Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1896, Image 1
HE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JTXE an. 1S71. OMAHA. SATURDAY MOE > TN'G. 14 , ISOG-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPT FETE CEXTS. SESSATIOX K IVORY CASE ; Cykd K & I BrflTfSH SPY K PUT ON THE STAND UJ Informer Tci > tlfle > tl at lie " \V > Um | l ; r'd toMaUc lnqnlrie in M t > cli < - ter and In > CTI V rU Cltr LONTidN Nov IS. Tbe iaa3 esaariatihw of Bdward J Ivory alias Edward BH. tb * saloon keeper of New Tork aad alleged dynamiter at Bow Btrm polioe court today , drvfiop-d into a seswstios * anl to tb * * > rttement caused Vy tb * rereUthme of tbe rpr L * Carom , , some ? * * rs ag Tb * wwkty examination * of Ivory have- been going on at Bow Street oa TVldayE ever iar * b * was brought to London after bis arrest at Ols - FCr KOBKtWD IDOtStht tiftt OO tb * CBarg * ill jir'ar ronrernrd. wttb P. J Tyaaau Ketraey HsTie * and otbm ra I conspirafy te blow ur I"jiir ! and other build lags wttb tbe use of Crnan-a-e Sltbcrto tb * testimony bas lx > : > of tb * usual moaotonou * police court < ) ' - : > IOT but today tke crowa renre- ws-cd by C E. Oill prung t ea atioB in tb - haii' m tb * testimony of a government rj r kmn only a * * Jones " * native of /rtr.ach Ireland , wbo seems to have sur- r * eS it. bccomleg a member of secret ] r fh n-raLtta.tKms la New Tork "under ta- c-u-tunf ' 'aad to bare possessed himself n ( , . . -r- o ? tbe CUn-na-Gael assticlation l t - La * t'tbrrto bebaved ta a mnst uacon- f < --t > < J matnor as if confident rt acquittal , but -t.aav nbea "Jones' wa * placed in the v. TJ < ft ! irx tar prisoner s face showed cca- _ i : tJt a He was oomnlrtely stagger * * by tie ; neaanc * of "Jones ' under ttvch ctr- f jt--ar ( t. tad great though suppressed. * \ ni i. : j.rcvsiled ia court wbea a rumo ? v at"ulac i tbat tbe pmwc-utloa expected b * n-rr-tnou * wltaes * wjiose real name te I.T' ' * ' ' > to uravel a > * serret history of t * ; bmicaJ fort * " movemeat in tbt raited v ! , < r Joaef first appeared oa tbe wlts * .pit J 34- Gill ankefl th * presidlag aagi- t-i-e ti rtpp ell ak < ctlag In rourt explais- > t -h - it * as of tb * utmost imponaare that ooth-tc fchonld be allowed to traaBTire to idtitify tfce witness in tbe forure. But Jonri ; csu "d aiorf excitement during tbe ; i-r > rre * rt the proceedings by soddealy ad- fire ttig Magistrate Vaugbmn by eaytag "A reporter u taking a sketch of me. I fear tir my baftty " Tbe magistrate Mr Vaugbar. then ordered tbe reporter to deMit - Mitbut a prison attendant soon afterwards naid to tbr n-agistratt "A reporter is writ- .ae a description of Joara " Tbe magistrate t'le eupon steraly remarked "I will not n.lrw eiet a written descriptioB of tbe wtt- ntf.f to be made " Chief lacpector Melville o ! Set t > acd Tard wbo was preceat ic court , took at. < > < ! pan in suppressiag tbe taking D ! flesrnptiona of "Joaes. " Jonet' is a small , insignificant looking maa about ve teft five inches high with i c brown beard anfi mustartie and hair a ) thud" da-kcr He has a bclglng forrbead I ani black eyea Be i * of pate complexion 1 and hat a furtive abtfty lei * He was lerv nervous t-iit in occrt constantly imlung b * beard He spoke with a pro- aiun-et ! brogue He dt-Hvrred bis testi- k cinm M though ta fear of his life and KI rcicd to be chared of tb * tauad of bis own voice. p \ ibr ibit'ials of bte ncate. tbe witness rt'i'bfi ! but tbe pommel iaalsted aad also u' 4ed to ka w tbe address of "Jones" n xt York , whereupon tie witness re- r . - I fear for my safety and decline t c \ ihj partipuUJ location * * Tbe magw- T- ; t \JiiUJ ; Juiea ia bis refusal aad tbea : n , E t.- amrtkincident I.- , ; ior the prisonrr solemnly aslied - vju take tbe oalb of tbe Ciaa-aa- bearias this ( ruesuon. "Jones" } iiy : pale beaitatpd for a rnmrmiit i. ' etljr accwered "Tea " t i . > unsel tberrupoa aaid "You were c a : the time not to observe it * " tit question Jones replied : "Tea , I ci : . "t-nd to observe it" < > t.i t.e ! thereupon amid "Hive yotj cay rcs"'or tae oath you nave givea bere tt > ' t > ireplied Jones ia a weak voice 7 . ' .midtBt caused tbe deepest bnpres- e i . i ; .oi ail preseat la tbe roan room. it , ' : t. to Questuias upoa tbe part of M- r G. 1 * ho prosecuted for tbe Treas- \ . - < it irn.tat "June * aaid be was t n , rr ofmgb nd was employed by tbe li . .iht pLnt--inment to make iaquirlee at Vttifc'fer la IBM ) aad that in 1891 be was MI.o ArL > erea. vtere he coauaoed his _ n K In Nrvember 1WH. " Joaee" c a- t t ued be f atered tbe employ of boie- fctitprofeie ia Sew Tork Cfty tad re- ri- ned : ta ibea ) until lfi. whea be oi IP tii i a buciaess of bis own. "Jones" re- u New Tork uatil September of tk.- all tbjt time apparently making in- g.ritt for the British goverameat. He ujd'-d tba : early ia 18IC be met William l-'a-tr pMtident of the Iriah National al- l.auti -jd Bolaad ia Nrw Tork City , aad lea-ned of the existent * of tbe Irish Xa- iioajdifts orgaaiiKUoa , laiowa rmnng It * roear bert ac the ' Cai'ed Irish" r "T H ' vtit * * fie < ut-v body.Jones' further Lib ed was known by tbe Vetters. TI A. * Cct-tinuiag "Jonee" sfcld that "oa iastrttc- tiuue' be joiavd tbe orgaalc&tioa and wa Initiated IE to a "camp" kaowa as tbe Shamrock club. " among tbow present at lie initiation being Lymta. Bolaad , Gt-Ua- Ciier Kearney aad Tyaaa , Tb < af tenrarda ' Jonet" said , fonaed s new ; ' which was called * Tbe Ktlly < ! ut ' tae tueaberstip of trliich lacluded Jdearnf eTitl Nolan who bad been connected .tb LH exi-ioaioa In Pablla. MO'-LS OF HIS EBCOHD. "Jonet" further etnt d that a iPa riefed treasurer of "Tbe NaUy club " v. ao p xvrtlags. K appetr * . were oi tbe jac - srsret descripttoa tie "district rd " l > e. buried after betas read , aad after laHiattos tbe members were known by e auabcr Purt of tbe mibacriptioas. tbe nitaess alao testified , were coatrtbuted tc a revolutionju-j- fund aad calls were made for muBf > to pay tor celebration ! of tbe death of tbe "Xaat&efter sianyrt" Ead to bid tbr convicted dynamiters. Repl > iaf to furtber questions "Jones" nud that hUe oa tit * ay to tbe Calnaso contention in 1K85 Kcaraey introduced the jiriBonej- Ivory , te tbe trltaesc M * b-otber " Tyaaa and O'Donovan Kossa. accord ms tc "Joaec " were preaeat and Tyaaa uid that Itory bdonged