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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY 1113.13 : W1 ) N12SDAY , ! NOV.12MHEll 18 , 18J)0. ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Hews Not Especially Bearish , but Wheat Olosjs Lower. HEAVY LIQUIDATION FORCES PRICES DOWN In Thin Dlrrullun Hom-Iir * I.nrur I'roiinrlliiiiN , Tliuuuli I'cir- .Miirki'tn ( Midi XVrnk UN n DlNunimiKliiK 1'Vatiiri1. CHICAGO , Kov. 17. Wheat closed toilny tit n decline of l',4c. The news wns not especially bearish , biu heavy Iliiultliitloi ) , which has been characteristic of the mar ket for several days past , again forced prices down. All the other market * suf- fcroil from the same case , corn declining He , otita Uo nnd provisions from " ! 4o to t ! 4c. Tlio controlling power In the whpnt trnilo was thoroughly established In command to day. Liquidation , which linn lifon moro or leas prominent for several days past , reached largo proportions during the progress of the session. The news wns of the most part bearish , litlt the market acted as If all that has recently heon heard about deficient crops In the world had all been authoritatively and olllclally contradicted and abundance re-established. Liverpool opened rather weak at % d decline for spot wheat , and unchanged for futures. Hut shortly after the opening here , private cablegrams quoted it Id advance In De cember wheat , resulting In buying und sub- Btantlal advances. Opening prices for De cember were from 7710 to 77ic , ns com pared with yesterday's close of 7S'le. After Belling at 77'4c for nn Instant , the private cables referred to caused an advance to from 77tHi ! to 7c. ! ? Those Liverpool cables were a delusion and a snare , for direct cables showed a di-cllno at Liverpool of Md from the opening , and early buyers HOOII regretted their confidence. North western receipts showed a big falling off from last year's. Minneapolis und Duluth reported K1S cars , as compared with l.CSO cars last year. A local news collecting agency announced that the world's visible supply had Increased 7.SSO.OOO bu. last week. That was a'not Inconsiderable faelor near the opening In starting the selling' , which became so very heavy during the fore noon. Uradslreet's figures on the Visible supply reported a total Increase of C.S.VI.OOO bu. In the world's visible , but the smallness - ness of these Ilgurcs , as compared with the earlier announcement , had little effect. After the advance to 7Sc , there were Ir regular declines until about forty-five" min utes from the close 7G } c had been reached. The- closing was characterized by u little moro llrmncss. December gradually ad vanced to from "G-'Ue to "OTie bid , where It closed. Corn was again dull , and decidedly weak , the Influences being the weakness of wheat and more liberal offering ! ! of new wheat. Liquidation was active all day , and prices were lower from the start. May opened a shade lower at 2SVlc , declined to 27ic and closed easy at 27T4c. - There was a good business transacted In oats. The opening , though lower , was fairly steady , nnd offerings were readily taken. Later , mainly In sympathy with wheat , the market fell off , and liquidation bcciimo free. May started about Vie lower nt from 22'4o to 22c. declined to l'2c , and closed easy at from 22'i < p to 22'ic. ' Provisions were weak from the start , nnd the only feature developed was the general liquidation In all products. The opening was tit a considerable decline , In svmpathy with the weak hog market. Pressure of offerings decreased prices ; closing prices being about the lowest of the day. Janu ary pork , IRe lower , nt JT.fiO ; January lard , 17V4c lower , at $392'/4 ' ; January ribs , "We lower , at W.l7'i. ! ICstlmated reeelpls Wednesday : Wheat , Ki cars ; corn , 2M ) cars ; oats , ISO cars ; hogs , 28'JOO head. The leading futures ranged as follows ; ' Art elca. I Opan. | High. | Low. | Clo I ( litNo. ' . ' Nov 70K Dec 77U H : | M ? ( . May t'J Crii-.No. 2. Nov 24 { Dee 24 U KO < May 28)1 ) 2774 ! ' 7 > OntR.No. 3. . Nov ! Dee Ibli InH Mnr 2VH i-i Pork.pcrbbl Deo. 0 70 0 70 < 1 CO n AS Jan. 7 70 7 70 7 AS 7 CO May ' H UO U OS 7 00 7 U7M Lnnl.iliu'Ru Dec . . . .t saw 3 fl2 ! < a 72 Jan. . . . . . 4 0.1 4 0.1 .i oJ ( < 3 - " May 4 23 4 25 4 Ii 4 IS Short Ribs Dee , 3 ns 3 70 Jan 3 P2K 3 75 3 hO May 4 02 > 4 O''U , : < t- 3 l)7 Cash quotations were ns follows : Pl-OUR-Kniy ; winter patents. JI.40fT4.CO ; straights , Jl.00fi4.25 ; spring patents. JI.15Jf4.40 ; straights. J3. 0M.iO ; bnlicru' , J2.1W/3 23. WHEAT No. 2 spring , 7C > ie ; No. 3 spring. 74J7CcNo. . 2 red. Hif4 > ic. CORN-No. 2. 24Kf2IHc ; No. 2 yellow. 24 S > OATS No. 2. 18Uc ; No. 2 white , f. o. b. , SOU © ! 2lic ; Nn. 3 while , f , o. b. , ISfi''lc. RYU-No. 2. 37c. 1IARLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , f. o. b. . ISHWci No. 4 , f. o. b. , 27W30. I'-LAXSI'IED-No. 1 , 7Cc. TIMOTHY SEKD-Prime. J2.S3. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JC.COgC K. Lard per 100 Ibs. , J3.75. Short ribs Hides ( loofe ) , J3.COii3.tO. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) 51.Off 4.50. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , J4.Wft4.12l4. POl'LTRY-Sleady ; turkeys. SOSHc ; chlcliena. , IflSiie ; ducks , SfiOc. \VIIISIvY-Ulstlllers' finished goods , per gal. . SUGARS-Cut loaf , unchanged ; granulated , un changed ; standard "A , " unchanged. M3\V YOHIC ( JHXKIl , MAUKET. QllOtlltlOIIH Of Ihl ! liny VjirlOUM CtlllllllllllltlfH. NB\V YORK. Nov. 17.-FI/L'R-Rccelpts , 39.- 100 bbls. ; .exports , 15,701 bbls. ; dull nnd lower on iprlng wheat brands , but held steady on win ters ; Minnesota patents , JI.C5fl5.00 ; Minnesota bakers. J3.20B4.15 ; winter patents , J4.S04J300 ; winter strnlshts , tl.COffl.C5 ; city mill clcnrs JI.P005.00 ; winter extrns , J3.00J3.0 ; winter low frli.1n.