- HE OMAITY DULY HIT : sVNDAY , INOVEMBTSU 15. 1S90. tix , Aiimn \ \ K.I : i of haermr Left lonL.p T.n- ' aBMRCK AN9 INDUSTRM. 1KWM. On.n'ltn Men In M. Ii.i.1.C > iHlK un l MII rice til a CxntMIHilJ of llot'tor * Hduml iiir OlilMvxleu. . ST. WRJjf . J ov. oflt * of Tb - Be > Itfcwourl wrat over OU- 8W tor Brrw . m within * h m wwrt : after Hie eteetloii every cue k r went t fc ve mtttefl down to the conviction tlmt they M * (94 the political excitement te over ted mt the rtmult It u It te. O ! coune , I brr Dot talfca vltl ) * o very ay people. but tbew wliotn 1 bivr met butmem imu. pro- Tmrtnn l fflcs and common people , wet i Street U * y oonflnctom. barter * and hotel oaiployet neat to I * all of one mind. ud U they ean to uVieii to reflect tbp wntltn-tit Hi tlw community there cannot IH. maul ) tttvorgenoc ol opinion. c rvealne with a jiromlttent democrat. s federal officeholder bid & strong party man 1 ellelu-4 this rawwor to a very lemflinc quMtlon " 7e * . I * otfl lor Bryan , but 1 atfl It solely In ortw te be able t y that 1 voted the democratle ticket. 1 IIBVC always a great atlctklar tor party wgni&rlty imfl never voted lor tout two republican * in tJl iny life , and tliww wore for minor offices Hut 1 iniew my vote was not needed to det at Bryan. BHfl I thought for & moment that JvlcKlnk'y's election dependud on my vote. It wtndfl liavo Itecs ea lor the republican The hUBlti ( e men tt ! St. Louts ore ee- iniclallp hopeful and arc looking forward to Immediate prngreu toward the rauch- jiromhtefl prwrerlty They suffered in com mon with iiuBlnene men of other cltlee of iltBgnatlor. during the cuinpalcu. but inciit that tlilnpb lire already picking up St Luulfi lianl.R. always nolld ttiBtftutlnnt. . arc rcportltiB money much faster utifl nuineroufi commercial project * n : ruiiHtderable mag nitude are ts&ld to lie on toot Si. LiiUiB IK dotnt ; uoii lli > rahlt > tiulliMng. nnd U U , tint all lii tin- way uf repairs una rttplucumoiit of d&nibccs wrougiit by .Uit > cruat Btorm of lam ujirlni ; 1 vent thrnu h jiart of the cyclout- urea ycBturday. The < -vdBUo ! r of aemrurUoD are mill plainly visible. alttiouRh It is only hert * and there that a maw of ruin * or n partially dpmol- llhed building obtrud ; But everywhere the line It plain where old brlrl : xvorl. ie joined to new brlcl. work iudicuttnc. the patehet that h&vr beiiu uddt > d and the new nmln that have been built Lalaycttc par ! . , * hlch wa the norm renter , in still in the I hands of the gardeneri uud workmen , who uru tO'lJin to restore it to noniialiinp like ltd iormer nelf. but U will be jcarr and yeara before the trett. and nbrubbury are liroucht tigaln to their condition of a ytur UCD , "Mr. W S Curtlwt who removed trom Omuha to St LouU to talte chcrpe BI. dean of the St Ix > uU IMV , pfluiol in building up that Institution uud Improving Us ntnnd- llic ; niKlurlulIy inmmc the luw Hcboolr n ! tbe country. Mr Ourtim ; lindc tbe work very uoiiprnlal mid IIOB doubtlenB Jtirrt the ) icel- tton he ouRht to IIUM had long ago He If ( in ardent nound money democrat , uud hud b remained in Onmha vould probably have IIUBU nerloualj mentioned in eimuertlon with the vnntnry on the federal district licnrb caused by the death of the lute Judge Duudy. Mr CurtlsB. uotwitlintaudlng all the Good renolutiout. be had formed not to rt- tmter actlic tiiillllcu with dragged into the campaign which tin St Lou Itouud money democrats waged upon Bryan and free ttllver He made u number o ! political iipeecht * at meeting ! , of worUlugmcn an well UK of bUBlnem men and rotitributed In no nmull Segr H > to tbe notable inarrauti of the round money M > te in thlt btatc. "Tou would be surjirlBed to nw the eCert of a presidential camjiutgn upon the circula tion of u great public librur ) HUe ourr . " KUld Llhrurlun T. M Gruuden of the St IxmU 3'ubllr llbrnrj "We took all the books we liud that had un > hearing whatever on the money question and put them