Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 23, 1896, Page 7, Image 7
TIIT3 OJIAIFA DATIiT 3JB.13 : JtftffDAY , IfOVEjriVEU 2rt , 1SBB. SPEG1RL NOTICES Ail * crllxrinmln for ( lime column * trill lu > tnkrii nnlll lUi.'H ) p. in. , fur tlic cvrtilnit nnil until 8 1 > . m. for the iiiornlnir mill H tin day edition * . Ailvcrtlxcrii , lijrriiicxlliiR | n iinni- licrnl cheek , can linvc nnnirrr * ncl- Ire.MM-il to a iinnilii-rcil letter In on re nt Tin * HIT , A tumor * HO nililrrxni'il vtIII ilrllvoroil on nrciicntiitlnti of the clii'olc only. Union , 1 l-2o n fvortl flrxt ltiortlon | lc n word IliiTonfU-r. Ncithlnir taken for IPNH tlitin i.o fo > * flit IIrot Intor- tlwn. TlicHo nilvortlKcincntn inumt lie run oon-x'otitlvolj- . \VA.NTUDM AM ? HUM1. WANTKD , AX IDEA ; WHO CAS THINK OF ome ltnpli > thine to patent ? Protect your lrt n , they may Lrlnu > irj wraith. Write John WwMfrliurn & Co. , Dcpt. V. . Talfnt Attorneys , Wa'hlngton. n. C. . for their II MO prl nffer nml a llitofJM ( mentions wanted. H-103 WANTED TitAVCMNQ RALirsxinN FOH clKarn ; old. rcllMjlt Iiou-e ; experience un- liecensary ; extra inducements to cu t3m.ra ; J7S.M to J13C.OO p " month nnd expenses Charles C. Illshop & Co. , St. IxntK i Mm DU * BAI.AIIY , ! < > > i'Kn WIIK : AND COMMISSION on nn entirely new nn'l money mnklns busl- nc . C. F. Adam * Co. , (21 So. ICth St. H-57S ! MAN WASTED ; UIIF.RAb COMPENSATION : exporlc-nrc'l or not ; Mock Kiiarnntee < l to grow. Drown lire" . Co. , Nurserymen , ChtfHEo. 1I-M60S DM" WANTED. nOOKKEEPEH FOTl COAI * MINE ; marrleil man preferred. A < liIreM , with refer- encvs , Drawer 37. Omuhn , NeU. II MCII 23 WANTED , nXPEhlENCED TLOWEK OAIl- dener , who rpenks Oerman nnd English. Apply nt IJ , Haas , IS1J Vlnton street. II MCS6 29 ( DININO IIOOM OIIILS TOIl WEST. InK lioiifc cook for Iowa , free ( nre. Canadian Olllcn 1522 UoUBlns. C MGW-M * KOII iii.vr uousns. HOUSES IN AM. PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F , Davis Company , 1105 Fnrnam. D 109 HOUSES. IlENEWA i : CO. , 10S N. liTII ST. D-110 MODERN HOUSES. C. A. STA11R 92i V. Y. LIFE D 111 . ICIJ HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER the city. J5 to JM. Fidelity. 1702 PamamD112 D-112 L.ARCIE LIST oF HorFE3.Tiin BYRON Heil Co. 212 S. 14th St. D 113 HOt'RKS , WALLACE , BROWN nLKT l TH nnd Douflns. D 114 nirUIT-llOOM MODERN ritAME. DETACHlioT 271S I'cppleton avenue ; choice ; JSO 10 room modern brick. CM N. 23d. JS3 00. 9-room mo-Jern brick C14 S. 25th. J25 00. U-room modern. 2Mh nnd Woolworth. I22.W. C. A STAUR , 823 N. T. Life HldK. D M116 _ " " HOt'SKS , FROM J3 "UP ; LAIIOE LIST. McCazue Inxentment Co. , I'M Dodge St. D-M76S _ A UKAUTirUL HOME IN LAFAYHTTn rince ; 8-roonn ; nil moilern ; splondhl condition ; ne * bren rented before ; now "offered nt a low rentnl to first-claps tenant. Fidelity Trusf Company. 1702 Karnam St. D SISM BUITK OF 5 nOOMS. MODERN. Mil L13AVEN . worth. J. W. Squire , 2 llee UMc. D 934 W corner 2Sth nnd Juckoon ; large lot ; hnlf price , J. W. Squire. 245 Dec. _ _ J > 170 FOR ItKNT , S-HOOM HOUSE AT 251S HURT pt. , nil conveniences ; low rentnl Inquire of K E. Jllmmermnn. at county clerk's oince. dur ing business hour * D M2M 1IOUSES.FLATS. GARV1N 1IROS..1GU FARNAM D-2IC TOR RENT. ' .ROOM OUTSIDE FLAT ; NEWLY papered , modern. Lance Ulock , C04 So. 13th. D 3S9-D10 rilfiE-llALANCE OF NOYEMIIEK SPECIAL rate for n Inter , 9 rooms nnd alcove , all inol- prn house la cholcesr location. Fidelity. 1703 Fnmnra. D-453 BTKAxTlIBATED RESIDENCE. Mil HARNEY. D 559UK' 7 ROOMS , 717 SOUTH UTII ST. J15.D D2 Dl TOR RENT. 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAOE AT 2316 N. 19lh t. , 3d door north cf Lake , nl J21 00 to desirable party. J-room cottage at SM S. I6th ave. , J10 per month. Modern S-room house. JM.CO per month. S53 Dav- fiij.ort. W. II. Melkle , 001 1st Nut'l Ill.Ig. D C23 23 FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE. 9 ROOMS. FAR- nam , nenr 27th. Inquire 131C Jones street. Telephone - phone M < S. D-MCC3-2I' 10-ROOM MODERN DUICK , OAK FINISH AND mantels , rooms on first lloor nre nil connected with Inrce MldlnK doors. Lnrw l.nmdry and cistern , A nominal rent If tnken by December 1st. Inquire of owner. 1031 S. 50th Ave. D MW3 . i. i.EIOHTROOM , MODERN DWELLING ; HOT nlr furnace nnd laundry In bnicment ; larse yanl and stable , 701 GeorKla anue. . Apply J. II. Kelkenney. Karbach Illk. D-M701 Dl TOR RENT-NINE-ROOM I1RICIC. IN riRST- class condition , all modern linpro\emcnts , fac ing on Hanxcom Park. Inquire of John Dale. CfO New York Life building. D DC3 20 roil 11K.VTFU11MSIIKI1 1IOUMS. BTEAM HEATED ROOMS , Mil HARNEY. E312-D7 * " " " NICELY FITR"NIS"HED ROOMs. K2 NO. ISTH. u MM : , M * I NICE FURNISHED ROOMS , LIGHT HOUSE- keepln * , 1115 8 , llth. E 76 S7 _ PLEASANT FuilNIKHED ROOitsT SUITABLE for one or two Kcntlrmsn ; modern , Ctl North 19th. -.Mta7 21- Fl RMbIlii > HOtniS AM ) HOARD. roil RENT , FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR without board ; slmm beat nnd alt modern Improvements ; > pecln ! low rates for the winter. Midland hotel , 16th and Chicago. M. J Pranck. firopcrltcr , F 9' > 6 ROOM AND HOARD ; PTEAM ; 02 S. ISTH. I * SU71 N23 THE Mr.imAM-7lEA UTIFtJL ALCOVn SUITE nnd .Innle room. . 25th _ nnd DoJee. Pt5IO _ N'ICE WARM ilOmiS ; OOOD HOARD ; RATES ' ren/onnble. The Ro ; 2v > llurni > y. ROOM viTH 5OARD ; TOR TWO GENTLEmen - month. 511 North " " men ; J30 a - . . j , , roil Ri\Tv.vrtm\isnnn IDIOMS. 5 CIlAMllBRS roH"llOt'SiKEEPiNO : , MAN nnd wife ; water In kitchen ; sttel elnfc. 