Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 10 , 1800.
Mows lifttl been gtruck with n heavy , blunt
City Phynlclnn Illythln next testified. Ho
Jmil found tlio deceased1 ! ! nkull fractured
In two places nnd had nlso noticed tlio
iiurkd of flnKcra on Hutionplllcr's throat.
Ho wan of tlio opinion that four blows had
been Rtruck. In other dMnlln he corrob
orated the testimony of Dr. Lee.
Dr. Towno. nsnlnlant city physician , mated
that ho had made two examinations of the
body. tils conclusion * were substantially
the same as the witnesses who had preceded
Jilm. except that the fraeturo at the base
of the brain was ten lnrhcn In length , llo
was of the opinion that death had resulted
from the blows of the Iron pin and not by
J. 1) . Ilutlcr , proprietor of the Windsor
Jiotcl , was railed. H testified that Klllott
had first called at his place of business
on November 7. He had engaged- board and
Ilulsonplller had called nnd registered with
his friend the next dny. HP had talkc
many limes with Ilutsonplllcr. who ap
pcarcd to bo an honest , Kood-hrarti'd fellow
Ills Riicflt had tolrt him Hint be was expect
Ing transportation to his home In Marquctlc
"VVyo. , and ho inlRht Icnvo any time. I as
Saturday evening Duller heard that th
two men had beat Ihelr former laiidlon
nt Hie Metropolitan and after Investigating
found It to bo true , and thrrcupon dunnei
both of them for their board In advance
Ilutnonplller appeared much surprised am
Raid ho had never beaten any one out o
n cent. Ho had Riven Elliott the mono }
Jin owed Landlord Ray and nupposcd It hai
been paid. Elliott was tnlklng nt the Hint ,
with Jock Vannoy , Just In front of the hotel
and when spoken to said ho would Ret the
money and would pay up.
The men then went to their room to talk
the matter over , Elliott assuring Ilutlcr thai
ho would get the cash from his friend as a
temporary loan with which to pay his bill.
A short time afterward Ilutlcr was summoned
to the room and found the men In an earnest
conversation. Elliott said he had been tin-
nlilo to negotiate a loan from bis friend , anil
with n little1 excitement pulled out Ills watch
and said , "Here , I am no deadbeat ; take this
ns security. " Duller tool : the watch am !
placed II In Ihe Kate. HutHonplllcr then paid
Ills own board up until Monday morning.
Concerning the events preceding the mur
der and following It Mr. Uutler's testimony
was Identical with his statements printed
yesterday morning. The same was true of
the tcciUmony of Clerk Stewart Slough.
Annie. Gaul , chambermaid , stated that El-
Holt ihad come out of his room whllo she
was fttfindlng In the hall , about 11 o'clock.
Ho had said to her , "I wish you would put
our room In shape whllo my friend and I
nro down to dinner. Ho does not feel well
and will want to llo down aflcrward. About
[ i o'clock she had gone to the room to take
in sonic towels , and upon opening the door
had slipped on the blood which saturated
the carpet. Eho saw a man lying on the bed
with his head among Iho pillows. The room
wan In great disorder and she had called
Clerk Slough.
Fred Ilurat , a barber In Iho Windsor holcl ,
was Iho next wltncM. He said : "Elliott
got Into my chair shortly after 4 o'clock ,
saying 'I expect to leave for the west on the
4:115 : train. You needn't waste moro time
on mo limn Is necessary , or I will net left.1
I asked him If his friend was going also
nnd ho said : 'Sure. I am going to lake
Hutch with me. ' I then talked with him
about the western counlry. about the huntIng -
Ing out there , nnd he ficcmcd very goc < l-
nalured and perfectly cool. Ho left the shop
about -1:15. : "
II. H. Hoes saw Elliott at the union depot
nnd recited substantially the same story
ns has alicady been printed. The testimony
In tbo ease concluded with the examination
of Jack Vannoy , who repeated the circum
stances of the meeting , an account of which
baa already appeared In The Dee.
After remaining out but a short tlmo the
'Jury returned a verdict "that the deceased ,
Gay Ilutsonplllcr , canio to his death from
blows received on the head Ironi a car coup
ling pin wielded by sonic person or persons
unknown. In room ID of the Windsor hotel , nt
Tenth and Jackson streets. In the city of
Omaha , Douglis county , Neb. , between thej
hours of 2 and 0:30 : p. in. , November 17 ,
1SOG. "
The remains of HutBonptllcr are still lying
nt the morgue , as no word has ax yet been
received from his brother , who Mnr-i
quctte , Wyo. , as to what shall bo done with
ilirt limit ?
Word was received by the local polled
last night from Sergeant Cox that ho had
arrived at Cedar Rapids , la. , and that the
man under arrest there was Elliott , the
man wanted In this city for the murder of
Gay IIutEonpIllcr. Ho did not state In the
telegram when ho expected to return.
CEDAIt UAl'IDS. la. . Nov. 18. ( Special. )
This morning about 1 o'clock the police were
notified to bo nt the Chicago & Northwcslcrn
bridge * over Iho Cedar at this point when
No. I ! passenger arrived at 1:30 : o'clock to ar-
rcnt n murderer who was on the train. Four
olllcers went to tbo place at once and were
ready when the train arrived. The train
etops on the brldgo until the locomotive
takes water at tbo tank Just this sldo of the
brldgo , nnd In order to guard against any
possibility of. the fellow escaping two olll-
cora went out onto the brldgo and ns the
train slowed up boarded the rear portion ,
whtlo a third mot Conductor Holten , who
had clmrgo of Iho ( rain , In the front car.
The man was sitting In the smoking room of
the chair car and was surrounded by Iho of.
fleers bcforo ho know what had happened.
Ho look matters very coolly and when told
that ho was under arrest simply said that
there must bo some mistake. Ho answered
the description perfectly , howuver , and the
olllcers decided there was no mistake about
it and told him that lie. must get oft the
train. Without fuithcr ndo ho askeil per
mission to get his grip nnd overcoat In the
chair car , and then asked lhat his baggage
bo taken off. This was done and ho was
taken to the station and locked up.
The fellow arrested , noconllnt ; to the
telegram received , letters In bis pocket
and an engraving on bin watch Is Charles
] { . Elliott , although he glvie the name of
Allen Oerard. Ho boarded the Northwest
ern train at Council Hindu and had pur
chased a ticket to Chicago.
