Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1896, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY HE 13 : SATURDAY 11. 1890.
"Wheat 'Touches the Hlglost Point of the
Advnnces In the Opening I'rlcc nf
\Vbent WIIN Inevltnlile , .Since
the .StiitlMlcnl I'n-
the Hulls.
CHICAGO. Nov. 13.-\Vhe t today touched
the highest point of the yenr. the December
option climbing to Sl4c. Hut In spite of
the preponderance of bullish mws the market -
ket closed at n. He decline , due entirely to
heavy realizing. Other markets ftUo
showed we-akness , corn declining He , oats
$ > c and provisions front Sc to lOc.
An advance In the opening price of wheat
today \\n Inevitable. The statistical news
favored the bull side of the market de-
cMedly. Liverpool sent quotations from Id
to l _ d nliove those nt the clo ei of the pre
vious day. 1'nrls wo * strong nnd higher
nnd Herlln uii 14 marks. The total receipts
were 49 car ? , against 3S1 on the correspond
ing day of last year , and Minneapolis und
Duluth reported -111 carloads , compared
with l.OTi a year ago. Accompanying the
cabled quotations from Liverpool wore1 re
ports of the spreading of the locust plague
In wheat. Notwithstanding this the open
ing nilvoncc was slight , the Initial quota
tions for December being at from Sl'jc
to S1V , compared with yesterday's close of
fc' jo. I'rli-cs soon struggled up to si"c , but
the' offerings , which were ti featureof the
xnurkot. caused a break to Sic. Then the
real strength of the situation be pin to
make * Its Impression nnd prices climbed
ste-aclHy upward during the rest of the
morning , until M > 4c. the highest price of
the ye-ar , had been reached. This was the
high uiiti-r mark. Among other feature. "
which helped to sustain the market wire
good export engagements at Dulutli and
New York , amounting to IS boatloads at
both place- * . Against ull that came reports
from the northwest that farmers' deliv
eries had Increased considerably , owing to
Improvement In the country roads and the-
higher prices , one prominent elevator
company reporting thnt Its receipts were
doubled yesterday. The Minneapolis mar
ket , whleh for some time bus led Chicago
In the advance , weakened today and en-
courngeil the liquidation , whleh gradually
crew more pronounced as thees lon nd-
vnm-i'd. I'rlres had a sluirp break during
the last hour. Several big lines of long
wheat were put on the market to realize
profits nnil other longs got frightened nnd
In San to liquidate. As the price went
down some stop loss orders were caught
nnd a number of pyramids toppled over.
December dropped down to 79VvC under It.
In the lust few minutes a rnllv occurred
nnd December wna bringing S0'tc aa the
Bisslon e-losed.
Corn showed some strength for the first
few mlnutcH of the session. This was due
to the strength of wheat and the small re
ceipts. The advance , however , was ephe
meral. Heavy offerings soon caused prices
to nag nnd weaknus-4 characterized the
market for the remainder of the session.
May aliened * c higher at from 23\c to
-3t c and gradually declined '
- toS'ic , clos
ing easy nt from S > 4c to 2) ) ' fe.
Oats opened llrm In keeping with Its
purroundlngg. Hut this feeling gave way
later to one of weakm-M tnllueticed by
corn. Liquidation was heavy on the decline
nnd assisted materially In weighing the
market down. May opened i c higher at
from -J'fcn to 2.V. declined to 2.'Uc nnd
closed easy at from 22 > 4c to _ 2\e.
Provisions oM > niil llrm. but soon became
weak and remained so. At no time was
trade otherwise1 than dull. The opening
strength was duo to the steady hog market ,
but prices soon broke under liberal oiTor-
IIIES. January pork closed 10 < ; lower nt
JT.ul ; January lard , Cc lower nt fl.30 ; Jan
uary ribs , 5ei lower at-J3M.
ICHtlmutes for Saturday are : Whent C7
cars ; corn. 2M cars ; onts , 200 cars ; hogs ,
-fl.CXW head.
The lending futures ranged as follows :
Art'cl i. I
YH pit.No.S
Nuv Fl 78 > |
hl (
Way 83
Coin.No. 'i.
Cms.No. . . . -
Nov 10 in IS' .
May ' - ' - I.H''J .3'jl
7 10 7 10 S " ? nos
Jan B 10 ri in . 7 I'i '
May a 4- " b 4.H s 15'S W
De-c 4 15 4 07H 4 10
Jan 4 3.1 4 'J7S 4 30
May. . . . 4 07.4 4 f.7K 4 CO 4 ti-'h
' 5 85 3 85 3 S4 3 85
Jan ' 4 00 4 00 H P2 } a U5
May 4 2-H 4 .2fi 4 15 4 15
Cash quatatlnnn wenas follows :
FLtH'R Firms haiM sprlmr patents. J4.00fl4.K ;
loft spring patents. U.-OfH IS : l > alers. J14U4f3 CO
WHKAT-No. : Hirtnq. TKHftsOUc ; No. 3 prln
iS'Hi.'Je. No. J rrd , SCW@MHc.
_ ( MIN-No. 2 , ZoUilK-bc ; No , I yellow , Si C1
OATS-NO. 2. i c : NO. : white , t. o. i > . . : uc-
No. J white , f. o. 1. . . U'tffilc.
RYI > - No 2. WHc.
ll.\RLiy-Ni' : . 2. nominal ; No. S. f. o b " 7O
1C.Nt. . 4. f. o. b. , Slsjsoc.
, . - . . .
TIMOTHY HI-ii > I'rlme , KM.
IMlOVIKlONSr-Mew park' , per bW. . } ( L < 7.M.
I.ard. Ir ino Ir > . . (4.10. Hhort ribs fljes ( looe )
, * < .70 Vrr mrtM shduldere ( boxed ) . } ! .
Wl 2S : fhort clear Hides ( lioxi'JI , > l. ( > | jjj
I'Ot'I.TItY Market ea y ; turkeys , i' owv.
chkkcne. 7c ; ducks , H l"c.
WIHKKY Dlstlllfi. ' llnlihed eoods. per eal. ,
Rl'O.\nS-Cut Inaf , J5 . cranulated. J4.70.
The follonlaz were thu receipts und eliliunents
today :
On thel'roliiee oxehluirj toJivtnn butter inir-
ketvun Unit ; croamur > T l.t * iavc : dairy , loa
17c. Kcntt. tlriu ; Jruali , .Oo. Cht-cbe , flnn'
of the liny on Varlotii ,
NF.W YOHK. Nov. IJ.-rijOL'n-Ilecelpts , 31.-
COO bbls ; rhlpmcPts. 1S.8S1 bbls. ; nrm nnd licld
hlglu-r although the Ilnal break on wheat thul
out demand ; city mills clcers. } t 90C&.VO ; winter
extras. JiOi > es.W ; winter low grades , j.45GJ.K ;
winter patents. 14 7Hf4.SO ; winter straights.
I4.49H4.I ; Minnesota iKitcnt , U.75S5 10-
MlnneMita liakers , J7i ; winter Ion
crtideK. i : SOWtiS. llye Hour , firm ; superflne
} : .WVW ; fancy. Jlnves.M. Uucknheat Hour ,
nrm. Jl.W ; Ilrandyulne. j : so.
llt'l'KWlinAT Quiet nt 37c.
O011N MKAISteady ; yellow , western , file
HM : Steadier ; No. : western. 4G'4ic.
HAitLUY Steady ; western feeding. : e c.
WHKATlleceliils. . 77.400 bu. ; c.ports. C . : > 9
bu. Spot inrvoun ; No. J hard. We. f. o. b. ,
alloat. Options opened Mrong and advanced tc
the highest point of tlie yeur on strung cables ,
foreign buying , druuth In India , bad Argentine
rcws nnd light receipts. In the afternoon the
murk.-t bnlo nearly : o a bushel , under ieav >
rcollilng ; ckulntf ut Utt' . o net decline ; No. :
led , Novrmbvr. closed at SSe ; December.
W"iC. clowd at 69c.
IMKN Receipts. SS.103 bu. ; ex | > orts , 12.4M bu ,
Fpot weaker ; No. : , 3tUc , elevator. Options
cjvened llrm. with wheat , but later eared off
under general selling and weakness In other
inarekU : ilo * d HS ic lu cr. A cargo of corn
hus lietn sold direct to India ; November opened
at SOUc. closed lit 31Sc.
OATS -Hecelpts. H4.MO bu. : exports. 1,020 bu.
Fpot ejulet ; No. : , ; jijc. Options dull all day ,
selllnt ; fit with c-orn and closing Ub * c luw.r.
May cloned at : ttc ; D c mb r , :3JiVjic ( , clusn.
at "Tie.
HOl'S Stead ) j M crop , SOUVic ; 1595 crop.
1IIDK8 Strong : Oalvffton , IJc : Ilurnos Ayres
dry. nominal ; Texas , dry , SHClOc ; Cullfoinla ,
IGATHin-.Strong ; hvmlock sole , n. A. , liViO
I'llOVISIONH n f. nrm ; family , I9.00gl0.0fl
beef bams. m.OOVK.M ; pacKtt. KOOffJ.MI. Cu
meats. qul t ; pleklcd- bellies , Uil\c ; plcklei
shoulders. I4.S04 BO ; pickled hams , > ( 70
W.K. l r.l. llrmer ; votrrn stt-am clusn.
ut 11.45 ; reflnvil , uteady. 1'ork , firm ; msm. k K
ttf.W ; liort clear. 117 910.10 ; family , UO.Wt
HUTTIMlItecolptK. . 4:4S pkgs. ; market stwidy
wrstcin dairy , fei' ' c ; western creamery. 1 ! ' 4
? * c ; iiglnr J0' > c : factcry. tttlSe.
