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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1896)
THE OM.UIA DAIT/T 75EE : WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER IS. 1 < S ! > (1. SPECIAL JSOT1GES 'em-nf * f r will h * taken nntlt 12iSH p. BU. far tlw nn t until p. 31. for the jr nail JanUay Iti n . AdTrrtl r . by reitt Hn r a anm- b re l rheek. can bare an Trer n I- drt- l tw a nmnBereU letter la eare of Th ? B . An Trfm o a l lr * tl Till ! . JrlfTrTf-d a pre entatfwa of tkr cheek i aly. Rafe , 1 l-Se a w rtl Hr t In Ttfont' Ie a wiwt ! therMfl T. 'VwtBiiie t ket for ! * than Sic - ! lf t l er- tla. TheiraW rrt e-mcat mn t be rnn e WAITED MALE HKI.P. AJ rt > KA. WTO < _ * J * TSZXK OF * . - . ; ! . .3 * 05 BS SBf P t rt rasr - vtrr cay bna * c * M tt ? > - Wra * JJBB * ' ' . . j rn * < * . fraal. T , Pnt A"or r . H a -tnon. . D C. . tar tssetr n M aria * jC r aS x tt if 3N IB i' ' BMuaa waste * ] . B 1W TRAVEirWQ SAUCSaOEir FOR ' * - - aid. rtOaMe Boos * g a nan a- a * * i isryxin laiaai i ai uni eaatam.T ; rtd * - ) SSCBJ p-r amaUI BBd up i run I. 1 * * C. Dlrtnai * Ca. . L toata. B ann on- IX -MB. tm start. LBBB Br a FK3TA.LS HELP. X QIBL FOR GEXERAL BOCB V rk. Xn. Wrkffet. MM SewarJ * . C-MS a- i D A LArTTOREBg. APPLY T > v K tUlna Ro * r * . 9 * i gai at. C-C rirar crrxuLKioT LADOSB T5 > " - n niaaii ta ana ; adarr tram Mart. < * 3 a tar 4MB w afc tor Ji . . aad WXIB. ! iay mar f isSJi m. at Mra. Heft - i r : S Hara-r r t. C JK3 a- . auk- lr AS t * WI > r > - . Wrtt fcr parara- Un AAlr - . Mate. XTata. . Cataaa * . IU.a a * A Irhi ifml < mtal > fd. . Ajaiia * B a. B . c FOR RKAT HOC > . IX ALL PART" Or THS CITY THS C F rr Coopaar. SUC Faimag. D aa E " SES BEXIWA 4 CO. . S X. OTH ST. D-U _ MOC EHX HOC5E& C X STARR = S V. T LIFE , D 321 CH 'iX HOCSZC : titr B to m _ _ T or BOC8K& THS BYROX Ca. at t Mta sc a nT-rsESr rALLACK. BROWX BtS.r"j TH aai I a laa. ZU4 > MODKXX rajunc nj r lUillliiB BTOIBC ; e&Mot. Bl 3 . .rxmaasi'iii. ' . anck. SBI Jt. Us. sma > n trlrk < M S. Bta. K.M. aiaoira. SHa aad WaolwartX C. A STARH. S X. T. LM * K > . - < S2t FROM a ; Cl"LAACB M -'jiTac t i n a nf Ca. . 35K Dopf ? < - O X1K A BKAETWCI. BOMH IN tAFATTCTTB 1. . T muaj la rat-etaM tacaac FloHirr "nut ! ? r raaei at. STS OF S BOOMS. OPCHX S3 L SvaM * SM B ! . _ * H-BOOat rrcrr oariB nc < - . JO Mat So. laoare C o ar OB HDPEJtJf SF ra r * a < l nrrn. J W 8 < | Blr - . B > a. _ IVP * WK BKST.IKX r HOTSS AX S SCRT ail E. f BB i JB1 FABXAM ; Wi ! > Ma- Ca. P-MMi P T T-BOOM OCTSTIMC FLAT : XSWI.T COTTAOBi HAU" OT JSOrXatBBX for inatar f moan aa4 alcove , ail aiod- huuse ss inrti - * FVIeiity 17C TS SOCTH TH ST. Bs. C * S 3TTH STREET W-BOOsC VODERS j * h-Ladwrf : s e * rar * . j a Ftata aad Troot Ci . ! SJ a. l a itrm. F ft REjrr xixsoo c BRICK , rs FIBT- a nJ O./n. all BKUfcra liaiii orimimt * . ftae- n Hanr i > Part Inqolr * of JJtoa v. Y rfc Ute HEATED RSSIDEJSC TOR RKVT Fl.'R'MSnKD KOO3IS. 2iX\TET > BOOMS SSI . - v f r c'T'lnnsa ' Jtr * . , j MTMJJ * i I j- i - * na * uttt. _ I F KHED ROO3I& H f I St UT a. B r i. - aiisaia mi - JfcOOlsW * F Sv _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ wr-pias. XortJi * . E S0SJ B" It WO Ma AM } ? jijrr rEXi iEr ) Rboas. WITH OR < r UM aaara. amun iu t aad aB saaaem - - - . . .avKtta. nutl lu nus tar ta * vmtrr. V . = > ! - , - et. Mth aa4 ttmgga M I. onoo H-ro * ' SM. DOCGLAa BJOOMa. EXCEL- Reaaraxabla MM. F X B : * THS SUtBR : % lf BK-t'TTFCI. ALCOVE and a.a nrma. S-li anj naa r. F-aCM FOR HB.YT .L\rrK.M&ITKD ROOM5. MAX sou. a * X. G M FOR RK.VT > TORE3 A.MJ OFFICES. BRICK STORE BCUJXXO. f amain < rUl out . tov mac IM tM Karl Bk BUB. I-U * FOK RJt-VT. THE t TORY I.IUvK 3 = at > - ' Fantaai C TBis irlWinc uu a r.-t- ' tin ( anal , misspli ci auaai " "f Be r ira > w SB all daurv saa etc. Asvtr si ta wOef f Tfce B * * 1 m _ ACEXTS WAATEB. WAXTKI DC EVERY PradaaaU a utaucnw * . aaS taca MtOa at tat aalv w Isaac issali H. Piiulainirtnr Ca. . 14anrai . U'AXTED LIVE PEOTUC IX EVERY LOCAL- tor at ttm wr tr tatefy mad . 1C rtiac Ytagft-ftcrac. P O. Bra J-MBK BS STOU.VUU. PACIFIC STOstAac AXO WXRBHOCAE CO NS-Mt J-BM. Oatmal uaia s aa4 BTwara > B . 