TUB O3IAHA PAIL'S W3I5 : PJlAY , XOVEMIiBK U7 , ISOli. V 8PB01KL NOTICES Ail vi-rllii'iiK-iif" fur ( limi * iMilumni Mill III * tllUf'll lltllll lill ! ! ( ) ] > . Ill , , for (111 ( ! ! vi > nliiK mill until H | i , in. for tlio iniii iiln ) ; mill Huinliij' cilllliiim. Ail vrrllni-rx , 1 -iiii-NlniK | H tittiu- 1llr 'il ilnk , onii liuvc niiMwcr * ml- drowKi-il to u iiiiinlx'ri-il lollrr In cure 11/ TIlClll' ' . AllHttl'I'M NO mlllrfKHPll will Indill vrrcil on pi-i-NPiitntliMi of the i-hri'U only , llnli-N , I l-'Jr n word llrxt liiNcrlliuil 1c nvoril tlnri'iiflcr.otliltiK tnUcii for li'NN Ihiin U.-.C ! for I IIP llrsf IIIMIT- tlnn. TinHiiiilvcrllnciutiilx iiiUHt ! > - run i-oiinronll > < ) > - . siT ATKINS WA.vriin. WANTED. IIV (1OOP OF.II.MAN CURL. HEN- t-rnl liiiiKvork. . Ad'lrem U M. , 20'J Albert st. -MALI : IIKLP. WANTED AN IDEA ; WHO CAN THINK OV tiiiiie Klinplo thine to patent ? Protect your IM H , they may bring yvu wealth. Write John Wcdderbum & Co. . Dcpt. V. , Patent Attorneys , \Vn lilhKton , D. C. , fnr their tl.SOO prize offer nnd n llt of 500 Inventions wanted. II 10S WANTED".THAVELINO SALESMEN FOR clKara ; olJ , reliable house ; experience im- m-cei > ary ; extra Inducements to custim.-rs : 173 00 to tlM.OO per month anil expenses. Charles C. lllidiop & Co. , St. Ixmls. U-MII2 nil' MAN WANTED : LIRERAL COMPENSATION ; c-xpirlPiirwl or not ; stork riin.ranli > i-d to Blow. Iliown Hros. Co. , Nurserymen , Clilrnin. : _ _ _ D MMS PO * _ WANTED ? iSpEitiENCED PI-OWER OAR- denor , who npi-aks Oerman anil EtiKlltdi. Apply nt 11 linns , 1X1.1 Vlnton Direct. 11-MCSJ 29 T HANtLKMAIL AND tnko orders fur us ; excellent prollts ; uur worn iiRctit clenrs over 120 weekly. A rnre money-making rhnnci1.VMIo tit once be- fern It Is too Inter. I'.irnnuay Co. , Federal street. Lynn , Mans. 1I-M723 ? .0 _ _ _ WANTED , TWO Oil TltRKB GOOD 8OL1CI- tors for accident dep.irtment of Hit" Aetna l.lfo Inmrnncc Co. , of llnrtfonl. Apply to John Dale , genera ! "Rent , SOD New York Life. WANTED , SALESMEN IN EVERY PLACE ; enhiry anil commissions. The Hawks Nurfery Co. , .Milwaukee. WU. ll-M7j | 1 > 2 : , _ WANTED , M"EN TO LEARN IIAURER TRADE ; now Is the best time to leiirn nnd net Kte.idy employment for the winter ; \vn leach llio trailc thniniiglily In elRlit weeks by nn entirely new ) Hti'tn ; wages while Icartilni ; : complete oulllt ° "f tools Riven each student upon entering ; wilto nt once for free catalogue. Moler'B llar- ber ColleBo , 819 N. 9th St. , St. I/ouls. Mo. II-M76S D2 WATI5I > K1331A l.K HUM' . WANTED A COMPETENT OIRL ; SH'ST I11J Kiiinl rook ami InundreSH. Mrs. T. .1. HxRir ! " , No. 1I2D Park Ave. C 743-29 KOIl It UXT II < US Ki > . IIOUSKS IN AMj PAJITS OKT1IK CITY. THU O R Unvls Company , 1KG Karnnin. D 109 IIOrSKS , IIHNKWA & CO. , 10 ? N. 1DTII ST. D-119 HOUSES , c. A. BTAIIH 925 v. y. LIKK D-lll ciioicn iiousns AND COTTAOHS Ai > ijovii tlio city. } 3 to JCO. Kldellty , 1702 Karnam.nin n-in IIST ov iiorsns. TIIR IIYHON Uecd Co. 212 8. 14th St. IJ-113 HOl'HKH. WAIjLACR , DHOU'N 11I.K. . 1CTH ami Douclas. D-1H KIC-IIT-HOOM MOUKHN KItAMK. 2719 1'oppleton nveniio ; cholec ; l ) 10- room modern brick. 620 N. 2.1d. J35.CO. 9-room modern brick. CH 8. Mill. J2J.OO. 12-room tnoilern , IStb ami WoolworCi , $22.i'0. C. A STAIin , 91 * . N. Y. Mfo lililc. D-M116 iiot'sns. "riioM s UP : LAnan LIST. Mcinsuo : Investment Co , 150 * Dodco St. t D-M7CS ' 'J1EAUTIKUL IIQMQ IN iAPAYITrTR Place ; S-rooin : nil mcxlern ; rplcnitld condition ; npV" been rented bpforp ; now ofTered nt a low rental to first-clans tpr.ant. Fidelity Tnint Company. 1702 I.'arnam St. i' D nooMa oniN. : i WCAVKN H-oitlu J. W. Squire. 848 Hoe llldg. 19S4 COTTAOI : . N. W. conier 2Sth and Jacl : .on ; larso lot ; half price. J. _ Vl _ Bnulre , 24S HOP. _ _ _ ' ) rJI ? _ FOIt HUNT , S-IIOOM HOUSE AT 2215 11U11T st. ; all conveniences ; low rental. Innulie of K. n. Zlinmermnn , at county clerk's clllcc. dur- Ins business lioum JJ M2IO QAHVIN nio : II-S1I5 KOU ItKNT. 7-IIOOM OUTS1DR FI.AT ; NK\V1.Y linpered. modern. I.anse lilotk. COO So. 13th. D-3.19-D10 STl'.AM HIJATUI ) HUSlDENCr. . 2013 HAKNKV. 4 7 ROOMS. 717 SOOTH 1STII ST , J1C. \T VJ D-C22 _ 1M _ 1 > XR ) RENT , 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAOE AT 251C N. intb nt. . 3d door noitli of Lake , ill 121.00 to desirable party. 8-rnnin ciitlnK at MS S. 2Clh nve. , tlO per month. Modern 8-roum house. $20.00 per month. SM Dav enport. \ \ ' . n. .Melklv. MM 1st Niit'l Rank llMs. IO-ROOM'MODERN 11R1CK , OAK FINISH SND manteU. rooms nn llrst lloor uie nil connected with huie Blldln ? doors. I.ITKO laundry and " - clali-in. A nominal rent If tnkon by December Int. Iniuilrc of ouncr. 10t K. 10th Ave. D-MCG2- iimrr-itnoM : , MODERN D\VILLINCI : ; HOT air fin mice nnd laundry In basement ; ' laiic yard and stable ; 701 ( iCorRl.i nvrnue. Aiply | J H. Kclkcnncy , Knrbach Illk. D-M701 1)21 FOR RUNT. BLKOANT MODERN ID-ROOM lioufe. 03 So : bth. I-1. D. WOHd , 10 A DiuiKlas. I > 714 29 SCJ1 DAVKNrORT. fltf.M. ! > ROOMS. SSII lluinllton. I1.VOO. 9 moms. 2JI7 Hprtii-e. Jl'i.OO. S roomi. 1KS5 N. Slth , JS.CO , 4 rihiini. isi N. 23.1. jn.fo. 4 vooniK. IHNSON , aio RnmKo b D-M723 29 * i-'nR HINT. si2 N. SSTH ST. , 7-itoo.\i. MOD- i-m Imure. Iiniilre on prcmUi.-i. D Mi : . ; IDS NORTH KUVIIN'TIJKNTIL I'Ot-'RTiiN rooms : llncet rooming hunc In city. p-MTJO D24 1-X'U RKNT. MODKRN KIUIIT ROOM lIOt-ST 17lh . I'asn. W. N. Nnson , til Noilli Kill. D-7II-30 FOR ii\'ri'i'itM.siiii ) HOO.M.S. KTIAJI HUATKD ROOMS. : on HARNKY ! _ 1:312-D7 S NICK rilHNlSHKD ROOMS , LIGHT 1IOUSI- keeplm : , 1112 S. llth. K-C7C : ; > Nli'KI.V I'1'RN1SI1KD ROOMS , S5.00 AND JB.OO n ninntli. 1510 Ilowird. K 1 ! J'j 607 Smith iSth avenue. uM7I6 DP Fl'RNlSIIED OR HNFIMINISIIEI ) ROOMS for h utekeeplner , modern , nt 217 N. Kill. E M7W-S7 * 1HMMIS AMI 1IO.VHI ) . FOR RUNT. KIIRNISHUD ROOMS. WITH OR ivltuout bnnrd : steam bent nnd nil modern Improvt'iiieniHi pi-clal low ratcn for the wlnlcr. Mldl.ind iiolel , ICth nnd ClilcoKo. M. J , I'ranck , F MC ROOM AND HOARD ; 8TEAM ; WJ H. 13TII. " _ _ _ _ . F-M971 N3S NICK "WARM ROOMS , OOOD HOARD ; RATES reasonable. The Row , 20SO IInim > y. _ ROOM. WITH 1JOAHD1'Olf TWO 11ENTLE men ; > 3U a month. ( It North Ulli. _ F M73S 27 * 11TooM H \ v i T i f i 10 An T UTOPIA. 