TJIE OMAHA DATTjY IVEEi TIlt'Tl DAY , JfOVEJMVBn 12. 181)11. SPEG1RL NOTICES AilvfrllNi-inpiiN fur lir o riiliiiiino "III in. ( aUon until IliiUO p. in , , fur tbo < * Vcnlti ( ; anil until H p. in. fur tin' > imniliipr mill Hiiiiiluy eilKloiiH. Ailvorllxorfi , lij roiiic < NlliiE ; n iitiin- lii'i'cil i-bcolf , run linvi iiiimvi'rtt nil- ilromi'il tn n niltnlirriMl lolliT In euro "of Tin' HIT. AiiNWor * KO mlilM-KM-il Mill tif ili'llvrroil on iircxontnlIon ( if Ilii * olioolc only. Hilli'i , I l-Ui' u u'lird Urn ! IliHorlluliI liit -i > ril lliori'iiflor. NiilliliiK Inki-n fur II-NM ( linn li..o fur I Ho llrxl IIIHOI-- tliin. ' 1'licKi' iiilri-rllMt'ini'iitM in Hi I lie run < > i > n < < cctillvcy. | SITfATKINS \V.\\Tit ) . WANTIJIt-HITllATION. ItV YOl'Nfl MAN. AS linokkM'ticr or ilrniiKhtfmnn ; refcri'lire * fur- nliiheil. AiMrcM 11 t. ll'-c. A M3W 1S JuTKATION WANTii > . Wn'llK OK ANY KIND by llrnl clam imtnipr ; otpcrt nt K-ttcrliiK nml MiowrnnU ; wllllnic in wi-rK for mnll wagi-s. 1'Blnlrr , ZT22 N Will ft. A 897-1J * WA Tlll _ .MAI.H iini.i' . WANTIII ) . AN IDHA ; WHO CAS TIIINIC OF BOIIIO clinplo tlilnR to ( uitrntT I'mlfct your lilcnii , they nmy lirlnR you wealth. Wrll - John 'We-ililrrljurn & Co. , l > eit. | V. . 1'ntrnt Attoritpyn , WuBhlnnton , O. C. . for their Jl.tOO prize orter nnd n ll t of 200 Invcntlnns wr.ntcil. 11 108 BAi.KiiY joTw i'in WIIK : AND COMMISSION on nn cntlicly nrw nml inunoy iimktni ; Imal- ne > . G. V. Ailatnn Co. . Ml So. 16th Ht. u-nrs-io IW.M TO JKfl.W MONTHLY ANl > r.XlT.NHKS ; i-ifcrlonce uiimci > inry ; attractive ImlUlay gooiln free to customi-rs. Folk Itllchln ' ! K ir Oo. . Ft. l niln. _ I1-MI13 12 * WANTIIU , . THAVBl.INO " SAI.IWMKN 1'OH clKnm ; olil. rrllnlilP linucp ; experience un- n'rcpMary ; extra Iniluo-incnts to ciiftoniers : J7..W to JI.Vi.OO per mnritli nnd i < xpcni > cx. Chnrlrs C. lllsllcp & Co. . St. IxiiiN. U-M1I2 1)11 * iil.AOK MtTiTToU VYOMTNn TO TUT PP I'lavntorii , nml fnrm liimdii. ( Mty Hiiitiloymi-nt lliircnil , 1COT , Dn.lui' . 1I-.M120 12 > . YOUN J MNTo.iAU : : trnclo ; only clsht wu-ki' n-nnltol ; ran earn Iwnrl liy Sntnrdny wnKOn while ImrnlnB ; imtllt of tnol.t ilonntnl Krailu.ilfit : F | > erl l Itiiliici-ni.'ntu for country iipiillcnnts. Mnler' Harbor Bt-lionl , K1 S. Clark t. , Clilciujo. "Send for flee " U-MIIO If catal'-RUe. - WA.VI'HM I'HMAI.IJ 1IIJI.I * . rou noon.IIKSPKCTAIII.I : OIIUA CAM , Hcund. Y. M. C. A. Home , 2018 Davenport. < r _ : C-MI50-N17 * JTro.MI'irrKNT KITClir.N Ollltj AT KOS CA1'- Itol live. 0-.M3D1 13 WANTii : > r YOI'Nr ljAIY WHO HAS SOMK KnowlfdKii nf inuiilc fur ontflldt * iinMtlun ; ftl ' nry JSO.CO n month. Address I1. O. lie * 2W > . Rlty. C-MII7 i : WA1TIUJSSKS. I.I'NVH CMfXTKIt C1IUI. ANI _ M Klrla fnr lioupow < , rl ( . City iiiiplntnenl : lliirenil. ICWi lodK < * . C M42I 12 * I'llll III-\TIIOISKS. ) IIOU8HS IN AM , 1'AUTS OF Till : CITY. THE O. P. Davis Company , 1506 Pnrimm , D 10D iTiNi\VA K. "co. , IDS N. UTII ST. D-110 HOUHKH. C A. STAltll 925 N. Y. 1.1 KB cuoici : HOISI-S : : AN'nroTTAOns ALL ovnu Hie city , ) i to M. Flilclity , 1701 l-'nmam. LAUGH LIST OK iiouss. TIII : IIYIION Ilt-eil Co. 212 H. lull St. U-113 IIOUSICH. WAU.ACK , IlltOWN llt.K. , 1CTII nml DoiiKlns. U-1H 13KlllT-IiOO.M MOUKIIN rilAMB. UITTACIII- : ' ) , 2719 I'opplolon nvt'iim * : cholrpj | :0 10-rooiii tniulrni lirlrli. 520 N" . 23il , SM 00. rmun ino.lcrn . tirlck Cll S. ISth , JIVOO. 12-room iniiilorn. ! Slh nml Woolwort.i , J22.M. C. A STAUU. 02J N' . Y. l.lti' Ill-lit. D-M116 H , ritoM w UP : i.Aitan LIST. 'McCaRUe Inventment Co. , 1BW ! llwlge Pt. D-SITCS A UKAtlTIFUIj IIOMB IN T.AI'AYETTB Place ; 8-ronms ; all mo'lcrn ; rplemlia condition ; no\ l > efii ronteil lioforc : now orfercil nt a low rental to llrM-ctasH tenant. 1'IJcllty Trust Company. 1702 Turnam fit. 1) MSM BU1TB Ol' 5 HOOMH , MODBItN. 1921 LBAVBN'- xvnrtli. J. W. Hriulre. SIS HotIllilij. . 1 > 551 TWO MODBUN iTllICIC. 10 & 11-HOOM URSI- ilpTircs ; link lluom ami llnlrli : mnnlrls. cniloa , l.iunilry nml every comlneiu-o. low. 1031 So. 30th Avc. Inquire of owner on | > rcnilnen. 1 > M7 STUKm.Y MODBUN 10-IIOOM l'OTTA(3IJ , N. W. corner 2Stli uml Jni'Hi'on : larK * lot ; half | irlrf. J.f. . H'lUlrc. 2 < S Iei\ p 170 TIN-HOOM : IIOUKB. ON DOUCII : t ; JIO.O'J ; uUo inuilurn 10-room lion-n-s , JIS.CO per iiiunth. A | > | ily to J. A. Srott , ut Omaha Na tional honk.D M239 & FLATS. OAHVIN IlllOS. . 1C13 KAH. U-SHi " FOH HUNT. S-ltOOM IlOUSi : AT JSU'UUUT ht. ; nil rnnvt-iilem-i. * ; low rental. Inquire of K. H. Xliuinerninn , at county clork'H clllcc. dur- Ins liunlnps.H hour * . --M50 ! iT\T.S. C3AHV1N HtOrf.lC13 FAKN'AM I- ! 10 NINIMIOOM hnut : 2JIO Webster xtrcet. Kmiulru Hurkley I'rlntlnit Co.1) M3C31U FOIl HUNT , MOPKHN 9-HOOM HOUSI' : . Cnii'tol ' AVI * . Also urn.ill colluye. liannelt , llrown llloclt. U-iSl-ll * , Foil UENTi TWO 7llOOM"FLATS. . 19T11 ST. ! ncnr l.i-AVi-nttorth. limulrcl.lndbliul , 310 H. 15. D-37C-1I3 CUBA ! ' I-'OK TUB WINTBU-KIVB-UOOM cottage , unu nilli * 'Aeftt Iiuiu itostoilU'e ; uooil nvUliliorliooil , llfly-foot lot , fcnrnl , houto newly luperi-il iiiul imlnteJ uml part new , city \\ater ami tetter. AiMicas " 11 3 , " llee. DMSSS 15 * l-'Oll UKNT. 7-1IOOM Ol'TSIDi : I'l AT ; NUU'I.Y liipcri > < l , in-jikrn. l.anio lllocl ; , CM Ko. 13th. li K'J-IJIO l > 'Olt IIKNT KfllMSIIICI ) UOO3IS. rou nn.vr. UOOMS WITH on WITIIOI-T hanrtli cteiim heat , eleetrlc IlKlil. cle\alor. frco hathi ; rates re.uunuljle. lHunsuld ; lu-tel. - U 117 HOO.MS I'-OI ! IIOtr.sBKBBPINa for m-iii uml wife , H < nt talccn In bonnl , 319 N. irih. 1J-M 7J ( HTiiAM lTiATBD HOO.MS , 2011 \HNBY. . rbii iiisNT KUHNISIIKU ; too.MS. not'si- Kei-iilms : 20i ; SI. Slary'ir. _ K-3M 15' ONU Oil TWO NIl'BIA" KimXISHBO 1100.MS for rent : furnace hcnt 2010 Wcbulrr Mrt'i't. UOOM , NICK FIIOXT UOOM. 1721 nodxe ; 1 block from I1. O. U 371-11 TIIUKi : ilOO.M5 ! iT.MlOB" " FIIO.VT 11UOJI3 bUllublc fur two ; 2nd llu r. 403 N. lUlli. K--3SO-11 * _ - ' ; S. 222'xo. 10TII. B Wl-11 * HOOMS AM ) IIOAUI ) . 1'OU IIBNT. Kt'llNISIIKP UOOMS , WITH Ofl wlthnul bjuril ; rti-nni hent antl all inoilorn IniprovetmnlH ; nic.-hil luw rat en for the winter. 'Alldlnml hotel , ICtli and Clilcneo. M. .1. I'rnncll , ! oca ItOOM AND Ij6.