THE OMAHA "DAILY TiE : TtMSHD VT , XOVKMHEK 17. 1S9G. I SPECflKL I\OT1GES ir g = . . -rlIftt'tttf-nIt * for 1ltr-v * column * Till ! in. until ISittn | i. tn. . for tlie- M Fill MR ninl until K p. in. fur tlie- iniiriiltiu mill Mimlnilltloti . Ailt prllorm , Iij rriiir tlim ; n ninn- lirrorl e-lie-e U , 01111 linxentiioxii * nil- iln-Khtil < n. iiniHln-rcil li-tte-r In rnrp ' if TinI I | M > , AIIMXXITO fit ndilriMil 1 "Tllll l.e ilrllx c-rcil em | ire > Ki-iitn t Inn of tinclifi'U einlj. llnti K. 1 l2eB xxoril flr t iiinvrdlint lr n ixorel the-re-nfleT. NeitlilHC iSUe-n fur le-t-ie limn U5 - foe 1lip flrfct Ii t'r- tliin. Tlii-Kc mix e-rtlhe-iiirntN must lie- run rntiMfrtitli t-lj. AM'KD MAI.K HUM' . VAMED AN IDEA. WHO CAN THINK OF f i' i inijiie thinit t" patent * protett your ! ' ) UN theriay bring yi a xn-enlth Writ * John V tddprtiurn A Co liept V I'o'int Aueirn x AVBuhlnriun , ri C . tor their II w prl e off-r fiT > a a lint of ZOO Invention * wanted B 108 * . WEEK AND COMMISSION on mi entirely new and tnanry maklns ; busi ness C 1' . AcUms Co . S24 So lOtli Sit. - WANTED. TRAVELING BALF.BMEN FOR clear * old reliable houe , experience an npri-Ksary extra Inducements to cu nrn.m , JTli do to tm < n per month and expenses Churl * * C Bishop S. Co , Bt Lrols DM * WANTED-FIRST-CLASS SHOE BALH8MAN tc bundle Rood tine of l dle ' tnlMH s iitid children a Mines In Nebraska and northern Kansas Address with references Mueller * 11 til iwnr St. Louis Mo B M * IT * MEV TO LEAjiN nxnrtEn TRAPE ONI-T * week * r iulr < tn tw able to hold flr t-ol ii Jnl situation piinranireej , I' l lrtxn e rh HHirtcnt frr * CKtnl'Tiiima Hod Ire * Mnlrr eollege2SS Vt nhlns < un Axe South Mlnneu.lli. ; 11-M4M 17 * A 0001 1 SAJ nsM\N X ANTUti TO PEW. t'i the e-eiuntr > anil rclnll tmrte vlth hl othir poudK dn' Booii1 iqnTlallle * e.n com mini lun Hrjn Muxvr MIIU , IH iTiwinut otrwt \VANTUD 1'ICM 11.1 ! III2I.P. ron GOOD. nnsPECTAULE OIRLS. CAJO. Scand T. M C. A Home. 2MB Wvenport. . ami. ron Mrs.xrlcht SCH Se-wnrd elC V ANTED A LAVNimBBS APrLT TO MIS8 Kotintiti. 1 7 Snutli 10th street C MjSS IS 1'on IK > t KS IN AM. PAHTS OP THE CITY THE O P Dax-ls Company. 15W rnrnam P 18 HOI sns BnNEtt A & co. iw N rn ST D 110 CHOUSES C A. STARR ! . N Y UFE D 111 "HOUSES AND COTTAGE ? ALL OVER the i Ity K to fSO Fidelity. 1718 Farnam > 111 E UPT OF JIOT'SES. THE BTnON Co fa s. nth st. Eriu Hot PES. WALUACa BROWN IJLK. , 1CTII uiid Douglas. FK.I1T ROOM MODERN FRAME " " ! ' Popplrton ax-enue , eiholc * . 930 1" m > m mmlern tirlch , ESO N 2Sd j' " ! room modem brie * . Cli S 2Mb. t 00 IS reiom modern Wth and Wexilworth. J ! C. A STARR , 825 N Y Life Hld . D-MI1S rnnM K UP. iAnos InxentmEnt Co , 15CC Dudre BU A rTEATrT" HOMIS IN j'lBt-e. B-room . all modern ; njiicnfllel condition. rif iK-en rented before , now otTen-J at o low rental to tlrnt-clnsn tenant. rJcJe-llt > Truit ! fmnpntiy 17K rarn m St. Bl'ITE oFfllitOOMF , MODEJIN W XMirth J W Pqulre MS le-e Bldg _ D SM T\XO j.ionEiiN imicK. 10 s. ii-iiooM nnsj- rtpn e--e , - > ok tlnorx mid flnlari. jnantelii BratEB , laundry I'l'd rxery conxluence IBM 10S1 So. 3in u Axe. Inquire of owner on prem ! * D S7 FT i IOTL.Y MunCKX ID-nOOSi COTTAOE N \ \ corne > r th and Jncl , on , tarBe lot , half ' , , rircJ\V _ _ _ _ _ Pflillrg. > 1V He-e _ D t' TlJT SUH i FLATS GAUVIN I1HOS . 1011 FAR D 246 -'H KENT. K.ROOM HOUSE AT 2218 imrr FI all comcnlencea ! . IBXX rental Inquire of I E. Xlmmerman. at county clesVe otUee. urIne - Ine lU liH'i > B houra D J12J * i. . > L SUS.FLATS OARVIK BRO3..IC1S FARNAM * nD ORTINFURNIBHED NINE-ROOM h".i e 2819VEl)6tLr fctrcet. Enquire nurklf > Co. D-MW8 1 1 Tinting _ I-OH RENT. TVVO 7-ROOM FLATS IKTIIST. ne-ur Ix-axeuiworth. Inquire Ltndblud. FOR RENT. 7-ROOM OUTSI1 > E FLAT. NEWLY laired. . modern. Lange Blejct , COTTAGE , IK = HALF HOWARD. . . tllOU D r. i.l _ _ _ _ _ fT7 E-KALANeSE OF NOVEMHER-SPEe l AL rmr for Inter , 9 rooms nnd al ok all roeid- iin house tn cholpcail Imsatlon Fldellt > 1708 I-umam 7 lit.MS 717 SOUTH 1STH ST. G. . JJHMe. > it VTZE PLACE. 9-ROOM MODERN HOI SE 'f.'n to J J Gibson. Cli Flnrt National ItanU 1 * * * 41 " 8S E KITH STREET , IB-ROOM MODERN tiouse detached nice } tld ! iK \\eh tcr street S-room cimaKe Omaha ' Re-al Eftate aud Trust Co. 811 S 1Mb siren t D MiM I'HK HBST I'l HMIIii > r .i , I.FNT ROOMS wrrn OR WITHOUT I , Fieum heat eleetrlc lleht elexatur , fin uutlit rites rcasonnble Hrunswicl , hotel C 117 t-Il VM HEV'ED ROOMS. All HARNEY C312-D7 * Ni "i LY FuaNtanno ROOM IN PRIVATE fumlly for c ntteman. Mm Ilenrj Pundt 1BW e-ieiiitol ave me , - B It * H * . HOU8E- k < . tilng UU 3 Hth. _ JS-4M-30 * f7a-T'H riicNT ROOM wmi HEAT NICELY r irniBhed , tk.00 mouth. I3l Itooifa notaEKEEPiNa ac E 5422 * it Mnr > i- _ 1 i USIS1 Cl > IKKMS FOR L1OHT HOUSE loi.liiS "W North ITth. E M557 19 * I'tllMMJEU UOim.s AMI IIOAItn. P' ' R RES" FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR xiltiuut xierel , steam heiat and all modern linjii e-n enw , mieelul loxv rates f r tht winter Mil laid Mitel , With and ChlcaBO M J Franck rciiwrltei" . F ? iN ! ROOM A KD BOARD. STEAM , J S. imi. F < I NICK W/JUi ROOMS , GOOD BOARD , RATES reiuauna .le. The Roue. XK Harnej f ALBANY. 1101 DOUGLAS UOOMB EXCELlent - lent tl We ItrUK.iimble rates F M 2 Je > blN LK SOUTH ROOMS WITH STEAM EX- ifllent table ! < S NWlli Ejl ? > : * _ _ _ _ nKui A - ireAUTirrL"ALOOVB st ITE and l ntfle- rue in * i.Ui and D dse F M * 40 21 * ROOM HANIWOME MAS'TEL with Iiourd prltatr famll > . term niixlemtt- . n fe-n nceti 72 K Ifth iiuel F MMI 17 roil HUNT IM'l UMSIIIin ROOM * . . I r not > atfi 8i so WTH LIKDQUEHT G-S77 1C t C1VAMBKKS IXiR HeiffiEKKCIHNG MAN nnd iie , viuler tu kltflie'n. n 1 slnU 319 run iciCM' sroitus AND orricus. . BRICK blORE BUILDING Kill Faniain ihn.-e stories and Imse-mclit. xull a I tor t > suit tttiiant , leiM r ut ail l t Nafl B'K bldg. THACKAGE WAREHOUSE. CENTRALLY LO cute-d S B Cunis , Its * Hama > I-MMt PU FOR RUNT. THE 4.HTORY BRICK BUILDING al MC Famam ft. Thl huUdliw has a llroproof : crm ut basenieut oorupleHe uam Iwatice tti- min Hitler em till floor * . KUS ulc. Aliuly at tin atnce or The B J HO A GUM'S 1\AM'I ) . AOKNTB MAKH ! 