te ais "camp' i.ud had beea taown to aim ia Bi'Mtc p-r > iou6 U > UC Joaei * mentloa of tbf Cblcafesooavea - tlnn of IBkC refers to tbr "new movement rot leu non ' uktek wac attended by a aum- btr of confidants of Lroua wbo durtag cnnvecuua time , it wac tctaud ia court. at Id e r < i u.cetlaga tiitb them Later it Kcaia Joi ec ' Joined a "camp" under tbt ti&aie of Tbomac ileric Jot e * ti acroun : of tbo visit to rhlrajro ttid he arrived thenoe September K. 186. j-ud wa * mv t at tbe railroad station by Kl John Gatoe } He a. ed a ; MrCoy'E hotel. vbere tbe committee of tbe secret organisa tion art Ivory "Jon * * ' al o fctavei , at tended tbr m rtiac at vbich aamec w rc MVocuid to be submitttid at oStccrs of tbe "a H BM"eajeiit " tbe object being that aa dpea movemeat might If controlled , according - ' cording to ' Joae * , ' by a nncrwi orgaaisa- tioa Ia auotbw portion of bte teattmoay. Joaos" stiii thai be saw Ivor ) ie Cody s calooa > * rw York wane lit further stated U large'y treyutnied by memberc of tbe orgaLixaUoa. two or iij * * i kt bWore Ivory l n Amtirkia. ' JUDCI " then produced a durumrni jturjiuning to nre tbe eaa- vtitutinn n' 'b * wx.fv up : n lt < 'ir. ari also 'j e 'jut ' of ttr ' j.k L mu to i r'di.1 of ' t itr a , cr .r .t .re . . s uua - i-t acj use kuL'iclnJ oi b . } "Liur. e was dentt-fb-d la tbe proceed tact , j : of tbr ontaniaatioe a * a "soldier of Ireland ' | Tbe witness afierwardt produced a ma f of \ document * ptvtnc camp instruction" past words Ktga etc and a copy of tbe report of tbr M'tiret ' coaventtoc at Chtcacn ta IRK la which an Item of tbe extvendltnr * wa * JJ.WM" " tor mercbaadi * * which ' Jo&e * " ex&luned sweat dynamite Tb * cross-exasuatitioa of Jon * * did aot shake bis evidence but counsel for Ivory ; submitted that it was aot a cae to to to trial Tb * ms * * trtte however empbati- caily declared tberv were "ample croundi" te send tbr cs * to trial tad Ivory vac nkrasttJly couiialti4. Mr Carter. Ambassador Btrarfl't * * cre- tsry was present ia court today at rpre - smta iv - of tb * Catted States embassy ia ordei to watcb tbe proce dtnce oa of tbe farted State * officiate here After tb * do * * of tbrocr dins * a ! raafcefl to a repreBtstfrr of tbe Asso ciated nrccs "Jonee it c dead aiar. I am glad I aa aot ia his snoet' Tbe Globe nays of tbe testlaioar of -Jo MS * that tb * most wnsatioaaJ devrtop- iftects are expected , ecltprteg tboe of tbe time of Lr Caroa ONLT ONB JONSS KNOWN. XFW TOEK. NOT is Tb * > JK-WS n ? tb * production of aa informer in tb * Ivory case { in London was productive of considerable j i comment la Irish rirctec in tail dry. Dili j gent inquiries among prominent Iris * na , tionalists by a rrpreseatatlve of tb * Asso- j j elated press discovered oaly one maa aamed I Jones who ever bad acy connection with ' Irish matte * * ie this city This maa i * Thomas U Jones wbo was a member of J > e Sasmro-.k Uub aad also one of the sec retaries of the Amaemy association Tbe Shamrock dob. like other clubs belonging to tbe Irish national alliance holds meetings opea t thr public , at which debates of s literary character frequently took place Among the members of tbe club , it was learned oa good au-borlty. are to be found tbe ajat > f of very prominent Irishmen in this city , some of whom bold responsible state tad ted-al office * Jones held several position * ia this city , but some time ago br started la a stationery busincs * of bis owe at C2 Amsterdam avenue where be lived He was frequently heard advocating wild schema tat claimed to be a very advanced physical force maa la this city be wa * recognised by several men as a north of Ireland Irishman but as tbe alliance is nonsectarian - sectarian in its principles Jones' relicioc | was no bar to bis becoming a member. Tbe last beard of him was about tea weeks ago wben be left bere telling bis acquaintances be was going to aa estate ta tbe north of Ireland which had beea left to * > * through tb * death of a relative. . William Lymaa president a ! tie Irish Na tional alliance could not b * seen today cad it was said at his residence tbat be was out of tbe city O C McLsughlia. secretary of tb * Irish National alliance , wbea asked what be knew of Jones replied "I hare known Tboma * M. Jones three years He was a member of the alliance and also one of tb * serretsrtet of ibe Amnesty aasociatiaa. I believe be was also a aetnaer of the Nally club , which also belongs to tbe Uitanc * . but I think tbr cabled report as confounded the Irish Na tional alliance with tbe Carted Irwbmea Tbe books of tbe alliance are opea te tbt public and tbe English government can send its representatives to examine them if it wishes to do so Tbe platform and principles of the alUence. which were adopted at tbr Chicago convention last year , bare been published and there is ae secrecy whatever in tbe organisation. JONES HAIB-B&AINED AND CHATT "JoBM frequently asked me tc publish pome articles wt.cb br bad written fur thr Irish Republic. But they were too Jd aaJ I thought tarm too idiotic ia character for a paper rnpreoentiag tbe alliance I threw bis stuC into tbe waste basket and I am aorrjr now I am not able la show a sarrtinnn WteOssr MBsft fc a Icta * * itTsaBsi sr ! tec- oey I do aot "haw. but 7 am satisfied tbat if be knows anything of so-called dynamite plot tbe wboie thine mus : aavr oripuntttd in al > own brala According to the cable reports he eay * himself taat ht ha * brea employed by tbe English authorities sinsr 18W ) aad to my adnd it is very evident that b * is delivering "gold bricks to tbe Scotland Terd people ie return for a fat re muneration This trumped up evidence Ic aaotber pan of tbe old wo-n-out scheme of Scotland Tard whea ia sleuths want to se cure tbe conilctioa of airy Irishman whc maT be caXortuaate enough to frfl frrtp tbelr hands. " St. John GaCnry , wbete assae was laen- tioned by Jones in his evidence today , called at tbe office of tb * Associated press tonight ard was very Indignant at tbe mention of fate name by th * informer Mr GaEney said "I went to Chicago in company with Mr B aland and if I met Jones at tbe depot I was aot am are of it. as there were more tbaa a thousand persons there at tfrT time I never met Jones in my life " Continuing Mr CaSney said"I knew tbr late John P Bolaad referred to by tbe British spy ta his testimony