Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1896, Image 1

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American Society Fittingly Celebrates
Thanksgiving Day.
UnlInl Slnten AiulniNMiiliir IHnex with
Hie Uiteeu nt WlnilNiir , lint HIM
\nino IN I'rnlHeil liy All
tin ; Siieiikerx.
LONDON , Nov. 20. The cccond Thanks
giving dinner of the American society took
place thin evening In the grand hall of tbo
Hotel Cecil. Mr. Henry S. Welcome , chair
man of the inclcty , presided In the absence
of the United States ambassador who , with
Mrs. Bayard , wan "commanded" to dine
with the queen at Windsor castle. The din
ner was on a more elaborate scale than
any of the previous gatherings of the no-
clnty and about 300 ladles and gentlemen
wore present. The hall was splendidly de
corated. A. ppcclal feature of the ornamenta
tion , In addition to the Ptarn and stripes ,
which were everywhere displayed , was a
quantity of American corn , especially brought
over for that purpose. Many American
dishes were on the menu and some Immense
pumpkins had a nharo In providing the
good things for the table. Behind the chair
occupied by Mr. Welcome was a representa
tion of thu Statue ot Liberty and a largo
American cnglo and near the chairman on
a velvet pedestal was an cnomous pumpkin
pent as a present to Mr. Bayard , whotv
absence was much regretcd. In the middle
of the dinner there was a eurprlse for the
"Quests , when melt one present received a
leather-bound poiivonlr book containing the
protralts of Mr. Bayard and all the American
presidents. Including President-elect McKln-
loy. Mr. Bayard's letter of apology for not
being able to attend and wishing "godspeed
to the land we all lovo" wa followed by a
telegram from the United States ambassador
from Windsor cattle , IH which ho said : "Your
charming eouvonlr of the day wo celebrate
IIUB just been received , and the copy for
her majesty will bo presented before your
dinner Is over. All who love the United
States ! and Great Britain will join In mutual
congratulations over the peaceful relations
of the English people of the world. "
Mr. Bayard's sentiment was greeted with
loud cheers , and Mr. Welcome , the chairman
of the Hocloty , la alluding to Mr. Bayard'o
rcgrctcd absence , said H was a good omen
that the United States amba . > .lor was the
guest of the queen at n Thanksgiving dinner.
The toast to the queen was honored with
unuuiial energy ami with cries of "Tiger. "
Sir1 Frank Lockwood. In proposing "Tho
Prenldent of the United States , " referred to
liln recent visit to the United States. Ilo
bore n me-soase , ho said , from Baron Russell
of Klllnwen ( the lord chief Justice ) that
ho would feign bo with them , but that the
death of n relative prevented him. Toast
to the president waa drunk with enthusiasm ,
to the tuna of the "Star Spangled Banner "
All of the speeches of the evening1 eulogized
Ambaiwador Bayard and regarded the quccn'n
Invitation to Windsor as a great compli
ment. Sir Richard Webster , the attorney
general , responded to a toast to "Tho Com
munity of the English Speaking Peoples. "
who are now , as ho put It , , only emulating
each other In the peaceful paths ot science ,
art and literature.
'Among those present were Lieutenant
Commander. W , S Cow a tUo United .States ,
naval 'attache ; Mr."Carter. Mr. ' Bayard'o
Hccrelary ; General Collins , the United States
consul general ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry M.
Stanley , Sir Richard Webster , Sir Frank
Lockwood , Mr. Francis W. Jacobn and Mr.
Moimtcncy Jcphson. Sir Henry Irving and
Lord Rofebery were Invited , but sent re
grets. Lord Rosebery , writing from Dal
muny , said :
I cun truly nay that It would hnvc given me
the srento.Mt pleasure to bo prewent and to
show my deep resppet for your country
nnd Its ambassador , but 1 am detained here
by a public : gathering over which I luivo
to preside. Yours rcHpectfully ,
BERLIN , Nov. 2C. At the Thanksgiving
banquet tonight of the American colony ,
Ambassador Uhl and William S. Correll ,
c-onsul General for the United States ut
Dresden , wore the principal speakers.
Mr. Uhl made a capital speech on na
tional Issues nnd proposed cheers for
the emperor. President Cleveland nnd
President-elect McKlnley. Mr. Carroll
wnoko to "Tho Day Wo Celebrate. "
Nearly -100 people were present , Incliidliii ?
Charles B. Kay. the United States consul
general hero ; George Kceiian , consul gen
eral nt Bremen ; James C. Managhan , con
sul at Chenltz ; William J. Black , consul at
Nuremberg ; Thomas E. Moore , consul at
Wolmar ; Frederick Okke. consul at Breslau ;
William C. Drpher , consular agent at
Qitebcn ; Edward T. Crane , consul at Han
over ; Peter V. Dcuster , consul at Crefcld ;
Julius Muth , consul at Madgeburg ; Rev.
Dr. Dirlrlo , pastor of the American church
In this city , and Rev. Dr. Clark , president
of the United States Christian Endeavor so
ciety , who has just arrived hero from Tur
key. The banquet was preceded by a re
ception at the Kalscrhoff , at which Mrs.
Uhl presided.
The German-American society also gave
a banquet In honor of Thanksgiving.
PARIS. Nov. 20.-The Thanksgiving celc-
bratlnna were confined to a meeting of the
American University Dinner club tonight ,
at which the United States ambassador.
Mr. James B. Eustls , presided. Prof. Sloano
of Princeton. M. Bartholdl. the sculptor , and
Mr. Ernest LavesBe. the French acade
mician , were among the speakers.
ROME , Nov. 2C. The stars and stripes
floated todiiy , over the United States nm-
bassy and consulate , the American college
nnd the residences of the Americans here.
Religious services were celebrated In the
national church by Rev. Dr. Nevln and were
attended by nearly all the leaders of the
American colony. The United States am
bassador. Mr. Wayne MacVelgh , was -unable
on account ot 111 health tn bo present.
Itoyal ( ineNt nt ( lulrlnnl I.enveN Illn
llo > .l nnil CnllH nt Ynllenii ,
ROME , Nov. 20.-Tho king of Servla , who
Is the guest of King Humbert at the qulr-
Innl , paid a state visit to the Vatican today.
Ilo was escorted by a detachment of nir-
Mncers and the route to the door of the
Vatican was lined with troops , the bands
playing the Servian and Italian anthems.
