THIS OMAsTA DAILY 1U3K : TIFlflHSHAY , 7TVI9 r ISIl If ) , 181)0. ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAI Wheat Opens Weak , but Closes Strong After Some Fluctuations. CORN WAS HEAVY AND PRICES LOWER Tlint Mnrki-t AVim ( liivoriHMl linrly 1 > ( In : Conrxr < > fVlirut , tint I'll 11 cd In Itnlly with that Or on I. CltlCAOO , Nov. 18.rWhent opened wcnk todnj' , lint closed strong and at an advimco of } ic. The strength WIIB miilnly iluu lo the largo seaboard engagements nnd tile for clgn demand , which shuws no signs of fall Ing off. Other markets were wetik , corn nm oats declining ' , ic nnd provisions from "Vic to 7'ic. ' Wheat started In an Inausplcloim manner today. It opciutl apparently very weak ni "io per bu lower than the closing price ol thu day before nnd that principally or It might lie said entirely because of n decline of Hid nt Liverpool. The crowd hero wnn quite prepared to follow any l > lg bear leader but none materialized. Opening prices for December ranged from 7Co to TC'.ic. ' but In- wide of an hour T'CSio to 777Jc was quoted. After the offerings brought out by the openIng - Ing cables were out of the way the demoral ized fouling soon disappeared. It was soon found that nearly l.Vi.uOO bu. had already been taki-n here for export , partly No. 2 pprlng , which had been Hold nt VAc over the price of Di-fpinlKT. Tin- second Liverpool cabin was decidedly better , and the leports that farmers' deliveries were falling oft wore confirmed by the northwestern re ceipt ! ) , .Minneapolis nnd Dllllllli reported SOT < : : IIM. as compared with VXi last year. Under tlio Influence of such news the N-ntltnenlH soon got bullish ; thu shorts took fright and covered freely , while the. frlcnilH of wheat , who have been held In check for some days by the downward tendency , had their cour- ngp renewed nnd were good buyorH. The most Important news , however , nnd the real sustaining Influence of the market , came from the seaboard. Australia took three riirgoeH yesterday up to the close of 'change iiml two more later In tbe day. South Africa was also a purchnwr of 600,000 bu. there , and an Australian cablegram to u San Francisco merchant said that country would still require about 4r , noOUO bu. December udvanecd steadily to 78c. Tlien n reaction carried the price back to "T.ic. The decline was only temporary , however , nnd the price tended upward from that point , bringing 7Mic nt tbo close. Corn was heavy and prices lower , princi pally on account of the Impression that very shortly there will bo considerable pressure of now corn. The principal selling was by houses which are In eloso connection with the country dealers. The market was gov- rrnod early by the course of wheat , but failed lo rally materially when that cereal ndvaneod. May opened Me lower nt l7c ! , sold In tinm 2i-i4o to ! fic , declined to 27-c nnd closed easy at 27c. In outs at the opening a slightly easier feeling was apparent and prices gradually nought a lower level. Tliu wrntcncsM In whtat was the starter , and froc selling by Iho par lira who yesterday bought assisted to a great extent In the lowering of values. May started a shade lower at from 22c to 22'iC , declined to from ZlViC to 2n c nnd ral lied to 22c , where It closed. Provisions continued In the downward course today. Hog receipts though smaller than expected were large enough to cause lower prices nt the opening. There was Feme reaction In sympathy with the rise In wheat , but the pressure of offerings again drove prices down , ulthouili lard and rib ? ' resisted stubbornly. January pork closed "He lower nt $7."i2V4 ; January lard 2'Ac ' lower at from $1.S7',4 to 1.90 ; January ribs 2140 lower nt $ .1.115. Kstlmated receipts Thursday : Wheat , 2.T cars ; corn , 500 cars ; oats , 273 cars ; hogs , 30.100 head. The leading futures ranged ns follows : " " * " "Art cloH. Wlrnt.No.U Nov Dec 7(1 ( 7H1 May f-'i KU ron-.No. tt. Nov Dee ' . ' 4 May. . Nov Dec 1KU " May tt § Pork.r.crbbl Dee 0 42K ll 3,1 12W Jan 7 US oil C'JK May 7 85 95 llu Lanl.lUOlbs Dec 3 ( I2H : i 70 H2 } Jim a * 7' ' 3 DO R5 111) May 4 1)3 ) 4 IS 05 10 SliortUlbH Dee 3 71) ) 3 70 07 > Jan 5 § 0 7U 75 May h OA 3 1)7 ) H 1)5 ) Cash quotations were ns follows : PIXH'll-Ktraily ; winter patents , ( I.40JT4.CO ; KtiulRhts , JI.POH1.25 ; sprliiK patents. JUOijMO ; IrnlKlits , (3.iil.lO ! ( | ; bakers. (2.fO 73.23. WIIKAT-Nii. 2 siirlntr. 7S'.tc ; No. 3 spring. 750 77e ; No. 2 red. UlibMUc. COUN No. 2 , 23SiSl24c ; No. 2 yellow. 23SfT2lc. OATS No. 2. Wic : No. 2 white , f. o. b. . 21V4ff 2t ; c ; No. 3 wblte. f. o. b. , 17Slj21 ! < .4c. HVK-N < i , 2 , 3714C. DAUl.KY-No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , f , o. b. , 270 37c : No. 4 , f. o. b. , 23fl27c. KIAXHKKI-No. 1. 77c. TIMOTHY SKKD-Prlmo. (2.CO. PHOVI.SION.S Me s iiorlc. per bbl. , (6.50iW.55 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , (3.iOJJ3.75 ; short ribs , tides , loose. (3f.5i3.F5 ; dry raited shoulders , boxed , 14.2504.M : sliort clear fides , boxed. $3.87 1.00. I'Ol'I.TKY Wenk ; turkeys. 7J4 Sc ; cblckcns , t.j3',4c . ; ducks , dfi'Jc. WHISKY Distillers' nnUbed goods , per gnl. . HtTOAnS-UnchniiKed. Tbe following were the receipts nnd ililpmcnts today ; On tliuProlucu oveli ni-'j toiiv tin umtor mir- kct was Hrm : creamery , HciHOHe : dairy , iuu 17e. Kega , firm : IruHli , Ulc. , linn ; NH\V YOU ic < ; K.MUAI , MAUICET. CilKltlltlOIIH of ( lu ; Day oil Various CoilllllOllltlfN. Ni\V YOIIK , Nov. 18. Kl.OUU-llccelpts , 24,70) bbls. ; exports , 9,523 bbl ? , ; . ( iilct , but firmer with Mieut ; winter patents , ( I.EOij5.CO ; winter ttruiKhlH , l.r.Ofl.C5 ; Minnesota patents , $4.G5 { ? 4.95 ; Minnesota bakers , $3.Wf4.15 ; cj. | ( mm ct.ara | _ Jl.90fi5.00 ; winter extras , $3.00Q3.90 ; winter low Krades. $2.5002.80. Hyc Hour , ( julct ; tuperllne. (2.90 3.00 ; fnncy. $3.00 3.25. Ituckwheat Hour , steady at $1.40 : llrandynlne , (2.20. IIUCKWHBAT Quiet ; 3Cff37c. COUN MUAIStendy ; llmndywlne , (2.25. JlYi : Finn : No. 2 western , 454 ! 4Cc. elf. HAUI.KY Dull ; western feeding , 2SH28lic. AVHKAT Heeelpts , 63,700 bu , ; spot , higher : No. 1 ban ) , MIC , f , o. b , , nllout. Options opened lower because of disappointing cables , but quickly re covered mid wen- strong and advanced all clay closing nt l'i ' 2c net gain. The Mrength wns due to belter late cables , activity In tbe export mar ket , general covering und strong cnlilo news ; No. 2 red , November , cloeetl 864c ; December. MUeMVlc. closing 87c. COIIN Heeelpts. 221,300 bu. ; spot , steady ; No , 2 , 2954c. Options opened easier and were dull and heavy most of the day. Inlbienccil by Unlit de mand and larger receipts , closing ut ' , iir-5 e net decline ; November , closed , 2SHc : i > ecembe . SO M6 f30 5-lCc. closing 30Uc. , HAY-Dull ; BhliipliiBM , 65 COc ; good to choice , HOI'S Dull ; state , common to choice 1895 crop , 3 7Hc ; 18'JS crop. Wl3a ; I'aclllc coast. 