5t UJ cu. VAX A u-a TO UBA B < m BCT. EUtVATOK OF 1 | A aacogiD BAKC ' RJU , aVTATE WTT * F D WXAl > . KTH A DoaaMa. * - LVT < T7T AXD FAJUI RKAI. S9TITC r .H 1. . ] < f ) ITT Ft i-AJSJ Uill ' pvurtt s or Caaaa na. AJo Wn s nrt IB foot ' * > & * * . p M 1st * tn-1 TUT - : iiS * . ( * * * arti and h * * ea. B . BM < a cm. XB a * FOR SALE StLMrKLLVNBWO. IHEAPEST HARDWOOD WOVEX CORX-CRIB- , "BBam III C R. Lre * Doagias. Q 131 SAFES CHEAP 0 * F ARXAV Q ana jtai _ CtOAK5. rCKf. CRESS OOOD * . BMBts. dRai pain I asa ! wtu can -nth E. aask , osaec Srarl Hoot. Q-KMM AXT. j Onansoad Carrta * * Ca. . att sad OR GROCERY WAOOtT Carattat * wa oa. bai-Bsan. Drsamaaad < mr Co. . OKt and H r T 9ta. Q-MS-I-S I PA3BPT OOOD TOP BgOGY AXP TWO OOOD flltfltfty CsaanrtBss Vst fiftaM k Xk sssVBII BMl 4 saa lBV ? Co. . ara sad Barary. Q-M DU _ XEARLT XEW "RAMAXT HOsCK" BA.fE M * > TwentrcSi a A XSTW FRAXKXJX TTPEWRITER FOR ! ALE it a barraia. AJir- Omaiia. X b . P > Bin a. Q * * FOR * AJ.E. BE.X UnJE. OR r-ir r" . tr * arxe. haadwaw St. 4o . braoGfa ! rjuus oa air- ! * b 1a , and tire qa * Btixv trf j w - . oat naor Th T- mek. W * tr = M Jaa , Q JaST FOR REXT-TKX-A'TtS TnACT ! - OF LAXD oe kaiarlaw raita v f - cai-teaiac. Ta * ' } F DSI B Ox 1S S Famam ? . R Mi 2 HJ. XatHOR MFC. CO. . REJI'TET > TO x CL.VIRVOYA-VTS. jcas. FRITZ. cLAravoTAXT K : x. wrs. - - ix * IJATH . 1T1C. SMTTH. ua ix > raLAS. RO > > C ? aad R aai baUu. T ICC AJtSS. Y P > R BATHS. KASSAO& 3 T I tt St. room S. T-aOB Df VAX VAJJCEXBTBO DBgTHOTS PERt t ataaeaUr br eh tncitr saveiauuea aoar. atie * nna , etc. Room as. X. Y. Ufa Bids. BCTTCRK CTHKD to PADC so IKTEX- ty i Cram boaiBMw : m rcfUr ta liunsn In at Bwcmts cu0. . O E. Mllicr Co. . HT X T Ufk tatbtirar Caaaa. X a. r ttr BATBS Jf AS6ACS. . C-13 TtAVL MOkfX TBJEATMSXT FOR tTZBIXZ book tpc = . MC BM Ms : r-es SER CARTER HARrnrARS CO. . IMC fOCG- la . tor BBUUeis. frmlrs. tslex. = 5zr64e aK. eie. C IS BOOKBC Tl 0 Bl.-RKLEY PTG. "O. r-atae D 3IB.XKY TO LO.VS RCA.L E T ITE. LOAX i TRCHT oo. ns NT t- tow r t tor * ntce lara k a te lava. aoranCT. MiMainx ea wrs NOrrtu _ OTT UOAXS. C X STAKH , S3 X. T. IJFS. _ _ _ WT H TO XXMX OX > O > SOTSD O&fAKA r < 4ate. Brfrrun. Law Ca Tazaa Mack. ox nenewrsa * Taraaa Sattta Co. . nw Ftraaci. MOXET TO IXJAX AT LOW RATES. THS O F t l Ca TSBi FaraaB St. TT OH I PER CKXT SOX T TO LOAX OX O1CAEA Nt * . tLT . S. Mdkle. ' > nahi W TS TO IjOAN" OX OMAHA pBOPEaTT AT r ! .ML BPllrtinc toaas irasttKL FMefity MOVST TO UOAX OX ESePUOViP 0 CVH.\ , B-t rrr Pw-T & Ti FJrs Nattoaal Bank JHic. W ? IO\EY TO LOA.TCHATTEL . MONET TO IjOAX OX FrHxrrCKSL PUXDS. Me. , at lo - < nc a nty an sawact. OMAH-V SIORTGAOE L * OC . - < o . 3K So. IBS St. MONET TO LOAX ML l M DATS FCSXT- < LT > pvaaoa. Me. Dcz < re a. loao : t Berk r b k CH.CVCE. < . FOB. SAT.X. ABOCT Ml LAS. ilTNTOX TTPS. 7B1 MM. okte. I SAlr r - < v-titnl oa n. * iuiiBti irm ftaada < ar Tro-diird cmwrs. Tku auurai v u al OB Tlx Ciauoa S aad U ta turlr > ac4 amtaOcn. WlU a aaOc ar te s i HTW ta MU ia ! > rr aa or ar saa m The B Xea. T "U aTTAH.DKra STOCLE FOR SAie I JT IH. vrtta. Harte. Hwu i. Co. < a Ia. FIXK AX COMPISTE STOCK wvr < c. ttanai aad cawanu viQt a. : o hu H M . ( tuck n-lU iaTiaee > u : 1C 9MLW. Dciaiaa oat oah lad aeortnw v9r vtU bur tBU BUCK , a nu * eaaac * wia b ar tn fic ni i. aa todera. FOR HaTOtT TWO DOCBLS MODERTV * T "sr IURBM. tanunra BKHtd . beat iormn a - uidaoa * . snail Kxck .try coaijj in en * r - wfirti oca be porcbuM K turaain. caaa - rttfier TOMB or both. App.y H. H. # vm- = , H Kaai ftnM Caanctl ttng * . Y-a 3t . JaOKST B * TOC WAXT TO LJEAJtX H yiB eaa ante SKIM ? oa WaB < crt c 9. maaraui af S3 aari aamu < ai. Mead - ja , plaa of BE nil rVj. aiaMcd ave. K. M mr Ptne. kaalMr aad BJIBIII. 