , _ _ tPnul _ Limited . _ S-lOam LenveTj P E "f. MO VALLEY { Arrive OmnhnI Depot JStli ond\\'e _ ! stir Sm I Oinalii VtWpm . Pant Mill and i\pie a , B.OOiiiii 300pm ( ex Hat ) \\jo Ex Ox Mon ) C OOum 7 Mi in Prtmont Local ( bundayH only ) . , 7 SOam .Noifolk Expievx ( ex bun ) . . . ,10.23am C:15nn | ; _ 5LISSl ? _ Exprem . . . U.luani leaves | K C. bT J & r R ( Arrives OmahaUnlon ] De-put , 10th & Mason Sin | Omaha " " 9 CCam Kunnn City Day ExpreF . . . i , 10pm 10 UQpiu K C Night Ex via U ITrans. . C.30am MlhBOPRI PAflPIC lAnUci Depot , I3tn r.nd v\cb 'erKla I Omaha Ncbrntkn & . Kansua Limited 12 S'pm K a n ha i ) City Lxpremi . C.OOam Local ( ex bun ) 9 oojm " H1OUX CITV S. PACIPIC. lArrlvct JDejiol _ IClh nnd Webuler bt _ I0m _ h9 , bl. Paul Limited. . .1. . , , . 9:10am : Leaven I falOIJ.N. CITV H PACIKIO. lArrlvea inalialUnion Depot. lOUi & Mnxon Sta _ | Omaha " 6 40am . bt Paul Puiifcenser . . . . Tll.lOnm 7 30nm . Hloux City Pu enKr . . . 9 Olpm 6 35pm bt l'aull.United _ . _ . 9.2Uam Leaves I UNiON'PAt"'IPie ( AFriVea * OnialialUnlon Depot , lOlli X. Mu on Bis j Omaha I Mam Overland Limited 4:43pm : C Vpm Hc-ut'CD .1 Ktri nml/i ; Ex ( ex rillll ) . 3 5Hpm C J'tmi (3rand Inland Expremi ( e-x Hun ) 3 'Qptn 3 30pm Pait Jlall 10.20 un I.euvea I WAltAHH RAILWAY | Arrlvi > OinabuUnlun | Depot , 10th S. Maion fata. ' Oniahi IRISH SPIES AND INFORMERS A EcmarkiWo Bcconl of Trenchory nml Sifcfit ] Infamy. i OPERATIONS OF BRITAIN'S ' SECRET SERVICE lli-lrn.Mil f ( InSeerelM of Irlnh UOMI- lutloiiar < > > lnIMIICII | - < In ItciM-nt IIH U'ell UN llenuili'I'liius V Duel.IllHtor ) . The rcappcaiancc of the Irish Infoimer In a Urltlsh court , testlf } Ing against his former asjoilatcs. rcvtala again the sordid Infant } and base treachery which blacken the his tory of all movements designed to achieve the political Independence of Ireland Thomas Merrlck Jones , who appeared as a witness against IMvvard J. Ivor } , In London , assumed a role quite common In Urltlsh dealings with Irish political prlsoneis It was a repetition of the character of James Care } , ono of the leadeis In the 1'hoenK 1'ark tragedy , who purchaser ! his own llbert } by hcndlng his companions to the gallows , and who , shottly after , was hurried to eternity by an avengor. After Carey came Pigott , whoso purchased testimony at the 1'arncll tilal was riddled In court and the witness driven from homo and to uelf- dcstructlon In Madrid llcnr } I.eCaron fol lowed Pigott , with sensational dlscUwmos of Clan-na-Gael doings i.i the United States , foi which ho locelvcd a lump sum of $25,000 The well Known liberality of Great Url- taln In dealing with Informers rarcl } falls to produce an abundant crop 1'vonts have shown that ever } movement of a reiolu- tlonarj character , whether In the United States or elsewhere In behalf of Irish In dependence , is promptly made known to the Hrltlsh authorities The thorough manner In which LeCiton Ingratiated himself Into the conlldence of Irish lead ers In the United States Illustrates the 8 } stem of espionage main tained by Scotland Yard As early aa Ib70 I-cOaron plajod the part of i radical among radical Iilshmen Ho was with General 0 Nelll on the last attempted raid on Canada and rendered valuable service for his cm- plocrs b } leading a band of raiders astray In the Vermont woods , tlnis giving the Canadian trcopa time to reach a frontier fort and greet the Pcnlans with short range shot The Incident did not Impicsa Itself on the minds of the Fenian leaders and LcCaron continued In their confidence until ho went to England a few jcara ago and revealed his true character Of Jones comparatively little Is known Ho seems to have been a nols } Insignificant spv , with n penchant for wilting eljnamlto letters to Irish-\merlcan