Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1896, Image 1

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Bpftukl Graml Hat & Karroo Itwpe in a '
Batik -vritii tbf Onbmm ; . j
Tlir - - Coin in iik Advnnt-e o :
K < ntk In I'lnnr del It In nit Cnj > -
tuin ( Itnfftt nt lleiid cil
tbc Mnln Our.
HA VAX * . N v. IS Tbf lolnswiiic ftetalH
liarc been raCehwd from tbe front of tbf ;
capture of tbe Itmurpent positions in Uie I
mountains of El Rubl. province of J'inar del
Rio by tht- force * untVor the command of
Caputn General "W'ejler , exclUHlvel ; an
nounced by tbe Aimoclbted prea * The oper
ations begun on Mentis ? last. The plan of
the * caplu'n general wae to udvauce on th *
IiiHlirpent ] > ofiltions with hit. foree * divided
into three columns General Manor at the
hi ad of nix battalions of all armt , e-nterefl
tbe nib ntttuouF dl-strlct by Manuullta.
General Qchapue wltb four battalions from
Art em is a I'titeired the mountains by way
of Caajabo. while Colonel Se-gura with
his column adtanced from Soron on thi
eiiem ; r position
Captain General We-.tlnr wltb tbe Relna ,
Castillo. America Btrce ona and Puerto
Rico battalions and six field plece-s pushed
forward from Mariel in ordeir to attack the
1nnurpe-ut front and enter a probable outlet
from tbe mountains Tht insurgents prob-
atil ; thoucht thet bad strong positions and
no doubt thoupbt tbe ; covered tht strongest
jKilntK of defense
G < meral Eehngue udtanted from Artemlsa
toward Catojabt ) anfl thence Into tbe moun
tains had the better road and his tronps
wire the first to e-npape tbe enem ; After
Mifttctntng a sharp fin these tniops captured
the insurgents position In tbe pens to tbe
south entrance of the mountains
At daylight on Tuesda ; tbe tronps of Gen
eral Bcbapue were relnforce-d b ; tbe col
umn oommanded by General Agullar and the
combined forces at the point of tbe bayonet
captured in sure-union all the insurgent
positions The enem ; de-fende-d bis works
with temnrltt but the Spanish troops suc
ceeded in occuiing the heights of Kl Rubi
the principal Insurgent de-fenst in the vicin
ity of the milltar ; line It Is belle-ted that
tbe greater pert of the Insurpents In the
protlnee of Plntr del Rio tool part in this
The Spanish troops lost six men killefl
end hud General Eehapue. six officers of
minor rank und ftft-four soldiers wounded
The Insurpents left seven men kllle-d on the
field Their actual loss Is not known Gen
eral Echapuc was shot in the hip after tht
actual fighting wus oter
During the encupenient quite a shower
of bullets fell oter Gene-ral 'Wcyler and hlr
staff whereupon somebody expreHMid bul
let ; as to tbe safet ; of tbe captain gen
eral Tt > this the letter replied "Tht bul
let which will kill me Is not tet cact'
Tbc Insurpents hate attacked tbe town
< f Camono-a In the protluce of Mctaueas
AfUir .firing upon the place for Ctr hours
the lire bcinc re-turned bj the garrison the
enemy retreated leoilnp four men killed
plundering stored burning several bouet *
L.n4 wemnfllnp a woman
A dlxpatcb from Alalanzas today nays ten
pe-rootis who werelmprlboued on politi
cal charg-cc hate been releaM-d Tbe Insur-
rents hate de-strot > d with tbc use of dyna
mite a .bridge ut Calderson. . province of Ma-
tanras at about tbe time a prlnone-r uata
vat due to ere * * It
Accounts tiom General "tt'cjlcr's field of
ope-ratlous sa ; that the insurgents cncamp-
ment in the mountains of Rubl and lfi ( <
Swilllngs lately abandoned have bee-n de-
rtroed and the household effects scattered
throuch tbe woods
An epidemic of feter and smallpox it is
reported pretaih in tbr Insurgent camp
and among famlllm. causing great mor-
talit ; , us man ; as five or MX members o'
a fumll ; hating died from the disease
Macoo Mil1 thi other insurgent leadcrc
ore- now in tbe mountain retreatE and tht
Spanish columns art continuing their com
bined movements against them in pursuance
of General \Velers plun
Sl > r. H Premier Ace-i tli - Adiifr
of Minister 7'njlui.
MADRID Not 12 XVith regard to thi
dispatches from Washington on thi subject
of the posslblllt ; of trouble between thi
Vnlted Sutet and Spain it IE bomi-ofliciall ;
denied that tbe Spanish premier , Senor
Cunotur del Cabtillo has communicated wltb
the powers with a view to seeking support
cgalnst the I'lilte-d State * It Is explalne-d
that tin nor ; is probably a re-vital of the
re-port clnulute-d in Auput-t lait .when Spain
prepared a memorandum on Cuban relations
wltb the Vnlted States sugre.ting that the
powers uiulst Spain in bringing amicablt
Iiii'nsute to bear on the timed State *
On the occasion indicated and h ; tbe
tidviic of the auihiuifcadort. of the potters the
Spanish minister of foreign affaire consulted
wl'b tbe VnlteJ States minislej at Mudrld
be-fore sending the memorandum It was
the tiew of Mlniste-r Tut lor that tht dispatch
< if suih a note dlnctlt alter President Cle-vc--
Ir.u ' s proc-Jainaliou calling for olwert HIICI
of the neuttallt ; lu\v would be culculate-d
t0 fceriouhl ; affect tlie re-lationt between
Pjiain iinfl tin X ultc-d States and In defer
t-ni e to that expre-fcslon the Spanish
of foreign affairt. Uhsured Mlnlstei TaIor
tkut tin memorandum vould be withhuld
dun that no ntTensi wae intended to
President Cleteiland 01 tc the pot eminent of
the Vulteid States , and Spain has enl ; cle-
slie-d to i-muid tbe pot-ers with Uit-tiew of
cputlugencietwhl'h niigbi arise out of tin
pre-nldential eJe > ctinr
It is now added thai the powlbillty of war
be'we-en tbe Vinte-d State > s nnd Spain Is rc-
parded us being i u > lt. nnd it is jiaintefl
out that so far us desiring to force trouble
wltb tbi I'nlte-d States Spain remained p r-
feetlj neutral during the preKldcatlal uleo-
ivmusn mmuIICK nv crnivs.
> -luinUli Or inmliinrUeil lij IIINUI-
ceiit * . nnd I'orccd to lt * trtut.
ST LOV1 Not 11 A sj-e'cial to the
Globi-Iiemcuiat Irnm Ket "V\e-Bt riu tuhi
Captain Getiertl Wejler 1ms at lust met tbi
Culmnt on the fielfl and bur fiifTeiud a re
jmlse aeeordlng to the advictjf peMeuaiei
Ollte-tte , from Tlstaaa IBM night
"Wejler. it is nnifl was attacked while en-
ramped in the GoberLudora hills in 1'iuiu
Otl Riu proilnce. by tin CubanE uniler
PerJco InJpudo and Peric-o DlHE The ,
Cubans surprised the Sjiunluli outpuMs & lid
for c lime great etinlufc'.o : : prevailed in
\\e-ler t camp
" \Veler is said to have- fallen back about
fight miles During the retreat the Cubans
killed thlrtj-four Spaniard * and wounded
sixty otherfc.
Xi < niili u ' 1'linfk M'nriifc I'nllfd Sin ! < . .
