'HE OiMAIFA DAILY H13K : W0tiXiWi | | > AY , NOVEMBER 25. 1800 , COMMERCIAL AND F1NANCIAI Mny Option Advances Ono and One-Hiv Cents. FIRM UNDERTONE IN WHEAT ALL DAY irxt UviTiinol Cubic * llttntn tli 'CiniNtiiiiptlnn ' Dcninnil Dltoiiuiolnl- liiK , " TluiiiKli tinSunn ; Ill-port Shown nit All vii HIM ; In I'rlucH. CHICAGO. Nov. 21. Whcnt hail nil kind of Htullstlcitl Btipporl today mid was foeno ntc-d to the extent or l4c ! iidvniico In tli Hay option. Two of thea \ \ features wcr nmnll northwcsturn rcccliitH and unlnuitci Kuropcan reiiulrctnnntn from tills country of 17 WO.OOO IJIL of whi at per month for sonic. tlmo to come. Othur mnrkolH , however failed to follow this lend , corn declining Uc ; oats advanced to and provisions do cllnliiK from 5c to "lie. There was a llrm undertone In when from the utart , although the news wna no especially nxclllng nor unusually hulllah hut Hcntlmc-nt wan niiunrcntly friendly to the buying .side. The llrat Liverpool cnhlo quoted the "consumptive demand illuup- poliitlnK , " althoiiKh quotations were Jid higher. The opening strength came alto Kothcr from the northwest. Minneapolis and Jiuluth receipts were only 6 < VJ caw , com pared with KB a wuck ago and 1,111 cars on the Hiiinti day of the year before. Chicago receipts today were id cars ; a year ngo they were 4S8. Here at last wan something taiiKlblo as to the real situation In the northwest. It gave support to the asser tions that only one-third of the crop was left In primary hands and traders wen not lo\v to recognize this fact. The sceom eolik-H , however , showed lid decline , whlcl rather put a ilnmpnur on the spirits of the ( ( peculators , ami a sharp though temporarj decline followed. Opening ilgutos for Ma > were at from NH c to 80e ; ( , as comparci with yesterday'H closing prlco.of SO'/iC , and n ilvcllno'to iO'/ic ' followed A dispatch from Now York , which quoted December wheat at Liverpool fid per cental higher than li closed yesterday , causrd a sudden Jumi In prices. Although this was soon knowt to have been a gross blunder , other news of an almost equally sensational character had meantime been received and kept ii | the advance which had been started. Tlio world's visible supply was reported to have Increased only 1,127,000 bti. , there having been an Increase In and alloat for Europe of y.rat.W Ml. and a decrease of 1,197,000 bit on this side. After this announcement. May which had previously risen to Sll&c , ad vanced quickly to SlI'dc. Another Item of great strength was the Liverpool corn trudc news cstlnmto that the United King dom and continental Kuropo would rrqnlrt from this country 17uoo,000 bu. per month until July 1. The result of this was a fur ther advance to 82'Sc. Near the close , a reaction to from SlTfcc to S2c followed , prin cipally from prollt taking. At that figure the market closed. Corn was heavy and Inactive and with ap parent dllllcnUy maintained Itself about \\c below the closing prices of the previous day. The great strength In wheat did not do much to Influence It , unless In the way of preventing a more material decline. The , demand for shipment east was said to be disappointingly small and was one of the chief reasons for the heaviness. May started unchanged at from 27Ue to 27',4u and grad ually tiicd ; to Mifcc , closing easy at from 27c to 27Uc bid. In oats only a scattered Interest was cen tered In business. The market was tin dullest for a month back , according to pll profes.slonals. An easy feeling existed early , but at the close print * were steady to a shade better tlian given at the flnUh yesterday May opened a sbado lower at from i2r ! to 22\c \ , sold to 22'ln , closing steauj ut 22'c. ' , Provisions were flrm for n while In the forenoon , helpcil by a comparatively small run of hogs , but the desire to buy was soon satisfied by the packers. Kimllsh houses sold and the market gradually declined , notwithstanding th fact that wheat wan advancing sharply at the time. May pork closed 7J4c lower at J7.07"May ; lard closed f.c lower at $1.23 ; May ribs , Cc lower at from J3.)7tt ! ) to J4.00. Kstlnmted receipts arc : Wheat , 45 cars ; corn. HO cars ; oats. IK cars ; hoga , SO.OOO head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Art.cles. I Open. | Illifh. | Low. | Clo'ia. \Vl.rntNo.Vi Nov 77 "PW Doc. 78HMt May t'JM Coin.No. 2. Nov 23H Dec May 27 a ! 27J4 27M Onto.No. 2. . Nov. . . . . . . . 18H Dec 1HU 1HH May SaHttJ * 22 asw Pork.pcrbbl 0 Oi 0 03 ll 65 0 S7K Jan 7 70 7 72I 7 63 7 0.1 Mny 8 07 X 8 07.4 7 U7ii ! Lnnl.luOlti * Di-c . . . 3 00 3 00 3 7 3 2H , Jan. . . . . . 4 02 5 3 1ITH 4 O'Ji * May 4 20 4 32i 4 20 hortlllba Dee Jan 3 H2l I H5 77 ! , a 8li May 4 01) ) : < II7M 4 01) ) Cash quotations were us follows : FLOUR-Steady ; winter patents , (4.40W4.CO ; straights , JI.COW4.33 ; rprlng specials. (1.70 ; spring patents , ( I.15&4.40 ; straights , (3.50ffl4.10 ; bakers. (3.00 3CO. WHEAT No. 2 pprlng. 79ic ! ; No. 3 spring , 7CW77c ; No. 2 red , " - . COIlN' No. 2 , 23ic ; No. 2 yellow. 23Kc. OATS-No. 2 , I9c ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , 21fc { ? 22c ; No. 3 white. IhfllS'.ic. RYH-No. 2. 37c. HARLKY No. 2. nominal ; No. J , f. o. b. . * 4 3Gc ; No. 4. f. o. b. , 24H2SC FLAXSKI-M ) No. 1. 7C&7S.C. TIMOTHY SKKIJ-Prlme , J2.G2V4i2.G3. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . ( IJ.COSC 03. Lard , per 100 Ibi. . J3.Mtf3.h7i4. Short ribs sides < l < * > ? > ' W-WflS.'JO. I > ry failed hhoulders ( boxed ) , ll.L'jJM [ > 0. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , fJ.kTliid 00 POL'LTRY-FIrm ; turkeys. SiitfSc ; chickens , Caa c ; ducks , MfSijc. WillSKY-Ulsllllers1 llnUhed goods , per gal. , StroARS-Cut loaf. J5.2o7 Krnnulated. J4.G7. The followlni ; were the receipts and shipments today : M-JW YOUIC CIKMCIIAL MAUICUT. QiiiitatloiiH f th l a > - on VarloiiN CoilllllOllltlcH. NHW YORK , Nov. 24. FIXJUR-Recelpts , 44.