1 < ) _ . Tins OMAHA I > AILY wsBtsA'ri HDAY , NOVIUMUIUH ai. isoo. SPECIAL NOTICES for Itirtu nlll IIP IfiKrn rinlll 12ll ! < l p. in. , lor tin * tMftiliiK "ml "Mill H | > . in. fur < lic nun itlhp ; mill Mil mill } ' i-illlloiiH. AilvcrlNiTH , li > rciim-MlHK it mini- liprcil clii-olt , cnn Inn r miiotor * nil- < 1rinNid lo a iiiiliilM'iTit lottoi' In onrc of The Hoc. Annvtvrn nn mlilri'imeil nil ! IIP ilclli orc-il on pi ini-iUiUlon of < | IP I'lii't'lt nilly. Mule * , 1 l-e ! H .ir l llrM ItiNrrllnni lo 11 > out Ilieii'iifliT. ttotlitiiw tnlti-ii 'for lens ( linn Srti' fur till * Hrt IliHi-r- tlon. 'IhuHC niU.'rUsi'iiientH iniml 1 > * run SITl VTIO.NS WAM'IJl ) . -1'I.AIN HBWINd IN \MIMI3fl I I1Y n itnnil M-ntiiitlitf * ) 01 cents per tln > Ail1rws II W. Hin A-uOO-M- WANI ii : > AN IDIA.VHO CAN THINK or eomu Hiwilo thlnjr to iiHtent ? 1'rottct jour lilcm. ihev innv brine suu wrullh Write John WcOilPibuin&fo. Dcpt V. I'.itinl Altoinej * \\nnliliivton l > C , for their l S > " 0 pil'e offer nnil n H t of WO Inventions vvnlil"J II 1W WANTHI ) ! THVVKMNO SAUWIKN t'Ot clears , oil reliable hciixc. tM'Tlence ' im noccssnr * . , extra Irnlucei.x iitn to i-mlam-isi J7COO to ! l < i < < * > PT month nml e-xiwriiio'i AiJATiYTjcM frmvivk : AM > COMMISSION . ' maklni bu l- on nil entirely now nml mon.'V ? ncfrt. C I1 A.laina . Co . 021 So irth bt . JJ"dO * WAOTnn"A7lffNTSS23 00 A niK | S worktiH. now Roods. new | > In i. If u rvcry f t.'ll > nrciln It , soil ! at night H b Co. , llox l. rinclnmitl , Oliln _ _ MAN wANiHprT.iiiiniAi * coMriN < uTioN , pxivrli'nrril or not. slo. k Biinrnntiil to grow. Ilmwn Hro . Co. Nuncrj men. WAN-nil ) "nuNTPinMANrou conr.usi-OND cnoi > nflpi. ImvlnR kirnc ! our lm lniRS Hilary JiOOOO , unlike felf-ucMiwsoil ftiimjpl envelope to Kl-'cr ' , It a. caie Hie 11-MC09 22 _ wN'ri : ) iiooicKr.n > mroH ro.u nmrrlcl rian preform ! Ail hcs , vvltli refer ences , Drawer 37 , Omnlia , Neb IIMC18 25 uo pr.ti 1.000 c\sn ror. circulars. enclose Co U. a Distributing llu- . 21" rcau. CnlraK" _ II-.M61I WANTilT ) . A TuTvnMNO PAU MAN TO ' Imui-es' iitolltn by Mllliu direct from 0111 mills our ppeclil mnltet of < lrs Kuoila for sprlni ? trade Liberal terms Tranlt I ) La Iviiine . Co. 1'lilli.letplili. IJ-MGI2 21 WANTllr > . HALi:8M"HN"lN KVKll'Y D1STIUCT. new Feni oi , rimplvs free , salary or commis sion. with expen'ci ! , from start. Mike llio < , Co , ChlrnRo II-MSllSl * JIAN WIto\N INvpjiTO SUM CAN HU put In poflllon to mill" $10 n dn > clei.r , more mone % , nuro profit , article uicd cxiry day. no ImmlitiK Tlioio me.inliiK buslnt1nddros * I > . It roiiuroj , Axtpll , Kan 1) MC21 S2' iilFUM VM3 WANTHD-A rOMt'irrPNT SlirOND dlllL Mrs Milton Iloijers , 331 S 37tb Kt C-MGK 22 WANTHl ) , KIKSr AND SKCONO Ollll. , MUST Imp exiic-iluico and icfcrencrs 2037 ttrcct ( WANTID emu , ron otNiiiAi > iiotisi- norlt 1318 Caps C 37C flj * WANIUD-A ami. TO no CIINIIIAI * HOC.SI- \\oik Apply nt once nt 201 b 3th A\enue CCM 22 * riitsf CI.\SS"COOK"AND i AUNmuss. GOOD wui.es Klvtn , rcfirtni.cs leiiiilrtil. Appl > to CIO lice building. C-MI-22 * WANTi : , IADY 1O U COHUlNt'ONUIINCi : after lni\lni : Ictirned our bu lnPK , Fiilnry , J7CO , enclose ntlf-niliIrpEti.il. itnnipcd en\elope to Kldcr , U : s , care Hoc. C MOID 22 * rou iti.vr _ HOUSES IN ALL I'AUTS OP TUB CITY. THE O V , Davis Company , 1505 rurnam. D 103 IIOUSCS , IUNi\YA CO. , 103 N. 13TII ST. D-110 JIODEUN HOUSES. C. A. STA11K 825 M. CHOICn HOUaUS AND COTTAOHS ALL OVRU the city , 13 to J50. ridcllly , 1702 rarnimn112 n-112 LIST or IIOHSBS THU nvnoN Heed Co. 212 S. Hth St. U 113 IIOUSHS. WALLACE. Ulio\\rN HLK . 10TII anil Douglns D 114 KK5I1T-UOOM MOUUHN I'llAMlI DnTACHUD. 2719 Popplcton nvcnuo ; tliolee , i'M ID-room nuidirn brlelc , DJO N 23J , J1300. 9 room modern lirlrk. CM K 29th , J2Ti CO 12-room modern , 2Sth find \Vnoluort.i. { 2220. C. A STAnn , Ii23 N. Y. Life Illdff _ _ _ D MUG IIOU8K3 rilOM } 5 Ul' : LAIIQB LIST. McCu uc IlHcatmcnt Co , IMC Dodge St. D M70S A BBAUTirUL IIOMC IN Plate ; E rooms ; nil modern ; cplcndld condition ; nc been rented before ; no offend at a low rental to first class terant. ridelltj Trust Company , 1702 Fninain bt. I ) MS35 BUIT13 OrO IIOOMS , MODHnN 2021 north. J W Squire , 2 Ilee Illdg U-D54 TWO MODBIIN nniCK. To & n-nooM uisf- dcnees , oali Hears nml flnlnh , mtntcls. cnitos , laundry and e\ery conUneiice 10J. 1031 So. SOth A\e Inquire of ouner on BTUICTLY MODBI1N 10-llOOSt COTTAOI3 , N W corner 2Stli and JncliEon ; largo lot , half prlee J _ W _ Squire , _ 21S Hoe _ _ _ D 170 _ nNT s-itoou nouan AT 2215 HUIIT Kl. , nil conveniences , low rental Imiulre of i : H Zimmerman nt county cleric's clllcc. dur ing business hour D MSO IIOUSlJS.rLATS GAKVIN JI11OS .1613 PAIINAM 218 Foa IUNT , 7-nooM ouTsinn PLT. . NBWLY papered , modern Lange lllotk , COO tin nth n-na-uto _ ritRK-HALANCK Of NOVEMlIElil-bl'iCL VL rate for \\lntcr , 9 rooms nnd altote , nil mod ern lujufc In cholccht location 1'ldellty , 1T02 Tarnani D I'i3 7 HOOMS , 717 SOUTH 15TII 8T , J10 _ ij IM ; o KOUNTZU PLACi : , 0-llOOM. MODPUN HO1JSI3 , 12000 J. .1 Gibson , Mt Plrst Nation il b ink U-517-23 _ I OH HKNT NINB-UOOM IIRICIC , IN 1'IUST- clans condition , nil modem lmpro\emtnt < i , fuc- Ins on Ilunifom Park Ituiuire of John Diilo 2 New Inrk Life building. D-5W 20 BTKAM IIKATHI ) nnblDBNCC. 2013 IIAHNHY. DGJJUli > rou nnNT 7-itooM MODIHN : COITACSI : AT 1510 K. 19li ( pt , 3 < 1 door north of Lake , nt } 21 00 to desirable party MiMlorn S-room liounc , J2000 per month 2533 Hn\ enport.V. . II. Mtlltlp , 501 lat Nat'l Hank Hide D-MW7 23 rou iiK\TrimMsiini > UOOMS. bTBAM HBVTBD HOO11S , 2011 JIAHNBY K312-D7 * I NICK PUHNISIUID IIOOMS , LIGHT IIOU8K- l-ctpliiK. Hi : B. llth. 13 131.20 _ _ FuitNIHUBD IIOOMS. IIOUSBKUBl'INO 2025 Bt. Mary'B. _ _ U--54.I 22" NIC'ULY PUIlNISIinD ItOOMH. 222 N' K M5S5 HOOMS , } 300 AND $800 SIONll. 15IG lluuaul l"IIIl.MSHii > HOOMS AM ) IIOAHI ) . rou HUNT. ruHNisunu HOO.MRvirn on without boanl ; steam luat nnd nil modern Imprmenunta ; upiclui lo rates for the uln'cr Mldlaml , iotcl , lull uml ChUnKP M. J. Pranck , propcrltor , I1 OCO ItOOM AND I10A.HU ; BTKAM ; C02 H lam. T MOil N2S nB nuniAM-iiBAXTiruL : ALCOVH ami lmlo rooms. : otli ami Dodne. P M3W U' KiciV. W"AUM liooljsTcirxjnlioTiu ) , HATES reasonable , The Hnse. 20 0 Harno. roil IlKNTU.MMH.MSllii ! > 0 ciiAMiimtH I-OH iKn iKiii'iNn : : MAN ami wife ; water In kltthen ; ittel sink. 319 N. ITlIu G-421 roii UI.VTSTOHIS : AM ) OKKICHS. nitiuic Biaitn HUILDINO , ion i Paln in , ihrco slorlm und basement , " 111 nlttr , to null tenant , low rent. 311 1st Nat'l H'lc blU. ' | 1-115 " TllACKAUt : WAHEHOIISU ; CUNTnALIArLo" . catud. H. 3 , Ci.riiD , Wt lUuiey , l-Mlbjj 1)11 you HUNTTiiTlifouY : imiclc HI'ILIJINO at Die Pallium t. This bull Jim ; Man u llrcproof cement Imiicinciit , tompleto ile.ini heatlni ; IU- lurei , nuter nn nil Hour * , fu tic , Apply at Ih * olllco uf The lit * . I (19 AUKVIStVA.TI2II. . isr IN : VKitv lvnnitii'l | . il"ii PiiicliimHlInn , Illuntrntpd ; n rplfixllil IIHinRmph , JJtJS Inctir.i relln nt right l"jrll'O' for Milt or tense ; agent * wanted Jl. t'roiliimatlon Co. , Mar > \lllp , Mo , .T M51J 22 . .v'Knpi.i : IN KVBKY . Ity nt III W