LONDON No * 15 An editorial in tbi
Tlmet- warns tbe United States poiorumrot
of tut difficulties it IB hl.elj to encounter
in the pursuit of an actlu poll ? ) in Cuba
Will 1'riiMTiiK * Chlucfce Connrlllor.
LONDON NoISTht Dell } News eajr
Hie peternni nt bat decided to pnikerute Sir
McCartue.t. counrlUnr o ! the Chi-
legation in London for bis share uiiu
the * ttiTctt and dettmtlon In Incut ton iuof
Sun et Sen a OlUuwe floruir Tiie Dull }
Newt oddt. that tbe Hfj'ifcii upt tirutnvnt haf
iilno rraulvtid under bertnln rirruiu auut'k
to proi > < -ute the Chliuwf olUrlalc implit i d
In thr affair uulunc the ChiiteM' auihurltj
eUall itcntf promrutf tblc nffirlul M , n > -
b > ( he mnrquis of SlUUur > Mr
McCartticj uLiu quMiticiued 041 tbi
tciduj iud be knew notLiug < biut
tbe sB\ernme t detkiiun
I tilted Mute- Put Into n Position of
Lend on the AXrMrrn Continent.
tiOVPON i Nor 12 The Pt Jan > * Mate-He
th a'T-nnoti publishes a leadinr article
headed " Him or ir Moment' in tbtccnirw
of which It nay * "Lo'-d Salisbury' * Rr * t
adtntaftioB of tbr prlnclnle tbat tie Vnlted
8tal t have tbtritrbi to lute vrne in frontier
disputeof tbe American jwwrn and to
txnnpri tbe disputant * to arbitratealto -
Rttbtir tratmwod * in toiportaotr ell ; be crin"-
Uoti of tin- Guiana bouttdar ; It ie u formal
recocnlUoti itf tbe hige-mony of tb > Vnlted
State * on th * Amertrat ) eotuitie > , nt. and give *
tb" prrtildent a ptmltton in thf ftt * world
wfctch imtdh'Val pope * and empfirors trie *
vcinl ; tc claim in Euro ) * : '
The Sixtaker todej puMibe an articleby
I& 'leading publicist. ' in which tbe writer
affer recalling Lord Salisbury's reply to
Secretary Olney in regard to Monroeiam
ys "An ettlrel ; new order of thing * hte
iH-oti established by the Anclo-Atnrrlcan
understanding Mr Olne ; s extension of
the Monroe doctrine ittirtf not liefore uc-
knowledtec1 by any Eurojx-e.ii power , hat
i now reeelt ed the natittlou of Great Britain
But it would In profitless as well nt dome-
what painful to touch upon this dellcati
j ground 1"hut bad to lx * done had to be
done and that te the long and nhort of it
We may not like It but there ought to be
tin difficult ; in chOMiIng between the ab-
tmrdlt ; of complaining over the inetltablt
und tbe digult ; of ( .tolling acquiescence The
British pottn ment perfe-ctly right now.ifi
without being wrong six or ten months
Lgo It Is exactly a case of our policy of
ptavlnc ; off as long us possible the domina
tion of Hum la now HO complete To con
tinue that policy when the game Is up
would be merely to cling to antiquated
fcupetntililon * and antiquated dlplomac ; "
PARIS Not 12 Tbe Temjn ; toda ; ex
presses Itself us lielup prtatl ; concerned at
the "enormous extension of Monroehim in-
tolte-d In the AnclcAmerlcan entente ' add
ing "It ccn.fers upon America the right to
i.ettle any difference b"twe-en an American
state and a Eurti-e-an ! power without the
utitborit ; of the American state interested
This a big innovation In Inte-rnatlonul law
i and endows tbi Vnlted States with absolute-
! supremacy in" their hemisphere It must bt
u bitter pill to Brltlab pride to consent to
this' In conclusion the Temps ejcprease r
u doubt ns to wbe-ther Europe will accept
this ecn-ement us a pre-cedcnt "
HeliillHl * Tlirin to Look M aj to
III in lit. Til el r A\nr Lord.
LONDON , Nov 18 The Times Berlin
dispatch says The ceremony of swear
ing in thi recruits for the garrisons of Ber
lin Fpandau , Churlottenberg and Gross-
Llchterfelde this afternoon took place In
front of tbe rc ; ul palace Emperor Wil
liam dclltercd an oration , in the course of
which he said "You hate just taken an
oath upas the crucifix and tbe standard tr
me ; cmr war lo-d and to tbt Fatherland
Just as the crown it naught without the
altar and crucifix NO the arm ; is n nib- ,
in ; without the Christian religion You
are culled as Holdlert in m ; lei ping to
Mine me In tangle minded alleciance Etei
remember you have" received your weapons ,
to p-ote-ct tbe crown and tbi altar In
view of the general mlstruif now pretail
in ? it Is especialv ) ; our dut ; by obedience
* us to net a coed example You are
entering the arm ; in tbe year we celebrate
as Uie centimHTj of th" birth of tht great
Emperor William Ne-tcr forpt-t what he
aneomplishi-d. We ere duly bound to main
tain what he created His eje rents upon
the whcile Lrmy. God grant that at thr call
of he-ateu we ma ; appear worth ! ! ; bufori
The- Dally Mail's Berlin dispatch fas
Tbe following words , held to indicate bis
IK-roonal fee-lings in tlie recent llruBscwltr
Incld at ut CarlEruhe. occurred in Em-
pero" Williams spee-ch "Hold ; our uni I-
form in honor The man who insults jour
coa * Inemlts your king , who assaults thr
king's coat assaults your chief war lord '
Cuptulu BrusRCwitz was the officer wht )
run through the body a workman who hud
inodterlentlt brushed cgaltist him in a cafe
and who GecJiutd to apoloplre j > n tbc
ground that no Insult was Intended
IllmiurrUV Orirnn At-l , * < > iiiiit > Mori-
Pointed nnd Pcrtltifiit Qtn-Mlonv.
BERLCN Nov 12 The Hamburger
Nachrlchten publlsbe-E toda ; another article
Inspired from rrledrlchsruh. which says
"It would be of special Interest to learn
wh ; Caprlvl in 18iO ! felt compelled to cut
the. wires tUiicb sUll held united German ;
to Russia "
Continuing , the Hamburger Nachrlchten
says "The question now urlsis whether
a powerful neighbor lil.e Russia is In closer
touch with us or with our opponents in Eu
rope This question is of paramount im
portance to all German ; as also the ques
tion whether British polic ; is striving
to exercise an influence oter our policy ,
the result of which would not be ultogetbe-r
to the udtantape of German ; We thlnl
that explanations would exercise a trau-
quillbiuc influence upon thi public and
strengthen tbe attuchme-nt of Germans to
their institutions "
PARI ? , Not 12 The Figaro tofla ; pub
lishes u letter from the Berlin t orre poncl-
ent to the effect that Princt Blainarcl-
ditprace is due to the ex-Etnpre-ss Freder
ick who acting upon relations communi
cated to her b ; the prince * * of Wales con-
tinced the iimpe-rot of Prinn Bismarck's
fatal polic ; lu > elation to Bulgaria and of
the pun he played toward the mhillEts cul-
tiLtitiR in iht Rusao-German rupture
Thi It-net adds that Prince Bl-amarck fwort
tenpt-p.nce und hence tht distloeuree in re
paid tc the secret RuBto-German treat ;
-41 . lCI."iitMU \0 1O KIIIGCH.
it I l/iin ilnlf < .Hr nil OiHelnl Vr -
> .liiii < il ilt - 'I'm n > . Mia I MTulr.