King Alexander was received by pontifical
officials nnd was escorted to the pope's
anto-ehamher , where ho was received by
the master of the chamber , the majur dome ,
the leading dignitaries and the officials of
the guard of honor. Ills majesty was then
conducted to the pope's apartments , where
lie had a private audience with the pope ,
lasting three-quarters of an hour. The king
afterward returned with the same ceremony
to the qulrlnal , where Cardinal Rampolla ,
thu papal secretory of state , returned the
king of Servla's visit on behalf of the popo.
King Alexander was quietly greeted by the
rrov.'ds In the street.
i.Mi'inou : HICOMMINI : > S 111:1-0101 : * .
Speeeli of l-'rnni-U .Inxi-pli to Hie Iliin-
Kiirlnii I'lirlliiiiient.
BUDA-PKST. Nov. 20-Emporor Francis
'Joseph , as king at Hungary , opened Parlia
ment In the Cavtle Ofen today. In his
speech from the throne his majesty referred
entirely to the Internal measures contem
plated. IU ) said tlint efforts would bo maJo
to Improve the condition of agriculture ,
for the development of the agrarian bunk
fcyutcm , for thu construction of Irrigation
worka nnd othur meaning of a like nature
Ills ) mnjepty ultu urged the attention of
Parliament to the carrying out of luirrency
reform and the resumption of upoclo pay *
sT.vitvns HAY AMI A
Without I-'ooil for Thlrtj'-Slv Hour *
After the Illur Iliillle.
HAVANA , Nov. 20. It transpires that
after the engagement fought In the Rubl
hlllu between Spanish forces under Cap
tain General Weyler ami the Insurgents
under Macco , the Spanish commandcr-ln-
chief and hla elaff were without provisions
for thirty-six hours. The train with the
supplier on board was detained , but General
Weylor would not await Ita arrival and
urged his troops onward regardless of the
absence ot the provisions train. Antonio
Lopez Coloma , the leader of the revolution
ists In the province of Mntnnzas , when the
Insurrection broke out and sentenced to
death and rebellion and homicide , will be
executed at C > o'clock tills afternoon.
Colonel Zamora In command ot the
Cardenas district of the province of Mnlnnzaw
bos caused the arrest of Dr. Pedro Hcvld ,
Ilcnlto Jo o Mrlbona , a lawyer , and Laurlco
Ordebn , OP employe of the Cardenas rail
road. These arrests were the result of dis
closures In the letters recently found upon
the persona of some captured Insurgents.
Additional arrests are expected.
Captain General Weyler has Issued orders
to the farmers In the provinces of Plnar
del Rio , Havana and Matanzas to carry thu
new crop of corn to the garrisoned towns ,
and the railroad officials have boon In-
utrueted to provide the farmers with cars and
mules with which to facilitate transportation.
The corn will bo sold to the commanders of
the Spanish columns ) and will bo used for
military purposes. Thct\3 commanders may
buy the corn nt current prices , or may
admit It as deposit. After December 20 all
corn found stored on the farms or olPa-
whore without the knowledge and consent of
the military commanders will bo considered
contraband or war and the farmers po with
holding It will bo criminally prosecuted.
A dispatch received hero from Lieutenant
Colonel Durango Pays ho has encountered
an Insurgent force at the Mora farm near
Cano , province of Havana. He adds that hU
troops compelled the Insurgents to retire ,
leaving ten killed on the field and carryIng -
Ing away many wounded.
Antonio Lopez Coloma , former leader of
the revolutionists in Matanzas. was tftot
this afternoon , having remained for twenty-
four hours previously In a chapel , according
to law.
MADRID , Nov. 2C. A dispatch from Ha
vana says the Spanish gunboat Baracoa has
captured three boats laden with Insurgents ,
arms and ammunition In the Mnjarl river ,
province of Santiago do Cuba.
Ill'SSni ' , ! , AXI ) CHIMOSi : HOY.
Oiiinplnlnnnt TeKtllleM Further In the
Criminal I.lhel Suit.
LONDON , Nov. 20. At the Old Bailey to
day Justice Hawkins , presiding at the trial
of Lady Scllna Scott , mother of Countess
Russell , John Cockcrton , on engineer ; Fred
erick Kast , a groom , and William Aylott ,
a valet , charged with criminal libel by Earl
Russgll , was resumed. Lady Scott , who was
In the court at an early hour , was smartly
dressed and wearing a long sable mantle.
When she entered the prisoner's dock her
maid ostentatiously handed her a bottle of
smelling salts. The court was densely
crowded , moro Interest apparently being
taken In the case today than upon any of
the previous days of takingtestimony. . The
cross-examination of Earl Russell was con
tinued , the main feature of the day's pro
ceedings being questions put to the witness
regarding his relations with a Chinese serv
ant. Duringthcso Interrogations the carl
admitted that ho had spent 1,000 ( $5,000) )
In employing detectives to watch his
The cross-examination of Earl Russell
also brought up the famous letter from
"Lady. " which , figured In th < 5 previous suit.
ThlFtmlsslvo" reiidJr. . court. It 'devel
oped that the'author' was Lady Cardigan
and showed that It' was she who told the
story of Earl Russell and the Chinaman ,
who , she eatd , "was cleverly reshlppod to
China by Hon. Lyulth Stanley. " The earl
admitted that ho at one tlmo emplojed
a Chinese boy. whom he brought with him
from San Francisco , but the witness denied
all the allegations of Impropriety. When
questioned lu regard to Prof. Santayana
of Harvard , Earl Russell said ho had never
heard of his having another name.
Earl Russell's evidence was In the main
an emphatic denial of the statements made
by the male defendants. The case was then
SIIIUHI | ( overuiiient AVreuKn VeiiKe-
11 ii CMon nil I n NII rue lit Anlliilor.
( CnpyrlRlit. IBM , liy 1'iem l-ubllsliltiK Company. )
HAVANA. Nov. 20. ( Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Lopez Col
oma was Hhot today in the Cabanas castle.
Thu Moigan liner , Arkansas , from New
Orleans , landed today 130 American mules
for the Spanish army.
A son of General Weyler left Barcelona ,
Spain , today , to join his father. A hospital
train on the Western railway , bringing 100
sick Spanish soldiers from Artemlsa to
Havana , was fired upon by Insurgents last
evening between Salmi and Gabriel stations.
Several shots passed through the cars , but
the conductor was the only person wounded.
Another train following after wa.i shot at
In the fiame locality.
Lopea Coloma and others were arrested
more than a year ago on a charge of fo
menting rebellion In Motanzas province. The
others have been released , and It was
thought Coloma , too , would bo liberated
but the Spanish government , deeming him
the leader of the movement In his section ,
has put him to death.