1895 crop. 3 7V4e ; 1896 crop , 9W13c. ( O in i t jr n viiiiittn , itf VKII v vyj UU1U , ( iUXf * > ! Ui HITTTKH ItecvlplK , 6.335 | > kRs. ; steuJy : west- crn dairy , fdlJc ; western creamery , 1382lt4c : Klglns. 21V4c : factory , 10iM2e , ( . 'HKICHl * Itfceliits 7.0SS pkgv , ; quiet ; large " ' /jCiKHie ; small , 7H010c ; part i.klms , 3U > U7c ; full Rklms , : UW3c , IX1C1S Heceliits , 7,375 pkgs. ; steady ; state and 1'ennvylvunla , 2M(22c ; western 15t < . ( f23c. rilOVIHIONH liter , stendy ; fumlly , | 9.00 10.00 : extra mess , (7 ; packet , (8.75O9.25. Cut meats , rnsler ; shouldrrs , (4 ; pickled hums , E'.MT 9o. l.nnl , lower ; western steamed. ( I.10JJI.13 : ie. lined , lower. Pork , steady ; mess , ( S.25W8.73 ; fam ily. ( lO.COJfll.O" . Tallow , lower ; city , 3ie ! ; coun try. 3He. Oll.K Cottoni'eed oil , stendy ; prime crude , lt 23o : prime yellow. 2Cff204c. Petroleum dull ; United clored nt (1.17 bid. llosln , stendy ; vtralned , ( l.90 1.92i. ! Turpentine , dull ; ! 7 af2.le , HICK Klrnii domestic , fair to extra , S ijCo ; Japan. 4U/4Kc. MOLARHKH Kasy ; New Orleans , open ket tle. S7tf33c. MiTAI H-PI Iron , quiet ; southern , ( ll.oon l'J.25 ; northern , (1I.OOU1J.00. Copprr , steady ; brokers , (11.60 ; exchange. ( II.30WII.50. strong ; brokers , (175 : exchange. ( S.9J 4tl2.93. Tin , quiet : straits , (13.05H13.10 ; plules , quiet , Bpellcr , Ilnnj Uonitsllc , (4.16CT4.t5. SI. I < OIIN Cfiicral Markut. BT. LOUIS. Nov. 18. KIXUH Dull and lower ; patents , M.451/4.W ; extra fancy , (4.00W4.10 ; fancy , (3.40(13.60 : choice. I2.75U2.90. WIIKAT The trading In futures was light nt the start anil the market opened dull nnd lower , but the feeling was somewhat better limn yes terday , as the market was Mronscr than It has been. December wheat opened at 85Hc , Ho lower than ycsttrduy , uml sold down to Mljc , but then became ttronger and sold up to S4) c. After hesitating for a time It wus bid up to 85Uc , and artcr dropping back to Sltto U took an- other rpurt , which carried U up to SfiHr , but tbe un * llclit. iJitrr U wns bid up tn from W'ic to (6c. ( dropping back tn SB ic , floslnK nl HiHc fellers , lSJl ? c alwvo yesterday's clwc. Mny iiticnpd at Hp , sold up tn fS'ic felkr. . nt which U cloted. Kiot | dull , but nrm and higher ; No , 2 red , cash , In elevator , SCc ; on track , 87m Cj No. ! hard , cnsll , 75c bid ; De cember , 8Hic nfkedi Mny , 8STio asknl. COHN I'"utures opt-nnl dull and wenk In sym pathy with wheat. Inter Iwenmp nrm , nnd closed without much change from yesterday ; rpot loner ; No. 2 rnrli , Il'lc ; Deccinlxr. 21 > ic bid ; Mny , 25ViC bid. OATH Putures dull , without change from yes terday nt tbe ctore ; rpot dull and neglected ; No. 2 cash , ISc bid ; Mny , 22ic. HYi-Hleady ; 34c on track. . , 1IIIAN Dull ; 3Sc nfked for outside points nnd 39n for east track ; Ibis side worlh 40c nomi nally , KI.AXflKKD-KIrm at 74c. TIMOTHY HKHD-l'rlmc. (2.60. HAY-rirmer ; prairie , (6.0007.60 ; timothy , (7.00JTI1.CO. tills side. lllTTiit-l'nclianged. : inos Weak at ice. I'OIII.THY-Stendy ; chickens , steady : old nnd spring , Be ; turkeys , ( Inner nt 7Ho ; ducks , ftendy at 7c ; geetc , slow nt 4fiCc. l.KAD-tjulet nnd unclinnged. -SI'KI.TIil-ltcld nt $3.75. PKOVIH1ONH Pork , lower ; standard mess , jobbing , (7.00iJ7.30. l.nrd , lower ; prime steam , : choice , (3.C7H. llncon , boxed shoulders , (4.60 ; extra short clear. (4.C2'4 ; rll . $4.C2 < 4 ; shorts , (4.W/4. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , (4 00 ; extra short clear , (3.90 ; ribs , (3,90 ; shorts , (4.05. HKCnil'TK-nour , 3.COO bbls , ; wheat , 13,000 bu , i corn , 70.000 bu. ; oats , 21.000 bu. HIIIPMKNTS Klour , C.COO bbls. ; wheat , 33,000 bu , ; corn , 47,000 bu. ; oats , 10,000 bu. OMAHA < ; KMH.U , AI Coiiilllloii of Trailianil ( liiotatlon on Stnplianil Kancy I'roilucc. jOOH Fresh cathcrcd , ISc. I1UTTKU Common to fair , C07c ; choice to fancy , country , ll@12c ; Eepnrntor creamery , ISf ICc ; gathered cicam. 1213c. ( lAMK Prnlrle cbleUcns , per doz. , (5.60 ; quail ( l.r.0 ; blue winged , teal ducks , (1.35 ; green wing (1.0001.25 ; red heads nnd mnltirds , (3.23 ; smnl rabbits. Wcifd.OO ; Jacks. (2 ; pqnlrrels , 75c. UIIKKSK Domestic brick. lOo ; IMam. per dor. (9.W ; club lioufe. 1-lb. jars , per doz. , (3.15 ; I.lm berger. fancy , per lb. . ! " ; liimucrnri. ! 4-'b ' Jars , per doz. , (3.00 ; Young Americans , lie twins , fnncy , lO'.io. ' VI3AL. Ciiuicp fnt , fO to 120 Ibs. , arc quoted n SfSc ; large und coarse , 4rc. DllUSSMD POt'LTIlY Chickens , CgClJc ; tur keys , lornic ; geese , OfflOc ; ducks. lOc. UVH 1'OUUTHY Hens , Be ; cocks. 3c ; iprlns lucks , Se ; turkeys , 8irs4e ( ! ; geese , ij8c. PIOKONS Live , 75090c ; dead pigeons not wanted. HAY-Uplnnd , (5 ; midland , $4.50 ; lowland (4 ( ; rye straw , (4 ; color makes the price on liny ; light bales roll the IK-SI ; only top grades bring top prices. HHOOM cortN Kxtromcly slow rale : new rrop. delivered oii track In counlry ; choice green pelf-wnrklng carpet , rer lh. . 2'4c ; choice green , running to hurl ? Ur : common , I'.Jc SWT5ET I > OTATOKS-On orders , per bbl. , (1.75 02.00. ONIONS Good stock. Per bu. , 33040C. LIMA HRANS-1'er lb. . 4c. I1KANS Hand picked navy , per bu. , (1.40. JAUIIAOK Home grown , per hundred , 7f.l90c. CI3I.RIIY I'er ilnz. , 2Se ; fnncy , larce , xsor * ! . POTATOKH Oood stock , per bu. , 25c ; Wyom Ing stock , sacked , fOc per 100 Ibs. KIIUITS. OHAPRS New York. 12Hc ; no good sblpplnt stock. CAI.IKOHNIA (1IIAPR8 Shipping stock. (1.73 CHANHKUIIIUS Cnpp Cod. per bbl. , JC.OO. APPLES Cooking , per bbl. . (1.75 ; eating , (1.75 W2.CO ; fnncy New York , $1.7502.00. CALIFORNIA PEAHS Per box. (2.0002.25 New York , per bbl. , (3.5004.W. QUINCES-I'er bbl. . $4. TltOPICAlj FttUITS. OHANOKH Mexican , (3.75 for 150 to 200 size ; larger and smaller sizes , $3.60. LEMONS Messlnns , (5.00 ; California lemons (1.00. 1A"A"AS ! Choice , large stock , per bunch. t2.l Jfr2.25 ; medium-sired bunches. (1.B002.00. KI1ESH MEATS. UEEF Good native steers , iuu to COO Ibs. , C'.iij 7c ; westjin steers , SMJUc ; good cows and lielf- ' ! . 65 ! > c ; medium cows nnd heifers. 4Uc ; gooc 'oiequnrters cows and belfers , 34c ; good forequarters native steers , DC ; good hlnd- lUnrters rows nnd heifers , Cic ; good hindquar ters native steers , 8ic ; cow rounds , 5'ic ; cow ilntcs , 3e ; boneless cliucks , 4c ; cow chucks , 3'ic steers cbneltH. 4p : lii' r Ipnderlnlns. POe : byef lolls , boneless , OVic ; rlrloln butts , boneless , 9' , < jc ; loin backs , boneless , lOc ; loin backs , T'/ic ; cow ribs , No , 3. 7c ; cow loins , No. 3 , l > c ; beef trimmings , 3i4c ; rump butts , Be ; shoulder clods , PORK Dressed hogs. So : pork loins. Clio ; pork tenderloins , ICc ; spare ribs , So ; bam sausage , bulls , Cc ; pork shoulders , rough , 4'.ic ; pork shout- dcrs , skinned , Be ; pork trimmings , Be ; leaf lard , not rendered , Cc. MUTTON Dressed lamb , C'.ic ; dressed mutton , Cc ; rucks , mutton , SVic ; legs , mutton , SJJc ; sad dles , mutton , Si.ic ; stew , 3c ; sheep plucks , 3c. MISCELLANKOUu HONEY Fnncy white , per lb. , 14c ; choice , lie ; California , amber color , lOc. CIDER Clarlllcd Juice , per half bbl. , J2.DO ; per bbl. , H.23JM.PO. , SAUER KRAUT-Per half bbl. , Jl.75fl2.00 ; bbls. , I3.C003.23. MAPLE SVRUP-Flve-gal. cons , each , J2.1S- gnl , cans , per doz. , 112 ; Imlf-gui. cans , JG.25 ; T.mrt cami , FIGS Imported fancy , B crown , 50-lb. boxcj , ICc : choice. 