Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1896, Image 1

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All the Strategk Points in the Tslaad Are
Occupied by His Trosps.
Intlranten flint Tlirrr In Nollilnc I.rft
of Mnrro" * Arni > lint n Ir' frcnt-
Ilniiil. of linillj'
\\lilil > rd lU-bi-U.
IW. lir the
H\V\NA. Nor 27 So aaaoy contradictory
tti'tments have been attrlbsted to CaK la j
General Wejler since hit return from the i
province of Pinar dl Rte that tbe corre- I
tpondcnt here of the Associated press was
instrurted to ask the Spankb commander for
& fuil offlrUl , tnd avt&oris d statement on
the subject. Therefore. Jn previous to1 I
the departure of General Weyler for Pinar i
iH-1 Rio the correspondent called at the j
palae. . where be was courteously received
by the general , who was asked to supple
ment the exclusive interview with the cor
respondent of La Lacna at Artemlsa , which
was cabled to tbe Associated press on Tues
day afternoon aadwhich contained his am
public utterances since bis retura from I
conducting the operations against Antoaio I
Uaceo. Tbte the general agreed to do. !
The correspondent opened the interview [
last evening by Informing tbe captain gea- |
e.-al that the Astoclattd press was anxious !
btlore his return to tbe field to place before ] ,
tbe public in tbe United Stttte his official I
statement on the Cuban situation , ssying
" 11 Is understood that yeti h ie returned
from Pinar del Rio highly contented with" I "
the result of your recent operations , and it )
la f. , aMriod that yew believe that Pinar
Hio will coon be pacified. "
In reply tbe captain general Mtd "I am
not only contented , but am entirely satis
fied with the re-suit of my military plans
there I went all over tbe northern hills
tnd ore-upled tbe insurgent positions with
out any eerious resistance upon the part
of tbe enemy Cararajarara and Rubi. which
the insurgents rlalme-d were impregnable.
I fro occupied by our troops after dlsiodg-
' -g tbe enemy At Rub ! be offered the
greatest resistance , but yielded after a few
h < - rs fighting. We found no trace of'
Maceo's people after that , although all the
other points were reconnoltered by srosll
Cetarhments from our columns. The south
erly points were also reconaoitered and tbe
r'iJ 'ns where tbe relate encamped are
now - possession of our troor * There re-
ira'ns etlll to be reconnoltered tbe ranee of
h Us in the eastern part of the province
Mace has nothing left for htm to do but to
s tter bis followers into small parties in
c lfr to enable them to escape our columns ,
n" ; h arf- nov hunting for them. They
cff' r no resistance and refus * to ae-e-cpt
rrcUDB with our troop * who are chasing
the "i All the strategic points are in my i ,
bar .is aad the eoestant activity of our
troops in 11 directions completely hinders
t ! o escape of tbe smell groups of insurgents
who are now fifing before them In disorder "
Tte rorrespondeni asked ' Do you think
tl rendition of tbe provinces of Havana ,
VElanzas and Santa Clara hampers or favors
tb" supprew > ! on of tbe Insurrection * "
Tue captsla general replied"These
thr o provinces are more easily subdued
frn the nature of tbe ground They hare
no bills like the province of Pioar del Rio !
ttl the facilities for tbe siovcmeat ot
i'j as bo4les < ef trnqsiaarcIh6retore rca > frj-
Besldeis. the rabel binds la these ptevlaees
are le ± s numerous sad lack the eJemeats and
cDrljMoas of those In tbe province of Plasr
fid R.o The leaders of tbe rebels in those
ttfe provinces also lack thr importance poss -
s i"l ly Maceo Those who bsd any pres
tige have beD killed '
"It i asserted , " said the correspondent.
"i1 at Maceo lost many of bir leading men
w-o vrrc with him. beiHes those who joined
him after the invsxton of Plnar del Rio. "
To ti Is the captain general answered-
1 Nearl > all of Mk-w * leading men who I
were at all valusjile or po 3eped of military
nlihty hate perished in other provinces or
a ' * -r diKrlcts wiere they beaded uprisings "
* it appea-r that the insorgent * in I uerto
Priccipc and in Santiago de Cuba are dir-
j-Jayi'g more activity than before , ' SUE-
pc tl the correspimdent.
Yes answered General Weyler. "but the
jirovi-ren mentioned are not In a mate of
irturreciioa Puerto Principe is producing
a ' "Me trouble and ome protection is ne dej
- ce The wme may be nld in regard to
V " Holquin and Bajamo districts. Tbe
/ * r 'Cls have destroyed all they could and
bc i e" with tbe death of Jose Maceo , the
rebellion in the province of Santiago de
C ba IOK much of It * importance "
The general nJded "I bate no intention
of allow inc tbe attention of the troops to be
detracted in that direction for It i * evident
that that Is the object of the insurgents- under
Gomez and Calixto , who possess dominating
icfluencee over the insurgent * ia those dis
tricts. "
Do jou believe President McKlnley will
follow the policy of President Clet eland IB
re-pari to Cuba ? "
MtKinley represents public wealth and
the producing elements of the country and
I rannot believe that a raaa who so repre-
sr-ts the work virtue and prosperity of his
cc ntrj can carry out n policy which would
rcrr promise tbe interrste entrusted to bis
talents and discretion as a public man
Hence I think that McKlnlry will be guided
ly a just and equitable policy without pass -
s on and with prudence , ewh as Is ooun-
sc ed ly the Interests of the American peo-
l'c cad tbe cordial relations long
existing bctwven f Spain aad the United
States "
"Is it true , general , " asked tbe correspond-
rn * that you propose to publish a decree
Truncating the property of the Cuban in-
* "
Atb a motion of ironical surprise General
Weyler answered "It is noi possible since
the rebels have nothing to confiscate They
do aot represent anything of the wealth
af thr couutr ) However , if you ptMSMs data
of any property owned by the insurgents
Ir ; me know I will convince myself of
the truth of jour information and will tell
you If I confiscate it or not. I ; * roosly. !
