Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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JJ. ItoHUlVATim. Belli T.
Dnlly lift- ( Without Htimlor ) , One Vcnr . J 3 W
Iinllr llni tin. . I flnnilnyUno Tcnr . 18 W
Hli Moulin . SM
Three 11 on I Im . . . J J < J
BuniUy llw , One Ymr . 1 * >
Hulimlny lire. One Vir . . . 1 SO
AVcrkly Hoc , On Your .
01TICK8 :
Onmhn : The ll IliilMInx. . .
Son tii Onmlins Hln cr Illk. , Or. N ntid Ktli BH.
Council IllurO : 1C North Miiln Blr el.
OhlciiKo omw : 317 I'humtmr ot Commerce.
New York : Itnonm 13. 14 nml 1 . Tribune
WflshlnKtnn : HOT ! ' Httvt. N. W.
All eomimmlenttiin * rHntln * lo new * nnd edl-
tnrmi matter lo niMnnreil : To ( tic Killtor.
All burlnem letter * nnd reinltliinrps ehoiihl be
firiilifiMMl lo The IIw I-ubllnliliiK Ounnnny.
( lin.ilin. Hrnft i. cherkii nml | M | iiltlrc uiilcri to
be mnde | > HVHC , | > to ( lie enler of the coinlwuy.
Blnle of Nehrnnkil , I "
DouKln.n Counly. f
de.irKi' H. Tiwhilrlc , ewrctnry of Th HP * P'lb-
llFliliin roniinny. bdiiK duly sworn , MVH that the
nctnnl of fall nml complMo ootilen of Tlie
Dally Mnrnltitf , Kvoiiltm mid Silliilny lleo | irlnlm !
iliirlni ; the month uf October , ISM. wan nil fot-
ln n :
1 80 , MT 17 21,100
2 SO.W1 IS
' 20.C72 13
4 2I.JSO SO 20.973
C JO.ail M.DW
0 21.080
S SO.CW 51 20.M1
9 ) .7SS < * ' & 2um
10 M.7J 'y 20fUS
n n. m v ; S0.503
12 M.fOB 21.1)39 )
13 M
It M.fSt - , ) 21.103
15 .VM 31 51.213
1C iO.Ml -
T-ilnl -
! . < ilciluctlons for utolil ; nnd rrturneil
copies u.07
Tolnl net f.ilos
Net ilnlly iivrraKn
nwnrn In before tnc nml sub-rrlbeil In my
prekence thin 31 t Ony of Oi'lobi'r. I'M. .
N 1 * . rl.Il * .
( Seal. ) Notnry 1'iibllo.
The union depot party ought now to
Hwallow up and supersede all other
parlies In local politics.
The forbearance of Tom Watson Is
one of iln most agreeable feature * of
these days.
Now for a long pull , a strong pull and
a , pnll all together to Insure the success
of the Transmisslssippl Kxposltlon.
Now watch the big subscriptions to the
exposition come in from the railroads ,
packing houses and manufacturing In
No. the year Itmo Is not far away ,
but sllll It Is considerably out of reach
of men with short arms who advocate
Hhorl dollars.
P.ryau might do Hie graceful thing
liy turning over lo/l'om Watson a few
of those offers of lucrative Jobs which
he is declining.
With Dave Mercer and Strode in the
next republican house of representatives
Douglas and Lancaster counties ought
also to he strictly hi It.
Sixteen applicants to every olllce
won't be. a marker to th ? > number of
patriots who want to serve their conn
try under President .McKlnley.
President , Cleveland certainly cannot
complain of a scarcity of available ma
terial for tilling that vacancy on the
federal district bench for Ne.bra.sUa.
"We have broken the solid north , while
the south is practically solid , " exclaims
Klrebrand Tlllman. Who is we ? Is
there to be a new recession movement ?
The reporlH of reviving Industries and
opening factories are already occupying
more space In ( ho newspapers and more
attention In the public mind than the
election returns.
Many enterprises directly affecting
Omaha's prosperity which wore only
awaiting the result of ( ho election are
already getting under way and the gold
Klandard should be given duo credit
for It.
A change of about ' votes might
have given Nevada to McKlnley. This
Is not because the contest In Nevada
was so close , but because there are
only three limes that many voters In
the whole slate.
One of tlie llrst ollicial acts of the new
P.oard of Kdneatloii should be to dis
pense with the services of a special
salaried attorney , which a Hoard of Kdti-
catlon no more needs than a presidential
ticket needs two tails.
Instead of a fall In prices , McKinley's
election is bringing on a rise In prices
and the silver prophets are as dumFounded -
Founded as when cotton and wheat went
up in September and October , while
sliver was going down.
Delaware's electoral vote may be di
vided and Kentucky's may be also.
Yet the Idea unquestionably prevails
among many intelligent persons that
this electoral vote of each slate must be
east as a unit for a single candidate.
Ik-cause the populists will have con
trol of the next legislature Is no reason
why Omaha business men should Im
agine thai Omaha is to be sandbagged.
Omaha will have fair treatment from
every legislature unless it sets about to
invite reprisals.
Chicago Is up In arms over a writer
who describes It In a London paper
as "the queen and guttersnipe of
cities. " Royalty has often fallen very
low , but a combination of these two
characteristics Is seldom to be found
outside of the dime museum.
Major Moses P. llaudy mentions the
name of ex-Senator Manderson of Ne
braska In his list of possible selec
tions for the place of attorney general
In President McKinley's cabinet family.
