o Til 13 0 1 AHA DAILY JU3B : " NOVHM1V10I ? 27 , 1SJM5 , water through a Move. Dungnn again took the ball through end nnil tnoklo for tlirro yanlH. and big Tunipr gained the length of his body about Hfvcnty-nvo Inches by nolMK through guard Anil tacklo. Tliu playing at this stage of the game wan from twenty to thlry yards from the Nebraska goal. At flm It Imil looked as thotigh Iowa wo ill r.uh a touchdown , mil Nebraska mrr ngshtned tnlghllly In IIH defon- slvo work. And n . * Nfbranhrt wan gaining ground rapl Hj -I getting the ball well out of dancer ' n PMMe caused n gronn among thr > ! . t : rs of the red and whlto flags by f"ii.illng " : the ball and losing It to lown. Iowa got right Into the game , and vcry nttark on Ihe Nebraska lli.n resulted In short but regular gains. Holbrook would clrclo HIP end. Jump the Interference ami gain n few yards every trip. On the drat trial he gained a lltllo more than n yard. Nebraska was holding the big men from across the river well , IJungan , Jones , Thorpe and Shcdd doltiR some great tackling. Three times did Iowa make an assault on the Nobrankn line , nnd three times did they fall to Rain inoro than n single yard. The ball was Nebraska's on downs , ten yards In front of ( In- Nebraska goal. Captain Thorpe appreciated the strength of the wind against him and concluded first to try to rim the ball out of danger. Iowa held the first time. Iowa hold the flecond time , nnd then the little Nebraska field matslml knew that he wan. compelled to Idol : . Ho punted well against the bruezo that was blowing. llolbronk took the punt In good shape nnd advnncd It ten yards before - fore being downed. Wiggins making u bad nibs of bla innn. Ilolbrook gained five more yards on the next | > lay , and then Iowa took it through the line for three more. Jones , Nebraska's plucky left end , who hud been doing such great tnckllug until now , was hurt and retired In favor of Ilencdlct. The latter Is n diminutive sort of chap , but bin brevity did not prevent him from making many a timely tackle nnd many a valuable gain during the rest of the name. nESPKIlATB HBSISTANCK WINS. lown gained three yards on the nuxt lineup - up , but failed to gain mi Inch on the next trip. It was n deypnrnto game both sides wcro now playing. It had been a long half , longer than It really nhould have been. The thirty-five mlnuto mark , even taking out time on all necessary occasions , had boon passed some llmo since. Hut foot bnll play ers do not carry watchco nnd they must nceda depend on officials for the correct time. Iowa wna tending Its barks nnd lt tackles against the Nebraska line with n vengeance , and they were being met every time by a human wall of youths , determined that the ball should approach no nearer their own goal. It was the best nxMbltloii of foot ball during the game. Though the advantage was nil with Iowa on account of lt superior weight , thla advantage way overcome by n grit nnd determination of the Nebraska players , n spirit that pulled them out of the tight hole Into which they had been forced nnd saved them from defeat. Throe times dl'J Iowa assail Nebraska' ) ) line with the coveted goal not only in sight , but within grasping distance. Three times did the Ne braska players lay thoniFolvr.4 down In front of tlilf onward movement and completely check It. It wasi a hard struggle while it lasted , but It was soon over , nnd with the honors attached to the defonpo. Nebnuka stood Its ground nobly and captured the ball on down , six Indies from Ha own goal. Thorpe and Shcdd at once advanced the hall for substantial gains. Then Packard and little Ileneiilct carried It further away from danger. It had been advanced about twenty yards away from the goal when it again went to Iowa on downs. The latter wan rapidly working back toward Nebraska's goal , having gained about twelve yards , when time was called for the first half. The length of this halt was forty-two minutes , Bovcn more than were bargained for. NEBRASKA STAKTS NICELY. In the second half Hobbs kicked oir to Nebraska's twenty-yard line , where Thorpe caught It and advanced a few yards. Shedd and Packard were unable to gain through the line , but Cook carried It through for five yurdt' . Shedd gained live more through the right Pldo of hla lino. Hy a crisscross the bull was given to Wiggins. who Blurted around his left end , but although ho p.-UMjd two men ' ho was downed without u. gain through slipping. Shcdd gained three yards through tlio line and Packard wont through Walker , for another three. Uungan gained one yard around the end , but the big guard Twiner , foiled to get around left end nni Cook was as unpucceajfiil through tackle. It was third 'down on Nebraska's forty- yard line and Thorpe kicked to Iowa's thirty- nvo yard line. Hobbs fumbled nnd Milford - ford dropped on the ball , giving It again to Nebraska. Pcarso did not gain , but Shedd made ten yards nnd Turner followed this up with flvo more through heighten An attempt at the center failed and Thorpe then mailo a quarter-back kick , which went Into the crowd and the ball was captured by Iowa on Its thirty-yard line. Ilolbrook mnilo seven yards around ioft end , but the ball was brought back because Iowa had only four men In line when It was snapped. A few rushes followed without gains and then Meyers went around loft end for fifteen yards , being downed by Thorpe. On the next two downs there was Jlttio gain , but Hol- urook then wont through Pearso for seven yards , planting the hall In the center of the field. A few rushes advam-cd the ball Jive yards and then Meyers ran out of bound" and dropped the ball. A Nebraska man fell upon it. Thorpe then punted and the ball rolled over Iowa's goal line It wnt > brought In to the twonty-flvo-yard line nnd Hobba punted. Wiggins failed ( o catch , but It was Nebranka'p ball on her llly-yard lino. A couple of bucks resulted In no gain and Thorpe then punted to lowu'y twenty-fivc-yarcl line. It wno by thlg time almost too dark to sue the play. A center buck gained two yards and Lelghton fol lowed thh up with nvo more through Ne braska's left wing. Ilolbrook made nvo yards around right end. and utter two un- miccessful bucks by others inudo ten yards more n the panic place. Ho followed tl 9 CCarr" " " Meyers then went around left end for fifteen yards , but wan downed on hl next attempt without gain. Ilolbrook made