At Iloone the conductor on the train , rc-
tnkc Aycr'a Pills , and you will
BlcL-p better and wake in better
condition for .the day's work.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills have no
equal a3 a pleasant and effect
ual remedy for constipation ,
biliousness , sick headache , and
nil liver troubles. They are
sugar-coated , and so perfectly
prepared , that they cure with
out the annoyanccsexperienced
iu the use of so many of the
pills on the market. Ask your
druggist for Ayer'a Cathartic
Pills. When other pills won't
help you , Ayer's is
colvod the following message from the chlel
of police of Omahn :
"Arrest for murder George Klllott , 2S
years old , flvo foot , ten Indira high , weight
1G6 pounds , Dlack hair , black moustache ,
dark eyes , black stiff hat , t.Mo Name' '
printed lab I In hat. Double-breasted ,
rough chovlot suit , black overcoat , WorldVi
fair tag In collar under hanger. IIoss filled
watch with 'OllU'tt' engraved. Left here
on Northwestern No. 2. Small red hand
satchel ; dry goods box 2x2x4 feet , rope han
dles anil bound with ropo. "
The description tallies exactly with the
man arrested , with some minor differences ,
nnd If ho Is not the man wanted he benra
n wonderful rroemblaneo to the mill who
did the murder. When taken to the stn-
tlon a revolver of the Uirrlngton-nich-
ardson Arms company make was found In
bin overcoat pocket. When about to bo
locked up ho asked for hli overcoat nnd
letters nnd when they wtro refused him
ho for the first time showed , to n alight
extent , the terrible strain he must nccea-
snrlly have been under.
Ho was peon this afternoon , but would
say but little. Ho professed Ignorance of
the clmrgo upon which bo had been ar
rested. anil when told that his rr.ommato had
been murdered , expressed greatest surprise.
He said that he nnd Hutsonplllnr had nr-
r.ingcd to lenvo Omaha on stock passes , but
were unable to secure thorn.
Shortly after noon ho called Hutsonplller
to their room. Ho ea < d nothing out of the
ordinary happened , nnd that Hutsonplllcr
left the room about 2 o'clock , and that bo
never saw him afterward. Ho went down
ohortly thereafter , paid the landlord. BO-
cure.l hl.i watch , end going to a ticket
brokers purchased a ticket to Chicago , leav
ing Omaha at 1:15. :
Ho scld ho was not much surprised to find
that Hutsonplller did not meet him In Coun
cil muffs nnd that he expected to nco him
In Chicago. Ho claims ho was nblo to pay
his board and redeem his watch , as ho had
just had some money sent him. Ho Bays hj
has no Idt-a who murdered bin roommate
and knows no cause why It should have been
do IIP.
HV takes matters very cool nnd when
visited this afternoon wns lying on his back
In bis cell rending n novel. When told his
roommate had been murdered and that ho
wan suspected of the crime he changed color
a particle , but his voice never riulvercd when
ho asked if that waa whal he had been
arrested for.
He did not say whether he thought ho
could provo hli Innocence. If ho Is worrying
any about it he dors not Hhow It In the
least. When the representative of The Duo
left bo nald Rood by nnd turned over to resume -
sumo reading his novel.
Out of courtesy to lliihop John P. New
man , who lectures on Friday night , the
concert by the First Methodist
church choir Is postponed until Tuesday ,
November 21.
Visit 1'inir PliuM-H iiiul SCIMUII.OHH
Tlitiii TiDnlliiiN. .
nurglnrs wcro very much In evidence last
Tuesday night and went about their busi
ness In systematic shape. They selected
Upper Farnnm street as a field of opera
tions and mode no less than four visits
within a distance of six blocks. Thi' ' thieves
who did the work arc evidently old hands
at the l-uslness nnd displayed considerable
nhill in lboir operations. They are what Is
known In police parlance n'S "transom work
ers. " Starting In at Twenty-fourth street
an entrance wns first effected at the store
of R. E. Welsh & Uros. . 223fi Farnam street.
The men nt once went to the safe , but only
found 78 cents in pennies for their trouble.
The safe hod been left open , as the propri
etors are not In the habit of leaving their
money in It at night. The men got In
through n transom of a rear door.
The next place visited wns the butcher
shop of S. Dreyfus , 2010 Farnnm street. The
men went through a transom of a rear
door ns In thn first Instance and then tapped
the till. They secured but 3 cents and prob
ably left In a buff at their poor luck , for
nothing else was disturbed. This is the third
tlmo In six weeks that the storp of Mr. Drey-
fiis Ins been vlBltcd by burglars. The first
time the burglars secured ? G from.the monuj
drawer and upon Iho second occasion $3.
Slnco the lest visit the proprietor has left
no money in the store at night.
From hero the thieves wont into the era.
cery store of Cleland & Smith , 200G and 2008
Farnam. but secured little for their trouble.
The plumbing shop of M. E. Free , 1800 Far-
Ham , was the last place tried and again the
tblovcs mot with , tholr former Iwrd luck in
securing llltlo of value. About 75 cents In
stamps was found in a drawer of the safe ,
which had not been locked , nnd with this
booty the men departed. Nothing in any
of the stores visited was disturbed except
ho cash receptacles , and It is evident that
ho men were not looking for anything but
stuff \\hich would not Incriminate them If
: aught. The police are on the lookout for
ho men. It Is thought they are members of
an organized gang , which has lately arrived
n the city and nro doing specialties In tbo
loreh climbing and transom working line.
The stores nt 1521 Howard street and 101
South Twolfll' streets were reported open by
ho police last night. The proprietors had
ailed to lock their front doom upon leav-
ng. They were notified.
Durglars broke a glass In the rear door
f Gladstone Ilros.1 store , 1414 Douglas
trect. last night mid got away with a few
Igara kept in a showcase In the front part
f the storo. They did not have time to
ap the money drawer , but were scared away
> y people passing.
Vnollirr of I lie I'loiiciTH of Oniiilui
I'llNMt'N AtVliy.
Charles W. Hamilton , one of the old plo-
ecrs of this city and of Nebraska , president
f the United Stales IfSllonal bank and
romliicnt in many Omaha business con-
erns , died nt his residence. Twentieth and
. .eavonworth strceta. Ibis morning shortly
ftcr 1 o'clock.
Mr. Hamilton has been confined to his
cstdtmco for about a week , but his death
vlll bo most unexpected news to his largo
Irclo of acquaintances In this city , ilo
ad been suffering from a nervous disorder
vhlch. last night , suddenly took a sudden
urn for the worse and his demise followed
hortly afterward.
Mr. Hamilton was born In Oxford. Che-
ongo county , N. V. , January 1 , 1830. In
850 ho came to Omaha and started n dry
; oods stew. A fnw years laler ho asBoclaled
ilmsclf with Mr. Joseph Caldwell In the
anklug business , forming the firm of Cald-
vell. Hamilton & Co. This firm In 1887 ox-
nndod Into the United Slates National , of
vhlch .Mr. Hamilton bus been ono of tbo
hlef officials ever slncu.
Among the many enterprises with which
ho deceased was Identified in early days was
ho building of the Omalu Southwestern
allroad , which is now part of the I ) . &
if. system ; ho wns also a heavy stockholder
11 the old Grand Central hotel , which wns
burned down upon the alto which Is now
ccuplcd by the 1'nxtnn hotel.