1C TO Ilk A 1'AY INTRODUC- Inr thr "Coiutit " tin- mil } (1 kiiai utiot euiuora made , the crrate-it st-lleir of t.ic jeutur ) Ri-n- erel anil k ] ugtnis auld r.ll ext < r tht vorld tk.lusixe terriiuri write tuday lor terms ana sample * Alki-ii Cjirasun < X * , IM. CTOIM , V Is. J MM 17 * ( Cotitlns-d ) LFTE PEOPLE UC KTIBRY LOCAL- try at IIS w weekly salary and expoine * to take order * fet rhrlstmas Goods permanent empli 3 mem If eight Manufacturer r O Box UK * Monton. Mas * . -M B Oa > _ WANTED IN EVEIRY" HOME Lunci-Lit' Kmnnripniinn ! 'r"Cl mntion Illustrated a ! ! ri lid llthf.cratih Sxlt lnee sell * at f leh < , t > " * - i iry for nle or lease ents wanton aample , tl lTe > rtamatlon Co _ MntTMIIe Mo i > TOH\UU. PACIFIC PTORAGE AND WAUBHOUSK CO. Mt-916 Jones Uc-ner * ) siarmte and forn-ardlnB 0 VAN ft STORAGE. MIS FAH'M TJTI 15M. TO IlfY. TO LHAFE OR BUT. ELEVATOR OF TEN OH fifteen thousand rapnrlty In South Platte ouniry Address A M care Omahn Bra N-'nt N * _ A SECOND HAND SATEL iiiR FARNAM V-M171 NiO J PT REAL ESTATE WITH F D WEAD IfTH & DoaRlas N4ft -yi _ LIST CITY AND FARM REAL ESTATE wltb Garx-ln Bras 16l Farnam tit I'Otl .ALIS SU - CIIL1.MIOrh. . CHEAPEST HARDWOCD WOVEN CORN-CRIB- b'ni ; made. C It Lee. MI Douglas. Q-liO BEcXND-HAND SAFES CHEAP 111C FARVAM Q M172 N3tt LADIKS CLOAKS. FURS. DRESS GOODS. easy payments drop postal and will tuill with f ample * . E. Hlrah. otllee Drtxel SLEIGHS FLTncmf SINGLE ANTI POUHLE Drummemd Carriage Ce > , 18th and Hrnex O ISk-D 18 GARDENEROR GROCERY WAOON. furniture waRrai. bar ama. Urummond Car- rtace Co Mth and Harney Bts Q MR-Dli _ f > ANDY" GOOD TOP miGGY ANT > TWO GCK1D famlU carriaites cheap Prummond CarrlaKe Co IMh and Hame > Q 640 DIf. AT AUCTION ITRNFTURE OF AN R-RCKIM bnuiie cample-te will lie sold at Bue-tlon at inn Leavenworth ntreet on Wedne ta > . No- remtier Ik at 10 a m Omahn Am tlon Co Q Mrs * r * NEARLY NEW "RAI > I\NT HOMF BASE burner M8 South Txventy-stxth avenue _ Q M * MIS-CCLLAMIOl S. "MIRRORS RESILVERFD 70s NO iaih n MssD no V\T s. FIUTZ cuj > invoYANT EH N urn B Ki DJ * . MASSAGi : IIA'IIIS. IJ1C. SMITH 1121 T > Ol GLAS RO'iM t MAB- and meam Iw.ths T MSI SI * AMES VXPCiR UATHS. MASSAOE WTf 8 nth St. . room S T M266 DC' sues VAN VALKENurna DcsrnoYS rnn- mtnrntl ) b ) elt-otrlctiy superOuuui hair , moles tvaru. etc Iloom ilC , N. Y Life BUS O-121 mirrrriE CFHEU. NO PAIN , NO tlon from bu lnew xve refesr to hundrcdn of patienlB cured O H Miller Co , 717 N Y Life bulldtns Omaha , Neo. _ V 12 BATlis"MASSAQ& MME POST. SJStt S 11TH U US VIA VI. HOME TOEATMENT FOR trnublB * f'hyalclan In attendance. ConnulUi- Hon or health boot tree. 316 Bee bldg _ FEE CARTER HARDWARE CO. HOB DOl'G- la , tor manu-ls. prBie , Utes , marble xvorte etc BOOKBINDING BCTIKLEY PTG. CO \ \ ANTEr > THE APDRES3 OF x\ho IK Rotng t" muxeto Spnl ant nr xjrlnit } xvJio will Jutn tne In litrtnc a car to hir > lioiwc- hold ftiiods. Addi-o-n 411 Itee tmUdlnc SHIN 13V TO LOAN UK A I , 1JSTATE. ANTHONY LOAN S. TRUST CO . 315 N Y L Quick money ot Ion rates for chnloe farm loans In-Iox'u , northern Missouri eaetem NehrasKo. AV 126 CITY LOANS. C A. STARR , KJ N Y LIFE MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate Itrcnnan. Love Co. , Paxton olocl. . XV 12 LiiANS ON IMPROVED .t UNIMPHOVFD CITY W Farnaro Smith At Do . 1S20 Farnam MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES THE O F Dax-Is Co lieB Farnam St W 130 e TER CKNT JONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA real estate. & Ne-b farms W. B MelUe Oiiahu IIO' SY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT .owiMrt raie Ilulldtnj : loaim wanted FldHlty S32 - Tnif e-ompanr M NF7 TO LOAN ON IMPROVEn OMAHA ] ir. ; ii rtx I'utey & Thomas First National Bide w-3r 3IOMIY TO LOA > CIITTKLS. . MONFY TO LOAN ON FURMTURE PIANnS hone * wagon * etc . at lowest rate In clt > no remox-al at eooAr Ktrictly cnnfldentlal you can nai he h an oB at an > timeor In an > amouVt : OMAHA MORTGAGf ' LQAK ff > 3M So. inth st. x tsi MOVEY'TO LOAN a HI w PAYS turi ! p no * , e'f DufT eJre n icoir 6 Barl ; r i X 138 1:1 FOR BALE ABOUT 8,000 LBS. MINION TYPE 700 llm ueiitc IjO pair two-third cants 40 double Iron * t neUor two-third i.ase Thl mnU'rnl v.n uwd on Tue Omaha Tiff and Is In Tnlrl > ii > cd cimelltlin Will be sold cheap In liulfe entn nuantltlri to suit purchiuer In | > er nn or b } mall to The Be * Pub- Co , Omaha Neb Y 7J3 RLTAIL UP. I G 6TOBJI FoSALE GREAT Imrsuln write. Harle. lleuu & Co Council Blug la Y M512 _ A FJNE ANcTcOMI'LETE STOCK OF ILVRr'- wunitmcji and llnxiare xxlth a Buud eilub- lin ii-tl buhinew * , mucl : will invuiee about IT voo aei neithliur but eamh and nhort time pniwr xx 111 buy tbl etoik : , 8 rare chance that Mill Iwur invoUguiian , no tradcn Addrtws A 80. Bee Y M321 _ FOR SALB7 BANIC , ESTABLISHEP FOUlT teen > eara. ID outhriwtern Ncuranka only bank , escellent npimrtunliy for part ) xxlth UD. 00 00 to 120.000 CO. AdOrCM A fil Be- ( < Y M3PI 17 _ POR RENT TWO IJOfBLE MODERN SToliE rueiinc furniture Included , belt lucatl m for Imnlne-eii kinttll irtock dry Bewd * tn one r mi which ran be I'tirc'iam-d at bargain cun h > < either rnoro or both April * H II Siimm hOB Main mrect Council UluffK. r-Mui it > WANTED TO SELL NO TRAI'EP-Oi i in to k e r pencral mert'handlw all m-\v an i j to-date. locate-d tn bi a town lu Ni lin ka G md hrlrk Murer im Addn m A I rutt Genem Nnnce e o Neh V Mil 1 ' " IJACHAMMJ. Mei iCti - BEAUTIFUL RESIIIENCE PROP. nj lint- locution and tn-iiundk , iuirii < u > t K..I.KUK t ; < uid tuwn will exUuuiKe f < i J. emu tic In Jo RoudB AdUniHi llul CM , rulrllrld lu " MtMC , AHT AMI F GFLLENHECK HANJO MAN1K- liu und mittar t acb r Room Hi Itee Itltlfi Trl 235 100 m ILIM.M ; AMI i.o\.v KHAKKfi IK MUTUAL L S. n ASS N PAYS C. 7 k i > r cent uh n i : I ytuis old , ulwax re- detemable 1704 Fanuuu i > t NuttlDBcr bttr HOW TO GET A HOME OR BBCURE OOOI interval on tuMnci. Ai > i > l to Omaha L ft B. AM n , 1714 ruriium G M Nuttiiigor hue hueIX PAW.MUiUKHHS , II. MAROW1TZ LOANb MONEY. < U N. 16 8T. in SAVE MONEY BY QOIKO TO Ucnuct W Norlh .Jtli t Icwe * : ehuri ( xrjrk tutrmiii-e'i ) pamltu mracti i. evinilnii- lion free ojitnemnei > r N Toil > \LIL-llie\L 1 ! T ITK. ABSTnACTB THK BYRON HEED C MI ANT He 133 HOUSES. 