\t 1) ; STBAM ; C02 S. ia7fi7. K--MD71 N2S _ _ TUB MADISON 1IOTBI. MAKB o6oD rates to families for lliu winter ; moms all Htciim heated ana cleculc brU. ! ! 1I2CO 13 11ODM3 WITH IIOAUI ) . BTKAM llliAT ; elents -iMinudati.'J. . lUcplu , 1721 Pavcnport Bt. F-27- ! 2205 I'nrnam St. r-271-1 ! " MODKItN in'HNiaiH'.D KOOMB. J1DAH1) , J1.50 > veck. M North 19th , ! ' -MS15 H UOOMHi < 1OOI > I1OA11U : HATKS rcanonnlile. The llo > i , 2020 Hurney. K-XI332 19 > BOtn'H ItOOMB. WITH IIOAUDi STBAM ; t\KV- rnet . 202 N. lilh. K-.MS72 IS itoosANn iioAiin IJ.BO run wiiic : 02 H. 20lh Bt. K-MI10 It * 0 ur. AANI > .SOMBI.Y i 1 ooin ; roulli front ; niojcrn ; In rilvulo family ; , . , . > lcmllil nelKliboiliooit ; rcferrnco * n-iUlicd. | AilJrces 1J 6. Ikf. I'-MiW roil iti.vr i\i'unMsiun ! itoo.iis. I'OUIl nOOMl ) . J16 SO. 15TH. LlTJlKH'llsTT ' II " 377-16 i-oii UBNT. j i'NT'tJnNi8Hr.D itooiia von liousekuepluc , Urwe cli. tla , prlvata buth ; ( uriiucn hrut ami gan ; vi-ry Jf liulil , ruin r unable , ZS12 IIiui. y. Q-TIMl * nnxT STOHS AXII orricus. nilHT-l'I.A88 linir-lC STOHi : nt'lI.DINO. ISIl r rnam ; thrro ftorlpii and hanmrnt : will nltfr to lull tenant ; low mil. ill 1st Nat'I II'k lildR , i-in HKNTrTlinTsTOItV liTiil'lT ' KOH lU'lMilNCJ at tiK KHrnnm n. Thin InilMlnn lias a llrcpror-r 'tmnt liiK-nioiit. nuniiltte ntcam hfatlni ; IK- tiircn , water on all llmirn , KHH etc. Apply at the oillcp of The l\t . 1-310 TllAfKAflK WAUKIlnfHP"riNTP.AI.l.Y : : I.O- c teil. H. M. Curtm , 1W llarney. 1 MI08 Dll Am\Ts U'\\TII : ) . WANTIID , AllKNTrt : SOMBTIIINO iti'M . i an niukc In IZTi.CO per \se k ; ex- pTlftKilicit necvsnary. Cull 413 llee Hldz. J-305 II WANTKI ) , l.IVK I'KOI'I.B IN KVKIIY I.OCAh- Ity at IM.W weekly unlnry ami < 'xi'iim > H to tnko orilern for I'lirlntinaH ( li.oiU ; iicrmanent i-mplnynii'iit If right. Manufacturer , P. O. 1tux HOI. llo-lon. MAM. J MM2 1)23 STUII PACIFIC 8TOHAQB AND WAUE1IOUSB CO. . OOS-910 Joiien. llcneral storage and fornnnllng. M 113 OM. VAN & STOItAOB. 1115 KAIl'M. TRf9. . \VAXTIJI _ T < IH'Y. TO I/KAFB Oil IH'Y , BI.BVATOH OF TEN OU fifteen thotifaml cap.irlty In .South 1'latte cuiiiitry. Address A 21 , cure Omnha Hoc. N-S1I N20 A SECOND HAND SAl-'B. Ill * TAHNAM. N M171 NM LIST IIBAI. KSTATB WITH K. I ) . V/BAD. IfiTH & DntiRlan. N-IOI-JO DBPOSITM IN OBIIMAN ANI > NBH. 8AVINO3 luinkn. F. I ) . WeKd. 16th & Douglas. N-403-13 r'Olt * 4AliiKITIIXITI'Ill- : . KOIt PAI.B. KfUNITflli : 019UOO.M IIOl'SB. 3 ulorlcn from court houre ; cheap rent. A CO , O-Ki 11 * Ilco. - I'Oil SAMi > II.SCKI.Ii A XliOllS. rilBAPKST HAUDWOOD WOVEN COUN-CIUIJ- hlnc mailo. C. U. lco , KOI Douslas. tl-120 SKCOND-HAND SAKiJS CHBAP. 1I1C FAUNAM Q-M172 N30 I.ADI US , OIX3AKS. FUUH , DtlBSH GOODS ; pnsy payments ; ilrop postal and will call with rumple * . B. lllrnh , oltlcs Drexel Hotel. Q-MM1 DO CHEAP KOll CASH. SOMB VBUY NICBCIUAU IKlures. Inchl'llnu nll & hhow coxes. A. M. Cowlc. 211 So. IS St. Q-37S-12 PARTIES WISI11NO TO PI'IICHASB C1IOICH pntatnps In car lota wouM tin well to wrlti1 A. M. HniiRh , Newton , la. , wholeialp potato dealer. Q-M4I5 12 PAMAOED MIIIIIOUS ItBKIhVBISBI ) . TO1 ? NO. IClh. U MMii 1)10 ri.AIUVOVAXT.S. MllS. rillTX , CLAIHVOYANT. S21 N. 1CTH. S-231 I)5 JIASSAOT : iivriis , i-rrc. MMB. SMITH. 1121 DOUOI.AS. UOOM B : SIAS- Bngo nml eti-am hnths. T M30S II * MISS AMES , VAl'OH 11ATIIS , MAS3AOB. S07 S. 13th St. . room S. T-M2C5 DC Mits. nu. I.BON. BuJimur : MASSAOB i AiT- lor ; refreshing unit cunitlx'o ; d.n't fall to call.117 So. lltli tt. . upstairs. T M333 12 rnnso.VAi , . MISS VAN VAl.KENllUUtl DESTIIOVS PEIl- munently by electricity superlluuus hair , moles , warm , etc. llooiu 410. N. Y. I.lfc lllilg. u-it Hfl'TtJItB CtTltED ; NO PAIN : NO tlon fmin Inii-lnefs ; we refer lo humlrcils of Iiu'lonlH cuix-d. O. B. Miller Co. , S07 N. Y. I.lfa biilldltiff. Omaha. Neb. U 122 1IATHS MASSAQB. MMB. I'OST , 313\i \ S. I1TII. U 123 VIAVI , HOMB TUBAT.MBNT I-"OH HTBIIINB troublcn. 1'liyslclnn In uttemlunce. Consulta tion or healtll book freu. 3IS Dee blJt- . U 121 SBB CARTER HAIinWARB CO. , H03 DOUO- li ; , for iiuuiteln , grutea , tiles , niarblc work , etc. _ _ _ _ U-123 _ HOOKUINDINQ. UURKLBY 1'TG. CO. U M3C2 m .MOXKY TO I.OA.V HICAI , I3STAT15. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 315 N. Y. I. . Quick | noney al low rates for choice farm loans In lov.i , northern .Mlhsourl , cantern Nebraska. W-12S CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. 925 N. Y. LIKE. _ w-m MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA rent entaillircnnan , Jxjve Co. , 1'axton block. W 12S LOANS ON IMPROVED UNIMPROVED CITY pioperty. W. Farnain Smith & Co. , 1320 Knrnam. W-129 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. TUB O. F. Davis Co. . 1M3 Farnain St. W 130 o PER "CENT MONEYTO IXDAN ON real estate & Neb. farms. W. II. Melklc. Omnha W-779- MONBY TO IXAN ) ON OMAHA PROPERTY AT lowest rates. HnlMIng loans wanted. Kldrllty Trust company. W 832 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Puicy & Thomas , First Nutlona Hank lllilk- . AV-307 SIOXKY TO I.OAX CIIATTKI.S. MONEY TO LOAN ON FtRNITrilE , PIANOS liorces , wnRons , etc. ; nt lowest rate In city no removal of ( joods ; strictly confidential : yoi can pay the loan " ( T ut any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . :0fl So. 16th St. X"131 _ _ ' MONEY To'l.OAN. 50. CO. 90 DAYS. FURNl tur * . plnnos , etc. Duff Uro n , room S , Utrk r b.K X-132 IH'SIXKSS UIIAXUKS. I'OR S\"LE. AltOUT 2,000 L11S. MINION TYPE "UO Ibi. ueatc , 100 pair two-third cases , 4 double Ir&n ftamlB for tno-thlnl catea. Till was uted on The Omuha H'e and I In fairly ( -ocil condition. Will be hold cheat In bulk or In quantities to suit purchaser Apply In pomm or liy mall to The Roe Pub llshlng Co. , Omaha. Neb. _ Y 713 FOR RENT A SMALL WATER POWER MILL cim alro hamllu gialn , Address Itux K. Lin coin. Nebraska. Y--M105 N13 Sr. AVERAGE WEEKLY NET INCOME WIT1 tl'30 InvcatoJ. Safe. cmuxTvallve. I'roapectuu pronfo , tree. F. Dal1 , 123J Ilromlway. New Vork. Y MC33 N12 _ _ " " RETAIL DTlUG S'rOn"B FOR"'SAU : ; GREAT l-iirualn : write. Harle , Haas & Co. . Councl liluffs. la. _ Y M212 A FLN'B AND COMPLETE STOCK OF IIARl7 ware , btovea and tinware , with a ROW ! cxtab lls.ied business ; ntuck will Involcu ubou JT.ctX'.W ' ; nothlm ; but cash and t-hort tlm paper will buy Ihli plod ; ; u tare chancn tha will boar Investigation ; no tradcm. A. I. lies A CO , lice. Y M321 u-en years , In oiith > > aatc-rii Nebraska ; mil bank ; excellent opiurtunlty for pArty wit JIO.OW.OO to | 2l,000..0. ) Address A Cl. llee. Y-M3:0 17 FOR SALB AT A lUlULUN-ONLY DRUf store In a seed southcaplcrn Nebraska town Addt cm lock but 107 , Elk Cieek , Neb. Y MSM U * _ VOH SALU A "jl.200 DRUCJ STOCK Volt Co I'i'iitH on tha dollar ; K'-oJ town : ioml location cheap rent : for particulars call or tuliln > ts A. L. Spi-arman. Oretna , Neb. Y 400-U STOCIC OF IIAIIDWAHB , SVliRl ; and lot. to fell or trade for stock u IHIUI * und shoe * , or stationery , Addresu Ilex 5 , Hiaytuii. Neb. Y M407 12' KOU i\cii.