Kmll Arloii ComeH ( o Trial.
PARIS , Nov. 2G. Emll Arton was ex
amined before a magistrate last evening as
the first step to a new trial , which Is creating
an immense sensation because of the uni
versal belief that Arton holds the Key to
the whole unsavory Panama scandals. In
volving , as some allege , 100 public men. The
question on all sides Is , Will lie reveal all bo
knows ?
I'M 11 the MrlUern * 1'lac'cn.
HAMBURG , Nov. 2fi. It Is estimated that
about 8,000 dockers arc out on a strike In
this port , but steamers are arriving with
men to replace the strikers from England
and Sweden. Lighters have joined with
the strikers.
The dockers of Kiel have announced their
Intention of going out on Friday morning.
MnMoiili ; IllotN In 1'raace.
PARIS , Nov. 27. An anti-Masonic congress
at Lyons , whoso resolutions were a covert
attack on political Freemasonry and on Jew
ish Intervention , ended tn scrloun rioting ,
which lasted until midnight. The military
had to clear the streets and many persons
were seriously Injured , Includliig'M. Thclerry
of the France Libre.
ItrltlNli Columbia l > 'iiHhi < iiinIilex Weil.
VICTORIA. B. C. , Nov. 2fi. The mar
riage was solemnized here yesterday of Hon.
Victor Stanley , heir presumptive to the
earldom of Derby , and Anule , eccond daugh
ter of Hon. C. E. Poolcy , president of the
provincial cabinet. The wedding was the
most fashionable In the history ot British
Anierlean lu n I'rrm'li Duel ,
LONDON , Nov. 20. A special dispatch
from Paris says a duel with pistols was
fought near the city on Sunday last between
the murquls do Montmatrcs and J. A. Htitch-
Inson , un Amurlean resident. Six shots arc
said to have been exchanged at twenty-five
puces with no result.
Thirty People Kllleillii , nil K\IOKOII. | ! |
BERLIN , Nov. 20.--A dispatch from Breslau -
lau my a tiat ! thirty persons were killed
lut't ' uvenlng In a colliery explosion ut Zen-
Ror/o. Ruisliin Poland ,
Mrx. Ynrile-lluller | ) | I.IIINN < > N lleiSuit. .
LONDON , Nov. 2G , - The action of Mrs.
YnnUMlullcr , formerly of San Francisco ,
against Lord Tweedmoutb , boa been dla-
Secretary Lament Wishes an Increase in
One Particular Only.
Over Fifty Million * Kvpeiuleil l.nnt
Year , lint Ten Millions IN llio Kx-
tlinnle fur ( lie Yenr Unit
IH to Come.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. In his annual
report , which was made public today , Secretary -
rotary Lament renews his previous recom
mendation that the Infantry bo reorgan
ized on the general Idea of three light and
mobile battalions of four companies each
to the regiment , Instead ot the cumbersome
ten companies , a formation adopted a cen
tury age- and abandoned by other nations
slnco the development ot modern magazine
rifles ; and ho quotes Generals Sherman ,
Sheridan and Lieutenant General SchoflcUl
In support of the necessity of the reorgan
ization of the Infantry. The completion al
ready ot some coast defenses and tbo approaching
preaching completion of other modern bat
teries render necessary a larger force of
artillerists , but no other Increase of the army
Is asked for. The plan of seacoast de
fence Involves 100 distinct batteries In over
twenty harbors.
Investigation this year has shown serious
deficiencies In the arms and equipments of
the state militia. When the states furnish
tlio armories and defray all expenses In
cidental to keeping their forces In training ,
Secretary Lament suggests that the United
States should provide them with the Imple
ments which they will need In active serv
ice arms and field equipments as the sup
ply on hand Is totally Inadequate for serious
and prolonged field operations. The secre
tary recommends that the Springfield rifle ,
caliber -15 , bo Issued to state troops , obso
lete arms and equipments to be sold and
the proceeds credited to the states , and that
the states bo allowed to purchase from the
department supplies at regulation prices.
The report shows that , whereas , on the 1st
of July , 1893 , ot our modern defense but one
high-power gun was mounted , by the 1st of
July next we will have In position seventy
high-power breech-loading guns and nlncty-
flvo breech-loading mortars of modern de
sign , and by the following July , on com
pletion of work already under way or pro
vided for , 128 guns and 153 mortars. A bat
tery of two or three of these guns takes the
place of the former pretentious fort and Is
vastly moro effective. The number of gun
carriages completed and building , all of
which will be finished within the next fiscal
year. Is twenty twelve-Inch , sixty-nine ten-
Inch , eighteen eight-Inch for guns and 153
for mortars. By July , 1S97 , there should
bo ready seventy gun carriages and 123 mor
tar carriages. The total number of guns
completed to date since the first appropria
tion Is sixty-one eight-Inch , fifty-six ten-
Inch , twenty-one twelve-Inch and eighty
mortars. With the money already provided
thcro will bo completed by Juno 30 , 1S97 ,
seventy-two eight-Inch guns , eighty-seven
ten-Inch guns , forty-seven twelve-Inch guns
and eighty-eight twelve-Inch mortars.
The-estimates of the department for the
next fiscal year aggregate , $10,482,208.
The armament'- 'trcopa4wlth UIio'abw- ;
magazine arms was completed In May , and
the armory Is'turning out 125 rifles or car
bines per day. under the appropriation made
last year. All the ammunition for small
arms now made Is supplied with smokeless
powder of American manufacture a"nd of sat
isfactory quality.
The secretary says the Mississippi river
commission has decided to discontinue the
plan to Improve the river by bank protec
tion , and to adept the plan of dredging
channels In shoal places and maintaining
with state and local co-operation an effect
ive levee system. With this change * of pol
icy the minority believe the function of the
commlf.slon Is ended and the work should be
turned over to the secretary of war.
The 310 Apache prisoners of Gcronlmo's
band have , the secretary saj-s , led a quiet ,
pastoral life at Fort Sill , and have reached
a self-supporting conndltlon. He recom
mends that In time title to the 30.000 acres
they occupy bo acquired by the government
and that they then ho placed under control
of the Indian bureau.