1XT8 , FARMsi LXIJ Oto P Beint * Real Bbtate Cu Paxtnn I k l.e > K FOR SALS mNE ACREII WELL ? M If M ' prmt wat * . SB * roxt. etc. near i I , rtv arrw mwr South -Omaha with h 'i t > i fruit trw * tc. IBM- land for anltnitii , J . Fixcre , MMBouth Omaha , unlmpr , T r room hmine and full lot M" ( > l Blx room h ure , burn , lot , Wi e' fe-et Win I urt Mrec-t. nencidt. Fixe ronm bntmc. city water , etc. un Bun . . Fire room houoe and large corner lot , Hnn r > m 1'laoe. ; , ( KX m BuRlnem blue k In renter of South Omaha . lot , GOx ISO feel * lth two utorjbulldlni ! wrt fet Ihre-e utoreroomj al o three flat * of Klx rewm eai-h , ox-er the ntnre * . bull dins tn toai oondi- llin , and If i > roi > rl > handled , Kboald rent reafl- lljat wow per month tiww and rental * win Inoreaw a * time * imnmve , iweHWrty cafl tie bnuKht now free from all incumbmnoe for 00 ; Imurovementu alojie com H WO - Two teed reWelenp * lota In wet part city , near Farnam rtreet car line , flxe nne hoaaeii already hultt IB name nlork , each $ SM DO Tnree Itood reKldenee lot * In flherman Axcnue park on North l th utrvct , tnortgauee hai Jnut taken deed to the lot * and will con lder any ca h irfter Choice xacant low on Blnney utreet. In Kounwe nape , tl ano 00 Lot , block 17 Ramc-am Place , frontlnr Hant- com ParK nt > ecl l tasen pnld tn full. l 850W Wanted , a Ri > d six or Helen-room houw tn elt- nlrftble loratlon alw fKe e > r ten acrt-ii Juis out- irtde the city ltmlt tipt can I * beniRht xe-ry cheap for caiih Potte-r S. Qeeirre e < mpnrx l ni Farnam i > tree < RE M43f 1 * WEHAVE BARGAIN ? IN farmn and xvant more Lint 5"ur i > r IJTM xilth u * noxv Q M Nutunper A. ' .l' ' Farnam RLos SnjAVINTHREII. . GOOD SIIGDDIKO BEST CARE. 11 50 MONTH. W F Snyder. 69tb and Leaxenworth yH'e tm : Marcy. MM . FLENTY OF FEED. SHEDS AND WATER. homes called for and delivered rates , per mouth. Address Ualley , Crescent City la Si"NJB M.V HORSES TO WINTER7 BEsf "sHELTER" : Batlnfactlon ctiaranteed Write O A Violcott , EIK Clt % Neb " 1 D14 WANTED GOOD IMPROVED FARM FOR A NCI. 1 city jirujierts AddresiA t2 Omaha Bf-p , M 2S2 DS * IIVTH HOOMS. RUSSIAN TURKISH ANI > MEDICATED baths BO penis alsi extlUbHe department lor ladles , excrjthlnc nexi Indies' hulr dreMlnB anu barber shop In conne-Uion 107 S Hth GO TO M S WAI.KHN FOR RK3HT PRICES on furnliure pucUms , r palring mntirpuneB couches lushioni. 2111 Cumlne Tel 1K1 _ * .CI100L. A CLASS FOR AtAVCE Pt PIL < ! I" NOW formiiiR at A'o-nni ! > ti meet e\e-rj Monday ot S p m tlrke-t for 10 e-elb < 3 ( rood until u e d Call at lt.10 Hnrncj st . always o | n N20 Pin > lCAL Ct LITHE. NZILEMA FVLLEH icw nonc- lus street M6 N-M * TYPI3WHITIJK& . cr r THE BE-T TYPcxvpirri s PT rerialrs fnlted Typewriter . Seippllei Co. . 1C19 Fnrnam utrect MS June 30 . , VI > > xvinter (1 nu Omuha Blixrle Cei 323 N ICtli THE PALACE mATTIFfU IfflS IiOT'OLAS. hslrtireswtni : nianlrurixip mofiBagc und. com plexion treatment ! * a n'eclall } M339 D7 I > AM > MJPPLinS. NEW HOMEHOUSEHOLD AND WHITE Kixxlni : machine ollice 15H Cup axe Tct 1ST ! SIIUUTHVMI AM ) \ . C VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. CIS N Y LIFE 133 AT OMAHA BUs7cOLLEGE ICTH . DOUGLAS SSI LIFE INS POLICIES BOUGHT tT. F HOLDEN WATtt TO I1UI l-l HMIUHE. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR TVR- nltur * and household goods. Omaha Auction Co 109 So Uth st N-M3 17- A\OHK J P HEALY 1S2 ! CLARK STREET O7 D ! ! LOST. LOST MASTIFF DOG RETURN TO 3206 EMmett - Lort-M U 1S mett utreei for reward LOST-RED IRISH SETTER PUP ! SUITABLE nmard for return 430 Paxton block Lo t-3M 17 RED 90RREL HORSE. TWO WHITE FEET white face center on rubber tire Concord buBRy Saturdnj evenmc. . suitable rexvard on rciuro U. 10 LOST FMALL IRISH Pt Q ANSWERS NAME Barrte " Artcliei'ii em Ins Return 2SU6 Capitol BVC. and receive reward. Lo-n 65tf is * LADIES' CH1CHESTE1 ! F ENGLISH PENNY r Mtl | iill ililanii.iicl U'andl nre the best nlhea- Send 4c ntumiie ts rf reliable Tul m f * r panlculani Itelie f f..r La.n.h ' ml.tu-r by return rorll Al rtruKRlBtn ChkheBier Chemical Co Philadelphia 1'a , 7 SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITOUS , Ileclluilcliui. , Uiimhn. > ebr Adxlce and I'meiit lleio.t punn CURE YOURSELF ! \ e lliB j tnr uiiratural dim h.ircc-n. innuninuiticrn. irritutinnii itr u.eerntiuuo u ( iii it c o u i. inliraueh. I amlt g. 1,1)14 ) i.ui urtrin * " " "r I-omuliellB ' "I'1 ? J rociri u. nr "n * ' " I lam ran r , l > , es.p ff , iirrpuiij , for I' ' " il .1 ImttrfM. 27A i itiiimr rti' un . < iuuf OP THE SITTING OF THE CITY c < "I " NOIL OP THE CITY OP OMAHA AS A UOAHIJ OP ECjfALIZATION OP ASSESSMENTS POU GENERAL CITY TAXES TOR THE YEAP- liT Ail jiersons In'ere-Bted ore nereuy notified thut the elt } council of theelt > of Omuha will Bit KB a Hoard of Equalization of ae- * < riStnenlB for general tuxea for Uie- year lifiiT ui provide d by section ffi of the Cliar- t T of Metropolitan Cities , on Vk t-dnosday , the 18th day of November. IBM between tht hdure of C o'c loc-X a in and D o'clock p m In committe * loaora A , in the city hall foi the purpose of hearing and de-tor- mlnlriE all complaints of erronaous or un- 1u t aae nifiitM for tuild rear And Mild h arinB will Iw continued from dor to day for a period of Ht It-ust live- days from the diuc > of Bold flmt BitUne. Ail p rKms Imxlns taxable property withlti the city are r qucste > d to examine thclt i.HfceiiBini-ntH. no that , if any error exi t or any injumlce hu bean done in the atwewiinent of prupcrty , correction may b < made by Mid Hoard of Equallcutlon it being the Intent of the lew thut uo correc tions pha.ll be.