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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1896)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ' BSD AY , 2fOVI3MH13R 18 , 181MJ. today at 2 o'clock. The pollco took tin case In hand , nnd an soon ns the murdci wna ( Uncovered , ncnt officers to watch tin dcpolfl nnd other places , both In this cltj and In South Omnhn , whore It wan thoughi poHsllilo thnt nillott might li.ive returned with the Idea of concealing hlm elf Telegrams vvcro sent to all the main polnti east and west , In the hope * of Intercepting nillott In his ( light , and It Is thought It vvll bo hut n matter of a ntiort time before HK fugitive Is arrested. Ilt > IB described ns o medium hvlglit , with light mustache , bltlt eyes nnd Is rather pool looking. lie won a light tin It when last Keen. Htitnonplllei was about 35 jears of nge , nnd vvas n tno I of magnificent p'lj-nlque lite brother , ! ! % Ing nt Manjuetto , has been notified of hl death. WAS ATWIAID OF ELLIOTT. Late last night Jack Vnnnoy culled at tin pollco station ami gave the finllco furtlici particulars on the case. Ho said that Hut nonplllur had told him Saturday nftcrnnoi that ho was nfratd of Elliott and retiups.ei Vannny to loan him a filx-shooter which In might nso If nssnulted by Clllutt. Askri why ho did not leave him. he told Vanuo ] that nillott had $1S of hi * monev and lu wished to regain It If pntslblo Ilittsonplllei salil that when ho and nillott had lmrd t nt the Metropolitan hotel ho had given HI llott $ .1 with which to pay their bill Thl- 'was when lltitsonplller left to go lo St Joaeph'e nillott bad not ptld tin money to the * hotel keeper nnd their bit ; nago hail been held In eonsotiuone'o. Vannoy said that nillott was fortnorlj stationed with the Seventh Unlte.l Stairs cavalry In Arizona for several years am was at ono tlmo n hotel clerk In Now Or leans nillott met while In Omaha n Kir named Multic Sweeten , who llvoa near Sev enteenth and Howard streets U was rait ho gave her his picture and this the pollrt nro trjlng to get hold of In order that I nmy bo UKod In the apprehension nf tin fugitive. The baggage belonging to Hutsim plllcr , which nillott reclaimed nt th > Metro polltan hotel , Is thought to be nt the Unlor depot nnd H not supposed to have been tnlict away by him Thin will be asicrtalned tn day A former schoolmate of nillott's , win HVCH In South Omaha , linn been loi.ued bj the pollco and will be questioned In rcgnr. to his homo and relative * tod.iy Late last night the police received n tele' grnm from the conductor of the Diirllngtor train which nillott boarded aa It left Omaha stntlng Hint n man answering the descrlptlor of nillott cot oft nt Oaceola. Tlm train rcaehes that point at 9 4F > When the mar got off he told the conductor ho was golnc to board a freight train then In the jards and return east Whether ho did so or nol the pollco have not learned. T AMI German runner AIIIIIN < l , > neliee Ulie'il HIM ( itilH IN Il.- < enered. . CIinmiYVALH , Kan , Nov. 17 A Germai named Ilreckman has been hurried to tin Oswcgo jail from the Homier settlement north of here , to prevent bis being Ijnchct for having ruined and murdered his IS-jcar old daughter. The crime was most cold blooded nnd unnatural. Yesterday nelghliors found the girl litho the Ilreckman barn unconscious nnd nenrlj de-ad. Her fnther. It Is nllCKcd , hnd rulnet her nnd then beaten her Into insensibility Liter In the day she died and the facti becoming known , an angry mob sought tt lynch llrcckmnn. The .sheriff spirited bin from the town lockup , where ho had bcot placed temporarily , and huirled to Oivvcgi with the prisoner Ilreckmnn hns a hart name and during the llender horrors In 1871 lie was charged with being Implicated It several murders committed hy that gang On ono occasion ho was stinng up oevcrn times , but would not confess and vvnn lln.illj liberated. is1 \Mjrcnss Ilrutnl TriMitiiKMit nf n Siiiiimei I'roicN Pi'iilllvNs , CLnvnLAND , Nov. 17 Some time lasi night three burglars broke Into the houst occupied by John Mirk , aged 72 , a miser , ai 44S nnst Prospect street He llvca alone and has- been crcdltetl with having large gums of money In hLs house. On hl.s refusa to tell the robbers whcro the money was hidden ho was beaten In a terrible man * nor. This punishment failing to force tin Information from the old man , he was bound gagged and a lamp Ilamo applied to his fw until the llcsh was literally cooked. Tin old man writhed In agony , but protested In had no money The fiends then applied Hit flume to hln hands and then to his bodj until ho finally mink Into unconsciousness In which condition he w.-w round early thli morning It Is believed the burglars gel nothing. There Is no clew to their Idem tlly. Mirk was taken to the hospital. I'l.HASAVl' AT I-'A Ml IX CKOKCil \ Ono Hun Mioolx Tim IlriidiiTN anil It Illnincir : Wnr ] > Klllrd. ATLANTA , Nov. 17 A special to the Journal from Swjlnsboro , Oa. , eajs A shooting affair occuircd at Mc-Lcodi ? , u small elation ( ho miles below here. In which three joung mer were mortally wounded. Mr Felix Hountrco and two brother * . John and Lawson Sutten , had some words about a set tlement at Button's gin John Button knocked Itountrco down with a piece of Iron Itountrro arose , drew his pistol , shot flvo times , missing each tlmo Then draw ing nnother. ho fired llxo more olioto , mor- tnllv woniKiliig both Sutton brothers. As he walked off some ono unknown shot him In the back , mortally wounding him All par- tics are "well-to do and highly connected. DrndiN of 11 lln > . FOHT SMITH , Ark. , Nov. 17 Judge I. C. Parker died thla morning of Urlght's disease UOMU , N Y. , Nov. 17 James O'Connor of Onold.a county , believed to bo the oldest poison In the country. Is dead On Christ mas day IIP would have been 105 years old. SIinLIIINA , Mo. Nov. 17 Hon. R. P Riles , congressman-elect from the First Missouri district , died at noon todaj' . The funeral will bo held at Paimjra Thursday morning ST JOSEPH. Nov. 17 Waller Young , one of the best known democratic politicians In the Rtnte , died nt 1 10 thla afternoon Mr. Young had been In poor health for several months Ho wns an ex-member of the Mis- Rouii stuto senate and was widely known among old settlers throughout the west Ho came to Missouri In 1S51. HUUO.V. S n. , Nov. 17. ( Special ) IM Marr , n printer , well Knoun In Slo iCltj , Omani anil Council Hluffc , tiled at the homo of his mother In Wolsey Frldiy nlgnt The funeral look place Sunday and was at'emlcd by BOX oral parties from this city JirKKHsON : la . Nov 17 ( Spcol-il Tele gram i