< V/jHj > llun'iit.s for Nebraska people are
liil * yttar tlylng thick and fast.
i ttbr hka fanner who sold * his
t Kituih Omaha for Mexican sll-
& , ttftrtt n ft'W weeks ago at the then
< /uuliiUoii / can now bring out
* tfx r anil dtaiHJsc of It at Its Iml-
) # fa . III * will not bo large ,
tuttoM tinvit learned by costly us-
raluublu lesson la tluunee.
liriTl\t .KM/.V.ST , \ sni.intt \
T'ie rpi > ulillcnn cnndlilfltp hM liwn lior
Aliloil AH tlio ailv.uico niu'itt ot prixpnrlty It
his policies bring r al prosperity to the
Amrrloan people thwe who oppwcd him
will ulutro In that ttmiiorli ) ' . If. on the
ntlicr hniul , lilt pollclrn prove nn Injury to
the people Rent-rally , these of hl supporters
who do not belong to tlie oHlce-hoMIn * clans
or to UIP prlvllegcil rlaflsisi will auflor In
fominoi ) with thcfoln > opposed htm. The
frlen.ld of blinpt.tlllini have not been van-
rjubihoi ) : tliey have dimply been overcome.
They bellevo that ( be- ROM statnlanl Is a
conspiracy of the money cbaiiRcrs against
the welfare of the human race , ami until
eotivliifcil of their error they will continue
tli warfare nKHlimt It. riryna's Valedlrtory.
Had Hryait been referee In the light
for the championship belt , .lohn I. . Sulli
van would not have been vanquished by
Pugilist Cnrbitthe would only have
been overcome. In all seriousness , liow-
I'viT , wo slimild lilce to know what bel
ter proof Is wanted than we have al
ready thai the American people rightly
Judged as thi > diirerence between pol
icies based on experience and rainbow
chasliig after fanciful theories.
Within f .rty-eiglif hours fifter the
country was assured of McKinley's elec
tion tin. invisible supply of hoarded gold ,
mounting into tin : millions , began to
circulate through the arteries of com
merce. The Impulse given to Industrial
enterprise by the prospective re-estab-
lishmciit of confidence and prosperity at
once made Itself felt In the marts of tin-
world and American products and Amer
ican securities took an upward trend.
Tin- hum of factories and mills that had
been closed for months or years was
again heard In ( lie land and thousands
of idle worklngmeu summoned to re
sume their toll at remunetative wages.
Does any one pretend that such a con
dition would have followed had McKln
ley been "overcome" ? Does , any one
doubt that Instead uf gold pouring into
the banks and Into tin- national tieas-
nry as now , Itryan's election would have
been the signal for a rush of depositors
to withdraw their money from the bunks
and a rush of the bankets to draw the
gold out of the treasury In exchange for
greenbacks' . ' Does any one with a thim
bleful of brains imagine that the defeat
of McKinley would have been followed
by an Increased foreign demand for
American stocks and bonds , an liniii.--
illato reopening of American workshops
and mills , or a tlse In the price of the
products of the farm and factory ?
Thi ! natural and Inevitable conse-
'Utonee ' ot ( h defeat of McKinley mid.
prospective change of our money stand
ard would have been Iho further pros
tration of all business and the forced
lockout of wage workers employed In
productive Industries and the reinforce
ment of the army of the unemployed
by hundreds of thousands of men and
women. These people , exposed to the
rigors of approaching winter , would have
demanded food , shelter and clothing , and
If their wants were not supplied bread
riots would have followed and the coun
try would have been plunged Intoserloii : ,
Internal dlsoider bordering on civil war.
These dangers have been happily
averted. For all that the men allllcted
with goldophobla still persist in conjur
ing up a conspiracy of tlie money clmn-
irers against the welfare of the human
i ace. They see themselves pursued by
the gold standard snakes night and day
ind probably can never be cured of their
If the gold standard were really a con
spiracy of ( lie money power why does
lie money power employ millions upon
iillllous In developing and working the
.rold mines of the worldV If there Is a
'old standard conspiracy among the
money changers why arc lhce money
hangers constantly engaged in enor
mously increasing tlie volume of gold
Instead of making gold scarce by cur
tailing Its production ? More gold Is be
ing mined now than ever before In the
history of the world. It Is an Indis
putable fact that the gold output of the
last live years Is nearly . " 0 per cent
greater limn was the gold output of tlie
twelve years of the great California gold
excitement. At the rate gold is now'be-
Ing mined the increase in the world's
supply for the ten years ending 1MH ! >
will exceed $ l..r. . H > , < ) ( )0.Ni ) ( ( ) . or more than
line-sixth of the world's present gold
supply , accumulated since the dawn of
history. In the face of these facts the
continuation of ( he cry of a gold stand
ard conspiracy Is puerile as well as pre
dint roitiwix nKii.irioxs.
Some newspapers are already tender
ing advice as to what should be the
foreign policy of the next administra
tion and all of this advice is not of a
strictly conservative character. H Is
urged by responsible and more or less
iullticntlal Journals that steps should
be taken to annex Sandwich Islands.