CIIUUSi-ltic ljit . 37 pkgs. ; market quUt
lorue. TWUlw c ; small. THc ; part kklms , J' fr7c
full skims. : > - * : .
KOOSllKeliits , C.G77 pkgs. ; market rteady
stale und l'enns > lvanla , K9Nc ; w stern , 1H
TALLOW Rteady ; city. 3V4 < - ; eountn' . * * le.
OILSCottwns id , easy ; prime oru.le. Sc. off
crude. 2l6iHc , nominal ; prime summtr y !
low , MHc ; butter grades , Ji c. prime white. I
( T&c , I'etroleuni. t'nllrd clo * d at 1130
bid. llo.ln. steady ; striitned , Jt.VOfll.WH. Tur
prntlne. quiet nt SMrliHc
UK'i : Quiet , domeitlc , 3\QCc ; Japan , STO
4ViC.MOIAKHiS - Steadier , New Orleans , open ket
tie. r > 035c nominal.
U a , steady ; southern , Ill.tJ
northern , tll OOUW. Popper , ftr nr. broXtrn ,
l.lSH ; e rh n e , lll.n. I n.l . utronic. lr k >
era. It. 75 Tin. nrm. straits , ilioMlUlo. I t.t s.
nrm. "pelter. stmn ; domestic. It HC4. .
Conillllon of Trnilr nnil ( lnolnllon.
ontniilc nnil 1'nncr I'roiliirr.
naOft-Kr ih mitheted. Itc.
ItfTTKn-Ceitnmon to IMr. t7e ; eholc * to
sncy. country , llf Itc ; tepcrater crramcry , 116
tc ; gathered cream. UfflJo.
CJAMK-l'ralrle chicken. * , rr do * . . U.M ; < n t1 ,
1.7 ; t al ducks. tl.W ; red heads and mallards ,
S.7HTJ m
rilKBHB lHim tle l.t Ic * . 10e ; Kdamt doc. ,
W ; club huue. Mb. > ars , lr dot. , U.U ; 1.1m.
i-rger. fancy. p r Hi. . Ik : lionu tort. H-'t ' .
ar . pT dot. , 13.00 ; VOUHK Americans , He ;
wins , tunry , im + c.
VKALCiiuice fst , M to 1 Ibs. , are quoteat
"U7He : liirw and e-wirw , 4fftc.
riKBasKD I'fun.TllY-Cnickens , 7c ; turVeyt.
08 lie ; get-e. in.duckr ; , lOc.
UVK I-ori/rilY-Hens. IWIe ; eoeks , Se ;
rprlnjt chickens , 6c ; spring ducks , 7ViCc ; tur
keys , fVifffc.
MORONS Mve. 7SS e : dead pigeons not
HAT-Upland. JS ; midland , II.S6 ; Inwlanil.
l ; rye nr w. (4 : color makes the price nn
my : light tmles sell the t * t ; cnly top gradci
bring top prlceii.
IHIOOM COKN-nxtrcmely slow rale ; new
crop , delivered < n , truck In country ; choice rreen
Felf-wnrklne cntpet per Ih. ! V.e : choice green.
running to hurl ? yr : cnrrimnn. 1'ic ,
SWKET I'OTATOKS-On orders , per bbl. , 1. 3
ONIONS Good ftoclc , per bu. ,
LIMA ItEANS-l'er Ib. . 4c. .
nKANS-ltsnd Mcked navy , per b . .
OAHHAOn Home prown. r r hundred. ; 55JJ = .
CRI.nilV-rer dct. 5 c ; fancy , lurceMtM %
I'OTATOKP OfxxJ Mock. IT bu. , Heyom ; -
u stork , facked. Me per 10 ( Ibs ,
ns New York. i : < * c.
f.M.iroltNIA 1'KACIIES None.
I'MTMS No shipping Hock.
CAMKOllNIA OIuvrKS Tokays nnJ other
fancy varieties. II 73.
CltANltKItUIRS-Ciip * CM. per Mil. . I' 056ft M
AI'rt.KS r-ooklnc , per 11. . 11.75 ; eatinff , 11.75
RJMi ; Jnr.athinis. fancy. j.K : fancy New York ,
I1.7SO : w > .
CAMFOHNIA rnAns-per IK > X
New Ycirk , l-r bbl. , M.50e4. 0.
QUINCES I'er bbl. . J4.
OIlANOn ? Mexican , li.
I.K.MONS Messlnas , K 00 : California lemons ,
IJAIfA'JAP fnotre. large MoU. p-r bunch ,
t.t CfS.IS : medlum-sl/ed bunches. ll.5W2.00.
nKEF Good native fleers. 4W ) to WO Ibs. . CVSO
7c ; wcstttn steers. MJ-tHc ; good cows and helt-
crs. tflS'ic ; medium cows nnd heifers. 4Hc ; rood
fi.requaners cows nnd heifers. S'ic ; good
fore-quarters native steers , &c ; good bind *
quarters cows and heifers , f.ifcc : peed hindquar
ters native strcr * , S-c : cow rounds , t'ic ; cow
ilatcs. 3c ; boneless chucks , 4r ; c iw chucks. 3Hc.
steers chucks. 4 ( : beef tenderloins , 1'c ; liecf
rnlls. boneless , tc ; sirloin butts , bocctenii , &Hc ;
loin l cks. boneless. SVloin ttacks , 7c ; cow
rt | . No. 3. 6c ; cow Inlns. No. 3. tc ; beef
trimmings , JVic ; rump butts. 5c ; shoulder clods ,
IVHtlC Dre * . ed bogs. 6e : pork loins. CHc : pork
tenderloins. 15c : rpare ribs. Sc ; ham sausage ,
liuttf , Cc : pork shoulders , rough , 4c ; pork shoul
ders. skinned. 4Hc ; pork trimmings , 5c ; leaf lard ,
not rcndereil. 6r.
Ml'TTON I're ed lamb. CUc ; drewed mutton ,
fir ; racks , mutton. SHc ; legs , mutton. E c ; sad
dles , mutton , * Hc ; stew , Sc : sheep plucks , Zc.
IION13VFancy white , per Ib. . HZflJc ; choice ,
13c ; California , amber color , lOc.
CIDEIl-Oarlfled Juice , per half bbU , 12.75 ; per
bbl . 1 1.2:3 4 .V > .
MAl'LE SYIll'l * Flvc-ga ! . can- , each , 1 75 :
.il. cans per doz. , IU. liaif-gat. cam. > C.K ;
quart cans. J3T.O.
FIGS Imported fancy , B crown. 30-lb. boxes.
I4c : choice. 10-lb boxes. 3 crown , 9 < flOc.
NUTS Almonds. California , per Ib. , medium
/lie , IPc ; Tarrncona alm'mus. tier Ib. , large.
m e ; Itrazlls , per Ib. . SfllOc ; Hngllsh walnuts.
per Ib. . fancy , soft shell , lie ; standards , lietlHc ;
lllb'rts , I T Ib. , lOc ; pecans , lullhed medium ,
lOc ; large , lie.
HIDES No. 1 green bides , DC ; No. : green
bides. 4c : No. 1 green salted bides. Cc ; No. "
Kreen salted bides. 5c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to K
Ibs. . Oc ; No. S veal calf. S to 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1
dry flint hides. SCSc ; No. ! dry flint bides.
7OSc : No. 1 dry salted hides. ffjSc : part cure-
hides He per Ib less than fully cured.
SHEKP 1'ELTS Oreen salted , each. XfiSOc :
cn-en salted shearings ( short wooled early
skins ) , each. Vr ; dry shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) . No. 1. each. DC ; dry shearings
( short wooled early rklnsi , No. 1. each. &c ; dry
Hint Kansas and Nebraska butcher woul pelts.
per Ib. actual weight. 4K5c ; dry flint Kansas
and Nebraska murrain wool pells , p r Hi. , actual
weight. 34c : dry- Hint Colorado butcher wool
IM > HS. per Ib. actual weight , 4fic : dry Hint
Colorado murrain wool pelts. | -r Ib. . actual
weight. 3C4c ; feet cut eiff , as It Is useless to pay
freight on them.
TALIXJW AND GIlEASE-Tallow. No. 1. Sc :
tallow. No. : . I4c : grraie. white A. 3c ; crease.
white II. Ic ; grease , yellow , : c ; grease , dark.
l ; c : old butter. : ff25jc ; bcsswax. prime , 15C
: ic ; rough tallow , Ic.
St. l.ouln Ccin - nil .llnrket.
ST. I/M'IS , Nov. 13. FljOUH Firm , but
higher prices checked business ; iiatents , 14. U9
I. R ; extra fiinr-y. Jl.lC t y > ; fancy , J3.4J03.M ;
choice. t2.75J3-0.
WHEAT At the opening the speculative mar
ket keenly felt the foreign Influences , which
wrrv bullli'li. und a large advanro ivsulte. ! . As
n result of the advance , however , selling1 was
heavy , lungs realizing actively and largely , and
there was a relapse. Realizing rales continued
heavy , nnd another decline eet In , future * c Inl
ine Hflle under yesterday ; rpol. hleher : No.
: red , cash , elevator. &Sc , track. SOfilOc ; Nou :
hanl. cash. TCc bid ; December , SC ic ; May. SSHc
CORN Weakness was conspicuous In futures
during the early part of the reselun , but toned
up with wheat , though again easy later In the.
day. Sjiot graies. steady , but very quiet ; No. :
cas i. SSc : December , Sc ; May , Mltc.
OATS Futures declined , but were In demand
at the lower prices , nt which the close was
made ; rpot , strong : No. : cash , ISc bid ; May ,
: : % e.
