8 TTTE CW ATT A DAILY JVBE : TITTJ5K6DAV , NOYEMHEtt 10 , 18J)0. SHOW FAITH IN THE FUTURE Extensive Improvements in the Store of Browning , King It Oo , ARTISTIC PLATE GLASS SHOW CASES ficcomt riiuir Cmitnln * n llrntillfiil HllOllt I'll fit I Nil Oil lit the .Mint llliili- ornlc Style. It Is n significant fact that while some business men have been complaining of a slack trailo and business has scarcely begun to recover from the ileprcsslon of the | st three years , one of Omaha's retail firms has indicated Its faith In the future by ex pending a small fortune In converting Its establishment Into one of the most hand- Homely furnished stores to be found between Chicago and San Francisco. When Drown ing , King & Co. announced their 20 per cent reduction sales for the purpose of clearing out their stock preparatory to the Improve ments , It was the general expression of their customers that the Interior of their store could scarcely bo made more attractive than It was. Hut since then the firm has ex pended upwards of 17,000 In beautifying the Interior of Its establishment , and the result nhows as luxurious and attractive an In terior as can bo found In any similar estab- i llshment In the great eastern cities. j The distinguishing feature of the first floor as It now appears Is the magnificent tdiowcascs , which are the largest ever man ufactured In this country. They are of Eolld plato glass from the lloor up and noth- j lug could display a profusion of tasty fabrics I to better advantage. The cases are of about 4 the usual height .and the Interior Is hung with glass shelves , o that there Is a con tinuous display of goods from the lloor up , In the evening the effect Is still more strlk- n Ing , for they are Illuminated with Incan descent lamps placed fifteen Inches apart , which (111 ( the glass with a brilliant flood of Hltht. The art glass In the show windows has also been clungcd and the colors ar ranged to harmonize more agree ably with the general effect of the decorations. These are also bril liantly Illuminated with electric lights and the effect Is , emphasized by the magnificent plato glass mirrors which form the back ground. A number of upright showcases of the same construction and material as the others contain very realistic wax figures handsomely dressed and wonderfully life like. DESIGNED FOR COMFORT. Hut the most beautiful features of the es tablishment are found on the second floor , which Is occupied by the youths' and chil dren's department. This department Is that most frequently visited by the women and lioro they arc offered a most luxurious walt- , Ing pUce. The entire north front of the floor Is occupied by the reception room , which Is as magnificently furnished as the drawing room of a millionaire ; . The floor Is covered with moquctto carpet of exquisite pattern and upon which the furniture of solid mahogany shows to Its best advantage. Mahogany la exclusively used In the furnish ing and some of the pieces are models of exquisite cabinet work. Among them Is n handsome secretary , which Is liberally stocked with stationery and other conven iences and which Is for the use of customers. * The walls are almost solidly banked between the windows with mirrors , and In front of each Is a largo Incandescent light , which , ndded'to those which arc distributed through the Interior , make the Illumination com plete. The windows are magnificently draped with I ice curtains and plush draperies and the window seats , covered with Inviting cushions of plush , offer a 'grateful Induce ment to sit down arid' Indulge In the perfect view of the streets which Is afforded. The room Is not lacking In the more aesthetic furnishings , for the stands and window scats are relieved by handsomely painted Jardinieres with potted palms nnd ferns. On the same floor Is another handsome showcase , which Is the work of a local 1 firm. There Is only ono other like It In the United States and that Is In a largo estab lishment at Cleveland , 0 , This Is used for i the shirt waist display and the huge glass iloor.i fold upward like the top c" a mod ern desk. In addition to these features the three floors havd been repainted and redecorated from top to bottom and the result Is some thing that Is good enough to take one's friends from out of town to see and admire. The IlfHl Wny to Cure Disease Is to establish health. Pure , rich blood means good health. Hood's Sarsapa- rllla Is the Ouo True Illood Purifier. It toncH up the whole system , gives appetlto and strength und causes weakness , nervous ness and pain to disappear. No other med- Iclno has such a record of wonderful cures as Hood's Sarsaparllla. Hood's Pills are the bat after-dinner pill ; ustst digestion , prevent constipation. 25e. I CO SOUTH Via tinWaliawh Itnllriiiul. \VINTBU TOURIST tickets now ' on sale. IIOMHSICKKKU'S TICKETS on 'sale No- vemhcr 17 , December 1 , and 15. TUB WA1JASH Is the short line nnd quick- rot route to St. Louts and points south. Kor tickets or further Information call nt AVnhash ofllco , 1415 Faruain street , (1'axton ( llDtel hlock ) or write. Q. N. CLAYTON , Agent. Iloiitf California Lcavo Omaha via the lUirllngton route nny Thursday mornliiK nt 8:35 : In a com fortable tourist sleeper and you reach San Kranclsco Sunday evening. Los Angeles Monday noon. No transfers cnr goco right thro' . Uniformed I'ullman porter and ex perienced excursion conductor relieve you of nil bother. KVKIIYTIIING provided. Tickets ? 