Mr. Hamilton leaves a family , consisting
of a wife nnd five children , three sons and
wo daughters. They are C. Will Hamilton ,
assistant cashier of the United States Nn- bank : Frank Hamilton , paying teller
of the Merchants' National bink ; Miss Stella
lamllton , Miss May Hamilton nnd Mr. Fred
Mr. Hamilton leaves a largo estate.
Clvcn n Mcitl Ticket fur a Month.
JamcM Collins nnd hlH brjlher Joe , clinrr.oj
vlth mumultlni ; Olllcor Flint Inst Saturday
light In front of Crelghton liull whllo the
olllcer wnu attempting to mtiko nn nrresti
veni encb given thirty days In the county
nil by Judo | Cordon ycHterdiiy. Tom Col-
lux , I'M -acey and nnotlier man named
ionium , who weio with tbo party , were
llHclmrgcd. IIH It WIIH not Hhawn that they
Hid , buen < mixed up In the light.
t-N1 Dimco.
Tbo employes of tbo W. 11. Ilennctt com.
inny will glvo their seventh minimi bnll
nnd musical nt the new .Metropolitan hall
bis , Thursday , ovcnlnir , November , ID. The
ore part of tlio evening will bo devoted to
bo rendition of an Interesting musical pro-
rain. consisting of vocal ami Instrumental
election ) ) . After the conclusion of tlieso
hero will bo a dnnco.
Iluilil linn Smith AvrtN < ed.
O. U. Smith \\-aa arrested lust nlsjllf ,
ilmrged with larceny nn bailee of n harness
icIoiiKlnir to John KuiUI. Smith claims ho
iQiiKlit tlio ImrneKH for J20 and WIIH to payer
or It In cordwood. Ho bad already hauled
wo loads and Intended to dullvcr tlio rest
wJiun ho was prevented by buvlntr tilt ) wat >
ant nerved upon him. HmltU'H homo Is In
Buruw jvtmitv.
Supreme Court Will Hour Argmnanls 01
the Mutter Today.
Attorney Orncrill Churchill , \Vlio Ap
licnrn for Auditor Moore , 1'ro-
Ncnl.i llln Arutimciit on tlio
( lucNliiin lit \Vk'ltlli | ? .
LINCOLN , Nov. IS. ( Special. ) the su
prcmo court today decided to hear the nr
gumouts In the Norfolk beet sugar bound
cnso the first thins tomorrow morning. Tin
coso Is ono Instigated by Iho Norfolk Dee
Sugar company to coinp'l > Stale Audltoi
Moore to Issue a warrant In the sum of $ So :
In payment of the bounty on 123,000 pouniU
of sugar manufactured between Dccomboi
31 , 1S93 , nnd January 1 , 1S90.
Last spring Auditor Moore Issued war
rants amounting to 550,000 Iu payment ol
bounty on sugar manufactured at Grand Is
land and Norfolk. The last legislature , which
passed the bounty bill , did not make a spe
cific appropriation for the payment of bounty
claims. The warrants Issued by Auditor
Moore were drawn on the general fund. The
mandamus suit begun by the Norfolk com
pany will bo the means of testing not only
tlio bounty net , but also the rcculr.rlty of
the warrants already Issued and all lutuio
claims for bounty arising under the present
Attorney General Churchill represents
Auditor Moore and takes the position th&v
the sugar bounty law Is unconstitutional for
several reasons. Hla main contentions are
that the stale's debt limit Used by the con
stitution has been reached ; that the kglsla-
turo In passing Iho bounty law exceeded Its
power In seeking to fix a contract , boyon
the period of two years , and that no speclll
appropriation was made.
Ex-Senator Charles F. Mandcrson and W
S. Summers are attouieys for the Norfol
Deot Supar comnany.
The lluo of argument pursued by Attorno
General Churchill is before the court In writ
Ins' . After enumerating the sections of th
constitution hcictoforc mentioned ho says
Thoflu provisions of the uonstttmlon pro
vide for u rcsuliir and systematic mothoi
of conducting the ( Innnccs or the atate , am
ivny bo classified us follows :
1. Tbo determination or wbnt expense
shall be Incurred nuldp from those fixed li
tilt' cmiHtltutlnn. Is left to tbo disc-ret Ion o
uncb legislature.
2. There Is not vested In one Iccfolatiir
nny power to determine wbuc expense' iilial
be Incurred beyond tl e period of the end o
tbo llrs-t fiscal qtrirtrr nfter the sidjourumen
of the next | pgl.l.itiiro
" . The Icglnlntlw power im to finances 1
biennial only In Its scoue : In tills reaper
It Is llmltrd by the eoiiHttumonnl provisions
J. Kneh separate. IcKlftlniuto JJOSSPSSPH the
sole- power of determining , not only wbn
ulnlmn or debts ncnliiRt tbo state slmll IK
nnlil. but the amount of expenses which mnj
be Incurred aside from those ; llxed by tb
5. Eaeli legislature must provide n tnx lev.\
In accordance with the constitutional provl
sloii for uniformity , sufficient to meet their
expenses , which must be by appropriations
made. It nball not excerc : tbe amount o
revenue authorized by law to be rained It
such time. Is the language of section 1 ! ) .
( ! . It Is only when thcie is 'a casual < le
licit" or " . \ failure In tbe revenue" can debit
lie coiilrmitetl at nil. Is a casual d.-
Hell ? Webster defines cUsunl. as hupp.nlii ( ,
by chance , accidental , oeoaslonal , not eon
slant. That Is. then. If by clmwp or nee !
dent nn occasional deficit occurs In the rev
enue , as by reason of nome ilef.iulthifr reve
ntio oillcer. or sueh Ute cause , no HUlHclun
levenue was derived from tbo tnx levy 01
by reason of some drouth or other unex
pected calamity the peop.o were tinnhlu to
pay the taxes ; nnd second , or "a failure-
the revenue. " that as If by Borne nieaim
there should be n failure by the loxlslnturo
to provide n snlllclent revenue , then , am
then only , where there Is this "casual de
ficit" or "failure In the reynue. " can tbo
ntato contract debts , and then never to ex
ceed In the ngsrop-nto $100,000. '
Now It Is contended that the net In ques
tion constilutcd a contract -with nlU who
mnnufnctured sugar In nuuordanco with Its
provisions. Jf HO. then to thut extent It
created n debt , unless a revenue was pro
vided to meet It within the two years and
nt flin tlrrtn nf ltd t\l 4Cn " ! > . nt * n t llVIHf flllf-
Ing that session. An Inrtc-iledncss arising
under Ibis net cannot be n casual deficit ,
nor could It arise from a fnllurn of the rev
enue. If not. then It Is Inhibited by the con-
stltullon ; for It will not bo claimed It wns
Ihe result of Invasion. Insurrection or by
defending the slale in wnv. The Itteal yoni
begins on tbo 1st diiv of Uecejnber nnd the
appropriations would then onil on July 31 ,
nfter the adjournment of the legislature.