LONDON No12 -The tarl oT Lnnsdale
who enJDjti a tpent.1 intlmacj with tin
emiirror speaking at a banquet as
the retiring uikjor of Whiteha\en said that
be bid Emperor William's authorlt } to ta
that tfaarc was uotbitig in tbi emperor's
imxwapt to 3'jpfcidt-nt Krugur of tbe Traut-
- raal after tbe Jamison raid whlih was
meant in be antagonwuc to England Lord
LotindKle added that the true facts were
that ricBident Krugxr had reyuiMed a slst-
ancp from the emperor , who declined 3tit
Tbe Daily News in an editorial on Laid
fcpoei-h LB.S where the truth Is
iliire > Marshal BlerberstUn. tbe German min
ister of war In tin Reichstag and Pre-sident
Kruger bad both flat ! ; denied thr unsertiou
of Sir .la cob HE DeWett then British agent
at Pretoria that P-esideti ! Kruger had asked
the emperor's help
dmr Her Iart ? ! . ISijilnliikVli
-\\it < . \tlil > .eil Hi I'lcnil finlltj.
| LONDON Not 12 tbi release of
Mrs Walter M Castle of Sun
from Wortct oed Scmnlit prteon OL
latt her ooudi'io : . of hnaltli hat been sy
seriouii thnt Iht aoctorr now lelune hiu j > er-
misrlou to f.&ll for tbe VciloJ StPteb a :
Hwiiurd Abiuhauih of counsel for theCas -
UMS kind to a lejti ttf-entaUvc of the AhM > -
r.lnted pieKf todny ttifcrriup to the Mnr -
priMeipretwd ir. the Vt.lttd Eir.tet that
Mrs Castle had been adtised te { dead
guilt ; , that it wat ge.ittfall ; frit In Eiiplinb
lepiil clrelec thul ii. flew of the change
brought about b ; tbc law of 1RU the course
adopted w fc a right one and that tbr home
Kecretar ; 's order to ruleftte Mrt Castli , is
u ooaiplete tludlcuUoii of thr soundness Ikof
this adtici nud u tirtuul uaqultttl
No dinnerIn Itrarll'k Cnliltiet.
H1O im JANEIRO Not 12 - In wiuuet-
tion with tbi swiuuptloB of the ppvers of
prvsidoiit of tbe Brkailian republic by tbt
VUH pr < * idi'iit IV Manual Vlclorlno Iviecia
it U > u w Htw-d thai tlmr will lu no rhiuiue
lu UMcaliiot" . 1-ie.iidu.t Muruon banded
oter the urt idcjtrt to Uie tUw prt Jd tii on
: he < ltln ul U.i foiaiers jilijtn ihin | enC
i i ji-ii ! i-j lie lu ' addict , the
1 Of . i ! hhCV.i
IVssty Kffljon T 4E Antboriswl for the
of Beads.
Order 1 Oln-n thnt NntJ r Miitrrlnl
in. I'nr n P < IN > . | -
lil Aiiierlenn Tenilerf
, I'SKING. N'ov. 12 Tn - Tsung-LI-Taairn
| b e recerve > d & Mcret edict , Bpttoiutiug Sben
| Tao Tai director p iwrkl of ml ! w aye and
pratitlng him jtHrmlwlon to construct tbe
Hankow-Caiiton-Soucbow line * . It also'
| authorl ec him to borrow 20 OW 000 ta 4e
.1C OMMiOO tails to b fumwhed t > y the Turnip"J
i Ll-Yamea , troni tbtIcct loan , tbe nortbvs
< _ .
ituiK-nntetideaicy to fumisb .1 Otiti WW tael
and ' tbe wmthern auperlntendoncy to furnish
iT.ODIi.noo taeU Altoprther 40.00" KM tarh
' will hi required for tht construction of the
( ' lines Native material must be employed
as far u > possible on the Hankow line , but
foreign t-ncineert , may be enpacefl. It is
rumored the American rndlcuti tenders
for this work hate not been accepted Sben
Tao Tal Is the head of tbe telegraph admin-
Istratlon In China and was lately Tao Tul of
Tienttln Tbe edict of the construction of
the Peking-Hankow line wa * promulgated
seteral ; ears ugo but on tbe recommenda
tion of Chang Chal Tung the vlcero ; of the
two Hu provinces from whom Shcn Too Tal
has purchased the Han Yang Iron works. ,
construction was -dtlatd Chanc Chal
Tung wafc anxiour that no orders should be
placed In Europ < - for the material necessa1- }
for tbe Hue declaring that In n few years
time this could be nuppllcd from the Hang
| Yung Iron worl.B Hitherto tht c hate
I been u failure und it is said more thim
; ' one attempt ha * len made to sell them to
] I European * As no orde-rs hate been placed
I in connection w 1th tbe Peklng-Hankou rail-
wa ; . and In Mew of the ftpeclul requirement
of tbe edict that natlie material nUHt be
emplojed us far a * puoslble It is supposed
the new director of rallwa > s expects to be
able to utilize these iron works for railwa }
l.nrce nnd Vmnll Crcdltorr > of tlif Old
\ < irtlirn I'lirlfie Coiniinnj.
MILWAVKEE. Wit. No1 Tbe last
claim acalust tbe old Northern Pacific Jtail-
waj company has been Sled with Ma er A
L. Care ; , and tht Cling of objections Nil !
at once begin and continue till the flm
Monde ; in Junuar ; Mr Carey eald today
that the total amount of clalmt agalnnt the
corporation Is oxer nf'O.OflP.OOf ' ) The prln-
* ) * claim if by tbe Northern Pacific com-
pany. the reorcanlzed bed > whlih owns all
the b.inflfc Tliit claim t for M 74iCS0.80 (
which amount ir due on a mor.gace under
which titindt and ( stocks are issued Tbt
compan ; in claiming this amount has not
allowed anything for the procedure of. the
salt * of the property for tbe receH ernhtps
and all thi expense * that hare been couuectod
with them Another lirge claim te that of
tbe Seattle. Lake Shore . Baatern road
one of the leaded lines , for over SC ( lOD.tmo
Then come tbe claims of about 10t > attor-
neE. upeiits and cemmimioD men of firms
who sold supplies to thtomufmnj - uid otbert
The proteeds of tbe .ale of tbe property last
summer aggregated ni'.OUO.dOO ' in round fig
ures To tbi < < e 2 setE ore added almnt
n.OliD.OdO aires of land , not covrn-d by mort
gager. Tlitti lande i re in Minnesota and
in North Dakota
Hondfc A\ - > -t of Clilrnirn \ > rre to I'm
ill lli - - aiiitlCxeur l in Itutf.
CHICAGO No12 The joint meeting of
the ctntral passenger commit let and of the
trunk liuet , bus decided to meet tbe excur
sion rate made b ; tbe Canadian Pacific from
I points in the far northwest to points in
eastern Canada The Great Northern and
tbe Northern Pacific will meet thi excursion
rate to St. Paul and tbi Chlcugo-St Paul
lines bate cgre-ed to me-et thi run from St
Paul to this city It only remains to secure
the co-operation of the lines of the Joint
Traffic association and the excursion rates
will IK- put into eCert nt once In Uie e-temt
ot thi roads of tht Joint Traffic association
dtelinlnp to mal.i tbc rati asked by the
transcontinental and Chieapo-St Paul HUI-E
the Great Northern and tbe Northern Pa
cific will turn oter all the buslne-si , that the- ;
hrinp on excursion rates to the See line
at St Paul
\ \ estern roads bet e decided to make the
usual reductions for thi Christmas nnd Niw
Years holidas but the ; will not make ut ;
reduction for Thanksgiving Tbe rate for
| tbe holidays ttlll be one and tine-third fare
ufor all points w ithln 200 miles of euch cither
j KKi'oitT o > cilicTr.o STOCK i Aim * .