together and In u place where they could be readily ur- eeBBlhle to our patrone and the greater part of the bookE wurti in imc all the time The jiuople read ever.vthlug from big. bulky public dooumentu Hrientlflr works bj em inent < tcomimlntB and Hiceuhe by public men down to the little two and four-imge leadetB iHBued by the campaign eommitteeE It did no : matter what tin bouk wub. i < ome one would read it if it wat > pluced on the chelf devoted to Itookit about monej "Our library now hat , u mom unique col- leetlon of works on the currenrj quektion Naturally , with no prenhlng a publlr demand we luvmtud In nil the htandard works Then J w rote -to the chairmen of ull the different campaign commltteeE , both national uud coii- preBflluiml , caking them to w > nd tlie lib -arj merythlug in the cimpe of a campaign floru- jf muut which they might labile The } all t oumplled with the request and I think the ji St. Luul * . J'uhllr library hup the most complete - plote et of dorunmutE hearing on the cam paign Ju t closed to be found anywhere 1 urn going to have tlmm bound or preserved in scrap bookR and ozH > rt to nee them lie- come very valuable In the course of time when tbe pamphlets now HO common and to be had for the nsklng drop out of Eight "No. there wnk practically no perceptible Increase of calls for work * on tbe tariff during thlt. campaign Uurlng President Cli'vclaud'c last two contests the demand wniit wholly to tariff literature , although it never equalled that of this year for books on money If there were any proof needed i provo that the financial ! > > < iue wai , jiara- wount in 180C the utatifitlcf of our library be all-convincing. " On ihe truln coining flown here was u group of. Omaha physicluiib on their way to the City o ! M'-iico. v.hrre they are to ut- tend the mifting of the Pan-American Med ical unngrenh The membBTB of the I an- Amorlcau Medical congress muHt all be goidbugA lipcuuRc tbe membership dueb are jiayable rn American ? f > gold piece and nothing < 1st i iid the attending delegates crc ornlttSiT no precaution to have thcrn- r.elvtti supiliid with the nert ary gold coin Jor thlh purpow Strange to euy. the doc tors Btopped talking politics and regaled the pasfiengers with tbe tmual batch of choice medical etorles. Borne old dome new. rm "Da I brllpvo In faith cure , osteopathy. Christian n < ienre and other methods of luullng viO.oin mi'dlclnc * Tis for none dlKtw > Tl-ttie variouk treatments work imaginary cur for vnrlsus imaginary ( M t * es Tli re le no nuufctlou that people cnu make tlieiiiM > ] v < * Hid , by Imagining themselves sick and in such caste the only cure IK to make them Imagine thumnulves .veil "There U an authentic ca e of a valuable linrhf which injured one of Its fore leg * and -whoe owner , hoping te nave it. employed the best veterinarians to be had The horbe i.toofl the treatment w ell. and in due oourfcf tbe injured hg honied but every effort of the veterinarians to get it to walk on that H'g fulled It wug examined and re-ex- umlntid und pronounced perfectly Bound but the home could not be pernuaded to regard It that w n. rinally un Qngllttb larricr was called u man who knew nothing about Vfterlntrv Hurgery. but had had a great deal to d wub horse * He began to Atrap up the uninjured fore leg and the home , llndlug It could not MBT.d on Hfi hind leg ] iut down the free forr lef ; and from that moment uull.trd ue if it had ne\er bt u hurt. " 1 had a cate not long ago of a woman vho CUIUH to we from an lnt rlur Nebraska town and aaid nlt had been nn iniulid for ycai * w 1th ome apiual trouble. I examined her and eould and nothing the martur with iier She however , woe an iutdllijrnt -\vtauaii. lie had ntudied up on Hpintl rtlnfi w and knew the anatouiy of the ttpin&l -obnrt letter than moct pityiieiaua Sue lu l tHd Uwt he hat Hplnal trttuul and vwutttd to have tue tr * t her. 1 mt J ar to the hiMpltal and thoupht I aould RraAually H t her