Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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nn adilrtwj upon tlio "Lena ! I'haso of Irr !
Ration Problem * , ' In wlilcli ho ho\ve\
that a * yet thcro hail been no proper pro
vision mmlo for Irrigation companies to HP
euro water from the streams , but the dispo
sition of courts hail been to maintain th
rights ot the people demanding water. 11
nhoncd that under the Wright law , thn. bond
voted In the Irrigation dIMrlct were inert
gaRes upon every ( arm In that district. Whll
a hcllevrr In the Wright law , ho did no
think enough safoKuardii were thrown aroun
that law. Howclli brleflly outlined th
rhanic t that nhoiild ho made to make th
\VrlRht law a safe one He atllrmed thu
vvefllern Nebraska would , before lout ? , hav
000,000 mote people , hut "we must all work
In unison to have changes made In existing
lawn. "
Matt Dougherty hrlclly showed the com
paratlvo coat of perpetual water rights undo
the dlatilct law and from prlvatu corpora
tlonn to ho $3 SO and $10 per acre , re
spcctlvcly , and favored the work being cor
rlod on limit r dlnlrlrl orRanl/itlon.
Senator Akers affirmed that the preien
law was not the Wright law , but a belle
one , and thought Iho purchnHera of the
bonds would see that the scheme was fwisl
We. but cautioned the people against o\cr
bonding ,
.Mr. Darton of the United States gcologlca
purvey , who has bcrn conducting nn laves
tlgatlon of the undcrnrouml Mow of water li
Nebraska , next addressed the convention. He
stated that In the atca co\ercd. nearly ISO
by thirty miles , the underground flow was
enormous ; the depth of the Her van
Ing , but being nt a shallow depth In the
1'latte valley lie could not nsicrt tha
the water supply was absolutely Incxhaustl
Jile , but It seemed to be BO
The election of ofllcers was taken up am
A O Wolfcnbarger was re-elected prcfllden
of the association by acclamation Senator
Akera was rlcctod vice president ; I Ober
feldcr , Hccretary , and H. W Hartnn , Irea-i
unr. North 1'latte was selected as the
next place to hold the Irrigation convcn
Olll.ltlllll Cil'IKMM1 \ IHliil < t.
OAKLAND. Neb , Nov 20 ( Sprclal.-The )
Kiocory store ot I'cter I'almer was closci
today. Pnlmcr making an assignment Ir
favor of his creditors The liabilities wll
not amount to over $1000 , wllh otiUlandlni ;
accounts enough to cover that amount
Allcprril CnllliItiiiMrrs llclil.
IIAKIU80N. Neb . Nov 20 ( Special Tele-
groin ) -Aichlo Akcrs and John Dodd , al
leged eattlo rustlers , were today bound over
to the district court with bonds fl\cd at
$300 each They failed to secure bondsinci
and were jailed
Sufilllonii nl IMooiiiliiKtnii.
BLOOMINOTOV , Neb. Nov 20 ( Specla
Telegram. ) The safe of George W Green
lumberman , was liloun open last night , tin
thlovf * securing $12.
OHi'i'iiliiN I'rciiiuory Itiirnn.
OSCtiOLA , Neb , Nov. 20 ( Special Tele
gram ) The only creamery In the count ) ,
locn'ed here , caught flro at noon today and
Is a total IMS. It , vvc3 worth $10,000.
l'i IIIIHI > u S ) iiiintlu | > ( lo SlrlKi * to Kv-
le-nil 'I liroiiKliimt tin * .Sliitc ,
LHADVILLH , Cole , Nov 20 The most
Important move made vet by the striking
miners Is today nnnotinccd on what la con-
Bldtrcd reliable authority. The statement
that the governor has decided to take
Biimmai'y measures to suppress further % lo-
lence hcic and to brine the stilkc to ai
end has. It Is said , caused the olllccrs of
the union , with the baching of thu Western
Pcderatlon of Mlncrti to decide to plav a
trump card which , they think will farce tli
mine manasens to como to their terms under
pressure from the manager of mines In
other districts of the stale. Tlio union has
Bent emissaries to all other unions in tin
state to urge them to Inaugurate a sym
pathetic strike , thiiH closing up nil minro In
the state , Cripple Creek and Tollurlde ate
to tnkc the Initiative and the other unions
are to follow rapidly.
, Iu thin connection 'It Is stated upon nu
thbrlty Urn the mine managers of Montana
Imvo decided upon making a reduction li
wages of CO rents a day very soon and this
13 expected to precipitate a strike by the
largest minors' union In the country Tin
Montana ernlonn ha\e been contributing
liberally to the aid of the I.cadvlllo strlkero
but with n strike Imminent In their camp It
Is believed they will hereafter need to kccj
all their money at hnmu.
8TKOM ! IM.UAJ , KOU woiuiuvs i.iri :
I'rcsliliMit riiMt'lanil HIM ! C. I' , llmil-
liiKlim 11 ; > ! . < IViMiiuil Apili'illM.
SACKAMCNTO , cai. . NOV. 20. Govumor
lludd this afternoon received from President
Cleveland u personal plua for commutation
of sentence In the case of Sailer D WorOon
under sentence of death for tialn wrecking
In Vole county during the lallroid strike of
1891 The engineer and three United States
arllllor > men vveru killed In the train wreck
The president states as a ground for his In
terest In thorcigu that whllo a resident of
Now York stnto before his elevation to the
presidency ho had formed a great friend
ship for Sailer D. Warden's mother , u miihlr
Governor lludd has also received a per-
bonal appeal from 0 P Huntlnglon. presi
dent of the Southern Pacific company , for a
commutation of thu death sentence.
i\imi : > IN I.IKU , I.MTUD i > unvrii.
liiKniMtii Mini niul Ainiinii TnUr
I'riiNHlo AHil niul lilt * TiiKflliiT.
VALLRY CITY , N D. , Nov 20. A man
and a woman ai rived at thu hotel yesterday
and ri'sUteroil as Themes Owens and wife1.
New Kockford. Tills mornim ; the room
was entered and they vvcro found clad In
traveling clothes , cold In death and clasped
In each other's nnrs. I'nibslc acid had been
taken A nato contained money for burial
and sild. "Though separated In life we
are ono In death ; make no Inquiries as to
us. " They were apparently about -10 years
Hiillroiul Iami Cum. In DlNiuliMi-il.
TOPniCA , Kan , Nov 20. The case In the
.federal court jigalnst the MUsourl , Kansas
& Tc'xas Unlhvu > rompany to cancel the pat.
ml for larg < > tracts of land In this state
IjKNenl by the government to the railroad
company was dLjinUscd today on the n c-
ommcmlnUun of the t-pcclal mastei showing
that the titles of the present owners were
iooil. ; The lands lie In Lynn , Pranklln and
Allen countUs cf this state and wcio pur-
< haned by farmers , who have h n farming
them for jcnra , llu > illhinlssal of this unit
v.lll clear tip tin- title to thoi.sinds of acres
ot land In the counties mcntlw.l .
Olsoverost trial and test proui
Inu'uardtii llooU's hiis.iurll.i ; | !