\xrii3. KOIJNT/'S PLACE. O-UOOM UOUflK. 2T0 TTlN ney ; encumbrance J2.0ixj ; equity for clear cot tDKO. J. J. Gibson , Ml Ut Null ll'k. / - 37i15 > 16,000.00 - IUJ.\UT1FU | . RESIDBNCB 1'llbF eriy ; tine location nnd Rrounds ; hortheas Kitnvas ; EOO > ! town ; will cichani ; for JJ.lXXl.Ci In dry enods. Addrou Ilex CSS. I'alrlklil , In. 7.-M4U IS- J.f ACHES , ALL CLEAR ; 5Co"ACRB3 CULTI vutcd ; live miles ut Scotia , Neb. ; line llvln wuter ; coed vrasn ; need tracl for a Ur u furn or ranc.1 ; will Irate or sell and take par trnde. GiUt mill In Illinois ; water power : Jt.WO , clear will ekchance for farm und pay dlfforence , Come line \rnte \ nnd vmall fuimii In varlou luitu of lha caunlry , to mil or xchutue ; ale stoi'UM of nierchuiutUfl and otlmr pinperty VVrltn u what you liavu nnd what you want sixteen yumV vxixiltnoe. Henry U Smith Full * t'tty , Neb. < -M41l 13 Ken i\Tii.\xnn. ( Continued. ) O > Ai'RKS , WAYNR CO . IA. . ll.SM. Vnrnnl rlty lots for Improved property. Omaha property for Mink KrocerlM. Wnier Flour Mill for rnn < * li. llnnrh for OniA n prop rty. ! ' . I ) . Wend. ICth * Dou.a ; . 7.-4W-13 KOH SAI.IHIAI. I-JSTATI : . AI1STRACTS. TUB 11YRON RKBD COMPANY. IIOIISICS , ! Xl'AllMH , LANDS Oeo. P. llemls Real Kstnto Co. , Paxton Illk , Re OM n-ROOM cOTTAGtAN LOT. 2819 I invention ( four blocks west of HlKlt school ) , partly modern , only : ea y terms. Hyron 11. Has I In > ! f. 212 So. Itlh st. HB MiM SO ACRES CI.0311 IN , K.OdO. 10 acres rlwe In , ! r < X > . < o acres llnely Improved , JI.OOO. C3 nrreii , UnprovcMl , tl.EOO. * > l nrren Inipriivetl. | 4UuO , W Snrpy Co. , J3C in. M llutler Co. , lrw , Iflfl Iloone Co. , J.1,200. 40 arres Hurt Co , , Jl.DOO. 100 Hurl Co. . 11,200. < ' ) In Iowa , | AtV ) . 1(10 ( In Inw.t , J.1.200. , (0 In Ion a , Jl.MO. i 70 In lawn , } 1.2uO. i WO Mills Co. . la. . J20 nn acre. t 0 Monona Co. . In. , } 20 nn ncro. i 160 Otoc Co. , Neb. , J33 nn ncre. ' 20 ncreH near llntirconi 1'nrk clieap. ; to near De Holt , id ) nn acre , . F. HARRISON. 912 N. Y. Life. 2 ACRES NOttTII FORT O. , SIGHTLY. J2.000. loullllful eant front UrorRU Avc. $2,200. , 0-r houso. larne Int. barn. J8t0 ; H.COO cash balance Ci per cent. Neat cottaKe 19lli St. boulevard. JI.CM. r cottaRc 19th nr lx > nvenworth. Jl.DOO. 00 ncre farm 13 in North ut J37.W ; ' 4 cash ; U Omaha properly ; H loin ; time. ' . 1) . Wcad. 16th & DoURlas. 11C 403-13 COTTA1B , t LOT ON 1CTH NORTH OF VIN- tun St. , JI.100. Cottnife A lot Hth St. , Jl.200. ' . D. Wend. 1C & Douglas. HP. 103-13 MUSIC , AHT AXII I.AMHIAfiU. dlbllOE F. OELLENtlECK , I1ANJO. MANDO- lln nnd guitar teacher. Room 412 lice IIMR. Tel. 23S. 100 _ _ 22.1 1IUYS A l BAUTIFuir\VAI.NflT. UPRIGHT piano. $100 nn excellent : $6.00 monthly paymenls. Voso & Sons. Kim be & Stelnwny pianos , cheap , rented. 318 McCaKUu bldK. 304-14 IIAT1I ItOO.IIS. UIRSIAN. TURKISH AND MEDICATED baths. W cents ; nlw > cxclu lvc department for ladles ; everything new ; ladles' hair dreasliifi und barber phop In connection. 107 H. 14th. 17.1 iipiioLSTiui\n. GO TO M. S. WALKL1N FOR RinilT PRICES on furniture packingrenalrlni ; , nmttros&es , couches , cushions. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. IimtSF.S WIXTKHKIl. GOOD SHEDDING : I1EST CARE ; $1.60 MONTH : W. F , Hn > iler , & 9th nnd Lcn\cnworth ; wrle 2C02 Mnrcy. M-741 NI7 I.INTY OF PEED , SHEDS "AND WATER ; horrpfl called for nnd delivered , intes , $3 per month. Address Dalley , Crescent City. in. M-SW N20 MASON YVOH 1C JOIUIKIt. J. I' . HBALY. IS22 CLAHIC STREET.RCCI R-CCI NM SWAPS. WANTED. GOOD IMPROVED FARM FOR A NO. i city property. Address A D2 , Omnha lies , v M-252 D5 HIJILIIl.VC AXII LOAN ASSOCIATION ! ? . SHARES IN MPTITAL L. At ri. ASS'N T'.VVfj C. 7 , 8 per cent when I. 2 , 3 yearn old ; nlwnys re deemable. 1701 Farnnm it. Naltlnger. Sec. 133 HOW TO OET A HOME OR SEcT'IlB GOOD Interest on pavings. Apply to Omaha I. . & is Ass'n , 1704 Farnain. G. M. Nalllngcr , Sec , 130 IMIYSICAL CUI.TKUK. BLOCL'TION MRS. W. DORWARD. C23 N I''lli. ' M-CM N13 ELOCUTION , ZULBMA FL'LLER. 1CH DOITG las street. ISO N-30 TYl'inVUITKUS. OF.T THE I1EST TYPEWRITFRS- SUPPLIES repairs. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. 1619 Fnrnam street. MS30 June 30 .SHORTHAND. PUIVATK INSTRUCTION IN SHORTHAND Special opportunlly. Permanent. 2109 DoiiKlas ' 2S7 12 IlAXCIXfi SCHOOL. A CLASS FOR ADVANCE" PUPILS IS NOW formlnd at Momnd's to meet every Monday n 8 p. m. ; ticket for 10 weeks , $ .1 ; ROOI ! untl used. Call ut 1510 Hurney et. ; always open. M50S N20 II. MAROWIT7. LOANS MONEY , 41S N , 10 ST 13S IM3XTISTS. SAVE MONEY 1IY GOINO TO SEYMOUR dentist , fjj North 24th st. ; lowest chnrses work Kiiaranteed , painless extraction ; cxamlna tlon free ; open evenliiRS. 933 N21) ) ii.vnti > HissiN ( ; . * THE PALACE IlEAl'TlFfL , 1C13 UOUrtr.AS manlciirlni ; , niasfea e. hair dressing , complexloi Ircatments u ipvrlally. MK9 1)7 SK\VIXi MACIIIXIJS AXII SiiMM.II3H. ; NEW IIOMB. HOITHBIIOM ) AND WHITE pewlna maclilne ollice , 15H Cap. avc. Tel. 13 * | . 