to tht f 4ut ut Mjlf'Bontirttiuoa. She would hbve hftturktl tuuckk , uui v I.L . r 113 si i l i ' " ' ' V C 'ii * > - IK 1 . < . t , .l i Ml" < * o' hi * ' 'irtiU * li < * . bwu IxRK.ny b < I 'n let a fhrl 'ia i-tent t tf * t JIM * ? ifl tli ! hid flnatl an anfliiti'i- ih * afternoon her } 4 bmi u l-jri rh'-d He bad obtained her T tia then inoltitiit on tbf ralratlar anfl teoivkinK on tbr fl j o' tb * mntr.h. ti c ! i tcilfl br-t to tK ted * t p around tbr bed thlt tuppiTr1f ) | > * tb clerk * tmrk in and to lollo * that mi the next aorsine at prerlael ) 10 o'clock by rlnitic a&d t-alkinir about ftbi > bad foilowefl bi direriion * and all lie-r frl'-nflii tell of her rpmarkablt cur * after tbf refultr flortort bad pivrn brr up "Anotber lroll T eaae WM a woman who camt to im ub the. statement that Bbe had an abdominal tumor. 1 could And no indlca- tlon of tumor , jtacpefl to cxam'ne hen - n or cafffully unfler c.hlorof rm. 1 did HO wtti t > better re ult As she w t recovering - > covering from tb - chloroform 1 WM ) uit ' about to tell her tbe fact * when she ex- rlaimfd 'Win. doitor. tbat must have been a hcKUttful operation How lone do you l.lt k It will * before 1 can pet out of bed I tool : the hint and nalfl sh might Bit up e litth In bott a w < * ek anfl fitrhap * n e ten , Oavc later Bbe went bome in three week * ptrr > rt : > well woman doe * her own bouw- i work and brltevw to thin ftnjtbat I i r > , formed as opr ration on ber " * ] "Frrance , isn't h. " t-einarltefl another floe- | te.r , "how many people who are in railroad accidents tall to dtocover tbat thry hive been hurt until tbry read about tbe railroad oompan ; urntlne with snnir of tbe rirtim * Railroad Injury easec arc among tbe worm cases of imaginary dlsrase * tbe doctor haf to d al with It IB tlmoet an ImponsiMllty to prove that a man who S VB be was hurt VM not hurt Tbe Jury IB with the claimant - , ant warly every time That to why tbe railroad tettle * out of court whenever pos- . Bible on reBitonahle term * Tbe No'tbwcn- uru wrwil : at Lor an , la. will cost that road i over (200.000 In damages before it is through < jut U. would have cost twice that sum lad it gone Into court over every claim. I have tic-en called to examine more than thirty of the Logan txrurslociRtfi and M'1- tlements in almcwt every instance hcve Iwcn effected , one of them at , low at $ & . and others in the thousands "By the way everybody on that fated ex cursion train mum heve be n rank gold mm Thwo were enough vatcbes lott on that train , aoeordmg to the claims tor damacra i put In with the road to stock two Jewelrj | dtoreK. And every one of them was a gold watch not n nllvcr watch lost In the crowd. " V R. HOVIilU Tou're the fiamr old dog that yon tided to be. The tiame old floe with one foot HOwhite. . With the same old bark ttiut M > Avorned me " \Vlicn yon kept me avraUe at nlgrht. Tour tenth quite afi sharp as they usofl to be. Your fTowl Just RB flenp. and your mieeze As aeute But. oh' what npronistii-s nib. Tou stick to the name old fleas ! And now. that tbe Hummer has faded mvny. And life , to you , is a glad romance. Tou Jinvt flung to the adage. "Each flog has tus day " And fllHcarded vour Bumrr-r 7 titB' CUAIIENCE P Omahn , Neh. THIS iroi or ixnrs-Titr. tlnue coming in. the number o ! employe * will be Increased to 2.000. One of the idle Det Molut * packeries bar uttrtefl up with IfiD men A paper mill at Tori : . I't. , Increased its force from " > DD to BOD men. The opening of four mlllb at Piqua. 