weekly unlniy and expenses to tnko onlm for rhiltirm Cloodi , iwrmancnt tniplos nitnt If rlrht Manufacturer , P O. Hoz 6S * . Iltnton , MHH. J-M8S2 D23 _ _ WANTI.O ON riUAHANTni : CAKII 8A7.AHY , nmri-rlnj ; KKinia liA\lnir pinctlinl , KIICCOS * fill expcrlcnci ! In 10 'In.i ; bonk by subscription ; c indmtn * of niwnrd vnlaiy nnil povxlbllltlei cil MI > l.ii no liiroine en thi > most mircernfui book iMiifil ulncc Ortnt n Urmcln AiMrcs1" . ntnllnR txp rl ifp , iinmo mid iiunilx-r of books nold , Knlary pxpetted , tic , Guarantee Publishing fn , S W Cor. OlUe nnJ ? d tts . M Ixmls. J-.M601 22 _ _ _ _ " AOIJNTS MAKtffflM To" l 00 A IAY INTHO- iluclnR the ' rv > m t " tin- enl > II snap nliot canieri made , thp nmtp t seller of HIP cen tury , M'lifMl nnd local nxentM unnted nil oxer lhorld , rxoli ! l\v ! t < rrlttrvrlt tmlny for terms nnd snmplen Alkcn-Gltapon Cn , X 3ft , I.i PrOMc , W . .1 MC20 ! ! AGUNTS WANTniJ. I'K tloiin nf Gen nl Nel on A Miles , cmbrneltiK the ntnry of Ills fnmous Indian campaK'n < < , superbl ) Illuitrnttil b ) HemlnKton , ( he prince of American nrtlMx , CIO pages , 2DO original en- Kraxliips , liberal itrnn , vxclusUc lerrltorj ; Just tin- book for hollil.ij unlei AiMrcn The Werner company ICO Adams street , PiluiRO J-.MGI3 22 \ \ ATiilTO HI3NT. WANTED TO HUNT Al HOTEL Klve pnrtlcularsddresii llox IS. Nlckcrrnn , DodRe coilnt > , Neb K MCI9 JJ' I'ACII 1C bTOHAGU AND WAHEHOUflC CO. , KOS-910 Jones General storage nnd fornnrdlng M-110 O.\r VAN i STOHAQE. 1413'PAU'M. TlCry. VS. ! . M-VHI \\TI3I > TO IIUV. TO LEASE OH IHJY , ELEVAIOH OP TEN OH llfteen thouuiml cnpaclty In Kouth I'latte countn * . Address A 24 , care Omilm Hep N-8H N20 WANTED TO HUY POU CASH E1T1IEH .Tolinxlon'R Peoples or Chnmbers' Encsclopedln , Ini-t edition Also Wtbster's International Dlc- tlon'iry , must be In BOO ! condition , up to ilite. and \ery cheap Address etntlng price nnd where cin lie seen , H 20 , lice olllce N SCO 21 * A SECONDHANDSAPE in N M171 NM _ LIST HEAL ESTATE WITH T D WEAI ) , 1CTII & Dourlas N 401-50 LIST CfTY AND PAJIM HE VL BSTATn n llh Unrvln Uros , 1613 Pnrnam st. N 432 i 'ou sAiiK MISCILLAMOUS. CHEAPEST IIAHDWOCD WOVEN COHN-CH1H- bn ! ? made C H. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q 120 SI.COND-HAND SAPES CHEAP. UK PAHNAM Q-M172 N3l ( LADIF" . Ct JO AKS. PUHS , DnEStT aOODS , ensj pajmonts. drop postal nnd will call wltli fatnpleo. E Hlrih , olllco Drcxel Hotel Q -MJ03 30 ST.E1OHS , SLEIGHS' ' SINGLE ANP DOUHLE D'ummond Canlage Co. , ISth and Hirnc > Q-tJS-D-13 GAHDENEU OH GHOCKHY WAGOV , ALSO furniture wnKon , birgolns Drummonl Car- rlaro Co . 18th and Harnej Sts Q 543-D13 _ DANlTv OOOD OI > HUGGY AND TWO GOOD family carrlaRes cheap Drummond Carrlar.e Co , ISth uml Harnej Q.-il DI3 A NEW PHAN1CLIN TYPEWHITEH POll SALE nt n birgaln. Address Omaha , Neb , 1 * O llox C3S ? 5C' ' _ NBAHLY NBW "HADIANT HOME" EASE burner , 34S South Twinlj-slxtli a\enuc Q-C91- MAGIC LANTEHN AND FTEHEOPTICON buT- llt nnd cameras bum lit. roil nnd cxclmiiKCd Hlcbnids & Ulrch , 200 Nlcollct n\e Mlnne- upclls. Minn Q-M59S 23 POH lENTTEN-ACHE THAcTSOP LAND on IciniT time , suitable for KnrdenliiK The O P Davis Co , 1503 Pnrnnin street H CGI 22 OMAHA MIHUOIt MPG. CO. . HEMOVED 1O 70S N Kill H MS33 1)10 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. rniTZ. CLAIRVOYANT , 21 N. 1BTII S 234 DJ MASSAGU HATHS , IJ1 C. MMB SMITH. 1121 DOUGLAS , ROOM 5. MAS- bane and stcai.i baths T M522 21 * MISS AMES , VAPOU 11ATHS , MASSAGE B07 a 13th fat. , room 3. T M2w DC M1"S VAN VALKENDURG DESTROYS PKR- muncntly by electricity superlluuus hair , molts , want , etc. Rucm 410 , N. Y. Life IMs U-121 RUPTURE CURED , NO PAIN. NO F/ETEN tlon from business , \\e refer to hundreds o patients cured O E Miller Co , 717 N. Y Life bulldlns. Omaha. Nen. U 122 UATHS MASSAGE. MME I'OST. 313V4 s"ISTH U 123 VIAVI , HOME TREATMENT POR UTERINE troubles Physician In atttndance Consulta tion or healtn book dee , 310 lice bid ? U-121 SEE CARTER HARDWARE CO. 1403 DOUO- 1ns. for mantels , grates , tiles , irarble norlc , etc. U-123 nOOKUINDINO. HURKLEY ITG CO . U M3C2 D3 LESSONS GIVEN ON PIANO IN EXCHANGE for room and board Heat of refcrencis II 23 , Hoc U MIH3 2J \ir * io M > AA HIAL KS ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. 313 N Y. L Quick inoiH'j nt low rates for choice farm loans In lov a , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska y-1-6 CITY LOANS. C , A ? STARR. 523 N. Y. I.IPE \V-127 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA rial ( .state , llrennan , Love Co , Paxton block. W-128 LOANS ON IMPROVED S. UNIMPROVED CITY oiopcrty. W. Pnrnam Smith i Co , 1320 Parnam. W-129 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES THE O r. Davli Co. 1503 Fnrnam St. W 150 C PER CENT MONEY 1O IXJAN ON OMAHA reil estate & Neb farms W. n. Mclklc Omaha W 779 MONEY TO I.OAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT InweFt rates llulldlnir loans wanted. Pldellty Trust company. W Si ! ONI Y"TO "LON ON IMPROVED OMAHA nrorwrty. Pusey & Thomas , Plrst National Hani. IlldB W-307 MONEY TO 1XJAN ON GOOD PROPERTY , Kilt-edged inoctRaRCH for sales I Helm. ST N Y Life HldK J _ _ W-IIW 22 AimiiAcrrs. THE MIDLAND , sio N. Y. Life. W MOI7 D20 MO\KV ' 10 LOAN CIIATTHLS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FuRUTTURETPIANOS , hordes , WOKOIIS , etc. ; at lonest rate In city , ni removal of goods : strictly confidential , jou tan pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN ro . 301 ! So. ICth St. X-131 _ MONEY TO LOAN. SO. CO. 90 DAYS. PURN1- tun , plnnos , etc. Duff Grc n , loom S , llark I b It X-132 IM/SIM'SS / CIIAaCUS. " nA1'i : > A , " ° ? ' * ( J'I1S MI'NION TYPE. i. . aBhtl. IW lmlr two-third CBI.CB 40 double Iron stands Joi two-third canes This matjrlnl wan used on The Omaha lleo and Is In ' "IrlV Bocd tondltlon. Will be sold Uie.ip In bulk or In quantities to cult purchacr. Apply In pen.cn or by mall to Th Ilee rub' llshlnit Co , Omaha , Neb. Y 713 HETAItf DRUG fc-TOHE roU BALK A IWU AND COMPL.UTU BUOCK Ol' IIAltn. tta .Tfi&S . j . > 7SVlicffft sass. . Vffi will bear Imeitlgatlon ; no tittjcri. A1ilreu A CO , Hce. Y SIJ21 POH 8ALE-HAIIDWAHE STOCK nl-o.it . I3.DCO. ' fimillutv etc. no trad.s , f lnbllah , . , | is ye S' otlnr biulness Interims rta.on for Mlllnu Ail _ dre s Irfe Ac Son , Hitler , Ntb. Y-IWl- JIIIOWN8' RESTAURANT. LARGEST HPHP oldest t lablUliciJ , Lincoln , at barealiiICRlii lulure tills winter. ? _ MI ? . il.OCllTIO\ . ULLA DAY , 1C. , J1O ) FLOOit. uo B ISTH roil HALH HIUI ; KS'I'ATK. ' A118TRACTS , THIS HYRONltUED COMPANY. Hf 131 HOURHfl , LOTH , 'pARMH , LAND1- " Gco. P. llcmls Real Estate Co. Pax ton nik. WIJ HAVi : 1IAHOAIN8 IN IIOMCS , AI. O farms , ami want more. l.Ht jnur protnrty with us now. a. M Nnltlnsor & Cn , 1701 Parnam. Hi : MS rou RAM : , AT A iiAiiaAiN , TWO wiTiJj Iniprmeil . nml hlRhl ) cultlvatiHl farm" In the rhloorj. nml miijnr boot belt , thin Innd HP * within % mile nf Valley , Donning county. Neb , the fnrms contnln 142 nml I'M ncrrt , rc-pcc- llvi-ly , nml en each Is n mliMuntlnl 5-room one nnil-nnc-lmlf-ntor ) frnino hon * bexMrs .n.i'itviiiiiipiiii f muni ; iiiiii c , uc'niiir nut - bulldlnur , orchnnH clc Tor further imrllcu- lure cnll on or mUrci-s John Held , A'nllej , Neb 1P MSK ) 25 \vi : AIUJ AtTTiioin/.KD To c5T'rin niTY ncios llrft-clnna fruit nnd vcKolnblo Inml vvllhln thrie mllci of the Pity llmltK nt > 50 CO nn ncrc , on mo terms , bin imrcnln for some cue t-ce I'njno .1 Ilnnler , 1702 rnrnnm st , Hoc A1ISTRACTS THE M1UUVND 310 N. Y. Lift' . HE-MlilO D20 I'PRNITPRE PACKED , I/JWEST PREIOHT rates seeureit ami bills of linllnit Issued Omaha Purnlliiic and Carpet Co , 1211-13 Piinnm st. Tel. 1133. MC33 Din I'AWMIHOlvKHS. It. MAROWHZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. 