Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    TillVMAIIA. : . DAILY 111512 ; TFKSDAV , NOVF.MUIUI ? IT , 181)0 ) ,
new kin I of rrnp , while not sulntintlillv
bptielltlui ? It for lhr rultlvntlon of tlu < old
kind , vvhlih It hnd prodmed In roaioimblf
qunntltlis nnd with ordltmrv r-rlnlnty nnd
success without the nld of nrtlllilal Irrlua-
Uon Tin | iip tlon whether nny pnrtle tthir
bind vv.iiild thus be bom-tltod H m-i i warily
one of fai-t
rin th < Hiibjppt of the true construction
of tin- art HIP court connldind the CIIIPB-
tlon ns to whether thorp I1 * nny opjtoi-
lunlty provldod for a hearing upon notlro
to the landowners Interested In tbo quos-
tloti vvhc-thrr their lands will IKS bone lltnl
by HIP proposed IrrlKntlon , reaohlnj ? HIP
eonoluilon ibit Ihn right lo n hearing In
roffnrd to nil HIPBP fuels Is Rlvpn by the
act , nnd thnt It Imi bopii praeHoilly "o
construed by the aupromo court of I'all-
Tin- not provide * for n hearing of HIP
bimlovvnrr , both ns to HIP question vvholher
his Innd will IIP In-mfltPil by HIP proponed
ilroiilnilon nnd , vvlipn thnt hns bn > n do-
rltb d In favor eif thP bonpnt , Upon thp
question of lift1 vnliiatlon nnd nwi'SHmrnt
upon his land Included 111 the- district As
to other matters HIP district rin bp erentoel
without nollop to nny one Our onndiHlon
Is thnt thenot. . a construed with referent >
lo theobJeetlonM considered under this
third bond , Is Unassailable.
Rcplvlns ; to other rrltlelsms of the nrt ,
ono of which was that It takes property
without duo process of law , the opinion
Although llic-re Is n mnrlced dlnllnotlon
bitvvi'in assessment for n local Improvement -
me-nt nnd HIP levy of a ttcMiornl tax , yet
the former Is still the e-xoiclae of theBimr
power at * the Inttor , both having tholr
Bouroo In HIP sovereign power of taxation.
Whativor objections may be tirgpil lo this
kind of nn assessment ns being In vlolntlon .
of tin Htati eonnt tuition , yet ns the state
court has hold thorn to IIP without force ,
v.ifollow Its judgment In that case , and
our altontlon must lit dlroetod to tbo eines-
llon whe-tbor anv violation ef tbo federal
constitution Is Hhown In mieh an assc-ss-
imnt C'au nn nd valorem nsHissincnt em
the Hnd bonolH or , In other words , euil
snob an assessment as Is provldod for In
Bee tlmis IS , 20 , 21 and 2of tin net bo
legally lovlfd In mil h a rasp ns this' An-
ntitne that the only thoorv of those assess-
inonts for lonl Improvements utioit which
they can Hlnud Is that they nro Imposed
on account of the hem-Ills ipcolvoil and Hint
no land ought In justice lo bo assessed for
a gre-ate-r sum thebtnollts looilve-d
by It. yet II Is plain that the amount of
the benefits Is not susceptible- Hull accurate
curate- determination which appertains to
n domonstr Hon In goomotiy Some moans
of arriving at this amount must bo used
and Iho sumo method may bo inorr or loss
accurate In dUTore-nt C.IHI-S involving dif
ferent fai Is Some choice Is to bo mniln
nnd where the- fact of Homo benellt nee ru
ing to all the hinds has boon loioi'lv ' found ,
can It bo tint the ndoptlnn of the nd
vnlorem method of assessing the lands Is
to be held a violation of the fodi ral e-on-
ritltutlon' ' It seems to us oleaily not It
Is one of those mutters of detail In arriving
at the proper nnil fair amount nnd proportion
tion of thetax that Is to bo levied on the
Innd wllh re-gird to the bom flta It has le-
celvod which H open to the discretion ot
Iho state li clslat me and with vvblth Ibis
courl ought to have nothing to do Thu
v.av of .irrlvlnir at the amount may bo In
some Instances Ineegtilt ible and une-qual ,
but thnt Is far fiom rising to the level of
a constitution il problem and far fiom a
c.iso of taklnr property without due- pro
cess of law
The method of assessment hero provided
for mav not ho the best which eonld have
boon ndoptPd In ortloi to nco.impllsh HIP
most njiinlind exact Justice which the
nature of the C.IHO pet mils Hut not the
loss we nro unable to say that It runs
counter to nnv provisions of HIP federal
constitution , and wo must , for that le.ison ,
bold to the- objection here consldt-rod to bo
linti n idle
Jnstlco Prekham devoted n considerable
portion of his deolBlofi to nn exhibition of
Its Importance Accepting the estimate tint
the arid belt Indues fiOO 000,000 ncrea of land ,
ho said
Of this enormous total nitlllelil Irrigation
hns thus fn been usi d only upon about
SWOON ) .ions of which slightly ovoi 1,000.-
1303 aeros lie In the slate of C illfornl i. It
vvns nt n I eil by counsel that somi-thlng over
thirty Irrigation districts h id hoi n otgan-
led la California under the not hi ciue s-
tlnn and that n total bomb d Inilhit dness
of more than Jlfi.nooeno had been authorized
by the v.ulons illslrlots updor the pro-
% lsnns | of the act , anil that more than JS-
PCHXNIO of the bonds hnd In on sold nnd the
money usi d for the acquisition of j-top-
e-rlj and vvate-r rights and for tineonstriio -
tlon of vvoiKs IIPPPSSIIV for the Irilgallon
of the lands contnlnc-d In the \arlous ells-
\viiother thrno BtatomontH nro perfootly
ncourato or not Is n matter of no great Im-
portajipp , ns It has been nssume-d by all that
numbers of dlslilots haw been foinied
unilor the aol .mil n veiy lingo Indehlod-
ness alii-ulv Incurrod. and that moio will
bo necissu\ before all the dlslilolH will be
placed In . Illolent woiKlng condltlnn All
thosH mone > s , If the act bo v.illd , must
pvoiilually be rop-ild fiom iiKiossments
levied upon the lands omlnaced within the
respoe-tlve dlstilcts , while the annually 10-
cuiilng Intoiost upon tin so mom vs Is
nlso to be ropild la the scuno wav TaMng
the rallforul.i act as a model , It was alno
Htated and nol conlr.idlotod that several
of the other state-s which contnln noitlons
of the- arid belt ( seven or i Ight ) had pissed
Irrigation nett. and procei dings under
them we-ro generallv awaiting the lesult
of this litigation The futurepiosperlty
of Hies , , stall s It was claimed depended
upon the validity of thin act IIH fuinlsa-
Ing the onlv means praotle-iblo for obtain
ing Irrigation wllhout the nld of
which millions nnd millions of ncies would
bo condemned to lie Idle and worthless ,
which otherwise would furnish enormous
quantities of agricultural ptodnots and In
crease the mateilal vve-altb ami prosperity
of that whole se-ctlon of the eountiy
The court reversed the verdict of the cir
cuit court for the weslern district of ArUan-
M8 In the ease of John Drown , who had been
found guilty of the murder of two olllccrs
In the riierokeo nation , and ordered a now
Irlal The man has boon found guilty on
three former trials Justice Dicvver de
livered a &lmrp dissenting opinion , savin , ?
that after the man hnd been three tlmea
found guilty , the lasl verdlol ought nol
to he disturbed
The WestliiKhouso br.iho case , which has
nlreadj had hevcral hearings , wns agala
lestoretl to the docket for argument because
of a division of the court
S\N PRANCISCO , Nov. 1G-Much local
Interest la felt In : o declhlon of the ) United
Slates supiemo court la the Irilgatloa bonds
case for on It Iho dcvclopint-ut of the state
greatly depends. About ? SOUO,000 of Iirl-
Fllty Years Ago.