17:1 I HV H. port "t. ; ( tram bout. ! ' M.62 D2 roil nuvi' VMTiixisiiHii UOOMS . r"cHAMiiKiiH roiT HorsnivHi mil \vir- . < ; \rnter In kltct.i'iii sled tlnk. 1'OH IIKVrSTUIIKS AM ) OKKIOI-3S. iiiiu'c Toiii I'uilinm ; thre < < stories nnd liaremrnt : "III niter to Hilt Iciuut ; low lent. ll 1st Nul'l H'k blilR. I "US WAUEJIOHHi : ; CENTRALLY LO- S. H , Ci.rlin , 1SOS Ilainey I Ml Pit RLN-rTIUJ 4-STORY llltli'K lri lit Vie Furnam si. Tldi bulldlni : 1ms u ll cement bawment , cumplela steam lieitllr.K llx turrsMiler on all lloor , uJn elu. Apply at the ulllre of Tli llf * . 1- ' ! 0 \VA > TII ) . WA.NTI"D : , LIVI : PL-O'I-LK'TN jvTiiv Ity at IliiOii > ul > nalaiy und riin-iucu to tal.o urdrm for ( 'lirlktiuus Ooudu : pernuiivnt iiiplayiurnt If ruhl , Mauufuviuu-r , r O. llox IJC8 , o 'on , Mai. * . ? J-MWJ Da Atir.vrsVATIH. . ( Continue. ) rin T-n.A B ORL\NIX.I-R : . LADIRS AND Kentlrmon ; < > ri-itliiniilly | gnoil contracts offered ; pliin of frnternnl Itisuinnce ; new nnd tnklnis i > ntun > ; niMrwn lmi ) rlnl Mystle IfKl'.n , Omnlm , Neb. J 7M-y ! _ AOKNTS. IK YOU ? VANT A PHOKiTAIlLH nnd iK-rmnnent metlli Ine nRency nddress American Supply bouse , lluffalo , N. Y. J M711 M * WAXTHIJ TO HIJXT. WANTFD. I1Y LADY AND SON. PART OF minliTn lioujo In central or gouthweslern pnit nf oily ; relcrenres exchanged. Addirm 11 41 , lli. . K-.M7M27 _ _ STOUAlii : . O.M. VAX Jl STORAGn. 1415 KAR'M. TKL. 1W9. 'ACIF1C STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 908-910 Jones. General Mornge nr.d fonvnrdinff. M-1I& AXTnn TO IIUY. A SHCOND HAND SAFK. Hlfi FARNAM. N-M171 N30 LIST RL'AL I3STATK WITH F. D. WI3AD. ICTH A Dounlas. N 101-30 LIST CITY AND FARM RHAL 133TATB with Oan-ln llroa. , 1C13 Fnrnum st. N IS2 CASH FOR LOT NEAR "lAKE AND MTir. murt bo cheap. F. D.Vad , ICth < " " ' 'immhiii. ' roil s.vi.ta MISCI-I.I.AXIOUS. CJlllJAl'HHT HAUmVOOD WOVKN COHN-CHllt- lMR mndc. C. It. Lee. 901 Uoimlas. Q-1SO SECOND-HAND HAFUS CHEAP. LA OIKS , CI.OAKS. I'UUS. UUI5SS easy payments ; drop postal and will cull witn caiiitilcs. U. lllrsli , olilce Drexel Hotel. Q-MM3 SO siiioiis. SLKifiiisY'sixaLn AND noum.n. Drummonil CarrliiRC Co. , IStli nnd H.unoy. Q I3S-D-1J on anocnrtv WAGON : ALSO furniture wncon ; Imrjtnlns. Druinmoml tnr- Co. . IStli nni3Inrn jit" . _ Q-GJj-Ulo _ iTANinradob TOIMIUC.OY AND TWO r.non family carrlnpes cheap. Urummonil t'nrrlnjo Co. , ISlli nnJ Hnrncy. _ Q-CIO A NEW KUANKLIN TYPnWIHTP.U KOIl SALE nt a bargain. Address Omaha. Neb. , P O. llox CJS. Q-M _ JI35.00 WILL 1111Y A LlflHT WALNUT niKB " 'Klmlmll" uprlcht piano , uoi.d no new. Omaha MortciiKC Loan Co. , r,0 Pn. K.th street. Q-753 MISUKM.AMiOUS. OMAHA MIRROR MFG. co. . REM'OVED TO 70S N Ulli. R-M335 D10 CLAIHVOYAXTS. MP.S. FllITZ. CL..MUVOYANT. Kl N. 1CTH. S ! > ! IXi * MASSACi : 1IATIIS , U'l C. M.ME. SMITH. 1121 DOUGLAS , ROOM C ; MAS- saBo and r.leam balln. Jf 1702" M ISS AMEsT VAPOR HATHS. MASSAGE. r,07 S. 13tb St. , room 3. T-M2C5 D6 MRS. DR. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE PAR- lorn ; refri-jliliiK and curative ; don't full to call. 117 So. llth St. , upMulrB. T M'Ol 50' I'lOlt.SO.VAL. MISS VAN VALKKNHtmci PK8TIIOYS PKIl- inuncntly by electricity supeilluous liulr , moles , warts , etc. Jlooni C , N. Y. Life HUff. itfi'Ttriu : rrunn : NO PAIN : NO I.KTKN- tion from business ; we refer to liumlrcils ot patient * cured. O. K. Miller Co. . 717 N.Y. Life building. Omalin. NeB. _ U 1.2 " " MASSAGE" . MMH. POST , sio',4 s. ISTH. U 13 troubles I'liyitlclnn In attendance. Consulta tion ur health boolc tree. 316 B e bide. SEE CAHTim HAIIDWAHE CO. , H03 DOUG- la * , for mantels. Brutes , tiles , marble work. etc. MOMtV TO I.OA.V 11I2AI. UST.VTK. ANTHONY LOAN & TIIUST CO. . 315 N. Y. L. QuU-k money nt low rates for choice farm loans lu 1'ivu. northern Missouri , eattern Nebraska. CITY LOANS. C. A. STAIIIt. 925 N.y'Jj ' - : .ib:7KY To"LOAN 6N"TMPUOVED OMAHA real chtulc. Ilrennan. Love Co. . Paxton rblock. LOANS ON IMPUOVKD & lINlMpnOVKn CITY t.ii'perty. W. Kurnam Smith A Co. . 13:0 ' ' "rimm- MONEY TO 'l.OAN AT "lSv"TES TIIR O. P. Dnvl.i Co. . 1505 Famam St. W 1-0 ( fp'l'll CKNT MONIJY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate & Ntb. furms. W. - MelktaOnwba _ 'To LOAN"ON OMAHA" PROPERTY AT JSi-VT UulMlDB loans wanted , rhlollty company. w. MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA pro , Jty. Pu y & Thomas. First NaUonnl Hank _ lmuTcTS. THE' MO.VnV TO I.OAX CIIATTUI.S. \OSFY ; TO I.OAN V7uRNITURi:7"PIANpS. iVorii. wnijoiia etc. ; at loiveet rale In city ; no removal of Koods : ptrlctly conlldentlal : you V time or In any tan y tl-e loan off nt any amount : OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO ' X 131 " " MO\1FY TO LoTvN7"so7"wi 90 DAYS , FURNI- ti' . pianos , etc. Duff Ure.n. loom 8. Hark r bi : ; X I3J irsixnss CHAXOUS. FOR PALE. AUOUT 2.CW LIIS , MINION TYPK. TOO tin aRiitc , 150 pair two-tlilnl cases. 40 ilouble Iron stands for twii-llilrd cases. This iM'it-ilal wax ui-IM ! on The Omalm liee nnd Is In fairly KOul cumlUIm. Will litf mid cheap In ImlU or In iiuiintltlcH to milt puiclmper. Apply 1" pcrion or by mall to The lli-e Pub- H'hlni ; Co. . Omaha. Neb. Y 713 RHTAIL mira STORI : FOR SALI : ; ORHAT liurKQln : write. Harlc. llaa & Co. , Pi.uncll Illuff * . in. Y-M2I2 K0 SALI3 IM-3AL IISTATH. AHSTJIAITS. T1IK HYROX IUU3D COMPANY. Ilu-131 _ - ' nousiTs. LOTS , FAiLMs. LANDS , LOANS iko. 1' . RemU Real Kstato Co. , Paxton Illk. Rc-936 _ ARSTRACTS. THlj" MIDI > , \ND. 310 N. Y. l.lfo. UK MC1G 1)20 NOW IB A OOOD TIMK TO IHJY 1IROAD Helen. Tliere uro nuips. 