- MO bbls. ; exports , 3,179 bbls. ; more active nnd itronger with the rise In wheat ; winter patents , M.70if4.M ) ; winter straights , ( .GOi4.C3 | ; Minnesota seta patents , JI.C3ff4.S5 ; winter extras , J3.15O 3.75 ; Minnesota bakers , J3.43U4.I3 ; winter low grades , J2.tXXj3.CO. Rye Hour , llrm and active- fcupcrtlne. (2.W3.03 ; fancy. (3.101)3.20. lluck- wheat Hour , easy ; (1.40. lUJCKWIIKAT-Qulcl ; 3C037C. prime state. 9.UNT.n'AtTmel"l > " Hrandywlne. ( T.23. Hi K Finn : No. 2 western , 4CjlO''c. ' Mll y'U'Y : "UUll ! f" > all" > ' . Z8ft2M ! : malting , HARLKY MALT-Qulet ; western , GO J35c. WHEAT Receipts , 117,100 bu. ; * pot stronger ; No. 1 hard , t)4T ) c. Options opened easy under disappointing cables , but made a big advance Surlng the day , particularly on December , owing to the strong cash' position. A hulllbh enllmate of European requirements , good cash demand went nnd small additional of the world's stock helped the advance ; clorcd lHr2Sc higher ; No. I red , November , cloi-ed at WHo ; December , MV4 USS ic : doted at kSSe. CORN Receipts. 73.COO bu. ; exports. 13i,23l ( bu. : ipct dull ; No. 2 , 29Ho. Options dull and barely Heady nil day. owing to light support and liqui dation , clodnc unchanged to HO lower ; Novem ber closed ut S9)ic ; December , 29Ji029'ic ; closed it 29Hc. V OATS Receipts , M.kOO bu. ; exports , 07,273 bu. : ppot , quiet but llrni ; No. 2 , 23Viif23'ic. Options. quiet but tlrmer , with wheat , cloflng * ift < J-c net higher ; May cloB d ut 2Ci4c ; December , 23'.iJ24e ' : clofed at 23ic , HAY Ka y ; Hhll'i'lng ' ' , ( G.GOCC.OO ; good to choice J7.GOiiS.2i. .HOPS Firm ; ISM crop , 3074c ; PaelHo coa t , ItHUc ; ltl ( crop , llOUc ; Pnelllc i-oant. 9ffl31tc. HIll-s-Flrm : ; Galveston. Uo : llurnos Ayres dry. Go : Texas , dry , lOo ; Callfurnlu , lie. IIATIUH : Firm ; hemlock ole , lleunos Ayrrs " , , . I j Cottunteeil i oil. t-auy ; prime crude , 214 O22c ; prime yellow , 24mtGc. Petroleum , weak ; ted closed at J1.10 bid. Railn , steady ; drained , common to ( good , il.SOvT.lKiii.Turpen line , quiet ; 27ViiT27 < ic. IIUTTER Receipt * . MH pkgs. ; ntcady ; went- rrn dairy , SttlJc ; western creamery , 13'if22'iv ' ; lilRlim , 22o ; fat-lory , 7tfl2c , UllKKHK Receipts. 4.361 pkK * . > steady : large , IliOlOUo ; small , 7HMOtio , purl tklms. 3i ! rc ; full ( ktms , 2UC3C. I5OGS Receipts , 9.542 pkB . ; Jtendy ; state and Fenrnyhnn a tJe.S'i w irn , 15'HO Jo. HICK Steady ) domvitlc , lair to extra , Sftuvc ; MOLASSICS-Stcadyj New Orlcani , open kettle to choice. : U3lc. . . . MUTALS-Plf Iron , it Jyj § outh ni. Jll.WU 1500 ; northern , Jll.OOffU 00. Copper , nrm ; brok en , (11.2714 : rxrhnnge , (10.300IO.M , l.rml , ittmnir ; broker * , 1175 ; exchange , M.OWJ8.03. Tin , nrm ; lrnlt , ( li.Wi ; platen , quirt. STOCKS AXI IIOXIIS. In SoiMirlllcN Were AlttiiiHl Profi-NMloiinl All liny. Ni\V : YORK , Nov. II. DcnllnK * In stocks were almost rntlrely professional todny nnd were lim ited In volume. Covering of shorts In London Incidental to the llr t making up day for the fortnlRhtly settlement was rctponMblc fur higher quotations for American securities nt thav cen- Ur , allhougi : the tnty trend of the money mar ket l.ure i-ncouiagol iiiodernlc buying for long nciounl. ThcK- developments Inrplred n local covering demand In the forenoon trading , but the lubfeqilent putting ; out of new short llns relinked the chief element of support , and lo- ccther with rrnllmtlons nnd fomo llqudatlon caufed u late reactionary movement In prices. In the llrrt two hours of business traders , fol lowing l ndon' lead , succeeded In advancing many of the leading shares Important frnctluis , tin ; greatest Improvement being noted In I < ouls- vllle & NaMivlllc , St. Paul , llurllngton nnd a few of the specialties. In the Inactive lift the gnliu were general. Great Nort.u-rn preferred tme 3 per cent to 122 and Lake Shore I',4 per cent to 1C2V6. T.ic persistent gossip regarding tin alleged Impending consolidation of the local gnu Interests were reflected In u rife of 2 per cent In Consolidated Gas. Leather preferred Improved H per cent In sympathy with the great list , but around midday illtclorcil weakness , which be- cninc quite pronounced on disappointment ns to the amount of dividend declared , namely 1 per cent. In some outside circles expectations of n dlrhurtcment of 3 ur even 4 per cent had been excited. The nlllclnl announcement was followed by a rapid slump of 4H per cent to G2',4. The dlfbuiTcnicnt makes 2 per cent distributed In thf year nnd leaves In arrears twenty accumu lative dividend payments. The belief that the dividend declared today would be more suh- ntantlal was fostered by the recent continued fa vorable repot Is ns to tiie condition I of the com pany's business on account of the Improvement In the trade. The drive nt the flock uncovered a number of Mop-loss orders and checked the advancing tendency In the other market. The bears paid special attention to the high-priced stocks. Sugnr was foiced down 14 per cent , Manhattan Hi per cent and Chicago Uas l'l per rent. rent.The concessions In the railway shares were mainly fractional , but of most Importance In the grangers nnd routliwcMerns , T.ie closing wan weak , with mcst shares recording small gains. The bond market was only moderately active , but decided strength was displayed In same of the Inactive Issues. The speculative bonds made slight galnsjjcncrally. Governments ! were strong and fractionally higher. A block of (100,000 new 4s coupons changed hands nt 119'V 1 ho Kvenlng Poft's London financial cable gram says : The stock markets were generally better