319 N. 17th. G4 I'OII HKXT STOH1J8 A 'U OKFId'.S. FinST-CU\SS IIRICIC STORE HUILDINO , 1011 Farnam : three stotles nnd basement : will niter > to tult tenant : low rent. 31 1 1st Nat'l 11' k LO- cated , i ) . S. > , IMS llitnej I MID8 DR 4-STQR IIIHCK nriLDING at S16 Famam st. Tliii bulldlni : has a Itreproof cement Imrrment. complete itvani hectlnK III- tureitnter nn all ISoors. tan itc. Applnt th oilier of The Ilw. I-i' WANTFD. LIVE I'F.OI'Li : IN EVERY LOCALIty - Ity ut JtJ.CO w kly luiUi- } ' and rxpcnus to take crlrn for Clirlatnias Goods ; permanent empt > ment If rluht. Matrufaitunrr , P. O. Dot tos. Rn Mas * . * tonL _ .fl .1 .013 AOKKTS MAKE 6 60 TO J1S.OO A DAY INTRO- tluclnc lh "Comet , " th * only ( I fnnp fhot camera made ; th Krrateit Mllrr of the cen tury. Keneral nnd locnl nici'iitx wnntexl nil o\rr th < nurld. escluslvo terrlt < > r > ' > write today for terms and ( ample ; . Atkcr.-Ulcmon Co. X U , La Crome , WU. J-MOM 34 AGENTS IF OU WVNT A PUOFITA1ILE and lu'rinuncnt incll Ine n ; ncr ndJicii * American Supply liouiv , lluffalp , N. Y. J-M71J I3 \VA.NTIITO nivr. SVANTED TO RENT. Al HOTEL , FURNISHED- \ Ktve particular * . Addrtu LJX ( . Nlcktrwn , county. Neb. K-MC1 ? WANTED-Sulte of neatly fumUheJ rootni and kitchen by man and wife , No children. Rooms must be heated by tte&m ur furnacv. Ad- dreu II 37. lire , K-M71 ! : . > PACIFIC STORAUE AND WAREHOUSE cbT. Kt-nt Jane * . Utntral iterate forwurdlnc ; _ . M-11B _ Oil. VAN & STORAQS. Hli FAIl'U. Tlv'L. WM. \v.\\rnnTo IIUY. A SECOND HAND SAFE. llt FARNAM. N-M171 N LIST REAL IISTATE WITH F. D. WBAD. 1TTH k. Douclat. N ! ! . ) LIST CITY AND FARM REAL with ( Ian In lirm. , 1C11 Famam st. N 4tt I'OII SAI.i : .MISCIjLIiANKOfS. CHEAPEST HARDWOC.D WOVEN CORN-CRIH- made. C. R. Lee , Ml Dougla * . Q-IM SECOND-HAND SAFES CHEAP. 1U6 FARNAM CJ-M172 N * ) LADIEfl , CLOAKS. FURS. DRESS GOODS ; e y payn-.vnt i drop pottal nnj will cnll with tamples. K. Hlrsh , olHce Drexel Hotel. SLKIOHS. 8t."KTnfls7 s"lNOLirANb DOUHLE. Drummond Curtlaso Co. , ISth nnd JUrney. Q 1SS-D-11 OAIIDENHR OR GROCERY WAGON ; ALSO furniture wauon ; ImrRRlni" . Drummond Car- rlnfre Co. . ltn and Hnrney Stii. _ QDlS _ DANDY GOOD TOP 1JUGGY AND TWO OOOD family carrtnces chcnp. Drummond C rrl KO Co. . ISlh nnd Hnrney. qH DU A NEW FRANKLIN TYPEWRITER FOR PALE nt n bargntn. Address Omaha. Neb. . P O. Ilex CM. Q.-MI MAOIC LANTERN AND STEREOPTICON OtTT- M * nnd c mcrnii boUKht , wjul nnd exchanged. Richard * & lllrch. 200 Nlcollct nve. . apolis , Minn. 0-Mj9t 21 * NEARLY NE\V "RADIANT HOMK" I1ASE burner. S48 South Twentsixth menue. menue.Q f.ri- SIISCIJLLAXKOL'S. OMAHA MIRROR MFG. CO. , REMOVED TO 70S N ICth. II-M393 D10 CLAIHVOYAXTS. MRS. FRITZ , CLAIRVOYANT , ? 21 N. ISTH. S 2J D3" JIASSACJI : HATIIS. inc. MMK. SMITH , lltl DOUGLAS , ROOM 5 : MAS- tnge and ttcnm baths. T M702-2S * AMES , VAPOR DATHS. sASs\GE. W7 B. 13th St. . room 3. T-M2S3 Df _ _ MRS. DR. I.EONrELECTRIC MASSAGE PARlors - lors ; refrrrhlnR nnd curnllve , don't fall to call. < 1T So. llth St. , up talrs. T M709 K URSOXAL. MISS VAN VALKENI1URO DESTROYS PKR- manently by electricity tuperlluous hair , moles , warm , etc. Room 416 , N. Y. Life Llldg. U-121 RUPTURE CURED : NO PAIN : NO I/ETEN- t'on from business ; we refer to hundreds of patients cured. O. E. Miller Co. , 717 N. Y. Life building. Omaha , NOD. U 122 5ATlis MASSAaErMM'ci POST , 3194 S. UTII , U-123 VIAVI. HOME TREATMENT FOR UTERINE troubles. Physician In attendance. Consulta tion or health book free. 346 Bee bidsU U 124 SEE CARTER HARDWARE CO. . 1103 DOUO- las. for mantels , grates , tiles , marble work. etc. BOOKBINDING. I1URKLEY PTO. CO. MOSIY TO Lo.vx RIAI KSTATE. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. T. L. Quick money at low rates for choice farm loans In lova , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska. W 125 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 023 N. V. MONEY TO LOAN ON 1M PROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan. Love Co. , Pnxton block. \ * - 12lJ LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY pioperty. , } V. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATEST""THE O. F. Davis Co. . 1M3 Farnam St. W 130 PER CENT SIDNEY TO IXAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. farms. W. B. Melkle. Ornaha MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT lowest rates. Building loans wanted. Fidelity Trust company. \\-53. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED" OMAHA property. Puscy & Thomas. Urst National Bank Bldp. - AI1RTRACT13. THE MIDLAND. 310 N.Y. t \ \ ilbll U.U XnV TO LO.VX-CIIATTI3LS. MOSEY"TO 'LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. ; at lowest "rate In city ; no removal of goods : strictly confidential : you can nay the loan off nt nny time or In nny uraount. OMAHA MORTOAOE LOAN rp 30G So. 16th St. X 131 MONEY TO LOAN. 30. CO. 90 DAYS. FURNI- ttr ? , plnnos , etc. Duff Gre.n. loom 8. Bark r b'k X 1S2 KUSI.VCSS ciiANcns. FOR SALE. ABOUT 2.000 LBS. MINION TYPE , 700 Ibs. agate , ISO pair two- third cases. 40 double Iron stands for t o-thlrd cares. This mnt > rlnlnan used on The Omaha Bee and Is In fairly good condltlrn. Will be sold cheap In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser. Apply In person or by mall to The Bee Pub- llshlns Co. , Omaha , Neb. _ Y 713 RETAIl7 DRUG STORE FOR SALE : GREAT bargain : write. Harle , Haas & Co. , Council Bluffs , la. Y M212 A FINE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Hure , cloves and tinware , with a good estab lished business ; stock will Invoice about S7.000.00 ; nothing but cash and short time paper will buy this stock ; a rare chance that will bear Investigation ; no traders. Address A CO. Bee. Y-M321 FOH SALE-HARDWARE STOCK , INVOICING about S3.DOO , Including tinner's tools , store , furniture , etc : no trades , established IS years ; other builncsui Interests reason for telling. Ad- drcts Lee & Son , Exeter. Neb. Y S93-23 nilOWNS' RESTAURANT. LARGEST BEST. oMest established ; Lincoln , at bargain , legis lature this winter. f S94-2i * FOR SALE. HOTEL IN ONE OF "rinVl.lVE. lleM towns In eastern Nebraska thoroughly renovated nnd newly furnished this < n , only hotel In the town : steady boarden , tr.i ush to pay running expenses , opportunity of lifetime for right party. Address Baker , 203 Karbacli Blk. Y SI633 2t rou KXCIIA.VOI : . FOR EXCHANGE , 9.MO ACREs"OF I\ND IN Tenncstei1. clear title , for Nebrn < ka property. Addtvu It. B. Wlndham , Plattemouth.Neb. . 