10-lb. boxes. 3-crown , 12c. Nt'TS Almonds , Callfoinla , per lb. , large size , 13e ; Ilrazlls , per lb. . lOc ; English wal nuts , per lb. , fancy , soft shell , 12J12'fcc : stand ards , llifll'.ic ; filberts , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , pol Ished. large , USlOo ; jumbo. llSll'o ; large hick- cry nuts , 11.25 per bu. ; mmll , Jl.BO. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green hides. Be ; No. 2 green bides , 4c : No. 1 green'Failed bides , 7c ; No. S gleen tailed hides , Cc ; No , 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 2 venl calf , S to 15 Ibs. , Cc ; No. 1 dry Hint bides , 9 < J10c ; No. 2 dry flint hides. 7fSc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , SJJflc ; part cured hides , Uc per lb. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS-Orecn salted , each , 25flCOc ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , ir.c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1. each , to ; dry Hint. Kansas und Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4 3c ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 384c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool : < elts , per lb , actual weight , 45c ; il.-y Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , Siflc ; feet cut off , ns It U useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND OREARE Tallow , No. 1 , 3Hc ; tallow. No. ! , 2ic ; grease , wlilto A. 3'lc ; grease , vblto H. 2Ue : greiipe. yellow , 2c ; grease , dark , ivtc ; old butter , 2@2V < c ; besswax , prime , li > w 22c ; rougn tnitovr , iu. I.lvcriiiiol LtVEHPOOL , Nov. 18. WHEAT Spot dull ; Icmnnd poor ; No , 2 red , spring , 7s ld ; No. 1 'ullfornla , 7s 7d. l > * utures opened easy , with near nnd distant positions lUd lower ; closed teady , with December ' .id lower and other nontbs > < d loucr ; business about equally ills- rlbuted ; Noxember , nominal ; December , Cs 10d ; nnuary and Februnry , Cs lOVid ; March , Cs lOljil. fOUN Spot dull ; American mixed , new , 3s id. Futures opened quiet , with near positions lid lower and distant positions ? 4d lower ; closed tcady , with near positions UB'.id lower and Utant positions U < 1 lower ; bimlnei < a alxjut qually distributed ; November , 3s H4I ; December , s I'.i'l ; January , Febmary and Mnrclr , 3s ? 4d. FLOUlt Dull ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy \'lnter , 9s M , PIIOVISIONS Ilacon , dull ; demand poor ; Cum- lerland cut , 23 to 39 Ibs. , 28s ; short ribs. 20 to I Ibs. , 28s Cd ; long clear , light , 25 to M Ibr. . " 9s Cd ; long clear , heavy , 40 to 45 Ibs. . 28s Cd ; : iort clear backs , light , 18 Ibs. , 2Cs ; short clear nlddles , heavy , 45 to 60 Ibs. , 24s ; clear bellies , 4 to 1C Ibs , , 41s. Tallow , fine North American , Os. Heef , extra" India mess , 65s ; prime mess , 3s. Pork , prime mess , tine western , 60s ; mc- luni western , 42s Cd. I ird , dull ; prime western , Is ; refined. In palls , 21s Cd. t'HEnsi' } Firm ; demand moderate ; finest \merlcnn wlilte nnd colored , September , 51s. HUTTI3II Finest United States , W ; good , COs. OILS Unseed , 17s. Petroleum , refined , C'/4d. HEFUICIEHATOR HEEF-Forequurter. 3J4d ; ilndqunrter , B'id. HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , 3 Cs. ColTcu MnrUrt. NEW YOUK. Nov , 18. COFFEE-Ontlons pencil steady , wllh prices 5010 points lower ; ruled generally wenk under European liquidation nd local selling , following heavy llrazlllan re- elpts and weak spot markets ; closed h teady at 0 points net decline ; sales , 17,000 bags , Including iecember , (9.30 ; March. O.40. Spot coffee , Rio , dull : No. 7 , Invoice. (10.25 ; Jobbing , (10.75. Mild , stendy : Cordova , (15.00017.00. Total warehouse deliveries from tbe I'nlted States , 17K)7 ! ) bags. IncludingIC.SfO bncs from New York ; New York Hock today , 339.7M bags ; I'nlted States slock. S,229 , bags ; afloat for the United States , 303,000 bags : total visible supply for the United States , C9J.229 bags , ugalnet BCM05 baes lart year , SANTOS. Nov. IS. COFFEE Weak : good av erage Hanios , 12,400 rels ; receipts , 31,000 bags ; stock. 6SOU0 ! bags. HAMIll'lta. Nov. IS. COFFEE-IIollday. RIO , Nov. lS.-cOFFEE-Julet ; No , 7 Rio , 11. . .W rels : exchange. 81-lCd ; cleared , for thu United States , 11.000 bags ; for Europe. 5,000 bags ; slork. 33C.OCfl bags. HAVRE , Nov. 18.-COFFEE-Cloeed excited at a net loss of IffUJf ; rales , 60,000 bags. Cotton 'MiirUft. ST. LOUIS , Nov , 18.-CX1TTON Steady to 1-lCo Irher ; middling , 7 B-Kc ; sales , 1.025 bales ; re. elpts. 8S2 bales ; rhlpmvnti , 459 bales ; stock , 30- 729 bnler. NUvV YORK. Nov. 18.-COTTON Futures loieJ wcuk ; tales. 259.800 bales ; January , (7.52 ; ebniury. (7,69 ; March , (7.C5 ; April. (7,70 ; May , 7.75 ; June , (7.7S ; July. (7.81 ; November , $7.38 ; Jeceinber. (7.42. NEW YORK , Nov. 18-COTTON-8pot. closed nil ; middling , uplands , 7 ll-ICo ; middling , gulf , ir.-ir.e ; siilrs , 353 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. IS.-COTTON-Qulct ; ilddlltiK. 7Uc ; low mlddllnt ' , , 7 MCo ; good or- Inary. 6 13-Uc. _ _ _ _ Dry NEW YORK , Nov. 18. Iluyers are present n very good numbers , but Hie business effected * not In keeping with the attendance. The irealer demand appears routined to moderate elections of fabrics suitable for curient wants , ur which tbe consuming requests snow steady miiroveinent. Tbe placing of orders for spring : oes forward with tome steadiness , with Oe arucr Inquiry telnit made for colton dress goods of nit claries. Printing cloths stendy nt ! Xcvitii the sales to far this week nliout 300,000 pieces. J sToric.sM > iio.vns. ( 'oncrnl tiiiiiri'rmlnii In Slii'C'illatlvc j Clr 'lM I'nvorsi llrttcr TlnicN. I NEW YORK , Nov. IS. TinKencrnl linprcs- | slon In speculative circles today was that the reactionists Imd been defeated. A variety of Influences seemed to favor that position , IncludIng - ' Ing the lessened outside Interest , the St. P.iul catnlngs for Ihc second week In November , . showing n decrease tn gross of 1214.000 ; the I apprehension of renewed rnto disturbances In I the routh .in n result of the falluic of t.ic Ryan D ndlealc to tecure control of the Seaboard Line and continued moderate telling or our securl- I tics for foielgn account. As a inntter of fact , bowcver , tbe sold-out bulls anil professional bulls failed to create more than n temporary I diversion , owing to the stubborn attitude of the holders and owners of slocks. Tlic market opened active nnd lower , with .the high-priced | Fp.claltlcs bearing the brunt of the nttncks , I Sugar wns hammered In connection with re