live around rifilit end. The ball was ourr cd acrow thu field by Meyers without gain nut he nnd Ilolbrook wieceotkM In gaining Ittlo by successive rushes. Finally Iowa a was liroug.it . lo the IMrd down with sun „ no You Use It ? It's the best tiling for the hair under all circumstances. Just as no man by taking thought can add an inch to his stature , so no preparation can make hair. The utmost that can be done is to pro mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done by Ayer's ' Hair Vigor. It re moves dandruff , cleanses the scalp , nourishes the soil in which the hair grows , and , just as n desert will blossom under rain , so bald heads grow hair , when the roots arc nour ished. Hut the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retain its normal color , or If you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's Hair Vigor. | dM nro to gain and Hohbs klekel ( o N'o- ' bra kn' fifteen-yard line. The ball was 1 fumbled , but Thorpe foil upon It. In block ing one of lown' * line mon Packard wax lull ] out for three minute" , but plne'Mly re- mimnd hi * [ losltlnn. Nebrankn bucked the center without unln nnd Thorpe fell back for a kink. Milton ! Mapped the bnll directly to hint , but away ali'dfo bis head. Thorpe Jumped for It , but mined It , and the ball rolled to within n fofit of Nebraska's line , , where Thorpe fell upon It. As there was | but a minute more to play , and It was nlrcnily 'dark ' , 1 was decided by the captains to call the gRint' . I The lineup was as follows : Nebraska-U. PcrtflUon. Iowft-0. ' .lonct-Henodlct . . .left tn < l Ilrown . Uungan l-ft ( Aukie I.cighton 1 Hanson left gufird Walker .Ml ! ford rontfl4 rtlMi. . IviTson , ( 'apt. Turner rl-ht guard Uhickmore Pcitroe rinht tucklc Hlnnloti WltrKln rls'it ' i ml. . . Thomas 'I horpe , Cipt. : . . < iiurt ! ! rbnrk Polilren Cook loft l.nlfbncli Ilolbrook S'ip'iil right hi'irhaek Meyers Packard fullback Ilobha Hi-force : Stlpp of Orlnnell. Umpire : Wil son of PrliHi-ion. l.lii" mi-n : Kennedy of Omaha ami , ' , i : -ll of Iowa City. The toRiiiH will play again on Saturdaj afternoon at 3 o'clock. FKOM CAPTAIN TI10UP. To The Omaha Ileo : I am entirely sat isfied with the result of the game , consider ing the condition of the grounds , and am glad that Iowa sets the pennant , as we have had. hard luck in previous yeara. The condition of the grounds were oucl that our backs were greatly handicapped while those of Iowa's , starting from the. "guardaback" style of Interference , got ill considerable momi-ntum before they strue ! the ends. The tram p yed an uphill game from the start and the defense we made In the first half wuo particularly good , consid ering that we were outweighed fifteen pounds to the man. I had hoped for a different result and an confident that oti a good tiny thu lean would ) play a winning game. 0. H. T1IOIIP , Captain University of Nebraska Foot Hal Blevcn. KHOM COACH IIOI1INSON. To the Omaha , Iti-o : Yesterday's game was a disappointment to me , as I expected the Nebraska team to win by at least two touchdowns. The blame cannot be ascrlbei to the team , but entirely to the condition of Ihu field , as It wan Impossible for the team to meet successfully the heavy rushes of the lown team with such unstable footing and , In addition , the Hue plays used by the Nebraska team were much harder to get under way than the guard back play of the Iowa team. Nebraska ployed a plucky game , but was unfortunate in getting rather the short side of the close decisions. The team as n whole Is confident that It can defeat Iowa on a fair day. The line was outweighed twenty pounds per man. nnd the team aa a whole Is much lighter than Iowa. The two teams will meet again on Saturday , anil If the weather Is propitious , I shall expect to see a score of about M-C In Nebraska's favor. KDWAIIP N. HOIJINSON , Coach Nebraska Team. VHOM CAPTAIN IVBKSON. To the Omaha Heo : It was a good game from start to finish , although neither fldo aorcd. Tills was probably duo to the con dition of the weather. The ground being very nllppory prevented the men from startIng - Ing quickly , and after they got started were unable to dodge their tncklert' Till * made both teams look weak on the offensive. The Iowa team Is confident that on a soft nnd bare field It could have beaten Ne braska this afternoon , for Iowa's goal was never in danger , the playing being done in Nebraska's territory over four-Ilflhs of the time , while Iowa oneo had the ball on Ne- brnaku' * one-lmlf-yard Hue. Hut the ground being covered with snow and Ice , the players fell down as soon as they hit the line. I. IVBUSON , Captain Iowa State University Foot Hall Team. Coach Hull of the Iowa team said : " 1 do not earn to make n statement. It I did I wouldn't be altogether complimentary to the players of the Iowa team. I would make a. written statement for The Hoe will ingly , wcro it not for the fact that the same teams play again on Saturday. I was disappointed at the showing Iowa made this afternoon. " WHO nilAVED THR On the coach-ln-fonr of the Omaha Whce ! club were : W.V. . Turner , R. M. McKnlght G. U. Slefken , J. L. Uros.iy. J. R. Hucklng- ham , E. U. Smith , F. II. Slefken , W. Curlan T. W. McCulloiigh and Ilort Ilrcntford. This club had picked Iowa for a winner , and the yellow chrysanthemum formed a conspicuous feature of the decorations of the members. They had their own cheer. Improved for the occasion , and attracted considerable notice. In a large coach from Council Uluffs were noticed the following representatives of to- cloty of the neighboring city , all In ardent sympathy with Captain Ivcrson's players Me lameo O. S. Wright , K. W. Hurt and John U. llaldwln ; Misses Vincent. Dodge , Snyder , Tulleys , Key , Moore , and Mont gomery ; Mcsars. E. W. Hart , John M. Baldwin , J. J. Hew , C. S. Wright , II. A. Woodbury. T. D. Metcalf , T. C. Oawt > on , L. H. Mayne. and Master Jack Baldwin. MU'i .Moo Ilartlett of this city had the following young folks In her team : Misses Hlghter and Raymond of Lincoln , Miss Hart- lelt. Messrs. Raymond nnd Hugh Edmlnston of Lincoln and Mr. A. II. Edmlnston of Omalm. A great tally-ho drawn by four horsof bore a gay party of Nebraska adherents from thin city. Those who waved the red and while from this coach were : Misses Anna Shlvcrlck. Florence Jlorsj , Adeline Nash of Omaha , and Miss Lucy Crawford of Chicago- Messrti. W. V. Morso. Fred Lake , Samuel Caldwell. M. 0. Colprlzcr. Asa Shlvcrlck Charles II. Pratt and William Shlvcrlck. Among the > < u noticed along side-lines were Senator Thurston and son , General Freight Agi nt MorohoiiEO of the Ellthorn Gouerni Agent Rutherford of the Hock Island Ed ward Swobo of Chicago. Divlght Swobe Thomas Crclgh. and the following old Mich igan players , who raised their college cheer several times during the game : Crawford Hayes , CuMwolI , Thomas nnd Jefferls. niii T7TT"itir TIJUUIIII.V. -rN llnUo n llollilny , , f ( in- WriiU .lIlNsour ! TI-IIIII. KANSAS CITY , Nov. L'0.