2-M711 21' ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY ge 133 IIOUSES. LOTS. FARMS. LANDS Uco. 1' . Bcmls Real Estate'Co. . Paxton Blk. Re M < WU HAVE BAROAINS IN HOMES. ALSO farms , and want more. List your property i.Ith us now. G. M. Nuttlnger & Co. , 1701 Farnam. BE Mi TOR SALE. AT A BARGAIN , TWO WELL Improved and hlxhly cultivated farmn In the chicory and sugar beet belt ; this land lies within ' . -j mile of Valley , Duuxlas county , Neb. ; the farms contain It ! nnd 120 HCICG. respec tively , and on e.tch U a tubMumlal C-room one- nnd-one-hdlf-tlory frame huuirc , betides out- bulldlnxr , tircliaiJi , etc. For further particu lars call on or additcH John Reid. Valley. Neb. RE WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO OFFER FIFTY acres IlrM-ctasa fruit and vegetable land within three mile * of the city llmllr at 1SV.OO an acre. n easy terms , blir natgaln for some one. See P4)ne & Harder. UK Farnam nt. , Be Bldg. P.C M568 ABSTRACTS ! THE MIDLAND ! sio N. y. Life , RE-MC16 D20 TINE ICC-ACRH FARM TO TRADE FOR CITY property , near Clark. Merrlck Co. on the U. P , R. R. ; 100 acree under cultivation : ' .i bottom tom land , nil gooJ roll , well fenced , good hour ? , liarii , well , windmill , etc. Sec Payne & Harder , 1792 Farnam it. . Bee Building. UK M' 25 10 ACRES NEAR OMAHA. Jl.MO.CO. 14 HIM Harpy county , 13.WO.CO , C.trvin Bros. , K13 Farnam at. RE-M 50-3 THE ONLY NEW COTTAGES TO'BE HAD IN the city nre on So. Nth st. , between Manon and Paclnc its. ; they * re not only new , but ure strictly modern In design , arrangement and equipment. Including electric light * , open plumbing. f eratM , quarter cawed cak finish. nelgntMrliMxl unt.iccllwl , and the best of It Is they u.n l hud an cheap as the tecond-hand barcalnc that are being crrcrcJ. Pierre call it viie * fur further ) > artlculart. Fidelity Trust Company. S. E. Cur. Bee Building , Ground floor. RE- KOIl 5At.i : _ tlRAt < HST.VTH. ( Conllniifd. ) _ FOR SALK-W FKBT , FIVONT1NO ON PARK avenue , n ir larflc | trr t. with > p inl taxes rml'l In full ; Jft.MO.M. 1(7 ffrpt. nist front , on 39th street , by ICC fi t. south front , on Half Hownnl ; M.OW W. Good outh front tot , on West Farnam street ; ( MOW. In > xl4o feet , fronting pnved street ; trncknge In alley , thrw-story brick balMIn * , li > ) x feet ; Imlldlnc In ROW ! condition nrvl hted by stcnm ; ult bl for wBrehouw or minufuctiirlng pur- POM * ; will rent at rea-i-nnble flfture , or Mil for Jlfl MO.M ; Improvements nlone oo t over acres , near South Omoha. with house , barn , etc. ; flm * liind for Rardenln r : J SOflfl. I-OTTER ft OI-ORnK COMPANY , S. W. Cor. ISth nnd Fnrn m fts. RB M700 K KLOCI'TIOX. ELL.V DAY. R. S , 3RD FLOOR. I S. 1STH. 3J2-SS * PLENTY OF FEED. SHEDS \NDWATER ; hori'es called for and delivered , rates , 13 | * r month. Address Dalley , Crescent City. In , S09-D-20 * HORSES TO WINTER ; BEST SHELTER : satisfaction guaranteed. Write O. A. Wolcott. Elk City , Neb. Cll D14 FIXAXCIAL. LIFE INS. POLICIES BOUGHT. W. F. HOLDEN 239 FURNITURE I'ACKED : LOWEST FREIGHT rates fei-ured nnd bills of ladlntr Issued. Omah.i Furniture nnd Carpet Co. , 1211-13 Fnrnnm st. Tel. 1133. M593 Dt9 M. S. AVALKLIN'S PRIPE3 ON Ft'RNI- ture pncklnir , repairing , upholstering nnd mat tresses. 2111 Cumins. Telephone , 1331. -124 PAWXimoicuns. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 41 N. 16 ST. 133 SWAPS. WANTED. GOOD IMPROVED FARM FOR A N3. 1 city property. Address A C2 , Omaha Bel , M-2S2 D3' PHYSICAL CULTURE , ELOCUTION MRS. W. DORWARD. CJ3 N. 19th. M4 D2t ELOCUTION , ZULEMA FULLER. 1613 DOUGlas - las street. 155 N-30 * TYPKWIUTEIIS. GET THE BEST TYPEWRITERS St'PPLHCP ; repairs United Tj-pewrlter & Supplies Co. , 1C19 Farnam Ftreet. VSSO June 30 I1ICYCLI2S. BICYCLES CLEANED AND STORED FOR THE winter. Jl.SO. Omaha Bicycle Co. . 323 N. ICth. 422 HAiiumnssixn. THE PALACE BEAUTIFUL , 1613 DOUGLAS : hnlrdrcsElng. manicuring , massage nnd com plexion treatments a specialty. M339 D7 SKWIXR M.vcinxns AXI > SUPPLIES. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD AND WHITE sewing machine otllcc , U14 Cap. ave. Tel. 1S74. 137 SIIOIITIIAM ) AXII TVPKWI11TIXG. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LIFE. _ 1SJ AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. ICTH & DOUGLAS F34 PRIVATE LESSONS IN SHORTHAND. 2109 Douglan. MC9D D21 BUILDIM ; AXD LOA.V ASSOCIATIONS. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAYS C. 7 , 5 per cent when I. 2 , 3 years old ; always re- deenable. 1704 Farnam st. Nnttlnger. Sec. f 131 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on tavlngs. Apply to Omalin L. & B. Ass'n , 1704 Farnam. G. M. Nattlnger. Sec. 130 x vvoitic joiinnit. J. P. HEALY , 1822 CL.VRK STREET. 457 D 13 LOST. LOST. A WHITE PCfODLE DOG : 3 BROWN spots on body. Return to Miller Halrdresslng Parlor. 1514 Douglas , nnd get reward. Lost MM7 23 * DCXTISTS. SAVE MONEY BY GOING TO SEYMOUR , dentist , 933 North 24th St. ; lowest charges ; work guaranteed ; painless extraction ; examina tion free : open evenings. $33 N20 MUSIC. AIIT AXI ) GEORGE F. OELLENnnCK. BANJO. MANDO- Hn and guitar teacher. Room 412 Be * Bids. Tel. 2SS. 100 HATH ROOMS. RUSSIAN. TURKISH AND MEDICATED baths , 60 cents ; also exclusive department for ladles , everything new ; ladles' hair dressing and barber shop In connection. 