nowspapeis which gem rally found their way Into waste bisKcts Omaha delegates to the Chicago convention of September , 1S03 , cannot recall his pres ence there and If he was there he con- Incd himself to taking notes of the pro- e-tilings Iho Work was vvholl } superfluous for the convention was a public one and Its proceedings were published In detail by the Chicago press Hut what Jones lacked in consplcuousnoss ho supplied from an Imag ination rlpo enough to servo his put pose His testimony .In the Ixmdon court shows n characteristic Idpaclty for snppliiig the 'gold brick" evidence necessarv to send an Iilsh political prisoner over the road HNGLANDte tJlJpnCTIVi : WEAPON The scciet scrvlcp system of the Hrltlsh government mis Wcn ? the most cffe'ctlvo weapon In Its hands In deillng with rcvolu- " tlonar } movements"In Ireland Care } Plg- gotf , lACarcm and Jones arc but recent ad- GOOD FRIENDS ICi-e-ii ( InIlcnrt of lliiiiiivnllViirtu. . Thf following extiuct from a letter mj > be publlKhed without n breach of courtc-oj , as it refers to a matter whldi will Interest Ti.iip n'fl'1. ? : ; ' ? ' > 'J > * v Lc" ' > rn'i"i'iplii.i the dismissal cf coffee In their families' and adoption of l'o luin , the health coffee GIIAND HAPIDS Midi Postuin Ceical Co. Llm Hnttlc Critk , Midi Ucntlcmen I am pleaded wllh the .sale and the satlstactlon K CII 'o our cnstomcts In the use of I'osluin Ceieil I did not wlah to venture out on thlnttlclo , as 1 had no faith in It when Hist shown me I'o my ffiirpnse the- first case suld letdlly. and a littlec timato shows a sale of 4G" packages In G7 dajs I am nsiiiB it In mj own home with perfect hatlofaction Since the use of Poptum in plaer of coffee- , neither wlfo nor mjself have the old he-art burn Pleate find enclosed , etc. , cte , clc MARTIN C. GOOSK.V A reliable grocer will never offer a cheaper or weak Imitation of a genuine original article ) beiauso he happens to make a llttlo cUia pi i fit Hut it well to observe- that when Kinulno PoMnm Ceical coffee * Is 01 de-red , that jou get Postum and not a spurious imitation ofTere-d as "just an good " New life , newslmngtli , newvlfjo : . will t > rlnf * bvl < jour lost powers nnJ stop forevertheJjniiLriui Irainsunsour-ivsiun. rf Tlieyactquii.li creiiL a licaltliv dic'i Mum , y pure rich bl , J ( inn mus. lei , rut.gc.1 * ' g sircngtl ] , steaJj nervti ami a clcsr brain. y $ l.oo Per Box , 6 Boxes $5.oo. 2 A A Icgd Ktnruitii tn e-ino or refund tlm Z { U'oiu-y ' Wllh cverv tlOO.ireliT AUJntl S. Sliermpp & McConnell nruc Co , 1513 DodL-e St , , unmlm , : .cn. dltlona to the ; Ion * list of nntnra of tbnao who for Rain betrajod the cnuto they es. potisDdtud ent their ansoedateM to dentil or Imprlsonmrnt Spies nnd Pifonners Imvo at various ( lines In the- pant clven the gov ernment valt.able Infoimatlon and enabled It to prompt ! ) nijuclch nnd Realtor the would- be revolutionists \ teuiarkahlo expiuo of the > it em Is to bo fonn I In n book en titled "Secret S r\lro VridPi Pitt , ' bV I fltzpatrlck , plibllsht-d a few je.ir.i nun The author deals with the Miortlxo insurreotloii- ar > iiHivt-ineiits In Ireland e-iilj In the ecu- turj , Rhowlni ; how won "K.irded ns the souls of honor accepted a pib't- for the blood of their countrymen The evidence- upon which the dlsclosiies nro founded was pio- cnrrd ftoin the spv-rel archives of Dnhllii castle nnd a laborious lnvestliitlon of seciet corrcspoudeni'o of various ortlclils. hi h and low. low.One of the llrst inbjccls liken tip by Mr KlUgorald Is the Identity of a ceitaln per son who Is mentioned by Proude as a secret visitor In 1701 to Lord Downs-hire In London , rho services of this npv to tho. llrltjsh government at tint Juneturo have boon lonn Known to be valuable- , for 'hioiiRh HIP Information fntnlBhod