Jerry Pitman a weahhj oil uottler , fell dead this afternoon of heart fullur : Wit h Hood's Sarsnpa- rIlla"SnloiTnlk , " uul show that this moill- clue IUIH enjoyed jiubllc confidence and patronage to a greater cxtontthaiiaccord ed any other proprletnty medicine. This la elmply because it possesses greater merit nnd produces greater curca tlinu any other. It la not \ \ lmtonny , but what Hooil'H Sarnaparllla docs , that tells tliuHtory. All nchcrtlacmuntti of Hood'a Birpnpnrllln , HLo Hood'a Siirsa | > arllla it- uclf , nro honest. Wo hnvo never deceived the public , and this with its superlative medicinal merit , is v\hy the pcoplo have abiding coatldenco in it , and buy Sarsaparilla Almost to the exclusion of nil ntlicrs. Try It. I'lep.ircdonlyliyC. I Hooil ACoUvvcll , Mass. ii 11 rt'ti niotlifl only | illli tn Uko riOOCl S PlIlS vMtli Hood's B4M.ii.irlll.i | Pozzoni's Comploulon I'ovvoiiii ptoducoH n unit and l > cuutlful klnj It coiutiluvd uvvry clenn.nt of beauty und purity. DAVIS MAY YET CO FREE Man Accused ami Convicted of Wrecking the Rock Island Train. DISCOVER A FATAL DEFECT IN THE LAW .Set-lion Hit of tinCrliiihinl OotlLIn Atlialtli-il In IK Void anil IIiu Knil > lity Ilr IIiu Mim'fl I.tlicratloii. LINCOLN , Nov. 17. ( Special. ) After ono of Ihe most memorable lights In the history of criminal Jurisprudence on the part of counsel for a men chat god with murder In the first dugreo , George Washington Davis , the negro convicted of murder in the second end degree for causing the wreck on the Itock Island August 'J. 1804 , U-now likely to bo turned loose from the penitentiary a free tnnn. ThU curious turn lu the wheel of fortune comes about through section U3 of the cilmlnal code , under which Uavla wns convicted , being declared void. Attor ney General Churchill this morning appeared before the supreme court nnd made a verbil stntcment first to the above effect , after ward making the same admissions In hta brief. Davis was tried upon two counts , the first charging him with murder In the first dcgieo nnd the bctond murder In the second end degree Ho was found not guilty on the first count , but guilty on the second The section under which ho was convicted and which IB novx declared 1 > > the attornoj general to bo xold Is a rather peculiar one and reads ns follows Hvtry person who Mhnll willfully nnd tnn- llcloiiilj remove , break , tils , lice , throw down , tlfUioy 01 In .my in.uinei liijuio any lion , woodiiii or othei rail tir any branches or br.incli-wnjii or any p.ut of the ti.icK , or any bridge , vladtiet , culvert , tiesllo work , rmhuikimiit , pir.tpet or other IKtuio , or nny pirt thereof nttne'iLil to or connect" d with such tr.icki of any rallro id In tblt state nuw In operation , 01 uf which aha 11 bneifKr l > e pill In opfr.iuo-i , Ol win ) Mh ill willfully nnd maliciously place nnj oliutrur- tlon upon the ml ) or rail * , track ol U icki of anj Miieh rallro id ah ill lie punlsht tl n\ ImprHonnunt In the piiiltentlury not Ic-i than one nor more than twenty ye us , Piovltled , however , Hint If nny person shall by the commission of either of the ufore- riid offeiiues occasion the death of an > person or persons the person or persons so offending thnll be di emetl guilty of mur- tler In the llr-U or second den no , or m 111- sl uigliter , aeeordlng to Hie n ituro of the offrnne , nnd on conviction thereof shall be punished an In other onsi-s. Davis' counsel , Messrs Adams and Ault- schulcr. contended In theli brief that this section was Illegal and void from the fact that It failed to specify a penaltj and was clearly uncertain , and this contention was conceded bj the attorney genetal , who said In conclusion : We IK ' 11 ve , however , there enn be no escape from the conclusion that the portion of M-etlon tn , nfler the provision , Is abso lutely void for uncertainty , but If not then the eomt should have In his Instructions toltl the jury what under this section was murdci In the tlrst ile ree , what 111 the BPC- end ilpLieo and what win irmnsloiiKhter , not having done so , the cabe must be re- VclSdl. It Is expected that the supreme court wlli hand iloui lln decision reversing the case cither this evening or tomorrow. The at torneys Interested In the state that litho the case Is remanded for another ttlal Davla will bo sent back to HID county jail , but li It Is'olmply reversed ho will walk forth from tlio penitentiary a free man. Attorncj Altsrhuler , who Is greatlj elated over his successful fight for DavK is of the oulnlon that a vi It of habeas corpus v ojild now llr > and one may bo applied for. Altschuloi thinks thnt even If Davis Is tried again con vlctlon cannot be secured Omaha people In Lincoln At the LImlell Mrs Howard Kennedy. C L Ilaufller , W A Travis. W M Strawn At the Capital- William Mancrlft , ndson Rich At the Lin coln J. C Cow In. O C. Iledlck. H. H Smith , J II Mclklo. Charles Ogden , Charlra II Keller , William D. Ileckell. L J Sutcllffe , Will II Thompson , 1) . W. Merrill. K. Wnke- ley. Will Strong , John Hnrbcrg , John L. Webster. John A. Krug. C. S. Montgomery , L N Gonden , I ) . I ) Gregory , C F. Krlclc- son , U. S. Horton , 13. F Youngfelt , U. W , Hrccke'irldgo , Gcorgo C. Homier. Where IrrluriiMonlNlN Will licet. LEXINGTON , Neb. , Nov. 17. ( Special. ) Arrangements for the Irrigation convention , to bo held November 19 , 20 and 21 are pric- tieally completed The convention hall U capable of ncntlng 1,500 delegates comfort ably , and ample arrangements nro being made to accommodate nil who como. Ihe first Revision of the convention will be held Thursday morning While It Is Known that the leading Irrlgatlonlsts of the entlio conn try will bo present , the exact program has not jet been announced Arrangements have been made to show nil visitors prac tical Irrigation along the Farmers' and Mor- chints' canal , which Is the finest ditch In the west A large exhibit of the grains and vegetables raised under Irrigation will bo made. Quo fare rates over all roads are made for the occasion. ItcelM Itciulvreil FltnMONT. Nov. 17. ( Special. ) The beet raisers nro feeling rather despondent o\ei the result of this j ear's crop. It was at first thought that the cold weather would not render the beets In the ground whollj unlit for the factory Some were dug jes- tcrday Hint \MTO found to have been fro/cn nearly their whole length. When first taken out they looked all right , but when cut open wcro black throughout. There arc still about 100 acres In the ground , and It la probable they will prove an almost total losa Chicory , It Is claimed , Is not badlj Injured by the frce/e. CIIIM leli'il ItUNller Confessi-H. IIAKHISON. Neb , Nov. 17 ( Special Telegram - gram ) StoneUng , the man convicted of cat tle steillng Friday and sentenced to three jcirs In the penitentiary , has made a con fession nnd implicated thrco others with him who nro now under arrcat here. Thcj nroHatlmway Dodd , John Dodd and Archie Akers Their preliminary trial is set for Thursday. It Is thought h" > ro that these last arrests will bo the means of breaking up a gang of rustlers which has long he-en In operation along the 11. & M. lu this country. _ Iti-il Hen In CcniMMitloii. FHRMONT , Nov. 17 ( Special. ) The Great Sun council < jf the Impiovcd Order of Hcd Men for the reservation of Nebraska mot hero today. The opening session was called to order at 10 30 this morning at Pythian hall. Iho attendance uns light , about thirty representatives of the trlboa being present- After the conferring of the great council degree upon those who had not received the same the usual loutlnc business was taken up. 