107 S. 14th. " SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITORS , Dee Ilulltlln ; . Omalia , NcUr Ad vice anil I'm cut Hook h'KEB. Se.irles & Searles , SPECUHSIS IV Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases. WEfliTfflEH stxiwuv. Alt Private Disease * itij Dlionlcrsof Alon Trcotraont by mall -Consultation frco SYPHiliS Cured for Ufa and the poison thoroucMy cleansed from the system. PILES , FISTULA and RECTAL , ULCERS. HYDROCCLE3 and VARICOCELK permanently and suc cessfully cured. Method new and unfailing STRICTURE AND By new method without pain or cutting. Call on or address with stamp. Dr. SearlC3 & Searlcs , o-o ooo oaaooop 2 ) TO TRADE n o , .anvnu ( TOSELL I ITORENT 00 1011 WAVT SOME HELP TO BORROW MONEY TO LOAN MONEY inr me COLUMNS or mr . . . OMAHA BEE. Omaha adterilsers da this successfully why not you ? The Bee Publishing Co. . 0\mu. < > p-o-o-o < xx > < xx > < i > Of men , uomet ) and cniurtn cured vtith'ut palu lu SO rta > i by the FIDI'l.ITV JIKTHOIJ. NJ pay until well rure In tlx yearn and wnr. ranted for life , fall or end for cir < -ular > , J'lDKLITY Ilt'ITUIlE CUIIK. Bulte M4-5 , Dei Omaha. j MILDRED'S PATIENT. 8 A SOCIETY GIRL'S ROMANCE WHILE SPENDING THE ; g SUMAEER ON A QUIET COUNTRY FARM. % I ft " ' " DY DOROTHY DENE. Q * n o rhll lelphiK Times. "That Is Just like JLlllVcd. One never knows what she Is golnto do next. " "Poor Mildred ! What , dreadful thlni ; 1ms she been doing now. Glare ? " The speaker was a very pretty girl , who hnd Just en tered the drawing room ; unannounced. "Oh , Loulfe , dear , I , nm so glad to eeo you ! " "Thank you , dear. And how Is Eliza- Ufth ? " kissing her. "Quito well , thanlr you. Out Imvcn't you really hesrd about Mildred ? No ? Well , her ladyship hns refused to go with the rest of the family to Newport. Just at the last moment she announced that she was tired of fashionable society , nnd was going to rusticate on a farm. " ' "You do not mean It ? " "Yes ; I do not wonder at your being sur prised. Of course her people were , to say the least , annoyed , nnd tried to persuade her to give up her ridiculous plan ; but she absolutely refused to , so there was nothing to do but to give In to her whim. " "I wonder how Mr. lllakcman will like It. You know his mother took a cottage at Newport , Just to please him , I hear. It Is an open secret that ho wanted to go there to be near Mildred. " "Ho will bo bitterly disappointed , poor feltow. nut Indeed , girls , Mildred has given him very little encouragement. She has been nice to him , of course , but then she- has been Just ns nice to two or three others Phil Raymond and Horace Ladd , for In stance. " "That Is true , Clare , I do not bellevo that she cares a fig for any man. To be sure she cannot , help their falling In love with her , but that Is another matter. When docs she go ? " "On Thursday. Just Imagine , Louise , aho Is to be the only boarder. She stipulated for that. Well , I give her a week at the farthest. Mark my words , she will be at Newport before the season has fairly be gun. " "I should not wonjlcr. But do you know , girls , I alnrost envy her , Of course I would not want to spend a whole summer on a lonely farm , but It would be rather fun to go for a few weeks and get a good rest , don't you think ? " "No , nilzabeth , I cannot say that farm- llto has any attractions for tne. " The subject of Mildred Grant's latest whim was disposed of , and other matters discussed. "For the land sake ! why don't the man get up ? " "What man , Mrs. Baxter ? " "Why that ono layln' out there In the road. Ho tumbled of ! "his bicycle a few minutes ago. and there He's a layln' yet. " "Perhaps ho Is hurt.1' "Sakcs alive. Miss Grant. ' , I wonder I never thought of that. " , ) . "Suppose I go andfBce. ' And without waiting for a reply Mildred Grant hurried through the garden , out Into the dusty road , and was soon at the scene of disaster , for such It proved to be. ' 1 "Have you hurt yourself ? " she asked the young fellow , who aufrqp ed to rise as she approached. "Oh ! I am euro you have. Do not try to stand. " for thenoticed how white his face grew when ho attempted It. "I am afraid my abkle" " Is sprained. I twisted It , and then Very.foollshly ; kept on riding. I managed to all ff at last , as you sec , " with an attempt at a smile , "but found that I could nut mount again. " "I am so sorry. JusMle still for another ' moment. " , ' . In an Incredibly short tlmo "she had brought Mrs. Dazter , auii wlUr-liDr aid assisted the. man'to ' stand. ' ' s > x- j "Now , If you will put one arm over my shoulder and the other'pver Mrs. 'Baxter's , and bear all your weight- mo we will get you to the houae-Jn- * moment ir two. " Gerald RUndcll was no lightweight , and bo protested at first against allowing them to give so much assistance , but when he tried to help himself he felt faint , and was compelled to do as he was told. By the time he was lying on the er.owy bed In Mra. Baxter s "spare room he was pretty weak. Miss Grant gave a few directions to the motherly soul who was bending over him. telling her what simple remedies to apply until the doctor came , and mounting her wheel was soon scorching down the road. Fortunately , the doctor was at home. Mil dred had never seen him before , but the In stant she looked at the gray eyes she knew that she was going to like Dr. Morris. The doctor started at once for Mrs. Bax ter's , arriving there almost as soon as Mil dred. Ho found his patient suffering greatly , though ho tried to make light of it. "Doctor , you do not think that this Is going to amount to anything , do you ? " he asked , when the physician bad finished his work and was about to leave. "That depends entirely upon you , my friend , " was the answer. "If you will llo quietly hero for a few weeks and lot good Mother Baxter spoil you , you will come out all right , but If you attempt to use your foot at all I will not , be responsible for the consequences. " "Doctor , " gasped the patient , "you don't mean to bay that I am to be laid up for weeks. " "That Is about the amount of the mat ter , " was the answer , nundell groaned. "Can you manage to have mo taken over to my hotel , doctor ? I am stopping at the Tarleton house at Elv rton. Don't let money stand In the way. " "My dear fellow , take tny advice