by TiownshliePitt was enahlevl to act with IntoUlRinc-o and vtior , to nip the rcholllon In the bud bv ordering the- Immediate ancrit of man } of the loaders Not all vvrto appichomled that time however , for It was Judged Irst to allow some to remain nt liberty In order that Irrefutable evidence might beaecumu lated Hut through the Information uhrn by Downshlre's spv , the iovernment ; Knew the whe-rcabouts at ill tl'nes of all promi nent mtlonallsts nnd was able whenever It vv inted them to send out and In In ; ; them In The Informer whoso services proved so useful U nhown by Mr Plt/Reralds ic- seirches to be no less a poison thin Samuel Tut nor , Ilso. , \\i D , a barrlstei at law , a member of the Northern 1'v.eoutlve of Pnlted Irishmen a man hlfih In the secret coun cils of the InsurRcntn nnd a man who ever since the Rrcat rebellion has been regarded as a imrtvr to the cause So socrc tlv did Pinner conduct his desplcablo business that to the last he Rccins never to have been si'spc-etel Ills name docs not nppe-ar on the list of secret service moiiejs paid out bv the Irish government and so zealouslv did the government aid him In his efforts to been on food ; terms with the nationalists that he was attilnted by Parliament , driven Into exile and when ho returned to Ireland waa Imprisoned that ho mlRht spy on his fcllovv- confederatrs' he was believed to bo con stantly In danper of ariest. and with his fdlow.s was often In lildh.K dodging from one placn to another , and while apparcntlj sharing their dai.Kcr , was In rcalltj selling their lives to the HugU-di TiiUNMiii's snuvirns That the- cervices of this man were of In calculable \ alueto the- government cannot be doubted A spv who shores the most In timate counsels of a proscribed orianl7itlon Is a man whose Importance Is not to he dc- splopd At the time of Turners troichorv everjthlnK wns prepnied 111 Irelind for a Fvstomitlc llprNliiK There were 2nl ) 000 men rcadj to lake up arms nt a moment's notice and as manj mou- who would have joined them nt the first outbreak , the Nationalists wete nrmed drilled In mllltarj evolutions .nil commanded bv ofllrcrs eif abllltj and experience The first slqti of rebolll n was , to bo ns lstod bj Prance , and the presence of a bodj'of Prench revolutlonnrj troopn hot with the Idea of freedom would have llred everv Irish heirt Never before nor since dll the prospects of Ireland look so blight The * treachery rf Turner upset everj plan and the1 apprehension of the lenders de ) strojed every hopeTo him more than tony -ny other one man belongs the Infamous i redit of putting down the great rebellion Not alone In Ireland , however , did ho eirn his blood monej In Ilnmbnrg he furnished tnfcrmntlon that led to the apprehension nnd execution of more than one nationalist while In Paris ho was ono of those e\ile > a w hose- divided councils and the contradlctorj ohar acter of whose Information led Napoleon to give up a projected expedition to Ireland , an expedition that might have changed the whole current of lilstoi ) The bed of the < pj was not however , n bed of rasrs The fear of assassination haunted the waking thoughts and clouded the dreams of Turner It was a thorough ! } icisonnblc fear , for had but n suspicion rf his ieil charai te-r been awakened In the minds of his associates , his llfi > would not have been worth an hour's purchaseTiirncr..siir.c c'1 < 'd ih , ertlng HUS- i.tcluii finm himself , nnd Ilnallj died In a duel which wan brought about bj his ap- paient devotion to the cause of his country Kor the Intvitimable services ho rendered the government ho received "a cool SOO , " . - " he e\prssrd It , and n pciiclcn of 300 duiliij ; life , though had he known It Pitt expressed blm elf as willing to paj "as much as 100- 000 