10. llerths ( big enough for two ) 5. 5.Call Call nt ticket office , 1502 Farnam street , nnd get full Information. I\III > IINI > H r ( iniirctii : > n. The total uxponao to the city for the elec tion , so far an bills have been presented , reaches $1,320.99. Of thla amount f3.S12.si was for salaries of registrars , Judges clerks and special police nnd J50US ( for moving booths and hauling and repairs of furniture. There arc a number of other cxpcnaw not Included In ibis and the total expense of the election. Including that which la paid the police fund , will aggregate nearly No menu Is complete without Cook'a Im perial Kxtra Dry Champagne on It. If not on nsk for It. Dtr.n. IIYAN Unymoml , youngest son of Mr. nnd Mrs. K U. Itynn : agvd 2 months 11 dnys. jMincral Thunulay. November 18th. Internment Holy Sepulchre. Awarded 5A. . Highest Honors World's Fair. MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Com Ammonia , Alum or any oilier ndulteiant. 40 Years the Standard , \vuttic iusi.Min : ; AT I OSTOKI.'IOB. \Vor km on ( 'oniiiicnrp DIuitlnK the lllu Work was commenced yesterday morning on the construction of the big drainage sewer that Is to extend along the four sides of the block enclosing the- new government build ing. It will be twenty-five feet deep and four feet wide. It will be partly under the side walk , the center of the ditch being twelve feet from the curb. When the trench Is dug It will bo allowed to stand open , for a wn-U or more , and the drainage of the new build ing tested to sen that everything Is all right. About a dozen men wcro employed In digging for this work yesterday morning , nnd though the early morning was bitterly cold the workmen wcro watched by double their number , men out of work , anxiously looking for a Job. Whllo thcso men were digging the trench along the Capitol avenue sldo of the hlock , others were at work on the Seventeenth street side , felling the big trees that hive stood there for a number of years. A half dozen trees went down In the course of the morning , and after the noon hour the woodchoppers - choppers turned their attention to the trees on the Dodge street side. These trees stand In the way of the drainage ditch , and have to ho removed before the trench diggers come along. Within the building a number of plumbers are at work , and altogether the now poatclllco presents , u busier scene than It has for many months. Wlion In want of a good liniment , buy Salvation Oil , which costs only 25 cento. Sam'l Hums' reduction nale proves a great success. Everything goes at one-tenth dis count. Now for your "Thanksgiving" tur key platter. All people Interested In the formation of n Visiting Nurse association to assist Miss Kmina Mlllard In her work of district nursing , will meet at the Woman's club rooms , Thursday , November ID , at 4 p. in. MAUQAUKT M'CAUTIIY , Tern. Sec. THAMCSKIVI.VCi DAY Appeal on llolmlf of tin * Worthy I'uor of Our City. The Associated Cliarltleo-aro having very largo and urgent demands upon them at this time and cannot meet them on account of an empty clothing roam and exhausted treasury. Donations of clothing of all kinds , shoes , provisions , coal , etc. , are carncatly solic ited. Drop a postal card , or telephone 1C4C , and our wagon will call. THOMAS I , . KIMIJALL. President , JOHN LAUQIILAND , Secretary. 807 Howard street. SU-Thlrty P. .11. Train. of the CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL UY. llest service , ELECTRIC LIGHTS. Dining car. City office : IGOt Farnam. IS SOOX TO 1111) OMAHA IllKliop NtMiiititii I-\pr < -H eH HuKrct at Ills Dfimrlurc. Hlsliop John P. Newman arrived In this city yesterday morning nnd U the guest of C. 1'VWellcr. When ho ( eaves the city next Saturday for the Pacific coast It will be the termination of his residence here. In speak ing of this the bishop expressed great re gret that circumstances compelled his re moval from the city , to which ho had become - como attached. He will In the course of his duties pass through the city often , and states tint hu will avail himself of these oppor tunities to stop off and renew acquaintances. The bishop has just returned from the cost , and hi regard to the situation there said : "The results following the election have amply justified the predictions of the supporters of McKlnlcy. There are ample evidences of a revival In business In ell Jtnes , and Nebraska cannot fall to get Us share of the prosperity. " Dine , Smoke , Sleep , Ijlvc As comfortably as In your own homo on the Uurllngton's "Vcstlbulcd Flyer" THE TRAIN' THAT RUNS ON TIME. Leaves Omaha 5:00 : p. m. , EXACTLY. , Arrives Chicago S:20 a. m. NO LATER. Tickets and berths at 1502 Farnam street. Minor Court MiiUcrn. William Mahlo nnd George Hall , two resi dents of Plattsmouth , wcro put on trial In the criminal court on the charge of robbing Glaus Hosholm. The men are defended by Matthew Gcrlng of Plattsmouth. who came to town yesterday morning for that purpose. Sarah Jane Norgard haa applied for a di vorce from Peter Mlllpr N'ortrnnl nn thn ground of cruelty. She alleges that she was married to the defendant In Omaha January S , 1MG ) , and that ho has been guilty of ex. tromo cruelty at various times during