-tOH'Kl ! ! ! ' : : : n > 'e "our- " : superfine , "Vv. A fn"cy'1 2Wl - . lluckwhcat Hour . , 111 in ; Jl.CO ; Ilrandywlne ; , J2.20. RUCICWHEAT-Euiiy nt 30837c. K ° , V.N .II5AI' 8"'ailyi ' "rundywlne. J2.M. ilvifri.Vvnlfr ! ; , No > 2 weMt'r . 4IViri45c. 1IARLEY Dull ; western feeding. 2 ! > K2S'ic WHEAT-Rccelpts. 143.1M bu. ; Mport ; . S.400 bu. ; .No I hard. 91ic. Of.llons opened weak under dUnppplntlng cables nnd foreign selling , rallied hharply on covering , but declined ami was weak all day In consequence of December li quidation , n heavy Increase In world's stocks mid absence of local suppoit ; closed at l lKo . CORN Receipts , 420fW ) bu. ; exports , 103.1CO bu.- spot dull ; No. 2. SOViUJlc. Options sold off a day. the heaviness In wheat having nn effect ns well us the nraspoclB of larger receipts ; closed ' S88ScciSSlrSovSc.l : > 'r e'08t'11 ' "l 30C ! 1H'"mUr' OATS Receipts , 1S1.CCO bu. ; exports. 31,675 bu spot weaker ; No. 2. 23c. Options dull nnd easier with corn , closing UWtto net lower ; May closeJ lit 2CUe ; December clon-d ut 23Sc. 75HS2i ? 1'n'y : ' § ! * lll'l | ' > l"tfl WttCOci'uood to choice , HOl-S-Slendy ; state , common to choice. 1S93 crop , , 3 7Hc ; iwo crop. > ifl3c ; Pncinc coast , US5 croi | . 3l(7Hc ; WM crop , W13o. PROVISIONS-llci-f. stendy ; fnmlly , J9 COO JO.OO ; rxtra mess , J7.00 ; pncket , JS.76 9.25 ; shoul. der , tl.f'O. Ix-'ard. vnvler : western stenmed J4.I5 ; riMlned. slemly. Pork , dull nnd lower- iiiens , JS.S5 fc.75 ; fumlly. J10.OOU11.00 , Tallow' dull ; city. 3hc ; country , 3Hc , ' IHCI-J-Sli-ndy ; domestic , fair to extra , 34CC ! ! Jupan , 4V HIic. ! MOLASSES Steady ; New Orelcans , open ket- tlr. 27 < f33c. RUTTER-llecelpts , 8,432 pkgs. ; Heady ; west- rrn dairy , fJT13c ; weslrrn creamery , 13&2lc : Klglns. lie ; factory , C l2cv . . CHEESE Receipts , 4.VCU pkg . ; sttady ; lurge , TUOIOUo ; rinull. 74OlCo ; pan ski . 3Htf7c ' r full klms. : ii 3c. EClGS-Recelpts , 10.813 pkus.i wenk ; state nnd Penniylviinln. 22(2Cc ; western , 13Uuc. METAW-PI Iron , stendy ; snutliern , Jll.OOfli I2.2i ; northern , J11.00 13,00. Copper , Mrong ; brokcni , JII.W ; exclmnge. Jll.30ffll.50. l.ud , strcng ; brokers , JZ.75 : vnchnnKc , I2.KOB2.95. Tin , llrmcr ; Urnlts. JIJ.ISWI3.25. Plaits , steady. Hpelter , llrm ; domestic , J4U0f.3. . NBW YORK. Nov. n.-HUOAR-Raw , steady ; fair refining , ZKc ; centrifugal , W ten , JWc. Re. lined , dull ; standard "A , " 4He ; confectioner1 "A , " 4Kc ; granulated , 4 Vic. LONDON , Nov. 17.-8UUAR-Cune. dull : Mi ll * dolt ) * ; centrifugal Java , 1U < ViJi Uuecovado , fnlr refining , 16 * . PcM rugnr , dull nnd eniltr ; Novcmlii'r , 9i < 3d ; UecitnUr , l".l 4'id. ' STOCKS AM ) IIO.VDH. KfTorln < HrliiK Aliont n l-"tirllii > r llo- itvlloti Wcro Coiillinii'il. NKU * YORK. Nov. K.-Effoi to bring nlioiU , . n fiirthet- reaction were continued today , but nT- Ihnuxh there wns only n slight manifestation of vtitildo Interest , the fnet tlint long stotks did not como cut to nn Important extent ngnln dl.i- li'd the benrs nnd ncutrnllxnl thi1 effect of their drive * . The rc'iilt win n prncllcnl dend- lock nt Intervals todny nnd n diminished vnl- umo of burlnrss , The drnllnKi * were , howorr , cotnpnrntlvely Wt-ll dl.itMbuti-d. A llrm under tone prevnlled the grenter part of the day , owing to the Impression nenenilly enlertnlned by hold * irs of rcTtirltles tlmt nlthuUKli powerful specu lative Inteiests may work the market lower In nn effort lu recnte docks lately Fold , the gen eral Ini-lncm outlook mid thu- Improved monp- tnry conditions will eventually 'caiife n rcsumii- lion of the up'.vnrd mnvemt'iit. Mennwhllc the short Interest is believed In l > Increnslng stead ily , ami the traders ns n rulenre dlscourngcd by tlu * rhuincler of ( lie trnlllc returns. The trndlng wns on nn Irregulnr movement , which In most shnrcs wns confined within n nntruw rnngc. The opening wns dull nnd easier nt frnrtlonnl concessions , extending tn nrnrly n | iolnt In Tobacco. The market soon steadied , however , and moved up sharply on n demnnd from the shorts , Iluslneps wns very light nnd entirely profc ; lonnl , Foreign ( inure * were with out Important orders nnd dealt moderately on both Fldr.i of the nccouni , their operations Includ ing ronm of the low-priced shares. The stabil ity of the mnrket In the fncc of the extreme dullness excited fnvornblc comment In ronfervn- live circles , particularly ns to the spcciilntlx'c leaders , which hnd recently been rniirplcitoiis In the recent reactionary movement. The high- priced specialties were more Interesting than the general lift , ns some truces nf manipulation nppcnred In them. Their movements , however , fulled to affect the other shares. The nttentlon tif the traders wns chiefly di rected townrd the low-priced shares , Including Pnclllc Mnll. Reading nnd American Spirits. The last mentioned stocks were heavily dealt In during the Una ! hour , the common rising l"i per cent and the preferred 2J per cent nnd rovlvt'd gossip of the probable formation nf an ngicemnt : letwen h ? 