11 YE Dull : :4c bid.
IIUAN Quiet ; 3Sc. sacked , eaut track.
n\XSEEl Higher ; 77c bid.
HAY-Strong ; prairie. 1C.OOG7.EO ; timothy.
JC.-'till.oo. ( this side.
rori.THY Quiet : chickens , old. DC ; spring ,
Hc. turkeys , steady , 7c ; ducks , steady , 7c ;
gvese. slow , 4ff6c.
LEAD Quiet : steady : ! ! .70e.K > f .
SPELTER- Id at U.Ti.
1'IIOVIKIONP Tork , lower : standard mess ,
Jobbing. 17.4087. . Lard , lower : r-rlro steam ,
B.95 : cboice , troSH. Itacon i boxed ) , shoulders ,
Jt.SO ; extra short clear and ribs. 14. OS ; shorts ,
tt.75. Dr > ' salt meats ( bored ) , shoulders , extra
short clear and ribs. (1.75 , sborts , 14.37H.
RECEllTS-Flr.tir. 3.UOO bbla. : wheat , n.OOO
bu. : ccirn. f > 5 ( WO bu. ; oats. in.GOO bu.
SHIPMENTH- , 6.0f > 0 Mils. ; wheat , 25.000
bu. : corn , CD.OOO bu. ; oatB. 11.000 bu.
Liverpool > I
LIVERI-OOL. Nov. 13. The record price. 7s
JHd. was reached here today for the central
red winter wheat , owing to the receipt of a
cablegram saying that the wheat crop of the
Argentine Republic Is greatly damaged. If tills
report Is continued a further rise In the prlc ?
of wheat Is expected. Spot. Hrm : demand mod-
crate ; No. ! spring. 7s 7d. luture opened
quiet , with near and distant positions yd
higher ; closed steady ; business nbout equally
distribute ) ; November , 7s Td : December , 7s 5J-
January nnd February. 7s ! d : March , 7s : > ; d ;
April , nominal.
COHN Eiot. | quiet ; American mixed , new , ! s
3.1. Futures opened quiet and unchaneed ; closed
steady , with r.ear and distant positions < 4d
higher : business almut equally distributed ; Nf > -
vcniber. 3s 3d : December , 3s 4V d ; Januor ) ' .
February nd March. 3s :4d.
FIXJt'R Firm : demand fair : freely supplied ;
St. Ixiuls fancy , winter , 9s M.
PROVISIONS Itacon , quiet : demand poor :
Cumberland cut. IS to 30 Ibs. . 29s ; short ribs , :4
Ibs. . s , long clear , llrtit. 45 to 4f Ibs. . 3 s M.
long clear , heavy , 40 to 45 Ibs. . S9j C.1 ; short
clftir barks , lltlit. IB Ibs , IT Cd ; short clear
middles , heavy , 45 to Ml Ibs. . : ) s 61 : clear l > el-
lles. 14 to IB Ibs . I7s. Shoulders. 15 Ibs. . 30s Cd.
Hnms. short cut , 14 to 1C His. . 44s 3d. Ueef.
extra India tm-rs. Ms Cd ; prime mrss. 42s CI.
Pork , prime mess , fine western. D0 ; medium
western. 45 > W. I.ard. dull ; prime western. iZ
Oil ; refined. In palls. Ki.
CHEESE Firm ; demand moderate : fine-it
American , white and colored ( September ) , il .
HITTER Finest Fnlted States. tS : good. COs.
OH 5 Llntee-l. 1 3d : petroleum , refined , Cl.
IlEFRlOERATOIl HEEF-Forequarter , 3Hd :
hlndquarter. 7 id.
HOPS At Ixindon ( Pacific coast ) , 3.
The receipts of American cnrn during the
past three days were 17S.4IXI centals.
NEW YORK. Nov. 15 COFFEE Options
opened steady , with prlc-ei unchanged to :
points lower , following European cables and
small receipts : decline arrested by local rmer-
tnr. but market quiet and 20 points decline :
sales. : .600 lgs. IncluOlntr No\embt-r. J > .5 : :
March. J9.iHjS.70. fpot onrfee. Rio. dull ; No.
7. 111.121Invoice : , 11C.C2 4. MI1J. quiet ; Cor
dova. 117. Total warehouse deliveries from the
United States. K.KW Magr. Including II.WI bacs
from New York ; New York stock to-lay. 250011
bags : United States sto.-k. 301.3 ( bags : ulKMit
fnr the t'nlted States. 349.000 bagu : total visible
supply for the Fulled States , 66 : , % : bags , agalnM
MI Oti b < ms last year.
HAVRE. Nov. 1J.-COFFEH Clos d strong at
'itJ'rf advance , salas. 14000 liags.
H \NTOfl , Nov. -COKFEB-Steady : _ o.M av
erage SHnliin , 13 GM rels ; rt > celits | , 13,000 ba.s ;
dock. 7. iO bags.
HAMRITRG. Nov. It-COFFEE-Sleady at
\t d cllnv ; al . C MO ba ; > .
RIO. Nov. ll.-ajFFEE Weak : No. 7 Rio.
12.600 rels : exchange. Sd : receipts , 8,100 bags ;
clenrml , for the United State * . f.V < D l > ags ; for
Europe. C.OOO bags ; stock. SJT > .0 bags ,
ICniii > iii I'll.MnrliitM ,
steady ; No. 2 bard , nominally. Me : No. 3. 7G0
78o : No. ! red , lc ; No. 3. lifiWo ; No. 2 spring ,
7 W o ; No. S. TiT7V.
CORN White. wt k. Ic lower ; inlxeJ. steady
and active ; No. : mlxtd. 2 < HWjc ; No. : white.
: ieiVic.
OATH Firm , but slow ; No : mixed , nomin
ally. IKc. No. 2 white , old. 33o. new. tic.
RYE- Firm No. : nominally K 33c
IIAYlrady : choice timothy. HWys.M , cJuh-e
pr-lrle t" "ii. " . M.
Ill TTKU-Vrry linn , creamery , ICSUc , dairy.
hUhtr ,
Never Before Did Business Recover So
Much Ground in 'oven Days.
Cotton Cooilx Market lint Not Vet
I'd ! the Itnitrlti * to Any
MnrUr.1 : \ - _ . Ci.
I , Dun .V : Uo.'s Ill-port.
NEW YOItK. Nov. 13.-U. G Dun & Co.'a
He view of Trade will tomorrow say : No
one doubts that the brighter day Is dawnIng -
Ing and It Is common remark that ne-ver
before has business shown so great a
change for the bettter within a single
week- Dispatches tolling of about BOi es
tablishments whleh have opened or have-
materially enlarged their force , though they
fill many column * , give only part of the
facts , for throughout the country the gnln
has been surprising , even to the most hope
ful. It Is not merely speculation or hope
which lights the flrus and starts the wheels
for orders which have been accumulating
for months with the necessary replenish
ment of dealers' stocks now greatly reduced
would employ the whole producing force fern
n time , and the Increase in the number of
handi at work means Increase In purchates for
ForelKti need of American wheat continues an
Imiiortant factor , and the prices have advanced
to { Sc gaining 6c for one week. lOc for tw.i
weeks , and 2lc ince early In September. The
price Is the hlKhent since June , IWi. Western
receipts were 4.492.093 bu. . a alnt S.S02.S64 bu.
last year , but the election cut off much work
during the days In which thecc receipts were
started to market. Atlantic exports. In rplte of
scanty freight room , were for two weeks 2.717.-
231 bu. , flour , Included , aitalnst 3,2 < V > .3M bu. last
year , and Pacific shipments are also heavy to
India. South Africa and Australia.
Many textile works have been starting or In
creasing forces , mostly on order * l eked weeks
BEO. Rut there has not been much gain In , the
demand as yet. After purchases of 45. o0 , ( y >
Ibs. of wool In five weeks , the transactions fell
to C.243.7M Ibs. last week , but prices were
strong nnd In some grades Ic htjher. nnd an
even trreatcr rdvance Is demanded at the
weft , while foreign markets are lilaher and
Australian fully Ic per Ib. hlsher. There Is
n slightly better deman 1 for lightweight men's
goods end for dress goods , but not enough as
yet to start most nf the waiting mlll .
The cotton goods market Is not yet active.
More liberal estimates of the cotton crop are
g net-ally credited , causing He decline to Sc.
The output of Iron furnace * in blast Novemtier
1 wns 134.077 tons weekly , having 1w n Increased
11.291 tuns , nr 10 8 per cent. In the latter part
of October by confidence In the future. All the
markets were stronger , although the enormous
purchases nf pig iron In advance of needs
causes comparative Inactivity at present.
Mates and steel liars nre from II to K
per ton lilalier and sheets nre In better demand.
Anthracite and Retsemer pig have advanced a
shade , and the average of prices Is 2i per cent
higher. The billet pool u In protracted meetIng -
Ing here this week to decide upon Its course , and
Is still undersold. The benm. bar. rail and
wire nail associations meet this week , and the
underselling of wire nails by outsiders has gone
so far thnt a decline of 4Sc Is openly quoted.
It Is noteworthy that the prevailing expectation
Is. notwithstanding the general Improvement In
business , thut om . If not nil. of those com
binations will decide to reduce prices. The com
bination. It now appears , has not prevented
large contracts for future deliver- Ie < than
K. Its fixed price , and even less than 11.75. but
the nutput laM week decreased. A heavy sale
of copper to foreigners , said to cover lO.dOO emn
IIi . . him raised the price tn 11'i.c. and tin actu-
allv sells at 13c , though less Is quoted.