-Speclal ( Tele gram. ) Heforo the terrific onslaught of the crimson nnd dark blue of Kansas , the old Bold and black of Mlbsourl went down to defeat - feat In the mud on Exposition Park field this afternoon In the presence of n mighty crowd of foot ball enthusiasts. Then a swayIng - Ing , surging masa of people swept across the Held In the early darkness , shouting and shrieking with Joy over the result. High above the mighty din Bounded the exultant cry of the victors : "Oh , me ! Oh , my ! How we blacked the tigers' eye ! " Both sides struggled manfully , but the brawn and muscle , skill and . training of Kansas won over the strength and t-our- igo and now material of Missouri. Every Inch was fought for v.lth bitter tenacity ; every attempted encroachment was resisted wltn matchless courage , but steadily on ward came the Kniisans , pushing Missouri backward to defeat. Time and again the men of Missouri rallied. They built barri cades of human bodies , but the Kanaans plowed through them. They cri-cted hu man walls , but the Kaiisaus scaled them. They wriggled ) through the line. They Sllded around the cmlu. They bombarded : ho center. The Jayhawk sunk his talons Into the Tiger's scalp and ripped his glossy coat with his beak. "Go after him , Missouri , " cried the ex cited thousands. "llockehnlk , Jayhawk K. U. , " thundered the Kansami. The score , 30 to 0 , with the additional InFormation - Formation that the. Kansas goal was never In danger for u mlnuto , tells the story. The Mlsfourlcns were outclassed nnd could never do inoro tlmn retard thp progrt-SH of the Kaimans. The game might have been twice ug loni ; mid Missouri would not have scored. They never even got the bull Into Kanran territory except nt the kick-offs. The grounds were soggy and muddy , which added tti the advantage of Kansas' greater weight and training. The KaiiHuns avorngi'd 23 years old and ISt pounds In weight. The Mlssourluns , 21 years and 103 pounds. The crowd numbered 8,000. Twenty-five men from the University of Minnesota. Including the foot ball It-am from hat Institution , which will pluy the Kaunas University cloven here on Saturday , were consplcuoUH In the grand Htum ) . At 2.30 o'clock Daln , the Blnux Iinllnn , who IB one of the stum of the Knniun tvnin , kicked off to the furtr-flvc-yard line , i\uj U wan aoou | apparent that the lighter Mlnsourlans would bo no match for Kaunas. After seven min utes of play , Hester scored a touchdown , nnd kicked n goal. Heeler scored n second touchdown , after a plunge through left tneklo nnd n brilliant run of forty-live ynrdH , anil kicked n goal. The first half , ( tided with the neoro Blandlng. Kanins , 12 ; Mlnsnurl. 0. .In the nccond half the Mln- , Hourlau * put up a stubborn defense , but , they could not withstand the Kansas rush , and , after a desperate struggle , IIMn tore i around Missouri's right-end , made a thirty- I five-yard run for n touchdown , and lleslor j kicked his third goal. After this. In rapid . Riieecniiloii , the touchdowns fallowed , nnd goals were kicked , making the final score 30 i to 0 In favor of Kansas. The llncvup : | Kntmn * 30. Po. ltlon . .Missouri 0. Whitney right cm ! IJInnton Foster right tackle Conloy I Morao rlijht guard Whitney ! Walker renter J. III ! ) I FIt ) ! | ( itrck ! left Runrd W. Hill , Hninlll left tackle llrnndou . S.indprsnn loft i-ml Slnnt-tt I Ki-nncdny qtmrti-r bar-It Evans Ilnlnp right half SwenrlngiMi VolRhtH b'tt half Shnwbun Hester full buck Tueki-r Hcfen-e : Mudd of St. Louis , formerly of 1'ulvrrslty of Virginia , t'mplro : Fred Cor nell , Lincoln. Neb. Linesmen : Lieutenant Smith , for Knnvns ; Price , for MNsourl. Whitney , right end for Kansas , nnd Tucker , fullback for Missouri , were taken from the llolil In n police ambulance. Whit ney wcfl hurt In the stomach , possibly rup tured , and Tucker was suffering from tin Injury of the head. The others of Missouri's Injured were not seriously hurt. CDll.VKI.I , Cl-Vr.S TWO TOUCHDOWNS. Ullili-a I. Mils ( VO-.S | | H. I'rntis.vlvilllln lioul I , tinTivlii - , PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 20. Pennsylvania , 32 ; Cornell , 10. And the agony Is over for this season. The Pennsylvania foot ball eleven wound up the season of ' 98 this afternoon by playIng - Ing pretty much the same kind of n game she has 'done all along ; nt times brilliant , at other times It would have put to shame a lot of school boys. Cornell played a really brilliant game throughout. With the exception of llassford , their play was almost perfect , and had it not been for the fact the team was so much lighter than the red nnd blue , there would not have been thirty-two points scored against them. There were very few attempts at tricks by cither team. The Interference of the Cor nell team was always up to the standard , which partially accounts for the brilliant dashes by Heacham and McKccver. It was duo almost entirely to the great playing of Cornell's bachfleld that both of tholr touch downs were made. Hy steady plunges Into the line nnd an occasional run around the ends , McKcovcr , Ritchie and Heacham got the ball over the red and blue goal Hue twice- . These players seemed to bo nil over the field at the same time , and the playing of Leo and Tausslg ou the ends was also brilliant. They got down under kicks re markably fast , ami tackled like ( lends. On account of the light line their defensive play did not shine out so brilliantly as did their interference , but there were very few long gains around the ends by the men In Pennsylvania's back Held. Except when the red and blue eleven were overtaken with that tired feeling , they played the game they are capable of. That terrible battering rnm was worked occa sionally during the entire game , and Wood