Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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"Wheat Decidedly Sluggish and Closes Very
Much Lower ,
Xlcitorl * of It a I u In. I ml In Cntmc
Something of n I'lurry , lint
Litter Indication' HfHtilt
In it lloiictlon.
CHICAGO. Nov. 20. Wheat was decidedly
nlugglsh today and closed about l c lower.
Jtost of the decline was due to the weak
Liverpool opening , and though later news
was of an encouraging character , the mar
ket refused to rasrxmd. Other markets
showed some Independence , corn closing ; Uc
lower oats a shade higher and provisions
unchanged to I c higher.
Liverpool aln rfavc the tone to the be-
nlnnlns of the wheat market here. It
bent quotations from Ifed to SHd per cental
lower than the previous day's closing prices.
So strong was the desire to sell at the
commencement and so cowed and so
cautious nt the same time wcro Intending
buyers that December had to be offered
nt ? 6c. as against 77Hc yesterday , before
buyers could be found. To add to the
opening bearlshnesa the receipts at Minne
apolis and Duluth had risen from 913 car
loads , compared with 451 carloads a week
ago. and WS carloads the corresponding day
of the year before. Some of the European
news was qulto bullish. Paris reported un
favorable weather and stated that France
would be an Importer before another crop ,
nnd Liverpool confirmed the reports of dam
age by locusts to the Argentine crop. After
the price had recovered about Ic from the
opening prices , there was another slump , be
cause of a New York telegram , saying
light rains had fallen In IJomliay. It was
Afterward said , however , that the rain In
India had not fallen where It would help
wheat crowlnsr. The best Improvement In
this market followed the estimate by a
local statistician that the visible supply for
the week was JlkHy to show a decrease
Mondav of l , .0Ci bu. and possibly 1.5 > XK jO
bu. The Increasn the corresponding week
of last year was 1,395,000 bu. The demand
for cash wheat waft good , and came from
both exporters nnd home millers. Karly In
the forenoon sales of 1S9.IM9 bu. were made
' * nnd SO.OJO bu. of that -was No. 3 hard
* winter , for export. After a recovery to
TTHc. the market begun to tend downward
tigaln. The continental markets sent much
lower quotations at the close , and that re
newed In Its full force here the very bear
ish feeling , which had boon temporarily
overcome. Finally , about half an hour
from the close , December broke to 75 > c.
There was-very little recovery. December
closing weak at from ToUc to iW
opened weak under the Influence of
the big drop In wheat , but the decline with
which the market commenced brought In
BO many who had previously sold short to
take advantage of the chance to buy that
the price soon rose again. The Improved
tone of the cash market aided materially
Jn sustaining prices. May started He loi-er
nt 2CHo. It rose to Kic , then declined to
from Wic to 26Vic , closing steady nt from
EtPxc to 2 > Uc.
Oats opened weak nnd Uc lower than
yesterday's closing prices. Later on In
the session the feeling was firm nnd prices
advanced , but fell back apaln toward the
finish , nnd the gain at the close of the ses
sion was small. The only Influence the'mar
ket submitted to came through sympathy
with wheat. May opened at from 21 * c to
214C , sold nt 21c. advanced to IlTic , and
closed steady at 21Sc.
The opening In provisions was seemingly
Influenced by the weak stnrt In the wheat
market , but after the hos products had
rlf n with the subsequent forenoon's recov
ery In wheat , they did not aijnln go below
yesterday's figures , although wheat became
so much weaker than at ilrft. Only a fair
business was transacted. January pork
closed unchanged at J7.-.0. January lard. I'jc
higher , nt J3.S7H to SiSO ; January ribs closed
unchanged at I3.SO.
Estimated receipts for Saturday : Wheat ,
110 cars : corn , 473 cars ; oats , ISO cars ; hosx ,
12.00) head. i - -
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Art.clos. I Open. I High. ( Low.
Kov . . . 73
SB *
Corn.Ko. 2.
Kor 23 Vt
Decl. ' " 224
May. "l-tlJi 2GH 20HSH
Oats.No. 2. .
Kov. IS
May "lil 21.4
Dec 6 23 C 43 n 23 a .ts
Jan 7 S24 7 42K 7 30 7 424
May 7 70 7 83 7 70 7 73
Ut-c . . 3 US 3 70 3 1)3 3 674
Jan. . . . . . 3 S3 3 Oi4 3 81 3 00
May. . . . 4 071 4 12H 4 U7H 4 10
D j 3 C24
Jan .1 03 .1 75 ; < 63 5 7
"May 3 87 > . 3 Oil. ' 3 S7 3 1)0
Cash quotntlons were as lollow * :
KlJOt'U Sieidy : winter patents. JI.IWl.W ;
ttralKhu , H.Wlt.K. spring patents. ) .t' ) ;
stralKhts. J3. tfl.lO : bakers , iMWfel.K.
WHEAT No. I fprtSjf , 73Hc ; No. 3 prlr.s ,
75HO77L ; No , I re ! . i .fiUHc.
COUN No. 1. UHS Sic.
OATS No. t. IS c ; No. I. wlilte. f. o. b. , : iH&
K'tc : NK 3 while , f. o. b. . % @ : : .
urn NO. z. 340.
DAItLEY No ! , nominal : No. 3 , f. o. b. , KB
3ict No. 4. f. o. b. , JMlMe.
FIXSKEINo. . 1. 7W77c. (
TIMOTHY SEElPrlroe. . . .
PROVISIONS M > * porfe. per bbl. , Ji.liV.I3 ;
lard , lr 1ft ) ibj. , S3.70O&73 : rhort rlhs. tides.
\ooftj U. * * * : < lr > ' fnltetl fhouldtrs. b > > xed.
JI.yf.W ; short clear sides , bused. H-ST'lgLOO.
rnUI.THY Market cjulet ; turkeys. 4fri4c ;
chickens. J4jtc : tlucks. & ! < , < : .
WHISKY UUtlller * ' r.r.ljitd E5Od , p r sal. .
S I'G A IIS f ncbange J.
Tlie follovrlns were the receipts and
totUy :
Ou the I'nvluea OXOIIVTa tolivtim butter
kri was Hrm ctvamvry , 12u21c : dairy. 10 i
KffjH , linn ; trcsn , 2lc. Cheese , steady ;
( notations of tlic Day oil Vnrlonn
NKW Y051K. ? Car. M.-FLOUn-ntcepts ! , 17-
700 btils. ; exports , n.Rl Lbls ; dull and lower to
sell , exept for low grade nlatcn , which ccn-
tlnui * In demand ; city mill v tents. JS.10fJ.XM ;
winter eitras. Ill iJlW ; Minnesota patents. JI.CJ
Ci4 ; winter low erudes , ti iifi-.W. Southern
Hour , dull ; II.M. Ityo Hour , quiet ; sui n'.ne.
tl.'HilW ; fancy , JXw-83. . Iluckwheat llaur ,
cteady nt 11.49 : ltmniy ! lr. , i.y > .
IIULICWIIKAT Oullj Me. prime state.
COUN MKAISteady ; Hrandynrlne. n.I5.
ItYK-DulI ; No. 2 western. < t > OI31ic , elf.
HAHLUY-Steatfr : western fee-Jlnif. Is BMc ,
cif. . Ilucrnto. _
VVIli\T Ileeelpf * . 1K.7M bu. ; spot weak ; No.
1 WTiC. f , o. ti. , alloat. O ; > tkns ucre weak
nil clay cxri > t fr a midday rally on General
coveiiiic nnd unfnvoratle Arcvntlne crop r.evtt ,
The discllne was asilited by low cnblcc. foretcn
cclllns. HauMatlcn , larecr reoelpta ani reports
of better i > ruipects In India. CloteU at
dM'llne ; November , clowd. ! IWc ; l >
CJ5-t a 9.1Sc. clo lr.K at M\c.
( XIIN llectlrts , 17 . . ' > bu ; einorts. ,
bu. ; iHit , weaker ; No. J. SiSc. elevator. Options
opt'r.ea lower with wheat , l.ut i.irllxlly rr uvrm !
ilulins Die day n ceverlns of twferal
lines ; clmwJ } .0'.i leer , Dtceribrr , ts
. . .
OATH Uecelpln , 1W.SW b i. : fipcrts. I3.ISJ bu. :
> r-t. dull , N-j. S , Sic. Options dull ami fea-
tureUss. rlo lni ; unchanged ; May , * , ftX ; ir ,
cl.Jltiff Kc : l > ecmUr. * ac. clo lni ; a\ .
HAY-rKuj , sblplnc. &HIW ; eood to cbuce.
HOI'SKlrm ; stale , common to choice liSO
crop , 39i'ic , lif < crop. 8 11 ; Paelfle coast , : U5
cn > p. 3 < * 7Hc ; liM crop , UI c.
llIDKrt Firm. OaUtfton. ic ; Dutnos Ayres ,
dry. nomlnul ; Texas , dr > ' . Ite ; Calif ornla , UHc
J.EATllEll-KIrm : hemlock sole , a A. , llslit
to heavy w.lthts. l HONHc : cld , JOW.Ic.
PKOVISIONtlleer. . steady ; famUy , tlOOO
H.W ; extra men. 17 : racket. tSTitfAji. cut
meats , easier ; pickled Ulllt * . ( VflV ; ploklr-l
fhfUld'rs , I'.UUJckl | l hanu. MiffSo. Lurd.
steady ; e > tirn steamed. JI.W , rvfliied. stendy.
1'ork. dull : nun. H.M6I.7I ; family , tlO. ( tri0. ( !
TAI.IJUW Itrnt ; city , IHc : country , SSo.
JDL'TTKIt-Iterelp'.l , .II4 pWrs. : steady ; west.
em. OISc : vTMterc crsamery , llHC 'c
e ; acco' . .