The report shows total expenditures for
the war department for 1S9B , aggregating
OondiiiiiiclciiiN AVlfni'Ns Will Know
Ills I'll to III n Short Time.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. It Is expected
that one of the first decisions to be rendered
by thu United States supreme court when
It reassembles will be on the writ of error
In the case of Elvcrton R. Chapman of New
York City , one of the "contumacious" wit
nesses before the Sugar trust Investigating
committee of the senate a couple of years
ago. Chapman's was taken as a test case
by the government largely to govern the
prosecution in the other long litigated cas"s.
If the writ Is dismissed It Is probable that
the New York broker will bo Immediately
surrendered by his bondsmen and habeas
corpus proceedings then Instituted In order
to secure a decision on the constitutionality
of the law on which the prosecution Is based.
Join ! Semite nnil I Inn HO CituiniHtce
riniinliiK for MM Orciiiilloii | ,
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. The Joint library
committee of the nenuto and house , which Is
holding dully sessions for the purpose of
devising meant ) for the administration of the
now congressional library , ban decided to In-
vlto the advice of a number of eminent
librarians , Including President Ilrett of the
American Library association , President Put
nam of Boston and the heads of the state
library at Albany and the Columbia library.
Members of the committee soy there has
been no request for the now library building
for the Inaugural ball. They do not ficeni to
favor fiiicli a program and say the building Is
not adapted to this purpose.
in , FHII : miiviiiY : simvici : .
CoHtH los ( of Monoy. Hut IN l.lltoly
tn He Popular.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. Reports showing
the rcsulta of the rural free delivery experi
ments by the government urn reaching the
Poptofllco department from the localities
where the ser/lcp Is on trial. They are eald
to ahow general satisfaction with the forvlco
and good results In thu work as a whole.
Thu results will bo embodied In a
report on the scheme and Ito feasibility to bo
forwarded by the postmaster general to con
gress early In the souslon. What recom
mendation ho will make Is not known , but
the Immense cost Involved In tint general
adoption of rural free delivery will bo pointed
out. _ _ _ _
( llllet liny lit ( lie Willie UOIIHC.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20-The president
and Mm Cleveland attended ( ho Thanksgiving -
giving services today at the First Prcsby-
tcflu'i church. The day WAS bright and
balmy and Mr. and Mra. Cleveland drove In
the karnucho with open windows. Later
the presidential family ate Its Thanksgiving
d'nner nt the white house. The day was
xppnt quietly In accordance with the vluws
iwnrcFKfMl In the president' ) ! proclamation.
Tint member * of the families of the cab
inet oiiicera Npeiit the day at their hornet ,
with the exception of Secretary and Miss
Morton , who dined with Secretary of State
and Mm , OltK'y.
U'll.l , MIT INVHSTIflATtS SIMM-Toll ! )
Joint CniiRreKftlnnnl Mlirnry Coiuinll-
tee Seen No SliitVtMirr.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. The joint con
gressional library committee has decided
not to Investigate the accounts of Librarian
Spofford. When the committee was ap
pointed It was understood It would be op
tional with It to go Into the question of th&
accounts , and the committee for sotno days
has had under consideration the advisability
of Investigating the charges of Irregularity
made against Spofford a year ago. The ques
tion was taken up In secret session yester
day , and , after an exchange of views cover
ing two hours' time , a decision was readier
to allow the matter to rest where It was
left by the Treasury department. Said r
member of the committees today : "Wo shoulr
have gene Into the Investigation It there
had been anything to Investigate , but wt
have satisfied ourselves that Mr. Spofforc' '
owes the government nothing. It Is true
there was a discrepancy In his accounts
amounting to about 130,000 , but this was
duo to his method of bookkeeping. This
money from thu beginning was In n gov
ernment depository , but It was there with
some ot .Mr. Spofford's own funds. The ac
counts were so entangled that the respective
accounts could not bo determined until the
treasury Investigation $ was made , The
amount duo the government has been turucil
Into the treasury. This leaves a shortage ,
and , satisfied as wo are that there was nc
Intention of wrong doing , wo have concluded
not to open up the subject at all. Wo arc
of the opinion that the trouble was duo
to the complication of duties Imposed upon
Mr. Spofford , and wo shall , I think , try to
prevent a recurrence by recommending the
appointment of a registrar of copyrights.
Mr. Spofford has rcqlUsted that this bo
done and there Is every reason why con
gress should grant therequest. "
Mliilxtor Onr.iti HUM Nn Information of
Troiililo mill IHOI-OIN | ! | | It ,
WASHINGTON. Nov. 26. Indefinite ru
mors reach here of a revolution In Chill , but
are discredited at the Chilian legation , where
Minister Gaza received Ja cablegram 'from
the under minister ot forcgn affairs , giving
the names of a cabinet jiist formed by Presi
dent Errazurlz. The cable makes no ref
erence to any disorder1 and this , with the
announcement of the cabinet , Is taken us
conclusive evidence 'that the revolutionary
rumors are unfounded. The now cabinet Is :
Prime minister and minister of the Interior ,
Carlos Antuncz ; foreign relations , Carlos
Morla ; justice and public Instructions ' , Puga
Home ; nuance , SotorrUyar'war and navy ,
Ellas Fernandez Albnnb.public ; works and
Industries , Francisco Borgavoldez Cucvas.
President Errazurlz named a cabinet shortly
after assuming office'on September IS , but
there was opposition td It by the Parliament
and as a result this npw cabinet Is named.
Steamer Crinvileil ivltli UxriirsloiilHtM
CIoi-iH DIMVII AVKlniiil "VVnmlliyr.
NEW YORK , Nov. ' 2G , The sidewhecl
steamer John E. Moo're.i with the Clinton
Fishing club on boar'l , sank on the elbow
of the Romor shoals at 12:30 : o'clock today.
All her passenger's" .were resqued. Thcro
were no women aboard' and , 'there was no
oxcltoment. , Only . .the''Jower .deck of the
boat was submerged , . -the , upper deck , both
fpro and aft , being1 nbuve-the surface. The
fishing party , .consisting < rt rtO men , "Started
on the Moore at S' ' o'clock for the fishing
banks. The boat strutSHCelUier a sunken
* Wrout ! or'a ysck nnfi jEi rn , five mlnuto * .
Several of. the passengers were wet. to their
waists before they coulil scramble to the
upper deck. A heavy * fog was on at the
time , which caused Samuel Morrell to lese
his bearings. Abotit an ( hour after the boat
strirck the steam pilot boat Walter H.
Adams pasr.ed on her way to Stapleton ,
S. I. She heard the Moore's signals of dlo-
trces and went to her assistance. All the
Mooro's passengers _ werc transferred to
the Adams Ir. small boats , eight or ten at
a time.