today. Mr Bolaad was aa an critic of recogctsed ability I was bis attorney. I attended tb * Chicago convention at his invitation There were- about 1.500 delegates there aad I met a great many. I have no recollection cf tate maa Jones H * probably saw me with Bolaad and I caaaot understand bis mentioning asy name except for rt * * pur pose of annoying my fasiUy la Ireland As 1 * well known in this city and on tbe other side. I am a bal lever in the policy of Paraell. but am not a member of cay secret organization " Mr , GaEney s brother is tbe alga saerif of the city of Limerick cad his father is e magistrate of maay year's staadis ; aad is also a scalar aldermsa of tbr city of I.TTD- ericfc. CALL IT A V1CT8KY FOR ME1O-VH. r"rrnpli RrjmltlleancTvi.jinper > Are lt-Htd ( Mcr IC < * u ! of Ttxiilicn. ) PAB.I3. Sov IS * The republican newspa pers 'oday ere naaniatons in expressing the opiniin that tbe nroceedntgc ia the Cham ber ef Dputlet lest evenia ; resulted ia tbe otter collipoe of tbe radical leaders' plans and * a undoubted victory lor tae Uelinr cab- met , whose majority 2S4 yeas to 235 aay * on tbe demand for the vote of confidence I is clearly republican ia character The news papers attribute tbr result to tbe lack of t&ill of 30 Uirmaa. the socialist deputy for Bbeime. ttbo attacked tbe government for forbidding tbe ccncr as of school teacher * etc. aad to tbe fickleness of tbe speech oT X. Bourgeoise tbe late premier , wbo de nounced tbr conduct of tb * biataone and said tbat the Rune CatbalM : congress bad & po litical aiw end WEE directed tgaJcst clvQ souet } . lvrncr X t rally Decided. LOXX > ON , Nov. 18 Tbe eorrecpondent of tltt Daily Telegraph at Pretcria , % aaya : Prsddeat Krngcr aac taformed a that tbe executive poun-il lias not yet decided upoa tbe t mo ant of the Jameson raid lademalty. but ta t t : win b * a reasonable sum end tiie demand wm be presented direct te tbe English government welch , be adds , deals * 1th tbe Charttrnd South African compuiy. There was ro lE'eaOoa , be said , IP trouble about iUerttioiu It. existing conventions. He desired to settle diauree&blc matter ia tat tneadliMt plrit. y fur 1. Nox H Tbe Times correspon dent at Parts says. Wben tbe credits for tb * eost f tbe caws rial : crc subc--'ed te tbe Chamber of Deputies .be sort lisa bj way of protest , will suboOt a mutioa dtmaadias ajnncEty for Beresc skl Out i Pol * wbo ared at C ar Alexander n w the Bais de Boulogne ta IsCT aad si ! oUicr ; j pt * uns ceecicmaed for nolitlcal acts or , _ r.rllies. ! . MoMJMf r frttai JMIIHU lu Mncik . ' n. I LOXPOX. Xor. 14. Aa Odosaa dispatch , te tbr Ttoet lugrt tae arraBRemeau tre i ' being made tor a direct liar of ' u rua trom Japan M tae Black tea. I i crurtll C r HnlIj' Jli-prH r > A. CITY OF MKXl U N is Paltl Dole- i Arp * ' ' ? e * ' ra it' rt * * ' ' - fc ' at ' . r ' . ' ) * _ i * r vlit-e i. f i . , CJ * . : t BOLIVIA j CAUSES A SURPRISE froa tbe Beoopdtws of SPANISH OON'SUL GOES Off TO SJCHE Prepare * to Protect 5-i nnlard In BMirin sod to Prc-vrnt tbeRce - Ilr . lntl n from Grl- ttnc Thrwncb the Senate. * TtH'yillit ! Pern Ncr U Jtrm-tiln of & * n- sation bat bten caused by tbe aewt received yt-sterday from Sucre. Bolivia of a farora- bV ? report & > de by tbe committee on for- flcs aiairs of tb * Bolivian Cafcmber of Dep- atl oa a reKolutioa t reco aise tbe Cuban iacurgeats a beHieerenti Cpoa hemrlcg tbe aewc tbr Spaalsh enrcy to Peru. Seaor de Vane'lo. wbo Ie aim accredited te Bolivia. immediately eet out for Sucre te look after Spaatnh laterestc at tbat capital aad pre- iramably to todee a proteat oa behalf of bis government agmlnet tbe proposed action Farther advice * recurred today from Sucre show that tbe congress bad held an excit ing aad Btcrmy Aescion to consider tb * rtBo- lution The president of tbe Chamber de clared tbe rmolutloa adopted and tbe Senate proceeded to spprcre R ta tbe midst of loud protrt * froai exrtted eenaton aad greet coafasion ia tbe Seaste chamber s that tbe * iio2 bad finally to be suspended. ornciii * ter < iftnt ? In Madrid J-end * Oct Information f Tvm AV nr . WASHINGTON. Nov IS Senor Dnpny de Ixnae. Spaamh mlaister. has received tbr following eeblesrama from the duke of Tetnaa. minister of state. Madrid MJU > JUD. Nov. ID Blanco captain gen eral of tb * Philippine * , with S.WKI men of tbr Rio * brigade , ftuoported t > y men of war. yestenlay attacked Cante Vlr4o and Noveleta. Tbe two towns were defended by over M 8 ( * nlitisfsin * tbe isthmus of Novelets be red and Ueetroyed a r-- doabt near tbe town of Vlnlcayan Oc tbe msrch 'o Uoac they had * bloody battle tleTbe bearinf and entbttttiamn of our troops was brilliant. Tbe eaua tle * to I the enemy were over 4Sft. our lo we were thirty-five killed and KB mounded. TE7TAX KADRID. Xnv IS A untaber of engage ments have taken 2 > lace in the li'ovtnc-p * of Mntanm * Havana and Pinar del B o ir. Ccha. Ttie rebfte at Teuertffc were dif- pemed TeneriSr i * a hamlet near Con- Bolarioa dfl Sur ia tbe province of de ! Hio ) Onera.1 Aroit * reports htirlnc beard rifle nnd cpnuon firing H"ar Hub : a.nd beaw firing nmr Lrfrtna. robab'y frota tte division under General MADRTD TSar li Tbe hillof Rubi ilavr ln captured after a friouacag -m > nt W * had a general six ofcecri' atid flfty- four soldiers wounded. TE7TAX. 5PA1.V HAS CITKN X6 Dezilrd J 3 3I 4rid Actliwritlf WASHINGTON Nov 18 Mr Dupuy dr borne , the Spaalsh mia ter today , ia re sponse to aa inquiry as to reports of aoter passim ; betveea tbe Caited States ma strr at Madrid Mr Taylor aad tbe authorities the e showed thr followtas cablegram tron. the mlaister of for-iini affairs- " 3AADEID. Nov. 1 * . Is * . . Spank * * Kials- tr ai Nf vr Terfc and in London re'errlnc to supposed no-e * be tween Munster Tarlor and tae Spanish gov- ernmeat a r et.tiely lalse Toerr K ao : tbe slightest foundation for such rumors which art cadoubtedly of BUhustertag TETCAN " JIAIsIXG VOLCXTEERS rOK S - - i tlie Anay Offer to Zn- tke riKhtini ; Perre. HAVANA. Sov IS The colonels of tbr Spanish tnry now to Havana have offered to raise * . .VM > volunteer * to take tbe field for Spate. Committees have beea organized to go into tbe diCereat district * of tbe cnj and collect funds for the popular cabscrlp- tioa to increase tbe navy. No details have beea received today regardiac the movr- meatf of Captaia GeaeralTeyler Ac in- curgeat named Apoliaeo Sae : will be tbo. at tbe Cah&nae fort tomorrow V Colonel Arcr. was corv < yiag supplies trom Placetas tt Fomeato wtea he was attached by insur gents eleven of vbcm were killed. roK AKHITRATIOX ITET. En lnuil Ka > , Net Offer el t Mrdlntc le-rKre ? > mln uud txtltcd States. LONDON Nov. IS The officiate of tbe foreign office deny that there it any truth in tbe story published by e New Tnrk news- ncper that tbe British ambassador at Wash ington. Sir Jcliaa Pauncelote , bts tendered the good offices of Great Britain with tbe view of avoiding trouble between tbe Caited State * cad Sptia Tbe official * say tiat beyond o-wspiptr mmors they iiive aa taovrled e of any i21culty Between the Caited States eac D - -crliitlon > . if > ecret Pelice. 