know only of about a dona farm-owners
with tbe Insurgents and their property is
sf little value , and rven then it is taortgaged
to double tbe amount of its krtutl worth
wi'h various creditors. Consequent ! ) . if ]
jetlde upoa confiscating , it would be tbe
rcii'ors who would sutler and they are allen
on thr government side. The revolution Is
cr > u-Id by the insolvent element of tbe
roue try Heoctit tart the stamp of
i-anhiem which ; ou must bs've observed
'ro-a the reason that the insurgents are net
arrjing oa a war but rather are purculnc
i pT'litv of deetrurttoo ani lacendiartam "
* Is It a fact general that you will not
illnw thr suear crop to be made * "
' I do oot feel inclined to permit the gath
ering of tee crop being commenced before
Pc'iruar ) or March as it is well known that
the onlj rrsources tbe rebels can count en
nitl have lo be exacted from the planter *
by threats of violence and whatever was by
lu-b means obtained would only go to ac
quiring arms sod ammunition to carry on
the war against Spain I am supported
la this stand by man ) of the jJanurs. who
agree not to gather their crops rather than
be tbe victim * ot such extort loot no the
ptrt of tbe rebels end see tbe fruit ot th lr
lalior rmptojed against their country "
Ik ) jou n t think that by tbe prohibition
of tbe MI car trap tbe commerce of the
island will suffer and iBytomnt houses con
nected with the sugar Industry will b *
bankrupted "
I do not. because tip to tbe present no
( allures large or smalt , bur taken plarr
iri tii n.rrchaots tbtmsehes favor the lid
ira nst the erop In the relations bftwec-i
Jbe j a1 en ec1 tbe r fihtc's in i uha
; -C5tti the t rr Ur fta'ure is that tbe
vci Cure frcu the ratrchttt s
tal than from the actual proiacts of hte
land aad it may be a * erted that tbe lame -
me * majority can tnly cotnmeoce work
with money advanced by the merchant *
Therefore the commercial element finds it
better just now to keep this money under
key until tb * crop operations can be begun
under normal coo d It lee ? "
"It fe reported that the Spaateb minister
for war intends toend another Urye con
tinent of creeps to Cuba la January "
"I do not kww. " replied General Weyler :
"I only think. I can assure you that the
nation is prepared to make all kinds of MC-
rlfies , both in money and men. which has
already beea prore < d , to conquer la this
aadertaklng and make Spain's sovereignty
respected before and above everj-
tbing. All tbe money spent end
to be spent will be Spanish
money. Cuba has beea asked for nothing ,
neither fsr men nor for money Spain does
not bold Cuba to exploit her nor has she
had anything from her and her dignity is
wife. Her pride in her great national his
toric traditions alone impels Spata aad she
will defend Cuba and will exheurt her last
dollar and her lact man in no doing This
Is not only the feeling of tbe gov-rnment.
but also of the Spanish pepl * . ' * shown
by the daily grow Ing enthusiasm and sacri-
fices by the nation "
"Do you think , general , that the recog
nition of tbe belligerence of tbe insurgeats
by the UaKed States would be taken ts aa
offess * by Spain * "
"It would be strange If any act directly
cimed at a recognition of any challenge of
Spaia'e right of sovereignty here , which
our people look uj-on as belnc beyond ques-
tloa. did not evoke an explosion of popular
feeling vhich It would be Impossible to
check , excited aad ardent as public eenti-
meat is BOW oa the Cubaa ejuestloa la
Spain "
"The Cubaas abroad eotnplala rtroncly of
Spanish tyranny and attribute tbe resolution
to the subjection f tte Cubans by a d * otic
government under which they -were aot
I only debarred from liberty but ateo from
public employment In their own country
! Can yon make a statement on this tmbject * "
i "They raurt offer some excu for the trea
son and destruction to wbi-h they have dedi
cated themselves since taking up arms. " re
plied the ceneral. "After tbe termination o !
the but war. Cuba wa" eonced d full liberty
by the motier country , and with a rapidity
with which few example * are shown among
other people The government Inaugurated
a regime granting ample Cuban representa
tion , availing itself of the provisional laws
until the Chambers ratified them and estab
lishing the rights of the Cuban people upon
an equity , with tbe European Spaniards ) in
jibe ' colonies Almort simultaneously the
present Spanish constitution was promulgate !
I recognizing the equality of white and blaclc
Cuban and Spaniard , in thi region Tbe pro
vincial and municipal laws are alike in the
provinces of Spain There IF absolute free
dom of the pre ? * public meeting and asso
ciation and public judicial p-ocednre. la
short the Cubans have all tbe liberties that
are enjoyed by the Spaniards1 in their native
country. As to the social question , the
p&tronato or petroasUp of riaves. was de
creed which widened ! tbe scope of tbe
abolition measures and reduced the time
appointed for the gradual aad total abolition
of slavery All thir li recognised by liberal
Cuban * and by prominent men who have
not left the island In spite of the pre > > ent re
bellion and who remain on the government's
side. Now. you ee. what tyranny Spain ha
exercised in Cab * . "
"Bat. " iaristed the correspondent , "the
Cubaae complain that they are deprived of
holding public office. "
"This ir another notoriously unjust asser
tion. " tm.ll General Wejl r. "The Cuban ; are I
left out oot through Spain's tyranny but I i
because tltej do not tek to bold office. During - ,
ing slavery time * all tie wealthy pe ple were J
'a6t ffrflntf "iratrdg the tianrgtroif 'Eofcrt-wH
fresn tbe earlfost times' there il so deaylMs !
the fact that Cubans have held the oSecc of 1 !
comptrollers' and snbcomptrollers of the revej j
aue like RlniUoz aad Ramieret , berides'
similar Important posts wt.ce the treaty of
? n John was Hgael It is a fact that u
per cent of the public employes are Cubans ]
Not only in Cuba , but in Spain , do Cubans *
boW public of&re For example , Calixto I
Garcia , who was three timer sentenced to
death and pardoned held tbe ofSce of auditor |
of tbe bank of Canilla. His eon is in the
employ of tbe state in the Philippine ittandp
Many leaderr of the former rebellion have |
held and rtiil hold important tiostn in Cuba , i
I j j No province in Spain has such a large pro-
I portion of Kate employes aad since the last
| | war tome of the most important places in
the administration Vare beea held by Cubans
The provincial governors aad tbe secreta
ries , tbe president of tbe high conn of mate ,
the attorneys the magistracy , tbe re tors and
rrofesmrs of tbe university , the eifflclals of
tbe customs revenue and the headr of other
public office ? the administrative counsellor * ,
the registers of property , and in fact from
tbe chief political secretary dowa to the
humblest posit IDE it may be said that nearly
all the pom- are held by Cuban * In Madrid
Cubans are omplojed in the tribunal of - -
counts , ia the council of ttate , in the min
isterial departments to y nothing of those
who have acted as ambassadors to the hlcber
powerr , aad as under-secretarle * to tbe min
isters ; I areare j-Ou that there are over
1 009 Cuban o3icers in the Spanish army , and
that there are over 500 tight ing in Cuba for
Spain , ranking from general down , to subal
terns of all the regular forces You will
now see that tbepe charges that Cuban * are
not allowed to bold office carry their own
denial , aad tbe fact that since the treaty
of San John , there are no Cuban place seek
ers may be because all tbe placus are filled
with Cubans"
"But. " said the correspondent , "the
Cubanr assert that even la tbe local popular
posts they are barred oat through tbe blgb
degree of qunllScation required. "
"This also le inexact. " said the general.