ruff . Minds , Farrar , Uffenhelmer nnd Whnrton all went Into the line headfore most , never falling to gain from one to ten yards. This sort of play was Interspersed with an occasional revolving wedge , In which Uffenhelmer was almost always used , and by some good end runs In which Gel- bcrt , lloyle , Dickinson , Morrlco and Minds were the bright particular stars. There was very little fumbling by either team , but some bad passing by the quarterbacks caused both to suffer considerably. The red nnd blue were penalized twice for off side ploy and once for holding , while the Cornell boys were set back flvo yards on two different occasions for offside playing. STORY OF THE GAMR. "When Referee Mills of Yale blew his whistle for play. It was estimated tliat there were 17,000 persons , within the big field. The sight was a beautiful one. The sun shone out with all Its brilliance' and the beautiful red and blue nnd red and whlto colors everywhere In the hugo stands tnado a grand one to look at It. The llrst scoring occurred when Ritchie fell on a blocked kick for a safety. Gelbert scored the first touchdown on a trick pass , but no gael was kicked. Score : Pennsylvania , C ; Cornell , 0. Cornell made some long gains , In which Ilcacham was a particular star. Ho made one run of twenty-live yards , and again when the ball was on Pennsylvania's twcnty-flve-yard line ho skirted the red and blue's left end for a touchdown. Goal missed. Score : Pennsylvania , G ; Cornell , 4. Quick , hard -rushing carried the ball rapIdly - Idly down the Held , Minds scoring nnd a goal kicked. Score : Pennsylvania , 12 ; Cornell . Again the Phlladolphlans rapidly ad vanced , and when near Cornell's line Uffen- hclmcr scored a touchdown by the revolving wedge. Score : Pennsylvania , IS ; Cornell , 4. The first half ended with this score. After the beginning of the second half Cornell was the llrst to score. On a fumble kick Cornell got the ball on Pennsylvania's twcnty-flve-yard line , and IJcacham ad vanced It close to the line , Ritchie scoring the touchdown and kicking goal. Scorn : Pennsylvania , 18 ; Cornell , 10. Pennsylvania scored rapidly after this , touchdowns being made by Woodruff , Hoylc and \5ffen- heimcr. Only ono of the three goals wan kicked. The play of Gelbert in the last half was a great feature. The teams lined up ns follows : Pennsylvania 32 Positions. Cornell 10. lloyli- . left end . Traeey ( Leo ) I'lfenhi-lmer . left tackle . Whlto Woodruff . left guard . Heed Overlleld . center . I'Ymu-I ' Whnrton . right guard . Clink Fnrrur . rlsht tackle . Swi-ctlnnil Dlckson . right end . Taunslf ; , Weeks . quarterback . Bansforil i Gelbert . left Imlfbaiik . McKeevor i Mori-Ice . right Imlfback . Hcachnin Minds . fullback . ItlU'lile Touchdowns : Golbert , Minds. I'lT'-n- lielmcr , 2 ; Woodruff , lloyle , Uoaehnni. llllrhli * . ( loalH : Woodruff , 3 ; llltchle , 1. Safety : Ritchie. Heft-roe : Mills , Ynle. Umpire : Paul rviBhlcl , Lehlgb. Linesman : CoiiKdon , DiirtHinoulh. Time : Thlrty-flvc-mlnutu halves. Itiillit-f Tim n Piny , PKOHIA , 111. , Nov. 20Tho Eureka college - lego font ball team defeated Illinois col lege , Jacksonville , nt Pekin this nfternoon liy n score of II ) to 4. Throe fights between ( he players were stopped by theshorll'C of Tim-well county. No one was Ht-rloimly njured. though for u time the came tlirc-at- encil to develop Into n free-for-all light. PE1N PICTURED PLRASANTLiY AND POINTELDJ Y PTTT J I'rlccH on Cuiislfjucd Oriental HUKS taklmra. : i.2.ii ; is.t)0 ) Jai'iitf , : u.\ri.i iiii.no I'or.slau , S.lxlii , 107.00 IliiiilouHtiin , S.nxlll 1-17.00 Khiva. o.s.n < ! r.o.00 HtiliiiduiT. T.tixll.U WI.OO i-'oiviiHu. .s.ri.xiofi ri.'ir o fihlorilcs , D.'JMl.O T.'i.OO I'crslaii , ll.l.\l-l.n iiuri.no Atmlolu. 1.7.\'J.O ? ri.50 fflilonli-s. l.lOsfl -1.75 orp. 1.IJ.\ li,75 ifvatui , Jl.'x-l.ll D.OO Omaha Carpet Co , 1515 Dodge HUMBLES1 JIICIITY MICHIGAN . i. Chicago TJnltfottlty Gets a Qamo from Am Arbor's Contingent. RESULT AGAIN , , TURNS ON A SAFETY I'linlliiK HitllrlKli ' ' 'of 11 ( , 'loNt- mill .of .Knot Hull. CHICAGO , Nov. 2fl. in the big building In which nvo months ago W. J. Bryan was nominated for the presidency 1G.OOO cheer ing fool ball enthusiasts saw the eleven of the University ot Chicago defeat the strong cloven from the Unlveisity of Michigan In ono of the most desperately contested games over played In Chicago. The result was n surprise to everybody , for although the Chicago cage cloven professed Iho utmost confidence of winning , this feeling was not shared by their supporters , who at best hoped for thorn lo hold their opponents down to a small score. To Herschbcrger , Chicago's full back , belongs the honor of winning the game. Ills punting was one of the features nnd his I goal from the field , kicked from the forty- yard line , went cleanly between the goal posts. He easily outclassed Hogg , the Ann Arbor full back , and time and again his long kicks saved his team. Chicago could do but llttlo with Michigan's line , most of her gains being on end plays , In which she displayed splendid Interference , 01 by the kicking of Hcrschbergcr. ' Hninlll nnd Firth , the Chicago ends , both distinguished them selves by some very pretty tackling. On the Michigan side , Plngree , In the llrst half , was the "whole thing , " the plucky llttlo fellow seldom falling to make the required distance. Ho was , however , forced to retire - tire In the second half , his place being taken by. Herbert , who was equally effective. Michigan made frequent use of the famous Princeton tackle and guard back plays , which were very effective. INDOOR GAMES ALL RIGHT. But few tricks , however , were resorted to by either side , both relying on straight , hard foot ball. One thing nt least , was set tled by the game , and that Is that Indoor foot ball Is , literally and figuratively speak ing , a howling success. The men had no trouble In catching punts , nnd foot ball was played on its merits without the handicaps of a wet field or a strong wind. Toward the end of the second half It got very dark and In * spectators were treated to a nov elty In the shape of foot ball by electric light. The elements seemed all In favor or the game. The "frequent squalls of rain made outdoor foot ball almost a swimming match , nnd the strong south wind rendered punting , one of'the points nf foot ball which everyone