Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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I'iioto supplies and camcrnfi. fill JlMivnr.
J. U. EmtiD ( ! ( ) on left for St. I.oula hfct
Mrs. 0. OHDtlirlc la a E cr.t of MM. 3.
P. II. Kvans of LOS Aneetm , Cat. , li In the
city on business.
Mrs. M. J. Wood ami dtttgtrer departed
tor Chicago last evening.
A. I * . Codnur , wlfo and sou of Whlttan ,
la. , Arc gucwta of the family ( > f T. II. Drake.
1'llgrlm Slatcr.i Academy No. 1 wilt mret
In reKular session at 7:30 : p. ra. In the tlono
Miss ninlse Carse hns been called to Iowa
City by a. ttlCRiam announcing the scrlour.
Illness of a relative.
Alderman Drown of the Third ward , who
IB In Florida , Is Improving In health ac
cording to ndvlecs by letter.
Mrs. W. Dorrance. who has born \lrllng !
the family of W. V. I.yon. has rctutncd to
her home In Lead City , S I ) .
Wo offer special facilities to the man wllll
a limited supply of linen. Work rolilrnrl on
mica flhorl notice at the Kaglo Laundry , 721
Mrs. II. M. Wells , ncs Mlsa lva Knson.
returned to her homo In Sprlnglleld , Mo. ,
yesterday after a hrlef visit wl'h her iela-
tlvra here. " *
All members and frlcn Is of Broadway
Methodist Hplscopal church are requested
to attend the special Thanksgiving service
Sunday morning.
A marrlngo license waa Issued yesterday
to I.evl Dlcklns and Miss Oia Grlffls. Iloth
are from this county and gave their ages ua
2S and IS years.
T. J. Troupvhllc making a coupling on
n Union4Paclflc freight train ye teduy. had
Jils left thumb caught between the bumpers
and so badly crushed that amputation was
The neighbors of Joslo Hurlbcrt com
plained last evening that eho was creating
n disturbance at her home , 410 Avenue A.
An omcer went to tho' house , but Josle had
left thu nclghbathood.
Special sale of stamped linens , beginning
Saturday. Tor the next three weeks free
Instruction \\lll bo given with every pur
chase. Sec the new design for Christmas
novelties. Krec kcson dajs. Tuesdays and
Saturdays. Misses Clark & Wctzel.
nvtry rehearsal of the "nurlnsqiM Cir
cus" of the Kleld club , which will be the
great attraction at the Dohany theater
Thanksgiving night , makes It more certain
of success. The swing and enthusiasm of
( ho great fun-provoking collections of good
things , la most Inspiring and the boys will
undoubtedly make a great hit. The great
ring scene was put on last nigh ? In full
for the first time and went like a charm.
The secret order commlttco will moot In
the city building Saturday evening at 7:30 :
to hear reports of the committee appointed
a week ago on printing and arrangements
of the new directory. All committees tere-
fore appointed by the dlffcrcn' ' . societies ,
lodges or camps arc expected to be present.
Those not present will not bo regarded n&
caring to have space. Comnilttes not being
able to bo present can report to P. L.
Hays , r. A. CJrotil , or George Wlllson at
any tlmo before Wednesday.
C. n. Viavl Co . female remedy. Medical
consultation free Wednesdays. Health book
furnished. 309 Men lam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel , 250.
Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the
best and most bread. Auk your grocer for It.
Sewer 1MHN VIre Uriel.Ilcltln .
Wholesale end retail. J. C. Blxby , 202
Main street.
It fill RMtntc Transfer * .
The following real estate transfers were
reported yesterday at the otllco of J. W.
Squire :
Cornelia A Post to Leonard Kverett ,
executor , e 3-8 sw',4 mv y , 31-75-13. w dl,500
E M Nattlnl to Sisters of Mercy , lot 10 ,
Hone & Damon's iuihdlv , ami lots 1 ,
2 ami 3 , 8t licrnnril Pliicc. d 1
Executors of 1 > Sidney Post to Leonard
Kverett , executor , c 3-S sw'i sw U ,
31-75-43. w il 1KO
Potcniborough Savings bank to Na
tional Life InHiininco Co , part of lot
fi. block 1 , Haylls.s' 1st ndd , w d WO
Alfco Hankln to Alice K Hamilton , lot
21. block 4 , Carson , w d SCO
13 M Winters and wlfo to Charles
IliuiKlin. lot 25 and part of lots 1 and
37 , Original Plat , w d 800
W F Slum and wife and W W Loomls
nnd wlfo to Potcrsborough Savings
bank , part of lot 5 , block 1 , Duyllss' 1st
lulil , u c d , . . . . 1
Seven transfers , total $5,102
P. W. Ilean , M. D. , eye , ear , nose and
throat , 241 Merrlam block.
Four quarts cranberries for 25c at Drown's
C. O. D.
Get your winter supply of coal now before
the rush and rlso In prices. IM. . Shubert
will fill your orders promptly and his prices
are the lowcat. Telephone No. 70 ; C2S West
Broadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.Stolon llorxcN Pound.
