TI1J2 OMAHA DATL.Y . IJEE : , NOVEMBEll 20 , 1SOO. COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT .MI.VOH MP.XTIO.N. Photo supiillr * nnd cameras , 511 D'dway. llcrthn K.r ell ot 2105 Avcnuo D Is isuf- fcrlng from diphtheria. , The Vnlon Pacific freight depot at Tenth uvenuo will bo closed today. MI'S Maude llazcn of Avoca Is In the city , Hie Rue't of Mrs. Nick O'llrlcn. MUs Delia Davidson of Hull , In. , is the guest of Mint Knthcrlno Meyera Ju.ntlcff Vlen yesterday united In snnrrlnRo Silos Harrier nnd Ednn Pierce. flotb live In Ncoln. Mr. nnd Mr. . T. n. Hughes have gone to Fremont , Neb. , to spend Thanksgiving with relatlvei. Mr. Ed Pohlo of Iowa City Is spending Thanksgiving with his friend , Mamie Hoi- HUB , on Vine street. Wo offer special facilities to the man with n limited supply of linen. Work returned on mifh short notice at the EJglo Laundry , 724 liroadwny. A sealed verdict In the case of Martin against Shugart was returned In the dis trict court nnd will not be opened until the return of Juilgo Green after .Thanksgiving. Rev. J. H. Wright , who has been filling the pulpit at the Christian Tabernacle , has returned home. The congregation has about decided to call him as Its permanent min ister. Hcv. W. S. Barnes of Madison , Ind. . will take charge of the First Presbyterian church of this city January 1. He has accepted the call of the congregation , which was extended to htm some tlmo ago. A paragraph In the Detroit Free Pros * . In n column of Ann Arbor university gossip , pay : "At a recent meeting of the oratorical board of the university , O. S. Dlanchard. of Council IJluftB , In. , was elected vice presi dent. " Despite the Inclement weather largo parties were held nt both Chambers' nnd Hnmlo's dancing academies last evening. Special arrangements for snuslc and refresh- snents had been made and both affairs proved snoot enjoyable. Eugene Stupfel of Herding received n fine Jcmcy heifer yesterday from J. J. Richardson - son of Davenport. The llttlo beauty's name Is "Chromo Daisy , " nnd will be Mr. Stup- fel's prize animal In his excellent herd of blooded cattle. Tlio congregations of Grace nnd St. Paul's church will unite In a Thankpslvlng service nt 10:30 : n. m. today. The service will be vl'tpitTat St. Pnul's church , nnd will consist f > f holy communion and sermon by Rev. S. O , Wellen of Grace church. The Council Bluffs High school foot ball team did not leave yesterday for Red Oak nw expected. It was decided to make the start this snornlng , as the boyn wouldbo In better condition If given n good night's rest nt homo Instead of In a ctrangc town. A good delegation Is expected to accompany them k on the trip. In the case of F. H. Evans against Joslnh Danforth an order was applied for , asking that the Mock books and papers of the Chicago cage Automatic Fire Escape Manufacturing company be produced In court. The s-.ilt grnwo out of a deal lu which the parties to the suit were Interested In the manu facturing of fire escapes. Evans sues for n violation of n contract. The stockholders of the Transmlselsslppl Hxporlllon will meet nt the city hall Sat urday evening. All who bavo smbscrlbed fpr the enterprise In Council DlufTs are ex pected to be present In order to take part In perfecting n local organization. The ques tion of location will come up and It Is desired that all Interested Phall have a voice In deciding which location the Council Bluffs people shall favor. In accordance with an established custom of the Council Bluffs schools yesterday was ect aside aa a donation day for th < > children. Nearly all the scholars , botu large and sm.tll , came to school yesterday : uornlng bearing some offering to the less fortunate. At each of tbc buildings a generous collection of fruit , cakrs , bread , chickens , Jurkeya and other good things for Thanksivlnt ? Whs made. The occasion was a happy one atd the little ones entered Into tne spirit ot the affair with much zest. The gifts were ( 'Is- trlbuted to the Christian home and hospltata with the good wishes of the scholars. Ever since the day of offerings was set apart It has been observed with great care and the teachers and children all derive a great deal of pleasure from its generous lessou. C. n. Vlavl Co. . female remedy. Medical consultation free Wednesdays. Health book furnished. 309 Merrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Uiirfpp Ktirnlttiro Co. Will .Move On January 1 to the Ik-cue building , but they won't move much furniture , because they're going to sell It before then sell It If Prices count as factors. All Christmas Mds. Finest itock of furniture In the city. Chances to got Just what you want at prices that will suit even you. 33G-33G llroadway. Cut filrtNN llrnntlfiil. Just received a complete line of the rich est cut glass manufactured. Low prices. Rich designs. Useful articles. Jacqut-mla & Co. , 27 Main street. Chuck steak , 5c per pound. Chuck roast , 4J4c per pound. Ilest rib boiling beef , 2&c pound. BROWN'S C. 0. D. ' Removal sale of furniture. 