Failures for the week have been r7 < ! In the
Fnlted Stntrn. aratnst ; t3 last year , and 4Q In
Canada , again ; ! 49 last year.
wisntcijY CLi.vHixt ; nursi : TOTALS.
Aunreltnte of Maxliii'M * Trailinefeil liy
tile A Hiielnteil Him UP.
NEW YORK. Nov. 13. The following table ,
compiled by ItraJrtrwU. i-howlng the total clear
ances'at the principal cities and the percentage
of increase or decrease , as compared with the
corresponding ; week last year :
SOIIH- I-'lK-nri-N NIiiMvlii ) ; theI'vtcnl nf
theW Mk'M Hcvlvnl In Hiixltu-xM.
NEW YORK. Nov. 13. Dradstre fs tomorrow
will say : The volume of buMnees Improves
steadily In nearly all lines. The mast active
demand Is amone Jobbers In dry goods , clothing.
millinery , sheets , leather and hardware , and In
leading Industrial lines , nearly 400 mills , fac
tories and foundries having tturtcd up tliln
week , one-half of them In steel machinery , tooln
c-arrtuges. lumber , class , woolen und cultc-ti
Koruls lines. About slxty-thrve other Industrial
establls.iments have Increurvd working furcon
or working hours , eir both , ainuns them nlnetern
Iron and : ! ttablUhmems. ten elasa uorks
rind fuur factorlos , making lamps , clc < r.k . woolen
goods and cottons. A partial record of the num-
lr of men given employment In Industrial lines
stnre Ne emb r C , shows nn aggregate of nearly
IXmand for Iron and steel has not Increased
after the activity of a week ago , but prices are
firm. In emu tnnuiiws udvanceid , nd the trail *
continue conllde-nt of a Isrw buslnitu during
the coming year. Cotton and cutton goud < con
tinue nrm and unchanged In prices
Print cloths lime an ujiward tendency. Wuol
U higher en more active demand , but manu
facturer * are not supplying In excess of wants.
Other advances In prlres are for leather , shoes.
, . He pm lumlx-r. ( Ktmleum , lard , uar and
fur w ie t , r. rn and o is. The c > m > | -ui-us es In prices ere those f T c 'HVe I' ri :
unj turpt-ntlne
Western Jribbers rrpiri tn Incr-aro m mail
orders , iltrcantlls collcctluns turouhout Ccn-
tral western and southern &lat s nre ea'ler. but
Mill heijbjftjriini lh west. The
'iports of i t. fl < ur0Dndf < l as wheat ,
I'lh masts i.f the t'nHnJMfiales , and from Mon-
treil. amount tn 4.McSl > tiu. this wet * , the
I enviest weeK's total slnej tne M-i-ond week of
f l/t-n Kr. 13. This U tn uv-r-ns * of about
1GOO.onii bu. o\er last w < A > k. of mire than 1.franco
bu. ovir the correstiondlnn week one year at" .
tnori ! tlmti 1.7on.W > bu. , as compared Mrlti like
wp-V Hi 1MM , s aln of ntxiui l.ono.m * ) tm. .
oomtmt < I with Oo corresponding week nf 1 W ,
And of pi. : . II in 7W.OW ba. as contrasted with
tin- line week In 1 . Kxports of Indian ci.rn
have also Increased heavily , amounting tn .7 . -
OM Ij. this week , computed with 1.147.000 bu.
li-t werk , I.Wl fl"0 bu. In 111 * like week last ye r
and xety tnue-h smaller tcUis In correepondttiB
m < k in three preceding years.
Tht tl.a e been JW liusliwm failure * reported
this week , thirty-five more Pian last week , but
twenty-one fewer than In the cnrrespondlns ;
week one year ago ; twenty-two fewer than In
the like week two years ago , and US fewer
than In the corresponding week of Pl There
are forty-four business failures reported from
the rtomlnlon of c n rt this wei-k. us com
pared with nrty last week , fotty-flve In the wrrk
one year airo. t ilrty-three two years afco and
thlrty-me three years ago.
llroin'enltiu : of SiieiMiliitlvi.AHIvllj -
\otl 'eil mi Will I Street.
NEW YORK. Nov. lS.rad treefs review of
the New York stock market tcm.irrow will say :
Public Interest nnl buying pow , r ha\e Increased I
durlnit the week , and were reflected In the Ren- |
eral advance of stock market values and the
decided broadening of speculative activity. Cm
the other hand , a law s-oti.n of tne pro-
ferstonal element In Wall street hcs opposed the
advance * , and e-lther worked for a reartl-m or Indulged -
dulged tn short sales. One of the fefttuns of
the week was the renewed activity nnd strength
In many of the long- dormant securities. nd on stock" that hnvc bt-cn selling nt low
figures. This was partly th r- lt of msnlpu-
Intlon nf pools and parties In Interest , nnd partly ! i
the transfer of the buying demand , totn publl- ,
ami professional , to a class < f securities which <
had not yet moved In proportion. This renewed
Interest In the low-priced Mock * bus lnde d
been the feature of the we-k. Ixndon's pur
chases were largely In thl < lass. The leading
tpeculatlve stocks were affected more or less
by the disposition of the professional Interest
to work for lower prices.
SeiiirltjMnrlti't WIIM Wrnlc nnd
1-Vv-rlnli All 1)115- .
NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-The stock market was
weak nnd feverish today on an Increased volume
of business , which was even better distributed
than usual recently , the Industrials figurine for
nbout one-third of the dealings and developing
considerable animation. Sugar led the entire
market In point of activity , and scored the ex-
tieme decline of 3 per cent. The depression In
this stock was nttrlbutt-d to Insiders , who until
recently had been contplcuous In bulling the
general market , and was attended by suggestion.-
that the company would probably be the siieclPl
target In the next w lon of congress. The
course of the general market was dominated by
the powerful sol ! -oul bull tnti-reft , which , net
tled by Its recent Indifferent FUCI-WS In effect
ing n really Important reaction , today returned
to the -Rught | with redoubled energy and suc
ceeded fairly well In slinking nut weakly held
stocks. The slump was engineered on a re
vamped Cuban war scare. Iiared upon a preib-
able purpowly misinterpreted report of Inquiry
by the government authorities regarding normal
expenditures for transferring troup * and up-
pllc-s. I.ate In the day denials of a warlike
significance to the movement came from official
A feature of the speculation was the prom-
Incnco of hitherto neglected stocks. The market
opened strong and hlptier , and during the
greater part of the first hour prli-es mo\ed up
ward , partly un < ! r the Influence rf n change of
front to the bull side on the part of Lonlon.
Manipulation in the i-pecl-ltles BIFO strengthened
the market. The Cordseu" shares we-re actlxe-ly
traded In. The prefcrrcdrof 1 per cent , und
guaranteed 314 per cent. , The Intl mentlone-J
fluctuated widely , but left nrf nt a nrt gain of
1V per cent. American spirits preferred also
rate 1 per cent , art ! Important gains were
scnre > d In other pronvrUeih Sh. rtly before It
o'clock , however , the , sniculattve movement
changed cc/miiletely on tly Inllii' nee above r--
forreKl to. Spirits preferred dropjd t\t iwr cent ,
the extreme decline c > n the unununlly Inactive
flmres , Sugar 3 per "cent , and oth r leading
shares 1 and 2 per cept. , JThe selling mo\ement
halted Blmut midday , , atJ the market bei-iime
x-ery dull , although some. recuvi-rieH were made.
In the last hour niJgreMve tactics were re
sumed and prices fell to icar. the lowest imlnts ,
final prices showing eharp' fractional net losses
In the speculative iMdvir. The band market
Iflcke ! feature , asl le from .some M Ide movements
in the Inactive IssueJ. which continue to ex
hibit strength. The g'nvrnl market displayed
an easier tendency Howard the close on tree
sales of speculative ISMIIK
Governments were .n Iatceil but generally
firm on sal s of jl2. v Sliver certificates
stiffened jIlKhtly on saleVbf RO.OOO. ' -
The Krenlng Pest's Kundon financial cable
gram says : The stock markets wore again Idle
nnd dull tot'ay. and for , the came reasons UN
yesterday. Americans clo * J near the lowest ,
but with a steady undertone. Considering the
dcamefw of mot.ey. some people are surprised
that Americans hnve not re-cted more than
they have- . The Paris and Ue-rlln matkets were
The following were the closing quotations on
t'lo leading stocks of the.New York exchange
today :
Atchlson Trwy-NTY. A H. K. 4Sf !
AdnmnRxl.'O OntarioAi W 10
Alton.T It fiO Orcron Imu 'J
A n. KxnrcxB J12 trrcon Nav _ 21
tialtlmoreiOhlo. 17 O. S. L. .V U. N 1UJ $
ranada Pacific. . . . r.-i 'Pacific ' Mall 2-H
CanannSoinhara. . 4(1" ( Peona Iic. . i K. . . 3
Central Paclilu. . . . HI U'lltsbu III'.1
ChoN.AjOlilo 17'l Pullman Palace. . .
Chicago li Alton. . 3UO 'Readin ' ? .