Wo do not believe these papers repre
sent the dominant sentiment of the re
publican party in tills matter , notwith
standing the declaration of tlie national
platform that , the Hawaiian Islands
should be controlled by the United
States. That this government should
not permit any foreign power to Inter
fere with those Islands is a proposition
that men of all parlies will acquiesce
in , but tills does not Imply that we
should annex them , or oven formally
lake them under our protection. Foreign
nations fully understand our position
toward Hawaii and no Interference Is
to be apprehended , so that It is unneces
sary for tlie security of the Sandwich
Islands that we annex them and It has
never been shown that we could gain
anything by doing so that woultl
Justify so radical a departure from
established policy. Wo have no doubt
that a large majority of the thoughtful
and conservative people of the country
are averse to the acquisition of remote
In regard to Cuba , It Is urged that If
the conlllct there Is not settled by ( he
time H now administration comes into
powti it .dumld accord recognition to
the Insurgents. There Is said to be a
feeling of fear In Spain that Major Me-
Kluley's sympathy with tlie Ciibuns
will have unhappy results and such
counsel of American newspapers as we
have noted will tend to aggravate this
feeling. There Is no probability that
the Cuban Insurrection will be ended
by next March , but there Is no reason
to expect that the conditions at tUat
time will bu any more favorable to the
Insurgents than at present. If the pres
cut administration Is right In the poul
tlon It occupies toward that conlllcl.
and we think this Is tin- general opin
ion , then unless there Is a great change
lit the situation there the next adminis
tration will probably deem It wise to
continue the policy so far pursued. It
would obviously be a great mistake for
It to Invite possible grave International
complications at the very outset , when
then- are domestic matters of the
highest Importance to be dealt with.
Nobody need be apprehensive , how
ever , that Major McKlnley will as presi
dent adopt a course In regard to our
foreign relations not entirely consistent
with tlie traditional policy of the gov
ernment. He has never indicated any
sympathy with tlie spirit of jingoism
nml he Is not likely to do so after he
has assumed tlie great responsibilities
of tint presidency. American rights
and Interests everywhere will lie
guarded and maintained under his ad
ministration and we conlideiilly be
lieve that the foreign policy of the na
tion , adhered to since the foundation
of the government , will not be departed
The St. Louis platform declared In re
gard to the tariff : i'We are not pledged
to any particular schedules. The question
of rales is a practical question , to be
governed by the conditions of the time
ami of production : the ruling and un
compromising principle Is tlie protection
and development of American labor and
Industry. " This attitude of ( lie repub
lican party was endorsed by Its candi
date for the presidency In his letter of
acceptance and It Is safe to say that It
will guide the course of the republicans
In congress and administration in
dealing with the tariff.
Although the question of protection
was subordinated in the presidential
campaign , it was by no means lost sight
of. Creat numbers of woritlngmen In the
manufacturing states were iiilluenced by
It to support the republican ticket. Many
farmers In the eastern and middle west
ern states also regarded it as no less
important than the currency quvstiun.
It had Its effect in determining the course
of a very large number of business men
east and west. The overwhelming pro
test that was made two years ago
against the democratic tariff was still
potent with most of those who made It.
It cannot be denied , theiefore , that while
a subordinate Issue protection was still
an issue in the , campaign and exerted a
very considerable Inlluence for repub
lican success. The people expect the vic
torious party to carry out the pledge of
Its platform In respect to this principle
ami to give the country such a jndlclotu
llscal system as will at once provide the
government with needed revenue and
afford proper protection to the Industrie.x
and labor of the country.
The 'republican house of the present
congress enacted an emergency revenue
bill which it was estimated would pro
duce Niilllctent revenue for tin- Immedi
ate needs of the government. It was de
feated In the senate by a combination
of free silver republicans .with the dem
ocrats. The treasury dellclency has ,
steadily Increased and unless Importa
tions grow to an enormous extent It will
continue to Increase. It Is urged that
the house should pass another emer
gency bill as soon as practicable after
convening and it is possible this will lie
done , but there Is small probability that
It could pass the senate , or if it did that
It would receive the approval of Piesl-
dent Cleveland. Some of the silver slat"
' .cimtors who opposed such legislation at
the llrst session might lie induced to sup
port it now , but the administration can
hardly be expected to regard the result
of the election as In any sen < e n victory
for protection. Mr. Cleveland may safely
be counted on to adhere to his opposi
tion to any increase of tariff duties.
Thai being ( lie case there is no hope of
any change in the llscal policy during
tlie term of the present administration.
What will be the duty of tlie succeed
ing administration ? Obviously to call
congress in special session as soon as
practicable for the purpose of revenue
legislation and it seems to be understood
that this will be done. It will not be
necessary at such a session to make a
general revision of the tariff. That Is a
matter for careful and deliberate consid
eration , giving all interests a full and
fair chance to be beard. Hut treasury
dellelts must be stopped as soon as pos
sible under the new administration and
all danger of further bond issues
averted. The country expects this , it is
practicable and under a republican ad
ministration It will be accomplished
without causing any disturbance to bus
iness. That done , congress can In regu
lar session lake up the work of revising
the tariff , "governed by the conditions
of the time and of production , " lint keep
ing in view the ruling and uncompro
mising principle of the protection and de
velopment of American labor and in
7 n'.i.v.s ruTt'iii : MISSIOX.
The late popociallc candidate for the
presidency has given It out that his
future mission will be to give Ne
braska laws that will prohibit and pre
vent the coercion of workingmen by
Iheir employers. In this , as In oilier
matters relating to legislation , the de
funct recalls forcibly his striking re
semblance to necessity , which is said to
know no law.
Mr. llrymi is evidently unaware of
the fact that Nebraska has already on
Its statute books laws against the
bribery or coercion of voters , as also
laws prohibiting trusts and Illegal com
binations to raise prices of commodi
ties. Section n,7Sl of Cobbey's Crimi
nal Code provides that "Any person who
shall by bribery attempt to Inlluence
any elector of this state In giving his
vote or ballot , or who shall use any
threat to procure any elector to vote con
trary to the Inclination of such elector
or deter him from giving Ids vote or bal
lot , shall be lined In any sum not ex
ceeding $ r > oo and be Imprisoned in the
county jail not more than Mix months. "
IJy this law It will lie noted every case
of bribery , coercion or Intimidation
subjects the offender to both line and
Imprisonment and If any large employer
of labor should be convicted of whole
sale coercion his lines would run Into
the thousands and thousands of del
lars and Id * , t'rm , of Imprisonment
might run hitiniycars and yemv.