33C-33S Broad way. ; AH to the lliirloMiiiio. Clrutix. ' 'Are you going to the 'Burlesque Cir cus ? ' " Is alsuost as important a question In Council Bluffs today as "Are you going to the foot ball game ? " Ever since the plan was .proposed by the Field club to give this novel entertainment the Interest has been steadily growing and a greai show is looked for this evening at the Doluny theates- . The last rehearsal will be held this morning with a full orchestra. Last night the entire prograsn was gene through with and Us suc cess even surprised those who have been working night and day for the success ol the entertainment. That It will be burlesque In every sense of the word there can be no doubt. The time-honored gJgs of the country show will be brought from the tomb and their new shrouds will hardly con ccal thesn from the old-Umcra lu tbo audi ence. The first of the series of excellent attrac tions will bo given at the Doluny the.Uer Sunday night , when the firtat play , "Sowing the Wind , " will be presented by the Froh man cotnpany. There has i > cen a goo-1 ad vance sale of scats and much Interest Is being taken In the event by theater goers. Sewer IMiiKlro IlrlcUlliltliiK. . Wholesale and retail. J. C. Blxhy , 202 Main street. Battle Ax plug tobacco , 20c pound. Brown's C. O. U. Hen ! Kxtnte TrniiHferx. The following real estate transfers were reported yesterday at the office of J. W. Squire : John T Prltrhett nnd wife to Daniel and Mary K Hougns , HVi eV4 36-74- 40 , > .v il J3.COO CO T A HoiifmH ntnl wife to M E Hougnfl , undivided < 4 cast of rnllrond of c > i 31-74-40. w d 1,40000 Itormisi Huber to Agnca , William and I.ouls Hull , lots 21 and 27 , block 11 , Hums' add , w d 1 00 Clmrle W Vosler nnd wife to .Mary 10 I.ynuui. part feVi ni'\ \ , 3-71-40 , w d 7JO 00 Sheriff to 1'axfump.slc BavlncN bank , IOIH .1 and 24 , bloc' ( 3 ; lot * 12 , 3J mill 3 < > . block & ; lots 3 nnd 4 , block C ; loin 11 nsid 12. block 9 ; lots 1 , 2 , 19. 0. 23 nnd 21. block II ; lot 2G. block 13 ; loin h 31 and 32. block 13 ; lots 10 , 17 nnd IS , block Id. Wright' * mid. H il 1,500 00 Sheriff to N I' Hunt , receiver , lot B , block 3d , Central subillv , g u 972 Cj Six tninsfcrx , total , . . .ts,223 05 2S pounds New Orleans tugar for II. Brown's C. 0. D. MnrrliiKc * I.IeeiiNe * . The following marriage licenses were . .ItjUwY yeiterdny : Name nnd Address. Aeo Bllns llurrler , Neoln . .31 Kliui Vlerco , Ncoln , , , js O , H. Hprngtie. Belleville , MUI 22 lluby Huviiff. llrllevllle , Kan js Walter HoUKh , Oreiicent City 23 Ix'nu Mcort'houae , IxivHiiml so Krank Compstock , Can-on ) May Owtma. Camon a WORK OF EXPERT BURCLARS Safe nt the Keystone Manufacturing Com pany's Warehouse Bobbed , OPENED BY USING THE COMBINATION ItiililiiTH l/'nlock Hie Dimr lu tlic Ununl .Manner nnd Search tinCotitontn at Tlirlr I.clxiiri.Securing Sonic Ciimh. The fact being generously advertised that Council llluffs business houses aie an easy mark for burglars brought come expert safe cracksmen to town , and It was discovered yesterday that they bad done a profitable Job. Job.When" When" Manager J. D. Patterson of the Keystone - stone Manufacturing company entered the onice of the big Implement warehouse In the lower end of the agricultural Implement district he discovered that the place had been visited by burglars. He was among the last in en In the office on the previous evening and when ho left he turned the combination of the office safe , Inclosing many valuable papers and nearly $200 In cash. When ho entered the office the papers were scattered In promiscuous confusion about the room and the safe was wide open. The cash drawer In the safe had been broken open and the money It contained taken. As nearly as could be determined the amount was J1SO. An examination showed the burglars had entered the building by prying open a rear window In the warehouse and forcing an Inside door to the office. An examination showed that the afe had been opened by using the combination. As there could not bo one chance In a million of the combina tion being worked by chance the theory that It was the work of expert safe men Is the only one' entertained by the police or Manager Patterson. The safe Is protected by a four-tumbler lock and only a fine ex pert could open It without knowing the com bination. Manager Patterson concluded at first to say nothing about the robbery , but to bear his loss In silence. If not sorrow , but during the afternoon when he discovered that the reporters had learned the story he confided to the police. There was no clew obtainable. A largo amount of machine notes asid deal ers' paper . .were carefully examined , but the burglars realized that It would be dangerous work attctnptlng to dispose of them and they dropped them on the floor. Some of them stuck to their fingers until they reached the ofllco door. There tvas a rumor that another office safe In the agricultural Implement district was opened In the eame manner , but If It had any foundation the victims guarded the secret tnost successfully. A Woril to the Wlxp. Sweets to the sweet. Young man , you don't want to forget that In your efforts to get along In the world there are more ways than one to catch bees. Come r > nd sen RIekman's fine chocolates and get a fcv pointers. SUO.OOO.OO Worth of Furniture Must be sold before January 1 regardless of cost. Going to move the stock. The like In prices and quality never was heard