1 rdlig < ll 'Ml ir' . Sfgir nndc a thnw of Ftrenglh In the forenoon , nil- vanclng Hi per cent. The slock , however , wns the lender In n downward movement townrd the close nnd yielded 114 per cent. The mntkct clotpl wenk on Increased activity , chlelly the result of the bear operations. The hot changes were trlvlr.l. Rnllwuy bonds were dull nnd without ppeclnl chnngc. A firm undertone was apparent how ever , nnd dealings were fnlrly well distributed. The pnles were Jl , 4 12,000. Governments MltToned slightly on purchases of J35.000. Silver certlll- cntes roe tdlRhtly on trnnimctlons of J12.0HO. The Evening Post's Ixindon llnnnclal cnblesram says : This wns nn Idle nnd slack day In all the markets. The trouble centers In the mining market , where the denrness of money nnd n rpcclnl settlement In n few newspaper Fpceulatlve shares arc causing nnxlety. Heavy differences will have to be met this week , nnd nn tnn of IhpKn Ilittllntippn 1'nrlR I < | RtendllV Fell- Ing. Americana lire neglected for t'nmoment. . T'le I'arls bourse \vna dull toilny. ttimnlrh clocks were lint. In fpllc of the reported sucrc ! > a of ( lie Internal loan of 8,000,000. The Dcrllti mnrket was ftently. The following were the ctojinR nuntntlnns on Of IcnUlns stocks of the New York exchange today : offered. The totnl rales of stocks todny were 117.COT shares. Including the following : American To bacco , 3 , < XO ; American Sugar. 24.300 ; llurllngtnn , 9,300 ; Chlcngo ( Ins , 4,100 ; Louisville & Nashville , C,5iK ) ; Manhattan , G.SOO ; Paclllc Mall , G.100 ; Rend ing , 13,70i ) ; Rock Island , 5.490 ; St. Pnul , 1S.300 ; Tennessee Coal nnd Iron , 3.COO , Western Union , G.700 ; Southern Railroad preferred , 3,700 ; ullver certlllcatcs , 12,000. Xow York 3I iiiy Mnrkpt. NEW YORK. Nov. 17. MONEY ON CALL K.isy nt 3&4 per cent ; last loan , 34 ! per cent ; closed , 3 (3'.i per cent. PRIME MERCANTHJ3 PAPER-5SC per cent. 8TERL1NO EXCHANOE Weak , with actual business In bankers' bills at } 4.SIiT4.'i for de mnnd , und ! 4.SHif4.Sl > ; for flxty dnys ; poFted rates. f4.ff4.S3 < , i nnd i4.bC04.87 ; commercial bills , 14 SOU. GOVERNMENT IlONDS-Strong ; stntc bends , dull. dull.HAH HAH SILVER-CS'.ic. SILVER CERTIFlCATES-CSHflCJUc. Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows : Silver bai-H. OS5Jc : Mexican ilollnra , 014O irc. Slk-htUratlH.Bc ; tuli'i'niphlc , loo. Xt-w York .til ii I UK ( luuinlluiiN. NKW YORK. Nov. 17.-Thu following urn the cluilnir mining quo'alloiiB ! Loniloii Stiu-U QuutntloiiH. J/XVDON , No\vl ? , 1 p. m. olonlnsi per t > uncc' EY 34 ! per cent , IMe rttte of dlioount In the open mnrket for ! Vir ! VH' ' " ' ' * r c "i " month * ' tllU , U-U81K Pir c nt , , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattlo Business Oontinuos in n Fairly Satisfactory - - isfactory Condition , DEMAND IS STRONG AND PRICES STEADY Ciirnfcil ami ( JriiKHorn fionil Kii < iiiuti for Ili'i-f Sell ( lulcUly lliiKH Ao- tlvi * lit n. I'lirllK-r Decline from SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. l.-llceclpts for tlio dnya liullcntcd were : Cnttle. HOKS. Sheep. HorBCS. November 17 1MWI 4.1SU 69 IBS November 1C S..Wfi Wl 1,087 53 November 11 1,71'd ' 3.7SI Ml * 111 November 1.1. 1,27 ( ! 3,967 1,421 20 November 12. 2IV5a 3,437 7f,2 . . . . November 11. 3.0SO 4.SC3 4,202 48 November 10. 2.3'JO 3.S02 1.U.-.9 November 9 1.G09 717 3.-I50 November 7 1.4IS 2.9" November G l.KH 3,091 2.1CS A The olllclnl niimbcr of enrs of stock brought In today by each road was : Cnttle.HogH.IIorBes. C. . M. ei St. 1' . lly 1 Mo. I' . Hy 2(5 ( 2 U. P. system nTi 12 1 II & M. U. U. II. . . . . . . 19 25 C. , 11. & Q. lly 3 CII. . I. & I" . lly. , east. . . . 1 C. . U. I. & I * , lly. , west. . 3 1 C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. Hy 3 3 lK. . & M. V. U. U 14 17 4 Total rpeclptfl 100 65 G Tbu disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , ouch buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated : lluyers. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. Omaha Tucking Co Si M.l ) O. 11. Hammond Co 211 lo,0 Swift and Company 323 lir > l Clldahy PuckliiR Co 17S 933 11.'Decker and Derail . . . 207 .1. U Carey 1C9 I.obinim & Hotbschllds. 73 W. I. Stephens 121 Henton & I'ndcrwood . . . G" Huston & Co 11 Nelson Morris , Chicago. . n Cudahy , from K. C 732 Oilier buyers 3.0 12 U-ft over 200 200 Totals 2,70i TTsi ) Tlu > weather waa somewhat unfavorable , It being a dark , cloudy day , and In addi tion there was a constant full of mist , which rendered It damp and disagreeable In the yards. CATTLE It was another day of liberal cattle receipts , though there was u fulling oil from yesterday's record of over n thousand bead. The packers were heavy receivers , and after their cattle were taken out barely 2,000 head were loft on saltso that the actual cattle available on the mar ket were not particularly numerous. The market as a whole , viewed from u sellers' standpoint , was In fairly good condition nnd as a rule satisfactory. He-ef steers , both grnstscrs and cornfcd natives , were In good request on the part of local packers and offers generally found ready takers. Desirable grades sold at fully steady prices , the sales showing up as well as yesterday on the same kind of cat tle. Common or half fat cattle , perhaps , wcro not quite so strong , the demand cer tainly was not so brisk on that kind. Hatchers' stock , such as desirable cows and heifers , sold freely and In just about the same notch as yesterday. If th'-rij. was any change In values- was so sugnt as not to be worth quoting. Stackers and feeders were also fully steady and oven strong on desirable kinds. The demand was brisit and there wrro a good many buyers in the yards , their com bined wants being fully equal to or In ex cess of the supply. The cattle Were all sold In good season. Heprcsentatlvc sales : NATIVES. HEEK STEUItS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. IT. 8..1130 (3 25 2..124' . J3 75 9.-.12SI 14 :0 2..133T , SCO 42. . . .1320 3 S5 1..1510 425 10. . . .1076 370 18. . . .1247 410 25. . . .1056 4 CO 18. . . .1003 3 70 COWS. 2. . . . 930 173 1. . . . CO 225 2..1I8.- , 3. . . .1050 1M 3. . . . W3 240 8. . . . C75 2 EO 2. . . .1025 1 ! 