- made ufler the- Hoard of EouHlutatlon adjourn * cxcpt for reusoim se. < forth in the utatute * . The aawMunent book * are now readr for i-xuinlui tloii All complainlw mum bo in writinc and nied with tti < > city clerk for i\c \ conBldttraUon and action of naid board xil.e.n e-u'iMUud BEEl'HER HI .HY Cltj * icrk O" "i B Ntb. . Noitinber 10 ISM Is f IT uiic "f ix 11 { (1 riiufixon tbe inarK'-i 1 r it e i tmu h more. II * . M le rer v min t > i ri ! < i.nO toiunc up thp nvielwn sxstrtu , it t1 t m1 litod cliw a e n ina'te's I > "t Imw eli pp. i att cl or nlwitia'e xe.ioh c < tlicr Sn-called lilooel remertie * fall to reach It l a teal blood rrni'iU f > r re al 1 > I 'oil eli ri e Mr A ? fiiul'h of On eiicantle , Ind. . vrtu-ii " 1 liaclBiich a liail ca * > c of PPiatlc llheiim tl n that I liecatne nbnlntcly lielpp ! unahl tn taXc my Jonel nrliancllo inxltlf In anv war I tnov inativ patent niedicinea. but the-r eliel not reach my treiiihle One dnzen i > oUleof S S & . cure-el laf found and xve'll , auc ! I npvr xxclgll 170" Honk" on Wood and skin eli ra .i > mailed Ireo by Swift Bimcitlc Compaay. Atlauth , GaT purchasing godds made at tlic f "llowmc " Ncbras- K.i -torics ] f > ott can. not finJ whut > e'tt want , cntnintinicatc xitli the in.inuf'ictttrcrs as to xx li a t dc.ilcrs handle tluir gotids = BAGS. BURLAP AND TV 'INE. UMA1IA UAt. CO. Manufacturer : of all Klnii of cotton and bur lap ba cotfin tlour BarK ani twine a spec ialty C14-ru-tns ; S lllli St. BHEWER1ES. OMAHA 1IUBUIAO A SOCI VTICI. % . Car luud ihlimieiiu made In our onn rcfn , . eraior cars. lime lliblion , Kllte Expan. Vtcnt * Exp-Tt iind Tamil ) nxport eJellx creel to nil pa-u of the clt > IRON WORKS. UA\I > A COXXe.lLl , llttlN Irein iiml Itrjsk Vtinnilern. ManufacturrtK nnd Jolbert ot Mnihlr.erj ' ) fn. < ral npnlrlnt ; a Kfciuu iBOl , I UI and ISO ! street. Oiuulm. TCetx INUIM'HIAL IIIO.N OH1CS. Manufarturmr ai"2rpal'ine ot a.i U o ! rnatntntr > enginffi jtuini * . envniorfi p prcuet hanjrers Ehatitns ana cujpliiigs ] < ( o nnd HO ! , HoxxArtl St Omaha I'A5.10. > A MliKLI.NG 11IO.N WOltKb Manufacturers o : Archltee'iirs Iran "VXort. General Tounflr ) .xiacnlii * ar.i x > rk EnEineers urn ! Cui tracton Tor Flie Pro > f Build Insrs Oftle-e and x\orkfc' ' U. P , ly. ! tuu So 17th street Ome'in. ' i ' NIGHT WATCH. TIRE SERVICE AM12IUCA.N 1J1J.TJUCT' TULUl.ICAI'11 The onlj pert eel protlon V I1"1 " > Esiini- Ine * l HCB ttn g on eartlu 'lledu'cs Insurance rates 1304 Doutlni stre-t. SHIRT rACTCTRIES. J. II. KA A > i.M3UUAiKA iilllH'J CO.MIMA1. UxcluBlx-e custom tbtrt te'.lnnUl rarcara. NOTICE Scaled proposals xxll ! be recclxe-d nt an } timeon or la fore I cfclodi. p m , on the Stli du } of I't-cembir , l G. fo ! the prlntlnR of all lil"t for the Ifslslftture vlth sujh other matter as ma } , b orui re-d bj cither house thereof to be printed In "biU form , " v , hirh Is shown and de'Sictiated us class one (1) ( under the printing laws , of Ihe stale of Nebraska. for the printing and binding of one thousand ( LOW ) copies ouch of the biennial reports of the auditor of public accounts , treasurer , M-cretary of state , etommlsaioner of public lands and buildings , bureau of labor and industrial statistics , and Ne braska flhh commission ; live hundred ( W0 copies each of the biennial reports of the attorne } general , superlntende-nt of public Instruction , state librarian , and adjutant general , txxo thousand (2.GOO ) copies of the biennial report of the roster of cxoldiers , sailors and marines , residing in Nebraska June 1 , IK1 ? , one thousand (1.000) ) copies of the annual re-port of the State Board of Transportation for 1S3C-T. txxo thousand C.iW copies of the annual Report of the Stnte Poultr } ' association for l-k. ! and tlxt thousand ( n.OOOt copies e-ach of the an nual reports of the State Board of Agricul ture for 1H > G- " . and the State Board of Horticulture for 1SB7-S , and all other re ports and documents that may be ordered printed by the legislature , except Buch as may enter into and form-part of the journ als w hlch class of work Is Unnxx n and designated as class three (3) ( ) under the printing laxxs of Nebraska Txxo hundred (200 copies of each of the aboxe reports to be bound in cloth cox'ers. ind the remainder in puper covers , with the exception ol the reports of the Ne- br..nUu Pish commission and the State Poultry association , w hic.h xvil ! all be bound In paper , and the reports of the State Hoard of Horticulture , State Board of Agriculture and the roster of the ex-sol- dlcrfi , sailors and marines , whie-b xx-ill all be bound lu cloth. The bill worl. executed under class one (1) ) shall be printed in small pica type , on paper fourteen (14) tnchtis long by eight and one-half ( Bv. , ) inches xvide , single luge , paper to be txxenty-eicht ( Si ) pounds double cap to the ream , and except the title- page each puce shall not contain Ichs than twen ty-five ( Si ) lines of solid matter of seven ( T ) inches in length , cxcluslx-e of the page folio and the lines fchall be succ t-sslx el } numbered xxlth a blank only in euib space betxveen Uie lines The title page of said bills shall contain not less than cightc-en fist lines as above , with three (3) Inches additional space allow able for display title mat-cr Each bid shall state what the bidder is willing to do the work complete for , per page , for the five hundred < W copies of each bill also the prior for additional bun- ilri-df that may lie ordered of Uie same bill at the same time as the original flx-e hundred (50 ) including composition , paper , press work , stitching folding , punching , and all work or material entering Into the w ork required All xxorl : executed wider class one (1) ) hhall be dellx-ered in peed order by the e-ontnteior to the office of the secretary of state within three ( S ) dax-p after tbe receipt of the order by Bald contractor from the < hnirmnn of the committee in cJthcr branch of the legislature All work executed uuOer class throe ( S ) ( hall be printed in long primer , brevier and iionpuriel type , on IjSppr to be nine (9) ( Inches long by six ( ( Scinches xxlde , single page , paper to be forl-fiye US ) pounds to the re-am , of twent-toir ) 4il > ! > } tlilrty-hlx (3G ( ) white book E V < 1 Mil under Uuss three (3) ) shall state j-ulutt the bidder is willing to do the * xxoiU tomplcte for , per puge. on each report or stem in the class , inOu'ling composition ; paper , press xxoik. Mini Ins folding and nit work or mate rial enuring Into the work required Gxltey and page proof mustt * furnished xxhe-n requlrcu i11 the Ofllcerof the executive department or the cMri-Ban of the com mittee on printing in either branch of the legislature ' Woik xvhen comple'ted , to be delivered free of expense at the % \le \ houee Proposals for work ia Wich of the above clauses will not be CDTislflereid unless tbe same be accompanied lun bond in the um of five thousaniL.Crw.OOO ) dollcr * v.Mth two or more sureties , pji i.ln e-ane the party proponing for such confrnt'f shall be award ed the game , uucb p r'.wWilI. within llx-e (5) ( ) days after theaxvwpAito hlai of Buch contract , enter Into bonds for the faithful performance thereof , OB provided by luw and the terms of theiu * itronojuilK. ProiHtsul * chRll be marked , "Propaaals for Public Printing , " t.nd ucdr SBtc ] to the State Board of Prtntinu In eaw of the Secretary of State- . Lincoln , Nebraska Contracts on claw one ( I ) , AJ * above apcci- iled. will awarded as a whole Contracts on cluiw three (8) , BR above specified , will be awarded in whole or In part , us thf board may elect. Samples of the w orfc to be executed under rlim one ( li and three ( i ) may ! > stun at the office of the neorwWiry at state c'ontracu on above ol&Mea , one (1) ) and three ( S ) , to run two ( S ) yearn from Detcem- b-r t. ISM The State Prlntlnjr Hoard reserves the right to rtfcict any w all bWs. Puled thin IHh day of Kwvttml > r , 1K-C. 3 S CARTLKY , State Treasurer , i-'i < 'i\"E Mormis , Auditor Public AccountH. J A PIPER Be LI el in of State STATE PRINTING BOATin N-15-d-lU-t CHOYXSKI LASTS SIX ROUNDS Caliloiuiaa Compelled to Succumb Before * Storm of Blows. P T R MAHER SECURES ANOTHER VICTORY llnttlr r till * Mi > Hvj xxlirlil . DrMtv * ri Pimd mill PMMl'n 151 t > iii of I nu-Mill lull-lost. NEW YORK , Not. 16 Th * Broadway Athletic club ptujred Its trump card tonight when lu managers stmounred a tww ty- round go at catclwelgbts between PrtW Mahfr , the Irish heavyweight lioier. and Joe. Choj-tuki the California ! ) . There were only two bouts on the program , but al though the price of admtuiou was J8 and JS the ticket office was besieged with a rontliiuous string of boxing enthusiasts , and xx hen the fights began it was said that exe r.x seat had been aold In the first bout I'atBv Ilalpy of Buffalo and young Sisero of Proxidrnce , U. I. , were antagonists at 11C pounds The police slopped the light tu the snenth round , and Haley \\t awarded the fight He had made it OLP- bicle-il almost from the first , end had severely puuiEhed Sisero After a burlesque boxing bout between Padd ) McGulgan of New STB and Johnny Uaul.s ( colored ) of this citj. hkh lasted four rounds , the event ot the e-xenlnc xxas annouLccd. Peter Manor was the flrst to make his cpprarance in the ring , and Choyuskl xxn * onlj a half inlnuto behind him. Maher looked to be in excellent shape Choynskl looked to be tralLod thoroughly , and elghi-d in at 1C7 pounds Maber was BIX Bounds heavier , ns he turned the scales at ITS. As the mun ngreod on catcbuolghu there was very litUo to choose between them but Mahcr was a favorite among the betting fraternity , at 7 to B , when the men shook hands Hound 1 Both sparred carefully for an o.'cnlnp Malic-r led a light left on bed ) Clioyiiskl feinted twice with right and landed left twiPton bodj. Maher sent left hard on bed > Choynstl landed two It-fts llcrht on bed > and in BHUr.fc anu ) Maher landed left on face liound 2 Mahtr landed left On body ChoytiRkl left on face Maber and Joe ex- fbatim-d K-fts on face Maher swung left on bmk of neck and l < rought his It ft arounu on face Peter landed a peed left on fur and right on bed ) Joe punched hl i left tuice on body and both Jabbed left ? on face- ChoyriHltl slapped Maher with left and ripln on luce Again Jot put left on face and Maher replied with left on face and rlgrht on body Round 3 Maher wan careful when he come up upttin , but he let Chojnskl'K left reach lilt ; wind three time ! ) without sending any thing back In return Maher landed two leltn on fice and ChoynHkl lelt on body and Maher led left on b il\ and Jot Hnuntr left on face Joe then landed a left hook on neck Mnher forced Joe to the ropes , hitting rlfrht and left on body and face Mtiher missed a vicious right swli.i : and fell to his Knees. Jo sent a straight left on note and Maher landed two It f tc on face. Hound 4 Joe opened with a good left on body After fiddling for half a minute Cbuynskl put his left on the wind and n - peated the dose two wounds later. He rushed Joe to the ropes und smashed MF left on the face Choynskl feinted with ) ft and crossed right on face Maher Jabbed light and left on face , and at the sound ol the pong landed a light left on top of JoeV head Round 6 ChoynsUi led left on face and left on bodj Maber planted his left rwlct on face Jot : landed a left on fare , but Maher ( nt bark three good lefts on Joe's proboscis cis Maher sent left on body nnd tried to crc s rlcht on Jaw , but failed Joe landed left on face Mub < r rushed Jot to the ropes and got in a hard bed > b'.ow with left MII- ber st nt his left twice on face and Choynskl did likewise Honors wire even when the bell rang Round C Thovnsltl rushed at Maher ana pot In a good left on face Both begun slug ging with lefts and rights on bodj and fac < Chovnskl staggtivd Maht r to the roptj * . with a left on the chin Then thiy slugged right and left , but the Irishman's weigh : told and Choynski went to the 1U. He came ur again , but he vent down inside of three pec- ends from another suing on thi hi ad This time he sta > ed down for nine seconds A noon as Ct > o > nhki stupgered to his feet Ma her lushed at him with a will dtlhered right liana swing on the Jaw and linocV et ! him down and out Time of sixth and last round two minutes twenty-fixe wconds ChoynsUi who hab frequently developed wonderful recupcratlxe powers surprised everybody b } regaining consciousness In lees than a minute and needed no assistance from his seconds in making his way to the 'dressing room The referee declared Maher vhe xi inner Captain Groo , who is in charge of th police , made no arrests , as it was very evident that neither man was injured to an extent worth mentioning A. A. t. ii > iicronixi Sr Pri-Klilfiit McMillmi iiciiKo Ilopefiillj of ( In- Out I mi ] , for Mil I film. NC\V YORK , Nov li ( The annual meetIng - Ing of the Amateur Athktic union -nas heid at the Apt or house today In his annual message to the board of govtrnors Pres ident Harry McMillan endorsed the request of the Atlantic association that the national body take action in the matter of tht restor ation of athletics He > spoke at length of the advantages guined to the union through the alliances which have been formed with the North American Tu-nerbund the League of American Wheelmen , the Na tional Iniercollegiatt association the West ern Intercollegiate , the Young Men's Chris tian association and the National Inter scholastic association In accordance with the record committee's report , the follow ing records for the past v ar i ere allowed Thirty-five yards run. 4 seconds , A. W Grosvenor of Boston March 14 rortj yards run 4 8-S seconds. P B Blee- low , Worcester , Ma s. March ! S Sexenty-live yards run , 7 S-5 seconds , B J Wefers , Boston January 25 Sevenueight yards run , 74-5 seconds , B J Wefers OaJ : Island Mass. August 1 100 yards run , 9 4-5 seconds , B. J Weftrs. New York. May 30 lift yards run , 11 seconds , B 3. Wefers LoHfll , Muss , August 9. 