"Only the possession of 15 per annum of
taxable propeny is tbe requirement. Where
the Cubans represent wealth they have the
provincial offices , as in Puerto Prlacipe.
Santa Clara and many towar in the eastern
department. Where , however , they are not
wealthy , and could not count in with the
majority , they were retained In tbe minority.
But even thus most of tbe municipal jonI I
tioar were in the hands of the Cubans , and ;
the same was the care with the minor pod- :
tions and the Kate officer ? . Now , let UP see i
what these complaints- amount to Nothing - i
ing but a pretext to argne with some
show of justification for treachery to tbe
nation The plainer proof that these complaints - j
plaints are unjust is in tact , that all the |
representative * of the Cuban political parties ;
have placed thtimseJves on tbe side of the gov
ernment , have formed a committee for the
national defense and that all are striving
equally with the came object in view , not
withstanding the different tendencies of their ,
political platforms , conservative and liberal !
alike. Tbe committee Is actually composed | ! 1
of tbe root * prominent men of tbe three par-
tics and they represent the culture , wealth 1 I I
and production of tbe itland They not oaly '
otMi acainst t.e : Insurgents but against
the complaints they have formulated
the government , whose 'tyranny they know
better Uum an } one does ret eiltl and never
existed. "
Finally the oorrcpondeat Mked Central
Weyler it be would agree to a truoc In order
to brine about an exchange ot views be
tween himself and ihevCuban ! - de-r * . He
ansrered "That would be ( rat Of tinqu s
tlon. Such &MCP would citf the Insurseiiti
an Importance which cannot be conc.dfd to
At 1 o'clock this afternoon CfcpUla Gen
eral We > ler left Havana on board the S an-
ith crusier La Gasp ! for Muriel. nroviar of
Ploar dd Rio where be nill resume perwma'
command ot the Spanish iorec * cperatlng
agslast the insurgents
Later IB tbe day tb - oorrccpoodca : cf tl *
Associated nr M called noon UM cUef of
stafi here and Informi4 hlai that a dispfctck
received in New York from JsekMmviUe.
Fta elated that General Tle' . during
tbe rtttifit campsbxB la Plnir del Bio , lost
TM MtM killed asd 1.6W * oun * d bj the
explosloB of aa Ittsuritent Mine , end that
2000 mtu of tbe Spanish force were killed
* ud 4 W' wounded during ( be i o da *
figbiicg 1- t.e Hubl nil's The chief
is * r 'It e'uti Et tierc was ro .ruth in
on Svcoad
Captain General "Wejler Leaves Havana for
Pinar Del Sio Province.
Hnndrcil * eif " 5lcU" 5Ien nnil Offlcern
In from Artrinl n and
Mcinltj- for llnoiiltnl
j , _ . . 1 K , by lTt s publishing
I i HAVANA. Nov. 27. < New York World
' Cablegram Special Telegram ) General
Weyler left on tbe gunboat Legatpi at laid-
atght last night for Mariel to resume per
sonal command of the military operations
in Pinar del Rio province General Calixto
! Rule , chief of cavalry ; Dr Jut to Martinez
of the hospital corps , aad various staff
1 officers aad adjutants left by rail this morn-
lag for Arteailm to Jola General Weyler
la tbe field. Indications j * > int to an active
resumption of operations aad the renewed
prosecution of rebeks. More Havaaa volun
teers have beea ordered into active service
j for Pinar del Rio , aad are leaving Havaaa
j deily by rail for Artemisa.
The military hospital reports show 10.S S
Spanish Eoidlers 111 In Havana alone The
wounded are not Included General Echatrue
to pr aouncM convalescent. HU wouad is
retorted to be rapidly healing Fourteen
officers and < SS privates , all sick , arrived
yesterday from Cayajabosa aad Art em tea
Tbe transport Bolivar arrived today from
Bahia Honda and other ports on Plnar del
Rio north coast , with eight officers and 240
private * 111
Majcr Maauel Rojas Lamar , an insurgent
officer , was killed jesterday la a skirmish
near Malaaza * .
The new trial for the American prisoner.
Julio Sanguily Is fixed for December 21.
! It will be before the first district criminal
I court of Havana. Twx-nty-thrt-e witnesses
j have been summoned for the crown and sev-
j eateea for the defense.
I Captain General Wejler has decreed a
aew paper curreacj for Cuba , just as the
World's correspondent had predicted It
t was one of his last o3ctal acts before de
parting for his second campaign of the sea
son Tbe new curreacy issue is on a silver
bass. The captala general directed th
Banco Esp&nol to call in all bills circulated
under tb former decree at par gold value !
The Span-.rh transatlantic mall , leaving tw 3 :
days ace , bore advance advertisements of
1 the date of today's silver currency decree
with urgent dispatches to the- home govern
| Acting Coned General Springer discredits
tbe report that Consul General Lee will not
, return to Havaaa , so does tte consul gen
eral's son , Fitzhagh , Jr.
Crovrilfd Meeting Intvt York of Sj m-
I > nhir < > r with the lukiirceiitk.
NEW YORK. Nov. 27. St. Leo's clmrch
was , crowded with Cubans aad their sym
pathizers this morning whea a requiem
mass was celebrated of tbe eight Havaaa I
medical students who were executed by the '
Spaaish volunteers ia tbe city of Havens
oa November 27 , 1S71. Tbe services were
conducted by Rev. Father Dncey Refer- I
ling to tbe present Cuban struggle for lib- j
JTather Ducey saM tbe tflirit Jis-j
by the patriots is even greater }
than that of the patriots who founded this |
republic. j i
Another commemorative rervlce was held
toalght ia Chickcriag hall , which was
crowded Bourke Cockran. C. A Dans , t '
Emanutl Stngullly and Dr Enrique Bar- ,
nctt were the speakers All the members
of the Cuban junta had seats oa tbe plat1 1
form. Bourke Cockran E speech was one ! i
of the most elewjunet ever asnfle | j
by him. He urged intervention by
this government ia the interest of
civilization end hcmanitv and said the !
annexation of Cuba would put this country
! on a footing xrttb barbarous Spain When.
i howcrer. tie Cuban should breathe tbe air
! of freedom aad desired to become a part
of this republic , they they could be rated
1 as equals aad ao : Ihe subjects of conquest.