the past few months. She specifies dates on which ho "struck and beat her whllo she was In delicate health and charges that ho followed this treatment by driving her from their homo and refused to allow her to take any of her clothing. She asks that her maiden namn. Olio. lx > restnrnil to lior. The jury In the case of Andrew Herb , charged with stealing a calf belonging to Andrew Jensen , returned a verdict of guilty. Time Ciiril. On anil after Sunday , November IB , the Missouri Pacific fast train for St. Louis leaves Webster street depot at 3:00 : p. m. Instead of 3:30 : p. m. , as heretofore. ; Hlnlit to AHNCMN. The Young Men's Christian association has commenced Eiilt against Douglas county and Treasurer Hulmrod to restrain the county from collecting the general taxes assessed against the building owned by the associa tion nnd situated at Sixteenth and Douglas Htroelfi. The taxes standing against the property are for the years 1S92-3-5-C and aggregate $1,095.35. U is alleged that the treasurer Is about to sell the property at public bale for the taxes and a restraining order Is nskcd to prevent him from selling the property. _ _ A rerplevln I'riilileiu. Whether to take "Northwestern Line" No. 2 ut 4:45 : p. m. or No. C at 0:30 : p. m. , Chi cagoward. "No. 2" arrives ut Chicago 7:13 : a. m. nnd "No. C" nt 'J:30 : u. m. Both trains are models of modern art , skill and luxury. NO EXTRA CHARGE ON EITHER ONE. Call at the City Olllco , 1401 Faruain street , und talk it over. J. A. KUII.V. General Agent. Q. F. WEST , C. P. T. A. Attenii.l | HIT Own 1,1 fc. Mrs. EIlo Schcllcr attempted sulcldo yes terday afternoon In her room at COS North Sixteenth street. She was discovered by ono of the roomeis , who found her In bed with a cloth Haturutud with chloroform over her face. Ily her side was a Httlo girl whom she had taken from the Open Door last July. The woman left her husband thrco weeks ago , after being discovered by him In a compromising position. The cpuplo lived In the vicinity of Twenty- eighth and Charles strccU. The woman will recover. The Overliiml Limited. Via UNION PACIFIC. Runs every day In the week. Fastest train in the west. ( Iluffct smoking and library care. ' City ticket olllce. 1302 Farnam. ! . ! On1 ivldi ii l.culnro. Three boys , Spencer , Horn nnd Gillian , were put on trial In the criminal court Tuos. day afternoon ou the charge of robbing J. II. Cokcroft of a silver watch valued at to.50. They demand separate trials and Spencer was tried first. When the evidence for the prosecution was all In Judge llakcr took the case from the jury and ordered a verdict of acquittal on the ground that there was not sulllclcnt oUdetico to convict. Ho gave the thrco boys a severe lecture and discharged all of thorn. \ eliriiNUiiVoiun II'K . \n\lllnry. The November quarterly meeting of the Nebraska branch of the Woman's auxiliary was held In Trinity cathedral ! ye tcrday. Holy communion was obtervecl nt 10 o'clock a. m. ; btnitieea meeting at 11 a. m. ; luncheon at 1 o'clock p. in , ; Rddrt'iNco by Rev. Or. Morgan of Now York and other * at 2:30 : lu thu afternoon , TURN IT OVER TO CALDWELL Rnilrcnds Ask for a Special Unto to the Society Circus , REQUEST ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP IteiireKentnllveN of the Itoniln u Denlre to Do Notiiethlni ? , hut Think the ItnteNkcil In Tou Low. A meeting of unusual Importance to Omaha and of special Interest to those who are engaged In making arrangements for the Second Annual Charity Circus , Hippo drome , Menagerie and Wild West show , and to the worthy poor dependent upon sweet charity , was held In the passenger depart ment of the Klkhorn road yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. There were present a large dele gation from the Knights of Ak-Sar-llen , retail merchants" and the paasongor repre sentatives of all the railroads entering Omaha. The circus managers lost no time , after General Passenger Agent Ruchanan of the Hlkhorn called the meeting to order , In In forming the railroaders that this was to bo the greatest show on earth , and that therefore they ehouhf demand and expect the most favorable rates granted to all the people within 150 mllea of Omaha who might want to enter within the city's gates on thai occasion. The spokesman of the circus man agement said that-nothing less than a rate of one faro for the round trip , good for all thrco days of the circus. December S. 9 and 10 , within a radius of 150 mllea of Omaha Would be acceptable. The passenger men caucused a hit and shook their heads. They said that a one-fare rate had been granted for the society circus : last year , and thnt but little Increase In business had resulted. They agreed , how ever , to refer the whole matter to Chair man Caldwcll of the Western Passenger as sociation , asking him to submit It to n vote of all the lines Interested. The pas senger men said they wanted to do the square thing , and desired to help make the circus a great success , but they said they could not go too far In the matter. A prob able result of the conference Is the granting of a one-fare rate for December 9 alone , from all points within 150 miles of Omaha , as a compromise. SAM3 OK GUAM ) ISI.AXO IIIIAXCII. Former 1'nliiii I'nclflo Keciler to lie Tut Upon the Auction It topic. Notice of the sale of the St. Joseph & Grand Island , formerly a part of the Union Pacific system , has been received by Inter ested parties In this city from Edward Slmonton of St. Paul , special master for the sale. The sale of the property will take place on the mortgage- premised In the depot at Hastings on Wednesday , December 23. It Is thought that the committee of bondholders will bid It In , the upset price of the purchase , as fixed by order of the court , being J3"UO,000. which Is less by $1.000.000 than the price originally fixed. Thla ll if hnirtntl nt fit -Townnh nn the Rt.ltn ilne. and runs through Kansas and Nebraska to Grand Island , through a rich territory , nnd Its franchise Is regarded as very valuable. Its sale was ordered by Judge Sanborn of the United Statefl circuit court for the otate of Nebraska a year ago , but the attorneys for the bondholders got ready for the sale only n few dajs ago. They notified Master Slmonton of their readiness Thursday and ho completed arrangements Immediately. The court haa determined the bonded In debtedness , which amounts to about $7,000- 000 and Interest. Committee ConipiiHeil of OIllelnlM. I It Is announced that the Western Traffic association will have a rate committee com posed of officials no lower In rank than assistant general freight agents , In addition to Its executive and administrative boards. Just how the membership will be appor tioned among the roads has not yet been made clear. In the Southwestern Traffic ce- soclation. In which there are but four large systems , each sends a freight official to act on the committee when It meetu. There are so many roads In the Western Freight zssoclatlon that the same plan Is hardly practicable. It may be followed , however , for no line will care to have Its rates made for It by a body of men connected with competing lines. ItullwiiyoteN unit I'erKonnlN. William H. Garrett of the Union Pacific's general freight office 4s In Denver. Traveling Passenger Agent Taylor of the Ilaltlmoro & Ohio Southwestern was In lliu city yesterday. J. F. Anderson , general western freight agent of the Georgia railroad , Is In the city from St. Louis. Traveling Freight Agent Gray of the Cen tral of Georgia railway came In from the south yesterday morning. George U. Murray , advance agent of "The Twelve Temptations , " was a caller at several of the local railroad headquarters yesterday morning. Assistant General Freight Agent Wood of the Union Pacific Is in Kansas City attend ing a regular meeting of the transmlssouri frelcht committee. General Solicitor Kelly , Mastcr-In-Chon-ery Cornish and Chief Clerk Taylor of the Union Pacific are on their way to New York City to attend a meeting of the rccclvern. Chief Clerk Howard of the Chicago & Grand Trunk's general passenger depart ment nnd Traveling Passenger Agent Roland - land of the same road are In the city. The railroad weather reports yesterday morning showed extremely cold weather , with considerable high wind throughout the state. No damage has yet been reported from the wind. General Manager Dickinson and General Superintendent Nichols of the Union Pacific returned yesterday morning from an In spection of the Omaha & Republican Valley line. Whllo out they shot four quail , though they saw many , many more. David W. Aldrloge , well known In Omaha because of his long service with the local office of the Northwestern , was In the city yesterday , renewing his many friendships. Ho Is now the traveling passenger agent for the same Bjstcm , with headquarters at Cleve land. Ho In accompanied on hla western trip by Mrs. Aldrldge. Assistant General Solicitor Kclby of the B. & M. and Judge E. U. Duflle went out to Hitchcock county yesterday afternoon to look after the Interests of the road In u lawsuit there today. It Is the II. & M. against Hitchcock county for special taxes levied to pay Judgments In the village of Trenton. The amount Involve , ] IB $1,000. Chief Clerk Ilucklngham of the II. & M.'s passenger department returned yesterday morning from a pleasant vacation spent In the south. Ilo enjoyed some rare hunting In Arkansaa and visited New Orleans , Memphis , Mobile and other southern cities , Dell llranch , assistant city passenger agent of the same road , who accompanied Mr. Buck ingham on the trip , will return on Friday. It was said at St. Joseph's hospital yester day afternoon that both Uobert Ultchle , the young stockman , and E1. Wrlghtman , the colored porler , who were Injured In the wreck of a Union Pacific caboose at Chapman on Sunday night , are Improving rapidly and will bo able to be out In a short time , Itltchlo's right arm and back were bruised , and Wrlghtman sustained light Injuries about the chest and stomach. The Great Northern has completed ar rangements for the construction of a rall- wav tunnel In the state of Washington that Is expected to be ono of the greatest tri umphs of engineering skill In America. The tunnel will take the place of the famous Cascade switchback , between Spokane and Seattle , and will rrducu the distance ten miles and save over an hour's time. It will bo 2.49 miles In length , nnd will run In a straight line from the head of ono canyon to that of another. The coat of the cuter- prise Is estimated ut $2,003,000 , and It U ex pected to he completed early In 1S9S , Use Hrown'a llronchlal Trollies for Oougha Colds and all other Throat