understands and appreciates , out of the question for the side which was un fortunate omluch 'tn bo playing against the wind. The sheltering walls of the big Coil- scum obviated all this nnd the game was played on a field "that was Ideal In Its fool ing. The scent-'wis a brilliant one : on all sides of ( he field ( vcro the waving colors of the rival colleges , with hero and there n sprinkling of.thocardinal ) of Wisconsin and the blue of Ynle , the rod nnd white of Cor nell and the yellow and black of Prince ton. In the boxes-along the side lines were many groups of payly dressed women with their escorts. ' The "box parties , " In fact , wcro not tin.least Interesting feature of the game , rqplaclng as they did to a cer tain extent } jiq C9achlng parties which , of course , were , imppsslblo. The noise was simply terrific. Every mother's son and daughter scamod lit be possessed of a tin horn and a dutermln tlon to blow Its mouth piece throng the , lip ! ! . Class and.collpirc yells and songs of'oil " kinds were started up with or" > vlliAut" ( ' provocation , and 'at times the play had'lo'bb stopped on account of the Inability of the players to hear the ' ' ' ' signals. 'i ' The result d'e.cldedly.complicates the situ ation ns regard ? the western championship. Every team , with the exception ot Wiscon sin , has now suffered nt least ono defeat , and Its tie with Northwestern today gives It but little ground for claiming the cham pionship. GREAT EXHIBITION OF KICKING. llirschborgor kicked off nt 1:35 : for Chicago to Michigan's five-yard line. Pingrcc brought It back nvo yards. Carr gained three yards , and there Michigan was given ton yards for off-side playing. 'Michigan then began a persistent attack on Chicago's tackles , but the Maroons' line held surpris ingly well , and secured Iho coveted leather ' line. After on Michigan's thlrly-three-ynrd two tries nt the Michigan line , Hlrschbergcr tried for goal from the Held , but failed by about a foot , nnd the ball was punted out line. Hlrschberger to the twcnty-flve-yard advanced the leather three yards , but the Maroons could not advance the necessary distance on the next three plays , and Mich igan secured It on downs on their twenty- flvc-yard lino. Michigan then began to attack the Ma roon line , but were unable to penetrate It , and Hogg was forced to punt to the fifty- yard line. Chicago lost the ball Immediately on a fuiublc. but got It back n moment after for holding In the line. The ball changed hands several times In the next few minutes , but always In Michigan's ter ritory. On a blocked kick Michigan was forced to maku a safety touchdown , scoring two for the Maroons amidst the terrific charge. The ball' was then brought out to the twcnty-fivo-yard line and punted. A moinont after Hlrschberger made a beau tlful goal from the forty-yard line , making the score 7 to 0 In the Maroons' favor. Michigan then played dtspcrato foot ball and twice biought the bnll down to Chicago's ten-yard line , but each tlmo Chicago ral lied gr.indly nnd secured the ball on downs. Plngrco mc.de ono beautiful run around the Maroons' left for twenty yards , but it was of no avail and time for the first half was called with the ball In possession oi Michigan on Chicago's thirty-five yard line. There were changes in each eleven when they appeared on the field for the second 1ialf. For Michigan' llttlo Plngreo. who was suffering from a bad ankle , was replaced by 'Fcrbort , Drumboller going In at quarter back. 0. Clark took Coy's place at right half back for Chicago , "Ikey" going In aa quarter back. It had grown so dark that It was Impc tihlo to distinguish the players and a long wrangle eiiMicd , both teams claiming that At , vvai , $ too dark to play. Thou sands of inrtc/jps / , > ypro lighted by the crowd , making a flnq fTcu. The bands struck np. Wilson Bros. $1. , " 0 wliltu Kliirls. ? ! . : ! . " Hlllc KiirU-i'H . - < > < . ' ' ' Night Klilrts. . . . . -IBi ! Wllmm HroH , wliltu uhlrlH. . . . ! > "c ( iiiyot HUspiMNU'i's . ' " ' ! Silk HUH , all Kinds . ur.u . colored lumliT ( ; . . , ! ! ' / ( ( ionil collarrt . . 1 - ' / ( : ' ( jo-ln outing llaniH'I nlKlit Hlilrt.Sl.oo KliI and Moc-lm glovow . $1.00 ( Sootl llm-d glimi . ? > . 0 Wntcr iiiult'rwpfir , ciu-li . fiO .Sux , black or tan . I'-/dc ' Albert Calm , Mall order * 1322 Farnam filled always. "Tell Tliem that You Paw Me , " which the crowd took up. Hogg kicked to the goal line , Hlrsrhbrrgor bringing the leather back ntteen yards , .lust ns ho wns tackled he kicked to the Michi gan ( oriy-ard line. The ball wont to Chicago cage on a quarterback kick but they soon lost It for holding In the line , Hogg punted to Chicago's forty-live yard llne.Hlrschborger bringing It back llfteen yards. Hlrachbcrger wan coon forced to punt , sending the bnll to Hogg en the Jive-yard line. The ball tl'tn went frrmi side lo side , Inilh shirs punt ing frequently. Hy th'a ' time It bed grown very dark , and the players were dllilcult to distinguish. This fact materially nlded Michigan , and they slowly forced the ball down the field until finally HennliiRrr was forced over for a touchdown. Kerhert kicked an easy gonl. A few moments after this tlu electric lights wcio turned on. and the vnst crowd enjcyed the novelty of font ball by clrctrle llg'it. Michigan played desperately for another touchdown , and for n tlmo It looked as If she would succeed , but Chicago finally stopped her , and Hlrschbcrger at oneo punted the leather out of danger. When time was called the ball was in Chi cago's possession on Michigan's forty-yard lino. The final score was 7 to 0 in favrr of Chicago. The llnc-ip : : Chlengo 7. Position. Mlehlpnn-0 Kl rth left end Knrnlmm Mortimer left tackle Vlllu Webh . . .left guard Cnrr C'livnunugh centerVoinbaohoi Tooktr right guard Ilonm-tt Iloby right taeklo Hennlnger 1 In mill right end ( Jreenlenf Clarke quarterback Ki-rbcrt Gardner left hulfhnrlt Pliigri-c Toy light Imlthnck Cnloy Herschbcrger. . . . fullback Hogg VI2KY ( "MINI * ( i.XMiAT : HVAXHTOX rntvrrslly of ( 'lilcnirn mill \ VlsiiiNtn Klt-vriiH I'luy it l > rn\v , CHICAGO , Nov. 20. The game between the Northwestern University and the Uni versity ot Wisconsin resulted in a tic , 6 to 0 Wisconsin won the tons and took the south goal , with the wind blowing such a gale from the south that the ball scarcely couli ! bo kept In pcsltlon long enough