IW CIIBBUK Il - ! pls. J.70J ptiK * . ; steady ; larce ,
TV Bl Uc ; sm ll , TViOWjcj part tklnu , JUOIc ;
full skims. iUdSc.
I KOOS llec lpts. 7.010 pkcs. ; firm ; state and
Pennsylvania , rlJlc : wtatem. UHfitlc.
QJ1.S Cotton f d oil , teidy : prime crude ,
Cir 'io ; prime yellow. MUiJ.'Oc. Petroleum ,
dull , I'nltrd closed at Jl.ll I'll. ItOJln , quUti
strained. ll.MQt.JIH. Turpentine , quiet ; r\iQ
lie ItlCE Firm : domeitlr , fair to tfilra. 3t.8 < o ;
Japan. 4 > , 4Hc.
Oriearj , open kettle ,
.MirTAI.S- Iron , tlrm ; southern. tlL OOir t
narthern. Jllii3 : W Copper , strady ; brokers ,
111 tt ) . eschanii * , lll.JOOlt.43. Mu.1 . , ilror.ti
bruk.M. C.T3. ( xchsnie , ttWiOS-l-JH. Tin.
quiet , ttrallt. II3.C4Q1110 : plates , quUt. ptUer
qultt , Uumeftle , J ( itl.rj.
AV'o l Mnrkrl.
BOSTON. Nor . The CoianttvUI Hulk ( In
Jrill car lociorrow o : wooli Tit * marktt Is
quieter. Sale * reallr * re small , one lot of l.W > , -
Wt Ibs. reported this week wn eM some weeks
since. American buyers have filled large or
ders In tendon and Australia. Price * at pri
vate sale * have advanced 3 farthing * since the
last auctions. Most of the Inquiry this week
In Iloston w for Australian wonts. The clr * .
Ing of the tp stry carpet mills bec u of an
orerstselc of goods Is annoum ? d. The cools
trade U quiet Sale * of the week nre J , l .100
Ibs. dotrmule an. SSS.OC Ib * . forelcn , n nlnjt
3.111. 0 Ibs. domestic and 1.70I.C" ) 1M. forelcn
l ts we k. and 1.7 J ( > Ibs. dnmettlc and l.n-
) Ibs. foreign for the. mm * wek lst year.
The sales to date show a decrease of 3M1I.3
Ibs. dom-'tlc and M.MI.W < ) Ibs. foreign from
the sales to the same date In 195. The receipts
to date snow a decrease of 111,43) bales domestic
and H .l bales foreign.
Caiiillllnn of Trnilr nml Qtiotntluni
mi Stittilc nml I-'nnoy rroilnce.
KGOS-fYesh fathered. c.
UirTTKlt Common to fair , 7Tic ; choice to
fancy. countr > \ l313c : separator creamery , 1W
! c ; gathered cream , KdlSe.
OAMB Prairie rhtckens , per dot , tS ; quail.
ll.t ei. f ) : blue winged teat dorks. J1.7S : .Ofl ;
rren win ? , 11.50 ; red heads and mallards. tlWtf
XSO ; small rabbits. MfKDc ; ) cks , tl M ; squirrels.
S7 c : deer saddle * . ISfiKc ; earcasws , l 91lc ;
antelope saddle * . 13Ollc : careasre * . > * " * .
CHIESI > amestlc brick. Ih : ; KMsm. p r doi. .
JS.OO ; club house. 1-lb. jars , per dot. JJ.15 ; Llm-
b tt5 r ; fancy , per tb. , Sc ; Itnouefrrt. H-R' .
Jars , p r doz. , tl.OO ; Youns Americas , He ;
twin * , fancy. I Hc.
VEAIChoico fat. 50 to 1M Ibs. , arc quoted at
7flc ; larse and course , < f 5c.
DHESSKD inJl'LTnY-Chlckens , Co ; turkeys ,
IMIIlc : geese. > rc ; ducks. $ g c.
LIVE 1-OfLTIlY Hens. < 4'c ; cocks. Scj spring
ducks. 78 c ; turkeys. SV49c ; neese , 7IMc.
PIGEONS Live , TSlfWc ; dead plseoas not
HAY Upland , tJ.50 ; midland. H.M ; lowland ,
tl ; rye etraw , ti : color makes the price on
hay light bales sell the test ; only top grades
brim ; top prices.
imOOSI COHN-Extremely slow sale ; new
crop , delivered oil track In country : cbolce green
s lf.worklnc carpet , per lb. . ! V c : ctolce green ,
running to hurl J'ic ; conimon , IHc.
SWEET POTATOES-On orders , per bbl. , K.W
ONIONS-Oooil stock , per bu. , ise 9c.
LIMA HRANS-Per lb. . 4c
11EANS Hand picked navy , per bu. , SI. (9.
CAI1HAOE Home grown , per hundred , TSOOOc.
CELERY Per dnt. I3c ; fancy , laree. 45n6 < ta.
POTATOES Good stock , per bu. . I3c ; "Wyom-
Ing stock , sacked. c per 1M Ibs.
OnAPKS : 'ew York. U'TC ; no good shipping
CALIFORNIA ORAI'ES Shipping stock , H.T3C
CllANDERRIES-Tape Cod , pr bbl. . t6.CO.
APPLES Cooking , per bbl. . tl.75 ; eating , tl-73
9J.W : fancy New York. tl.TSfliW.
CALtmitNIA PEAn. Per box. tJ.009J.S3 ;
New York , per bbl. , U.3 g4.t.O.
Qt'INCIii Per bbl. . t .
ORANGE ? Mexican , f3.73 for 1M to KO size ;
larger an. ! smaller sizes , ) .
LEMONS ilesslnas. I3.W ; California lemons.
HAIIANAS Choice , larve stock , per bunch.
t : . ' . < kp ! . ; meillum-slie , ! bunches. JlJOgJ.W.
BEEF Good native steers , tvi to ECO Ibs. . CUO
7c ; western steers. SfjWic ; good cows nnd heir-
ers , 5 Hc : medium cows and heifers. 4Hc ; good
forequarters cows and heifers , 3ic : good
forequarters native steers. 5c ; good hind
quarters cows and heifers. 6 * c ; good hindquar
ters native steers , S&c ; cow rounds , 3Hc ; cow
plates , 3c ; boneless chucks. 4c ; cow chucks , 3 < ic.
steers chucks , 4e ; beef tenderloins. c ; beef
rolls , boneless , 9Hc ; sirloin butts , boneless , S > 4c ;
loin backs , boneless. lOc ; loin backs. 74c ; cow
ribs. No. 3. 7c ; cow loins. No. 3. Jc ; beef
trimmings. 3 > , ic ; rump butts. So ; shoulder clods.
S c.
I'ORK Dressed hogs , 5c ; pork loins. CHc ; pork
tenderloin * . 13c : s | re ribs , te ; ham sausage ,
butts , Sc : pork shoulders , rough. 4 ! e : pork shoul
ders , skinned. Sc : pork trimmings. So ; leaf lard ,
not rendered. Se.
Mt'TTON Dressed lamb. tic : dressed mutton ,
Co ; racks , mutton. SHc : legs , mutton. SHc ; sad
dles , mutton , S4c ; stew , 3c ; sheep plucks. 3c.
HONEY Fancy white , per lb. , 14c ; choice , lie ;
California , amber color , Ite.
CIDEK-Clarldod Juice , per half bbl. , tlaO ; per
bbl. . S.K8I.W.
SAVER KRAUT Per half bbl. , il.734s-OQ ;
bbls. , tJ.C08S.Si.
MAPLE SYRUP Five-gat , cans. each. tii.
gal. cans. p r doz. , 112 , haif-gai. canj , it.i ;
saart cons. ttM.
FIGS Imported fancy , 5 crown. 30-lb. boxej.
15c ; choice 10-lb. boxes , 3-crown. lie.
Nl'TS Almonds , California , per lb. . large
slxe. Uc ; Itrazlls , per lb. . lOc ; English wal-
uuts , | i r lb. . fancy , soft shell. IZQK c ; stand
ards. HUHHc ; Hlb rts. per lb. . ICc ; pecans , pol
ished , large. tjlt > c ; jumbo , llgllc : larse hick
ory nuts , tl.3 p r bu. ; small , JI.W.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Sc : No. S green
hides. 4e : No. 1 rreen salted hides. 7c : No. 2
green raited hides , tc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 11
Ibs. . 7c ; No. : veal calf. 3 to 13 Ibs. . Sc ; No. 1
dry tlnt ! hides , MflOe ; No. Z dry Hint hides.
7Sc : NO. 1 dry salted hides. 56c ; P t cured
hides. He per lb. less than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each. S38 ta :
green salted shearings ( short wooled early
skins ) , each. ISc ; dry shearings ( siort wooled
early eklnJ ) . No. 1 , each , Sc ; dry shearings
( short wooled early skins ) . No , 1. each. 5c : dry
t'.lnt. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts.
per lb. . actual weight , 46i : dry Hint Kansas
and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , Itflc ; dry flint Colorado putcher vool
pelts , per Ib. . actual weight. 4Bsc. orj- Hint
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual
weight. 304c ; feet cut off. as It Is useless to pay
freight on them.
TALLOW AND GUEASE Tallow. No. 1. JHc ;
tallow. No. I. 3 ! c : grease , white A. SUc ; grease ,
white n. S' c ; grease , yellow , : c : grease , dark.
lic ; old butttr , IQViiei besswax , prtmi13y
He ; rough tallow , tu ,
St. LntiM ( eiirrnl Market.
ST. LOUIS Nov. JO.-FLOL'R-Dull and weak ;
patents. | I4' 4.S3 ; extra fancy , 14.0061.10 ; fancy.
t3.4063.30 ; ' choice. t.73Qi .