120 yards run 11 4-5 seconds , B J VTefers Traverse Island N Y. , September 24 220 yards run , 21 1-5 seconds. B J Wefers , New York , May 30 S2u vards run around u turn 21 4-5 seconds ends J H Majliury Madison , Wis. , May 9 300 yards run. 305 : < seconds B J. Wefers Traverse Island , September 26 GOO yards run 1 minute and U seconds , T n Burke. Williams Bridge , N. T. , Septem ber IS 110 jards sack hurdle race , in hurdle * , each one foot six inches high ' seconds , C. M Cohen , same place and dale Throwing the discus , HI feet and eight Inches , n F Sheldon same place and date Standing hlRfc Jump , five feet and three and om-hnlf inches. Ray C Euery , La fayette , Ind , May S3. Sv Imming under water , US feet , with one turn. M Vandervoort , Ne.w Yorls City , December 1. 1883 Hurdle , 410 yards , ten hurdles , two feet and six inches high , Jerome Bud ; , Wil liams Bridge , N. Y. , September 19. TUne 0 f > G2-5 Running , two hops and Jump , forty-nine feet and one-half Inch , J. B Council ) , name time and place At the gc-neral meeting the following as sociations wen rejiresented New England , Southern. Atlantic , Pacific. Northwest , Central Pacific , North American Gjrnnastlc union League of American Whet Iroen. In tercollegiate Amateur Association of Amer ica and Young Men's Christian association. Tbert was on appeal from Harry CorjUnh. athletic manager of the Knickerbocker Athletic club At the lust championship meetinghe protested uciilnBt F P Garven , M Remington. B J Wefers , R. Sheldon , O W Orion and ii F Shtildon. They W TC entered b > the New York Athletic club Cornish doubted their eligibility and objected The camus committee powwd the entries , claiming they were all right Cor- nl h uppnuled The board today upbeid the giimt-e commltttHi Tht question of having athl < tes ri-sl terd uecested by President WcWIIliin , WUN ri fe rnd to a committee , consisting of John Mcdtbe , U McMillan and J E Sullvun. they to report on or before January 1 next. This won one of the tint question * con sidered by the newly elected board of gov ernors. The latter c-le-cted the following officer- President , Harry McMillan : llr t vice president E JS Babb ; oeoond vir.e nrealdent , J P Harder , secretary. J. Ji Sullhun , treasurer , J W K lly , Jr In A. "XV. CJHI ( > * for lln Cniulni ; Yt-nr. The resultti of the retunt t-liMi'tiou of oll- ! c r * for the Xubr/uika dlvl ion of the l engue of American Whwlmen how u rod- jority of vottw were cant { or the following named part I en D J O'lirii-n for chief con sul l > C Hidridiie of York for vh cotixul , Kdwln It Pfiuuof Prttnoni fo- wen lurj- trtu ! < urer mid l > A rim t. df ( .rand Inland for nprt fc'i > tni\f Tin m oth ! T > xilll upon the-ir rtinjieit ve ? Uutiet l > c'em- l -r 1 and thr nt w chief curium < U-M b v number of Idea * which be lnt < rids putting Into practical effect for the mlxntirerm'ni of the laairu * . and esppclalb of th N-- brnska dlvMon Mr O'Brien hna xerj n < ! i- tertall > incroMed the mprnYn-mhlp during the pttfit frw wwXn and It i htn intention to continue * lon ; this linn Vr * Vfrnlil of Hit * ( ! niue , HASTINGS. Nov. 1 - { SjHclalThe ) death of lUrt Serf of thin cltvMho dlitl ! rom Injurtf * rccflred In the foot bull pump iftwern 1 tonne collpRe and the Kansnt unlveraltj nt Lawrence SHturdny , bns put a great dampner on foot ball In thin city In the frame between Grand Island and HnMlngi roIl > -K n. played here two weeks airo Qeorite Rrown , lion of A H Brown of this city , recehefl a broken l * jr and sev eral other localplayers were hncJly brulned and scarred The Hastlnirff rollew tc-nm was preparing for a bin game her * Th-into- ITlx Ins. but u the public ne < mr in Ite no opposed to the game It l doubtful whether It could draw a crowd eufHclont to pu > t-x- tnusc * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MEMPHIS , Tcnti. , Nov 16-At the Coll- Dcutn tract : tonight the Jnllu triplet broke the world's unpucfd triplet record for one mile , making the distance In 1 48 S-B The previous rt-corti 1 4 . was held by the Phil lips triplet at New Orleans Tonight's rec ord was made while pacing Johnson in an exhibition nice James Michael of Wales urokr the Indooi flxe-mlle record of 10 .35 , tu Id by himself. His time tonight was * 4 2-6 _ IViui Hi'titx II- Grit it tint ( . PHILADELPHIA. Nov -The fnlver- slty of Penrnyix-nnia foot ball eltx-en lined up against the team composed of graduates of Franklin field this afternoon nnd the utter were beaten by the neon of X2 to C The 'varsity bojs made three touchdowns n each half _ -Unnmli AiutiitM ( > tikl inl. TEKAMAH. Neb , Nov 1C , ( Special ) Tekamab and Oakland played a game of 'oot ball in this city today Score , 12 to 0 Wllklns. Oakland's halfbacli , had his nose broken and Art Ncurmui of the Oakland * xvas considerablj bruised about the face. Tluvrs A\II Aimtbcr OniiK- . I EXINOTON. Mo. Nov 18The fnlver- tilty of Missouri foot ball team today de feated that from Wentxvorth Mllitarj acad emy. 4" to 0 it. I'BciVii vs A HAD TALL. S-teiin 'I'broilirb tin I'leimor Door mill Irnis | 'Mvi-Hi' Pe'ft. WASHINGTON. Not 1C George U Peels of Chicago , general solicitor of the Chicago cage , Milwaukee fi. St Paul railroad , fell tx\elx-e feet down an e lex-ator shaft at the Shoreham hotel shortl ) before midnight last night Ail the fingers of his left hand were broken , and his right arm dislocated at the wrist No internal injuries \sere dis covered , and the broker , bones and bruise-it. while painful \\illnotbefatal. He stepped lo the elevator on the office floor The door \\as open , and as he passed in he called to the elevator bo > vho he supposed , was asleep. "Carry me up to my room " In stead of stepping upon a firm floor , hoxx- cver , he fell Into the basement the ele vator boy baring careless ! ; left the door open Mr Peck is resting easily this after noon , and his physicians say