1st , Greatest RfflerK
I f ecnred by a peculiar Coinblnn-
tlon , 1'inpnrtKin nnd 1'rocesi
unknown to dlhcH vvh'cll
n iturall ) and uctuall ) produces
by tliousiniUnf hnr.cit ,
v ohmUr ) tcatlinonUli h'eli
intiir.illy niul nctu.ill ) rrolnco ;
! , Greatest Sales
According to thn statPincnU ot
druggists nil over Iho country ,
In tlii'3i ) thrro | Hlnti Hood's
Barsajiirllln U ( > cciillar'to tudf.
-ltM Iliu Una True 11 loud Purifier.
Hood's Pills
Oonclltion of the Armj as Boportoil by the
Several Commanders.
Solillcrn Heiiulri.ViltlKloiuil
fur A Hi Idle nxerelwe mill Trnln-
liiK1 Diirlnw I InWin -
tor .VIon HIM.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. The reports of
the oincers commanding the several depart
ments of the army were made public todav.
Tlio report f Major General linger , com
manding the Department of thu 12a t , head
quarters at Governor's Island , Now York ,
states the condition ot the troops and offers
some general suggestions. He says : "It Is
especially desirable that opportunity should
bo afforded stale artillery organizations for
piactleal Instruction with the seacoast de
fensive armaments. Hut few of the states ,
for evident reason , have organizations of
heavy nrtlllory. It would , I think , be ad
vlsablo that action be had to Induce In each
state In which there nro scacoast defensive
works the designation of a regiment or cf
ccrialn companies of thu state troops as
heavy artillery without abandonment ncccs-
sarllj of tholr Instructions In general as In
fantry. " General Huger urges an Increase
of the artillery arm of the service as fol
lows : "It beems almost superfluous to allude -
ludo In this leport to the necessity for an
Increase In the artillery force , so fully has
the case been prcaentcd In reporls hcrelo-
fore- submitted by the War department The
present force Is Inadequate as a reliable
basis In the event of war with a maritime
power. The most pressing need , I think , In
respect to the personnel of the army Is an
Increase of the military force "
The report of Major General Merrill , com-
naudcr of the Depaitment of the Mlraourl
nlih headquarters nt Chicago , savs that the
leaf has been singularly free from military
opeiatlons , nnd the frontiers have cnjovcd
peace nnd quiet In the meantime the troops
Imvo been engaged in perfecting themselves
In drill tactics and gymnastics and In all
these particulars during the last ) car they
Imvo made Important progress. General
Mcrrltt adds
"I earnestly recommend that at each
post where cavalry Is likely to bo stationed
a riding hall be constructed on the general
plan of those at Korts Hlley and Leaven-
worth. They are not expensive and Iho
benefits which results from their use In
w Inter and at other times to men and
cillcers morally , phjslrally and profcsi'o-allj
Is so great that cost of construction should
not be considered
"In this connection , I especially call at-
tcntton to the necessity for drill halls at all
1 ermancnt Infantry posts. At many posts
during the winter , notably Forts Hradley
and Wa > no In Michigan , the vvlntcis are
long ami Inclement , and outdoor drills are
Impossible At such pests drill halls are
Imperative neccs-iltlcs , and they should be
built at once , being for the good of tlio
service "
The report commends Captain Scotl , In
charge of thu Apache Indians seventeen
prisoners , and sa > 9 of them : "I take it that
tliMO Indiana during thu nc\t jear will bo
tnrued over to the chargei cf the Indian
department. If such Is the case ample
notice should be given that everthing1 ma )
be prepared for the change "
General John H. Diooke , commanding the
Department of the Dakotas , General Traiil'
Whealon , commanding Ihe Department o'
Iho Colorado , General Hlnell S Otis , com
mandlng the Department of the Columbia
General James W. Torethe , commanding
the Department of California and General
Z R. Hllsa , commanding the Department of
To\as , have also made Ihelr annual reports
to the secretary of war The reports review
In detail the \\prlc ot the troops under their
respective commands , the condition of the
citations and contain recommendations for
the future. "
General Whcaton In his report devotes con
sldorabla space to the suppression of the
Ynqul Indians , or Santa Teresa fanatics ,
who attacked Mexican Nogales In August
kit , and to Iho raids of Iho renegade
Apaches The labor performed in thu effort
to rid Arizona of these pestiferous rene
gades , he saji , can be appreciated when he
states that In a single his troops I.i
Arizona and New Mexico marched 42,4r 7
miles on this duty. General Whcaton re
ports that the fort at Stantou , N M. , ha : ,
been Ho recommends some
needed minor Improvements at Tort Hayard
N M. , and for Fort Douglas , Utah , and Ihe
rc-buliding of the pasts at Fort Grant , Ariz
and Whlpplo Darracks , Ariz. l o also urgca
that the attention of congress bo called to
the disparity bc'twcen the pay of adjutant
general's clerks compared with the pay ol
clerks In the supply department.
General Otis calls attention to thu Increase
of desertions In his department , which ho
attributes to in I no discoveries In the ter
ritory under his command rather than an )
spirit of demoralization Speaking nf tlio
magazlno rifle , he says It has dlsplacd
great strength and durability und appears u
need only strengthening In some of Us minor
larts ( mapuzlno cut-off and cocking ap
pliances ) , to complete Us effectiveness Hr
recommends Iho concentration of Torts
Sherman and Spokane at Spokane , the cs-
.ablishmcnt of an artillery post on Pugct
sound , and thu retention and enlargement
of Holso barracks He reports that the
work of ridding the reservation of squatlera
s progressing sallsfaclorlly With regard
o the suggestion of troops for the Yukon
n Alaska , where the Dominion of Canadi
now malntalrs mounted police clothed with
certain well dcflnr-d criminal jurisdiction , he
siys our troops could not exercise thla lat
ter restraining Influence , but ho docs not
mdcrstand or bcllcvn that an armed force
s essential for the safely and prosper ! ! )
of the Inhabitants ,
General John H. Brooke urgently recom-
ncnds thu immediate necessity ot riding
mils at Tort Asslnabolnc and Fort Yellow
stone , and also urges that at Potts Mlssoula
iarrlson , Asslnabolne. Yolloustone anil
Spelling suitable hulldlngb bo erected for
gjmnastlc and athletic exercises.
. ,0111:111 : or ICASS"poi'iri.ivrs. .
'r < iON ( * u ImMaKInu Mexleim Dnl-
Inrn I.eKiil Ti-mler.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. Should the Kan-
is populists enact a lawmaking .Mexican
liver dollars a legal tender , a coustltu-
lonal question of prlmo Importanro will
nrlso for decision by the United Slates
upiemo court , which unqucEtlonably would
lave a case In ought before It to test such a
aw. rho corstllutlon declarer that no state
hall "coin mone-j , emit Ulla ! ot credit ,
ualto anything hut gold and Hllvcr coin a
cnder In p.T > ment of debts"
It his been contended tbac under this
uovlalon Kansas could nuku Mexican sli
er dnllara a legal tendci within her bordeia ,
mt generally It has be-en believed Ihut under
bin and other constitutional provisions ,
Deluding that forbidding the Impairment
f contiacts , any uuch Inn- would be he-Id
nvalld by the courts.