C..II..VO MW . . W 13
Chleaco ias 77 UG. W.tifd -10
Consolidated ( lav. lii-JS p.ucz 7-5
C. . C. . J. A St. L. . . 3 _ 'St. Paul 77H
Colo.Coai .vlroa. m * do DM li'll
Cotton Oil Cert . . . InH 'St. P. . .VO.nanv.Ji '
Delawarefe lluJ. . li'7tt | dooW IL''I
Del..LicU.i w. . . 1SS 'Southern ' PaciQo. . It )
1).iR.G. pfj 11.1 ISurarKetlnerv. . . . 110'
KastTenn H ) ' 'JVnn.Coal .Vlroi M
Krto : iO j'T.xa ' Paolfls ! ( > & $
aontil . " - iT.&O.Co-t. nfJ. . . M )
FortWavne H'-J , Union Paelnc 11
G.Northern pfd . . US ill. s. Kxorem 43
C.AJ3.1. | ) fa in W. St. L. .t P 71 {
llockln. V.illor. . . 1 - W. SL L. \ P. nfX. I7H . . tlj > i'WellsVariro ' Ks. . . 00
St. P. .VUiilutii. . . . f" W. Mem Union. . . . b'M
K. & T. tifd SOW [ Whecllnsr i L B. . h
LalloKrlo AsVc t. Ill uo pM St
elonU 7-J iM.ASt-L Jl H
LakuSlore la. ! I.tR.O l _ l
Lc-ad TriiHt vO r. . K S H
Loulhvllio.VN. . . . SI k N. L 10
I-AN.A lHC.F..fiI Sll ! . ,
Manhattan Con. . . . Oimi 'do nfa 70
Mcmuhlh.V C li IT. S-L.AK. C. . . . 4V
Mlcliu-anlVru 114 'T.SL ' L. iK.C. ot I 10
.Vl" ourl Haclaa. . V4H s. R. R _ JoH
Mobile i. Ohio'k -S. 11. U fd S'-H
NaBl-vllloOUit. . . . Us I Am. Tob. Co S3
NHtlonalCorJa.'j. li4i do nfd lom
Nat-CordaTetirj. . It 'Am. ' ToC. ) . Co. . . SUH
N.J. Central lOOSf.Com'lU.iblaCo. . . . 145
N.iW. ufd lHfAm. Siie.irpfd 10-J
North Am. Co ' - .U. . S. Cordaso ctl.0
NortliernP.iPiaij. . Hl't.U. . S. Le.-itnor pfJ. . 07I (
N. Panlflo nfd .Oh U. S. Rubber 25
U. P. 1) . AG .tU.tJ. S Rubber Pfd. .
Korlliucsioru 102fi Cotton Sew ! Oil. . . S7'j
N. Y. Central
The total sales of stocks today were 340.000
shares. Including the following : American To
bacco. 4. § 0u ; Atchlson. 5,300 ; American Sugar ,
63,100 ; Ilurllngton. 15.700 ; Chicago Oas. 5BuO ;
C. , II. . V. ft T. . 3..uu ; Oener-l Electric , 4.700.
Louisville , S.ttu ; Manhattan. 4,300 ; Northern Pa-
elllc. 3.200 ; Northern IMcllle preferred. 10iOO :
Ontario & Western. 3.1" " ; Reading. 13.CXI ; Rock
Island. 11,100 : SL Paul. 22 OOo ; Tcnnesc Coal
nnd Iron , 5.400 : Texas & Pacillc. 3.10U ; I'nlon
I'acinc. 4. )0 ; Western Union , t.100. Wheellne
A Iike Erie. C.709 ; Southern Railway preferred.
CM ! ; 1'nlled States Cordage. 13. IM ; 1'nlted .States
Ckirduge preferred. 3,100. I'nitPd Stutes Cordage
preferred , std. . 3SOO ; Silver Ccrtincatcs , 30,000.
\IMV York Sliine-y .11nrl. < - ( .
Easy at 3 < J4 per cent ; Ifctt loan. 34 jier cent ;
closed , 3&3S per cent. "
8TERL1NCJ EXCHA.VfJE Weak , with actual
bu lnet In banke < rn' .bills at JI. Htrt. 'i for
demand nnd X.hl ei.-T.'ior sixty days ; posted
rates. > 4.C2 > v3).C4 and 'H.tCOi7 ! ; commercial
bills. ( I.K7. n i'
GOVERNMENT IJONIiS Strong ; state bonds
o\ilet ; rftllro-d bonds easier.
Cloning quotations oil bttacls were as follows :
rs M. roJTiiuw. 1 O" * ! ? ; . P. Isti nf 'OJ..M lot )
U.S. 4 cOli.nuw. IHl'nn. &U.G. 7i . 110H
1) . S.fli.ra. . ll-'UIIIi'.VR Q. 41 . Mil
U. S. Si. cin
I ) . S.4s. rj. lll'Jjijfi-H. 43. A.Hi. . . . HUH
I7.S. JH.OUUD HlV ! ) rjL VS. A. 7 . . . . IDs
\i-\v Y < irUMining ( tiiolntliiim.
NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-Tlia followliii-arj
lODln ; mlnln ; quu'atioua :
nulwe. Tl ! ( Ontario
Glmllar lull orhlr 113
Crovii Holut .M.'i f-lvinoutn ' . ' 0
CeuCal. A Vj. . . . IM uuli'itHllvr SIK )
Ihad.vao _ , 115 Uulcxstlritr DfJ..Unit )
Ginll ACurry. . . . ti2 Slarn N'iv.131. . . . . iVO
Unit : A Noroross. . 10.1 StaitdanlCoa . . . . 13.1
IluiiiiHiaka 211.10 Union Cor.
Iron Sliver. 33 Yellow Jauaul. . 4U
Mexican . . . 65
I'lirelmi I'liuiiieliil.
I/OMXN N" > IS.Oi.M Is rjurtrd a Imrp *
Ayr i t-day at 1S4 i" iladr,1 , I1'S Li'b n 8 ( .
Rome , lli&77hThe amount of bullion wilti-
dmwn fmm the Hank uf Enulsn.l on balance *
today a Xlnwo
Pvm * . Nirv. 1I Thrper ftnt rente * . VW
' < fur the account.
HKRI.1N. NOT. 11 Etcha-ire on Ixmdon.
ela-ht days1 sight. M murk * K pf * .
.inn FrniirlM-ii .M In In it Uniilnf ltin .
JAN FKANC1SCO Nnr. IS.The closlnr
qiioutb i < i fur mliiior nwj-s WJay wvr,14 fol
lows :
Silver bara , ilt'n' ; Mexican tlollnra , 5142o.
Slsht drafts , par , telurraplile. par.
lliivtiiii StueU ( ( notation * .
ROSTON. N iv. l:1.-Call : loan ) ) , ,1 > 1H tx-r ei nt ;
tlnnv loaii.i. ij 7 pwr eeiit Clostn ; urlooa fjr
ttopttn. tici-.iil.i and mlnlne shares :
- s.F ismw.Kioa. on Tso
, Am. DDHittd. Kl c. Ill 18J
' Am. Sugar p'd. . . . 10-j | en. Blw. nM 70
I ItaySlateOa Ot * Atchl on 3d 2rt
' Hell Telephono. . . SO.lii Atrntxoti 44 79U
Itotton A Alb.iny. t'mi Sew Knjl.ind ila. . lltl't
: : liostoiixMilno. . K > 7 fiwi. Kloi-irlc 5i. . . Ill
IC.K.vy j H34Vi. \ . Cent. 1st * . . . 41
! > Kltcliburc IM Allnuex Mlnln : 0 > 61)
I i pen lil.sctno 38H Atlantic a.M
' Illinois stool 53 ' Unston .t MonWa t O.V (
Mexican Central. . 0 ' Uutta.V llonton. . .61 1-lu
j OldColoav 170 ' CalumetV Ilosli. .125
' Oru.Short Luta. . . . 1U4 rrnnkliu im
i RubPer . . > ' Kearsirjo 10H
I'nlon Pacltlo lo'j UH < - UI.I 31
iWestllntl US 'Qumcy ' ] HO
West Ku4 nfd. . . . Mift' ' . . . . . . . . . fl-s
" ' ' -tli. Klec. . . . 27 iWolvurtna 1
Iioiidon s'tocU ( ti
LONDON. Nov. 18 1 p. in. closlnc :
Consols m'v. . . 113 : l-i ) ' Mexican oMInnrv. ai > <
Con't . 110X St. I'-uUco.n. . . . . . . ( . .
Ran. 1'iiclne. . U N. 1 . Central . IW
17H Pcnntivlvama . r > l (
Krlolntofd . SS' llendlns . ] : , > }
111. Central . _ liilij'.Mox. Ccn. new 4s70
1IAU HILVnil-ail-IU per ounce.
MONiVH per cent.
The rote of discount In the open market for
three months' bills Is 3 4 per cent.
I'lminolnl .Note .
ItOSTON. Nov. IS. Clcarlnss. JK.KT.JTS ; bal
ances , IS.1M 4JI.
, NoCleftrlnBS. . J5.8K.011 :
balances. f(3r)0. !
NEW Tonit. Nov. 11-Clearlnci. nil.R4.ICl ;
l ) lanrs. . ic.Kii.C74.
rillLAliEUl'HlA. Nov. lJ.-Clearlnas. .5 6.-
4M. balances. JI.41I.533.
ST. Lons. Nov. 13. nearlnirs , ll.fiM.SIS ; 1 1-
ancrs. J. Su.TW. Money. Cfi per cent : New York
exchange , Tuc premium bid : Jl premium arkett.
nilCAGO. Nov. M.-neBrlnga. } 15.4 ! .79J.
Money , steady at 7 per cent , for all loans ; New
York exchange We premium ; foreign exchange ,
demand , Jl.Sifi ; sixty days ,
Wool Mnrlccf.
AN'T\VUUI * . Noy. U. There was a eooj nt-
tendance at the wool auctions today. I'rlces
were firm , nnd the demand moderate ; l.MO bales
were tittered , ot which 1.1M were withdrawn.
The tales were 40 ? bales uf Dui-nos Aym at
2V1 to TM : 341 bales of Monte > ldeo at 4 d to
7 d.