Ocorgo Shipley , the farmer who lives out
on the line kiln road and baa been the vic
tim of so many thieves , applied to the po-
llco again ywterday for help In finding a
team of horses , wagon and outfit which had
been stolen the previous night. The police
are still looking for a dozen head of hcgs ,
two horses , two sets of harness and 100
chickens which have been stolen from Ship
ley , and they did not undertake with any
very great degree of enthusiasm to find the
last property stolen. During the day. how
ever , Shipley's anxiety was relieved by a
telephone mrbimgo from Crescent City an
nouncing that the stolen h'oracs had been
found there.
I Cut ( JliiHN lloaiitlful.
| Just received a complete line of the rich *
FBI cut glass manufactured. Low prices.
Illch designs. Useful articles. Jacqueraln
It Co. . 27 Main street.
Five gal , gasoline for 4Gc. Brown's C. 0.
Clinrlri *
Charles 'Baughn ' , ono of tbo oldest and
wealthiest citizens of Council Bluffs , was
reported to bo In a dying condition last
night at his residence on North First street.
t Mr. Baughn'a health has not been good for
some tlmo , and a few dayti ago he was at
tacked by erysipelas , which resisted the
remedies of his physicians. He was very
low at 10 o'clock , and his family had aban
doned hope of hla recovery. Mr. Baugliu Is
ono of the largest property owners In the
city. He has built several hundred houses ,
and at the present tlmo owns a score or
more. Workmen began last week upon the
foundations of five moro which , ho la buildIng -
Ing n Hey u ton street.
In advanced stages of Con-
eumption , Scott's Emulsion
soothes the cough , checks
the night sweats and pre
vents extreme emaciation.
In this way it prolongs life
and makes more comforta
ble the last days. In every
case of consumption from
its first appearance to its
most advanced stages no
remedy promises a greater
hope for recovery or brings
comfort and rejief equal to
Scott's Emulsion. Book on
the subject free for the ask
SCOTT & DOWNE , ChcmliU , New York.
District Court Hearing tbo Appeal of the
K Appointed liy .tKi'cciiiiMit to
Selllu tlie AfTnliCliilniN llln
MorluiiKi * WMH .Not Prop
erly Taken Cnre Of.
The rntlro morning session In the district
court W.IH taken up In the hearing of an
appeal of the widow of Pleasant Taylor from
the report of the icfcrecs appointed to par
tition and appralso the estate. The value
placed on forty 'acres ' of land given to Mrs.
Taylor was $ -15 an acre , and eho claimed
this was too high. The court , however , ap
proved the report. The heirs have been
having a legal dispute over the partition of
the property , and suit was brought by Mrs.
Mary Gorton to have certain lurccla of farm
lands owned by her'brothers taken Into
consideration while making the partition.
She Insisted that these lands were given
to the other heirs during the lifetime of
their father , and should bo considered In
making the division of the estate. The
court held adversely to her position. J. II.
Mathews , Perry Kcrney and L. P. Jtidson
were yesterday appointed trustees by agree
ment of the various parties to the suit , and
they were- ordered to settle the affairs of
the estate.
Another Interesting cake that catno up
before Judpo Green yesterday was that of
the Keene Five-Cent Savings bank against
D. W. Archer. P. II Wind has ut claim
against the property Involved In the same
case , and his Interests were combined with
those of the bank's , In order that all the
Issues might ho decided In the ono trial.
Mr. Archer defends against the foreclosure
of a mortgage on his Broadway property on
the grounds of fraud by the Klmbnll &
Champ Investment company , which made the
loan for him with the Kcene Five-Cent Sav
ings bank. The Investment company waste
to make a second mortgage for him , and at
Iho same tlmo take up the first loan. The
second note for $ S,000 was executed , but
Messrs. Klmball & Champ failed to pay
off the first mortgage , which Is the ono
now In dispute In the cUse on trial. Mr.
Wind has a claim for material and labor fur
nished In the erection of the Archer block.
In the case of S. It. Adams against C. D.
Palmer , a decree of foreclosure was en
Blumenthal & Stelner have sued C. S.
Burkholdcr & Co. , on an account for 'goods '
sold 'and delivered amounting to $711.
Some. Speelal HamaliiM for Saturday.
Heavy white Shaker flannel , 3ic per yard.
Heavy storm flannels , In grey and browns ,
at SV4c a yard.
Heavy cotton blankets , In white or grey ,
at EOo a pair.
$1.25 grade bed comforts , flSc each.
12'/4c grade light outing flannels , In rem
nants , at 8'.Jc ' a yard.
Best Indigo blue prints , the American , at
3'ic n yard.
Good giado outing flannels , In dark and
light colors , at 5c a yard.
Now Husslan fleece and Vicuna fancy
wrapper goods at lOc a yard. An assortment
of 100 pieces to select from.
Ladles' all wool mittens. lOc a pair.
Ladles' heavy double mittens , with extra
long wrists , a special bargain at 25c a pair.
Children's double mittens , 20c a pair.
Men's heavy lined gloves or mittens , 2Cc a
Men's all wool fleece lined underwear , a
special bargain at COc each.
Men's heavy Jersey ribbed underwear ,
o each. 75c suit.
Ladles' fleece lined ribbed underwear at
25c each.
200 garments , worth from $7.50 to $12.00 ,
reduced to $0.7t > .
nig lot of jackets reduced from $10.00 and
$15.00 to $ S.G9.