ductions In t.ic price of foreign nnd domestic j grades uf the product nnd reported unsntlsfuc * | lory trade conditions. Manhattan sagged In the absence of Insidesupport. . The action of tbo ) Metropolitan Trust company Interest In Issuing ! new clock and declaring n 20 per cent divi dend appeared to unfavorably affect tne llrst ; mentioned transportation flock. The market 1 soon lapsed Into dullness and some slight re coveries were noted , due to supporting orders nnd covering by shorts. Around 1 o'clock nn ntlnck on Tennessee Coal forced Hint specialty down 1 % per cent nnd exerted n sympathetic depressing Influence on other stocks , but the market ns a whole lacked feature nnd rplrlt and business wns meager. In the Into dealings Metropolitan Traction jumped B per cent to 114 , but later reacted to 112(4. ( The general Hut also exhibited strength , particularly Manhattan nnd Sugar , which Improved IH and Hi per cent respectively from tbe early low level. American Spirits preferred , Tennessee Coal jind l.on and Chicago Gns were In good demand at advancing Htiures. Pacific Mull failed to reflect the divi dend declaration , the distribution of 1 per cent ; the llrst In mnny years , having evidently been discounted. Tbe closing wns strong ut unim portant net changes either way. Railway bonds were dull nnd a shade lower tn most Instances , The sales were $1,333,000. Governments displayed a broadening tendency on purchurcs of JCO.OOO. The Evening Post's London financial cable gram says : All Hie Flock markets were life less and dcprerFCd today. Mines were Hat. The special Fcttlement In mining shares mentioned yesterday will be finished tomorrow. Two Job bers bad to cloFC their accounts today , but the matter has been arranged now so that prob ably no failure will be announced tomorrow. The oilier dcpicsslng factor Is the dearer money market. The market discount rate la 34 per cent and thcro Is talk of a 'rise In the bank rate tomorrow , but no change Is really probable , Tbe reason for tbe rise In money Is that London reems more likely to lose gold yet to mnn > quarters , with no sign of nny Inllux. The In dian council sold only 10 lakhs of drafts today. The Indian government Is raid to be wanting money nnd will very likely IKSUC a sterling loan before long. The Paris bourse wns dull , but closed better on tbe rise In Spanish stocks. The Merlin market was di'll. Tlic following were tbe closing quotations on the lending stocks of tbe New York exchange today : offered , tall assessments paid. The total E.ilcs of stocks today were 215.340 shares. Including : American Siisar , 33,700 ; IlurllliRtOD , 10.COO ; Chlcaco Uus , 9,200 ; Ixllllsvlllc & Nushvllle. 7,300 ; Manbnltan , 9,500 ; I'ncine Hall , 3,200 ; Ueadlne. 8,900 ; llock Inland , 7.SOO ; St. 1'aul. 7.DOO ; Tennessee Coal nnd Iron , 12,400 ; Southern railroad , 3,300 ; Southern railroad pre ferred , S.4CO. \tMv A'ork Jlonoy .1Iirkct. NKW YOUK. Nov. 18. MOXUV ON CALL 2'ifi' ' ! per cent ; last loan , 3 per cent ; closed , 3'j I'ltlMK MK11CANTIM3 PAI'KR-506 per cent. KTBUL.INC1 nXCIIANGi : Klnner. with nctiiHl business In bankers' bills nt ( I.S5ff4.S34 ! for de mand and ('iW4.S15 for sixty ( Jays ; posted rates , (4.82HU4.S31& and jt.SCiJ4.S7 ; commercial bills , $4.M ) > * . 1IAII SIbVEIl C5c. HII.VEIt CKllTI-'IICATKS-e30C5 > 4c. C.OVKHNMKNT 1IONOS Firmer ; state bonds quiet ; rnllroad bonds easier. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : ( Silver barn. OM c ; Mexican dollars. C.'c. .Sight drafU , 5o ; tulozr.iphlc , lUo , \ < nv YurU Mining Quotations , NKW YCU'C , Nov. 13-Tho following arj tlio closing mining raio' i 11AR SILVER-29d per ounce. MONEY UiSty per cent. Tlio rale uf discount In the open market for short and threw months' bills Is 3li per cent. In tint Iron .Market. CHICAGO. Nnv. IS.-Thn InduMrlul World to morrow will say ; Continued Improvement Is uoUd In the Iron market , 1'lir Iron Is Hrm at last week's O.Unintl < hKnil.M t < r No. 2 foundry. nnd sales Imvc ttun , lictlvr. Mnny mummers , arc covering future iifVfl . The demand In broad- I cnliiK for finished products. Plalcs hnvo b en ordered for nve larncw lake propellers nnd schooners , nml qmtntlona en tniik uteri nro stronger nt ll.4nci.4j , . inquiries are made In the market for 33.000 frnifthi cnrc , with prospects for still greater rqulpiiienj conitructton. Quito generally - orally priors nto tttvnfrcr. The pool stems tii b rapidly dlMntceratlng nnJ quotations nro weak ening almost dally. - \Voitl i.Mnrkot. 11OSTO.V. Nov. iK'-The American Wool nn.l Cotton Reporter will rpy tomorrow of tlio wool trade : The rales of wool for tlio week In lloston , 1'hll.iiUlphlp. anil .New .York aggregate fi.TBS.dOO i His. , 3.092CO Ibs. Wink domestic and I.CCS.OCO His. foielgn. Tlieio liaslutti n fnr-rcnching movuiunt tlio pust week , and a , Jarge amount of business 1 was dcnp. Homo dealers , houevcr , are doing next to nothing , preferring to hum their wool for lilRlicr | rcos. Tlio quctatlr.ns will , h trj mndo today In mnny quarters reflect the feeling of en- rouragcmfnl now ro wllely prevalent regarding tlio future of the wool market It Is noteworthy that tlio first holder * of wool have advanced their prices nluiit 100 per cent more than have tlio mi-rclmnts and commission dealers nt the dlstrlb- , ullng centers In the laft tew weeks. Prices have advanced ic to 2c In lloston , an against 2o to 4c In the wont. Territory wools have not been the feature they were a week or two ago. while the i movement of domestic wools Is less than n week ago. although sales of foreign have been larger. Sales In the three- principal market * since Janu ary 1 nRKrcBnto 207.911,431 His. , against 313,781.287 Ilis. last ycnr. XIMV York Wliont. NE\V YORK , Nov. 18 , Wheat was braced up nearly 2o n bu. today. Tlio bull side had most of tlio news In Its favor , the most con spicuous factor being n resumption of export demand both here nnd on the Pacific coast. Locally about 250,000 bu. were reported to have been told for shipment , Including some $0,000 bu. for Australia , Cash demand at the weft was also Rood nnd reports Kenerally Indicated the pprlns wheat movement Imd about reached Us maximum for the present. Korelgn housea were sellers early , causing December to open Ho lower at S3Vic. Prom this point there was n steady rise to 87'lc , the close lielng at 8"c. Late foreign news was helpful to the bulls. City . KANSAS CITY , Nov. 18. Wheat very dull and lO2c higher as a rule ; No. 2 hard , nominally. 75fi > 7Cc ; No. 3. C3i.4Jf74c : No. 2 red , S5JS9c ; No. 2 rprlng. 74f75c ; No. 3 , C9Hc. COUN Fairly active ; No. 2 mixed , lOSJWic ; No. 2 white , 20ZO',4e. OATS No. 2 mixed , nominally , ISc ; No. 2 while , old , nominally. 23T2nc. RYE Klrm : No. 2 , nominally , unchanged. HAY Steady and unchanKed. MUTTEH Firm ; creamery , ICCl'o ; dairy , 10JP l"c. l"c.KOGS KOGS Steady nt 17'Jc. I'rnrln Market * . PEORIA , Nov. IS. COIIN Market easy , lower ; No. 2. 23c ; No. 3. 