Diilio mill DnelieNM of MnrllmroiiKli
Kiitertnlii Tlielr Hiiynl VlMltoi-H.
WOODSTOCK. EllB. , Nov. 26. There was
good sport with rabbit shooting at Monument
ment Park , Blenheim , today. Instead of tak
ing lunch with the ehootdri ? , the prlncem of
Wales , with her daughter , faltices * ! Victoria ,
the duchess of Marlborough and other women
of the party , drove to Oxford and took lunch
at Christ Church with Deati Paget. They
afterward dined at Blenheim. Thousands of
peroons visited Woodstock tonight to wit
ness the torchlight procession and the fire
works In honor of the , vUlt of the royal
party. The weather was fine , but cold , The
irlnce and prlncow of Wales , princess Vlc-
: orla of Wales and Prince Charles of Den
mark planted trees at Blenheim thla morn
ing In memory of their visit to the duke and
luchess of Marlborougli. Mr. Arthur Dai-
four , first lord of the treasury , and Mr. and
Mm George N. Curzon ( the latter formerly
Miss Mary Lclter of Washington ) accom
panied the princess of Waleo and party on
: helr visit to Oxford toJay.
CIiurleN II. Illllley CluirKeilvllli Io-
f-llllllu > ; TWO NlltlOllIll IlllllliN.
KANSAS CITY , Nov ! 20. Charles II.
Bailey , EOII of the late Probate Judge O. P.
Balloy of Independence , wan arrested hero
today for forging a lettcr.-o'f credit for $1,000
on the National Live Stock bank of Fort
Worth , Tex. Bailey cashed the letter of
credit , securing $900 from the Metropolitan
National bank of this city and $100 from the
Christian-Sawyer bank of Independcnco , Mo.
When Bailey was arrested , all the money
except $ lf > 0 wao recovered. Bailey sayo he
Is not guilty. The letter * ho claim ? , was
; cnt to him by his undo , but the Metropoli
tan bank officials ray It Isin Bailey's hand
writing. Bailey wan rear i In Independence.
ilo Is 27 years old and hns a wife In Waxu-
laclilc , To.x. _ _ *
Trusted Cleric Turns ICinliezzler.
KANSAS CITY , Nov. 20v-Goorgo E. Ross.
the trusted money clerk of.jthe United States
Express company , who mj-s'terlously disap
peared five doys aso , , lalelleved ( to have
; ono to Mexico. TJl'o ofllcJaLs of the coni-
iany still remain reticent , although push
ing on active search for Ross , and con-
.Inulng to go over bis hooka. It Is nald that
10 has been traced as fir west as Wichita ,
and that detectives worklnc on the CBOO
are following a clue tiat | will give good
results within a few days. Two packages
containing an aggregate , ot fl.COO are miss-
ng. What further Investigation will reveal
remains to bo seen.
lln I tie .MoniiinentH.
CHATTANOOGA , Nov. , 20. Governor
Hastings of Pennsylvania , and party arrived
In the city last night.They are on a tour
of Inspection of the monuments erected to
IJptinsylvanla troops that fought at Chlcka-
inauga and I < opkput Mountain. They are
icing driven ever the city and battlcflcld6
today. While' hero the- Park commission
of Pennsylvania will dtfclde upon the loca
tion of a number of new monuments to be
erected at once. The party will remain In
.liii city todpv and tomorrow and return
liomo by way of IHUsburR tomorrow night.
- # -
TlinnloiulvliiU' Dux I'linloiiN.
JEFFRRSON CITY , Mo. , Nov. 20. The
governor Issued Thankaglvlng pardono to-
lay , as customary , to Ira Destm See , sen
tenced In Vcrnou county In May , 18U2 , to
sixteen years In the paultentlary on the
r.hargo of murder lu the second degree ,
and to Lauls J , Sllvu , convicted of embez
zlement from the Ralinvalcr.Rooghcr Hat
company , SI , Louis , illva's ' \rlfo had been
Ivlng here since the confinement and It
waa through her cfforls that the pardon
wan Issued ,
Telegraphic Communication with Western
Nebraska Practically Out OfT ,
AVI n ( I nuil Sleet Dflny All of the
'I'mInM nuil Ilrenk DIMVII Mllen
at TeleKrnph MUCH
In the Went.
Thcro was but little activity In local rail
way circles yesterday. There were three ex
cellent reasons for this. In the first place ,
a holiday means that the passenger men
can have at least a half holiday ; secondly ,
several of the railroads took off BOIIIO of
their freight trains , nml , thirdly , the
telegraph service was so Interrupted as to
Klvo but llttlo work to the clerks of the
various headquarters who keep track of
affairs along their respective lines.
\Vevl.iraday night's storm provnl to bo most
severe , and there Is not n railroad In Ne
braska that did not suffer deleterious effects
In consequence. Telegraph poles by the hun
dred and telegraph wlro by the mlle went
down during the night. The wires became
covered with a heavy coating of sleet , and
when the wind came along and steadily
swayed the wires to and fro they could not
stand the vibration with their Increased
weight and Just tumbled down In 11 heap.
The rails also became covered with slcel
and their slippery condition caused the
wheels of the locomotives and coaches to
slip and slide along , delaying all the trains
during the day.
The Union 1'aclflc yesterday morning found
over 300 of Its telegraph poles between
Columbus and Kearney measuring their
length on the snow covered ground. ' It Is
needless to add that all telegraphic com
munication between these points was sus
pended. West of Kearney there was not
BO much trouble , although the wires were
pretty well tingled. The poles remained up
right , however , and the wires did not fall
down. At 1 o'clock In the afternoon the
telegraph department reported that the
worst trouble was between Schuylcr and
Elm Creek. Largo gangs of men were
sent by Superintendent Korty from several
stations along that part of the line , and
It Is said at headquarters that all the wires
will bo In working condition by tills
morning. It will take several days , though ,
to put the telegraph department In as good
condition as It was before the storm.
The Burlington alee reported much damage
along Its line. No telegraphic communica
tion could bo had at headquarters yesterday
morning with points west of Aurora. The
presumption Is that the wires and the poles
beyond that point have nil gonu down In the
etorm. The Ulkhorn had no communication
whatever with the western part of Its road
during the morning. The Iowa lines are nol
so badly handicapped. They were receiving
no news from Chicago headquarters yester
day. This , however , Is because all the Chicago
cage offices are closed and the Windy City
haa born captured by King Foot Hall , and
not because the telegraph wires In Iowa are
lying on the ground. No trouble has been
reported along any of the Kansas HncjS and
so far Is la known all .the wires thor6iiro In
working co'ndltlon. The storm was a' gen
eral one throughout Nobracka and but few
points 'escaped UH fury. There , was more
sleet than snow and everywhere there was , an
abundance of wind during the night , although
It n-ng.iot ; so very high nt any point.