Itljr liirrnihc lleimrtrd In HpeIj > t . of
1 Murk for tinur. .
NEW YORK Nov 12 The annual re
port of thi Chicago Junction Railwa } e aud
T'nion Stock Yards compan ; thowt Groes
earnings. $5442.204. inert asc JS770S : oper
ating expenses II HCl.kbl incnase nf. 41E.
net J2 OS0.4SS , decrease 122 71S , deficit , after
charges and dividends decreased , J4P OBI A
net surplus remains of nc.347 a decrease
of f7.23 The lixe Mock receipts vere 14-
22K ( " 1 head iucnasc ! < Ofi.SB7. receipts of
cars 2H 14 increase ( t.iiriO Additions
made to property t.t an etjicuBi of MliP.O
cloubllug foeilities for Landllng stoc.k , and
a viaduct constructed
\ft rrrlsrlit * i > ot-lntlon nt
MIL.WAVKEE Nov 12 The new WeBiern
Preicnt u Mi.a'lon ( has puthorired all roads
in the usaoeiatlc'n to leduce Micnesatn rates
on pntptnie Some time ago one of the-
St. Paul roafls cut tbe rates tin
u.n'.F j.u100 pcundE. on Uu Chicupo E
T1.1 * mode a rate of 17 cents to Chicago
and now all the line- are glten persnesian 0o
quote the tame rate Tbe cut caused e
flood In the potato market ut Chicago , which
brought about a blockade in the freiptn
tardt there , tnd for a lew das tbe great
est inconteuieuce was ociai.ionc-d to all the
roudt >
I'lleliei ] Ilntilr nJtli Cuttle Tlili-t < . .
ST LiOVIS Not 11 A special to the
Republic from Uullas Tts , suys Duput ;
Vnlted State-h MarKhal Er in and si
arm ed In Dallas toda ; from a scout In
the Panhandle after .Mexle-jui cut tic thletes
Urwin pit efc dt tails of a buttle in Children ?
count ; Texus , inwhlcb two Miiicuns w
killed und two Texuns wounded Tne Mt _
Icutih iiud committed iiunuruut. rolilie-Tles
und seteral mutders In Colorado und New
Mexico and iiud been pu ui- < ] into weHt-
ern OUlatioma und ! In northwemerii
Texas In tbe Klowu
und Comuiic e re-s-
ervutlons of C'klittiomu ' the ; stole upwards
of ilft ; borons and ( .event ! bead of cattle
The Indium who followed tht Mexicans
HUllclted uld of tht hherlff of Chi'drejii '
c-ount ; . who mitb a IIOKKF of deputies und
citizens overtook theWexlimii- Sutur-
duv ufte-rnoon Tht. Mexic-uni. wen arimO
witli lilies and plFtols A pitched batUe tool-
plH e In wble-h two of tlii flte Mexic-uns
w e ri killed und one w outded Tin latter
Inilileiiieiit Coiniutit. . lKTiiK.
SPRINGP1EU.D Mo. Not 12-Tin Osark
Implement iiil.'tlufc of nif.iKiO rompati Tin ; has uttHftf.rill immpned pu with ; out lia-
, . . . . . .
At New Tos K Arrivnd Mujwitlc , from
A' AtnBtereJain Airivod Odam. from
Nt w York
A * RottetdHm-Arrlted Amotecdum. freim
- Now York
i At Naples Arrlviifl W trr < i from J e > w
YdrK mid pwittttWItid to GttfHta.
A * I'-lvmouth Arrivtd AuuutHu Victoria ,
fro i N w Y k
At " IlrrniwhuiWi ' ATi > nd Huml , from
Al . -
fu.m 7'huKdtlphla. Sutli-a-Curraatilc , for
cr.tift Tnooi * IX viAtm o Tor ic.
! :
Mnxrlnc of IInnlmi * o1 < Tier Glr *
Jtle to Srrlwco IMnriu.
SAN rRAvayoo. ? ) * . it The B I-
letin B r * A letter pmtaMtot B dvplicntf
oT until cC vices DCa | W tbr regular cr.r-
oTA' Mondfrt of the Hong Kong T'resj ui
AlkdtvmtDck tta ranged by the lant
Chink Ktemmfr Bad % Miroed pvpr to tbe
BnHftla today Tbc Mnnmiration Hbows
tbkt the raar If maudap trorps In tbf
' V dlviH tock AustrM , Un < AM already &
iiumtvcr nf naval v M0s cwBwutrBtffl in
i norchern waters Tb * jr nelntJ details of
' tbe Kltimtlor ae ca0tuiM < e in tbc follow
ing p r craphf
InPi "AJthnugb tbe RuMflui povwnairnt ex
plaint Uiat the inawdHC t > ! troops in UK
J'rtmorsK and easttem JtttierU Is dur to
'exchange of army divM9ans. ' it Is learned
that in all the < MvMo * of Yltdvo ) tock
there are not ICM tb * li : 0H ) men of
arms which mounter armj ip looked ujion
' as a n n&ef to tbe ptfMc of Asia ' Tbe
! porretipondcat further wiwrnentinp on tbe
urtuatton. KtBtef that " > & < It tc confessed
I "J
' tliat RttBRla Is entlOfd to some outlet to
1 i tb ] Pacific the contlBUOBS nnd warlike
prt , : iterations art auylntop but reavurluc
I Tha frequent presence o ! Russls't enclneers
' at ' Port Arthur , ca * their operations In
' Manchuria with the tmt consent o' th -
officials of China arc 'Wgtly ftlgnlficatit In-
dicntlons of the rriattens lirtwi-en RwUa
I ' and China and point unmistakably tc thr
( coTimoa ojjc-ct of RuBHa"a warlike anticll
| i pctlons It behoo\es the British govern-
1 ment to thoroughly In-cstlgate this M- ;
i important ' matter "
I sin A. it. noLi.iTT noMIIS. . HL\in
! Dunnccr Dnrlifto. of ftutuerlniid " > lnrv
rlt-d to Ilrr Third Hukliand.
LONDON Nov 12 Sir Albert Ka e RolI
lltt ' M P for the south division of Isllnr-
; ton and president of the Associated Cham-
bcrs of Commerce of the. t'nltcd Kingdom
well knovn in politic * ! and commercial ( lr-
cles. was married this - tttcnitmn at Sti
George s Hanovtr Square to the doveger r
duchess of Su herlatifl , who us Mrs Blair
t isited tbe Vrited Sa1ef w 1th the third 1
, duke afterward bor husband pome ; ears j
t ago After tbe third duke's death In 18 2
j j shi disputed bis will with the present duke
' tnd us onr of tbe resttltr the flowaper ducht
ess spent six weeks in Hollow a ; jail for
contempt of court In Burning up important '
docume-ntary evidence The matte-r was
, eventually compromised. Sir Alboi Rolll't
' is a wealthy ship owt-sr and is a constate-
tlte in 71011111 * The flowaper duchess was
. deugbter of Rev Richard Mlchell D 1 >
principal of Hertford ewlkpe Oxford and
her first husband wo * Captain Arthur K
Blair of tbe Setentt-ur-rt HJchiande--E Onl ;
the reiatltes of tbe parflus and a few In-
tlma'e frlendE were present ut the cere
mony today After te ceremony Sir Al-
bert Rollitt and his bride started for Purls
> MIMT11Y Ml. ( . - . DA > GBIU of -tiMlr * CrftlcUonud ,
I'nk > . . n " "
PARIS Not 12 In tbe Chambi- Dep-
utit > today M Miram , radical docialist dej-
ut ; for Rhelms attackodhe-pot eminent for
forbidding thr conprear oT sea * 1 teaebirs
while showing veaknejis'regarding tbi tlt-i-
cal anit-rcpublican crt-.Bufle DC s-hown in the
prot i edingi < of the clerical nonproses et
Rhelmk M ItambaudminiMcr of educa-
tion promlsitd a lllxn-al "bill tncre-nnnr
privileges of the tcnchtrt. nnd peaTnittmg
the meeting of the consrniK , M Darlin '
minister of Justice denied tbe olleped antJ- ctUtude tf the clericals Only
one incident had ocrurrefl. be i.uid. at
which the botejntneut Jttproved I
M BrurgvoU. tbe jiremlcr , dcnouncid
tbe conduct of the bb&fpQ , .which * lie said I
was the more reprehensible ct they were
j.tute offlciUK The Catholic congress br
tald bed a political aim tnfl was directed
apclnht clt 11 oocleticE > L Millcraud taunted
tbe pot eminent with cttbznittlng to tbe dic
tation of the clericals M. Mollne the pre-
mlrr thin demanded a vote of confidence In
- the government -which WHL voted by U24
| ; eas to 225 nays
I\ITH A HCAVT tinricn.
