Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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I Pulse of Western Progress.
The * ' ) r shipping atus is r firttu lr
t ll > ) XfcJ.if. of cattle t.lup | > e3 from . .his trite
liar atnm rt < 4 to IIM than far KOIBC VMITK
to ibfr lew priref M > * H Cre t P ' . *
KpeelBi to tbe MianoapOitc Jouinal
meetly X .WH > caul * k ve been
te CUoBBO gUtekyardt tbc neawn.
a tocremte f a * per wtnt Irsw iMit yaw
ftoroe W , nW ararr bet > be * * killed tw local
timiim-mpt'oti and for Indian UM Tbeee rt-
t1 art raltfed at about rtclrt a fl * naif
Oollart Shipment * of * he p Iwve
larw titan lw * ynar , bin at lower
j rlcr Tb * l rt load of cuttle te no Irwn
tW tate , w lar a * h , now knows , -was
train trom rnrt Bern on Kovamtier C ,
tlire * tert" wld tbe il wr. " * ner Bryf
tu'H election wiwn 1 win b * cure to a1 tb *
t f > jtrlw of tbe s aon * *
Tb low. to ranchers , Otto yetr br wild
M. VHHIJ tnweli Je * than tiie year
c , when it was E per cent of theirtotiil
K , and the Ions bf weatbw h ; beet ,
] * tlmti knows for many yearn. being pat
it wit tr trots 1 6 per cent L t year it
VRF l par wtit Tbe rancm are In excel-
3 nt * tw } * > ' Knd cattle are going into tbr w In
ter bmer tban for a 101.5 time Tbere it
i mo t C-CBTJ return to Smlieve. the ; win
conH ) ouin tbe spring In tbe bent of oondll
are now in tbe rtnte aliout ? 17.t 0.-
< > DB wwth of cattle. heei and borw-s There
arn W ? . M eHttle. raoo e.t no it B O'tO ' at-
tmrflhic to lht > nrtoriu ; of tlir awnwMirt- -
WitlJMili I&MTJI , valued m * < .3RO diMi aiifl 1D !
008 bor , titlui-d at MWKidMt Cuwor
( autr IISR alnitmt a third of tht > cettlc to
the utiitp. vhflc rcrjfo * eounry hat mor *
thnti & utrth of tbfr Hiic ti IL lH'auirbad
cemit > thf liornft are vahn > d br the
t > or at but $10.30 each , lent , tbun cuyw-bere
to the report of tbf commts-
r.foirar of acrkinlturc iunt pvM ] h < < d the
wool dip of the mtte for this jear b B Itwm
il.TftD.OOD poundK an lucicusr of : i arir
" .StiO.twn jiounflt , over thkuuuiiir bnfoi
Montana hut more S.IIPCJI and iirtidticec more
-v'ool thau LJtitb r Ktatt > In tbt nulitu. Tiir
Btat . Jt , ul to credited with ralnttic tbr brrt
of nilof the -cullpfl twrluiri vcmlf and
otitintauttj ralKinc itt. wnitdurfls The axpr *
jiripp niilatned br vool prowerB tii.f
3 ear was but eight centc a pound , a
of two and one-third from tb * jear b fore
und the proceed * , of the clip were n.75ft.OOD
Of tbt total clip nwarlj two-tblrdt was
oonmgiied to eaneru bonnes without halec
The UUe to 4t > MMi.OOO acres of land IB in-
\olxed in a cane pending to tbe supreme
oourt of the fntied States , najf a recent
dlcpBtch wherein tbe fnited
leave to file e brief becau <
nf UE touoern ib the question * , 7irecnted
The title of tbe caw it tbe Atlantic & Pa-
llflt Raiirocd company againit Robert Mln-
jnifc et al from the soprenie court of tbe ter
ritory of New Mexico Tbe litigation w t
over the title te a tract of land Khuated
within the limits of that part of tbe grant
originally made in 1MH ° < to tbe Atlantic & .
I'aclRr Railroad company and declared to be
forfeited to the United States by the art
of IKftG. bi'caune the road co-termiuput. tberti-
wlth liad not been eouetrueted in accord
ance with tbe eonditiont of the grant Tht
ruprome court of tbe terrltorj atUrmed Min-
rui : title to the laud and tbe railroad coat-
appealed to tbt EUprenie oourt of tht
I'nlted Statea
It IE claimed by tht railroad that by an
art panned in J8S1 congress ciprcEBly eu-
tborised tbe comiian ; to mortgage tbe land
prant , and that hax-ing been done congreM.
could not forfeit tbe laud at least until
lifter tbe time when that mortgage became
due , whltb time has not jet arrlxed Jooejih
Call DHsln'.ant rounMil for the Vnlted Statefi
In his lirief mated thut the land in ques
tion all that part of the p-ant
between IsJeta Junction and Sjiring-
field Mo and between the Colorado rixer
und the Pacific octn. 40 HOD 00ft out of the
MUKiB.OUO acrt * contained In the original
grant If tbe claim * of the railroad com "
pany should be FURlaiued all of tbe patentc
iwiued by tbe United States , and entries
allow ed to iiettlerE for pans of Mich landc
i.lnce 18KO will tie nullified He contends
thit the forfeiture act must ix upheld , and
the Judgment of the territorial court in
tavor of ViugUE' title afitnned
The eriitemint in tht otl region in th -
ooutbweK } < omen of tiiW ; county coctlnueE
unabated EajE a * Tn uo M > ecial to tbe
San rraucisco Chrouiclt and it if feared
that blood may flow if the jumping 01
clalniF rontinues W J WeernK who was
rceentlj connected x < 1th tbe engineering
department of the Valley road returned
Irom a x-isit to GoUiuga. fony-Cxe miles
noutbweM of town Hi reported that all
liut one of hit own claims bad be u jumped
> tid tbat he doee not expect to recover
them He has located hl irxxit valuable
rlalm CE a homestead under the recent rul
ing of Stcretary Hoke Smith.