1.ONDOS. Nov. 11 A dispatch froa Copeahagea to the Daily News seys that c Genasa aaercMst naraed Glab has beea arrested there , possessed of a complete collection of photographs of an the proroi- aeat Eurojieaa secret police sgeats , each with tabulated reisarki upon his character ud capacities , evidently vith s view to ealigtteaiag &a&rctistic clubB t < - ervc > > Ht-lil Hni3j. . trONDQN Nov 14 The Dally News has an Odessa dispatch which KEVE the admiralty I orders have beea issued at every Euxlne | j port that all Rustitn aaval reserve officers Stan bold themselves ia readtaesc to assentj j blr at Sevastopol if aeeood durmg December A cruiser U bastOy fitting , tbe dispatch oddB , for tbe transport of troone. ak Admit * . Itt- XBW TORK , Nov IS. A dne.tch to thr Herald from Madrid sayf Premier Canoviis del Castillo said today there bad beea Ma-iuut reserves ia Cuba , bat these ocptt not to dtscourrge Uw aatiocxJ spirit. nl > < - > lit > rt In CTTT OF MEXICO Nov. IS A severe eartbqutke of considerable duratioa was f lt at Acapulco this nionUng. Mevlrmu Minister rrJ B Ij111. . MAIiHID Ni-v 13 Geaeral Rivt pcla- clo , Mexican TB.TI Inter to Sptic , te seriously 111. ST. LOOS. Nov 1J Tb * records of tbe building cori mtssinncrs office cbow a re markable revival of bucincM sinot tbe elec- tioa Bulidiag actit it4 s ve iacrrasei roll ) 99 per cent and are : il : oa tbe i&crrase. ! Srac * election day litre hare been seventy- i srvea nenaltt Issued , repriwentiag building * i to br erevt d art a cost of t2 < MD ALEXANI > BIA lad. Nov ji Ta * Aatcr- icaa plat * glaw works started up taw morn- lac gtring employment to 406 men I VILKEf PARKE Pa Nor 13 Notises i were posted at tbe Wilktfebarr * f ilk am j today thct tbe IS per ueiu reduction in | wagas made last Auirun Vtiu Uremar d on ' tbe ilia inn J"our au > drd caads ) aa > ctttd BTUTH. Nov It U officially an nounced bare that tbe Rockefeller iron yn- dicat * bac sold VWo.Uod worta ef MinaMota err to b delivered aext wiason and tii ( mo lane o' Piiat ifctwictE err Tkt * nil < -r.u..t ' - LI.Jf-pri.uLa ri-.Lfs DC tbe Met A. t. rsrpt i 'n-LBjr ijx't int at uc t AGAIAVT THE -WIRE 'VAIL TRl 7. Jodc-e Ilal-rr' * Dcrl l nHr treinlnc it Pr ra r to Itrrnk It I p. INDIANAPOLIS Ind.S * * . It.Tb * ar- tloa of John H Baker. SRrr tb * felted Statr * pour for tb * dtetrtet of Indttna in 3f granting a temporary or * r res alatar. tbr wire sail trust freai yri onMac a aw&ufar- tttrer of wire nail cWBsry from selline mftchtiM * to a ; < * sott or es-srem not la tbe at trout , bas attracted v4- > aster tio& Tbe men wbe are eeeklnc hrpak tb * trust aadetb * Sherman anrts t law art- confide detbet they btve * * A tbe entertnr weds * Ttar oral uuiusta s * tb * court ie rraattnir thr restratafcsg * rdr convinced then * wbe beard K tbat JMta * Baker intend * to make it hot tor tbe > trtoi. v. bpr tb * cs r cnmec up on final bettrtDg. la arriSinc tb * ce h Mid A rcerorstinc Is tb * croasttoa of th * law It derive * ! t very power to t.-t f-jis law It ha * tip rirbifnl BsJttP-l-T : P fnir. a rotnhlnation or cotuiptrgtsf with unr other aorjmraxior. An aifrrejOBSspn of < orji.iru- tton * for th * purx | > * > * oljpm te r * ce and rt is trolling tbr markets SK O > * country and a-fckinc : iltfritlm ' * : - ralSMjnMJtr the txopif t * ualswful' violation m fiwnS moral * and sound public policy ajs It 9 ieron5 to tb * welfare of tbe peOfHt I * i * th * duty of the courts R § > well a tthut if the con- ireof the failed StsiBBi.o > _ xt n tb * full measure of thrtr powslr for tk - jmrp me of uppr Binc all * > octtilsnifal trusts cottihtraticm * and ootMttrtwelr-i In thi * ens" tbr rumUMpPfn wn. hpwn tc 1 > e a c-otutpirocy ofrt ( | orporB-JoTi * eti- ptr.trol tbr market prSS o r rul t - the output of enc-h tactory.Jaji to f ush out kft. anT l < v trickery isSTtntSmidi. ton to P'vvnt Bnufa urcr JK "wir nail ma chine * trom m&aufnctiEVK a.t.i i-u'h tnu- chitie * for any one exceftm K > enibr of the combination Tai * trosajhas bv hri > > ry atifl itJtimlflEtiati p i 11 * fMI ts * wi-f nail rnLnufartu-ini : compurry 4(1 ( AJ > fl - on Ind. from cut o cosjvf : uwful'v t-n- ' rfd teto with thr plaMflK to furnmh thm forty wire niul s ' ts > f * 7X1C & ' - tion on th < ! r part jBrt-cMy afTcct * tb * irt-rs-n-e poaoWBrcr hwtfn tb * Ptate of Indiana R * * statr of Ohio and fsJl * trthin thr ve > iy tetter of the a.ctl- : truM law of Juy , afh. Tb-- . ino douM it ) trty rr.infl that Mfeh -ombniitior. l > illegal and that ttJ > jsyjiofy are violn- trv * of sound poaswTh - cotntnon law KP P > IR'V forbids thi ortraMention of itarb romhinatlotis comgflr6 or num-rfu ? rorpoTtotlt n or firms XMEf arr QLncrous to tbe pence ( ind good MOV of ci" ! and they sarogat * to tbeiatsswe * "hr exe rl * of po r * detrnpt } > < e ot-ILfar right of frw cam * etltloti In thr nuLrlssJ * of the roui.try and l > y thjagjrr * str * flwwer and icflo- onre imprril the free aad * mre adrolnmra- tioa of JUF'ice. , A * I Skia ta tbr ctW f th Nution : Harrow company agaJssK * ? ui' k e * ul iC Fed. renortF ) . "In a caMf dcu'I fe * . tt my duty to rmolf * tt SB * u < h L w&v us will not lcd tbe counttnarf of ihe c un to the creation of coia l sti-T ITJ or monopolies" Trv hsifv & re. " rrown to alonniiig prop'i-tlan * ) jftoB ttie c.i . < to tbr- full erttrt of tbelijjjywti n.igbt to fiist-ountetiunre &nd i * | B > th > m Tb * final outcmnc of fWlf ea * * i * looked far wita Irterest by ia3Ksr'L. erT everv- where. tor It I * tb * IntflcStor of caii-trcut maau : artu"ers nm only l thfcfe but It trveral otbrrr to