lnnd AntlounI I-lnilx ItM-lf
J -li - Million Dirllnri. In tlie Itolr.
BRISBANE No12. . The ro ernment
committee of Inquiry irto the state of af
fairs of tbe Queensland National haul- re
ported a deficit of IS.4B6.00D ( bliout S12.WH -
i dOOl of w bleb fl.lSS.dCiO are regarded ut
being lost btjoud recovery. The committee
howeier reported that the bank has a sound
and Tirofitable busiuesF &n it was eJaimed
that with eiooomy tnfl u reduction of tbi
rate of intetttt paid to di-paBitors the man
agement ought to be extinguish tbt
remainder of the deficit .nmountinp to a
little more Uian fl 121.00(5 ( w ithln f ouneen
jearE Liqu.dation It was asoerted would
lie disastrous to the creditor * in parth-ular
and the color ; of Qne in general
Iftcr hearing the ri-pnrt'the colonial leg -
lature adopted a bill gucrtntecrug the cur
rent deposit for one ; iar
S < * ui * c n tlie Jnrrfmtr. .
OTTAWA. Ont Nov iil James M Mc-
Coun. of the Geological survey who as MI
agent of the Canadian government has been
studying seal life all summer of the Prlb-
loff islaudt bar returned to the c.m He i
sas the number of seals on the islands WBF
much greater than iu d Veen reporttd b ;
tbc Vnited States agents lest ; car The
somewhat smaller catth , of pelagic sealerE
tli is ; car IE to be Attributed not to tht
heart-it ; of seal * but to exceptional ! ; rough
weather during tbe Irst two weekt. of
August _
I'ri-inlnin on Gold in Ilrnrll.
LONDON. Nox 12 An Oporto dispatch
to the Times sas that , partly owing to
the drop in Brazilian exchange tht pre
mium on gold there has risen to oxer 40
jirr cent
A ditputth to tbe Times from Rio dt
Janeiro rays that the Chamber of Deputies
in passing the thlid nudlng of the re\enut
tull adopted an amendment authorizing tbc
lollection of nn pej * visit of Imjiort duties
in gold uud allowing a juorresjiotidiug rt-
in rates.
PARIS Nov 12 All the -morning news
papers today fllBcuf > sthP keen contest which
is expected in the .Chamlier of Deputies
j toda ; ut > a result of-an .attack which the
oppociuon imenclfc to makunipon the potern-
ment The papers cgrec Intaying that tbe
Mellne cabinet will bf strong ! ; assailed and
they recognize that .s very tiistenct hunps
upon thi least incident
Geriiiun EinplrV'h
BERLIN Nov ! . The imperial budget
j rbrws a balance of revenue and txjK tiditureE
at l.Bi'fe 'Mb R24 markfc Tinordiuar ; u-
pendlture * incnasod 24.aos.23i maiks luclud
Ing Arm ; C.U2fiB71 , wt r'kn > en s insurance
S. " lr.l B nuvy SW2l'n. ' nnfi penman fund
2.2M.H10 _
Atlorue ? Adinltx IlrllilnK- IVftucHK.
ST JOSEPH Not E. A sensution wai-
sprunp In tbi crlnilnuJ court this tnornlrie
A witnesB tesitfled that Attorne ; James
Morun hud pi ten her KH to Itiite tbe state
and not uppeur In u case. Moran udniltted
thut bt hud triced to settle the rune in
thut uj Judge Culvnr inntructed the
pi and jurt to Invemlcnte Uie case utid
return Iticlictme-ntH. Morun is u prominent
uttorne ; unfl l u nu-mlier of tbc lower
bouse of the MiBsourl ' ' '
ii | > el ii ii Iiiiinorn ] I'renclirr.
ET LOVIS Nov. 12A Republic HjmeiaJ
from Purls. Tex. , Bae The sitoond flay lalt ,
w union of tbe North T-ixm. psnfuruneje was
cijrtined today by Tli v J il lilnlrley 4 > f
Sherman The cunimlutMuppolnt < > d to ; J"
ttttUuti tht uhurst. iiruhiw Rex Guy
Jumison found irfrn tiirtty uf inm * im-
| moruJitj uitd rMO minei < l a ihut lie IHt x-
, . Lied Ireitn tbe Mttthodlm Eilsc4)i > * J Cburc-h
I South Tills rt4ert was udujiliid unauJ-
I moualy
I > mtli of ii I > a > .
NEW YORK NOT IS flaptain Johti
I Mason Brown tbe llfc-ntver dieii toda ; He
i was Kfc ; earc old He probably helped tuic
1 more lit tr than uny o t r lU-injj. I
I { DiScahy in Fiadiae t Ketbod to Oboom
' Ti-rin * . of tinCosni p ( Itirluded In
' 1 ti o * - 'imrntf I'ninTK , to Out ;
of AVlilcli Vt'iierueln
Itn I'nrtj. ,
"WASMINCTON. Nov is But eni-
a matter of AeiBll and iiot of merit fp-
' nialtit _ 01 t'n between the Tinted EVt&tue and
Great Britain in tbe wttlemt nt of tlit Veer-
ziH-lau qucction , and tbe cablegram pansUip
between Ltindon 8ud WaBhinnttin plve every
rrawin te believe that thi * imint vhlcb
' . .