> > V\H for Ilic Army.
WASHINGTON No20Special ( Tcle-
ium. ) ArtsUtant Stuge-on llenjamln Ilrookc-
ias been ordered before an examining beard
t Chicago for examination for piomoilon.
'Iho following tiansfers In the Third In-
antiy have bc < n made : Captain Philip
li'iule , from company K to company H ;
Captain William 0 Duller , fiom eompany
1 lo company Kj Plrsl Lieutenant ( Jetrse
icll , jr , from eompany K to company F ;
lr t Lluutenant Charles G. Dwcr. from
ompany F to company 1C ,
Tirol Ltoutcnanl Charles Crawford liar/
> COTI assigned to company K. Tttetity-flrst
nfuntr ) ami ordered to join his station.
Additions ! Second Lieutenant Harry H ,
'cbbeta has been awlgned to the Tenth In-
antry and ordered to Join company II.
1'cvst Chaplain Dolmar H Lowell has been
placed on the retired Hat. Ho bus been
granletl an luduilnlto leave on account of
tSAblllt ) .
Captain Jacob T. Mmi.ion , Sixth Infan-
ry , has been placet ! on the retired list.
Lcavw of absence : Captain TrancU H.
"rvnch , Nlnotovuth Infantry , extended two
lontlm ; Llc-uteiunt Colonel Charles A. Wlk-
If , NInote nth Infuntry , extended two
uontbi ; Swona LUutvnant Wilbur K. Dove ,
Twelfth Infantry , two months ; Captain Hu-
Reno L Swift , axsUtant surgeon , extended
tvyo month i.
A medal of honor has been awarded lo
Ordnnnco Sergeant Moses Williams of Slov
ens , Ore , for distinguished gallantry In ac-
Uon With Apache Indians August 10 , 1891.
u IIOMS.\I.I : Mvrmirnit or SHAI.S.
I'nrlji Avinril 1'nllM to AeeniniillMli Hie
I'liriiiiNi * > niiKlit.
WASHINOTON. Nov. 20. Prof. David
Starr Jordan , president cf the Lcland Stan
ford university and n member of the HerliiK
Fea commission , had another conference to
day with Assistant Se-cretary Hamlln on the
subject of his forthcoming report. The
professor declined to discus at any length
the question Involved In the Investigation of
the commission In advance of their report.
It was hla opinion , however , that the
Paris award had proven Ineffective In
preventing the wholesale * slaughter of the
seals which must result In tlmo In
pra-tloilly exterminating the herds. Thu
Inhibition nf the use of flro arms and the
snlatItutton of spcnr-s had not resulted In
the good expected , nnd on the whole , the
present situation Is not altogether en
couraging to the friends of thescalj. .
The pioforsor confidently expected , how
ever , thai the Investigation just concluded
by our own and the llrltish commissioners
would r con It In a better understanding of tlio
subject and n willingness on the part of nil
concerned to do whatever was fbund need
ful to prevent the annihilation ot the seal
ciiiAiMiisTirr. ! MVP vr.iiirir.i ) .
'vorv Vvetiue Tin * Olllolnl lnformn-
II mi \ViiHliliiKlon IN ClrfNoiI.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. There Is no offi
cial verification of reporls which have been
current here nnd In London of a Spanish-
Cuban armistice , and In facl every ave
nue of oMIctnl Information on the Cuban
question Is closed ,
The United States In the previous Cuban
war sought to have adopted an agreement
for nn armistice At that time one of the
main dldlculllcs in conducting pence- nego
tiations wan In securing thu nsscnt of tlio
Insurgents , and lo Ihla end Sccrelary FHh
Juno 23 , 1SC9 , secured the signature ot
Morales Lcmucs ns "the authorized agent
of the revolutionary party of Cuba" to a
document agreeing to an armlstlco pending
negotiations for n settlement. The uottle-
mcnt contemplated the Independence of
Cuba , nnd for this reason was not accepted
by Spain and the armlstlco failed. Thu
government sought to bring about a truce
for the reasons thai U thought In thrco
or four months passions might have cooled
Htiniclently to make possible a permanent
peace arrangement.
I'nrk Oiu-nliiK , IlliiNlrnlciI.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. The public
printer has jusl completed the report of
the joint congressional committee on the
dedication of Iho Chtckamauga and Chal-
lanooga National Military patk. It was
complied for the committee by General H
V Ioiiton ) , the historian of the national
park commission. It contains 373 pages
All the cxciclscs and speeches of the dedi
cation and the proceedings ot the thice
great arm ) soclcl'cs In allendance arc given
nt length. There are thirty-eight full page
Illustrations and a map ot the park and Its
approaches Copies can be had from scn-
alois and representatives.
SiilieoiiiinllleeH to fleet inrl > .
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. Chairman Can
non of the hruso committee on appropria
tions has called meetings of the subcom
mittees of that body for November 30 , one
week before Iho opening of congress , in
order to begin work on the appropriation
bills. Chairman Dlngham of the subcom-
mltlco on Ihe legislative executive nnd Ju
dicial bills sas ho hopes by this week of
advance work to have tlio appropriations
hill , of which ho Is In charge , about ready
when congress meets , and it is thought
thai several of Iho bills will be ready for
action In the house before the Christmas
recess. _
I'elrol Oriloreil Into CoiiiiiilHMliin.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. Orders have
been Issued1 to put the gunboat Pelrcl
into commission at Iho Mare Island navy
yard , with Lieutenant Commander Edward
P Wood In command , for duty on the
Asiatic station. The light draft of this
vessel make.s her specially scrvleoabln on
the Chinese station , vvhc'ro there arc so
many small rivers to be navigated. Com
mander Wood has been on duty in the bu-
icau of navigation for a 5 ear past In charge
of enlistments. _ . Tries to ICIII IIlniHUir.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 20. Charles B. Luck ,
an assistant superintendent of the Metro
politan Life Insurance company made an
Ineffectual ntlcmpt lo commit suicide lasl
nlqhl by drinking laudanum. Luck came
here aboul a month ago from New Orleans.
A li lit tier riiHtnlllee lit Aln.lKll.
WASHINGTON. Nov 20. Another of the
rare postofllces In Alaska has been estab
lished by the creation of the ofllco of Dyca
with Samuel J Hcion ns postmaster. The
ofllco Is twcut-clght miles north of Chllkat
and 100 miles southeast of Juncau.
I'lliriKht VlniuiMrer In .ItieliNiiiii llle ,
Pin. , Tiirnii Heforiiier.