The only jiuown violators of. this
Hlatulo archo. llrms In Lincoln who
olfeied to brlldt their employes lo vote
for Mrynu tW'jdomlsliiK them Increased
wages In wl * ij , 'of ' his election , and the
publisher * of tlie Omaha World-Herald ,
who dlsehanjed employes for offensive ! 'jjho outcome of the elec
tion In Omaluu. South Omaha , Lincoln.
Plattsinoiith''mid ' other towns when-
large iiuml ix , of working-men are em
ployed disproves the charge of coercion
and Intimidation nilsed by Mr. Itryan
and his campaign managers. So far as
anti-coercion legislation Is concerned ,
therefore. Nebraska offers Mr. Hryan no
Held for his sulf-imposed mission. It Is
not. new laws that are needed , but otll-
cers who will enforce the laws we have.
The newly elected populist and dem
ocratic stale otllcers will have several
serious problems to meet when they
take their places In the state house.
They will be on trial before the people
and cannot expect to retain popular
confidence unless they discharge their
duties honestly ami capably. Tin- pop
ulists of Nebraska have never gone to
tlie extremes that have marked popu
lism In Kansas , Colorado and other
states and they may be confidently ex
pected to try to retain their reputation
for conservatism.
ovoruor Drake has announced Ills
Intention of calling the Iowa legislature
together in extra session tills winter
lo complete the unfinished work of re
vising ( lie voile mid making- several
appioprlatlons ( hat liave-been rendered
necessary by emergencies. The legis
lature adjourned without adopting the
new code with full knowledge that It
would have to be reconvened. Kxtrn
sessions of a legislature are cxpen.-dvo
luxuries as a rule , but it is to be hoped
that Iowa will get its money's worth
lids time.
The constitutional amendment sub
mitted for tin- ratification of tlie voter. ?
of Illinois failed through neglect to
mark the amepdinent ballot. The same
fate befell the bond proposition sub
mitted in Cook county. It is plain that
a presidential year is not ( lie time lo
submit questions of this | { | | , ( ] ( , , tj , , ,
voters , especially when their adoption
requires a majority of the entire num
ber of votes east.
Although , the election of exposition
directors has not tlie vast signlllcauce
of the national election Just accom
plished. It fs of almost paramount im
portance lo the stockholders and citizens
of Omaha to see that the most publle-
spirltcd. energetic and ellicient men are
selected for the new board.
The AVaui' Kilmers' Victory.
New * York World.
There should b fie misinterpretation of
Tuesday's result. ttvaa the > Victory of
worklngmea over thbse who soiifUit to re
duce the value of tholr wages by processes
that niUHt have Kieatly diminished their
employment. , ,
Tri'iul of I ncro > - , , . .
Now VorU Sun. ,
Tuesday. November 3 , should forever be a
red letter day In the American calendar , it
witnessed "The Trend of Uncrowned KltiRs"
marchhm to the rescue of. the country'o
honor. Kach one bore
A weapon Unit comes ilown as still
As Himwllake.s full upon the soil ;
Hot executes a fn-pinnn'8 will
AH lightning docs the will of God.
Push II Along ; .
rhUuilflphlu Itecunl.
Whoever owes a small debt and Is able to'
pny It. and doesn't pay It. is a drone , a mosa-
baclc and an obstructionist. Hut the man
who pays is likea running spring which con
stantly Klves what It gets for the world's
refreshment. The cheerful payer should
lake his pli-co alongside tl-o cheerful giver
. " 3 a twin dcscrver In the estimation of his
kind and Ma Creato.- .
Triumph of the liuleiiemleiit I'resH.
Washington Star.
In the great triumph of a courageous and
Independent press in this campaign the
only newspapers which have cause to bluah
today are tluiso thinly-gilded silver publi
cations which , whltn professing sound
money principles , have employed their
rhetoric In behalf of silver , and while pre
tending to see disaster in the silver pro
gram , have plumed themselves upon being
too polite to hurt anybody's feelings by
saying so.
riienmnllr Tube * fur llnllM. | Keillor.
The mention. In I'ostmuster General Wil
son's report , of the desirability but enormous
coat of pneumatic tubes for mall service In
cities suggests a scientific dream. Ad is
well known , the seweu of Paris are
underground galleries , the main ones large
enough lo bu traversed by men In boats ,
and in tliMii electric wires are hung and all
necessary tubes arranged. If that could be
done In 1'aris , as It was. many years ago.
with the old-fashioned , eostly appliances ,
why not much mare readily In Philadelphia ,
with all the advantages of modern economi
cal methods , and In a subsoil no well adapted
to the work as wo have here ? There. Is no
dllllculty In conceiving a harmonious system
of sewera inder this city , fullllllng the eame
functions as these of Carls , solving the prob
lem of overhead wires by taking them all
underground , carrying RES , water , pneu
matic and any other desired pipes and tubca
In a position where they would be out of
the way and yet would bo always within
reach , and there would bo no difficulty in
constructing the same without disturbing
the surface , except perhaps for the smaller
hranchcei. It Is only a question of money.
Some day. no- doubt , the city will have the
money , and wjn. .see Its way clear to make
this great Improvement.
The Dlntitrhajice of HiiHlnexN hy
dentliif CiiiniiiilKiiN.