Ko theory o ( gcrn Uo chill
Aficctlon'a budding blisses ;
Wliui nrtlcut lov crs tpok their fill ,
No microbes on their l.Uscs
How happj they were not to know
Tlic ticriu.faJ jo jcura ogo.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
is the standard family remedy
of tlao world for colds , coutjha
and lung diseases. It is not a
palliative , and is not therefore
put up in small cheap bottles.
It is * put up in largo bottles
for the household. They cost
moro but cure more.
Fada como nud go but no
theory or fad can overthrow
the fact , that the greatest euro
for all colds , coughs and throat
and luuff diseases , la Ayor'a
Cherry Pectoral.
50 Years of Cures.
gnllnn bond * arc held In till ! ) vicinity nnd in
Europe locnl hanka nnd cnplnllatsnf \ \
advanced much monpy upon the tmnds n *
collateral urcurltlea , nnd ft declnlon Hut
they nre valid irpara the ImtnHliitc p tab-
llshmrnt of n utroiiR innrltct vnlne tor them ,
lhe > iMimiro of more bonds n 1 thn open-
IIIK up of vact arraa of rich farming lanrli ,
hicli. c-ouplcii ] with the advtencp In wheat ,
will make the- state more prosperous titan
ever. A decree of the supreme court con
firming Judge ROM' decision that the bonds
we n Invalid would have meant n loss in
tlio extent of the money Ipvcstel In the-m ami
loaned upon them and the retarding of thp
Important work of Irrigation for n time.
In the IrrlRRtlan districts directly affected
by the decision the Mislnlnhig ot Judge
lions by thei supreme cnnrt would have
woikcd a great hardship Nearly J5.000.000
has been apent already to bullel dams , vf ,
and prepare to IrrlK.ito and culilvato 20-
000000 neres under the etact provisions of
the Wrlpht art An ndvernr eleclnlon would |
linvo roiiBed this mnnev to bo left On the
other hand , thp favorable elccMon will cnuso ,
at least $1i,000000 ! more to bo spent for im
proveincnt purposes
S'lll.l , IN SIJ > < S | ( .
SeiTi-dirj'M Iti-tiurl liiille-nli-1 Itnplil
( ii-itvvlh of tint'ntiiiell ,
NE\V YORK , Nov 1C The second se&-
slon of theflrsi annual convention of the
National Council t Jewish Women openel
with Mra. Solomcn of Gliicgo , president
of the council. In thechair. . The meeting
was devoted ciitltely to routine committee
buslne s nnd reports from sections In the
order of suites. In the course of her report
the sccretarj , MIB Carries M. Wolfe of Chl-
cagei , said
"It 1ms been our effort to make the
policy of the council conciliatory and
liberal The council has grown bcvoml the
expectation of the most sanguine and It has
prospered Mav It continue to prosper and
become more and mores a potent factor In
American Judaism. "
The following standing committees were
announced hv the secretary Rcllilcn , Miss
Julia Pclrenthal chad man , Chicago ; Miss
blillo lllrschncld. New York : Miss Sarah
hjons. Now York , Miss Mary M Cohen. New
York Philanthropy Miss ( Jarrlc S. Hccja-
mln , chairman , Denver. Cole , Mrs I. M
Appcl , Denver , Mrs Holrman. Denver , Mrs
Joseph 0 Wallace New York and Mis
1'aullno Wllkonsky" Chicago Religious
schools , Miss Julia Rlchtnnn chairman , New-
York ; Miss Ella Jacobs. Philadelphia ; Mlba
Rebecca Ix-sclm , Qulncy , 111 , Mrs Mary
Kmma Schuber , Kansas City and Miss Sadie
American. Chicago
The report of Mrs Hcitha Sctr , the treas
urer shows n balance of almost $ " 00. Next
came the report of the committee on rubs ,
Iho chaltmnn of which Is Mrs. S. R. Levy
nf Milwaukee , who can-led her left arm
in a sling on account of a bicycle accident.
Ono of the sections called upon to repot t
was that of Denver , Cole , tcprcsenteil by
Mrs Carrlo S Itcnjimln In her leport ,
Mrs. Ilei.Jamin stated stated that a "cor
ner" for Jewish women had been estab
lished In the public library nt Denver.
This "corner" contained numerous woiks
on Jewish literature
The vli'u presidents , numbering iKtccn ,
presented tholr reports.
The chief feature of the afternoon ses
sion was the leading of a paper by Mrs
Nelllo I , Miller of Me-mphls Tenn In
part , Mrs Miller nilil "The National Coun
cil of Jewish women must live In older to
win and control the attention of our Jewish
women by menus of faith nnd the actual
contemplation of hlblo and religion and by
thn development of unselfish humnnltnrlan-
Ism Philosophy ami science may sitlsfj
the mind , hut icliglous study Is needed to
Inspire tlio Imagli.atlon In order to gain
bplrltual vitality.
"A national organization of Jewish women
Is nn Index of the times. We are coming
fiom behind the ) clouds of oblivion and
disinterestedness ns to our future value ns
women In this progressive and enlightened
nge liy association and emulation of our
Christian sisters , much could be learned ,
nnd such actions on our part nro to be cn-
couraveil. hut not to the degree of merging
our Individualities and personalities so. as
to lose our Identltj as n denomination "
Thin nildre-Bs vvns followed by n ellsctiB-
slon led by Mrs. Schwab of Cleveland. O ,
followed bj Mrs Laura Jarob on of St
Louis. In the main they agreed with the
points brought out by Mrs Miller , but
Mrs Daniel R. Hayes of thlo cltj. Mrs
Meldola DP Sola of Montreal. Miss Hlrsch-
flpld of Buffalo and several others thought
Mrs Miller's paper a trifle too strong Mrs
Hlrschfleld who teaches in n IlufTalo high
scheml dei hired she found her Christian
pupils Just as Ignorant of the hlblo ns the
Jewish pupils , and It was an Injustice , she
said , to lay the blame or. the parents
Replvlng to these ciitlcisms Mrs Miller
said her section had received reports from
all over the state. Indicating a lack of In
terest In religion among the Jewish chil
dren , perhaps It was rather sweeping to
charge the parents with negligence for this
state of affalis , but the fact remains.
"Iloweve-r , " slid Mis Miller , "I bollevo
tint Jewish women mentally , phjslcally
and socially , and ceitalnlv morally , arc the
equal of her Christian sisters. "
I'ri''i-t lrl\ -s Out \ci'imii.-a-
iileil IM Ills CollMllNi'liiuAVIfi - .
CANTON , 0. Nov. 1C Major McKlnlev
had n great many callers today and was
Icopt busy gieetlng thDm Ills mall , too ,
was quite heavy and an hour or two wan
spent In answering correspondents. During
the morning the president-elect received
Congressman Charles A Iloutello of Maine
ami had a long talk w 1th him. The major
took aomu rc-t ; before luncheon time and
\\&a awakened for the meal at 1 30 Mr
Iloutello left for New York at 2 05 , accom
panied by his daughter. Mrs McKlnle-y has
greatly Imj roved in health and during the
afteiiioon took a drive with Major McKlnlo }
about the city. Doth returned much ic-
frcahed by the drive. Among the ealleis
during the da ) wcre > Messrs L D. Ciamlall ,
Hornellsvllle , N Y ; W. C. Elatncr e > f Cin
cinnati and Gcorgo W. DL-ardorfT of Canal
Dover , O.