brgia jrtvee' r.rp ccber tn. tr if tb * Oectssj * f Jipe Baker ahtD prov * : o b grrf tari * WILt OF MRS. IV U , V\\DKnBILT. Elt-ven r NEW TOHK Nov. " L-Chat.r ey H Depew toSay filed for ac b- b - v .11 of tbt late Kra. TTiUiam H. "tfjsfc , il ill Her es tate be said , wa * worth iShom fi mi 'MIO T- ber sister Margaret A. sVCTtiev and acr < brother Samuel Kststun.sbr care es-r Uf W absc.utely. aad { asfM i trust tbe > ormcr s m.vt fund to st ber death tc Loam * . TaaaerblU Kerr , spf Che sKscVs s-t * H ssc * benedt of Brbrf Ktaswm VaaoerbUt Kscsssi is left the . - in one-hall of J1J5. < H W. tbe eicput : > - a pay hua as much of it as b deemed nwei- sary lor bis scppart and aay , cunn.Ut.o- to b- paid to bit cbJdrca the oiber half to t inrected for Jcsephtee De Vloi : Kisaam " .c aanoirv of II uuc ie teft t the dcscead- aat cousin * Barn * * mud Josrphiae Kls- aaa .aad tbe came iaasnes to ME Harrw ! L. Buticn. Heitca dtnaea , Mrs Ftaii ) ' It nnrot aa3 Urc M ude Branu-cham Tec thousand dollars IE lest in trwt 'ur M Cyrtaia Aurtry and t2t > JWO ia trust for Beajamln G Maclrf-liaA. AU tbe testators Jew-dry , lace * etd qjiipr personal effects are left to ber living ciiii- drea. George W Tsmderbilt git * i.w mother's pew its St BKrtbotaBiew' * church To tbe rectors aad resttrmen Of tbe church is left absolutely SSaM . t * be kept in- rested aad tht- income applied to the use * at the church and tLe expense * of the pari&b houce on Fcirty-ceccr. 3 street. Thr reefiuary ictate is drrided between ilrm. Bromley Samuel B. KjtKam tbe child of A * Ktbsam aad tbe oae-fourth between Joaepiiw Dr lion sam aad Ethel Kiesam. ' " oraeliuF w K aad George W Tsaderhtlt are aamed as executors _ _ JLX ClUcr-treV Orljrlual IClsjij ? rln. l Bnlld- Intr G t- . Iji lit nature CHICAGO Nov IS Spnla from 'be reias of tbe tnar.Hal traiaiag sdMMA. which burned last eight set fire today to tbe old Ceatral High school buUdmj : oa tCwa Monroe street. Tbe old Central * as used'lfy the Board of Sdccatioa as s warehons * aad bad $80 Olil worth of echool eupvliec fs > ar d ia it These were completely destroyed. Tbe fiaaes rapidly spread tbrocgtaofR tbe buildiag end ia a short time it wat ) la nuns several barrels stored in tb * baseatent exploded and sent debris fvtac ; la every flretu a , but no one was injured Several surrounding birQdia were tem- porarJy in imminent deafer on account of the high wiad prevailing Tbe loss ta the build.ns is 120 009. Xo insurance wat carried Tbe lose oa the aMOtrr.l tnuaiag scfcool w&s tTT ( wa f ully insured. POET WOHTH. Tex. . Ncv 13 The bara and stables at Colonel Bob Maddox s toct farm were destroyed l > y fire this mora- lag. low fully Kf , WHi. Tbe fire is said to heve beea of incendiary origin. Xine fine borsec were buried ta death One of tb * horses burned was a splendid i'-year-od named Buatfier. for waicb Colcnel M&ddox bad refused s cash o er I ifWO. He v&lues the aorsee buraed at " IA A MOfX C1TT IIOTCU r ur Men Hold t ! i Sana lu n Kolil Mnnurr S3OTX CTTT. Sov. ( Special T le- gram.j Four jsen , Rytitrt Xue tt Bea aufi- aiaa Harry Kiag c&A Qrr ? Grtvce were today held to tbe e tni ttry oa the charge of robbing Tiimfc Kcag a young maa from Minnesota , l&st nlgdrt. King wac ia a cbeap hotel , and had siaf tbe acgualat- aaee of Nugfat and HvCanic IL a aalooa He as aw i iu the hft\w $ by four mea who held him aad took J * tram hu packets Tbey did aot gel all * f money and b * managed to set out ta tint street v bere tbry rest wed tad- efforts fdt titc. Kiag identified all four Tl tf It eely one of maay robb < Tiet that liiv-e lxn froa tbe hotel in tbs- past ftw yrawn ( . > . tltr- U. TOSK. NST U SUTTOM.U PUs- ted > y gr > > atrd ! : trt of udmtni tru- Uon to Mifj. Violet - 'j : irow ot. tbr estate of Fr4 St Scamr * . fo inerly t-dltor of "utbag Tntfsu.u. . SvuJu.-d at co m * and was t * < juf tubed u > Wlss Bru c bj : > omrfi wbo iwa * raEasfed te marry ber The fiuaily st Mr SemeTtrwffuwn d the wr.L but ufler it tew ! it vac CMitiiiaci fey tae surruru.t * MIC * Prwwn i a daughter of tht lauB Grate Brown of jet. Uaui * wbo run far vlc pj-i , - . wi tbe Uckw U > iiniiiite ii > l * .4i > u In tin Oltl Town m'EeT rXJON , O. , V r U.-A my * ? rl ttc explosion of dyiicsEitt SB U - court boue yard br - todur Ijrcar every guuw IB tbe onUuust is.udjWf , pd ch. t i ri-d ius t * ' . . ( . ( , , t i itwr L.U i. < -jj t i' K v L ) < ' ' rTr ii- ' - t * i' - , . j t- , ' h.r. Bi r 1 , Vr i T , f ' , * ! LJ < a l ! i . .L- : -i r > * rr x ' IOWA WILL EARN A BOMS 3 ; ti Aij ) iiatef Iroellfal Speed ' Irlil. ECIPSE All tbnt the Hiehlp AVtII Art n Hnndkorar Prr > tH t Her llullile > r > After U > r f- flt-inl Trt l 7'rtju PHILADELPHIA NPV IS Tbe big * * - poia ? battlrahip Iowa returned tats evening from ber builders trial trip oS tbe Dela ware capes Tbe trial was essentially aa engineer's trial to give tbe shir' * bnUderi as idea of tbe power of tbe engines and tbe way la which they worked , and tbr BBeed developed was a secondary considera tion of tbe trip Nevertheless , oa a twp- bcnrr * ' burst of speed this moraiag tbe shir averaged 1EJ7 tacts at IIS revolutiont | of tbe iicrewa. This is twenty-sere * one- ' bnadredth * of a knot more tbaa tbe contract speed of tbe rrsoel calls for. aad tbat tbr Iowa to capable of better time thaa thi * was shewn wbea she was occasionally putted up to tbe erven teen-knot notch The run this morning was mad * under forced drawcht. but with ordinary cati. ane half tbe distance was ta tbe face of tbe rt - tns northwest gale and quite a heavy sea It te sjiprOTltnstfly abowa tbat tbe engine * developed about 11.000 horse power , which is 1.380 more tbaa wac del eloped by thr en gine * of tbe Indiana on tba : ship's official trial No requirement * of bor e power art exacted in tbe ship r contract , bat she must make a speed of sixteen knots on her of ficial trial. Per every quarter of knot above thi * b builders will receive a pre mium of WW.OW It is expected tir shi ; will be ready to go on ber oQci&l trip abnat tb * middle of February and by tba ; time she will be r > nearly completed tba : she eaa go Into commission ia March. CHTEP XASi nT * * REPORT O SAW. - - Cfiit nf -J-rrn Pr WASHINGTON Nav IS ( More than TS per cent of tb * et'teted aien of our navy are aow American citizens and more tbaa KS per teat of tbe apprentice boys are Amer