within the > ear" PHANCIS M\OAN Hj the inlhless hands of the Investigating Pltzgcrald the mask has hew torn fio.n an- otlur note-d character of tint timePrancls .Magan. e-scj , barrister at law Magan posed through lifeas the pink of proprlelj lie was a United Irishman and so eloselj hlcn- tilkd wllh the- canto of that bodj that In numerous calls for public meetlngi , In pro tests , memorials and similar documents his name appears associated with that of O Cou ncil , nmmct. She-ares , Orr and other well known Irish pattlots In spite of his ap parent devotion to the cause , however , Ma gan waa a paid spy of the Hrlllsh govern ment and furnished mud. f tno Informa tion that led to the suppression of the revolt Ills chief exploit was the arrest of Lord IMwa-vl Klt/gerald The government was not envious to apprehend Fitzgerald Loid Chancellor Clare once exclaimed "Will no ono urge Loid Hdward to fly 1 pledge mj- bclf that every poit In the kingdom shall bo left open to him " Hut inonej was to bo made of Lord Hdvvard H blood and vnin- pir Instincts weie to be sated Magan gnvc- ilio information to Prancls Illgglns edltoi of the Preemnn's Journal , who communicated It to the eastle Troops vvcio pent and Lord IMwanl betrajed and put to death Hlgglns received 1,000 for the Information but how much he ptld Magan has nevei lein ascertained. The latter lecelved a pension of UOO from the ) government , draw ing It through Hlgglus and to tlu end of his daya was not suspected Ills life involved some btiange contradictions Pioud nnd even haughty , he hesitated no' to commit babe acts , nnd with the wages of bib Infamy PERSISTENT Disorders m tm. Stomach , Liver and Bowels accompanied by BACKACHE and changed appearance of tbe Urine are mdicative of DISEASED KIDNEYS I'o restore these vital organs of the body to perfect condition , and recover health and strength , use only the old reliable remedy Plf i M IPW SlrJ5 flu &aUuFlQU ) Wn Ma BVB & & We have testimonials from thousands who have been given up as beyond relief who have taken this medicine and been permanently cured FOR SALE AT DRUGGISTS PRICE , tl DO Pin DOTTLC THE DR. J. H. MCLEAN MEDICINE : CD. , ST. LOUID , MO. I he paid his Just debts. Mention Is ninu > of a bond for 1,001) ) , jr-ars overdue which ' MAgnii xolnntarllj paid , tn the aston'ntinicnt of the1 creditor , "who could not Imagine 1 where M.IKAH got the monev , m IIP never had a In let at court" M KAII a manner was unobtrusive , undemonstrative , he vvnn geiitlominl > In appearance , often n little' 1 moody nnd reserved socially held his hend i hlith. nnd with a nice scnseuf honor ' "Ills | white Irti'Kn mnde him look venerable , nnd . he was regalded a * a father of the bar " lie mirvlved many > eais the bloodv events of the rebellion , lived until IMS but bj the ejrs of his n-dghhora was long regarded with aversion i'or fortv > e\irs the house In which he lived was rardj opened , nnd onlj nftei the death of the last member of his fninllj did the landlord obtain pos- sc lon of i tenement so mined bj neglect n to bo beyond repilr No evidence1 ex isted ag.iiim MaKitn until dlscovereMl by Mr KltzKcinld , but the Ill-concealed nverslon of thu people mound him told him that he vvns an object of suspicion and for jeais before his death hi1 never crossed the threshold of hla dwelling The feir of the death he llchly deserved seemed to haunt ht'ii as It did Turner nnd the other spies , and Ills death Is believed to hive been Initencd by Inquiries mnde nbotit him by Or Madden , who In 1SI3 , xvis collecting inateilals for the "l.lxtw of the United Iilshmen" Mngnn dreaded lest some un- tovvaid accident might lead to the dlscoverj of hH tine clnrneter. nnd the fe-tr pr-ijed on hla mind until he It ) supposed to have gone mad I.KOXAlll ) M'XAM.Y Another man of that troublous period , who lived without the least suspicion being had of lih leal character , who dlc-l ie verrd by his countiMiien and was laid In an honored grave , was the famous harr'stcr , Leonard McNnlly. McXnllj was the nttorney of the United Irishmen , and as such vvis nil mil ted to their moat secret councils nnd shnivd their closest conlldence A dear friend of Curran he was believed by everjbodv to be the ) mini most obnoxious to the government the m-in who most lilted lit. ofllelilM and was most hated bj them who htood h.v Currin's side while ho denounced oppression , who was tlu > meat prominent attorney for 12m- me t who de-fled the power of the crown who direel every danger , who fought more than one duel with ItHtiltera of It eland , who bore on hli bodj the scars of persoml on- conntera , the honorable * wounds Incurred In defense of hh cuiso Yeais after Ihe deith of Curran. the son of thin distinguished man In writing the blogripliy of his father went out of his waj to pay a ttibnte of petvonil respect "Among the' mam endearing traits In this gentleman's private character , his devoted attachment to Mr. Cur- ran's pe-rson nnd fame and. since his death , to the Intele-sts nf his memurj. has been conspicuous Iho writer can not ad- xert to the nrdor nnd tenderness with which ho cherishes the latter , without emotion of tin- most llvelj and respectful gratitude For thieo ami fortj vears Ml McNallj was the friend of the subject of these pages , and during tint long period he performed the duties of the relation with the imn iincompromlBlng and romantic rldolltj. " The- baie > suspicion , expressed some jetrs ago bj .Mr PltypatrlcK , that MiN'nlly was li. the seivlce and pnj of the government dur Ing a Htgo number of thrso forty-throe vears , was received with a storm of wiatli Hut no fa"t Is more thoroughlj established than that during a laigc > ppitlnn of thai time the tieacherous haiilstcl wa < ? actual ! } drawing a. .salaiy of MOD a jear from tin Kovernment for the betrajal of his own clients A large number of his own let ters to the crown olllclals hive been found which show that he w.is In constant sncrct correspondence with them ; and how close vv-is bin attention to business Is shown bj the fact that sometimes as man } as threi Utters a da } , detailing Important infoimatlon Just received , were placed on Illo In the secret archives Ills Itch for writing was Inces sant Through the communications he dally forwnrdod.to Dublin Castle the government was enabled to track the traders of the in surrection from place to place , to foiccast their designs and thwart their plots Hvcn at the time he was ailing as atlnrnt'j for the unfortunate Hinmot he was giving liiforma tion to the government , betralng to the ollkers of the crown the line of defuise he pioposod to adopt , and } ct , eo complete was bis hjpocrlsy thai en the morning of Km ntt't s execution McN'nllj was the enl } pci- son admitted to sci the- man whoso blood ho had sold to the government On Septem ber 14 , ISO" , four das before the trlil of Hiuinct began McNnlly gave a lecelpt for tlOU paid to him ! > > the govcinmcnt on ac count of his aervlcea as Informer And } tt this men wis no vulgar traitor A book was published In Dublin In 17SS entitled "Plvo Hundred Celebratedtithors of Great Urltuln " and in thi.s bonrred list Is found the name of McNall } associated with thu.e of Hurlte ( ilbbon. Walpole , Crabbe Hums C'ovper nelolme MacUiiiMe and others In trutli McNall } wab highly rated brtli .18 an orator statesman , lawor and literatour , and it seems that his contemporaries esteemed blm so hlghlj that an } man who bad ven tured a suspicion of his Integrit } would hlm- t-elf have In en tn danger from the enraged filends of the