137 .SHOUTH.V.M ) AXI ) TVI'l-JWHITIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 013 N. Y. LIFE. 133 _ AT OMAHA IlL'S. COLLEGE , 1CTH &T > OrGLAS S31 LOST. LOST-ON 7TH. I1ETWEEN PACIFIC AND U. P. frelKht depot , one frunt farm wagon bolster , varnished. Return und receive reward. Lln- Inger & Mctcnlf Co. , Cth und Paclllc Sts. Ix > st 3'S 11 REWARD OF 15 FOR RETURN OF MY black diagonal cninwiiy frock runt. Win. R. llowen , 27W Dodge el. LOST M398 13 IXJriT. LAD1BS' GOLD BVEGLASslcs ! RE"- turn to llee olllce for reward. Lust Mils 1C FIXAXCIAL. LIFB INS. POLICIES UOUGHT. W. F. HOLDEN 33'J WAXTUI ) TO iitiv Finxrrtrin ; : . HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FUR- nlturo nnd household goods. Omaha Auction Co. , 103 So. 15th St. N-M3 ! > 3 17 * MUIHCA ! , . LADIES ! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNY- io > nl 1'llls ( Diamond brnndl arc the Safe , reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for li.irllculura , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mall. At druggists. Chlchester Chem ical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. Mention llee. MHO 12 SUES & CO. , PATENT SOLICITORS , Duo llullilliii. , Omuliii , Nour Advlco and I'ntuul Hook KUKK , CURE YOURSELF ! l/ Illg Jor nnr itiiral illicliargc'H , Inrianiniatloiit. Irrllalluin or ulorallono of miicoiK luriubraues , I'uliilem , ami i.ot utlrln- 3oard of Directors id''Chicago ' to Settle Eoutiiio GNORES THE APPEAll OF AMOS RUSIE lll IMIfhcr Will llAViSiHIc - on I'rli'iliiinn'H Tctiu nr Xnt at All Wi-nlrrii' Mmrl S.4 < CHICAGO , Xov. 11. The executive com- ulltuo of the National IJnse Hall Icafiuo iclil Its annual mcctliiK al the Auditorium hotel loday. All of ll/c / IcaRtte clubs wi-ro icprt-scntcil. runout thcae present belnR-A. M. Soilcn and W. II. Conant , lloslon : An drew Krcodman nnd J. Walter Spalillng. N'o\v York ; Krank du Haas llobUon , Cleve land ; Al J. Hcach nnd Colonel John I. Rogers. Philadelphia ; John T. Urush , Cln- clntiall ; Chris Von Oer Ahp , St. Louis ; President N. K. Young , J. Karl Wanner nnd Oils Schmelz.VashliiRton ; Messrs. llyrno , Darnle nnd Abcll , llrooklyn ; Harry Von dor llorst and Ed llanlon. Ilaltlinnrc ; JaniM A. Harl of ChleaRo , and Or. Sutcky nnd Harry Pulllam of I.oulavlllc. At noon the meeting of the board f di rectors wns held. It wns attended by [ 'resident N. IJ. YOUIIR of Washington. A. H. Soden of Ur.ston. llnrry Von der Horsl of llnltlmoro , J. Karl WnRtier ot Washing ton. James A. Hart of Chicago , Dr. Stucky of L-ulr.vllle and Avlen of PlttRlmrR. The lioard nitdltpil tln ar-counts of the prcaldont and prepared the annual business to be presented to the league meeting. The pen nant was formally awarded to Baltimore. The Cincinnati club asked the board lo slralRhteii out the old ba.u ball Held iroublo In that city. Von ! er Ahe claims an ? 8.000 Interest on the field , and has at tached the gate proceeds fiom lime to time. The board did not care abiut opening the old score , ann" ns the dispute Is In court It advised Ihe Cincinnati club lo light oul Us battles there. Iho board also took action looking to Iho abolition ot section G of Ihe rules , which provided for the lining of um pires not reporlltiR Tor duly , nnd an agree ment to extend the playing ficason two wee-Its. The present season , from April 15 to October 1 , was extended to October 15. The president of the board was authorized to appoint n committee of thrco lo revise Iho playing rules and repsrl at least Ihlrty days prior lo the opening of Ihe next leasue season. Amoa Husle , whom President Kreldman o ( Iho New York club placed on Ihe rcllred list for nn alleged Infringement of the rnlca , will have to give up nil hope of n settlement In hla favor by the conference of clubs. The league decided to disregard the plea of Ihe crack pitcher of the ( Hants and to uphold the discipline of the club. A deal was made between Baltimore nnd IMttsbiirg by which Ilroilu and Donnelly of the former team were , exchanged for O'Brien , Slenzol and Hdrton. WKSTEIIN LK\CiUi ( : MRRTS. Although President Ban Johnson sought a postponement for cuewecK. . the Western HESO Ball league convener ! In annual ses sion today at the Victoria notcl. After n deal of talking , whlfih generally conlcrcd about the avowed efforts of John T. Ilrtnh to gain control of the league , the meeting adjourned Inward mldnlRht. having accom plished nothing. During the morning the directors met , and , nfter reviewing the of ficial score , decldi'd lo > award Ihe champion ship to Minneapolis. Many reports wcro .circulated concernliiA the efforts of Mr. Brush to capture the two places vacated In the Wdsteru league by Iho expiration of the one-year franchises of Columbus nnd Grand Tlnplds. To further strengthen his hand , It was said , his sup porters In tlie league would endeavor to capture the grealer portion of the surplus for the season a fund 'that Is formed by turning Into It 10 per cent of all Iho gale FORTY YEARS OK SI'I'-FKHIM ' ! KllOJI JMI.ICS. Itt'iiiiirKiilili * Cure of ] 'iiiiilar .llnjor Di'iui of CiiliiiuliiiM , Ohio , People who suffer from that annoying and obstlnnto ilhc.iso will be grallfii > d to learn thai science has discovered a aafe , con venient anil simple euro for every form of plica , as Uic experience of the popular Major Uuan of Columbus , Ohio , amply attests. The major says : "I would like to add my name to the thousands who have been cured by the Pyramid I'llo Cure. I know from experience that It Is the only remedy on earth that will effectually cure piles ; plenty of remedies give relief for a time , but aa for a lasting cure I had tiled all thu halves , lotions , etc. , with out success. Six boxes of the Pyramid Pile Cure entirely removed all traces of a ease of piles of forty years standing. "You may rest assured that the Pyramid Pile Cure lias no staunchcr advocate than myself. " 1 feel that It la my duty to allow you to use my name In any way you may eco fit , In order thai olher sufferers may thus be di rected to what I feel certain will be a speedy relief and cure. " The Pyramid Pile Cure gives Instant re lief and n pcrmxnent cure In all kinds of blind , bleeding , Itching plies. It Is absolulely free from oplales , cocaine and similar iiolsons , so common In pile cures. Thu Pyramid Pile Cure Is sold by drug- glsls at CO cents and $1. A book on cause and cure of piles will bo sent free by addressing the Pyramid Co. , Albion , Mich. es & Searles , Nervous , Chronic und Private Diseases. WEAK G9 N SUUMLY. Private Diseases > ui'tordcr.sof .Mon Treatment by null frco .SYPHILIS j Cureil for life and the riolsun thoroughly cleansed from the system. i'H.KS , FISTULA ' and UKC-TAL. ULCKHS. HYDUOC10I.K3 nnd VAIUCOL'EL , ! ' : p.