A special lot of HO jackets that sold from
$12.50 to $20.00. to go on sale Saturday
morning at $11.33. BOSTON STORE.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Atlantic IIIsli School Kleven Snowed
Under byI ! ) to ( I.
Council Bluffs High school foot ball team
took the aggregation of longhalrs from At
lantic Into camp yesterday after
noon at the Field Club park to
the tune of 49 to 0. The odd
figure In the sum Is duo to the desire of
Captain Mather to cater to the crowd and
glvo a little artistic punting In the shape
of a pretty drop kick goal from the fluid.
This closed the decidedly one-sided contest
amid the wild shouts of the wearers of the
red and blue , while the Atlantic boys stood
still and watched the' ' star fullback add five
more to the already Imtuenso score of their
Yesterday's game was ono repetition of
long runs , aided by fine interference. Line
bucking was done almost perfectly , and the
stratagem that the Council Bluffs boys have
up their sleeves was hardly called Into use.
They.are keeping It there for their Thanks
giving struggle with Red Oak. which game
has now become a regular fixed event In
the sporting life of the Montgomery county
Council Bluffs started the ball and made
a good advance on the klckoff. Atlantic
made a fair showing In the first few rushes ,
but was forced to kick after making about
seven yards. Pellett sent the ball to the
left side , and by some good running Hully
recovered It for the visitors. Atlantic was
soon held on downs and then the fun began.
The homo team worked Its ends for two
long runs. Pardy took the ball twenty-five
yards and the balance of the distance , about
thirty yards , was made by Hutchlnson for
a touchdown. Stewart failed at goal.
Score , ! to 0 ,
Atlantic's klckoff was cut down by a good
advance by Pardy. Largo gains by Dales-
man , Stewart and II. Pardy brought the ball
within twenty yards of goal. Will Pardy
was sent around for that distance and the
second score. II. Dalley promptly kicked
goal. Score , 10 to 0.
Stewart gobbled Atlantic's klckoff on the
dead run and ploughed through the field
for twenty-five yards. A few of the custom
ary long plunges landed Mathers , after a
twer.ty-yard run , within two /feet of the
goal. Stewart was sent through , with Ma
thers encircling his waist , like a shot. R.
Dalloy kicked goal. Score , 1C to 0.
Stewart again caught the klckoff and made
a good advance before tackled. Mathers
gobbled up two and a half chalk marks ,
when Hutchlnson followed with a break
through the line In the center of the field.
Ho had been practically stopped , hut the
line In front suddenly gave way and a
big opening left the field clear In front.
Ho was soon headed by Mathers and II.
Dalley. and they guarded him to a com
fortable scat between the goal posts. R.
Dalloy kicked goal. Score , 22 to 0. Time
was then called on the first half.
The second half started the Council Bluffs
boys after a century of scores. All the visItors -
Itors did was to kick off and make a few
desperate efforts to stop the Council Illuff&
runs and plunges. Many a run of the field
was spoiled by Pellett , Atlantic's fullback.
He liatully missed a tackle and kept the
score against his team down at a dozen
points. As the homo team were tearing
down the field around Mathers for their
first score In the Hecond half ho plucklly
broke through a strong Interference and
tackled the runner on the ten-yard line.
Hutchlnson took the ball hero and crossed
the lino. Dalley mlsoed goal. Score , 20 to 0.
The Idckoft was all Atlantic could get.
They novcr once held Council Dluffa on
downs. Gains by Mathers. W. Dalley , Knox ,
H. Pardy , Hutchlnson , W. Pardy landed
another score. Dalley kicked goal. Score ,
32 to 0 , This performance was only varied
once , when Mathers punted for about forty
yards , which waa cut down by a good run
by Pellett. Atlantic win easily held on
downs nnd Hutchlnson scored another
touchdown for Council Bluffs through right
end , Dallcy's kick landed two more , male *
Ing the score 3S to 0. Will Pardy made
another touchdown and Mathers' drop kick
added five points more , making tbo score
49 to 0. The lineup :
Council Uluff8-49 Position. Allanllc-0
Htitclilnson Left end Frnnklln
Anderson. . . . . . Left tackle II. Wallace
Knox Left guard McKlntry
MrNncr Center Aylaworth
W. Dallpy Illpht guard McOeohon
Datesman. . . . . . lllght tackle . . . . . .Dlckcrson
H. Pardy Hlgbt end Totzor
W. Pardy Hltrht halfback Hnrvey
Stowart. . . Left halfback Hully
II. Dalley Quarterback . . .Wallace
Mather.i Fullback Pellett
Summary : Touchdowns , Hutchlnson 4 , W.
Pardy 3. Stewart 1 , CJoals from touchdown :
H. Dalley C. Ooal from Held : Mnthcrn 1.
Score : Council Bluffs 4D , Atlantic 0 Umpire :
alllespU" of Omnlin. Ileferrei Hess of Coun
cil muffs. Linesmen : Smith of Atlantic nnd
Trcynor of Council muffs. Timer : Colonel
The ladles of the Iiroadway Methodist
church will have a bazaar on the first
Thursday and Friday In December. There
will bo fancy articles and aprons for sale.
They will also serve luncheon at noon and
dinner In the evening on both days.