to kick It. The ball when Potter kicked It oft was down on the Wisconsin twcnty-flvc-o'ard line. Then there was a return kick by Wisconsin that carried the ball to Northwratcrn's nf- tecn-yard lln'o , to which It kept In close proximity nearly through the first half. H waa mass against mass , with a few quick p.iAsrs and the ball traveled back and forth , getting close to Northwcstern'a goal , when Karel made a short dash with It and WIG downed by Potter. Northwestern had the advantage of the wind In the second half , but made llttlo more use of It than Wiscon sin had In the first. The ball moved stead ily Into Wisconsin's territory from the first. Tlicro was scarcely a halt or a backward movement till It had reached the Hadgcrs' fifteen-yard lino. There was a ullght lese which Van Doaser recovered by carrying the ball close to Wisconsin's five-yard line before ho was down. There was a halt while an ugly cut over the eye of Wisconsin's cap tain , the only serious mishap of the game , was patched up. Then the ball was carried by Sloan over the Wisconsin goal line and the flrat touchdown was scored , the goal following. When the play opened again , Sloan , Northwcatern's fullback , sent the ball over the heads ot both elevens and dropped It at Richards' fcot. Llttlo by llttlo the ball was pushed toward Northwcstorn's goal l y Wisconsin men. Finally at the llfteen- yard line the men of Northwestern rallied mightily and held the advancing line for four downs. Hut it was of llttlo avail , for when Northwcstern's quarterback called for a kick and the ball was pa eil back It missed its mark and rolled over the goal line. Hrewcr foil on It after a gallant at tempt by Sloan , and Wisconsin had scored. The goal was easy and the score was tied with eight minutes of play remaining. When the pluy was begun again the ball swayed back and forth over the center ncld like the bob of a pendulum. Finally It went well down the field toward Northwestern's goal. Then Sloan came to the rescue. H'is ' foot struck the ball with a thud and It went high Into the air ' and down to Wisconsin's nftbcii-.yard line. When time was called the hall wns still close to that point. The lineup : Northwestern C. Position. Wisconsin 0. Glass. . . . , right end Urower Andrews right tai-klu 1'yro Coverings right guard Ily.an Peiirce center Comstock Thorno left guard It Ionian McClusky left tackle Atkinson Siberia left rnd Sheldon Hunter quarterback McPlienton Vim Oooser left halflmnk Kim-1 Potter right halfbick : Peel Sloane fullback Iclclmrd.s IIHOWXVIXS F1IOM THU INDIANS. You Mir Mi-n from Itlulilc Island Too .Miit-li fin- Hit * CiirlllItinvcM. . NEW YORK , Nov. 26. One of the most Interesting games of foot ball that has ever lieen played In this vicinity was that which took place this afternoon on Manhattan Hold betweett the teams representing Hrown university and the Carlisle Indian school , nnd which resulted in n score of 21 to 12 for Hrown. There were many exciting Inci dents , and , although the result was disas trous to thu Indians , their play was excel lent , considering the hard work the eleven lias been doing during the season. The In dians were looked upon by the knowing ones as sure victors , but the Hrown university boys more than held their own , and , thanks to the brilliant pluy of Fultz , Gammons , Hall and Colby In the first half , they tied the score , with half a dozen points regis tered for each team. Hy brilliant play the Indians got the ball within three feet of Brown's goal line , when the referee called tlmo for the ending of the first half. Noth ing daunted by the marvelous work done by the Ubodo Island students , the Indians came up smiling for the second half , but In this they were outplayed entirely , owing to the magnificent work of Fnllz and Gammons , whoso long and sensational runs wcro the features of the game : Fully 10.000 people witnessed the game. The teams lined up ns follows : Ilrown 21. Position. Carlisle 12. Murphy left end Jainl. on Casey left tackle H. Plwo Wheelur left guard Whoeloek Dyer center Iom Wolf Comb : ! right guard..11. Pierce , dipt , hoeko right UKkle SIorrlHon ; 'Imst' rlsrhl i-mi Miller ' 'olby , Cnpt.iunrti'rbiick ( Hudson OummoiiH left halfback Cnyou Fully. right halfback. . . . MeFarlaml Hull fullback Metofeir SolilltTN Oiitplny .Sailor * . WKST POINT , Nov. 2-1. The tars of the ) : ittleshlp Indiana , commanded by "Flght- ngHob" Kvuns , lined up for n unniu of 'oot ball heio thl.s forenoon with the Post oam , comiirHIng onllHtcil tiu-n from thu iirloiis dctarhmintH. The post team won > y a st-oru of IS to 1. Qnr new "otli century Hhot > for ladle.fl Is thu most liiciiuiii | i'liciislhli > mystery to dealers yet brought out -It's a III.VK- ' lery to them how we can well It for S.00--l'K ! ! whetted L ouiielltloll | to It sharp eilftelir.st Iliey make them good | and HOW they've cut the price to us , our ladK-rt" box calf lioih century shoe Is made with heavy soles and pointed loos-and IH the wonder of the century the Ki'oateM woii'ler about It Is Ihe price ? ; i.OOwhen you see 11 you'll be con vinced tlnil you are getllu Hie $5.00 contiiry 'ivii though our price Is ! ? ; ! .00. i Drexei Shoe Co. Bund f r our . 1419 Farna in ' irnu'd nut. > u 111 t T ni > IT 1 TIM\ * Till P'l'HO BliAl BhAN-MlhR AllILhlhS Chicago A , A. Mrthcs it n Dismal Day for Mnsjacliusotts Men , WESTERN WEIGHT TURNS THE SCALES Clr of Ilio .MIhlX | .Aim of Hit U'lmly ( MIy Ovi-ri'tiiiu'N Ilio Cuiini'i- Hi. ' I'.IVolo CHICAGO , Nov. 20. On the old Urothcr- hood baaoball field , Wentworll avcnuo nnd Thirty-fifth street , the foot ball teama representing the Huston Athletic club nnd the Chicago Athletic elub lined up today for their nnnu.i foot ball inmo. ; The prcspocts all favored a rather easy victory for tiio Uostonlans , as the Chicago team was at best n patchcd-ui affair , the loss by suspension about three weeks ago of llv-p of Its best players on a charge of professionalism having made a hole that so late In the s-o.ieon was Impos sible to properly fill , nnd making pracll rally a new and untried team of it. Op posing them was a team that has met defeat but once this season , and that from Ynle Nevertheless , the Chicago men , considering the short tlmo they have played together were In remarkably good form and confident of at least holding their opponents down tea a small score. As to comparative weights