-niitinently nnd suc cessfully cured , Method now and unfailing STRICTURE AND By now method without pnln or culling. Call on or ( ulilrc-Sjj with stamp. Dr. Scai'lcs & Searlcs I I ! ) S. Mtli St. . ; Ciunlia. Neb. f . \Vo rrn'l ttio l-'rrnv li Ilcn.i > dr f 'i JfCALTHOSfrt'e. ) . inrC.U. Ii'ii uoJ i3 C ? i < , , , , . „ , gU'H.unWo | that fAWini. ' " i HTOI'll tli rBCiiiiid T A VVItl' . prmUii > rrlicn , Vurlfocelc. - t Vic r. Ufettanfy-cytfsatiijicil. VON MOIII. CO. , 332 B , Hotr Amtrlnn il > l > , llntl.n.U , dllo. &P = f t + pf&fr&&tl f.A Man's Greatest Joy % Is hit strcnKlh anj vlirur the full positssiun of Ins powers. banish the dincerous weaknesses of toth 'f sexes , revlUMzo Ihe nervous sysltm , enrich onJ purify the blooJ. They check all drains furever , i $1,00 Per Box , 6 Boxei , $5.00. A legal eiiarsntco tn euro nr refund the ni'iney xvltli e\rry * 5.00ordcr. AJilreM Eliernmn & llcC'onntll Dnif Co. , 1913 Doilee Bt. . Omaha , receipts , nnd which has heretofore been tllvlileil equally nmnng the eight clubs of the league. W. V. G. Oolt of Indianapolis and John Ooodnow of Minneapolis urged these measures before the westerners , but their motion wns defeated by a vote of C to 2 , thus leaving the old rule In effect. Itoforo taking up the election of ofllcers for the new year. It was necessary to fill the two vacancies. Applications were re ceived from the retiring clubs. Columbus nm ! Orand IlHplds , nnd from IVs Molncs ninl Toledo. It had been understood thai Omnha would bid for n place , but no such application was considered by the directors. " IIKSI'I.TM ON TUi : Ul' > MX ( ; TIl.U-KS. tll'llll HlMll Ht'ttVIMMI Allll-rr Illlll 1 > I - Ki-lt ( lie I'i'ntiirc til I'linllou. HAMTMOKK , Nov. 11.-The feature of today's racing at IMmlleo was the dead heat between Ameer and iJogKott In the second raeo. It wni not run off. The weather wan r.ilny and the track n sen of mud. Summaries : First rare , for maiden flllloM , 2-yonr-old- , live furlongs : Sonnet won. Hint soeond. niana'a Daughter tlilrd. Time : 1:014. : Second race , for ,1-yoar-olda and upward , ffillliiB , mlle ami a sixteenth : Ameer ami HogKett dead lieiit , Declare third. Time : l-ft. : Third rare , for fillies , 3-year-old1 * , selling , flvi > furlongs : Medlcu won , lit-lUIon scc- ond. Uimbcnt third. Tlmo : liOI's. Fourth race , for R-ycnr-olds ami up ward , which imvo not won u race this year , one mile : Soutti Africa won , Mill Woodlands second , I.aurelton third. Tlmo : 1I5 : J. Fifth race , for 2-year-olds. sellliiF , s-lx fnriongs : Or. Jim won , 111 Paddy second , nuphnnln I. , third. Time : 1:1GV : , . CINCINNATI. Nov. 11. Itesults nt I.a- tonla : First race , selling one mile : llnmpart won , Little Tom second , Ulttlo Walter third. .Time : 1:4 : U. Second raeo , seven furlongs , purse : Pal- suma won. Hey Cnrruth second , Gray Kdlpsn third. Time : 1:11.1. : Thlnl raee , sK furlongs , selling , for 2- year-olds , : won , Mortle Uoeil Rpponil , Forsythe third. Time * 1:11' : ! ' > . Fourth rare , selling , ii'lle ami a sl.\- loenth. purse : Addle Buelinnun won , Nlm- led second Almeo tlilrd. Time : I"M"I. : Fifth race. 2-yonr-olds. live furlongs , purse : Al won. Sangumon second , Kltoro ihltd. Time : lffi : SAX KHANC1SCO , Xov. 11. UoMUlts at IncloHltlo : First race , six and n half furlongs : Major C won , Lucille second , ( ladcnza third. Time : 1:25 : % . Scoond raee , live furlonps : Ten lloso won , Candcliirla second , Horatio third. Tlmo : l.OHJ. Third race , selling , six furlong * : Dny- iluht won. Tonlno eccunil , Kxeuae' third. Time : 1:17iJ. : Fourth raeo. six furlongs : Imp. Santa Hi Ha won. Moylan second , Snblllu. third. Time : llGVj. : Fifth raee , st'llltiR , hurdle , mlle nnd n qttnrtor , over live hurdles : Oovornor lludd won. Aiundol second , Gold Dust tlilrd. Time : 2:2 : V' , . Sixth lace , selling , six furlongs : Shlold- licarer won , Horyls second , Walter J thlnl. Time : 1:18. : NASHVIM'U. Tcnn. , Nov. ll.-Flrst rare , live and a half furlongs : Annie Sweet won , U.ini.isk second. Keens third. Time : Second nice , llvo-elghllis of a mllo. sc-11- Inu : ( Jolrlle Livks won. Overflow second , Rlla T third. Time : lO.Vi. : Tblnl race , three-quarter. " of a mllo. nell- Inir : Auler r.von , n. F. Fly. Jr. , second. Sister lone third Time : 1:1 : ! ) . Fourth rnre. live and n half fnrlonss. selling : I/nireta D won. Terrapin second , Klcanor third. Tlmo : ll3'fe. : Fifth race , one mlle : 1'ntrol won , l.Ight- fcot fccoud , llardenburg third. Time : l-ivi4. : A inert Still 1'iieniiiillereil. DES 1IO1NBS. Nov. ll.-Speclal Tele gram. ) In a great foot ball game the Young 'Men's Christian Association of this city wns defeated Ibis afternoon by the- team from Ihe State Acrlculturil college at Ames by 22 to 1 > . Despite an ndv.iiitngc of twelve pounds In average \\elght , In f.ivor of the Ames team , It failed lo HPore In Ihe first half. Tim vlsllors also had a great advantage berattxo of muddy grounds. The halves were of twenty-llvo mlnntcp r.icli. Ames opened with the kick-off , nnd In live minutes tbo Voting Men's Christian association scored a touchdown , but failed on the Six mlniilcs later the Young Men's Christian .iisoolntion made another touchdown and kicked the go-il. Score nt end of first half : Young Men's nssoclallon , 10 ; Ames , o. The soonnd hn'.f opened with a touch down for Ames , and the goal was tn.ule. Then Ihe Young -Men's Christian assool.i- tlon made a touchdown and kicked KlRht minutes' before the dose tbo Young Min's Christian nKSOolatlon Deemed to have the game i\on , bill Ames pulled ItbelC logotlicr and su-ored repealedly. clos- II-.K with U points to K > for the Youiul Men's Christian association. V. of N.Klllnxl Unite A. C. LINCOLN , Nov. 11. ( Special. ) Tomorrow afternoon the * varMty eleven will meet n leiun from IJiitto , Mont. It will probably be u very wnrm game , as the mountaineers have been doing business with all oppoiu-nls nnd are especially anxious lo defeat the I'nlversltv of Nebraska team nt homo. The llneini will bo : U. of N. Position. liutte. Wiggins. 