22'le. OATS Market quiet. Irregular : No. 2 white , SlttZMic ; No. 3 white. ICKfJISe. RVK Se-nrco ; market nominal. \\IIISKY-Maiket steady ; nnlshcd Roods on the lm la of 11.18 for high wince. IIEC'EIPTS Corn. 65.250 bu. : oats , 31,000 bil. ; rye. none ; whisky , none : wheat , 3.0CO bit. SHIPMENTS Corn. 750 bu. ; oats. 78,400 bu. : rye , none ; whisky. S70 bu. ; wheat. 4,200 bu. i SiiKnrMarket. . NEW YOniC. Nov. IS. SUGAR Raw , quiet ; fair refining , 2Sc ; centrifugal , OS test. 3Uc. ] to fined , quiet ; crushed , Bic ! ; powdered , 44c ; grami lated. 4',4c. ' I.ONDON. Nov. IS.-SITOAn-Cane. dull ; heavy centrlftiRal , Java , Its 4Vid ; Muscovado , fair re fining , 10. * . Itcet sugar , weak and lower ; No vember , 9a l d ; December , O.i Ittd. Toledo Grain. CLOVER KKED-Dull ; steady ; prime cash nnd December , $5.CO. _ , moll * Wheat. MINNEAPOLIS. . . Nov. IS.-WHEAT-Very strong ; November : 7S'Jc ; December , 78sjf7-c : " Mny. SlUc : on track. No. 1 bard. fO'.jc ; No. 1 northern. 79V4c ; No. 2 northern , 77ic ; receipts , KG cars , T Oil Cll > * Mnrkof. OIL CITY. Pa. . Nov. IS. Ciedlt balances. Jt.17 ; ccrdllcalr ! ' . no bldrf ; shipments , 84,173 bbls. ; luns , 106,010 bbls. o ' 'Pr.lxen , Wheat. . SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. IS.-WHEAT-Qulct ; Mny , $ l.C3fc ! ; Ueccmben $1.57 % . I'liinnc.ljilotcH. . I1OSTON. Nov.18. . ( Hearings , J13,330,8SSr bal ances , JlC3f..203. b ' HALTIMORE , Nov. MS.-Clearlngs , J2.73S.C33 : balances , J339.3S7. ' L NEW YORK , Nov. IS.-Clearlngs balances , IS.Ml.COS. . I PHILADELPHIA. Nov. IS. Clearings , $12 , 223 . - 197 ; balances , Jl.613-.5lS- ST. LOUIS. Nov'IS. . Clearlngs , Jl.433.413 ; bal ances , t013.723 ; mohey , 'CHS per cent ; New Yorlf. exchange , 75c prcmlmnbhljl.premlum _ _ _ _ asked. I < * oreKH li'liinitclnl. I1ERLIN , Nov. 18. Exchange on London , eight days' sight , 20 marks 37 pig , PARIS , Nov. IS. Three per cent rentes , 102f C2lic for the account ; exchange on London , 23f 2IHc for checks. < LONDON , Nov. IS.wcJold Is quoted" at Iluenos Ayrcs today at 162.60 ; ' Madrid , 10.23 ; Lisbon , 47 : Rome , 1CC.10. The amount of bullion withdrawn - drawn from tlio Hank of England on balance to day was 6SOCO. A U 13W DEVICE. Vor HccordliiK Hie Letter Carrier * * HourM of Duty. To bear a gong lu close proximity to one's dcel : strike 3,000 times In a day of eight hours might be sufficient to drive some people ple crazy. However , Superintendent Mark Field of the Boston city delivery ( In the big postofllco building ) so far seems to preserve the tue of all his faculties marvelously well. Tbe ringing of the gong Is occasioned by the new clock arrangement Just put In by the government , says the IJwtou Advertiser. Uncle Sam now has no less than three differ ent checks upon the letter carriers connected with the HfMton office , and It , therefore , scorns impossible that ono of them should bo nblo to defraud by charging for overtime. In the first place thcro Is a timekeeper whoso solo duty It Is to note the tlmo when each of thp 155 carriers arrives In the morn ing and when each goes out on his route , and when each returns , on all of the various deliveries. The second means of determining accu rately the exact number of hours of duty performed la tbe trip report which each carrier Is obliged to file at tbo end of each day. This report reads , "Dally trip report of the actual tlmo consumed by , car rier No. . "I. , letter carrier No. , at Roston , Mass. , hereby certify that the time herein Is correct and covers all tlmo con sumed by mo this day In the performance of my official duties or other postal service. ( Signed. ) : " . " This portentous document Is preserved for the space of six years , and as 155 of these Imvo to bo ( lied ever } day considerable space In the post office IR required to pre serve so much bulky matter. Each trip report shows the tlmo arrived , the tlmo the carrier started out , and tbo tlmo ho returned on each and every trip. The reason It Is preserved six years Is because that Is the limit of tlmo In which claims for salary can bo ( lied before the court of claims. The third method of keeping tally on what the , letter carriers are doing is the clock service just put In. On the wall , In the pas sage near the desk of tbe city delivery su perintendent , are two clocks , the dials ap pearing exactly Ilka thosu of ordinary time pieces and at a dlstanco tbo observer might suppose that ho 'was looking upon an or dinary eight-da wall clock about three feet long by olglit Inches wide , but as he comes nearer hqf finds that the lower half of each clock cgijtnns | a peculiar arrange ment with a keyhole. Also on the wajl'nro two keyboards and a set of ICG keys , piip key to each carrier. When the caroler , arrives In the morning ho takes the key from ono hoard , which Is known as the "Outb'b'ard , " Inserts It In the kcyholo of the first"clock and turns It. Ono ward of the key contains an Impression , dle- uiink , of the carrlu'r'a number , and as he turns the key luiltho lock bis number Is stamped on a tnpb , arul 'also the time , and at the Hamo tluifn ) gong rings. Ho then hangs the key , , ypqi ; the "Inboard" and COPS to his desk * | r j When ho start's. , .on his first delivery be takes tbo key fcopi the "Inboard , " Inserts It In the koyh6lq 'of the "out-clock" nnd the number of 'the key and tbo I line arc slainped on the t po within Just as they were on the other clock. When ho returns ho repeats this performance upon the first clock. It would seem pretty dlfllcult under such conditions for any carrier to cheat tbo gov ernment. ToiMIIIIHCll'M IIOIU'H. The bpnes of old Tecumseh , skeleton No. 20 , of the McKccs Hock mound , are lying In Htato In a glass cane In tbo Carnegie inufioiim , says the I'lttsbtirg 1'ost. Around the neck are bono bends and ornaments , just as they were dug up from the earth. When Andrew Carneglo view * the rcmainti next Thursday at 2 o'clock thin Inscription will toll him what ho Is looking at : "This skeleton was found fifteen feet and four Inches from the top , and near the center of the mound. Krom 1U position and the number of IU ornaments , Iniplo- inciila and weapons found an tills skeleton , U Is Inferred that this Is the warrior for whom tbo iround wan built. " OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Heavy Run of Oattlp Brings About a Fcoling of Wcaknosi , SUPPLY NO MORE THAN THE DEMAND Ilrealc In Oilier 'MurlielM l.ocnl l > fU-fN--ll < iKH .Sr'il nl UnrliiiiiKiMl Prloen -Slioep Stonily. SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. IS.-llccolpIs for the days Iiullc.itea were : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. , November IS VJS > 3 3.293 " . < 2 < November 17 ' . ' .w ; ! 4,18'J .VJ 153 November 10 3 , ! " % t"01 " 1.0S7 M November H. . . . ' . . 