of the two elevens Chicago had the advan tage , with an average weight of about 1S2 pounds , while that of the Tlostnn playeis was but IT ! pounds. The weight of the east ern team was , however , more evenly dis tributed. The sun did not shlno on the battle be tween I ho east nnd the west. This morning great nmro < cs of clouds Hew ncros ? the bay and threatened to drench the players of the Hojlon nnd Chicago Athletic clubs nnd the great throng of npectntors with torrents of rain. The low field was soft and upongy with the rain of the early morning nnd the nnvdtist poured Into the- worst puddlcn Hew aerosii the nky like sand In n dexert storm. The Hold boxes were crowded with people who crouched under umbrellas nnd rubber coverings. Russell , the stocky center from the Hub. kicked off to Sinter at 11:25 : , who returned It twenty yards. Chicago foiled to pain ami Slater kicked to Boston's thirty-yard line , where It was caught bv Curtis , who was knocked senseless. Ilullard and Fennessy made good gains , but a fumble by Graham nave the ball ta Chicago , and Slater nnd Shoppnrd were taken by resistless rushes to Ilcston's goal line , across which. In splto of the drsnerato defense , Slater was punned for a touchdown. Graham , the stocky Hos- ton quarterback , was Injured In the last scrimmage and Hurn.i took his place. Score : I to 0 In favor of Chicago. First half : After several gains by Chl- eago. Itoston kicked to Draper , who ran Irom the center for n touchdown , but failed to kick the goal. Score : S to 0. Hoston forced the fighting from the be ginning of the second half and nt the very out.iut made a gain of thirty yards. The boys from the Hub played a dopperate game , but were unable to make material headway against the uhlr-ago men. Slater and Draper player with line interference , gaining five and ten yards at a time through the line and around the end. Finally Chicago got the ball and brought It back to the center , having made fifteen yards on the cc-eond down. Hoston tnen took the ball and Italian ! and Fennewoy advanced with It savagely. The bnll went down again on Chicago's thirty-yard line. Chicago rallies and again "eeures the ball. Chicago's Invincible Draper advanced five yards and ten yards at a time. Draper run forty yards through tnckh- with out Interference. Hall on Chicago's thirty- yard line , but Draper pushed across for the third touchdown. Score , 12 to 0 , In favor of Chicago. Chicago failed to kick goal. Boston men admit that Chicago Is playing all around them , but are fighting hard. The Hostons then went through the Chicago line with n magnificent datm , Ilullard making a touch down and kicking goal , leaving the ( score 12 to C. In favor of Chicago , when time was called and the contest ended. The teams lined up : H. A. C.-C. Position. C. A. C.-12. Hortoii left cud Thompson Hnrtt-r left tneklo Baser rvintz left guan ! liowirs Uuscel center Paulmnn Wilson Hunt Ktinrd Iteaeh Nemoyne rlfjbt tackle Slionn.ird Duller right end llader Graham quarterback McDaniols I'urtls left Imlfback Slater Hullard rlBlit Imlfback Hatr-ly Fennessy full back Draper ' Hey Kllli-il at Pool Hall. NEW YOIIK. Nov. 20. Walter L. niiue , i JO-yenr-old boy , who resided with his larcnts In Itiooklyn , was killed In n game of foot ball at the I'nrdco grounds this ifternoou. Ho wns a member of the lirook- yn Hoys' Hlnh school loam and the Seneca 'oot ball team. The Sciu-cns played with ho team of til" Manual Training school No. 2 , Hhiir- being the right halfback. The ml was tackled and thrown heavily to Hit- ; rouml. When lie rose be wns hardly nblo 0 stand , and fell aijaln almost Immediately , ile cllcd Mum lifter from an Internal hem- orrluiKu. I'l-iiiivylvaiilii AVION ( he Itiin. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 20. The minimi cross-country run between teams repre senting PciuiiiRylvnnln , and Cornell look > lace today previous to their annual foot iall KOIIH- . The teams wore : IVnnsylvnnla , Orion , Mi'ekllng , ( limit anil Cuati-s ; Cor- ii-ll , Ilarn-ti. Schrlvcr , Imvisou and fort-nil e-e. Orion finished llrsl. Giant xtc'ond , Tor- unco ( Cornell ) third , McoklliiB fourth , 'oatos fifth , Dnvlson sixth , and Schrlevur list. " Killed at a 111..veliIt.ire. . . NEW ORLEANS , Nov. M.-Hobt-rt Ken- icdy , mmmsi-r of the Thomas Lynch , while attempting to cross I lie stn-et nt Tulane 1 venue nt thestnrt of thu bU-yele road raceii , was knocked down by a wbee-1 rid- Irn by A. Orr. Mr. Keniudy bad I ho hunt- of his skull fractured. He WUB taken to the Charily hospital mid died u few min utes afu-rwiinl Orr wno pretty badly shaken up , but not seriously Injured' ' 1,1-Iaail Slanfm-il on Top. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. SG. This city Is being palntul a bright red tonight , for Stanford won the annual foot ball ( 'amo from the University of California by a suoiu of 20 to 0 , und thu crimson colors of the J'ulo Alto men are1 vt-ry miic-li In ovl- i denee. Flfleeii thousand people saw the game , which was too one-fldixl to bo very \Vt- are tlio Hlii'ot music of tliu wwit-nlwiiyw nil Ilio popular tlilc.s ou Imml. 'J'liousiunls anil tliou- Bauds of jili-ces at ( IIH ; cent up. Uui > wliolo Klili ! ot our Ktofo Is devoted to HlllK'l MHISll ! IllO llll'KI'Ht Hlll-i-t IIIHHil ! stock In tlio on tire west Tlicuvo < lilitiio doalofs , and of them nil wonri1 most proud of the Klmliall It IK the1 liMvi-Mt priced hlKh ra < lo Instrument on curtli.'o rent It. trade It. or ncll It on the wiHlcst kind of terms. 1'Iaiio stools , $1.00. A. Hospe , Jr. niul Art 1513 ( 'Selling. The I'lilverKlty of rnllforuln was outplayed nt every point. Its line wan too weak to wltliMiiml tin * rushes of Hlutiford'H heavy men , mid the won row of the orlm- non wnlked up and down the Held almost ns thry pleased. _ _ Mnlier unit I.uyton DI-IMV. PINE Itl.t'FP , Ark. , Nov. 26. "Shadow" Mabcr of Australia nnd Hilly I < nytnn of Now York fought before the Pine Hlnff Athletic club toulKht for . - . purao of J. i-v Three hundred people saw tinoontett mill It wan the best nmtch yet pulled on i - - fore the club. Mnbor had the best of tl < . - lighting , but us both men cre on th.-.r root at the end of the tlftcenth round the referee decldi-d the tight a draw. tied ( late N ( 'biiiiiiilnii. HKD OAK , In. , Nov. W.-Sn-clnl ( | T.'le- gram.