1iIunKi > Jd'conl ,
After every flection of president an agita
tion Is atarted , fw lengthening the term of
olllco of the nafjpu's chle-f magistrate , for the
reason that fi ( [ residential campaign Is dis
tracting and donrrf. lni ; to business. This Is
always true ojr-d/priMldcntlal / contest. ' but
the Intrrfcremjo with Industry has been par
ticularly marked 'In the campaign Just
closed. The tu > | m | uncertainty attending the
outcome ot a Im onal election Is sufnclcnl
to cause men wf capital to hesitate before
putting their nlnncy Into new enterprises or
filial-glim cxUflnK.fncs. The dlaturbanco to
business luia been unusually severe during
the last sumintrj-ljtcauso the Issue Involved
was one of tremendous Importance to busi
ness Intercuts , tout the difference- between
this and other campaigns is simply one of
degree. With every * recurring presidential
election InMlnciis inust niiffer more or less.
These contests follow each other too
closely. If elections took place leas lo-
iiucntly business would be subject lo fewer
disturbances from this eaiiKir. IMX years In
not too long a term for tlu > pri-alilunt of the
Utilttd States to sunrc , especially If It lie
understood that ho tthall retire at the end
of that time and not seek a re-election to
the olllre. A slxiyear term would Blvo two
presidential elections In twelve years. In
stead of three , as now , A four-year term In
too short. In the early days of the- republic
the objections were not so great to the
shorter term. Now the very coat of presi
dential campaigns ; Is an nrgumunt agalnat
having1 them more frequently than Is neces-
oary to enable the government to beep In
touch with the people.
Tln.M-Ucr.nlit. With n sound
money prnKldi at nml a sound money run *
, Krenn nothing can now retard the steady
nml gradual recovery of the Iniilnnw In-
i ti-realrt of the country from the nlnistiatlnn
caused by the monacn ot free silver and uu >
I nmerlcafi tar I ft legislation.
St. Irfiulu Hepublle : The business mm
of SI. l.ouls and of every other aeelloa of
the country will hall with delight the re.
vlval which ban already begun nn a. result
of ( he close of the election. KvrrylhltiR Is
favorable to n period "f at Icaat temporary
activity In the wet Id of commerce.
Atlanta Constitution : Lnylm ; anlde the In
vidious dlitliu'tlons by which the advocate *
of different sldea have been known lu the
contest just muled , let us be Itiinwa hence
forth merely In our Rapacity as citlieim. nnx-
lotls to promote In every way possible the
greatness and glory of the commonwealth.
I'lill.i.lrlpliln Iterant : 1'rophesyltiK bet
terment dorurt bring It. Hut the man who
pays his small bills sets the wheels turn-
Ing. Nothing now stands In the way of
business buInertia. . ( Jive Hut cart a push.
A dollar la still a dollar hi the United
States. It pays better to tine It tli.m to
hoard It. Therefore , let the money tly. l ot
II earn its keep
New York World : The hard times are
over. With the menace of free nllvor repu
diation swept nwny , all the Industries of the
country will know n great revival. The fac
tories and workshops that have been closed
In apprehension will be reopened. There
will be work for all willing hands mid wages
for all work. These are not guesses nt the
future. They are the logical , noccsmiry. In
evitable outcome of existing condition * .
Philadelphia Times : Put to the lest , the
American peiple have declared anew their
devotion to law and honcioy nnd tholr de-
trrininatlor to carry on with sobriety anil
reason the great work of civilization In this
land. With this declaration comes to them
nnd to all tuw confidence and security , and
the renewal of business life and the ipilck-
enlng of enterprise will enable us soon to
forget this horrid nightmare nnd KO for
ward to lira perlty and happiness.
Washington Post : The Incoming ad
ministration , with Iho experience of the' past
four years to guide It , may bo expected to
effect such changes In our financial system
as will avoid the blunders and the sorrows
of Its predecessor. Come , then , let us pluck
up our hearts nnd move forward to the
goal ! We can spare the few wiseacres who
stay behind to fashion Mr. MeKlnley's cab
inet for him. The procession of prosperity
will lose nothing when the Solomons drop
Louisville Courier-Journal : We do not
pretend to forecast the dally movements of
the stock u arkets or the produce exchanges.
Ilcactlons will come from time to time.
Our readera , however , can rest assured that
In the opinion of the best economic author
ities In Kurope nnd America the United
States has seen the worst of this panic ,
anil that herceforth business of nil kinds
will move on the upward grade. The defeat
of national dishonor means the restoration
of prosperity In every branch of commerce
nnd every section of this great country.
AKTKII TIM : miiii ; : .
Inauguration day falls on Thursday.
Palmer received 12,000 votes in .Massachu
Palmer and Iluckner received 18,520 votes
In New York state.
William .McKlnley will be the twenty-fifth
president of the United States.
Kour year. < ago New York gave Cleveland
n plurality of 45.000. On Tuesday last It
gave .McKlnley a plurality of 270,000. a net
gain of Iiir.,000.
The Hoeky Mountain News of Denver
shouts. " .Stop polities and talk business. "
Then It proceeds to talk politics to the ex
tent of three columns.
Sockles Jerry Sampson will rejuvenate
the glories of Kansas In congress , after a
two-year rest. Dick Hland of Missouri was
also resurrected last Tuesday.
Talk about reviving Industry. It Is a sure
thing. A Chicago man la Industriously rol
ling a peanut with a toothpick a distance
of one mile as the price ot his loyalty to
free coinage.
Ocorge Fred Williams , the sliver meteor
of Massachusetts , nnd the nominee of three
conventions fcr governor , falls behind hto
opponent 1 ! > 3.000 votes. CJeorgo was ono of
the boy orators of the campaign.
The latest returns from the sombre re-
cesse-j of Wolferfs Ilonst give gratifying as
surances that David Bennett Hill's throat
has not been seriously Injured by his ex
hausting labors In the campaign.
