Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1896, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Ddfe&te Hsmr3 in a Swi Ga
at Ckaibridce.
Terrlllr Tanilrnt IMnnur * of tlir Vlc
tor * Co n ll ) Tlironcli tlir Hnr-
Anril l.lnr. I ) - ( ilic 1 | ! ) -
t perntc Ilm
CA5ISRIIX1E. Mass Nerv. 7.
uittared kad hplj'lw.lT fiiLtinr. agtiatt
fctavy ® dd * . the crtJV * * * t * t Harvard
Jfll l > flort the pro * CM of M NaMt > tate
After2K B art tonight Ue THwr U triaso-
pbaat ia rte * ry.
Twelve to 6 WM tie s < o r * f th * taeai-
orable context , bet It doee no ; tril of tbe
I > BaJjMttfcbwa ttaad the crtmiwB lawSt
cgatatt Princeton's relentless asanlt * . nor
or tbe terrific battle that was waged for
two hours b ct and forth arrow the -unit *
Jlaed gridiron. And at tae end. ia the
< Jlm twlltsat. tie two batUe lines swnag
rhouMer to shoulder la aiidSeld. a tway-
lag mass of struggling muscle , Princeton.
Joj-Iul la eertala victorr. and Harvard ,
down and dejected but t01 fighting
to the bitter end. The pare at tlmt *
had ftit-ea twriic. T cr * had bt-ea maaja
He-re * ajtault thai IsJt the J-OME cladi-
etbri stretched out tQeat and aottoal tea
oa the tt > 0. like ( raaar dtad legs DeJiy
after deiar came Irorn tie rupcfselve la-
Juries , trot with Rriia detrrrainatJoa aaS
Krtt. T'lsyer after player etrnpch-d plttrt-
lly aad Ja.tBfnlly iato the ma e It was
cleafl , maaly foot hall , htraerer rocli as to
< Je-HRht the trenjendons cro tJs rrraent
There was ao < ad of brllliaat puaUac ;
I > leBty of halr-raifiini ; eoMMiottrt tad xrlt-
lac m mmt . bet from a Krleall&c foot
ball rtaadpolat the paae laeked ihe splen
did orpaulmlco of forre and the brilliant
tteticx vhich have rharacierlzed to maay
zaeraorable btulet oa Harapdea park aad
Nanhclra Crtd The game la miniature.
fbowt how Harvard rtartt-d to pHylac ea-
tirely oa tlie dae EHe. They rejmU < d
the Timers' fierce attacks aad hardly ever
cttnipted to advaare the ball theniseveK
They jilajed more ftreaply thaa they kaew.
tal tie Srst half , la uhlrh nwtber teaac
rr * e < l the covwed coal line , was a ntj erb
ati e. The Mieoad half I.BW a change of
lactic * Harvard started out oa tie ef-
Icaslrt and Prinf-toB took up the task
of 4fenfllni ; 1U territory with Mwb peed
effect that , tided smterislly by BaJrd' *
( pleadid kictine. its goal w&t aerer j l c a
la Je-opardy.
vf - Tb we tber v-f ideal for leot ball. There
were IM * * * jK > o ; > le pretnt The trip tw >
n-crf pEfkpd DOlidly from top to bottom
Each rtand was a mass .of talid color , aad
the Mack aed oraage banner of OW Nut-
rae vied Tiporoat-ly vlti tbe more noaif.-aiie
bat ne more lively jx-onants and etrcamrK
of tbe crlDMtoa rrtncetoo sent a Mi ; coa-
tincvnt of rooterc who occupied acli E oa
the ratt Mde and cheered their team on to
Tirt r-
Prtoce.ton jJayed a compact laterferenee.
clot ? to her line , chiefly ia the * hape of a
turtleback.which revolved 00 tackle , or
& Criviac tandem tn pr pley la the
rane dlredlea. Their interference
ran Ftnooihly and cleanly. aad
tboucb of aa eatirely different type
Iroin Harvard's war far superior in form
and orcaaiEation The Harvard backs played
e&me distance from the line aad often -vrlih
& guard or a tackle ia the fo.-niEtioD with
them. It w s not until the second half that
they becan to ruth the ball , and thcaHorn
out ttid badly shattered , the inteirfe-r < > ace
lacked the eceential rpeed ia petUnc ait ay.
at well as steady formation , . Bilrd'c splen
did kicking vras a potent factor in the rc-
enlt. He puutt < d la ftijicrit Torn. Brown.
on the other hand , with the exception of
f-rreral ae torn ; puntt in the first tro min-
utt-t ef play , proved a great disappointment.