Pie-sldcnt-elpct McKlnley was the recipi
ent of two I'.andtiomo .specimens of the Illack
Hills species of the Aineiican eagle today
They came In a largo erato and vvero sent
by the admirers of Major McKinlev from
Whilewood , S D. Placards on the crate
bore the inscriptions , "Look out for Murk ,
when ho rc-achc.s out for an > thing the tall
goes with the hide. " The blrJs arc named
"Mark" and "Hanna , " respectively The
eagles now adorn the citv park , having been
added to the collection of pets In charge ) of
Superintendent Reed
Congressman Uoutollo and his daughter
rcachid Cai ton on a late train la-st night
htopplng at a hotel for the night , and did
not make their pre-sence hero known until
this morning when the > went to the Mc
Klnley home- for a fiiendly visit Congress
man Ilnutcllo In an Interview today said It
Is too early to " speculate on the piobabilltv
of an extra "session of congress and that
the work of the short session would to a
very great extent decide whether or not a session Is needed lie also said that
his majority for congress la BO large- that
ho Is greatly pleased to servo his old con
stituents without aspiring to another ofllco
Another caller at the ) MuKlnley house- was
Mr. UljHfecs Glvck of Chicago , financial
agent of the republican national league
Hi- came with an Invitation from the Review
club of Chicago to the president-elect re
questing hlii presence ) at a baniuct ] Novem
ber 21 and a response to the ) sentiment.
"Duties of the Hour" or "Thanksgiving"
Mr Mc-Klnley has declined all eudi Invita
niNt-iiHxIoii uf llliiii-iiilllMin to Appear
Almiit MilTilMi iif ( InYeiir. .
CHICAGO , Nov. 10 William J. Jlryon Is
actively engaged In the preparation of a
work to bo published about January 1. This
work wll | embody a thorough discussion
of bimetallism and Its Importance ns an
Issue In the campaign of 1000. Mr , llrvan
has authorized his publishers , the T. W. II
Conkuy company of this city , to Htato that
oiio-half of the ro > allies received from the
wale ot the hook will bo uui-d In advancing
the cause of bimetallism during the next
four H'ura , The work will also contain
Mr. Ilr > mi's vlowg regarding thq results
of the ) recent campaign , hU biography
written by his wife , together with special
contributions from eminent political leaders
Full Corresjoileiioe with His M'.stross
Intraluoetl in Evidence.
IjnilnDn.i . Ciiiiitinic-il iillli the Henil-
IliK of Itninivtli > : > lMtlf.1)1 -
leeti'il li > ( hiVlitliu
( II OlllIIIllIIV. .
TDKAMAH , Nov. 10. ( SjioclMO-Tho Ills-
cox murder case was opened this morning
by the acceptance of the mass of corre
spondence Introduced in evidence by the
defense , nnd Its reading to the jury. County
Attorney Scars , who has been slcls , ap
peared In the court room nt the opening ot
court , hut returned homo In n short time
The readlt'g of the concspondenco con
sumed the entire day. It consisted almost
entliely of letters from Sellers to the de
fendant. These Icttcia and notes were ) full
of eneleailiii ; terms , end the author's pledges
of love and adoration for his mistress.
They vvero dated from September , 1S33 ,
ovcry few dajs up to within a short time
of Sellers' death. In nearly every erne ot
them Scllcis made dates or asked for a
meetli'g with the ) girl. A great many of
the letters showed lemlttanccs of money
for her support. On September IS. 1SD3 ,
while she was at Storm Like , ho told her "Cal" ( meaning her brother ) was learn
ing to bo all right. September 21 , he made
a ilato for her to meet him at the Rnvmomt
house nt Cherokee. lie told her that her
family was very hostile.
Scptembei 23 tells her of her letter getting
Into the hands of his wife and tells her to
address his lettei-i hereafter to George Pul
ler , saying "he's nil right. " November 13
ho told her that Anna Gough had told his
famll ) about them staying all night nt the
Snvmond house Ho said his wife had nlso
"got onto the Fuller business " On Octo
ber 3 ho te-lls her evervhody h watching
him , and her people are trjlng to get him
he fore the grand jury. On Nov ember S he
writes her to come from Storm l.aUo to
Cherokee Ho wanted her to hug him , saying
rho could do It so much better than an } body
else. On November 20 he told her to neldrcss
his letters to D K Hard , Qulnby , la. De
cember 2.J he asks her to go to Cal's nnd
then ho could go over and see her. Jan
uary 13 , 1894 , he addressed her as Mlas
Ollvo Morris , Anrella. la. January 21 ho
addressed her as 0 Morris. Correctlonvlllv.
la , pare Potty's hotel On Fehrnaiy 2 , 18TI ,
ho addressed her as Mrs K Sellers Shaler ,
In February S. after they had been ar
rested for traveling as man and wife , he
assures her of his constancy and tells her
ho hns taken his wife home ; said ho had
to go to Sac City to buy the papers oft
HAD TOy"sin" soMinoiY.
Tehruar } 10 h'e addresses her as Olive
Mori la , Carroll , tells her he had been te >
Sac City and "haw" the papcis It cost him
a great deal of mone > . lie tells the girl
that If his wife writes her to answer net
all rlpht March Iri , he sa\s "Cal had oimht
to let us meet ; " March IS , he tells her Cal
Is getting all right. Ho Is going to sell hlih
Interest In horses March 2S. headvlsca her
not to let anv one know where- she ) is going
outside her own family. Apnl 19 he asks
her to meet him and tells her "vour house-
was struck by lightning ao can't stav there '
\prll 21 he addresses her at I imars and
tells her that "Parker baa been spu-adlng
the news all over town that he saw us
together" He also sajs bo fi\ed two men
that followed her over the hill May 14 ,
aildrcEc.s her at Lillians and tells her to
get redy , to get nnvthing she wants ; thev
nro going on another trip June 5 he tells
her their trip had been the best time he
had over had The story had got home
hut he had fixed It
Juno 13 he tells her If she docs not want
to hear of a suicide In Qulnby to come-
quick luly " he ) addressed her at Ix-nmrs
nnd tells her that John Rankln had served
n warrant of arrest upon him nnd was
hunting her ; that a landlord where they
had stopped had cnuscd the trouble , and
wanted their arrest or $100 Ho said he
had settled for $30. July 10 bo told her the
ofllcers were still w niching him and trjlng
to find out who the woman was that was
with him that night.