16 ST. 133 wi\Tniii3i ) . PLENTY OP PEED. SHEDS AND WATER , horns tailed for and deluded rates , (3 per month. Address Duller , Crtstcnt Clt > , In JC9-D-20 * HORSES TO WINTER , 11EST SHELTER , satisfaction guaranteed Wilte O. A.olcott , Elk City , Nob. 511 D14 SWAPS. WANTED , GOOD IMPROVED PARM TOR A No. 1 city property. Address A 2 , Omaha ! ) < > i ? , M-232 D3 * 1'piKtLS'i GO TO M S. WALKL1N POR RIGHT PRICES on funilluro picking , repairing , mallrcsrcs , couclief , cushions 2111 Cumins Tel 1331. 121 I II\S1UAL CULTUItn. ELOCUTION. ZULEMA PULLER , 1CI3 DOUCI- las sticct. ISO N-30" OHT THE BEST 1 YPEWRITniS SUPPLIES , repairs United Typewriter & Stipplle'a Co , KI9 Pnrnam street. MSIO June 30 IMCYCLiS. HICYCLES CLEANED AND STORED POR THE winter. 1 50 Omaha lllcjcle Co. 323 N Iftb 422 u THE PVLACB IJL'Al TIPl'L 1C13 DOUGLAS. hnlulu"isliimanlcurlns ( mn aage and com- lilcvlon treatments n specialty M339 D7 AM ) MII'I'LinS. NCW HOMi : , nOtTblTHOLDAND Wlim : BewliiR machine olllce , 1311 Cnp. ave Tel H7) illOHTIIAM ) AMI TYPHWHITINCJ. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LITE 113 _ _ AT OMAHA UUS COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUGLAS S3I M ; AMI LOAX AS-5OCIATIO.NS. iA L Z " APS'jpAYS C , 7 8 per tent when I. 2 , 3 } ears old , nlwajs rc- dccuablc 170) Parnam st Nattlncer , "Sec _ 133 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on KavlnB" . Applj to Omaha L , & 11 Ass'n , 1704 Parnam. G M. Nattlngir. Sec. M.MI.NVOHIC JOIllinit. J. P. IIEALY. 1822 CLARK STREET. STREET.437D 437-D 13 KINASCIAL. LITE INS POLICIES DOUGHT. W. T IIOLDEN 339 LOST. RED SORREL HORM3 , TWO WHITE PEET , white face ccntei , on lubber tile Cot cold bURtrs , haturdaj evtnlns , eullable leward on rctuin lo 1C23 Uougina st. 'I el 1727 1727Lost Lost 512 { 300 REWARD POR RETl'RN OF LARGE 7- months-old black pup , pirt Newfc.nmll.iiul nml water spaniel Duft Green , 15th nn 1 Maitlu Lat MC02 22 LOST. A WHITE POODLE DOG 3. , 11ROH N spots on bed > Retuin to Miller Hiurdiesslnj Parlor , 1511 Douulaa , and tct icwniil Lost MC07 23 * SAVH MONEY IIV GOING TO SRYHOUn ilcntlst. 'C5 North 21th fct , lowest chaiges , nolle guaranteed , pilnlcsa cxtracllon , exnmlnn tlon free , ojen cvcnlns.8 353 N21 3IU&1C , AHT AMI \\GUAGi : . GEORGE P. GELLEN'HUCIC. HANJO. \NDO. . lln and guitar teacher. Room 412 liee Ilia ? Tel 23S lou HATH HOOiIS. RUSSIAN , TURK1MI AND MEPICAILD bath ? , 5u cents , also exclusive department fur ladles , everything new , ladles' hill drczsln ami barber chop In connection 107 S 14th toUES & CO. , PATENT SOLimOKS , Ilcollulldlnz. Advlco and i'liont , lioolc I'UUIi NOTICI : or SALU UNITED STATI'S CinCl'lT COUUT. DIS- TKICT OK NHnilASKA UNTIIAI THUST COMPANY OF NG\V iOHIC , Complainant , tu'.ilnst ST. JO- SEI H & QUANU ISLAND HAILHOAD COMPANY und otlior1 * , DefeniiiiiitH. Wherons , by doort-c of tlni circuit court of tlio United Suites , for the district of No- brnskn , cnicicd Novtimlior Sth. 1K)5 ) , anil : i dccrco of thu circuit court of tliu United Kl.iteu for tlio dlstilct of KUIISUH , entered November 2Dtb , Ih03 , nnd a dccreo of tbo circuit couit of tlio Unltfd States for the western district of Missouri , western di vision , entered November Jlth , 1S'J" , In the milts of Central Iruht Company of New York , nKiilnst St. Joseph < ! c Gtand Is- Innd Itallrouil Coinpuny and others , ItUH adjudged and decreed , that the bald St. Joseph & Grand Inland lt.illro.id Compuiy , bluill. within twentj daja after the entry of said deert-o of the circuit court of the United Stutea for the dlstilct of Nebraska , pay or cause to bo paid to sild complain ant , Genual Trust Company of Now York , or to the clerk of the United States tlicult court , district of Nebiaaka , for the uno and jenellt of the holder * of the outstanding jondH nnd coupons Bpcurcxl by the mort- MKO described In fcnld decrees , the mini of . ' . Ith Interrst thereon from the data of Im entry of said docreu of said ludl nicn- loned court to the day of payment ; nnd tint unless such IJMJnicnt Hliill bo made within ; lu < llmo directed , us aforesaid , the mort- Ba o discribed In the said decrees bo fore closed , and nil rnoperty , rlKhtu 01 Interest eonvejed thereby , nnd upon which mid nortKaKO Is n lien , which said property Is lorelnaftcr particularly described , ha sold is hereinafter provided and ns directed by talil ilecii'pD , and that under und by said Halu nil equity of redemption of the defend ants nnd any and nil pnrsons claiming by , tl'ioUKh , 01 under said defendants or reiiru- funtcd by any of the parties hereto , of. In nnd to siild mortgaged promises , property. Iphts nnd franchises nnd every p irt nnd mn.'ol thereof embraced or Included or In- ended to be Included In said moi t age bo 'orccloscd und cut off nnd forever barred ; nn ! that the property covered by the snlil nortKami shall , tmhjoct to tlm provisions iforc'-alil ? and In default of the payment of ho sums found to bo duo , ns hereinbefore Haled , und directed to bo paid , bo sold as an entirety and In one parcel without vnlua- lou. appraisement or redor-ptlon. nt public luctlon to the hlh'hcat blauer or b dileiu on ho mortgaged premises , nt the dipot nt IiiHtlliKH , Nebraska , on u day umUhour to H > llxed by tlm Hpeclul master , such day and lour to lift llxed In accordance with the ( .quest of the solicitors or the complaln- ini : nnd that notice of the time , plncu nnd erms of snlo describing brlolly tlm property o Lo sold , anil rufcnlin ; to tiald decrees , bo imhllnhcjl n In snld decree * ill Icctod And iwhert'im * said dpcreon wpro therenftp moillilpil l > > d&urfjs duly pntrrpd In oiu-l of mild potiriM reatlelnp ; the amount of tin lonest bid which may be received for tin property to be ulino $10CO $ , < Vu : And whereas neither sild at , Joseph nm arnnil Island Haifroid Comp.uiy , nor nnj ono claiming umlrY It , or for It * account has paid or cnn pd to be pnld said sum dl iretpd to be imld na nforesald or any sum nlthouuh more" tlmn twenty days lm\i ehipsod nlnco thb prttry of mini docrepsj And whereart , thb solicitors of the com plnlnant hive K'rjucsted the undcrslRiiei special master Oesinitted ! In snld deciee * t ( mnko and eomluaf sild snle. to IK the 2li day of Dpceinbpr , ilvf i ! , nt 12 o'cloek noor of that ilnv. ns the time for such mlo Now , therefore , pursuant m DIP paid de crees , order nnd rmiilMt , I , the Btibsprlber upeclal masters hereby plv 5 notice that 1 will , on the 21d day of December , iw , ot the day to which 1 nmy ndjourn tlie sale , nl 12 o'clock noon , on the tnortKnged promises , nt the ili'pot nt 11 