J. R. Snydcr , unclaimed storage goods at
auction November 21 at 10 o'clock. See ad
Skates , 25c per pair at Urown's C. O. D.
Mrx. riirlx I.nrnen Injured.
Mrs. Chrla Larson , wlfo of the Lower
Main street grocer , was knocked down and
badly Injured by a man riding a horse.
Mrs. Larson was cros-slng the street , and the
rider came along at full speed. The woman
made several attempts to get out of the way
and the man made fully as many to con
trol the horse or turn him aside. Neither
succeeded , and the woman waa knocked
down. Ono of the horse's hoofs struck her
In the face and another on the shoulder.
The force of the collision and the blows
knocked her senseless. She was picked up
and carried Into her husband's store. An
examination showed that several teeth had
been knocked out by the blow In the face
and her collar bone broken by the other
blow. Medical examination showed that
the Injuries , although painful , were not
The rider of the horoe proved to bo a
hay merchant who has a store near by.
Ho had just traded for the horse and was
trying him. The animal became unmanage
able and ran away.
Lundgard , the Tailor , 130 S. Main stroot.
Three Ibs. mixed nuts for 25c at Brown's
C. 0. D.
Slate 'IVachiTH' Meeting.
The program of the forty-second session
of the Iowa State Teachers' association ,
which will be held at DCS Molnes , December
29 to 31 , has just been Issued. Among the
participants on the program are a number
of the leading educators of Council Bluffs.
Superintendent Hisey Is a member of tbo
reception committee and Prof. Hayden be
longs to the executive council of the so
ciety. Superintendent Hlscy will take part
In the discussion on several papers on the
"Functions of the Schools , " and will Illus
trate some concrete number work by means
of a phonograph. Prof. Hayden Is preparing
an interesting paper on the value of thu
study of political economy and civil govern
ment In the schools. The drawl'ig teachers'
round table will be led by Miss Harriet
Blood and she will also discuss the "Cor
relation of Penmanship and Other Studies. "
Day & Hess , 39 Pearl street , Council Bluffs ,
have some extraordinary bargains In fruit ,
garden and farm lands near Council Bluffs.
Now Is the tlmo to buy real estate.
New York apples cheap by the barrel at
Brown's C. 0. D.
AVorlc of
The latest burglaries reported to the po
lice are those successfully perpetrated at
the residence of Conductor D. E. Buck of
tiio motor line , 2200 Second avenue , and n.
T. Martin , 1700 Broadway. Buck lost $25
of his month's salary and Martin $51. In
both case the theft was accomplished with
out disturbing the slumbers of the'owners.
W. C. A. turkey dinner at the Elscman
building today.
1'rlNoiier I'lcmlN Onllty nnd In Found
Not Guilty.
CRESTON , la. , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) Dur
ing the present term of the district court
Lewis Clem of Shannon City was tried for
burglary. Clem had confessed to the deed ,
and In the prosecution the defense sub
mitted evidence corroborating the defend
ant's confession. The attorneys for the de
fense set up the plea of. Imbecility and en
deavored to establish the Irresponsibility of
the youthful burglar. The case was con
cluded and the jury retired to deliberate.
It returned a verdict declaring that Clem
was sane , but acquitting him of the crime
which ho had confessed. Judge Tedford ex
pressed his surprise at the verdict , and said
If he had the power ho would discharge the
Jury. Clem was released by virtue of the
jury's findings , but his liberty was of short
duration. This morning ho was arrested
by the federal authorities for robbing the
Shannon City postodlce. Sheriff Davenport
will take him to DCS Moines the latter part
of the week.
The attempt to establish the Irresponsi
bility of Ed Nolan , another Shannon City
youth , cousin of Clem , failed. Nolan forged
a noto. The defense set up the plea of men
tal Irresponsibility and by expert testimony
made a strong case. The state fought this
plea hard. The case was given to the Jury ,
which remained out twenty-four hours , re
turning a verdict of guilty.
A. W. Thresher , arrested for embezzle
ment , was dismissed by the grand jury.
The Jury discovered that It had no Ju
risdiction , the alleged crimes having been
committed In other counties. The grand
jury has finished Its labors and adjourned ,
reporting a few Indictments which have
not been made public.
During a session of the court a pathetic
scene occurred. It was In connection with
the Cunningham divorce case. Mrs. Cun
ningham asked for legal separation on ac
count of the Inhuman treatment of her
husband. The custody of the children
was considered. Mr. Cunningham was willIng -
Ing that his wlfo have possession of all the.
children excepting a 10-year-old son , The
judge placed the little fellow on the stand
and asked him , In casej of separation of his
parents , with which would he like to live. The
little fellow looked at his father and turnIng -
Ing to the judge said ho wanted to stay with
his mamma. When asked why , ho said be
cause his papa beat him with a leather
strap. The child laid his head on his
mother's breast and commenced to sob. Thu
court ordered that thu mother bo given Ous
ted y. '
HiiukH of thut City .Sonic Ic-
] > OMM , lint Can .Stand K.
SIOUX CITY , Nov. 20. ( Special Telegram. )
L. C , Blandlng , national bank examiner ,
of Rock Island , 111. , took charge of the First
National bank hero this morning , but has
prepared no new statements of Its condition.