ican bora , accordiag to tbe tatemeatc oi Admiral Bmey chief of tbe Bureau o ? Navigation , in hi * aannal report During tbe rear UK men tad HC apprentice * de serted by tar tbe greater number of deser tions being at home ports Tbe record for long distance cruising U now carried by tbe old time cruiser Qeses which sailed 16.WS miles during tbe year Tbe Newark < -ame next with 14TCT. miles to her crecM. and slngularlv enough the third place is bcid py tbe Monterey never deeigr d aa a cruisin ? vessel , which t aned 1S.1HS miles Tb * report of th * crperiateadeat of tbr naval academy which U appended to Admi ral Kanway's reflort. ccmtai&B tb * usual rerotcaieadatiac ac to tbe prorisioa of twc aniac vessel * for trailing tbe cadets la uraaudship Tbe suK > n&tench > nt endeavor * to meet tbe argument that such training ic th * us * of sails i * out of date by tbe con- teaaon that it aevertheleM educates tae aerves and brata aad incaicatea tie liablt itf yfffTTi d _ He also bas endeavored te .ntafO t aa Injffiam ajj * b cadet ic Mrs9 swIiL. .iTMiinK. Browne , * rfr. ) , to fflvM't ' their attention from foot ban base ball and uiuh games , vhich he regards a * unfit fo- sailorc One of th * most important recos mfndauonr ic that & pan graduate cocre a ! traiiuag be adapted at tbe naval acadez : ; to place tbe inniir.ioc on a footing itt foreign naval scauols. It is also recom mended tbat tbe entrance age of cadeti br redocad to fifteen years that tbe connse o ! stadies br reduced from s > x to four year * aad tbat aftei a three years' cruise the ca dets be required to take tbe post graduate course. course.AXtXOS AXtXOS AVI1X STAT AT HO5IE- Hnjioe Cannot Tulie Uln t S tlie-ra Water * . WASHINGTON Nov 15 Tb * eomlaE of Admiral Bunce to 'VTarfaiagtaa to coasnit Secretary Herbert respet-tiag tbe arra&ge- meat tor a winter p-ograra for the fleet erercwes of tbe North Atlaati : aquadroa bas no bearing wb&lever upon acy foreign relations of tbe Caned States whatever According to Secretary .Herbert n ss tbr intention la * : spring vbea the squadron was j.laced uz.d r Secretary Herbert to fol io * ' Usf si c mcr drills oa tbe nortberu coest by a series of winter drills that would aecessaray tike pla e ia warmer watrra Had there beea no pending issues such a ? tie Tenesuelca boundary aad tbe Cuban revolt that might cans * tbe movements of the fleet to hvr a warlike significance tbr SAurctary culd here dispatched tie squad ron to its cud winter training ground ia tbe Test Indian waters or evea farther south but it is probable tbe crui * ° must be aban doned Jutt as was tbe contemplated cruise of the squadron to tbe epleadid naval drill waters of tbe bay of Paria oa tbe coast of Yenez lela , which was am ordered last wia- tcr nolely oa tbe ground that the appear ance of a bit Cert in tbe West ladles would he misconstrued Therefor * it ic probable the prbgr&a : tthiUi ie yet to br arranged will be limited to exwctses of the Caess- peait i caret tud UK Can > .iaa TL-XAi XOT MICH GOOD. - > om ' Sturtllnc Cnzit-trcctlciu. WASEISffTON Nov 13 The taquirj which li proLeeding at tbr New Tork azvy yard behind closed deere Is to tbe circiua- stacccs under vticb th * Tese * aaal : at ber dock recfotly , it reported bere. bas brought to light a 1'rtiHT starUiag struc- rur&l weskaess ia thr chip It wae noted here itb surprise that tbe ttlegraphic re ports of tbe tiafciag of the Ttxzs showed 'Bet one eag ae loom filled through tbe wtier tight doors ctoaing it oC from tbe adjoining engine room Tiue led to laveEti- gE-tion tiid n has beea found tbat tbr bnlkbeads separaiias tbe ship isto eup- pwodly water tigbt compartmeats are so light they cp-iag under the pressure of water aad ecus * great lealu. AltiiontA tbe masaziae is separated from tbe engine rooms by a coatiauous bulkhead vltbout a door opeaiag. n wts BOOC filled by tbe water. which ran arouad the edges tv $ through tbt seamc of tbe metal- A naval expert is authority for tb * state- meat that if tbr Texas' sea valve bad broke * as it did out st ca the vessel would surely have fouBAered owing to the tailurc of tbr bulkheads aad daor . TO PRETEXT tX ) UI > ia.\S AT STBA. \iy WASHINGTON Na > IS. Tbe revised in- tri-natianal rules to prevent ccUtatons at sea , drafted by the Washington Interna tional Marine contereacr. will probably pt into efieit oa tbe 1st of aec July. Tbr officer * of tbe State sad Treasury depart- muiu have been workuag oaraastly te tate ecd tine * adjeurnmeat of coapmw. aad Great Britain is co-operati c with the Caited States ia ceccnng tbt attests of the lew rt-maicine satloas bich bave not ytt uoepuid tbr aew rules Tbe following actions bave agresfl te adopt tbe rulrs ai > d ecforo * tben after July ; Or at Britain Germany , Praact. Do- mark Eussia. Italy rarrugal Austria. Bel gium Spala , Hawaii Jxpaa , Mexico , Guate mala ChHt Huadura * TTi iie na-iatit it & ficd OE'rc nut INKHi * or n)0--e 'Lkc f\t f f n' f . - , i e TI- * , < ' 11 * " rt rrt : . t sEt J Jt tu'f c " Ittn ; c i 'si ft JrvkJ' iweitL TLf I l EE BULLETIN. i a * nf 'loudin * * * T Oat ae liitnrmrr. C ao < - -.oni-ti-r. IVomrn at KrtmwI.T H Mj * > Mactiate * J nU Oat. ewetary H * rtRt wi the Naty. X Her HE Grt > It * Mater Mark Hautia a 4 tin XttrUtmti. ir the An < Yt > fK. & Treaty. * V.dJtortnl am ! C i iM > rt > t. * . -lnc Ur - . AcaiBAt m LJttrnJn Bunk. llititltttf * Ti-tlmonr IB the Hit-rex Cure. E. Ouwfl HlnCp ! Marten. A2alr att < Bth Otuah * . . T. t HiHicrr l .ltd 1'lManeial Nrwu. * - - * > r me ljt Week. Xrrirn HL3 K. IZxtrtit f C wOf > iTaU n In Aiucrtttu General Gr ut > Twmti at KitrrvMo. f. llnaclH" CmMty * * . Vnlr Cii vi . * - Itrurt- for tbr > rhr k Election. "Winter Train -rhMt l - > Aa < j > i- * . In fanf V ar " Itli * > jmln. IB. la the n M of LUcrtrtrlty. 