WHEAT Futures opened weak and lower ; but
afterward Lecame firmer , though the trading
during the early r&rt of the day was light ; tje
rains Ic India had a depressing effect on the
market , and December wheat opened at S3Uc.
* ie down from yesterday's closing bid : It sold
down to SIHc : then under the Influence of re
ports of heavy cash business In Chicago , the
market became firmer and advanced slowly. sellIng -
Ing up to fi'sc and down to M'ic at the clore.
The feeling was nervous and fluctuations rife ,
but tliere was very little tradlrs before call ;
May wheat opened at (7Uc. ? ic less than was
asked at the close yesterday , but soon sold
down to.S7c. It rallied , and was bid up to
S7V48nc. dropped to STHc. nnd then sold slowly
up to S Hc. where nnuther decline ; et In. and the
closing figure was S7ic ! ; fpot dull but firm ; No.
! red , cash In elevator. S c : on track. ! 7esSc ;
No. 2 bard , cash. 73c bid ; December , SlJic ; May ,
S7Jic asked.
COHX-Thefe was little nttentlfn paid to the
market In this option during tie : rnrly part of
tbe tendon , but the feeling was firm , and a lit
tle hlchfr prices were bid on December than
yesterday , with little offered , though the close
was lower ; rpot lower ; No. 2 cash , J1U611HC
asked ; May , NH8SM4C. ,
OATS Dull but steady for both cash and fu-
: urct ; No. 2 cash. ISc bid ; May , CSc.
ItYU-Hteady ; Sic bid.
CORN MEAL 11.33.
BRAN Dull ; 39c asked on east side.
FLAXSEED Firmer at 7 Uc.
HAY Firm and In good demand for choice
grades ; prairie. J5.COfl .TO : timothy , t7.C0SU.W.
this side.
POULTRY Chickens steady old , Sc : spring.
SfiS'ic ; turkey * , strong at fHiTiSc ; ducks steady
at 7tJ7Uc ; gee c quiet at 6Cc.
I1UTTER Market firm : creemcry. UOUo ;
dairy. SglSo ,
KGC.s-Market higher. 17c.
Wl I U ICY- ! . ! .
SPEI.TER-Held nt t3-S.
PROVISIONS Pork. letter : standanl mess ,
Jabbing. } 7 0 ,77. : ; . Ijrj , higher : prime steam.
t3.C2titf3.7-X Uacon , boxeil shoulder * . JI.W ; ex
tras , short clear ribs and side * , H.CHDry
salt mean , boxed siioulders , tl : extras , short
clear and ribs. M.SO ; shorts. t4.03.
RECEI1T.-1 Hour. 4.C < 0 bbls. : wheat. 1J.CCO
tit fom. 4I. > bu. ; joats. Jl.CjO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. S ) bbls. : wheat , 40.0CC
bu. ; com , K.tM bu. ; oats , Ut ) bu.
LIVERPOOU Nov. . Y.'HEAT-Snot , dull :
demand poor ; No. 2 red. firing , 7s Id ; No. 1
California. . ' * M. Futures onrced easy , with
near and distant positions Id lower ; closed
steady , with near and dUtxr.l | K ltlons KiOlVl
loner : buslresi nlnrat equally distributed : No.
\-ember. nominal ; Dfctmber , ( is 3 > l ; January , Cs
W : Februarj' . Hd ; March , tt SHd.
CORN Fpot. quiet : American mixed , nominal ,
Sj. Future * opened quiet , with near and dls.
tant positions : d lower ; < I MH ! firm , with near
positions ' . .Ol'irt lower and dintant rusltlonsd
lower ; butlnets atiuut e < r.sliy : dlttrlbuted ; No.
vembcr , is IH'I : Dec'rahcr. J ; January , Feb
ruary an1 Murch.i \ * \ .
KLOl'Il-Pull ; p ; r deinarjl ; St. Louis fancy
vlnter. M Cd.
PEAK Canadian. Is SUJ.
I'UOVlsioNrt liacon. itchdy : demand mod
erate ; CumtVilaiul cut. It U 3d lUi. , 2&s ; short
ribs. N to 21 lb * . . 2te 6d : lans clear , light. 33 to
IS Ibs. . t ( d ; Ions ( tear , heavy , 1 > to < 5 Ibs , ,
27s Cd : ihort clear backs , light. It Ibs. , iSt ;
short clear middles , heavy , 4J to M Ibs. , 21s ;
clear l-'MU-s. II to 17 Ibs. . 2li 6d. Should ra.
square. 10 to IS Ibs. . 2Ss. Hams , short cut , II
to U Ibs. . 41s. Tallow , fine North American ,
lit M. IlMf , extra India mess. ; prim * mess ,
41s. Pork , prim * nw-ss. line western. W ; me
dium , western , 42s. Iwird. dull ; prime western.
Us 9d ; rertneit. In nails. Its d.
CHKr > SE Flmi : d m9nd poor ; finest Ameri
can , while and colored , September , Ms.
11UTTER Finest United Slates. Mi ; good , CO * .
PKTROLEUM-R flne < t. lid.
RKFRIonRATOU UEEF-Fortquartert , S\3 ;
Mndquarttrt , CUd.
HOP-At London a'aclflc coast ) . 3 5s.
The receipts nf wheat during the past three
days were S-V/W centals , including tSt.W ) cen
tals American ,
The receipts of American corn during the pait
three days wtre 117.1(0 centals. The weather U
; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.Mlnueniiollit Wlicnt.
November and December closed Ti'tc ; May.
7IU I cj ' .n track. No. 1 hard , 77 c : No. i
nortuem , TCc ; No. 2 northern , 7l'ic ; recelpti ,
IM cars. _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
oil City Murkut.
OIL CITY , r * . , Nov. 20.-n lance , tL15 , cer-
tin jtei , no but : ihl&mcr4 > , O.Ct bbl * . : runs ,
bbl * .
Volume of Business Continues to Grow in
Enormou8 Proportions.
Thnttxniidfl Ail tint IJvrry Day to the
.Vumlirr of Tlioxo Alile to lluy
Sonic SIlKht Ilcac-
; tloiin lit Price. .
NEW YORK. Nov. 20.-R. G. Dun &
Co.'s Weekly Itevlew of Trade to
morrow will say : The gain In
volume of business continues entirely
without precedent. More than 3W estab
lishments have started work since the elec
tion which were Idle and at least K have
Increased their working force , making 690
concerns which are known to have addetl
largely to the number of hands at work ,
nnd those arc only part of the whole num
ber. Every day thus adds thousands to
the number of those who are able to buy
a weed's supply of provisions nnd to make
up gradually for many months of enforced
economy. Already this brings a greatly In
creased volume of business , and
the Tlearlng house figures for the
first time In several years not
cnly exceed those of last year by 10 per cent ,
but also exceed those of the fame week In 1 <
by > per cent. Uuilness men are nil nnxlous te
prevent anything like the fictitious eicltenvnt of
lost summer. anJ In nearly all branches an ex
cessive rl In j-rlcea Is prevented. Hot v > lth
more hands at work there U Inevitably a greater
demand for supplies , materials and i.rvducts. The
st > eculatlve markets have ben reacting , which
Is nlv > natural. Wheat had ris n with wonderful
rapidity , to that exports had been checked by
the higher prices , nnd realizing started a. break ,
which made the close J-i : lower for the week.
It appears that 1'aclilc exports of wheat , flour
Included , were nearly J,0 .U0 bu. In July to
November more than last > ear. and all of the
experts about li5. n.U0 ! bu. larger , or more IhSn
M per cent , and In November Atlantic experts
hate t > * en 1,191.10 $ t > u. . Hour Included , against
I.704.SIO bu. lost year. The demand for frvUNt
roiim both here and on the Pacific coast Is
steadily so much larger as to disclose an ex
traordinary foreign demand.Vestrn receipts
for the month thus far have been only 14.7M.sM
bu. . against SJ.S'.Jll bu. last year , but the vis
ible slock continues to Increase , although the
milling returns slightly excted those of the last
or any previous > ear.
Cotton has declined from fc to 7. Jc , li < spite
of the starting of many cottnn mill ! ' , nnd the
controlling factor for the month Is that reports
of a yield smaller than S.OM.OW bales nre now
entirely discredited. The export dem.ind dnes n-.t
nbate. although temporarily checked , white the
prices were above fc. and the Increase of 5S. IOO.CW
in the value of cotton exiorts in October con
tributed more than any othr tingle Item to
make the aggregate exceed that nf the s m
month In any previous year. In 1 < M. when all
Europe was scrambling for American wheat , the
value of all exports was In one month. Decem
ber , about ! 7. .iX ) larger than last month , but
In no other month has that recurd be n ex
ceeded ; and It Is noteworthy that with the In
crease above named In cotton , an Increase of
j7.f/fl.i0 m breadstuff * and It 0.000 in pro
visions and oil. there was still an Increase of
IMW.C'iQ In miscellaneous products. In Novem
ber thus far the sain of New Yt.rk exports has
been II per cent , and for the la t week W per
cent , the latest week having been the larreM
en reeorl since the second wetk of October.
IK'\ while Imports were 17 per cent smaller than
the correspondlns week of last year , and tl
per cent smaller for the month thus far. Under
these circumstance. In spite of heavy payment
of loans abroad , the movement of gold this way
woul.l undoubtedly be resumed If foreign buying
of American securities should set In.
In a transition period Industries record pnlns
slowly , l.ut the slight decline In prices of II s-
semer pig Iron and of finished products of Iron
and steel Is partly due to a realizing < n specu
lative purcha es twfnre the election , and partly
to the selling of nails by Jcbbers below the
combination prices. For most manufactured
products there Is a better demand and a slow
advance In prices.
Failures f.-r the week have been 311 in the
fnlted States. acalr. t K9 last year , and 49 In
Canada against II last year.
tc IIiisIiicHs TraiiNncteil by
.iHMOfllltlMl Ilnillil.