August 28 ho writes her from Washta ,
Ka > .s ho went to the barn and found she
had gone ; went homo and found his wife
very angiy. September 21 he writes her
that ho would murrj her If hecoulil. . No
vember S ho writes as though ho was afraid
she would get tired of him because he Is
out of money nil the time. February 2 ,
1S95 , ho addresses her from SUenan-
doah as Mrs. F. I. , Sellers , Mal-
vcrn , la. In this letter he tells
of his hard times and how he Ls unable to
semi her mono } to pay her board or to get
away with April fl ho addre-sses her at
MorciM whcro she Is working In a hotel
Ho dculorea having brought her to It He
didn't v.ant her tostaj , seemed afraid Bome-
ono would admire her or Intuit her Said
her folks did not know where ) she wns and
were worried about her ; said if Hunter
would get hold of It he would tell cverj-
thlng April 15 he addresses her from Onavva
and tells her not to think of sending him
the money she earned Said reports nt his
homo wi-ro that ho had goneto Texas with
her. Thought It must be nice for his fam
ily April 2 he writers her ho had just got
homo to find Warren ( his brothci ) sending
the sherllf after him He bald he had noth
ing , not even feed for his horses Ho said
"Cal" ( her brother ) said Hunter had told
overthing He had said nothing to Cal
about her , was ashamed to for the first time-
Ma } 1 ho writes her that lie Is still woii-
'n'g ' about her working in the hotel June
G ho wrote from Oakland , where ho had gone
to trade for a livery barn , still cleploilng
that she must labor , and said he never did
em pt her to hnvo tn
Juno 20 writes her from Qulnby saving ho
was having a terrible time , has been sued
twlco and everybody saw her Iho night she
was there He thought If ho were dead It
would he better for everhody November
3 ho writes her from Memphis Tenn , where
ho has gone with homes , and asks her to
work Cal and her father to fix that matter
up and get them to secure It December The
ho writes her again from Memphis and In-
qnlics about her aunt and makes the propo
sition that when ho gc-U homo bho and
her nunt wleep together timl ho will
sleep with them both , Ihen
nobody would euspe-ct him and It would
not hurt her aunt January 18 , 1SDG , he
tells her he has made n date * with Cal. when
ho would come to ceo her January Ifi , 1S3G
ho threatens lo wrlto lo her father If ho
does nol hear from her soon A number
of letters written from Oakland , this county
after January 1 , 1S03 , to the Hiscov. girl
whom he addresses at Onawa , la. , as Mist
Jennette > Travers. hewed him to still he
In trouble and Indicated that ho wcs en
deavoring to make Rome- arrangements no
that they could leave- the country.
Trial iif nil Inilliui I'olleeiiinn.
PRNDER. Neb. . Nov. 1C ( Special Tele
gram ) The case of the stale of Nebraska
against James Hlackblid , was on trial In
the district court of Thiirston counly this
morning. The courl occupied several hours
In securing n jury. Blackbird , an Omaha
Indian policeman , Is held on the charge of
shooting his cousin , John Illackblrd , with
Intent to kill.
Sixty cases wcro disposed of last week
Judge R. n. nvnns says the docket Is yet
brimful nnd sixteen Jury cnscs to bo dis
posed of this week. An adjourned term
will probably bo held seine tluio In Janu
ary , 1897.
Ooiiiit-ll IIInlTH Mini Sliol.
PHNDKR , Neb , Nov. 1C ( Special Tele
gram ) News was received hero this mnin-
Ing of the death of Charles llonnoy. son of
Mrs h A llonnoy of this city. Ho was
accidentally shot at Mnplcton , la , Sunday
evening. The deceased was a resident ot
Council Hindu , and In the employ of the
Sterling Manufacturing company.
St. IMvvnrilH AYiintH I'lnI'riileitlon. .
ST EDWARD. Neb , Nov. 10. ( Special. )
This vlllago 1ms taken Iho mailer of flro
protection tn hand nnd , with Iho hoard , hag
just purchased a full equipment for nro
protection through an Omaha agency.
\\OHKI\O roil iKmr.i.f. s cnii.DitrN
Mnc-li InlcrcM MnnlfoMeil III HIP Hume
Nnele < > --nt North I.imp.
NORTH LOUI , Neb . Nov 1C ( Special )
tlev E P Qulvcy , stale superintendent of
the Nebraska * .Clilldrcn'fl Homo society ,
preschod In the Hnptlt ehurch Sabbith
from the text" "ftitismuch ns ve have done
II unto one gf Iho least of these , My
i brethren. 50 iiavo. done It unto Me ' The
1srrmon was rflirtwrful and eloquent ai'p"al
In behalf of'thi 'many homeless or other-
wlo unfortunate1 ! children , who are bclnR
reared umlcn aba baleful Induence of In
temperance Djiul yjce. Ho gave an account
of the tiii-tlioda of ihc soctotj In ftathe-rlnft
up ihcse unfoT\intfe ( \ { waifs and placing them
In Christian bodies , where thev" will re
ceive proper moral and religious tri-lulna
and be taught habits of Industry , enabllnR
I them to live noble nnd useful lives. In
response to a request for the > subscrlplloa
I of life memberships , uvcnty-orvcn Mgnalures
were se"iired the largest number vet
see-tired from any church In the alale this
making the North loup church the banner
i church of Nebraska lo dale A local" board
I has been oiganUed with the following olll-
, ccrs. Piealdent , Mrs. 11 11. Studlej , vice
] piesldcnt. Mrs. J 11. Italicock ; M-ere-larv.
I Mrs Mabel Simmons , with cue treasurer
from each denomination rcpioscntcd hj Ihe
membership. Installment life memberships
of J5 per jear wcro subscribed by the fol
lowing persons J H. Dahcock Jccob Wil
liams. Martha Hlbhard , Rivmoml Hce Orcll t
Vanlorn. ! G 0 Clement , Charles Thoi agate ,
Roy James , Klo Thorngate ho > al Vanlloru ,
E. C. Ilarkcr , Dr. P. O. Hurdl k Walter
Lewis , S J Swan , Maxsou Crandall , Harri
son imls. Jennie lice , Kittle Davis , Ra >
Ro-d. Matthew Drown. Willis Lewis Ada-
line Ilahcork , Coia Hrace , Henry Davis.
Ilertl' " Hood N W. Babcoek. Mrs S R
Hall In addition to these a lar c number
subgcrlhed ? l per jcar for five je.irs J.
IJ Williams of this place has .ilreidy been
supplied with one of the soiletj a children
\oti\is < : iuij COM ft ITS hi inni : .
I Iliilliiniii of Crnnil lilnnil
Tiil.i-H a Doseof Sir ) e-linliM- .
GRAND ISLAND. Neb , Nov. 1C ( Spe
cial ) Marian Mailman took n dose ot
strchnlno this morning A phslclaii was
hastily summoned , hut too late to save her
life A Jury Investigated , and found no
other cause- than that the girl was tired of
life She said whtlo dlug that she had
felt so lonely she wanted to die. llc-r
IMients ilro said to live at Alc-\nndrla ,
though n telegram to that city did not reach
them The girl had complained of unkind
tiealment by her stepmother. She has
been in this city since August She was
an nttractlvo brunelte , lather plump , nnd
quite tall , and apparently nhout 20 } cnis
of age She wns cmplood ns a domestic
A telegram was received tonight from
Fted Ilollman , father of the dead girl , ie-
questlng the coroner to hold the i cumins
until his arrival. Ilollman resides nt Dcsh-
s i' VTIJ M. < ! ni iinr.T ro\\ivpiov
Will Oiii-n at Crniiit iHlanil Toili : ; ivllli
Mil n j llrli'Kiites l-ifsriil.
GRAND 1SLVND. Neb , Nov. 1G ( Special
Telegram ) Grand Island Is ready to enter
tain delegates to Jho Stale licet Sugar as
sociation , am ) ulrcj-dy several delegates aio
here The association ofllclals will have
headquarters at Iho Palmer house. The
contention is , td "bo called lo order at 2
o'clock tomorrow' ' afternoon nt the opera
house , which'will ' 1,000 delegates The
local commlttco expects quite a large at
tendance Among the prominent agricul
turists to bo present is the editor ot the
Orawgo Judd -Farmer. Hesldes the address
of President Allen , addresses nnd papers
will he rendered , by Governor Holcomb ,
Mr Hdwnrd RosoWnlc-r , D M Norton , Prof.
Nicholson , Hi T. > Oxnard , C. A. Gianger
and e\-Semtor Mandcrson. The ptogrum
includes a thorough inspection of the fac
tory while thtfV > nrflo is In operation
\ \ III \ iniiiianil Instruct.
