Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE ( TMAHA DAILY H1U13 : MOMVtfv. "NOVEMBER 0 , 18DO.
Photo supplies and cameras. 541 IIMwsjr.
Mrs. w. D. Ilullnrd of Persia , In. , U visit
ing her sister. Mrs. II. N. Waller.
Mrs. Dawcon of Atlantic , who has been
' visiting In thh city for some time , has re-
'turned home.
The Monday Musical club wilt meet this
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. I. M.
Troynor , COS First avenue.
K. K. Hart Is still suffering from a dis
location ot the hip. He will bo conllned to
hln homo until ho Is completely cured.
IM Aldcrson , n conductor on the Iltirllng-
lon road , who was hurt In a wreck at Creston -
ton some time ago. Is again able to be
The Iowa Nonpartlsan W. C. T. U. nt Its
recent meeting at Marshalltown elected Mrs.
Laura Mcllrldo of Council Illuffs state vice
A new pontoffice has been established
about eight mlle-H south of Ncola and will
bo known ns Kcown , from the new postmas
ter , William Keown.
Ada Hehnn silver statue will be on ex
hibition at the Iloslon Store this week.
Special bargains will be offered In every
department during thin sale.
Mrs. K. Latta and llttlo daughter , Illanchc ,
have returned from an extended visit In the
cast. They have been the guests of rela
tives at Plttsburg , Pa. , Chicago and Still-
man , III.
St. Paul's chapter of the Ilrothcrhood of
St Andrew will hold a reception at Odd Fel
lows' hall Wednesday evening. Addieases
will be made by Colonel Dnllcy and Dr.
Thuman arcen of Cedar Hnplds.
The following olllccrs have been elected
by Star chapter No. 47 , Hoyal Arch Masons :
Charlta B. Walters. M. E. II. P. ; I. M. Trey
nor. E. K. ; A. McMillan. E. S. ; M. Duquette ,
treasurer ; J. II. Atkins , secretary.
Council muffs Tent No. 32 , K. 0. T. M. ,
will entertain at the Woodmen of the World
hall Wednesday evening. The occasion will
bo their annual ball and a cordial Invitation
Is extended to all their friends to par
A "change" will now be the order of the
day. Money wagered -will "change" hands.
Ofllccs will "change. " The administration
will "change. " c\cn every voter will
"change" his shirt and send It to the "only"
Eagle laundry. 724 Uroadway ; telephone 167.
The traveling men In this part of Iowa
h.ivo been coming In greatly encouraged
f-lnce the election. They report that In the
few days that have Intervened since the
election trade has been steadily Increasing
and a general improvement has been noticed
all along the line.
At the last regular meeting of Ivanhop
commandcry No. 17 , Knlghtu Templar , the
following offlccra were elected : George Llpe ,
E. C. ; V. Jennings. Oen. ; I. M. Treynor , C.
G. ; Hev. S. P. McDonald , prelate ; C. Konlgs-
niacher. S. W. ; J. W. Palmer. J. W. ; J. IJ.
Atkins , treasurer ; A. McMillan , secretary.
The Woodward Theater company presented
"Hazel Klrko" Inst evening to another largo
audience. Tonight "The Ilrothers , " a strong
comedy drama In five acts. Thursday night
the old favorite , "East Lynno. " Saturday
night a new play , written by Mrs. Anne
Klchardson of this city , will bo presented.
Work on the brick paving on First street
Is progressing rapidly. The east side of the
thoroughfare w-lll be completed this mornIng -
Ing and before the week Is out the entire
street will bo open to tralllc. Contractor
Wlckham will commence work on the alley
between Main , Bryant and Hroadway In the
near future.
II.i. \ . Harton. ngcd 53 , died at the Woman's
Christian Association hospital of cancer of
the stcmach , Saturday , at 11 p. m. De
ceased was taken to the hospital ten days
ago from his home , at A venue I and Twenty-
fourth street. The ftincrHl will be held from
Lunkley's undertaking rooms Tuesday at
2 .p. m. , Ilcv. DeLong will conduct the
service. Interment will be at Falrvlew.
The Grand Army of the Republic. Union
Veteran Legion and all old soldiers are re
quested to attend the funeral.
C. D. Vlavl Co. , female remedy. Medical
consultation free Wednesdays. Health book
furnished. 303 Mcrrlam block.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
C2i Th el r
The Durfeo Furniture company will cclc-
brato the close of the great political con
test by giving the people something else
to rejolco over. They have started a greal
clearance sale , and will glvo bargains li
every line of furniture In the house. lied-
room suits , rockers , couches , chalra , odd am
fancy pieces of the newest goods In the
world arc offered at prices that will make
oven the defeated politicians happy again
Como around to 33C and 338 Uroadway am
look at some pretty things.
Purity Is the chief quality of Rlekman's
. unexcelled candied. This tame standard Is
\ kept up In his entire line of sweets whether
the' price be 10 cents or CO cents a pound.
School of Household Economics , adapta
tlon of fco'1 'u Individuals.
! < Isonl Foot llnll ( iiiineN.
The Council Bluffs High school team has
two good game's In prospect for the homo
grounds. The first ono will bo playcel with
the High sc.hc.o1 team of Illalr , Neb. , Frldaj
afternoon at the Field Club park. A week
from next Saturday Council Illuffs will ni''et
the Lincoln High school eleven. This
promises to be one of the hardest fought
games ever seen In this city. Saturday the
Lincoln team beat Omaha High school 12
to 0 , this being the same score made by the
Council muffs team against Omaha the week
before. The scoring In the Lincoln-Omaha
game was all done In the last half and
this Is taken as an Indication thut the Coun
ell n In ITs boys will win against Lincoln , as
they succeeded In making a touchdown In
the first half against Omaha.
The homo players hove kept up a gooi
practice , but were disappointed In not get
ting a game Saturday , the Dcnlsou High
school team , that had been scheduled , liav
Inir failed to show up. In the practlci
Friday the boys made an excellent showing
and they expect to go Into the game agalns
IJIalr next Friday stronger than ever before
With a week to rest up In and get some
light practice befote they meet Lincoln , thej
are confident of winning. Captain Mather
has gotten together one of the best aggrc
Katlons of fet ball players ever seen In thU
part of the country for lightweights end the
games played so far have been full ot enai
and go.
Hnril Winter I'roiiiltieil.
The weather man has given out the warn
Ing that there will bo a rigorous wlnte
this year. Preparations to withstand th
chilly blasts arc In order. What you nee
Is worm underwear , warm gloves , wan
shoes , Iluchcs , the inen'a outfitter , -II
Broadway , haw them.
The young IIIMI that wishes to make
favorable Impression should not forget th
effect of a handsome box of candy. Rick
man's Is the place to get them.