JACKSONVILLE , Tla. Nov. 20. efforts
are again being made to suppress gambling
In thla city. The latosl Important attempt
Ins taken the form of an Investigation of.
the police department by the city council ,
the charges being that certain police ofllcors
have received money to permit gambling
houses to continue In business. No definite
results have been reached except llml the
following fads have been established :
Hrlbes have been offered by gamblers In the
city to members of the police force and
refused. ; one man In the city , who was named
II , has rccolvcH money from the gamblers
guaranteeing police protection ; ( gambling
has been going on In the city ; some so-
called gambling establishments have bce-n
closed up while others have been allowed
to run ; no orders have been Ihsued by the
heads of Iho police department to detec-
tlves and patrolmen to close up gambling
places and iuveral of the Ramblers In the
city have -very convenient memories.
The Investigation Is being conducted by
Councilman J n. T. Hovvdon. who became'
renowned as manager of the Duval Athlcllc
club which pulled of the Corbetti.Mltchcll
llghl In this city three years ago.
U.NCI.I ; SIM iiuv.s SOMIJ uiriis.
Ill Time of Pence U'M Coed Policy ( o
Preimi'e for M'nr.
NHW YORK. Nov. 20. A dispatch to the
\Voild from New Haven , Conn. , saja : The
Winchester Repeating Aims company an-
touncrs thai It expects an order from the
United States government for 100,000 Leo
army rlllcs. This will start up the works
to their full capacity.
WASIflNGTON , Nov. 20. Captain Samson ,
chief of thu ordnance bureau of thu navy ,
sas there Is no truth so far as ho known
In the sensational report that the navy will
ordei today 1CO.OUO Leo rlllcs. The navy
oulcreil 1,000 rlllcs ono jcar ago and these
niu being delivered , the first consignment ot
> 00 having i cached Now York recently.
t Is the enl ) order Known of or content-
dated and It was given In the usual couixiu
of euppllng the navy with a modern arm.
TroiililcM In ( lie lliiHliicnit World.
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , Nov. 20.-Mrs.
oh.i ( joiaon , vvlio conduct ) ) ono of thu Inrg-
eat rotnll mlllltieVy stolen In thlx city , con-
'eased ' judgment ted ly , amounting lo isD.OO- ) .
Executions vvoro Issued , but no ntislKiiincnl
HIH jot IJPCII rccoiilcd. Oho nhurllt li In
clurro of the store , *
LONDON. Nov. 20. Thu fulluro of P. T.
Smith VVIIH niinounccil on the Block ex-
today In Iho mine mnrlcut , It Is
fd , i lather Important failure.
Kl'OUT. Conn. . Nov. 20.-Appllei.
.Ion vum miulo In Iho probute court tod'iv
> y the MlbscH Hnvvon , OWIUTH of the Paik
City theater und IOMHOS of the Audi-
tot him , to Imvo their eutntu declared In-
aolltiil II U H.ild tlielr holdings nro morl-
Kiikeil lo thn extent of JlW.tW und now nil
UtnclinicntH Imvc louuntly been placed on
hn property. Friink Miller vvns today np-
lolnii'il receiver of the Utilization company ,
which IIIIH the c'ontrnot for reduiliiR the
oily unrbapo by a new njotom. The Ha-
jllllk-1 of the concern nro HiiUI to be $10.-
000 , with iiBstrtu at between | M,000 and JCO.OW.
New York fWSo Probing the Mystery of
tlio Man from Denver.
Colonel SIcKol-ProiintinilN Ilic Theory
flint He VVUM tVUaeUoil niul Holilieil
niul llinj > ( l/onrt nil lure I'ul-
Hue to i\elleiiienl.
YORK , Nov. 20. The general ofllco
detectives have made three additional ar
rests In connection with the death of Prank
P. Arbticklc of Denver. The prlsoncts aio
George Slovens a .saloonkeeper ; Joseph
Davidson , a stenographer , and Tredcrlck
Monger , .1 bartender , The men are said to
have been with Arbuckto on the night bc-
fore his death.
The Investigations of the detectives dis
closed the fret that on Wednesday evening
Arbucklo was In Luchow's saloon at Four
teenth street and Irving Place , In company
with thu thrco men named. Stevens was
Ihe flrst lo bo taken. IIo at rtrst denied hav
ing been In Luchow's saloon vv 1th Arbuckto.
As ho was talking to Captain O'ltrlen , n
detective wclked In with Davidson Div Id-
son nt once recognized Stevens and said to
him "Hello , are you In this case too" '
Stovom , according to Police Captain O'lirlcn ,
seemed netilcd when thla remark was made
to him. AVhen Davidson was searched one
of Arhucklo's cards was found on his per-
eon. Davidson admitted having met Ar
buckle Wednesday night and said they had
arranged a meellng for tonight. This was
why Mr. Arbuclclo had given him his card ,
ho said
After this story vvns told nnolhcr detec
tive vvrlked In with the prisoner , Monger
All thrco then admitted having seen Ar
buckle In Luchow's saloon on Wcdncsda }
night. They dented , however , having gone
up town with him. Monger said that
Stevens was trying lo get Arbuckl6 to go lo
Harlem wllh him "to go ngilnst n brace
gambling gcme. " He did not know whether
Stevens had succeeded In getting Arbucklo
Monger has made the following state
ment :
"I , In company vvltJi Joseph Davidson and
George Stevens , both ot whom came from
Ilcntley , Kan. , mot Arbucklo In Luchow'H
saloon on Fourteenth street. They wanted
trt steer him up against a 'brace gamo'
and get his monoy. I had nothing to do with
this , and lefl the three men nt Miner's tlic-
nlor. That Is all I know about Iho case ,
anyhow. "
The three prisoners vvero arraigned lu the
Harlem court today.
The men were held for further examina
tion. Duller , Iho negro arrested last night ,
Was released today , there bclnit no evidence
to connect him with the alleged murder or
robbery of Arbilckle.
Richard Arbucklo Hrlo , Pa. , a brother
of the dead man , readied the city today.
Prof Wltthnua , the chemist who Is mak
ing a microscopical anal } sis of the atcmach
of the dead ninn ; has nol yel made any re
port on the matter to the coroner's office
Samuel Slewftrt | alias "Sheeny Sam , " Iho
fourth man , wanted by Ihe central office de-
tcctivca wus'nrrl'Bled Ihls afternoon by DC
tcotlvo Dale. > 1 < 9 wad pointed out by
Davidson , oml of the other prisoners , who
was with D ife nt the time. The prlsonei
was taken topollco- | headquarters Stewart
said he was ° jJ7 years old , and a salesman
His story ot'Ms vlhereabouts on Wedneada )
nUlit Is as fc/lfdvyif / : "I was In Ihe Academy
saloon vvjth "tho , three men arrested and
ArbucklP. feovcYal rounds of drinks were
had and wo enVto Luchow's place , where
a game of cari3 'was proposed Ai buckle
refused to pin.)1. ' Wo left the place and in
fronl of lho'saQori | ; Davidson and Mcnger
quarreled , s3iJfcft them and went to a
haiber shop ohTllird avenu6 near Sixteenth
street and attr , getting shaved I went homo. "
Stewart was arraigned In the Harlem court
later In ithc affcrftoon , and was remanded
to the care of CJipUtln Kochner of the West
Tifty-sccond street , station , where the other
prisoners were also locked up.