0 1..1200 2 40 1..1000 2 SO 2. . . . SO 2 CO 4. . . .1005 240 5. . . .1058 2 { 0 1. . . . S70 200 12. . . .1100 245 1.1050 2 SO 1..1C-50 2 00 8. . . .1097 2 45 2. . . .1125 2 tO 7. . . .1050 2 SO J. . . . KO 2 50 1..1330 2 fa 5..10C6 220 1..1I30 260 3. . . .1010 2 S3 1..11SO 225 3. . . .IOCS 2 CO 22. . . . 945 290 1..10CO 225 1. . . . H90 250 1..10SO 2 ! 0 1..1040 225 1C..102S 250 3. . . .1193 3 W ) 2. . . .1115 225 6. . . .11.10 250 1..11CO 300 1..1100 2 25 1. . . . ilCO 2 55 1..1420 3 00 2. . . . i 5a 225 6..U5S 2 D5 1..S30 310 1. . . . S40 225 1..1090 255 3..10.-.6 310 . 1. . . . 920 225 4. . . .1142 2 C5 1..13CO 350 2. . . . W5 2 25 1..11SO 2 05 1. . . . KO 245 3. . . . C20 275 17. . . . OCu 300 7. . . . 7SO 2 CO S. . . . 734 275 17. . . . 707 315 1. . . . MiO 2 CO 1. . . . 510 2 M ) 1. . . . UCO 325 6. . . . & 23 2 70 3. . . . CC3 2 SO 1. . . . SIO 3 23 1. . . . S50 275 1. . . . 730 2 W 11UM.S. 1..15CO 200 1..10CO 240 1..15IO 243 1. . . . 90 200 7. . . .12112 4' ' ) 1. . . . 900 250 I. . . .1430 2 10 1..1250 2 40 1..1500 2 CO 1..1400 225 1..13IO 240 1..14SO 210 1..1470 2 SO 1..HCO 240 1..1WM 2 C5 2. . . .IKS 250 1..KOO 240 1..1130 2 C3 2. . . .1300 233 3..USJ 245 1..1550 2 C3 STAGS. 1..1100 2 45 CALVES. 1. . . . 310 3 25 6. . . . 323 3 75 1. . . . 190 5 25 1. . . . 350 350 1. . . . 3UO 383 1. . . . 200 6 23 3. . . . 316 373 1. . . . I'M GOO 1. . . . ICO 025 * * t 2Sj 3 75 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 3. . . 790 270 1. . . 730 223 11. . . . 9C5 3 DO 1. . . 590 275 8. . . . C02 321 26. . . . 718 360 2. . . 515 2 SO 5. . . . tai 330 24. . . . 904 360 1. . . tSO 300 4. . . 717 333 3S. . . . 757 360 2. . . S25 3 W 15. . . . f,61 3 * 0 2. . . . 630 3 5S 1. . . t90 300 3. . . . 10DS 340 2. . . . 705 355 1. . . SOO 310 1. . . . 9SO 340 4. . . . 617 365 1. . . 7 0 3 10 2. . . 955 3 40 1. . . 610 3 CO 4. . . CC2. 320 19. . . . S33 345 4. . . . Ci2 SCO 1. . . 6:0 323 20. . . . 992 343 13. . . . 606 SCO 1. . . M > 0 323 6. , . Sll 345 18. . . , CS7 3 iIS 600 323 22. . . . 761 360 3. . . .12-30 373 MII.KEnS AND. fil'IUNQEItS. cow nnd calf J2S 00 springer 20 W cow nnJ calf . ss 0) cow und calf 37 ( , o WESTERNS. NE11RASICA. o. Av. Pr. No. Pr. bull 13(0 J2 00 2 feeders. . . G.V. ( cow 7f.O 2 00 2 feeders. . . S75 noM cow 670 ,2 13 2 cows C03 COCO COWB ! U2 2 13 15 cows US7 CO cows 'J''U 2 i' < 1 heifer CH ! ) cs bull 12SO 2 2j K heifers 700 csSB bull 13CO 230 1 feeder 1180. 75 cows . ! ' 6T > 235 32 feeders. , . S59 3 EO cows . 9.13 2 33 40 fceeers. . , S77 3 r.o cows . 1C46 235 3 feeders. . . MO 3 S3 cows . 1010T 2 33 18 feeders. . .1038 353 bull . 1460 2 S5 COI.OHADO. heifers . 5R5 2 CO 6 feeders. . . 9C 3 33 ecws . 8C6 2 10 1 feeder KO 3 35 cow . 7fO1 10 G steers 1041 360 cows . 965 223 1 steer 1150 360 cows . 9ti2 2(5 SOUTH DAKOTA. Mcl'herson Itius. 63 sirs. Tex. . 977 2 EO EOWYOMING. WYOMING. cows . 1110 230 2 feeders. . .1100 323 cows . 1043 300 17 steers 1207 SCO J. C. Oupton. steers . 1210 300 7 steers 1251 360 W. H. Euds. cow . 1050 2 K , 18 steers 13S7 330 cows . 1020 3 00 Frank Tschlrgl. heifers . 913 3 15 9 steers 12S5 3 00 steer . 12GO 323 26 feeders. . . 997 360 feeders. . . .1102 3 60 22 etccrs 1331 3 K J.V. . Iloukcr. cow . 1140 250 14 steers 1403 365 cows . 1209 2 W II steers 1307 3 ! W stcers . 1134 3 40 MONTANA. 1 cow . MO 260 1 feeder. . . . ,1120 300 1 feeder . 1ISO 260 1 feeder . 1120 335 4 COWB . 1120 260 45 feeders. . . .1U6 360 21 cows . 1120 2 DOA. 44 fecder8..H80 360 A. Mclzel. 1 steer . 12SO 3 CO 43 feeders. . . .1171 3 55 I1. 1 * . Cllne. 1 Mr. tie. . . . BCO 3 00 i:3 feeders. . . .1103 3 53 UTAH. A. Mosher , 1 bull . 1300 2 25 5 heifers . SCO 2 00 1 bull . 1340 245 4S feeders. . . .1039 333 W. Carpenter. 1 stoic . 1020 200 2 stUKS . 0CO SCO 1 heifer . fc20 2 75 75 feeders. , . . 912 3 33 7 heifers . t52 300 77 feeders. . . .1019 340 HODS Today's receipts of hogs were the lurs- est of any day slncu Wednesday of last week , when 4,1.65 wcro reported In. The hogs ucra veiy heavy , the majority of the loada wclchlnc SOU pounds nnd above , while llKht and Hk'ht mixed lauds were extremely scarce. Yesterday's breuk was followed by a still further reduction In values today. The demand waa Kood und fully equal lo the receipts , but ulhcr markets wvro lower and carried the murket hero down with them. The general market wus juit about 60 lower than yesterday , und the close was very weak , or BtflOc lower than yes terday. Thera were , however , ivirdly enough IIOK here yesterday to really establish quota tions , und comparisons , If made with Baturday , might be more readily appreciated. If such n comparlnau wern made It would show today's prices 104/lSc lower than Halurday * * market. The urcat bulk of the heavy hogs sold at (1.05 OJ.W , wltu a f w load * at } ) . ! . Medium welk'lit Over $411,000,000 Paid to Policy Holders in Fifty-three Years ! 51 0/7 Ma RICHARD A. McCURDY , President , Who will pay that mortgage on your home if you die before it's lifted ? A life insurance policy will do it , and the cost to you is only the annual premium paid to the company. * It is like pay ing a little extra interest on your mortgage to insure its re lease if you die. The resources of the Mutual Life of New York exceed the combined capital of all the na tional banks of New York City , Chicago , Boston , Philadelphia , St. Louis , Cincinnati and Balti more. A duty delayed is a duty shirked. Let a man convinced of responsibility secure adequate ' protection \ ' and * J at once. INSURE NOW * * IN THE MUTUAL LIFE. C ' r A Policy of Insurance in the Mutual Life' is the quickest asset you can' leave. loads sold at W.15ff3.20 , ana llgu : nnJ Unlit mlxoil ut J3.20T3. 5. . Toduy'B decllna'enrrtes the. market to the low est point of the- month so far , , anil lower limn It hns been any Jay Unco October 28. Rcpresenta- tlvc rates : No. Av. fill.IV. . No. Av. Sh. I'r. 64 . 