4 aal ( B- - . T Stew T a. T M9C J- _ ? < > R REXT. U-BOOM FVltXIiiHZt' B- : - v wmptet * ia w ry m KCt. ailed wufc buari rT aS per BWBCh. Atitl B S. Bw < a cr T-IQ Erasure _ asure STOCK. LD < X > LX OCWClo'iTljX auacrM. p&n euk. ttaituutax j- 9a. 7s. Jaaraai. Lteeaia. X n. r-icnx i FOR SALE RKAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE BTHOX REED COMPAJJY HOUSES , LOTS. FAjUIaC LAXOe Cm. P. Bum 11 Beat Bacau COL. Pxcao B& . . . _ _ _ _ * * C4 FOR AALE. XIXE ACRES WmXL 13frRuVE . I prats - . aa ( tnra. MB. , aw Swot * . , n. KKM. amr wch Osaka , -rlth huttMu tara , : * . nu. Sst land ter gtnUmtmr. V * . . aamr junta > Bina 4. aad aB lot. MB-M. mxai baaiM. tura ; lot MUM Jkwt. Mt 3urt nnwa buoMt. acr vator. Me. MQ Bart sdwrt. M-JMLM. Five room iximM aaj tarse aciser let. Tlirmiinii SE.9M.aX - mo * Bass af six . -y la auuU eaadl- Uoa. aad if pwpertr aaadteC sBoaU nnc rwt4. UT u XW.M { N < avaaai aaw awl noxate mn a T M UakM ttapms. rc Mnr au be boaciM ao * trr tnm afl ntaaai sutm otr ha * , at * Bar TIWM Md nudism IUMiBuniSB Amojti Baric oa Xank Mta r . BMBtasgBf aaa nutt - - - - - ta aw tas , aad via oaaoair aa > a.a .sE J Let abto A 17. HaBMMBi P-JMB. enaUar Kaar- aaai PmB if-cial taaaa aaU ta tall R SJ < B. foaled , a saad atz f wv a-KiiBB tx > ay . > a * alrass * toiaaoBB. SM * v * r * aa MM rtcr BsUta. LMt eaa a * I iiiijiBl r r ) cftrap av aub. rnur & fiiiBBi ri tti\f \ 1 I Param auit c KE-Maa ai > VB HATK ILVBOAxH U ( BOMEil ( arm * , aad vac mart Ltmt roar f aw O. 1C Xtuai- & Cu. . IKT V.ND GBORI3S F .iSULEXBE-TC . BAJUO JL.3TPO- lia and rattar aarhar Bjmat W BM B > 1 * I TH. m LOW fH.VRS3 C BTTTAl. L A B. A9BC PATS 1 T I per t TbrB 1.11 rar > Ma ; arvaja rr > Im isabli. iat Faraaat aL MataB r. Sos. TO UST A H OB MTUIBB. Asvly Omstis I. * B. CH Fai-ftajn. O. M. Xatt asae. * K. K.JCI JCI i i , , XABOTrrrs i/Axs MOXET. x. M ST. , ( I18R5KS WtVTEUHD. I J PIJEXTY OF FEED SHET * AXD WATXB : I aonvs eallrd fer aa > i J * , : < r-r i rafleK I noDLH. AJdrea * Iiailrr CreeBt dry. Is. " TO * : > i ait. BEST SHEI.TXIL ; ansCamoa < varaate 4. Wntc O. A. w 4cott. Elk Qtr Xsa. 5n D % IPS. GOOD QCTBOVEI > FASJC FOR A So. i CUT jBVixa'J AMma A S. Omaha S , M SC Dt * B VTH ROOMS. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I RCSBtAX. TTBKISH AXD batfca. M eta : * aten exclaxr * * 4 lartamK fttr ladfe * . * HM > ttigg 3 > rv iaUlea ba iiuaplfig aau barber sbvp te nsgrcaos. BT S. J + ti. tPHOLaTERISC. | GO TO M. i KVUn.IX FOR RIGHT rmpaciiae. . rpa raiz. n CTMJon . li Caialac. Td. _ A CI36 FC.R .UTV4X--3 prPILS IS toraunc at Mcr-aad" ! lan > t ererr Kcndar at I > . a. tlrlMK f r 1 * mitik. S. xo Can at SIS Saraer - - - almr * PHYMCAL . FTLLER. IM DOCG- m- . at x-ai- TT P EtVTl IT ER . OFT THE BEST 'I1 ' i PEW UTTERS 5 B1 ni CYCLE * . BICYCLES . -LXAXET' OTT5TOELET' FOR TES Oaaba Slrr le Co. . 13 X. H-VtRD RES > G. IMJ \CnrVES < CPPLIE < . X5TW HOKZ. E'-H iEH.-r > AXD maciuae offire. & 1 < Cap. are. Tri- A.TD A. C. TAX SAXT3 SCHOCI. HS X. T. LJ3-E. AT OSC.ISA. HC3. CQT1TGE. KTH i EOCGl AS FCTAACLVL. r.nrg jjfs. POUCSS BOCGET . F HOCSSX M.1 > O'V WORK JOBBER. J P EEAI.T. 1S = CLAHS STSSET LOST. LOirT-MASTlTF EOG. HETCKX TO SB EM- r-tt tor rewari. LJM aesa a- _ LOST RED IRISH SETTER FTP ECTTA3LS rrvarl for rrtcra. 4M Paxson hlock. BED SORREI. HORSE. TTTO * MJii. vlute tmcr < nt r. oa roabrr ore Concur * bcafT atorar mnittiir. wMakie rrnni ca mars u > MB Cvjo tii M. TeL I OF MOXET BBTWEKX XTH awana mi 3Mi aad Da x - Rnvarl If r rarB l la Br * aOce. Last Mt li" | li"I I SUES & CO. , I i PATEJT SOLICITOES , ! I ' B BlII4 - i ' . 32 < 1 11 eni 3oc > t FPEE. Searlss & ; Searles , SCUA11T. 'l Private jail D x r-lersof M a Treatmeat C nail cieaasil frcia lie ays'em. i-ILEa Fl , aad RECTAL CLCZF-5. HT 'R > aad VA3IC CEI-S 5 * - and auc- cessfolly nred. Atetr d a ! STRICTURE AND By aew isetaod w taout pala or cs C-iv ; on or idJraissrits : staa : ? . DL Seiries & Ssarte , GLata. Seb. ' EVERY WOMAN Dfl. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL piLLSj1 -1 lOO'in t a'UK ! : O - IViu . ark - ' J k McCjnn Ir-rf Co . suvat. Cwnaaa. N The Bss The mosi Sportiag R3 s , Ths Sf orfjng de Of The Cnsha Ssiaday Bee Is H , S , B , GjLLtHS. . * 2 j.uUt.IM. . jkit , ! i . _ IB . , 4- i AN aEGANT BUTTON FREE with each package of , < SWEET CAPORAI CfGARFTTFS AN OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE COLLECTION OF BUTTON ; WITHOUT COST. POKIER COXOUERS PATCHES H war EHE * Three ' l * | 7 < [ TENXE5SS PACEH SHKiES AT EELMO T i i _ i ! I 3Latch Race Urtrrfra , tl * Grrat Side frlieelrr Proven a" R- Exeitlntr bat Rather One sided AJalr. I I i PHTLADSLPHn. Ncv. I ? Aiter : , i i puia ? TTocderti X rerarl