Colonel Trcderlck Slegcl , a friend of Ar
buckle , tonight said hu thought Mr Ar
buckle by mistake got on an elevated train
going up town , nnd had been carried clear
uptown before he was awakened by the
guard. Then , gelling oul of the train , ho was
bomevvhat dazed , and , nol knowing exactly
where ho was , was shortly after attacked
by the persons who robbed Him , and thai
Iho excllemenl broughl on heart failure.
It was learned tonight that Arbucklo was
seen last befoio his death at Forty-second
sticct and Sixth avftnuo on Wednesday , Just
before 12 o'clock. Ho was In the saloon
attached to the St. Charles hotel , nt the
northwest corner of Forly-nrs.1 and Sixth
uvcnuo. There ho appeared to bo nlono ,
though bo treated n number of men'who
v.cro In the place at the time Ho showed
a number of bills nnd gave his card to ono
of the men When ho left the salpon ho
was seen talking to a number of cabmen ,
and finally went up the street toward the
olcvaled slallon al Forty-second street. Ho
v > as nlono.
Actlnir Cantnln Klrehnnr RjiM Innlirhi 1m
had nothing new to tell about the case , but
ha cvpccted to Have new developments by
tomorrow morning.
ilMllli roiiHiilrliiK tt > DeorvaNv
Konliu-Kj'H I'oiHilallon.
RUSSCLLV1LLC. Ky. . Nov. 20. On the
night of October 24 Arch Proctor , aged 20 ,
stabbed to death Aaron Grot ton In Adalrvllle ,
this county , and seriously cut his ,
Dec Crofton , at the same tlmo. The latler was
up and walking around ) esterday , but died
at midnight.
Two da ) ago he made affidavit thai W. U.
and R. C. Proctor , half brothers , together
with Arch Procter , had entered Into a , con-
tplracy to murdrr him and Ills brolhci
"Aaron. The Proctors are all In , Jail here.
W. H. Proctor Is OHO of the men who was
tried for having Ijiiditxl nj ( Traughhcr near
Adalrvllle several years ago. Ho has al-
rcad ) been tried three times on the jchargo
of murder and each tlmo has been acquitted.
Di-alliH of u Oil } * .
IIEKLIN , Nov. 3) ) . Prince Olhon von
Stollberg-WcrnlKerode , died yesterday evenIng -
Ing at Wernlgercde. IIo was born In 1837 ,
was head of UIQ House of Stotberh-
Wcrnlseiode , president of the Prussian
Diet and agcnUof Prussian cavalry.
CIJDAU HAI'ms. ' la. , Nov. 20.-OMrs. Agglo
Pat v In , wifeof Theodore S. Parvln , grand
Bocietaiy of Iqvva. Jlasons , nnd prominently
Idenlifle'il with the pioneer history of Iowa ,
died hero tqdhy , after a } car's Illness.
Funeral at Iowa. , City.
PALLS Yip/AGP. Conn , Nov. 20. Et-
Congressman 'Frederick Miles died today at
his residence * nt \ > ln Lakes , after a long
Illncds , aged 81 , years. Mr. Mllca was a
direct dcsccnttint' ' of Illchard Miles , who
came from Kiifttanfl In 1C3C.
IIo was thnt-o tlccled lo congress from
the Fourth crfiiefreaslonal district of Con
nect leu I. V' '
CltUSTON , la' . , Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Dr. EjflJnvV' ' Pullenw Icier , aged 91 ,
died last ovenuu ; , , . He came to loua In 18,17 ,
BettlliiB In DCSyMqlrifs county. He was a
member of tlioylpt qtato senate and prom
inent In early' uoil/ca.
Iniili-iiM-iil | .MMKITH Vlnlt Uiii Pnrlc.
CUATTANOOOA Tonn. , Nov , 2u.-Tho
ineinbcrH of 1)19 ) National AHHocliitlon of
AKilculturul Inipli'inont and Volilelo Man-
ufacliirorx , vvhlc-li recently hold Ita nnnuiil
convention In Nnslivlllu , c-ainu lo Cliut-
Innooh'n thlH iniinliur unel are visiting
ChlcumnKUii National park , Lookout
mountain mid oilier polntti nf Interent. Tlio
p.irty Includea nliout 150 of the leading Im-
lilnment and vehlulu inanufactnrora of the
United Static , many of whom are accom
panied by tholr vvlvcH.
I'll 11 III ( illl All ) ' lolll' } ' .
Two moi , ono of whom la HiippoHod to bo
I'olounl , ti ilyvoller In the bottoms , went
to the homo of Mm. Carrlo Cooper , H13
Leavenvvorth Htiect. laHl nlghl and do-
inundcd ailmlttniu'i' , The woman upon ope-n-
Inn Iho door imkoil what VVIIH wanted. Ono
of tlio Intruders tliut Bho pay
he-r ri-Jil , nnd upon boliut Bhowu a receipt
for the winui knockttl her clown. Ward
VVIIH arrested and charBed with belnir a
HUHplcloiiH elmrncter , ponding' luentlflca-
Uon by MM. Cooper
111:1.11 roit MI itnr.ii or IMS win : ,
r.iiiinn r. ICnUcr Wax llvnvllIn. .
nuriMl for Her lliinliitiiil'H Ili-ni-IU.
NORHISTOWN , ! . , Nov SO. diaries 0
KitUcr has been hold to answer for the
murder of his wife , Hmtna 1' . Knlser , who
vvaa shot and killed on a lonely road near
Drldgeport , on the night of October 28. The
verdict rendered by the coroner's Jury this
evening holds him responsible frr her
death nnd adds lint ho vvaa aldt-d by un-
kno\vn persons In a sclirmo to defraud Insurance -
suranco companies.
When the muidcr was committed , the
couple wcro driving homo from Gulf Mills ,
a vlllngr near Ilrldgeport , where tlioy had
been delivering portraits from their store
In this city. The flrsl novva of thu crlmo
was obtained from Trank Merrill , a Norrls-
lovvn hotel keeper , who found Knljcr madly
circling nliout the reid shrleMng "murder , "
while In the1 carriage near b > lay the
coipse of his wife , with a bullet in the
head. Kaiser's story was lhat the tmmUr
had been commuted by hlghwavinou who
robbed them of valuable'Jewelry and money
Next day , how over , Ihegoodi vvero found
hidilen under stoius along the road olid
ausplclou-was directed tovsanf the husband
Subsequent developments ptovcd thu wo
man's llfo recently bad been Insured In n
number of companies for her huiband'a
benefit , lo nn nggregalo sum of $10,500 and
that the couple had not lived happllto
gether. A mjsterlons man nnd worn in
kiuiun to have been Intimately a sor-lited
with Knlsoi nrp Implicated They hi Id
mccllnga with him some dn > a before tlio
murder nnd wore seen In .he vicinity of Iho
spot whcic It occuried nt nearly the name
time DetcctUcn are searching for them
and the case bids fair lo bo rich In startling
rovclatlons The team behind which Kaiser
nnd hla vvlfo reid had been one-1 stolen
from ev-Mnyor Jackion of Gloucester , N. J
It was hired Soptc'inber B by the uiyslerloui
woman nnd never returned. The Inquest
wa-s begun this morning nnd the evidence
adduced forma a strong circumstantial chain
mound Kaiser It Is said that while' deny
ing hli own guilt , Kaiser hns admitted to
detectives thai ho kno\vs the murduer ,
but will not tovcal his Identity , Kalsci
is In jail.