HOSTON. Nov. IS. The Doston Commercial
1'ulli'tln will my tnmnrmtv of the wool market :
Tie market Is fairly acthe and qulie stea-ly.
The sales this week are largely territory and
Australian. Iwught on fpeculatlun. The cloth
market Is still dull , Imt there Is a marked Im
provement. The sales of the week are : S.llt.oOO
Ilis. domestic , and 1.704. Oft ) It's , of furelgn. amlnst
a.SS.1.000 Ibs. domestic and 1.S3.000 Ihs. of forelirn
last week , and I.4IJ.OOO Ibs. dumestlc and l.WJ.-
W4i Ibs. foreign for the same week last year.
The sales t date show a decrease of 4fi.S7C.36S
Ibs. . domestic and M.fll.JW His. foreign from the
rales to the same date In IK ! ' " , . The ri-celpt to
date sh..w a decrease nf IC.OSJ bales domestic
and 14D.UO bales foreign.
lrv CooiN Mnrlcct.
NEW YORK. N iv. 11 There' was a tnoto
healthy demand at work , and of the brown cot
tons the takings were fairly large , thoujjh a
latter numtier of moderate purchases. In fact ,
there was much twttcr all-round trade , besides
which many engagements were placed for spring.
Values ere very steady to line at current prices.
printing cloths easier , with sales uf 30.000 pieces ,
G-t quam > . rmts , at iHc.
iL\NCHiSTiH : , Nov. H. The ctothlns and
yarn murkcut arc strong , without much cctual
- . .
lUtlni-f.B. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
\rnv Yuri ; Wlit-nl Mnrlcet.
Ni\V YOniC. Nov. U. Wheat made anof.ier
lone reach toward the dollar mark this morning.
December , In the first hour , sold up to JKHfcc.
which Is ahead of any price this year. Trade
v.-nsyery active for a time , and Included a fair
volume of nurot-ean l > uylng caused by strong
cables. The bulge , however , started heavy
realising , and toward noon prices eased off.
Unfavorable crop news from Prance and the
Antentlre aim helped thf bulls. Spring wheat
re-i'ljits continue vry HBht. The total sales
this morning were MSft.w * bushels.
Sui : 1'rnnolKC.MiVbt : it
SAN riJANOISOO. Nov. U. Wheat In the lonal
market reached the highest point this morning
tt.nrhel slner 11-51. and J ccnta htEher than the
point reached three weeks ago. It opened strong
and closed at the end nf the first morning session
viry excited. May o ; > eni-l at 11. IX ) per cental.
was hlsh at Jl.W , . imd closed al Il.iaH.
December ojiened at $1 V > ? , and closed at JI.STVi.
A large- amount of ileep water tonnage Is char
tered for IIa\re and Dunkirk. Credit balances.
130 ; no bids : shipments , M.KC bu.
TiiTedo Crnln.
TOLnnO , Nov. IS WHHAT Aetlv * . but firm ;
No. i cash. 9 Se : December. Wic : May. M c.
e'oUN Active and steady : No. I mixed , S4o.
eiATS Dull , but feteady ; No. S mixed , l c.
IlYn-Pull : No. S cash. 41c.
ULOVCIl PCKD Higher , but steady ; prlm
December ,
Cotton .Mur ket.
NKW YOHK. Nov. 11. rOTTOIJ ruturea
ctohed weak ; sales. t74.6CO bales : Januor > ' . tl.7 ;
IVbruary. :7. ! > 4 : March , i7. l : April. JT W : May.
! S : June , SK)4 ; July. J8.07 ; No\nuber. fi.Ct ; De
cember. J7.C7. Bpot cotton cl'.red quiet ; mid
dling. uplands , Sc : middling , gulf , 8 < 4c ; aalea d
bales. _
Tiic Iron MnrUi-l.
GLAPGOW , Nov. IS. The pig Iron market
here waery bulllrh today , and ticre waa a
cinpal rici-lrt to get bold of Iron. An enormous
huilnec ; _ t done and price * advanced &d to od
p r ton. _
iioIUVlni .
Novemtier , M-c ; December , fOc ; May , Kli
en track : No. 1 hard. Me : No. 1 nort tern
No. 2 northern , 7& ic ; recelrits. J66 oars.
LClH : December , Jl.MV
I'liUiKnvii Mnii'n Sulelile In Unitlimire.
BALTIMOP.n , Nov. 13. A miin supposed
to be George Snnger of Texas was found
dead In his bed In n hotel in this city to
day. The gns was turned on and It is
thought to be a c.ise of suicide. Nothing
was found on his person thut would fur
nish a cluw to his Idi-ntity. When he reg
istered on Wednesday ho paid for three-
days In advance and wrote the ward Tcsas
opposite his name , but afterwards erast-d
It and wrote "Kansas. " Tlo dead man was
about CJ years old , of mr-lum height , had
brown hair nnd moustachelie - was well
dre'Sed , but wore no jewe-lry and had but
17 cunts In hl pocket. He retired to his
room last night apparently In good spirits.
IllNimNCK of llrlliery ( ' ( INCH.
LOUISVILLE. Ky. , Nov. 13. Judge Noble
in the criminal division today sustained
tlio demurrer of the defendants to the In
dictments charging them with bribery In
the case against Aldermen C. J. Jenne and
Illchard O. Hreuer and George
Webber and Jaine-s Bowders. This dis
poses of the e-aFe ofllclally , as Common
wealth Attorney 1'arsons stated u' the con
clusion of the reading of Judge Noblo'fl
opinion that ho would not rcsubmlt the
lf I'rnpiTly.
NBW YORK , Nov. 13. JuEtieo Lawrence
of tbo auprorao court today granted an at
tachment for $300,000 against property
o. Allen T. Nye of Philadelphia , in favor of
Chsrloa A. Furbu h. The attachment was
granted on the ground of Don-rnldonco. It
IK understood the claim to for failure to de
liver slock * and bonds ot a telephone com
pany , which tin- defendant end others were
to organize durinc July , 1SOD.
INSTUUMKNTS plact-U on record Friday.
November 13. ISM :
G K Ttir'/Ineton ioid wife to G D
Slewart , lot ! > , block S , % % Uc A I'H..J 1
K J ChUvell to W .M ComKtOck , lou
21. 25 and ss , block , Sherman nanl
add . 1
J 13 VandercooK and huBband to R L
llalJ. nw ii w und b.CI ujron in HW
U W 17.1R-13 ( except 10 anne ) . }
K It Hnll and wife to William Kuli-
fuhl. UK lots S and 4 In 17-1D-J.1 . S.iW
C ( ' Knlsht to A C M. dull-lull , lot 15 ,
lilotk Is. oni-tlia Vii w . 1 i un
John Kd .uds u'.d wlf < to L M K 1-
v , r J . lot i C . r. J ' ' ' < < K G. Lil ; . '
Total amount of ir.m-rera. , . l,4D3
i\\\ i it i i ntp oT/inir t ( I\II T
Only a Hsndful of Caltlo Offoml for Sule
at the Yards.
llttj-cri UnurrljTnkc All , lint tlto
Supply U I'nr .short of I lit *
SOVTII OMAHA , Nov. IS.-Uooetpi9 for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hops. Sheep. Horses.
November 13 l.7 S.DC7 1.4.1 S3
November 1 * S.f SS 3,437 703
November 11 3 , < SO 4.883 4.102 45
November 10 2.3H ) 3sra 1.05 *
November 9 1,099 747 8,460
NovetnbvT 7 1.418 18S5
November 6 1.S54 8.091 2.1(8 1
November 5 fill 8,760 CIS
November 4 SSS S,7 8 l.WS
November 3 61 ! 1,588 788
The olllclul number of cart ) of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hots. Sheep. H'r's ,
O. * St. I * ny 1 . .
MlMourl Pacific ny. . 0 6 . ,
I'nlon laeHle ayatem. li IS 0 . .
C. * N. W. ny 1
u. & M. it. n. n. , . . 7 12 . . i
C. , U. & Q. ny 3 0
r. n..i. A r. ny. , e. . . . s
c. . n. i. & r. n > - . . w. . 10 i
c. , st. i' . . M. & o. ny s
1' . . E. & M. V. n. It , . & 17
Total ree-clpla . . . . 40 03 0 1
disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , racli buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated :
Iluyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha I'acUIng Co 60 CGS
U. H. Hammond Co 148 901
Swift ami Company 613 9W 451
Cudnhy IlirUlnR Co SO 1.S92 830
11. Hooker A Degan 1
J. it. Carey .
Huaton & Co l
Hammond. K. C 61 " . .
Cudahy. Kangns City. . . . 108
Oilier buyers 117
' - over . . , ISO
Totals . 1,319 4.109 1,421
CATTLB-Only about half aa many cattle
were here today as yesterday , but the
receipts were about the same as a week
ago. The market was In a good , healthy
condition , but the smnll runs this wecl ;
nave brvn a great detriment , as there have
not been enough cattle to meet the require
Killing cattle were In active cXemnnd and
the offerings chunxed hands quickly , the
cattle btlns all Bold and weighed up long
before mlduny The prices wore about the
same as prevailed yesterday. One Ilttlt
bunch of corn-fed natives sold up to $1.45
nnd some l.lSt-lb. steers brought $1.00. Quite
n BtrliiR of westerns sold at J2.S5 , and Iroin
that price up to $3.8.1.
Cow stuff was also In good demand nnd
sold freely at good , steady prices
Only a few feeders wre on sale , nnd
they were plcki-d up quickly. The light
receipts kept prices up on feeders and the
country demand In consequence Is not so
brisk ns it was. llepresontntlve sales :
No. Av. IT. No. Av. l r. No. Av. IT.