Lowney's chocolates have an enviable rep
utatloii for purity. Rlekmau's Is the plac
to get them.
School of Household Economics , prope
combinations of foods.
Hornet \\Vnt TliroiiKli Ilie Window.
A pony belonging to. one ofvthe nowspapc
carrier boys took fright yesterday mornln
at the stupendous slro of the Sunday morn
lug paper ho was expected to carry aroun
and ran away. Ho ran upon the pavcmen
on Uroadway near Pearl street nnd wer
through the window of a barber shop. Th
whole gloss front of the building was car
ried away and the fragments distributed
owr the barber chairs Inside. 'Ihe horse
escaped with a few scratches.
Just received s complete line of the rich
est cut glasg thanufactured. Low prices.
Rich designs. Useful articles. Jacqucmln
& Co , , 27 Main itrcct.
A good smoke , a fragrant mnoko will
bring cast ) and contentment. Hlckman has
the kind of cigars that will make you bet
ter cgntcntcJ with yourself and llfo in gen
F. W. Dean , M. D. , eye , ear , nose and
throat , 241 .Mcrrlam block.
School of Household Economics , eating to
five , or living to cat.
.nti-Toiino Bein ° - Used with Splendid
Results in Iowa.
lnU Iliinril CrwIiiH : n fiotirrnl UNO of
the. . n-fc Treatment ! > Hie
VarliiiiN lliiardn of
Tcrrencc Stack , aged 8 years , son of P.
I. Stack , has been reported to the
Joird of Health as suffering from
Iphthcrla. The prevalence of diphtheria
as permitted the local physicians to give
thorough test to the new anti-toxin trcat-
ncnt. The result so far has Justified the
onfldcnco that physicians have placed In
bo remedy. Wherever It has been admln-
stcred In the early stages of the disease
cllef has quickly followed. Many cases of
ccovcry have been reported whero.the cirly
ymptoms Indicated a malignant type of the
disease which would have been fatal under
rdlnary treatment. Reports to the State
IJcnrd of Health show that there nro more
3scs of diphtheria In Iowa today than ever
icforo known. The board held n session
n DCS Molncs a few days ago for the pur-
iose of meeting members of the local boards
u- cities throughout the state and urging
hem to use every precaution to enforce
II the riuarantlno regulations and stamp
ut the disease.
lii'lxllnti TnlitTiiiirlc
Still Ili'iirliin Trial .Sermons
The pulpit committee appointed by the
ifllclal board and the congregation of the
Christian Tabernacle to secure a pastor
or the church has not been able to report
much progress. A month has elapsed since-
he committee was appointed. The com-
ulttee hns been In correspondence with scv-
ral clergymen of the Christian church.
One of these. Rev. J. N. Wright of Chicago
cage , occupied the pulpit yesterday at both
he mornlug und the evening services. At
he morning hour he preached on the sub
cct , "Hear Ye Him. "
The speaker pointed out the necessity for
a more general elevation of the moral seu-
Imcnt among all classes. The condition
of the world was dally nnd rapidly reach <
a point where It Is necessary that there
ic not a Christian class and n class not
Christian. The struggle for existence , the
reatcr effort necessary to supply the
reatcr and ever-Increasing wants of man
Ind. makes It Imperative that something
stronger than law restrain human passions
and propensltes. The most law-abiding
men arc those who respect but do not fear
he law. They commit no crimes against
he state because they commit no offenses
against the law of God. Ax the race multl-
ilies and wants become more difficult
o supply , fear of the law will tiot maintain
public peace oud security. Only the un-
versal acknowledgment of the moral law
vlll protect society. The only way for this
noral sentiment to become dominant Is for
every man to realize that thu command.
'Hear Ye Him , " applies to himself. Christ's
aw Is the moral law that must govern the
world , In peace and security nnd prepare
the way for the perfection of the great
millennium day. This day may be nearer
or It may be far away. It lies within hu
man power nnd human will to make It
either. If the whole world should today
accept the great sacrifice of Christ the
millennium would conic tomorrow.
sorrows , every pang that wrings the humar
leart , death Itself would bo banished , nni
the recreated worlS would be the para
dise that men have dreamed of , the Chris
tian looked for and the human heart for
ever hoped for.
Today the gospel of Jesus Christ Is
[ ireached In every land under the eun , ami
now apt Is the command , "Hear Ye Him. '
To hear Is to ponder ; to ponder Is to re
ceive nnd to receive Is to believe. The
transformation Is rapid , like the burst of
sunshine from Inky clouds , glorious. To
the thoughtful mind there Is nothing more
apparent than the progress toward this gen ,
oral conviction. Psychic study , which Is
soul study , has become the leading study
of the times. The best minds of the world
arc realizing that the welfare of the hu
man soul. Its development nnd destiny , are
the great paramount problems of the nge.
Man's little brief span of existence here Is
but of the least Importance to the eternal
possibilities of the future. All ot this
hastens the time f6r the final triumph of
the Son of God. If but one-half of the
men and women of the world should accept
this message .and follow out Its Injunction
there would 'be but little doubt that the
great triumph would come quickly. It would
blend together 'all of the churches of
Chrlstlnndom and soften their warring
creeds Into the simple and harmonious
church that Christ meant should be estab
lished. "Hear Yo Him" Is the greatest com
mand Hint cnn be preached by Christian
ministers today.
Ada ItHmii.
Ada Rohan silver statue will bo on frco
exhibition for the week. November 9 to 14. at
BOSTON STORE. Council Bluffs.
Sfwor I'llie , Flro HrloU. Ilcltlug- .
Wholesale and retail. J. C. Blxby , 202
Main street.
School of Household Economics , principles
of home making.
Special sale trimmed hats at MUs Rags-
dalo's. Pearl street.
Hunting : IMIUM-N to SIoc ] > .
Seven men applied at the police station
for lodgings last night and wcro given
a clianco to sleep upon tbo comfortless
Iron bunks In the upper rooms of the city
jail. They were all young , their average
ages being less than 25 years , and wcro
of all nationalities. The chilly nights force
the unfortunates to appeal to the police for
places to sleep , and thu rooms , which arc
heated and set apart for that purpose , are
filled almost every night. The American
Volunteer Sulvatlou nrray barracks on Upper
Broadway are filled nightly to their utmost
capacity. The army has not received the
cordial support In the way of donations of
unused bedding that was counted upon , but
enough has been secured to provide for a
number of the homeless and houseless un
fortunates. Pcoplo who arc devoting time
and consideration to the subject of caring
for the destitute anticipate an unusually
heavy demand upon them this winter. Calls
upon the custodian of the county poor fund
are becoming painfully common.
Day & Hes , 3D Pearl street , Council Bluffs ,
have some extraordinary bargains In fruit ,
garden and farm lands near Council Bluffs.
Now Is the time to buy real estate.