I'AHTV or coi.n sinivins is LOST.
Siiiimipil | In Hnvr lliM'ii lliiHHiicrcil tn
tlieSiiliiiniiii lNlnulM.
SAN TKANC1PCO. Nov. 20. Pollovv ing
close upon the details of the mnssacie ot
niron Von Noiheeh and the parly of scien
tists from Iho Austrian gunrdshlp Albatross.
by natives of the famous Solomon group of
Islands , cones another story of tieachcry
and dcntli at Ihe hands of these violent cnn-
nlbata Novvs was received per steamship
AlameJa , ft cm Svdncy , thai the Hteamshlp
Titus , lhat was recently dlspalched from
Australia lo Iho coast of the Solomon In
lands , is al I'orl Jackson on her relurno > -
ago from Maran sound Solnmon group The
vcbsel lay near Dourgalnvlllc for some dajs
nnd Inslllutrd a search for n parlj of gold
hunlers , sK whiles nnd llvo natives , who
stalled in a vvhaleboal for the nc\v gold
Holds at Moubara from Samorla. The of
ficers of Iho TIlus , who wcro at 1'ort Jack
son on October 15 , report lhat It Is Ihclr
opinion that the entire party ot whites was
massacred , olthcr at Donrgalnvlllo by the
head hunlers , or on the coast directly acrosi
the straits The Titus fell In with the
revenue cutter Lllj Rock , which was also
cruising In search of the party , and learned
from Captain Dates of that crafl lhat Iho
Investigation Instituted by the government
olllcers proved bcvoml n shadow of a doubt
that the gold hunters had put ashore to
pitch camp on the beach , had been bctravcd
by thclc natlvo guides , surrounded , killed
and probably eaten. A rifle and a revolver
wcro found In a native village , and the
weapons wcro Identified as the property of
Ihe gold hunters. Liter II was learned that
Iho gold seekers' whalcboal was In Iho pos
session of n chief on ono of the Solomon
Islands , and thai various other property of
the prospectors was scattered among the'
coast villagers of the Islands. The vvhlto
men wcro undoublcdly butchered , and It la
surmised thai the natives' atlack on them
was a surprise , carefully planned.
II. A : O. Iir.AClllMj"l.VI'O Til 13 bOUTH.
Co-Opc-riillitli of the lli'inllng : Il
.Honnlit fiir n ftiMt Kvli-ilHlon.
NBW YOHIC , Nov. 20. A special dispatch
from Philadelphia lo Ihe Mall and Impress
today bajs Ihal as a rcoult of n conference
hold In Ihal clly bclvveen rcprescntnllveu of
Iho Heading nnd Baltimore & Ohio Com >
pan lea , a number of changes nro likely to
bo made as soon as the new Heading com
pany gets Into full working eider
"It Is underMood. " the dispatch says , "thai
the Baltimore & Ohio is negotiating for a
through train service between Now York
nnd the eouth , and to accomplish this the
acquloscrncn of the He-adlng Is necessary
If the Baltimore & Ohio succeeds In semiring
its llnoto riorida and other soulhorn polnls
a number of changes will have lo bo mndo
In its frclghl and passenger service It Is
also said llicre la some talk of lowering
the lime bclvveen New York nnd Washing
ton. "
ADOPT ivnKcii : V\IAIIU : Ticitirr.
Half n DUSCII HonilH TaKt > I p n Scheme
CHICAGO. Nov. 20. Al Iho meeting of
the roads of the Central Passenger associa
tion today , Iho proposed 3,000-mllo inter
changeable mileage/ ticket went Ibo way the
5,000-mlIo ticket went josterday. The roads
finally concluded lhat they did nol vvanl any
llckct of thai nature , and the matter was
dropped by the committee. The Big Four ,
Daltlmoro & Ohio , west of Pltlsburg. liJl-
tlmoro & Ohio Southwestern , Monon , Chesa
peake & Ohio and a number of smaller lines
have decided to take Independent action ,
however , and will Issue suel ; a ticket , which
will bo good over the lines named.
'I'll ' real en lo Allnok n .lull niul I < > noli
< ; iip llntllrlil anil UKlflii'll \ e.
WILLIAMSON , W. Va. , Nov , 20. Deled
Ivo J. II. Clark Is hero In Jail across the
hall from "Cap" Halflcld , whom he captured
only a few da > s ago. He had succeeded in
escaping the pursuit by the friends of An
derson Mounts , whom ho and Detcctlvo Kev
ins had killed at Dolormc. At Plkevlllo ho
found protection from whence he , with Uo-
tcctlvo Ilcvlns , was brought to Ibis place
and put In Jail. The Mounts nnd McCovH
now Join foiccs and threaten to take both
the detectives and Hatfleld from the jail and
Ivnch thorn. Thtfllatflclds , however. In case
such an attempt Is made , will defend the
i.vrn > su i.vriiiisr i.v roi.nv CASK.
ltd } Will Arri-Hlcil for Vliuiliiof
HH viollu-r ami hUlor.
LIIinilTY , Mo. , Nov , 0. William Toloy
has not yet been arrested for the mm dor
of his mother and sister In their home near
hero Tuesday night , but It Is believed that
such action will bo taken before nnulhcr
twenty-four hours' . The most InteiiEO In
terest Is being displayed In the cane and
when the coroner's Inquest was resumed
today scores of farmers wore gathered ubuut
the court house , though the Investigation V.C.H
held behind closed doors Young Fuloy
know for the flrst tlmo today that he was
suspected of the murder. He said hu wan
much surprised ,
"ViM-tlN of llu * AriiM-iilmiH.
NRW YOUK. Nov. 20 The National Ar
menian Hollef committee l.i JUKI In receipt
of the following- cabin cllxpatch from the
International Armenian Kolluf commlttto
at CoiiHtanllnopIo , Kir Philip Cuirle , chair
man :
"IMIILIPPOI'OLIS , Nov. II , 1SW-Spencer
Trask , ( J Illblo House , N. Y. . llarpoot ,
the center of the desolated district ,
estimates 10,000 people dC'Slltuto ; needs 20-
000 for food , 2u,0 < )0 morn for bcddlnir , cloth-
Inir , cookingutuiiHllH. . Wo fed SO.OO'J ' pcoplo
In thin dlHtrlct laHt year. I'npailni ; care
ful estlnmtcH of other cllHlrlutH Our eom-
mltloo expectH calls for f ICO 000 for the win-
te'l'H necclM. W. W. IM3IJT , TreiiHUtor , "
TlirciVlillniH < if llu' ( JrailiCrii
CONCOHI ) , Ky. , Nov. 20. The evwtbound
train , No , 4 , on the Clieunpeake. & Ohio rail
road last night caught a buggy at the rirat
street croaaln and Instantly killed the three
occupanln , Mr. Al Polllck , a young lawyer ,
and Ml.ssia Lulu and Llzzlu Llnd , daUKhlcru
of thu proprietor of tho/Llncl hotel of this
place. The young people were returning
from an oven I UK party ,
Flnmos Stnrt ir r rt int Shop nntl Reach n
t.oli of Cartritlpcs.