12 acie * . north Ft. Omulia. for < 2,000. Saipy Co. , nice farm , at K3.00. Faint 8 ml. fl"lu P. O. . at 110.CO. 4(0-acrr fnrm , 13 ml. at J37.GO. F. D. Wend , 16th & DoucliiH. IU3 783 30 WH IIAVK IIARQAINS IN HOMKS. ALSO firmii , und wnnl more , l.lit your property ullli us now. Q. M. Nuttlnger & Co. , 1704 Fiimani. HE-MS Fiii KALI : . jucimcsT RAROAIN ON TUB boards ; J7.JOO home for $5,600 ; 8 rooms , modern In exery u-bpecl , nlmoot new , with Kood burn M. J. Kcminrd & Son , olc agents. 310 Hrown block. IUJ-7ZS DJ _ _ " \Vfi "Aliir AtVnioitl7.ED TO OFFint FIFTY iiuieii ilivt-i'lara fruit and vegetable land within llut-n inllet of the city limit" " nt SM.OO nn ucn > , on vary terms ; blK bnrk'aln for Homo one. Hee Payne & Harder. 17M Fanmm at. , lleo llldi ; . P.i-MMU : _ FOR SALE-HOW IS THIS FOR lcoo.007 LOT. din- milt ! houth of ciiuit houte , with umall outluge. on KMde ; n'nvl nelxhliorliood. And one lot.uii four-loom IIOUIMJilO.W. . nrnr South Omilm car line. II ; run R. Haitliu : * , : i : S. 14th t. _ RI3-M746 ALL 1UKOA1NS- Cottutie und W foot frontaiie , 21th St. , 51OM. 3 ncri-n Mill st. , norili , U'.WO. For n few days ea > y terms. largo lot , 2 houses ; rent. JJ7.W ; price. W.OuO. ! CJ arren une hour' * drlvo from P. O. , at JIO per ncre. Cottage und lot , t-'o. ICth. 11.000. F. D. Weud , Kill und Douglas , ni3-757-S POTTAWATTAMIK COUNTY FARMS FOR Mile , 1(0 ucre * lmpru\ed , at } 2S ; aUo SO ncrea nt $27. Roth of theta uro tlr l-cln fiirmi under cutllviitlon. it iiilles from Council llluffi. fall nt 17 , Pearl. Jamei & O'KrefiCouncil Illufft , la. Rr-7il- : \VANT13IITO IIDIIROW. WANTUU * RMO.OoT GNir YBAR , 'ON GOOD , duwn-tumi necurlty. AJJrm II S > . U u oillce. -uni IT nonsi'.s wi.\'iinr.n. PLENTY OF FEKD , SHEDS AND WATER ; homes culled for nnd delivered , rate * , 13 per month. AcldrtM Ualley , Crescent City. In. HORSK3 TOVINTKR ; REST SHELTER ! untlrfnctlon Ruarnntceil. WMt O , A. Wolcott. Elk City , Neb. 511 Dll rritMTi'iti ' : Ft'RNITtJRE PACKED ; 1/1WEST FRI3IOIIT mteii nerured nnd bills of lading li > iird. Omatm riirnlture and Cnrpet Co. , 1211-13 Fnrnnin t. Tel. 1133. MF.W DH O KTrM. S.v7TK L1N's'l'Rirt3S ' ' S. \ \ nN' FI' It NI - tunpaiklnir. . iepilrlnfr upholaterliiK ; mnttn pes made und renovated. Jill Cumlng. Tel. lull. 121 Itt.ltCUTIO.V. ELLA DAY , 11. S , 3RD FLOOR. tW S. 13TM. SIMS * \VMIROIC13IIS. . It. MAROWITS5 LOANO MONEY , 41S N. 10 ST. 13 ? FIXAXriAl. . LIFE INS. POLICIES HOUQIIT. W. P. IIOLD13N 3o3 SWAPS. W/NTED. OOOD IMPROVED KAUM : FOR A No. 1 city property. Address A 62 , Omalm Rep. M-J DJ- PHYSICAL Cii.TIlll3. : ! ELOCUTION-MRS. W. DORWARD. C,23 N. tilth. M-r.S4 D21 KLOrcTION. ZVLEMA FIII.LER. K13 Dcitrci- lan street. 1S6 N-3D * TYIM5W11ITI5HS. CRT THE REST TYPEWRITERS. SUPPLIES ; repair ? . Unlti-d Typewriter ft Supplies Co. , KID Farnnin utreet. MS30 June SO IIAlltlHIKSSfVC. THE PALACE 11KATITIFUL. 1C13 DOl'OLAS ; linlnlresslnB , inanlcurliiK , manMige nnd com plexion treatments n , tpeclnlty. M333 D7 SKWIMi MACIIIXI3S AXII SIJPPI.II3S. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE sewing machine olilce , 1S14 Cap. a\e. Tel. IS74 , S1IOHTIIAMI AMI TVl'UWKITIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. B13 N. Y. LIFE. 133 AT OMAHA I1US. COLLEGE. ICTH & DOUGLAS S3I _ _ PRIVATE LESSONS IN SHORTHND. . 2103 M > 1) ) I > 21 llILIl.\i AM ) I.OAX ASSOC1ATIOXS. SHARKS IN MUTUAL L. & I ) . ASS'N PAYS C. 7 , S per cent when 1. 2 , 3 years old ; nlwnys re- decnabie. 1704 Fnrnam et. NnttlnRLr , Sec. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest ( in tavli-Rs. Apply to Omnlia U & R. As'n. r,04 Farnam. G. M. NattliiKcr , Sic.13C 13C .MASOXVOHK .Mlllliit. J. P. HEALY. 1S22 CLARIC STREET. 437-D-13 * Koir.vii. FOUND-A LADIES' GOLD WATCH AND chain ; owner can have same by calling nt this olllre. proving property nnd paying for this ad vertisement. Found M737-27 1H3XTISTS. SAVE .MONEY RY GOING TO SEYMOUR , ilcntlft , P35 North 21th St. ; lowest charges ; wnrk KUaranteed ; painless cxtrnctlon ; exnmliiu- lion free ; open evenings. 9J5 N2d 3IUSIC , AIIT AMI I.AXUUA013. GEORGE F. GELLENnnCK RANJo7siANDO- lln nml guitar teacher. Room 41i lleo Hide. Tel. 23S. . 1W HATH ItOO.tlM. RUSSIAN. TURKISH AND MEDICATED baths , CO cents ; ulsJ eicluslvo dciarUnent | for ladlca ; everything new ; ladles' hair dressing unu baiber i > hop In connection. 107 S. 14th. 173 SUES & CO. , * PATIiXT SOLICITORS ° " $ Ileo Rulldlnir. , 1)11111)1:1 ) : , Nubr Advlco and Ptlent lloo. > l-'UKI-l RAILfAri'lME ' HARD Liuurs | Ul.-KLLNlJ1ON & MO. HI Vlllt. { Arrives Unialiuil7nlunUciut , ICth \ : Mason ats.j oinalia 8.riam : . Denver Kxprtss . . " a.jiaii 4.3."ipm.lilk Hills. Mont Ji I'uuct Slid lis. 4.0Jpra 4Kpm : . Denver Kxpiugs . l.iipm iOJpm..Nebrai : > ka lyjcal ( ex Sunday ) . . . : | > m . . . .Lincoln Louil ( ex. Sunday ) . . . .I2uam : :3jpm. : . .Kant .Mall ( for Lincoln ; dully. . . Leaves ( CHICAGO. HURLINOTON & Q.IArrlves OmalmUilunDejot. | : _ 10th ai Mafoti ol . [ Omaha CCOpm : . ChlcuKo Vestibule . S'lWaiii 9lsam : . Chlcnfo Kxprc.is . . . . 4ipm 7.riU : | > m..ChlciiKo nnd St. Louis Kxprcas. . j > : Mam llM'Jam ' . 1'uclllo Junction Local . C'lOnm . Ku t Mall . ! -Mpni Lcnvcs ( CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUlIlArrhc OimihalUnlon Depot , lotb .t Mason St3. | Omalia C:30pm : . Chlcaco Limited . 8-X : > . m II iCQa in. . .Chicago KxprcBx ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 3:2ipm : Leave * ( CIIICACO tS : NORTHWKST'N.IArrlvci OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th .V Maron Sla.f Omalia ICH'arn . Huttcrn ICxnreps . 3JOpm ( : ) : , | > ln . Vi-Ktlbuled Limited . TiMOpai 5r : > rijin . St. 1'aul ' I xpress . tttfOain SMOam . St. I'aul Limited . 9:03pm 7:30am..Carri'll : & Plonx I'lty lxjc.il. . . .llIUiuri : C:2Cpm . Oinab'i Clilcaso ypeelal . 8Wam . Missouri Valley I.ocj l . C:3jam : Lei vcs ICHICAOO , R. I. & I'ACH'IC.IArrlves OmiilialUnlon Depot. 10th & Mafon Kt . ( OniB.'ia IAST. pT'ToamTrATlTTnlio llxpicss ( exT Siiiiday ) " 3:33pm : < :00pm : . Night Impress . S:15um : 4Mjim..Chlcauo : Vphtlbulnil Limited. . , . l"rpii : 4iOpm..St. : 1'aul Vcatlliuled IJmlted. . . . l:33pin : WEST. C)5pm. Oklahoma & Texan Hx ( ex. SunT.103aTn : l:4"pm . Colorado Llmlten . 