On the Tictortetts eleven. Church iras the
bripht star of the line. On the Harvard
tc-im Korman Cabot played a fplendid came
until he was Jorcud to Quit The two freth-
men tacUes * bowi J up surprisincly EtronK
Behind the line Dunlop played a hard.
plucky c&me Though lnjurt > d in the first
few minutes of play , he kepi doinc brilliant
defensive ork to the very laM. , hea. nell-
ulph corapleiely tise-d up. he pave way to
llarrardKon the toss aad chose the wind
TTincptoa tldrinp off toward the seathern
poal. At the outset Harvard forced the plaj
For n few rashes Kelly and llaanard ripped
throucb Harvard's tackles for rbort cains
but the crimson coon had the ball well into
n'z territory The rtory for M me
was much the same. "Klnir" Kelly.
et the head of n tandem team would plunge
Into lefi lackle for a few yards' pain and
then Bannard would earn the ball as much
farther ahead on the other side Tandem
cfcer tandem was plunped inio the Harvard
tackles with the force of a pile driver.
< Slowly but purely tht Tjgerawalked the
-t 'l down toward the Harvard goal. Each
rut b brought It nearer , until the Ticer * had
the first oown eicat yards from the crim
son goal "Johuay" I > unlop shouted to
"Hold them , bajs , " and threw himself
opaicst the Princeton interfereace. Twice
Harvard was Impre enable. A third tune
the Tigers attempted to force the Harvard
line but the crimson were equal tc the mo-
BK-nt and. like Leonidas and his litHe band
at Thenuojijlae ' JohnnjImalop aafl the
Han 3rd Hue held the Tiger * &nd the peal
"was > a\ed. Tbe Hen'ird goal -was not in
dangi r ipaln duriac the firrt half
In the F-pcond half Harvard etam-d out
to fore * the Princeton line and advance
the ball but failed siRna'.ly For the first
tbuc : a the Ramt- the r-fiicicls iKtza to
j > enalite the teams for interference with
I'tttlnK ' the ball ia play and for oCfide Jsy-
liip B ih tuflprt-d icvt-rtJ times in
this resjH-rt
runccton scored its first toucbd wii Ir m
tfce tfiitn yard line. Cabot was Injured
and "Frn'.tj" Brewer tnol ; his place. Youiig
Bm'tb ' tnsfcfd the ball to Banaard and the in-
terrer nee aiassinc nt ouj him. sailed away
Jor llarvnrd'e right like a herd oJ
etcmpcued buffalo. Harvard's ex-raplain
< wiit tanly "pocketed ' aad easily put cut
of the ! ' ! } Away went Bacnard outude
of Srais dodciDK fjrvorii again at > d aciij-
i made a Cjlnp IdEfi tt him Jts he
down the field , but mUwd bim. &it& .
off Brow a y un ; ; Deanard cros > d
the pnal line amid a thunder of entbusuism.
BairO Khoi the oral duar end through be-
ivt'n tie posts.
AMthtn the neit Sftten minutes , by almost
a doplicatioo of the play. was pent
across lor a second toucbdemi. and the
CDil " * again kicked by Baird The game
ended with the lull clmost in the renter a !
tbp field. Hansard fipliUni ; o > s ; > eratt4y.
Princeton had won 12 to 0. at lu the fw
mnaiomi ; mloulf * nothinE eventful trans
pired Lin-up
J inrrton U Positions' Harvard C
Jlrul.uix . Irft end C < itiotBrewL < e rts
. . lift lai-Klf . Swiuo
Iclt tuard . Boui-e
rny throat was
filled with sore ? , large
lumps formed on my
neck , and a horrible
ulcer broke out en my javc , says
2J St and Avenue N. , Galveston ,
Texts. He "was three times pro
nounced cured by prominent phy-
ficians , bat ibe dreadful disease Hi-
ways returned ; hew as then told that
was the
only cure
HOT SPR1NOS lib hair
had nil
out , and be was in n tad plight ,
After taking one bottle of b. S. S.
lie began to improve and two dot en
bottles cured
him completely ,
0 that for more
llian six years be
has had no tlgn
of tbe disease.
Itokkoothedltt Maiid iu tr &tn > enirujlei
o , Atltnu , Gi.
Armnrwur rl bt gj rp . J N
BlUelvM > 4 . r * t taoHi * . lt ,
Cortariu > e-Tkotnt > Mii . .rtchtnd . Moult on !