talented .hides MeNally died in 1SJD , about the .same time as ( iiattan the man whom ho had shidowed and be trayed for jears , and was burled In Donny- brooli , where hl.s grave was lung honored by the friends of the ' United Irishmen " HHYNOLDS AND AUMSTUONU Not all the Infonmirs of that da } , how- ivcr. hid under a mash The mash waa , in many leapccUj. an advantage as It pie- orved the traitor fiom many daiiKcn ] , hut 'owe few spies bad the courage , afttr Gain ing Important information , to go into the court loom at the dial of their victims and teailf } , and among thcso the mi n Infamous nero Heiiolil3 anil Aimstrong liojnolils waa of a thai-aeter entlrol } dlfTtrint from that of Magan , having a love of dlipl.i } ami lu\ur } , a love of outlet } Ho was a dil- tinul gentkman In outward appiaranco wiulo Magan uui unublruslvo and n tiring. KrjnoliliV odronterj was uliaoat mlrainloiu Aftir a number of airests had been made ruspicion rested on Hoynolds , and Nollson , a powerful man , meeting him alone at night , dsped him by tint llnoat and presenting n pUtol , e\ilalmc < l 'What .should I do < o the villain vvlio has aought my confidence to bctra } me' " " \ou Hhnnld nhoot him tlnough the heart" nnswired the untenl- flt 1 lenolds ( rnd Ncllson , citrucK by tlic re ply , thanged his purpose and let Una go 1'ourtccn dclegiitid UH tln > .sat in council in the houao of a iiiun named Hond. weie hcl/cd by government on Itilormatlun given by Reynolds , who had the disgusting assurance , boino doj.s later , to visit and console Mrs Hond and earn SB the child blie held In heir am a 1'or this trcachcr ) , and foi appearing at the trial as a wltniMi , Itoiiold-if thou the governnicnt was willing to pa } any finDI. considered himself well paid \.ltli 5.000 and 1.000 a } OJr pension for life ' 1 he men against whom ho gave testlmon } were hanged , but It docj not appear that their frUuds ever tooit levuigo of.aii } kind on the traitor Toi nnny } ears he hold vniious Hlnc'oiiru pojltionj nndui the guv- einmont , but alwajti under protest from the more decent members of the administration Such was the popular wcorn felt for him th.it In 1S17. whin he was placed on a Jury , a H'orm of wrath xwopt over England , the prrj < s resounded with the name of ' Key- nulds tlio Informer , " and Cnrran said , "Ho Hhoiild retire from public view , hid beneath the luaj tit his own tariiage " lie- died In his bed at I'ails In lS3i. , and hli remains v.ere broiMht to CnslanU and hurled In Wilton church , VorKahlre Armstrong was another who , uiilIKe moat of hi * tribe , betrayed - trayed his fvllowa openly , "and by baring bin name to popular odium , bared his breast to UK iH'naltlii" Armstrong hud bein thu friend and often the gut t of the Shoaica brolhei a , and whtn they were arregted and | iut on trial ho vva prevailed on to give evidence against tin in Doth vv < re hangrd on liU testimony aid for his horvlco hi ice civcd a ptmdon of 500 a } c-ir for life What share ho hid In the conviction of others dots not appear , but then1 two Judicial innr- dii-s certainly lie at bin door I'rcvloim to till * Incidi-nt ho WGH well known In the circle ) of iho I'nltcd Iildlmic'i , and many pcruons predicted that ho would short ! } bo asbax- slnated Nothing of the kind happened Aimstrong for Borne yearn after the betrayal lived on iho cumlncnt mid In America , ho then had thu ( ourago tn return to Ireland An e > yo witness Informed rit/putrlrh that "ho met him , nttendetd by two policemen with loaded arms on hoard the packet which plies on Iho .Shannon and that when ArniHtrong wax landing near Clonmaiholno a boatman , with vengeful maluo. ad lie-sued him as 'Mr Hhoarm ' pretending to mUtako the namo" Ho piuchaiscd an ca'ato In Iro- Innd and llvod on It ' In