tstlng" , Nebraska , sell nt public auction to the hlKltest bidder 01 bid ders as an entirety and In ono parcel , with out valuation or npnralsi'tnpnt or redemp tion , tin' following described railways nml property , to-wltj All and sliiRillnr Hie l ill- read ot thn St. Joseph nnd Grand Inland Tlnllroid Company , cMcnilliiR from the city of St. Joseph , in the county of Buchanan nnd stale of Missouri , nnd running theme neross the bridge over the Missouri ilvcr , throtiKb tlm counties of Donlphnn , Uro-vn , Is'omahn , .Marshall and WnshliiKton , In tlie or iviiiixns ami tno couniies ot jenei- snn. Thnver. NuekolK Clay , Adams and Hall , In the st Ui > of Nebraska sublect to the 1olnt use of the snld track from Hlvvond to Troy Junction bv the St Josenh and Toptka Itailroad ; also the bridge aforcsild over tlio Missouri river connected with said lallroail. nt or neai St. Joseph , 111 the Htiito of Mlisourl , nnd also nil the bridges owncil or erected by thn St. Joseph mil Grand Island Hatlroad Company , and all the railroad rlnhls ot way , lamia , depot KraundH , depots , station houses , niKUu * houses , car houses , freight hounes. ( iriln houses , wood liouscs , coal hjusen and otliel bulldlnRS , fpiiet-s , ticstles , bIO IPS nnd inl- verts , car shops , machine shops and nil kinds of machinery and tools ipiut.x ill : ; to sild rallto.ul , held or ni'iu'i d foi ute In connection therewith , lupin I'm ' ; ill lu- comotlves , ti-nders , cars or other tolling stock nnd equipment , nnd all implpn.i nts , fuel and material. ! for the on-m-i toil , oppinlltiK , repairing ; or replarliiK Hio sr.id rallto'id or branchw , nnd all frinn'iNen connected with or relatliiK to the ' aid inll- 10.11 ] between St Joseph , MissDUi'l , mid Grand Islnud , Nebiaska , nnd I ho said bridge across the Allssourt ilvt-r licld or acquired bv the said St. { oaoun V : Grand Island Ilallrotd Company , tojothtr vv'lh alt and sliiKUlar the tenements nnd up purtenxnccs ( hereunto beloa rliitf , mil llo , reversions , rennlnder , tolls. Incomes , rents. Issues nnd prollts tluMe-jf , i ml il u the catntes , rlfihts , clniniB , d mnnds , tlt'es ' , nnd lutciest whntsonver , as w il nt Iniv .s In ciiulty , of tlie slid St Joseph \ . Ginnd Island Itailroad Company , of. In , npaliiU and to the snmo ; nnd also 5 OCO shares of the stock of the St. Joseph UildRO Hnl'illnp Company , beliiK the entire iniou > it of the capital utock of Slid compiny Said Biili' shall bo on the following .fd ! . " : The i omplalnnnt , or nny bundholdei cr bondholders , nnd nny of the . ' .utlcb to said suit , intiv bid nnd purjn ise 'it lie- sale. sale.The The said special master shall accept no bid for the property from any blildi r for n sum less than three million doll us , i or from nny Udder who shall iijt llrst rl eo in his blind ! ) or deposit with him nt a pledge tli it such bidder will make oed his bid , if ni'foptpd , the sum of due immlnil thousir.d dolhns in money , in In u certl- Ileil check upon n national luinl. , silhi c- tory to the special master The -Ic posit so rec ! % ! from any una iieessful 1 Klilei will bo rttiitncil tp hlm'whca tlio propzitv Is stitiLk ilonn , and tbo deposit IPO Ivcd from the successful bidder will bo applleil on aecount 9f tlie pun h iso price of the propelty , In ciiso such blddct complies with tin. terms of , snle , , obeys the orders of the eourt renardliiK vie same and completes his purchu"o It he fall so to do , such deposit will be forfeited us n penalty for such failure , aml will be applied as the court ma > direct. If , without i fault of tlio bidder , any tiilo for which n deposit has been made shall not be conllrihi'd by the court , such de-posit shall be retiiined to the bidder Unless n deposit of ono hundred thousand dollars is made us nforesitld and a bid of not less than threeinlllloil dollars Is made at the pile , the special muster shull adjourn the sale and aphly to the court for further ' ' Instructions Upon continuation of the silo by the court , the purchaser will make such further payment or najmtnts In cish on account of the puictrasi } price paid , to bo applied to tlm n lyincnt ol the .sums .to be. n-ilil out of tlie piocecds of the sale , as piovlded In said decice of foreclosure nnd Halo as the court may , from time to time dliect. The Inlaneo of the purchase price not 10- qulted to be paid In cash may bo paid , either In cnsh , or the putchasor may satisfy nnd make good tlie balance of his bid In whole or In part , by turning in to bo can celled or credited , us piovlded In said de- trees , bonds and coupons tecured by HIP moituiBO foicclo3c < d In said suits , andxto be pild out of the proceeds of bile upon distribution then of , us hereinafter pro vided , and such purchaser will be credited therelor on account 01 the puicliH.se pilce Mich nums In c.isli in would be pnuble on MIC i bomla nnd coupons out of the proceeds cf sale. If the wnolt amount of the pui- purchnse pi Ice wore paid In cash All boml and coupons that may be used to inaku such payment must be surrendered to the said spi-clal miihtei , nnd If the whole amount due theieon is applied upon the pmchuse pilcu , will bu cancelled , but If less lhan Biild whole amount Is applied , then the amount so applied shall br > stamped or v rliten upon said bonds and coupons by tin1 special m ister and they shall tin n In lelurntd to the holder. The court reservej tno il ht to re-sell the properly on such notlciai , thi eourt shull dlreel , In case l he purm ist-r sh ill fall to make any pay ment on account of an > unpaid balance ol the pin ( hue prieo v.ithln thirty da.'s ifter the entiy of the order roqulrlns such payment ilie purrfii'sci or purchasers at snld sale , b'h ' 01 thfli rtiecesHors or assigns , will hiivo tlio rlsht within nlnetj ilnyw niter the eonlli niation of Uo sile and the delivery o' the deed by the Hpeclul mnslti , nu piovidid li said dpcri'ts , to elect vvhleh ol ibo l asvi and contract * , ovncd or lield by the said ( . .rand Island Itnllroid Company , such pu * . eliaaer or purchasers , liH or iholi rtpie'- sentutlvcs ur I SIBUH dtfclii to assume and accept , and will no1 bo held lo have ns- > umeJ any of mid leases or contrails which ho or Irpj may elect not to atsumc' and accept The piiichus'i or putchaseis , bis or theli Biici-essoru or assigns shull as part eonsl-1- oiatlou mil puithnso pilci of tin prop uv puichih.d and in aiUlliljii to tlie sum paid , take tin same and receive tlio deed there for upon tlio oxprehs condition that lie m tl.cj , 01 Ills or their successors or nssUns , shall p ly , sitlsfy and JUtnar o tir.y un paid compensation which lias been orhail be allow ed by Hie com l to tlio r < .V'Mvnj , having possession of the jirapeity above described. and all Indebt edness , obligations an ) llablluli ) which have been legally commuted or in curred b } mid receivers In the opeiatlon oren on account of the mortgaged propcity , at nny tlmo before the snmc shall be delivered to the purchasei or purchaser" , uiitl also any indebtcdnc'ps mil lliilil Itles contracted or incurred by sild defendant i illioad com pany In the oppiatlon of Its rnllroids pilot to tlio 11/poImmcnt of th - iccelvers which arc