0. . gave employment to MiO men A marked increase in orders enabled the Trenton ( X J ) pottcrlce to run on full timeAfter After an idleness of hlx yean. , the glatiE work's at Biillofoutu 1't. . , has rtxmrnt'd , w-ith forty men eight hteul and nail milU in th < vicinity of Harrteburg , Pa. , huvc started up cince the election The Jiivdun mills ut Chlltonvillc Mas . . idle for two year * , opened up thlb voek with 200 men Six RH'ol mlllf , in I'Hthburp and vicinity started their fires last Monday , emiiloylng from 300 to SOD men each After a prolonged idleness the Bud ) Woolen rnilH at St Joe , Mo , are t ing put in order for resumption next week. Senator Sherman bus given orders for the erection of lift } houses covering an entire block in the city \Vashmgtou Practically all the cloth mills of New England are running nn full time and saint of them are working double force The Duer & Co factory uud tbe Mollnc Plow works ut Mollne. , Ill , have iitarted up , giving employment to f > 00 men each Over C 000 men who have been idle since June lust were put to vorfe in the Erie railroad t > hops ut Chicago last Monday Thirty odd hut factories nt Daubury Conn , art- enjoying i.uch a rush of buntueBs as has not been exiwntmced Uuce 1892 I > t * > Mollies has hually clinched u con tract for the erection of a union depot , to be completed und ready for uhe within two year * . Luit Saturday tun .Leopold Peak com pany of Burlington. IB. , received a cable order for COO chool desks , to be delivered nt once The employ eb of the Pennsylvania ratl- ro&d bhoit | > at Paronla. N. J. . have been put on full time together with an nil-round ad vance of wagefi The famous Cambria Steel mills at Johns town Pa. , have started their iflrcs und will run Btendlly fill winter. Several thousand men nre employed. According to the Manufacturers' Record the election of McKinley will cause the in vestment of from tTu.ooo.ooo to nuo.ooo.ouo in nouthern entcrpriktt. The Ohio Fulte Cur works at JeEersonville , Ind , vhlch huve been closed for two years are about to resume The company employed 2.000 men four years ago. John H BRBE of Tort "Wayne , lud. , pro prietor of three car wheel foundries , re port * the receipt of orders aggregating jnriO.OOO rinct > tbe election The Bilk mills of Cheney Bros , nt Mau- chw.ter. Conn. , ure running full time. The millb employ 2.r > DO men , and have been on reduced time for three yeans. lunamg nouae wmcu could not find a market before the election , have been tckun by Chicago parties nt par The city bavee 2 per cent in tbe interest rote New Tork City gold bonds , which went begging for purchasers before election daj , were subscribed severe ! timee ovor. thus week , und nold ut a handsome premium The Harlun & Hollingswortb Shipbuild ing company of Wilmington. Del , has * uf- flcicut orders ahead to keep its force of 1.200 men employed for a year. If orderr , con- The Tliree States Lumber1 company of Cairo , III. , added 100 men to Its force in mills and yards. Two other mills in the city have increased their forces by IhO men. men.The The New Tori ; World prints n long list of mills , factories and shops In ull jmriK of the country which have reopened or in creased their force of workmen during the four day * following the triumph of Bound monuy The lint f > hews that -SO coticwns. employing IDS i'SH ' mun. took on new life uud activity , while nineteen coni-cmu , em ploying 10 GBD men abandoned short bourn end put the men on full time The Itat has been doubled since the flrtt of the week unfl every fltty adds to the number. Tht World computes that l.uXW.OUD men have btmn given employment biuce the Sd of Nortiiubur. _ _ I"A1,1,1I > L.BAVCS. Bkinuol The flPBd luav tlmlr rich mosaics Ot olive and pold and brown , Had laid on the ruin-wet pavemtmtR , Tlirou h ail the Dmbovvered towju They were washed by tbe Autumn temper , ' . . They wr- trod by hurryinr feet , And tbe maids came out with their btmome And KW ept them Into tlie vtrtHtt. Te be oruahed und lost forevrr 'Kuath tlie wbtMite In the black mire lot Tlie Summer's pmolous duri Sbe nurtured uA tmob oot < O tmtnOfs tUat bav * fll u trom mo ! O noldon thought * and true : Mwt I ww to tb # taavw * w Of. tbD fat that uwuituth * know it we feel it a storm of unques tionable anprovol of our methods and weB . . _ B Kb " & " r v ua. ( r * * a ' r -t- ME * J J cinch it bv phcmg