Thomas J. Stone , the president , stated today
that with good management of the assets
the bank would pay every dollar owed , and
Cashier C. A. Stone , said the name thing.
The receiver of the Sioux City Savings bank
today gave out the following statement :
Assets , bills receivable , $11888.G8 ; stocks
and bonds , $ fi,12S ; personal property and real
estate , $34,514,88 : cash on hand and In banks ,
$3,358.48 ; total , JIGl.G'JO.OJ , Liabilities , cap
ital stock , JDO.OOO ; surplus and undivided
profits , $5,453.97 ; deposits , $106,130.07 ; total ,
$161,590.09. . <
All of the Sioux City banks received cash
by express thU morning , and while there
wo.-o many withdrawals of deposits ; there
was no run on any bank. A movement lit
on foot to reopen the First National bank.
Aliened Murderer Aeiiiiltled ,
OTTUMWA , la. , .Nov. 20. The jury In the
trial of Ned Hcmphlll at III cornfield , la , ,
for the murder of Manila Peterson at Union-
vllle , la. . May 12 , carne in today with a
verdict of not cullty.
- wB igefi " * i * ? uKflS * * : _ , *
3 s * * x > - i itf L-w w- .
? Sfiftfll3a'ft ' * * ii A-'TS.7B
K n m
- = = 5sES 2ar ?
Would-be-competitors CLAIM to have made themselves heard in the CANVASS for the better patronage of Western
Iowa and the GREAT state of Nebraska , but there is one CANDIDATE for the intelligent VOTE that up to the latest
RETURNS places beyond doubt the original and genuine Sandwich Adams Corn Sheller has had a greater number of sales
in this territory than all other corn shellers combined. It is hard 'work to get them fast enough , but we are hard workers ,
Catalogue and terms quoted on application to branch house.
South Omaha News.
In Octoher , 1894 , the city council passed
an ordinance condemning certain property
on Thirty-ninth street for the purpose of
opening that street from Q to S street. A.
W. Dudley was the owner of two lots which
were condemned , and ho writes to the city
officials from St. Louis that he has novcr
jcen paid for the lots , and he would like
ils money. Ho also objects to paying taxes
on the property since the date of the con
demnation proceedings. The records show
that the ordinance was passed and properly
signed , but no record can bo found of Dud-
ey having been paid anything for his prop
erty. Ho wants $400 and Interest , nnd the
natter has been placed In the hands of the
city attorney for adjustment.
Uxiinl Statement Overlooked.
Section 80 of the clty-charter provides that
ho mayor and council shall cause to bo pub-
Ished a scmt-nnnual { statement of the re
ceipts and an Itemized account of the ex
penditures and the financial condition of the
: lty. The custom of preceding admlnlstra-
lens has been to 'publish such a statement
on April 1 and October 1 of each year , the
statement to show the receipts and expendl-
urcs from April (6 ( Octpbcr and from Oe-
obcr to April. This statement has not as
et been made public by the present adnilu-
tuiinirny Tvnni ) "CrentuM Excitement.
A team of horsesj belonging1 ta Herman
Tangeman ran owa'Jr 'on 'Twenty-fourth ' street
estcrday afternoon and caused considerable
excitement for a > moment. When near J
trect the horses nearly struck a carriage
which was occupied'by a couple of women ,
and an accident was only averted by a man
lulling their.horses onto the sidewalk. The
Tightened team turned east on I street and
collided with Dr. White's buggy and wrecked
t. The team was stopped before further
damage was done.
IntereHt In < Iie Directory.
As the date for electing directors for tbo
Transmlsslsslppl Exposition approaches In-
crest In the matter Increases. South Omaha
stockholders consider that they are entitled
o at least one director , and several candl-
latcfl are In the field. County Commissioner
lector has already secured quite a number
of proxies , and so has Mayor Ensor. Over
at the exchange James G. Martin Is favored
o a great extent , and It was reported yes-
oday that a special meeting of the exchange
would bo called to endorse Mr. Martin.
Manic City GOHNI ! > .
The city council chamber Is to bo repa-
G. G. Schwalllng of Valentine was a visitor
at the yards yesterday.
J. Gould , Jr. , a Brush , Colo. , sheep raiser ,
s hero for a few days.
William Culver of Monlda , Mont. , Is here
ooklng after some property Interests.
P. J. Quealey , a Montpeller , Idaho , stock
man , Is registered at ono of the hotels ,
MK. Parsons of Ontario , Ore. , brought
wcuty-fivo cara of cattle to this market
Mac Harris was hero yesterday with four
double decks of sheep , which were loaded
at Sterling , Oolo.
Travel on the motor line was delayed
fty minutes yesterday by the breaking down
of a largo van on the tracks In Omaha.
Gladys , the 5-year-old daughter of Coun
cilman and Mrs. AV. B. Vansant , has about
recovered from a severe attack of scarlet
A now game of chance has been started
on N street without the proprietor taking
out a llcens'e or making the "donation" do-
mandcd by the council.
The funeral of Mildred , the Infant daugh-
er of Mr. qnd Mrs. II. E. Tagg , will be
icld from the family residence , Twenty-first
and II streets , at 9 o'clock Sunday morning.