of : aad , ' champion , of the vortd 2ar tirw saceesaTe ! hens. iaii ceir iacrets ioday hr def-eatln ? I Joe Paaie : ! , tiat oUser Idas of tie ten. ic. three jsnigi ; heats ia t. nilci race lor a slile 3Z BelEjocr tnci. Besides be sccceeded is goia ? the Lustest heat ' acir ? race rer held in this n * e. , This uraa ti 2rst Seat of the race , and star j ' Pointer = iaJe it ta4 . beattn ? Hooert J" reeort = ade at Potoi Breere by oee azd oce-half s cocda. The day was sa ideal oee 1 = er ry respect. There wad as absesee of acy wlcti a = d a Txm E2. dispeOed asy etiB tiers = isi : iaTe been to thair. . Tlua.aui a ist track. = a4e eTeryas * er rcUEt of food re- xalta. a = d so oze TU 41 eppo4z : d. Both aore > aade their appearuee on the track snorUy after 2 a dock , aad alter scortsg ap aad dova the stretch several tinea started for a irailcc-np hesi. Thfcj aas ion * Is : K. both hones teisjani ; seek aad a ck. Then , after a. brief naoiai ; dcwa. cane tae rxee. Tita pzlchao at tie ? ole ia the' ' irst heat. Beth botve : eia d toce-icr a ! tie quarter w-.tb t& UQH J * < > . aaii at the ' iiir bat a. aoad saoved bctvevc th m. the , T en a ee horse aaead and tie tioe 1-1- ! Patcnen clewed at UK t&rtean rs. aad the time uea 1 > 3. Tbaa on dova the stretea they came scrusiuj ? every serre. Star Poiater vinain by a. bare Jeo a in - MS and e < tabiisfc23g a. aev state reeori. ' With Piuaec on th oautde the second feasts were paced la reapectavely ; 151 ; aad 16. For th * Srst aalf te ties * S"ir Fwnter Jed by a bead or aore. b on h ? i. " : o tae tar -qaarur poet tae Sra- sss tca praraptly aad * up the disuse * . * 3 j * iireich , aoT v r Star Painter kidcad h at ti e ict , Tiaaia ? by tar len as in ! He sty end and four in tJx last seat. KE CLTS O.f THE RITNVIXG TR-1CK * . Fall Mcrtla ? at -nnin = Cadrr Favorable Clrcananlanctrm. WA5HIN 3TOX. Xar. rTn * an = eet- : s f Waahoijrton J Jtey dan at Bec- ciszs. wijcii closes th radn season lor USJ wa conxBteneed ted y under fa era - a v ata r iraa iram ta traci ikst aad Uw a-orfl- TS vaUmt 501 ta better at - * fva bookmakers , flwr of tit wtn- - jotnif 10 ta pot Zarorizea. Jtesolts. r srac < - ave furioaas Clue won. Za- sciand. . C ' oria. tasri Tlnsa : ! . 5ond raoe. flr * ruronz > - KJtty B n J. F"u > raJ Part second. Rackefritar third. T Te J 1i Taxd raoK. atiie aari a stx * * aUt : Mauvbal wn. Declare second. Ranavajr utnL T M : - 3 1-5. Fourth rac . Hir * aoartars of a. nU > : HJ Daddy won. L B second. Convejtdaa tri TTm : 1-171 . FifUt ra * . an * = * - Tan : CTKay i ie. -K * . second. Lida. Wo aad third. Tim * . . . K-TVaadier brtgat - - dsrarai , track li i. 'E alts : FV tkree-taartfer ? af a = jU . Jljx fur 4-year-olds anis ard * . ir t > .ri sMwi race. C - 4gatS/"Of a aaQe. " n. far : -y - r-olda. IHJiwanc * * : Jki won. Mian BraK5 Mcond. 3l rry SMI.-.I third. TB e- 1 tP . ' TTurd rac * . tar - aB7MnRdf a aaOe , perse lifr woJduilttsf Cora on. Thornonaa Mcostdv KS talrd. Fourti Firib race. flT aaO1 oawMnUf ftu-ionsa" . pora * K * for S-ytsMr-pijfe aad innvard * . eQ.a - Xor von. ft r Ely. jr. . aaeaad. Conjsico talrt. trsk fast. Rmait- Flrat roc * . pur * BMa. tor t-year-okb aad upwards , sci&suc. ana Dtrk Betia Mcoad. CaaMaaf taird. 1 ISr * r ad race. ? urse CM ; lUne. six furlongs stoeaJialai won. s-- - - _ E.JSCTi i Tim - y rse CM fjr year-aids and . . * * * - . w" N csoloj secwi'i. AJvj. taird. T 1 ! * . Faurra " . - . purse fid for S-y ar-old . wunaSv i fortones1 Otadr vim. Hickey freconl A-'aia. fti ! l thu-L T"n eHB. . Ftttb rare Burse aM. * for 4-year-oids aad ncwardUlmr. . > -r n fortanan : Kataer- in * won. MrEndeMav eaod. yston third. Ttew1JWK. . SAJf FRAXClSOi Kor I7.-W atJier et ar at C ldaad. track h Yy Roiis : First rac . six farioa s. Inrtsm ncor -ion. PrtncsBte second. Torpedo taird. . . Second race. 004 ml ! * ' Little Cripple x-on Coda second. Nary BUte tSrtrd. Tlnie : Tmed raoe. acx flarkmss : a < won. FtaU = ht soeead. Dooaefol taird. Time : U7V. Fourth race. WTTO forionsrs : Tormina won. sir Play oad. Johnnse XcHaJe third. Tioe. lEi. . Flfti race , six tZSMnss : Hyaa won. Rieardo seeood. Xidto third. Time. : .lT- . dNCrSXATL J o . 