of before. Day & Hess , 3D Pearl street. Council Blurry , have some extraordinary bargains In fruit , gardcti and farm lands near Council Bluffs. Now l the time to buy real estate. For Rent No. 98 Fourth street , ten rooms , all modern conveniences , steam heat. Low rent. E. H. Shcafe & Co. Hoffmayr'fl fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grooer for It. The Boston Store will be closed all day Thanksgiving. CUHISTIAX HOSin nXTKIlTAIXSIEXT. Children of Hint limtltiitloii I lender n I'rourriini At'ceplnlily. The children of the Christian Home gave a very pretty llttlo entertainment last even Ing In the beautiful little chapel. It was a sort of Informal effort on the part of a number of the bright little people to show their friends and the friends of the homo what they were capable of doing In the way of entertaining their elders. The program and the training of the children were almost wholly the work of Mrs. C. A. Atkins , the teacher. She was assisted by Mrs. S. S. Faca nnd Mrs. W. H. Lynehard. The pro gram consisted of songs , tableaux and reci tations. A quartet , consisting of Messrs. Thomas Montfort and Arthur Wilson and Misses Emily Anderson and Mamie Wilson , furnished several snost delightful numbers on the program. The parts taken by the children were full of Interest and pathos. A largo number of scats arranged in am phitheater form filled the back end of the chapel and half a hundred of the brightest boys and girls of the home occupied these seats and Joined with the heartiest good will In the songs and choruses. The songs were all slmplo and full of melody and the little ones poured forth their happy souls with a Joyousness that was Infectious. A solo by a llttlo colored boy , "My Old Kentucky Home , " with variations and banjo and chorus accompaniment , would have called for an encore anywhere. The solo singing of Miss Anderson , the nightingale of the home , was a very pleasing feature. It was Intended that the program should last an hour , but the frequent determined encores continued It until more than two hours had elapsed. At the conclusion of the program a bevy of llttlo girls came upon the platform bear ing a handsome quilt which they had wrought and presented It to Mr. and Mrs. Lemen , reciting In concert a llttlo presentation speech la which they breathed the senti ment that the work of their llttlo hands might help to keep the manager and matron warm as a feeble return for their care In providing home- and shelter for the chil dren. Each child then told how she had earned the money used In the purchase of the material. Manager Lemcn made a fit ting response. Another Interesting event occurred when a girl and boy casne forward and presented Manager Lemon with two children's banks , which contained a penny from each child in the home , which had been earned In somu manner. The children taking part In the evening's exercises were : Lola Klzce , Maud ana Drsslo Harris , Jcssla Swalles , Georglo Dar- nard , Charlie Smlthson. Austin Hrenard , Hattle Walte , Homer Wllllasns , Arlo Mc Laren. Martin Housky , Joe Prentice , How ard Morse. Wllllo Chase , Anna Ilctts , Llz- zlo Klzec , May Swallcs , Ava Darker , Altba MIIHs , Luella Darker , Anna Klzce , Vornla Needles , Clara Prentice , Wllllo Mlllls , Grover Haas , Jennie McCourt , Nelllo Lewis , Mattlo Urown , Anna Walt , Willie Wilson , August Rcntzcl. Iliirurlnry IiiNiirniire , Our burglary policies cover burglaries In their broadest SCIIKP , even where there Is collusion with employes or servants. Rates are low and company first class. E. H. SHEAFE & CO. , Agents. Get your winter supply of cnal now before he rush and rko In prices. L. M. Shubert will fill ycur orders promptly ami hit prices are the lowest. Telephone No. 70 ; C2S West Llroadway. The excellence and purity of the home made taffies at RIekman's arc unexcelled. Lundgard , the Taller , 130 S. Main street. CO good clgarn tor f 0c. Prown'g C. O. D. llellevrii lie U I'renlilrllt. Olllccr Ouster's attention was attracted tea a man at the corner of Main street and llroadway last night , as the stranger con- tuued to walk around In a circle at the rousing. Investigation dltclceed the fact hat the man was demented , and ho was alien to the station. Here he told a wild and Incoherent story , stating that hli name waa llattlo and that ha was president of the United Stateo. He had three bottles con taining alcoholic specimens , evidently stolen from some doctor's office. The man U 30 years old ami Is well drwscd. The police believe that ho has escaped from someaay - lum. _ Ilcut sugar cured hems , H cents pound. Crown's C. 0. D. CnitKlit Slenllrnr Coal. I. J. Carter was arrested last night by the special policeman at the Rock Island yards while In the act of taking coal from the company's bins. Ho had a team and buggy with htm. Into which he wea putting the fuel. The police were notified and an office ] sent fcr the man. At the station Carter salt that ono of the men working around the coal bins had told him that he could pick up the coil lying about. Carter lives at 2810 Avenue G. _ Reserved scats for "Carnival of Fame' will be put on sale at Sellers' drug store November 28. Admission 35 and 25 cents. Oil can. grater and cake turner , all for lOc at Urown's C. 0. D. The Boston Store will be closed all da > Thanksgiving. _ Good potatoes. 