troubles "Pre eminently the best" Hey. Henry Ward Uccchcr , i KHAXIC'S SUCC1SSM > U NOT XAMKI ) . llnvr Awrrliil , Ilottrcvcr , on llio t'ourne tn > llu 1'iirnneil. The various applicants for the clerkship of the United Statw tlrcult court to succeed Elmer D. Frank will lhavo to wait awhile yet to know their ( ato. In addition to the numerous parties 1& < Omaha and elsewhere In Ncbraslti who hare lines out for the place , there In a candidate In St. Ixnils who Is giving them all considerable uneasiness. Ills name Is Heiid nnd'ho ' Is nt present dep uty clerk of the circuit court ot appeals and by virtue of fcliu position has an ac quaintance with all ( three -of the Judges Sanborn , Thayer and Caldwcll who have the appointing power. A telegram from St. Louis states that Judge Thayer says no clerk has been ap pointed for the circuit of Nebraska to his knowledge , and ho would bo Informed It such appointment had been made. The following telegram to The Ueo was received from St. Paul : Scon todny with reference to the appoint ment of a successor to Hlmur U. Krunk , elerk of the United States circuit court. Judge S.'tnliorn said : " .Mr. Frank tendered his resignation a few weeks ngo , but the same docs not tuko rffoct until his HUccct" or Is appointed ntul nutillflcM. Thu Judges who make the np- polntmrnt nro separated nt the present tlmo. but desire to state that wo nave ngroi-d what course to pursue. Wo have announced no appointment or action In the promises. " The Judge was very guarded in Ills mtrrnnccH nnd careful that ho might not bo misquoted. This la the oxnrt sltu.i- tlon. Take advice ! Stop coughing at once by the Immediate use of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup. Ono bottle will euro you. HllTAM7.I.\r. THU ASHI3SSMKXTS. City Coniiell IliMiily for ( lie Annual WroMtlis > vltli Tux Hooks. The city council met yesterday morning for lie annual struggle equalizing the assess- mcnta on property In the city of Omaha. They reorganized by electing Uurmester on halrman and appointing Duncan , Christie and Kmcnt cs a special committee to hear complaints. Thr-ro are a number of com plaints filed already , all of them being by parlies who think their property has been lilted too high. In looking over the books In a cursory manner a number of errors have been dis covered , some double assortments and one or two where there has been manifest errors In entering thu valuation of some pieces of property. The total valuation Is about $000,000 less than last year and with the present con dition of city funds It Is predicted a higher tax rate than the ono made last February will he necessary. The pifflcnl levy Is 41 mills. The king of pills : s Beecham's tlccchain's MiirrlitKO. Permits to wed li.ivo brcn Issued to the followlng parties by the county judge : Namu and Uesldcnco. Age. Mr.dlKon Mllbourn , Omaha . 33 Mrs. Katlo Itoscnvelt , Omaha . 20 Michael Sulley , Omaha . 3 ? Katie Houlton , Omaha . " > - Chnni'py Wlttlr.fr , Omaha . 5. > MM. Hose Luce , Oitiaha . -II Elmer L. Platz , Omaha . , , . 13 Alice E. Ellis , Omaha . 2.1 Stanl.Mlnus Wawezynklcwlcz. S. Omaha. . .22 Salomln WIza , South Omaha . 2 ] Take I'n ( lie 'World I.tlu-1 Suit. The libel mil of the World Publishing company against The. J5eo Publishing com pany for $ . > O.OCO damages for allcsed llbi-I was taken up for trial In court room No 4 yesterday afternoon. Nothing was done yesterday except to Impanel the Jury and trakc the opening ftatomenls. CAMFOHXIA MIXHKS * CO.\VK.\T1OX. Deiiiniul n Ciihlitfl OIHee on Miiie.M ami Mining : . A very lmportant < convontlon for the min ing Industry of thmstato > was that which has just closed Its session at San Francisco. De- sides numerous , stirring and Instructive ad dresses Interspersed between Its delibera tions , a number of resolutions were adopted recommending state legislation upon vari ous subjects relative to the mining Indus try nnd a revision ot the general mining laws. The following are among the more prom inent resolutions adopted by the convention. Hellovlnpr that the time has come when a new cabinet olllccr should be created In the United States , to be known IUH "tliu secre tary of mines and mining , " und believing further that the Indorsement of this Idea by the Transmls3lslppl congress , soon to convene nt the city of Salt L-ike , would go far toward securiiiB the oume , therefore bo It HcKolvcd , That tlio California Miners' as sociation strongly iind urgently desires the appointment of a o.ililnct oflleur to bo known as the secretary of mines and mining- . Itesolved , That the delegate. " from Cali fornia to the said Transinlssi ! i < l , > pl congress bo and they urn hereby requested by the California Miners' as ocMtlon to secure fioni said congress an Indorsement in favor of .said cabinet olllcer. Hesolved , That transportation facilities are of paramount Importance to the success of all mining1 enterprises , and that the pres ent road system of this state 1 entirely un satisfactory and totally liiMilllclent for the srceesHful development of our mineral re sources ; and , therefore , that this * convention heartily indorses the movement for good roads , na evidenced by thif creation of the state roads commission , and wo do ask for Immediate legislation for tno betterment of our public highways. IlcHolved , Thnt the California