'Iho session will close tomorrow morning. Slinolliiir VITi-iiy. FALLS CITY. Neb , Nov. 17. ( Special. ) A shooting scrape occurred In Arago , a small town fifteen miles north of hero , Sunday af ternoon , which It Is thought will prove fatal. Hay Qulmliy shot Peter Hall four times , ono ball entering on each sldo of the backbone bono near the hips ami two In the side. Qulmby was jealous of Hall , thinking ho was Intlm-ito with Mrs , Qulmby. Hall was brought to the cltj Monday evening and operated upon _ rnlriuoiit Man Severely Hurl. FAIRMONT , Neb . Nov. 17 ( Special ) - Milton Ames , a drayman of this place , met with n serious If not fatal accident last night about C o'clock. Ho had a load of coal on his dray , when hla team became fright ened and ran awaj. Amu was thrown from the vehicle and the wheels passed over his body , brooking three ribs and otherwise bruising him. _ " 1I MM ) " I , OHM of ii FALLS CITY. Neb. , Nov. 17. ( Special ) - The house of T J. Gist , vice president of HID State bank , was robbed Saturday night Glut's trousers wcro taken from the house nnd the burglar got the contents , a sack of tobacco , a pipe nnd a C-ccnt piece. Jlar > i-MlliiK- lleav ) Yield of Cum. DUNCAN , Neb. , Nov 17 ( Special. ) A light nlcet sot In hero thla morning. Corn- hulking U In full blait. Several fields are In the crib and all report an extra heavy \ laid. KINS IM\\N A U\MI OP Chief li > | iltiNKy nf IlnxthiKn Million nn litijiurtiint rupture. HASTING ? , Neb , Nov. 17 ( Special Tele gram ) --Chlef of Police Leplnsky Ins just flurceeded In running to earth one of the boldest nnd most daring h.ind of robber ? which ever operated In thla prt of the countrjHo returned this morning from Hanover , Knn. , whcro he nrreatcd three ol the fellous who are connected with the hanli lobbery at Davenport , Neb , which ioo\ pl "o nt an early hour last Snturdiy morn- In. , 12ver since the Talk burglary In this cltj the chief has been on a constant tookotu for the Uilfc\os , ns ho had gcnd reasons fet thinking tint there was an organized baiiil atok. . Saturday Lrplnsky got a clew ol the bank iobbt rs It seems , after the bur glnr.i had robbed the bank , they took Hit morning train on the St. Joe & Grand Island road und came up ns tar ro llaimn where they ( ? ot off took bronklfat and Uklng thi nouthgolng train , went bnck over the RIUH road , Kolug through Davenport and stop' plm ; at Hnmmr During their tit.iy In Han-on the Isndliity attempted to move OIK of tlit > ( wercoata that wns hanging over chair but found It wns quite dlfilcnlt to dc so , on nrcnunt of the largo amount of uoli ! ami .silver In the pockets. Chief Liplnsky went down to Hanovct Saturday und found moio than eve : droamc-cl of striking It sronis that thcie I : an organized gang of about thirty robbers , who have theli headquarters In Hanover , Thrlr clcn pioved tn bo what In Known as n "hole-l'i-lhe-wall. " nnd the follow who lime the joint Is used to circulate the stolen propurtj' . Oi searching the place , Mr. Lc- plnsky seemed about $100 In gold , nearly $30f In silver , a loll of script , a whole lot ol tohl watcl.cs , some of the Mlhcr bullion with the name of a Davcnpoit banker on , n collide of djrcmlte bombs and a lot of othct stuff A nun ; ; the scilpt v. ns found some which was taken from 1'alk's safe at the time of the lobberjMr. . Falk was sent fet and Identified the same Chief L'plnsky developed the fact thnt II Is a de-spciato gang ho Is dealing with , as there were plenty of revolveis and stilettos In the shantj. The money ami other plunder which were tocovered had been hurled , bill Leplnskv wns fortunate enough to uneartli them. U Is thought that this Is the ganc which has been doing all the big stealing done In this part of the state during the pasl sK months. The three robbers who wen nrrfited were taken to Washington , Kan , where thej will nwult their trial ii'vvoitTii Mcin covvnvnyv OrKiiiil/iillon In the Oiniiliit ( . 'HIM ones ut Valley. VALLKY. Neb , Nov. 17. ( Special ) Tin npworth leanuo convention for the Omaht district convened hero jcstcrday with flftj delegates piesent. The program today was Devotional e\eiclscs , the president ; organ I- ration and appointment of committees "Model Program for a Huslncsa Meeting , ' P. W Young ; "Mercy nnd Help In the Cltj- , " Hannah Taj lor ; "In the Country , " A P SchafTor ; "Dulles of the npworth League Sccretarj , " T F Sturgls ; devotional exer cises , W. D Stnmbaugh , election of officeio etc , litcinry depnitment , W. G Skeel ; social department , Mrs. W. P Fritchildren' ; * . our. Iho junior work , Mrs A. L Stone- cypher ; address of welcome , Mlsi Julin Ficeland ; greeting , Young People's Soclctj of Christian Undcavor of Valley ; address , Her. Dr. John McQuold , First Methodist nplscopal church , Omaha. The program tomorrow is as follows : De votional exercises , II. A. Dartoii , "A Genuine Revival , What Is It ? " F M. Slsson. "Ihc Part of the Pastor , " Anna Cook ; ' Male Inn Heady for the Soil , or the League Deforc the. " H n. Fleming ; "Tho Spiritual Department of the npworth League ; a Vital Factor In the Revival. " A. N Peterson ; tie votlonal exercises , G A. Luce ; "Personal Work. " Mrs liorshelm ; "The Great Soul Winners of the Churrh ; " 'Care of YOIIIIK Converts ; or Spiritual Development , " H. n Slade ; question drawer , J W Kohlnson ; ad dress. Rev J H. Scnsenj , pastor Hroadv.aj Methodist nplscopal church , Council Dluffs , la. I-UI.T ins IMSCIIVCI : ICIUM/V < Tulmiiue Man TnKex Ills Itfe on ArrfHlt'il. TALMAGH , Neb. , Nov.17. ( Special. ) Fred Dolkcn wns found dead on the bank of the Ncmaha river this inornln ; by his father. Ho was arrested Saturday night for dls- tuiblng a speaker at the ratification meet ing and put In jail. Ho was released the next morning , and ho Informed several per sons that I'D was going to take his life , and took his gun and started off , but pcoplo paid little attention to him , as ho had made the threat before. Ho placed the muzzle of the cun In his mouth and dis charged it with his too. Walioo Soelal Cluli .MeelM. WAIIOO , Neb. . Nov. 17. ( Special ) The Wahoo Social club held Its first meeting at the homo of J. W Stratton last evening The affair was a perfect success , which fact It duo to the cfiorts of the committees and the amiability of the hostess. These pros cut were Messrs and Mcsdamcs H. F Good , V L Hawthorne , Ren Leo , C. W Sanford. Messrs M A. Phelps , John Adams John Negley , Misses Stratton , Dell , Alice Mcrrlam , Minnie Sharpe , Florence Adams , Cell ! Ort , Annnlo Hughes. Minnie Kln- nlck , Floy Hutehinson , Minnie Manners ndna , Sadlo Henderson , Mac and Giaco Phelps. I'smeral of llt-rt Serf. HASTINGS. Nov. 1" ( Special Telegram ) The funeral of Hcrt Self , who died from In- litnes received In the foot ball game of Don no against the Kansas unlveisity , was hold this afternoon at the Congregational church The church wa crowded with joung Serf's school friends and college students , besides about thirty students of Doano college. The jcimon was delivered by President Penj of Doane. Major Cole also spoke. The casket was completely covered with floral offerings from the Kansas university , Doano college and Hastings friends The remains were Interred In Parkview cemetery. I'liloii Meetlni ; HI HASTINGS , Nov. 17 ( Special ) Tin morning netting at the Congregational church showed a large attendance for a daj meeting Tlio Interest was correspondingly Increased. Major Cole tan over to Amorn from the morning meeting and held a service from 11 15 a m. to 1 p m. Tlio bus Inosa houses of Aurora closed for this spe cial service The services In the evening at the Methodist church brought out n large audience ami among them were a number nf visiting ministers from Kenesavv , Hanson , PalrniQiit and oilier paints. Pound Demi in lied. SCRinNGR. Neb . Nov. 17. ( Special Telegram - ogram ) nrncst Schultz , a renter living at Rldgloy , seven miles southwest of Scrlbner , was found dead In bed with his Sunday clothes on todaj' , Tuesday. Ho had not been seen around for sovcial days , which Dxeited suspicion. Ho was a bachelor and about 27 jcars of age , of temperate habits ind Is not supposed to have committed iiilcido. Ho was planning a visit to his brother at North Ilcnd. .VintrehlileiilM Voted \i-lmiriKn. . DnCATUR , Neb. . Nov. 17. ( Special. ) \n election fraud has como to light here , .vheroby . the Second ward may bo thrown nit. and If such Is the case , the local re- uibllcan candidates will bo declared elected. Several voters living on Holmnn'a Island , ivhlch Is In Iowa , cast their ballots hero. Illoiv a .Safe. H1LDRBTH. Nob. , Nov. 17 ( Special. ) llurglars effected an entrance into Cross & Johnson's lumber olllco last night. When K. M. Trumbull came down this morning ho found the olllcc 63 fo door blown off. There was only $10 In the safe and a check for $33 , which was taken. kt Ilfilillnu'N M LEXINGTON Neb. . Nov. 17 ( Special. ) nvangnllst J. C. Ilcddlng has been holding meetings hero the past ten days , The churches became too small , and It now takes thi > opera house to hold his largo audiences. Valley Cliureli Deilli-nli-il , VALLKY. Nob. , Nov 17. ( Special. ) The second Swedish DaptUt church wan dedica ted hero Sunday The congregation raised a church fund of over $ lf > 0 , which put them out of debt , Thcto wcro uevcral prominent in attendance , W , C , T , > U , ELECTS OFFICER ! i Among Ottat * Business the Woman' ' Bible- Disclaimed. i n t > . FRANCES WILLAfcD AGAIN MADE PRESIDED i/i "I All of ( lie Olil ot'.lolliN llonoriMl li ; HeliiU Ittilrtlneil In 'lln-lr Sc\- H t tr An- I ST. LOUIS , N'ov. 17. Tills , the next ti the but day's session of tlio twotitthlrt annual coin cation of llio National Women1 ! Christian 1 ciniicrauoo union , \\ao the nioa Important of any jet held , ns olllcors fo the ouaultiK K " r vveto elected. The usn.i early innrnlnK. prayer meeting at Schu > lo : Momtirlai honao v.aa followed by tlic con volition In Music hall , which vvas ptomptl : called to order at 9 o'clock by I'roslden \Vlllard. The mlnutcB of jcstcrday'a meeting \sen read anil approved and thu loport of tin executive coinmlttce , .which followed , xvn- adopted Ith alight ohniiRos. As adopted , I provided that thu field fund bo plarod litho the hands of the superintendent of oi-Ranba tlon to bo tided lor field \sorlc and oritanlza tlon under the direction of the anpei Intend cut of organisation and general olllcers : tha stuto presidents and national superintendent. shall not bo listed as national organizers that the matter of an npproptlitlon for tin national organisation bo icfoirod to tin Kiipeilntcndonts of oiganlzatlons In conjunc tlun with the other general olticors , am recommends that the Lo > al Tcmperanci legion bo m\do : a branch department on tin payment of the usual duos , with a super intcmlent and general Hecretary. The follow Int ; resolution was adopted with out much debate- "Hcsolved. That while wo recognise tin right of women to make commentaries 01 the bible , ns men have done from the beginning ginning until now , wo regret that the nnnn 'Women's lllblo' has been gl\on to nn ; volume , and wo further deplore the mis apprehension of the press , secular and re llglons , In styling HiM commentary on the - < parts of the bible only relating to vvomni as 'a new version of the scripture ' W < further disclaim , any connpctlon vvhatovci of our society or of our national presldcn with thla work. " A number of "letters and messages ol greeting were read , one belli ! ? from CI.w Harton of the lied Croi3 society. The final report cf the credentials com mittee showed that frrty-fl\e states nn represented In the con\cntlnn , with 315 del egated and officers , consisting of all tin general officers , mail ) of the depailnieul superintendents presidents , state ofll- coia. national oiganlscrs , and o\angellstf and editors of state papeis. etc. A delegate hero arose and announced that It was reported that the house In Washing- ten In which Abraham Lincoln died was to bo turned Into a saloon. This caused a llut- ter of excitement and a protest from many present As a result , a resolution wan adopted denouncing this and mcmorlallilni ; congress to make' the necessary action tc pre'vcnt It. The