20c bushel. Brown's C 0. D. _ Will Ilrlnur Cnrti-r Ovrr. A request for requisition papers was token to DCS Molnes lost evening by the police In order to bring J. W. Carter over from Omaha. Carter IP the negro who wa ? ar rented In Omaha , while trying to dispose o the shotgun stolen from DeVol's hardware ptore Sunday night. An effort was made to get the prisoner to come over without n requisition , but his attorney announced las evening that he would fight the cnyo. Pau DeVol swore out an Information before Jus tlco Cook and the papers were forwarded to Governor Drake. _ New Orleans molasses , 25e per gallon. Brown's C. O. D. _ F. W. Dean , M. D. , eye , car , ncae and throat , 241 Merrlam block. Duke's Mixture tobacco , per pound 25c. Brown's C. O. D. MKTHIM'OI.ITAX COURT'S IIU.UIIXO lloiiariim CamArKUfil and Will Il DIxiKixcil Of Xc.vt Week. DUBUQUE , la. . Nov. 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Bonacum case was oubmlttet to the snetropolltan court today. Court opened at 9 o'clock. Father Baart , the dele gated Judge , ruled that the defendants were entitled to tbo opening arguments. Each submitted a written argument , to which Father Slaltery , the prosecutor replied tat length and they rejoined verbally. Upon the conclusion of the argument this evening Father Baart notified all parties to be present next Tuesday , when sentence wll bo pronounced. He remarked that the case Is the first which has come , before a metro politan court In this country and was destined to be celebrated as a precedent. The Issues of the case are the validity of tht sentence for contempt and the action of Bishop Honacum In withdrawing the facul ties of the defendants. The prosecution has practically conceded the Irregularity of tht sentence for contempt and the defendants right of appeal from that sentence. This leaves the question of whether the with drawal of faculties was regular and the further question of whether It wcs void because - cause It was a cruel and un usual punishment for the trivial offenses charged. There Is reason to bellevo that the court will pronounce for the defense , though the defendants may re ceive some admonition or slight rebuke for utterance rcade In the heat of controversy. Fathers Fitzgerald and Murphy left for homo tonight. Bishop Bonacum was not here. rOIXTS TO PAUL AS TIII3 MUHIiiliH. WltneHNpN Attempt to Convict nil .11 iiii of n Doulile Crime. WEBSTER CITY , la. , Nov. 25. ( Special Telegram. ) The case of James Paul , who Is accused of murdering his wife and mother- in-law , Mrs. Dulln , at Homer , this county , last July , was called for trial yesterday even ing. Up to 5 p. in. today eight witnesses had been examined , all the evidence pointIng - Ing to Paul es the murderer. Mary Pierce , the last witness , testified to tlndlng a small bottle containing strychnine In the potato patch near the house. Dr. Ebcrlle made a test of It before the court. It was proved that Jim Paul took a small package of pow der from the bureau and when he found that he < had been seen with. It , threw It Into the stove. Paul tried to have his wife burled the same day cf her death , so he might be able to attend a dance the next night. She was burled the morning of July 4 and the husband attended the dance with his present wife. wife.Mrs. Mrs. Dulln was known to have pension money and a deed of her property made out In favor of Jim Dulln. It was proven that Jim Paul gave Mrs. Dulln a white bitter powder the day she died. Excitement Is at fever heat. His father. Dr. Paul , Is also Indicted for murder ; his trial will follow that of his son. - In Colornilo Mine * . CRESTON , la. , Nov. 25. ( Special. ) Just at the present tlmo quite a number of Cres- tonltcs are Interested In gold mining. A few months ago the Crcston Prospecting and Mining company was organized and a pros pector sent to the Colorado gold fields. A few ! weeks ago this prospector returned and at a meeting explained his experience and the result of his Investigations , Pi-ospector Ellis had located four mines and was strongly Impressed with the value of one of thjm , the Mary E. E. His statement of the condition of the mine excited some of the stockholders , In fact a majority of them , and sufficient additional stock has been subscribed to return Mr. Ellis to Colorado rado to continue his gold search. The favor able reports coming from the prospector have affected the entire town and shares could be sold readily , but the company has not placed any stock on the market. Prvulliir Inclc of XfliriiNkii .linn. SIOUX CITY , Nov. 