315 40 J3 03 . SJ . 297 ICO J3 10 41 . 306 120 3 03 . ' C6 . 500 160 310 43 . 3.10 . . . 3 05 tO . 279 10 3 10 46 . 415 fO 3 f 3 S3 . 274 120 310 Cl . 337 SO 303 23 . 304 . . . 310 23. . . .i. . . 311 SO 303 , 39 . 313 40 3 03 34 . 3S1 . . . 303 33 . 313 . . . 310 C4 . 32S 400 3 C5 ' 04 . 33C . . . 31214 10 . 32C . . . 303 -M . 303 SO 3 12'.j t7 . 331 120 303 D9 . 22 . . . 31215 67 . 348 120 303 37 . 302 SO 3 12V .14 . 303 fO 3 CS. , SO . 2S9 8) 3 15 .17 . SIC EO 303 c : . 261 . . . S 13 53 . ST.O SO 303 Ki . 208 . . . 313 12 . 3K . . . 303 M . 320 . . . 315 43 . 37C W ) 303 , CO . 312 . . . 315 US . 3M fO 3 U7ii 38 . 311 . . . 313 tH . 339 120 3 0 < H 30 . 294 ICO 3 li ! 12 . 297 . . . 3 0j-i 27 . 201 120 313 66 . 331 M 310 K . 2S4 240 313 Ct . 34G 120 3 10 C7 . 31S 40 3 15 SS . 321 . . . 3 10 5S . 259 200 3 15 C2 . 31S fO 3-10' C5 . 2C3 40 313 53 . 313 120 3 10 66 . 320 SO 3 13 B4 . 341 120 3 10 19 . 281 . . . 3 17V4 SS . 321 200 310 fc0..217 160 320 SC . 363 M 3-10 10. . . . . . . .232 . . 320 47 . 321 1H > 310 G2 . 241 fO 3 22 'A IBS . 354 . . . 3 10 7S . 190 40 3 23 5t . 323 (0 310 S3 . 191 . . . 323 57 . 337 0 310 C3 . 213 40 323 55 . 3S5 . . . 310 75 . 233 . . . 323 1'IOS-ODDS AND 13NDS. 2 . 403 . . . 273 3 . 270 . . . 3 0"i 2 . cso so 2 r-o . 298 . . . a orS / S . 441 SO 295- 2 . ICO . . . 310 5 . 438 . . . 2 J3 2 . 130 . . . 3 10 1..1..200 . . . 300 7 . 20S . . . 310 5 . 35S . . . SCO S3 . 12S . . . 315 2 . 265 . . . 3 00 28 . 133 . . . 3 15 1 . SSO . . . 300 f , . 140 . . . 320 2 . 370 . . . 300' S . ISO . . . 320 4 . 3C2 . . . 3 00 SI . 123 . . . 3 20 2 . 4S5 . . . 300- 31 . 102 . . . 315 4 . 450 . . . 300 6 . 172 . . . 320 4 . 222 . . . 305 * There wore no sheep licrc today ex cept a small bunch that was driven In. CHICAGO I.IVI3 STOCK. Trade lit Cattle ( lultc Slow at .troii- iliiy'N Di-rlliK- . CIIX-'AGO. Nov. 17. Trade In cattle was slaw at .Monday's decline and undesirable lots were In borne Instances a little lower ; sales were on a basis of from S3. Ml to (5,15 for common lo prime nutlvo beer steers , comparatively few selling lie- low 14 or over f4.73. There wns a moderate trade In stackers and feeders , with Kales at from 13 to $3.UO. llutchcrs * and runners' Muff wus slow and a little lower , with pales of bulls at from J2 to J3.90 , chiefly at from J2 to J3. while cows anil heifers went at from II , CO to f4 , chlelly nt from 12 to J3.S5. Calves were active a { _ from (3 to J3.73. Itungc cattle sold at unchanged prices. Missouri fed Texans sold at from J3.10 to (4 , and Kood graders brought from J3.CO to $3.75. $3.75.With another large run of hogs today and a moderate demand , prices suffered a further re duction of about 5c per 100 \ \ > t. Hales ranged at from J2.M to J3.42H for course heavy to prlma medium weights , the bulk of the IIOKS going ut from 13.20 to (3.35. . l'l a rold at from 12.50 to J3.40. , Trices for sheep were steady and trade was moderate. Inferior to choice sheep fold at frcm J1.75 lo 13.25 ; westerns inlnir nt from J3.25 to (3.25. Lambs sold at from 12.00 to 13 for the poorest up to from J4.60 to JI.75 for choice lots. Fancy lambs were scarce anil salable around (4.75. Yearling ! ) uvernglni ; 00 Ibs. , sold nt J3.50. Feedlnir sheep nwld ut from $2.90 to 13 , and feedIng - Ing lambs at J3.7f. . Receipts : Cattle. 7COO head ; hogs , 23,000 head ; sheep , 14,000 heud , j Now - Stoc-k. NEW VOHIC. No > ' . :17.-HEEVF.S-Recelpts. : C45 head ; no trading ; rubles > iuoti > American rtecrs nt lOSJIO'Kc , drefM'l weight ; refrigerator beef at "Tic ; sheep nt Sffyiic , drcimed weight ; exports , too breves ; 1,1S5 sheep , nnd 2,416 quarters of liccf. t SHEEP ANIiJMHS llecelpts. 1.3S9 hend ; about steady , but ( very dull ; sheep , 122383.60 ; lambs. JI.OOH4.85. _ HOflS HecclnlH , )4CSO head ; market dull and lower nt ti SI. LiMllM I.I vo SI dr. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 17.-CATTLE-Rccelpts , 8.CM head ; market easy ; native shipping steers , J3.C00 4.CO ; light bteers , J2.7LB3.M ; cows nnd hell'ers , J2.00n3.2'i ; Texas and Indian fleers , l fMSO. HOOK llecelpts. 8,000 head ; mnrket barely steady ; light , J3.20O3.S5 ; mixed , I3.00a3.25 ; heavy , J2.COW3.JO. HIIiii' IleeelptB. 3,000 head ; market steady ; muttons , t2.2SC3.tQi lambs. | J.60f4.CO. Htiifk In HlKlit. nccord of live stock at the four principal mar kets , November 17. 1 6 ! Cattle. ' Hogs , Hheep. Houth Omaha . -.KD' 4,078 f.9 Chicago . , . 7,500 28,000 14,000 Kuneus City . 12.000 14,000 4.000 HI. I.oulH . S.5CO 8,000 3,000 Totals . . . . 50.CM 54,078 ZI.OJ'J ICniiHiiH < 'll > ' Mvo .Stuck. KANHAH C1TV. Nov 17. CATTI.W Ilecelpti , 12.WO head ; lilpments , 4 , SCO head ; market weak to lOo lower ; Texns eteers , > 2 Wif3.75 ; Texas cows , 12.001(3.00 ( ; native Hens. (2.5031.00 ; native cows and heifers , (1.6063.40 ; dockers and feed ers , K.WIC.I.M ; bulls , ! l.7ft.M , lioai * Ilecclpts. 