NC\V YOUK. Nov. . The following table ,
compiled by llradstreets , shews the tctal clear ;
cnces at the principal cities and the percentage
of Increase or decrease , as compared with the
we K last
Augusta . . . J.3.1S.673 5.11 , .
Kalamazoo 2I3.SMI 2I.S
Hoc 1 ; ford . H.M ; -0.7
Totals. U. S . | tl.2V.7 > 2.1ll M -
Exclusive of N. Y . ( K.tK.317 1 i.s
Totals It 22.729.S 4 |
Clearings at Bay City. Fall Rlv r , Akron.
Springfield. Canton. Sioux Falls. Fremont. Has.
tings. Chattanooga. Fargo. Narhvlllc and Galveston -
veston not Included In the totals.
iiml Jolil rH Contlnni * to
Hi-port n SHeht liiiiir vctii < < nt.
NEW YORK , Nov. 28. Uradstreet'a tomorrow
will say : Jobber * and wholesale dealer * In
general merchandise do not report the antici
pated Increase In the volume of good * distributed
this week. The mild weather had an unfavor
able Influence , but the ( harp drop In the tem
perature Incline * to stimulate the demand for
seasonable fabric * . There were Increased pur
chase * of holiday goods , and tbe tone of the
market for tuple * I * one of encouragement.
Relatively the heaviest demand has been for
dry goods , shoe * and groceries , but even In
these , particularly dry goods , the volume li
imaller than expected , and disappointment Is
a result. There ha * betn no decreace tn tbe
Jobbing trade. In fact. It Is om wlial Urgcr
than a week ago. In most llnea tending to in
crease. Th many Industrial enterprlies which
have itarted continue a feature of each day' *
new * bulletin , but there I * reason to twllove
the tigntflcance of these exhibit * ha * been over-
einphaslitd In * otn Instance * .
The leniency of bide * and leather to advance
checks crders for shoes , and while the dry good *
market la firm and dealer * are hopeful , print
cloth * hav * ntakened on live reaction In the
price of cotton. The strength of raw wool I *
maintained , aud order * at the recent quotation *
have been used. Iron and steel Icdtiitrles In
ome Instances hv perfected \ * jnfor \ the
allotment of production and maintenance of
prices. While the Utter v * : drm. anil may jro
higher , the demand Is l * * M-ari1y checked , tn
addition to ehanir-s In VXf | > rt-es noted , the
week It marked by i 4 n is In quotations for
wheat , com and oat. ' , for turar , turpentine , pork ,
lard , coffee and petroleuur. Whttt flour ad
vances , as do several varieties of lumber. Inn
sheets ami tobacco. Combinations among Ir n
and ( teel makers are * tpe ted tn advance nr
maintain recent advance * for nails , bar trin.
* trel beams , rail * and billets nnd other .forms
of steel.
Total exports of wheat , flour Included as
wheat , from both coasts of the t'nlted States
and from Montr.- l this wk am < nint to J. ; .SH
bu. . against I.M4.KH bu. last week. 2.9Kn > bu.
In the week one year ago. 3.312.0 > > ) bu. In the
week two year * ago , 2.7W.OW bu. three years
go. and as compared with 3.t3.v bu. In fi
corresponding week of IMS. Th week' * experts
of Indian corn aggregate 2.97S.K1 bu. . against
3.7St.C-X > bu. last week. Ies than 2.WO bu. In
the wrek one year ago. l * s than J > * if ) bu. In
the week two years ago. and 1. * . ' > bu. In th *
corresponding week of W * . and s compared
with &M. * > > bu In the like week .if lf .
T.jere were S"S buslners failures In th * I'nlte- !
Plates this week , fifty more than last week.
but fifteen I ss than In the correspondlne w * * > X
one year asu , thirteen , more than In th * like
week In mi. and fifty < * * * than In the third
week ot November , 193 , There were forty-
seven business failure * .reported throughout the
Canadian Dominion thfs week , against forty-
four last week , forty-two In the week a year
ago , and twenty-four In tl week three years
Lonilnii In Finn nml Priors In \ < M >
Vork Have Horn Ir > | ir > ri !
NEW YORK. Nov. 2 .TIlradftreet's review of
the New York stock market tomorrow will say :
Prices have been Irregularly depressed during
the present wiek , and the. professional element
in the stock market ha generally assumed a
bearish attitude. The firm condition of the Lon
don money market checks any exhibition of
foreign c | > eculatlve Interest In our stocks , while
our own outside purchasing has apparently
been replaced by a dinx ltlon to realize profits
or to liquidate holding * of Ions stocks. Thera
has consequently been consMernbl * pressure "f
actual holdings on thnrarket. . but It mu t
nevertheless l : admitted the unsettling In
fluences have In the main originated with the
class of operators , large and small , who are
permanently active In the market. Thourt cur.
rent report of railroad earnings have Jjeen gen
erally poor , it Is argued the effect of revival
of business nnd Industry will probably result In
lltcr tariff returns as the season progresses.
Friday's market was dull but steady till-lhe.last
"part of the day. when the list declined sllgltly
on renewed b ar selling. - . Interest In the various
portion * .of the- share list has len well tl i
trlbuted. but It mu t b remarked the activity
In different .stocks has betr tpasmodt < % and rep
resents pr. > gre * . l\e activity eltncr f. < r the punwe
of dcpreislag their prices or of covering , shotts.
Srcurlty Jtnrkct AVni Vnilt-r I'rcn ure
friiiu I'roffMxInnal HcitrM.
NEW YORK , Nov. . The stuck market was
under pressure from professional bears all day.
The volume of business was the luhtect that
has been reecrded on any full business day
in the past two weeks , and the distribution was
very poor. The movement was Irregular , anl In
most instanced narrow , tie market displaying
n tendency to rally when overpressure isas tem
porarily removed. Operators who are usually
In dote touch with speculative movement * assert
that the short Interest bids fair to soon become -
come unu leldy , a condition that Is Inducing some
interests to take back part of the stocks sold
at the trp level. Covering Is also bclns stimu
lated to nn Extent by the peaceful tenor of the
Washington political advices. Incidentally , there
13 no Important selling of Ions stocks and
"splurges" In the unusually siwctacular rpecial-
ttc . facilitated by the /Je l.led easier monetary
conditions , afford the only , relief from the m n-
otony of ue market. Thf wars and the bulls
without Hocks aecomionyjrthtrlr attacks upon
the general lift with gloomy..forecasts as to the
outlook for tratnr , and tar particular stress
upon the discouraging [ ireturns that are now
coming to hand , as cl ) ay .the mure moderate
activity in general Lujltuff. as compared with a
week ago. Liquidation is at > pi > .rem here In some
of the high priced sjtjeftliles. and this has
caused an al-atem < ? nt Gf. IMS. purchasing move
ment tsat was not noiedjpnlll a day or tvio
past In tne low priced .shares. Lonion orders
are light , but are metjlylo ( sll. The initial
prices were Irregular and"lh chanzes frac
tional. Hear aggression.1 hdwever. soun became
evident. American Spirits fell 2 > 2 per cent , but
later made a partial rMOfCry. Minnesota Iron
reacted 2 per cent.'but'the lbs. es oth r ie were
unimportant. The downward movement was
ucccJed by a rally In syrnpathy with a Jump
of 4 per cent in Ccr.sdlltinr.M Uas to 1C7 on a
variety of rumors. nrvJ4 tt which were con
firmed. A reaction followed to 163U. Reading-
was largely dealt In.1 nAd'Salncd a point on re
ports tftat tte arganizdrB laid- succeeded In nr-
rangtn ? for large reductlofijJn-rtntals of lea ea
tine ; . i > ? ainer ; ireierroa iDv ei up a it . ; ij ii
en i-eports that a dn-Memt of I per cent would
W deelare.1 at the meetlnsr * f the dtrectura next
Tue day. Way Stnte- Os'lost and afterward *
recovered 1 per c jt.
The announcement of .a further reduction in
the prlct-s of refined sugars cauied only a fr c
tlonal decline tn Hugsr stock , and her ! n else
a recovery followed. In the early afternoon the
market was very dull , but prices stiffened
shaprly all around. In the last hour rtntwed
bear pressure caused dtpresMon to the lowm
llirure nf the > liy. Ln < ; Jjlsml lacke > i uyit-rt
and declined 2 > j per cent , making the net loss
In thl specialty In two days 6 ; per < t-nt. The
close waa weak at general fractional net losses.
Railway bonds were dull and without special
features , rirmr.ess was generally noted , how
The salp wer * tl.4W.M > J. Governments htlt
I'rm ' on dealings cf KS.'OT. Silver ctr l.lcatcs v.-erc
quiet and casiei on sales cl J ? ) . ' .
The Evening Port's L-indon'tlnanclal cablegram
says : The-stock markets continued to Imprvve
today , the feature being the recovering in mines.
The small failure In that market ( P. L. Smlthi
is of no ct-nfequence. his liabilities being only
7.0CO. Another firm may perhaps fall
row. Money wus a little easier. Americans were
dull , but closed better. Low-priced bonds nere
steadily bought. Itrazll and Argentines were
strong. In Paris the market was firm , and It.
I ! rlln quiet.
The fallowing were the closing quotations on
t'le leading stocks of the New York exchange
today : - . -
Atcblson 14ijN. Y. Central iiS
Adani Ex.i. . . . . . 1 < S 'Xl Y. i II. B. . , . , . 4J
Alton.T II , 3U ( Ontario A 17 . . . . ISTi
Am. Exnron Ill 'On'con Nav _ _ ' !