1Z Thfa was aa fclMil day for ZMiBtt at Tjtonta. asd tae track was lichtatosr aft. Resatts : First race , elltnc. seven farlonsx : WJiyoca. woo. Keot-evelt secoeti , MocUla. third. Tloe. Ui i. Secvnd race. Bve and a half farlongs- Serrano woe Joan Mc&lroy second. Sharon third. Time.31M. . Third race , free handicap. ti farloncs- .Lsapa won. Hermes "cood. Gaaekm taird. Ttoe : 1- ! * . Foartit race , one nile. haatiicap : Wact X zt won. Sac Jaaa second. Rooair taird. FUtk race , oce mfte , elasc : Basmxon. . TolEM. second. Nlsnrod tnlrd. Time : l.C. VnotlzT Chnnrr for TORS. Nor 17. Matchmaker of the Boae nias Sportlne deb of tats city = tad a proposition to Sharkey ti hwiTT-a-eicht pugilist today E < wired Sharkey that in case tae la tier's ? nowiair a aJnet Fltzsinuaons in Saa Fraactoro next aisntfe proves satisfactory a parse of K.tnt TTUJ b pat np for a twenty-round contest between sbarkey jud Peter Maier to take pi&ce in tnu aty C. Henry G nsUnst-r. president of tbe Bob < -miaa Sportinc ciub of this dty. haj § wrirten I-tten to Jaawta J Corb tt and Robert Fttastmsions. offerinc a parse of J5a.iiM for a tTreaty-flre-ronnd cent t b-- twn tl two PUBS. Tbe conditioiw are t&at th * boat snail be brought oC in N ar York City in th latter part of January next , taatHoof John Kelly shafl be ta referee aad taat E niajnin C. Williams saaJl be tne official timekeeper G-n jnjr oC n to deposit tae whole of tae C2.ON with tae referee before ta boxers enter BOSTOK. Xor IT.-Jaavr * J. Corbett smU taaJKatt that If no forger oCer va * amde btCTwa cow and Friday , be aaoald accept the offer of Fresjdent G n * ln * - Cor- bett received two dtepa ce M today , on * front Warren Lewis aad aaotaer from Dan S-uart , mOaatf him not to siga cntil tiey had iea him. LsTv n Gel * a Record. XEMPHIs. Tean _ NOT. HTa Mem- pais CoQfteuss track * * * aaotaer irorkTs record to its credit. Thai afternoon Joaa Lawsoa known an the "Terribv * Sw te. * * low TBd tac worhTs ftrty-ndle oapaced rec ord of twv boors. tw nty-nme n i . thirty secocdH. he.J by W E. Becker of Cbicaaxt Lawsoc made tae \ansf run late afternoon ia ta remarkaaW t&a * of tu a boora. sixte9 minutes aad thr * * seconds. At tonixufs me tlnff. tb Hti > Welshman. Tamac Michael , lowered tae lad-or are- miV record , amde by hhcseif last sizht of JI i-i. His time tonlaht wadX W. CTTT. Xor. 17. < &oanl tftnted . toot baa was plmyed at th baJ nark , thai afu rooa by in W siyin Unirarsny t < su& of Un- coui aad ta * H rti school eieren of tais city The score was tt to Tae WesJeyaa boys won by superior all-round work. A larsa aad ntbnataac crowd wttaset ! tha saaie. Bill * sellCraail Rapid * . GR-VXD RAJ UD6. Mleh. . Xor. K- "Deacon" E31te this afternoon sold ta Grand Ranida bas bail ciub. wlta its fraa- cttise in tbe Western learue. to Bobart L adl y and Robert J. GhmajYtn of D- uvtt. Tb * MraH ar not made pablic. - I 3IartIerer D STILI.WATBR , O Xo . IT. Caarl c Hyatt , tae oaaoty ataraael wao was amsted eaarssd wUa mordenns Ua wife , aaa bes daacjur sd. ta * coroner'I jury retBrzia a Tanllnt af aeeioaaia ; kUUa ? . THE RK.LLTY MARKST. rs placed an record T Xavamoer n. isw WAXJLAJCTY DEEDS. A C MUiUetoa ta I A Monroe. lot IS. but U. Onttha. Vfc j B R Haatittr * to J H HjUabvt. 4 * lac 4. a * 1L Baw < rs lat a U I C BhaMdtet aad hnsbaad to .V L lota a aad C. bdc IS. Koaatza D Z KAdMCMmrfiar t a : to A E Jona- soa. lot W. bik 1L Ortud H5.1 LJM QITT CUUM DEED. Haxra Ldeataa ta W C Cranav. BK i ClOTwtaasl PJac * 90 DstXDfcl M S 8 Kaaavy v It taat lac blk 1 laaoe * Jk ft a4d rakt aasa * to Parka * OodwlB. Ts .Bt > > r. lot C blk 1 OSBBJUL VWw SaceaU asiafir Co Kadoaal Loan ls > - surBaea coanaaay. t t * t af w MM BMS Xt aasl H. Wk T. a aic m Saas * u > SBBMI. a M feet lota U aad 14. K ff JltCaMaW 5to rlfT 10 tattiML * ffi IP t + et lot i MX i. H-j ; 40 * add Xo : Total amount otf traa arr.i . CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS * e 301 raid , Of TETOES FSOfi ! THE J as Taem I be fl t ! ? t Ta city evajMO ? < KMtf tact atekt htarw * tk * aettM o ( fw wfc br wilek dM ) Mg cu u tj4 bOU af tJM Jt oam9 i7 aitow L Ik aed Wfcl r it nlacl tke pntM IBM ft wmM rf in * two-tku a fats to r-egmldBT B eoasevtel ( Bat tJUa was tiM * vc0a < i nmiar aK-rtimt * lac the > oUc f rfCTpriderathm bad toea zirca. Prmt&mi Saaadcn k U tS t a * h * tater * J { , T UMC rejratar an-ti * * held tJM atekt of iertioa. * Bd Uy tkre > evoaea- um W < PT praevt. a * oppotumty wa f- fordcd so rvcoBcMvr. Be. tieretorr. orvr- patat oC orior. a4 UM r - Xy Ailaa. Cferhni * . Kane M Ter. Taylor. pM ut Savadert 14. Saj * HaaealL Kennari. Priace. Ta laaace Mayor Bnatck triamsitX a stick of rccoe * cf raaoiotiiKH. ord inc itrt rp- > atrs. waiefe aad b < m pa H jo t Mart rteetwn. Ti * Te < o < Teroo ta erooad that tiere wu ao arwwy IB tke land aad ir r ? s tajnc < IB each ease. Tie MTW aisa vetewi t ro rwatatteDB ar Knmard. pennittiau ; d in9tect tzao * w a paid -nitk 7 per cent Interact , iuataad c 12 p r ceaC u required by tav. la oae caac. lit wa < ch ta * aoa-pejraeat of tile tax * -xa Otf r Tjfe af ia * rmteat ta t e dry t. i-meai - * f Ace. tae TWS was orerriddaa. led la Use otier it w aiisTaiBetL Tie T-t { tie rvMiatioe sy irkicfc tie trtnar-r TTM dirct d ta traaafer ti * bal- aao ta tie bomlc ifetrtet nds to UH ? tinkiac fund TM aiwi MutaiBed. 7HIXKS ONCE IX TWO TTaWKS SNOCOH. s oralnancr xarldiBif tar of ta ctmacll wae vetoed OB rorat eccremy Ta mayor 2 > eJfl that aweoac e < r r Tk was as maeeeamry Bese tor electric Hint- Tae veta * a t2m 4 hy S to 4. Ta-re were four Wda ! * r t3 nrlTlI * e or reaov ae aaJ repiaeia eiectioB-baatlM ac fiilaveJama * S epaeaaoa. M.M p r boota Ricaani SmitX M.S5 EW Baratuau IT 79 : J OTook > Tie coacrirt was awarded ttt Rjcfcard Smiza. A lett - at tJunks ZTMB ta fiuailr oC tk lat A. J PcppietM. oa accoogt af Uie aemonal r * olat9aaM pawed by : ae eooacil iraa r ad and ylmctd OB Me. Tae rwrnUr appropnat m erdiaaaee la- clad-i ! ii n lar riecnoa xpea ei > ? r- > zatuz SZ $ tML Of tkia aaooat. K.MS vaa for laJarwB of r ttfctr n. SLSK for aalarivs at j KlCM aad derfe iod tor . Tb council ajwct aore taaa IB aoar ta a < * r tke report of tae Board of o the Ser-ateenta atr t ? tax. vittek bae be n tae aob ] ct of aiorv eaaacilzaaic faaatag taaa aay aieaa- ttre of eqnaJ ia c ruaee ta t aaa b" B roa- atdervd Usis year It in b < n dHM' d a * len Ui is * errr 3 boards of qsaJteation and icain ia m lar * w-ioo. It U i ease is whicb tie aroperty o raers aa * a a liat- lae for s. y ar to s > ? t rid of i tas vaica ajy sereir t - ? a eoopie of aaodred doilani. aad it vaa aaaUy Mtttod st aitat or th approval of tbe repart of ta Board of Sqna- iaotteB.siraicfe. . was lilt tie um9 n > ot hoaid and. MONET FOR STREET EHUJTS5. By r soiuoe S1.5W vaa traatferred from ' tae'ceseril facd ta pay tie varnaes rf ti fca tie * t iad de Then aeariy aaotiier aonr 7u pe2t te pare hors * pay &ea > wa' reseiattoc sraat- ia peraaiasloB for rjw erecttos of a tiree- story zpartaeat. hoc * ? 22 Tneaty-ficst aad Hara ? y xtreeta irith a rxalTe-uj irin vaa under eooeuteranoe anj m is tie chair. JLs ae wu far tb 3 zt presidency of tae coancj tame of the snppcrters of otier candidates > u ia tn = aie it ? i ua = t tor bin. Tli y fnecesfei to ti * s.Et of crwitlss ooafustoa to driay tacin for balf aa aowr. ifter which tae rewrfutxm iraa e4opt 4. A resoicuoe antaoriajn ; tae city treunrer jt tnasf r KS 050-50 froB special aH ss- aaect fcads to tie ainSnas tand ta tai < ? ap bonds aad coupons doe November I vaa re- Ti rwoiatJoo arderia- tie paid by eocl dealers for license * under ta ordl- aance tist fzi fobsequentlr declared to be rtturaiHu adopted. A rsrolnt' c by Wa * * * r e&td tie fact azaer is petiUona trrre b ag reeel < rd froc property oTsers lor idJiiiocalrater miioi. bat taereraa ao aioney ta taenc. It provided for tae apootatment af a special eoauninee to confer viU : tie water Torta comp&ay and > e li eotoe plan , could sot b i r d cs by vaici. ad > liuonal vatrr could b svpaUed Tiii ao aaterial ji reac in the capene for aydraaU. Tie resolBUOB fa * adopted = F'sr ! ? . Duzc c a = d Attia aased. FOREC.U-T OP TODAY'S WE.VTHBK. VVt-anr ilay Will Be "Wlaerr rrlth Hz Jit ? n TTi azi'l Anrtii WiSEIXGTON. X v H. Ta for Wedneaday te : < For Xebraaka , fad Sooth Dakota , i Threatenlnc TFaata r. iriia occa aaaJ U at ano ra. variable -a-lada , becoauaar norUt. ' ' For Kjtn&a * IIKTI mrtng eSoodia aa. caovers.snumer : nortk wtedo , aoiua. For Coiorado Toraaiaate ? woalber and poadbiy aoM : VBriabie viDda. bocom- int ; norta. F r Wyonjina ; Tnrea'eetojroataer act ! probably a o ra. coider. fartabte wtada. becoicinsr nonn. For jKoouau Fair tn wetm portion. aaow is tae eaatern portion , nortj winds. For Iowa Saowen : aorth winda. For Mjuri IscreaaJns ckMt < lin a aad probaJilr ataovert ; Mer : aooth.Klnda ; bt- ; aorta. OffTCS OF THK W2ATEZR BUHEAU. OMAHA , JtJtr IT Oowaa. rv rd of t-ro- peracore an4 rainfall eootnaacd irtth taw day a < tk jon tamta yar . MM. la . ] * K. UH. tcatperarare . . 