prior in lien to the said mortrago fore closed In snld suits , payment whereof was provided lei by the or ' . , r of thu circuit court of the United States for the District of Nubrtskii , dated August 27 , 1W ! .ind which shall not bo paid or sitlslletl out of the Income of the property In tre hamls of the lecclvei's ' , upon the court ndJndRlng the HI'me to bo nrloi in lien to tlio mort gaged foiecloHcd In said suits , nnd directing payment thurool , piovlded , that suit bu brought foi tint enforcement of uu < a Indebt edness , obligation or liability within the period allov.ud by the statute of llmltutlons of the state of Nt'Uriiika , for the cammer.ec. ment of such suit thereon after such In debtcdiieup , obligation 01 nubility vvus c-on- tinctcd or nrpse. In tlio evelit that snld putchasei 01 pur- ehnsois shnll rcftiso nftcr demand to piy any such Indcutcuncss , obllir itlon 01 liabil ity , the pcn-.pn hplilliiK the ilnlm therefor , whether established In a stale com t 01 nny oilier court pf competent jurlndlptlon , may rfon llfteen day-h notice to said iiurthascr or pnrehasors. their tucctsssois ot uisigns Hie his ui'tltlon in the circuit court of the I'nltcd States for the District of Nebiaska , to have nny such claim enforced against the projierty uforbsild , In accordance ialth the usual prncllce In relation to elilms of 11 similar character ; and such purchaser 01 purchasers , his or their successors or as signs shall liavo the right to appear nnd muko defense to any claim , debt 01 demand so sought to bo enrolced , nnd either party shnll liavu the rlsht to upponl from nny Judgment , deoreo or order made therein , Jurisdiction of this cause Is retained by snld court for tlie purpose of enforcing thu foregoing provisions of said decrees , and tlie court reserves the right to io-tnke and ie- sell snld property In cnxo the purchaser or purchasers , his or their successors or as signs , Hhall fall to comply with nny order of thu court , In ii > t > pect t < > the piyment of such prior Indebtedness , obligation or lia bility within thirty days after service of n cony of such order directing such payment. Such purchaser or purchasers , nnd his or their successors or iiHuK'iirt , shall have thn right to enter hla or their iippcarancu In milj court or In any other court , and he or they or any of the parties to anld Hultw shall h iva the right to contest any clitm , demind or nllovvunco existing at the time of HIM wale tl-eii undetermined und any claim or do- tnanil which may nrlxe or he presented thereafter , whkh would be raynhlu by such pin chaser or purchasers nm or thalr uuu * uetisors or aualunu. or whluh would bo phnrKonblp nnalnsl the propprly purchased In addition to the amount paid by snld pur rhnr < ? r or purrhnxorM nt the mile. , nnd mnj appeal from any decision relating to nil ) sueh claim , demand or allowance. upon payment of the pim-hnso pilco bj the pilichnsor or niuclinrer.s of the prop rrty. or upon making sueh provision foi the payment thorpof , as the court shall np I rove * , the | ) urclianir or jiurchaseis will hi pntltlnl to rpcclvo from the spcclnl m.astct n deed convey Ing the property ptirotmsoil to such put chaser or purcliascra or his or their Micce * < sors or assigns , nnd upon the execution nnd delivery of such deed the Krnntpp therntimlprvlll bo lot Into the possession ot the pienilios ponvpyed , nnd HIP receivers hon'ln nnd any tnrty to snld suits who Is In possession ot nny of the same nro directed by snld decrees to deliver such property over to the pmcrmspr or purchasers , his or their SIIPIOSSQIS or ns- slgiiB , together with nny lirornty nnd lit- cpmn ucqulied or rooelved by such receivers liico the commencement ot snld suits through the mnnngenioiu or opentlon of the morlgnged premises , that has not boon applied or shnll tint be applied , pursuant to the orders of tlio court , to tin paynn nl of expenses of opci.Ulun nnd liabilities of tlio locplvors und the lallroail company This possession will , iipvortholess , be sub ject to tlio condition that HIP court may ro-lnko and ro-soll the pioporty eonvevc'd. In case the purchnsei or puichascis , his or tholr suocpsMors or as | gns , shall fall to IMV nny bnlancp of the purchnso price lom lining unpaid , 01 to comply with my older of the court with ic pi'C't to the pivmeiu ot any It debtedntss obligation- 11 ibllltles .is provided In sild decrees , within thlit * . days after the HOI vice of a copy ot such order For fin ther piitlculnr.s , nnd for n moip full nnd spoclllp description of the propel lv lo bo sold , nnd the terms and conditions of sale , toforonco Is hoiohv made * to tin mild decrees , and each of them on file with the I'lPtks of thn courts hereinbefore mentioned Dated Novombci 12 , is % ntw'Aiin SIMONTON. Spool ll M Ultol * . inrri.nu , NOTMAN , JOUNIc MYN- i HRSU , Sollollors for c'omplUtiant , 5. \\all atiecl. New folk t'ltv MnnNovZl-SJ liocS-l.M ! ) . Noriri : . Sealed pro | > osils will bo iprpived at any tlmo on or before 'J o'clock , p m , on the Sth day ot De-cembei , 1S9G , foi the printing of all bills for the leglslatmo , v.lib stiah other matter as may be or < ir-ied by pltlur house thereof , to bo minted In "bill foi in , " which Is shown nnd designated ns class one (1) ( ) under the printing laws of the st ito of Nebraska. Tor the printing nnd blni'liiR of one thousiind (1,000) ( ) eoplcs each of the biennial rcjiorts of the uudltoi of public m counts , treasurer , seerctaiy of state , eoniniKslonci of jiublle hinds nnd buildings , buienu of Inhor nnd Industrial statistic" , , nnd Ne braska ilsh commission , live hundied (5W ( ) eoples each of the biennial leports of the ittoiney ficner.il , superlnleiidi nt of public Instruction , state librarian , and adjutant Tone nil , tvvo thousand ( . ' .COO ) copies of the biennial report of the roster ofsoldlers , sailors and mm hies , tcHldliiK In Nebraska June * 1 , I5' ) ? , ono Ihousand (1 ( 000) ) ooplis of the nnnual report of tbo State Ho ml of Tiaiiaportatlon foi 1SW-7 , Ivvo thousind X'.OOO ) copies of the annual leport ot the State 1'oultrj association for ISi'-S , and Ivo thousand (5.000) ( ) copies iiich of the nn- uml reports of Hit Stale' Hoard of ARrleul- ture foi isa-- ; , and the St Ue Hoard of Hoitli'iillure for lf'17-s , and all other rc lorls and documents III U ma * , bo ordered [ irlntid by tlio legislature . o\ccpt stii'lt rts nay entoi Into and form part of the Journ- ils. vvhlih class of vvoik Is Known and leslKtiated as ela s tlmo ( J ) tinder the irlntltiK hiWH of Nebraska Tvvo hundred (200) ) copies of eith of the abpv < reports lo ho bound in ciolh covers , ind the lemalnder In paper ( oversvllh .he exception of iho icpoits of the No- iraslta riah coinnilsslon nnd the State Poultry iisnoclitlon , which will all be bonml n jiaper , and the reports of tlie State Uoard of Hoi ticulture , State Hoard of \iilenllure and Hie lester of tin * ox-sol- llcrs , sailors and marines , vvhtch will all 10 boui'd In I'lotli The bill woik executed under class ono 1) ) shall be printed In small plcn tvpo , on papir fourteen ( II ) Inc-hc-a Ions bv elcht ind one-lialf ( S'X , ) Inchei wldo , shmle pace , > aper to ho twenty-elnht (2S ( ) pounds double cap to the ream , and e-xcept the title page nrli pase shnll not contain less than tvvon- v-llve ( 1) ) lines of solid matter of se\en 7) ) Inches In length , exclusive of the page olio , and the lines shall be successively 'limbered with a blank : only in each space Between the lines The title P.IKO of said bills shall contain lot IOSH than elqhteen ( IS ) llms ns nbove , vlth ttiico m Inches additional space ailovv- hle for dlapla * , title inat'er. Cich bid shall state what the bidder Is ' .Illlliff to do the work complete for , per tare , for the Iho hundred (5HO ( ) copies of Jinh hill , nlqn thn tirli.n fn * n.1.lliin Ai i. . . . . dreils that may be ordered of tlio same Mil nt the same tlmo as the original live hundred ( .VW ) Including composition , paper , pres * work , stitching , folding , punching , and all work or material entering Into tlio work required All woik executed under class one (1) ) shall be delivered In good order by the oonllactoi to the ofllco of the secictnry of -into vvltliln three (3) ( ) davs after the receipt of the ordei by sild contracior from iho rlialrman of the committee In cither branch of the legislature All work executed undei class three (3) ( ) shall bo pi luted In long punier , brevier and nonpirlel t > no. on papri , to be nine (9) ( ) Inches long by sK ( C ) Inches wide , single iiige. pnpi i to bo foity-Ilve (4" ( ) pounds to tlie ream , of twenty-four (21) ) by thirty-six ( " , ) . White book Kadi bid under class three C ! ) shall state what the bidder Is willing to do thr work complete for , per pigo , on cvuh leport or Item in the class , Ind nil In ? composition , mp r , prphs work , stnchlncr , folding and all work or material ? ntei In/ / ; Into the work irriulred Galley nnd pifio proof must ho furnished when leqillreii by theollicors of the executive tlepiii tment or the c ; airman of the com mit tco on printing In elthoi brunch of the legislature. Work , when eompleled , to bo delivered fic < e of expense at the state hou e 1'ioposnls foi work In each of Hie * above c'assos will not b < > considered unless the ranio bo necompinlpd by a bond in the sum of flvi > llions-ind ( $1,01D ) dollars with lv o or more snrellen that In capo the part * , proposing for such contract shall ho nwaid- d the same , cuch p-irtv will , within live I" ) days .Iftei the award lo him of such contract , ci.Ur Into bonds for the faithful peifounanco thcieof ns provided by law and the teims of those proposils Pioposala shall be niaiked , " 1'roposals for Public Piinllng , " and addressed to the State Ho ird of Printing , In cnrc of ihe 3c < * rolni > of State , Lincoln , Nebraska. Contracts on chi"s one ( I ) , as above aped- lied , will 1)0 awarded as a whole Contracts on class three ( i ) , ns above piellled , will be- awarded In whole or In p irt , ns UK boaid may elect Samples of the work to bo executed under lass one (1) ( ) and three (1) ( ) in ly bo seen at the ol'lcc of the secretary of state Contiacls on above clashes , one ( IT nnd ihrce ( " . ) , to tun two (2) ( ) years from Decem- 111 * S , 1K % The State Printing Unard reserves the light to icled any or all bids Dated thin Uln day of November , ISM. J. 8. JlAllTUn' . State Tieasurer. cu nNn Mooun , Auditor Public Accounts. j. A. PiPnn. Secrclarv of Plato STATU PRINTING HOARD. N-n-d-io-t A I.OCOIIOTIVi : . I'llf Meclidiilflil Wonders Drv l-lnpi-il li ) Slvl.i tlllcx nil Hour. At sixty miles an hour the resistance of a train Is four times as great as It Is rl thirty miles that Is , the fuel must bo ton/ times as great In thu one case as In thn other. lint at sixty miles an hour says the Troy JJmlgot , this fuel must be exerted or a given distance In half tne time that t Is at thirty miles , DO tnat the amount of powerexerted and steam generated In a given period of time must bo eight times as great at the faster speed This means that the capacity of the holler , cylinders and the other paits must bo greater with n concspondliig addition to the weight of the machine Obviously there-fine , If the weight per wheel , on aecount nf the limit of weight that thn rails will carry. Is lim ited , wo soon reach a point when the driv ing wheels and other parts cannot bo fur ther enlarged , and thun wo n.icli thu max imum speed The nice adjustment ncecs sary of the various parts of these Immense engines may be Indlcattd by some ilgurea as to thu work performed by thcso partn when the locomotive Is working at high speed. Take a paseeuirei tnglna an uny of the big rallioadg At sixty miles an hour a driving wheel flvo nnd one-half foot In diameter revolves flvo times every second Now , the reciprocating paits of each cyl inder , Including ono piston , platou rod , crosd head and connecting rod weighing about C50 pounds , must move back and forth a distance equal tn iho stroke , usually two feet , every time the wheel revolves , erIn In a fifth of a Hocond. It starts from u state of rest at the end of each stroke of the piston , and must acquire a velocity of thirty-two feet per second , In one-twentieth of a second , and must ho brought to a state of rest In the same pcrold of tlmo. A piston eighteen Inches In diameter 1ms an area of 2fll',4 ' square Inches. fUcam of ICO pounds procure per squat o Inch would , therefore , exert n force on the pinion equal to 33,170 pounds. This force la applied al ternately on each Bide of the piston ten times lu a eecoud. BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. | raiirfirair irEiir irEn fiaiTEiiTa All Interesting ncaouut of the Htis'lnn nin- press's maids of honor Is given In n recent number of Lo rignio. Ilia ntrls sek'ctcil for the otllco bctoi.io nt once their own nils- tresses , though subject to the laws of n fixed nnd unnltcinhlo court etiquette ) . Even nt 10 , the lovvrst BO nt which they can appear nt court , they m.iy adorn thoniHolvcs with diamonds , or cover thcnnseUen with Jovvels llko n saint's linage. They ire cu- titled , whatever their soclnl position , to bo present nt ceremonies , from which lu most cases their families nro excluded. \Vhoii n girl is selected she begins by bocoiiihiB innld ot honor "with tlio cipher , " nndvcnrs on her left sliouhler the otupipss's monogram , embroidered on n light blue rib bon. It 1ms been snld that nt the Russian court the oldest nnblec nro In reality noth ing hut higher slnvps. rulwl ns much ns the lowest of pciisaiHa bj the autocratic will of the HOVi-rolgn. The wearing ot thn cipher may ho only a sign of nil eat Her serfdom The eostttmo whlr-h the maids we-ar on state occasions Is gorgeous It con sists ot n skirt of white sa'ln , fastened from tin oat to feet with Jcnvelcil but tons. Over this Is worn an ovcisKlrt of led \el\ot with gold UKUICS , and a long train , find with wldo pngoila slcovcs 'iho most chnr.ictcristlc piu-t of Iho costume Is the uemldie&a , n kind of di.ailcm callcil knUochnlk , iceallln ; by its shnpo the slephaiie ot the ancient Sumovoilo Juuos Iho LnKochiiik , with the p.atonlk , whuli nllstocrallc iiuisc'mnlils ' still wear In St I'cterflhuig nnd Moscow , Is the only part of the great Ilti'slan costume borrowed foi the national dross , tl is of red velvet , like