Most ot the general officers en mo down to
their desks In the morning to
open their mail and to read the
telegrams that did not come. The
clerks were given a holiday generally ,
although a number ot them showed up Just
to convince their superior officers of their
loyalty to the company's Interests. The
foot ball fever had oven spread through the
railroad headquarters and the local ticket
offices and the railroaders were during the
morning figuring out the probable scores of
the day's game , rather than freight and pas
senger rates. All the ticket offices , Just for
the looks of things and not for any real busi
ness , were open jcstcrday morning from S
o'clock until 12. Then the ticket men de
serted their posts to enjoy one of the few
afternoons they have had to themselves
slnco last summer's excursion to Hanscom
All the eastbound trains were delayed
from an hour and a half to two hours In
getting Into this city. The train men re
ported sleet and about an Inch of snow as
far west as Cheyenne. Overland Union Pa
cific No. 2. which Is duo here at 4:15 : , did
not reach Omaha until 6:30. : The Hock Is
land trains were from a half to three-
quarters ot an hour late. The eastbound
Durllngton trains were all reported on time.
lleports received showed that the storm
of yesterday prevailed all over the state.
Very llttlo snow foil , but the wind at times
In the- western portion blew a small gale.
HetiortM of Italii , Snow nuil Sleet a nil
Severe ( "old.
DAVID CITY. Neb. , Nov. 2C. ( Special. )
A drizzling rain and sleet began hero yes
terday afternoon , coating everything with
Ice. Last evening several flashes of light
ning , accompanied by heavy thunder , were
followed by a heavy fall of rain , most of
which froze as It fell. Many branches have
been broken from fruit and shade trees.
Two and a half Inches of water has fallen
and It has turned colder and Is now snow
FULLERTON. Nob. , Nov. 28. ( Special. )
All day yesterday the rain continued to
fall slowly and froze as fast as It fell , cov
ering everything with a heavy coat of lee.
) urlng the night the wind , which hail been
in the cast for two days , changed to north
west , causing the incrcury to drop several
legrces. This morning the city presents a
pitiable spectacle. Trees , telephone wire ?
and fences arc smashed to the ground. The
vlnd Is now blowing a gale and the cold Is
jecomlng moro Intense every minute. There
s a great quantity ot corn still In the field
n this county and fear Is entertained that
t will have to stay until spring.
NEIJHASFCA CITY , Nov. 2G. ( Special. )
V heavy rain commenced falling at 7 o'clock
ast night and continued steadily until on
early hour this morning , The ground is
horoughly soaked.
BUTTON , Nub. . Nov. 2C. ( Special. ) A
severe- rain storm commenced yesterday and
irovailcd all night. , and this morning turned
o snow. It la now snowing , with a high
vlnd , and Is getting cold.
WILSONVILLB , Nub. , Nov. 20. ( Special
Telegram. ) It Is snowing between Orleans
and St. Francis. The temperature. Is fall-
ng and the prospects arc for a heavy snow *
NORTH BEND , Nob. . Nov. 2C. ( Special. )
The wort't I'torm ' of the season set In yes-
onlay and utllt continues. Traffic about town
n nearly suspended. Sidewalks and streeto
are covered with Ice , making travel nearly
mpoE'-'Ible. No serious damage has been ro-
mrtcd a yet. Traln are all from two to
our hours late on the Union Pacific. Tole-
iliono and telegraph wires are working
mdly. *
NORTH LOUP. Neb. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
The misty weather of thu pest two dayn
culminate' ) evening In a uucccEslon of
showers of rain and rslcet , accompanied by
> eals of thunder and vivid flashes of light-
ilng a remarkably rare phenomenon for
November weather In this climate. The tern-
lerattiro fell last night from about freezing
o 10 degrees above zero , and thu tihvct of
co that llrat formed from the freezing mint
a now covered with neVcral Indira of coarcu
VYKSTKRN. Nob. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
"tin inn'cury Rt 8 o'clock yesterday reels-
oroil fif decrees , at 8 this morning 22 degrees ,
and 1 .Tj-UO Inohus of rain fell during the
amo lime. The mibioll ID thoroughly eoakf.'d
vlilcli Is very encouraging1 for the next crop ,
'urn U about throo-fourtho hunkod and win-
or win at I't looking tint ) ,
DUNCAN , Neb , , Nov. 20-(3peclal-0vcr ( )
{ two Inches of rain fSSfifJr last night , frees-
; Ing to everything BBKvfell , making over
forty-eight hours Rife ? ' sleeting. Tele
graph poles and mBJjtjiro breaking down ,
trees are BpllttlnrfHagft' with the heavy
weight of lea nniMRSs-rinc | wind , accom
panied with enow from llio northwest Is
blowing now. nils la the worst storm In
a good ninny years. There was heavy thun
der and lightning last night.
LYONS , Neb. , Nov. 20. ( SpccIal.-A )
heavy rain fell here all last night and
the ground Is covered with Ice nearly an
Inch thick. CornhuskltiK has been delayed.
A heavy snow Is falling.
SIini.TON , Neb. . Nov. 20. ( Special. )
llnln and sleet set In at 2 o'clock yesterday
and for two hours fell In torrents , with fre
quent lightning and heavy thunder. Three
Inches ot water foil. Everything has a coat
of Ice an Inrh thick , and many fine shade
trees are ruined , being broken down from
the weight on them. Roads arc almost Im
passable. This storm will be especially
severe on stockmen , feeders and stock , as
this station Is one of the mrst extensive
feeding places in the country. About 100,000
head of sheep are now here , with many to
come within the next few weeks. Many hogs
and cattle are also being fattened here.
Snow has been falling hard all the forenoon ,
with no prrspect of letting up.
SCHUYLER. Neb. , Nov. 20.--Special. ( )
Yesterday was n drizzly , disagreeable day ,
a mist of the night before having frozen
and made walking miploanant ns well as
uns-nfe. During the day the atmosphere grow
warmer and toward night It began raining ,
which It continued to do most of the night ,
with the result that this morning rain gauges
registered a fall of nearly three InchcH of
rain. This morning the wind wan changed
from northeast to northwest and It has
slnco grown steadily colder , at 2 o'clock
the wind driving a fierce gale from the
northwest and blowing a heavy snow , with
Indications that a blizzard roan may follow.