U > . . . .im W 41. . . . 113 14 CO
i..iou i to : . . . . MO M L..IIU ITS
S. . . . 77 1 M 9. . . .1070 2 W X..ll Z 75
I. . . . HO :00 1..SO IK S. . . .1.IM 275
1. . . . KO 200 I. . . .10IS 233 1..13CO 27 }
1..1WO SOD 1..KM 138IS. . . . . Oil 280
: . . . .10 0 SIS 1..1030 40 H..1U7. 1U
1. . . . WO IS 1..1ZW IM > J..HI ) 300
2..1W9 I li I. . . .1000 3 M 4. . . .1042 3U
1..10I9 S U 8..11M 2U > 1..143C 3(9
4. . . . 4H SK I. . . . 3 SfiO 47..701 ICO
I..CK tiO 1..CM S SS..XA ill
1..1M 211 1. . . . MO 2 CO 1..1UO 305
i. . . . t : S..UK aw
1..1UO SIS
i. . . . 2 : : . . . . us < so i. . . . is > SK
i. . . . aw a : . . . . its 5 & i. . . . IM f.
srociiur.s AND rBBuuna
1. . . . 788 2tt 1. . . . 710 210 I. . . . 760 3 SO
i. . . . s : fs ! . . . . ) 10 o. . . . JH : io
1. . . . CW 300 4. . . . IBS 343
Ko. Av. Tr. No. Av. Pr.
icon-s . ItiiOtSea W feeders. . . . IMS M Jl
* ruw . 101 : GG K feeder * . . . . IK * 240
I ttedirs..lOIO 100 S3 itesm . IStS 370
Icons . liCS SOS 12 ( teen . 13)1 ) 3 'A
10 com . 107V S 20
3. O. Ituuell.
: bulls . tS UK U steer * . HID S'.O
cows. . 1US3 a 5 UMeen . Ma 3 HI
& teen . 1231 3 GO
n. B. Van T s ell.
IbUlU . : iW 240 Wcteera . UU 373
rcllnrd A Co.
liteer . 1310 3 K 25 teer . Utt 3 B
3 eow . KH 2M K steers . & 7 ! 345
1 feeder . 1010 3 IX )
decree P. Smith.
1 bull . 1460 8 Ou 40 feeders. . . . 8C a at
Z steers . 910 S to IIS steers . 1071 3 57j !
4 cows . ese 2W : steer * . 1X9) ) a GS
5 ( leer * . 1230 310 * tecr . 113 * ICO
U cow * . a 320
1 cew . 1050 225 27 cow * . 1141 310
7 cow * . 1141 370 K feeders. . . . IUO 235
5tc r * . iax > 300 4 steers . liao a ; u
! . 747 2 V 72 * teers . 1073 SK
2 * tn. tig. . . 70 I 50
II. OrmUher.
1 bull . 13M 240 1 feeder . 719 300
1 cow . mo 3 SO SI feeder * . . . . K12 340
1 hull . isuo 2 00 1 feeder . ftSO 3 35
1 cow . WO 2 Si U steer * . lyst 340
1 bull . 1KO 200
ICuijH Theie wa * a ullBlit Increase In the re-
> vlts ] of IIUKS today over yesterday , but at the
SHiue time the run was nut lure * .
The market was act he it an advance of about
c , and the pen * were cleared early In the mum-
Inc. The ranee of prices iwlJva not i.iuoh
different from yoMvrday , but the hoes loJuy were
heavier , and tuklnc weight * Into cunslJeratlun
the market could safely Ujoiol ] hlg.ier.
Heavy IIOK * overuslna 3uu pounds and above
suld largely at J3.15ljS.K , nnd even n * high as
M.3U. n-.ille the name wclghu yesterday suld
lurKi-ly at t3.1&O3.:0. Thi-re wti-o | irai-tcally | nu
llsht hc s here t nmfce n test of the market on
that kind uf stuff. Jtcj.rosi-nlatlve sale * :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sli. Pr.
< 3 . 80 S ,
U . 332 KM 3:3
CO . 3U3 40 3 Si
C5 . 205 . . . 3 U
43 . SSI SO S IS
0 . 317 . . . 3 JJ
04 . 2s 10 3- ,
. 271 . . . S ff >
U . 210 . . . 5 SS
57 . 219 ISO i S3
19 . 321 WJ J ; 5
CO . 2 < ! 1H ) 3 2i
73 . 2BOO 3 S5
45 . 3i ] ; [ ) 3
CO . ! U ICO 3 Si
5 } . M7 40 PUT ,
ta . ss ; . . . sss
66 . 3t9 < 3 . Mi to 3 2i
M . 344 BT . 7 40 8 2i
67 . 311 CO . IKS 40 323
10 . 505 C3 . ! K3 3 7Vj
C4 . SM H . 3flJ 40 3 30
as . at m sao
11 ; . 341 70 . f S SO 3 80
C4 . 347 W . M > M ) S 30
-72 . 2M 180 330
C7 . MS U . 217 M 5 JO
59 . 217 V . . ' M 3 W
4 ! . K7 M . K * . . . 330
V . 319 R . HI 40 335
tti . 3tl 00 . 3 > G 40 331
SO . 313 ( fj . 23 : . 46 3 SS
31 . X7 .53 . Wt . . . HO
1 . 30 . . . 135 I . iW . . . SCO
2 . 200 . . . 144 S . 3UI 4j 310
1 . MO . . . J CO 1 . 990 . . . 310
1 . 240 . . . 100 t . 30C W : 1.1
1 . m . . . 300 S . 322 . . . S r.
1 . 450 H > 27S C . SK . . . S Pi
1 . 440 tO S 99 { ' 3 . 117 . . . J W
1 . 3CO . . . 300 . . . . . . . . : . . . s D.J
1 . 1 0 . . . 3 CO
8I1CBP The market on tbtrp wa * nctUc nnd
firm , the iin Tln meeting with ready ul > -
Itoprncntntlvc * los :
No. Av. IT
10 Idaho tailings . VJ ! : :
117 Idaho wether * . Ml 9 u
OCt Idaho wether * . K 2 IM
4 Idaho Iamb * . U a to
2M Mexican > earllnm . ; n 3 ( .5
101 Idaho liunlii . . en 4W
Oily IJv Miif-I ; ,
. Nov. 1I. ATTI < H ncvlpti.
C.OOO head ; shipments , 4.100 head. Jlarkot IK live
and ktrunKi 'JViias tittn I ! TU3 : tb. Teas UMVVS.
i.0'/' ; natlVK slvers , 2. < tli "A ; native C < J > TS
i-ii'l ' ncllers , II TIC 3 X ; ito"ki-j < inJ fcfji-n ,
.5 375 ; bulls. U Sirt W ) .
1IOUH llmtlpis. 1.00" heail : > Mpnimts. 7 (
had. . Market st ady : nl Tut ull t. Id , l.iilk < if
salM , ta.2ti/3.U ; I. cavil * . JS.C tiJX , ; | , a. kcr .
u : q > .35 : mixed. u.yM.m. IU-MS. : . : T'iy ' ; : : vj , ;
Yi > rki-rs. JJ.5ufr j\t ; pin * . W. i/ac ; .
HIIKHr-H M.ti. | . fc.OOe l.i-ii.1 , | > m-nl . 400
ht-ad , Murk t vteaily ; lamlw , tl.50 4 35 ; mul-
t"ns. 12f 2.S6. _
M. l.oillfi IU iStock. .
i' < ' { Texas un < l In-jiun nt-e t ; f
r.a.oi ) $ l' ii ju ( ) nu . .f < iv * U "U ' '
JlO'Jf ' tvO hruu Uurkel iii luchrr
tXWMH ; tlffht , W1t > O
SX ( heU'l. MNrket Mn.nci
natltes. tt 2 02.Mi. .
uiiif.\Tjt ) li'\rTs Ti'tific.
\Vltli nn . \i-l ( > r 4 > < < tiernl Detnntul
I'rlccH fur fnttliItultil Klrincr.
CIUCAOO. Xov. 12Vlth an scthe gt\ .
deman ' . jirlres frtr cattle ruled ttttn t.i ' . '
hlKher. Choice l > - \ \trtt pftttlcitlarlv sir \\g
rules wr made all the way from 3 > jv t. > I
for dretwxl lef sierra up to from 15.25 t t. Xj
fur . f w lots of fancy llrrrfwrt and shnrili in
leers. Prime cattle wew sivirt * . and the i. IIK
of th strers old nt from H45 to | 4 . si.k
era and feeder * rold at fn-m B.W to 14. m < >
tiers sold Isnrrljat fr.-m II. M to Jtli , mr.ii < i
et'W * at fr-m 18 ! * to U. fat heifers at ( i .IM
13.50 to H.IO , reeling bulls at from tt 4 i >
W. S , and i-xport bulls at M to t.
Toia * rattle brought fruw W to J3.7V wlih M -
Knurl and Kansas fair tats at fixm 13.75 t. ti .
Western range steers < < ld Inntely si fr-'n * .
to U.S6. and cows and heifers at fr m l- ' : i >
W.OO.Vlth a iix < d demand. prlw for lmit .
tron * > r and hlfiiw. Sales ranctc.1 at frfii >
to 13.K ) , with the bulk of the ttatisai li. - . .a
from 12.35 to 13.50. lrlme butcher welsM ' I
the best.
Poor to prime sheen sold at from 12 t t
westerns K"lrut mostly at from $1 15 t. r
while yearllturs hnnmht from > . < % to it i w < n
* M at from 33.35 to 1325 f"T poor In th.-
flwks , m > t many Rolnit above IS St. W
cheep were h to flnd , nnd n > ld arou
to a llmitrl extent.