Mrs. Agnes M. Cannon was pitted against
her husband In the Sixth senatorial dlatrlct
of Utah. She made a hustle on the stump
whllo her opponent clayed at home , nnd she
won the prize with a plurality that fairly
curled the old man's hair.
There was Eomethlng s-nld nt the Chicago
convention about the murmurs of the waves
beating on the lonely shores of St. Helena.
It Is prirtitmed they are murmuring yet. but
they are not as audible as the melancholy
murmurs of Salt creek.
Judge James C. Courtney of Metropolis.
III. , a gallant of middle ago. but young In
spirit , cheerfully wheelbarrowed a blushing
maiden from her homo to the postolllco and
return and gave her two smacka In the bar
gain. Fifteen hundred people witnessed the
wheel and thu osculation.
Senator Stewart's reputation ad a prophet
has not been tnrnlsliod by his recent lapses.
In 1S74 he Illumined
the speeches of con
gress with this arc light of truth : "Theiv
have been u great many battles fought
against gold , but gold has won every time "
That lltri the situation today.
Nine states which gave Cleveland a plur
ality of 132,170 In IM2 this year give Mc
Klnley aggregate plurality in round nuni-
IJPI.S of B'JS.OOO. That IK , ono measure of the
revolution that has taken place in the dem
ocratic party , and It does not include Ken
tucky , which gave Cleveland a plurality of
Chicago News : Thu fact that Mr. Jcncs
has just discovered that he Is beaten Is an
other Illustration of the truth of the theory
that when a man falls n great distance ho
is unconscious when ho strikes.
Chicago Tlmcu-Heralc ! : Chairman Jones
was an egregious misfit. There is now llt-
tlo dissent from Hut proposition on the
part of Intelligent free Hllverltes who were
teally In earnest on the coinage question.
Ills delinquencies aa a party leader bccaino
manifest from the first day on which In
assumed the management of the popocratic
Chicago Journal : Jones is still In the Hen-
ate , so that wo are deterred from accepting
his acknowledgment of McKlnley'a election
as his farewell addreas to the American pee
ple. Still , even for n temporary reller , much
thanks. Yet It would be unjust not to ad
mit that the late chairman has a really re
markable talent in certain ways. As a
claimant ho has few equals. Thu way he
turned his marble heart upon republican
pluralities nnd converted them into tMjrtaln
democratic victories compels our special
.Indianapolis Journal : Among the" political
prophcls whose professional reputations have
boon hopelessly ruined \ty \ the election. Chair
man Jones of the national democratic com
mittee Joncn of Arkansas Is easily first.
Jones has made u greater number of uhsiird ,
ildlculous , Idiotic nnd Impouslblo prophecies
than any other person who ever engaged In
the business. Junes has not merely claimed
the earth and Iho fullness thereof. Ho has
claimed cvroythlni ; In the heavens above and
in thu waters under the earth. Mistaking
Holf-confldcncc for foresight nml bumptious
ness for genius , ho bus made the most ab-
nurd political prophecies on record.
Kansa.s City Slur : Tlin truth Is. that there
ban never been u political ecntest lo this
country freei from the influence. * of thone
agunelea of which Senator Jones complains
than the one Just closed. The vast ma
jority of the. people of this country are
wage earners , and the fact that the mone
tary policy mlvc-catc.d by Mr. llryitn threat
en ril to curtail tbi < piirchnnlng power of
wngea without holding out the promise of
Increasing wages no doubt Inllut'iiced labor
to vote largely against the party represented
In the contest by Mr. Jones , and the pr < ? cs
out ldo of that pc-rtion of U located In the
allvcr-proJuchiK states would naturally ad
vocate that policy which semeud to guar
antee the greatest good to the greatest
number. Therefore. It Is poor judgment OH
well as an Indication of Inllrm temper to
impute to dlrthoneat Influenrea result * which
are natural to an Intulllgont understanding
of condition * .
Ht. I'nul Olobn ( dciu. ) Lot old tlnie ilo-
moeracy rlno unco mnri In UK mlKht Let
in * itound a call to unthiir together all who
bcllpvtIn fnn Inntllullnnii. In lhr > uttuont
liberty of the Individual. In tin1 Rtrlet pro
hibition of Interference : by the atata with
1 any prlvnto iimttrr. nave to protect n man
I nm'illtnt hH Ulijuil neighbor , for n Rovern-
i incut of Iho people as It was undcratoot !
ami founded by Iho fathers. Thanam
! onoinjh who * u believe lo control the den-
( lilies of this iiAtlon Unlay.
I New York World ( ili-ni. ) : The democracy
I \n \ not dead now , becaimo Ita principles are
I triumphant. A million democrat have
! voted for MuKlnley because they valued
i ilNuocrntle principles mnro than any parly.
I Indeed , It la n heller thlnn for the party
i th.U the democratic ticket and platform
' have been beaten than It would have been
had they succeeded. Victory would liavr
brought Hbout a realization of the crazy
platform. This r\otild have killed the party
beyond doubt. Now U has a thance to
rally , to return to the old landmarks and to
reorganize. Mcnuwhllo It can wall pa
tiently for the Inevitable republican ex
cesses and blundiTn. Long live democracy !
NI-.V York Sun ( dem. ) : Hither the na
tional democracy Is a numerically unlmpor-
tan * body of clllzonn. or n great majority of
lla members voted on Tuemlay against their
own candidates. The latter Is the case. The
new democratic organization Is neither nu
merically unimportant nor politically Insig
nificant. H Is the only genuine democratic
organization now existing. It Is Iho only
democratic organization now In shape for
honest buslnws. The Indianapolis demo
crats have charge of the ark. and the future
of democracy la in their keeping. SUCCOFH
lo them-Long ! life and r-nnllnuinis happi
ness to John McCaiiley Palmer nnd Simon
Ilnllvar Iluckner ! Perhaps they will bo run
ning again for president and vice president
In 11)00 ) , under circumstances permitting us
all to vote for them.