Knflre rtrv loiiirtiu < Mi ( ( "nlleit Into
S r\ lee niul Ilio rir > IN Snli-
ilitoil After it I.IIIIK : n nil
CLivniiAND , 0. , Nov. 20. Tire broke
out shortly before 9 o'clock Ihls morning
In Ihe live-story building at 190 , 192 and 194
Superior street , occupied by 11. W. Lcutke-
meor & Co , wholesale nnd retail hard
ware and pilnt dealers The flames orig
inated In the paint department and rapidly
spread to all the floors , and the entire
building was soon enveloped In llamcs. K
W. Loutckmeor , a son of the senior partner
of the firm , was badly burned In nticmpl-
Ing to subdtio the flames. The remaining
fifty persons In the building It Is believed ,
escaped In safely. A strong wind pre
vented the firemen from gelling control of
the flro and canted the flames high over
adjoining buildings.
It was feared the big eight-story build
ing on the weal side would go. and al 9 30
n stcond alarm was sent out , bringing Into
action twenty-two engines , Ivvo lire boals
nnd a vvalcr to > ver.
The flro was practically under control nt
11 o'clock , the firemen having succeeded In
confining the flames to thu Luctkcmcyci
building , which was entirely consumed , with
Us contents. Iho adjoining buildings were
more or less damaged , however , by smoke
nnd water. The loss on the Luctkcmcjer
building nnd contents will aggregate nearly
J3.0,000 , partly covered by Insmanco
Tinco men were removed from the build
ing by firemen , badly burned and almost
8U ( located by smoke
IJvery cmplOo of Luetkemejcr & Co has
been accounted for ami Is safe No ono
was seriously burned. The building , owned
by tlio Poison estale , Is damaged to the
extent of $50,000. The stock of Luetkemeycr
Co consumed vvns worth $100,000 ; cov
ered by Insurance. The furniture stock of
the Goodheart Kurniturooompaii ) , on ono
side , Is damaged by smoke and water to the
ovtent of S10.000.
OKCSTON la . Nov -Special Tele
gram ) Uradford'a roller mills vvoro do-
fitiojrcd by flre ) cstcrday Lflss. $15,000 ;
Insurance , $1.000 , In Iho DCS Molues Mu
tual. A large quantity of wheat , flour nnd
cornmcal was consumed.
Unlteil Mule * Milt-Mini HUM n PlnM
Mllll Al'l70llll OllllllWM.
SHPATl , N M. , Nov. 20 Deputy UnltcJ
Stales Marshall McGllnchy ha. had a light
with lllark Jack's hindlL" . Killing the
nolorloiiB Bob IIres and wounding George
Musgrove , alias Jeff Davis , who escaped
None ot the posse were Injured. IlIacK.
Jock , Frank Anderson , 1)111 George and
another escaped , r.nd the po.sso Is In pursuit.
Thu flght occurred al Deer Creek , about
thirty miles south of lieie , oft tha Southern
Pacific road
This U said to ho the most desperate gang
thatcjei Infested Arbona. The ) commoncc'l
orations In July lasl , since which tlmo
they have held up the White Oak stage
twice and robbed the mall four times They
also robbed the Nogales bank , Ihe Tevloton
postoinco , San Simon postonice , station and
store ; Stein's station. Central po-sloillco.
They attempted to hold up a mall train on
the Atlantic * Pacific road , In which their
leader. Cole Young , was killed During their
reign of terror they have killed four men
Robinson , Ihe Ilne-rlder , who , with a posses
pursued them after the attempted bank
robbery ai Nocales ; Parker , n lanchman
tiear Hosewator , N. M , ; nnd a rancher and
cowboy In the Anlmas valley.
VOIIIIRSI. . I.oiilNliin Commits Snlelili ;
for > o Apiinreiit HCIINOII.
ST LOUIS. Mo. . Nov. 2u Honr ) Sher
wood , title- examiner of the St. Louis Tiust
company , committed suicide at his homo
hero toda ) by shooting himself with a re
volver. Ill health Is thought to have been
Iho cause
llirrj Sherwood Is a son of Justice Sher
wood of the Missouri supreme court. The
} oung man was well educated and highly
accomplished and a favorite In society. Ho
was employed as tlllo examiner by the St.
Louis Trust company and was at his place
of business during the morning. At noon
he ' .venl to his home and retired to his room
Soon after a pistol bhot rang out Servants
tan upstairs , burst open the door and found
the young man stretched on the bed , A
smoking revolver was b ) his sldo and thcro
was a small hole In his foiehead , from which
blood and brains wore oozing A doctor
was speedily called , but thu ) oung man was
Three iliintN In .New Ymk.
N1JW YOHIC , Nov. 20 There vvero thrco
bouts nt the Gotham club Kranlc Semphcr
of liufTalo and U.mny McMahon of Detroit
fought toil lounilM ut US pounds McMn-
hon was % ei ) Kroeay "t the end of tlio sev
enth round , when the bout was stopped and
the honors uvvaided to Seiiipher. Hobby
Dobbi of Minneapolis and Joe Klc-Iden of
KiiKlnnd vvero to KO ten rounds at 13i
pounds , but I'lcldon went down tvvlco and
was counted out In the fifth round. Charley
Strong , colored , of Newark , N. J. , und
Huniy Hakur of Chlu.iRo wcio matched lor
tvvoHo pounds at catch weights In the
Isnth round Strong knocked Iakcr down
three Union , and ns linker wan In a help
less condition his ncconda threw up the
Our Fs and. . , .
.Other Eyes.
. . . . .
Our Fs nre just n3 strong ns
they were fifty years ngo , when
\vc have cause to use them.
But we have less and lebs cause IM
to prahe ourselves , since others M
do the praising , and \vc arc
more than vv illing for you to see
us through other eyes. This
is how \ve look to S. lf. Boycc ,
wholesale and retail duigght ,
Duluth , Minn , vvho nftcr a
quarter of a century of obser
vation writes :
"I have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla -
rilla for more than 25 years ,
both nt wholesale nnd retail ,
and have never heard anything
but words of praise front my
customers ; not a single com
plaint has ever reached me. I
believe Aycr'a Stirh.tparilln to
be the best blood purifier , that
has been introduced to the gen
eral public. " This , from a
man who has sold thousands of
dozens of Ayer's Snrsnparilla ,
ia strong testimony. Hut it
only echoes popular sentiment
the world over , which has ,
"Nothing but words of pralso
for Aycr'a SarsuparJIIa. "
An ; doulita1 > outlth nil /r"Curel > ooli"
It kill * doul > u ant ! cnroo doubter * ,
Addrou J. C , Aven Co , Lowell , Man ,
HOI : , ALIAS 3100111 : , TO in : n.iMini ) .