Enameled brass-trimmed beds (3.95 this
week at the Durfeo Furniture Co.
Lunclgard , the Tailor , 130 S. Main si root.
Get your winter supply of coal now before
the rush and rise In prices. L. M. Shubert
will fill your orders promptly and his prices
are the lowest. Telephone No , 70 ; C28 Weit
Broadway. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Hoffuiayr's fancy patent hour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for it.
Rlekman keeps the finest line of con
fectionery In the city , seasonable fruits ,
oystera , a full stock of clgara and tobacco.
Ice cream and Ices In brick or any other
etylo. Prices guaranteed.
Dr. 1'iiiiKlr'n Diphtheria .Spe-flllc.
Call at Dr. Pangle's office * nnd net his
Infallible diphtheria specific , Tested
through three epidemics nad never failed.
"ilnil u I.IIIIK Hun.
A horse hitched to a light spring wagon
had a run-for hltr life yesterday afternoon
which began at the School for the Deaf and
ended on upper Broadway above the Metho
dist church , a distance of about three miles.
\ll along the route of the Impromtu course
he animal managed to elude nil efforts to
.top him , and wns RolnR at n desperate pall
when n motor car caused him to swerve nnd
tin Into n telephone poat. The hone csi
caped with a few scratches and the wagon
was not damaged at all. The animal was
.aken to a neighboring barn and Is now
awaiting the owner.
Hetn n llnlfnl of Money nnd Coolly
Driven Awny from Illn ltiir | .
One of the slickest articles that ever
struck this town held forth ono night at
the corner of Uroad and Pine streets , re-
otes the Nevada City Herald. He had a
team from one of the local livery stables
and the usual gasoline torch and vallac.
With the voice of a Midway Plalaance
spieler" he began by announcing that he
'was an honest man and would rather
throw his money In the street than take a
lollar that did not belong to him. " Instead
of leaving In disgust at hearing this shame-1
ess assertion the crowd drew nearer , anx-
oit.i to have a good loolc at such a freak ,
They drew still nearer they wedged In tight
and blocked the street , and they were hls'n.
Ho offered some trumpery for sale and
nil the small change he received Into
the street for the boys to scramble for. It
look. They liked It , and hollered for more ,
lie sold some trifling "galvanic batteries"
at a dollar apiece and then gave the pur
chaser hack his dollar.
The crowd grew quite enthusiastic nnd the
Taklr grew bolder. His next move wns to
boldly nsk who would give him a dollar out
right , to throw away , get drunk on or spend
us ho pleased. A couple of men timidly
puahed their way forward and actually of
fered him a dollar each. He took the silver
and chuckled with glee. Then , pretending
to repent having begged anything , ho called
the donors up nnd returned each man's
dollar , and them a dollar beside as a
reward of merit.
The crowd began to cheer , and were dis
appointed when the fakir again offered the
"electric belts" for sale. But It was only
for a few minutes , and then he again asked
who would "give him a dollar outright , and
expect absolutely nothing for It. " The crowd
fell over each other In their haste to reach
the fellow's buggy nnd make their contri
butions. Ho would take a dollar from some
one' , add a few more dollars to It and then
wrap the whole In n greenback , making nice
little rolls , which he put Into his hat. They
came BO thick that he was obliged to nsk the
people to wait until he could get their Christ
mas presents wrapped up. When the dollars
lars finally ceased pouring In the hat was
Ho placed the tile where all could see It
and began n "song nnd dance" about what
good people they were nnd how much ho ap
preciated getting Into such a liberal town.
He would not be outdone In generosity. He
would make each one of them a present of
one of his famous galvanic belts. Yes , he
would , by ginger !
Ho talked so rapidly that few could catch
the drift of his proposition , but they nil
stepped up and took the packages he of
fered them , thus accepting value for their
money. Then they fell back and waited
until the gentleman threw the hatful of
money out Into the crowd.
But he did not do It ?
Instead he said. "Now. suppose you were
in my place. What would you do with all
this money ? "
Some one on the edge of the crowd an
swered , "Keep it. "
"That's a good suggestion , " said Mr.
Fakir , and In a thrice he had dumped the
hatful of motley Into his valise and snapped
the lock.
He paused n moment nnd coolly lit a cigar
In the flame of his torch , and the crowd lies ,
tinted , paralyzed at his nerve. In that mo
ment of hesitation they "were lost ( or their
money was ) for the fakir suddenly seized
the r lus nnd drove swiftly around the
He did not leave town , though , and ap
parently had no fears for his personal safety.
While he was skinning the town a con
federate did the same thing In Grass Val
ley and the two went away together several
hundred dollars richer for their visit to the
Mode of I.oeatliiK nml I'\tliiKiilHliliipr
Kir.In the Cltle.t nf Clilnn.
If LI Hung Chang would submit to an In
terview on the subject It would be Int' restIng -
Ing to know what his feelings were as ' a eat
upon the grand stand at Union squan . ' New
York , and watched the exhibition of me of
the most efllclcnt fire departments in the
world. The difference between the workings
of that department and the one which he has
known in Peking , says the New Ycrk Tribune ,
must have aroused forcibly his remarkable
powers of comparison.
A slight Inkling of his Impressions , how
ever , may bo gained by a brief outline of the
workings of the ( Ire departments to which
ho Is accustomed In China. These depart
ments are considered very effective even by
foreigners to that land , und It may be they
are when the construction of Chinese dwel
lings Is taken Into account. There Is scarcely
a house there over two stories high. Hut
even for houseof that diminutive height the
Chinese method of fighting fires must ap
pear very crude compared to the system here.
In the larger cities of China there are
stationed throughout their length and
breadth fire watchmen. Upon bamboo poles
Is built a sentry box with a narrow balcony
circling. These sentry boxes are stationed
at regular Intervals , say , the distance of
five or ten of our city blocks apart , and In
each ono a watchman Is on duty day and
night. The Instant signs of a fire appear
In his district ho sounds the alarm cither
by voice or by a gong , and the dread cry
Is hastened along to the nearest lire engine
house. In these houses , which are none
too numerous , are kept hand engines some
what llko the most antique types known
here. They are dragged by running China
men , and at the alarm the engine Is rushed
off to the scene of the fire with really credItable -
Itablo rapidity , and the engine "pipes" arc
put In connection with the nearest canal.
These canals arc so numerous throughout
the largo cities that one Is nearly always
within reasonable distance of a tire. If
there be not ono near , a well or cistern
is utilized as a source of water supply.
There Is little organization In a Chinese fire
department , but the crowd that gathers
lends a willing hand , and can usually ex
tinguish a fire In the building In which
It originated. As the buildings are only
of two stories , as already explained , the
difficulties presented to the Chinese firemen
are not great. Should the Ore get beyond
control , however , there Is a precaution which
the Chinese alone of all nations have
adopted to prevent Its extensive spread.