today , mainly becaufc the settlement whleh commenced Uday , showed n greatly re duced account , with n slight bear position. The hitter accounts for the rlrein mines. Contangocs on Americans were about 5 per cent. There Is only u small bull contingent. The returns for Ameri cans were good , but the close was under the best , becaupp of lack of support In New York. The chief feature In the market Is the growing case In money , whleh , considering the period of the year , Ic suggestive. This Is partly due to the further rife In Amerlran exchange. The question of gold shipments from New York Is energetically dlr.ciirred. Experienced observer * expect the t'nlti-d Stiiles to loc more gold , but favor Its be ing diverted at first from London to the conti nent. Orders In England for goods arc undoubt edly very large. The Paris bourse was llrm and HitRerlln Imurrc was steady. One hundred thousand pounds In gold is coming from Argen tine to Germany on an exchange operation. The following were the cloning quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange today : AtchlBon fljifNTV ; A N. K. . . . . . . 43 AdaniKHx 148 Ontario.ft W ir > { Alton.T H M On-con linn 1 Am , Kxprasn Ill Ore-eon Nav 20 I'.nlllinoro.VOiuo. 17 O. S. L. .t a. N 15 Canada I'aclllo. . . . fi7 Pacific Mall 20 . CanadnSoiuhorn. . 4 ! ) Peoria IJi-c. A K. . . a rotitr.il P.icltlo. . . . HI PlttHbHM. . . . . . . . . ICO ChcH. iOhlo Pullm.in P.il.iOB. . . 167 Chlcaco , t Alton. . 100 Hemline- 3iiW C..U..VO 711 | U. G. W 15 Uhlcaco < ; .in 7tU. ( , G. W. nfit -II ) Consolidated ( las lt)7l ) ! : ICocn Islam ! I'H ; < . . ( ! . . J. A.St. L. . . HUM I St. Paul 7.1W Colo. Co.iit Iron. 1 | do urn 120 Cotton Oil Cert. . . . 14M.SI. P. .tO.nihs. . . . 44 Dolawarnt Hud. . PJH'lj ' dnnfJ 125 Del. . Lack , .t W. . . Hit ) Southern 1'aciflo. . in 1).ilLO. pfd 44 SuirarUonnorv. . . . 117 ! < KaHtTcnu 10 Tenn. Coal .V Iron. _ . . , , Krlo Hillf Texas P.icino 10 Ho BUI 20 . . . . nfd. . . 60 U.Northern nM . . 121 lUnloii P.icinc 1014 C.ktl. I. nM Ill U. S. KxDrasi 4l ! Hocklmr Vallov. . . IS W. St. LAP 7 > s llllnolxContr.il. . . 1)1 ) W.St. L. A P. nfl. 1UJ4 SUP.AD.ilmri. . . . 20 . _ B * . . . 113 K.AT.nfd jllf ! ! W.-Btern Union. . . . SOW LakoKrleA Woat IbH Wheeling .t L K. . SJi iloofd 71 I n i nM Siife LakoSlioro 102 ( M..VSI.L 20 Lead Trust us D..VII.U ISV LoulHvillo AN. . . . 305 < , O. K HW IJ.AN.A H N. L HIM ManhattanCoii. . . . 05J1 C.F..tI 20 McnipuIu&O in I do nfa 71 MIchliKiuCout BO ITSt. . L.t K. C. . . . 4 , ! < Missouri Pacltlo. . 22M T. St. L AK.C. pf 1 10 MoblloA Ohio 22 iS. U. H 10W NnimvllloGlKit. . . . 08 Is. 11. H .fd . 2UJ1 NatloimlCorJi3. : II ( Am. Too. Co 7(1 ( NnL Uonl.'Ufinfil. . 12 i do nfd 100 N.J , Ctfiitr.1l Kill | Am. Tel. i C. Co. . . ill ) N.AW.Iifd 17 ] Com'lC.iumCo. . . . Kill North Am. Co 5 , Am. Snvjr pfd 102 Northern Paclllo. . 14JJ U. S. Cordiio ; all. . 2U : < N. Paclllu nfd 2fi4 U. S. Lcatlior DM0j ? U.P. U. It Q. m , U. H. Uiibb--r 2JH Norlhwcbtoni 10IH II. S Rublinrtifd. . 81 doufd I4HI * fottnnSsua Oil. . . 65 N. Y. Contrat U4 P.C.C..V3. & L. pf.il. 40 The total vales of stocks today were 158.2I9 hares , including : American Sugar , 23.000 ; Hur- Ington. 18,400 ; Clilcago Gas , lO.CUO ; Louisville & Vashvlllc , 7.3U ) ; Manhattan consolidated , 5,000 ; teadtng , 13,100 ; St. Paul. 15,000 , Now York Munoy Murkot. NKW YORIC. Nov. 24. MONEY ON CALL- Casler at K(3 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; ckifed. offered ut 2 per cent. Pill M13 MKRCANT1LK PAPKIl 4R3 per cent. STKULINU KXCHANGK-Heavy. with nctual limitless In bankers' bills nt (4.SG14 for demand and ft.Wif4 3 for sixty days ; posted rates , I.S35T4.84 and (4.S7C4.S714 ; commercial bills , I.SHi. IIAR SILViil-CS\4c. SILVIClt CMRT1FICATRS MUCC3KC. GOVKRNMU.NT I1ONDS Strong ; state bonds , teady ; railroad bonds , steady. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : Sllvor bam. lISJjc ; .Mexican dollars , 82O B-'Hc. SlKhtdraflH , lue ; tolcyraphle. 12Wo. NIMV Yurie Sllnliif ; Uiiiitiitliiiix. NEW YOUK , Nov. 2 l.-Tho following arj llio cloiiliirmliiliiiiUi'atlouii | | : OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fnir Run of Cattle with n low Fed Natives Included , DEMAND FOR GOOD STOCK IS STRONG Dorilralilo AnlniiiN llrlnp ; Firm PrlecK , hut \Vnrnietl fp Stnir HelU OfT SIlKlilly HOKH ( inln u Dime. SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. H.-Kccelpts for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Horses. November 21 3,77s 4.SS ) SIS -I November 23 l.fiTO 1.R2.S 1.4SI 43 November 21 1,007 3.117 November 20 1.G21 2,319 2,374 November 19 2 VO 2.143 310 November IS 4.9S3 3.2U9 2,421 November 17 2.C3I 4.1SU t.9 153 November 10. . . . . . S.W6 001 1,087 B3 November 14 1.7M 3.721 fcol 111 November 13 1,270 3,507 1,421 20 CATTLE There was a pretty fair run of cattle hero today , the receipts being double what they were yesterday , and larger than a. week ago by 1,000 head or more. In addl. tlon to the range cattle there waa quite a sprinkling of native cattle. The supply of beef steers consisted of cornfed cattle , some eight or ten loads , all told. The most of the cattc were only half fat or warmed up Htult and none of them were good. Ono pretty de-cent bunch , and the best In the yards , sold at $1.35. The market upon the whole was not much changed from yesterday. Ileally desirable cattle could be quoted llrm , while the less desirable kinds were perhaps a llttlu slow. The demand wan good and the market fairly active , so that the pens were practi cally cleared In good sciison. lUitchers' stock was In liberal receipt , but the demand for desirable cow stun was good and the prices paid wore Just about the same as prevailed on yesterday's mar ket. The most of the cattle were cleaned up In good season. The feeling on the feeder market was a little easier unless It might be on choice light stulT , the supply of which Is less than the demand all tne wnlie. The country demand for some reason has been light for a few dnyH back and the cattle have been accumulating a little In the bands of specu lators , which has caused an casing off In values. The present prices at which cattle aru selling ought to bring Increased buying orders. Itcpresentntlvo sales : NATIVES. nnKF STKIORS. STOCKEIIS AND FEEDEHS. 