4:00pm : " " BT I OmahnjJ'epot , ISlli nnd Webster SIR. i Omaha flum. . . .Sioux Cltv . ' .ccommnJatlon7.7rSODpm : lS:30pm. : . . Sioux City i : pieaa ( ex. aun..llViam 6lipm : . St. Paul Llmltca . „ D.-lOam " " " LeaveTl I' . , K. ft MO. VALLEY ! ( Arrive Oinalinl De | > ot. liltli nndVcbler His. I Omalia SMjan . Kast Mall and J xpress . GCOpm : 3POpm.ex : ( Hal ) Wyo llx ( ex Mon ) . . . . 5:00pm : 7COnm. : . Fremont Locnl ( Suiulays only ) . . 7rin.im : . Norfolk Hxprein ( ex Sim ) . lQ:2ijam : Cilipm . St. 1'aul Hxpri'en . I eixvca | K. C. . ST. J. H C. II. lArrlves OmahaUrlonJepot | , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omalia ' 9CCam..7. : .Kansas City Day i\rroin . G:10pm : lOiOOpm.lC. C. NlKht ix. \ la U. J'lans iSOam Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahalDi'pot. _ ISth sr.d Webster fits. | Omnlm S'00im. . . Nebraska ft Kansaa Limited. . .12 : pm i i30rn [ . Kansaa City LxpresH . C:00am : 2llpm : . Nclirakka Local lex. Sim. ) . 9Wam Leaie/l" SIOUX CITY & 1'ACIFIC. [ ArrfvoT Oinahal Depot , I51h mid Webster Sta. I Omaha C:15pm . St. I'aul Llmllcd.V. . aflOam Leaves I BIOUX CITY ( t PACIFIC. ( Arrives OiiialiaUiiloii | Depot , 14th & Mason Bio. | Omaha tICiim St. I'aul Paufceimer H:10pin : 7:30am : Sioux City I'uusenger 0:02pm : 6Mpm : HI. I'aul Limited 3:0am : Leaves I UNION PACIFIC ( Arrives OmalialUnlon Depot , 10th & Mhnon BtsJ Omaha " C20am Overland Limited . 4Cpni : C.Upm..Heat'ce & Stromub'R Ex ( ex Sun ) . . 3:50pm : :3jpm..Grand : Iiland Express tcx. Sun ) . . 3COpm : 3-30pm Pa Hi Mall 10:20am : Loaves I WAHAHII RAILWAY ( Arrives Omahnlnnlon Depot. lOlli & Mason Sl .l 'Omaha EVERY WOMAN Fonu-tlmea ne ii a reliable monthly regulation mtxllclnf DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL RILLSj Are jimnpt , Hufn and certain In result. The cona too CDr. IVaJ'iO nnvi-rdUauixunt. Kentaorwbero Slicrinnn & McConnel Drue Co. , 1513 utruot. Omaha , Neb. I A Handsome Complexion I la ono of tlio grcatvtt cliarms u woman can I pOSJClil , PoiZOHl'a CuUl-IJtXlON 1'UVVPUU | B AMI THE .Manngcrs. TONIGHl AT 8:15 : , The Whitney Opera Co , , I'rvm-ntlnn Pi'K'iM-n ' * 8mUh'n ( ipcntlc Success , KO 3 HOY M.\TI\in S XTfltDAV- SEATS NOW ON SALE. Prleos 2. < pfle , 7.V , * 1.0) . $1.50. Matinee prices , 23c , tOe , 73r , Jl.UO. _ _ THK inRES yPfJM Tel. iR.ii. i ISK HjHRg tl i UN Paxtoutt l nlRlits , commpnclng , Ui'lUFrn i Kyle's ( Trentc-M of All Military Maya , THE GSRL I LEFT BEHIND ME. Sonti'rtmv . ' . . on fnlo. 1'rlcon IO-riO-75-Jl.CO. ! > . - < . 4- , ' . , MAY IIIWIX. M'-W I HI'.TL'UN ROY&VS - I5U 1 If 3 THKATRH HOH t. SI. Crawford , Mar. I SUNDAY. srvniv \TI.VKH AMI MIIIIT oxi.v. Chap. II. Yale's Mighty , Massive. Marvelous eilil Maijnlllcent Sprptiu-to , THE TWELVE TEMPTATIONS Gttrnl irFerved seats GOo nnd ; ' , rc. IJecomber 12Snl Smith ' llussel. HOTILS. BARKER HOTEL. KKVril AMI JOXKS STKKr/I'H. 140 room ? , baths , Ho.iui heat nnd nil modern conveniences. Hates , SJ r,0 nnd J2.CO per day. Table unexcelled. Ppi-rlii ! Inw rates to regular boanlcrs. KRAKIi HILl'ITCH. Mtr. JOHN 1' . I'INI.AV , I'rop. Jos. HKNSII.UV , ( LATE Mc'T\GrK'S , ) First-Class Grill Rooms. RATxiS Sl.OO TO 32.5O A DAY. All rooms sii-am beitil : ami overytblus l&rltilly iiioili'rii. r , 1509 FAEjjTAM. Tholisai& & > for ( Trade .Mark. ) ACCIDENT. ' ijCKETS. illy CoiiijiniCr < $ l Now Vurk. T 1B2E MCNilJHS' insurance , $1,000 foi3$1.00 , o Jiivii of. jvoiiien , between IS and 00 > eara lit age. again ? ! fata' ' Ktrccl Accidents , n-foot. on en Dlcycles , Horses , \VuiCH3. Hol'JO lars : , ' JtnllrJall care , JJlcvatt'J. ' nrlrte.Trolley - nd'Cable' tp'rs. > t4 ( ani4lili > . Slcnmboats and Steam I-"nles. JICO.OO ) ilepo.slteil with the Insurance Deportment of the state ol New York for the security of the Insured. I'nr Saleby Cliffs. Kauf HI ami , 1392 Doulls Hlrret. Tel. COS Gmalis. NVb. DUFFY'S PURE Mil WHISKEY All Druggists. IV/ZCOX.COMPOUND. S.ifo ami Hiiro relict , nevei Inn. itlicjf nrclmltnllon * . Ai nllilnirel.M . Wrliu'o Ii n i > * < . -itfi'pnl lltKF. Wltrox .MCBI. ciNB CO , , 1 IMiXSIOXS TO AVI STKHX MHX. Survlvorh of I IK- ItilIIt n ltiiuni - lll-l'l'll liy tilt * CilMIC-rlll ( illVt'l-llllM-lll. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2G.-SporlnI ( ) Pon- nlans granted. Issue ot November 7vcroi Iowa : Original widows , etcLutlncla , K. Illdy. Wclilon , Dcc.itur ; minor of William L. Thompson , Oniivvii , Motiona. WyomliiK : Orlslnal Tliomau M. Junk , Chcyoiuic , Iviiramlo. Colorado : Original widows , etc. ( Hols- sue ) MnrKiirct JI. HotlKcS , Colorado SprliiBH , El 1'aso. Issue of November 0 were : Ni-braslca : Iti'lssuinnd Increase Gott lieb Ksall , Omaha , OrlRlnal widows , otc. Louisa J. TnKgurt ( mother ) , North I'latto , Lincoln. South Dakota : Original \vldown , rte. Kmmu Cl. Van I'atten. Canton , Lincoln. town : Int-runio Oavld C Watson , liald- wln. .Ineluon. Original widows , etc. Mary 15. Oroner. St. Anssar Mltchrll ; Ollvu I ) . Douglas. Kowton , Jasper ; Mary Urlxcoll , Sprnuuevlllc , Jiichson. North Dakota : Incronso Charles II. UurttH , Gloni-oe , ISmmuiiN. Issue of November VI were : Nebraska : Original wldow.M. otc. Xylpha U. ttnunian. Kort Calhoiin , WnshliiKton. Iowa : Additional William Thointis , Mar- Bhalltown. Marshall. Increase lill JI. ( ! rovi > s , Den Mollies , Polk. Inue of Novoinber 11 were : Nebraska : Orlsliml-Olls H. Wilder , Lex ington. Daw on. n ' Montana : .Orlslnal Thomas II. Scott , Kor.