J Rader. Attorney G L Warlow and
other rrireuE of Preno who haxe filed
clalmE on oil landE have hud their claims
jumi > ed and hcimenteadt have been filed on
them bj person * who know perfectly xxell
C that tbe ell if barren rork Mr Wetms
tays tbat trouble Ik * ure to oocur if the
ItitruderE jmrBlBl in their preoenl ooursr
anfl tbat armn and ainmunltinu have lit-cn
xhipped from rreano to Coallnga on the
order of claim owners The latter are not
In a mood to wait a legal ettletnent. and
tnj oven art on the part of the claim
JnmperE will be re intedby force
Tbe bitterness of feeling i * due to the
Joct tbat manj of those who have fltefl
claims in tht oil region daring the p *
ten months have jiut every dollar they
liad In the world into the enterprise vhile
tbe jumpers are eguallj jiernistent in af-
Jlrmltig their rlghtE under the homestead
It liai. been intimated tbat the Standard
Oil company IE gix-ing fci eret encouragement
to tiie claim jumpert Tbe latter xv-Ill btxe
to deal with men who xUll rceiM to the
laEt extremity anj- attempt to deprixe them
of their pisijierty. One of tbei-e Is Milton
McWhorter to x hem tbt dlBPoxerj of tbt
oil belt is malnlj due and who has runk
dl be iiuMH'FH * Into tbt enterprise The
other 1 * Captain Prank Barrett , a capitalist ,
v ho hat nunk t-l nun In the came section !
Tht claims of both these men have In en i
jumped and if tbe courts uphold Secrtotary I
Smlth't decision that oil lauds are not j
mineral land * there art Hxt4y tlmet , in j
jirospect at Coalinga j i
Thomas McVltt a civil engineer who bar
resided in the x-lcinity of Fort SteeJe in
Eau Kootenay , furuiKbet , xomt iuterestitig ,
information says the Tacouia Ledger re-
rarding that country which Is now begin
ning to attract attention but of which t > a
little IE known In speaking of the nut
cold , the fact that it WUE in thrt section
tbat plater mining XVBE carried on about
thirty jears ago when the miuerE were
utter placer gold and the praxtil bars In
the Wild Horse and tributary BtrecsiE
jlelded m re than niiWMiOno he said 1
"Tbe recent nold quartz dibcoxerieE on
Perrj creek about twentj-fne miles went :
of Port Stetle arc attriurtlng miners from '
nil oxur the country The firm diMioxery
vas madt in July 1HM at a ] > olut ine miles
Irom the old town on Perry creek whirh
was tbe ncene of a placer excitement Hhortly
after the dmuomrj of gold on tbe Wild
liorBf The quartz discovery was made at t '
the upper end of tbe I'errj creek leases 1 ,
After the first location in IMC no other locations - j I
cations were made until July of the prevent [ '
year Since that time no USE then fifty
claims haxe been Etaked an- recorded Tbere
ire four parallel ledges and from what 1 '
i be learned they will each axerage nf-
tet < u feet in width. The oie on the surface ' i
it of excellent grade and will run from $ I > Ute
to t'X'Q a ton in tree gold The ground it
located for a distance of seven mllec Tlir
coal measures lie for the most pan wet of
Elk rner. following a contact of two difler-
r < int formailonE carboniferous ot. one hide
I end limestone on the other Tbene Neem to
J liH cmiutiJ. authracitti and bltumiiHius The
, . rurxeys for the Crow's Xent J'ase railway
. W run through these ooal tneasuiMC Coal oil
| f lias'lx'i'ii found on a branch of tbe Flathead
] rlxur , fifteoi , miles north ( if the international
| boundary. All of tbe stream * run-
nine from tbe vest lute tbe tipper
1 Koottuay liatf buon eupurficiallr
i i e. V t ki" U' _ ' it i ' ! tli'
) il t t d 1" 11 t'l ! re < J * l < s <
Tbert hat lieen e : > ld ( .uk r MI 11
he , Wild Horn * at > ' 'r/u-tiM " -t rar arfl
for ( a Statanre of ier n n < noh s d H' ir i
tf Ji W il < i Ho-M TJcT are la kreaf
i ot ibe rrwtwn fa-t cf tbe R-icky ainna-
j i tain ' * here eopTM-r h * bi e found St > ( ar
! > I < M'M ' r. time J w b4ti Imt Mttte MHHin
] | < r iwcttec tar it Th * dtotrtet IT ow of
| r.rmt powdlMlithK and wbrtt trnf > ortiitM
tttUlttM ; arc affortled tbe wrtlou will no
dcub ; ttrad creat aUtntltin and 1 lock tor
the ume when UK' nir.ei of Bum Kootmar
, wil ! b * ac well know-ti at otb r dhitrlcts in
, BMttt * Columbia '
| I It 1 * barv ! * < ! tbat Williani Fee and partj
! i who arrixfd at Jnn u m Ortober ll will
I ' be tbe 1 * 1 > n n > out from tiie Takoti thlt >
full MJC a Income Bi-wlnl t tbe Sun Fran-
rinco Chroniclt Fully l.W * p-o 'H willt
| 1 itM * tbf winter at ClrHr City 3orb fof
! Fef l ft tbrf w * ernat rcjdlrlnp oer tbf
arrtvml of tint Memner Alice with 101 * ton *
of nappllw. fl ) tone of which were towed
op the Yutoc on a barpe Tbe t eamer Bt
trilawat eicp ered a few d yi later with
more mirplK * Th * arrival just before ne\-
1 cat ion ( .lotted eremtly chtceefl tbe
thm t CtrtKe CUv * for tbt laM prevlout
rtiK ns w * that prful anri v WM felt
I over tbe prnspectiTe Hbortape It tuppllet ,
I Tbe uT.val of tbt Btcaaicrr cauneB liacot
' to wluinp irom fid to 85 t-nd Jp ccmth a
A wacon road from Circle Clt ; to Birch
j creel , ha * liifc completed and is the ftrnt
worl. of a public natort p Hr uttennrtud In
the Yukon repion While the ppttnf fol-
louod by tbe road In order to avoid iwamp *
IncroBM-d th" dirtawe to fifteen miles the
Kuporioritj of tbe rtmtt more than eom-
pcimatpd foi tbe extra trattil
. New dlM-overler btie been made In thr
1 Birch oretl. dlMrit iOn Hfirrison cre l > Joe
Qarritj tooat d Disootery claim and two
other promising tlairm. art ojK-ned tip
Manv othe-r beve ben Joss'ed on Eagle
rrt > el. Tw rtalinr have been opwifd which
protipprt very high Deadwoofl cre l > IE tbt
the banner Mxtion thit seaman with tbe
Mastodon a close m > coud Tlmrr tu-e fift >
tlalmf being worked nn the forintr and of
them John Bowarfl'e K the bent
Howard bonebt ihlr rlaim from Tom A.U-
aemrm whi > tbonght It about worked out
and pnld a half interest for fl Olin Howard
wrured tbe remaining half intereot fet
tl.Hifl He worhed neveii men thte Humniw
and tool : out from t-teht to eleven and a
half ounces ; ir a j per man At IHH ! ac-
couutf. he had cleared nomelbing o'er tlf 0M ( )
Oils tiramon Chrlf Harrington rlalni * on
Xajnodon creel , are the bt-n there Barring-
ton bcuKbt one claim for IC.OM His firirt
cleaoup fram hid three rtrluqi. t > I boxes paid
for tbr claiao and left liiin a balance of about
100 ounces More- than two docen miners
have cone down the Yukon wltb tf. ( KID to
nnnmi in gold dum. much of i : bi-ing thit ,
neaoon'r p-odurt.