the tunlo , nnd covered with Jewels To It Is attached a long white \ell of tulle , which sweeps behind In the glided folds of the tiniii. vs i > Kcneial ° " Is fr ° m among the ( laughtcis of general olllcers or high tune- nailcs that the empress plrk out her maids at her own pleasure. There * are nov el al Institutions in Tlubsla for the education ot these gills lesombllng somewhat the schooU of the Legion ot Honor In franco The clnsjcs for the older gills nro called nurseilcs The pupils are there taught ctl < iucttc aud the faultless manners on which their future depends. Their costume is n simple woolen dicss , with a silken apron Thu upper part of the waist and the lower part of the droves call bo detached , however over , and when the cz.ir , tlie absolute mas ter of these establishments , which ho sup ports fioin his own privy purse , appears un expectedly , Iho young shouldeis anil arms are at once laid bare It must he a charm Ing sight The late Hmperorlenmler II Is said to Inuc. taken particular Uc'ight In It. AVlthln the last fc'w years the "emancipa tion of woman , " as it is called , has made very lapld strides In Prance. It la not only that women are more freely admitted to share In the labor of life and to occupy liosts In the public ofllces , banking houses ineichants' establishments , etc. vvhleh were formcily reserved exclusively for men , but they are demanding loudly to bo permitted to exercise political rights This , however is by no means all. Since they share In the la bor which was formerly performed by the stronger sex , they demand , anil are assuming. Independence In the pleasures of life. The bicycle has Jono n very great deal to nld ho I'aiUIcnne to obtain it After learnlne , ! iow to rlile , a shopkeeper or clerk began by Imldly accompanying her husband on cxcur slons when they happened to be both free " Ittle by little , gaining confidence , the wife no longer vvalta for hoi husband , but takes turn in the Hols do Boulogne alone , or even extends her excursions further , omc Imps far Into the country. Now It is an nounced that , competing with men , tlie lead srs of the woman's emancipation movement : iavo established a club , situated in the Hue ilupcrro It has already sixty members mong whom nre Mine dc Mnray , the presl dent ; .Mme d'Aurclle de I'aladlne , the Com tcsso de Lamottc I'orchcr , the Comtcsao de Malllo anil the Marquise de Tallcnay. The regulations of this club , the creation of which Is likely to be followed by others of u less select character , are sufllclently strict They prohibit all sorts of political and re llglous discussions Married women arc nc ceptcd ah members but they must on be coming candidates present the written con tent of their husbands The organbers , how ever , prefer wldcrus free from any matrimonial menial trammels The object of this club la evidently lo make life as enjoyable ns possible for Its members Miss Ilraddou , the novelist. Is so op posed to being photographed that she re ccntly icfused $100 in cash and n royalty on nil photographs of her that might be sold. A girl caupht a young robin not long ago and put it Into a cage She kept It n day or tvvo , and was amused to see that an older bird , perhaps the mother , followed It to the piazza , where the cage was hung , nnd fed It with berries and talked to It through the bars. Ono morning her robin lay dead on the floor ot Its gilded prison She spoke of this to a woiran versed in blrdloio , and was surprised at her assertion "I have never known It to fall , " she said "Tho older bird poisons it with some noxious berry. I have tiled caging wild birds over and over , nntl that Is always my luck No ; 1 don't know any reason , of course I only know that the captlvo la killed and apparently by Its mother You can build your own bird ro mance from that proven fact " Ono reason why the modistes woriy so much about the disposition of the "waist line" is that "they hain't no such thing " Damn Nature never made n waist , and If the Almighty had meant a woman -to be corset-shared He'd doubtless have made hoi so Iho wldo corslet belt , pointed above and below the waist line , has been very popular , but it'n only for slender women or thoao who Insist on considering them selves ao The new "Venus waist , " about which we hear so much , scums to be a fact It Is easily defined , announces Helen Osborn A Vonui wnlat Is ono which Is about three 01 foui inches larger than It was last se-a- on. And it really makes the- entire figure look more slender because thereis no such bulging of displaced tissue abnvo nnd below It , as tlio dlElIgurlng corset compels They say It Is very noldom , except In England , that ono nowadays sees a woman In ically high society with a pinched waist. As for Paris , It was thcro that the Idea of the talllo do Mlle was born An object lessoi for housekeeping Is fount ) In the work of the company of Chinese coolt.i who wore lately Instclled In the kitchen * of the Waldorf to prepoio the food of then Illubtrlous employer , Unrl LI , our recent guest Mr Ualdt , the proprietor of HIP hotel , calJ that cleanliness was u most hotlcojulo characteristic of their woik Con stantly In tlio routine of their ilntlea they ctoppod to vvnah their hands Surgical eleanlln ° sa was evidently their standard , hands and utensils iccolvlng unremitting at tention In this rep.ist Many housekeepers will realize the sharp rontrnst Indicated by the methods of tneeu Oriental cuoka to these irnplovcd In tholi own kitchens Most Mniys , Aliens , and Hildgcts think the only necessity for hand washing which presents Itbolf In a day's work inlkiK wli : > n Ilin h.imlH nrn actually nlunur-d Into food , as In bread-making or chicken cleaning , and the like The cholor.a * taro of three or four years ago opened thu eyes of many mlstrcsees to the want of decent clcutillnesi In tholr Kltcliciifi , and undoubtedly much good v.as done in consequence. Hut grcatci good ; uir a much inoro extended reform are nuodea before nny thing llko the pioper standard \ i called A well known noddy woman , who has been visiting In ( iounany at the castle hemp of an Hngllsh lady who married a German nobluman , contributes the follow Ing to the nhvayB-cllHciiBsi'd question ol servant tipping : "When my vlalt came to an end I was In a dilemma an to what was Iho proper thing to do In the way of feeing the serv ants , HO , after Home deliberation , I want to my hostess for lellef , 'You have KUch a retinue ot nervantu , ' I said to her , 'that I lmply cannot fee * them all , I want yon to tell me which ones will expect a re- inombrnnce , and what amount U ought to bo , ' Whbieupon thu told mo that the fiioa- | tlon had eo often come up In thin very way from tome of her other cucuta that tiho Iniil at last hit upon a plan which her huubatid uurt'C'd wan a good oue , and which had been In ope ration for a long time In their household to the entire satisfaction ol nil concerned , Including the servants She shoucd mo a lot-keel box In n dark nook. ii- ! the hall , and lifto a silt In this her KUestn dropped whatever amount It was llielr plena- tire to Rive the servants. Once In si * months the bov was opened nml the coiiti-nts