davx when land lordlom rolfined with Iron arnpur IIH nhuwed lildnlKunco tn bU tenantry but when Ivlru or ualng lila Inlluunco to that end ho runnlMKly Rot liln own life Inserted as a bon- pfielnl Intercit to the tenantry. ThUB , In the hotbed of Itlbbonlsm. Kings county , ho gloried to Iho end In a sort of charmed life' Seeking to disarm prejudice nnd cultivate rural friendship. Armstrong maintained po Illo relations with the peasantry. HP would enter their cabins sit with rndo hosts and converse with their vvlvi'9 on domestic polntt solel } of Interest to themselves " He died In l > > r > S , agesl s7 , having drawn hl blwd mniiev for nevirl } forty } eam. In all he. re celvod from government for the lives of the Sheares C214CI It Is stated that "ho outllveMl every political enemy and contem porary , becoming In the end downright pop ular UN face , familiar from childhood OAen to old men had become at last endeared to pnl } memories , and Puller , who attended his ftineril , testifies to the almost Inct edible- fact that he > nivomo we'll Known Ulbbon men who were present weep , and horny hinds we-ie. upralse d , which , In the hot bit- tlo of } outh had dlspense'd the wild Justice' of rev engo ' MflTIVKS OP Till : 1NPOUMKHS The motives which actuatenl the Inhuma't and troicluroiid wretches who betiacd lltelt best friends and sent them to the scaffold were as various as thcli methods of opera tion In some cases rev engo plavcd n pirt In the tratisactlon There was no llttlo Jealous } among the leadeis for bv all ac counts none bad .in > doubt , at least In the Inception of the insurrection , tint It would succeed and not a few were au\lou to gather to themselves the glory of lre - land's ftciHltm Thp disappointed , llndlng they were not th be leaders , determined to thu nit their iroro successful co-lahoreM and to betra } to the government the cause they were w'lllng ' to seive had they been iillowed to lead When the success of the Insnirectlon becime doubtful no doubt sev eral of the Infamoim list , from motives of person il peril , dctei mined to save them selves b } hanging their associate's This pcems to have been the cise with McNallv who was undoubledlv so deeplv Impllcited tint to save bis own ncek. ho turned tialtor and hung a do/en of his lompanlons Hut for the most pirt a vulg-ir greed of money was the prevailing motive 'Ihis was the eiso of Armstrong , Turner and probibl } the moat of the others 'Iho icsnlts of their perfidy weie , In some cases , ver } largi- 'I lie ) government was compelled to have the Information , no milter whit the cost , and those who had the wit to Know what their trcison was worth received enormous sums for the blond of their victims. Uecord of . . )0no ) , r > 0000. C75000 and even 100,0(10. ( being paid to single tiallois are not Infre quent , while pensions of 500 tn 3000 a } oar are e quail } common In many e-aseH. Ilko that of Aimstiong the Informciii long injoed the fiults of their Infani } . and In but "ow did vengeance In the shape of sasslmtlon oveitako their fearful footsteps The ton Idle stories told b } Mr I'lt/pitrick are not , to quote his own words without a moral "The organlrers of Illogil so cieties will nee that , In spite of the app - p 11 out eeirec } and Ingenuity of their b'js- tem , Infonreis sit with them at the Fame council board and dinner table , read } at any moment to sell IhMr blood ; and tint the wider the lamllltatlons of consplriev the gi eater becomes the certainty of de r tection. " 'iho King of pllU is Iloe'chain s Hcochniu's VI\HS. : A Mnlnc XInn I'liulH IIN Klnilrcil , nnd PlcllXflllt IICIIIllllllN I'llllllVV. Thlrtj-tilne jcars ago the late Daniel I , Carleton of ItocMand Me who then resided at Hie nn Ilnut , met In Gloucester , Mass , Joshua Tear