3 Ca Minimum teatperararv . S ( IT MII AT rac ueaaavsarsre J * St KaJotail . T . Kecsw-4 af uunpr 4ixra aad. prwaj - doR at Oouata ior tlv * ay xad auxae Karea 1 : Xoraoal teaBperatare far the day . 31 Doactenry & * " ta day . I Accumulated 4 aefamr sine * Majrch 1 . a Xonnaj prectpltation lor ta day. . Ml inwb rVncwEey tor Ui * day . . . ffl ln-b TocaJ pr eipltatloa aiura Mar 1 B.M te aa < KajprM tor Marea 1 . 49incaa D t. < > eey for ecr. prr > od. iaS6 lu.S iacaa * --iu-r for oar period. UH. ILSinclMat Rpports from statliiD * at s i . tn. STA710K3 AXa aTATE OP VEATKBR. BaaM Cter la < | r Mama. * fc.aa7 Ckaaaaa. Cliarf > I IT 1th Klzlivraj- Peta > HarriK and Javaae * ahort. drlvera tar a traaafer cunipsny w r arrwi J tay far Uw aut-aipit-d h , * dup af Jouo w .nvrwunt pmkijcr * bo JQM a * < j > , , n i Kuw for OHS af ata fcaa lwu-bt . uud : whr it-rr ir i - re 'Si-as 'T bta r nd Mm and attMnptnl to ro AMUSEMENTS. Tae ] aat f o performas a of At ClOfT lataaiwUl be 1r Vr ad BBtor - and tartr * ve Bard a today Ta * aagairoiea ; kaa tae Bwatt aauafactary of ta * eawB at layaoa e. aad ta * prjJnetlta BUT * > termed a derided kit. Tae aatiar * i om * BW m at tM la ta afivraooB aai u | * * 4air per far man e at S IS. J Ta raailna t tafc rtty of tlM aawrtacn- lar arama , "Ta * BJaek Crook. " fll recall 1 to Buny of OBT maraa Ueatar avm "Tb , Black Crook" of IMC. tta tta almcat jran- ' tanaeal an-aSna. ia ahon-rtirwd corr. , afewB BM earcfaHy draped fcmaaov aal ' ta BuriiiaBi eaaBifc taat wim t an I 1-3 rvrtrai at Us raa at Uut Tort Academy of Xacie tw yeari .3 mid. an * ail tiM Innovations a4 tee < wa to aaodcra Mac * crrsft. Ta * ballet * ta b aaanrejB af terMtcb- art aad tie cCect to be startlttuc aad vtrld. The Buiapeau aoreiUvt rfrwii ti nrrcfli of London aad Parthian sas * v rap-rb i ctrMal plant to oarrted by tain natpaoT. am la rratlon wbaUy arr ta tkc * a of tais eoBatry. n trio be wa at tk CrHciuoB for four ateata. com- awaciB ? fanday mattaev. Xornabvr 2S The Omaha Xvsteal society Tin oCer 11a ITK eoncert uiauot.i > Mreoiawr at ta Cr-teaton. iraerlx aandred arambersnil be a ird ia a tnterestinc procram of both Tocal aad inatraaieii j araate. the eaui ptrfaraaaace bclc ? aader tae dlrecttoc of Mr. Evnaer Moore. Tie sortetyrill rrcttie tae auterial rapport of a lar orchettra , nailer tae direction of Fraas Adciouaa are ateetiag v\Oi a rmity aala. "Ta XatiOBal Paxvaat. " ia ta * city aader Seooiak aaapiees a atefct aaa irUI b < > refvtaet at tfee Crefeatoa ae Satorday aftersoon aad "Rofc Roy " a-atra. atay be called tae national Scorttei dnma.rOl bare aaotaer reprgaentatJca Samrday iirfic Taepsgmut eallats tae MTdTS of rnaay caiidrve. irao are sees ia daaee * and eo-tnmej eaaractariscje of ti- anooa aataoaa raprMented. and "Rob Roy ' jrfayJ by a cut atade up of earcrsily toaal aaateors keadcd by J A. Walkcr. an actor aa-d orcaatoer of some celebrity fraai abroad. Caeap prices Till prevail at both performance * . Tae Tdnt ; of pflb 23 Beeeaaei'a Batehaa'i StepBea "W U * ? e'i report on tb condition .if tae EaJiimorObio at to be anoV public. of mr mal reroute for Uw St. Looax. Mo. . dJatrirt. Cjpom John D. Hart ia * bean a flced at Filladetohta OB clums of raadBCls ? aiJ to tae Caoaa in acTM r . PoatoiBre lottery orders aava V ec tel - -l aaUnat Henry L. Eaapt of New Tork City and Bart * . Monc. aad . Hill & Co. . of Brooklyn. X Y. Frank Fun ton. son of ex-Cona7oaamiiA Fanstoo of " . . < a vrUes home from Cuba tiat be to * aa artil > rr ca a-n in tae in- era < > at army , irtta aervral Ajnoricaaa in iis cosnpany Bx-Postasa tKr Creneral