1,7W 3,7il & ( HI November III 1,270 3PflJ 1,421 20 November 12 2 , (39 ( 3,437 7C2 November 11 3.CSO 4,5CTi 4,202 48 November 10 2.1tiO 3Sfi2 1,0'iD November 9 l.CUD 747 3,450 November 7 1,413 , 2,053 The olllclul number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hog : . Sheen. C. , M. & St. P. Hy 1 O. .t St. U Ily 1 Missouri 1'aclilo Hy 2 3 Union IMclilc system : ; < ; 3 H. & M. u. H. u n ; si C. , H. & Q. Ily 21 5- C. . H. I. & I' . Ily. . cast 3 C. , U. I. & 1' . Uy. , west. . . . 0 . . u C. , St. I' M. & O. Hy. . . . 1 1 P. , K. & M. V. U. U 2J 10 2 Total receipts I..1M 51 1 The disposition of the day's receipts wa ns fqllows , each buyer jnirclmslng Ihc num bcr of bead Indicated : Huyers. Caltlo. HOSTS. Sh cp Omaha. Packing Co 47 ftU O. H. Hammond Co CSI SSI Swift and Company 2W Mfi 70 Cudahy PacklnpCo f.lll 1,523 K H. lleckcr and Dcgan. . . . 511 . . . . 2J J. \4. \ Carey 2TS l.obman & Hotlischllda. . . . . | 7t > . . . . . . . \V. I. Stephens llfi Hill & I uwlH company. . . . 01 Hen ton & - underwood So Huston & Co 23 . . . . Nelson Morris , Chicago. . 347 . . . . Clidahy. Kansas City MO . . . . Hrlttaln & Co. , Iowa 305 Other buyers 4S."i . . . . 7rB Left over 2W . . . . B Total 4.S12 3.H29 2,12 CATTLE There wore plenty of cattl here today , nsoll as at other markets , nut as a result of tbo largo run there was som weakness all along the line , There wcr none too many cattle hero for tbe demand but this market suffered from the weak IIOSH of other markets. Good beef steers wore not nt nil plentiful notwithstanding the largo receipts , nnd as there was the usual good demand , value on such were Just about steady. The com mon kinds of killing cattle wore not sucl free sellers , tbo market on such belnt slow nnd weak and In extreme cases GlHOc lower. The offerings of butchers' stock wore largo , consisting of as many as forty loads of cows and heifers. The market \\ns generally orally easier from the causes noted above and ns much as S'fflOo lower on the more undesirable grades. Tbe trade was Incllnct to be a little slow. Stackers and feeders were In largo sup ply. but there was also n demand of vorj liberal proportions. A gooil many buyers wore In from tbo country looking for cattle and the regular yard operators were fret buyers. As a result the most of the caltli changed hands .In good Hcason , nt least all that could be considered at all desirable The excellent character of tbe dcmaiu served to keep up values and the prices paid for desirable kinds at least were fullj as good as yesterday. IteprcBontatlvo sales NATIVES. 11EI2F STKKI19. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. 2. . . . WO J2 75 3..1273 13 CO 20..11PO 4 00 .10114 SCO 40..1S31 360 37..1187 423 .1C10 3 CO COWS. , . . S10 1 M . . 7JO 2 40 .13M 2 COCO . . 7M 1 75 . .1190 2 40 .WO CO . . P50 1 75 . . C70 2 40 2 CO . . ! > 30 2 00 1320 2 40 2 S3 . .1215 200 . . 9M 2 40 e. . .10.13 70 . . SW 2 00 . .1140 2 40 3. . . 9V 75K . . t > so 2 15 910 2 43 2. . .1035 K . .10T.O 2 15 2 CO 8. . . 7S2 90 . . 841 2 15 . . . .1120 2 CO 7. . . 7C7 60 . . S12 2 25 . . . .1100 2 SO 1. . .1470 3 00 . . 780 2 25 . . . .1183 2 SO 1. . . SCO 3 CO . . SS3 2 25 . . . .1210 2 GO 7. . .1010 3 00 . . 90S 2 25 , . . .1333 2 CO 1. . .1540 3 00 HEIFERS. . , 430 1 90 . . . . 733 2 70 1. . COO 3 10 . . 420 2 CO . . . .1170 2 75 1. . ,540 , 3 25 . , 920 2 CO . . . . 470 2 75 7. . D223 23 HULLS. . .ir.po 2 25 . . . .1HO 2 50 1. . . 950 2 f,5 . .12CO 2 25 . . . .1400 260 1. . .1170 2 K . .HO 2 35 . . . . U10 2 CO 1. . .1530 2 Co . .ICTji ) 2 40 . . . .1240 2 SO 1. . .1030 . .13C3 2 45 , . . 710 2 tG CALVES. . . 320 2 CO . . . 3.,0 3 30 130 4 CO . . 1W 2 75 . . . 373 3 tO 1M & 00 . . 340 3 0 < ) . . . 2S3 3 70 193 ceo . . 310 3 00 STAGS. MII.KHILS AND SPIUNGliHS. No. 1'r. 1 rprlugcr (2300 1 cprlnicer 2G (0 1 row nnd cnlf 2S 00 1 springer 30 0 ( 1 sprliiKer 35 ( K 1 eow and calf 35 0 ( 1 caw nnd calf 37 00 1 cow and calf 42 10 WESTKIINS. NUUIIAKKA. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 2 bulls . 1230 (2 00 1 feeder. . . . 750 (2 75 2 bulls . 14' > 0 2 10 5 cows .1030 2 E5 6 cows . 1041 2 1 1 feeder. . . .1100 2 90 1 cow . 940 2 23 1 feeder. . . .1130 3 CO 23 feeders. . . .1315 3 23 3 feeders. . .12S3 3 25 11 cowu . HS8 2 50 1 feeders. . .1107 3 30 S raws . 1020 2 70 30 feeders. . . 000 3 33 4 KIUKS . 9G3 2 75 4 feeders. . .1210 3 45 1 feeder . 700 2 75 72 feeders. . . 740 3 55 COLORADO. 4 bulls 12C3 2 40 23 feeders. . . MS 3 33 3 heifers 420 2 05 .1115 3 45 2 feeders. . M.T 3 00 17 feeders. . .1255 300 11 feeders..1033 * ' Hartlett. 2 cows 1090 230 7 heifers. . . .1011 2 DO 1 bull 1240 2 SO 40 feeders. , . . UIS ! 3 CO 3 cows 1023 2 50 52 feeders. . . .1143 3 r.o 13 cows 1077 2 CO 71 feeders. . . . 923 3 53 22 cowa 1033 2 70 185 fuedcis. . . .1034 3 55 13. P. Schoenemuker. 21 cows 079 2 25 2 COW3. . . . .1005 2 CO CS feeders..1132 3 45 Mcl'hce : Mullen. 9 cows ! > S4 2 25 CO COWH . 1003 2K5 1 cow 970 2 D5 2 feeders. . . . bTO 3 50 KST11AYS. 4 cows . 1017 2 15 1 feeder. . 1230 3 00 3 heifers . t'.K ) 2 C5 1 feeder. . 1250 3 00 WYOMING. 5 rowa . 1034 2 23 21 feeders , . . . ! > S7 3 W 10 cows . 1031 2 70 1 calf . 100 4 50 1' . G. Quealey. 26 feeders. . . .1154 3 10 .Miller & IIIlnndH. 14 cows . 9S2 2 15 4 feeders. . . ! ' 77 3 00 2 sirs , tlR. . . C25 215 1 sir , tlir. . . 1180 3 25 C bulls . 1436 2 25 2 feeders. . . 450 3 30 3 sirs , tlf..lOCfi 2 M 24 cahen 395 3 HO 3S o & h . 915 2 SO 67 feeders. . . 977 3 CO 13 heifers . C73 3 CO 28 feeders. . . 474 385 McKurlane & Cocliranc. 11 feeders. . . . 9SO 3 35 35 ctccra . 1190 3C5 IDAHO. IDAHO.C 1 bull..T..1420 2 20 C feeders. , . .HIS 2 75 2 bulls 1430 2 35 1 heifer . 650 3 25 4 cows 1145 2 45 C3 feeders. . . .1117 3 40 C cows 93S 2 43 1 feedc-r . CC9 3 40 1 cow 102i ) 2 M 41 feeders. . 3 40 1 bull * M 2 CO 30 feeders. . . 1CC6 3 CO J. I * llakcr. 3 bulls 1210 2 25 f > feeders. . , 792 3 25 1 ntng 1COO 2 25 12 feeders. . .10KI 325 3 Kirs , tig..1050 2 70NKVADA. NKVADA. 2 feeders. . . . 900 1 75 22 feeders. . 903 2 50 13 cows Kfc5 1 75 31 cows 8(3 2 90 16 cows 793 175 8 calves. . . 372 3 00 J cow 820 2 00 79 feeders. . 975 3 S5 1 feeder JOO 2 00 3 feeders. . 423 375 1 feedc-r 10CO 2 60 a. M. Moody. 23 cows 1017 255 103 feeders..1001 3 30 C. H , Hale. 41 cows. . . . , SCO 2 40 43 feeders , . . . 911 3 25 U. J. Jones. 2 COWS . 1035 2 25 32 feeders. (90 3 40 20 cows . 979 275 Thomas Hunter. 2 bulls. , . 1255 220 40 feeders. , . 630 3M 11 stags , . 1404 2 20 3 feeders , . . 973 3 40 8 feeders. . . .1002 285 26 feeders , . .1136 340 64 feeders. . . .1043 330 19 steers 1125 365 D. T. Shirk. 1125KO t cow . 720 200 2 heifer KO 275 " 0 bulls . 1305 210 2 feeders , . . S 300 5 cows . . . MO 2 45 13 feeders. . . 935 335 SOUTH DAKOTA. P. Oil. 1 cow . 1010 275 feeders..1184 3 25 2 feeders. . , . 1110 2 85 I ) . Owens. | bull . 1170 225- 2 cows , . . , , , . WO 280 C cows. . . . . . . . W2 S60 16 feeder . 1093 3 SO ' T. McArtbur , 1 feeder . 1110 276 23 feeders , . , .1073 330 t feeder . 