NORTH LObP , Neb1. . Nov 18 ( Special ) -
' '
The regular I'lion'tnly'sesslon of Ihe Young
Married People's rlub was held Saturday
evening , in addition to the usual amus- " *
mcnt of games , charades , etc , the company
was royally entertained by a number of
choice .selections of vocal and Instiumcnlal
music , lendered by Mrs Ethel Thoingate ,
Mr. Wesle } Hutchlns , Mrs. Eslher llabcock.
Mrs HV.I Hill and others. It having been
decided at the last meeting of the society
that the first half ot the meellngs hhould
hcrcafler bo devoted to the consideration
of some subject from which Instruction as
well as entertainment should bo derived ,
the Ihcmei of "Early Discoveries en the
Shores of the American Continent" was
taken up. under the direction of A H Ilab-
ccck. and accounts of the adventures nnd
discoveries of Columbus. Cortez , Hal'joa ' ,
Pence do Leon , ami others were given by
various members of the club all of deep
and thrilling Interest The Idea of thus
combining instruction with amusement will
bo continued by the- club througout Iho
lliirnl Deliver ; I'li-iiNi-H runners.
TECUMSEH , Neb . Nov. 1C ( Special )
The free rural mail delivery has now been
carried on hero for ten dis and the cai-
rlers are thorough ! } conversant with the
work dependent upon them. The teirltoi }
covered by these carriers Is all of Nemaha
precinct , outside of Iho corporate limits of
Tecumseh anil the enterprise is In progress
under the supervision ot the Postolllco de
partment at Washington for experimental
put poses The farmers along the routes an.
no\v acquainted with the natureof the
service ) and arc quite pleased with It To
have the lUll } papers , letters , etc. , dellveicd
to their doors each day heems a rare priv
ilege to them. The Tecumseh merchants
however , are of the opinion that this cour
tesy extended to the farmers by Uncle Sam
Is somewhat Injurious to the-lr business It )
hiving Ihelr mall delivered to llieni they aio
not required to come Into town neail } ns
often nnd consetqucntly business suffers. The
scrvico will continue until July 1 , 18SG.
llanK ( "Yiu-IiMim-ii
DAVENPORT , Neb , Nov 1C ( Special )
The three crooks who cracked the afo In
Die Jennings State bank at this place on
the night of November 13 have been located
at Hanover , Kan. , and nrrestcd Neaily nil
of the $2700 In mono } anil most uf fie
Jewelry has been found $1,300 In currcni }
being found on the poison of one of the
crooks The nireM nnd conviction of these
crooks will be > hailed will delight by nil
business men nlong the St. Joseph & Grand
Island railway for In nearly all Ihcse lowns
the } have donea imlvlng business for the
past } ear or ttyo , , pijucklng safes and robbing
store * , , ji , _ _
i-liillNKn Cullle.
ST AM FORD , " Neb , Nov. 10 ( Special )
Oliver Clark 'tijitf ' seven or clghl farmers
In this viclnllxiqrilvcd hero Sulurday even
ing with 800' head of steers , which they
l.ueml fecdlnj lln this vicinity this winter.
Clark S. Porter bought these steeis nt
Ogalnllu , and : left here Oclober 20 for that
purpose. Th& ! makes close t1,300 he-ad
of cattle fattening In tills Immediate vl-
clnlt } this \fJni\V , and the present price
of corn Is 12 cents per bushel. Clink has
tin eo crops j | ) f alfalfa hay cut from
lwenl-llvo acres of giound lo feed , besides
a big corn croiy.
i\i-IIIiiK Hiiiinunj ill Ti-i-uniNe-li.
TECUMSEH. ' Neb , Nov. 1C. ( Special )
Whllo drh ini ; IHI > , Fourth blrcel Salmday
Rev T E MiidreM'team became frightened
and ran away It ran In an alley back of
William lluerstetta's store Dnc-rstetta lan
In front of them and attempted to atop them
Ho was knocked eciiHoless and considerably
Injured. Mr. Mooiei vvus thrown out of the
buggy and his rfpht leg broken.
.IiiliiiNon ( 'uuiil ) TL-IK-IU-I-M Meet ,
TECUMSEH. Neb , Nov. 10. ( Special. )
A regular session of the Johnson Counly
Teachers' assoclallon will ho hold In Te-
ctimsoh Friday evening and Saturday , No
vember 27 anil 2b Prof Luckoy of the Ne
braska State university will bo present Fri
day ov uniim anil lecture ) on Iho subject ,
"Study of Foirn Children. "
Wheelmen llci'omn
IIKATRICE , Nov 10 ( Special , ) Illcyclo
riders have been warned by the police to
keep off the sidewalks within the city
limits , and now the ilclurs propose to prose-
cula any ono caiiKhl Ihrowlng Klaus or oilier
obstructlona Into the street ,
Booeivor of tlio Lincoln Savings Ennl :
Makes His Report.
lli-IV 'I'vvn Iliiiiili-eil Tltntl < < ltiiit lti > -
iliilr.-il In Sellli- This ii'i > ntiil-o ( if
LINCOLN , Nov. 1C. ( Special. ) Receiver
Hill of Iho late Lincoln Savings hank s.ia
thnt the bank owes its depositors ? 15flCJ.01. !
Other elcbts aggregate $73)5f.03. ! ) The ns-
sets consist of rcnl estate , safety deposit j I
vaults , furniture , notes , etc. , of un
certain value. These nre now absolutely
unsalable , nnd cnnnot ho realized on fern
n long time to como. The ) \aluo Is totnlly
Inadequate to sallsfy the creditors , hence
the icccnt suits which Receiver Hill has
begun against the stockholders. lie asks
lltnl they be ordered to como Into court , nnd
tint the delinquent sum to bo raised bo.
determined by the court , nnd thai cnch I
ho ordeied lo pa } Ihe sum found due
Al the last term of the Lancaster counly
illstilct courl Louie Ostian tiled n petition
for divorce from Peter Ohtinn This morn
ing when the case was called she tolled to
show up , but the husband wns thete , and
v. a.s pel milled lo stale his vetslon of the
case Ho was o widower when hc > met !
Louie , and sl\ months after their maiilago
she tiled a petition fen divorce , alleging ,
that Peter had begun n satcmalle com so
of abuse1 and peiseeiitlon , and cliculatcd
false stories against her nmoi.g the neigh
bors and otherwise' greilly nnnocd and
hainsscd her. She had left him within
three months of her wedding dny At pre-s-
e-nl Louie Is emploed nl Iho Mercer hotel
In Omnhn Peter Is a farmer , living eiht
miles south of this city lle > said that fern
n time after mniilago ever } thing wenl well ,
but when she began pleading for him to
deed all his propert } lo hci he- had de-
muned , icfusii-g lo do so on Ihc giound
Hint he was In dehl , and It would not look
right for him to do so After threatening
him with all kinds of danger from whltc-
eaps she had gene awav She returned
afterward and offered to compromise-
J0 ! In cash , hut he- hud Insisted on hci sign
ing some papers waiving all ilghl lo any
f uit her sums bcfoie ho would pay that
amount Ihe next thing he hcaid she had
commenced the suit for divorceDm Ing
the pcndenc } of this case Ostiau has been
pa } Ing her n small nllniou } . The couit
lie-aid his story and granted him n di
vorce , and Loulcy Is thus shut out ot an }
pnititlpnllon in his propel t }
Henry Herger , nn nged German , recently
living on L stieet. Is still missing fiom
Ms home , nnd thcro nre feais of foul pin } .