of Phlladelphli Quite n friend ship Hprang up between the two men , re lates the Kochland Com lor. which resulted In Mr Tear asking Mr Carleton to take ) chaigc < of his ( 'Icai'tO nephew , a little' fel low 3 % jears old. named Pivld 13 Snp- plee He stated that the bov's father wan dead , the homo broken up. and ho wan in\loiis to get a home for Ihe little fc'llou Mr Carleton , on seeing the boj consented 'o take him and when he returned tn Isle nil Haut David F3 Suppleo nccomp inled him Mr Tear promised that If he came for the boj before he was 21 ho would pij for the boj'a board up ( o that time , and ho further piomlscd tint no one should take the boj but himself \\hcn the boj was 7 jcaia old the uncle , Mr 'IVir. came to Mr. Cailelnn'n nn I wanted the boy , David Supplec , or David Carleton , as be was known , to accompany him home , hut the boj was vvarmlj at- taehed to his adopted patents nnd icfused to leave- them Ihe nnele came ngaln In twelve jears , when the boj was U ) , and ngaln tried to Induce' him to go with him offering him a home nnd n chanee to git an eduiatlon The boj , howevei. did nut boom to fnncj his uncle and again icfused lo go It may be said that the boy vv s given Indiiectlj to understand that It would bo useless ar him to attempt to Mini his relatives IIO received cauls at ono time on xvhlih were the names of his brother and slater , v.hlch he e-arefnlly pieserved llo also li'arneil from his uncle that his folks lived or had livid In Srneca Falla , N. Y Mr. Carleton , or David Snppiee , who la ono of ItocKlamrn well known clll/ens , has lieen anxious to find his lelntlvcH , or at lenst to llml what becime of them , while hlJ wife lias been aetuatcd hj tinhamu do- slie. Now Mis Cnrlclon Ih not n spirit ualist and never has been , but on the advbo of frlcndH consulted Mr Wlggln , thu spli- Itunllst , who Icctuied In Itoi klnnd n ft vv months ago She took thu eaids on whiih vveio the names of her husband K brother nnd sister , and gave them to Mi. Wiggins , sealed up In nn envelope 'Ihe c-Iali vojant iiit the envelope to his he-ad , mid , without hesitation , announced thu names on thu aids and stated that thu pa i ties vveio nlivo nnd lived In tlio west , and that thu Klster had a gnat deslio to sco her biother. Mi Carleton then wioto to the postmaal-r nt Seneca Palls , asking If theio wan n family named Supplcu living thiiu , and n- celved a lettel mating that Charles II Sup pleo lived in Sinccn Palls and that ho had n sister , Maiy Kllnibeth hj name , who was mauled and icsided lit Hethlehcm , Pa. Tbehu namcij coincided with the numeu oa thu cards Mr nnd Mrs Suppleo. or Mi and Mrs. C'arlclon. ns jou choose , immediately started for ? ei > eca Palls , airlv Ing-there Oi- tobir II 'Ihc-j went to the hotel , ami callrd llrst on tin uncle , Unbelt Tear , brother of the man who found the homo for the boj and who had .sluie died Iho appiaranco of the long ln < a nc-phow WIIH u gieiat surprise , for It seemed that the I'm It- Joshua , who was homcwhnt put out with the other members of the family , had given him to understand thnt the boy David had found n homo In Newfoundland , and the family had made diligent search thcro In ( meat of him They next called on the brother , Charlci II. Supplee , u we'll-to do Seneca Palls clli/cn , who wan delighted lo xco them , and tie ate d them In the most brothelly vvny After u very plousant HO- Jouin In Sencia Palls tin > proceedcil to Hi tlih In in. Pa , wheiu ( In j lecelved an- ( Ihcr affietlonato welcome finin the Hlaler , MIH M I. Cortrlght , wifeof a prospcroua Ilcthlchum dry goods me reliant. ! ; ; on the pedestal of public approval stands Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef I'or over thirty years the Atanilard fur I'tirltj nnd fine flavor.