At frequent Intervals In the crowded part
of the citlen fire walls of brick have been
built. These walls Include fixed areas ,
beyond which no bamcs can travel.
Ilesldes these engine houses and fire walls
are maintained , In the city of Canton at
least , one or two stationary engines near
central points upon the banks of canals
for use In case of fire. Tlio englneu arc
In buildings designed for them , much after
the manner of reservoir pumping stations
here , but , of course , of a much elaborate
design. From these engines Iron pipes are
run over the roofs of neighboring house ?
for some distance , and from frequent outlets
along the line of pipes water can bo dis
tributed In time of fire upon the threatened
ThH comprises a brief outline of the en
tire tire department which the larger cities
of China rralntaln for their preservation.
When the august ambassador of the Chi-
ueso empeior beheld New York's splendid
machines In full operation the primitive
method of lire protection In his own country
must have seemed crude Indeed.
TeleKrniililnu ; TlirmiKh Spiii-o ,
The possibility of telegraphing through
space has been turned to account In a most
effective way for maintaining eonimunlca
tlon between the mainland and Fastnct light
house , on the southwest coast of Ireland.
Formerly the dllllcultlra of carrying a tele
graph cable up an exposed rock , where It
was subject la constant chafing , wcro a !
moat Insuperable. The non-continuous ays
tern Is now used , and Is said to work ad
mlrably. The cable terminates In the water
sixty yards off , and the electric currents
vent from the shore find their way through
this distance to two bare wires that dip Into
the sea from the rock.
.sti'iiiiMi : conn' rAoiunniMis.
LINCOLN. Nov 4.Tho NibrnKki stt-
Divine court met pursuant to adjournf'
mi-lit. Lee Hrl ey , J. J. Hqiujher nnd II. L.
D y were ndmltlrd to prnvtlto.
llnrtlett against Mulctillji , dismissed ;
i Clark Bpnlmst Murolf , Union Stock yards
1 flRnlnst Stoddnrd , Stephens against Westo
'side Improvement compnuy.-i-and Doom
agntiiMt Parish , nlllrmetl ; Svilgwhn against
i Tree-man , dismissed. .
I November 5-L nc ster County bank
nRttltiBt OllllBnn. motion IN , strike motion
for rohenrlnif overruled ; Plummer against
areen. motion for Itfavo to remit over-
ruled ; Capital National baftU .tfcalnM Cold-
water National bank , for heHrliiK
with Nos. C977 , GDI * nnd 7315 ; Omuhrt nnd
Florence Ijind and Trust rompany ngalnst
Patker , Moore against Pnrker , nud Mere-
dltb nKnlii ! t Omaha , dismissed Oorder
ngnlnst Connor , motion to trqulre npp < lli-e
i to tile briefs overruled ; Biildwln ngHlnst
| Fisher i , motion for mandate sustained ;
Littleton Savlnss Bank iicnlnst Donnelly ,
advanced and ulllrmcd ; KniK Hrowlnir
company against Johnson , nnd State ex rol
j LeweOlen against Smith , advanced ; State
ex rel Norfolk Uect Sugar company against
I Moore , leave to docket.
i Court adjourned to Tifcday. November
i 17. at 9 oVIoek n. m. , wh'-n the following
eases will be called : EiiRlngnlnst Hunt.
' laler ngalnst Croft. Mot you .1 Melluron
against Onrdner , Nlwu'ti ngnlnst Turner ,
I Norfolk National bank against Nenow ,
j I Orotte ngnlnst Nncle. HBrnhman npntnst
! i Rose. Woods ngnlnst Hart. Nebraska Loan
and Trust company against Ilnrnes , Peck
i against Nebraska Loan nnd Trust com-
! i imny , Hayden against Oi-nesce Fruit comI
j imny , Hiiyden agnjjist' Cnpples Woodenware -
ware company. AcKerninii against Acker-
man. Hnggerty against Walker , Chicago
Lumber company ngalnst Henjnmln ; Hates
& Co. against Stanlpy ; Reynolds ngalnst
McCandless , First National Hank of Du-
liiiiio | against MeKlbben , Heosle against
Smith. Schlentz agnlnst Hlrkel. Smlth-
Haywntd ngnlnst Hnywftrd. Moran agnlnst
MrCullum , Uyli-y ngalnst Sandeau , Ord
agnlnst Nash , Smith against Beagle. Paxton -
ton t Vlerllng Iron Works ngalnst Bates ,
Farley against Peebles. & 'Iiaw against Rob
inson & Stokes company. Fremont. Elkhorn -
horn & Missouri Vnllcy Railroad company
nunliiHt Waters , Hcrmum-e against Cun
ningham. Omaha Loan and Truit com-
IKiny against Knight , Uplines apnlnst Hull ,
Raymond Hros. against Miller. Farmers'
Mutual Insurance company ngiil'At Mee > ,
I'nlon raelfle 'Railroad company against
Metcalf & Wood , Northern Assurance' com
pany ngalnst Hamilton , Omaha Street Rail
way company against Lnlch , Omaha Fire
Insurance company nrnlnst Crolghlon ,
Young against Dl'kson , Flckos against
Vlck Hros. . Hnrtford Life and Annuity In
surance comtKiny against Cummlngn , LIsy
ngalnst State ex rel Pufek. Lewellcn
ngalnst Smith , Ilrothcrton nirnlnst Mnnhnt-
titi Hench Improvement association ,
[ Jrexel ngalnst Downing.
The commission for the examination of
ippllrants for admission to the bar. con
sisting of 13. J. Clements. W. D. Heekett.
' ' . M'irtlii , Roseoi- Pound and F. P. Wig-
on. Is In session preparing for the next
examination of applicants , which -\vlll be
November 17.
Syllabi of decisions bnnded down follow :
Andres against Krldlrr Error from
Douglas county. Opinion by Chief Justice
Courts of general Jurisdiction possess in-
.icrent power to make and enforce needful
rules for the transaction of business before
hem. and In the absence of a clear
of such power their discretion In that re-
card will not be controlled by courts of
ippcllatc Jurisdiction.
2. Rulings , except such as are made dur-
ji ( ? the trial of a cause , to be available-
srounds for the reversal of the Judgment
) > proceedings In error should be specially
isslgned In the motion for u new trial.
Peterson against Rclsdorph. Error from
Douelas county. Afllrmcd. , Opinion by
hlef Justice Post.
Where In an action for malicious prose
cution the purpose of the proceeding com-
ilalned of Is shown to have been the col-
oetlon of n debt , and not the enforcement
of the laws against crime , malice may bo
"nferrcd from that fact alone , the question
iclnK one of fact for the Jury. Ross against
LaiiKWorthy. 13 Neb. , 911.