i Further , be said that if necessary the Cubaas
i should be allowed to purchase their freej
dom from Spain and that ia the interest ot
j peace , the United Stales should guarantee
' the paymeat of the bonds However , it is
{ time , he declared that the executive shoula
, make kaowa his views upon the Cuban ques
tion and it the word was spoken freedom
1 would be secured wl'hout tbe .firing of a
, single shot. But if armed 'nterfereace
! should become the cause of humanity , be
i fav ored a final resort to arms. He added
"No nation can remain silent while
atrocities are committed within view of iu
harbors It is an Intolerable government
! that would permit such a state of affairs
1 to exist without criticising the government
of Spain in Cuba. It is a duty to civiliza
tion , humanity and ourselves , whether
, sooner or later this government will extend
a sympathetic htnd to the Cuban ia his t 1
i trouble It is no * , a question of his enianI I
cipatloa or his extermination. Our attitude i
must be defined , so that the patriot aad the |
Spaniard can know with whom he must
reckon If tbe Cuban patriot is to be ex
terminated , in heaven's name lit him kno > |
that the aid he is expecting is aot forth-
comlag , that the butchery Is to be ooa-
tinuod. instead of keeping him In suspense
by our illeace. "
At this tiaie a Cuban , who had been over
come by passion. Fhouted : "Care Cleve
land " Tbe speaker having cauht the ex
clamation , lost no timr to reply "My
friend. " be ftU "no maa will bring a curs *
upon tbi country by a failure to do his
duty "
Retraining his * pech , Mr. Cockran de
clared "It is time thir government should-
ijK-nVc out aad have the courage of itr pon-
'vlctlonr I hope It docs , ard it will not be
to annex Cuba , but liberate itI believe
that it the president insisted that Cuba '
nru t be free. , it would be tree. If a fleet of I
iTflMeli in charge of one of our admlralf.
steamed into the harbor of Havanaa , and in- i
t ited tbe entire Spanish outfit to a !
io ) age to Cadiz , they would uHHaglj ac
cept the invitation. "
In conclusion Mr Cockran eaid "This gov
ernment must speak upon tbe Cuban ques
tion Never before has so much pow er been
vested in tbe executive Will our president
pronounce the wvrd ot doom or liberation *
If be declare * Cuba litre that Bag ( point-
ing to the stars and stripce ) will be the
sj mho ! of liberty and progrcs * to man
kind. "
Do Honor to I InM 'inor > of Vive Sta
ll nil * Mnln ' " > Mmiiliirtls.
TAMPA. Fit. Nor. 27. Today tbe Cubans
ot this city held their annual mourning cel
ebration to commemorate tbe execution o !
the eight medical students who were the
victims of a vicious Spanish mob in Havana
an November 27 , U71 With few exceptions
every Cuban residence had portraits of tbe
unfortunate students decorating tar walls.
Tacae were draped as well ai many resi-
dfcewif. Tbe usual ceremonies cf the day.
a day reserved among the Cubans more
than Decoration day with the Americans ,
eonsislod ot appropriate speeches by the
leading Cuban patriots and songs and PJMUUT
by Cuban eoorl'as la C * ped s hall le Watt
TSBIHU where several thousand Cubans had
s.sjnW d Each ot the studnaU was eu-
logiaod and their awnyrdoai was dwelt
upon with pathos The rising generation
of Cubans was call4 upon to b ar in mind
tbe briber } of these joung men.
Troop * to the IMillliiiIn > .
S'or 27 Two ba'UlKms o'
troops acd -jiaal'ty ' of war ctort * uere
today for the rhiijiae
Hnmor tlint the Ml lnjr nire * Ajrent
IIn Hern Fonnd In St. 1/wtiln.
KANSAS CITY , Nov. 27. A n > sclal dlp-
pateh to a local paper. den 3 during tbe
day. Kate * that George E RO-S ,
tb missing ooney clerk for the Pacific and
United States Express companies , has been
located in St Louis by the enrwy company
that furalsbe > d his bond aad It now uader
surveillance by them. It I * stated that
the express companies' officials had all
along known of Ross * exact location , but
bad kept it quiet because there are , U U
said , others implicated , who are not yet la
custody. The oScials itill rtf c3 to give oct In
formation of a definite character , but enough
has been learned rays the local paper to
warrast the statement that evidence of col
lusion between certala eaapleycs to rob the
express companies has beea tamed up.
Last Sunday there was handled through
the oSce over which Ross presides money
packaces containing J11000 * . Already TJ.300
of this amount Is known to be misting and
the books are Btill belag pone over.
Shortage checks have Itfts. coming la eo
regularly since the examination begaa , it
te said that the officials have renewed their
efforts and now fear that tie1 whol * tllO.-
000 may never heve reached Its destiaation
As the system of checking is nece-sstrlly
slow , the packages having l > een destined
for various points , the result will not be
known immediately In tbe sa * .nttme the
express officials at olatrtr refuse to give
oat any statement publication
La'sr in the day SuperlaJc-Bflent Coaklln
of the Pinkerton ageacy dialed that Ross
bad beea located , and City ttgent Lewte of
the Pacific Exrres * comi > aBy substantiated
his statement
ST. LOUIS. Nov 27. Cp n Investigation
tbe f-pecia' report neat to a Kaasts City
paper to the elect that George F Ross tbe
mtwlng money clerk of the- United States
and Pacific Express companies at the latter
point , had been located in 5C Louis by the
eurety company which furnished bis l > end is
found to be untrue At the joint oSlcca
of the United States and Pacific Express
companies here Sujierlateodeot Fuller of
tbe latter compaay said thai he had received
no information from any one concerning
Rcws' presence in this city. He felt sure
that if the missing nan bed been located
here he would hate been informed of it
President Morsmaa of th Knpany wa
aot notified yesterday list Bess where
abouts had been discovered , He placed DO
faith in the story that the express company
had been robbed of large suta * of money
by Ross tad other emploje * . who were
working in collusion
"The man stole two raoney packages one
containing Il.fHK and tbe ether KW > . ' said
Presidtnt Morsman. ' Betti were Kansas
City j ckesec Ross WXE na .a position ; o
steal larse enms ot moneybut I am certain
that ao more was tak a bf him than the
amounts I have mention * * . He carried
packs-ics between the deaDi3 ] tbe office '
The iocal officials were & > rri9 d at the
robber- . Rots was tra tfl.employe and
had been in the services ot the company
for tea 3car * He was tazrrted and was
always coitldered a man ot coed character
Ross fied with the money ea Suaday night
aad presumably went lo 31 ! Louis
llrjfiu G < t Oner III re-tor.