and do not think of being moved from here , at least for the present. I feel quite sure that Mrs. Baxter will not turn you out. for a day or two. at any rate. " with a smile. "I hope the gentleman will try to content himself and stay with us , Dr. Morris. Wo will do all we can to make htm comfortable , if ho thinks as how h ? can nuke up his mind to stay , " said the good-natured soul. "Thanl ; you. I am sure I appreciate your kind offer , but I am afraid you do not realIze - Izo what a trouble I v/ill be. Mrs. Baxter. " "Wo will talk about that later. " said the doctor. "Nov.1 I wnt yon to bo quiet. I will call again In the morning. Good-bye. " Mrs. Baxter followed the doctor to the porch , where Mildred hafl already gone. "Do you think the gentleman Is much hurt , doctor ? " she Inquired , anxiously. "Nothing but a badj.spcfln. It Is going to bo rather a todiouf , affair and men are not. as a rule the inapt patient creatures. Will It put you to rouehitinconvcnlence to allow him to stay heixVMrs. Baxter ? Of course , I could havo' Jilm' removed to the hotel , but It would nM'-fcS advisable. Be- sides , ho will be so much better off here , under your kindly care , If It Is not Impos ing too much upon you. " "Don't think of moving him , doctor. Mnl- vlny and mo can attend to him very \\cll , and Hiram Is as gentle as a woman when It comes to nursln' sick folks. Ho can lift ami turn him as liaiuly as a nurse ; It seems to come natural to him. " "For my part , " said the doctor , "I think Mr. Rundell has much to be thankful for In falling Into such good lia'uls , " with a smile that Included Mildred. She smiled In re turn. Dr. Morris raised his hat. and getting In his rig , drove away. As he rode along the dusty road he wondered who the lovely girl was , and what she was doing at Mrs. Baxter's. She seemed so different from the plain country folk he was accustomed to meet In his dally rounds. She kept creeping Into Ills thoughts nil day. and at night when he sat In his ofilce , Instead of studying , as was his usual custom , he found hlmscll thinking of her , and of how pretty she looked as she sat on the porch rail and pulled the leaves from the vine that grew about It. And Mildred was trying not to think about him. She had come to the country to get away from love-making nnd nil such non sense. She hnd made up her mind never to fall In love. She was going to devote herself to literary pursuits , and nothing was ever going to Induce her to marry. And so forth and so on. Now to think that she had to have all her plans for a delightful summer upset by two men ! It was really too bad. Of course , she would have to help entertain the allllctcd youth with the sprained ankle She could never be unkind enough uot to go occasionally to sit a little while with him , or to rend to him but oh , dear ! It was unfortunate. Gerald Rundell was meanwhile Indulging In thoughts that were anything but pleas ant. He considered himself n very Ill-used fellow. Hadn't ho trouble enough already without having to go and get laid up with that confounded ankle ? It was about the worst fate that could have befallen him Just at that time ; Indeed , It seemed the very Irony of fate. He had started on a trip on his wheel hoping to "get away from him self , " as he expressed It. Ho had fallen In love during the winter with a sweet young girl , proposed , been accepted , and In con sequence made "the happiest man In the world. " But as the course of true love never does run smooth , the upshot of It was a lovers' quarrel , ending In a broken engagement. Miss Leslie's parents took her away for the summer , but although the little lady pretended that she was glad to bo far from the sight of Gerald Rundell , and hoped she would never , never sec him again , her pillow told a different tale. For many a night It was wet with tears , as she lay wondering where Gerald was , and whether he was happy , and If he Killl hated her. And maybe he would fall In love with some ono else ! Oh ! that would be too dreadful. And the tears would ruu azaln. Hnd she known that "poor Gerald" had been thrown from his wheel and was now a martyr to a sprained ankle her poor little heart would have had another shock. What would have become of her If she had known that he was about to be ministered to by one of the most charming girls Imaginable , It Is sad to think of. What a biesslng It Is that some things are hidden from us by the kind fates ! A week went by. Something was wrong with Gerald. It was not that his ankle was worse , but he was growing restless and feverish. Dr. Morris scolded him , and warned him that he was only making mat ters worse. He must try to content him- pelf and make the best of things. Inwardly the doctor envied him. What could the fel low mean by not being satisfied to suffer more or less physical pain when It made Miss Grant so demoted to him. Why , he had actually seen her smooth Gerald's curly black locks ! What could the fellow be thinking of not to realize how he was blessed ? But Gerald continued to fume and fret and become more miserable every day. Ho and Mildred had grown to be quite like old friends. She was attentive to him In many ways , but treated him as though snc were nis sister , lie saw mat mere was not the least particle of coquetry about her ; Indeed , she was a very proud girl and considered herself above any such foolish ness as allowing a young man to make love to her. When any unfortunate mortal , em boldened by her kind manner to him , for got himself so far as to make pretty speeches to her , ho was promptly silenced. She had a creed of her own. to the effect that a woman must love but ono man. | Vhether he loved her was not the question , if ho did not. she should go on loving him Just the same , though no power on earth would ever let her confess It. Now , If she were even to allow another to make love to her she would not be loycl. And so she was keeping