2. One who before Instituting a crlm-
nnl prosecution makes n full und complete
statement to the prosecuting attorney of
ill the fnrtsvltliln his knowledge , or which
in could ascertain by tljc exercise of rea
sonable diligence , bearing upon the guilt
of the accused , and In good faith nets upon
he nilvlee of such officer , will not be liable
o an action for malicious prosecution. Hut
f he withholds from counsel In such case
material fnets within hla knowledge , the
nlvlre received will be. no .protection In
: m action l > y the Injured party.
3 Evidence examined and held to sus
tain the finding that the prosecution coni-
nlalned of was malicious and without
probable cause-
Crolghton ngnlnst Hnythorn. Error from
Keith county. Opinion by Chief Justice
An assignment of error directed Ren-
erally npnlnst n group of Instructions will
bo considered no further than to ascertain
whether any one thereof was rightly given
pr rlehtly refused.
2. Where the defendant In nn action of
replevin claims n special Interest only In
the property In controversy by virtue of
a mortgage or other Hen. bis measure of
ilamace In case the property cannot be re
turned Is the amount of his lien with In
terest and cost , within the value of the
3. A verdict for the defendant In nn ac
tion of replevin whoso claim arises from
n Hen upon the property In controversy
without a finding ns to the value of his
possession Is not responsive to the ISMICS
nnd Is contrary to law within the mcanliiK
of subdlvUlon vl of section 311 of the code.
Council n I u ITs Cannln-t company against
Omaha Tinware Manufacturing company.
Error from Washington county. Alllrmed.
Opinion by Juclue Harrison.
Where a foreign corporation has busi
ness transactions In this state with cltl- <
zons and residents of the state , out of
which arise accounts or claims against the
corporation , such accounts or claims may
be enforced In the courts of this slate. If
Jurisdiction can be obtained by legal service
of process.
2. Service of summons upon the manag
ing agent of the corporation Is sulirr-lent
to eonfer jurisdiction under the provisions
of section 59 of the Code of Civil Pro
3. Where the evidence Is conflicting the
conclusions of the trial court thereon will
not be disturbed if thcro Is evidence to
sustain them.
Church npnlnst Callahnn. Error from
Frontier county. Reversed and rc-manded.
Onlnlon by Judge Harrison.
In the record nresented to this eourt nn-
nenrcd n copy of a Journal entry. In wlileh
wns set forth the overruling of a demurrer
by the trial court and that the demiirrant
fnlleil to plead or answer furHier , but
elected to stand on the demurrer. He'd ' ,
that such recitals must be tnen [ by this
eourt ns true statements of what occurred
in tb trial court.
2. The provisions of section 21 of the
Code of Civil Procedure In relation to the
Institution of an action In the name of a
firm are spfclnl In their characte-r to be
strictly construed , and the prescribed mode
of procedure must be closely followed.
3 If , In an action commenced by n part
nership In the firm name , there Is no state
ment In the petition that It was "formed
for the purpose of carrying on any trade
or business , or for the purpose of 'holding
any species of property In this state , " the
ple-adliiK Is open to attack by a demurrer
on the second ground assigned by ncetlon
94 of the code , viz : "That the plaintiff has
not Ic'jrnl capacity to sue. "
4. The action herein was' one of con
version to recover the value of property
of which It was alleged tljc firm had a
special ownership by virtue of n chattel
mortgage. Neither thn mortgage nor n
copy thereof wns attached > to or appeared
In the petition , but 1C H | uul bei > n pleadetl
that the mortpage was executed to the
partnership by Its firm namp , It would not
have constituted It such nn action as Is
contemplated by section 2.1 of our code- ,
which Is as follows : "In till actions ujwn
bills of exchange or promissory notes , or
other written Instruments , whenever any
of the parties thereto nru designated by
the Initial letter or letters or some con
traction of the Christian or first name or
names It shall bo suftlcciit | to designate
such person by the namp. Initial letter or
letters or contraction of the first name or
names. Instead of stating the Christian or
ilrst name or nanicn In 'full. ' "
Orecno against Groano ! ' . Appeal from
Hork county. Alllrmed , Oirfnlon by Judge
Alimony may be drflned to bo such sum
ns In ordered by the court to be paid to
the wife by thn husband for her support
during the time she lives separate from
him , or to bo paid by her late husband ,
for her maintenance after divorce from
the marriage tie. This latter IB a creation
of modern low and Is what IH known us
pc-rmiinent alimony. 2 Bishop , Marriage
and Divorce , section S31.
2. A hUHfmnd cannot In this state , whether
ho or the wife bo granted the divorce ,
recover alimony to be paid out of the di
vorced wife's separate estate.
3. Section 10 , chapter xxv. Compiled Stat
utes , which readH na follows : "A petition
or bill of divorce , alimony and maintenance
may bo exhibited bya wlfo In her own
name , as well an a husband ; ami In ill
cases the respondent may answer suet :
petition or bill -without oath ; and In all
cnios of divorce , alimony and maintenance
when personal service cannot be had. serv
ice by publication may bo madn us IH pro
vided by law In other civil cases under
the cod of civil procedure. " Held : To
eonfer upon the wife the rlfht to com
mence an action of divorce in her owi
name and ( without the 'Intervention in the
suit of a 'tiixt fr.Mvt , i. WUR
quired , i ml not to . .ut 'oruo the grunting
of alimony or'e to tlv i.vts- t 1
| bind ' , to be p.ild from the eMU of the ,
former \\lfe. i
4. When It apprnrti from tu.t meriti ! In |
, the | lull of oxcrpMons that it doss not cent ;
tain nil the evidence introduced lit tlu ! j
It j ml of the wine , nucli imiPt be takr-u to | '
be the fact. In the absence of Htiy other
or futther proof on thti subject than the
certificate to the hill to the effect thRt It
eon tn I us all. the evl'letn-o.
c S. Where a bill of excepllonc docs not
contain all the evidence adduced ut the
} trial the evidence will not be examined
by this court to Ascertain whether It was
i runic-lent to support the finding and de
cree of the trial court.
1 , 6. The record p'Cjentcd to this court
did ' not disclose that any objections were
i ; made In the district court to Its trial nnd
adjudication In ihls. nn action for divorce
of the alleged rights of a husband In real
estate , thn title to which rested In the
' wife. Held , that the questions will not tie
, considered In this court.
I Elnsp.Uir against Exchange National
] bank. Error from Adams county. Dis
missed. Opinion by Judge Norvnl.
A petition In error will be dlsnilnod out
i of the supreme court when the transcript
: filed therein \ < t not authenticated by the
i clerk of the trial court.
' Purncll airalnst Miner. Error from Holt
county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Judge Nor-
| , The hirer of n team Is liable to the owner
; i for } want of ordinary care In the use of
the team. ,
I , . 2. The evidence was conflicting. Held ,
l That ' a verdict for plaintiff iwould not bo
, disturbed.