All kindt of same e * * pt buffalo are mul-
'Iplvinc rajiidlv in Yellowstone National
park my * a Llrlngrton ( Mont ) diitpatch to
tbe ! Portland Orcponlan Tbere are tbou-
sandf It I of deer clfc and antelojie During
tbe t jiunt oeanon berdc of ell. numbering from
20D to 4fin hxe bees s H > n at various time
and I deer are fully re plentiful Betrt art
getting I too numerous and steps muet be
taken 1 to r rid of them Thej are BO buld
tbat 1I 1 tliej will enter and take jiittuwwulou
of 1I I carr ; of touritiie and cannot be drlxen
out I Tbe laws governing the pail : will not
1 permit the Ulllng of tbcm. Meat must lie
hung in tree * lo prexeat their getting It
I and \ are frequently driven from their
tents by tht animals
The park has now been closed for tbe
deafton . and the herd of buffalo has been
i. rrmox'ed to a email IncJosure near tbe Lake
j <
The remarkable erai'rience of witnessing
a meteor flashing arrow ; the firmament
watching it in Us course and seeing the
Etone drop to ecrth within e few jaids
of where one is manding oemes te but few
people szys-tbe Portland Evening Telegram
jet jiurh a happening occurred recently to
Ben Hall a painter of Alblna. Ore It wan
shortly lifter 3d 30 p m that Hall Etarted J 1
j Irom the more of
Joseph Turner to go to
hlfi lodgings Reaching the corner of Rod
ney avenue Hall was Rtartled by a rudden
illumination of tbe
' ekj Howard tbe east
Guciug aloft Hall < aw vhat at lire ! be took
! to be a tiall from a Roman caudle fired j
from noun pvroteehnir di plaj incident to
tbe many JITI ewloiiB Ae the flaming globe
approached hovexer itas > mmed Buih Mae
that tbe Roman
candle mipposltion
x\us pre
cluded Nearing the earth , the oncoming
ball of fir- could be Been to be bringing
with it a trail of bluish sparks which left J
the main liody with a peculiar crackling
sound resembling the snapping of charcoal
Barely missing tbe roof of tbe bouse at
Ithe I corner of Sellwood and Rodnex vxeuuet.
' the xisiu-nt from the htavenr took a long
swooping ' flight us though reptlled bj tht j
earth's tturfoce finally alighting In a bed of
hardpan on the corner of Rodnej and Rus
sell EVfuues burying itself to a depth of
some hxe inches The distance from xhere [
Mr Hall was > tat.dlng to wnere tbe meteor ,
aiigh'ed was no tjigbt that he had a fair
x'iew of thai portion of the meteor exposed
Prom UiiE came a < > hewer of sparks much
the same ac though the component ptrts
of the meteoric , x-initor contained a percent
age of saltpeter
Going over to tbe spot where the frag
ment of Mime beavenly tKidy broken loose
in space had alighted. Hall found the me-
teor still at a white htat.
The piece te of an irregular fhape , inuihly
resembling a lump of hard clay that had
broken loose trum t cut and rolled to the
roadbed below It ic nomc nine Inches
long bj four Jwiee dettp mid
four iuebes vide at iu maximum
points , tajierlng te about two and three-
quantir inches ft the point. Itweighs
three pounds and Kir ounces One side
mfl end apjicar a dw-0 black , as though
burned in lighted tar Tbe other partj ,
present a pray clayish color Contrarj to
the usual idea cf
tJXtremt hu-dneas
tcUied to niHeoiit stones this \iutor is
quite soft it being possible to pitk off
pieies with tine's finger nail.
Heavy ehlpments of grain und stock ha\e
begun at Watttnown , S. D.
Owing to a beavy tall of snow a large
amount of grata remains unthrebhcd at Lang-
ford S D
Goteruor Sheldon recently requested the
detail of First Lieutenant Frost of the Tw en-
Itj-fifth infantry , stationed at Fort Custer.
to act as instructor to tbe state militia and
the War department has made the detail
A couple from the headwatorr of tbt
Moreau ri\er rmeutlj came to Gettysburg , a
distaticf of oxer inn miles , to securt a mu-
nnge liteiist cud to be married This was
the nearest jiluci they oould secure tbe
neeeusary autbcirn i trom a oount } clerk to
complete their hatipincfas
Al and Richard St&ndcn who art ot woil :
on a group of claims xe\en miles from Hill
City , have found a ledgt that seerni , to prorn-
ise rich returns Thej were pnBiecting. and
struck avein of frcc-milliiiE rod. that went
T1D , tnd they hac now follow od it l.&OO fefit
across their claim The tests ull along show
about tbt r.ame quality
West Carboudalt if having a boom. Fort-
eight locations uurt madt thure in out day
rocouUy , uud man } more on following days.
A strike bar been made on the La Plata , In
tie Carbuiiatt camp , Knia.ll seams of rock
i-Sktymg i.fiOl ) and S 000 ounces Bill ur to
the ton Some of tbe rock is TO PIT cent
galtHia A large body of iron ore thawing
rich in vet siher bus been opened
Huron U bapp } oxer a decision in tbe
Vnited States oourt dismissing tbe roctiit ( ir
of the Huron water works and reiwiring tbe
plant to tbt control of tbe citj Tbe cast
has been in litigt-tlou fix e j eur ? The plant
ua sold during tbe mjiltol location oon-
test for HO.OOP and the iiionej used for
that purpose. The decision makes no pro-
viKioii for tbe reimbursement of the pur
Mining circles in ABpcn are again enjoy
ing a gold ucoitement.