2. . . . SC5 2. . . . 780 333 27..1009 3 4- I. . . . 8CO 275 30. . . . 932 3 40 3..1050 3GO 2. . . . 775 2 75 12. . . . 773 3 40 G. . . . U4S 3 CO 3. . . . COO 2 75 44. . . . 877 2 40 79. . . . 716 3 CO 1..1290 SCO S. , . . 772 3 40 L. . . 400 3 CO 2. . . . GOO 3 CO 20. . . . f.C2 . 3-40 9. . . . 434 3C5 2. . . . 995 335 7. . . . 732 3 43 WESTERNS. NKHRASKA. No. . Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 12 cowa 9CO 2 15 1 feeder UIO 3 00 1 cow 1110 2 25 1 str. tig..1300 3 00 10 cows 1018 2 C3 30 feeders..1091 3 E.5 IDAHO. I bull 1720 1 85 S cows 1041 2 CO 17 cows 834 200 4 cows 1120 2 CO 1 Lull 1400 2 00 1 cow 050 2 C5 Mill 11 HiO 2 10 G5 cuws 961 2 C5 32 cows 70S 2 35 24 liclfe-s 660 2 Co 25 cows U 2 45 3 fee'Icre. . . . (03 2 75 27 cows 1086 2 45 12 feeders. . . . 911 3 40 5 cows 10SO 2 45 15 fceilera. . . . 073 3 45 12 cows i 4 2 4i ! 1 cnlf SCO 3 GO 1 feeder 941 SO 35 feeders. . . . 9S5 355 1 bull 1070 2 GO 8 culv3 255 3 75 1 con 840 2 GO 13 calves 231 3 75 5 feeders. . . . 9S8 2 CO H. O. Harkness. 2 feeders..1118 353 28 feeders..1149 3 G5 COLORADO. 91 feeders. . . . 074 3 K J. II. Mook. 3 cows 8G4 2 CO 6 feeders. . . . 950 355 W. J. Kelly. 10 cows 990 233 2 steers 1323 3 GO W. It. Williams. Scows 00) 223 CO c and h. . . . 970 270 4 cows 1000 270 James Laycock. 14 cows fa 210 2 bulls 1323 2 45 1 bull 1030 2 10 13candh. . . . MS 2 70 S bulls 13CO 223 17 steers 1022 3 35 WYOMING. W. J. Keller. 2 bulls 1215 225 15 feeders..1017 375 Yoder Ilros. 29 feeders. . . . MS 3 CO E2 feedersT. . . S3G 3 CO William Maxwell. ' 1 feeder 970 2 73 31 feeders. . . . 900 3 CO George McKarlane , t COWH , , 973 2 25 17 cows SSI 280 4 cows , , f27 2 33 29 feeders. . . . 903 3G5 1 feeder 820 2 75 W. It. Williams. 1 cow. 1150 230 3 feeders. . . . 820 3 00 29 cows ! > 42 255 13 feeders..1070 3 SO 3 bulls 1370 2 CO 1 feeder UIO 3 CO Istag 1370 275 41 feeders..107C 3 CO SOUTH DAKOTA. O. a. Weir. 2 cows 9SO 2 tO 1 feeder 1040 3 00 17 sirs , tig. . . 972 275 18 feeders. . . . 938 3 00 10 sirs , tig. . . 9C3 2 SO 18 feeders..1071 300 C5 steers 9CO 2 K 38 feeders. . . . 91 320 ORUOON. D. 1' . llrown. 3 bulls 1230 2 CO 93 c and h. . . . 885 300 D : , cows 9S.4 245 279 feeders..10C2 330 2 sirs. tlff.0a5 2 75 HOGS Tlio receipts of boss were Inrce today , three times as lnrje as yesterday , und larger than neek ago by 700 head. In fact , to-day's receipts were the lament of nny day since October 27 , when over 7,000 hogs were reported in the yards. . . . . Tim market today was In n Rood healthy con- dltlon und the whole situation could be described In n very few words. The demand was Kood , the buyers all wantlntc IH > K , and the murkct , In consequence , opened early and at fully steady prices. The trade was active and the buyers were not IOIIR in cffectliiK a clearance. The great bulk of all the IIPKS eolj at 13.15 ® 3.25 , with J3.15 and ? 3.20 the most popular prlcc-s. The most of the heavy hoits. those weighing 300 Ibs. and upwards , tola at > 3.15i3.20. but there were u number of loads that touched (3.25. Qood light and light mixed loads brought $3.30(13.45 , the top belne Gc higher than yeMerday. The market today was a strong lee higher than a week ago , and within 20u as good as It was a year ago , Representative sales : No. Av. Bh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 10 2'J5 . . . (310 C3 319 801320 42 440 MO 31214 21 313 . . . 3 2U 10 351 . . . 3 12i ! 25 331 . . . 3 20 ! 0 320 . . . 315 10 20 ! . . . 320 G4 352 . . . 315 Cl 311 . . . 320 G3 314 . . . 3 15 Cl 292 40 3 20 GO 337 . . . 315 GO 310 40 320 51 321 80 3 15 CO i32S . . . 3 20 C8 333 120 3 15 1C 279 . . . 3 20 C2 318 40 3 15 GO SCO 80 3 20 40 330 200 315 GO 253 . . . 320 C7.335 80 3 15 > 48 32J (0 3 20 C5 315 120 3 15 G5 3:6 . . . 3 0 G9 348 120 315 19 12t . . . 320 23 247 . . . 315 44 345 . . . 3 22U 40 335 . . . 315 73 279 . . . 325 C5 348 ICO 315 C3 21X1 40 3 22',4 4C 325 40 315 Cl 330 . . . 322(4 G4 SC6 . . . 3 15 50 I'M . . . S 2i 51 359 80 315 G8 301 ! . . . 325 CO 334 ICO 3 IS ' t.'J : C'J 40 325 C5 372 120 315 51 825 . . . 325 G9 352 80 315 G9 2i > 2 . . . 325 28 3CD . . . 3 15 CJ J35 40 3 25 U 346 40 315 121 251 . . . 325 GO. 359 40 315 " : ia fO 3 25 44 331 10 315 79 279 . . . 325 13 ,374 . . . 315 23 ! C3 . . . 325 48 373 tO 3 15 C2 285 ICO .1 25 49 333 . . . 3 ITU GO 2 ! > 8 40 3 23 C2 , , ,2U3 CO 3 IT'.i Gil 305 80 3 25 76 US 40 3 20 , 71 20 40 3 274 ! 41 277 120 3 20 70 271 120 3 27J4 61 MS 40 3 20 79 220 40 3 30 ft ! 303 . . . 320 Cl 242 . . . 330 G3 3M 60 3 EO 97 193 40 3 SO CO 353 . . . 320 | C7 21S . . . SCO .3 ! "J3 SO 3 20 79 200 80 3 35 109 303 , . , 320 I 78 232 . . . 335 G2 335 , . . 320 C4 187 . . . 340 CO 343 . . . 320 I IS 191 , , . 340 70 ICO 0 320 77 208 . . . 340 Ct 314 , . . 320 U 177 . . . 145 1'iaS-OUDS AND ENDS. 2 M5 . . . 1 25 4 .355 . . . 3 10 1 370 . . . 290 6 ,3.0 ! . . . 310 1 430 . . . 310 0 232 40 310 2 4CO . . , 3 CO I 7 300 . . . 3 IS 5 404 . . . 3 05 8 26 * . . . 3 15 2 495 . . . 305 | C Ml tO 3 IS 9 906 . . . 