next order of business was the elec tion of general orrfccrs for the ensuing > car. Mis. Stevens , vlce'presldent-at-Iarge , taking the chair. AVlillev the ballots wcro being distributed and collected , lU-v. Wilbur Crafla of Washington mirdo n short , characteristic address to the delegates There being no opposition , nil the officers were ro-clerted ns follows , with ' hoadquaiters In Chicago Piesldent. rruiie'fti E. Wlllard. Illinois , vice preslilent-at-largo , Mrs Lillian M N Slov ens , Maine ; 'corresponding ' secretary , Mrs Katharine Lento Stevenson. Massachusetts ; recording secjetarj } , jAn. Clara C. Hoffmann , Missouri , treasurer , Mrs. Helen M. , Illinois. , , . Miss Wlllard rcgpJSolntcd Mrs. Lillian M Js' . Stevens of Malnp. vlce , prcaldcut-nt-large , and the appointment was ratified by the convention , as vvafc that of .Mrs. Franceo K licnuclmmp of Kentucky , as assistant re cording secretary. ' All the ofilccrs received an ovation when the result of the balloting was made known , and Miss Wlllard was the recipient of sev eral Immense bouquet.s. On behalf of the superintendent of the World's Dower mis sion In Australia , Miss Agnes K. Slack ol England presented Miss Wlllard with a beautiful floral picture Mrs. Fcssendcn , state president of Massa chusetts , mo\cd that a letter of thanks be sent to Mr. and Mrs , McKlnlcy for their Intention not to let a diop of liquor enter the white house during their occupancy of It. Miss Willard vouched for Mr. McKlnlcy being n teetotaler , and the convention de cided to Instruct the corresponding sec retary to send a loiter to Mr. nnd Mrs. Mc- Klnley. It was announced that Georgia had win for having the largest delegation present , the prize of a vislt'by Miss Wlllard to Its an nual state convention. The evangelistic hour , which closed the forenoon session , was led by Miss Slack. At the aftcinoon session the reports of affiliated Interests , which were laid over from yesterday , were made. They follow National Temperance hospital , Mrs. Mar garet Inglehart. Illinois ; The Templo. Mrs Matilda n Carse , Illinois ; Woman's Temperance anco Publishing association , Mrs. Matilda n Carse. president , and Mrs Caroline F Crow , buslnrsB manager ; tlio Union Signal Mrs. S M. l > . Fry. Minnesota editor ; L'o ka and Leaflets , Mrs Clara C Chapln , editor The appointments of national superintend ents of departments which were made b > the cxccutlvo committee v cro read and con firmed by the convention Most of these ofilcers were icappolnted but In a number of departments changes were made Mts Mary Hunt , world and national super intendent of scientific temperance Instruc tion , devoted an hour to the work of her department , after which reports by the fol low Ing crganlserfi were presented Miss C S. lluinett , Ohio ; Mrs. Marion I ) . Ilaxter. Illinois ; Mr ? Ada AV Unruh , Oregon ; Mis Hlla A licote. New York ; Miss Lillian Wood , .Missouri ; Mis H. L Calkins , Mich igan ; Mrs Sue V. Tomllnson , North Carolina , Miss Carrie Lee- Carter Missouri , and Miss Frances II. Hnslgn , Ohio. You need not despair ! Salvation Oil will lical jour burnt arm without a scar , 25c \VOMA.N M PKUAGIJ HAS A MA.IOUIT1. Hut ( lie Anieilllineill Mn > lie DelYaled Ii > a I.oKiil 'reeliulealllj. BOISE , Idaho , Nov. 17. 1'rom unofllclal sources It la les 'nei , } that the woman suffrage1 amendment totluv. constitution has a ma jority of nearly (1,000. ( Friends of the move ment nil over the state are jubilant It Is. liowover , a iiir tioii whether the amend ment'has really passed , owing to the offi cial lulliiB oni'4 tstr.illar question that came up two jears ago At that tlmo a pioposcd constitutional i amendment segregating the afllco of prolpliCjudgo and county school niperlntendciH fts carrled In the same way , but It vvas held Hut the amendment was lost bccauso tlifi vento In Its favor was not n majority of jAl ) tUoso cast at that election , though there vvas a majority of tlioso cast an tliut tiiieiUpn. , The tjnestlon will betaken taken to cour { ii * ° an as possible. ' 'Hll .MISSIONS. Uiilxcojiiil Oliureli iloiu-j Till * Var. . DKTHOIT. Noyj 17 The total npproprla- tlona for JiidfanttnUslons In the United Status were flxcii today by the general mis sionary commlttyo of the Methodist Epis copal church at ? S,937. Thu committee then proceeded with allotment of sums for mission work In various conferences of the United States , Including the follow ing DCS .Mollies. $1.085 ; Kansas , $1.200 , Minnesota. $3.437 , Nebraska , $2.150 ; North Dakota , JS.CIO ; North Nebraska , $5.000 , Northern Minnesota $1,078 ; Northwest Iowa. $3r(71 , Northwest Kansas. $0,700 ; Northwest Nebraska. $3.COO ; Oklahoma , $14,000 ; South Kansas , $1tOO ; Southwest Kansas , } 500 , West Nebraska. $0aOO ; Idaho , $1,000 ; Colum- bla Ithcr , $4,100 ; I'ugct Sound , $0,000. KMI-IUCI-H rmln-flnur Corn , HILPItnTH , N < ! b , Nov. 17. ( Special ) Farmers are bun/ gathering their largo corn crop , The yield will average over forty Imnlii'ls Fall wheat Is looking better than any fall since 1S91. nr.ivi. . or i.NTintnsT iv .U .Nlilloniil ConiK-M of . .JouNIiVoinci NIJW YORK , Nov 17 Promptly at the appointed hour the third session of the first annual convention of the National Council of Jewish Women opened today with Mro Hannah O Polomrn In the chftlr and n goodly attendance or delegates and x letters The smblnn WRS given over to the inure Important standliiK eommltteps , reports fiom which were read by thrlr chairmen Flrt was the report of Miss .lulla P nisenthil of Chicago , chaliman of the enmmltteo on rellgl n One purpose of the council , the report siild , was to nroino the Interest o ( Ainciloan Jewtsscs In Judaism , Its lltcr.iluio , history and the bible. "We Imo lost , " It continued , "tho rever- cntlil spirit that pervaded the every action of our ancestors. That spirit cannot be re stored , but 11 may be substituted by n nobler prldo. We belli-v e especially that the central plan of our work must lie to strengthen the pivotal point of cur rcllgloiu activity , to help to uierglso the waning Interest In divine worship We nro en deavoring to change a dormant spirit of apathy Into a desire for knowledge" Thenatloml committee on lellglous bchool work , Miss Julli Itlchman of New YorK clnlrman , was the bccunci to submit Its ic- port "I claim for our committee , said Ml Hlchman , "not only the key to the perma nent usefulness of the Nattoml Council ol Jewish Women , but the kev to the pcrma- nenco of all true , cnincnt , spiritual Judaism. ' Chief among the defects of the present Sunday school sxstem , according to Mlm Uichmati , are