Smith . < B rtrrkt1t . . * ! I
. ? ! Hrin
Bmird fullback Brow -Unrt > J * j i
rrtm t B , ITMmrvmrO 5 TowcMw : 1 i
Ritnnard. Brokaw . cwikf Bklrd I
fnplrf PauJ t < Mihtfl of lixa. . Rrfeff * * :
W " Hl"Vol ! of T 1t UnTTKn H C
H'cicoff of Cornell Tune. Thirtj--
Minute hair * * .
o. n. * . TII\M nn.Tiitr II\C IA.
! * ur Vnr of Orfrnt AVI | - 1 Mt l r
tlir Cnjtllnl CltJ 7ntu. .
UXCOUC. Ktnr 7 < 5 w lal A her *
irt-n f d th * foot trnll pam * lials i
Htftti rcn ol t 8H >
rf Oman * n4 l < n * n > " th > fe r
yemr * tb Uneoln boys have aiet defMtt
from CHoiba al every encounter , and t b *
battle roll Jtrnoon wac a battle rnj-al
On b hH < 1 tb - ban at the ktek S. and
Uttcata eapt r d and rwM U. nfitbtr wxir-
tec in the nrt half U wa a UtotAr
ramc from t-'art to flnMh. one of th *
ftmah * t-Han Ijrtrn ptrk- up Mti el * * from
a erere b3ow on the head. Hf 1 Mrtd
Ibis -VMJirn ; to b K > fir rwovered a. to
I * aWe to atfnd tb recnitton by te
s-M er > T ttie H ci whwol lit tb - Hiph
wheel hall tonlrht The ncore wa * U to
* In favor of JJnroinThe lln * up
LlBcoln li Portion. Omaha 0
BecknMtaa . rlebt ewd . H .kiD \
Tr .tor . rlcht iacklt . Schvurtr
Kinr r . rtght raar . Gri.Ten i
Tyjion . center . Field ,
W . tover . 1-ft raard . J itn
? kyt * . . l-ft t kte . Tutey ]
I'rej- * . l ft ea * . . -McKell i
nyan . ernarter . Oillespie ;
Kler . riidH hinclc . Crandel ,
Member . sj hainiaek . Lentner
Smhh . full back . need
Thf oilk-Ulf wer : Crairtre. H. Jont .
referee. C. L.owrey.
Pnltt HoIJiiilit > -rit Turd * D Mrn
thr I'Jrlil nn l KlcU llir < : nnl.
I' O'nPKKCE. It I. Nov. 7Ylde -
frated Brown tt-day in a tvrt ! rent -j'3
? cme. marked by jAays of rnshlnp and llt-
Ue kirktap. Th jenEattonal feature was
the ran of Pulz who took the Voll on
Biown > twt-nty-flv yard Mne ar > 3 ran
rtchty yard for Brown's cnly ttucbdown
Tale5 only touchdown In tln > firatt half was
made by ma t plays oa Brown' takl .
and the liall was pushed steadily down the
fleld until Conners carried it over the
hne Tjtiicke fil J at the ccta.1. and the
balf ended \ritb tht i > re 4 to 0 In favor
nf TaliTale plajed har4er in trre r-
wn < J half , but a fumble -when near Brown s pave the liall to the home team. lr >
thtv ry flrst piny. I ltz circled Yalt-'s end
end flialrtnp oI his tacklTS. n > a ntarly
the l irt i of th * JM < 1 lor a touchdown.
I urMifd by the whole Tal * t am Tu'ts. '
ifit-r bis J nc run Ucked tbe coal The
final score wasTal . 1C : Brown , C Tale
wor'iJ thrMtouotxlownj. . in the second half
aixl Cha ncrey Wcked one p al. Ttoe A
vrttf an Mal one for loot ball , ktid Z.
saw tbe frame
Acrlcullnral CollfK - StntlttituVln
frcnii tlir Conxrmrntltinnli tK.
T > ES MOLVE5 Nov. 7 ( Special Tfle-
ram V-The foot ball team of Iowa col
lege , at Grtnnell , for -ven years champion
of the state , turned Jts laurels over to
the Iowa State Acrlcultural college at
Ames in a great came hwe today. Cold
w-fBther mad * the attendnce onli''O
f vfcrnc 5 ten pounds heavier than
Gnnnell Ame * Wiked off In the Jim
half , but t-oon pot t > r Imll. and in this
half , with three touchdowns and a peal
made fourteen ; > oint > In the next half
-ns kept the ball Irom almost Uw start.
ar > 4 made twenty-eight points. Grinnell
Ftlll falllif ; to iw'ore Th - Griiinell men
were quirk , but too Mcbt to work effe-ctivrty
acainst the Atm HIMnd were easy ilc-
tims. Score : Amef , 4 ! ; GrinnelL 0.