Pine Creek now hax more men on the pa > -
roll than exer bofoie in its hUitorj'- The
owners of tbe Kuicy Hanks , Ttah Hill are
jubilunt o > t < r tbolr new find of a vtrin ot
high grade oopptir ore. They will b < tpiu thlp-
pltig as soon as they ci.n get the propurt } in
shape te take tbe ore out in paying quanti
ties The famoua Lcadville mine , oxer In
Woody district , a few miles trom Aspen ,
and in wblOi a small teln ruunlnc ax high
it .4 ( KM tiui es WHSt-eirr"T t'i"overrrt bar
nu pp ' < hk j pine Then iv a & * > * ' deal of
lead < in the oe fr ni tbi * mtn < and Man1
a Kvas Btatet thai at prwat prlw
d not pa to i hi | ) cither the sUr or l id
An abandoned claim on Cement creek on
which I > rtruc tbr Sllvmoti Jrweho- ran a
t . fifty-torn tnatttil ohtiit ytmrt ace bat Ix-ec
i relocated by lilm Tbe vein Imd bee * e t.
i . tid though tbe quarte looked unprotnlrtwq
bt bad H ameyeO w 111) ) tbe revolt of two
i and tbree-fourtht ounce * In polfl and Kirteen
i. I ounce * in nilver
j Tbr Denver 4. R o OranAe imrvexws bo
1 lievr Irt-wti worl iuc the * * tut months on
, tbe ranee wert of Lut te tryine to gtn a
mere IWwrtWe mute ttver tbe Veta JWHIK have
alKivt oomftfett'd ' Uifir lalim * They hiivt
' eoimeetlont on Iwth Bide * on tin raupe with
j i tbe present line and claim to have a roult
| i tbat is much eatrtw to climb tbe range than
' anything heretofore trie *
Sew Pit to acaln In a Cutter of ejceltomcnt
over a Btrlbe In tht Little Homer mine in
Wheeler pulcli The- property Is worked
under bond and lease by James Blake who
hue alreudj npcnt nexeral thousand dollars
noarrhlng for tbt contact He wae well re
warded for hit expenditure b.x breaking Into
tbe rickm bodv of ore yet found in this
district. As jet no always have been had ,
Imt tbr tetitrwith acids and the. gold pan
nbow a remarkably blch grade ere.
A pwttofliee hac been e tabli hed at Stan-
The fnlon Pacific Is erertinc ; a new ice
house at Evannton
The Fnrtunatut oomi tny has strurk ore
which assex's * 20 per ton on one of its claims
at Bald mountain
Great preparation * are being made for
Laramie's cowboy fenttval which will take
place on November 1C
Preparation * are being made at Green
Rher for a log drive which will be sent
down tbe river next spring
Klugs-burj 's gold find. saj-fc the Buffalo Bul
letin is the latest sensation In mining cir
cles It lr said to a ay 580 to tht ton
Tbe Cooper Dip Manufacturing eompanj
Is eonrlderlng tbe proposition establishing
a ieam nheartng plant near Green River
The coal mlue-s in West-on couutj are
working full time and tht mine owners
have so many order * that tbe eapaeltj of
the miner will haxe to ! > e enlarged
Excitement over the Grand Encampment
gold uelde Ft 111 continues A large number
of men are at work doing astteiicmeniE end
j ' new finds art reported almost flail ;
Ulead : beare are reported to be much
more numerouE than usual in tbe Blue
mountains this fall Tbex are aoltic much
damage among stork Is fmatllla county
Milton E apple crop will briuc her In
thousands of dollars thi * fall , for onlj
in that immediate nelghbohood har any
thing like D full crop thereabouts bton ob
A farmer , recently spealdng of tbe con
dition of the rtock throughout Benton
county , said the a majority of the animal *
were already winter poor , on account of thi
lack of grass
The chlnook i.almnn continue to run in
large numbers in Nestuoca bay and rlxer
It Is seldom thej run at late BE they hav
thit , station Tbe sllvrrhldw run IB xerj"
good and tbtj are xerj large
Warner i Bauman haxe moxed their log
ging outfit to Kiger s island a milt or so
below the Wllbauk place In Benton oountj
where they baxe been logging They ex
pect to get out about KW 000 feet of w hltt
fir logE wbtre thtx art now u work.
W R Wlnans of Hliod rlxer has dlsrov-
eed part of an oak tree which is older
than its neighbor tbe mountain about It
The Hpeclmen was imprisoned by tht solid
granite formation upon it was petrified
and afterward turned black as mahogany
G W Wright and Charles Collins are
putting up a saw mill at tbe foot of thi
mountain , on tbe Low Pass road , in Lane
county The mill -will be" run by xvutei
power and Is to be in running order bj
the ISth of December They now iave ten
men at work Orders for 100.000 feet of
lumber have been recelxed alreadx
The Astorlan raj's that the Foard 4
Stokot ; company of Astoria rereixed from
Dublin Inland a letter from a wealth ;
fj-ra In that city orfiej ing 1000 Oregon
draft horses to be shipped to Ireland as
noon as the horses can be secured The
letter speUfiee that the hnrsei must bt
without mark or Wemlsii Mustangs or
. branded horses will not be received
' Tbe remodeled and newly equipped Plo-
neer flouring mill at Island City has
' started up. During the la three months
i the Bill ! has been undergoing improx ementE
I Tbt ccpacitj has been increased to 12I >
, Iia.-rt.b3 a day and it is supplied w 1th the
latcct mathmerj throughout During tht
euforred iaieuths orders for flour bcxt jilled
up and tbe niachmerj will be run night
and dcv in order to oxertake the demand
Tht mill eompanj has about 7D.OOD bushelr
of xi beat on bind and it , r.till receiving
] i more Utbtnich nearly all tht available
| storage room it aboui filled
George R Harpadme and G G EubankE
of Aahlaud went on a wild bee and honey-
hunting esjHtdition and came home with a
goad colon ; of bees and about ] ( ) D pounds
of bonejr , all of
which they found in one
big blaek oak tret on tbe mountain toward
Grizzly peak ea of Ashland Mr Har-
gadiue has bttin putting in a little leisure
time latelj in hunting these bee trees in
the mountains in order to secure not onlj S
the honey but a number of colonies of
bees -with xxhieh to mart an apiary Ht
has co far cut about half
a dozen of tlir
trees innabKed by the busy iieee and
brought them and their juoduct down to
uvllization |
A theater is being built in New Whatcom
that x\iH be able to seat 1 000 persons.