that he will bo able to be out in two or three weeks. e- l r tinAri.ij. . WASHINGTON , Nov 1C { Special Tele gram ) The follow Ing transfers in the Tlrst artillery xtcre made First Lieutenant Clement L Bewt , J from battery I to bat tery M. Pirst Lieutenant H L Harris , from batterj M to batten I , Plrat Lieutenant A. Murray from battery L to battery 1 rirst Lieutenant P. Marsh , from banco I to battery L. The following transfers In the Fourth artillery were ordcrexl First Lieutenant A Cronkhlte , from battery C to light batter ) B , First Lieutenant John C W Brooks , from light battery B to battery C , Lieuten ant Cronkbite nill Join his new station First Lieuttnant G E French , Fourth In fantry . has been re-Hexed from duty with ihe National Guard of Idaho , and ordered to Join hie company First Lieutenant Walter H Gordon , Eigh teenth infantr ; has been detailed for dutj at Delaware College Nexxark. Bel . reilex- Inc First Lieutenant James H Frier. Sev enteenth Infantry , who IE ordered to Join his company The follow mg assignments V regiments of officers recently promoted are announced Captain A n Paxton to the Flfte-enth In fantry. company B , First Lieutenant Sydnej A Cloman to Fifteenth infantry , company 1 \cldltlonil Second Lieutenant Russell C Langdou. Eighth a vacancy of second lieutenant First infantry , company n : Lieutenant Cloman xull remain on duty with the First infantr } until January 20 1S97 , when he will Join his compan } Lieu tenant Langdon will remain on duty with the Eighth infantr } until January 20 , 1897 , when he will Join his company Leave * of absence Captain Sumner H Lincoln Tenth Infantry , txvo months ; Colonel Uax-id Perry , Tenth cavalry extended one month. Second Lieutenant Charles P. Bum- .nerall Fifth artillery , three months , First Lieutenant John J Perehing Tenth cax- Mry , extended txvo months. Second Lieuten ant Laroy S Vpton Txxent.x-first Infuutr } intended one month. First L-ieutenant "harles P Elliott. Fourth caxalry , eleven nonths on account of disability. The retirement of Adjutant General Vin cent brlngB about the following promntiou Lieutenant Colonel Mcrrltt Barber stationed at Chicago becomes colonel aud Major Johu C Gllruore becomes lieutenant colonel and assistant adjutant general A vacancy is left In the rank of major , for which there are about 100 applications by caplalnt , and lieutenants ol the line I * . II. PIIT\IT In WASHINGTON. Nov 1C ( Special Tele gram L D Fowler of Omaha is in the city , en route to Ncxx York Speaking generally orally , he said that Nebraska vas al ready feeling the effort of MclUnley's elec tlon While he greatly regretted that ! could not be Included with other stated which cast their votes for McIUnley. he was sure that the conditions would tnateri ally tend to the benefit not only of Omaha but the whole state. He said of the Trans mlsiissippi Exposition that there , xvas i notable rexixal of Intel est , end that be looked xah the elec tion of the ut dlrec tory , for increased interns' He did not ex pect hoflle legislation' from the state leg islature , end thought that with anything like fax arable conditions the exposition xxlll be an immense success Mra D H Mercer xxas able to take a abort walk this morning the weather being ideal for invalids Appointed b ; UK * 1'reo.ldt'iit. WASHINGTON. Nov J ( ! The president today appointed Jamc-a L Co HUD o ( Port land. Ore. , to bo agent for Cvs Indians of the Warm Springs asmcy IB Oregon , vS > Peter Gallagher , deceased The * president nne appointed William 11 Foreman ex-congressman trora Illinois , to be commissioner of Internal rcxenuo to suc ceed Miller , resigned iiuivr.nns > . Judge Isaac S , Parker , the- well known Jurist Is dying at Fort Smith , Ark , He hoc been ill for feevtral monthB. In Chicago yesterday the thermometer went above the 70 murk , higher than U has < vtr been in roidnovomber in iwtimy years The- Chicago & Northern Pacific Bale Is to tule Place today. Bondholder * will proti. ably bid { lO.OOO.UOO and awume U.OOO.Wtf | n mortgages The- Wisconsin Central uUo wants the projMtrty. Comptroller Eckel * has declared a E per cent dividend for the creditor * of the In- dlaimiKillH National bank at Indianapolis htid fur the Stock Growers' National l/anl ; of Mllfe City. Mont S' hoarier Puritan hlch left San Fran- else o November & for Port Gamble to loud I urn l.ft , < wiecked on Point Bonilla , Vanrouxt-r island , and the fate of her crew of twelve In in doubt. Senator Wetmare wo * yesterday cboiu-n chairman of the Joint committee on llbrurj to investigate question * pertaining to the new library building and the tiuuwfur of book * to the liev , quarters. Arrangement * 1m ve been made at Fort L 8vcnworli ) by which Prof Wuzr.un.'lll of Kaiitttc City will vJnlt the fort twlct u wflttk and Instruct a French cliuta , compound of the attlient and tbtilr wives and children King Humbert hai > authorized the ratifica tion of the peace treat } with th Ne-Kuii Mentllk of AbyvHtnla Admiral Sir Oeorgi Hiiiry Richards K C" 1) < cmiierxucir of the Jtixtr Mer e > It , diuu HI i thi nblp Au > l > > taii < t wil ) < h went in iM-arcu of Sir in 1SSI-L In com ] liaurp with a temuuUdn pai-r ] bx thr iit COUIK ' t ! tncvttic ' night the ritx ttomcx ill draft D irdi nanrr for nidcwalk on tl.r etBl l Ic i ' Twentxsecond street from J to K The committee on vlaductt. Ktreetj utij alleys reported In f vor of the city boir Ing 41.000 for the pitrprs * of palntlrj : it i rrpalrtng th rtadurt * . and tbi > report xx , adopted Mullaly wanted a rcnolutlon pMHel pr < Tiding for the locating of four fire bxxlratr * j on west L ttreet , M aooti a th * wai > ft ! clent tnoney to pay lor the aa e \s therf > will not be amiey rnnugh ID tl > r fund to warrant thin expenditure until tht * next levy , the rraoluilon wm withdrawn Treaturw Broadwell reported a belnne of $89,226 on hand at the close of bu Ui'os October 81 Police court flftee to the amoant of fi2 erp collected by JudgeChrivtman lust month Mayor Btwor vt > toeO tlif resolutions p m ,1 at the last tuft-ting , locating two thi > hydrants on W street and four on ' - ( Letreet. In Ills veto the mayor stated thi < t the fonlHIon of the tire fund wan hiir-ilv * ufllrient to pay the salaries ol the flrvmi .1 until the en a of the fiscal year The x < to xvas sustained