; I State ex rel Mamuett asalilst Bnushnu-
I sen. Mnndnmu * . From Sherman county.
I \ Writ denied , opinion by Judge *
I The pleadings In pMceedlngs In ninn-
I ' damns have 'th same effect nnd are to
be construed us In ordinary civil actions.
] Hence n material averment In a petition
] for mandamus not denied by the answer
Is to bo taken ns true.
2. As a general rule , mandamus will not
Issue at the suit of a private Individual
to compel a public ofllcer to do any of
ficial aet until a demand has been m-Jde
upon him to do It. But n formal demand
In unne-cessary where the conduct and nc-
tlon of the respondent is equivalent to a
positive refusal.
3. The allowance of a writ of mandamus
to compel a county board to Include re-
lator's claim In Its estimates of the taxes
to be. levied for the cnnulnp year Is not
necessarily an adjudication that a detlnlte
sum Is < lue from the county to the re-
4. Under section 40 of the net of the
leglflature of 1S79. entitled "An act eon-
ctrnlnu counties and county ollleers" ( Coin-
tilled Statutes 1W . chapter svlll ) , a county
board has authority to once reconsider
ts action In the allowance of a olnlm
igalnst the county upon notice of the
i.-irtles Interested.
fi. The formal notice required by said
section to l > e given may be waived by the
> erson entitled thereto.
C. Where a claim presented to a county
mard for examination and audit Is dls-
illotted. which decision Is appealed from by
be claimant , and he afterward dlsml K-s
sueh appeal , the uetlon of the board Is
Inal and conclusive.
Taleott Against Bennett. Error from
Vniglnti county. Alllrmed. Opinion by
Commissioner Ryan.
The concealment or absconding which
.iiider section 20 of the Co.Ie of Civil Pro
cedure suspends the operation of the stat
ute of limitations must be such as affect *
he commencement of Judicial proceedings
n Nebraska and not those of another
i la te.
Brown nsnlnst Fltzaatrlck. Appeal from
Doug-Ins county. Afilnned. Opinion by
Commissioner Ryan.
The refusal by the district court to ap-
> olnt a receiver must be nlllrmed when
lelther by the petition nor by the proofs
iddtiecd was there n showing that such
refusal was erroneous.
North British Mercantile Insurance com
pany agnlnst Bohn. Error from DotiRlns
ounty. Alllrmed. Opinion by Comtnls-
planer Ryan.
A representation by two Individuals that
hev were owners of the property sought
o be Insured , when In fact It was owned
jy a corporation of the capital stock of
which they were the sole proprietors , held
lot such a misrepresentation ns avoided
the rlsht of a mortgage to assert Its
rights undc r a "union mortgage" "clause
attached by the Insurer to the policy , the
* ald mortgager bavinno knowledge of. or
Kirtlrlpatlon In. the said misrepresentation.
2. Under the circumstances above stated
t was not prejudicial error to refuse to
uermlt the plaintiff In error to show the
nsolveney of the corporation granteeat
the time either of the Insurance effected
or of the loss suffered.
Llnlnger aRiilnst Wheat. Error from
Adams county. Reversed and remanded.
Opinion by Commissioner Ryan.
A guarantor , as a condition precedent to
his liability. Is not entitled to notice of
the acceptance of a guaranty In the follow-
IIK form : "The undersigned docs hereby
Guarantee the- faithful ami full perform
ance by the party of the second part to
the contract of all the agreements and
engagements therein entered Into by the
oarty of the se-cond part. "
2. The neglect to notify the guarantor of
the default of his principal does not op
erate to discharge the guarantor , unless
such neglect Is on Its face unreasonable
In view of nil the circumstances of the-
case * .
3. A consideration sulllclent to sustain
a guaranty Of the faithful performance
of the. undertakings of the principal exists
when the party for whose protection the
guaranty was executed has extended credit
to the principal on the faith of such guar-
Cre'lghton University against Mulylhlll.
Appeal from Douglas county. Alllrmed
Opinion by Commissioner Rngan.
On nn npi-eal from an order confirming
n sale this court will consider only the
EDecllle objections made in the district
court to such confirmations.
Albert against Davis. Appeal from Plattc
county. Alllrmed. Opinion by Commis
sioner Irvine.
A cltv of the second class , having less
than 5.000 Inhabitants and owning and
maintaining water works , hns not the
power to require an Inhabitant , ns n con
dition precedent to the use of water , to
purchase and place In position at his own
expense n water meter.
Fire Association of Philadelphia against
Ruby. Error from I helps county. Re
versed and remanded. Opinion by Commis
sioner Irvine.
It Is the duty of an olllcer snlllni ; land
under a decree of foreclosure to pay the
proeeetls of the sale , upon conllrmHtloti
thereof , directly to the persons entitled
thereto under the decree , unless the e-ourt
shall have ordered the proceeds to be paid
Into eourt.
2. In nn action ngnlnst such odlcer for
failure to pay the proceeds to the party en
titled the olllcer admlttlnr ; In his answer
the receipt of the money , does not dls-
chiirKC- himself from liability by showing
that he paid It over to the clerk
3. A Judgment of amercement against an
officer Is In u subsequent suit upon the
official bond conclusive evidence of the
facts necessary to sustain the Judgment
ngalnst the- officer , nnd It Is prlmn facie
evidence itgalnst the sureties.
4. A stipulation Is sufficient to authorize
the clerk to sign a bill of exceptions when
by Its terms It cle-arly Bhows that the par
ticular bill of exceptions to which the stip
ulation IH attached If ngrce-d upon by the
parties tis a correct bill.
5. Evidence examined and held not to
sustain the verdict.
Wnchsmuth tigalnst Orient Insurance
company. Error from Wayne county , llo-
vcrsed and Hemanded. Opinion by Com
missioner Irvine. ,
A court has power , even after the term
nt which Judgment was rendered to cor
rect Its record for the purpose of making
It disclose truthfully what occurred In the
course of Its proceedings.
2. A special finding , made at the reques
of one party after Judgment , nnd without
notice to the adverse party , Is absolute ! }
: i. The assignment In a motion for a new
trial that the finding Is not unstained b >
the evidence docs not In an action on con
tract rnlso the question of error In the
assessment of the amount of recovery.
4. Section 5T of the Code of Civil Pro
cedtiro , providing that a defendant may
servo on the plaintiff or his attorney nn
offer In writing to allow Judgment to betaken
taken against him for a speeifle'd sum , am
that If such offer be 1191 accepted and the
plaintiff fall to obtain 'Judgment for more
than the offer , he shall pay defendant's
costs from the time of the offer , contcm
plntea that where thcro Is only one defend
nnt. all costs from the time of the rfei
shall In such cuse bo taxed against r uln
5. In order to confer Jurisdiction upoi
this court to review on error a Judgment o
the dlKtrlct court , there must be filed In
this court n certified transcript of the
Judgment. A stipulation tiv to the charac
ter of the Judgment , or a recital thereof
In the petition In error Is Insufficient.