before you this week the most extraordinary bargains in winter wear ever placed before the economical buyer east or west There'll be a rush at the Conti nental from Monday morning till Satujday night , for these are snaps that come but once in a lifetime. Men's Sttits Overcoats Boys' Suits Reefers When we closed out these and Ulsters These lines of boys' suits offer Blue Chmrh. j suits from Alfred Penjamin & Reefer s woo fer clothe you an opportunity to Co. WP. knew -we had a bargain The great Rosenuald lined and in at but we never realized that Weil purchase , together with your bo } * right for less money 3 to S moha r than will ever be your luck braid sailor collar they would create such a storm the overcoats and ulsters from aguih. Man ' of them are not lar and big buttons of approval as has been accredited Michaels , Stern & Co. , will ) half Besides those tons very swel . credited them ever since we malce this the banner weel : price. placed them on sale. This with us for big coat selling. enumerated there are 2-piece this week at week we make the lots better While some of the prices may suits at $1.95 , sn.oo , $2 25 and than ever by putting in higher look small , the bargain in die $2.38 that you can't miss a cost goods io go at these low coat is not , ve can assure you. bargain on. prices. You can't buy anything lilre ' Port & Hnnruhnns' them for much less than double liluc rlievlot nliwluto- Stilt * that Benjamin ly nil wool Cut-riot oar price. Suits all sijses satno S 'n As to sold for tip Io $10.00 a tb ( sf we sold last ? $ 3 will be j > m in Hite wrti ' week plenty of tboin blue Chinch i a Jlospjuralfl & TTcll'n good nt sr .un Ton can linrd- Mid durable , well made small stacs tnnde with Reefers that you nd reliable blael : and sailor collar this I i , ! ly nntiie a blue firatrr Overcontu nt never buy for less lint what is \rhlcb contain an mucb otylr and urarlnp quul- than 4 oo \ vibe WJ lii tliit. lot nt : . . ( ) ( - J-i UF th ( UHUiil li'W' ' ' und ? ) rw Orel coatii nt u Pork 5t be closed out thi an or the latt-st prudnc- jiricc tliat < 111 ii tnnifili Hrown Basket Cloth Ihrtis iii Cbcvlot and > nu whi'ti you rend It cut-not Suite over H week at und will am on luti you Oauwlmcn- Suits on Kill tno-i' v. bin ynu t cc Btitt Kdld la t Bnturdny the . nnoUicr lot BIIUIP eaie this \v'd ; at cuats : oiids Kit tut' uiaUe & Woll'f peed ( uiuic valni1 this week ' nnd heavy Rouch Clix 't Alfred Benjamin's fliit- at . TlftteTT cut full lenpth CHieriot , CaHsiuicrc : nid ultli full slr.trc > : iuri > lined with Iron ( m'b "Worsted Suite umde mcpvr llnlnpn andiil > - Peel ; & to wholesale .at IU.K ) nuniml cu-aici t liuJ.v sizes 7 to iri in a iiob- /Inlnc Bltbrr with or clipvl- 1 > olive mixture - and more wli pi iii uf.hout Hide jiotktln > vcH'et p'.U ! h IKK Kit lln- 01 at any oilict time lot tills itiRS It In safe ' . ( ' " .v this HUit tvonlcl lie lee Reefers I hut $1000 would tiot luiy hicb for inost pwijili' 50 aqes 3 HIIJ better any h'-i 3 with braia S ' to ' thin v. icU at Uit Con- 7 it's wltlilQ your ruach AH of Ecnjatifla's pnrc tlnftital at Uit Ion ptice > this \vt-el : at . and handsome "Worsted Sdts $12.00 of . pearl buttons wli lp ale voluus n- TlnRrmvald & "U'nll'B fine Pocl : it Hnufhhans' linttoa sacks wltli I. ' m-1 ; und Oxford Frieze RlM * S to 15 yi-ar * ! in mohair collar and X'iBterwery heavy very round porncra mostlj- durnbU wurra and stortn ueat rod ttud brown cufls the kind " l > i oof Ilnlnlind v/lvji raw lulxod ehi'viot uinJe in yon can hajre"th n nlrc llnod throuphout the BOine inauuer we that catch tlie tli flnc worsted this tverfi for , . . . , . niu.erlal : : Iron ruiy cloth glceve iniarautoe every suit- 65 boys this \veek at li'iinpr Irom bti tnnlne its I'ocU & Uanclihaus 3 to end thoroughly stiu- only line Brajatuin & Co/s F tut itta I atid stylishly m.idc flFtcrp tbht inoxt wt eU at vlot. Cawitoai't ) and any ttoc v/ould r-oiiRidcr " II biuealu ui Jliim