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) John Enders , a farmer living near Ponca , Neb. , met with a peculiar accident a few days ago. A growth like a cataract has been forming on his left rye for some years , and the sight of the eye was near ! } gone. Mr. Enders. In chopping kindling , was struck squarely on the left eyeball by a flying chip. The eye bled profusely and ho fainted from the pain. He suffered for two days and then began to get better. At this time he noticed that ho could see plainly with both eyes and an examination showed that the growth that had covered the eyeball had been cut off as neatly as a surgeon could have done It. _ IIMVII I'loneerx' .Social nt Crmton. CRESTON , la. , Nov. 25. ( Special. ) Next Monday evening the old settlers of this county have arranged to meet at the court house and relate early reminiscences and have a good tlmo socially. Topics which will bo of Interest will bo presented by those beat qualified to speak upon them. The event promises to bo ono of the snost beneficial socially that has been held for years.The early history of the county will bo Interesting to the younger people who will hear the "old timers" relate It. Re freshments will be served at the conclusion of any entertaining program. City .leiveler Kit 1 1 H. SIOUX CITY , Nov. 25. ( Special Telegram. ) In district court this morning Charles Bergman was appointed receiver of the busi ness of William Hike , the leading Jeweler of the city. The appointment was snade at the Instance of A. Illrsch & Co. of New York , who claimed that lilies Is Indebted to them In a. large amount and that while ho has debts amounting to (12.000 his atock la worth not over $20,000. Other creditor * had threatened to attach the goods. 3l > llu .Hlirlnerx Will Meet nt Crouton. CRESTON , la. , Nov. 25. ( Special. ) Four hundred Mystic Shrlntrs will assemble hero December 2. This clement of Masonry will como from all over tbo itato. HOPE TO SAVE INHIBITION South Dukotn Lenders DccuU'on Flan Looking to This WILL TRY TO OVERTURN TH 'ELECTION i > i ) . - i > Conference nt Mltohell Dooldo.i It Una a Chanceto Itotiilor ttiP"IloMilt of the Vote < F.rfect. VEUMILL10N , S. D. , Nov. 23. ( Special. Rev. C. E. Hager returned from Mltchcl yesterday morning , where he has been fo several days attending a meeting of th prominent prohibitionists at the state. Th meeting wa called by Hcv. Mr. Carhar of Elk Point , president of the Prohibition Nonpnrtlran union of the rtata. The objcc of the meeting was to dcvlwj ways am means of defeating the whisky clement 1 the state and yet placing South Dakota among the prohibition state ? . It I ? sur pi Icing how mnny people voted In Ignoranc of the prohibition amendment. Many of th most prominent prohibition workers awok today to find that they voted , the question wrong ylmply through a mlsunderstandln of the wording. It Is estimated that full 30,000 votes were not caet at nil on th qucctlon because of Ignorance. Three way will bo tried by the prohibition "leaders t carry the cause. Thn board of returns a Pierre will be enjoined December 3 fron deciding the temperance vote on the grounc that the amendment was worded In rucli a manner that the voters were deceived. Th capo will come before the supreme cour and It Is quite likely that the whole vet on the prohibition question will be throws out , which would place the prohibitory la\ back where It was before election. As a last report the local option by countlc will bo resurrected. ASIC IMIOTKCTIO.S"KHO.M AVOI.VKb South Diikoln Ciittlriiion I.OHO lleuvll ) from Tiiix Souroo. CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. . Nov. 25. ( Special. Cattlemen In the Oad Lands section o the great cattle range wert of the MlasDur river have decided to ask aid of the Plate legislature In ridding that region of th gray "wolves1 , which continue to do grcn damage to their herds. The cattlemen In a scope of country extending fifty miles along White river and back from that stream n distance of about twenty-five miles to th head of Dad Illvcr rom'c time ago formed an organization having for Its purpose the annl filiation of gray wolves , upon which a bount } of $3 each was offered by the cattlemen The fund ured for this purpose WOD raised b ; arjesslng members of the organization cents per head for each animal owned b > them. AD cattlemen owning ah aggregate o about 5,000 head of cattle belonged to the organization , a respectable fund wa raised In this manner. During the pas season three assessments have been levin on the members of the organization , bu without any appreciable docreaue In tht number of wolves that Infest that territory This has become burdensome on' the cattle men , and the state will now be asUod to assume the burden and protect the cattle Interests , which are among the most Im portant In the state. ' ' 1M1TII SIIIUS T.U.IC OF CONTEST i , South DnUiitit I'olltlclllllN PromlNC Sumo Lively TlnifN Later. PIDRRE , S. D. , Nov. 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) R. S. Persons , secretary of the re publican state central commlttc'e , Is In the city today in conference with the state om clals. Slnco the election lie : lias been col lectlng testimony In regard to Illegal voting at the late election and. on' which testlmon > contests will undoubtedly be commenced on the state olUcers and electors which the returns show to have gone to the populists From what can be learned from leading fuslonlsts In this city they are also prepar Ing to Initiate a. contest of their own for the ofllces secured by the republicans on the face of the returns and unless someone ono weakens lively times are ahead In this state. It has been definitely decided to make the count on congressmen and electors De cember 2 and the count on the state ticket