1270 3 0 HOCJH Today's liudlng In the hog division was vltliout feature of Importance anil was soon over with. Tim demand was uood and the buy- rs were all out early , with the reeult Ihut Trag ically evvrythlni ; told In uood ecanon. Tin I I prices pal' ' were UNI came ( is prevailed on yes- trrd.iy's innrket , there Iwlng nn qitutnble vhniigo In values. .Summed up tn n few \\or.1s tt was a pie < l , active and utmily market. Heavy lions sold hugely nl J3.OMt3.10 , with light hogs ruiiKlng ns high ns JJ.ZJ , llrpri-irntn- ClllC.UiO 1.1VH STOCK. Clml oc Cuttle .Striinm-r , Imt Other CrniloM Were AVrnlc. CHICAGO , Nov. IS. Cbolec rattle were MronRcr , but other grades wore Wcnk. Snlea were on n basin of from J3.0 to J3.75 for tlio poorest beef utrc-rs up to from 1.1 to J5.21 for prime to extra cnttlc , with the bulk of the cattle going at from fl to $1.75. There wns an nctlvo itocker nnd feeder trade nt from J3.10 to S3.SO , with a few niU-s at from J2.S5 to J3. Cow * nml heifers pold lnrtely ut from } 2 to 13.25 , with pcutti'rltiE sales of extra line heifers nt from 13.7S to ! 4.35 , Hulls Fold nt from J- to J3.VO , nnd eliotce calves nt { 5.50. Missouri nnd KnnsnH corn- fi-d steers were. In demand nt from J3.M ) to 11.31 nnd Texns crudes of entile Fold nt from I2.C5 to 13.75 for FtrcrK , with eown frlllliK nruiinil J2.73. Most of the westerns Fold nt from 1.1.40 to (3.95 for Meerx , nnd nt from } 2.75 to $3.40 for cows , with prime pteers wanted nt from II to 14.23. Enrly snles of IIORS were partly nt lower prleo , but Inter n Etrciwer feullni : ret In , nnd IIORH were largely disposed of nt ycMerdny'H closing flcuren. Snles were mnilc of roarer , lienvy to prime medium wvlKlit IIORS nt fiom ? 2.95 to 33.45. with Kiilcs InrKfly nt from (3.20 to (3.40 and puckers celling nt from J3.10 to (3.29. Prices for sheep \ierc barely niy. Common to cbolee fhrvp i-old nt from (1.90 to $3.23 , year- lliiKS nt from $3.33 tn S3.M" . and lambs nt ( loin $3 to (1.W ) . KeedlnB sheep were sol 1 nt from J2.SO to (3 , nnd fcedltic lambs nt frpm J3.T.O to (3.75. Keedlng ewes Fold nt (2.50. Heeelpts : Cattle , 14.000 bend ; bogs , 34,000 head ; sheep , 10,000 head. KllliNil.M City I.lvc Silicic. KANSAS CITY. Nov. IS. CATTI.K Hceelptn. 9,000 bend ; shipments , C , < 00 bead ; best Krn.'en steady ; otliers wenk ; Texas steers. (2.00H3.CO ; Texns cows , (2.00fi2.f5 ; nallie steers , (3.10 f4.4d ; native cows nnd heifers , $ l.23 < fM75 ; Market * mid feeders. (2.M > iii3.5. bulls , (1.7Hf3..0. HOGS Itrreltn | , S.COO head : elilpinentp. 1'Clu' ; market steady to stroiiR ; bulk of snlex , f.l.llf ? (3.20 ; heavies. (3.12i3.25 ! ; pnrkrm. $3.10T3.20 ; mixed , S3.1.W3.27H : light. $3.1083.23 ; Yoiliers. (3.20 3.M ; lilgs , S2.COil3.CO. KIIEKl' Heeelpts , 2,000 bend ; tblimients , 200 head ; mnil < et tteady ; lambs , (4(0if4.50 ; mut tons , (1.23513.35. St. LdiilN Ilv < > Stiicl.- . ST. I.OP1S. Nov. IS. CATTLK Heceliits , 7.000 head ; shipments , 3,000 bead ; market xtendy for bi'-t rnttlu ; native slipping steers , (2.75 3.50 ; drcsM'd beef nml fhlilnt | ; steers , (3.2001.30 : rows nnd heifers , $2.00j3.25 ; Texas nn I Indian cntllo steady but slow ; steers , (2.2393.30 ; cows , $2.00H2 80. I1OUK Heeelpts , 8.0CO bend ; shipments , 3,000 head ; market sternly for heavies ; Ce lower on others ; light , $3.2033.30 ; mixed , J3.Mff3.23 ; lienvy. (2W3.30. K1IKEP Receipts. 2.000 head ; market dull and slow ; muttons , (2.2503.75 ; lambs , (3.00Q4.50. \riv York I.lro SluoU. NRYOIIK. . Nov. IS. IIEKVnK Itrrelpt * , 1,224 head ; flow : steers , lower ; oxen nnd bulls , steady : steers , S3.70IMJO ; oxen , (2.2Vff.15 ( ; bulls (2.2503.25 ; COWB , J1.10ii3.1. . . Cableu quote Amer ican rattle firm at 10iflOic , UreyteJ weight : sheep. Heady nt $ ( i9'c ' ; ; exports , 123 rattle anil 4,700 quartern of beef. SIIEKt1 AND LAMUS Receipts , 6.37C bead ; slow ; tbeep , lower ; lambs , steady ; sheep , (2.00i ? 3.25 ; "choice and. export sheep , (3.37iT3.i2'ii ! ( lambs. (3.6081.75 ; few fnncy , $4.10. HOGS Heceliits , 9,352 head ; steady at (3.500' 2.S5 ; pigs , (3.90O4.25. Stook In SlKlit. Record of live slock received at the four prin cipal markets , November 18 , 1596 : Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. South Omnhn 4.999 3.2711 2,421 ClilcnRO 14,000 34.000 1C.OOO KnnsaH City O.UiO S.MK ) 2.000 St. Louis 7,000 S.CU ) 2.000 Total SI.SJJ 03,276 22,424 Searl&s Ss Searles , srrciviisis iv Nervous , Chronic and Private Diseases , WEAK" MEN StXUAlLY. , MI 1'rlvalo Diseases Alltel DNordersuf Mod "i Treatment by ra-iil CmiHiiltatloti fri'o SYPH8LJS Cured for life and the poison thorou Hy cleansed from the syntnm. I ILK3. FISTULA nnd UICCTAL , ULCBHS , HYDHOCICLIJS niul VAHICOCEI-.IC pcrmnncntly and suc cessfully cured. Method new nnd unfailing STRICTURE AHD By new method without pa In or culling1. Call on or address with stamp. Dr. Scarlcs & Searles 1 19 B. Mth St. . , Gtunlia. Neb * Wo fiend the French llemcdy CAL7IIOS free , ( uj C.O , l/.l < t a lejnil cimr.intco ilmt CAI.TIIOS will 8TOI' DUclinrci-iuiiJ iinU : > Iau , CUIIKt'n rtnutorrlicu.'urlcocclc und IIKSTOIU ; l.o.llnnr. . Use it and fay ifsatiifitd , VON MOHL CO. , 332 O , New life , newstrenclh , new vigor. will bring- back your lost powers and etop forever Ihcdancerousdralnsnn yoursystem. They act quickly , create a healthy digestion , pure rich l > looj , firm muscles , runffJ strength , steady nerves nnJ a clear brain , $1.00 Per Box , 6 Boxes $5.00 , A legal guarantee tn euro or refund tlio money M till < > vcrvn 00 order , Add.'rss Bliermnr & McConnell Drug Co. , 151J Dodee St. . Omaha , CURE YOURSELF ! Uiin IIUMJ for miriliirol illiclinrKea , IiilUiniiiiilliiiis , IrrlUtlons ur nli-erntluiiii of in n conn nii'inlirarius. Pulnleii , unfi i.ct gent or polionciii , Nulil ! or tent In plain wrapper , by iixpri'f. prriml.l , for il. ( i.ir3 Uoltle..7S. . ClrcuUr trnr nn fp.ridt Cvrtlllcutn of I'litilluntliin. Olllcn ( if Auilltor of 1'ubllo AccounlH , Htato f Kobrnukn , IJncoln , Nov. 17 , IWi.It IH icroby certified that thu American JiondliiK nd Tru.Ht company of Haltlmoro , In the Into of Maryland , ) mx compiled with the iiBurnnco luw of tlilH utatu und In iiuthor- zcd to transact tlui IniHliifHi of Huroty In- urnnco In tlilH Htuto for the current year. \Vltnenw my hand und thu ooul of thu uclltor of public uccotmtH th day und year bovo written. KU01CNIC MOO I IK , Auditor I' . A. PATRONIZE ffySBFEgBH yty-JHJHMlCFiMBMII ss ssfc INDUSTRIES | Y puroliasing goods iniulo at tin : following Neb ran- leaf ctorlcH , If you can. not Iliul what you want , cnmmtmicntc with the * * * fi nutnufacturcr.s a.s to w li a t dealers haiullo their goods. BAGS. IlUIltiAl' AND TWINE. 1IKM1S UMA1I.V 1IAO CO. Mnnufncturc.i of nil klnJ of cotton end bur- Inp ljnB . cotton Hour nark * nnd twine a ftico- lalty. cil.nic is s. nth si. OMAHA 1IU1SW1M2 ASSOCIATIO.V Car load ililpineiitu mnile In our own rcfn _ eralor cat * , lliuc Hlbbon. lillte IJxoorl. Vlen\ Kxport nnJ ramlly Kxport delivered to all or the city. W011K8. DAVIS .V. llltl.VVUUU ( . Iron mid ManuracturriB nml Jolbcn of Mnchlr. ry. Ofa- < rnl repairing a unccmitv , iMl. 16V1 and UOS JickBon street , GiiiuliA. N'eS. l.NDUSTUIAl , IllO.X WOIIKS. Mnnufacturlr.K atij rcpnlrlnc of all Uiv.n of ir.nclilncry , cnRlnea , punum. i-Ievulura. pr nllnu prvuc * , linnirem , olmtung nna cuUplu.Ks. 14(5 ( nnd 140S Ilownril St. . Omtihn. .t vii-uii.