her whole heart for "the one" who was to be her true love. Even If he never rame , she was not going to fritter It away on others. Or.o day when she was reading to Gerald to try to soothe the demon of unrest that seemed to possess him , ho suddenly stopped J-er. "Miss Grant " and then he paused. , "What is it. Mr. Rundell ? Do you feel worse ? " for she noticed how flushed he was. "No that It were you ever In love ? ' ' desperately. Mildred colored. "What a funny qucs- ion. " "I really btg your pardon. How rude you must think me. Hut may I may I tell you fcomethlng about myself ? " "Certainly , anything you wish , " kindly. "You are awfully good. I never thought I could speak of It to any one , but , well , to tell the truth , I can't sUnd It any longer. I am breaking my heart about a girl who does not care two straws for me. I ought to bo ashamed to own It. but It Is * o. Now , ha\e you any respect left for me ? " "Poor boy. " she said , softly , "and has all the fretting been about this ? " "Yts. I know it is contemptibly weak of me , but if you only knew how I loved her you would make some excuse for me. Then jou sec. too , lying hero I have nothing to do but think of her. " "And are you quite sure she does not love you ? Perhaps you may be mistaken. You Know girls do not always let men see whit they really feel. " "I know It only too well. To bo candid. Miss Grant , she pretended to be in love with me , and we were oven engaged to be mar ried , when she threw me over. " "Perhupa she regrets it by this time. Yea nay have both been a llttlo haj'r " "Regret ? Not a bit of It. " "You do not know. .Woiuen are strange Many thousand dollars worth of valuable articles suitable for Christmas gifts for the young and old , are to be given to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham To ' bacco. You will find one coupon inside each two ounce bag , and two coupons inside each four ounce bag of Blackwell's ' Durham. Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable - uable presents and how to get them. cro.tturta. They have a way ol going about smiling when their hearts are eore within them. A woman's pride will give her strength to laugh when her heart Is sobbing Itself away. Men < lo not understand wo men. If they did , they would be more pa- tlent with them. " 'Do you think I ought to try to forget her ? " "Not If you really love her. " "Hut then she doesn't care for me. " "That makes no difference. If you gave your heart to her It belongs to her forever. She may do with It as she wills. It te no longer yours. Hut you must try again to win hew. " Gerald drew his purse from under hl < pillow , and opening It took out a little tin- , type. He handed It to Mildred without gay- Ing a word. "What a dear little faee , " she silJ gently. I do not wonder that you fell In love with It. You must not give her up. There must be some misunderstanding between you something that could be easily cleared. 1 will all come right I feel mire of that. Ho\ could you ever have quarreled with tha dear little girl ? " Ho looked so miserable that she had to say something comforting. "Never mind you and she will have all the. happiness o making it up. " "Making It up ? What do you mean ? " "Why you arc to write nnd tell her ho\\ sorry you arc. That Is the first step. " "And have her return the letter. " "She will not return It. Something tells me that. " "But she told mo she hated me. " "She couldn't hate any one , " looking a the picture again. "But I don't know whcro she Is , " mis erably. "What a poor excuse. As though her let ters would not be forwarded to her. Iu ) wo will not talk any more about It now , for I see that you are tired. Now I am going to leave you , and you must try to tak a nao. " "How good you nre to mo , Miss Grant I am an awfully selfish fellow , 1 know , to take up so much of your time , but you do not know how you have helped me today. ' Gathering up the dainty needlework tha she had brought with her , Mildred rose to leave , when Dr. Morris was announced. Hli experienced eye took In at once the chaugec expression on his patient's faco. "I am glad to sec you looking so mud better , Mr. llundcll , " ho said. "It Is all duo to Miss Grant , " said Run dell , smilingly. Mildred blushed. She felt , almost cross a Huudell's remark , though why she couli scarcely have told. " \Vo will have you up In a few days , ' continued the doctor , "and you can try th crutches and see how you manage to ge about with them. Uy the middle of Scp tember I hope to send you on your waj rejoicing. " Mildred stood talking to the doctor for a few minutes before be left , but both o them seemed a little embarrassed. Dr. Mor rls at length started rather abruptly ani hurried a war. Mildred went to her own room. She wanted to bo alone with her thoughts. She acknowledged that she was getting to think more and more of Dr. Morris every day She was always looking forward to hi visits , and the days when he did not come seemed blank. Yet , when he did come , wha luppcned ? Only a few words , and those the most ordinary. But she knew that when ever she looked Into the gray eyes , bean the low voice and felt the warm band clasi a strange feeling of great happiness ant content came over her. Yes , ho liked Dr Morris , liked him very much. Had any one suggested that she was beginning to fall In love with him she would have been Indlg nant. Fall In love with a man who scarcclj more than spoke to her. Indeed ! As Dr. Morris drove along the shady roads bordered on cither side with graceful over arching elms , and out through the qule country lanes , he did a great deal of think ing , too. Why wasn't he rich ? He could never marry until he was In a very different position , financially. And even If he had money , would ho ever have the daring to assume that Miss Grant might condesccm to marry him ? She was such a proud girl Ho recalled Kumlcll's words spoken that afternoon. Could