Rev. W. S. Howard of Omaha will preach
at St. Martin's Episcopal church Sunday
morning and at the Third ward mission Sunday -
day afternoon in the place of Rev. Irving
Johnson , who Is at Crelghton conducting
nlsslon services.
Mrs. Eudocla S. Moffat , deputy supreme
cammander-at-largo of the Ladles of the-
Maccabees of the world Is In the city for
he purpose of organizing a hive. A number
of women met Mrs.'Moffat ' at the Reed hotel
parlors yesterday 'afternoon ' and the plans
of the new organization were thoroughly
llSCUBSOd. ' _ l
Importable JturjiliiH of AVIieat.
PIERRE , S. D. , 'Nov. 18. To the Editor
of The Bee : Tho.exports of wheat from the
United States during the last five years have
) een from 160,000,000 'to ' 200,000,000 bushels
yearly , or an average , yearly exportation of
omethlng over 160.000,000. During this same
line Russia hna been exporting more largely
ban ever before and the ( same Is true of
The requirements of the Importing coun-
rles have grown larger each year , both
roiu on Increase in population and a do-
rcaEO of a cultivation of wheat. The
and In such countries' ' being more profitably
used for the production of vegetables and
ther crops.
The government'estimate of the 1890 crop
of wheat for the United States Is 394,000-
00 bushels , other high authorities place It
t 425,000,000 bushels. The best author- !
les generally agree that the requirements
or food and egd of the United States are not
ess than 370,000,000 bushels per annum.
This would leave an exportable surplus from
ur last crop of 55,000.000 bushels. The vl -
bio supply on July 1 , last , was 47.000,000
msholti. Allowing 40,000,000 bushels of
his for export and 15,000,000 bushels from
ho Invisible supply wo have a possible ex
portable surplus for this fiscal year of 110-
100,000 bushels. This amount It must be
cmembered could not bo spared without re-
uclng our visible and Invisible supply tea
a lower point than It has been during this
generation , and this could not bo brought
about without a jirlco far la exccua ol any
recent price for wheat being bid for the
last 25,000,000 or 30,000,000 hushels.
During the last five months wo have ex
ported over 70,000,000 bushels , which leaves
only a possible 40,000,000 bushels of export
able wheat to supply cxportatlons for the
next seven months. This Is only a llttlu
over 1,000,000 bushels a week and our
weekly exports are now running at 3,000,000
bushels or more , while enough wheat Is
now owned In this country by foreigners
that to already contracted for shipment to
cause the exports to continue at 3,000,000
bushels per week for several weeks In the
It would seem as though the time had come
when any person owning wheat In the United
States would bo very foolish to sell It at
prtsent prices , as higher prices In the not
far distant future , and , Indeed , much higher
prices Inside of six months are In all rea
son as certain to come as anything In the
future can be predicted.
Europe Is practically forced to have largo
quantities of wheat from the United'States
before another general harvest. There are
no other exporting countries that can make
up to her the deficiency In our own produc
tion. Russia's crop Is admittedly much
smaller than her 1895 or 1S94 crop , and
while she can be a liberal exporter of wheat
she cannot supply as much as Europe has
been getting from her of late years , without
drawing her supplies down to a minimum
point. Argentine Is complaining of drouth
and locusts and her exports for the next
year will certainly not exceed her late
yearly exports , but are more certain to bo
smaller In volume. India and Australia ,
usual liberal exporters of wheat are now ,
and must continue to bo for the next twelve
months largo Importers , owing to crop fail
ures In those countries.
The conditions warranting extreme high
prices for wheat have not been so favorable
during the past _ twenty-seven years as they
are on this crop. CHARLES L. HYDE.
IlriinlillcniiM Carry Mont of tlic OIIlceM
on Ilic State Ticket.
YANKTON , S. D. , Nov. 20. The vote In
this state Is only complete on congress.
The totals , are : Republicans , 40,870 ; popu
lists , 40,989. Several contests are In prog
ress and these may change the results.
Of the republican state ticket , the lieutenant
governor , secretary of state , treasurer , com
missioner of public lands , auditor and super
intendent of schools are elected. The gov
ernor Is In doubt. The official canvass will
bo made December 3.
Supreme Court DeelNloiiH.
PIERRE , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Opinions were handed down by the
supreme court this afternoon In the follow
ing caeca : By Corson N. T. Davis against
James M. Cook , Bon Bommo county , order
for new trial affirmed ; Bailey Loan Co. ,
against William H. Seward , Warren W.
Prlco and Charles J. Uuell , Pcnnlngton
county , reversed and new trial ordered ,
Fuller dissenting ; School District No. 66 ,
Lincoln county./agalnBt School District No.
25 , Lincoln county , affirmed ; by I aney C.
Livingston against School District No. 7 ,
Brooklngs county , reversed ; by Fuller The
Safe Deposit and Trust company against
Patrick F. Wlckhem , Olan Crandall , Marlnda
Crandall and others , Hanson county , af
to Their Old HoineN.