December 3. The Hughes county canvass Ing board today completed Its count under order of the court and when the returns are made to the state from this count ; all returns will bo In. May CoiiNOllilntc I.nnil Olllcrx. HURON , S. D. , Nov. 25. ( Special. ) Talk of consolidating the United States land offices In this state Is revived. The sugges tion was made four years ago and It Is quite probable that the Incoming administration will act upon It and Instead of having six land ofllces on this side of the Missouri river there will be but three. The" plan suggested Is to unite the Mitchell and Chamberlain cdlces at Chamberlain , the Huron and Pierre offices at Pierre , and the Aberdeen and Wa- tertown ofllces at Watertown. Land business is rapidly decreasing and the work could easily be done by three ofllces. The clerical 'orce Is also likely to be diminished one-half. Corn mill Wlivnt lit Demniul. VER.MILLION , S. D. , Nov. 25. ( Speclal.- ) Leo & Prentls. one cf the leading grain firms , began shelling their mammoth cribs of corn In order to make room for this season's crop. Corn Is quoted on the home market at S cents. The farmers In thte vi cinity have sold the greater part of their wheat. In the early part of the fall a great many of thesn were- hard pushed for money tnd were compelled to sell at a sacrifice. Those who were able have held their grain ind are now receiving a high price for it. The yield of wheat In the county has been above the average. I'liiM-riil of Itcv. II. II. Clcnririitor. VEUMILLION , S. D. , Nov. 23. ( Special. ) The funeral of Rev. H. D. Clearwater , pasV > ref of the Lodi Methodist chnrch , who died of consumption Sunday , was held In the Meth odist church of this city today. The de ceased was a young man of promise and eaves his work but scarcely begun. He had xcn taking faith cure treatment at Chicago and It was thought that he would fully re cover. Ho was brought home last week and died Sunday. He leaves a .young wife. Krnetiireil the Prohibitory Lmv. CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Nov. 25. ( Special. ) J. II. Smith and eon , Claude , .were arrested at Springfield for violating , the state prohl- > ltlon law. As the result of . { their prelim- nary examination boJh . twere bound over , the former under $300 and the latter under $300 bonds to appear Before the next grand Jury. They made no defense , evidently ircfcrrlng to light It out Before a Jury In bo circuit court. . t Cuiiillilnte for .S | > -nlpr : of the Holme. MITCHELL , S. D. , Nov , .25. ( Special. ) John Colvln of this city Is beln g prominently ncntloned as a candidate .95 speaker of the iouD3 In the IcgLilaturoi. ttjls winter , nnd lie lu receiving assurances , of .support from ertaln parts of the etate .Mr. Colvln haslet lot done much active work'as yet. but will ; o Into the field now to > wln. Ho was a member of the house two yoorg ago. Married at Mitchell. " MITCHELL , S. D. , Nov , 25. ( Special. ) Reubln Dwlght and Miss Moo Preecott , two lopular young toclety people , were married CASTORSA For Infants and Children. tt Ladles Who Value j A refined complexion must USD Pozzonl'a Pow-f dcr. It produce * a oU nnd beautiful akin. Monday night by Ilcv , C. VV , McCormell The wedding was n quiet one. none but relatives of the contracting partle * being present. tvlth I'orKrry. CHKYENNK , Nov. 23. ( Special Telegram. ) Fred Holyoke , a furniture dealer , wag ar rested hero today upon the charge of forgery having Issued a number \vortlilem clii'ckn He forged the name of Percy Smith , the up holsterer , to several pieces of paper , ranging In amounts from \a to $20. Ill'SSKI.I.-SCOTT MltUI , MlIAHl.Vt ! Another I > aj' Trttlniiinr In the . Trlnl nt London. LONDON. Nov. 25. The trial of l.ady Scllna Scott , mother of Countcu Uuscll. John Cockcrton , an engineer ; Frederick Kast , a groom , and William Aylott , a valet , charged with criminal libel by Earl llussell , con-ln-law of Lady Scott , wax continued be fore Justice Hawkins at tbc central criminal court , otherwise the "Old Dallcy , " toJay. Karl llussell was again on the stand. Con tinuing his tcs mony he said that at Christ mas , 1S92 , he received a card saying : "God grant that next Christmas all will be for gotten and that you will bo with the people who love you. " Witness later received a letter written by Lady Scott , and addrcsccd to n private detective named Ulcknan , containing the following words : "Any one who provcs'any- thlng will not only get my thanks , but enough to start In life , for , although we have enough evidence to hang an ordlnar ) man , It Is not quite suHlclcnt for our purpose. " The carl on cross-examination admitted 111 : former affection for Lady Scott , and salt that on the Sunday previous to his marriage ho wrote to her as follows : "Parting with you seems harder to bear as It gets nearer. I don't see why you arc not coming to the ntatlon. I want to give you a last hug , my darling , my angel Bother ! 