Miners' con vention Indorses the plan of bavin ; ; the State Mining bureau co-uperate with the t'nlted States geological survey to make a topographic and ueologic map of the min eral rcKlons * of the state of California , county by county , on a scale of 200 feet to ono Inch. The old board of officers was re-elected without any opposition and amid much en thusiasm the most successful and largest gathering of miners In Iho association's his tory adjourned for a year. uunu'i.vc : ix THIS couuu IVAMJXKS. Kmploynieiit \ouniiloii JIc-ii May Lend ( Trimble. A dispatch received from Wallace , Idaho , aays the Helena and Frisco mine has been reported sold to the Standard Oil company. It Is one of the leading silver-lead mines of ho Cocur d'Alcnes and Is located on Can yon crock at Gem. It was among the drat mines opened up In the district and has iccn working steadily except that the mill was destroyed In the strlko of 1802 and was not rebuilt until the following spring. The mill built then has a capacity of 600 tons dally , nnd has hcfen Increased by iiomu additions since. During the pant year It has employed 125 men stcaiJIIy. milling 525 tom dally nnd shipping about thrco carloads of concentrates. It piitd $50,000 In dividends monthly for several years , with occasional Intermissions , two being passed during the last year. The company Is 'h-icloso ' corporation , with headquarters at Hdloim. Tha stock Is mostly owned by Haiucr , Holton , John T , Murphy , Sollgman ami Peter Lurscn. Noth ing Is known of tlnf prlco paid , but the property In commonly considered worth $2- 000.000 or more. The sale Is of particular Interest , be cause the Standard1 Oil company employs nonunion labor In the Bunker Hill nnd Sullivan mli.es , whlla Canyon creek Is In tensely union. Should nn attempt bo made to- employ nonunion men there It will al most surely result Im.trouble. The miners' union just elected thb whole county ticket , defeating the ticket Indorsed by the Stand ard Oil company , The feeling Is Intense because of this , and It Is feared some hot headed members of the union will take rash steps If nonunion men are Introduced among them. Hither Muriler or Sulehle. HLOOMINGTON , III. . Nov. 18. The dead bodies of James Ware , a single man , aged 30 , and Mm. ICIla IllckeltH , wlfo of Albert Itlckuttii , wcro found on thn 1/ocust street viaduct tonight , with a bullet hole In the forehead of each. A revolver lay beside the bodies. The police bavo not determined whether It Is a case of murder or suicide. ' Iiiterniitliniiil C < i"iern' Union. CINCINNATI , Nov. 18.-Charles Lclaner , president of the Coopers' Protective associ ation of Cincinnati , bis just been appointed organizer of the International Cooper * ' union. Ho was prominent In thu recent In ternational convention at Kvnnavllle , and will have hla headquarters hero. IS PUT FORIH AS A FEELER Some Pear Expressed thnt Whcolor's Water Works Resolution is Loaded. MIGHT WORK A FORFEITURE OF RIGHTS Comiclliiien llnpe for n HeiliicUon In \\"nU-r lU'iilnlN Company Mummer Snj'M lie \Vnnln to llenl Mlturnlly ultli the City. The resolution adopted by the city council Tuesday night providing for the appoint ment of a special committee to confer with the Omaha Water company relative to an arrangement by which additional water service may be secured without n material Increase fn the cost , Is a subject of con siderable speculation In olllclal circles. In view of the very complicated relations which now exist between the city nnd the water company , any legislation on the sub ject Is regarded with a good deal of sus picion nnd a good many of the members of the council are disposed to regard this resolution as preliminary to some action by which th-j city will forfeit some of the rights which It now claims The contention of the city through Its executive and legal department haa been that the new company did not acquire the franchise which belonged to the American Water Works company when It purchaacd the property. Since then the claim of the new company to this franchise has never been olllclally recognized. Hven when per mits were Issued to open streets for neces sary repairs to the system , the permit was stamped with a reservation by which the city declared that In Issuing the permit , no recognition was made of the rights of the company. Some of the councllmen now contend that If this special committee should confer with the water company and agree on some arrangement , the position held by the- city would be rendered Insecure. The minute this arrangement was ratified by the council the city would have ofllclally recognized the claims of the water com pany nnd It would be the legal owner of the disputed franchise. Councilman Wheeler , who Introduced the resolution , says that It was In tended simply as a feeler In the direction of a reduced rate for rentals. He says that for a long time past there has been n sentiment that the city was paying too much for water , and now , that litigation lias been suspended nnd the plant has become an Omaha property , there Is a possibility that something might be accomplished that would be to the advantage of thn city. Manager nierbowcr of the water company says that he knows nothing of the resolution except what ho read In the morning papers. In his opinion anything that would effect an understanding