-Thi- ) Oak High nchool foot li-'ll team defeated Iho Council ItlulTs Hli.ii sehool team here today , si-i-re 11 to 0. TeH Rives Hcd Oak the chaiiii > liui hlp of l i V nnd Nclirastta , founell llluffs h.ivlnir . ! - ' feateil the Nebraska champions nnd Hi Onk having defeated the ohamplon I Molnes team. Hcd O.iU has not losl a pan thla Coltioilila A. ( ' . II > -IM ( InArmy. . WASHINGTON , Nov. Si ) OilU-lnl clrcl.-s III Washington were largely represi utt .1 tbls aflernoon nt Iho foot ball match in- twcen the t'oluinbla Athlesie club nnd Mm team comiinii-d of army men from F.ut Monroe , which Columbia won , Id to 0. Ui n- ' ! ' crnl Mlk" > mid other olllclnls of the W. > r ' : department were In attendance , bc"M s irany of Washington's prominent iuiit lights. _ Scli-allNls Heat Wilci'ii 1l > ni-rvi > . CLEVELAND , Nov. 2fl.-Tlu weather lo- dny was superb for fool ball , mid mi i unr- nious crowd of enthusiasts gathered nt League paik to wllmss the closing liatllrt of the. season bctuien the teams ivpiv- sentliiB the Wt-sti rn llcervi > nnlvci "Hy nnd the Case School of Applied Selene.- . The Html score was : W. H. t' . , 8 ; COBO school 12. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11. A. C. Ccts ii Siii'in-Ue. I > ENVEH , Nov. 28. The foot ball team of the Colorado State university at HouUler today defeated the Denver Athletic club eleven by a score of S to fi. The weather was very cold , the mercury reKlsterhiK 10 above zero. The result wns n surprise. a- < the bi-ttlnj ; had been In favor of the Den ver club. Sioux KM I Is Detents Viiiililint. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. . Nov. 2fi.-Specl-il ( Telegram. ) In the storm of sleet and rain , 'ttlth ' a heavy wind and sJmrp air , Sioux Falls' eleven defeated Ymikton on the grid iron tbls nfternoon by u score of 10 to o. In Hplto of Iho weather m-vcrnl hundred enthusiasts attended nnd cheered the vic tors. " v , I' , of \ . C. U'lpeil Out. HICHMONU. Vn. . Nov. M. The foot li.ill cloven from the University of North Cam- Una met with n crushing defeat here to day al ( he bands of Its old opponents from the University of Virginia , the score being 4 ( ! to 0. The latter team by Its victory la the champion of the south for 1M > 0. uli Schools IMay In tinMini. . CEDAH HAPIDS , la. . Nov. 28. ( Specl.il Tc'egiam ) The Cedar Haplds High school foot hall team defeated the Iowa City Hi.h school team oil the Coo college gridiron , II to I. this afternoon. The game \\.is played In tin- rain mid mud. Lafayette \Vlos from the Mlilclles. ANNAPOLIS. Mil. , Nov. 2u.-Tho La fay- etto 'college eleven defeated the nav.il cadets today by a score of IS to P. . Tin- visitors did not score In the ttrst half , nor the cadets In the last half. Has a Snap. IIALTIMOUE , Md. , Nov. 2fi. The Lobluh university team outplayed that of the Maryland Athletic oltib nt almost every mint , the llnal Hcore being 21 ! to 0 In Lc- ilgh'B favor. l''oot Hall lliillelhis. INDIANAI OLIS , Nov. 2ti.-liidiannpolls Atliletlc club , II ; University of Indiana , 0. PITTSHUUG , Nov. 28. Dnqucsm0 ; Washington and Jefferson . PITTSHUIUJ , Pa. , Nov. 2rt Athletic cl'ih. O ; I'nhei-sity of West Virginia. 0. MEMPHIS. Nov. -Memphis ' ! Athletic cltlh , 0 ; Nashville Athletic club. 20. SPHLVOFIELD. O. , Nov.Wittenberg , 2 ; OtU'i-belii , o. LAFAYETTE. Ind. , Nov. 21 ! . Perdlin linl- erslty , I ; University of Illinois ( Chmn- lalKiiI. ) . t LIMA , Ind. . Nov. 2G. Howe Military school. .1 ; HlllFtlalc college , 0. COLUMHUS , O. . Nov.Kenyon college , 11 : Ohio State university , IS. METHO1T , Mich. , Nov. 20. Albion college. 0 : Detroit Athleticinli. ! . Hi. HETHOIT. Mich. , Nov. 2 < i. Agnes college. Chle.ii.0. 20 ; Detroit college , 0. KANESVILLE. O. Nov. 2G.-Xnncsvlllo \tliletlc cluli. 10 : Dennlson university. 6. CIHLLICOTHE , O. , Nov. 2G. Atheu uiil- erslty , 22 ; Chllllcothe Younx Men's chili. S. KNOXVILLE. T.-nn. , Nov. 26.-Uulverslty > f Tennessee , 3 ; Central University of Keii- ueky 0. NASHVILLE Tciin. Nov. , , 25-Vmuler- bllt university , 10 : Suwanee . AUSTIN , Tex. , Nov. 2i-Stato ! unlvur.slty , 2 ; Dallas.I. . CINCINNATI. O. , Nov.Cincinnati inlverslly , 12 ; Central University of Ki n- ucky. 12. HPIMNnFIELn , Mo. , Nov. 2-nmry ( ! col- leiro , I ! . ' : University of Arkansas. 0. MinDLETOU'N. Conn. , Nov. 2G.-Now Jer sey Athletic club , 12 ; Wcsleyan univer sity. 10 NEW OHLEANS. Nov. Sil.--Tulnne univer sity , 14 ; University of Mississippi , 0. Dm I IIH of 11 Day. PARIS , Nov. 20. M. Frances Victor Eniaiiucl Arago , formerly French ainbaimdor at Berne , Is dead. He wns born In 1S12 and was a nuphnw or the famouH lltoratcnr and .statesman , Etleuno Arago. In 1810 ho rcpre- fcentod Franco nt Berlin. After Sedan ho wan a member ot the government ot tlio national defense. DHCATIW. Neb. . Nov. 23.--Special. ( ) Howard Page , : in old resident of this place , died this morning at his homo of blood poi soning. Remains will be hurled tomorrow. LVWRI3NCM , Kan. , Nov. 2G. Thomas It. Bayno tiled suddenly last night of Inllaiii- nmtloa of the stomach , lie cnmo to Kan sas In 1S5I , was the first sheriff of Jefferson county , .ind served in the legislature in ISKi. SUTTON , Nob. , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) Mis. J. A. Shaffer , formerly of Sutton , died at Strain ; and was burled hero today. She w.i * a sUtor of Mrs. Dr. Chirk. Two other t'i ' - torji , MrsWray and Mrs. Kurtz , came from Cleveland lo oltend tlic funeral. LONDON , Nov. i'O. C'oventry Patmoro , thu author. Is dead. LONDON , Nov. 27. Lady Jane Henrietta Swlnhuruo , mother of Al&'rncn ' Clinrlci : Swliibnrne , the poet , died today. She as the widow of Admiral Charlus Henry Swin- burno and daughter of ticorgo , the third earl of AHhburnham. LONUON , Nov. 27. Sir F. Nnplcr Broome , governor of the Island of Trinidad , who was staving In London on a finlough , died yct.- lerday. Alwayt ) wlicti you read or wrllo xoe to It Unit tlio light I'oincs over your shoulder don't let It Hlilnu In your oyi'.s Your oyc.s iicud all Hit- care yiii can Klvo tli'-ni ' They are about tin- Unit oi'fjaiiH loviar out for no other rcatinn than that tln-y ot tlio IcuHt caiv \\'o'd \ Ilialo trunt your < > yeHglit ! we know liuw-wo do It Hclt'iillllually our ( > llitholnioiicoili. ) | ( CHI IH Int'alllblu lt ntivor fallH to dolcct tlio HllghtcKt de fect then the remedy In < > at < y Come lu and talk It ovur. Aloe & Penfold Co Hl n nf 1408 Farmiiu I.lo In frnut.