1 am beginning to cry. " The earl said this was simply an expres sion at the tlmo of his reeling for the tnothcr of the lady he was about to marry. Replying to further questions , witness said that he presented Lady Scott tu 1SS ! with Thomas A. Kcmpls' "Imitation o Christ , " because he thought It would be useful to her , and as she often told him that she would like It. It was Inscribed on the fly leaf : "To sny dear Bo. the truest woman ani most faithful friend I have ever known from her loving Frank. " This language , the carl added , was sin cere then , but was somewhat exaggerated Continuing , Karl llussell testified that when his wlfo first left him In 1S90 he loved her and wished her to return , and In a letter to Lady Scott at that time ho alludet ! to the countess as follows : "She has not been actually disagreeable but of course the stony-hearted , pclf-rlghtc- ous saint lias not shown an atom of kind ness or softness , and It will be a relief to get rid of sny curse for a few days. " In a subsequent letter to Lady Scott the earl described his wlfo as a "hard-hearted fiend , " and while the countess was gene on a three months' visit to Karl Kussell's mother the witness wrote to Lady Scott ami asked her to come and stay with him during his wife's absence. He said : "If you fall to accept this concession I shall know you love mo no more than that false woman does. " This characterization applied to the countess. This letter also read : "God bless you , my dear one. God keep you safe always. Oh. dearest. 1 can't write any more. I cannot see the paper. Good night , my darling. " In another letter , two days prior to bis marriage , the carl wrote to Lady Scott : "Oh. darling , will you forgive me ? I was very naughty to you , you true-hearted angel. I go to bed at 3 and have a splitting head ache. Come soon , my lovely one. Ever your lovlnc Frank. " Karl Russell Is about 30 years of age and Is the son of the famous Lord John Russell , who was premier and first lord of the treas ury of Great Britain from 184G to 1S52 and from 1SC5 to 1SGC , and who for about fifty years represented the whig policy In and out of Parliament. After the reading of these letters a dis cussion ensued relative to tie ) admission of further similar evldenc ? . and Justice Haw kins said : "I have nothing to do with the relations between Lady Scott and Lord Rus sell. " 'After a reference to the Incidents of Earl Russell's past life , which brought out the original separation case , Including the fact that ho was expelled from Oxford , the hear ing of the case was again adjourned. CAHI2H.V IMTEVr CASH IS DICCIDIMJ. JuilKTC Ser -M Attorney * for AVIicolM of JiiHtloe. NEW HAVEN. Conn. . Nov. 25. Judge Towsisend of the United States circuit court hay banded down a decision In the case of the Eaptman company of Rochester , N. Y. . agalntt Getz & Hoover of Buffalo , N. Y. The complainant In thla suit alleged an Iti- 'rlngcmcnt on patents owned by them on machines and apparatus for making photo graphic films. The Eastman company tnanu- octurcs cameras , and a victory for the com- mny In this capo would have established a lomplctc monopoly of the manufacture of 11ms used In cameras of tno snap ehot cltus. [ udge Townsend ordera that n decree be entered dlsmlmlnj ; the complaint. In his decision Judge Towntcnd vigorously scores the attorneys for attempting to clog ho judicial machinery of a United States ourt with a superfluity of testimony and exhibits' ' . The Judge rays : "Several weeks vero consumed In examining the briefs , testi mony and exhibit ? . More than 4.000 pages of printed matter devoted to this caw more orclbly Illustrates the practice which now prevails In patent cases of ctufllng the ccords with prolix cross examination nnd rrclevant testimony. " The exhibits shown vould almost fill a freight car and the tcrtl- nony filled some three or four volumes of ho elze of a dictionary. In dUcussIng the omplalnt the court finds that patents on he proccso had already been numerously granted. Ciixtlrx Arrive cm Thin Slilo. NEW YORK , Nov. K. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Walter M. Castle will nrrlve In Hoboken omorrow morning1. The steamship Havel , on which they were passengers under the mme of Michaels , wus sighted off Fire slaml nt 10 o'clock , and reached quarnn- Inc four hours later. ai a ( offerer for eight years from Ecu-ma , tut no warn entirely cured , The p.tlmi of my hand * were covered nnd Lailly Inll.imul ; llttlu wullo bllnter * appeared , then would pec ) off , leaving a red , imuolb lurfucr , which would turn llkn tire and Itch. On the Iniidi' of the upper part of sny limln , Kreat red blotches would appear , and a > poonn < 1 became uaira , the turning iind Itch. Ing would begin. NUht after Slight I would lli > awake and ( crutch , nud almoit no wild , I got a box of CLTICUJU. and a tottlc of ULTICUIIA HE- BIILVKST , oud after a fetv application ! I si Herd tb rednci and Intliiminalloii disappear ; It fore I tiuit utrJ one bnr l/irrt uai nut a tfan oft.rtimit It ft. I can truthfully * rrt tint { 2.00 tvotth of CLTICUIU KexEt > si a cured me. JOHN I ) . I'OKTK , ritnturg , I'a. Rriinr Cr i TUCATUCXT , Wirm htlhi xllh I'.a * TICOA hoAlcclillt rnllcilli/n < nl CCTICC ( olnl- rornt ) . * o(1 tnlUl doicidf Ct'ZiccKAltiftoi.vcxrKrittcit ot humor euiti. 