. neeelpts : Cattle. t.OOO head ; IIOBK , JS. W il.
sheep , 11.000 head.
NIMV York lil ' Stne'U.
NK\V YOItK. Nov. 11 IIRttVI-Iter.-lt.t < .
S.100 head ; steers , fairly it-live , but slU'-iiv
lower ; bulls , stronger , pten nnd ruws. tun-
native steer * . $ n : . .W ; und exen. f.i : . i >
4.00 ; bulls. K.XMK.70 dry row * , firm. tm > M. " "
Cables quote American steers at lfl llc .ln- t
weisjht ; refrigrrntrr bctf , 7W VP. and sh < - . | , nt
KIWHc. dnsed weight ; export" tomnrrow. l ' . \J
beeves , em shee4 < itnd 4.S.M ! gunners nf ! - , r
SIIHKP AM l.AMI1S--n < > ce1pl . e.SIO h.-11.
h p , ; lambs , weak ; sheep , Jl.vnr , ,
lambs. ! t.7MH..1Mi. ! .
HOGS nerelpts. 5S7E bead ; firm at M Vif
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Slot'k In SlKtlt.
of receipts of live sloeh at the four
principal markets. November IS. 1 :
_ . Csttle. Hnirs. Sli-cn
Bcuth Omaha lKl S.9S7 1 < -i
Chlcsgn JKIO . ( ) II .MI
Kanms City 1 M v
Rt. i/ouis 8t w a > i
Totals J5.223 3J.M7 S3 l.'l
b'tiirttr .
NEW YOnil. Nov. 13.-8V < 3AH-Tlaw n. .
fair refining. 3 ra I-K < - ; centrifugal , w i. t.
37-I6c. limned. Irn-eutar.
LONDON' , No13 -Sl'aAU--Catie. mm i-iid
rteady ; centrlfURal Java , lls 4 d ; MUF. , .XH | .
fair rennlng. 10s. llwt sttftar. weak and lown ,
November. s M , liecemtwr. ! > s Cd.
A mcni . IIAV.
TinI'lcnili IMiin to ll\lili- tin * Day
Into One Iliinilri-il I'nrlo ,
In nothing , perhap- l the dlffrrenrv be
tween the I itln am ! Anc'o-Saxon ' t i.
more pronounced than In their jntho.l < of
computation , says the Phll.idc'lpbln 1. ! : > r
The former 'choose , as If by Instinct. ! )
easiest route to reach results , nnd thi > > } i-l-
mal arranpetnent of w.-lifhts. mr.i urc .m.l
values , llrst tnstltutrd by the French. ! it
been adopted by them all , as well : i i > y
their Teutonic nelthhors The Anelo > ion i\ -
on * , however , rrm to care nothing ; > r
either ease or simplicity In this tnutn-r.
nnd lln-lr tnblc-s of ivt-lahts and ITH.IMINI
nre a muss of Incongruities. The origin i' '
have been larpoly determlneil by iir < M < : i' .
as the length of a certnln klnK'tc foot i'f '
another's forearm. Not only have t'l-v
. eumb.-rnomo and . - .
adopted n. - lllaKlc.-il - - . -
ti m of computing welshts and nir.ini.r. s.
but they resolutely dccllie to accept c
nlmpe ! and convenient ttyslem offrn-d I y
tbe I < iitlns , nllhough to Jo o would IN. ;
only be a saving of time nnd labr. ' . l.-it
would fni-llllrtte coinmcrn : ! ! and othi-r in
tercourse nnionjc the nnilotiK.
Hut while the l.itln d < - .imal sysli-rr. if
notation Is much the hest , tt rmy l-i ir-
rled too fur , nnd llil * HO ins to bi > Hi. i
with the Intent Frtuoh rcvls. tl.-
division of time nnd make th > day iir-i-t
Of 100irt | * Instoid of tWcnlJMrour. < 'f '
course , after the French sye. ! the illvls mi
Is to be curried down to t : > e moat mini ' <
portions < jf time , proilnlonn iiclns tnnl : < inr
* 'ces , " or hundredth * of a day. "crti'K > "
and "mir.lct's , " but II will Lrobably lie
found ImpniMle-nble to cir-y It hlnher i I
Impossible to extend It to the whole ) . .ir.
It Is easy r-nouili In theory , nnd. if tin-
pn-Mcnt computation wen- not so firmlj i - . -
tabUshrd , nould prob.ibl.v. be lonrd in.'f- '
lt ble In prnctlce fo fllvldi * the d < y by di i-
. but Prune * * lm trlc l to abolish 'ho
week and divide the month declrn.illv.
without xuccrxs ; while It In tnutilfest'y mit
of the question to divide lite your Into
either more or ICSH thin : "K , t\.ty * . TH-
number Is fixed by the lawn of nature. Mv e
JUKI so many period ! ) of llrlit nnd d irkti. s
occ-ur In the annual jauinty of tininrth
around the sun , and there Is uo oih < r w iy
to estimate a d y than by grouping ' > -
gether one period of light ar.d one of ii.u h-
H : u < onlnR backward from thl . It ll ! t > e
sfen that no bettor arrant-incut of mcmhs
can be miHt ? thiin the one we have i.'i.\ .
since the 365 days are dlvl-lo * ! umon thin
as nenrly evenly as p.m t'ilo. nnd , on : ' " "
same account , the number nf dnvin . \
month could not be ch.mced for the b-tti-r
The GcORn-pbletil burt-uu of the Fr.-'ieh
army In expi rlmentlni ; with the newi -
tern , and It my be ndoptnl In Fr.ini- ' 'it
It IB certain tint Knpllnh-s n nHnj ; r ! - -
trlea will have n nc of 1 ; . fh falbir- >
establish even that very renajbie r.-firm ,
the twenty-four day , la sufliclfiit asxur.'tu-o
of that.
_ _ _
I'Uhlerti .Velim l.iVIII llrVninier
mill It 1VII1 DC Pair.
WASHINOTON , Nov. 13.- Theforf < -nt
for Saturday Is :
For Nebraska nnd Kansns fenf r illy
fair ; warmer In oastcrn portions ; eonli-r In
western portion ; south winds , beerumlns
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair ; coKK r ;
north nine's.
For Jown and Missouri --Fair , foll'iv. . . !
by Increasing cloudiness ; wurmer ; * . , nil
For South Dultota IncreuolnK clouillm vt
and probably snow ; colder ; south v. in < ; n ,
becoming norlhrrly.
For MontMiia Increaglntr cloudiness i. : .J
ITobuhUv snow ; colder ; north winds.
Lnonl Itce-ord.
OMAHA , Nov 13. Omiilin n-eord ot tin -
pcraturo and rnlufnll compared with to !
eorrt-opondlna day of the punt three yi.ii :
Maximum tempcrntur ? . . . Co 4S 47
Minimum Ic-nipeniture. . . 18 40 .1 >
Average temperature 31 41 42 . : ;
nalnfull M W .02 T ( M
Iteeord of temperature and p'vc-iji1' ; -
tlon at Omaha for the elay and Kluco
Murc-h 1 :
Normal temperature for the duy " )
KXCCSB for the ? day 5
Ac-cumuluted detlclLiiey since March 1 . .111
Normal precipitation for the day. . .ni : Indi
De-flclene-y for the duy niim-h
Total precipitation plnee Mur. 1..329'lnrl -.i
Kxe-ess blnce Murch 1 I.I'i Ir'-ln ' .1
Dt-fle'luney corre-sp'g period 1SS5..10.17 lneh *
Ut-Ilclency corresp'g pe-rlod lsl'1..14.20 ' : ; - ! '
lleiiortu from Sliilloiih nt 8 p. in.
H y
STATION'S A D 57ATK OV ' 3t : | |
wKATiiKit. ! ;
r ? §
Omaha , clear M1 . ' . 'l1 .13
North PUtt * . partly cloudy 40 : 01 .w
Pt \ lKe City , clear II1 10 I I
Cheyenne , partly cloudy 4i | fJ > -J
Hapld City. r..itly tloujy 0' 'M .a >
Huron , cloudy ISi : i > .0)
( lilrago , cloudy : d su co
t = t. Ixtuls , c-leur 4l K III
Kt. Paul , partly cloudy lit 1I > ' .10
Davenport , partly cloudy I 301 30 M
Helena , partly cloud/ I 1 M
K&n i City , > l * r I 1U ) .M i u
llmre , portly cl..uiy | . . . - . | k ik i.j
Hirmur-k , 11 H'ly I II , , li , i i
WilllBiMi , iMflly el njily 14 y ' 2
' Hn. . . li , .r . II rr
T1 lii'jltutei ' * trace tf iirici
Local 'in ( - „ - 1 i itnr , aL
Tcicphon.lOM ) . Oinah.i , Njb.
CRAiS : ? { OyiSU.\.i \ : AXD : SfOXJ
, Hoard 't Trade.
. " -ct wr ! s to Cuii-BE'J sri'I Nri/v York.
s : JUin A. Warrin ti C"
nj nettrr ofltii 1 t beiiri U.I.'MJ. . \ I i m n-
ll.x mcjlic ) . U rllo L' . h. Muna > I * , i o. ,
IS-lliem & lir..k-n. 12 : lima HM , ' l - ' .
" itmbtrii "f tin : h .K'j I' 'M i f T'.iie in k' xl
rt-nJIti. f"T t'r.r bt > k t > n t inn iunj . - , t u *
lathe InfJ'imtl n , ul I c.ny MuiKrl Letter ,
- ith flee IITC'IAI , MTI.MiON vJlVL.S TO