PIERjRE. S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special. ) The
little town of Blunt , In the eastern , portion
of this county , reports about ia dozen former
residents who left In paat years "to find
bettor states , " announcing their return In
the spring to again locate In South Dakota
after several years' trial of their now loca
tions. That station has during the present
season shipped out eighty-three cars of fat
cattle and sheep , and forty-five cars of
wheat. Besides which , the farmers , without
a creamery , bave cent out since Juno 1 ,
68,660 pounds of butter. The men who have
stayed right hero and paid close attention to
business have been the winners every tlmo
and those who wont out to find greener
fields are glad to get back again.
Can t ( > ii AA'liiN County Seat Content.
CANTON , S. D. . Nov. 20. ( Special. ) The
official figures now given out show that
Canton has won In the county seat fight.
Worthing made an effort to have the county
scat moved to that town , and the question ,
which was submitted to the voters , hos been
definitely settled. Canton received a ma
jority of 1,000 votes. The erection of a new
court house , which was held back until the
matter was settled , will probably bo com
menced In the spring , The necctalty of anew
now court room Is made plain when the fact
that three grand juries have condemned the
present quarters Is considered.
Circuit Court tit Canton.
CANTON , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Speclal.-Clr- )
cult court Is proving more Interesting than
expected. John Novak and Joseph Negrene
two lads of about voting age , have been
found guilty of robbery In * the occond de
gree , George Lov/rlo found guilty of grand
larceny and T. Parke , who was concerned
with Lowrlo , Is. now on trial. George and
Madison Cassman have been found guilty of
violating the prohibitory liquor law. The
law fixes the penalty at $100 fine and sixty
days In jail. _
AVI1I Mnki- Southern Tour.
CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
I , W. Seaman , a cattleman In the ceded
Sioux lands , and wife , with a party of
Yankton friends , expect to leave the state
In about two weeks for a pleasure trip In
the south. The gentlemen have secured a
yacht , and contemplate making a long crulso
through the Gulf of .Mexico , touching at
Jamaica and other Islands.
llaiuiiiet n \e paper Mini.
SIOUX FALLS. 8. D , , Nov. 20. ( Special
Telegram. ) Two hundred biiuliuwi men of
this place sat down to a banquet this even
ing In honor of E. W. Caldwell , who leaves
tlilrf plnco tomorrow for Sioux City after
nineteen years of newspaper work here , At
the conclusion of the banquet and toasta Mr.
Caldwell was presented with a purto con
Slioukley QucNtlonciI About UNO of
I'oxt mid Keeley FimdN.
LEA.VENWORTH , Kan. , Nov. 20. Major
W. B. Shocklcy , treasurer of the Soldiers'
homo , appeared before the congressional In
vestigating committee today , but his testi
mony was so confused and contrmllctory
as to bo of little value. The examination
was chiefly as to the use of the post and
"Keeley cure" funds. Governor Smith has
retained Major William Warner of Kansas
City to defend him. Continuing. Major
Shockley said that the profits of the beer
hall and store created the fund. Shockley
said that ho had protested that the Keeloy
euro fund was consuming too much of hla
"Wero old soldiers turned away from the
Home because there was no room for them ,
while fcoldlers of the regular army were
taking the treatment there ? " was asked.
"Yes , " Shockley said ; "In 1894. I wrote
to the army authorities that wo could rc-
cclvo no more men of the regular army
for treatment because the Homo was full. "
On cross-examination Major Shockley
earnestly denied that veterans had over
been rejected for such reason.
Asked If men had been compelled to take
the cure to gain admittance , he said Gov
ernor Smith had refused admittance to ono
man , George Lcurs , unless he took the cure.
Survlvorx of tin * Iate Itehelllon Ite-
Jllcinliered liy < lie < 'overnnient.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. ( Spcclal.-Peii- )
slons granted , Issue of November 3 , were :
Nebraska : Renewal Amos Wellcr , Syra
cuse , Otoe. Increase Peter Demoss. Cen
tral City , Merrlck.
Montana : Original Frederick Lavall ,
lied Lodge , Park.
Colorado : Original Frederick A. Cope-
land. Denver , Arapahoo. IncreiiHa Hen-y
Klein. WalsenburgIluorfnno. .
South Dakota : Original John II. Kcy-
noUta , Sioux Falls , Mlnnehahn.
Iowa : Original William C. Davis , Avoca ,
Pottawattamle. Increase AVIlllam A.
Largo. LlFcomb , Marshall ; John Itcud , Har-
lan. Shelby. Original wicows , etc. Anna
lionnett , mother , Birmingham. Vnn Buron ;
Abigail Barnard , Sprlngnne , Linn.
IKHUO of November I. were :
Nebraska : Original John T. Bruie ,
Omaha , Douglas. Restoration and Increase
Oustav D. W. Koehler. Lexington , Daw-
son. Increase John U. King , Wayne ,
Montana : Original Andrew Snanson.
Dodxon , Cboteau.
Iowa : Original George Mctealfe , deceased.
Council BIuffH. Pottuwattamle. Origin il
widows , etc. Helen E. Mutcalf , Council
Bluffs , I'ottawattamle. Hi-Issue Mary
Waters , Washington , Washington.
South Dakota : Original Charles M.