140 right enil..McPhrrson , 1KI I'earse. 173 right tncklo Jones. 1ST > Turner. 210 right guard Mult. 201 Melford. 173 center lirahm , 170 Keller or Hnnsen , 2iX ) left guard Harper , 1T ! > Duiignn , 17S left tackle Slater , 17S Henedlct. 131 left end l'i rlun , IVi Thorp. 13S quarter Iteiison , 110 Shedd. 17U right half..McMillan , IfiO llobblns. 172 left half Dygert. 1 0 Pai'kanl , fullback I.nsswoll. Ifi-T The game will bo called nt 2SO : promptly. MIllllt'NUllI 1'l-Ott'HlH .MlelllKJlll CillllK * . MINNEAPOLIS , Nov. ll.-Thc University of Minnesota has formally protested the foot ball game won by Michigan Satur day by H wore of fl to 4. Two protests have boon forwarded ; ono from Captain Harrison and Co.icb Jen-ems , quoting lliu rules to show how Ileforre Donnelly erred and thus prevented Minnesota from making a goal and tying Hie score , and the other from the Athletic association , prolrstliu ; Iho game , and ch.illeiiilngMichigan lo urolbor Kami , which snail settle the cluimplonshlp of the \\est , and shall take place al Chicago before December 1. .MIHuii'lH Clll : < lliu Srvi'ii Allies. NH\V OHLKANS. Nov. ll.-On Iho ccmont track Jimmy Michaels today broke tbo Amerlran seven mile record , making It In 13:03. : one second below the foiiner record. -'OHKCAST ! ' T011AVS WHATIIICH. \\li < lH 111 NoIiriisUii 'VVIIl lleooiiit \nrlnlilo mill It Will llo J'i I r. WA&HINUTON. Nov. 11. The for Thursday Is : For NcbrasUa , South Dakota nnd Kansas Fair ; north winds , becoming variable. For Iowa and Missouri Fair ; wanner ; north winds. For Montana , Wyoming and Colorado Fair : warmer ; south winds. Iiiii'ii ! Ilot-oril. OFFICK OK T1IK WI3AT1IKII HUIUCAU , OMAHA , Nov. U. Omahn record of tc-in- p > ; ratuiv and r.-.lnfall , compared with the corresponding day of the jmst three yours : l iO. 1S.13. ] S81.1S33. M-ixlinum temperature. . . SO OT 31 41 Minimum t'-mperaturo , . . . 13 SI 13 X Avoragc temperature 22II 21 3' Knlnfull CO .00 .00 .32 Hnvird of lumpcrnturo and precipita tion at Omaha for the day a ml t'lncu Muruh 1 : Nurmul tfinpernturo for the day -II Dulli'lonoy for the day 1 ! ) Accumulated delleleney lilnce Mnich 1. . . S'J Nu-mnl precipitation tor the day. .01 Inch Dc-'lclvncy for the day 01 Inoli Total precipitation since Mar. l.2.H ; Inches l-cos < since March 1 ! 1 InchcH Dfllck-ney oorri'sirf ; pt-rlod IS95..10.C1 Inches Dellfk-ncy conx'sp'g period 1KH..14.12 ! Inoheu ItopnrlN t'riiin . jtalluns at . p , m. ' 'T" Indicate * truce of i > ifclpltnllin. L. A. WKI.SII , I-ocnl l''orcca t Olllclal. Defcrvlni ; Conndence There Is no arllcln which so richly deserves the cntlro con- lldonci ) of the community ns Brown's Bronchial Troches. Thobp suffcrlni ; from Asthinatlc and Bronchial dUeasca , Coughs and Coldti , should try them. 1'rlco 25 YOIITIIn , \nn. Otiiervntlott * mi Ilio 3l < Mi AVIut llnvc i\ocllcil : nt .Stntrmncii , The re-elecllon of Justin S. Morrlll. In his S7th year , Rlvra him n distinction reached jy no other man In our history that of belnR chosen to the senate for MX eon- sceuilvo terms for six years each. Hitherto Thomas II. Bentou'd "thirty years In the spnato" has been unequaled. Mr. Merrill's torvlce In the national cnpltol , ? aB the New York I'ost. has already , however , been nueh longer than Bcnton'a. for he spent twelve years In the house of representatives icforo ho entered the senate , so that he Is now In hla forty-second year of coiwccntlvo aervleo as a legislator \VashltiRton , while llentoii's thirty years In tin ? senate were supplemented by only two In the lower tir.inch. But one. other man In our history : ia * ever been continuously In public lite at \VashltiKton so IOIIR as Mr. Morrlll. That s Jilin Sherman , who entered the hou5e of representatives with him In 1S53 , and ws.i ils collcaguo there for six years , when ho was promoted to the senate , where Mr. Mor rlll rejoined him In 1SC7 , and they have been colleagues In that body ever since , except for Iho four years when Iho Ohloan waa uceretary of the treasury under llayt-a , from 1S77 to 1SS1. The most remarkable feature of Mr. Mer rill's extraordinary record of forty-two years' service In one or other branch of conRrcss Is the fact that he had reached middle BRO before ho entered public life. lie had been a merchant In a smalt way and farmer until lie was past -10 , and although he had always shown nn unusual .ntercsl In public affairs nnd the posses sion of trails tilling him to serve the people ple , neither he nor his neighbors when ho was -10 could have supposed thai surh a career was possible for him as he has lived since ho entered the lower branch of con gress. In bin -ISth year. On the other baud , llcnton began his thirty years In the scn- nlo when he was S3. nnd Sherman look his seal In Ihe house when he was 32. Mr. Mori 111 hns furnished ns good an ex- ntuplo as we have over had of the capacity for useful public service of a man who had nol consciously trained himself for It , and who did not enter It until well nlong In life , bul who had added lo native ability , a high character and good sense , long at tention to public tiff a Ira as n private citi zen , and who was always n model of In dustrious nppllcntlon lo his duties ns n representative and a senator. In no sense ai urcat man. he has always been a thor oughly ( indent legislator , and the honor able record which ho has made Is n strik ing Illustration of the powlhllllles open under our Institutions to the publlc-flplrltetl man who has an honorable ambition for public life. Mr. Merrill's re-election for another term when he Is past Kt5 Is the most striking sign we have ever had of the change thai has come over the American public during the past century In Its nttltude toward pub lic men In the mutter of ago. A hundred years ago the Hen of n mnn'a being capable of service , not simply when he was half way between 80 and VO. but even HO late aa 70 , would have been rejcrted as absurd. Under the first constitution of Now York Judges could not serve beyond 00 , because no man older than that was considered able to render Just declsons. More than half of