FRANKFORT. Ky. , Nev. 57 The state
ccnvacsing board , consisting ol ctate audi-
tor , secretary of state and ritwney general.
m t at aoca today t- canvas * the returns j '
of the recent election. Ia > iewr of the eUmj j i
ocratic threats to conteU-prea _ : interest
WYM mani.'cjted. The canv Qtss beard had
already footed returns tui - T3 tbam , with
cxplaaattoae of their &c > 'SSaIKtg te whore
had watS imlupartaat tc hal-
aad equated tbe rfturnE ss made.
The democrats received grtkter beaeSt than
republicans from th'c course. The official
footing gives Kash. tbe leading republican
elector , 21S 171 votes- and Smith , the leading
democratic elector. 237 8J 0 votes. McKialej's
official plural.ty la ibe rttt i 21 Smith.
who beaded ti Brjaa ei toral ticket de-
feats Wedding aad Hwcs , the two lowest
McKlnley electors who are tied : Tbe e'ec-
tors.1 college will decide which oT these
elect or shall vote The oocnt gives Mc
Klnley Kentucky by2S1 plurality , tad
twelve out of thirteen electors.
The canvass of ccagret loa { rotcraE made
it : changes Under the cuue law , thirty
flays after tie canvass te given in which to
file notices of coc'est No pcb notice has
yet l-een given by either side. Sutcr. rep-
res-entln ; the silver eleaxcrats before the
j state board etated to tb Assoriated press
; rfpreeectative that eleven contents erf sats
of republican elect-rs were prepared and'
I will be presented Monday.
\ \ onu-n'i. Miflrn e Ai-K-nilmrnt Also
\\cnt 7'hroudi 7Il. .llj.
DENVER. Nov. 27. A special to the Re
publican from Boise. Idaho , says : The vote
ot Idaho was canvassed today by the state
board. The totals are. Bryan , 28,15-2 , Mc-
Kinley. C.S21. Bryan's plurality. 1C.SOS. pro
hibition vote. 1S1.
Congress Guaa. democrat-populist , 13,457 :
Borah , silver republican. S.SS4 ; Morrisoa.
republicaa. C.(64. Gunn's plurality , 4.503
Govcraor Steusenberg. temocrat-popnllst
and silver rejublicaa. 22.0 { > C ; * BudIong re
publican. C.411. Steunenberp's majority.
15,788 The remaining vote BOOTS pluralities
in favor of the democratic ticket all the
war through about the same as for congress
The vote oa tbe equal suffrage amendment
was For. 12.126 : against. C.2 2 ; majority
for the amendmeat. I SU.
After n Conference tJ * Srnntor Gor *
to > er MeKlnU ) .
CLEVELAND. Nov. 27 , Stnator J B
Foraker was a vigltor at the office of Na
tional Chiiroan M. A. I&nna today , end
the two gentlemen heM a " ri f conference.
It was stated that Senttw Vorster came to
this city on legal business and his call upoa
the national chairman was naarel ) social aad
no : to discuss political metiers.
The senator will go freia Cleveland to
Canton this afternoon aafi inzkr a ehort call
uson the prt ident-eiect '
Chairman Hataa said to Iay fiat owing tea
a niih of personal button : raattere here
be would be unable to etart tar Washington
to arrange tbe details for the inauguration
cereraook * until the Uticr * jiart of next
Slnj Home on Arronnt of Ilnln.
CANTON Nov 27 Witii rsta falling al-
ax t Ineccfcantly. Major MeKlnlry Ltpt
close to the house today r * * ka the pa ; > ers.
giving some ton tc. al * beavj mall
and receiving a auuuicr < J aMiers Ataong
the latter were Hon John H. Ktog , a prom
inent attorney of South Dateosa , who being
eeroute borne from Washington , stopped over
to pay his respects t tM ,
and Mr D A. McKlnlsy. a bcMte inaa vf
Detroit At noon tb re w as an iatormal lunch
at which a Dumber of relatives joined the
Major McKinley retwtred a cable 3am from
Ambassador Ual tsds ; . saying "Thrw
hundred Americaas ta TfctnkKElviBg din
ner ia Berlin * * nd puriotk greetings to
ibe president-ettct'
Stan * Cut Wunri * It U Mlnoil.
ALBANY. Not 2I.-Att&r ey Oen ral
iUiKock ha * written an opinion IB rota
tion to tae ulU gallon by a UUor t-reaniis-
tlon in New York Oily that th contractor
t-rectlnc tbe Uastttrn reformatory in VI-
t r count ) is % touting the provisions
of the law n quirt rij that all itooe UMM !
on state bulldmsn toiall be dr s 4 vltbio
the Uordrr of tbe Mate in having Mme
u d in Uit ntforowtoo made in unall
blocks at tbe quarry in Oh to.Tbe nil or.
ney Kenm.1 sa > s he < Jo j not Ix4i ve that
tbe MBtLtt of problUtiun inc-hides c : > ( sIne -
Ine of thdt rharar-tt-r Tae Inlfution is to
protect ktone tuttinc laltor in Uii > L t <
and b < no s tut see ) u * ( be Ktulng of
stone I y trufhlncr > uutkWe Hit state vio-
tee statute.
One Bobber Is Oapfcired aad Three Others
Set Beared and Enn ,
Motormnn Sni en Hli Orrn Life 1
the Iteiolirr n * It Is
Fired 1 lirec Are
In Coktotl ? .
KANSAS CITY. Nov 27 At isldalpht last
night four aea. led by Oscar Bridges. sid
to be a bridge aad parachute Jumper of
more or less notoriety , made an unsuccessful
attempt to bold up aad rob an electric car
filled with passengers bouad for Inde
pendence. Bridges was arrested after a
' desperate tussle with the motormaa aad was
brought here The other mea escaped , but
their names are kaowa and it is believed
they will also be lodged In jail. The gang
is said to be the same that so boldly held
up a westbouad Chicago iAltoa passenger
train just OJtslde ol Independence about a
month ago.
The car was the regular theater car re
turning to Indepeadence from here aad con
tained seventy passengers When It reached
a lonely spot midway between the two cities
Bridges , unmasked. Jumped oa to the rear
platform and. going through the car to the
front end. boldly thrust a re\olver to the
breast of the motormaa. Another fellow ,
who had quickly followed Bridges and who
wore a mask , had Just entered the rear
door and was in the act of ordering the pas-
seacers to hold up their hands , wtea the
conductor threw him from the car. which
the motormaa in some meaner had ben
able to start. The two remaining robbers ,
who , it appears , were to have covered the
conductor , became frigbtcaed at the quick
actloa displayed by him and whea tbe second
end robber allchted on the ground the three
made off to tbe weeds Ia the meantime
Bridges was tussling with the motormaa.
to whose aid some male passeagers came.