510 i 41 123 . , , } Over $411,000,000 Paid to Polic3 Holders in Fifty-three Years ! pro 118 i RICHARD A. McCURDY , President , IS THE COMPANY Who will pay that mortgage on your home if you die before How much will your admin it's lifted ? istrator have to sacrifice your A life insurance policy will estate to force quick assets ? do it , and the cost to you is An IN TWO GENERATIONS 1843-1898 Installment Policy for only the annual premium paid $100,000 will leave your family to the company. It is like pay The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York , $5,000 yearly income for 20 ing a little extra interest on years , in any event , and if your your mortgage to insure its re has paid $246,000,000 to its living members. stated beneficiary is then living lease if you die. he or she will be paid $5,000 Has been the benefactor of women and children yearly during life. to the extent of $165,000,000. A 5 per cent Debenture for $100,000 will leave your wife The resources of the Mutual $5,000 yearly income either for Life of New York exceed the 20 years or until her death if combined capital of all the na prior thereto ; then $100,000 will tional banks of New York City , bz paid in one sum. A possible Boston return of $200,000. Chicago , , Philadelphia , St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti more. FOB 15 U KLW A duty delayed is a duty , , shirked. Let-a man convinced IOWA a.iid NEBRASKA , 5.000 . fl i 10 JIN for on of responsibility secure adequate protection and at once. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING , SlXfll AND LOCUST STREETS , ii INSURE NOW OMAHA. DES MOINES. & j IN 7HE | , ; MUTUAL LIFE. Wanted in JSvery County. r A Policy of Insurance in the Mutual Life , is the quickest The true business man acts asset you can leave. H. S. WINSTON , Special Representative. Omalia. oromptly. Get our rates at once. 5 40S . . . 3 10 . 1 200 . . . 325 * 2 403 . . . 310 7 1C3 . . . 3 S2'.J 8HI-3K1' There 'was'n : lair run of sheep today , though the receipts were not up to yeaterday'8 record. The demand , as usual , was good and the .market active and strong. The offerings were all taken early. Representative sales : N'o. Av. Pr. 20 native mixed 82 200 ' . 0 native wethers 81 2 75 9 mixed natives 102 3 00 105 native. wethers 110 300 . ,1 mixed natives 91 3 05 29 western wethers . " 174 3 25 5 native lambs 82 4 00 19 native lambs 100 4 75 5 natlv.e lambs 104 4 85 C1IIC.YGO 1,1 VIS STOCK. Ill Cuttle Prlcvx UIIIIKC IIlRlicr , ivldi Knt IltfVtH Source. CHICAGO , Nov. 24. In cattle pales ranged from J3.SO to (5.15 , with nice fat beeves few and far between , the bulk of the sales belnn well below { 4.70. The etocker and feeder trade con tinued on a liberal sc.-ilc at from 12.75 to 14.00 , u few common stock cattle going as low as (2.50. Cow sales were largely at from (2 to (3 , and cliolce to prime heifers sold at from $3.25 to ( I. Hulls went at from t2 to S3.CO , and calves at from 13 to (5. Texas grass steers brought from (2.C5 to I3.GO , and Missouri fed Texans from J3.CO to SI. Moft sales of hogH were at 5c decline. Com mon to prime lots gold at from $3 to (3.50 , coarpc heavy being the lowest and choice butcher lotc the hlghcpt. The bulk of the hogs sold at from (3.20 to (3.33 , the syndicate paying (3.40 for choice light uclghte. In sheep the pens were easily cleared , prime lambs showing n further advance of lOc. Sales ranged at from (2.GO to (3 for superior up to J5.20 for the best lambs , while sheep went at from (1.25 to 11.75 for Inferior up to (3.GO for choice sheep und yearlings , mixed with straight lots of yearlings selling at from (3.75 to ( I , Western tdiccp sold largely at from (2.75 to (3.10 ; native yearlings sold at (3.75 and tome Mexican year lings brought (4. Receipts : Cattle , 4,500 head ; hogs , 15,000 head ; sheep , 9,000 head , KIIIIHIIH Cl ( > - Live Stork. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 21. CATTLK-ltecelpts , 10,000 head ; shipments , 2.900 bend. Market steady ; Texas steers , J2.705N.SO : Texas cows , (1.55&3.00 ; native steers. (3.45jf4.75 ; native rows und heifers. Jl.lSSf3.CO ; stackers and feeders , (2.GO ft3. ! < 5 : bulls. l.WS2.f.5. HOGS Receipts , 12,000 head ; shipments , none. Mai lie t GtflOc lower ; bulk of rules. (3.25Q3.S3) ) heavies , (3.2003.35 ; packers , (3.15K3.35 ; mixed , 13.20U3.40 ; lights. J3.OG3.374 ! ; Yorkers , (3.25i { 3.37 % : Piss. J2.t5K3.15. 8IIUEI' Receipts. 6,000 head ; shipments. 800 head. Market steady to xtrontr. and active ; lambs , J3.00W4.50 ; muttons , 11.COS3.25. XIMV York Live Stuclc. NEW YOUK , Nov. 21. 1IEKVE8 Hecelpts. 779 bend ; no trading ; cables quote American steers at lOfflO c dressed weight ; sheep at 68c dressed weight ; refrigerator beef ut 7jT75ic. Kx- ports , 800 beeves , 1,145 cheep and 2.COO quarters of beef. SHEEP AND "LAMIiS Receipts , 1,211 head ; very quiet and steady. Shetp , (2.D003.50 ( ; lambs , ( UOQ5.CO. HOGS Receipts , 3G 2 head ; firm at (3.70f4.15. .St. LonlM Live Stut'U. ST. LOUIS , Nov. 24. CATTLE-Hecclpts , 4.000 head. Market steady ; native shipping steers , ( l.GOi4.85 , with strictly fancy at , (4.90K5.10 ; cows and heifers , (1.90WIO ; Texas and Indian Mccrs , 12.3064.25. HOCIS llfColpts.-IWS * bead. Market 6JT10c lower ; light , (3.25ff3j.1mlxed. ; (3.10if3.IO ! heavy , (3.30f3. < 0. 'I SHEE1' Receipts2.WO ) ! head. Market strong ; muttons , (2.25tf3.C5j' [ lafi bs , (3.00 4.35. Stork lu SlKlit. Record of recclpls , pt live stock nt the four principal markets Notember 21 , 1S90 : Cuttle. Hogs , Sheep. South Omaha 3,778 4.SS9 848 C.llcugo .i ? 4,600 18,000 9.POO Kansas City 10,000 12,000 0,000 St. Louis -J.1 4,100 8.000 2,000 Totals . , . . . . , 22,278 42.8S9 17.84S AfiMiiiiiilnlliin ut ( irnln Stockx. NH\V YORK , Nov. JU Special cable and tele- graphla dlf patches to-llradstrect's , covering the principal ixjlntn of accumulation. Indicate the following changes In'nvallable tupplles tail Sat urday , us compared with the preceding Saturday : Wheat , United Stnifl jrind Canda , cast of lha Rockies , decrease , 1,197POO bu. ; n float for and In Europe , Increase , 2C24COO ; total Increase , world , 1,427,000 bu. Corn. United States and Canada , ra > t of the KocltloH , decrease , 329.000. Oats , United States air ! Canada , east of the Heckles , decrease. 