UHC < I by pcoplo of refinement
for over a tjuartcr of a century.
, now un sin :
A Mllllunnlre'ft U\ierleiiec | n-Hli Two
i ItluloMi j men ,
| It Isn't oftrn that n reporter Is on chummy
terms t < with real live millionaire , but there
are times when even ( hut sort of luck hapli
pens , aud en the occasion icferred to this
Washington Star reporter was not only
chummy with the mllllonaltc. but he w-as
drinking champagne with him.
U was Indeed an auspicious moment.
Xe'i-d It be mentioned who wn& p.iylug for
tha iiime ?
As the conversation smoothly along
the reporter asked the millionaire If he
had eivtr been held up or otherwise despoiled -
spoiled of his hard-earned savings.
"Do you know , " said the rich man , se
riously , "tint thereIs a goad deal of dis
comfort on that eooro In the possession of
great wealth ? I inrsume I am worth a
couple of inllllon.v which , of course , In n way I * supposed to be twenty or
more , and It Is at that figure that I pose In
the minds of those cranks who make men
sign big checks at pistol points or make
hem wh.ick up the cash on pain of dynanm-
tiir. Five years ago. when I made a million
n n lucky rise , It occurred to me that I
might bo made a victim , and an ono precau-
lon 1 Instructed my bankers to pay no
heck of mine that called for more than
100 and to arrest the party presenting It.
did my business In three nanks and car-
led blank checks on them all. Well , one
ay It came , and sitting In my private olllcc
wo men popped down on me and before I
otilel make any outcry or even get out of
ny chair they had me covered with their
pvolvers. My otllce force consisted only of
n typewriter and stenographer , and he was
nit' for nn hour , so the thieves had It all to
heinselves. Indeed , they had been willi
ng for the chance , because my stenographer
onVT hour off every uay at the same time
n * - - > had evidently acquainted them-
, o'- Alth the fact. In any event there I
vas .iL'd there they were , and with the. door
ockcd and two suns staring at me I had
Ittle chance to do otherwise than as I was
olddcii. I tried lo parley , bill Ihcy would
101 permit any monkeying , so they Informed
me , neither would they give me ninety
lays , as It was a strictly cash transaction ,
anil I'd better hurry. They ran through my
desk nnd safe and found no money , and at
once demanded a check , pulling the nmount
of their own frco will al $11.132 fin. so that
hey would not overdraw my account tirr
jxclte suspicion by making an amount In
round numbers , I had $20,000 or more to
my credit , and told them so. but they were
afraid I wan putting up a Job on them , and
iald thai Ihey weren't hogs , and would be
* atlsfied with the amount they had selected.
! drew up the check and signed It ns they
suggested , and then one of them to.k It
iud said he would go to the bank and see
about It , while the other would remain and
sec to me. I hadn't quite expected this ,
and didn't know what might happen , but I
braced myself and waited. The man with
the chock locked the door , and as the bank
was only half a block away he said he would
jo back In ten minutes. It wasn't that
eng , but It seemed to me'llke a month and
when I heard that key milling In Hie ilror
I became so nervous I could hardly sll In
my chair. When Ihe door opened , how-
ver , I was easy In a minute , for Instead of
the thief were two bank detectives , and be-
'ore the gentleman waiting with me could
offer an objection they had him collared. "
'But how did they get on ? " Inquired the
reporter , whose wits were slightly dulled
by the novelty of his contents.
"Easy , " responded the millionaire. "The
bank clerk knew something was crooke-d
when ho saw thai big check , and without
any disturbance at all he gave the tip to
the men on watch , and Ihcy had the fellow
at the window before he knew he was even
suspected. The rest of It was easy , for my
ofllcc key with Its number was In his
pocket , and Ihcy had had experience enough
lo knew what the layout was and how to
finish the game to win. "
' . . TO \ \ hMTIiltN VKTKIIA.\S.
Survivor * uf tlio I.ntiHiliclllon Ho-
incinlicrril liy < itneral ( inwriiiiitMil.
WASHINGTON. Nov. S.-Speclal. ( ) Pen-
slons grunted , IHSUC of October 23 , were :
Nebraska : Hcstoratlon Mortimer V.
Hill , Itlslnp City , Uutlcr. Increase Wllj
Ham M. Saum , Mnygood , Frontier.
Colorado : Original John Teupue , Anl-
nias , l.a Plattc. Additional Gustav F.
Uerblng. Ilocky Ford , Otcro. Increase
Daniel 1'crry , Denver. Aranahoe. Urlglnal
widows , etc. Minor of William J. Hurn- .
Pueblo , Pueblo ; Caroline Jjlkcs , Canon
City , Fremont.
North Dakota : Increase Ocorgo Hill ,
Page1. Cass.
South Dakota : Original Finis A. Hntn-
llton , Hill City , Pennine-ton. InrrenBe
Henry C. Cromull , Kast Sioux Falls , Min-
I own : Hrstoratlon and re-Issue Isaac
Ilubler , deceased , Martihalltown. Marshall.
Increase HilsKel Miller , Malcom. Powe-
f-hlck. Original widows , etc. Kciurah A
Huti'lic.son. Castana , Monrovia ; Mary J
llnblcr , Miirshalltown. Maishall.
Issue of October 21 were :
Nebraska : Increase George K. Gas ! ? ,
F.ilrtU'ld. Clay ; Alexander Younkln , Cedar
Itaplds , Ilooue.
Io\vn : Original George A. Helchard. t'n-
derwood , Pottawattamli- ; Thomas O'Con
nor. Soldiers' Home , Marshall.
and relFsiif Austin Miner. Greenlleld.
Adulr. Increase Joslah Hughes. I'nion ,
Hr.rdln. Original widows , etiv Minors of
Orln D. Teall. Forest City. Wliinebago ;
( pedal Oi'tobiM2S ( special act ) , minor of
Jncnli H. Munson. Kenwood. L.lnii.
North Dakota : Original Thomas Shcard.
Sykeston , Wells.
Colorado : Original Henry Bowman. Den
ver , Arapahoe. Original widows , etc
Dlann Dill , Denver , Arapahoe ; Nlrcilla
Steblier , Denver , Arapiihoc.
Issue of October 2 > > were :
Colorado : Original Kdwln Hope , Kagnl-
Ite , Mesa ; Andrew Mellenry , Trinidad. l--ts
losva : Original Washington Corrlck ,
Hloomlleld. Davis John D. Paddock. Mal-
vern. Mills ; sneclal October 3D , Wlllain !