If tbo act Iu question bo suillclent to con-
sllluto an anproprlallon from the date It
became n law to July 51 , 1 S7. then U
amounts to nn npprnnrtntloti for each suc
ceeding two years until repewled.
Tlio appropriation is neither soeclfic In
amount imr as to the person. As to the
amount , that depends ? no upon the action
of thn legislature , but upon tbo number of
pounds of sugar any one may manufacture ,
nnd n.s to whom-It Is In IK > paid , that de
pends upon who mnv engage in Its manu
facture. It Is therefore Impossible for tbe
auditor to perform his constitutional duty
and which bo Is sworn to obey.
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
Dairymen's association will bo held In the
chapel of the Stale university , this city ,
December 15 , 16 nnd 17. The opening ses
sion vlll bo held on the ovcnlng of the
15th. Tlio papers read and discussions
thereon nt this meeting will bo altogether
of a practical nature , and of Interest to
all engaged In the dairy Industry. Special attaches to the meeting from the
fact that upon into occasion will lake place
the formal opening of the dairy school , n
new branch , tit education In connection with
the work at the State university. Tlio dairy
building Is on the state farm , ami one ses-
alon of the annual meeting will bo held at
that building. In connection with the
annual mcctlri ; vlll be held a dairy exhibit
end liberal prizes are offered for competi
tion , both for creamery and dairy piuducts.
All sessions will bo open and free to every
one Interested In dairy work.
Columbus J. Wlnclnger. a clerk In the
employ of Jacob North ft Co. , was arrested
nt bis homo , 231 South Twenty-sixth fltreet.
Into last night , on a statutory charge ,
alleged to have been committed on a 11-vcar-
old girl , named Mary Cluck. The arrest
wai made upon a complaint sworn out by
Ufo glrl' mother , charging that the crlmo
was committed In May last , whllo the girl
was In the employ of WlncluKer'a family
as a domestic. The child Us now In a dcll-
cato condition , nnd declares that the illicit
relations have been continued from tlmo to
tlmo ever slnco tbo date of her ruin. Wiue-
Ingor waa released on n bond fnrnUlied by
bis employer , and declares Hint his arrest
Is the result of a blackmailing scheme.
Chief Mellck has received a telegram from
John Do I/ong , n special agent at Hanover ,
Kan. , asking him to arrest ono Thomas
Coals , alias Syracuse Slim , who Is wanted
for burglary. Slim has failed to show up
In Lincoln so far OH can uc learned.
The bearing of Harvey Bell and Sirs.
Nolllo Laddlo la to occur In police
court tomorrow morning. It Is etatod that
TJcU'a defense Is that bo wca ill and Mrs.
Laddie was bis nurse. His physician waa
Dr. Maxon , who will testify to hit ) Illness
and need of n nurse.
Judge Holmes today signed a dccroo of
foreclosure of mortgages against the Hald-
wln fiats , Twelfth and 1C streets , W. W.
Harrison gets first Hen for $35.701 , First
National bank second for $14,100 , Security
Investment company third for $2,077 nnd
E. A. Richards fourth for $1,790.
John A. Ledwltb , executor for the estate
of James Lcdwlth , asks that the sale of the
west Lcdwlth block bo set nalde. It wca
sold last Tuesday to the National Life Insurance -
suranco company of Vermont for $12CS3 ,
two-thirds of Its appraised valuation , The
executor says the appraisement was ex
tremely low , loss than half tbo cash value
of the property , and that ho had no actual
notice of the sale , He offers to pay the
expenses of thn last sale , and thinks Hint
ho can get at leant $5,000 more than was
Omaha people In Lincoln : At the Llndoll
D , M. Vlneonbaler. J. T. Robinson. At the
Capital John P. Cheney. At the Lincoln
II. J. Root , W. Megeath , J. W. Carpenter ,
E , G. M. Gllton , F. I' . Loomls , H. R. Gould.
InoUliiK for Jnlia ,
IJEATRICn , Nov. 18.-(5peclal. ( ) Dr ,
Given of Wymoro seems to bo the candidate
of Gage county demo-pops for Dr. Arm- "
strong's place In the Institute for Feeble ,
Minded Youth. Beatrice has a couple of
gentlemen who are also looking longingly In
the same direction.
? nin ) H'p corxcn. oi.osis.
HoporlN ( lf OflloiT * Inillcnlo n I'rn -
lit > roti * Conillllon.
Nov. IS. ( Special. ) The
1 Oreat Sun council of tbo Imprnved Order of
Ited Men closed Its session yrolcrday after
noon. The report of tbe Rrcot keeper of
records saowptj a RratlfylnR Increase In
I membership Jurlng the past year In oplto
of the dull limes. Thi > council la In n pros
perous financial condition and lias bad no
Important , | UOtlon | to decide during tbe
} mr. A nnuvuilllou tn ndmlt members nt
Jbe use or'is Vears was adopted. Appro
priate resolutions ' \Vri > adopted In memory
of 1'rst Great Sachems J. T. Hcdrick and
Harry Hotcbklss. who have died alnce the
mpctlni ; of Uie Itat council. The
election ot officers resulted ns follows :
0. P. , 0. \ \ * . IfiiOfenp of Kails City ; 0. S. S. .
W. II. Haven , Fremont ; 0. J. S. , C. K. Chub-
buck , Tecuinsoh ; G. I' . . M. II. Levy. Hastings ;
' O. K. or It , 9f J. Dennis , Lincoln ; O. K. of
l W. , I . Oenney , l-'rcmont ; 0. S. , Charles
I.nrer , Rills City ; 0. M. . F. E. lle'lses ,
Omaha ; 0. G. 6f \ V.V. . 1 , . Uarnutn. Lin
coln ; G. G , of R , J. R Downey , Aurora.
The next scgslon ot the council will be
held nt Omaha , The orJpr now numbers
twenty-four tribes and over l.COO members.
There are eight councils of the I'o.-ahontaa
At the cvcnlnR aowilon the secret un-
wrlttmi work of the order was cxppipllflcd ,
after which a bainttet was nlvcn the repro-
aputatlvra nnd offloers of the nrcat council
by J'awnco tribe. No. 11. Tables were Hid
Iu the nnto rooms of the hall. Among other
things upon the nirnu were rosst bear , veni
son , "tooka , " roast wild BOWP , mallard
duels. ItUmtick nnd "heap tooka. " 13. U.
Pease , sachem of IV.wiicc tribe , prcaldp.1
co toastmaater nnd a Ions list of toasts
were responded to by the visitors and mem
ber ? of I'awnco tribe.
Chicory ( 'oiiiinny Ixstu-i nn Important
Ctroiilnr lo I'rodiu'iT.i.