The womea became frantic with fricht aad
screamed or cried refusiag to be quieted
bj the conductor or tbelr aisle escorts.
Bridces was finally o\erpov ered without
having fired his revolver and the car pro
ceeded on its run to Independeace.
The coolness and courage of Motorman'A
T Rollins and Conductor Lloyd Jackron
( j doubtless saved the pa eacers from being
robbed. Motorman Rollins seU tolay that
! he thought at first that Briiges was joklag
1 ; but whea he saw the polished barrel of a ,
JJ-caliber revolver pushed against bis breaK ,
aad heard the order to "bold up yo r hands"
repeated , hi * bands went up. At this mo
ment the robber glanced back into tbe ear
evidently to see whether his confederates
were doing their act. For a second fcis ejer
were off the motorman Quicker than a
flart th haLds came down and Rollins
swung bi- left fist around and landed a
blow under the left eye of his captor , kaock-
ing him headlong again * : the controller
The motormaa grabbed tbe revolver as
Bridges fell The quid. sve raved the
motorman s life for Bridges pulled the trig-
gea" le went down and Rollins caught the
index finger of his left band , between the
hamaier i.ud cartridge. Rollins caught the
robber b > the throat and choked him until be
released bis hold on tbe revolver , aad flaa'Jy
gave up the struggle Alter reaching Inde-
poadea e. Bridges was placed uader arrest ,
.liojag brought to Vls tals nioralng.
litre , slier t a8ine two -sr "Sree BONrs < ia-
the sweatbox. he gave his identity and that
of his pals. Four months ago Bridges gained
considerable cotoriet > by leaping from the
top girder of the Hannibal bridge into the
Missouri river and s wlmroing out safely
* t the tlrr.e. be displayed accounts of Ms
high jumps in ether cities , and a number of
letters' from a firm of aeronauts aad para
chute jumpers of Cincinnati His pals were
Eugeae Ridpeway Ernest Ridgewty and
James Repine all under 22 jears of age
The Rldgeways live at Sheffield a suburb
near the scene of the holdup Eugene is a
barber and Erae * IB a high diver who has
folllowed engagements Et the local perks.
Both have bard namer Repine who is 21
yoarr old comes of respectable parents who
live at Centropolif near Kansas City. The
gang which made Its headquarters at Ceo-
tropolis , i btHexed by the j > ollce to have
been in tbe holdup of the CUcago L. Alton
train at the Glendale cut. near here , about
a month ago and is > wanted for other depre
' dations It is kaowa tbey planned to rob
the IfeM car on the electric line a few week-i
ago * t exactly tbe spot they stopped the
car last night. A man who was in tie con
fidence of the gang told County Marshal J.
B Wcsbler of it and he and a force of depu
ties watched tor tbe bandits till after mid
night. The same gang made preparations to
hold tip the Denver night train oa the Mis
souri Pacific at the Leeds cut last Thursday
night and train the martial and a force
of railway police waited and wttchfJ , but
the bandits learned of the trap cad post
poned Ue robbery.
TOPEKA. Kan . Nov 27 A special to
the Capita' from Leaveawortb says Alex
Repine aud Earnest Ridgeway were arrested
here tonight. The men came to this city
at S o'clock aad were very tired They
went luo Oscar Wall.efcitr' pk.ce oa Chero
kee street and aske < d to be shown to a room
They were uader rjccitement aad wanted
nothing said about their being in tbe bouse
At 10 o'clock their room was quietly opened
and before they could get cut of bed or
make any defense they were covered with
letolvers and rcade to surrender They
were rasLesd off to Kansas City at once.
E.\-OITI.A\V iti'-viNG rou orricu.
FrnnU , Tnine KceUfc lo Il - Police Coni-
Itii * i ! ( n4r iff M. Loul * .
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 2C Frank James , brother
of Jesse James , the notorious train robber.
and ex-member of tbe James gaag of outlaws.
ir an aspirant for the honors of a St Louis
police coramlnfionerfbip , aad Chief Harrigan
will be his opponent ia the race The ex-
I outlaw de-dare * himself as indifferent "I'm
I not out after office , but I'd take tbe place if
j it were offered to me. And if it were glvea
to me. I would do my duty without fear or
favor "
"What kind of a police comiui sioner doyen
yon think Frank James would make ? " was
asked Chief of Police Harrigan
"First rate. " answered the chief. "He
would make a good officer"
TEX.V. Mtimniiii j'ot.Mi GCILTV.
Jno Drrlilek Hint Hurl ' hull
for KilllDKffe nnil Children.
AUSTIN , Tex. . Nov 27 The jury la the
Burt murder trial handed in their verdict
at noon , finding him guilty of murder In
the first degree and firing the punishment
at death. The case will be appealed. Tbe
crime of which Burt is found guilty
tbe eeld-blooded murder of his wife anl
two children on tbe algbt of July 2 < Isei.
when he killed them and threw their bed lee
into a cistern He then went to Chicago
where he was arrested on August 24.
l for n Murilrr Four MontliK Old
NASHVILLE. Tenn. Nov - -Frank
Johnson , colored was handed nt Columbia
today for ibe murder of Austin H > e. wbotn
be killed on August 1 last and afterward
rot bed ot ti. Johnson canfeetud hi * milt
The buiiplns was -uitnesix-d only by tbe
jail officials , physicians and representatives
of tbe press. _
Miirui ( * of Oc-ruu Vt-koelk , > o . XT.
At London Arrn ed Europe , trow New
At Hamburg At rh fed Phoenicia , from
New York.
At QIMWMIOW A Arrived Lucaaia , from
New 1 k for Uverpooi.
At Genwi Arrived Brno , from Nen York ,
At HaUIax-ArrUfed-CarthaErtBlan , for
Phl ! A > 'piia !
At N * * York Arrived JJannlit-Lm , from
North Shield-
At ! < aUroort ! SaiH-d-Ohio ( Lrilish ) , for
for Ntl ranks nunU1
1. Wrylrr Point" Ont Ill Victory
C mp ln ApulnM > t rro I > lt -
Kuntisk City Motor Train 11 rid T
Burlington to Ilnllil n Nr > r l > r
S. Nrlirm k and lo to Tr > Agn
Frank Knit Conquers Grorgr I >
3. Ilxtrnl of thr Mortn In thr Wr t.
Story of ttir tlruni I-uuiinon Mine ,
Fntal Affray In n I'ltt ton l-nlH > n.
4. Cdltorlsl and Comment.
C. Genrral Copplngcr' * Annnol Report.
I'iitluaH < TOM < -H' llodj Found.