The -Centennial Mill company of Spokane
line announced its Intention to cocfctruct a
flouring mill in Seattle with 1.000 barrels
dally capaoitj
The Slielton Southwestern railway will
soon haxe lue logging camjis in operation ,
which will tert HE capacity to keep tbe landIng -
Ing at Sbelton clear
Very few hops have 'been ' sold in Pujallup
thuE far. only those that have been con
tracted for having been dellxered Growers
seem to think thej will pet more by holding
The loggers and mill men who have eamj *
on the small streams flowing into tbe Sno-
homish nxer are auuout.lj waiting for rain
There aw iioue to compete wltb it all
others artv hut putrat iufdlelne dtmlio
dwlare to be "Im e JtBltatlonB" th ? Ivlm-
hiill jiluno wa& uwaiixl tht * highest Lou-
> rs at the YVortdV fnu UP. the bent jilano
on the face of this iwrth thut'E
A. Hospe , Jr ,
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
a-e Dew f * .t . > v II T , af * -
Joa'i rafcjini bi floa'ed IB tfcr n. ' ! ,
Logcem found Krtmi Jwxe ff eixed iht
luragiOR tiiwit from tbr No1 hern Pa
' ifli Mill inm | Mir ifctf fmiu n . * OB tbr
mill compel ! ) u1H py < : > spot C * R lei
I loci Thin i * an adrMic nf M jmtbeonmtt
I * corpn nf clrU imcimwr * arc at wort.
nunrvtBf : and ilaVtm : otR tbe new
* ark and otb r imM iHmiii'in
l I > t tbe ne nisaMreinrM af the
I" 1 H t Coal cmBfwsr MBwrtrn A work
' r tti with err * of tfwrt forty am bc
i arrived i and tbe met b * * been pot to work
! wad top and prriwrlftp lor tbr w n tr-
trar > w
I i Tbf Nortbnrn Pactflf Raflr y emnpfloj bmt
| ' rurttt emit btnil r Mtlie Tarnmia watte
frtmt tlmt are < ltari * le t a 4 tmj fe t bh *
: Bird xrtu bold 14 ( WO ton * Tbe ltdlnc h >
; done l by two conxwars one SOP and tbi other
30 feet lone tout ar * oixrated by etertrtrttj
The bunkers art on Holld ground tat ed if.
Plllup MI tbat tbt terfdo if not to l e J ( tired
Tbt port of tbe bmrtwrs war T7dM ( i
Tbe nalmaa ilMbwBten on tbt SnobomMi
river are patiently watting lo : tbe flli coin-
mltmlotH-r to co e and arre * ' them for ft b-
ing with nets hi tlw Hrer , rontrarx to tb *
law which closet tbe wnmoti Octolier 1
They wih to te t tbe omistitutiouallty of
the lav and have raloed a fund to push tbe
matte ? Of eoume while waiting the } have
been In c its many Hi * as jwmihle.
A visitor on tbe nonud w bo IE Interested In
tbe lumber trade with DetbEnia baj Africa
Haj'E that during the next tweJxe months
between 00 OOB.OI'O ' and 7ti OHO 000 feet of lum
ber w ill bt required to supply tbt x ttilble '
j demands of the countrj tributarj to Dclacoa
bay alone and the whole will bexe to be
xupplied by Oregon and Washington mills
Tblf amount of lotnber would load about
thirty large ships
R C McCrosl ey of Garfield hat harxented
his crop of mangle-wuriol beitE The ground
ht plowed in tht fall , and put In flrM-clas *
condition , j'lelded about ten tons to the
acn The j-ield from tbe sjiring plowing
was not quite an largo But tht total amount
of feed from five acres it enormous He
finds that the lieets rnakt excellent and ,
cheap hog feed Fed. in connection xvith '
pasture they make a feed upon whith hogs ,
w II ) thrlvt amazingly Of course be x * ill '
feed tbe beets to hlr milch cows .
Oakendalt Kee'ms to be tht leading potato '
maikel. as well ar one of the leading grain
marlets of the Palouse eountrj Every day
large quantities of jiotctoes an Hold there
and tvo firms haxe alreadv bought twenty
carloads or ( .00 000 pounds of potatoes Jt IE
entlmated that this It only about two-thirds
of vhat will bt brought to Oake < < dalt this
fall Man ; farmtrs are "pitting" their po
tato1 anfl will hold until spring -when r :
is thought tbe price will be better than
now At present tbe jvrlct is BP cents jier
100 pounds x hlch is double tbe price ob
tained lust jt-ai At thlr price the farmers
near Oakeedale will receive at least
for potatoes alone
The Plutes of Aurtia , "Nev. . are making
an effort for tht ecitaldtbhment of a < ocbtinl
at that pi act
The number of men at the Randsbarp
mines has increai * 4 to 1,000 No Chinese
are allowed there
A llmerack quarry is tielnc opened up at
Victor for the use t > ' the Cnlno sugar fac
tory nt'Et
With the exception ol a Jew tnllee , the
Southern Pacific has eftmpleted the laying
of sevrnty-ctx-jtound eteHl rails from Los
Angelc * to Indio. a distance of 119 rnllcr.
New mills aie polnp up iu several places
in H > : mbo1dt county , California , and with
tbe new railroad to take tbe lumber out
nothing is lacking tor int prosperltx of the
Colton' mill a tour-story t-tructure filled
with btvy machinery. Is to be moved to
San Bernardino fnr-hs'new owner xvJthout
tal Ing out tnx iiianhio 3' - remox-inp a
The total fruit Ehlpmmit from San Jose
for the Mason up to October 14 was 28-
or.G/.iSS jiounds Of thU preen fruits con
sisted ol U.OiCi.SOu and firjed prunes 1T- ,
r.:4 410 pounds
The guano indurtry if retting to be qnitt
extenslxt at the port of San Diego. Nine
or ten x easels are nowtngarefl In tbe
trade -four of w"hich are rat and the other *
about rraflj to leave
The South Coart Paper mills at Soquel.
Cal huve pieced in position the first in-
Rtallment of machinery necessary for the
proposed -manufacture of manllla , fruit and
rap wrapping paper
Jesse R Grant has left San Diego for
another prtppectire tour in Lower Cali
fornia r gold-bearing territory He is ac-
romimtiied bj a conoiderable party ol
Americans and Mexicans
The Sierra Nexzida Wood end Lumber
compan } has commenced the development
of 61 000 arreE of x. alliable timber near
Truckee Tow HE are tprlnplng up , but Ea-
IOOIIB are strictly barred.