It be that Miss Grant was going to marry Hun Jell ? He had been afrali of that all along. It was the most natura thing In the world that they should have fallen In love with each other. The match would ba a very suitable one In every way , as far as he could see. But he carried a sore heart as ho drove home that night. Gerald got along famously with the aid of the crutches , and early In September was able to go about with only the help of a cane. juo uocior came preiiy reguiany sun. out his visits were friendly rather than profes sional. By the middle of the mouth , as bo had predicted , Gerald was well enough to go home. Mildred had left the week before. Mildred Grant wondered many times that winter whether she would ever see Dr. Mor- rh again. When they pcrted he had said he hoped they would meet again , and she had thanked him , and said she hoped so , too. He bad looked at her very steadily with those gray e > cs of his , end had held her hand a little longer than usual , but neither lad let the other eeo what the parting meant. When he had gone away Mildred had run up stairs , thrown herself on the bed and sobbed. She had been quite ashamed of her. self afterward. At tlmc-s a great longing came over her lust to see him. She heard of him occasion ally. Mrs. Baxter's daughter wrote to thank icr for a present sent late In the fall and In the letter mentioned that the doctor had In quired for her. Later en a letter came from Gerald Rundell , telling her that he expected : o bo married soon ! "I have you to thank for my happiness , " wrote Gerald , "for It would never have conic about If It had not : > een for your talk with me that day at the farm. 1 wrote to Dr. Morris , whose friend ship I am fortunate euougn to have gained , and ha\e just received an answer. He con- giatulates me heartily and says that no news could have given him more pleasure. By the way , do you ever hear anything from him ? " Jt is the unexpected that happens. Mil dred was strolling through the art gallery one afternoon late in March , when she ramo suddenly upon Dr. Morris. She had > ecome separated from her friends and In urnins to look for them saw him standing lefore a painting just opposite. She was io afraid that he would disappear In the ast-lncreasius throng without seeing her hat fclie hurried toward him and upoke. Ho turned quickly. "I am very glad to see you. " he said , tak- B her hand. "I bad not expected such a ileasuro. " He looked at her to carncstlj hat Mildred felt her ohrcks growing bet md made Homo remark about the room being "to warm. " They were only together for a few minutes. Her fricnda had. dis covered her. ami bidding the doctor a rather hasty goodbye she left him. That night she cried cried because she had not been kinder to him ; because ho had not made some excuse to stay longer with her ; because she had not nnl.ed him to call , because he had not asked to rail : because Eho might never sec him again. It had all been BO different from what she had planned to happen if they ever did meet. And all on nccount of her pride. Yet how glad she was that the had seen him , far more so thau he was to see her , ( .he feared. A week later Miss Grant requested Sit Blakcman. Kverybody wondered what shi could have been thinking about to have done such a thing. He was desperately In love with her , was rich , handsome and t fine fellow In every rcepcrt. Mildred ac knowledged all this , and also that she liked him very much , but she was never going tc marry anybody. The spring wore on to summer. Mlldref went to Newport , to the delight of hn family. They had feared that she might la- l t upon going again to Clover farm. Ho . Hho longed to go there no one knew. Uu' her prldo kept her away. Four years passed and Mildred was still unmarried. One day she received a lettci from Dr. Morris. It limply suked whclhei ho might have the pleasure of calling uptm htr during his stay In Philadelphia , lie wag attending a convention and would remain about a woe ) ; . Mildred know every word o' It by heart before ilio laid It av.ay. Ho came tltu next evening He lookol older and more dignified , Mildred , thought. They talkrd on varied iunjects and Mil- cjrmt congratulated him upon the great * uc- . iss of hla paper read before Hie convention Ho blushed like a boy aa she pralsKl him , "I willed on Gerald Itundvll and hU wife vbn J was in Now York , " he ald. "The- , ro wonderfully J-appy. Do you know , " look- ins at her iteadlly , "that I thought you tt > \ Gerald were engaged that summer ? " "What a rldlculoui Idea , " the ald , red- "I rannot tell you how glad t was when I learned that I w s mistaken. " The clock In the hall struck loudly , then all was quiet for a moment. "I wanted to come at once , " Ward went on , "to speak for myself , but I wan not In n position then to ask you to bo my wife. I had others to think of. But all this Is changed now. Through the death of an uuclo my mother has been made Independent , and my sister has married , so tint I need think of no one but in ) self now. I have the right nt last to tell you Hint I love you. Is there any hope for me ? " But Mildred said nothing. "I am not worthy of you , Mildred , I know that , but whatever you may think of me I must tell you how dearly I love you , I have always loved jou and always shall , llavo you nothing to say to me , Mildred ? " "Have you really loved mo all this time" " She spoke so low that Ward had to bend his head to hear her. "Yea , even though I felt after seeing you that day In the art gallery that there was no hope for me. " "And you think you could never love any other woman better ? " "Never , " he said firmly. "There Is but one woman In this world for me , Mildred , and you are she. " He waited nn Instant , then said gently : "What li your wish , Mil dred ? Would you rather that I said noth ing further ? " For answer she put both hands In his and looked Into the dear gray