Wssuunaier iaj hinv > < > > f assrUlloc ; to be a - .adj- for Uaited States mater from F ant - t sac-reed J DonaJd CaaMrron. espiros in Xarck nczt. Kentucky's court of app * to. it te m- aiored. trill hand dme-a a decMoa sonw time tab -s-e k aOmung the death * n- teoces impoiwd on Scott Jaekaoa and AJonaa WaUin ? for taw murder of Pearl Bryan. X E. ATTT. secr-tary of the Taileoiiai. I. T . school board. S = < M aad allied Bus ; W 3ey ti town marsfcaX aad > * * hira- * eT * ot aad kiifc-d by Wlltr'j brother , i aevaty aiarsaaj. Tb-y arc aJJ promuwnr poUiioaaa aad aad oen drinkiair. CT Clay , the nominee oC tie darso- eratac aaacas. iraa SortaaBy < ct Ml to taa United States enate by the zeoeral aateni- bly of Gonria by a rote of in oat of a. total of S caat. FopaliKs ca t Jorty-rottr TO < M for W PiilUpa aad republican- e fsr J. F Haaaen. Aboct s TentT officers , soperintendenta aad mactvr aieceacics of the BorUmrtoa systeni mrt tn Kansas City ia ouarteriy eocvenuon. Tie boje " eoatst l of cotr- parinir notes on th aoUre p v r aa < l departments. Aaoth < rr seaetoa be hid today Oscar of = ir d n and Norway haj erected an tmrx tnrr aoaft of rouga htrwn 9ton > * over tae soot -a-tw-re Xr. am ! Mrs. Dani < H Tonmana of X nTarV aet thvtr death , by b-cz thrown over a cite wbila driving near Berifen ladt Jviy. Serretary Ohwy has directed our nanitr to ez- pr sa the frratltnde of thte sovamsaect ; or ta kindly t eiiBur displayin ! . Fnrrlzn. p ya > im forces in the Caocaaoji ar to b4 reinforced by 1TJMI aMn. Aatooio Maceo U said to iav raeelved i neaa vocnd IE sa ensagemeat a : B tek saallpox is roort I ta be r imongth inMirsant forcaa in Plcsar del Bio. Cuba. Puch-iiaa a > Cacez dtod ron syncope. Sh vaj * the daafeiar of ba&a E. Stager ofinj ; au4Bhtn ! fiuna. r j cat -i to the Pana = nes = a sedical coocrexs at tn * City of Mexico dlncmtoil 9caj cts of poraly atedlesl interest. Princeas EJ ira. Con Cxrloa * third a. Roman artist mianid Fvseai. a. mar- rie4 man. Onban tasorzear farc s aae bean dhridel and iiurtrihuv-d tn dlOrent parts of f e aroviaeea on account of th aetiw BOTMIU af Wejrler' * men. A LeiV4cpan-r. _ supposed to ba teaptrea br Priace BUauu-ck. fciac * that Italy , aj well ad Germoay , in tfcSL coadXicted a aeu- traJty irtaty wKk Russia ChSr aew enataec caeatetw of : Senor Ajiuane . nuniater of ta in rtor ; Senor Vicuna , f reisjn afiaics. Senor aouanayor. Bnaaoe. aVnor Ljr * ra. war. Dr. Pwdro Betancoort. a soripvOB to the Cuban araiy aad one of tae allaaad Ci- bustani arr 0Td In Wilntinyion. DeL. loor- tsfO inanT n ajco. has ; iMea killed la Cuha by tae Spaniards. Correspondent de Bknritz of the Locdca Tbaes sacsMMM that France aad Russia wnr iaatmaiental in jMcnriaa- tae peaca trftaiT between Italy asd Abyaataaa as a reason for Meneiek * tek-anaai ta taw rr aad President Faure It is said the csar tn d ta reaaeie Fraac * aad Oenaaay on hU notac taor Th kaiawr was wiiUc ? . pravided Oer- auu > r's dianinr were not uanair 4. an-I said Saxony wactentiMnr. Baden asd Ba varia * 4T * ready \a conald-T the ajuonomy no hope of cfeaaKia ? Fiv--h public rafOfvLng th UM UMEFfltY MAX The Method of a Grea-r Treat- meac. WUICII Cl'RBO 1IIJI .U T R BVURT- TMLtG scan ts atswljr waaUa aaiay taa tin mi M * w aa IM u. , * uanc > ff oar or atoi. TUicn ia bM as > ; ssrarr * bcu a atmn atr rBiaaasHai tar vat Uwr ia. F r ymmft UH > araar rafted junf 1 nmar I a U , . ov BMid Ma f Mts-uU > VTII.IO. . aui It a i iQTia vta l Ui r a * M4 aat IMSAW t * a SIOM 1 .rf PI.HHSI aad unta sad 11 au. i 1a n Uui , r . .itaua : tz > a < ta au aid IB I-M ' nw V an' iii'hn o ( m in i IBM uuu auc n.jr aMapMdjr nuaurat BIS pa.tral . taaaita. uut UOU-CMI n t aji. aa im J puo * u aanuaj . MS * aaa < a.aad a. BMW Jwrlnsw taat SB/ aa au wij taa * Uw > iruuitte ta tend Ma --r it UaUnaaau Bar to I BUB * aa tOTtww * at amd at aaes tfH IB * > MeM a laanitr M taw * M UUK eutvil BM. aal try la Had * " awn I agard ta ar Ms * fl-W pl. t e MaiBtW WWBMBU7 t BUtl U. * feafBT- ma ! ua. bu ; nai fur ta * n > au ily ss > < l > era Out IM - am a ( * > t 4Bfia oa arU > ' * nt altU-v a t.ior cat a iiiiBC Ta CM. tarf am u-orta a b-r- > a-1 13 > K. iO i.xi iLaa. and ta tr-ji w 3j..l q n