between his company and the city would bo a gcod thing. The officers of the companyrecognize the fact that there Is a sentiment among the taxpayers against the water company , and they are disposed to get rid of It by giving the best possible service and dealing liberally with the city. They have extensive plans for Improvements outside of the new main from Florence , hut us n uusmess proposition iney ur > not reel like , Investing additional capital whllo there Is a question as to their title to the franchise Mr. Blcrbowcr says that It would be a good thing , both for the city and the company. If an understanding could be reached. If the city was In a pcsttlon to buy the plan all right , but If that was not the case , the next best thing should be done and the com pany placed In a position where It would fee safe In going ahead with Its plans for th < i Improvement of the system. CHIKIITOVvn.i. . CASK AGAIX Mutton far 11 IMIIMHIII | linn Ilcvn Flleil. A motion has been 11 led In the Crclghton Mil ease nnd It will be argued beloro Judge Fawcctt Saturday. The motion asks that the appeal from the county court be dismissed on the ground that the will Is void on Its face. If this motion Is sustained , this case , which has already had two trials In the district court , each consuming between three mid four weeks , will be dismissed. In the event that the motion Is overruled , the case will be taken up for the third time next Tuesday. The will in dispute Is ono made by tlio loto Joseph Crclghton , In which he bequeathed to the bishop of Omaha , of the Iloman Catholic church , certain property In trust. The will Is contested by Mra. Shelby , a daughter of the testator , on the ground that th maker of the will was not com petent to execute such a document at the time the will purports to have been made. Criulle mil the Crnie. The fojlowlng births and deaths were re ported at the health office during the twenty- four hours ending at noon yesterday : Births E. K. McKlune , Thirteenth and Nicholas streets , boy ; Harry Mclroso. 814 North Nineteenth street , boy ; A , I. . . Heed , Thirty-eighth and Farnam strecta , girl ; Frank Flala , 1213 South Fourteenth street , boy ; Joseph Novoall , 2422 Spauldlng street , girl ; Joseph Munch , 1709 Leavenworth street , girl ; Edward Jones , 107 South Seventeenth street , girl ; Henry Graack , Twenty-fifth and Martha streets , boy. Deaths William II. Deekman , 35 , 216 North Twenty-sixth street , congestion of the lungs , Interment at Petersburg. 111. ; Ellen Iacy , 30 , 3929 North Twenty-third street , Forest Lawn ; Dertha Miller , 2 months , Thir teenth and Uurdctte streets , Forest Lawn , PI re In a Conl .Sheil. A blaze In a coal shed called the depart ment to Twenty-fourth and Sprague streets at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Damage. $10. M -x Thousands of men are afraid of the lighting - ingnnd yet not one uiait in ten thousand Is ever killed by it. Vcvr men arc afraid of consumption , and yet it causes otic-sixth of all the deaths in the world. It is more deadly than either wars or pestilences. Any sort of wasting disease may lead to consumption. Any blight disorder of the respiratory organs may easily develop it. Weakness of the body , emaciation , lack of vitality nrc plain invitations for the germs of consumption. Consumption is not entirely a disease of the lunga. U in a dis ease of thu blood that shows itself most strongly in the lungs. It is not as it used to lie considered incurable. Dr. I'iercc'o Golden Medical Discovery has changed nil that. It will cure ninety-eight percent , of all cases of consumption if taken in time. It is the most wonderful blood maker and flesh builder in the world. It cures where doctors have failed. It has brought back to life hundreds of men and women who were considered ns good ns dead. - Mm. Nancy K. Tulib , of Atnory , Monroe Co. . Miss , , write * : "About ten years ago I suffered an attack of ncrvoui prostration resulting In other trouble * which my family physician pro nounced consumption. } Ve doctored with him until we lost nil hope. I finally happened to find one of Dr. l'lercc' little Memorandum Hooks , aw hU medicine recommended nnd thought I would try it : sent and got oue txjttle of each Golilen Medical Ul overy' and 'favorite 1'rc- icrlptlon' nnd one bottle of'relicts. ' Asfcoon an I began la use these medicines my health be. to Improve mid before I had u ed onohalf San bottled felt almost as * Irons ni I ever wai. I nm now enioyliiif good health attain. Two year * ago I had a little hey who keeiuol to be MI > > > ject to phthisic ( asthma ) and I th J Jit I would try the 'Golden Medical Discovery. ' and to my iitrprlic It cured him cullrely j he haa never haa auotlier attack. " Hoc , Nov. 18 CHILDREN'S SUITS , $2.00 That doesn't sound remarkably cheap in the face of some of the "Sales" around town , and yet these suits are better suits , better patterns , better made up and bettor values than the suits advertised as "big bargains" at $3 in any of the prevailing calamity sales. It's no trick for any store to advertise things cheap. It's no triclc to make things sound elegant in print. It's no triclc to get up a sensational sale and beat the torn loins and use big type to help out small values , but it's something of a trick to buy goods cheap enough so they will