358,000 bu. The more Important In- crrares In stocks of wheat , not Included In the crtllclul vlidhle supply statement isst week , are 200,000 bu. nt northwest Interior elevators ; 91,000 bu. at Leavenworth ; 3C.OOO bu. at Rochester ; 49.000 bu. lit llurllngton and 46,000 bu. at ( lul- vcBtun , The Important decrrates Include 349,000 bu , at Chlcajfo private elevators ; 203M ) bu. at outside Manitoba points ; 79,000 bu. at Milwaukee elevators and 40,000 bu , at New Orleans. CiiHun Market. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 24-COTTON-Klrm ! middling. 7 3-lCe ; low middling , 7c ; good ordi nary , Cr , Nli\\ ' YORK , Nov. -COTTON-Qulet und steady ; middling , " % < ST. UJUIH. Nov. * < . COTTON Dull and un changed ; middling' , 7 S-lCo ; sales , 1.G27 bales ; re ceipts , C.9C9 bales ; ihlpments , 1,135 baled ; stock , 3J.KO. New York Wlieut. NEW YORK. Nov. 23. The feature of the wheat market today was a 3a advance In the December opt Ion. Krom a discount of Ho under May It told up to to premium , anil closed % o over. The bulge was all.United by pome , to rumors of u tic short Interctt In that month. Others laid It to the unusual strength of the local rash situation. The entire market advanced fharply In sympathy , helped nlro by the corn Irndc news , eMInmtes tlmt for the next seven or eight month ! ) Europe would require 17,000.000 bu. a month from America. May sold from 85Hc to 87T c , and clorcd at & 7&c. ! Total sales were 6,000,000 bu. OMAHA GI3M3UAL MAUICHT. Condition of 'I'r a do mill IlitotadoiiM oil Staple and I'ancy Produce. nGOS Fresh gathered , 20c , I1UTTER Common to fair , 7flSc ; choice to fancy , country , 1212c : separator creamery , 19p 20c ; gathered cream , 17(7Ibc. QAMK Prairie chickens , per doz. , (5.50JJ6.00 ; quail , tl.MQl.CO ; blue winged teal ducks , (1.75 ; green wing. ( l.GO : red heads and mallards , ! 3.00ft 3.50 ; cmali rabbits. GOOCOc ; jacks , (1.23 ; squirrels , COif'Gc ; deer cuddles , IHi'lCo ; rarcases. 12ifl3c ; antelope saddles , 13U14c ; carcasses , IlWl c. CHEESE Domestic brick , lOo ; Edam , per doz. , (9.00 ; club bouse , 1-lb. Jars , per doz. , (3.15 ; I.lm- berger. fancy , per Hi. , I'c ' ; lionurfort. ' .i-'b. jars , per doz. . J3.00 ; Young Americas , He ; twins , fancy , 10',4e. VEAL Choice fat , CO to 120 Ibs. , arc quoted at 74i c : large and coarse. 4SGc. DRESSED POULTRY Chickens , 5Vjc ; turkeys , lOlfilc ; gec. e. 8c ; ducks , I'c. ' LIVE POULTIIY Urns , 4c : cocks , 3c ; spring ducks. 7c ; turkeys , 8V4jii9ci. geese. 7c. PIGEONS Live , "SU'.Kic ; dead pigeons not wanted. HAY Upland , (5.50 ; midland , ( l.GO ; lowland , (4 ; rye straw , | l ; color makes the price'on hay ; light bales tell the beat ; only tap grades bring top prices. J1ROOM CORN Cxtromely slow cale ; new cmn , " delivered uii track In country ; choice urcen Fclf-worklne carpet , per ! h. . z'4c : choice ureen , running to hurl 2Uc : common. l',4c. VEGETABLES. SWEET POTATOES On orders , per bbl. , J2.00 ONioNS-Good stock , per bu. , 35ff0c. LIMA lirANS-l'er Hi. . 4c. HEANS Hand picked navy , per bu , , (1.40. I7AII11AGE Home grown , per hundred , 75 V90c , CI5LERY Per ilnz. , 23c ; fancy , large , 4S fW c. POTATOES Good stock , per bu , , 25o ; Wyom ing stock , sacked , EOc per 100 Ibs. KRUITS. GRAPES New York , 12l4c ; no good shipping ptock. CALIFORNIA GRAPES Shipping stock , J1.753I 2.00. 2.00.CRANnERRIESCnpn CRANnERRIES-Cnpn Cod , per bbl. , Jfl.OO. APPLKS-Cooklng , per bbl. . (1.75 : eating. (1.73 { J2.00 ; fancy New York. (1.75 j2.00. CALIFORNIA PEARS-Per box , J2.0002.25 ; New York , per bbl. . (3.G034.UO. QUINCES Per bbl. , ( I. TROPICAL ntUITS. ORANOKS Mexican , (3.75 for 150 to 200 size ; larger und smaller sizes , J3.GO. LEMONS Messlnos , (5.00 ; California lemons , (4.00. oice , large stock , per hunch , ! 2.Cottz.z5 ; mcdliim-slzcil bunches. Jt.GOIT2.00. FRESH MEATS. HBGF-Good native steem , 4CO to COO Ibs. , G3 > 7o ; westain steem , G0514c ; good cowa mid Hell- era , G05'fcc ; medium COWH and heifers. 4io ? ; good fniequaiters cows und heifers , 35ic ; good forequarteis native steers , Gc ; good hind quarters cows and heifers , C c ; good hindquar ters , native steers , Slio ; cow rounds. Go ; cow plates , 3u ; boneless chucks , 4c ; row chucks , 3'io : ktecrs chucks , 4c ; beef tenderloins , 20c ; beef rolls , boneless. O'.ic ; sirloin butts , boneless , O'.jw ; loin backs , benders , lOc ; loin backs , 80 ; cow rlj | . No. 3. 7c ; cow loins. No. 3 , So ; beet trimmings , 3'ic ' ; ruinu buttr , Gc ; shoulder clods , GV4c.PORK PORK Dressed hogs , Gc ; pork loins , Co : pork tenderloins , 15c ; rpiire ribs , 54c ; ham sausage , butts , Cc ; pork shouldera , rough , 4V&u : pork shoul ders , skinned , Gc ; pork trimmings , Gc ; leaf lard , not rendered , Cc. MUTTON Drepsed lamb , 7c ; drespcd mutton , Cc ; racks , mutton , 6Vic ; legs , mill ton , 8Vju ; cad dies , mutton , 8He : stew , 3c ; sheep plucks , 3c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Fancy white , per Ib. , 14e ; choice , 13c ; California , amber color , lOc , ClDER-Clarllled Juice , per half bbl. . (2.60 ; per bbl. . t4.2304.GO. SAl'ER KRAUT-Per half bbl. , 11.7582.00 ; this. . (3.00 j3.25. MAPLE SYHUP-Flve-gal. cans. each. J2.-5 ; g.il. cans , per doz. , (12 ; haH-gui. cans , ( C.25 ; < ] iinrt canti , J3.GO. FIGS Importnl fancy , G crown , 30-lb , boxci , ICc ; choice. 10-Ib. boxes. 