8oM throuehout Iht world , Pfltf. Ct'Tici'RA. Ac.i FOAIV Ue.i IlKftOtTKur. * > c. nd IK 1'urrKU Dbvu AVII CHIU Citnr. . Sole rrr r > ' . . S > i t.'n. orSSuv u 1'trmiDtaUj Curt tcuraA , " nuKtil free. stttrrv. Council Bluffs , Iowa. CAPITAL , . . . $100,000 VIS SOLICIT YOU ! ! UUHI.NF.SS. VIS UEBIIIB YOUH COLLCOTIONI. OKU OK T1IU OLIIIJST IAM ( < I IN IOWA. D PICK CENT I'A ID ON TIMI5 l)12I'OHlTfl , AJTD 1KB Cf OB WHITK. soi.niKnsno.Mt : I\VISTIIIATIO.\ . Additional KvlitiMirr AurilnM ( ! ov- ( riinr Smith llroiiKhl Hut. LKAVKNWOIITH , Kan. , Nov. IS. The congressional Investigating committee spent this forenoon In the hospital at the Soldier * ' homo at the bedside of Captain Henry Jacobs , who testified while Governor Smith had always with but ono exception treated him nicely he was harsh toward others and them was an odious system of espionage In the home. Governor Smith had , he con tinued , once had him summon a meeting of the Home Grand Army of the Hepublc post to pass evolutions condemning United States Senator I'lumb for an attack on the home which the latter had made In congress , and previously asked him to a former Investi gation nt the homo "to manufacture evi dence to down Major Shockley , " the Homo treasurer. This latter ho had refused to do and subsequently lost his captaincy In the home. In the crcM-cxamlnatlon It was developed that Jacobs was removed for Insubordination and talkln In a derogatory mauncr about the home. > I.OXV HATI3S KOU TUB Ti\ClliilS. ItnllrnnilKRrrc to Ono Knro , 1'liin Tire Dollurn , to Mlltrnukoo. CHICAGO , Nov. 25. Ileprcscntatlves of the roads between Chicago and Milwaukee tnet today at the olllco of the Western Passenger association to fortnulato n report on the rates and arrangements for the next convention ot the National Educational asso ciation , which Is to bo held In Milwaukee lu July. The educational society asked that n rate of one fare for the round trip , pluo $2 , bo granted It. and by common concent of the roads of the Western I'aHjenger associa tion , the matter was turned over to the roads between Chicago and Milwaukee for settlement. They agreed this afternoon to grant the request of the National Educational Eoclcty , and the rate was fixed at the amount natned by the society. You may get over that slight cold all right , but it has left its mark on the mem branes lining jour throat. You are liable to takcanother cold and the second one will hang on longer than the first. Scout's Emulsion is not an ordinary cough specific , but it is "the ounce of preven tion. " It builds up the system , checks inflammation and heals inflamed mem branes. "Slight" colds never bring serious results when it is promptly taken. Book on the subject free. SCOTT & BOWNE , Chtmlsti. New York. DUFFY'S PURE FOR MEDICINAL1 USE NO FUSEL OIL Endorsed by the High est Authorities , It is a "Household Remedy. " Take no other from your Druggist or Grocer. Send for pamphlet to Duffy Malt Whiskey Co. Rochester , N. Y. THE TAILOR. Fine Line of Fall and Winter Suitings , 130 S. Main Street CouncilBluffs , la. AMUSKMISVrS. DOHANY THEATER. BURLESQUE CIRCUS -DY- Council Bluffs Field Club. Two nlsMi. commencing TIIA.VKSOIVIXtJ XKillT. no AUTISTS r > o ; Scats on alc Monday nt Seller * ' drug etorc. DOHANY THEATER ! SUNDAY NIGHT , NOV. M. Tilt ; ICnipIre Tlivntrr X. Y. SIICI > H , SOWING TIIK WIND Presented only by the company presenting thtx beautiful ilramn. Theme "SKX ACAIXST SKX. " rnicis Itoxeii , JI.OO , 7c , W > c nnJ :5c. On vat * nt .Sellers' drug ttorc. We must sell , because we must move ; and we must move because our business has outgrown our present quarters , which has been the prids of our hearts as the model Furniture Store of the west We are going into quarters three times as large , built by ljurniture Men for the Furniture Business , Keep this in your minds : Jan. i the Durfee Furniture Company will move into the Beebe building , near the Ogden house , th2 largest retail furni ture building in the west. And ho'd fast to this : They're not going to move much furniture , but from now until' ' moving time [ they'll run a slashing cut price sale on all k'nds of goods that'll clean out the store. They've just got in their Xmas goods. Store wouldn't hold 'etn. One reason why had to move. Everybody wants these goods. Don't ask price , .but come and get 'em. 336-338 Broadway , C. B. Pay freight for 100 miles on suitable orders. How does that strike you ? FUN I Don't Fail to See | . n jj I BY THE Council Bluffs Field G nil , Just the thing to help digest your Thanksgiving turkey. Great fun , great jokes , great feats , great curiosities , great singing , great music , great bare-back riding , great everything. THANKSGIVING NIGHT and FUN FRIDAY NIGHTFUN ioriiy Ovar All. Woultl-bo comnotltors CLAIM to have inatlo tliom selves heurd in the CANVAS tor the better paran n'o , of Weatorn Jowaand the GUIS AT Htuto of No braskti , but there is ono CANDIDATE for the Intel liscnt VOTE that up to the latest RETURNS places beyond doubt the original and genulno Sand wich Adams Corn Shollord baa htid a yreutor number of sales In this territory than all other corn Bbollora combined. It in hard work to yet them fat enouirj ) , but wo are hard workers. Catu'.oyuo awl toriai quoted on application to branch house. SANDWICH MFG. CO. , Council Bluffs. Ofllco Telephone No.80. Manager's Itosldonco Tel. 33 ( & _ , ' " JL l-A.