The use of sea water for street rprinUlnp
at Santa Monica is not altogether a tuc-
cese Tbe salt rusti the tipokes of bicycles
and Injures tbe delicate fabrics. Com-
plalntE haxe already been htard that it
x\-rulfl be prejudicial to health-
After December " the land in the Yuralpe
x alley San Bernardino county. California
hut has not been filed on tiy the settlers
long resident there , and who haxe waited
11 these jeart- for tbecoxernment to ac
cept tbe Eurxey , will be open to entrj by
any ono who maj xvish to take it up
Deputy Fiah CommiBKinner Bojce has ar-
rivefl at Carson from Marlette lake , Nev.
with the first lot of ii.'i.UOO t astern brook
trout hp&wn for the Carson and Dike
hatcheries. iHe will hatch and distribute in
the w stars of this state about TfiO.OOli of this
x-ariety. and liOO.OOD of the rainbow and
Macluucw trout this season
The Alpine Land and Recerx-olr company
has made some pi ogress building Kini.ll damE
and reprroirs on tbe headwaters of tbe
Carson river und i * now preparing to build
t dich Borne three miles In length to carry
water onto Eagtbrush land There is prob-
ably 6000 acres of land in Carson x alley
that can be cultivated with the aid of a
EyKcm of small reservoirs on thi Carson
William Osilxey. a Canadian surxeyor ,
who is in the Yukon district in connection
with the delimitation of the Alaska bound-
irj. has made a report to the Canadian
minister of tbe interior tinting a grtat
gold innd hue been made on the Bonanza
critk. which flowr into Denr rixer about
forty miles from Fort Cudahy. Mr Ogilvey
said that " 00 claims had been taken up and
there if roDm for LOOD more If tbe prop
erty IE 7ircspet-ted there is w ork tor 2 OiD ) |
men One gold nugget worth f2 VBB pick"d I
up on tbe surface and in an hours time
three men look out 5T& Tbe department
will send an oSlcer to see about the claims
bung laid out properly g.o as to avoid dis
The pu-atcht inati on earth today Is tiie
i lux tailor of the "Acorn Oak" the only
j Move that really does hold lire with
{ olther coal or \ \ odd ift aii-tlcht pap-
j tlcht dnsi-tlcht and the pntateM heal
i jiiodiifer we Utioxr of It rail bf had with
either half nickel or a full nickel
John Hussie ut Co 1
2407 Cuming
Tkry C5od l Ficbt us Veil ts Prcaeb en
l'nrl ) iloiirr > . llrt-j Ttd Tlirnt In tlir
Pntiilt no \ \ < -ll no In tlir MU-t'i _
A < ix nnd Tlirn n Ilrfrnrtorj-
Hrotbrr M n Coflrtl Off.
Mt w twt > Wall rtreet broker * wbe always
manner to llfrbt on tbe rlcbt Hldr nf tbe
market evttr drifted down to a Sooth Carolina
town at tbe loot of tbe Blue Rldetitmun -
taiM to JWM , tbe doc aaj-s of Aurnt will
alw r * remain a aywMwy to their friend * ot >
chance rrtate * tbe New York Sun. bnt they
Aid no jtwn tbe snie They ney that tbey
went south lor three thing * to keep cool te
forget that Imnlit + ws in tbe utrert wac jn t
ar , fiat at. a negro rex-ival in cold weather
and to learn the true inwardneat of tbe
political nittintlon in the nonth Snerern
crowned their first and second objects
Their flaye w ere occupied in moving around
to tbe rbadj side of tbt home at tbe ooutb-
emers say. watching the apparent ! ; ever-
ibanging mountains and in teeing who could
drink the in out juleps. Each day the broke- *
would Koleranl ; result e to find out horm'tlnnp
from their host Brown he any be called for
convenience about the political situation
tbat xery night. After Bupper , a d eat !
nlgbt the ; would put it or to listen to Mr
Brown' > Btorlet of the old aouth He te
i puted to lie < ine of tbe best informed men
in the state which had produced Pitchfork
Tinman . on the present situation tbe.-t and
In ' the adjoining rtatet but the brokers uj
that he is wary about BpUllng his knowl
Ou night they thought they had him cor
nered Mr Brown hud lighted his corncob
pipe Mrs , Brown had eent an ebony pick
aninny to find her spectacle * for her at leant
tbe twe.tlletn time tbat day and the two
brokers xiere enjojlng Cue Havana * ;
"Look here Mr Brown said the stout
New Yorker , resioxinc hi * crash coat at the
Invitation of hit bom efts ' jour politicians
in South Carolina wern to be great lighters
At near ! ; ex or ; campaign meeting Mime of
the candidates eome to blows 1 put * * they
are a jirettj game set "
"Yes ' hastily put in his tt.ll thin com
panion , "cant jou te.ll us nomething about
"So jou think they are a game set do
j-ou" " returned Mr Brown ID his soft drawl
ing voloe "Well , that shows that yon all
Yankee * don't know much about 'e.mThe ;
a e cowards When j-ou he-ar men braggtn
about oomin of flghtin mock j'ou an ; net
it down that the ; U run like a purl , of jtl-
low mongrel does when it comes doxrn to
the real business of blows Why. bless you
dear t.trs these South Carolina politicians
would have been scared to death to meet
tbe figbtln' parsons of this Piedmont bell
lying in Virginia North and South Carolina
and Georgia along tbe Blue Ridge mountains
1 can tell jou gentlemtn the parsons in
th * part of the country fifty jears ape
were lighters and good one * the ; were too
but 1 reckon jou all don't want to hear
about them "
"Of couroe xxe flo ' Epoke up both hrokerr
at once
"Well" liegan Brown , calling a llttlt
darkey to refill hlE pipe "j-ou see it war
this WEJ The very fim settlements in
Piedmont Carolina were composed of
Scotch-Irish and English who come down
this way from Virginia and Pennsylxauia
Some of them were Presbyterians and their
preachers came with thim But tbe grtat
majortrv of sutlers came without paste- *
and 1 must sa ; they didn't need 'em murk
while Cghtln' Indians and cltarln tbe for
ests. Presbxterianisin didn't reach out alter
these jieople for tbe Presbvterlans seemed
satisfied to takt care of their own } > eople
That wasn t the x ay of tbe ftw scattering
Baptists however It was a fine field tor
theBaptict preacher and be wac quick to see
ItIt required no education much lees
theological tralnin' in tbnst nld days to tie a
Baptist preacher for tar/ Baptist church
wai indep"ndent of exery other one and
cnasequentlj the makln' of preachers was
an easy matttr with that denomination O !