Pf-nn AVnllopB tlir Injtin .
PHIUADEIJ'HIA. Nov. T.-The redskin
fee ! ball rpr fiitatives of the Carlisle
Indian school were In-aKn by the -Rearers
of the re l and VIMon Franklin Field '
this afternoon , l > y the score of a to C.
Three touchdowns , two goals and a field
1 1 was the finer ? parne ef the -swason , and
tbe 11.8 * perxozis presxntvrltnesseid pome
or tht prandevl line bockinp by the In
dians that has ever bevfi been on any
gridiron. I > nrinch - last ten minutes of
play the Cnritale l t > ys cot the lia.ll on P nn-
Fylvania's flf ty-j-ard line and , by the liard-
tt kind of buckirip. pui > fc < it AOWTI the
field to the < d and blue's fifteen-yard lint
The scene when the Indians failed to set
the liall over was most indescribable
3ohn C Bell one of the leadinc HphU In
the Vnlvereity of Penn > -lvanla. WH * so
-irit d that hea t atid * his dipnlty for
> he time l > nc. and turned a bark s mw-
Baull behind Pennsylvania's goal.
> rti l.ouji llrfrnlk M. Pnnl.
NORTH LOUP. NVb . NOT 7 < Silal W
An excitlnp pame of foot ball wits played
at this place yesteriiay. with tbe dissd-
vantace of a strong pale of frosty air
from the north , between the St Paul team
and the home team , resuHinc ina \-ictory
for North Loup of U to 4L Not belns able
so come up on the iralrT th * St Paul boys
uere uno > r the dieadvantag of having
ifacbed ht-re by a cold and wearisome
; ride against a bitter north wind , and were
evidently not in the IWPI o-f condition for
an enthusiastic cmest Vnder eimllar
olrrumnarces the North Loup icam met
rec-ejitly with a crushinp defeat from ibe
Si Paul team on the grounds of tbe lat
M I rli I sen n' Vlrlorj OT Mlnncouta.
MINNEAPOUS. No-s. 7. The University
of Michigan foot ball team defeated the
University of Minnesota today by a score
of C So 4. A Jarjre crowd j w lie pame , al
though tb * day was oeM and a bim r wind.
ajnoantinp to nearly a pale , WAS Wowing.
Ml * tmrl IlrntiViiiirtrrlilll. .
FT. LOl'lS. Nov 7 Th * Mifcauurl J = tate
unHwslty foot ball team ppored a decided
vi'-tory over the VarwleTbllt team at the
fnir grounds today by a score of X to C.
r < it II Jill Unlit-tin. . .
ht-r-a. C : WiUlame. .
ALHANT. X. T. . Nov. 7. Union defeated
fitn eti ) today , C to 0.
CHAMPAIGN. HI . Nov. 7 Northwestern.
If ; I"ai\vrfcity of Illinois. 4.
PlTTSBfRG. Nov. 7. DuQuesne. 0 ; Tnl-
vershy of Wtt Virginia , fl ,
1THAC.V N T , Nov. E. Cerwai defeated
Buokrull today by a srore of M to 0.
MADISON. AVis , Nev. 7. Calv rsity of
\Vi ! conwn , St ; University of Chloflco. 0.
VCnST POINT. Nov 7. West Pwint and
\Vei3ryan collece tied today in a hard
foucfit battle. JJ to li
DENVKR. Nov. 7 The Butte. Mont-
foot ball tt m today dt-ft-atfd the T > ejner
Athletic club team by a score of 20 to U.
ison COOK AT run no.\r HOVS-K.
Ynle'fc AijtinTlr Aull.orllj Inkirurllnc
in flip KiiclNli SlniUr.
NEW HAVKN , OnB . Nor 7. P. d > ert 3.
Coak appeared at tbe Tale li t houw
this afternoon , Thi § was an unuFual oc
currence for this Umt of the year. Tlie
cause of hi ? \ lBit was to give the fir
lt M ns In the TnpliRh KtroT ; . Tbe shell
had 4ne fttats rJgffod l ng the hitfes to
ri cad of over the keel The men used
Eripllsh oars , and row J in the Enciush
ftjle. Tills is a irreat chanpe for Yale.
and it looks as if C ok had oiianped kis
views on rowing , after his trip te Henley.
inlliro OIIMIII | .