the thlrly-nlno delegates to the con- venllen of 1787 who Hlgned the federal con- stllullon wcro under 15 , while n dozen of them ranged from 38 down lo 25. and only four had paused 00. Throughout Wash ington's two terms na president he always spoke of himself as an old man , although he was but 57 when Inauguraied , and as hla first term approached Its end ho wished to retlro lo Mount Vcrnon , "to spend the remainder of my days , which I cannot ex pect lo bo long. In ease and tranquillity. " How far we have gone In the ether dlrcc- llon la mode equally clear by the general feeling that a man Is very young for high position al Sfi. although Jefferson was only : I3 vhcn ho wrote the Declaration ot Inde pendence. Alexander Hamilton 32 when Washington made him secretary of the treasury , and Joseph Story 32 when he was appointed a Judge of the supreme court by JelTcrson ei ch of them having been con spicuous In public affairs for years before- they attained these houor.i. Indeed , the most surprising discovery one makes about "the fathers of the republic" Is thai they were nn exceedingly young sel of men when they rnrrled through the revolution , framed Ihe cniisltiullon ami sol Ihu new governmenl running. Maturity of character Is an cRsenllal lo good public service , and lhal Is nol n mat ter of years. Such a man ns Ihe Vermont Honator ha * Ihosu solid tralto which would have kept him steady If he had entered con gress In his 20s. So. too. William E. Hut- sell made an excellent mayor of Cambridge before ho was 30 , and nn nxcullent governor of M.issachut-eUs a llttlo later. On the other hand , there are "boy orators" who re main only boya. however long they live , ami who command Ihe confidence ot Ihe people as lllllo In Ihclr ilOs as In Ihelr 30s. Tilt Important ll'.lni ; aboul any publli : man is nol whether he Is young or old In ycara , but whether his character and record show that ho can he safely trusted. ; intnvrriK.s. Dunn-stir. Search for llnv. Mr. Hurkc , losl In the mountain : ) of Montana , ha been aban doned. Mark Ilanna left the republican hcnil- qunrters In New York yrslenlny nnd de parted for his homo In Cleveland. Dr. G. H. Cnstle , populist , 1ms been elected over Wllllniu W. Bo-worn , repub lican. In tin- Seventh illnlrlct of California bv ninety veins liy thu returns. Deleuate Cntron nnnonnrr-s tlmt he will contest the election of KCTRIISOII ns ili'K-- Kiilo to congress from Itow Mexico. Ho ileclnrrs he positive evidence1 of fraud. lioutc'lle W. I'fa/.er , proprietor of the- Wnllinglon hold In Washington , oom- inlttod sulrlile by uhootlng hlmsflf. In a li'tlcr to his wife ho ascribed his net lo 111 hc.illh. Judge Foster nt Fort Scoll , Knn. . fined Ihrue wholesale- liquor dealers of Kansas City for rotnlllw ; liquor In Kmmas v-'llh- out u license. Thu liquor was distributed throiiKli the express olllces. Sdoto Valley division of the Norfolk & Western. 113 miles , wns sold to Ihu reor ganization committee of bondhoMi.-is for - assuming mortgage In- $110,000. purL-basera ili-lileilness of over Si.OM.OW. William Valentine , the swindler , on ac count of whoso orlmoH May \Vlntugi tried to 1:111 : hi'i'sr-If In Uroufclyu , linn been held for examination on thrco counts , abduc tion , grand larceny and forgot y. A young \\omnn's body hns been found In n shallow grave between St. Joseph anil Iho asylum for Uu Ina.ine. The body has the appt-iiriuu'c of ha\lng broil burled Rev- era ! weeks HBO. The police nro myatllli-d. Frank Hamilton , for twenty years n mmi- bur of the banking linn uf Raymond & C'u. at Austin. Tox. , committed sulcldu by taking morphine two dayti nfter bin inar- rliiKe. Hr had bccomu despondent over llnanclal IOKHOS. Frances I.nfargo , daughter of John the nrllst and givul granddaugh ter of Commodore Perry , has been sdectitl by Mayor I' . J. lioylo to christen tin- gun boat Newport , which will IK : launched at Bath. Mi > . , on November 23. C'oloui 1 W. 1 < , Thomas , silver demoi-rat , will conlesl tbo right of Hon. D. John Sum J. Puili to the heat In congress for the Ninth dlhtrlcl of Kentucky on llin grout.ils of Irrugiilnrlly In the voting.'which he nays existed In every county In the district. President I'rnnk Hudson , Treasurer Ar thur B. Klmbuiley and Secrct'iry William .1. McC'urry of the HuilHon-Kluibi rlcy rrlntlng company In Kansas Cliy liiv ; boon Indicted by the feiloral grand Jury for dlslrlbiillng advertising cards with the Imprint of u Ji'O gold piece. I'ori-lun. President Krugc-r Is said to be about to demand $ iCfX ) , < Xr ) Indemnity from thu British Charioted Koulh Alilca curnihiny for iho Jameson raid. Prcmltr idel Cadlllho denies Hint Iho iipanlth Kovornnu-ni lias i-ntcrecl into an ngreemcnl with the i-ovcrnrncnt to put nn und to the war In Culm. Vice President Pr. Manuel Vlutorlno I'tirclni 1ms nHjiumcd Ihu powers of prcol- ilent In view of Iho Illnosu of JJr. Prn- ( li'iilu do Mornej. Prc'Sldi-nt Morucs la im- provlng. A list of reform to bo executed In Tur- Uov IMS been piibllxhitd by order of the sultan with Implicit limlnicllons to tlio provincial nuthorltlos to iw-u that they tire enforced , Thu l..mdnn Ololni conllnna the Htaln- uifiit that China otfercd Formosa to ICni- land to Have it from Japan , adding that thu offer was mudo through the viceroy ot Hunkaw. RETAILERS ARE WARING UP Rccovoriup from Effects of the Late Elec tion Exoitoinont , DISCUSS REVISION OF CITY CHARTER iTiilty nf Ciiinplotliiir ( ln Trilli uUsUnlppI MooU SiiliMorliitliiii l'rui < _ nlnii Depot Also t'niiio.t In for CoiiNldornlloii. The Omnha Helnllcra assoclntlon emcrRCj for the llrst time last nlKht from the ninth hat marked not only It , but nit other bus- ness urgnnlz.itlons , durliiB the Into cam- ulgn. Nnturnlly the ntlc.nd.incc wns not utrtleularly larRc , but those present began o lay plans for n renewal of the asso ciation's activity since the death of thu sihor crnro assures prosperity again In Iho future. President IIospo In opening the meeting said that the result of the election wns elt already In better trade nnd n greater circulation of money , and It behooved the retnllera to begin to hustle again , not only for the projects which Interested them solely , but also the