Ho went lo Chiuigo and suddcnl } disap
peared 'Ibis wns one week befoictho elec
tion. Ikhnd over ? 1.SOU li. his pocket at
the time of his dlsappentance- Is said
to have ) visited several saloons on Clatk
street , Chicago , and exhibited his loll
Judge Cornish Is engaged In district
court in hearing the caseof the SUle
against Frank Webber , charged with rob
bing the icsldcnce ) ot S. A D. Shilling Sep
tember 17cbbci has quitea record in
cilmo , Is n leform school giaduatu and
also borved one term In Iho penlle-ntlai } .
Hn will try to prove an nllbl. At counsels
icquest Ihollncsses were ) beparated so
that the- } could not hear the othe-i s testi
mony In the case.
Ihe- county commissioners have not as
} ct made up their minds whether to toy
longer with the Gic-en tt VanDiiii case ,
but ns the time for filing a sta } of Judg
ment esplied today , the attorneys weie
aulhorbed to take that necessary step to
save the counly's Interests.
Iho preliminary debates nt the State- uni
versity for tlio bclc-ctlon of Diatom to rep
resent the stnto In tlio Kansas dcbato re
sulted In the picking out of Messrs , llaker ,
Green , McGulre , PIpci , Dennlson , Klllcn
and Melc-i They will debate In the Decem
ber finals
The funeral services of O. M. Thompson
will take place from Ihe icsldence , 521
Soulh Fonrtccnlh strcel , lomoirow Iho re
mains will bo taken lo Plalnfleld , O. , on
Ihe 2 15 train.
Harvey S. Dell , a well known renl es
tate ) agent of this city , and a woman giving
her nanii as Mis Wool , but who la said lo
bo a Mis Carrie Laddie , arc now locked up
al the police station on a clmigo of Inimor
all'y. The- } wcicancstcrt last evening In
n room In the Berwick block Mrs Hell
It was who discovered the Illicit Intercourse
ThereIs a pnthcllc stoi } eoni.cctcd with this
CBHJ , which dales bade several } eirs On
Saturday last Dell had hci confined In the
Insanu aslum on a charge of ins mil }
Once before he had her conllncd on the
same charge , but she was released as cured
Many people In Lincoln now believe tint Mrs
Hell ne-vcr was Insane , but thai an unlawful
attempt has been made to put her out of the
way ot her hnshrnd's illicit pleasures
This morning Dell ntlempccd to gain the
iclcaso of hlirsclt and the West woman
but Judge Waters refupc'f to lightly paas
by such v lolations of tro law and ordered
Mrs West brought Into court Hell wen
placed under bonds In the- sum of $100 lo
appear lomorrow for trial , and Mrs West ,
In default of ball , was locked up In the
illation's ward IK those acquainted wlMi
tlio facts In the hlstor } of Hell . < cm cor
It Is thoimht that If hi ; wife
Is Insane the dcini gemcnt of her
mind was brinish * on by Dell's cruel
treatment Mrs Iicll Is a daughter of
Groc-ervman RIordan of Lincoln She had
n handsome face nnd figure nnd was pas
se-ssed of mail } admirers She , however
chose Hell from the list , deserted her ham-1
and nccnmprnlcd him to Omaha , where the }
wcio man led
After ovvl-Ilo Hell became Jealous of hoi
and hired spotters lo follow his wife aiound
town when she went to visit friends In the
evening This was In 1891 Hell complained
that his wife was Insane and not a lit sub
ject to-be at large She was laken befoio
the Insnnlly board and adjudged Itiiane
Suspicion then prevailed in the minds of
Iho asylum officials that there had never
been anj CPUSI for her incarceration and nho
was dlschaiged On her return to her hus
band , according to otatome-nts of thc o ac
quainted \vllh the facts , she met with a cold
icceptlon She bad been ostracised by her
parents for consenting te > the marriage , hnd
no other place to go and , consequent ! } , was
compelled to put up with a great deal of
Ill-lreatmont from Hell A few weeks ago
she appeal pel nt Iho home of her parents
and asked permission to lemaln theio until
slip coulil get homethlng lo do , which ro-
quewt was granted Satuiday moinlng elm
appeared at the Den wick block and asked
If Hell and his wife vvero there She was
told they wcro and was shown In upon her
hushanl and the West woman Then Hell
had her ntaln placed In the asylum.
I'lillt Cuiiiil ) Murluii e Iteconl.
OSCEOLA , Neb. , Nov 16 ( Special ) The
books In Iho county clerk's ofnco show that
there were nearly $100.000 of chatlol mort
gages Illenl during October , caused by the
largo number of cattle thai farmers have
brought In to feed. The following Is the
record Chattel mortgages filed , 107 , $97,771 ;
released , ten , $2,350 , town and city moit-
gages filed , two , $711 ; released , three.
$1,250 , form mortgages filed , ton , $15,775 , ic-
leased , four , $1,175
I.Itluriillim In .loliiiNiin County.
TECUMSEH. Neb. , Nov -Special. ( . )
Judge John S. Stull will open Ihe ) fall term
of dlstrlcl courl In Johnson caunly al Te > -
cuniHch Tuesday. November 21 There nro
about soventy-flvo civil case's for considera
tion. The grand jury will bo dispensed with
I his term.
Aiiiiniiiiceiiieiil at Ili-n t rlec ,
HEATRICE , Nov. 10 ( Special.Cards )
are out announcing the wedding of Guor o
Warrou and Mlns Eutclla Kelm , Iho latter a
popular } ouiig woman of this city , Iho for
mer's homo hc > lnt : al Reynolds The cere
mony will take place Dcccmbci 3.
Korni a .In I il I I'linl Hull Te-iuil.
HEATRICE , Nov. 1C ( Special ) lloatrlco
and Wymoro have formed a Joint foot ball
team , and are open for gamca.
Lovirs of Vnthonv Hopes virile lomance
vve'io ' out In force last night Leivors , too ,
of nil thnt Is strong nnd imhlc In tic ! Ion nnd
the drnmn nnd rcnitlonnrles ngalnut Ihe
chbnslnt ; lendencleB of the modern Binge.
They had bre'nthed the InvlBornttiiK ntmoB-
phere which oxhntcs from tltD pngcs uf the
tireaicsl story of romantic adventure which
Ims nppenred in this genet niton ; and they
watted to nco If thp gnme nlr could he itmdo
to permente < the same nctlon when Hint
net Ion Is moulded lo dramatic' requirements
nnd compre ssenl lo the limits of production
on UIP atoRe
! I It Is hard for those who linvo followed tbt >
I rhniiKlng fortunes of Rudolf Rassendyll
through Mr llnwktns' story , who hnvp rrnd
the book nt one eager sitting , nnd upon
whom the thrilling narrative hns so laid
I I hold ns lo supply the plnre > . for the lltno
belnic , of menl nnd drink nnd sleep -H Is
hard for such ns these to forgive n dinmntle
| xvralon nt which nudlences laugh through
the whole of two nets Neither Is It easy
'for those who love thnt hrnve Englishman
ns they love D'Artagnau in Dumas' 10-
, ninnce to bellcve thnt thelt beto wemld sit
tin his usurped thionc nnd contribute to the
general hllnrlt } by humorous nsldcs to lib
ndmlreis nnd , Incldetitnll } , to the nudl-
nice for ltiusc'Ucl\ll wns essentially n gen-
tlcmnn , nnd , once he got n-golng , n man of
notion , who believed In the Justice of the
enuse which he espoused , nnd ured nil
Hlinlghtforwnnl means to establish It Pee
ple1 do not laiiKii when they u-ad "Tho
IVsoncr of Xcntli. " 01 if : hev do it Is as
the } laugh who must laugh to mold tears ;
but thcv Inugh In the play , more- * the pity ,
innd II Is evident Hint they nre Intended to ,
which Is more pit } fctlll Comic character- )
are Introduced nt court , nnd humoious lines
i and business nre given to the seilous people
ple , probably In defoicnco tn the supposed
wol'lsh ' appetite of audiences for comedy ;
nnd thcicby Ihe tone of the whole ) pel form-
mice Is perceptibly lowered
As adapted b } Mr Edward Rose , Ihc
nc-tlon nt the plnv Is set forth In n prol-gue
nnd foul nets The grafting of Iho Red
Elphberg strain upon theRassend } ! ! stock.