\r. ino.vvoaics. . Mnnufnctuicrn at Archltecntral Inn Work. General Kuumlry. Alnchliie an. ! lIlnrkBinlil work. Knulneers nnd Conlraclon for I'lie I'roof llullil- Inst. Olllcc nnd work * : U. 1' . Hy. mil So. 17lh Jtrcet , Omahn. NIOHT WATCH. A.MIORICA.V DISTIIICT TIJLIjYill.YIMK The only perfect prot'.ctlcn to proputy Exam ine 'I. lies ! tiling on earth. Reduces Insurance rates. 1301 Douglas street. SHIHT FACrOIUES. J. II. J2VANS MillHASKA SIIIIIT COJIIM.VY. Exclusive custom shirt ta'lors- 1511 Karnnm. NOTICE. - - " \ Sealed proposals will bo received nt any tlmo on or before 2 o'clock , p , in. , on tbo Sib day of December , ISSfl , for tbo printing of nil bills for the legislature , with mic-h other matter as may bo oruerod by either bouse thereof , to be printed In "bill form , " which Is shown and designated an clusu one (1) ( ) under the printing laws of the state of Nebraska. Kor the printing and binding of ono thousand (1,000) ( ) copies each of the biennial , reports of the auditor of public accounts. f treasurer , secretary of state , commissioner of public lands nnd buildings , bureau of labor and Industrial statistics , and Ne braska llsb commission ; live hundred (500) ( copies each of the biennial reports of tbo attorney general , superintendent of public Instruction , state librarian nnd adjutant general ; two thousand (2.CUO ) copies of tbo biennial report of the roster of ox-soldiers , sailors and matlnos , residing In Nebraska June 1 , 1S1)7 ) ; one thousand (1.000) ( ) copies of the annual report of the State Hoard of Transportation for lS'JG-7 ; two thousand (2,000) ( ) copies of the annual report of the State Poultry association for 1897-8 ; and live thousand (5,000) ( ) copies cnoli of the an nual reports of tbo State Hoard of Agricul ture for 1S90-7 , nnd { bo State Hoard of Horticulture for 1S37-S , nnd nil other re ports ami documents that may bo ordered printed by the legislature , except such as may enter Into and form part of the journ als , which class of work Is known and designated as clans three (3) ( ) tinder tbo printing laws of Nebraska. Two hundred (200) ( ) copies of each of tbo above reports to bo bound In cloth covers , and the remainder In paper covers , with tbo exception of tbe reports of the Ne braska Klsb commission and the State Poultry association , which will all bo bound In paper , and the reports of the State Hoard of Horticulture , State Hoard of Agriculture nnd the roster of the ox-sol diers , Knllorn nnd marines , which will nil be bound In cloth. The bill work executed under class ono (1) shall be printed In small pica typo , on paper fourteen (14) ( ) Inches long by eight and one-half ( SV ) Inches wide , single page ; paper to bo twenty-eight (2S ( ) pounds double cap to the roam , and except the title pngo each page shall not contain less than twen ty-live (23) ( ) lines of solid matter of seven (7) ( ) Inches In length , exclusive of the page folio , and thf lines shall bo successively numbered with a blank only In each space between the linos. The title page of said bills shall contain not loss than eighteen ( IS ) lines as above , with three (3) ( ) Inchis additional space ullow- able for display title matter. Each bid shall Htato what the bidder Is Wlllimr to (111 tliovnrlt I'nmnlnto fnr tinr page , for the live hundred ( fi'O ' ) copies of "noli bill , also tbo price for additional hun dreds that may be ordered of the same bill at the same tlmo ns the original llvo 'iiiii'lrcd ( TOO ) Including composition , paper , press work , stitching , folding , punching , md all work or material entering Into tbo work required. All work executed under class ono 0) shall bo delivered lu good order by tbn eontractor to the olllco of the secretary of state within three (3) ( ) days after tbe receipt of the order by said contractor from the "linlrmnn of the committee In either branch of the legislature. All work executed under class throe (3) ( shall bo printed In long primer , brevier and nonparlol type , on paper , to bo nine (9) ( Inches long by nix ( ) Inches wide , slnglo page , paper to bo forty-llvo (45) ( ) pounds to tbo ream , of twenty-four (21) ( ) by thirty-six (30) ( ) , wlilto book. Each bid under class three (3) ( ) shall stale what the bidder la willing to do tho- work for , per page , on each report or Item In the class , including composition , paper , press work , stitching , folding and all work or material entering Into tln > work required. Galley nnd page proof must bo furnished when required by the olllcers of tbo executive department or tbo chairman of tbo com mittee on printing In either branch of the legislature. Work , when completed , to bo delivered free of expense nt tbo state bouse. Proposals for work In each of the abova classes will not be considered unless the same bo accompanied by a bond In tha sum of llvo thousand ( & > ,00.l ) dollars with two or more sureties ; ( hat In case the party proposing for such contract shall bo nward- ed tbo same , such party will , within llvo (5) ( ) days after tbo award to him of such contract , enter Into bonds for the faithful performance thereof , as provided by law and the terms of these proposals , Proposals shall bo marked , "Proposals for Public Printing , " and addressed to the State Hoard of Printing , In care of tlio Secretary of State , Lincoln , Nebraska. Contracts on clufs one (1) ( ) , as above spccl- lled , will bo nwardcd as a whole. Contracts on class three (3) ( ) . its nbnvn specified , will bo awarded In whole or In part , an the board may duct. Samples of the work to bu executed under cluiis ono (1) ( ) nnd three (3) ( ) may bo seen at the olllce of the secretary of state. Contracts on above classes , ono (1) ) nnd three (3) ( ) . to run two (2) ( ) years from Decem ber 8 , 1K > 0. The Btato Printing Hoard reserves th right to reject any or nil bids. Dated this llth day of November. 1890 , J. S. HAUTLEV. State Treasurer. E1T.HNE MOOHE. Auditor Public Accounts. J. A. PIPEH , Secretary of State. STATE PIUNTINa HOMID. N-lu-d-10-t JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 10IM ) . Oiiyiha , Neb. COMMISSION GRAIN : PilOYISIOSS : AND : Sr03I3 . Hoard of Trade , Direct wires to Chicago and New York , Correspondents ) John A. Warren A C x WHEAT BOOMING nnd never offered a beuer opportunity for mak ing money. Write E. tf. Murray & Co. , nunlKTH & llrokers , 122 Itlulto Hide. , C.ilcano , i- members uf tbe Chicago Hoard of Trnde In vooj - itundliiK , for Ilielr bonk on SlutUtlcs and l < | ieu latlve Information , and Dally Market I.ellnr. . ItU tiff. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO > OV O1C TOWM ORDISRH HIDES WANTED. HlgheHt market prtco paid and prumpt return ! Reference Oniiiha National Hank , ' F. 8. BUSH & CO. , No commtuulun , Ola s , lath St. , Ouialia , Hub