JEFFERSON , la. . Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) It rained steadily hero from 0 o'clock
last night until 4 this afternoon. The wind
1ms changed to the northwest and It Is rapidly
growing colder with TOIIIO snow. Prospects
are for n wild timetonight. .
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Nov. 2C. ( Special
Telegram. ) The storm which commenced
yesterday with sleet developed during last
night Into n serious blizzard. and
la raging tonight with unabated fury. A
strong northwest wind Is blowing , causing
snow to drift very badly. Uneiiblneio pre
vails as to the effect on stock on the range
west of the Mlswiurl river , which may not
have been placed In shelter. The thermom
eter registered but slightly above zero.
SIOUX FALLS. Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Much damage has been done by the
sleet atorm of last night and today. Tele
phone service Is demoralized and hundred.- ]
ot trees are ruined by breaking fiom the
load of Ice. This morning many sidewalks
are Impassable because of broken treea. At
0 o'clock this evening only one telegraph
wlro 1 working.
ST. PAUL. Minn. , Nov. 20. Specials to
the Pioneer Preps from various points In
Northwestern Minnesota and the Dakotas re
port the worst blizzard for many years. At
Jamestown. N. D. , It has been mowing for
the past sixty hours and n blizzard has
now developed that makes It extremely dan
gerous for anyone to venture out on the
prnlrlo. In West Superior. WIs. , the bliz
zard turned Into a sleet storm and all traffic
In the city la suspended. Street cars are
not running. A Chamberlain , S. I ) . , report
says the storm Is of a decidedly bllzzardly
character and It la feared there will be con-
iildcrnblo loi-s of stock on the ranges. The
wind is very high. The thermometer standu
at about zero.
IIu.w Weylet ? * Men Were Ie < t Into
Train * nuil MiiMxneveil.
CHICAGO. Nov. 20. The Tribune's spe
cial from Jacksopvlllc , Fla. , says : Colonel
Joao Reyes , aid-do-camp of General Macco ,
wounded and cnrouto to New York for med
ical treatment and with dispatches to the
Junta , passed through here yesterday. He
says the fighting In the Rubl hills of Pinar
del Rio was the most sanguinary battle of
the war. Ho claims 2000 of Weyler's men
were killed In two daya and twice as many
wounded. Weyler went to the Held "with
35,000 men In three columns , one of 15,000
under himself , one of 10,000 under General
Echague , and a third of 10,000 under Gen
eral Munoz. They found Macco entrenched
In a crescent-shaped range of hills. When
at the foot of the hills , the Spaniards were
met with a withering fire that cut gaps In
their ranks. Macco's men snot from behind
rocks and trees and gradually gave way be
fore the Spaniards , who , encouraged by what
they thought to be victory , pursued them.
Suddenly a deafening explosion rent the air
and a scene followed oomewhat like the
mine horror at Petersburg during the civil
war. Horses and men were blown high In
the air and fell to the earth dead and
mangled. The dynamite mine was touched
off by Johni Linn , formerly of thli city , who
Is MOCCO'B electrician. Mucco then let loose
his dynamite guns , prepared by Linn , and
more havoo was wrought. In the mine
explosion. Colonel Reyes says Wcylcr lost
700 men killed and COO moro in the charge ,
bc : > ldc.i 100 wounded. Next day Maceo , know
ing of the rufcervo force under Woyler re
treated to even a stronger position. There
ho wau attached by the column under
Echague , who wao roundly thrashed and
driven from the field , losing SOO killed , be-
nldos 1,300 wounded. Next day Maceo re
treated again , maneuvering all the while
to entrap Woyler Into a field that had been
honeycombed with dynamite. Meanwhile ,
however , General Weyler. hearing there was
danger of an uprising In Havana , because
of lila failure to crush Maceo. hastened back
to that city.
Fire OrlKlimfcN In a Mold In Ieiiveu-
ivorth nuil .Many HUIINCH Hum.
SEATTLE , Wash. , Nov. 20. Nearly the
entire business portion of the town of Leav-
enwoith , the headquarters of the Cascade
division of the Great Northern railroad , was
burned today. Every house opposite thi
depot with the exception of one small build
ing was lost. The flro originated In the
ofllco of the Jerks hotel. The lodgers had a
narrow escape from cremation. A cook In
the hotel named Sllverstonc and a brakeman
named Thomas Metzdorf were severely
burned about the head and face. Leaven-
worth Is located on the eastern slope of the
Cascade mountains and Is a thriving town
of abaut 1,000 people , Inhabited by railroad
men and miners.
NEW YORK , Nov. 20. The fertilizing
plant of Trcston , & Sons /Ulssvllle. . L , 1. ,
was destroyed by flro today. The factory
consisted of six frame buildings , covering
about an aero of ground. About ? 200,000
worth of machinery was destroyed ,
PEORIA. III. , Nov. 27. Shortly after 9
o'clock last night flro was discovered on
the third floor of the Pcorla house , the
oldest and second largest .hotel In Penrla.
The building at midnight seemed to be
doomed to destruction , but at 1 o'clock this
morning the flro was under control. No
fatalities occurred , though there were many
narrow escapes. A man named Van Meter
and two of the female help were taken from
the hotel unconscious. The loss IH about
CrlHil | Sii-H HumpeViinN ( U'nr.
LONDON , Sept. 27. A Uorlln dispatch to
: ho Morning Post says : Slgnor Crlspl , the
'onncr Italian premier , In an autograph let
ter to a charity bazar declares It IH a de
lusion to suppose that Europe Is In favor
of peace. The ambitious and rovungcful
powers , Buld Slgnnr Crlspl , are only walling
mil ! succcsii Is assured to plunge Europe
Into war.
MovcineiilN of Oeenn VCNNI-IN , Nov. - < ! .
At Now York Arrived Ethiopia , from
At LIviTpool-Siillod-Brivlii , for Boston.
At NupleH Arrlvt'd liniH , from Nuw
York ,
At Hreimirlwvori Arrived Alter , from
New York , via Hautlmmptoii.
At QupeiiHtown - Sailed-llrltnnnlu , from
Liverpool , for New York.
At London-Hullea-MlsMlsalppl. for Now
At Genoa-Halli-a Fuldu , for Now York.
Nebraska ami Iowa Unable to Score n
Single Point.