-iytlie Custer ; speiilnl , November 14 , Robert O. Garrett , Jlnlpna , Li-wla and Clarke n o > Iowa : OrlKlnal Nil.uonlli'iijamln : , , Onawa , Monomi. Incrrase--Wllllntii JoliiiHlon , Ot- tuinwa. Wnviollo ; Slmiyiuii < 'I'OMliii , Pleasant- vllle , Marlon ; Hobort V'ail ! , Palmyra , War ren Helssiie James | H4 t IIidiKhland , HI- don , Wnpello ; Lewis H , Tiirner. Kddyvlllo , Wnpi'llo ! John Haven -'ITiliKley. HlnK old ; Thomas R Allen , b'unlioni , O'llrlen. Orlt- liuil widows , etc. 3Jin | > r of GeorKC W. Leonard , Waukon , Ab.tnuikeo. ins occiipATiox iii.s'riiicTin. : The IlorniSt < -ndll. < Lo > < liir HlN ( Jrl | > _ I'l'IMK-ll AlttDIIMllllll'H , Without doubt the Kronen have taken the lead In the matter of iitrtomobllcs. or horse- legs carriages. It Is moro Uian probable that they will keep It for some tlmo to come , since they are giving it'll undivided attention to perfecting this curlotii'vehicle. , In this country , nays the Now York Herald , the Idea has not yet fastened Itself on the general mind. Wo occasionally see the au tomobile In our thoroughfares , hut so Infre quently that the crowd turns to watch It when It U approchlng. In Franco , however , Us appearance Is BO common that the Icolcer- on dora not oven uhrug his shoulders. He docs not wonder If It has come to Htay , for that question was settled long ago. The de mand for the vehicle U so great that "many now factories have been opened , " and In splto of that fact ono ban to wait from four to six months before his order can be filled. We Americana are far the present Battoflcd , apparently , with the bloyclo. The thousands on the boulevard of an evening , with their brilliant hcadllghta , rracmblo a swarm of flrcllles on a picnic. Not oven the tricycle attracts our attention , though the demand Is said to ho on the Increase , What U to become of the liorso ? Well , wo won't cross that bridge until wo coma to It. The horse Is all rlnlit just now , and HO far as wo know ho Is not worrying about his future. CAUSE OF 1IOCII CONFUSION South Dakota Disturbed Over the Veto Against Prohibition , HOW THE PROPOSITION WAS CARRIED I'i'iii'iilM of ( lit * Bullion InnNl ( lull tinI'oiiMlllulloii Can mil He In tin.Mnmicr CIIAMllEHLAlX , S. 1) . , Nov. 20. ( Spe cial. ) Tlio manner In which the proposition to repeal tlio prohibition clause of the stnto constitution appeared on the ballots In the recent election continues to lie the canso of much confusion anil discussion In sonic quarters as to whether or not the prohibitory law has really been repealed by the com paratively small vote which was east in Its favor. Numberless errors In marking the ballot were made In all parts of the state. It Is alleged that In ono county the vote of nn ontlro township on the amend ment was thrown out by the canvassing board because the voters of a llohomtaii settlement In the township placed a cro before the word " .No" when they Intended to vote In the alllrimitlvo on the repeal of prohibition. The c.invnsslng board , ' of couise , had no power to throw out the vote or any part of It. Until the state canvassing board meets on December 3 the exact vote will not be known , but so far as can bo ascertained at this time , out of PO.OOO votes polled In the stnto at the recent election , only about twothirdor flO.OOO , were re corded on the proposition to repeal the pro hibitory law. and of those voting on tlio question n niajorlty of about -I.GOO favored the repeal of the law. The problem therefore arises : Can the constitution of the ntnto be changed by a minority vote ? In discussing this feature of the controversy , N' . C. Nash , ex-com mander of the South Dakota Grand Army of the Itcpiibllc. and who has always been a strong champion of prohibition , ROCS thor oughly over the ground and makes out what can be considered substantially the prohibi tionists' side of the case. The question , he thinks , will likely be taken before the state supreme court for decision. The article re lating to amendments to the constitution consists of two sections. The first relates to amendments to the Instrument , and the second to the ordering of a convention for a general overhauling of the fundamental law of the state. Section 1 provides that "If the people shall approve and ratify such proposed amendment or amendments by n majority of the electors voting thereon. " etc. Section 2 reads differently. U says "If a majority of all the electors voting at said election" are In fuvor , the conven tion shall be ordered. APPLIES TO THIS CASK. The first section , which. In the opinion of well posted attorneys , applies exactly to the present case , Is open to the construc tion that thiiHo voters who foiled to register their votes for or against nn amendment will not be considered nt all ; that so far as the proposed amendment Is concerned they might as well have remained away from the polls. Hut no such construction can be placed on the provision for calling a consti tutional convention. In the latter ease every voter who falls to vote for the proposition must be counted against It. The first sec tion can be construed that only the votcn registered for or against an amendment arc to be counted , and upon a majority of Un votes so recorded depends the fate of the proposed amendment. Mr. Nash contends that this construction Is a dangerous one , as can be shown by citing n case which , while It might never , /jrcur. Is certainly within the range of pos sibilities. If nn niiiendment were submitted and out of SO.COO votes cast only 1,000 voted for the amendment and 009 against It , ac cording to this construction the fundamental law of the state could be changed by n very small minority. So , also , If 100 votes were registered In favor of an amendment and noun against It , the 100 votes would change the constitution. In nearly every county In the state which , gave a majority for the re peal of prohibition the majority thus cast was a minority of the total vote cast In the county. There Is little question that the sentiment of the state was strongly In favor of repealing prohibition , but so many mis takes were made In marking ballots that the vote as returned may not accurately ex press the Intention of the voters. Had all those who are opposed to prohibition voted on the proposition at the rrcent election the majority In" favor of repealing the pio- hlbltory law would have been overwhelming. As It was. there was a general belief that It would carry anyway , and consequently thousands of voters who favored the repeal did not go to the trouble to vote upon the matter nt all. Many who did vote , supposing they were voting for