O. Council UluRf Ixx-al Muttrrn.
Affulr * at < outh Ontalm.
? . Cotunirrrlnl and Flnnnrlkl New * .
Ita lnr * of LMMrrL ICrilrwod.
5. -nrral 1'ortrr on Crncral Grant.
Kxtrntlon of Clillrrilcr Itulr * .
P. Intrrr tlnc In > urniicr Ca . .eHt
Vote on Con tltutkm l
Lltxl CH-.C Lrft toliie Jury.
IVyton Urothcr * Hi Id for Trial.
10. Catrgorj of Irl-.Ii Infornirr .
11. lilt * of rpralnlur Go li. |
15.-A MjMerj of the
> erloii Ijilior Tronlilc N ! > < > -loiiliir
nt IMtiklinrif.
PITTSBURG , Nov. 2S .The employes ot
the combined traction roads of this city have
a grievance and now ( S a m ) are holdiag
a meeting to map out their course of action
ia the matter. Exer since the accomplish
ment of the combination of traction roads , ,
which includes nearly every road in the ,
city , trouble has beea brewing. The mea
oa the Pennsylvania avenue line previous to
the consolidation were getting 25 cents
a day more than the Fifth ave
nue men. This 26 ceats. has beea
takea off their wages , heace their
grievance. The Fifth aveaue aea claim
they cacao ! make a day's wages without
working twelve hours , and they think they
are entitled to better treatmeat Some are
la favor of tielns up the reeds this mornIng -
Ing at C o'clock , but aothiag definite has
developed as yet. The men are organized
In the Knights of Labor , cad between f *
aad 700 men. represent lag every ro&d ia
tbe tractnn combine , are in the meeting
The discussion of the situation is goiag on
quietly , but earaestly.
St. Loulo. Knii-n- iinitliirrfctrrn Delimit
limiton Intre t.
TOPEKA. Kan , Nor. 27 Upoa applica
tion of the Farmers' Loen and Trust com
pany of New York. United Stau * Dtetrict
Judge Foster today appointed Dwigbt Bra-
fflaa of New York City receiver for tbe St
Louif. Kansas Southwestern Railway
compaay The company owned a line f > ixt >
miles in length , running from Arkansas City
to Anthony. Kan The road has been
operated by the St Louis & San Franeistro
c-ompaay up u > six weeks ago , when It was
abandoned as , tbe managers of the 'Frisco
were operating it at a loss. The Farmers'
Loan and Trust company holds $ M.OOO of
the. exiap.aay'E bends , upon which interest ia
In default Dwtgsi'jiraiDaBi * * sj s to
day named as receiver , filed tbe sensational
cult recently begua at St. Louis to set aside
the proceediaps wtich resulted ia tbe re
organization of the "Frisco property aad is
opposed to tbe present management of the
Arbitration nnd Contempt of Court
HUN to He 1'utlird.
ST. LOUIS. Nov 27 Prominent members
of the Brotherhood of Railway Tralaiaea
are srrivins in St. Louis preparatory to
what is intended to be e monster opea maa
me-etiag of railroad isea at Druid's hall
Sunday aftercooa.
The mectiag wss called by the Broiher-
ooo-i ot Ri lwaj Trainiaea aad will be part
of a geaeral movement now on foot fcr con
certed actloa by railroad organizations to
ward sccrlag the passage by congress of
the arbitration bill aad that defining the
offense ot contempt of c.urt. It is intended
to urge the passage of the bills at the ses
sion of congress in December.
Among tbe arrivals todaj wae Vice Grand
Master T R Do3ge of the traiaaacn's order
from Peoria. HI
Coupon * Cnn He Cnkhfd.
NEW YORK. Nov 27. HoJders of the
first mortgage bonds of the Oregon Impnne-
meat coapsay are notified by Chairman
J I. Wate-'bury of the reorganization com
mittee , that upoa depositing their bo-nele
with the Manhattan Trust company or the
Old Colony Trust company of Boeuia. be.
fore December li they will receive cash for
the coupons of the bonds maturing Decem
ber 1. as well as for any couj > on thereon
which matured on June 1 last. Holders of
certificates for the bonds issued by either
of the two truet companieswill receive the
amount of iaterest mature-d December 1
oa prreeatatioa of the certificates that the
payment maj be etamped thereon These
payments are in lieu of iatereft for the
Mime period oa the new bonds to be iseued
under tbe plan of reorganization.
Accepto n Loiver Hale of Intercut.
PHILADELPHIA. Not 27 At a iae-eting
cf the stockholders of the Mine Hill &
Scbujlkill railroad today it was agreed to
adopt the Philadelphia 4. Reading company's
t Her of C per cent on tbe capital stock of
the Mine Hill company Previous to the reorganization -
organization of the Philadelphia i Reading
company the Mine Hill company wae paid
& per cent. Tilt IB the first step of tbe
Reading company toward reducing lit rental
Date for Itluolinrt'o 'I rinl Fixed.
CHICAGO. Nov 27 The trial of Joseph
W. Riatbart , e-x-presideat of tbe Santa Fe
railway , aad John E. Nallej. ex-traffic man
ager of the same road , has be-ea flcall }
set before Judg Groswup for Jauuar } 4.
Tbe men are Indited for violating the Inter
state Commerce laws in making a rtba'e
oa regular rates to the Hammond Packing
company of Hammond , lad. , aad Neou !
Mor.'it S. Co. of this city.
Aflc-r .Mnrrh He 1VIII Ht-inot r from
AViiklilnclun lo I'rlncM-ton.
PRINCETON , N. J. , Nor 27 Rumors
have beea current here for sume days con
cerning President Cle\elud-s intention ot
making hit permanent home at Princeton.
Nothing definite could be learned until this
evening when Prof Andrew West returned
from Weshlngton. after having * n inter
view with the president Prof. West this
e-rening gave out tbe following statement
"President Cle > eland has today purchased
the residence ot Mrs A. J. Slldell oa Bay
ard aienueia Princeton and will make-
Princeton his permanent boutM OD after the
expiiatien ol his term &s j rwldeut Nego
tiation * ktokioe to tbit end iunt been ia
progr M about three weeks and wer - con-
eummatod today by tbe ; urch&ce ( the
Slol < - T > o Hundred 7'luiUkNnd.
LEBANON. Pa- Nov 27-Tbe amount of
money stolen by Cut-bier Joba Hoftr from
the First National bank of LtUajior. is Hlo-
371 There were ulhe-r trauartlons with
Lebanon bankliic : n tltutluus. which it if !