14.004 hrad : shipments , none ; market weak to 6a lower ; bulk of sales , ( l.UO 3:0 ; heavy , I3.1083.KU ; packers , | 3.1033.o ; IS THE COMPANY IN TWO GENERATIONS 1843-1896 The Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New York , has paid $246OOOOOO to its living members. Has been the benefactor of women and children to the extent of $165,000,000. Fl BVnuVIUg urB JJ | FOR IOWA NRBRASKA , FIRST NATIONAL BANK BU1LD1HG , SIXTH AND LOCUST STREETS , OMAHA. DES MOINES. Wanted in J3veiy County. H. S. WINSTON , Special Representative , Omaha. mUett nnd ll ht , J3.15K3.53 ; Yorkcrn , " SHEUP Receipts , 4,000 head ; shipments , 3,000 lii-ail ; market weaker ; lamb * , J3.00ff4.00 ; muttons , J2.00H3.XI. O.M.MIA < : HXKUAI MAKK13T. Coilillllini f Trnilc- mill Qiiotiitloun on Staple mill I ancI'roilucu. . EGC3S Fresh gathered , 18e. IIUTTER Common to fair , CJ7c ; choice to fancy , country , HQ12c ; separator creamery , 15f * ICc ; gathered cream , 12013C. OAME Prnlrlo chckenn ! , per doz. , J' .GO ; quail , J1.50 : blue winged , teal ducks , Jl.35 ; green wing , J1.00R1.23 ; red heads and mallards , J3.23 ; email rabbits. SOcfiJI.OO ; jacks , J2 ; rqulrrch , 75c. CHEESE Domestic brick , lOc ; Edam , per doz. , JD.uO ; club houbc , 1-lb. jars , per doz. , J3.15 ; Llm. berger. fancy , per lb. , ttc : Itoaui-fort. ! Hb. jars , per doz. , J3.00 ; Young Americans , He ; twins , fancy , lO'.Jc. VEAL Choice fnt. EO to 120 Ibs. , are quoted at 7fSc ; large and coarse , 405c. DRESSED POt'LTRY Chickens , 7c ; turkeys , lOWHc ; geefe. DlflOc : ducks. lOc. LIVE4 POULTRY Hens , Cl4c ; cocks , 3e ; spring ducks. Sc ; turkeys , SJjSVic ; geese , 7J6c. PIGEONS Live , "SlfSOc ; dead pigeons not wanted. HAY Upland , J5 ; midland. J4.KO ; lowland. 14 : rye ttrnw. J4 ; color makes the price on hey ; light bales cell the best ; only top grudei brine tup prices. RROOM CORN Extremely s'.ow rale ; new crop , delivered oil track In country ; choice green si-lf-worklne cnrpi t. per lb. . 2'ic : choice grccii , running to hurl ? Uo : conrnon. I'.ic. VEOETAI1LES. SWEET POTATOES On ciders , per bbl. . J1.C5 01.75. O.-4IONS Good stock , per bu. , 33S40c. LIMA llEANS-Pcr III. 4c. I1EANS Hand picked navy , per bu. , J1.40. CARRAOE Home grown , per hundred , 7r.ff9flc. CRLHRY Per di-z. . 23c ; fancy , large , 45W50a POTATOES Oood stock , per bu. , 25c ; Wyom ing stock , racked , SOc per 100 Ibs. Kit U ITS. ORAPES-Ncw York. 12ie ! CALiroitNIA GRAPES Shipping ptock , J1.75. CRANIIERRIES Cape Cod , per bbl. . JO.CO. APPLES Cooking , per bbl. . J1.75 ; eating , J1.75 O2.00 : funcy New York , J1.7MJ2.00. CALIFORNIA PEARS-Per box , J2.00C2.M ; New York , per bbl. , J3.Wff4.W > . QUINCES-Per Mil. . Jl. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Mexican. Jt , LEMONS Mesulnus , $5.00 ; California lemons , J4.00. IIANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , t2.bC32.25 ; mcdlum-rlz'-d Imnches , Jl. 092.00. FRESH MEATH. DEEF Good nutlve steers , 4UU to COO Ibs. , tQ 7c ; western Fleers , dljTOHc ; good cows and heif er * , C35 < : c ; medium cous and heifers. 4''jc ; good forcquartera cows and heifers , 3 ic ; good forequurters native steers , Cc ; good hind- quurters cows nnd belfers , Cc ; good hindquar ters native steers , 8ie ; cow rounds , S'.ic ; cow plates , 3c ; bonelt't.s cliucks , 4c ; cow chucks , 3'&c : steers chucks , 4c ; beef tenderloins , 20c ; beef rolls , boneless , lHjc ; sirloin butts , boneluss , 5)ic ) ; loin backs , boneless , lOc ; loin bucks , 7lie ; cow rlbn , No. 3. 7c ; cow loins. No. 3 , ! "c ; beef trimmings , 3'ic ' ; rump butts , Cc ; shoulder clods , 1'OHK Drenscd hoes. Sc : nork loins. C',4c : nork tenderloins , 15c ; rparc ribs. Do ; ham butts , Ic ; pork chouldt-rs , rough , 4Kc ; i > ork ehoul- drrn , skinned , Cc ; pork trimmings , Cc ; leaf lard , not rendered , Cc. MUTTON Dressed lamb , 6'Jc ; dressed mutton , Cc ; rucks , million , S'/4c ; legs , mutton , Site ; sad dles , mutton , Slic ; stew , 3c ; sheep plucks , 3c. HONEY Knncy white , per lb. , J4B15c ; choice , 13c ; California , amber color , lOc. CIDKlt-CIarifled Juice , per hair bbl. , 12.75 ; per bbl. . J 1.2534.DO. MAI'LK 8YHUP-Flvc-gal. cans , each. 12.75 ; gal. cans , per doz. , J13 ; lmUai. . cans , > C.S5 ; quart onnn , 13.50. Tins Imported fancy , 6 crown , 20-1 b. boxes , i4c ; choice , 10-lb. boxes , 3 crown , HSlOc. NUTS Almonds. Cnllfornla , per lb , , medium < tze , lOc ; TarriiRona almnmin , prr lb. . Inrec , ll'.io : DrnzllR , per lb. , SWlOc ; Emllsli walnuts , ier lb. , funcy , soft shell , 13c ; standards , HQHHc ; illberts , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , pollnhed medium , lOc ; large , 12c. IIIDUS AND TALIAJW. HIDES No. t green hides , DC ; No. 2 green ildes , 4c : No. 1 gleen Milted hides , "c ; No. 2 ; ictn tailed bKcs , Cc ; No , 1 vcul calf , 8 lo 12 la. . 7u ; No. 2 veal cult , U to 15 Ibs , , Cc ; No , 1 Iry Mint hided , same ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. 70Sc ; No. 1 dry salted hides , ! ( i ! > c ; part cured ( Idea , He per lb. less than fully cured. KHKEP PELTS Oreen raited , each , 25fCOc ; green sailed shearings ( thort wooled early skins ) , euch , 15c ; dry shearings ( uliort wouled early FklnB ) , No. 1 , each , Cc ; dry shearings short wooled early plln : ) , No. I , euch , Cc ; dry lint , Kansas nnd Nebrurka butcher woul pelts , icr lb. . actual weight , 4Q5o ; dry Hint Kfinras mil Nebraska murrain wool prlts , per Ih , , actual weight , S8lc ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4TCc ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pells , per lb. , actual weight , 38lc : feet cut off , ns It Is utelcss to puy freliflit on them. ' TALLOW AND ClItEAHE-Tullow , No. 1 , 3 o ; allow. No. 2. 2Jc ; grease , whllo A. 3Wcj grease , white II. 2 a : greaic , yellow , Sc ; gri-ni-e , dark , \c : old butler , 2ii2'/ic ; besswax , prime , ICO 22c ; rough tallow , ic. \Voiil M ii r U-rt. Ni\V : YORK , Nov. J7. WOOL Dull ; domeillc Hteco. U ! 