cnurse r.i a natural result ruch a condition
brought rude unedurated men into the min
istry They were in no wcj superior to the
people but worked for the ! ' livin' side bj
aide with 'em , engagln * in the ordinary
pUTRUitfi "
"That' * BO " agreed Mrs. Brown as her
husband stopped to light his pipe again
" 1 gtiews in that way a good many queer
characters did get Into tbt pulpit " remarked
the btout broker , with a great thow of in
"Your guess IE about right" answered his
host taking a long noisy drew at his pipe
' Anfl it Is not at all strange that i.naie of
these p-eecherE should have had tempers
and pEBfcinru ; like common ordinary , every
day pe.tij > li an' as 1 fret mn to tell j-ou
Cghtin' parnonE were no : uncommon , which
wae natural enough
"Six days in tbeweek they were engaged
in worl. right alongside of their parishioners
and took part in ail of their log rollln E corn
sbuulan'eibopptn e. bouse raiain'r militia
muKttci , deer hunts and the usual sports
of the daj Sunday they would bring out
their Sunday clothes and bibles and on tbat
day In-come the religums teachers Even In
tnj dcy I knew c Baptist preacher by the
name of Blanton who liad to spell out the
bj'mns like a bad-woods firbonlbuy as he
lined 'em out in roeetln' It x asn't at all
strange that now * and then one of the e
KtJwart go pel grinders would report to
blone cud liuitckt not quite apostolic
4 A Baptifit p-eacher by the name of Jona
than Guthrie wa a terrible Cgb'.cr In tbe
eaily dsjs of the ecnturj he generally ECI-
tled diMurlterr of the ; eace by a word and
if words Jailed be vac not chary with hie
fibta He WUE ut a military muster onee.
Of course the whisky x agon xas on hand
A muster x > ouldn't have been a muster x\Ith-
out that and plenty of muKter ground gingerbread -
gerbread Vncle Jonathan l > elug human ,
alwajc tool , a little of tbe ctuff just to fclu-w
tbe jioople tbat he wasn't above them. One
of the bullies in tbe crowd , after takin'
several nlpE iKican to ft el lively , then he be-
pan to feel urong Prettj norn tbe Cghtin'
Jit came on him That i the waj moonshine
xihlskj afferts the axerLge men Well thlE
man pulled off his coat , rolled up his sltexes
tnd l > epan to cballengt an > and rvtrjti/dy to
eome on He bitaiofl around about comm of
Cphun stock and of hit fctrenpth till even-
nc IVI , K i\ rot n
All you're pot tt do In these tiroes ih
to "not po to tJeeji in the day time" for
serins ! * liellt-vlns and you can K-e our
carpets yon -will we them In pieater
rarloty you will wetivoie exclusive de-
hlRni. ynu will hear lower jirlw" . quoted
here than anywhere else in ouiaha.
Omaha Carpet Co.
1515 Dodge
Mr. Moody's Bible Class |
t i
j. *
j.a. . The famous Northfield evangelist begins , t
in tiie November Ladies' Homejounal , 2M
a series of popular Bible studies in 4 *
the form of a great National Bible ?
Class , destined to prove the most I
h-elpful religious department * * *
* M I
ever sustained by a magazine. X
T zo Cents on All News-stands T
I *
J. <
bodv XVHR tired to death of it fter a while
Parpon Jotit'han peeled off bis Jim swinge" .
rf > P ! efl out in front of tbe bulls and said
ve x qulttlj
" 'Do jou mean all you nity" If yon do
I'll attend to you- case right now Come
Did he come on" "Well. I hbould say not
That Imllj knew xvhat was comln' xvheu
Rev. Jouathar Guthrie got in a figbtin wuj
ee ht didc t do a thing tint get intt > hie
coat like a man rutmin to a fire tucked hi *
tail like a xvhiped ) dog and kept mi put )
qule : out on the edpe t f the crowd the rent
of that day '
"How long did the pamotiE in this eoun
try kesp up their CgKlng jiropsneltiei"
asked the thin broker
"Why blew you It followed the preachers
down through the first half of the ee.ntury
well up into mj dny 1 knew a rcrso ? with
woll-knlt frame and Heel-pray eyes who
xvas alwa E : ead ; to fight or to preach It
didn't matter to him much which It was no
it was one or the other Oner at a patberln
two of hi * grown-tip none bad a litUe quar
rel with Home neighbors They were jiot
facin the Oiucir to suit the parson When
they failed to come up to the nrratrh their
father threw off his coat , jerked his boys
bark , and said
" 'Get out of mv way and let me attend
to thlr case ' The quarrel ended there ntid
then Not one of tbe fighter * vns willin
to tackle the preacher and his xv ell-timed
"Some time after that there was a church
trial LI one of his large cnurches A nbarp
division sprang up and the wranglln be- hot and but or The parson to saxe
hlr. life couldn't keep from belu' partisan
After many hot words had passed be
ehouted out
' 'Brethren it I * Impossible to settle thh
question in a church council If jou will
walk out of tbt church 1 will attend to your
puxances Iu tibort order' He then rtepped
t'-wn Jrom the pulpit marched out of the
uiureh shucked LIE coat and j tilled * Come
on come on 1 say'
"Most of 'em had Jumped oui the window r
and t4ipped out tbe back wa ; but h- faced
those who were bold enough to follow him
Not one of 'em was braxe enouph to nettle
with tbe preacher
"Another fiphtln' parson wa * Uncle Billy
L -e He was a peed one ton Vnole Billy
was born in the Buzzard ROOM section and
in his bojhood w ar accustomed to renort to
the arbitrameu of muocle to settle all dis
putes Hi was no : afraid to attark ninuers
with bible tertt oxvitb hit , finis Once-when
he xva * conducting n verj nuerewful revival
meetin at one of hit churches Bomeihlng
vtiry funns happened Very large crowds at
tended In fact although the mo nerr
benches xvere crowded daj and night tJiere
was about as great an outpourin' nf tbe ilMh
at thiE rneotin as there WBB of tbe spirit
Durin' the proprww of the meetin' Just
when many tinners wert bein' touched fncle
Billy and a neiphbriby the name of HolliE
pot into a quarrel about some boat
"It seems that H oil if' hogs had got into
the prturber't nelds The preacher rpoke
to him about it but the hogs repeated the
offense Pi earlier Lee met Brother Hollis
in tbe road on his way to church and re
monstrated with him Brain The more
they discussed tbe hops and the longer they
tUked the hotter they prew Feelin' that
words were xtm , tbe parson dismounted
and -proieeded to ben bruise , conge and
knoik Brother H oil if. until he wished he d
never owned seen or even beard of a bog
After that little bit of missionary worl :
the preacher went on to tbe church where
an immense congregation xvas waiting for
him. He preached BUcb , a spirited sermon
that every one agreed that be had certain ! }
received power from above that daj Many
souls were saved Tiie next day be made
an explanation to IUE congregation , con
cluding with these xvords
" 'Now. If jou xviEh me to po onwith this
meetin 1 will do it II not , I will close it
at once'
"Tne conpregation unanimously 'decided
for him to po on with the tnecitln' and
more than that they passed resolutions to
the effect that the parson was Justified in
Imorkln Brother Hollis out about W *
bops "
What lieccme of Parson Lee ? " asked the
Btout broker
"O ht fought and preached his way xve t-
xvard and caniti to be quite a noted divine
But see here when you asked tbat last ques
tion jour xoice sounded dry Wife , it's
about time we fixed up three pond night
caps , I reckon You get the ice and mini
and sugar , while 1 bring out tbe foundation
principle of a first-clans nightcap"
When thev hud disappeared into the
broad long bull tbe stout broker jaifl to tbt
slim one
" \ \ ell w e've go ! to pet buck east tomor
row and I m hanped if 1 know anx mort
about politics down here thau I did whe n
1 taint "
\ \ \\TKH TO nil PH15C1VIE.