sell without thn aid of any such methods , and so the people will know that they are special bargains without having to swallow whole pages of printer's ink to find it out. TheSsoo suits now selling at The Nebraska are remarkable value for the price. The $2.50 suits at The Nebraska are as good as rhe $3.50 suits anywhere else. The handsome Chinchilla Reefers we sell at $1.75 for lads 4 to 10 years are as good as anybody sells for $2,50 , and the Boys' Suit we sell at ยง 1.50 , $2.50 and $3.00 are easily worth $1.50 to $2.00 more , according to the way they are sold in other stores. It doesn't need any hair-restoring sale to get The Ne braska offerings into the people's hands , They "jes nacherly" goes. A. D. 162O. Hero Is oneot our "Delft reproductions of the present season. You have seen lilKh- backed chairs before that wcro called "Colonial , " but It Is quite a different mat us ter to pcnsess a fac-slmlle of ono of the old Mayflower chairs. The lines of this chair arc unmistakably n sign of Its authenticity. They are like the points of a fine horse ; they are not easily mistaken when once seen. The high arms ; the recessed , solid scat ; the cross braces from the head rest to the base ; the sv oiling Dutch legs all these are the proof marks of the period. T The finish Is In Ivory white , with old China , bine painted decoration under a stout varnish. One or two of thcso old Colonial chairs should be In every homo. CHAS. SHIVEJSICK&CO. . The LoHcit Prices ou I-'urnitiirc , 12TII AM ) IOUiL\S ( , j a-3o o _ ' o ov/ o/o''X'Jo j .7wo , 39 * 5 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. 49 By ROBERT BARR * j ( "Luke Sharp. " ) 1 "The B" 49 4 A DRAMATIC AND HUMOROUS SERIAL IN TWENTY 49 INSTALMENTS , BEGINNING NOV. 22 , IN il 49 \ ROKKUT DAim needs no Introduction to American editors , since. * S IOIIK before lie attained distinction as a novelist in KiiKhuid , ho had 49 achieved no small measure of fniilo In this country through his "Luke 49 Sharp" letters , written for the Detroit Free Press. 49 Ills Ilrst novel , "In the Midst of Alarms , " placed him nt once amoii } , ' 49 the leading nrc.sent-day writers of llctlon In Kn lam ! and America. 49 For years Mr. llarr has been ambitious to sot forth In the. form of llc tlon the conditions of life as they oxlst today In a great Industrial 49 center , as did Dickens years ago the life of the social conditions that 49 then existed. With this purpose In view , Mr. Burr hns made u clo.se 49 study of the.manufacturing districts of London , and In this , his latest * 3 novel , "The Mutable Many , " he pictures In his charnclerlstlc manner the struggle of Mursten , an intelligent young worljlngman , secretary 49 of a labor union , against Mr. Sartwell , the manager of the great iron works oT Monkion & Hope. x It Is n drama of stirring scenes from beginning to end. As a foil to the exciting situations In the contest , Mr. Barr Introduces the happy- 49 go-lucky character of young llarncy Hope , who turns up unexpectedly 49 In every emergency , and in his own way helps in the solution of many 49 dllllcult problems. * In short , the story abounds In the humorous , droll and lively invention 3 49 tion which makes Mr. llarr the most diverting of tlio newer writers , and might be characterized as refreshing , highly amusing and stir ringly dramatic. READ THE SUNDAY-BEE. ThoUsnijd for Oija. ( Troilo Mark. ) ACCIDENT TICKETS. THE INTER-STAT Oiktmlty Coiiiininy ut New YurU. g-lv < 5B THREE MONTIIB' insurance , $1,000 for $1.OO , ( u men or ivuinun , cctnccn IS and CO yeain of UKC , aealnit fatal Btit'Ct Accident ! a-uat. or on Ulcyclcn , Harsci , Wagons. Ilorto Cam. ItullronU earn. KlovnteO , Bridge , Trolley and Cubic corn , Hlt'iunilil s , SlemntionU find Stenrn rcrrlon , 1100,000 ilrponltcif with the Inturnnce Department of the matt ) ol Now York for the security of the Inaurtd. for Sale by Chas.Knufmaim , 1202 Oouglai Street. Til. CO * Omalin. N U. So * Tooth. 85.00. Teeth extracted without pain Alloy nnd ullver fllllnt , ' , )1. < X ) . J'uru paid HlllnKB. J2 up. Gold Crowns. 22 kt. . IS to JS. 11KLIAI3L1S WO1UC. DAELEYth8Qnist. ! THIRD FLOOR , I'AXTON JJLOCIC TEL , 103T ) . Mth aud KarnamSti. OR. U Til * ONLY SPECIALIST Wild TXIATS AIX PRIVATE DISEASES Weabneu & U'uatiStt a ! MEN ONLY K ) V a Kiptiicnce , 0 V ri la Um < ha. nook Kite. CoiitullalloB > nd hiauuMiiiioii Kite. Mtli and rarnam Sll * HKU. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TAHI.GTS VOHITIVHI.Y CHUB A 1,1. Xrriuiif / > / rrr r ] -nlriK | | Mcra- initcrii-jKico.i.Mh | . . , t.io .inu.e.l . u t > uii < l oilier | 'K UI ami Jmll > \ gi * # cruloin. lltii iiilrlilu unit iHirltf \ T rettoio lx t Vltiilllt In olJ ur juunu. iinj" fj-j * * ! . lit ii man for tlinlftWlitn * or inhrrliiuo , T w 'XV1)1 ' ) Imnnlly end < 'on uini > llon If . _ _ nuln ' liuio.'lbiilr ; u tliawi lnini dlHl Ininraiw * laent unj nlTncti a OUKU wlioro ull otlicm Jail. In , l.t uion ji niK Iliatnulna AJ x Tabloli , 'I her Imfrtcurn. ) lliniiiAniUninl will euro /ou. Mo ! Jv jinltltn wrlllon Humanlcp lo ( foct a cum In mcli ca or r [ una Ilia . J'llruBO tuuimr. r ni < iwr paikuito , or r'j' " " ' ' " ' . r ' ! ! j.f ? ! , V ii.K I'Ufn . . ' w * * M lniof | .rlt . AJAX- REMEDY CO. , . . Tor f lo In Omahii by Joint. Kurnylli , id ! M. Kill tllrevl. Kulm & Co. , Utb and Douglu UVrtU * .