Halllmorw i Ohio. 17 > * ( TS. L..fc I7.N 15
Canada l'aoias. . _ .V7 [ PaclBo MaU. 274
CnnaHnSomhara. . 40 , P ) na Dec. 4'K. . . ' . ' 4
central Pailili' . . . . 10 Plttat > u IB2
ClnM.iOnlo , Itili Pullman Palasa , . . , 1A7
Chlc.iirolt33. . . Ifli ) rteadtnr , 31
C..UJtO 7UUK. . G. W -13'
Chlcaso : ai 70M B , G. W. Dfa 40
Cauaglldatctl On. ! US Icocs LilanJ. . , . . . 7l > 4
C..C..n.V.VSt. L. . . 314 su Paul 70S
Colo. CO.Vl . ' ; Iroa. m (10 DM . .i. . 1:9
rottoaOll Can , . . . 15 at P. .tO-niba. . . . 4i > (
DelawarefHul. . lt7 ! J. ' UonfJ. . . . ; T.-3
DeLVLack. * Vf. . . 10H 'siutlcrn : Pacitta. . ISM
U.JkR.G.-pJ 44H'SaarHennerr. . . . 110 >
Ka&tTcna. . . . , . , . . 1U .Tenu.Coal .tlro.v SxU
Kfla 37 TexasPacinc " . 1014
donid. . . ' . VI T. iO.Cent. DfJ. . . " 6U
FcrtWaycb ICO | Union PaclDc- . . . . 1OH
O.Northern DM. . II'J lUS.EXDresill. .
C.iK.Lof.1 03 IXV.SI.L.&P 71
IfoeklmrVnllay. . . 1SV.St L. Al .nM , 1.1
IHlnoi * Centraly3 i Wells Varzo E < - . US.
SI.P. iiD.ilulti. , . . VI nv.-i.tcro Union. . . . S7J4
IC.AT.efJ."JU VTheellar * L E. . S-H
LakeErli is V.'eiV lil t oopta MK
doof4. . . , TlSiM.ASuL 20
Lakes-lore 130 iD.iU.O , . . 124
LeadTnwt 1'UVf o. > : 33 i
LotilsviluiAN. . . . iOH'N , L 10
L.A.N.A J , C.F.iI StSH
ManbatuuCon. . . . 07M "do nta 70
Metnunts * C IS jT. su L. 4 K. O. . . . 4 > j
Uicbu-anCent 00 IT.St. t. iK.C. nfl 10
il-.sourl ! Haciac. . 23H-S. P R- , . 10U
MobileAOhia _ > - .S.K. It 'M ' - '
Nanl.TlIIoCblt. . . . OS jAm.Tob.Cc 7 y
NationalCorJa.'a. 6H. < 5o nfd 10OH
NatCordaionfJ. . 12 'Aia.Tel.AC. Co . l > 0
N.J. 103HCom'lCableCo. . . . ISO
N.XW.'nfd li ! Am.SuarpfJ 1014
North Am. Co JK'U. S.Cordaia gtl. . 24
Nonhuru Paoltlo , . 15 iU.S. Lcatlio.DfJ - UUK
N. Pacific nfd _ . . . . V5tj U , S. Rubtvr 2J
U. P. I ) , it G. _ 24 U , 3 lluber pfd. . b M
NortliwesU'ni 104H1KC.C.4S Jr.L. pd. 00
CODfd 148
odoredi texdlv.Jtiuu > 343jBnl pild.
The total rales of stocks today were 173W7
sh rrt , Including the fc * ( > nrtns : American Sucar.
H.OW ; HurlinRtun & Q'lljup. 1S.9CO ; Consulidated
Has. 3,300 ; Louistllle fi Njjhvllle. IVSi ; Heading ,
, ! : St. Paul , ai ) ; . illvx-r certlUcatet. M.OOO.
\ > w Yorlc JloVlt'y Inrlit't.
Hasy at J'.itrt per c nt ; lw > l < loan. IVj per cent ;
cJuf.l. : u p r cent.
cent. Iu
STERLING EXCHANO&THteady. with actual
business In bankers' bifu * t JI.66lil.S for"de
mand an.1 tl.t"V4OI.CK tar sixty days ; posted
rales , ll.USti'.UW and JI > 6tJI.S7.
IIAIt SILVI-it-4SHc. _ ,
GOVERNMENT IOKl ! > a-Klrm ; mate bonds
dull ; railroad bonds drat./ , ;
Closing quotations on Lcjiyf wera
O,5 . 4 * . rty. uaif. I " IOU
U. . . . . . .
U. S. 3 . roj . . .VU.G. U
U. S. So. coup .
U. lU9Ui0. II. AS. A. U . . . lUU' '
U.S. 4 . OOIID . lOU.'l.O , II. Jt S..V. 7 * . . . . 101)
1U.avs.rar . 93 | H. AT. ( i 3s . 109
I Pacific Ui or 1 i 102 doOj . , . JOO
Ala. , claii A
101) ) ,
Mutual Unload ! , . 10 ?
Ot N.J.C. Oai. : S . . 117
, . New Co a ts. . UJ No. P.iciaa lit * . . 113
Ml sonrl U > 100m co2J . . . . . no
m Jf.W. 1 : < 7K
N. C. * . . . . . 100 do.S. logu
111 . 73M
Tcnn.nour feel'U HO IBUP. C03 5U 74. .
TTun.nflwi 9 3 < 103 I doO. It P. W. Si. 114
tTcnn.oldUa 00 I'St. L. & I. U.Gaa I 77
Va. Ccntuni * . . . . . ) . loa
do deferred. . . ,
AtchUon 4s 13. 2d < . . .
AtenHicm'-'d A. . . . 4-JH'U. I' . UtaofUJ. . 102
Canada do.Ms. . . . 101 If , Woi : Shore 41 103K
L. 4N. imlrtolU , i ; . ' . in * . . ,
Southern 3 DO IN. l' a. 3dt
Ibid , offered.
Forelicn Klnnurlul.
11KRU.V , Nov. 2U.-B change on London ,
eight day * ' sight , 20 mark * 37 pfgs.
LONDON. Nov 20. Gold I * QUolwl at Uueno *
Ayre * today at 1SI.U ; at Uibon , Mb ; at Rome ,
I K.37H. Amount nf tmlllon iron * Into the llank
| of England on balance to-lay , Ct.OA
I PARIS' . Nor S Three per cent rent * * . 1 K
; * c fnr the srowynt. Exchange on Ixwidon Kf
He for checks.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ItnRton .Stock ( iuntntlmiit.
nOSTOK. Nov. 20.-Cs\ll loinn. 4HM3S r r snt :
time , loans. 4Hit6 iwr cent. Cloitu ; prlc > for
' stocks , bonds and mluln * shiroi :
A.T. AS. F 14 r W. files , nfi oTS
' Am. Smar inm'Bd. ' Elee. Ill 134
' Am. Sujar pfd. . . . 1014'Oon. Kie ? . pfJ 70
IlsvStateOni 3 AlohUon Sd . . . . . 24H
Bell Telephone. . . 20S lAtcnlnon 4s. 70H
lloston A Ainvir. 2O < i Now Knrlind Oj. . Ill )
I bostonaMMnj. . 167 | O nEl * trlc 4 . . . HI
C.H.AU 70 ! ( AllotIM Ml.llui C3 SO
Fltchburc t > 2 i.\tl.intlc 22
( ipn.Elmtn : 34 : tlosuw .V Monum o. < * <
Illinois Steel 52 > ( Itutle.t Itoslon. . . . SS
Mpxteau Central. . s 'Calumet .V ll : lv. 350
OldColonv 179 Franklin 114
Ore.Short Lino. . . . Ill Kenmrce 16
Ruboer. 24 i'Oceoli W <
tnlon Pacifio 104 Qinney IIS
WrstEml OS [ Tnmincit. . . . _ . . . . W
Wp t F.nd nM. . . . S-IH Wolvertna SH
Wcstlnrb. Eloo. . . . 27 I
Sun Prnnclsro Mining liniitntlnns.
SAN FRAKCISCO. Nov.'O.Thn oSctil olotln ;
quotations for mining stoats UJir vtsn as fol
lows :
Challenge con. . . . .11 il'otoii 70
Choiiar 170 .Savairo . 4-1
Conflaenco * iSflorpton 2 Va. . . . 1 > )3 iSlorr.1 Novadi. . . . 411
Con. ImiwrlAl 1 .UnionCon 41 !
Ot. n Point . . . . . 23 | Utah Cor. S
ExchiMuer 1 I Yellow Jacket . . 30
Silver bars. 03 ? c : Mexican ilollara , 514S
S2c. Sight drifts. 3c : tolefr.iphlc. lOc.
York MInliiB QtKitntlons.
NEW YORK. Nor. 20.-Tlia following are tha
closing mlninequo'atloas :
Rulner . I2 I'Mextcan . r > 0
Chnllnr. . 1UO Ontanu . 7O. )
Crovm Point 3.1 Onhlr UK
Cou. Cal. & Va. . . . 133 Plymouth 20
Doadxvoo-l 115 uulexsllri-r : oo
ilotild & curry. * 0 tftilcXsllver PM..100 ; )
Hnle.V Norottm. . t'O Union Cos All
20JO i Yellow JacKet. . . . 30
Iron livcr. 33 I
Asked. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Loiiilon Stiu-k < ( ti < iiitloii < i.
LONDON. Nov. 10. t p. tn clojitif :
CoiiRols.nrv HoHjSt. Pauico.n 7UH't 11 H N" . Y. Central V-ti
Can. IMeitic. S ! > 4 Pennsvlvami 64't
Erie IMU.Roadln * K-S
III.Cent.U : I > 3 ( Mox. Ceu. uaw - > . USM
M xican ordmn-r. gl'tl
MONEY 3 3ij per cent.
The rate oj ol count In the open market for
short and three months' bllto Is 3i93t i r cent.
I'llllllKltllOtC1. .
BOSTON. Nov. 20. Clearings , tlS.771 , 9 : bal
ances St.9il.lS9.