the Improperly trained teachers - ors , a complicated plan of work , luck of co operation between patents nnd tno school nnd absence of spiritual alms at home She lecommtndod. among other things , the for- mitlon of InfTiit and post confirmation classes , the establishment of normal classes for the training of teachers , and the Intro duction of a more spiritual tone In the Sab bath schools Next on the program was the report of the national committee on philanthropy. The icport was read bj the chairman , Mrs. Car rie S Ilenjamin of Deliver , Colo. After Miss Felscnlhal had finished reading the report of the committee on lellginn Mrs Sarah II. Ljons cf this city naked the prMlego of the floor. "I understand , " said the ehnliimn , "that Miss Ljons has a minority report in offer. " "I beg jour pardon , " replied Mlsi LJOIIH. "It is a majority report" Thereupon Miss Ljons proceeded to utter her protent against that portion of Miss FelRenthal's report which makes reference to Claude Montl- floro's criticism of the bible "Dr Morals of IMiltidilphla has declared the Montlflore ciltlclsm is detrimental to Judaism , " declared AIlss L > ona Here Miss Dcssle Mjers of Albany , N. Y. nuked Dr. Iterkowltz of I'hlladelphla to give his opinion of the question at Issue He ex pressed himself as loath to discuss the mat ter and doubted the wisdom of the council taking up the discussion of theological theiius "I will .say , however , " ho added , "that the Jewish Chautauiiua soclctj did recommend the Montlfioro critique with certain loson.i- tlons This is all I care to sa > on the sub ject at this time The icporl of the national committee on lellglon , as submitted bv Miss Fclscnthal , was then adopted , Mlss Ljons 9)0110 ) dissenting. Mrs Hannn Marks of Cincinnati moved a resolution that the members of the council use their Influence to stop the dcbccratlcn of the Jewish Sabbath bj shopping , soclil gath erings and visiting The resolution was unanimously adopted Exldrntly there was something In Mrs Illchmrnd's paper which rankled within the breast cf Dr Mimics , who , upon being gUen the lloor , said no amount of Sunday schoo' work would do any good unless the parents set the risht example at homo Reports of the work performed by the In dustrial nnd Sunday schools In the various sections were then submitted and adopted When the council was called to order after recess the chair rend the following telegram ST LOUIS Mo Nov 17To the Crime 1 of Jewish Wonn n The Women's * Chilstl.ui Tfiiipeninpo union. In convention nt ro assembled , sends jou cordl il greetings. \\c lire workers together for God and lut- An appropriate fraternal reply was made Mrs. Hllen M. Ilcnrotln of Chicago , presi dent of the general federation of woman's cluba , spcko Informally on the social aspects of woman's clubs. The world. In the speak er's opinion. Is rapidly breaking down all artlficlil barriers , and every day It Is being shown more clearly that the Idea of social life Is not the society life. Mrs Mary Lowe Dickinson , president of the National Council of Women of the United States , also spoke briefly , saying among other things' "I l.avo felt about Hi to congress that jou could not come ( o any place that needs jou more. " Mrs. Sophie C Axman of Kansas City rend the last paper of the day : "Child Life ; Its Needs and Its Training. " v IKHUSIIKIHS : S\VIM > MII I.aiul of IMnnilHco : | Wlmt Coloriiiln IliMll HNlnlf Aprciil Iti-iircNClltcil. DENVKIl , Nov. 17. Nearly a jear ago T. Choiiej' . .acting , It Is understood , for Doston and other eastern capitalists who own land In Logan county , Colorado , visited the cast with a view toward organising a colonj' . In Now Yoik City and I'hlladelphla ho fount : seventy-six families , all Hebrews , willing to seek their fortunes In the far west. They followed o\cry avocation except farming The band of 3C3 homeseekcrs reached Us destination , the now town of Atwood , In Logan countj- , March 17 last. Instead of finding a land flowing with milk and honey the colonists say their Logan county Caiman did not oven lin\ < > a sullltlcnl flow of water to Inlgato the sand farms they wcro set to ( tilth ate. A few of the colonists returned to the east last summer. The remaining ones have now reached Duivor penniless and are quartered among charitable people of their own race having homes here. > ATio\Ai , ru\Tiii. > Aij co.tuitnss. OlifiiK KM IVnlh Annual SoiNloii Important UurNlloiiH llrloro It. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Nov. 17. The tenth annual session of the National Fraternal congress began hero at Mimic hall at 10 o'clock todaj' . Representatives are present 'rom a constituency of nearly 2,000,000 mem- icrs. The present congrees will deal with lucstlons of greater importance than those which have como before Its predecessors , ilthough the bcfislons are not executive Mutual benefit U the prime object. Mr. J. T. Funk , president of the Ken tucky Fraternal congress , delivered an ad- tress of welcome to the visiting delegates , nnd President W. S. Spooner of the Nu- lonal Fraternal congress icsponded. Itou- Ino and preliminary work will be transacted it todaj's sessions , and tonight an ontortnln- ncnt will be glvrn. The session of the congress will continue hreo dajs. The meeting on Wednesday will bo the only ono not open to the public , when secret business will bo transacted. New officers will be elected on Thursday , It Is > iobablo tl-at Vice President J. 0. Johnston sf I'caboily , Kan. , will bo elected presl- lent. _ _ .Soini- Moil Out of Knijilo } nieiit. DETROIT , Nov. 17. Many of the em- iloj-es of the Michigan Car company stated oday that all of the l.DOO men employed it the works six weeks ago have been laid > ff , the number of workmen being decreased ) eglnnlng last week. The men had antltl- mtcd plenty of work In the near future The officers of the company decline to talk about the matter. Aycr's Sarsaparilln Is GOOD for nil ( Hseasps that Imvotholr origin in linpuru blood. It la BETTER limn other snrsaimrillnB , bet- tyriniule , of better Ingicdlcnta nnd by belter methods. Ita record of cures proolaimu It the < | BEST niK > IVl''PO TIP\T 1'VIMIPPO 1f\\T UUSINLSS JlliN hXPKhSS JOi Now York Stnto Olmmbor of Oonunorco Gives Its Annual Banquet. GROVER CLEVELAND WRITES A LETTER > H that Thiiriiuuli .Monetar > lle- forniN Vre Needeil In Order Unit Absolute I'liitinelal Mil } He * Seeureil. Nnw YORK , Nov. 17. The 128th annual banquet of tlio Chamber of Commence' of the stnto of Now Yotk , which was hold this oven Ing at Dolmonlco's , was the most notable - blo jontly gathering that has been held bj that