3-crown , 12c , NUTS Almonds , California , per Ib. , largo size , 13c ; Hruzlls , per Ib. , lOc ; KiiKllsli wal- uuts , per Hi. , fancy , soft shell , l2Uilc ( ; stand , ards , llffll'.ic ' ; IllbcrtH , per Ib , , lOc ; pecans , pol ished , large , WlOc ; jumlm , ll 12c ; large hick' ory nuts , (1.25 per bu. ; email , (1.50. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES-No. 1 green hides. Go ; No. 2 green hides , 4c ; No. 1 green salted hides , "c ; No. 2 green railed hides , Cc ; No , 1 veal calf , 8 to 13 Ibs. , * c ; No. 2 veul calf , 8 to 15 Ibs , , Gc ; No. 1 dry ( lint hides , KflOc ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , "i/fc ; No , 1 dry salted hides , 8QDa ; part cured , , hides , Uo per Ib. IMS than fully cured. i SHEEP PELTS-Orccn salted , each , 25aCOc ; I I grren tailed shearings ( ihort wooled early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled I early rklmi ) . No. 1 , each. Go ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraika butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4O5a ; dry flint Knnras ' and Nebranka murrain wool pelts , per Ib , , actual weight , ! 4c ; dry flint Colorado imtduT wool I pelts , per lb. . actual welttht , 4tlt > v ; nr1 Hint Coloniilo murrain wool pells , per lb. , actual weight , SOlc ; feet cut off , an It Is uiclens to pay freight on them. TALIXW AND GREASE Tallow , No , 1 , Jl'iO ! tallow. No. 2 , 23 o ; greune , whllo A , J' ' < c ; grenne. 'vhltc H. 2Uc ; Kieutf. yellow , 2o ; urente , dark , 1\o ; old butter. 202V > c ; bcuwux , prlmo , K { | 2Zo ; rough tallow , lu Cdlfcc Market. NKVv" YORK. Nov. 24. COFFEK-Optlons opriici ) iiulet. with May unchanged , other months SttIO | xjnt | lower ; ruled dull , with weak under- Icne , followlni ; caiy caLlee and tremendous lira * zlllan receipts ; selling checked by fears of eve discounting heavy movement ; closed dull , points hlK.ier to 5 iwlnts lower. Sales , 5.75 I bags. Including : Dercmber , (9.20 ; March , ] ! > 20 ! Spot coffee , Rio. dull ; No. 7 , Jobbing. (10.GO ; In i voice , (10. Mild quiet ; Cordova , JlS.Mtf 17.25 Sales. 1,200 bags Manmilbo p. t. SANTOS , Nov. 2t.-CJFFEE- : good av erage Santos , 11COO relr. Receipts , 27,000 bays stork , CT.C.WO bugs. HAMIIURO , Nov. 24.-COFFEI narely steady U Pfg. decline , Sales. 10.000 bags. HIO. Nov. 24. COFFEE Firm ; No. 7. Hlo 11,300 rels ; exchange , 8 3-32d. Receipts for two days , 11,000 bags ; cleared for the United States GKO bags ; for Europe , 2,000 bags ; stock , 354,00 MURK. HAVRE , Nov. 24. COFFEli-CIOEed steady n ! 4f advance. Sales , 15,000 bags. WOOL MAIMCKT. Sulen of the AVeek Have Ilecn on i Heilueeil .Scale. BOSTON , Nov. 24. The tales of the week In the wool maiket have been a IltlH over one half of the previous week , but nevertheless , the market Is remarkably strong. One of the brlgh features of a dull week Is that there has beet more demand than for n long time , and as u re suit , dealers arc Indifferent as to whether the ? tell their wool or not. Territory wool remains very firm and the matkct holds strong on the secured basis of 33c to SCc , although higher prices are i.btnlnnble for Ftaplc lots , xiid 37c Is l > lnh lirld by .ome i calcr * . Flc. ce u os ate nn , wlt | only moileratc sales Austiallan wurU are llrm with priced ten.Himhigher. . Quotations : Mis I'ourl quarter-blood combing. 15c ; Mlr/ourl thrie eighths blood combing. 15c ; braid combing , 141 ? 15c ; Lnko and Geoi'gln , loc ; Texas wunls , hprlnt , medium (12 ( months ) , Ilrl2c ; fcoured price , 27B > 2So ; spring line (12 ( monthv ) . lOffllc ; hcour.-il | .rlc ? 3Hi320 ; terrlttry wools : Mnnlaua line inedlun and line. 8Vj l2c : rcoureil price. 33fj3lc ; I'tnh Wyoming1 , etc. . line medium and tine. 9" . | 12c ccourcil price. 33i3lc ; staple. 35j3Cc. California wools , northern rprlng , llfflSc- ; scoured price. 33fj31c ; middle country , spring , StilOc ; scouret price33S)34c ) ; middle county. Hiring , 9flOc , Fcouied price , 30U32c ; rales were ( I2n.ri0. ( I/NDON , Nov. 24. Cable advices from New ZPiilam ! tay the wool auction tnlea opened with prices on a par with the past nTlew. with the csroptlim of croxs-hrc In. which were 'iOld lower. The quality of new clip wool was above the average. The offerings were C.CCO bales , and the withdrawals GOO bales. LONDON , Nov. 2l.-The rlxth rerles of the colonial wool sales opened nt the Wool exchange today. The tales ore scheduled to clore Dcciml ) r 11. Theic was no excitement , but great Interest was manifested , owing to the new clip , of which the quality Is good and 20 000 more bales offered than at the November sales of ikM. lluyers are prcpent from all quarters. Including some from America. The uttfn Innce Is I o up to tl o nu-i b r present at the rules of 1SH4. The demand Is very brisk , and prices are expected to rtllTcn nt the outset , and to continue higher than any previous inuiket quotations for wool. The prices today nro B to 7'.4 per cent higher , St. LoillM ( iriicrnl Markt't. ; -X1 ll KI'O1lT,1lll.'l.1l1 , ? ! weak ; Mr gI -ii ? , ? , ! , ! Sf iS K " n Llvrrpnol cable. Mating tliat the nilviuic" In December wheat there was equal to 7c per bu Dcermlwr opened at S6 e Mil , a shade higher ' ffi f i,1 " COI" ? ' , ° .ni1 n''C" ' ' ' l' ' " 'c ' trad nsh ' ' May. wo Md lrrt'Kul r nnd rather slow ; clos- iBl'a.le ' ! UdlT yslerday. Spot ! Dcecllll'cr' ' o ; May. V''nk : "fl38" . " > t track. FLA XSEED u ' Steady ; 74',4c. TIMOTHY SEKD-Prlme. 25c. . . 'iAXT " 1'8 ' "r'ncr tar bi'ttcr grades ; prairie , ; W 4.GO : tllnothy. (5.00 | 2.GO. IIU'ITKH Higher ; creamery , 17fl2lo ; dairy , 12 KGS-Flrm ! nt ISc. POULTRY-Chlckens , quiet for ( .Id ; rprlng , GV4e ; turkeys. Heady , 9c ; ducks , steady , 7 7'4c ' ; fc-eese. easy , 4 VCc. WII1SKY-II8. LEAD HlgliiT at (2.7582.60. SI'ii/n-il-Flrm : : at ( I , ( . OTI'ON TIMS-JiOc. IIAKHNO 5i(7Gic. ,1'lloXliJiRNVorl < lnweri " ' " " 'lord ' me , , . Job- , , , i , i Mnir , (7.I5H7.40. Ijird. lower : prlmo steam , (370- choice , (3.80. llncon , boied shoulili-rs. J4.G01 cxtr.i short clear , (4C5 ; ribs , ( I ; shorts , ( I.C5 ? Dry > ul llle"1 "trft "lort cltar " " " IinCHIITrt-riour. 