0c ; pulled. Hfilfc. IIOHTON , Nov. 17 \ VOOIlluiilness this week n the wool market has been very Irregular , Mio market has been vrry strong nnd fairly notlvit und them appears no weak spots. Values ure steadily hardening nnd denlers are talking irmly. Territory wool Is lironK on tin * scoured iiiHln of 33o to 3c ( , whllo some of the best lulu of choice staple ure held us high us 37c. Fleece wooln are llrm all ulonir Ihu line , but sales are nodrrule. Austrullun wools ure llrm and ( here ma keen a general burdening in values by lioM- ers. Quotutlons : Missouri qunrler-blood combIng - Ing , irc ; Missouri three-eighth blood combing , lc ; Texns wools , Fprlng medium , 12 months , llCISo ; t-coiired price , SiJiISc ; spring flne , 12 months , lOfillc ; i-coured prlci1 , 3Hi32c ; terrliory wools , Montnna. line medium nnd line , Ol-Mll'e ; scoured price , 33fr34c ; stnple , 3-r f3Cc ; Utnh , Wy oming , etc. , line medium nnd line , SViffllc ; scoured price , MC3lc ; Ftnple , SJQSCc ; California wools , northem spring , Iifl3c ! ; scoured price , 3Jf(30c ( ; middle counties , spring , \9T10c ; scoured price , 30fnc ; Australian , scoured basis , coml > - Irw , siipcrllne , 45Q47c : combing , good , 40ffl3c ; combing , uvcruge , 3SifjOc ; Queensland , combing , St. Itoiiln ( Jem1 nil Mnrke < . ST. IXU1S. Nov. 17. KIX3UII Uull nnd lower ; patents , JI.I5JJ4.W ; extra fancy , l4.OOiTI.10 ; fancy , t3.40 3.M ; choice. I2.75C2.00. WHEAT Opened decidedly weak nnd lower ; a feature of the mnrket being the heavy selling of December to overcome the pprend between the Chicago nnd St. Louis markets , and consequently December declined considerably lower than May. December opened at (5 , \c less than was bid nt the clofc yesterday. It sold down to SIViC , rallied nnd Fold up to 4c , then dropped to S4c , where It stuck for Feme time , nn t icrc wns almost no support , nnd doted at SI'UfSIUc. ? i > ot lower ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 5c ; track , SC'.JO ' 87c ; Ni > . 2 hard , cash , 7Sc ; December , M ! OM'ic ' ; May , $4tic. ( X3UN Futures , dull , neglected nnd lower. Spot lower ; No. I cash , 2T > C22c ; December , 21tC ; May. Si c. OATS I' uturfs lo\ver , without much demand. Spot lower : No. 2 rash , lOc bid ; May , 2 > ; c. KYK--3.1ic ! bid. COHN MUAL-J1.33. llltAN Oulct nt 39c rncked , east track. FLAXSEED Steady nt 7.4O74c. TIMOTHY HEED-I'rlme , J2.M. HAY Firmer , with choice grades In demand ; prairie , J7.WfiS.W ; timothy , $ C.50f ( 11.50 , this side. EGOS Dull and wcuk at ICc. POULTRY Steady ; chickens , old nnd spring , 5c : turkeys , firmer. 7B ' , jc ; ducks , steady , 7c ; goefc. stead ) ' , 4iCc. WJ1ISKY-J1.1S. MI'rrAI.8- od , quiet nnd stendy ; I2.C7550 2.72V6. Spelter , held nt $3.73. PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard inefs , jobbing , } 7.15j7.40. Lard , lower ; prime t-tcnm , J3.f " ; choice , t3.72i. ! Ilacon , boxeil fhoulders , J4.fiO ; extra short clear. I4.C2'ribs. ; . 14 CV < ; shorts , Jl.C 'i. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , Jl ; extrn short clear , J3.VO ; hhorts , II. U. RIX'EIPTS Flour , C.OOO bids. ; wheat. 15.000 bu. ; corn. 40.000 bu. ; oats. 12 COO bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. C.COO bbls. ; wheat , 20,000 bu , ; corn , 70,000 bu. ; oats , 31,000 bu. llvrrMiiil | MnrUclK. LIVKIll-OOL , Nov , J7. WHEAT Spot quiet ; demnnd jioor ; No. 2 red , winter , 7s Id ; No. 1 California , 7s 7d. Futures opened weak nnd unchanged ; eloped steady , with near nnd dIMant positions > ; d lower ; business about equally distributed ; November , nominal ; December. January und February , Cs lOUdi March , ( a 10 > id. CORN SiMit quiet ; American mixed , new , 3s 2d. Future * opened quiet nnd unchanged ; closci ! quiet , with nenr positions Ufi id lower , nnd dis tant positions ' .4J lower ; business about equally distributed ; Novi-mber , 3s lid ; December , 3 2d ; Jnnunry , 3s Hi'l ' ; February nnd Mnrch , 3s Hid. FLOt'R Dull ; demand poor ; St. Louis fancy , while. " fil. I ROVISION'S Ilacon. dull : demand noor : Cumberlaml cut , 2S to 30 Ibs. , Sn Cd ; short ribs , 20 to 24 Ibs. . 29 * ; long clear , , 3. " > to 33 Ibs. , 30r ; long clear , heavy , 40 to 45 Ibs , 2Sx M ; short clear bucks , , IS Hi ! " . , 18s ; short clear middles , heavy , 45 to CO Ibx. . 24x ; clrnr bellies , 14 to 1C Ibs. , K Cd. Shoulders , rqunrv , 12 to IS Hit. , :9 . Hnm , short cut , 14 to 1C Ibs. , 42s. Tallow , line North American , 20s Cd. Ileef , extra India mess , C.'s ; prime mcKs. Cos. Pork , prime mess , lint- west ern , COs ; medium western , 42s Cd. Lard , dull ; prime western , 21s Cd ; refined. In palls , 2H | Cd. CHKESi ; Firm ; demand moderate ; finest American , while nnd colored. September. 51s , Ilt'TTKR-Flncsl United Slates , ItSs ; good , COs. I'jrritOLKt'M Refined. CVjd. REFRKIIJRATOR 1IEEF Foaquartern , 3Hd ; lilndqunrtcm , Hid. HOPS At Ixiiidon ( Pacific const ) . 3 ! , . The receipts of wheat during the past three days wore 201,004 centals , Including 117,000 Amer ican. The receipts of American corn during Ina | uist three days were IDSWO centals. WIJAT11 Ell-Cloudy. CorrVt" MlirKrt. NEW YORK , Nov. 17.-COFFEE Ofitlons opened ulcaily , with price * 10 to 15 points lower ; ruled quiet and generally weak , following' un favorable : cables iiml Increnilng vlilblo supply ; cloci ! quiet nt KftiOc net lifeline ; sales , 12 2.V ) iags , Including : DecemlKT , 19.45 ; March. 19.50. Spot coffee. Rio , easy ; No. 7 , Invoice , flP.57Vi ; lobbing , tlO.ST'i. ' Mild , quiet ; Cordova , J15.WU 7.00 ; rales , 400 bags Savnnllla , p. t , HAVRi : . Nov. 17-COFFii'-Clo : ed quiet at a net decline of 6'fiC } if ! rrilex , 29000 bags , SANTOS. Nov. -COFFEE Quiet ; good aver , age , 12MX ) rt'ls ; receipts , 27,000 bags ; stock , 513- 00 bags. HAMIIURC1 , Nov. 17.-COFFKi-Qucl | ; H pfg li'cllne ; rules. 