organisation. Considered In view of tin * outcome of the national election It might bo justly called a "commercial glorification" by the 400 members and the 300 guests who attended the dinner. Many of the speeches wcto distinctj ! of the congratulatory char acter , and these who led the fight against free coinage were given unstinted praise , while every mention of their names wns greeted with applause. President Cleveland and Governor Morton wcro unable to attend the banquet , but they wrote letters which , when trad , were received v.Ith wild cheering President Cleveland sn'd ' : nxKcuTivi : MANSION. WASHINGTON , Nov lii. IS'itl Alexander 13 Oir , 1'iosldent , llti % Mv Pear Sir 'Hie pleasure which a pal Help itlon In the binriucts of the Oham- lur of romtiicree has affortle 1 imIn the pust and tinklinllx foolingml broad splilt of enterprise vvhleh nlvvaj.i iiel\atletl these oee.islotis eiuses me to regret most uln- enelv that 1 eainlot Join the compiiiy ( hit will gather around the elmiuber's liospUnblo boirtt tomorrow evening Iteeeut eventt nin > well cause these who lepieseiit business Interesti to reloleo In their escape fiom thieatened peril. Hut wl-ilo they have abundant icason for ro- jolelng and IMII View with thu greatest satisfaction the suppoit thoj have Mlven the r.iuse of sound money In the contest lately waged against It , 1 oiinetlj' hope thnt In this tlmu of eongraiuhitlon It , \lll ho lotuombotcd th it constnnt vigilance ind ccntlniied i tTort aie loiiulieil to even in ilu t In piesent eoiidltlons , lint thnt absolute safety will onlv be tfeeiueil if out llnauclil sjstem ii protected bv alllrmed nud thoi- orgh infoiins liu lness men aie nleit anil VMili'hful ami thej are. motoiner , aiousi > d to theImpoi tiinco of sueh legislation eou- eiining out llnanees as business methods approve ami the welfare of the entile01111 - try requires Miu h good may be eo.itldentlj nntleliatetl , not only In the rtccumplishment of prac-tleal resul's , but In the lemoval of hurtful prejudices , through an assmaiieo to the people that business and pitrlotlsm nio beeomlnir mole and more unltcsl Youis very tuilj , GHOVKll CLiVHLAND : Governor Morton wrote lu the iauio strain , and his letter contained this sen tence "I cannot , however , forego the nn- porlunltv to express to the chamber and Us guests , representing , as thej do , the commercial and financial Interests of the nmplro city and slnle , my gintlficntlon thnt the American pcoplo have so signally and unmistakably made public declaration and not the seal of their approval upon the question of maintaining inviolate the national honor and the monetarj credit of uuooul" . " The main hall. In which President Alex- nni'cr n. Orr and the cuests of honor v ere rnied. was tustefullj' dccoiatcd , large golden eagles and groups of Hags hanging over the mlrrois anil windows Seated nt the guests' table wereRev. . Dr Divld It G. Greei , Charles S. Smith , Samuel D Habcoek , Seth Low , Major Strong , General Nelson A Miles , Whltelaw Reid , Govcnioi John W. Grlggs of New Jersey , Postmaster Oonernl William L. Wilson , Secretary .1 Sterllnc Morton , Senator Joseph R Haw lej- , Comptroller nckcls , Joseph II Walker W. Hourke Cocl.ran , Admiral Henrv nibcn Commodore Montgomery Slcnrd nnd Mma Halstcnd At the head of the seven other table- In Iho banquet hall sat Cornellin N. ' Illlss Henry W. Cannon , General Horace Porter J. ndward Simmons , Carl Schuiz , Frcderlcl W. DoVoo and Cornelius D. Wood. Aloni the lines on cither sldo of the table sat mci icprcscntlnc the commercial , financial am The Beauty of Simplicity is strikingly illustrated in much of the GORHAM SILVERWARE. True art doss not depend upon expensive over - elabora tion , and hundreds of articles bearing ; the Gor- ham Trade-mark are easily within the reach of moderate means. Ster ling quality docs not im ply extravagance. % > v5 ? % > C. S. S. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas 'J'tini mill } , Ne > \ eniluT It ) . l liBt e'onctit OMAHA MUSICAL SOCIETY. JuU-M Iuiiiliiril , MI-H. Iliii-lln Calm , limner 'Minn e and ONI : iii'Ni'iiPD oiitKus Scatu iioxv on sale J rlccit , * jc nml COc. K 21. Hob Hey und Notional 1'agrant by Itt.uial. . | MA. CONSCIENCE J'rlcci Mat Into , 15o for clilMrcu , iicliiltn. 25c. I'rlu'3 j\cnlHK , jc , lie nml COa , no higher Hear the "M-aregors ( lutherins' suni ; by lutes l.umbnrd BOYD'S nnw LAST TIIKATlUt ThO L , M Crawford , Mur. I'UIHIMANCIS | ) | ! Tod.iy ll'rlco'i . TONIGHT AT 8:15 : : HA'I'limVS A III MilMl 111 AT GAY CONEY ISLAND norr.i.s. BARKER HOTEL. iN'rnM : > , IOMS STKIITS. 110 nmnm , UathH , tloain licnt mid all modern umeiiluiccs UaltB II CO nnil 1200 per tliiy rulilei unexcelled , Kpoc-lil low rules to ic ulur jounU . THANK IlILUrrCII , JlBr ( LATK McfTAGUIJ'S ' ) First-Class Grill Rooms. RATES 81,00 TO $12 50 A DAY , All rooms Htoam lioatal and ovoryllilu .srlctly nutloiii , 1609 PAEJTAM. ljtcrosts | of tlio country. Amona thc ocro nollcpil OcorRo J. Oottltl , Calvin S Ilrlco , John Jncoli Astor. OeorKO M Pull man , llosvu'll I' . rio\vor , Wllllntn Stcltnvny , IMrlns o , Mills nutl others of iMjunl iirotnl- ticnro. Pnslilpnt Orr. ntnlil n storm of clieorc tlr- Iheitvl Ills Intrrhlnetory , uldre | lt > p.ii | a Rlovvlti ) ; trlbnlc to GrnrraM 1'almor nn I Iliic-ktior , nntl otliors , who liatl vlKornu u oppMttl tht > ClilraRo platform nntl Hi it nml , roforrliiR to tlio movement In In lull uf llio frev coInnRO of silver , s.ilil. In p.u "U li liullt tiion | foundations of iKnor.m nrlflohnos , tlnpllilt ) ntitl Krootl , nml thi re Is no system of etlilra or sound rcMnonliiK Him I know of tint ran bo sucrwwfully tin-tl tc prove1 Hint Hi pronilnpiit nilvorntosbi tliey .1 rrjootivtl prr ldentlnl rnndldntr. err - crptcd Irnlslntlvo roproonlntl\o nro otli r tlinu morally Mind. mHelilevoun and tlnn- gerons Kiilili-s , \\lio slionld not lie nnd who cannot ! iom t\ ! . lu < classltlotl ntnoiiK the consclincloiMlj IntelllKent men of tlie I'nlled Stitos " lie vvni olociuvnt In Ills pratao of 1'ioslilcnt-olpct McKlnle1 } ' nml Chairman Mark Iliinnn At ( ho conclusion of hi * speech , Prislilcnt Orr roatl the K-ttor from President CIe volaml. After the letter hail been reatl , a tmst to thei presltlont's health was drunk , st.indliiu Prcfllilent Orr then Introduced Poatmnst.T CeneralVllllnm I. Wilson vvlm respondinl to the toast , 'Tree Government on Trial " The next tmst , "Social Discontent , " v\m respomleil to by Clovotnor John \V. ( ! rlfi s eif JCovv Jersey UoiirKo CocKran was tlio next speaker , niul ho was follnv oil In a brief talk b > Gen- eril Kelson A Miles Kaeb lllKetl pntilntln