Ill-Hex ! ibe Mninneiit of n HoMon
C > lrl ut lo tlir xcc ut 1 ri-i'i. .
She xvw. fron l < nston und xva on t' r
waj to thf M's it lute * , tin Sun > -
Port Sbe had Jt'tider d tbe wugi
1bo"ouphv ! uncomfortalile l > y throx <
Inc criat ( bunks of botanical and gt t li
plral Information at Ulr bead mifl ! > In .
about renrtxd tbt determination totn b ' ' "
lierwith S'dttee of WffbwajijH'n ti.l Mi -
xrotild tret Irmlflr tbe conch , wben fmnie
trnarl"d ard iwlwted eali r-rrrucied bei i. -
T o xon Imow bow old thew trees * r < "
nb < * HRhfd and \v m prepared to lnuni h a
wbol - row of ttpurw at turn , -when he Hii1-
b r bj anrw rttiE lier rery prompt
"Hoxv old are thry' "
"Threr thousand und sis rears"
I "Hoxtdo j-ou wrlx' * at each re-
" '
* lUltS"
"Well a umart young woman from Bos or
xrat ! ( > ws all about It told me they - we
MIOO vears old mxi' that wa * alx yuar * MCI
no thej mum tie S Wit now , gain * on S.007
Dcnd Mnn'fc Gnloli.
Among the rich mint * of Leadvllle It- one
called "Dead Man's Claim" It M-enif a
certain popular miner died and Ills friend *
liartnc decided to give him a pond s < uO
oC hired a man for ! 20 to act ae wxum
It WBE in thi mid * ! of v inter , itbere vat
ten feet of miow on tbe ground and .he
grax-e bad to po Bis feet below that The
grax-e digfe" sallied forth into the Know
depositing thi eon * ' for nafil.copliic in a
drift and for three davt. nothing was beard
from hhn A delegation H'lit to find the
fellow dU.eo\erod htm digging away wi h
all bis might but lound also tbe intended
grave conxerted into tbe entranre of a
fibaft Strll ing tbe earth it seems be bad
found pay rock wo-tb IfiO a ton The deic-
gation at once staked out claims adjoin ng
his land and the deceased x\as torguui n
Later in tbe station the t.noxr having melted
his body was found and given an ordinary
Imrial in another part of the camp
Si > olllnir n Good Tlilnc.
A rich man of this city gave a cheat tut
party BBJ-S tht Cleveland Plain Dealer Tbe
chestnut supply af the point be bad selected
for the party -KB * .caree There was a
plendid tree but its crop was light Weel a
is the true father of expedient ! . . Thi rt < h
man l ught a generouE supply of cbec'-
uutE and sent tbern out to be carefullv nra'-
j t red lieneath thf tree When the ) iarj ar
rived at tbe Butting ground the tree had
been ehaken and on the ground laj a re
markably generous nupply of nut * The
buclnoBE of fathering them vent me-r 'r '
forward x hen , all of a midden , one of tbe
older members of the party picked uj a
fallen leaf and looked at it suvplclout'i
Then hbe glanced up at the tree above bei
"lan't < i Btrtnqe" ' she sald.
"lan't what strange" " aaked the rich tnnn
"That ail th e ehefitnutc should crow on
aa oak tree "
XVln J > i - > Vnntcd 11.
Chicago Pdwt "I really must gel oni o ?
those IniiU erborker iunting oocrumes "
stld the girl in buc !
But jou don't know nnythlnc ttbout a
cun " protested the one in gray.
"Of course not"
"And you -wouldn't flcre o go near one "
"Thct'B also true "
"And j'ou d be afraid to go near any one
v.ho had one. "
"Quite right"
"Tup.c you wouldn't be able to flo cnv
bunting "
"Yon forget * * said the girl in Une "tbat
husband hutting in Btin somewhat in voruf
and I don't Iniow anything batter for r
than such costume BE that , now tlmt it r
bathm tteason is over and we haven't qui.e
reached the decollete period "
Cincinnati Enqtilrer " 1 will write you a
peed recommendation ac to your woikmg
ability " raid 'Rastus B employer , -who bafl
been forced to part with him because of
tiie inj-BteriouE disappearance of Mindry
email articles , "but 1 am afraid I can t say
much for jour boiiestj "
"Tell you. Mr Blackwull , " said 'RnmuE
after a moment E thought "Yo" mlpln jmt
in de words dat 1 is as houcBt UE 1 Un IK.
' ' '
hain't you'
\ t > faf < i > it AII.
Indianapolis Journal "What B all the row
here asked the plutocratic parent at. be
came in and found bis son in an anpry al'er-
( ation with tbe tutor
" 1 am trying to teach him how to Eptll
'buEintufc " tbe tutor ej-pltiued , "iiut be
jefuset to be taught"
"Well he don t hsxe lo be learned Low
to pjioll buhiuitBF. 1 am ruibinr him for a
gentleman "
ltl\'T lilt A t.o _ "
13If. eye Isn't good he's to blatnt- for
It to a certain extent iff ! true for If
he only could be lirousht to understand
that wtiaily do fix the slpht of biRht-
lnhs jieojile hi suicl.v should be blamed
If he doesn't attend to it we suarautee
to tit clHHWB jierfwtly If ve don't yonr
uiouey comet. bat-L.
Aloe& Penfold Co.
1408 Farnara
jvo Minn TO SHIM : TIIIME _ * " "
They ae ttnaiuelod the mot jierfect
water-proof shoe In town penulut ;
French tmauiel heav.x nulff wu 1 : llUud
lace' tj lt > and all shujies of voe in-
eluding the IB lust neu Coluuibla toe
got a pad uj foj $4.00
Drexel Shoe Co.