disci cell } Indicated In the hook Is described
at length In Mr Rose's prologue and thcro
Is n villain of the black Elphberg blood , nlso
of Mr Rene's devising , who makes no ct n-
crnlmcnt of his villainy nnd oven proeHlms
it aloud during the duel which Is the result
of his mnchlnnllons. In the. play proper
the book Is followed prctt } closely ns lethe
the sequence ot the main Incidents Much
of the detail Is of necessity loft out , and
somewhat hns been added ns alrrnd ) notc-d
The manner of the lliml denouement Is
likewise changed , but not much nor detri
mental ! } It Is not until the curtain r'icri
on the third act that the familiar bracing
brccye of Rurltnuin bcgln.s to blow but
It comes fresh and slrong from thnt time
on Last night It wns direct ! } responsible
for the F\ calls which the plners re
ceived after the third ncl. nnd had mmh to
do with the single but hearty one w'-idi
WPS bestowed after the flml curtain If
the unscpiul } buffconcrv wore- left out of
the see end nit , there might bo curtain cills
there ) as well
The company , from Mr. Fi oilman's Lvceum
theater. Is a stiong one , and r've-a ' n
generally admirable performnnce of Mr
Rose's play. Mr Gould , who carries the
two loles of Rnssend } ) ! nnd the king Is an
excellent lonmntlc nctor Licking the sui
parsing ph } lcal advnntTjes of Mr. Haikett
nnd posslhl } something of the * grnce cf Mr
Pothern he Ls w nut Ing In none ) of the IF.IPII-
tlnks which go to make' n most worthy
accomplishment of n most dllllcull lask
The assumption by a Mingle placr ot the
Iwo roles Insuies absolute- accuracy In point
of irscmblince , but It also necessitated simp
exceedingly rapid changes In dress and
makeup , and as the actor miMt he on 'ho
stage. In one capai 11 } or tin- other , almost
constant ! } during the pin } , the strain upon
him will bo icadl ! } understood It Is
almost a pleasure to see Miss Irvlng's beauti
ful face and lo note her finished mi thod.
c-vc-n lliough Ihe irlo she undertakes he not
in all respects vvoith } of her abilities To
man } minds the performance of the veteran
Clmrlca Wnlcot , nn the veteran Colonel Sapt
was the artistic gem of the evening The
part Is a rare ono In the book How htich
a master of strate , ; } failed to advance be-
} oml the rank of colonel must nlvvavs
remain a nistery The character has been
tinnsfcrrcd In all Us loveliness to Mr. Rose's
pla } , and H dellghlfully porlracd b } Mr
Walcol Miss Odcll's work In Ihe role of
Ihe adventuress Is strong and convincing
though her articulation In certain strenuous
piE agcs leaves something to bo desired
In the way of clearness , u fault which
mi'st also be laid to the charge of "r
Grau , who Is otherwise quite acceptable
as Fritz von Tarlonheim. Mr Elliot , who
plas the very tiansparent villain of the
prologueIs much more effective as Duke
Michael In the pla } proper , and Rupert of
Hent/au , shorn b } Mr Rose of most of the
opportunities which the book nhords him of
showing his dare-devil effronter } and ap'cn-
dld ccurago. Is represented with proper
spirit by Mr Walter S Hule
The piece Is quite- splendidly put on It
will bo icpcaled tonight Those who see
it will doubtless be ple-asurabl } thrilled b }
the third nnd fouith nets , and they may
laugh , If Iho } can , at the second.
The Omnhn Musical soclot's coming con
ceit , which is nnnounce-d for llmiwlaj , No
vember PI. nt the Crelghton , Is e-xcltlng con
sldcrnblo Interest nmont ; locnl music lovers
nnd present npiicnranccj would Indleatc n
gc-nerous patiullage Over 100 poisons will
pnitlclpate- the cntc-itainmcnt among
whom are Homer Moore , Mis. Mai tin " 'aim
nnd Jules Lumbard. A large oichesira will
be comluctcd by Fianz Adclinann
The pattons nnd loveis of amusement will
soon lit legated with a representation of 'he
perennial spe-ctnculai drama , 'lompkins'
'Illack Ciook , " freuh fiom Its ye.u's run
at theAiaileni } of Music , New Yoik , and
the Hoston theater , Homon That this pio-
ductlon has lost none of lib chnim was nt
tested b } the nightly crowds of cdlfled
Gladness Comes
Witlin better undpn-t.iniliii/r / of Hit
transiunt nutiuc- > f tlie iiiiiny j'li.\v '
leal ills. , which vanish lie-foic nreijic-i eif-
feirls ( fentleelloitspleusmil e-Uoitb
lightly eliive-tod. Tliinis conifoit in
the UnemleiliTcthut he > ninny forms of
hiuUiH'ssnrc1 not duu to any actuul elis-
ease , liuthiinply to a constipatedcondi
lion of thu Hysk-in , which the pk-.ihant
family laxutive , Syrup ot Klirh. prompt
ly ruuunei That Is why it Is the only
remedy with inillionsof fninillub and is
isverywlii'io e-.ste-eine-d ho hifrhly by all
who values i.'e > od health. Us lie-ne-fle-al !
ctTccts are duo to the fact , thai it is the
one remedy vvhie-h promote-s internal
ck-nnlliiPhS vv-lthoul elehililatnif , ' the
organs on whieh it aetB. It is theiefotc
all Important , in oieler tojel its bene
ficial effeutB , to note ) when you pur
chase , that you have the genuine arti
cle , which is immiifactme-el by the Cull *
fornla KljySynip Ce > . only and bold by
all reputable diuififlst .
If in thu enjeiyment of < rood lu-aHh ,
and the byfite-m is jetpilar , laNatlve-hor
oilier i emedlc-b are then not needed. If
alllluted with any actual dlbease , ono
may hit comniendeel to tlio inostiilillHul
plijhleiun.f , but if in ne-ed of a laxative ,
onebhould have thu hesl , and with thu
weill-informcd everywhere , Kyrup of
FiffHhtunelH liiheitt ( and in most hugely
ua dundfjivehinostij'enuralbatihfaotiou.
pntrona In the Kinplro clly nnd Ni-vv MIR.
Innd's mctropolln 'Mils Hpe-e-lnclp vvlll bu
Mluirlly se'e-n he-re' with strlUltig nddltloiiH ,
notnhl ) the ' Iliillrl eif Ooum. " togrthe-r with .
the ImllolH In vvhlrh theprriulorn , Mile' .
Ktnvkop mid Mile' Mlt-nrl. from IhrI I ollri
IiiTRe-re's , 1'nrli , mid the Circus Claim-Ill ,
have' boe'ii e-sporlnlly engflKed All IIIUHMI-
tlon will bp DIP Introduction of cmnilh-i *
vatli-Rntevl e-Ie'i-trle-nl rffe-rts In the Amn/nn-
Inn innri-h Anothe < r nddltlon Is the up to-
dntc "Trilby ballot , " nnd the imnUiil
mnilonrtios Thp cplclirntcd Hlxfonl
brothers v\ill bid for the public1 nppretii-
tlon. This rovlvnl eif "Tho Itlnc-U Crook'
employ upnrly 100 people , vvhei tinvol In live
spe-clnl roarhrii This will he pH-sinlrd nt
the Crelghton for four nights , coinmpurlng
Suadny luatlnce , November i2.