FREMONT , Nov. IS. ( Special. ) The
American Chicory company ymterday Issued
a circular td'all chicory raisers fixing the
price to bo paid for the roots at $9 per ton
at the factory at O'Neill. The circular calU
attention to the clause ot the contracts
which fixes the price nt ? D per ton , "If no
bounty Is paid the company , " nnd the proi
vision requiring the farmers to refund the
sum of $1.50 per ton If they shall have re
ceived $10.50 per ten fcr the beets , "In the
event of the bounty not being paid or 1'ie '
law being declared Invalid , " and stales that
the reduction Is made because of tbo proba
ble repeal of the law by the next legislature
nnd the further possibility of the law being
declared unconstitutional In the action new
pending In the ouprcmc court. If the bounty
Is received on this year's chicory crop tbon
the company agrees to pay all farmers who
have received hut J9 per ton tbo extra Jl.BO.
Very naturally all the farmers who have re
ceived the notice are anxious to see " .is
bounty law sustained. The c.xlra payment
will amount to about $8.000. It Is thought
that nil of the chlccry .crop will be deliv
ered to the factory nnd paid for by Decem
ber 15. lies already paid for
the first of the crop that was delivered at
the rate of 510.50.jxrr Ion.
IlefeiiNe 1'liu-i-H Mtioh StrrNM on Oil ?
Theory of Accidental Slioiif ln - >
TUKAMAIINeb. ) . , Nov. IS. ( Special. )
In Iho Hlscoxttftirdcr trial tbe day : n
devoted entirely to pleas by Iho couii"l.
County AltoFrfby Sea- * opened this morn-
Ins on behrfir' o ? the atatu. He reviewed
Iho case catrhilly and made strong argu
ment lo tho''jurwhy It should render a
verdftt of guilty. Hewj followed by
Attorney MiJvnuvy | of Cheroleami At
torney Thoniaq ot Oakland both for the
defense. Whjlo the defcn-.e lays consider
able atrcus upon the thi-ory of. accidental
shooting , yo { t&p atrungwt point accmu
to be to crejjte ; a. prejudice In favor of the
prisoner whlgjj ; ( clear her. Tomorrow
Attorney Ar.ipY'of .gloux. City will present
the aideof the .defense and H. W. GHlIa
of this cltylDtliojsldo of the state. Doth
are expected to , bo strong arguments. The
case \ > lll not go to the Jury before latp
tomorrow evcnuig.
Will Organize n Xcw Clinrrli.
SYRACUSE , Neb. , Nov. 18. ( Special. ) It
Is rumored thai an attempt will bo made
to organize a new church In thlo community ,
the members of which shall be made up of
these who arc dissatisfied with the churches
now In existence and of these w'ho cam-c
now affiliate with any religious organiza
tion en account of the position taken b >
some of the clergy In the late political cam
paign. It la umlci stood that eomo of flit
tenets of the new departure will be the ut
most latitude on the subject of baptism
all those who have cnnugh of this world's
gooda for nny one to call them rich are to
be tabooed , and nn active bombardment Is
to be kept up and the masses are to be
praised and the classes consigned to outer
darkness. The collections are all to be
mcde In advance , and by the members ec-
clUfilvcly , and no attendant Is to be of
fended by the prcscnlatlon ot the collection
plate during cervices. The preacher Is ex
pected to prcacJi to please hH supporters
and an era of good fellowship la to be In
fiitciiffil < o .lull.
BEATRICE , Nov. JS. ( Special. ) I. W.
Bowllug was sentenced in the district court
this morning to sixty da > a in the county
lall , ho having entered a pica of guilty to
assault. Some weeks ago Howling had a
controversy with a neighbor , William liass-
er , dhootliig at him twice , and the peculiar
iart of the affair was that each shot fired
> y Howling carried off the topa of one ot
3as3lcr'a cuff-buttons. lie waa bound over
.mdcr a charge of assault with Intent to
lll , but the latter charge was withdrawn.
.lull 111 rd Mnltcrf Ills nsuiinc.
FALLS CITY , Neb. . Nov. IS. ( special. )
Brown , the negro confined In the county
nil for robbing Sc.udeia JJros. ' department
store a few weeks ago , made his escape
Tuesday evening. The sherlCfa son went
nto the Jail to Rive the prisoners supper ,
when Ilrown Knocked the Uoy down and
escaped. There was one other prisoner who
refused to leave. This U the third man
who bss escaped In tbe last three months.
ItellKioiiN MtM'tliiKM "t llnntlniix.
HASTINGS , Nov. 18. ( Special. ) The
inlou mrctlhg at 9:30 : a. in. was held In
ho Congregational church. The incutlng
vas one of deep JntOrcat. At " o'clock the
church was crowded. After President Perry's
sermon Major Cole made sonic remarks
inil availed himself of the opportunity of
urther enforcfn tlib subject of the night
icforo In n ; ah hi 7 preparations for death In
low of Its auddcmaud uucxpectciT approach
so many t lines. : . . . j
FariuiTN Lone1 Tlu-Ir licet Crop.
VALLEY , Nfff , $ ov. IS. ( Special. ) Sev
eral of the beolim\sir \ growers are feeling
) luo over Iho loss of the crop , tbe factory
allowing ' ' ; ' ( ) Juot n few to make
aample tests fill 'they were frozen In the
ground , whlch."lha'ltcs the crop almost an
entire loss. T '
lit Valley.
VALLEY Neb : , u-A'ov. 18. ( Special. ) At
the homo of ( lit' bride yesterday evening ,
Rev. J. P. Yosj'ijiarrlea Miss Inez Kllklnu
o William E. UtfrWi , liotb families are old
realdenls of tnfs'ftlaco and highly re-
jfi-j-m. _
? | M\orlli I , eiiKile'i'Coii volition Cloncx ,
VALLEY , Neb. , Nov. 18. ( Special. ) The
Epworth league cloned a three days' session
lero last evening , which proved a grand
IUCCCSH. The next convention was voted to
> c hold at Sprliigpolil , Neb.
\Vnlioo DruiTKlilM KiubnrriiHMcd.
WAHOO , Neb. , Nov. 18. ( Special. ) St.
Martin Ilros. , druggists of tlila city , gave
chattel mortgages today. The liabilities
vlll probably reach $1,000 , *
Iu Deiiiiiuil.
I1ENNINGTON , Neb. , Nov. 18. ( Special. )
The demand for laboring men In thUs
vicinity la greater than the supply and as
a result farmers are bunting for corn-
Pnriiii-i-H fJitllicrlntr Corn.
OAKDALE , Neb. . NOV. 18. ( Special. )
The rcceut enow baa nearly all disappeared
nd farniera are happy and are gathering
heir corn.