by a vote of 4 to S Hyland wanted the clerk to advertise f < r bids for painting the xladuct * Other mem bers thought _ lt best to delay the niattir for a week in order to see if the lovn authorized can be made After some rtin- c-uaslon I * was decided to wait until thu money was obtained CIt } OOflilp. C H FerraH Is In Chicago looking after businr-j matters r C Denny , a Tekamab farmer , epcnt yesterday in the city. Ed Stenger Is here from Herinoaa. S D. , with a ehlpment of cattla The Ideal club xvtil { ttve A dauco ct Ma sonic hall Wcdncadav nigh' George Woodard of Oxford , Idnbo. IE reg istered at one of the hotels C D Gibson has be ° n taken to tltr Prt - bytorlan hospital in Omaha Augustus Doll , a prominent Millar J farmer , va in the city yocterday. J M. Donsey of Corlln Nev. . xvas here yesterday xxlth fifteen cars of cattle Mrs J n Bcuncit has gone to Vail , In. , to visit friends for a coitp-e of weeks E D Seymour of New Market , Idaho , xuia a visitor at the stock yards ve tcrclav. Andrew Corry of Wilford ftah , brought Blx cars of cattle to thto market yestcrdax. J H Davidson , a business mail of AUIK- xx'orth. Is here lool.lng afler sutne property AVcdnosday evening t'pchureh Io1g No : Degree of Honor , will give a hall at Y M I hall Fraiik Benton and J B Kelly of Pine Bluffs , Wyo. , xxere vialtors In th * city ji - torday The little eon of Street Commtaftioncr Ross xi ho has been very low with searlct fever , ia much better. Mlse Minnie Harxcy lins returned from Toronto Ont . xvhere she visited with friends for & couple of mouths Out of last week's light Hxc alocU re ceipts 14K cars. 4,371 head of feeders x\erf shipped to the country , flftjthree cam xxcn ; to Nebraska and fort ) -one to ion a. The telephone company is remoxlng ! < dead xxires all ox-er the cltj and is replaciii xx lies which go oxer motor xxlre-s xvlth henx- ily-coxered wires This coxerlns will prexctit a great deal of the noise xxhlch In now licjirl on the wires In the business part of the cit > County CommlsEionor Hoc-tor , xxho is In terested in the opening of N street from Thirteenth to Twentieth said j-asterde } that nothing would be done about the matter un til the Thirteenth street grading xx-t com pleted Afler that he stid that there wouU be no difficult in obtaining the signatures neciefcarv for the grading of tSie street Ycst rd } an spent of the county comml-- sloncTO xxas in the city in x estimating n num ber of applicatiUs for aid So far this fall thirty-six South Omaha people have uilt J assistance from the county Each oiie of these applications be fully Investigate , ! and reported on. The ugout found that quite a number of applicants xxere not xx ill- ing to work and aid xxlli very likely he- re fused in such cases Thte ex-enlng there will he a popcorn social at the Young Men's Christian asso ciation parlors Ex cry member of the organization is expected to be present A short program xx 111 be i < n- derod , after xxhlch the Itedr nnd the IIIUPH xx ill compare notes and < lis-jss the best methods of obtaining nexv members If pos- bible the membership of the association will ho raised to COO before the "nd ofhe year General Manager W N Ilabcock of the Vnion Stock Yards company yesterday IP- ceived a commission from Governor Holcomb appointing him one of the delegates to the fourth annual conxcntlon of the NfbraU.a State Irrigation association The convention will t > held at Lexington on November 19 , 20 and 21 Mr Dabcock has always a great interest in the subject of Irrigation in Nebraska and full } realizes ite bencfitx not onlj to the farmers in the semi-arid lands , but to the whole state DKAinvocm I-LOIIIIM ; .MM.I. nrif\s. Plrrmcn Unit * Trouble Snxlim tin * Cltj from UeMriK-tlnn. DEADWOOD S D. Nov. 10 ( Special TcloEram ) Dcadwoui ! was tils evening vis ited by another disastrous fire , which for a time threatened to again wipe out the city. About S o'clock an alarm nas turned in from the "First " district of the Second xtard , which called the firemen to Upper Main rtreot. xvhere the Dead wood flouring mill , one of the largest in the state , nas in name * The flames had galnod BO great & hcadwa ) before the flromen arrived that It nat useless to try to save the mill , hut a second alarm v as turned in and efforts tnuclo fiBxe the surrounding buildings , in whim the firemen xtere successful but some of the buildings left In bad condition It x afc a hard fight , but the firemen trlumpbud and saved thecitj from the rcpeiition of the dieabter of Jk79 The fire started in the engine iciom and first made tt appsari > n' < i on the dome around the smokestack Tha loss to the mill company will aggregate at least $ lu 000 xx Itb insurance of about $4 ( HHi. the greater p rt of the company' * Insurance biixitig lapsed but a few davs ago The darc- Bge to eurrouudiug projierty. nhich Inclticlcd a large wood jard destroyed , will amount to from { 5.090 to $ G 001) ) M'COOIC , Neb. Nov. 1C ( Special Tele gram ) The etdck of the Boston shoo stor , E L Lsycock , proprietor , was practically ruined by fire and water at an early hour this morning The loss Is almost total , amounting to about $5000 , upon which there Is an insurance of { fi.OJO The damage in the fixtures Is about | 50ft upon which there is $1.000 insurance The damageto the building IE but a few hundred dollars , and is fully covered by Insuranee Inclitaliotis point clearly to burglary and inccudlariiiin. SiM OnIVomtiii nil tin * MiliMtiilK. Mr * . AliceLjons , a widow who has boon oklng out a scant } existence by sowing , was lam night summarily ejected from lur room at 1013 Howard wtre-ct The woman H to Its that l.e wu * unable to pay her room rent for iht past two weeks and the people ple of whom she rented growlnK impatient , put herself and liumtfaniotii ! out on the Hide-wall ; The woman If at pr Hciit lodged In the matron's quarter * at the pollenBUI - tlon until a better place can lie secured for her. _ Om - 1'nriItiili - for I'lux-iiU. CHICAGO , Nov 10 The traimmlittourl roads have agreed to grant a rate of one fare for the round trip for the National Irrigation CoiiKrims which will imt at Phoenix Ariz . In iJe-c-rmbor Btopovere may bo bucured on tiel.elt and by deponlting them with the Joint upci.t fit Pbounix they may lie made good uutll Jauuarj SI For InfantB and Children.