BALTIMORE. Nov. M. Clearings , ? ;
bounces S&3.K7.
NEW YORK. Nov. M.-Clearlnss. tII2.J27.9JI :
balances. : .S71.(3 < .
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. M. Clearings , tli.712-
S13 ; baltnoes. 11.609.127.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. -Cleartnirs. . II.2II.1W ; bal
ance' , 17S.172 ; money. 6 S t r cent ; New York
exchange. Tie premium tIJ ; tl premium askel.
CHICAGO , Nov. 20. Clearings. : ii.C7i.243 :
money. 67 per cent ; New York exchange. 70c
premium ; foreign exchange , barely steady ; de
mand. ttSSt , ; sixty days. JI.S2U.
CoITcc .tlsirUi-t.
NEW YORK. Nov. 20. COFFEE Options
opened firm , with prices unchanged to 10 points
higher on l-x-al and European buying , following
lltwral ware ioue deliveries , off-sellln ? and con
tinued heavy receipts at Ilrazll : closed efady
at a ne : advance of IWilJ points ; sales. Jv 750
bags. Including December. I9.K&9 35 ; March.
t .V99.l5. b'pot coffee. Rio. steady. No. 7. job
bing. IM.M : invoice. tlO. Mild , aulet : Cordova.
tl3.0 ei7 . 'O. Tijtul warehouse deliveries f n m the
t'nlt "l Slate * . I39S9 ba . Including 1I.J.J1 bacs
from New York. New York stock .today. HS.ISS
bags : failed States stock. 3T2,7 bass ;
for the I'nlted States. rSO.tO ) bass : total visible
supply f-.r the fnlted Slat's , SK.7 < 5 bags , against
53 .73 < ba s last venr.
HAVRE. Nov. 20. COFFEE-Closed steady at
14fi'vsf advanc * ; sales. | | . * )0 ) bags.
SANTOS. Nov. . COFFEE Steady : good av
erage Sant'.s. II. SO1) rels ; receipts. 2i04 bags :
stcck. 6 ! I. < r bags.
IIAMnfRC . Nov. 20.-COFFEE-Qulet : UrfK
decline sales. 2S.MO tags.
RIO , Nov. . COFFEE Wesk : No. 7 Rio.
R730 rels : exchang" . SHd : receipts. 1S.OO ) bags :
cleared for the United States , 9.MO bags ; for
Europe. 3.0VO bags ; stork , JW.WO bags.
tiH Clt > ' MnrUrtN.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. . WHEAT Dull : hanl ,
IfKc lower : soft. firm , but slow ; N.x I hard. 7 H
c : No. 2 spring , nominally , 74c : No. 3. 71c.
CORN Mixed fairly active. ! Sc lower ; \vhlte.
slow. 4lc lower * : No. S mixed , ISfigWc ; No. 2
whit" . 19'c.
OATS About steady : No. 2 mixed , nominally ,
Ifc ; No. 2 white , ofd. 25c ; new. 2S21c. latter for
RYE Firm : No. 2. nominally , SJc.
HAY Steady ; choice timothy. ! S. < Xr.W ; choice
prairie , is 00 3 30.
HITTER Higher : creamen' .
IO I2 ? .
EGGS Firm. 17Uc.
\IMV York \VIivnt. >
NEW YORK. Nov. 20. Transactions In wheat
today were cnly rate , ard rrl.-es were within
a range of Ic a bufhel. Trade , except for a
little early foreign selling , was mainly between
scalpers. Lower cables and Ilquliatlon were-
lb" leading factors of weakness. Near the close
prices had a shnrp break to the lowest point
reached since OecemU-r touched SO'c. Forvlgn
crop news rather favored the bulls , but aside
from starting a rally at noon , had little In.
rtuer.ce. December cuwned at from SI4c to Sl > tc.
ro e to & 3 9-16c. declined tn 51 5-lc. nnd clo e.1
at ! ; Hc- The total sales w re S MO.OOO bu. The
ocean freight market was reported weak , with
Liverpool quoted at 4Vd. Slack demand nnd
large tonnage occasioned the weakness.
1'iMirln Mnrkctx.
PEOP.IA. Nov. 20.-CORN Market quiet.
stead > : No. 2. 22c : No. 3. 2iu < ; .
OATS Market dull. Irregular ; No. 2 white.
nominal. No. 3 white. ITfllsc.
HYE Mfcrket quiet , steady : No. 2 , iSc.
WHISKY Market steady finished goods on the
basis of JI.H for hleh wines.
RECEIPTS Ccrn. 7l.i6n bu. ; oats. 40.3SO bu. ;
whl ky , none ; wheat. LEW bu. *
S1IIPMCNTS Corn. I7.S.X ) bu. : oats. 3I.CM bu. ;
rye , none ; whisky , 1.4JO gals. ; wheat. COO bu.
ToliMlo Crniii.
TOLEDO. O. . Nov. . WHEAT Lower : weik ;
No. ' ca h , Iflic ; December. Mc : May. SJiJc.
CORN" Dull ; steady ; No. 2 mixed. 23jc.
OATS Dull : steady. No. 2 mixed , IS'tc
HYR Lower ; steady ; No. 2 cash. Sfc.
CLOVER SEED-Dull ; lower ; prime. December.
13.3 * .
Oily North Lima. C&c : South Lima and Indi
ana , We. _ _ _ _ _ _
Cotton MnrUft.
middling. 71 < c ; low middling. 7 1-IGc ; good or *
dinar } ' . 11-lCc.
ST. IXJl'IS. Nov. N.-COTTON Dull and un
changed : middling. 7 3-lCc ; sales. 140 hales : re-
celpts , 2T.9 bales ; shipments , I- ) bales ; stock.
21,133 bales. _
It Will llf I'nrtly Cloinly \flirnxlcn ,
lint Warinrr.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. The
for Saturday Is : For Nebraska anil Kan
sas Partly cloudy weather ; warmer.
t"or Wyomlni ; and Colorado Fair In the
raarnlnp , probably showers In the western
portions In the afternoon ; variable winds
For Montana Generally fair : west winds.
Tor Iowa Partly cloudy weather , possibly
occasional snow ; slightly warmer ; variable
For South Dakotn Threatening weather ,
with occasional snow ; variable winds.
For Missouri Threatening wt.-ulier , with
winds becoming variable.
Local Hecoril.
OMAHA , Nov. 20 , Omaha record of tern-
pcrature and rainfall compared with the
corresponding day of the past three yearn :
1530 , 1S35. 1SSI. 1593.
Maximum temperature . . 2-J 43 SS X
Minimum temperature . .1C 15 2 $ 3t
Average temperature . . . . 21 43 43
Halnfall T M M
Record of temperature and precipita
tion at Omaha for the day and since
March 1 ;
Normal temperature for the day 37
Deficiency for the day ]
Accumulated deficiency since March 1..127
Normal precipitation for the day. . . (0 Inch
Deficiency for the day 08 Inch
Total precipitation since Mar. 1..33.01 Inches
Cxcean since March 1 4.11 inches
Deficiency for cor. p rlod , ISM. . 10.46Inches
Deficiency for cor. period , 1 )1..11.IS Inches
llriMirls from Slalliiim at 8 p. in.
'T" Indicate ! trace ot precipitation.
B low * ero. u \VRIJS1I. .
Local rorecilt OOicuL
Very Light Enn of Cattle of a Bather Indif
ferent Quality.
Stroiic I'rlco * 1'nlil for Kvorj tlilii
mill Cli nriinee Coiuri llttrly
HOKI Open \Vcnk nml I'l
nullLOMU n .Mokcl. |
SOVTII OMAHA. Nov. 20.-Uecelpts ror
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. HORS. She p. Horses.
Total receipts 61 SS 12
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of hend Indicated :
Buyers Cattle. HOKSheep. .
Omaha Packlntr Co 470
O. H. Hammond Co M 559
Swift and Company 33 (31 ( 4S
Cudahy 1'ucklnt : Co S05 4u &
K. Becker and IX-gnn. . . . 35 . . . lil
J. I. , . Carey 23
I.obmnn & Rothschilds. . . o" . . . . . .
W. I. Stephens 445
Hid & I.cwls Co 2i
Henton & Underwood 166
Hrlttlan .t Co 37 *
Nelson .Marrln. Chicago. . 121
Other Buyers IS . . . S" }
Loft Over . . . . . 10
Totals 1.ST9 S.3TT 2.42J
CATTL&-The receipts of cattle today
were the lightest of the neel : so far. almost
1.0.0 hend behind yesterday's record. As
compared with a week aio , however , there
was a pain of n few hundred hend. Ihe
market as a whole ulil not show much
chance and devoid of any very Im
portant or new features.
Thetv were not enouen dressed l > eef
steers In the yards to really mnKt. ' a market.
A load of l.MMb. natives brought JI.M. ; ntd
n small bunch of range steers S3.S and
J3.SX. and that uas about the sum and sub
stance of that kl.ul of cattle on wile. The
buyers wanted all there wire here and
more. too. nnd paid stood.trong prices
for pverythlng.
Butchers' stock was in a little better sup
ply than l-eef steers , about e'clueoti ' loads
of cows and heifers btins offered. The de
mand was Rood and the onvrrs made short
work of clearing the yams. everylnR Iwmff
sold and welshed tip early In the mornhiR.
Good , strong priced were p.ld tor every
The stocker and fc-etler market was al o
strong and active. The cattle held by spec
ulators were mostly all shipped out Into
the country yesterday , so that regular oper
ators were fre buv rs this morning. The
number of cattle on sale was small ami they
wcro soon sold. JJepresentfttlve sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. Ne. Av. Pr.
I..lrt0j:71 M. . . .t BW t..HKl
COW ? .