Convention of Sugar Beet Producers De
clares for Stnto Aid ,
< ' - ( ) < TII\ IiiMllltillotiN 1'nvorril liy
11 t.nrKciiinlior , \\blle Olliern
Di'ilrc to Se - I'rUale
Invented ,
GRAND ISLAND. Neb. , Nov. IS , ( Spc-
clal. ) The delegates to the beet con
vention contlr.ucd Ihe discussion of "Co-op-
erallve Factories" nt an evening session ycs-
ttnlay and brouRht forth many Interesting , beliefs and statements of fact. Cooperative -
| operative factories with tbo beet raisers ns
j stockholders wore btllevcd by some to be
thn only wa > out of 4hc dllllcully surround
ing the piospcct of building more factories
In Ni'braska , v.hllo others were equally
us firmly corvlrccd that mercantile history
was replete with accounts of the wrecks ot
such co-operative efforts. Pome pointed to
the success of co-operative effort In the lint
of building , saving and loaning asanctatlona.
while others declared this to be nn entirely
different line of co-opcrntlon and polnte/1 / to
tbo numerous failures In co-operative cream-
cries and mime canning factories In thin
state , nnd held that no mailer what was by the farmers or business nan of
this state , who not out to build a sugar
factory , they would sooner or later bump up Iho proposition that they must In
duce $300,000 or $100,000 to como out from
the \ftai , The result of the discussion was
the appointment of n committee of six , one
from each congressional district , to look
into the matter of co-operative factories and
report tn the association at Ita
next meeting. Governor II ol comb , who was
expected to arrive last night , failed to put
In lLs appearance and the convention ad
journed at 00 : until 9 o'clock this morning.
The attendance Is not nearly ns large na
was that at Fremont Inst year , but those
present show the deepest Intcrcat In all that
pertains to the beet Industry. When , In the
discussion last night n few began to evi
dence n tired feeling and attempted early
to adjourn , Ihe proposition was vigorously
The first inalter brought before the con
vention Ibis ninrnlng waa a motion to ru-
coiukler the motion carried yesterday , "that
n committee of six members be appointed
to investigate co-operallvc factories. " nnd
It was changed to n committee of two mem
bers , the president appointing Messrs. Forte
of North Platle and Hcntlcy of Grand Island.
Mr. Rlchardi moved that a committee of six
bo appointed to Investigate tbe business aide
of securing capital for building sugar fac
tories In Nebraska , which motion carried.
Chairman Hnrtigan of the committee on
resolutions announced that It waa ready to
report and offered the following :
Whereas , It become * mflro apparent each
year thill the relief of the firini : r.s nf NV-
bras'.tu from the overplus of corn mid weat
iiml the low prices of such VIOIK ; lies In tbe
direction of a illvontlty or poduets , to the
end ami purpose the one may bu cur
tailed and tie other Increated. ami.
Whereas , The experlmenls so far made
hnvn proven Hint the soil nnd cllmiite of
Nebraska are suited to the growth and man
ufacture of the suiur beet and In no other
wny c.ui such diversity be brought about
than by the fostering ami encouraging of
the suiar beet Industry , ni
Wbi-reas. The American people are paying
to foreign nations the sum of $120.000,001) ) each
year for the sugar nonsum d liy this
Iry. which Ibey themselves might produce
anil thereby lessen tbe acreage of corn and
wheat ono nnd tliroc-quurtor millions each , nii'l.
Whereas , The natlon.i of Germany ,
France. Austila , Hungary , llelglum and
Uussla have nald and all still paying an
nually jn.OCO.CCO bounty for the tirodticllon at
home ami tbe exportation 10 other countries
of their beet sugar , which those nations
In their ( .vlsijom saw fit ttt u-onttlbutu lo aid
their fn'nners , while bringing- their beel
sugar Industries to their iirc.scut .successful
condition , nnd ,
WherettP , The legislature/ Nebraska has
ttlifflj a bounty lo the growers of. beets In
this ntuto to protect , ula nnd assist them
during the period of development ; therefore ,
bo It
RQ.xoIvei ! , That we recommend and request
tbo re-eifiirtment of the prernnt liuv and a
continuance of said bounty for a period of
three years by the present legislature of
In support of these resolutions , he stated
that the prime necessity was money and tar
that reason the sole aim of the resolutions
waa toward the securing of capital. Abbott
of Grand Island moved to amend the last
clause of these resolutions so as not to bind
the legislature down lo the present law , butte
to glvo It furllier scope , so that It could
make a bounty payable directly to the
farmer , or could put It In nny other form ,
providing the substance remained un
His amendment called forth considerable
discussion , requests to have tbe subject ol
stale legislation diacussed and combined
with the debate on the resolutions , anil the
entire morning had been consumed upon
these resolutions excepting the compara
tively short tlmo occupied by the reading
of papers by Prof. Nicholson and State Inspector
specter Norton. Mr. Norton's paper dealt
with Ihe production of beet sugar in Ne
braska and Its expense. He reviewed na
tional and atalo legislation fostering the in
dustry nnd read a few Interesting letters
from beet ralbers. In which the latter re
lated their experiences. The results shown
In thebu letters were varied. Prof. Nlchel-
soti's , upon beet seed production In the
United States , related the value of careful
and scientific growing of beets fur xcuJ
rprrics , explaining methods of taking an-
alysca and also showing the value of 'he
pioduct In the markets.
In the Interim , telegrams weic also read
from Governor Holcomb , who could not ba
here on account of Ill-health , and Hon.
harles Manderson. both Bonding their best
wishes for a fiiieccjaful meeting.
Incident to the further diacuaslon of the
resolutions , Mr. Forte of North Platte
handed In a resolution calling for an inves
tigation of the co-operative plans employed
In France and Germany ; Mr. V.'hltmore of
Valley read a resolution expressing appre
ciation of the education in beet culture
furnished by the University of Nebraska ,
and recommending to tbo regents a continu
ance of the schools furnished. Mr. Walto
of Otoo presented n resolution expressing
favor of national protection to the Industry ,
rather than stale protection. Mr. Williams
of Grand Island presented an endorsement
of thp Nebraska club , and Its effoits to ad
vance the Interests of this state. Mr. Ring-
wait of Omaha presented a resolution en
dorsing the Transmlsalsiilppl Exposition.
The debate on the resolutions continued
until noon , at Vhlch tlmo nnotlier amend
ment was placed bcforo the house , which
added to the last clause of the resolution
words to the effect that the present bounty
law be re-etact : d for three ycais , or until
aticb time as national aid was granted , and
that the state bounty to the extent of the
national do thereafter cease.
In the midst of the discussion on the res
olutions the convention adjourned for din
ner. At 1:30 : the Union Pacific took the del
egates In a body to tbo sugar factory , where
an Inspection of the plant was made while
It was In full operation. There was ono
common verdict that It Is a grand enter
prise and beyond all conception of those
who had nuver visited It before. Superin
tendent Hryssclbout , Manager Fcrrar , Inspector
specter Roescr and other atticbes of tbu
factory did all In tholr power to explain the
method of manufacture , and It was plain
tlfat the delegates were favorably Impressed.