Chicago Tribune ( rep. ) : The free coin
age plank of the Chicago platform was
adopted by a two-thirds vote. Hut It would
have been defeated had it not received the
votca of Illinois , Indiana , Iowa , Michigan
and Ohio delegates. I eng before 1 00 gets
hero it will be known whether those states
will vote again in national convention for
the free and unlimited coinage of silver at
the rallo of 1C to 1.
Louisville Courier-Journal ( dem. ) : The
country wants rest from ngUatlou and work
for the Idle. The supreme court of Amerlcnti
politics has passed on the issues. Now , the
people want a chance to work and make
some money. The man who seeks to "enow
Iho proposition to deliver the country to
the mine owners Is n public enemy. Hut ,
seek as he may , the people will no longer
heed him. They will refuse to be "agl-
tnled" by powerless agltntors.
Chicago Tlmes-Hernld ( rep. ) : Senator Dan
iel's pronunclamonto that Hryan's defeat will
not end the agitation of free silver was all
well enough as a pre-election piece of
bravado a sort of whistling to keep the
courage up but when a national Issue has
once been settled by the American people ,
has In cfTect been stamped with their illsap-
proval , no demagogue or agitator , no mat
ter who he Is , can resurrect It.
Globe-Democrat ( rep. ) : A kind of spasmodic
medic agitation may bo kept up , but an
other crusade like the one Just ended Is an
Impossibility. The opportunity of succcess
that came last Tuesday was heller lhan
any that can be expected to follow It , ami
it lacked n. good deal of being what was
desired. All things considered , therefore ,
the oullook for free sllveriam Is decidedly
discouraging , not to say hopelessly gloomy.
It In n lost cause , with no visible prospect
of over being anything else.
Haltlmoro Sun ( dem. ) : The majority
against the frco coinage of silver is so
large and so decisive that the agitation for
the debasement of the national currency
may now bo expected to cease. Krce > coin
age Is shown by the event to be bad poll-
tics. It is not a vote winner. It has no
prospect of success. The politicians , Ihere-
fore. would do well to drop it. leaving ltd
advocacy to the mlno owners and cranks
with whom the agitation originated. The
Ifi to 1 heresy Is extinct In the field of
practical politics.
nit.\\n swuirr soxo. "
New York Herald : Let polities drop now
and gel your Thanksgiving day lurkey
ready. Wo have everything to bo thankful
Philadelphia Times : A proclamation from
the president , setting apart the annual day
of Thanksgiving , gives devout expiesslon to
the feeling that was In all hearts yesterday.
St. Paul Pioneer Prcrs : What a Thanks
giving wo can keep this year. And there
will bo Just time between Tuesday nnd the
nulomil feast day to fatten the turkeys
and make mince pies.
Chicago Tribune : President Cleveland's
ofllclal proclamation to give thanks nccma
somewhat superfluous and late in the light
of the popular demonstrations now In prog
ress over the chief source of national thatik -
Chicago Chronicle : With a breadth of
appreciation of the fitness of things notable
oven In him. Mr. Cleveland postponed the
Issuance of n proclamation ordering a day
of public thanksgiving until the day after
thn election. It Is rarely poaslblo to say
what "might have been" had some partic
ular detail In the evolution of events been
different , but It is entirely K.ifc to assume
that this whole proclamation Is tndiibltablo
proof that the people have had an excellent
president at the cost of depriving themselves
of the ministrations of n llrst-clas parson.
Chicago Kccord : Mr. Cleveland's proc
lamation may not arouse n burst of rejoic
ing from BI mo citizens who recently exer
cised the prerogatives of ritl/enshlp , but
it is Impossible to doubt thu fervency of
the author. It appears that Mr. Cleveland
began to grow more and more thankful
along about last Tuesday evening until
during the early hours of thu next day
bis gratitude refused to bo repressed. He
Is particularly grateful for "every deliver
ance from danger" and exhorts the people
to "acknowledge with contrllc hearts tholr
proncness to follow with sinful pride utter
their own devices. "
Lonijfcllow's literary life covered a period
of about forty years.
Mary Cowden Clarke spent sixteen years
on the "Coneoidanco to Shakespeare. "
Cervantra lived from 1517 to 101C. Ills
actlvo literary life covered only ten years.
Washington Irving lived from 1783 to 1S.VJ.
Ills enormous literary labors continued
about fifty years.
Noah Welvjtcr lived from 1738 to 1S . Ilia
labors on his dictionary covered a period of
nearly thirty years.
Scott's Waverly Novels , upon which his
fame now mainly rests , were all written be
tween 1811 and 1823.
Mulhall , the noted statistician , span : over
forty years In accumulating llm material
for hl ono volume of statistics.
nincrson was born In 1SOH , nnd dieil In
1SS2. Ills literary life continued from ISO
to his death , a period of forty-onu yenifu
John ( JreenlenfVhlttler lived Iram ISO"
to IML' . Ills flrnt work appeared In 1S5S ,
ami his active literary life covered about
thirty-four years.
Newton's life lasted from 1012 to 1727. Ills
first contributions to science and phllosoph }
were in nil o In KiSU. Ills actlvo sci'Jlitllic llfo
lasted forty-aeven years.
The llfo of Chaucer covered u period of
sevcnty-lwo years , from 1323 lo HO' ' ) . Ilia
literary career was from 13SI to IMS , a
period of fourteen years.