Iowa's ' Gladiators Battle Fiercely for the
Coveted Touchilowu.
Protects Its Goal with a Determination Mar
vellously Successful.
Ili-iivy llne of the CoiuiuerliiK ! < > *
lieu Dnnhle to Ili-eiik ( lie
Sturdy lleMlHluiiee ot thu
\ehriiNUiiux ,
\ehriiHUn , < > ! IIMMI , O ,
KlIIINIIN , ; tl | .tllNNOIirl , O.
For almost three hours yesterday afternoon
Nebraska and Iowa struggled upon a rough
and slippery fluid of Ice , and most of thu
time In a snow storm , lu their annual cham
pionship foot ball game. When time was
called on account of darkness , with a
minute of the halt still left , neither
eleven had succeeded In crossing Its op
ponent's goal line , and the contest ended
with the score 0-0. The tie gave the west
ern championship to Iowa , for even had Ne
braska won they would have been tied for
thu title.
Tomorrow afternoon the teams will meet
again and make an effort to decide the su
A more disagreeable day could not be
Imagined for the game. When morning :
dawned rain was falling steadily , and this
changed into sleet as the temperature went
down with thu advance of the day. At noon
the regular foot ball 'Held at University
park was a solid sheet of Ice , and It was
found necessary to slake oft auother grid
iron on another purl ot the grounds. This
was but a slight Improvement. Soon after
the game began snow commenced to full
and continued to the finish. On account ot
the Inclemency of the weather the game ,
which Is usually attended en mubse by the
society people ot the city , was not wit
nessed by many of swelldom. The attend
ance was about 1,000 , constating principally
of students and alumni ot the two univer
sities represented on the field , and by foot
ball enthusiasts not to bo deterred by the
The game WUR a hard fought contest , anil
was filled with Incidents calculated to keep
up the enthusiasm of the spectators to the
end. The condition of the ground neutral
ized Iowa's advantage In weight to a great
degree , and to this Is duo lowa'x failure to
score. Ac It was , Us goal wau nqver threat
ened , whereas on two different occasions
It had excellent opportunity to cross No-
braska's line. One occurred In the first and
the other In the second half.
When the first half was , within fifteen
minutes of the end the ball U'IIB on Ne
braska's fifteen-yard line. In the possession
of Iowa. The contest wus waged within
these fifteen yards for the next twenty-two
minutes , for Ilia tlmekecpcr'B watch stopped
and the fact was not discovered until the
halt was forty-two minutes long. The ball
changed hands frequently , until Iowa had
it within five yards of Nebraska's goal on
the first down. Here Nebraska stood Ilka
a rock , and held like a stone wall against
the rushes of Iowa's backs. By a mistake
the officials allowed Iowa five downs , but
on the last the ball was no nearer the goal
than on the first down. Nebraska rushed
It out of danger , and when the half was
called It was on the ten-yard line , In Iowa's
Again In the second half Iowa seemed to
bo In sight of victory. The half was within
a few minutes of being up , with the ball In
Nebraska's hands on Its fifteen-yard line.
Nebraska gained nothing on two downs
and Thorpe droppcil back for a kick. Milford -
ford , center , snapped the ball back to him ,
but It flow over the quarterback'a head In
the darkness. It rolled to within a foot of
Nebraska's goal , when some one fell upon
it. A uquabhlo ensued , and both captains
finally agreed to call the game. Throughout
the game Iowa showed to better advantage ,
had the ball the greater part of the tlma
and kept It largely In Nebraska's territory.
With the wind blowing a stiff breeze from
the northwest , Captain Thorpe kicked oft
for Nebraska and the game was begun. The
punt was against a strong wind and failed
to carry moro than twenty yards. Iowa
at once began a scries of short , strong
rushes against the Nebraska line , which was
expected to bo such an easy thing. The
line of the Lincoln men held well and the
Kalns through It were not worth mentioning.
Then Iowa called upon Meyers , Its sturdy
and fleet-footed right halfback to advance
the ball. Ho resondcd | with n run ot
twonty-flvo yards. There was a flutter
among the gold-colored flags , but the red
and whlto waved a moment later when
Iowa lost the hall to Nebraska on a bad
Nebraska realized the strength of the
opposing team and at once massed Ita
strength back of the line for a tandem play.
It gained a few yards the first tlmo. but
on a repetition of the play the Iowa team
was thuro low and ready ( o break It up.
Nebraska was forced to punt and under
adverse circumstances , as the wind from
the west was strongly against them. For
Iowa Meyers took the ball on a thirty-yard
run between the- left end and tackle , and
then followed a series of short rushes. In
stopping one of thpBo Jones , Nebraska's
left end , was hurt , but pluck liy resumed
play u moment later. The ball went to
Nebraska before Iowa had a chance to push
It any further along toward the Nebraska
goal. The loss of the ball wuu for BOIJIO
rank holding In the line by Iowa. Cap
tain Thorpe brought joy to llio Nabraukans
by gaining four yards on u fake kick. An
attempt to go through the line was unsuc
cessful , and Thorpe kicked for twenty
yards. Hobbs returned the ball for Iowa ,
the exchange of punts giving neither sldo
an advantage. Holbrank made a short gain
for Iowa after Thorpe hnd ruturned the
punt of Hobhs. Then thcro was M > mo fum
bling ) l > y Hoth BldoM. HoblM failed to
gather In Thorpe's second kick , and Wlg-
Klns missed thu pigskin after Hobbs hud
lot U got past him. Iowa finally captured the
ball , twenty yards away from Nebraska's
goal. With the coveted goal In night the
lowans now put on a full head of etcam ,
but thu excellent tackling of Thorpe and
Shcdd all hut neutralised their best effortx.
Turner , tlio big right guard of the No-
iruHka team , too , showed that ho was able
to stop the advances of tlio lowans. On
Iowa's last chance to aavo the ball ho wai.
through the line like a flash , tackling the
runner back of the line and throwing him
for a loss of two yards. It was an olcgunt
pleco of defensive work , ono of the mout
meritorious Individual plays of the game.
The ball went to Nebraska , Iowa having
fulled to gain the requisite flvo yards , thanks
to Turner's timely tackle. Cook wan sum
moned and answcri-d with a run of four
yards fnr the Lincoln lads. Dungan , the
loft tucklo , went through thu other vvlsK
for two yards , and was fa'lowed by Wiggins ,
who pushed It along thrco yards further.
Then Nubruftka commenced to pour throutiU
tbo utnhvart line of tbo lov/uni junt * 11U