LONDON. Nov. -The Sunday
anal > Tdng WilHe SniKh's pagttietic term
csrtfully. says : "He certainly loukt. HUt
& cbeakam : > loii Much of hiE notoriety
was gained in v hltiluou , whii. h are
noa poi > d tfc t. The outlook for Srn.'tj is
fur from iiromieine He has unSt-igont'
Klmdid preparation , but unle.s be win * in
three or four rounds he will probably lof *
the nebt. " The referee say * the match is-
* 3.c4tii ( . considerable interest , tbourh ut
Arst tbe men werf a bit upset by the
> < - rr of tlir AVhl * ! CliiU.
The results of last ev wins"g jiiwy at the
Whist club were as follows :
East and -t-Hetfc .nd Allee. : ;
i Jli-ikl * " and Shea. 40. Jordan * " * 1n -
r Toe. . a-ed and ScHbnor , 5 S : Ooe anl
Sc-annell. ! 4l
North mia South 2iju i ; * a d H < J > wt-U.
a > . Hurrell and llrmuH-r. ru ; Thoma * and
Rukhman , US : June * anj Scribner. 2iii
Sun.ney and Crummer. Su
l.n U - \Vliid friiiu MrltiliK
MOSCOW. Nov. 7At 7 o'UooJ ; tu
S : < . : .jiz sad Luster ln ait ti r nr 4
A tlicir cbfcBf mater in this euj
n pulcoc ; 4a e after
Vlii * the MIMUI.
Maw N * ; -ln the In.
M tx-tw . r H.-.ara and
.g , Yale Ren
'Tarsltj T a uamii ? ltis pi tie
Bw& of Jk
Llur of tbrpbrn kn Illrirn Oflrr *
Lllllr ltr l Ujnrr to tlic Pluuflr
of ilir lji -iicr
LAWRCJfCE Kan. . Nov. : . * Sp ! UI Tel-
Tae game et IfV. ball ttw
and 7 > brask HBlT r KI < , thh aftsr-
J O E rt ulte4 ia the defeat f tbe Xeferaftlia
tetm by ' oore rt ! ( t * i.
The aae was very warMly eat tei.
even In fare of tbe one-elded w re , a i
eiery fc-ot of pround Kilned by either twin
was botly taUled for The Nebratka line
was unable te stand tpal&st the. batterlnc
plvec it by Karoas. aad tie oay Nebra la
paias of cay moment were by puntia At
ball Kansas made reated galas through
tie Neferttka line , men beiag sent tirwagh
one ti e after another for from five to K-
teen yards. Kansas made. OB ? or two very
brilliant plays. Baine. the Indian halfback ,
was seat wound the end tow ards tbe ckise
of the erst half nod made a run etf fifteea
yards , scoring a touchdown The only Ne
braska touchdown wee made en a long past
by Thorpe , which rolled acrott the goal line
aad was captured by Wiggins and a touch
down scored.
la the first half Kansas scored I" points
aad in the last half the other C were scored.
Nebraska made no score in the second half.
The players lined up as followe :
Kansas H PoylUon Nebraska 4
Whitney-Uurncy..richt edWipptns
Simpson ripbt tackVe Pe-aroe
Moss E right puard Turntr
Walker center Kellar
Flirpatrick left guard Hanson
Hamill ( Capt. ) . . .left taclUe Dnrpan
Skndersor. left d Mfllord
Kennedy quanerlMick . .Tlor ; > e ( Cart i
Maine-Crooks..right aalflxLcU Shedd
Voiptf left halfback Burk
Hester-Hew fullback Packard
Frt-d Cor&ell of Uncoln , Neb. . was
referee. Lieutenant Smith of Baldwin , Kan.
tbe umpire and Fi. her of I > oat e collt-se
the linesman Baine made I Kansas toucii-
dcwnt and Fitzitrlck 1 Wiggins tnsflt
the NebraslUi touehdown.
Irol > iir < > Kun Ann ; . llrnk . a
find I * Shot at UiiUiuln.
CINCINNATI. O . Nov 7.-Prolsco. is
the third race at Ustnnia a favorite , r
away three milts In one of the breakaway ?