Chery. Stock , Jerauld. Original widows ,
etc. Elizabeth G. Raymond. While , Brook-
Colorado : Original George Lytle , Boul
der , Boulder ; David U. Chumberlln , Pueblo ,
Pueblo , Increase Oliver D. Jackson , Lou
ver , Arapahoo. Original widow * , etc. , ( re-
IHSIIC ) Eunice Zimmerman , Durnngo , La
Issue of November 5 , were :
Nebraska : Original Jcsso D.ivls , Weep
ing Water , Cnss. Increase Joseph Prltts.
Nelson , Nuckolls.
Montana : Increa i Samuel Cunning
ham , Helena , Lewis and Clarke.
Iowa : Oilglnal Robert aammell , VII-
llsca , Montgomery. Restoration and addi
tional Reuben Loudenback , deceased , Earl-
ham , Madlron. Original widows , etc. Jullna
Hale , mother , Atlantic , Cnss.
Issue of November C , were :
Nebraska : Increase Edwin Randolph ,
Lincoln , Lancaster. Reissue Samuel Blv-
cnH. Beatrice , Gage. Original widows , etc.
.Minors of George limningBriinlns ,
Thayer ; Anna M. Naracong , Uavld City ,
Colorado : Original widows , etc. , ( rclri-
BIIO ) Luclnda Gasway , Denver , Arapahoo.
lowu : Restoration and Increase Francis
C. Fountain , Marshnlltown , Marshall. In
crease Special , November 11 , Abeam T.
Carney , Lyons , Clinton. Original widows ,
etc. Cora A. Bradlsh , Cedar Rapids , Linn.
.M l
Ilollvlu AVI1I ItiilNC n I.onii.
BUENOS AYRES , Nov. 20. H is reported
the Bolivian congress. In secret session , Itis
authorized a loan to Increase the armaments
of the country.
The XIIHIO Xo Knnclcil l y I'liNtiini
Cereal Company.
Coffee drinkers may be Interested to know
the opinion of some competent physlcrJiis In
regard to the use of Postum. the grain drink.
In place of coffee. Let It bo undcratood
that the manufacturers do not decry the use
of coffee by healthy persons , but there Is a
great army of Intelligent men and women of
the present day who cnnnot stand thu
steady , dally poison of coffee , tobacco and
whiskey without feeling the effect In some
serious bodily derangement.
Dr. F. F. OJHsady. editor of the "Medical
Argus , " Minneapolis , Minn , , writes , en
closing the mout-y for a third case , and Is
kind enough to add : "I fully coincide with
your vluws In regard to the UHU of coffee and
tobacco by neurasthenics ( nervous patients ) .
I am using Postum every day and am great
ly pleased with It. "
A great many people who are not keenly
sensitive In their coffee Mates state that
Poutum tastes BO much llko coffee that they
did not notice the difference when It Is
served at breakfast.
The makers do not claim , however , that It
has exactly the same taste as the finest
It lias exactly the same color and Is just
as plqinnt and pungent In Its taste as the
fluent Mocha coffee , but the taste Is distinct
and belongs to Postum alono.
It Is mudo by the Postum Cereal Co. , Llm. ,
of Battle Creek , Mich. , and la not an Imi
tation of any drink , but stands on Its own
footing as a wondcrfuly palatable and do-
llclous table drink , thoroughly healthful
and nourishing and Is made strictly of the
grains. It is Impossible for any ono to
judge of the perfection of tbo product with
out a careful personal test of It ,
Tliero are thousands of people uilng Pos-
tuni , the health coffee , In place of coffee ,
and who have been benefited In tholr health
to nn extent that commands their esteem
and warm friendship for I'oatum.
Wily groeer/i sometimes work In cheap
Imitations of POD turn Ctreal coffee If the
customer will stand U.
The Spooning
Season is fiere ,
* <
And wo liuvo just received from No'.v
York a full assortment of Spoons , aa
well as every kind of Fltitwuro In the
most recent nnd popular patterns.
Coffee Spoons , Tea Spoons ,
Table Spoons , Dessert Spoons ,
Watches Clocks
Jewelry , , ,
Brie A Brae , Etc.
4O9 Broadway ,
Jeweler and Scientific
A'r 10 O'clock Nov. 21 , ' 96
Printers' outfit , cost now $190.
All kinds of household goody.
Sowing nnd washing machines.
Heating und cooking and gasoline
Bookcases ; commodes.
40 boxes household goods.
30 wood pumps , complete.
Photographer's outfit.
Ice chests , cost new ITS.
2 saloon counter * , cost new $50.
Chairs of all kinds.
Lots of goods not mentioned.
Will bo bargains.
AUCTION NOV. 21 , 1896.
J. n. SNYDER ,
No. 22. Pearl Street.
Clothing , Dressy aal Ilousftoli G33U
OMAHA OFFIC13 1S21 Faruara. Tel. 1UI.
COUNCIL BLUFFS Work * and Offlct. Cor. J v
nue A and 26th St. Tel. 310.
" XVVV > XN V * / " * > < N > i \/rNr > V * V r >
lundpard / /
Fine Line of Fall and
Winter Suitings ,
130 S. Main Street
CouncilBluffs , la.
! T
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , $100,000
Council Bluffs'Field Club ,
Two nlKlit' , commenclnu
TiiA.VK ( ; ivi\j MUIIT.
no AltTIHTN fiO
on vale Hominy ut Kellera' drug vttir * .