or against prohibition direct , voted yes or no as their Inclination may have been for or against the law. Thus n voter placing his X before the word "No" with the belief that ho was voting against prohibition voted for exactly the opposite of what ho Intended. COST OK III'FFAJ.O ' SlvlX COATS. Cmi M'liroHy Ho I'uroliiiMi'il nl Any I'rlt'i * Now. VERMILUOH. S. D. , Nov. 26. fSpeclal. ) A seedy looking tramp offered a fine buffalo coat for sale on the Vermllllon streets ro- ecntly for the sum of $5. Kor aomo reason ho failed to find a purchaser and went his way westward. There was too much suspi cion ca to whom the original owner might bo. A buffalo coat nowdaya la worth a snil ) : little sum and In fact It la almost impossible to buy one at all. Several old settlers In this city and county wear buffalo coats , which , although purchased at a very mall prlco originally , could not be bought now for any amount of money. A business man in this city , who wears a coat , perfect In every way , was offered $1W ( cash by a com mercial man. but the offer was refused. Sonu twenty years ago the coat was purchased In the form of two rough hides from a band of Indlar.s for a more song. The hides wore afterwards neatly dressed and made Into n fashionable coat. The fur la easily taken carp of and will remain sleek for years. No fur Is as warm as the buffalo and for cold , wintry weather a coat made from a buffalo aklix Is a luxury Indeed. It Is in the mem ory of the oldest settlers here whe-n the In dians used to make their annual visits from the western agencies to these parts for their regular supply of "klnnlhlntc , " which grows In largo quantities In tills vicinity. The old chief of the trlbo would always accompany the band and for years made his regulai visits. He used to pitch his tcpeo near the old fort on the Missouri river and was an Intimate friend of Captain Winner , com mander of the fort. The chief's lo.lgo was very largo and was made of thirty or more white buffalo skins neatly sewed together In ono great sheet. The space within wan about thirty feet In diameter and about the same In height. Sometimes there were as many as fifty lodges , of different size and make , pitched at ono time. The visitors usually stayed about two weeks. These wire the times when buffalo skins sold for a "farthing. " I'rriiiirlni ; for n ( iriinil Concert. VEIIMILLION. S. I ) . , Nov. 26. ( Special. ) Prof. P. A. Halloscycrs , director of the de partment of music of the Slate university at this place. Is planning to give a grand concert the latter part of December , at which a chorus of forty voices will render the "irallelujah Chorus. " The professor lias a chorus of. forty voices under training , which will soon bo able to sing the most dllllctllt music. During the time that Dr. Olnon was president of the university , Prof. Dalloscycra had charge of the college of mu.ilc and under his skillful management It became self-sup porting and was known throughout the northwest. Hoon after Dr. Olson's death the profcMnr left the university and has been away for five years or more. Ily great good fortune hli services have been secured once moro and already the inimical department has risen to the point whcro satisfaction Is given to every ono. Under the profcHsor's direction the university chorus of fifty voices gave the "Mi' slah" aomo five years ago In Sioux City. The present enrollment of the collcco of music Is about nlxty , thu largest since his former jirofcworthlp at the uni versity , .UADIJ MK1111Y WITH TIUJIIl TilAXKH. \IIIIIITIMI iloclMlt'ii ( ! nvo lnnoon I.nxt Many Omnlm people enjoyed Thanksgiving evening by attending tlio dnnccs given liy tlio various societies las"t night. One of the largest was at Washington liall and was given by the Omalia Stieel Hallway employes. Nearly 200 participated and pai'-vd the tlmo pleasantly with a program of twenty-four dances. The master of ceremonies - monies was T. H. Todhunler , assisted by 0. II. Sprncor. 0. K. Wagner , \V. C. Hlaho , It. L. Young. J. Lenox and I. S. hosier. Alplm camp. N'o. 1 , of the Woodman of the World , save an Informal dancing party at Myrtle lial' ' In tlio Continental block , which broiiKht out a goodly throm ? . At Mornnd's hall tlio Triumvirate and Crescent colored clubs held forth , giving the first annual ball of the two Hoolttos. The reception committee con l li > d of Mesfr ? . Hey Waplofi nnd J. W. Jackson. There were about eoventy rouplea present. National , Metz's and Keswler's halls on South Thirteenth , each celebrated the oven- Ins with dances and nearly every large hnll In the city furntohod Us shnru of at tractions ? for the merrymakers. .Miirrlnuc LI ' 'iiMOH. I'ermlts to wed hnvo boon Issued to the followltiR parties by the county Judge : Name nnd nddre.iH. Ape. Iru 1 * . Vnn rump , Omaha 21 Minnie A , Curry , Omalm 21 Thomas L. McUrldo. Omalm 22 Corn L. Utinili-y , Omaha 20 Charley H. Myi-rs , Omnlm 21 Marie Watts , Omnlm IS I'ltt-li llrouulil IIin-It I" Omnlm. Giles 11. Kltch was bronchi down from St. Paul yesterday mornlnp ; by the United States ofllrlnl.i to answer to the elmrge of misappropriating the pension money of John U Chapman , nu Insane man of whom he was Mianllan. lie refnsfd to tall : iiboilt the case further than to state It was ono of malic-Ions prosecution. Hall was llxod nl J300 , which ho hopes to give today. Kvcry penny tells. You can get Salvation Oil for 25 cents. Heat liniment In the mar ket. I'KHSO.NAl , PAItACHAIMIS. J. W. Mann of Chadron was an Omaha ar rival yesterday. S. \t. \ Wiley lias gene to Chicago on a short busings trip. he\\ls T. Walle of Cambria , Wyo. , was an Omaha visitor yesterday. George U. Shunlan of Oheyenno was among the arrivals yesterday. I . M. Orinsby , a cattleman from Casper , Wyo. , was in the city yesterday. Hon. Matt Miller of David City came up to eat turkey In Omaha yesterday. W. P. Smith left last night for Chicago and the cast , to bo gone for several days. W. 1) . Patterson left last night for San Francisco , where he will visit relatives for a fortnight. J. A. Harris of Hroken How was among these who ate Thanksgiving turkey at the Omaha hotels. Frank Phillips , who has been visiting friends In this city , luft for his homo In Denver latu night. II. II. Kvcrett , F. T. UuclcstalT and It. II' . Townley were a parly of Lincoln people In the city yesterday. Mr. Trowbrldgo , assistant manager , and thirty members of the "Hob Hoy" company nro domiciled at the Darker. Ocorgo II. Seymour , nn Elgin banker , ac companied by his wife ana Airs. A. A. lint- Icr , w.