delued tbt formal afll > Jig bf dlcnattire
to the arrangement of Brttlement will I *
determined within a day or two It lelatm
to the choice of tbt four Judicial members
of tbe court of arbitration two by this
countr ; nnd two b ; Great Britain Jt hat
lieen found that It wae no easy task te t&ki
( tbe lord chief justice the solicitor pentrtl
i or another eminent British judicial funetlon-
ur ; from bis present important duties and
I charge him with othe'r duties which ma ;
j ' take months or yiart. in their execution
Tor that reason it has been considered
, v IMto buttle this , matter ctthe outset
I As stated. , tbe point nmalnlnp to lie set-
I Ued ri lutes wholl ; to the pi-mound of the
arbitration tribunal and lr an ; ctcnt will
j j not aCect tbe merits of tee agreement alI -
I read ; reached on tbe Hues ptteti in tull
I I in tbe Associated p-eft clspatche-s Tht
arranpetnent cs to King Oecar II of Sweden - -
| ' i de-n Is not open but IE filial no far ap Mr
Olney < ; und Sir Julian Pauncefote are con
' cerned Tbe agreimcut on tbi king as the
chief arbitrator was mude under tbi same
circumstances uid conditions that ulwes
attach to tbi selection of u ruler of a no-
i tion At times it has been the president of
| I the Ew HA republic at other times King
Humbert , who has he-en named but ulwes
j ' i with the underutuudinp diplomatic usage
Implies j thet the klup could name another
j i nominal jepresentaUte to re-llete hiniK-lf
[ of the- more laborious duties of tbe position
j ' l In the jircweiit case King Oscar wut , the
one upon v bom tbr two countries
' agreed and with tbe usual limitations
suggested they will look to him or such
one us he ma ; designate ne hlf represents-
ttte There IE much amusing comment umonc
UIC-M Intimately familiar with the facts ut
the efforts in pome quarters to mal e nice
| dlstlncUous ( be , to tbe times of King Oxcar r
| service and to question the sertlee Itself
when in fuct this branch of tht subject wat ,
I i re-mot ed from the field of discussion emi
; ago
Now that the facts of the acre-ement on
known fuller Info-matlon is obtuinuble as
to , the form the compact bus taken There
are two distinct papers In the transaction
The first and b ; for the more Important one
I is In the nc.ure cf u solemn ugn-eme-nt be
tween the lulled States end Great Britain
on ( tbe terms ; which the boundar ; que -
i tlon , w 111 be settled aud the form of the
| I coun , . of arbitration It is lacking in Uie
technical churactrlsUc of a treat ; and ! n
I form | is a final aprecment duly ugned by thi
j reprt-eentcUt , c-s of the tvo governments on
the terms b ; which they will ae-tUe the
differences : arising out of Ihtlr diverRe nt
titvvE on Uie deputed boundary question
Theri because the subject fflttlor of the
j I boundar ; itself lies between Grtat Britain
ji j and Toneruela a second paper IE made news-
J EOT ; Thic w 111 be in the form of a treaty
i the ennt-aetmg partiet. being Great Britain
and Venezuela This will explain aomt
ambiguity of terms that has arisen as to
the agreement and treaty. Literally tbr
i United States and Great Britain hate made
an apn-cmrnt bt which the terms of liI )
arbitration treaty between Great Britain and
Venesuela are framed Each instrument will
"elate to the other and be c pan of a e-om-
mon understanil-ng on the entire subject
In thi * wa ; Venezuela retains her uultude
cs a contracting part ; to tbe final treat ; !
But cs the treat ; Is shaped b ; tbe agreement -
ment thi Vnlted State * IF tbe innrumeutal-
It ; by which the full results are accom
plished and the Vnltcd States names two
| of the judicial arbitrators ,
1 Klnir nf nrdrn link > otlilni : to J
Alxiutrltltrutlon. .
STOCKHOLM Sweden Not 12 The ex
elusive announcements , in the dispatches
of tbe Associated press to lie European
connections of the practical settlement of
tbe Venezuelan dispute , tbe basis of the
Ei-ttlement tbe c-ompobition of the court
of arbitration which is to decide upon the
details , aud finally its exclusive announce
ment on Tuesda ; lust that King Ofauir .of
Swe-den and Norwa ; had been stlected CF
the fifth arbitrator butt bce-n discussed
with tbe greatest possible interest here at
wull UE In all the capitals of Europe The e of the Associated press toflc ;
sough ! to Interview King Oscar oil the
i subject , tnd wus recelted with the griat-
I est courtrsy b ; the highest court officials
request for an expression of opinion
upon the part of the king on the pe-uceful
settlement arrlted at be-twcen the Vnited
States and Great Britain , and us to his
majesty's willingness to act ut the fifth
member of the court of arbitration -was
contejed to King Oscar , and he sent the
'c'lowlug repl ;
"The king not having rcecite-d un of
ficial communication regarding the arbitra
tion IE unable U present to make a state
ment on the Eubject"
It wae , explained thfit while his majesty
had expressed his wllliimncHe to thr
Swedish minitteir at Washington to act BE
arbitrator , us proposed , his majesty muul
j rece.ite B formal official request to act be
fore he can gite official repl ; . but there-
is no duubt he will agree to act It is
ifurther | stated that at , in previous CUHCB
for instance when King Humbert of Itnl ;
und the president of the Sr IBS republic
consented to act in a similar capaclt ; the
king of Sweden and Norwc ; will appoint
a personal representctlte who will attend
the meetings of the court of arbitration
LONDON Nov 13 Tbe Dail ; News says
j i there is tall : of the resumption of direct
j diplomatic relations between Venezuela and
I Great Britain ndv.
Mrimirr Morlec Get \flont Ttejcnrillnu
. lit- A cnrriirlini Trent j.
LONDON. Nov. 12 An official of tbe
I fore-leu office said tofla ; to u lepreseutatlte
I of the Associated prers that u tviu , not llkel ;
King Oscar of Sweden and Nnrwa ; would be '
chosen to with the four Vonezui-lun
atbhratlon Juriim ; apparent ) ; lmpling that
he would be represented b ; a fifth juntt to
. be appointed b ; himself
1 Tht report publiiihed here this morning
that tbe chief justice * of tbe Vnlted States
' und Great Britain would not select nuUvif
! of the Vnltetl Stater to act us arbitrators Is
denied , uud it it added that the chleif
justices wi.l hutc nothing to do in tht
, , , , . . , , . , . , . . . . . „ . „ . . < _ . , . . . . - '
Judtre Slitniiiller IJelMrrt. 1111 ( Ipliiloii
on AVIiUUj Itlini.K. .
CHICAGO Ko12 Judgi Showaltor In
the federal court toduy rendered an Impor
tant decision in tbe re-bate case of the
| Whisk ; oomput ; . Tbe jurist decide-d that
the C'ompuot ' iuvolted in the rebate vouch- '
ert is legul. that the utidormunding cloe-s
ch"t preclude tbe buer from iiurchuRiug
oleilwwnire ) _ The turtus mertil ; bUpulUe that
if tbc buyer takes gonilH ft on : the American
Sfiiriis oorapauy and wiuiies to tuke ad-
\nuiUBe of tbi leib a let * be nuiKt not dual \
| elw where The deiislon Is of tbt bigbeiit
importunuMtme It i aufiruit tin trade
metbode of the Sucw trutt i-ufl oihcr tor
nm.n IP - \\tJ5BBSFKUNMIM. .
1VI1 Ktion 11 'J SF Mint mid
'Blanche' Keuned V vt 11 knrwc
shot ! Vd vbllr roluc
1 to hie roomi in SoiM pa at 1 o c lock
tht * morninc. He I * patufull ; but not nec-
f wrllr animertnmly hurt
Kennedy rooine in the bulldlui ; at 406
North T-wetty-fourtb trret , South OtmOm ,
in Uie lodging * kept by Mrs , B II , Ho
had juirt reacted Uie ftoor u ! 1-1 * rootn aofi
was putt In p tb * kry h ) thr loel : wb i n *
men cpriuig out on Urn vlti orflers te
throw } > hH hands.