city generally , espe cially the Trnnsmlsslsslppl Kxposltlon and the union depot. Ik-Kurdlng the latter , ho stated that some developments had taken dace , but It waa deemed uiiftdvlsnblo to nako them public ut present. The committees which hiivo been solicit ing BUhscrlptlons of stock for the exposl- : lon company reported. It Is the Intention to have them visit again those merchanu who would not subscribe until after elec tion. A suggestion that the cxecutlvo com- ulttco meet every week Instead of every : wo weeks met with approval. The rest of .ho meeting was devoted to short talks ft urn the members. Cnptnln I'almcr wns called upon to tell what prospect there was of receiving n G I > IT cent ruductlon In Insurance rates next jear. Ho responded , nnd Incidentally mailo 8omo decidedly Interesting nunarkH on the subject of charter amendments on the pres ent system of city go\ernmeut. Ho said that the levy this year would l > o based on $10,000,000 Instead of the $ IS- 000.000 of this year , which , on thu usual apportionment , would plnce In the lire and police fund but $ SO,000. Last year the fund received ? DO.OOO , leaving a delicti of $3Gono. The council made up $31UOO of this , nnd ! ) } close paring and economy , particularly by making the llremcn do all the repairing about engine houses , the remainder would lie saved. Ho estimated that on next yenr'a levy there would be a deficit of $ 10,000 in the fund to be faced. MAY GO Ul OR DOWN. "During the past year the lire losses have amounted to practically nothing , " con tinued the captain. "This has been duo to the fact that wo have nn excellent llro chief , ns good us any In the United States , and to thu discipline tlmt Is maintained In the department. We have a good 'depart ment , nnd It must bo kepi up , even If wo have to discharge the police force. If It Is maintained 1 believe there will bo a G per cent reduction In the rates. If It Is cut down , I would not bo surprised to ace the rules go up. Therefore , It behooves business met , to devise some means of raising the amount of the estimated deficit. "It Is possible to remedy Ihls evil by changes In the charter , so that we could get rid of a large number of useless city olllcos. The salaries the city Is paying nro simply frlchtful. Moreover , wo have men In this city holding public olllce who nro .absolutely dlsipmllllcd for doing anything except to draw their breaths nnd their sal aries. There are enough olllces to run u , city llko New York. The city could bo run with one-half the olllces nnd one-half the oxpciisc. For Instance , the Hoard of Public Works has been nbsolulely of no Usn this year , nnd yet It has cost the city from $10.000 to $12.000. Ily culling off these use less olllces enough money could enslly bo found to run the fire and police depart ments on n good basis. " Captain I'alm&r suggested lhat n com- mltteo bo appointed to Investlgale Ibis mai ler. This suggestion was not aclcd upon , bill It will come up for the consideration of the executive committee. II. O. lloattle wns ashed for hla views on the probability of obtaining better olcu- tion laws from the coming legislature. Ho also said that he believed the chances were good for obtaining such changes lhat high- salaried men would not be able to evudo their debls. llo advised Hint the merchant throughout the stale bo enlisted In the cause by signing pctlllons lo Iho legisla ture. He also suggested that the merclmnta co-operalo with the Central Labor union ami the laboring element In the matter. H. Hardy spoke on the railroad situation. Ho advised the merchants to slick logether and fight for the union depot. He believed that the railroads ought to build when the enormous freight und passenger huxlncsi : lute and out of the city Is considered. O. 1) . Klpllnger Informed Iho association that the board of governors of the Knlghtn of AU-Sar-Hcn had decided to hold a festival on their own hook In the latter part of Sep tember nnd the first of October next year If the stale could not obtain such a date for the fair from the association of which It Is n member. This Is to bo done In response to the complaint lhat thu fulr was held altogelhcr too curly In the season this year. HMtnMlxliliiK a I'rooi-ilrnt. Chicago I'ost : "That gas bill Is a dollar higher than ever before , " he said. "I know It , my dear , " flho replied. "Hut you know , one of the children was sick and we burned more gas than usual. " "Oh , 1 suppoao It can't bo helped , " ho re turned regretfully. "It decs si em , though , as If evcryihlni ; was conspiring to bankrupt me , " "Why , a dollar Isii't much , " she protested. "Of course not , " he admitted ; "but If you bail been paying the gas blllu as long aa I have you d realize what It Is to establish such a precedent a.s this. That ono bill will put us in a new class nt the gus ofllce , and they'll make their estimates upon the now basis. I don't believe they'll ever let us get back to Iho old figure ngaln. " THIS HKALTY MAICKKT. INSTIltJSIUNTS placed on record Wednes day , November 11 , l tW : WAUHANTY DKKDS. I ! . L. Allln and wifu lo Charles Cllf- foid. lot 23. block 1 , Avondale park.3ECO U. II. llowell to M. A. It. llowcll , lot 2. block "C , " 1'rospocl 1'laco . SCO QtiT CLAIM DlittDS. II. Lelghton and wife to A. 11. Pad dock. n "il feet of a ? A feel of lot ! Ti , Hcdlek'H 2d add . 2lO A. P. Fiench ol al lo William Kuhfnhl , lot 2. block "T , " Shlnn'o 2d . 13 DHUDH. Khoilff to .1. A. Hotbach , lot 9 , block " 11. " Lowe's add . K3 Special maBKr to ( J. P. Davis , lot 10 , block C3. South Omaha . 1,10) Same to Wcsli'iloy Kiivlngsi bank , lots C und 7 , Komlngton's subdlv . 1,400 Total amount of transfers Mrs. A. U. Crnuaby , ofinSKurrSt. , Humphifl , Tout ) . , paid nuntluntlon to n eiimll lump in her briust ; , bub it noon duvulopod into a ouncer of thu most malig nant typo. Thu bc.'Ht physlciana in New York treated her , and lln- ally declared her ousu hopoli'Bs. As n Insb resort , S. S. 8. was given , und nu Immediate Improvement ro- HUltediif ; ( . > w bottles tles cured tier completely , and nodign ofthudid- ftase has return ed for ten years. JInokt ) on Cancer free ; address BvrUI Bpecluo Co , , Atlanta , ( ia ,