v. e "Worsiod Suits < t outer - JPCer this -Wei-li at the Pert : iV or xrlucb dealer * nrmild low plrec ol . olu'viots are tlie litsBt lifsltnt to tinjf SIS. 75 RonenwaldVfllY very uniterial for boys' wear for wholesale are line OverenatB mude of any other poods will lifKt Anierlcuii unM > , > 1 fade and show dirt .vonr tills weeli for. . . , liimi j ubiioluel > puui- this lot is Indistinct an fade inudti ' * untM d not to boys' Reefer In BtrtM Bcco-duncj v..h jilaid woi-sied chi-viot Tea and one-half dollars lh lined - wlih l.ttPH ? Indiru. lu > hlit.i . . ' ! it IUUKI be seen to bp 3- er and Ulster com lars for nohliT , well leather oioth and l"-t aj jii-i'ciatcd this week bined " S to i'S , < nisti n > fitting Pllh iileevp liiiltics in r > 'E- at . ges Snith made ulur the popular lenpthb Kr Etiplish ! ' , at bos in 15 made of a'l ' 1o mull for ? 1KOO. If Pocl : Ar HancLlians * wool chinchi la \lii- mil merit uf Iti'li- other imported Scotch clii'- jutuln's qunlltj- was juu a e now at in luaxi a vlot size's to Hi cloth withvo' > Imowu jou ci.uJd not offer at the scuprally we ttan fls and sersre lining : . for troii5w : proof the regular vnlne on O O Rose-nwuld & TVell'B fine this week at . tbe values Iri'h Finjse und Onln- uoods l nt at the price rhllln riBtrr * In blacb "vvt > arc iimhliic on this and Oxford mixtures * lot or clothiu ? our ideas All of Benjamin's pu- cut full lenpth to alnnnt of actual values become 87 - Mh shot r M < your tojis cliaJif of cuuinc lui- u lib nreat bljr storro col- come demoralisedthis ported ficotfb rbcviots It n lined wltli fancy wool ; nt . * Fitli linndHotue duri : vorxlnd bnflj lining , Fill : Khoulders and due sill : brown uiUturtth ami ull hli ve UiilnRR In all mn-b * their dujworst t-d Tor men of regular or Pock & HanchnauK Suiu tl.-it . \nu stout iirojiortiotth y.-orni blacl : and brown check coat that at utn worsted -phpriots siws iiaj SJIMIU ftu K : ore xvuulcl BU" ! Ij The Reefer that this tv t& at > ou 120 ( * > If not uioi Ji to 35 usually t > dld v f offer for tl itv < I lor 5 < ; . < io or ? G.t l this costs the most is bale at the i > of > uar ! jirivt- M eeU at . _ of . black Irish Benjamin & Co. our in I'fiiH-p Al Boson v.-ald & Weil's fine We have put out utoro frieze it has silk bert Oauts and Vsi Bit ! linvfl Ovnreoati trade winning friend cluiirtiHt quality blut and sleeve and woo ! liwause tln'j made bluik UurBej cut In the making values In the tliem of tlie mo t dressy v < rv lulus : and nolibiest jiiiBl niontli than ever body linings and worsu ih to be had K'sifB lluihhtid with all iiefore but this lot of ulster collar thut jiuiiiBlulUns attention a big they never expected to Pock iHaueulians * tion to dfialls that cbar- iL-iu fet luss uctcrizct. the bt-Bt mud * goods will bunt tliuin regard , ess oi $1&.01 > oui price. lo-ordur purmuntb lined all this week at _ , - value 6 16 throuhout with pure HllU to yrs of the eoi tllesj and richest - ' est qualltjhat will this week at bind : worsted ' Benjamin's compare favorabh viUi Peck Hauchliatifi' sted Frock Suits made the highest prici d mudt neat dai'l ; brown "np In 11 units of ! ses to-order coats and thut biokon cheek cheviot- Wt-re urver hereto * ore to fit all sort * < it equalled in anj uoi one of their bust BUit& EtUts that you 50 s'oie In the lanO furs ! > - which pell In every llrst .so S' r than Jr. -thi t'on im - f , r wtinally bnjr < lV ! > h house at i-G.fiO tal offer. thif w i-i I. , i go on salt this week only . . . . this weeL at . . Cluett Ccon Underwear Collars Shirts. Drawers 9c A. , the Sio , $ rr and $25 3 styles uf i-tund tips Overcoats CtJi h ( a J Monday at a. llfcUHJM.f but bhptly Mm. oroerfr tilled. discouni of 20 per cent. Mail ut-dofb illJod. r tilled.&B &B Men's A'l the $2D , $ .22 and 25 Boys' Derbjr Hats V sters go Monday at a Golf Caps of 2D per cent. c You CUD pay lo & t ut ji \ "f i3 5t' ' t a hatter c. .1 r I u b yt lor ttc same uno j uiip iii n < < & :