11. Aerial Enclijf f r "W artaro. H M t niur f the KJd.aa ] > rit. IS. MaO.nrt * . " Itlttof r < * HiinIur G i lfk Netherlands r-ar'I and "ru-s v coatrolllaf about f out' * tone of Kb pptap Mwnllftr Trrt r Pol * m . < . WASHINGTON Nev IS Tbe Called State * monitor Titror. which left tbe aiivy yard yesterday anchored at Sandy Hoot ; UK aigbt. At F 30 tit * atnrning ebe pw out to sea to niak * an official trial of tbe pneumatic appliance * o ? ber puns and car riages On AuguM 2 last the r nufac- turers tMt was made and it ws * very satle- factcry n He-Iono to t nrlr < nitt. WASHINGTON. NCT 12 The Navy a- nartmeat hat made tbr total reserve pay- meat on th torpedo boat Erlcsoa and ah * li now the r > roi > erty of the gcuerameat. ncirr rota Axa nr\ottR. Part f n Soult Stc. Marie nnd TrU n Ttilr. SAVLT FTK. MARIE Mith Nor IS The Canadian n earner Arjidia which ha hpct apreral dar * 1 * athore on the rocka near M.chipi'-otrn river and will be a total leas The matter of the eteaffier Captair ClitTord with four of th * crrw reached pert tonight in a aallboat beionrinc to the ligbtbouat department Since a week ape rhuradar they have been fipitlns for life aeainEt cold and hunger in the bleak , desolate wildc on the Canadian abore ol Lake Superior The Aiadia mtanurtu BOC ton and va loaded w uh 30 WiO t > u bfl * at bect She clea-efi from Ton 'William lac : WeScaeday for Kicftrtoa "We beaded for abottsr ' . were at Mirh'.j'l- eotMi river when a bea T term w-t in tnd at 10 o clock Tburnday Lipbt we itrucfc the rockc " aaid Captain CiiCord tonight "The sea iocrcaeed and eon after midnight * 'f were compelled to ab&fidoa the ateainer Our crpir of Teceen men too ) : a supply o ! provitWof and heddlnc achore in the beau We tuih a rate shelter c > n the beach Drar the steamer aca remtlned there two daye Ttoe tnnOutiwm * TCTT rtd sad all handt suffered Tbere wac no habitcUon vithic many mTIfet and the cotictry ai verjr roucb and wooded. Th weatker moderated after rwo day * and leariag fra mea IP watch the i * Hauler. 1fo iMnntnUj , JKiaai PW t t the fw yawl boat * and xtRrtefl ow for the nearest pen "The boatt werr well ladrn with men end proTietaDc. VCf arrrred a : Gareantua Satur day nipi-t. . Lresviup enough proriKioct four of us emharkf a m tfar 1 let Ultras ? aaUboai to make &n attempt to reach SauJt Ste Mum But we n 't hear ; weat&er and near Uamainor we were f arced u > land acam Tb decolaxe chararter of the country continued and our prcrUaotis ran low. Fortunately a atrUtmm waa ducor red and we obtained food "The weather moderated UUa moraine and we reached port tfeu afternoon all right I tm afraid the men l ft at G&reantua Will euffer from hunrer if we ere oat enabled to reach them it a bert time There are twt-'rc men there tec the proii&iosc ill laat tieu. but two dayc longer " Caj.taio Clifford and tbe members of hit rrew will lete tomorrow if the weather permit * for the scene of tht- wreck On tit vay be wil ! pick up the men at Gargantua , r OM THE FROZITV KEGIOXS. Snrthr Way t tlieertji 1'elc Ue * TTii-osKh AlacUau V * altrs. . LAWRENCE. Kan. . Nor IS Pro ! L. L. Dycht. th * Arctic erplorw. hai joa re turned borne tfter Eve na&tfes tbeence in AUubs. in search of " " " "ffr for tht Kan- eat university. The trip be tnnmiace * at hfins been most succeasfcl. Wlien he w&s aaked about aortb pole pasaase through the Aiaakaa route. Prcf Prche replied that he thought it wa per fectly feuible. aod thtt hii ehtp captain and vhsJers had told him that it as often poMiDle to go & far nona as U degrees and that aame of the whaler * were of the belief that some seasons it would be poaiible ta sail clear through to the north pole on account of the shiftias ol tb * ice. Prof tncae 2jd It w e too early yet to think about another trip to that country he iattatted that he zaisflt try it TEKHiriO n.tLE * OL.UCE Crt-n Ilf rnek n Itlji'n njwllli DlUlpnlty. Nov 13 The sibocner Brenton wac drives c&bore just eact of the river pJen thli oammg in & terrific turn ) of wind and snow The life-earing crew succeeded , after much difficulty in rcocu ins tbe crew of five men The schorner to P DUE dirt hard tad viU sooa be & total reck The schooner Marine City. eotJ laieaRae alao blown aahore near the river entrtaee but * aa pulled oE without being serioualy damaged The wind it blow in 5 forty aie ! an hour from the aorthwect and is a compaaiei by a Hinding answ norm. A very heavy eea k rua&ias cad bat lew veMtlc ere out"U "U oman -i < > < it Jlpr Hn. ST LCrtTS. Nor 12 A p-ciu ] 10 th * - pubii- from Silei. Mo sayc This afternoon MTK Vi-ry Cox bet bad probalilj' ft tally woundtti tier hut band. Aimer Cox , &n iu- ufctriou * younr ftrtntr living JM-ar her * . and tftfnrwd shot fa > rx-tf t&rouet ti > hetrt. Tor aom < - tire * Jira Cut 1m lioen df-miured , and CMr < lames Jiaii iK-tt wutriHng her < ! O * ! T for geit-raJ mor-h sbf hJ1 utrunf * haiu ) < inatiuns and bad citr- ri d a rover coiisiiuitlr Her hu'liand , Qo cvr-r , pi.ld no atitr.iioo to her tiirenu for Hsrrli-osik ami MeKJnlcr- Conn. . ; ov. 13 Tt.r y awa etca over 77 ruim of as * , sat nt dioat-r at the t'niiud Stains hotel yi ier- dar aftimoon TUejfr tbe nienii.fre of tbt HjOTMKin Veteroo tutiiuuauaa. bud had rotud for CnenU Wininjo Henry Harrisuc in 1MU uad for iil erand on , Benjumir. Hurrlttua in 1KM and 1 K Tbt dinner to day mu. * jlvt-n to celfbrui * ibt t-let-tiou ur UxKiracy and Hobart , for oibom i-ncb o ! the reter&aa M mu < < r Cwllidr in .Nriv 1 rl Ilnrbiir XEW TDEK. XMIS Tbe steamaaip Persia on * of tbr. big iitv , frelgiitt-r * of tbr Hamburg-Ameriita lint. wbll inward hound ie the harbor tonight ccillidcl a , \ t ui oywa. * " ) bound ' H.KWIMsu i tr Sc 'ur tiat. . ! urr. < i : > i.ijrri ntt ti r \ . < - v. f b 'i - : T t , - ! . _ .t ij , . ' ' - ' ' ' < i > 't u I > - , . . , - - 1. f r , M 5 , freuu | . frj * - fc ; i. w uc V * NATIONAL W. C. T. U , MEETS i Talk ? 4 the at si. Leek. LATEST SESSION Or ITS KTHO DfES HELD Annnnl tf tlir llcrr * t n Mn t GrntltJ'luc ( it Grttrrtli ST. LC nS New is The twraty-a annual convention of the National Womrt i Cfcrintiaa. Tcuperanre union opened n Mnair han today with the srejitest attrca- anr * of any one prrt-tottaly held At 1m't CM ) accredited delerate * wwc pretend ad many more vtoltors from rery ponint nf the country Amone the dtetlaruitt' i workate in ptUanthroplc told * tt : > . - anee are KiM AOMB X. Hct of RaltLd. erretary of th "WorWi TTomea Ckri t.