! . . . . WO U : . . . . ! iK I. . . . $70 5 W
1..KX0 E..10K I 19 1..W * J il
I. . . . ) 11 7..1K1 : I ) 3..1070 : U
I. . . . * 09 15 7..1117 i W 1..10W S
t. . . . K " ' '
I..1KO i. . $ sso s.'iihois i
TiS SSO . . . . 7 J15
I..IH * : M I..HM : : ;
1. . . , ' M ! . . . . ) S 1..10M Sti
' 7t : "
' " ' '
l' . . . S S Ti S..1WJ I 13
J..1MO 155 1..15W SW I..lfM S 70
1..1519 ! 89 1..U10 3K
CAI.VE.- ' .
i. . . . ; 70 sw i. . . . m SM i. . . . a sw
1. . . . 30 J Iff I. . . . KS 373 ! . . . . ! 5W
1. . . . S * O ! . . . . ! 4 S5 1. . . . 1W 000
i. . . . 4. . . , Tfo to KlM
13. . . . Kt 3 3 M ; co
! . . . . : < * 2 6. . . . S4 * JM 1. . . . MO 3
I. . . . 7I SO ) L. . . SB 3W C. . . . S7J 30)
1. . . . 7 < 0 SW i. . . . 6JO SM I. . . . UO 3w
L. . . 876 3 CO I. . . . ! 2 35 * . . . . S'O 363
1. . . . SM SW > L. . . 60 SM It. . . . 4 3 M
1 77 S W tt. . . . Hi 3K : 4uO 3 SO
13..11S4 S 44 S. . . . S 3U
No. * Pr.
1 springers 5 W
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Ir.
7 bulls Ml * M 75 II sirs. Tex..lWS 13 W
neows 57 SJS 2 t * r * 1UW 300
75 heifer * Ml SW 1M r * Jrs..lOS5 3 in
15 sirs. T r..lOSl 2 M 1 ® feeders. . . . MJ Z M
1 bull UtO 113 5 feftlers. . . . fS5 3W
11 cows. leK : S SJ ff * < lem.loi 14 ;
C oowj .Ot J 1 fe d r $10 3 CO
1 bull ! ' ) J 15 - 4 calVM JVi 300
; cans S * ! 20 U f Je . . . .Ull 3 40
1 bull i : * ) 3ft > feJ ra. . . . 717 S 7
5COWJ Mi 290 J > f dcr < . . . . 70 370
1 cow ll. " ' : SO > feeder * . . . . 450 3 75
I bull. S30 : 6ft I calves rr. < w )
7 heifer ? 7i ! 75 J calvej < 4 M
16 cows 9 $ ) S ? < J 1 c&lf. . . . . . . . ItC 5 00
11 Iwlfers J1S :
. . . . MONTANA.
1 cow. 1019 IN 7 COT * . ! Kt SSO
cow UK ISO X fectlcni. IM 3W
2 tow * . SH-J S 43 I f * < l r. . . . ! ! < > - 5 W
2 TOWS SSO 2 4 S h if n > fft ) 3 10
4 i cows. 10.-0 : ; ; n tte 11:1 313
61 cows IOU 243 Jl fltfTt. 1272 J 25
1 cow 19 J 4 < st < rr * . 11J ] ISO
t etas 1730 2 SO 37 fce-l rs..Ul 24-1
1 heifer SW 263 8 feeler * . . . . 1M5 3 S5
21 heifers 927 2 S3 U 'e Je . . . .l 3 : C3
13 con- * 155 : U
1IOOS The receipts of hoc * wer * light , though
jllghtlj' In exc 3 of y * ruay's tlKurex. Aa
comparewlta a we k as there vra < a fulling
off in tbe run of 1.6W hcail.
The market a a whole was In very .ll factory
conilltlon to far .11 selling Inlurc't. * vrere con-
ime < l. the price * p UI l < Ing etrt.n ; moni -
pare-1 wllli other markets.
The market iva * u little alavr to in. ns
bucricre strunsly lucline.l t tvarj ii arUti-
ness , anil wre generally liLMlnK cnili-r prlo * .
In the en.I they bought nil the letter < - < di at
fully ye terila > "s prli-o * . but ro'Jsh anil extrsme
heavy sol.I a lltll * ea ler. Thor * x > as not rnucli
( ' . [ . Terence In ( he r.mxe of rrif ! . 111hvavy loai ] *
icllln - mostly at : > .U > fi.U. but.vhllo there
were a jooJ nmny ealM yatttntay at JS 13 , there
were very few at that price twliy. the ! > ulk
sain ? at tt 1 * . There were l j a few rough
loaili. at S3.07'i.vhll 13.10 J the bottom ymer-
day. The m llum weiKhtu n.l llsht mix--a
loads MM the jam * at yenr\r. \ that li at
11.1(63.23. The avcniEo of all thv iule > was a
f.hmlc loner Unn yffcria > .
Tli * marXet io > Iay wu < br.ek n aln about wliere
It xs I'llVF'ln ' s.1jy. nifl about V lower tluin
It -.1 at Ihp ctMnfnT iif thi.i - ik rin I.'rtJ.iv
of last w ' the Ii-Jtn > > ld Ji > o lilylur 1)1:10 ) : to
day. Representative tales :
No. Av. Sli. 1'r. No. Av. Kh. Pr.
< . 4/j . . . : .T : . , . s . . . jj is
t' > . 4i < ) . . . 303 7i . : ; * . . . s is
. SH : W 3 7'i 3S . JT7 . . . 313
a. . ; . fl ! * > 3 JU 1,7 . S5 M 3 IT.
ill . JU iO 3 1C fi . i ; 1 313
u . : n 16 J n ft . * ; MA 3 13
. j M 3 n . tie t ) ; r.
* D . ui : w z i i . * 73 . . . : 15
n . SH V. 3 W . UK. . . . S 15
i : . sw is * zw j ; . t M su
I ) . 1M [ 3 if . 34 . . . 3U
( i . 12 ff > ZU 71 . 1M IN 3t\
si . * ; s : i . * ; i . . . s 13
, W . K8 510 0 . * , 3W 2 IS
IK . 341 319 . HI . . . 4U
1 . S 1 3 19 . . . ! 1 K'i '
47 . mi M M . JB . . . S
W . 3 1 318 U . ! 1 J
M . DC 3 M f. . Ml . . . 3D )
M . 4 . . . S1 ' .i . 3 . . . ti ! '
M . IS 1W 211H . 17 . . . 3 ) |
M . 3M 4 > 3 l1i C . ! U 130 :
. it , : IH u. . . iK . . . : M
I-IOfcl-ODDfi ANt > J.'MJfi.
1 . J4 . . . 1 44 1 . .344 . . . 3W
1 . S . . . 10) J . . . . 314
3 . m . . . : . MC . . . s i
StlKKP-Wltb tlie rxrilloJi ef Wo < in * d y , the
rei ! lp4i of tbffy were tb l.iu t In tome days.
The demand 'a vnoil and the durkot tronc to
I.'o , Av. Pr
111 culled ewes . . ? ? tl <
Coloradu owes . W ITS
WyiKjjiBB ewtf , . 77 ITS
ISoulls . ft !
M Wyoming w tlitr . W 1 13
N Wyoming \veth rs . W 13
W rolorsJo ewes . . . . . . . . U J M
117 Wj'-.mlnB wether * . 71 S 41
'I Colorado \ > tih r . . . . . 67 J 4
S7S P dorado wetljers . , . 97 J 75
13 $ Colorado mixed . . . , . U Z 73
: < 4 U'yumlne mUd . . , , . . . , . , . . . IS 2 Si
: > WycmlnK wctbtri . M S
! Wromlnc wrllwr * . . . . . ft : * &
413 Wvmlniftcllng Umbs . ( i * X
lit Wyoming fee-Unit Urnbs . . . . . . . .SI Z
\ - r York Mr * "stork. .
NKW YOUK. Nov. M.-UKEVKS-lturirits. . -
155 l : < aJ ; ftccrs , quiet ; common and medium
rmdM , sttchtlr ut r : tWMth
In fiilr drnMMl nn Jtendr ; mitlw Mwtn. II.7M )
4.TI ; t e * and oxen , tl ( " * ! . ; txill * . W.0 < rt. .S ;
dry cows , II tSfrte * . Onbln qnot * Amrrlran
stem At l fflle , ilre * * il wvlstit ; h p nt MJ * ; .
drw * l wvtcht : r frltr tor bwf t * mr7Sct
exports tomorrow , fit lt\tt urn ! 4M qunrters
of t- f.
PIIKKP AND UV.MIIS-necrtpU. J. * J hMtl ;
> h t > . stewdy. de ln W * , with lumbs Brtner.
h vy , wcsk. hfr | > . tl.IWt.3S.
J.l hendj trifle firmer at
cmc.uio i.ivi : STOCK.
Tliorp Wn n ( Jiuul Dpinniid for Cut-
tip , tvllh lllttlipr I'rlpp * .
CHICAGO. Nov. * > . There was a good demand
for rattle. Choice * tets and RWK ! eattl * were
* bout We hither. Common to nrlnw natlie le n
raid at from JIM to Ji.lS. chiefly at from 14 N
to JI.S9 , e\perter being fair buyer * at $ ! . and
upward. Stackers and feeders sold well at from
ll.W to ILM , Cow * and heifers w r * active ,
with sale * lambat from tr to IJ. Ihillt
mid at from J1.7S to II , an < V.the twst ralvs
decline * ! to K.K. .with rather n POT demand.
T \ cattle. sold at from I1.B to tt K. for sr. n
sle r . and at from M-Tfl to ll.JS fur Ml < > url
fed steers , cows and helfrm eolitff at from It 10
to | I.Jfl. Western ranireM nrrt rather artlvr at
from IJ. to M.N for twr . and at frv.m JS.JO
to JI.W for em and helfern.