2.(00 bbls.j wheat , K.OCO bu.- corn. S9.000 bu. ; outs , 22.0OO bu. ' SHIPMUNTS-Kloiir , 9.000 bbls. ; wheat , 20,000 bu. ; corn , U7.0"0 bu. ; oats. 0,000 lit. Liverpool MiirUi-tH , LIVIJRPOOU Nov. 24-WHKAT-Spot , dull ; demand poor ; No. 2 red winter , Ca ] 0d ; No. 2 red spring , Cs lid ; No. 1 California , 7s td. Kutuu-s opened eimy , with near und ( Mutant positions Ud l.lghir.cloned llrm , with near and dUlant post- lions w\ \ higher ; business about equally dUtrlb- uled ; November , nominal ; December , CM 414 ( | ; January , G Cid ; March , CK 7d ; April , nominal. CORN Spot , quiet ; American inUed , new , 2n llVid. niturrs opened quiet , with near position * Hd lower and dlntunt positions ' /id lower ; cloned steady , with near ponltlonn > M lower und din. tant ponlllons ( id lower ; bunlnin about equally dlntrlliuttd ; November , 2s HHd ; December 2 HHd ; January and March , 2s IIid ( ; April , nomi nal. nal.PItOVIHIONS PItOVIHIONS Ilacon. ( Inn ; demand fair ; Cum berland cut , 23 to ii Hi. , z&i ; thort rile , 20 to JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN : WOYISUSi : AM : SM3 . Hoard of Trade. D'rct wires to Ciiicago and New York. CorrcBDondents : Jolin A. Warren A C-i HIDES WANTED. IIIffhcHl murltKt iirlcn paid MM.I prompt returns Hufurunco Omaha National Hank. F. S. liUSH & CO. , ( No coninilHHluii. 013 S. lath St. , Omaha , Neb. 21 Ibs. , 2Ss C.1 ; lone clear , lliiht. 35 to 33 Ibs. , 29s 4.1 ; IOUK clear , heavy , 40 to 43 Ibs. , 4ks ; short clear backs , llslit , 17 Ihs. , 4Cs ; short clear mld- dleH. heavy , 45 to GO Ibs. , 21s ; cltur bellies. 14 to 1G Ibi. , 2C ; shoulders , Equare , 12 to 18 Ihs. , 20s. Hams. s.iort cut. 14 to 16 Ibs. , 41n. Tallow. Hue North AHUM lean , 1'Js. llcef. extra India ine s , GGs ; prime ixs i , 4Js. Pork , prime mess , west ern , DOs ; me .lum. western , 42s Cd. Lard , steady ; prime wettern , 20s Cd ; rcllned In palls , 24s. FLOl'R Dull ; demand poor ; St. Ixmls , fancy winter. 9a W. CIlMlWi : Steady ; demand poor ; finest Ameri can , white and colored , special. Gls. Ill'TTiU-Klnesl : 1'nlteil States. Msood ; ( , COs. OILS l.liiheeil. ICa ! 'd. ' Pttroleuin , rellncd , CV4d. RiFRIGiitATOR HKUF Forequal terc. 3 id ; hlndquarlcrs , GUd. HOI'rf At London , I'aellle const. 3 Gs. The receipts of wheat durltiR the | ia t Ihrea ilayn were IkS.OCO centals , Includlnic 1S7.WW Ameri can. can.The receipts of American corn during the past thice days were 112,000 centals. The w father IB cloudy and dry. KniimiN City MiirI4 > tN. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 21. WHHAT Advanced l2c .7. . In . . sympathy _ . _ , _ ! . - with , - ChlcaKO . . . _ a nuiiket . . „ _ . , , at , , / mrt rlnsu * ,0.M1UL . ID73il . CORN Steady , moderately active ; No. 2 mixed , nominally , ISc ; No. 2 white , new , nominally , 229 22He > : old , nominally , 24' 2.r.c. RYH-Sleady ; No. 2 , S2fiM'.ic. ' HAY Steady ; choice tllnothy , J8.00S9.00 ; cholco pmlrip. ri.fi00S.CO , IIL'TTEH Unusually llrm ; creamery. 17018ci dairy. 10WI2C. ICaas-FIrm at 17c. .Markft. NI3W YORK. Ntv. 21. HIHlAR-Raw. quiet , but steady ; fair rellnlnir. 2Tio ; centrlfuBal , 01 test , 3ljc ; rellned , quiet ; Han.lard . "A , " 4'io ' ; confectioners' "A , " 4Vic ; cut loaf , Gc. LONDON , Nov. 24. SUGAR-Cane , dull ; cen- trlfuni'1 Java , 11s 4V4J ; Mun'ovado , fair rennlnir. 10s. licet susar. Ktendy ; November , ! i 3d ; Ic- ccmber , 9s 3d. Stock of hct sugar In the United Kingdom , 139,000 tons. Dry CiMiilx , MANCHBSTKU , Nov. 24.-Cloths nnd yarn * . market quiet , with very little business doing. Oil Cll > - Market. OIL CITY. Pa. . Nov. -Credit balances , (1.10J shlpimnts , 71 , 52 bbls. ; runs. 109,223 bbls. TVlNco Win-lit. HAN FRANOISrO , Nov. 24 , WIIKAT Wcak | December , (1.47'S ; May , ( lG4'i. KliiiinliMil. I1KRMN. Nov. 24. RxchaiiKO cm Ixjndon , eight lays' sight , 20 marks 30 pfg , LONDON. Nov. 24. Gold Is quoted at liuenoa \yreH today at 163.30 ; Lisbon , 3C.GO ; Rome , 103.20 , PARIS , Nov. 21. Three per cent rentes , 102f G..o for the account ; excliante on London , 25f 23a or checks. _ _ _ _ _ _ I'l nn in-Ill I .Voli-H. DOSTON. Nov. 21. Clearings , (18G69,3I3 ; bal- inces , ( IC33,322. IIALTIMORK. Nov. 24. Clearings , (2GOC , 99l labinccs , (337.UO. NKW YORK. Nov. 21-Cleurlngs , (123,448,44 : ; mlancei" , (0,779,771. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 21-Cleurlngu , (10,400 , . 18 ; balances , (2,290,483. ST. LOt'IH. 'ov. 21. arnrlniti , Jl32.0 ; bal- HiieeH. ID23.1K7. Money , WH per cent ; Now Yorlc exchange COo picinlum bid ; lOc premium nuked , CHICAGONov. . 21 , CIcarltiKS , JI3'JW,77I. Money , steady nt Cfl7 per cent ; New York ex change , Gc premium ; foreign exchange , linn : do . mand , ; l ty days , (4.S3. IS" ' Oriullianil the fir live. The followInK lilrtlia anil Ut-alliH were ro- jiorted at tliu licnllli onico dtirliiH the twonly- fotir liouru ending at noon yesterday : IllrthH John KcmmcrlliiK , 192 South Eighteenth street , hey ; ( leorgo Davis , 1110 South Twelfth , boy ; William Dolan , 1240 South Sixteenth , hey ; T , J. Harry. 1G12 Norlb Twenty-nmt , girl ; J. T. CJoodfollow , 1403" " Hhcnnan avcnno , hey ; J , A. Kciinody , 1812 Lake.- , hey ; ThumoH Penny , Twcnty-llfth and CuinlnK , Klrl ; Mlko Vatava , 3017 South Sixteenth , hey , Dt-athfl Kdwnrd 0'Donncll , 3. 3001 Frank- lln , crampo , Holy Seiulcher | ; .Mrs. Kllzahoth IlrlgKi , 35 , 1312 Dotlge , Laurel Mill ; Llzula Ilryant , 30 , 2013 .Mandoreoa , eurylcal opera.- tlou , Forest Lawu ,