Kcnurdy did not rmpand with PUSiclent
alacrity , and a nbot was firpd. umklup an
nply furrow tAonf. otie rtflc of hit be d
Thltvat > followed by another , which rut
him through the lore J rt oT tbe
luflictlrc c deep pwh Kennedy fell and
w a united and searched. The- robbers
got WBD in inoni'i- cud Dome valuable dia-1
tnnna * ofT the-lr victim
As soon ns hf was role-aped he ran to the
rtreet and the robbers ran back through
the hall apparent ) ; Intending to make their
oftcapt from the buck way. The police were
soon at hand and at S o'clock were making
a vigorous search of thi town Thi building -
ing was thoroughly searched , under the
i apprehension that the robbers hud nol poe *
outside , but were secreted in some of tbe
rooms in tht block , which is extetiBlte
Kennedy's woutidt were dressed They
are not dangerous un1c E Mood poisoning
should enitue
South Omaha has bee-n filled with toughs
lutUy cn3 the ; hute been carr.vlng on a
earnlral of which this last crime seems the
Pnrlttctlon of \ \ . C. 7. I' . In Con-
l > r 'iie < - AX orl. lor tli - \ \ -el .
ST LOV1S Nov 12 At the heudquartrrE
established In the Llndell hotel Ml rrnuces
E Willard the president , kept her olticere
busy all da ; completing arrangements for
the twent-thlrd annual contention of the
national Women's Christian Teraperun'-e
union which content's tomorrow for c flvr
dae. neMulon Tndcj the Board of Superin
tendents held a meeting which extended
over the entire da ; There wut. u penerul
review of work in Its dlCercnt phases , and
plans to improve It
Mrs Dr Mary Allen national su
perintendent of purlt ; work presided at tbe
opening session of the purlt ; conference
which wus held In tbe Second Presbyterian
church This wi lon was c serle * of obje-et
Ic-iBcius tonight by soups end picture * following -
lowing en uddre s b ; Mrs Allen who mode
an able argument for one e de of moruls
for both sexes
The unmruall ; larpe urendctice of de-le--
pctee- end tisltore- thi contention has sur
prised the Women E Clristian Temperance
union workers of St. Loul who butt scut
out on Lppcul to tht public asking aid in
caring for the rtrtngors during the week
they are he-j-c Each day of tbe convention
except Sunda ; will be prefaced with an early
.morning pruyer mee-tlnp In Scbuylcr Me
morial house The Trlfluy forenoon session
of tbe convention will include the appoint
ment of the eornmltlee * on credentials publi
cations eoiir't-fcie * und telegrams and the
te-port of tbe exe-cutlti c mmltteeE the jire--
ideut's addre-b and un etaure-ltstic hour b ;
Rev Alice Ruth Palmer of Minnesota
The principal feature's of Pride ; afternoon -
noon s mi-e-tinps will be repcrts from the
se-cretar-treaEurer and a number nf depan-
| inent fcujicrtutcudentt. The cciuM-ntinuWill
bt welcomed to St Loulf Prida ; e-tenlng
\ihlch session Mrs Lillian M Steteus tlce
prisldent-ai-larpe will preside
The se-Kslons of tucceedlap das will be
taken up with adcttsste b ; prominent mem
bers and reports from commltttts and nft- !
cer During thr lurt half hour of each
forenoon Matsion ml ttlleneo'Jt buslntEs will
be the -order
The Board of General Officert has decided
to send Mrs Clara C HoCmun of Missouri
on a three-moutht' tour along the Pacific
coast for the purpose of lecturing and or
ganising BOI ii ties The condition of the
wnrk was found to be at tht lowet ibl > In
the wct , the south hating tliown great Im
provement this ; ear
< Jn - itIoii of 1 i-nrlj Coiitruct * . for
< iTilre > . nt I . .ni ? .
SBDALLA. Mo. . Nov 12 ( Special Teli-
pram > An attachment suit was In
stituted in the Pettis count ; cir
cuit court he-re tofla ; , the result
of which will interest eteir ; tratfling sale-e
man cs it will , if couteMcd , establish the
value of je-arlj contracts : Tbn uit was
broupbt b ; H A Hoppe a trat ling r.ule-
mun of Chicago againM Mason Cempl > ell
Co of Johnstow n N Y , for the t urn of
T747 claimed to be clue for buck salar ; In
October llfiiu. Muson. Campbell i. Co . men-
ufuctureTfc and importers nf gloies. eupag d
a. number- salesmen making written con
tracts with them for the period of one ; car
from October If. ISJifi to October 1& IWiG
at c stipulated < , alary On Mn ; 1 , last the
firm called in all of their salefimmi und
laid them off without pey , on account of
the then de-prcwed business Hoppe fail
ing joi-ocuiean amicable se-ttlfimpnt brought
cult and attachments were run on an ac
count due Mason Campbell i Co from E
E Johnston of thle clt ; and other mer
chants in MlEhouti
IUCE AVMl I > * > AIIKAN * ! MILL. ,
White1 und Ceiluri-d l.iilux i-r * C.i-t tu
1 1 u lil I lie nnd Killer ArtI . ! ! .
ELDORADO. All. . . Nov 12 The white
and colored laborurc , employed at Hawthorn
mllle , twelve mlloe southwest of here , hate
been waging n race war eitic-e lam Monday
The whltofc , who ore laiBbly outnumbered
by the negroee ( lecjlarotl that the colored
men should not be permitted to work in the
mills and warmed them to leave The
negroes did not go , uuci e numbbt of white
men whipped a negto That night a cut
and seteral tents In which the ncgrot
wm bleeping weu surrounded bj urmsd
white in en and oter JtHi siioti were fired luui
tbe car utiil tcnu. How many 1.1'gTjrh
.wore hurt cunuot 01 WiWitelnod but it is
[ known that a woman woe fatally wounded
Vctterday theve further riomp : the
nature of which has not betiu aHcertaltied
but thi sheriff has gone there with & jiue
of deputiie to restore order. The mills tie
Idle toda ; , neither whites iir.r blcU.i
Hl > > * ? ini llijnllli Ireland Urine * 41
Illin tlif 1'iijn'V IlMiln .iii e.
NEW YORK. Not 12 According to a
private dispatch received blue Cardinal Gib
botib KII well cs Arc'hblnbop Ireland ha * in
ourrud the dlrpleuiure ; of Rome Tin cardl-
nal hutHlwajE shown himself t staunch
friend of Arrhhu > bop Ireland end is I'uowi
I to impathi/e tvarral ; with the tirtvc of th
St Paul jireltti Tor thlt n-asoD , li i .