7,000 bags. RIO , Nov. 17. Flat ; No. 7 , Rio , II.COO rein ; ex change , 8d ; receipts , two day * , 42 , K | bags ; leari'd for HIP l/nilrd Slulrs , C 000 bars ; cleared or Europe , , OMO bags ; stock , 303,000 bugs. To I I'll i ) ( i nil i ) , TOLEDO , Nov. 17-WHEAT-Lower ; No. 2 ath. 9lc ; December , C2c ; May , I'lc. CORN Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2c. ( OATS Dull , but steady ; No. 2 mixed , ISc , RYK-Slcudy ; No , 2 carh. : $ ' , ic. CIXVER HiiD-Dull : : , but stendy ; prime De- ember , tS.W. ' _ _ Dry ( jmiilN , NEW YORK , Nov. IT , Dullness was on a noderule tout * us usual on Tuesday , and ait week's truiisuctloiiH had lupplled current eceiillles , still Ibi-ru was consldtnblo done In he way at like enuugemmti by tlio latest nr- buyers , Tticra wus a much i'riatcr la- YOU How much wilINyour admin istrator have to sacrifice your estate to force quick assets ? An Installment Policy for $100,000 will leave your family $5,000 yearly income for 20 years , in any event , and if you stted beneficiary is then living he or she will be paid $5,000 , yearly during life. A 5 per cent .Debenture fo ? $100,000 will leave your wife $5,000 yearly income either fop 20 years or until her death 5i prior thereto ; then $100,000 will be paid in one sum. A possible return of $200,000. is K < ooo ii leaf to w for onr ol The true business man acta promptly. Get our rates at once. JAMES E. BOYD & CO Telephone 1 ( ) ; } ! ) . Omaha , Nub. COMMISSION GRAIN : PROVISIONS : AND : Sf03I5 > Hoard of Trade. Hlrcct mires to Chicago and Niw York , ' Jobn A. Warren & O > WHEAT BOOMING r.nd never offered n better uppoilunily fur inak- Ing money. Wrllo U. 8. Murray & Co. , RanKrrs & Ilrokcrs , 122 Rlallo Illdg. , C.ilcayo. Rit'libers of the Chicago llonid of Trade In good mmllng , for their book on SlalUtlcv and HIIL-II- latlvo infj-mallon , an.I DHlly Maiket Lcllcr. t'lt'i frer. t.PE"IAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO " rr OF TOWM ORDERS HIDES WANTED. HIchcBt maikft urlco paid and prompt roturna ll'jfercnccOniaha National IImU. : F. S. BUSH & CO. , No eommlHHlon. nii ; S. | ; ith St. , Omaha , Nob. qulry for spring spcclultleH In printed and woven cotton goods , also woolen and worried diem Koods. hosiery nnd underwear. Prlnllng clothi were quiet ut Hc bid , and declined for January to April. MANCHESTER. Nov. 17. Cloth market quiet nnd hardly nny demand. Yarns murket quiet unil rulher eusler. FALL RIVER , Nov. 17. Print cloths steady ut : Hc , with fair . Ai'iMllilllllldoii of Cralii StiirlCN , NEW YORK , Nov. 17.-Speclr.l cable nnd lele- gruphlc dlcpatchfH to IlradKlreet's , covcrlnit points of nccutnulntton , Indicate the following chances In available ruppllcs of grain Ian Sat urday , as computed with the preceding Satur day : Available supplies , wheat. I'nlted Stales nnd Canada , eaft of the Rockies , Increase l.r..S- Oii ) bu. ; nltont for nnd In Europe. Im'U'niiL' 5.2 < jO.- ( XiO bu. ; totnl Increase world's available Mipplles , GtT.3OM ) bu. Corn , I'nlled Stuti-s nnd Ciimnla , lust of the Rockies , decrease I)27OuO ) bu. Outs , I'nlled StntfH und Cnmida. ennt of tinRoi'kles , Ircrenre 245,100 bu. The mure Important IncriMiica In stockH of available wheat lant work , nut In- cludt-d In the olllclal vUlblp supply rtiiti-inrnt. were 248,000 bu. nt Manitoba storage points , 2M.OOO bu. In northwestern Interior rk'vators , C5.0QO bu. ut Cleveland nnd 32,000 bu. nt Roches ter. N. Y. Corresponding iIi-creiif > eB are becom ing more numerous , the more Important holme 107,000 bu. In Chicago private elevators. SO.WO bu. at Louisville. ta.OOO bu. nt I.euvemvorth , CC.OCO bu. nt ClnlVfHton , SU.CKbu. . nt Jollct , 25,000 bu. ut Nuehvlllc and 20.000 bu. ut Omaha. Pi-orlll .MnrUffH. PEORIA , Nov. 17. CORN Eury , lower ; No. 2. OATS Dull , easy ; No. 2 wnite , sivic ; .iu. 3 white , nUirlTttr. HYH Fcnrce. nominal. WHIHICY Mnrket slfady ; Hnlslied goods on the basis of Jl.18 for high wlnci. HKt'KIITS Curn. 7I.4JO bus. ; untH , 45.350 bus. ; rye , fOO bun. ; whltky , none ; wheat , 3,000 bus. I1IIIPMENTS Corn , H.COO bus , ; oats , SO.CiO bus. ; r > 'c , none ; whlcky , 1,027 gals. ; whcut , none. Col Ion Miirki'l. NEW YORK , Nov. 17.-CGTTON-Qulet ; mid dling , 7ic ; net receipts , 2OW ! bales ; grofcs , 13.WO bales. ST. I-OUIH , Nov. 17.-COTrON Sleiidy ; mid dling , 7lc ! ; sales , 425 balcH ; ri-celpts. 370 balca ; HhlpmentH , 371 bales ; Flock , f.O.Mt biilfs. NEW ORLCANS , Nov. U.-COTrON-Qillet ; middling , 7 5-1 Co ; low mlddlng , "Ho ; good ordi nary , CT4c. _ .AIIIK | > IIIIIH \Vlifll I. MINNHAPOLIS , Nov. 17. WHEAT-Lower ; November , 7Cic ; December , 7C J , Gc ; Muy. 7Mlc. On truck ; No. 1 hard , 7S'/4c ; No. 1 north- em. 77c ; No. 2 nort.iern , 7Ciej ( reci'lpls , 423 cars. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ OlF City . . OIL CITY. Nov. 17. Credit bulunces , JI.20I certincalex , none ; shipments , 'J2.C02 bbls. ; runs , 100,319 bbls. _ 'KrlHi'i. \Vlu-iTl. HAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 17. WHKAT-Hleudyj Muy , tl.CIU ; Dicembcr , ll.Kli , IIOHTON. Nov. 17. Clcurlngs , J20,7M,2CO ; bul- nncitii , JI.OJ.'JM. f IIALTIMOIli : . Nov. 17. Clearing * , J2'JS0.2Mj bain neon , J : G,239 , NEW YORK , Nov. 17. Clearings , JIJ < ,1C9M8 ; balances , 17,030,413. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 17-CleurlnKs , 117,258- SOO ; bahincei' , J1,77CCOI. 8T. I/ll'IS. Nov. 17. rivarlnicii. IIg4U | , bul- ances , JU4.233 , Money , titH per cent. New Yurie exchange , 73c premium bid , offered ut ulioilt JL CHICAGO , Nov. n. Clcmlngs , III.'JIO.CJ ? , Money , firmly at Cf/7 / per cent. New Yolk ex- I'hiinKf. I0o pii'inluin , Foreign exchuiiKC , KelTrfUl i demand , Jl.U'.ii iilxty days , tl.ili. l > 'iiri < lKii Kliiiini'liil. 1IERLIN , Nov , 17. Ixchunge on Ixindon , eight duyV night , 20 marks 7 pfg , LONDON , Nov. 17-Clold Is quoted at lluenoa Ayres today lit U3.25 ; Madrid , 1U.2I ; Rome , 100.30. PARIK , Nov. 17. Three per cent rentes , lOJf COo for the account ; tichunto uu Loudou. Jit 2a for check * . - i