There was a moderate demamMor tidtj. an.l
l > rlr * < were not over utmnir. mlth M | of oun-
mon to be t dmvw at from JJ * tn li . HOR
wl 5hlni ? M ) ih . and oxer ! * old murh l l"nr
llrtter elKhlr. and lots were sold of 400 at
botttm price * .
Common to choir * lots of > he p l-nniRtit trvm
B to JI. < S today , the decline { mm * checkr.l
th * tfwlpt. . Inferior to choir * theep Mid at
from II.M tn flirt , westerns tirlnirln * fr m I ! 40
to tjta. and fat > f rllnefouml tmyrn at J SO.
hewjers were s x > d huyerii and e tern went at
from JJ.SO to 1,1. exp irters taklnic Kn l number *
at from ti to 13.30. Kmllni : lamtn were wanted
at from ft7.1 to 14.
U * lpt : > tle. 4.5flO head : hogs , 17.C V ) head :
he p. . head.
! vnti n i City l.lvi.Stopk. .
relpts. S.WO head ; shipments. * .SO head , market
te dy to stroni ; ; Tuan strers. ti.f. .73. Texas
cows. Jl.soprsr : native , steers. H.KfflW : nstlve
roiami heifers. Sl.t5fi3.tO : Mockers and f vd-
r . IJ.50 J.W : bull * . SS i' * < TI. < kj.
HOHS-Rerelpts , 7.000 head ; fhlpmcnts. 2O1
head : market utady at ywtertlay1 * close : bulk
of sate * . tt.l 03.r : honvles. ti.lOtfJ.Ki
U.10CS.M : mixed. .i ; 3.rH : llchts.
Vorkcrs. W..XJ:7H. | Us. ( J.TiWJ 10.
SIlKKP-Rrcrlptfi. 4.t < 0 l al ; shipments. TM
head : m ret steady en muttons. S10e hutr
on lambs ; Iambs. S3-WOXW : muttons. J1.4. J.30.
St. Lonln Live > topk.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. . CATTLE P.e lpt . 4 "W
head. Market strong : native shipping tli-r * .
ll > MM.f : cow nnd heifers , tl.Mfri.33. Texas
and In'llan ste r , ! 2.34rl.43 ; rows. Jtoflj
HOGS Receipts. t.fl ) head. M.trket Sc ! O T :
light. . J.JS : nilsl , ji O3. : heavy. jw
SHEEP Hecelpts. l.WO head. Market strong ;
muttons , J2.3MKt.75 ; lamb * . (3.N94.23. Slirht.
Record of receipts of live stoek t the fnur
prtnclpnl mnrkets for Kilday , November ! tvs4-
Cnttl' . Mm * . Shwp
South Omaha . . . LlSi MI9 ui
< nil no . ( . .on if.eoo .r. )
Knn as city . S.0i 7.090 4 , < frt
St. LouU . ' 1.060' 5,000 1 ( X
Totals . . 13.CM 31.34J iFsri
Sti r r
YOUK. Nor. . Sl'fAR-R w. steady ;
fair reHnlne. ; : , c : ccntrlfURiil. M test. 314c. llr-
fir.ed , en y ; cn-sheil. So : powjervd , 4Sc ; cranu-
lated. 4Vc ; undnrd "A. " 4 c ; cut loaf. So.
I.ONIX1N. Nov. St. Sl'OAlt CBIMS. dull : cn. .
trlfuenl Java. Us 4 4d : Muvco\i > ilo. fair rettnlnK.
10 * . Iloet r s r , quiet ; prices rhIMly main
tained ; November. ! > s 3-1 ; Pecember , 94 S > 1.
Dry Ci < m < l .
ItANCHESTrtl. Nov. STie ! cloths and yarns
markets were little In quantity.
'Krl rYIirnt. .
' h- V
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Friday ,
November 20 , IW :
J. V. Smith nnd wife to H. X. Smith ,
south 12 ft-et loLI , blk 3 , nnd north
22 feet lot 3. blk 3 , E. V. Smith's
add $ 1
: * A. Smith to trusteeof ) Florence
kindergarten , 44x132 fc t lit \v ne
I'reUerlck Mauss and wife to'citlzens
Imnlc. eH lot G. blk 2" > 2. Omaha , lots
21. 23 anil K , blk 1. lots 15 , IS. anil
21. blk 15 , i cor.d add to Uedfortl
I'lacc i 3t53
x-clnl ma.stcrtto G. I , . A very , lot C ,
Sheriff to L. II. Kuatman , jr. , trustee ,
lot 12. IJlk H. Plunders & H.'s
to Walnut HIP.
Total amount of transfers
Telephone 10 JO. Uiuaha , Xeb.
. IUjri of Tradf.
.vr ; t vlrti to ducai ; } an > l .NVw YorV.
-oPT ooninis : Jolia A. IVtrrco & CHIDES -
. st nrlrr. p ,10 Mui | > roiit returns
vvrviiLx uaiali.i Naiiuui. Il.iik.
F. S. BUSH & CO. ,
No con'mlsslou. SIS 3. I3lli St. . Oinah. % I.Vb.
And neier offered i. better O-.IJM ) ; 11.1111) lur man.
Inc money. Write 11. a. Murray & Co. ,
rtarihtrs & lirukcrs. 1H nialto Illdg. Ciicago.
nitmUers of me chirago ISoard of TraJe In K < J
. un.lliiff. fur ilM-lr l' k on Kl.itUUc * nnd tii.c.u.
lattvs Iiifj-m.Ltiun. ati.t Dully Market I it.r ,
ith fre ! Purr < I. ATTENTION GIVEN TO
un & Mi. . .
, .t. loth i JIasvr. Bt . ( Uiwu :
ik Hills. Mort : i-uj.t s.5J fcx.'J *
4:3ipm . Denver IC '
KSSJ . . ' . ; ini
7(3i : > m..Netirakk4 Local ie\ Sunday ) . . . 7:4jiiu :
. . . .Lincoln Lucul < . Buuday ) li.Waia
Z " , f.m..Fat Mail ifuLiucclnj djily. . .
( CHICAGO , III'IlLtNOTON & Q lArrlvei
QjiahajUnlan Uvjiot , ICtb i Mason Su.j Oainlu
5Wpm : . Clilcago VntlUllc . . * . . . . SCO m
7U-pm..ChIcaco and fit. . . .
11 : Ii m . Pacific " Juncttoa Ixxal . Cluj.m :
Otnal.alUnlon 1'eput , Iftili & Maxon Hts. ; Onnln
SOm : r..Easterc KxprejM 3l : imi
4 : 111 Yostlbiilc.1 Limited laopni | HI. Paul Kxprenn ScOir.i
lia.ini St. Paul Limited : < jij.m
7 : .niJ..i'crn > ] | Si Slwix I'lly focal..II iuun |
Oinalm Chlctuio b' ecUi t > :0 : > mni
MI M > uri Vallvy I cal
, II. I. * I'AClKI'J.lArrivei
OmaliaitJnliiq IVK.t | , IWIi & Ma un J3U.J Oniulu
7" 3 _ " HAST.3 * 7 _ 1 _ "
Il"Sim..A7untla : iir"e < ex. Sonday ) . . 5:35pm
4.30pm - tt > U ii > > VcillUil l I.tuiltiKl. . . .
: Paul Vestlbuled Unilted. . . .
" " ' " " "
_ _
Tctiu l'ex. . iu
ll l > m . C'oioraJo l.lmli , i
liiiVi " 7 aT T. r.TMJ. . IArViv 7 ' Depot , 13lh ami W l. < nr flt.l _ _ Omaha
S3am. ! . .Sioux Cl'v Aeeommi < L > tl n. . . . (
l:9l : > m..SloJX Cliy Ki | > i u tint. . ) . . . : ( : .
. . . , . . HI . I'J u I 1.1 m ! . . : . „ . . . . t-.lQtia
. C. A MO.
Iynnt l3lh and WeUUr t < tj ,
l : < i\mT. . I'.vt Mall Mild KxprtM . 3.t-H.i : '
J. < X > pm.'ex 8ati Wyo Kt if * ilolil. . . . 3. ' . ' ; > . I
7 0 m..Krenioiit I > cal i8iindy > i only ) . .
7Vjn : ) > . KsprvM ( rt Rae ) . lJ3am
8t. I'auj _ _ H pt u . . . . . . : i am
I av * I K. : . . ST. .r. * C. II. iAirhmT
' 'lilbii I > | wt , 1Cth A Mason FU.f Omalii
'Dt3am. : . . . ! . n a l.'lty Day I'xpifM . C.16im |
M'Vtpm.K. C' . Xlulit MX. > ! a U. P. Trans. t-Min
I avr * i MIWOl'lll PACIFIC. lArrlvM
Onuhal I > pr > t. Uth in.i Wiifr ! SI * . I OuiKha
J'i | ini..Xcljru ka & Kansas Limited. . . It J's m
:30tm | . Kn a * City K < | irH . C:0ni
' . Hun.lWun
I.MV * * I SlOUX CITY * 'PAcFK/r ? . " " i.\rriV T
" UiiMiiaI _ > epjut. lilli " iiJ\V _ b ltr ' . I < > i.uln
"tTlifira. . . . . .Tr. .Kt."p4iir ; .lmlte l. . . . . . . 7 9jJJia |
" "
I.cntvr ! SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. I Arrives
' itcn .tff.l. IMii ' * ? ! l2tJL
fil. PiiiT'l'owmiJiY
City Pu n r
Paul UinltedL
u rlii ON""i A TTnT : JAri1. ' < 4
Om.i.ait'nlon ! U > pot. loin A M son Bis. I Qniah *
" " "
i..Mr nd Island Kip'ns fcx. Hur > . . 3(0ptn :
3:3v | > m . Put Mall
l.ea\r | WAIIA8II IIAH.WAY ( Arrives
nep4it , lOih & Uisnn Bls.i Omaha