support for the piesldent-eleet. St-iialor llnwley of Connecticut , Major StroiiR , Com- inander Slenrd nntl General Iloraeei Pinter also spoKe The banquet ended nt a Intel hour b > nil rlslni ; nml sinning "Aultl Lang Sjno. " MME. YALE'S SKIN FOOB r ng l.ll.e II III ( hooiltl. . ) Ilemoves williltles and all Hat is ot ago. It feeds throimh the pens and builds up the fnltj im nil , j. in , . .11,1v.istid , tlssin s. iiniirlHiinK tl . fin n del nnil KinuiiKin xkln tones ami ItulKuiatis lln > neivis and inns. eleH , enilchcs the Impoverished blood \c- sols and supplies > outh and clastlilu to the aetinn cif the skin and plumpness to the Ynlc- hkln Pooil iirlce 51 W nml J3 Oil \lt liucklst' ' unit ileilrrB n-lt u If thov iln n. i lm\o It ill Block thrj Hill urt U If n-ill | < > li-1 fltililo tn Ittauty Lvi\t fuo tn tilt vvtio tciUi ) t MM ! ! M t.AM : Ilcaltli nml C < unpli\lm piitallRt Ynlc Toniplo of llonult ClilnKo Noricn Senled proposals will be received nt any time on or before - o'clock , p m , on thu Mb clnj1 of Dr-eemher , lv % , for the pi lining of all bills for the li > gl latinelih tin h other mutter as may be emified bj elthnr house theieof. tt > bo printed In "bill form " which Is shown and ilenUn.ited as class ono (1) ( under thu printing laws of the state of Nebraska For the printing and binding of ono thousand (1,000) ( copies fa eh of the biennial reports of the auditor of public accounts , tuuisurui , hi-eroturj * of state- , commissioner uf public- lands and buildings , biiieiu uf labor and Industrial statistics , and No- hriiHka llsh commission ; livehiindicil tr > ix ) ) copies each of tlio biennial leports of the Httorujgeneial , superintendent of puhllti Instruction , state llbriiilnii , anil adjutant geneial , two thoiiHand ( J.iOO ) copies of thu report of the roster of ex-HOldi-is | , sailers ami marines , residing In June J , 1S" 7 , one thouxaiid ( I.CiOi ) ) eoplis of the ntiiiu il repoit of Ihn Slate Hoard of Trumpet tntlon for lVKi-7 , two thouhaiid ( i)0il ( ) ) e-opien of the annual i opart of Ihei State I'oultry iiSMnclatltin for 1VJT-S , nnd live thousand Ci.uOO ) c nples nieli nf tin an- inml reports of the Bl ito Hoard of Agilt ul- tllle for ] K-7 ! , and Iho Stale liimid iC Hortleiilture for 1W-S , and all other re _ polls and document ! ! that may be tilth led printed by the liMlslatuio , oxreiit mich 111 may outer Into nml form part of the Jouin- als , which elans of woik IB kniiwn mil doHliiimtciI as eluss tlinu (3) ( ) under the printing laws of Neluaska. Two bundled ( MO ) copies of oaeh of the above ic-porls to be bound 111 eloth eoveis , nnd the n nmlndci In papei eoveis , wlih thu exeeiiiliiii of the repot to of the Ni - hraxka KHi eomiiilssloii nnd the SI n I'ouliry as.-.oi I itlon , vvhluh will nil bo bound In pipei , anil the leporls of the fit Hit Huiiil of Iloittt uttuie , State Hoaitl of Agriculture and thelostii of the ox sol diers , sailors and mnilues , which will .ill bo bound lu eloth. The bill woik evented under class ono (1) ( ) shall her printed In small plea tjpe mi paper fomtc-on ( II ) Inches loiik' by tl 'it and onhalf ( N1Ineln , H wide , Hinglo < , piper to bo tv.entj-elilil (2s ) p iiintlK cap to the ream , and exe'ept the title , eat li luge iibnll ncjt eontaln less iliun tw < n- tv llvi ( " . ) llm < of solid matter of s c n (7) ( liu Ins In lenlh , cve-ltislvo of the pu.t folio , and tin Hues shall ho sue'c > < HSVI Iv mimhucil with n blank only In each . > i > n o between Iho lille-H The title page of Mild hllln shall eonl iln not less th in eighteen tM Hnct. an nbov , with thiee (1) Inehts nddlilonjl spac-u .tllou- nlilo for tllHiilny title milor. Kieh bid Hlnill stain the bidder Is willing to do the woik complete for , | > r piiM- , fet the llvo hundred (50) e-tipi ! i i f i-icli bill , also the prlee for additional hiin- diccls tliat innj * bo Olden d of the panm 1)111 at the same tlmo iu the orlplnul I'vo ' bundled ( fiW ) Including Ion , pti i , pi CHS woik , stitching , folding , puiiflilnff , ami all work or matcilul tiiterlng Into thu work ic quit od. All vvuik executed undoi elasn tine ( I ) shall bo dillvered In good order by Urn ciinti aclcir to the olllee of Iho sec-rotary i f htatn vvlthln three ( .1) ) days after the ierli > t of the otdei by siltl cnntinctor from t' ' o chaliman of the committee In elthci biane 'i ' of the legislature. All v\oik c\e tilled under clans three r.1) ) shall bn iiilntetl In | on primei , brcvlei in 1 nonpailol tj'lio , on jupcr , to bn nine < 1) Inehes long by six ( fi ) Iiithes wlibi. Bin ID page , paper to bo forly-llvo (13) ) pniinil > lethe the u-.iiii , of tweintv-fout (21) ( ) bv ( HO , while book. Kacli bid mult r < ! . , 4 three (3) ) slrill Hlato what the Mtldei Is willing to do thevvoik eninpli to for , pr page , on eaeh leport 01 Item In the I-IIC-H , Including cnmponlllnii , paptu1 , puss vvtuk , stlti-hlng , folding and all work or matt rlnl entering Into tlm wc < rk requl > ctl Cl-illi y and p.igo proof must bo fiirnlHlied when required by the eillleers of the excciitlvn cleiurtment or tha ehaliinan of the eom- mlttto on printing In cither branch of thu kchiliituio. Work , when completed , to bo dollviinl friti of e-xpPiiHi' at tin- stain house. 1'iopos.ilH for woik In cueli nt tlio alrivo chiBHes will not bo iom > | iU-ied unliKM tlio same IIP n'coinpinleil by a bond In thu hiun of live thousand ( J.IOiW ) elollnix vvlili two or in 01 suic'tles1 that In e ine- the party Iiropoitlng for sueh funlrnet shall bei nv. "il. < tl the Hiuno , sut'h ptrty will , within flwi (5) ( ) tlnjs after HID award to him of sin h eontiae t , end r Into bonds for the faithful performance thereof , an provided by I i\f ami the ttiims of thriHn proposilH Propoxaln shall bo imukcil , " 1'ioposnltt for Public Pi luting , " . and iiddieHful to tlm " Htatn Hoard of I'rlnlliiK , In innof tin ) Hecretnry of Stale , Lincoln. Nobiaska Contnie.ts on C-IIIKS ono (1) ) , an nliovo pi I- fletl , will bo awarded as a whole. ContniftH on eluKH three ( J ) , an abuvu Hpi filled , will be awarileti in whulo or hi part , as Ilu boiutl may elect HamploH of Iho worl < lo bo oxcciitod uiiili-r rhiHH nun (1) ) and thiee ( .1) inny ha HCOII at the office of tlm snirotaty of state. Contracts on above HHUBIH , onu ( I ) nnrl threii (3) ( ) . to tun two (2) ( ) yea IK fiom Dit ber S. IM'O ' ' 1'ho Btnto Printing Ilonrd lOHCive.s tlm rlKht ID rt-Jeet any or nil bids. Uated HilM liih elay of Novc-mbur , 189 < 1. J. H IIAHTLL'Y , Hlatu Trnimuror , irniNK Mnniti : , Auditor Piihllo AceounlH. J A. IMPIJH , Kecrelaiy nf Bluto. HTATW PRINTING IIOARH N-lS-d-lO-t