Upon reconvening at tbo opera bouse res
olutions were again taken up. Young with
drew his amendment and the amendment by
Governor Abbott was voted down , The origi
nal resolution was adopted , Other resolutions
adopted were these requesting the legisla
ture to make Inquiry Into the co-operative
factories of Franco and Germany , express
ing preference of national legislation over
stale , expressing the belief that Instead of
favoring them It would cause the ultimate
establishment of enough sugar factories to
satisfy homo consumption and bring relief
from the Sugar trust , endorsing thu efforts
of tbu Nebraska clubs In advancing mate-
rlil Interest : ! of the utate , pledging support
to thu TrnnsmlBslsslppI Exposition , express
ing appreciation of the university school and
Its publications concerning sugar beet cul
ture , and also the work done under the
auspices of the university In line of Insti
Treasurer Whltmoro'a report waa read and ,
adopted. A collection was taken up In the
hall amounting to $40. The tlmo and place
of the next convention was fixed at Hast
ings February S and .1 , 1S97. As additional
members to the legislative cotumltleo Iho
president appointed Edward Rosewater , W.
K. Llnlngcr. C. A. Atkinson , W. N. Nason ,
A. Waltc , Orlando Nelson , J. 11. Obcrfolder.
W. A. Anderson nnd F. II. Young.
Re.iolutlons thanking tbo Union IMclfic
officials for tli tr.inopnrtntlon to the sugar
factory and for entertainment by the citizens
were passed. The convention adjourned nt
i" o'clock. Officers will be elected nt the
Hastings convention.
of County
OSMOND. Neb. , Nov. IS. ( Special. ) Sec
retary Wood of the Nebraska County Coin-
mtnjilnnnra nml < 3tmitvlunra * nAinMntlnn lm.4
lesued circular K'ttera to nil county boards
of the state calling the next mrellni : ot the
association for Lincoln and the date > ls De
cember S and 9. The object of Iho asso
ciation Is "tbe mutual Improvement of Its
members , better qualifying them to properly
discharge their duties tn olllcers of public
trust and to procure , the enactment of laws
that will place the county government upon
a more economical hauls. "
AfteiOtccola lloollrurKer * .
O3CEOLA , Neb. . Nov. IS. ( Special. )
I'uIUd Slalcs Marshal lloelimo was hero
thp first of the week looking nfter some
of the fellows who ha\o been buollcggl
around here for the past few inontlM. II
U rumored that he gatheted In four wit
nesses to take before tbo grand Jury at
the next meeting. It has been pretty easy
tn get a drink here lately and the fellow
who run the business would let man , woman
or child hnvc It , provided they hail the cash
to pay for It
.loll II JollllMOII JlllllMl.
WAHOO , isct ) . .MJIi. . . -jpucial. ( ) Mon
day evening Sheriff Huek Jailed John John
son of Mallno , alleged to have sustained Im
proper relations with Miss Stelli HlombcrK.
Stntulory criminal assault will probably bo
thu clmrgo preferred rgahibt him.
Kii.vnn HE.SDI.ITIO.V nrrcunn.
KnljililH of I.aliorVant n SiroiiK lli'c-
tiirntloii mill Are lluril to I'lriiMc.
ROCHESTER. N. Y. , Nov. IS. The first
session today of the general assembly of the
Knights of Labor was taken up In dlscios- :
Ing recommendations of tbo committee on
the stale ot the order nnd reports of general
olficors , on which no decision was reached.
The- convention will probably not adjourn
bcforo tomorrow night. There was n recom
mendation Introduced that Instead of en
dorsing free coinage of bllver. a declaration
of that tenor be made a portion of the pre
amble , which would pro\cnt any one not
In favor of the free coinage ot silver at the
ratio of Ifi to I of becomlm ; a member of
the older. This recommendation not
acted upon. There was nlso a recommenda
tion Introduced to establish a subordinate
dpgrcu ] < uon as mlnutc-mcn.
At tbo afternoon session tj'n commlt'cc
reported ns Its recommendation tbe follow
ing resolution :
That In the opinion of the general as em-
bly , while monetary reform Is. fully provided
for In the sixteenth and seventeenth planks
of our preamble , the free colling of
Mll.t .llll.ll * . M t , l..l . . . . .In nf 1 | ? . 1 * . ) . _ . . .1 gold f . . . . . .
of tlu- action of nny other nation. In Impor
tant , looking toward thu ultimate success
of the Hyatomvo desire , nnd we. theii'foro ,
henrtlly endon-p tinanltiUlon for niul In
.support of free colnnut * HH JL menus to the
emt we seek.
After a lengthy discussion the report was
recommitted , the General sentiment being
that It was hardly ns strong an expression
oo the order was prepared to make.
Resolutions were adopted Instructing the
general executive board , a legislative com
mittee , to urpe that Insteid of a prohibitory
tariff on Rlass. the tariff bo transferred to
thu ImmlRrnnt glass workers , "that the In
dustry ohall bo retained In the control of
native workmen nnd foreign workmen kept
where they properly belong , Inasmuch as
protection against n product Itself , while the
producer Is admitted free , Is now and must
ilwnys continue to bo a farce. "
The question before the assembly at the
afternoon adjournment was whether an
order shall tssuo compelling members to
chouse between this order and Ihe alllllatcd
organization of the American Federation
ot Labor.
\VllHc to till SIuiMH it I III ril i * 111 ii K Ti'll-
ilnu'y Since ( lie Klrcllnn.
NEW YORK , Nov. 18. The demand for
silver has been steadily Increasing within
the past few days , owing to the requirements
for India , normal at this season , and exporui
are on an Increasing scale. This Inquiry Is
on account of the larger merchandise move
ment. The domestic demand for tbo metal
for manufacturing purposes Is also Improv
ing decidedly. The price ot bar sliver on
November 1 was G2 > i cents , as against 70
cents , the high point of tbo year , on Febru
ary 21. The- decline was duo to the liquida
tion of various poals. This liquidation was
reflected In a decrease In tbe deposits ot
silver bullion at the Mcrrnntlle Safe Deposit
company of about 400,000 ounces slnco November
vomber 0. The price ot silver baa shown n
hardening tendency In Ihe past few days.
TtiillroiiiN Employ lion * M < * ii.
PEOUIA , Nov. IS. Reports from differ
ent sections ot the country show railroad
business Is Improving and the companies
are putting on new men. Six firemen are
about to be furnished the Haltlmoro & Ohio.