eyes she loved so. Thf > n she hid her face. Word put his arms about her , then kissed her. "Ward. " she said , still with her face hid den , "I have been afraid to confess It even to myself , but I have loved jou all these years , too. " With that confession vanished Mildred's pride. You should keep Salvation Oil on hand ; It will cure all aches and pains. I'rlco 25 cts , Current Literature Five pages of the current number of Book News arc exclusively devoted to sketches of Du Maurler and to the reproduction of many of his famous drawings. Hundreds of now books alf ) receive mention , many of them being represented by pictorials taken from their pages. There arc also Interesting re views of the fields ol literature from local correspondents at I'hlladclDhta. New York , Boston , Chicago , San Francisco and Lon don. don.A A splendid sectional map of the United States Is one of the features of the Novem ber Issue of the Rand-McNally Olllclal Kail- way Guide and Hand Bcok. Dnsldca the ordinary budget of practical papers for art students of all classes the Art Amateur for November contains two charming colored supplements one a rich , bright nnd glowing study of geraniums by Clara Goodyear , the other a study of out door life by Rhoda Holmes Nlcholls. Thcro is also presented a lavish selection of exam ples of the work of the early Hnglish mas ters , the "crazo" for which still continues. Among the valuable contributions to the Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette fcr the month are "Conimunicablllty to Man of Diseases from Animals Used as Food ; " "Tho Hygleno of Water Supply , " and a paper showing the various herbs which may be safely used as "greens. " The results of forty years of the parochial school system arc set forth by Judge Morgan O'Brien writing on the subject of "Catholic Education in the United States , " In the No vember number of Donohoe's Magazine. A delightful sketch of the personality , travels and books of Charles Warren Stoddard U from the pen of J. N. Ingram. The fiction of the number embraces a strongly dramatic story from the pen of Mary F. Nixon , en titled "What Babette Saw at Tlvcrney. " Among the subjects discussed In the No vember Issue of the American Journal of Sociology are : "Abstract and Practical Ethics , " "Tho Working Boy , " "Immigration and Crime , " "Productivity of Municipal En terprises , " "Superiority and Subordination as Subject Matter of Sociology , " "Christian Sociology , " "Social Control" and "The Pur pose of Sociology. " The Cosmopolitan for November Is lavish In the number of Us complete stories , seven of which arc given. Accompanying James S. Mctcalf's sketch , "The Stage and the Beauty Problem , " are some handsome portraits traits of famous stage beauties , among them a group of three separate views of Anna Held. Another paper. Illustrating t > pes of Spanish beauty , entitled "Dulles of Caracas , " by W. Nephew King. Edgar Fawcott contributes an Interesting paper entitled "Under the Shadow of Vesuvius. " An extensive paper on "Tho Wltwaters- rand and the Revolt of the Uttlanders , " by George F. Becker. Is a most Interesting feature In the November number of the National Geographical Magazine. The Il lustrations are of exceptional merit. MAGAZINES RECEIVED. The Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette. Th Gazette Publishing company. New York. The Homo Magazine. Commercial Trav- ers' Homo association , Blnghamton , N. Y. Meechan's Montbly. Thomas Meccban & Sons , Gcrmantown , Philadelphia. The National Geographic Magazine. The National Geographic society , Washington , D. C. Donohoe's Magezino. Donohoo's Maga- zlno company , Cll Washington street , Bos ton. ton.Life Life and Health. The Gazette Publish ing company , 1218 Broadway , New York. The Transmlsslsslppl Stamp. The Trans- mlsslsslppi Publishing company , Omaha , Neb. Neb.Tho The Cornbill Magazine. International News company. New York. The Cosmopolitan. The Cosmopolitan Magazine , Irvlngton , New York. The American Journal of Sociology. The University of Chicago Press , Chicago , Costnopolls. The International Newi company , New York. Chatterbox. Estes & Laurlat , Boston. Facts and Fiction. The Dominion com pany , 134 Van Buren street , Chicago. Sartorial Art Journal. The John J. Mitch ell company , 103 Fifth avenue. New York. NEW BOOKS. Among recent books of travel few nro more entertaining than "The Edge of the ) rlent. " by Robert Howard Russell. Mr. lussfll describes a most interesting trip along the picturesque coast of Dalmatla and Montenegro , an unfamiliar field of travel , end continuing through Constantinople ami ho eastern roast of Asia Minor to Cairo anil IIP Nile The writer adds to a graphic style an enthusiasm that Imbues his scenes ar.d nrldents with strong realism , and the text 3 accompanied with valuable Illustrations. Charles Strlbner's Sons , New York. Me- Death's. "Tho Idol-Maker , " by Adeline Sergeant , lerlvc * lu title from a minor character rather than from the hero of the story , a > oy whcoe principal passion wan an Intense religious enthusiasm manifested in a fanat- ral desire to destroy the Idols of the icathcn. His uncle In India , a large gub- lbcr to missions , is also a manufacturer if linages sold in the Interior The plot In- elves dUputcd land titles , parted lovcrn and lovely sirens , ar.d la above the level of ommonplace. D. Applcton & Co. , New 'ork. Mcgeath'fl. Quito a unlquo novelty In books for chil dren Is Eleanor Wlthey Willaril's "Chll- ren's Singing Games , " embodying a largo ollcctlon cf time-honored game songs of hlldrcn set to music and aptly Illustrated , nany of them adapted , for school recitation , t M handsomely gotten up and as a boll- ay gift will be highly appreciated by the Ittle ones. Frederlrk A. Stokce company , _ New York Mcgeatb'i. IVfoot Commit , K n Powders have n vulgarolar , Ir.t I'ozzoNi'0 la a .ruu bcautifior , whose effects urulattlcg.