klleped he hut liecniiie iiemnna nou gtuta
m tbe Vatican How the cardinal win be
disciplines If nal definitely known , although
it in btlitttid that , being a carcUiial. be will
not be leinmed from bis ec Ttilt much :
however it ocruin , thai it hat linen de
idtided to ImjuiM- upon the cardinal * ooad
u.jutoi dwldedly nf ; he botmeri-ntlve ) school
IK - buiiiiniiettKin : hi ! inin nf "berotit / - -
nf the Jve Toil , ea-iiedrul and u we E i
l-nc-wn proTiMtiir uf tbe .aiaalis uunertn
| ut U niUiiftuu : in-
to Cparrrow h Afaptrd br tie
at Ljtrita jUr , ,
Tliftn t ' ix-i'Hj Tln-lr
iind Mnk - Tli 4r Atlnt-U
Dlrertl ? . to A told Ili'i.l-
Inc tlie Air. ,
LNTJUNAl'OLIS. Nov IS-Tk * flrin bun-
to couie Itefore tbr farmcrc' ooncreni
todwy was the mwnoriaJ uddre e to COL-
dR jirt mrrd lij a exra mltte-e , of wbnh
j "William L&wrtincr of Ohio it ehtUrmiui
The memorial us udojited nays that the
farncrs * national cunprew is not u politici.1
jiarty tirpaniimtion that the recent tilt < ruoa
! for prflder.i and rrpremmtutlveu iu con-
prenc hac for a time wttled the question
that "the most ample ptrtectlotT Bbull be
ea-tended to agricultural products it. eom-
nion with thohe of other Industries The
nf'ino-lul suggests a number nf changes In
the Dingle ; tariff bill , among them lulnc
the Rtriktnr out of the "skirting clauri "
which was originally in tbe tariff bill of
i 1K ( < 0 It alnti asks for the pusstigi of u lull
proponed , , in a memorial prepared by the
National Wool Growers' association at
Washington U C , It 1K % in aid of nhup
husbundr ; The memorial sa ; it Is the
desire of thr farmerr' congress that after
I ' March 4 3MC the president rhull call CD
i ' extra i Se shlon of couprcBS to meet tit the
1 eutlicBt iiructlcublr time to enact a pro-
tect've ' tariff law The memorial prole-sti
i against dela ;
Ei-Pre ldent Harrison war Introduced and
uddrc'HBed the body ut lenrth He spot e
, of tbe custom of men o ! c particular ato-
catlon associating themselves tosetbe-r wi'h
c'omtne't.dutlou "The times rrt full of su < h
UHMiclatlonk" hi said 'and 1 think tbi ;
dbould be ncourrred '
| Gene-ral Harrison raid "Dnn't fight at
one that beute'th the ulr I hate no pa
tience whatever with thorn people who are
ul ur fighting the ulr If ; nu hate some
thing to umnronlre out with It , spe-cify
It make ; our uttutl. dlreetlj It : UUKI be so
If It is to be eCectlte If there are nbusea
of any kind in lecislutlon or it. the busi
, ness of the coutitr ; let us fix the public
fte ujion them until we hint expotted the
j { mil und then we cuu trust the countr ; to
make it right It Is niiHcbtrvotis to de-
tiouuet classes nud this thing und that If
there ure trusts let us know It ntd bring
leglblatlnn to bear upon them and the
court decieti to l' ' < i.r upon them uud then
we hate accomplished something
The oontinUon udjourne-d this afternoon
President Clayton will hold over till the
St Paul meeUnp next ; ear having bee-n
e-lerte-d for u term ol four ; iers During
Uie morning tbr friend * of Samuel V
Allerton of Chicago were wn-rlcd bertuse
of , the throttling of thi re-solution ender lnc
I him ; for seen tar ; of agriculture When
it wus HI en then was a strouc opposition
o him he-cause of tbr Interests behind
him Allcrtous friends withdrew a second
t'M > lutlon wblcii 'had been pre-parefl to
ilace before tbe rongnw. wltb the
motion that it be pasn < d under a stii > -
H iitlou of the rulei , In cuoUiur resolu.
Ion offctred by J. A. Quire , thr onupretE
iitUtliined tbe governmental congrenr to re-
tore the rupar Imunt ; of 1 cents to jircv
: rct the l H't end cane imgar Industries of
he t'ntted StutcE
Tlie committee on resolutions reported
.n favor of tbe following rene 1utlour. and
hilr recommendations were ado ) > ti-d That
cougrt s protidr an amiudtneut to tbe con
stitution to grant to woman thi right of
.uGrcpe and the ballot that man now eu-
ovf. that tbe laws against trusts be
amended and enforced that tbe growth of
"net and cane lugars be e-ncourcced that
.he Termers National Congress is In fat or
of the fruicLisi for women In municipal.
itate and national matters , that tbe Pott-
: iflice de-purtmint forward tht betterment of
mail facilities to rural communities that
tbe Viiltcd Stutes emigre * * tal e mettBuri-K
to preteut tbe spread of bog cholera and
other rwlne disease * , that tbe national
poternmint take uctite measures to pre-
tc'nt undesirable immigration
A resolution b ; C S Kelee ; of Bottle
Creek Mich was udnjited re'couitnendinc
to congresE tbe e-etcblUhment of a depart
ment of oommeTce to recelte tbe same *
re-presentation at now accorded other de
partments of the pofc-nmint
\iitlonnl Crnnte Henri. Ite-jiorK. .
WASHINGTON Not 12The second dav
session of the National grange wa detoied
to hearing reports and dineustious upon
them The report of tbe grand lecture-r wts
read It stated thut the depression in upri-
culturc throughout the countr ; had not
lipen condurlte to grcut succes * in Uie lec
turing depurtment of tbe grange He Muted ,
howe-te-r that the prest of Uitcountr ; had
been generous In publishing notes of 'he
grange and this h&d arslMed in grange
w orl :
A revolution was adopted ixprcfsinp ijm-
pcth ; with cx-CougreKman Hatch of Mis
souri und commending him as L friend of
fcrmciU. . and farming interests
A resolution wc pasted in call upon the
piesldrnt u any tlmt hi might designate
Immediately ufter the announcement of
the standing commttteec a rixt-nt wus tal en
till 2 30 o'clockWhen the meeUty ; recuu-
ttmed reports and papers were read whuh
de scribed the progress nf thi v ork of Uie
grange 'u ' the different sections of thi coun
try All the teports were hopeful in to-ie
raid Indicated that the work of the prur-ge
is being felt generull ; Tonight the prarre
opened in thi rixth degree und conducted
of a t.tricU ; lodge character.
OUC.A-.M7n A IIO1/J AM ) Ml 7'IttST.
Muiiiifneturei K > ! - -t in \ -tt 1 orl. und
Intend to ItniMHie Trle-i.
PITTSBVRG Pa Not 12 Tne - Commercial
cial Gezc-ttt will tm ; tamonou After many
futile attempts the bolt and nut maiiufuc-
tutcrt of thi countr ; will orpunire u ion >
blncttnn better known ae a Hilling poul
Joshua H Parks of Boston ont of the
MircwdfM and nhktt finaucleis of modern
times Is tbe orpumrer and chief mo. or in
the cotnblnutlan In rpite of the secrecy
with which the meeting is surrounded the.
ertor ; came to tbi , urfuce Abuut thirty
firms wtirtriptesentid ; i ti > cli. ; U tbe
Moiiouguhula house gutherlnp The pre-
llmlnar ; urrauge-meuts for a silling pool
was computed and it needs but tht run-
ficatinn of thotte intetested to cltx.i the
denl pluclng the output und price of uil
the nuts and boltc manufacture < d in tbe
countr ; in tbi hands of one man c cum-
mifci.loiiBr Despite the be-adwa ; made at
the minting ; e'hteirday onr of thi manu
facturer raid that an uudejcurrent c-xuited
which clelae-d the orgatilzatluu This can
be explained b ; the fact that the menu-
factwtrfc are suspicious of each other and
mun ; hate sent clerl.s to represent them ,
so lit not to be bound too tlgl-Ot by agree-
raetitt The allotment allowed each manu-
fiictirer is also u i.uhject of dispute and
the most dllllcult to settle When this U
e-orapleted , tbi TIOO ! will IK ready to do
Thefiri.t ctep will It to ufl\unce
tbe prlcti
IIIIKIIiitlon to lie Introdun-d In Cltr
of A - Vork In n IV t > \ < -U .
IfBW YORK Kot 12 It wat announcii
toflt ; at tbc ] iot > tolflce that within a week
or M > tbi first horsitleu atil wiit-ons etcr
us'id in tbe United States will be put upon
tbi > tiUt'tits of thU clt ; The ; will bt tm-
plojod In the uolleclloi } of mall from lette"
ilionet , about the clt ; aud letlnrx tbue rol-
U led M-I 10 In sorted nampic ) end tie-lit 'o
tber ' [ i/r r 1 v st fc'anor.B w uhout
to the i eneral pwi'ujllce or any