distributed among the staff , the gifts bring 1 j piopoitlonato to the place held the butler , footman , maliU and othcis who came In direct contact with the guests receiving the larger nm mint which I can nssuro > ou was tlio greatest icllof to me , and seemed n good Idea to adopt c'Uowherc Lady Ilonr * . Somerset nnd Miss Tr-incce Wlllard mo untiring In their labors against the opium trade and for the cause ot torn- peianco , and the queen has recently shown them gracious recognition by consenting to receive n. "Riant petition" signed by 7000.000 ot her women subjects , who ask for piotcctinn against these tvvo evils It has taken yrais to rolle-ct their names , and the petition Is vvilttcn In foity-four dif ferent languages miking such nn Immense loll that the pagre have been photographed , handrtomol ) Illuminated , and bound In tvvo volumes to present to her majesty. Stjlo covers e\ei > thlng that goes to make * up life even teeth The latest fad In Paris Is dtntologj Mile. Jeanne Hlals' parents vvoro among the flist to try Its piactlcil hcnefits.l Tiai'eols Gould of the Hue do Cilchy wa.s betrothed to the fair Je\tniie. but her cateful p-iients Insisted that M. Gcnli-l's leoth he tiMcd by the new science. Ills teeth uclni ; unustinlty pointed , ho was pioiiotinced depraved , and the en gagement Is off. I'hrciiologj Is out ot dale , phvslognomy is deceptive even the shape ami color of the nose tnav be changed , at a price and. elrntology nlono la the sure vvny to lead chninctcr The teeth nre hc > oiul our con- tiol , at least wlih most of us , and the new scientists elalm that character Is Infallibly K-coided In their shape , also nnd position. Uicnt. nii'ii. whelhei good 01 bad. nlwaja have long teeth If the teeth are close set their owuei U intelligent ; If thev project , stupid , if they icceile. not trustvvoithv ; shnip , depiaved ami so on This now science will be studied bx the dentists If cue bujs a set ot store teeth , the dentist should fuinlflh a guaiantco that they will stand the most searching Investigation fit * the hands ot the elcntolnglst Horsemen the w01M over guess n horse's age by his teeth , and the traders file them to prove any given ngo. In llko manner possibly ad ovcnlng woman A Mexlojii woman station agent Is oneof the curiosities of travel on the road f 1011 I'uebla to Oaxaca. anil her name is Concha niKiicn. sajs the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Her post ot duty Is at itln. : the place to which Iho Indians Hock from the moun tains for 100 miles around for their annual feasts , nnd also the shipping point for the big haciendas In the fertile vallojs nmong these same mountains. When the train stops at ntla In the dark , a > oung woman In white , for Scnoilt.i Concha dtesses to match her surname , stands nt the door of the ex- pi ess car , hntern In hand , checking the packages on the big receipt book Whim the freight train stops she lilts In and out of the long line of cats , telling the brake , men what to take and what to leave She Is from one * end of the truln to the other , seeing thnt no mistakes nro made 'This ' bareheaded girl In n white diess Is full of bublncbs She wastes no tlmo on empty words The trainmen respect her. She does even thing about the station but handle the baggage There nro plenty of stout Mexicans of the other sex hanging around for that work. Conchi Dlanca la so neil esteemed by the management ot thu road that she has been twice promoted , until ifow she has ono of the most Important sta tions under her care She docs all ot the lelcgraphlng besides attending to the ticket - " - - nnd In tlm ritp lt > lnf nn.t olln. > ln , > nt freight. H was her knowledge of telegraphing that got the young woman her first recognition. Her father nml tvvo brothers were operators. She learned to use the key. A station was given to her where there was not much to do besides the tologiaphlng Her aptltmlo for railroad v ork attracted the attention of General Mam-gor Morcomand Iho pro motions followed Concha Dlanca lives in the station Her mother keeps house for her , and n younj , . r sister sits nt the tele graph table learning the vocation of the now woman inTrxIco The conductors have got In the way of pointing out to iravelers Scnorlta , Concha along with the ruins of the ancient city on the mountain top , the silo where the battle of Tehuac-an was fought , the hieroglyphics on the cliff nt the entrance to Rio S-ilado canyon , und other objects of Interest And the Mexican woman < < agent with lur honest brown eyes and maia of wavy hair carelessly knotted , moving up and down the sldo of the train with quick , determined slip , loaes nothing In Interest by comparison with the other Grange things. If there Is anything an up-to-dato woman prides herself on It Is her pool nnd billiard y playing She Knows that nothing requires m such ihllcato toiic-h. and nt nothing else , not * L oven golf , can she assume such graceful poses Whether nho Is ploying after dinner In full evening costume or In n flowing house gown , hoshows off to advantage Nothing reveals the whiteness of her tiny hand as much as the dark green eloth on which she rests It , and at no tlmo Is Hie roumlnew and firm- niss of her pietty wrist so cleverly displayed is when she swings her cue to and fro with easy grace Mrs Cornelius Vaiulerbllt plays pool very well , piefcirlng It to bllllauls Mrs Harry I'nyno V.'hltnoy plays an cxccellent game , being taught by Mr. Whitney when aim wai i little flrl MIJ Hugh Almorlc I'ngct scores to accept points fiom any player , no matter how prollclcnt She makca a very successful play and adds greatly to her sore by taking two balla aiotind the table , 'ust hitting them with enough foico to ino.'o hem anil be able to count. This icqulres a very light yet linn shot. Mrs Cleveland played a great deal durhiK her husband's frst administration , and much to her dollght , beat n man who IK considered the best player In the navy She scorned to agree to the Intimation that 'her ' victory \vu due to the gallantly of the ofliccr Mrs John Jacob Antor enters gaily Into nil the bjiorts her h > shand likes anil often challenges him to a ; , a > no of billiards Sim has never succeeded In boating him , but she declares proudly that she has come nearer to It than nny other woman Mrs Ueorgo ( ionlil has a billiard table In her country anil town houses. She spends sn hour meat etijoyably , which she can find 'lIsrngaRcd at lur billiard table The cor ners uml squaies , which cover thu Hldo poiketa , are often taken out and a pool tablet lu revealed Mreh Gould prlilea herself on n very flno "hot she inaliiB for the sldo pocket The hall U In the middle of the table , opposite the po'kot The euo bill lit at the end of Hut tnble. Ily n very delicate shot the cue ball gluiicc past the hall und semis It homo with aulllclcnt forte to take Itself out at the way. r ll III til- " II -III III n uti I Wo don't | attempt to V magnify ! 1 tlio value of JLieMg COMPANY'S ' ! I Extract of Beef If you iuo It. that would bo nmiocetsary and : If nut , onu trial will convince you that IT'S Tllll llUSf Per dillcliuii , refrcshlnic llect Tea. f I'or Improved and economic cookery. 10- II J