Cluirloa Dickens lived fifty-eight years ,
from 1812 to 1870. IIU literary llfo began
In is3fi nnd ended with his death , thus cov
ering a period of thirty-live years.
Duller lived slxty-eliht ; year ? , from lOIL'
to IfiSO , Iho only work by which hu Is ro-
membercd being the "Hiidlbras , " nald to have
IiCv'ii written In less than a year.
Schiller lived but forty-nix years , and thu
poomu which have made his rmno Immortal
were written between 1781 and the date of
hh death in 1805 , a period of twenty-four
Dryant attained thu great ago of 81 yearn.
IHii literary work began with "Thanatop-
sls , " written , according to no me , nt 17 , to
others at thu ago ot 23 , and continued six
tyoneyears ,
The enormous mana of poetry which
Wordsworth gavj to the world .was written
between 1793 , when "An Evening Walk" was
published , and bin death In 18DO. UN actlvo
llfu thcivforu covered Ilfty-.ucvcu years.
IMVI : PA s -M immts.
Although tie ! duke of Wellington llveit
from 17K9 , "tu ! year of nreat balilca. " to
IS'.J , his reputation WAS made In ono day on
the- Held of WAtrrlnn.
Napoleon's military reputation was made
hi-lwt-cn the tattle nt the bridge of Iiixll , In
17ii ! ) , nnd Iho great disaster at Waterloo. In
1SIB. a period of nineteen years.
Krcderlck Iho Great lived from 1712 to
17S6 , n. period of seventy-four years , but
his reputation was made In woven years.
the limeof Iho "seven yenro' war. "
AloxAiuler the Great lived but tlilrty-llircn
yeaiv , bill his reputation as n soldier ns .
made. In about three years , during whloh
time ho conquered the Persian emplrn IMK |
nstabllHhed his rnlo over most of Its do
Hannlbnl'8 life lusted sixty-four years , but ,
although hecontinue. . ) his hostilities against
Homo from llrst to lasl over twenty years ,
his faino as n soldier depended nlmost alto
gether upon the tlrst two years' campaign
lu Italy. _
Cincinnati Kmiulicr.
Tin- boy who erst with npples green
Attempted suicide ,
Ktmcls again tlie painful nceue
With walnuts but half dried.
OiltMito Iteeonl.
Yes. the old SOIIKM nro sweetest ,
Hut , alas , and lack a. day ,
When the old girls try to sing them ,
People rise and llco away.
Wnslilngtnri Star.
Another dark sorrow Is joined to the sum
Of woes that embitter llfu'H ilreuili ;
The longer the nights that are chilly become -
come ,
The shorter the boil covers seem.
Philadelphia Times.
The rolllnu stone attracts no moss
Don't lot this proverb plague yon ,
Kor spots whore'sneli Kreen stufT Is founil
Are just choekful of ague.
Detroit Tribune.
Thry were asking bow they could enlnrco
Their woman's still more ;
And n sweet young thlujj remarked that
MlBht best lot In a goro.
St. 1'iuU Ill-public.
The Inrk that tllen to meet the sun
Is not HO precious brltht ; :
Kor. often , whcujbo day's begun.
That orb Is not lu sight.
I > etrolt Tree Press.
"Sweet pet , with the tangled hair , " hs
Hut 'twas not a frlrl oh , no ;
'Twits Just a itowcr with u rumpled head ,
Stuck tu a vusc at the show.
iuo ! IT is noxi : .
John Or < - cnlenfVliHllcr. .
It la ilone !
of bell nnd roar of gun
Bond the tidings up and down.
How the belfries rock nnd reel !
How the great suns' , peal on peal ,
Kllng the Joy from town to town !
Hind. O bi-lls !
Every stroke exullltiB tolls
Of ifio burial hour of crime.
Komi and long , ( lint all may bcnr ,
Illng for every listening ear
Of uturnlty nnd Time ! us kneel ;
God's own \oleo Is In that peal ,
And tbH spot Is holy ground.
Lord , forgive us ! Wlmt are wo
That oor eyes tills glory sec.
That our ears have beard the sounJT
Vor the Lord
On tlie whirlwind U abroad ;
In the i-nrthqimko He 1ms spoken ;
He has smitten with Ills thunder
The Iron walls nsumlcr.
Ami the gates of brass are broken.
Hid we dare ,
In our agony of prayer.
Ask for more than He has done ?
When was ever Ills light hnml
Over any time or laml
Stretched n now beneath the sun ?
It Is ilonc !
In the circuit of the sun
Shall the pound thereof go forth.
It Hball bid the sail rejolee.
It shall give the iliimb a voice.
It shall belt with Joy the earth' .
lllotted out !
All within anil all about
Shall a fresher llfo begin ;
Krpi-r brentlii the (
As It rolls Its heavy eurso
On the di'iid and burltd Hint
lie can toll yon lots of things about the
ulty , but he can't loll yon of a bettor
eiiliH'd ( | | | or nioro Invitinc Clothing
Store than ours. Look about as nnu-h
as yon pli-aso at thu "Itarxaln Sakw , "
oxaniinu tlio piods anil gi-l I lie prices ,
ami then conuliuro anil see if our ? S.X ( )
.Sack .Stilts don't beat any yon have
HiH'ii for nioro money. Wi > have- better
onus at $10.00 , $ ll..r.O anil ? in.OO. ,
Wo aim to make the best , and a pur
chaser at our store takes no chances.
\Ve guarantee our clothing In every
Klegant warm Overcoats and Ulstor.s
from $10.00 to $10.00.Ve don't make
I ho cheaper kind , If wu sold
yon one we would lese your friendship
and destroy your confidence by micb
dealings. *
\V give yon honest goods at lion
prices. S
St *