AKPI ! AVoiunn Wan I'olNoni'il lij' lloli-
IMTK niul Thin linn ConfoHMnl.
NAPA , Cnl. , Nov , SO. William Hoe , allni
Moore , was today found guilty ot the mur
der of Mrs. Oreenwood nnd wilt he sen
tenced to bo hanged.
In 1S91 two masked men entered the homo „ -
of Captain and MM. Greenwood , wealthy
residents of this plnce. They demanded
money , and , on being refused , proiM'ded
lo torture the aged couple. Mrs. Gieoiivood
was forced to drink poison , from the ef
fects nf which she tiled , and her husband
was shot and seriously woun.lcd by the
robbers Ilotli men then escaped vvllh ecu-
slderable' booty Shorlly aflor Carl Schmidt
was arrested and convicted ot complicity
In the murder Ho was sentenced to llfo
Impilsonnu'iit , nnd Is now In ho Insane
ward of San Quentln prison About two
months ago Hoe was arrested In Los Angeles -
goles under the name of Moore. While In-
loxlcalcd he boabled of his crimes , among
which was the murder of Mrs. Orccn\vood
Ho was Immedlitrly arrested nnd taken to
Napa for trial. According to lloo's e'runken '
confession , he has commlttod many mur
ders In various sections ot the country
ll\l > IN Till : HIIV I'AHT.S OP IM\ | .
I'rle-i' nf IJrnln Hi-i < irli-il In Hirnll -
liiMT lnilill > 111 lloinliii ) .
IIOMIUY. Nov. 20 A good rain has
fallen hcio and throughout the Deccan , nnd
the price of grain Is rapidly falling
LONDON , Nov 21. A Times dispatch
from Allahabad , India , reporls that half ot
the Madras coasl dlsttlcts have been bone-
filed malerlnlly by rain In the last few
davs , while n storm , sweeping by the Horn-
bay const , has given a ste'ady fall In tha
Poonn dlstrlcl , niul more Is expected In
land , as the storm advanced over Knthla-
vvus , the meteorologlMs Hlallng Iho fall may
oxtcnd to Ujapulnns and central India.
This will gho molstuiu to many of the
drouth districts.
11AWL1NS. Wyo. , Nov 20-Sped il Tolp-
K'uun ) A shoaling affriy occurred Juit
nftor noon today between two HUH' bojs
nboul 7 veils old. Wllllo Welch found nn
old SJ-cnllbor pistol , In which vvero thron
cnitrldges. He slniled oul lo Uy II ami
it'eulliiK n pln > mate JUIMCM Ki'iinollH UHOC !
him for a target The bulli't onlotPil Kim-
nelllf. ' nock , Ju t to the right of tlu > vvlml-
jilpo , lodRlnir In HieniUMcleH ot the neck.
Thu wounded boy will recover.
.lor 1'alrliiMi'N IIIH | Trliil.
I'lllLAnDLPlIIA , Nov 20-Joo Palrhcn.
the culobialod paeor. made n trial for Ibo
rlalo lecord loda > on the half mlliIrick ul
lIolmcsbuiK- Driving pit ! : , nnd covered Ihn
dUtaneo In 2 6dbroaklng Ihe utato lecoid
of 211 Prior lo the Irlal I'uti he-n made
iwc wanning up he.-itH. In 221 nnd 2 li'4
The full lime on the trial hot was Quarter.
0 U. half , 1 03 > j , Ihrec'-nuarlcrs. 1 3j , mile ,
2 00' !
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of tlio
transient , nature of the many phys-
the knowledge , that so many forms of
faiekncssaies not tltio to any actual < lis-
case , but .simply to a constipated oomll-
lion of the system , which the plca&ant
family laxative , Syrup ot Figs , prompt
ly removes. That is why It Is the only
remedy with millionsof families , and is
oveiywhore esteemed so highly by nil
who valuu peed health. Its beneficial
eft'eets iiro clue to the fact , that it is the
one lenuuly which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating1 the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important , in order to yet its bene
ficial effects , to note when you pur
chase , that you luivo the genuine at ti
de , which is maiiiifactuicd by the Cali
fornia Fig Syi up Co. only and sold by
all reputable ih uggists. ' < (
If in the enjoyment of peed health ,
and the system is regular , laxatives or
other icinedies arc then not needed. If
alllicted with any netsrnl disease , ono
may bo commended to the most skillful
physicians , but if in need of ti laxative ,
ono should have the best , niul with the
well-infoimed everywhere , Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
uasd and gives most general satisfaction.
Man's Greatest Joy
Is his slixnjih nn4 vlpir llic full
possession uf Ills powers.
banish the dangerous vciknessts of both
sexes , revlnllie Ihe nervuus s > stcm , enrich
anJ purify the blooJ , They checl. all Jralni
$1.00 Per Box , 6 Boxei. , $5.00.
A letrd Runnntco to cure or refund the
lliogt'j with every ILOlJonlir. A Jdrckk
Elierman & McConnell Drue Co. .
1611 DocU'O St. Omaha. Nno.
Ma n niters
l > niCiSClilMrcn : , ISc. Adults , 22c.
I'HICnS 2' * , 35o nnd GOo , no higher. Julci
iiiiiiliai'l will sliiE at hulli iierfoiinani.cs ,
"HE GREfGHTON vljz ! \
Pour N'lclits , Conimrnclne
3 I'rtmlirc nanscuee 3 ( "orpn ile llnllct 3
-Only innllneo WulnieOiiy.
B < > at now nn eulo. I'llcei 23c , COe , 7Sc , JIM
Nuv 20-JS VUillnoy Ojiero Co. , In "Jlob Hoy. "
.M.Crnwford.Mcr. JJVKNT.
( IV1AIIA SI MI'110 % V CIII HiS'I'll.\ : .
i.-ltllV. Koprnno. MU JOSCPll UAIIM , 1'lanl.t.
I'IUCitI0c , 75c , JI.W.
imtTiivni : AMI .IOMCS , STIHIT.S.
KO room" , balhi , ( team licat ami nil modern
nvcnlrnecH , ItutcM , 11(0 nnd )2 ) do per day ,
ililu unexcellecl , Hiicclal low rate * lo rOKUlar
arden. 1'ltANlC IIILIHTCH , II kT ,
f r" EmilUU Dl.mon.I . llrond.
< lrllimland Onlr Ucnulne.
Art , AlwtJI rtUftkill. LADIIB till L
Ui ( [ lil lor aukuitrnciiit nn 1
funiitraiut ID llril n J < / * ( . ( l > lllt\
Uiiti M > M lift tlu rilUi. ToLu
nuoClirr * Htfut 4agtrut , wlllu ( *
an4 InlliUI A I llnultlt , tt mil 4c.
In iuu | for iiiiiliyiiii , "iiiUiiuiUli til
' 'llellaf Tvr t * 4ltt , " t UHtrtr rttnrn
Mull. l .OUUT UiU l > ll
I PruiiUu , 1'i