J. Mulvaney , Klkport. Clayton , ncrelase
John C. Harry , Trlmello. Clay ; Hardln C.
Wood , Mount Ayr , ltlnigold. Helssue
Harrison A. Morgan , Murshalltown , Mar
North Dakota : Original widows , etc.
Emilia Christophcrson , Grls-.vold. l < a
Mou re.
from Itching and brrnlnc ccicmm nnd othci
eln ! anil cnlp torture * . Keno but pnrviiti real.
Izo liow tlit'iK ) lllllu oncii nuffiT. To know tlial
n warm liatli wltli CUTICUIIA SOAInnd n * ln lo
amillcnllon of t'UTlcuriA ( ointment ) , the
Un cure , will In tbo majority of can' , nffoid
Initar.t iclluf , iHirmll rent and ilecp , uml point
to a pwly euro , and not to u e tlu-in without a
moment's delay U to foil In our duty.
Bold l tnroiuhoul the world. I'ritf , Ci'TlcunA. Me i
. . . nlo IVnj * - , Jlruton.
ow to Cure skin Tortuitd llAbiei , " nailed free.
The Bee
Prints daily
The most complete
Sporting news.
The Sporting department
Of The Omaha Sunday Bee
Is unexcelled.
Do not trlllo with Htoppud
munmruatlon , butiendfl
for box Turklnti TuiiHy and
Pennyroyal I'lllftHiiro to
tlio day. Hold only by
14IU ami Kurnain Str
Omaha , Nub , lly inalL
lllh KYIiN'INf ' OF I.1FH ,
Olil AmMn.v Keep of Hie
! mill Vlunr ii ( Inullii
Kvory ono is famllortr with the shrunken
look of the ngol , tlio wrinkled fnco , the
thin legs ntiil bowed form , the changed
tone of ( ho voice nml the weak action at
the boillly organii. Vtvt olil pcoplo nro
equal In the muscular effort of earlier year * .
The nerves shrink , hearing , sight , taste And
appetite. lose their keenness. Is It not sadT
Anil yet there are thousands of olil people
who manageto keep as lirlRhl ns over. They
have the strength to keep them up. Hero
la a remarkable * Instance which In worth
ronilltiR :
Mr. Alfred P. Chapman. ! ! Hanover St. ,
Ilaltlnioie , says : "My grandmother , who
Is now pant SO years of age , has been using
DulTy's pure malt whiskey for ahotit thrco
years , and It has acted In her case almost
llko a chirm , always giving her an appe
tite and allaying any disorder of the stem
ach. It Is an excellent thing for elderly
people who require a tonic as well as a
stimulant. "
The above Is only ono of hundred * of tes
timonials equally convincing. They provo
that In all c.-ses of weahncsa nothing pro-
duce.i such a strengthening effect as Uuffy'R
puru malt whiskey. It gives stlmulatlvn
nourishment to the worn out system , stirs
up the torpid blood , enriches It and quick
ens the circulation.
In purchasing from grocers or druggists
bo careful to get Duffy's and nothing else.
Cold * , CntiKliH , Sore Tliroiil , lnllucn ivj
llrinieliltlx , I'tieninonlu , Su-ellliiir
of ( lie .loltilx , ItimbUK < > , lii-
Itlieiiinulliiiu , .Vritrnlnln ,
ProNlbltet , riillblulii * , llcniliichr ,
Tnollincltr , Anllinin.
niFFK'UI.T lltinATIII.Mi.
CUIIHS Tim WOUST TAINS In from one to
twenty minutes. NOT ONH HOt'H otter trad.
Ir.R thl advertisement need nny one HUFFU1
ltnil , Tii > ' " Itenily Relief IN n Sure C r
for Kvery 1'nln , Sprain * , llrnl.ieN ,
I'a I ii" In ( be llneU , Client fir
MinliM. It IVIIH ( lie Hr-4 < nml
IN ( lie only PAIN KUMKDV
Thnt InstBntly ttapt the mont cxorutlatlna
patnr , allays Inn.immatlon Mini curei conscstlont ,
whether of the l.unK . StoniRcli , llowel or ot er
KlanJs or orKnni. by one appllcullon.
A half to n teatpoonful In h lf n tumbler ot
water nil ! In n few minute * cure Crampf ,
Knatms. j Sleepletsness , Blck llmdache , DlnrrheM
Dyxntery ; , Colic , 1'Iatulcncy iinJ all Internal
' i "
I There ? I" not a remedial aient In the world
I that , will cuio K er nml Axur nml ull othr
l Malarious ; , lllllous and other fexcru , ( tiled by
UAUWAV'S l'IIl , ! . n quickly ns HAU.
BUc Iicr bottle. Sold by
Sea/rlos &
Searles ,
' srtciuisis iv
Nervous , Chronic
Private Diseases ,
AH Private II
ind DIsordcrAof Men
Treatment by mill
' -Cimttiilt.ltloii frro.
I Cured for life and the poison thoroupMy
I ' cleansed from Ihe.tyslem. PILES , FISTULA
i and VARICOCELE permanently and uo-
l cessfully cured. Method new nnd unfailing
By new method wlthoul pain or culling1.
Call on or address with stamp ,
DrScarlcs&Searlcs '
, 'l .
Sometimes nceci a rellabU
inontbly re'gulatiui ; medlcluf
Afpr > ini > t safe nndcertr.lnn ! refult Thoctct *
taotDr. IVnl'm n v r01sauuoint , N'Dtnnvwcera ,
blierman & McConnel Drug Co , 1D1S JJidgo
street. Omaha , Neb
rra Gin OY woaxs
ClolMig , Drcs5)3 ) aal Iloiisi'ioil Gol3 )
OMAHA OFFICE-1521 Kurnain. Tel. rat
COUNCIL IlLUFKS-Worka ana Olllce. Cor. i ? *
nuo A and 26th St. Tel. 310.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
CAPITAL , . . . $100,000
Fine Line of Fall and
Winter Suitings ,
130 S. Main Street
Council Bluffs , la ,
UiOUUi : N. IIOWUN , Munazcr.
The Woodward"Theater Co ,
Hundreds of ruine-dlun are put up
tee-d tociiro loHt iniiniiood , but tliuy don't U" |
It. Til l III ill Lout Manhood Uapauleu ur" l
wurranti-d nnd inonov returned for every o.'in0 I
It douu not eunt of Wnuk Memory , I-ont Iiraln I
l'ivir , l.o.t Manhood , Nlirht Kiul
Wcuknehb of Hfproductlvo urjunn.
by ) outhut ) rror . ulvrnyou new llfo , bold I
only by HAllN'sj'lIAlt.MAUV. iMtli anil fur-
iiuin Sl . , Omulia , Nob. HMO box by mall.