&a Tempcranre ttttoti Mr * . Hand Borti of tbe Aj&ericaa To'.unteew , Mrs. Gw-yaeta Tancb&a of Walet ; Mtn Rebecca Krikorifta o ! Armenia and Rev F P Greene. * rrey of the Armenian relief committee New 1 o U _ Three raalona s day tor 8ve days wl.1 l > e held dTirlns the cocveaiioa. SxerctM * were begtiti ac early w E o clojk , a prayer aawtlnp being held n Schuyler XeB-orlal borne at al = h Xt Eliiabeti W Grwunood of Nrw To-te. world's sad aauoaal aec-Marr cf th * ia- geUatic department a * 'w rr Music hall la which t e coavrotioB air % wa appropriatnly decorated wita the com- * of the order , white , fcctonas of thw ro c bring huag from the balcony lntcrape3 with the atari and Kripes Over the ln > - menae stage between two immen r I - " 2 State * Halts hung a BntiRh flap. abr < s tueh a a large sigo with the wrd " P- ! come" upon It BeT w these wa * a bups banner bparini ! the words "The Star o ! H . > r > 9 of the Tnrperaace Beform Staads Over .bg School House " It wa ( oa ia rably after o'rlocl ; 'fc ? hoar scheduled for meeting. ben Mwi PraapCT S WUlard. aatlwial preaidtii , called th * meeting to order Prrriout a this all the women identified with ti > s "Ongtnal Crusade' were called tc the p. - - form. Aa HIM 'Willard stepped to tbe froat she waa received with a salute of wariag haaakerthicfa. The e cri e beet a with the read &g respoas-tvely of tbs crusade pstlm. tht One Hundred and For y- Suta lira Hearietta L Mocroe. president o ! the 'Womea'cHsristiaa Temperaaoe unitin c' Ohio oBe-ed up a prayer , the deles * * stasidiac After tbe stngiag of tbe cruna3 hymn "Gjre to the Wind * Thy Feitra ' ! ; Boil * ef the ex-oario members were c-l : by tbe recording secretary , Mrs Clara C. HoSman of Missouri Tbe report of the executive Knrin'f-s ' waa then sade It wac in eCert a rtt' "t of what had been doae at the BiprUcr nf the rooxoi ttee yesterday and related to 'fca ork of tbe convention and the aatinM.1 naioa It wm * decided to make Marrh 0. birthday of General Neal Dow a pronlbjt. .n rally dky.MISS MISS tmiAHD'S "TALK" There ac ouie more staging and Mts WiLard thea mafle a address She L d thnt her sanual addrcM partly rn pari hn the iU tcmt to worU for tb * Am & > un refugres la Marwllle * . juid eicee that time | it had been ImpoasfW * for acr to eamie : her menaiige. Sb thereere rr-e a 3tfiu ± loa wac of tb * prrvicus convention. . hld aere la 1RSA. and Misa Willard added "W * heve marched far rinc * tben tbe aiigamrctF of parties have changed tbe labor saovem < i.t has takta on propotloas so vast that ro one speaks lightly of it any more. , * ptgipVe sr * forging their Ty to tie Troi _ , miaguided often miking pit&djiatbc ic tba wUdeniess following faler lights , aad rje- gatiag thr fight for a clear brain to the SpariaL bund o ! prohifaitioaiBta wben if labor would ia. U must make a tem perance reform tbr ark of God to b burns ia the very van of its ewlft gathering srray. la IBM some of us aat up all aigbt wltb the committee on resolutions of tbr g cct la ! > : > r conreaticn with its thousand delega < r. pleading with them to put a prohibition ard a bnme protection plaak ia their platfo-n cad they would not. " Tbe speaker said tbat prohibition : n pohs > has been is now and is to be thr cialMdud protest of tbe borne IET T * * * tbr sulo t. Wben the white rfbbcn women plighted - : - faith to tbe movfment it bad polled OL v lO.BOO voies. In 11M tb * number n e 3 ISO 000. Bad bad gone oa slowly : arrearg : naul Sid 800 bad been gathered but cv.'g : e tbe gifcat cemrrcteny concert leg tbtrra coinage of silver party , like every ota < - % had split in twaji tbi * memorable year at 18M. and Lbe vote * bad fallen ifi to about 200.080 oat of 14 000 000 ballota. Xise Willard toncbed on tbt wort dons for tempcraace ta tbe silver states , aad then cpoke of tbe Armenians aad tite e.x- celleat work doae by Mrs. Steteiis of Maiae Mrs. Pecsendea and Mue Black e'l of Massachusetts in finding bomes for tie refugees Beat over ty herself ead Lti" Henry Somerset. She praised tbe Armet laa relief committee and tbr Salvation army \ - the admirable work done by them so laat nearly 4&D friendless mm bad found friends aad occupations She stated that tbe * or j : s Women's Christian Temperance union in tended to tnh * up th * work for the Anm : j- ans as aa Important pan of its rtiiicatorc ; they would probably found a cui iy : a Cyprus for tb * voaies aad chjdrfn Taie trss f olios rd by aa evsagelisaic bou * . presided over by Her Alice Ruth Palmer oi Minnesota. Thr coasideratloa of miscel laneous btieitirss closed the start , mg see.eic.ii. At tbe sltrrnooc seeclaa Mrs Mary Cu.-t- Ikcd. president of the North Carolina uiuot. . oiened tbe mefting with prajer after wti a a letter of Lady Hears Soaierset was rtacl. It was addresiied "To My Coitrtclct of the Netloaal TTomea E Cbristiaa Ttniitr- oaDe t'r.ioa " and said la ptrt " 1 prufotrt-dly regret Uit tae eoajilj'-c- tioas here IE tba enierprisce te naaa I am pledged uad tbe duties EI o .ij OL : of my Bioibers icpaired ieidtb rcafle : it ia- poaaible for rae to croes tbr ciieax. ihi. ' 1 might receive tbe lapetus and iac ; < irci.oa always imparted by association v th ny : American tUiter * of thr vhit * ribbon it is as ecru a ai anything ia th * clump nc lite caa be ttat I ehatl attend .ie World u Women's Cajtstioa Temperaacr vulun con vention in C&aada next antuma. aad I am earnestly that your aaaual mei-.Lc aiay br held ia same city aot far ewa ? but that 1 may be able to be prcsert at treat gtttber ng. as well as the b.tntit : "The cause of Armenia it eaitanned ia ail our beam , cad 1 feel you wiil jnaa broadly and wisely to comcrt tbo e vboce ua peakable cUamtty should opea to tlit-ia the door of every Christian b art and boat " REPOHTf ON THJB TEAH'S WO&.K Bepons on tb * yetr'E worU T U ua.oa were thea prein-tited. Tbe report of tb * cor.-Bspoadlas cocretary , MIT. Catberiug Lent Stevenson of Xasaac bu- setu sbowed ti.a * . durinc tbe year 117F. new union * bad bcrn organized , the gain ia membership bfiag 1L.ESS. The gain bnw- e < t > r had bora nB e ! ay L cerrespondta ? lu.t. . A jmla ia mcmbprtihlp aad bttec made a Xew Jersey JtUrj-laafl JilcWgaa. MauaUiu- wu Kentucky Virginia , Louwiftaa. Coio- rado Mlasiasippl , Iowa. . Majiowri. Tto- B # BE New Hampshire TCK-.E tijs-rict oj Columbia South Dakota Nirih I > tto-a. iatern Waebtngtoc Ccaarrtlc t G orr.a. Florida , fiat Arkansas Wrornlcg ladun Terrnory Alabama , Oregon Mam * t J Bbode th * order of tbs'atn , IL. dicatlne the relativer.tit Tbere we-e in niinote. KaacM. Nebraska PCLD- Okio kouth Chltfortiir. . : . Tork , CUUarnia. Vwsaott , . West Virtmia Idaba. N * Mexico , NtH'sda Oi.lfiitzr.a Arizona ltdiaaa % * * irn Wafcbtnr' r Iit.iwtrt Moiuna North ' ci ' i.a aru ( ! . t < "tro.ta Tt.e T. ' ( ' IH itt -r- Ji < en M. t w fci'Ltuif s. * ttra UEtt , lit !