Henry I'liyiic lln * Flvr of HIM Col-
IcnaiK'M Arn-NiiMl for AHMIIIIII ,
EASTON , Pa. . Nov. 18. Henry .M. Payne
of Southwood , L. I. , n member of the class
of ' 90 , Fafayetto college , has had five of his
classmates arrested for assault and bat
tery , and thu defendants have furnished
ball for n hearing. Payne had long , black
sldo whlskuis. They were the source ot
frequent Jests. The students wanted them
removed , but Payne was unwllliig to part
with them. Yesterday , after his clnsn had
been photographed , about thirty students ,
headed by the defendants , rushed Payne tea
a nearby barber shop , where his wblskeis
wcro removed by ono of the number. Dur
ing the struggle Payne had one of his fin
gers badly cut.
the l.envoiiu orh Home
LKAVKNWOHTH , Kan. , Nov. IS. A ma
jority of the congressional committee ap
pointed to Investigate the Soldiers' homo at
Fort Lenvunwurth , Including Congressmen
Grout nnd C. W. Stone of Pennsylvania
and K. H. Layton of Ohio , arrived here to
day. Chairman Clout said the committed
would work diligently and -expected to havr-
Its report ready by the time congreim should
resume IU : Hessian. Mismanagement of the
homo Is aliened.
One reason why Scott's
Emulsion cures weak throats ,
weak lungs , makes rich
blood , and strengthens puny
and delicate children is be
cause all its parts are mixed
in so scientific a manner that
the feeblest digestion can
deal with it. This experi
ence has only come by doing
one f/j/Ngfor nearly 25 years.
This means , purest in-
gredents , most evenly and
delicately mixed , best adapted
for those whose strength has
failed or whose digestion
would repel an uneven pro
duct Per * ul ° by B't ' druggist * nt
The Soft GBow of the Ton HOBO
U acquired by ladlvi who use POZZONI'H
WUcoiinln Central Mot Itrnily o Iiiy
< ln Two Million Dollar * . * " -
MILWAL'KIJU. ' Nov. IS , The $2,000,000 Is-
BUC ; of receivers' certificates which Judge
Jenkins permitted the receivers of the Wis
consin Central lines on November lii , 1S9I ,
to m.ilo wns this morning extended for nil-
other year by Judge Jenkins. The Issue foil
duo on November IB , last Sunday. Holders
of certificates , however , who arc unwilling to- .
make nn extension , will huvo the nimmnTir * " * ' , v.
of their holdings paid upon presentation at ( (
the ofilcos of Mnltlaml , Coppell & Co , , Edward - ' '
ward Swoct & Co. or Drown Ilros. > t Oo. Iu
New York City. Iu the petition nsklng for
permission to make the extension the re-
reivers for the first time make rofiTonro to
the reorganization , which , the petition Indl-
cntcd. Is moving along smoothly.
Receiver Morris returned from the cast
yesterday , lie says there la nothing In Iho
report that the Wisconsin Central reor
ganization committee wns Interested in the
sale of the Chliugo & Northern Pacific.
A MAIlll.VltOI'S ' SflKilC.Vli Vr
Vnv llir Curi' of IMIH. .
It U not only Intensely painful , dangeroun I
o life- and very expensive , but In the light
of modern medical research nnd since the
illscovry of the- Pyramid Pile Cure a sur
gical operation Is wholly unnecccssnry. If
> on have anj d on lit on th ! . ? point kindly
read the fiilltwlng letters from people who
luow our claims regarding the merits
of tbo Pyramid Pile Cure are berne out by
the facts.
From N. A. Stall. Rldgo Road. Niagara
Co , N. Y. : I received your Pyramid Pile
Cure and tested It Inat night. It did me
moro good than anything I have ever found
jet , and icircmber this was the result of
ono night's ttcatmeut only.
From Penn W. Arnell , Ilatesvllle. Ark. ;
Ocntlemcn Your Pyramid Pllo Cure has
done mo so much good In so short a time
that my sor.-ln-law. Capt. T. J. Klein , of
'Fort ' Smith , Ark. , has written me for your
address as he wished to try It nlso.
From A. 13. Townsend , llcnvllle , Ind. :
I hnvo been so much benetltted by the. Pyra
mid Pile Cure that I enclose $1 for which
please scud a package which I wish to glvo
to n friend of mlno who suffers very much
from pIlfH.
From Johr II. Wright , Clinton , HeWItt
To. Ills. : I am so well pleased with tbu
Pyramid Pllo Cure that I tlllulc It but right
to drop you a few lines to Inform you Ita
effects have been nil that I could ask or
From P. A. Ilruton , Llano , Tex. : Oen-
tlomcn Tbo Pyramid Pile Cure has done
ao much good for mo Unit I will say for UIR. '
benefit of others that after using only two
days I am butler than I have been for $
months. /
The Pyramid Pllo Cure Is prepared by Tim *
Pyramid Drug Co. of Albion. .Mich. , and It
is truly n wonderful remedy for all forms of
piles. So great has been the number ot _ . ,
testimonial letters received by them from all *
parts of the country that they have decided
to publish each week a number of mien letters - .
tors and never use. the same letter twice , but "
only fresh letters will be published. '
All druggists recommend the Pyramid
Pllo Cure , ns they know front what their
eiwtomcrs say 'that no remedy gives such
general satisfaction.
"They make garments to
order In one flay. "
. . .Our superior facilities for
prompt work enables us to
give you well-made garments
at short notice.
Guaranteed first class or
your money back.
Punts tt ) order $1 to $12.
Suits to order $15 to $50.
( Samples IVlalIe&
Branches Iu all Principal Cities
207 South 15th St.
Klrat Conceit
Jiili-H I , militant , .Urn. Alnrlln Culm ,
Homer M < i < irr iiml
Heats now on sale. I'rk'OM , S5o ninl COc.
Itob Hey ana National PaKciuit by He > | iicat.
I'ilccH--MnUncc , lc for dill. lion ; inlullH , Uc.
I'rlcca Uvenlni ; , 2Ic , SDo ( inU tOoj nu hlKlier.
Ileur tlio "M' 'Jiejurs LJuilicrlni ; " uiiiiu by
JulcH J.umlmicl.
. > lixtou K llnri H * ,
I'our NlKlilf. C'jminenclnjf
M MJAI , MM minion : : : : ,
& ; , , BLACK CROOK.
3 I'lcnilcr * Iinniviiiio 3 Corpn tin IMIIot 3.
Duly niMliK-o Wtilne 'l.iy. -
Kent a now en halo. ! 'rlc" - ; ; o , .Vc ) , Lv , Jl 00. .
Nov. : C-i'S-Wlilliifj- | Cn. , Hi "Jtob Hoy. "
SNIIN ( Tlio Woudur
lllHATIHKof tlio
I. . At. Crawford , M r. ll'JIli Century.
Drat tlmo In Omaha , IIUIKO.VS
All painilrl MratJt , 33 CflUn , circle , 23 i-cllln
tmlcony , 13 ii-ntui K'lllcry. ' in cent * . Mdilnocj.
10. IS nml 23 ci'iil . Doll in.itlneu Saturday , unil
"Tlio lluckc > , "
TimtTiivrii AMI .H .MN : .STIIKKTH.
HO rooini , bullm , ntcam heat ami nil moInn
convunlmcm , ! Ut t , II.CO nml 12.C | > cr iluy.
Table uiirnculltil. Kpiclul low mil1 * tu rt'K'lUr
bouu r . vitANic uiunrui , .MI.T.