-.s in the city yesterday. II. 11. Nicholson , one of the professors of the Nebraska State university , was In the city yesterday to take In the foot ball game. E. S. Keeloy , assistant general freight agent , and W. W. Wlnlon , district freight and passenger agent , of tlio Milwaukee road , were Is town over Thanksgiving day from Chicago. Ocorgo W. Herbert , manager ; A. Coccla , stage manager ; C. II. Ware , musical direc tor , aud iwcnty-nlno members of the "Twelve Temptations" company arc registered at the Darker. Mrs. Frank T. Arhucklo of Denver , whoso husband was killed a week ago by foot pads-in New York Ulty , passed through Omaha yesterday whllo on her way home. The remains of her husband' liavn been sent back to their 'home for Interment. Iowa people at the hotels : H. Ilcccher , Itc-d Oak ; P. G. Trotter , Shenandoah ; M. Frctz. H'arlan ; W. H. Kink and Charles Har vey , Ncola ; N. S. Harvey , Logan ; A. F. Hur- to-i , Villsca ; J. H. VanDykc , Atlantic ; T. J. Patterson , Dunlap ; G. C. Ewlpg , Henderson. Commercial men registered at the Darker over Ihanksglvlng day areV. : . V. Hcddcn , Chicago ; Con 1) . Harrington. Nebraska City ; Ed Oettcn , Sioux City ; George Ewlng , St. Louis ; C. E. Wilklns , Philadelphia ; W. J. Staloy , Kansas City ; J. W. Ellis , Chicago ; Ed Perry , Chicago. Nebraskans at the hotels : F. II. Hrown and J. F. Smith , Fremont ; 13. G. Watson , Friend ; F. W. IJodle. Ycrk ; A. 11. Wilson , Nebraska City ; J. F. Winters , Hed Cloud ; Thomas D. W.ilson. Hartington ; J. 13. Hllnk Iron , Bancroft ; C. J. Swansnn and J. W. Ilolmo.ul.st , Oakland ; W. 15. Drown , Dodge ; J. D. Mima , Hastings ; J. W. Crowd ! , Hudd Latta , Ilurr Latta and C. A. Jack , jr. , Tcka- mah ; Harvey Hollowuy , Plaltsmouth. LOCAL IIHKVITIMS. H. W. linker , superintendent of The nco building , missed an overcoat from his of fice yesterday , which was taken by some sneak thief. The coat Is valued at $10. The annual ball of the street railway em ployes was held last night In Washington hall. There was < a largo attendance and thu evening was passed In a pleasant manner. Frank Hnppley. an insane patient , escaped from tlio county hospital lalo Wednesday night and for a time all trace of him wna lost. Ho was finally located In Council BlufTs , where he was locked up. An nfllrur brought him back to this city again during the coursu of the afternoon. Alpha camp , Woodmen of the World , cele brated Thanksgiving by a pleasant social hop In the evening at Myrtle hall In the Continental block. There was a large at tendance of the members and their invited friend1 } and the evinlng was pleasantly .spout In dancing out a program of nineteen numbers. Joseph Miller , a man who was pout to the county jail from South Omaha for uorklng llie "padlock" trick upon n stocKman Homo ttmo ago. finished his eonlcnco yesterday morning , but was Immediately taken In cus tody by the police of this city. Ho was charged with being a vagrant and uuspiclous character. Leo Nestlchousc. charged with attempting to corrupt u witness , failed to appear In police court when he was called up for preliminary hearing. As a consequence a bond for $ . ' 00 , which was put up for his release - lease pending his hearing , was forfeited. The bond was signed by his mother. Ncstlo- house was charged with attempting to Induce - duce Thomas Thompson , the complaining witness against thrco conlldcnco men who are now awaiting trial In the district court , to drop the prosecution and Icavo the city. Thompson alleges that Nestlehouso offered to return him the $22 ho had lost In the confidence trick and all the expenses he ban so far incurred In the case If ho would leave the city. AMUSEMENTS. Yesterday afternoon nnd evening the Whit ney Opera company gave Its initial performance formance- DeKovrn's opera , "Hob Hey , " nt the Crelshton theater In the presence of largo and enthusiastic audience * . DeKoven Is somewh.1t In the habit of aggregiulnii rp.il good music In hi * operas. Some of it cannot bo traced to lt original source and some of It can , but n.s an opera-maker hi has proven beyond a doubt his right Id etind at the head of all Americans. "Hob Hoy" drala with Scotch history and dw4 this so ancceasfully that we are constantly Interested In events far off In time and space. The libretto U by Harry H. Smlll : of Chicago , and la skillfully constructed The muale Is tuneful and nt tlinrs vrrj dramatic. Scotch themes and melodies art plenty and give the whole n pleasing natur alness. A Highland piper , imported from a place not on the map , nnd with the faro of Faust's best friend , discoursed nuMo.lli'S of SrotcU drone and accent upon a bagpipe , and lookc-d wondrous wise. The east is uni formly good. The scenery and costumes nro far above the average no reference Is ln tended for the kilts worn by the young wo men soldiers In the Scotch army and the otagc Im since a has been su well looked after that everything Is satisfactory with ono ex ception ; Mr. Edward II. Carroll as the mayor of Perth Is too much In evidence. It Is nleo to be funny , but It Is not far from funny to bp foolish. Mr. Smith wrote n very goo I libretto ; Mr. Carroll si cms to think he can Improve It. He should nut waste lilsi talent thus , but should write an opera all his own nnd deluge It with his wit. Arthur Donald son as Hob Hey wasi very satisfactory , both aa a singer and actor , but the program does not say In what part of Scotland he .u- ciulrcd his German accent. Ills kill has been