Mated win swell the total amount cf hie !
peculations to pix.wi. J
Burlington Bead Announces Its Intention
to BuiH ,
Location at Toath and MBSKI Streets il
Definitely Selected
March Km U Date Set for Beginning
TTork of Coastmctwn ,
> nl rrlitl ti of KMMKKl to the Kvjiovl-
tttin < 5of Alone nllli Ilic
rroinUc to Conktrnct
the Ne Mntlon.
Although jes.terd'ay ' was not Thanks
giving da } . an announcement was
made by the Burlington read la
the xaornlag that will undoubtedly b
regarded as a thank offering by the pc ople
of Omaha. and ej-pocially by those bavinc
the lnterei U of the Transtnlssiwlppi Exposl-
lion most at heart. General Manager Hrt-
j drege of the Burlington j ssterdav moraine ;
i announced that the road would contribute
$30 000 tow ard the success of the exposlltoa.
Simultaneous with this annoanccment wat
given out the new ; that the Burlington would
j at once proceed w lib the erection of a depot
for HE own use and tic use of any other
railroads that desire to join In the enter
prise at Tenth and Ma < * ja streets.
The amount subscribed by the Burlington
is the full amount asked from that com
pany by tbe exposition directory , the Burling
ton tc Missouri lines being assessed tlS.OOO
and tbe Chicago. Burlington & Qttincy line.
being set down for tbe same figure. The
decision to contribute this amount to the
treasury of the exposition was made by the
Burlington oSclal ? last week. A conference
was. held on the subject , President Perkins.
General Manager Holdrcgc and other high
officials of the company being prer"Dt _
Pre deot Perkins at that conference tbtiwod
th&t he was kindly disposed toward Omiba
and mid that , though all western roads had
suffered terrific los t s during the pset three
year * , that fact should not be allowed to
ptstid In tte way of the Burlington aiding
Omaha' ? exposition
Tbe Burlington was asked for a heavier
contribution than any other rail rood in the
city , the Unloa Pacific being requested to
donate 1 15 000. the Wabab J50M ) and all
other roads 110,000 each Should the rest of
the railroads respond with the amount re
quested of them , as the Borlington hac jurt
announced it will do tbe exposition will re
ceive the sum of J160.0PO from the railroads
In speal inc of the matter yesterday mcra-
Ing General Manager Holdrege ( Aid
In arcordaace with our plans decided
upon s me months ago , tbe Burlington com
pany intends to construct as soon as possible
a commodious and suitable depot building
lor its own use.
company , the Unteu Pacific Hallway
pany , and the railroad oompaniea tenants of
the Depot company that the contract for
the construction of the Unlcn Depot build
ing having been violated by the Union
Pacific Hallway company , our ground * , now
occupied by the temporary building tad
tracks will be re < ruired for our own uje not
later then March 1. IfcST and that the other
railroad companies must provide other
facilities for their use by that time. We
shall proceed at once to have plans and
detailed drawings prepared fcr a building
ia ail respects suitable for the requirements
of the large business enjoyed by this com
pany in OmahA. No time will be lost in the
prosecution of this work.
"The Burlington company will also sub
scribe (30 000 to the Traasaiieslselppl Ex
position having faith in making these ex
penditures that , with tbe large crop of this
year and the natural resources cf Nebraska ,
goad times ere coining and that the people
of this elate aad their repr 6enutiveelect. .
appreciate the justice aad iajportsace of
dealing fairly and liberally with tbe rail
roads and other corporate Isurests of
Nebraska. "
The full text of a letter that was yesterday
cent to the receivers of the Union Pacific
aad to the Omaha Unicn Depot company by
President Perkins and General Solicitor
Mandersoa of the Burlington Is as follows :
"On Julj 21. 1M > G. a letter was scat by
the Burlington & Qulncy Railroad company ,
acting on behalf o ! the Chicago. Burllngto'a
& Qulncy Railroad company , addressed as
abo\c , to each cnc naine-d. calling attention
to the urgent necessity for better depot end
station facilities at Omaha. The present un
fortunate aad complicated conditions aad
tbe causes producing them were fully recited
and ne-ed oot be repeated la said letter ,
this company declared its readiness to
proceed under ihe terms of its contract with
tbe Union Pacific Railway company
and tbe Omaha Union Depot com
pany , aad pay eay and all aa-
setsmectE needed for the carrying out o !
tbe agreement and tbe completion of tbe
union depot building , now partly ere ted.
It demanded of the Omaha Union Depot
company that it assess Its rtock and proeetxl
to perform' the duties deriving upon It
under the terms of it * incorporation.
"No answer has beea received to this
communication , and we tal.e the fact as
evidence that there te ao intention on your
jiart to proceed to the completion of the
half-built structure erected by moneys
furntabod in part by this company , aad ai
a violation and recession of tbe contracts
herrtobfcforc made and referred to ia the letter -
ter of Julj 21 1 < * C
"We now notify jou that it is the intca-
tloa of the Chicago. Burlington i Qulncy
Railroad ooa-paay to proceed with all pos
sible speed to build a commodious and
butticiciic depot upon tbe ground owned by
it In the vicinity of Tenth and Mason
streets. Omaha , for lu own use and for
other railroads should they desire to joia
in the enterprise.
"U will be ncceeary to clear tbe Iota
and land * owned bj this company of all
buildings , structures and track * for the
purjnwe naned. and jou are hereby notified
to vacate and give i M , < * * lon of all tbe said
proj-erty OB or before the 1st day of March
A D , H7
"The temporary building used by the
Omaha Union Depot company has b&ea sf-
fered to remain on our ground without lease
and its removal on or before March 1 , 1S 7 ,
is hereby demanded
"You are alto notified that we will de
mand that the Omaha Union Depot com
pany shall proceed to terminate its corporate
existence aad make accounting ot its prop
erty and assets to ibis company on a fair
and equitable bartc and lo default tkvreof
ibis company wU | pretceud to imforce its
legal and equitable rights b > Mich methods
az 1 : xay be advised.
"Signed this 27lb day of November. A. D.
18&S by the president of tbe Chicago Burling
ton i. Qnibcy Railroad company acting on
its behalf , and for tbe Hurllnctun & Missouri
River Railroad eompau ) in Nebraska , and
of the Omaha & Southwestern Railroad com-
ay. of which earned roads U i l a * e and
owner. "
On July 21. 1W-G. Provident Pwklni and.
General Solicitor Maaderjou of the Burllng-
lee add'esaed fc Jotter to the recovers ot taa
Union P rlb < - railway aad to U > e Osaka
Union I > ejGt ooKMany. urging Ut * oomplMloa
of tte ii-jxH at Tenth and Mauao fclrtMi.
iTMi letter * &id ihkt U o rejiiy vtrcn re-