"I'.ob Hoy" nnd Ihe " 1'agennl , "
lutorost Inltleh nt Its former production
\\t\t not eonllned to elll/ens of Scottish
dcirent will bo repented next S.Uuidny
ulKht. Mott of Iho iHucei mid speclnllle-t
vvhlrh won favor on the former aeeastou
will bo telalned nnd new featuiea will bo
ndded which nro lolle-d upon to pli-aso.
1'rlfcs of admission will ho greatly reduced.
\ VPrn itirin :
lli-iir > Koolilolllloil Mill ! MeIs No
I.einttc-r In ( In'onlesl. .
TOPiiCA , Kan , Nov 1C In the Santa To
receiver case the attorney general hns
ri > rvcd notice on Hour } Koclcr that the lat
ter Is no IttiKcr connected with the case
Koeler said this aflernoon Ihal ho hnd been
ihus notlilod on SntunH ) . llo claims thai
the attorney general has no light to taUo
chaiRp and should himself bo ousted. This
Is a question which will come up bofoiu
Judge Mjeis al Ihe hearing at OsUnloosn to
l.ltonir.i rontoMl.
A Joint literary contest , consisting of es
says , declamations , orations anil dob.ite- ,
between theCi vital I.e-aguo Literal y Hoe-l-
ely of this city and the I'nlveislly of
Omaha located .it Hi lie v no. will bo held
Thinsdav evening next In the Young Men's
Christian association audltoi luin. The p.u-
llelpanls nro ehosi-n fiom the besl inalorl il
in the lojcpit-tlxe sot U ties and an lntiios- |
Ing contest Is antloipate-tl The Judges
have boon wolocle-tl fiom among Omaha's
piomlnent ellUe-ns.
Injured li > n ltiiniMia > HiirKi- .
Yhllo illIvIng down South Thirteenth
street } estenhiy nfleinoon the hoihe of
Oeorgo 11. Ill own becMine f lightened nnil
ran awn } Mrs Hi nun , wlm wns In thu
bu'g | } at the time , vvns thrown to the D.IVI--
ini nt and bad ! } biulsi-tl The boise ami
vehicle wore later found several miles south
of while the ncildcnt occulted on Thlr-
teeiith lic-ar South Oniahn The rig w is
biull } demolished The hoi si nnd bugy (
were both taken to thu .station ,
Many wo
men nre as un-
] ilepaieel for
Ihe birth of
their babies as
if they were
found on the
doorstep in the
fjood , oltl-fasli-
.Iloned _ way.
Nine-tenths erf
IlTlT-ri -
| ll II } all the sufler-
111 ing incident to
the coining of
baby is nhso
hit el junneces
sary. It is un-
nalnial that
thi jjic-al func
tion should he
fraught v.ilh so
much clanger and clistrcsi. Tin's \vasDr.
Pierce's conviction thirty years ago , anel
he set about to find a way to set the
trouble right. The lesult was the jirepa-
ralion ami introduction of Dr. 1'ierce's
la\orile 1'rescriplion , the only medicine
of its kind de-vised by a regularly gradu
ated , experienced and skillful specialist
in the ticalinent of the diseases of wo
men , the only medicine in the world
that frees the period of gestation from ils
discomforts , and makes partuiilion .safe
and praclically painless. H is an abso
lute specific for all forms of female ; weak
ness .mil disease. It may be obtained at
drug stores , ami any wejman who would
like to know all about it , or who would
like to have advice : aim it her health ,
should write to Dr. Pierce- , chief consult
ing physician at the Invalids' Hotel and
Surgical Institute , HufT.ilo , N. Y.
Any woiimi who U snlltivv nnd bilious nnd
heatljch y. who elo s nol t-lccp well , nntl who
ii tumbled with nny form of indigestion can
do no better limit ; thin lo trv the edict
of Ir Pierce s IMcisnnt 1'cllets They nre the-
only positive nad permanent curelor con'li
pitioti They -.liiinil ilc the- action of Ihe liver
nnd avil < t Nnttire in getting rid of impurities
You elu not hccoine .1 sliv-i- their use Tnl.e-
them until the- rigid ir healthy nctinn of tl-e
bow el i has been restored 11111111011111111 Thv
nre the unlv remedy of their Linil thnt is n real
remedy They da tint cnnse griping or nny
other unpleasant deling Don t let jour drug
gist impose upon > ou and snb.titutc something ;
which he- bays is ' just ni goexl "
All Druggists.
vin siiiivrs. :
1 > .uili I 1 minium in nits tn LjiLiint Tlioater
i < 111 in > In
The Prisonar of Zcjida.
Seats mm on ill 2i "Co 7'nJl HO Jl W
SiiMinl.r .J . . Ilil. II VI K I'ltejLlK
fHEGREiaHTOGI i fflJ-M -
M Illl 'JI-i
'I Inn ' NIM i-iulie-r M ) ,
.liile-s l.iitnli.tril , vir . iliiflln Cnlin ,
Milliter Moiirt- mill
Fi-it nun mi HIP I'tliiH. 25e .mil Me.
Holi l'.i > > unil Niitlnnnl I'likmnt li > Ilequcet.
rrlrca Miitlim'r' ' I1" clillilun , citlults , ZSo.
1-ikm-nx.nlnK r.i ! V mill f,0c , no higher. Ihe " lcejrenora C.jtlitiln , } " BUII liy
Jtilis l.uniljaril
L. Ciawfonl. Alesi WliDMihDAY.
rONIGlfFAT 8:15. :
'I lie IiiMhtlM eiiini tllniiH
M vi IMUS : A in iiiii ; : ,
In the ( lulllo e < inlt I luy ,
TheIllftttixl Mil In I rill N.
TIIIU risi\'i uMI , IOMS ; s'ritnirs.
110 rouiim , Ij.ithn. ttiuiri hint unit nil modern
cnnvinliiiLi > 8 Itul'H > l iU anil J2 00 | iu iluy.
Tuhlo uiu xtt lit J HIM < lil I .w raliH In nuulir
Ijaurat-rn J'UA.MC IHI.miCH. ilyr.
1 f / , Arllollf / > Uli r 1 nitilib Mum
li , AiMnului'l iHher I n MM- * ' binf In lit-
i.letiuliK tiny fiHtrltlu tilitl * iir./i/
in.loin If nl \ Haiti ! In til. ) ur juunf in < j
. . , - - la it man fori-t I/ , t > tiilniuo or inurri uti
kfin in liiitif 'Jlittlr IIM. viiovTM liitmHilInt * liiiprnra *
innnt iiml rirorlin CUHK vvlioru nil olliira lull. In ,
ttt utuit liurinu thu { .entiliiu Ajnic Tableta 'Jlmr
huvocuml lluiuxiniliHiiil "III OUID ) nu Mo ijlvo u
l > u.lll o wrltlf n vuittanl.Ki to xirucl u turn In * m li cam
or | - iiina Inn iaoiii.y J'iU fiO ccnis nor I ttckiiguor
Is iu.I.iiui ( lull tr > atm ni | for $ JUi , llr mullill
plain wru | > | or. mmii ri-cult I ot I ricu. ( liculur dm
AJAX REMEDY CO. , Iulli'Jriii'1' , ; :
Kor'iala In Omaha by Jarntu ronylli , Vit N.
Kill Html
Kulm & Co , , JCtli and Uouijlua U'.rcotn.