too short for his voice , for he has n cold ; however , he sings In a thoroughly ar tistic manner and Is a worthy representa tive of the tltlo role of the opera. Flnreneu Wolcott as the m.ivnr's lies a good voice and was especially suc cessful In her Scotch ballads. She Is a very unfortunate person In the drama , for she l.i much married. Digamy docti not serve Mr. Smith's dramatic genius , llefore the cur tain goes down the first lime the whole audi ence convicts her of trlgamy and wotnlem how she will ever get free from three hus bands , and Chicago dOO miles away. Harry Patker as Sandy McShcrry Is a study In phlsognomy ; ho Is an artist In grease paint. Tlio ( Vest tenor that has been heard In Omaha so far this season Is Mr. Albert Ar- llng. He has a beautiful voice , well culti vated , and ho slugs like an artist. Thd chorus and orchestra did good work. "Hull Hoy" will be given during the remainder ol the week. The emotions of the average theatergoer should bo awakened when The Girl I Left Ilehlnd Me" Is presented. This play has been popular and successful everywhere and Is ono of the dramatic successes that wo can boast of In the last ten years. It comes to Omaha for the third time , opening a three- 1 night engagement at the Crelghton with I a mntlnco Sunday , November 2U. The play has n record of 400 nights In New York anil j 250 nights in Chicago. "The Girl 1 Left lie- hind Mo" depicts graphically the life of the American Indian and the American mil itary post. The second act Is partly given up to a ball , which , with Its music , laughter , flirtations and pretty dresses , constitutes Urnng contrast with the somber clouds of danger hanging about the camp. May Irwln , who made a tremendous hit hero last season In "The Widow Jones" will appear with her excellent company at the Crelghton next Friday and Saturday , December I and 5. and them will be un unusual degree of Interest attached to the engagement from the fact that Miss Irwln will present in this city , for the first tlmo on any stage , the new comedy wllli which she Is to open her regular New York neu- son on December " 8. The piece has been lu rehearsal for several weeks past , and Is the work of John J. McNally , author of "The Widow Jones. " U Is an yet unnamed , but the title will bo announced within a couple of days. Mr. McNally , so far as can bo Judged from rehearsals , Is said to have written an even funnier piece than "Tho Wlilow Jones. " This comedy , which struck Omaha theatergoers Inst season as bolng the limit of fun. will bo given on Friday night and nt the Saturday matinee. On Saturday night the new comedy will have Its first pro duction on any stage , and will undoubtedly draw a largo and critical audience. Manager Crawford has made arrangement ! u hereby Charles II. Yale's , "Tho Twelva Temptations , " will return to Doyd's for txra performances on Sunday night , November " 'J. The engagement just clooed at Iioyd's waa very gratifying to the management and tin enthusiasm of the large audiences in attend ance shows this favorite spectacle has losl none of Its popularity. With Its beautiful scenery , shapely maidens nml elover special ities. It is expected to be magnetic enough to till Do > d's again nt u Sunday matlnco anj night performance. The new comedy , "A Ilachelor'n Homance , " by Martha Morton , which .Mr. Husscll hca Just produced. Is reported to be a grand sue- cesa. and by far the best play this favorite comedian has had wiitten for him. Ther Is no better developed actor today on the titago than Sol Smith Husscll. He has lived In all clinics of erratic comedy ; has Imper sonated every freak of character. Out ol this varied experience has been rounded mid matured the true artist. As David Ilolmei In his new comedy , Mr. HiiKscll Is said to de the best work of his career. Ono of the most delightful engagements of the present season will bo ployed at Doyd's next Tuca. duy anil Wednesday evenings and Wcdnes. day matinee , when Mr. Itussi-Il will be seen In "A Djchclor's Honianro. " lIi'iiinrrliiiKi-t of tin * Liin-iH. DE DOLT. Neb. , Nov. 3. ] OG. My mothci has been troubled for four years with hem orrhages of the lungs. Lust winter sin began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla , and tlif past summer she was free from this tcrrlblt trouble , which had ollllcted her so long. She has not bucn so well for years as oho hat been slnco taking Hood's Sa.-rtaparllla.-i Miss Sena Young. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills. Injnreil liy n Ituiiiuvny. W. F. Holer , driver for the Adams Ex press company , met with a painful though not si'i'loiiH nct-ldL-nt yesterday nt Tenth and Pnellle hlrcclx , whllo in clmi-go of ono of tlio eomiiiiiiy's heavy wagons. Whllii driving Hoiiih. up the sleep hill , the polo broke , and the horsoH , Incoming iinniiiiiiigi1- nhlu , ran awny , throwing lli'lor to the Icy pavement. JIo WUH plekisd up In an un conscious condition and tnki-n to n drug Htoio near by. U was found that he linil sustained n number of cuts anil brulscrt about the head and IIKH. I ID was later removed to his homo at South Omaha. General und Mrs. Nelson Miles will soon occupy their hundnomo new homo on Itliodu Island avenue , Washington , and many elab orate entertainments will bo given thera this winter. Justice White , Mrs. .Sheridan and thu secretary of slain are the nearest neighbors of the- army chief ami his wife. Mistress and Maid both have their part in the jjrcat savings that come from Pearline. Suppose you're the mistress. There's the economy of it the saving of time , etc. , and the actual money that's saved by _ doing away with that steady * * - " wear and tear on everything washed. Suppose you're the maid. There's the saving of labor ; the absence of rubbing ; the hardest part of the housework - work made easier and pleasanter. But suppose you arc mistress and maid , both in one , doing own work. Then there is your certainly twice as much reason why you should do every bit of your washing and cleaning with Pearline.