Just as he wnt under the wire the thsrfl
time , he broke his leg. and had to 1 * < Je-
Mrt > vt > dTrark heavy. Result * : j
First race , selling , isx fnrlongs : Roow-
velt won. Nance st-cond , Motber of P IT ; '
third. TlBK" 1S , i
Second race. & \ e furloocs. CorinJ * L-
wen. SancaiDorj second. Stockholm third
Tim * : 1:05. :
Tfeird race , sellinc. one alle : MartjuU *
won , Basvo j cond. Peep o' Day 11 third
Time : l:47li.
Fourth race , handicap , infle snd an
eiehth- Ida Pickwrickwon , Ada Buchanan
s-econd. The Dracon third. Time. I.-M1 * .
Fifth racmng. . Fix furlongs : Cl'.s'.k'
B won. Olrt Center f-econd. L < awand third
Time : JJi * . .
Siith rae handicap , steeplechase. nl > out
a mile and a half I > on Pedro won. Zal-
dJvar second , third. TimeST4
S.VN FRANCISCO. Nov 7.-Traek fart.
Weather coed at Inpleride. Results
First rntf. Fix furlonpc. sHlinrAlvero :
won , Ci uinette second. Banjo third. Time.
Second race , handicap , five and half
furlonjrs Howard S won. Georee Palmer .
second DunlK > y third. Time. 3i > t.
Third nf-e. seve * furlonce : Arne won
Peril * foond Monterey third Time : 1:38
Fourth raw hurdle , one and a half mites :
Baby BiU won , J O C second. Governor
Budd third. Ttaie : 2S7.
Fifth rait. one. mQe : Lincoln IInan ,
Daniien second. Instljrator thrd. Tire * :
Sixth race , five and R half furlongs :
Mentpemery won. Imp. Santa Bella second.
Dolore third. Time : JdS.
Seventh race six furionps. selling :
Veragna won. Unacolardo second. Scimitar
third. Time : UK.
PALTIMORE. Nov. i Results at Tam-
First rac * . * llinp. I-year-oW fllHos , five
furloBirs : Takanas * e tvon , Mtes Lillian
second , Euphemia L third , Tim * 1 :
Second race , selllnc one mile. L/oulw N
won , MinpMoa sticond. Distant Sj > t third ,
Third race. Hotel Stafford , Welter
weights handicap , all ages , five furloncs
Success-ful won , Billalie second. Itoss" O
third Time : 1-ffi
Fourth race Hotel Ronnert handicap for
ell ages , one urile and one furlong. Th *
5 ain won. Maurice second. Ameer third.
Time : 1.S6V * .
Fifth race. r-yejar-Bldf sis furlonrrs : TJ--
rant won. One -Caance f-eronil. Trayline
third Time : 136V. . .
Sixth race. ne Tlechase , vxo miles and
one-half. Maryland club : De Garenette
won. Caress second. Young Orion third.
Tinw : 6:4u.
NASHVILLE. Tenn. . Nov 7. Results-
First race , purse tac3 , selling , seven fur
ionps Charlev W1 - - won Commission
. Paramount thiri Time1:3J' * .
Second race , purse S20B. I-j ear-olds , maid
ens. . five furionps Madalo won. Susk
Hews * second , Cam t Beach third. Time
Third race purse tfflO. all aces , seven fur.
longs : Elano laon , Bena Sanlrft-M t-eoond ,
Remnant II third Time1.41. .
Fourth rate , purse tiO" S-year-olds , sf-U-
inc. ar and ont-half furteng ! > : Lauretta
D won. Bon Bns.h second. Ruth third
Timellb. .
Fifth rape , short course steepJechas-
Somerfcault won. Colonist second , Granada
trird. Time : 5. a
II. J.Vfrr Cnt
( Inr-Plfti < if u Src-
md OfT tlir World * * Mnrl .
WASHINGTON. Nor 7 A red letter
chapter in the history of amateur atlxJetics
ws written at Georgetown today by Ber
nard J. Wefers. who b at two world's rec
ords for a 106 yirds and for 3 ( . The first
was mfcde in the remarkable time of :
0S S-5 and the fcond in : ; -5 seconds.
It was AVefer's las-t appearance of tbe year
after a most remarKaJble oarcpaira. The
109-yard race was a special event and v f
done on the spur of the moment. Tb-e fa
that % Vefer's oomp-tltsr broke from the
scratch aaea.d of fclra seemed to put ri4rn
oa bis mettle. He won tre race easily and
on the impulse of tht morat-ni resalv d te
F ever tae track asraic with a view T
ff.thblishlntr a new rtrord if jwsible.
Wltbou : takinp more than five minute.-
which to recover his wind he strain toed
live mark and at the Mpnal sped away i
Hewas wildly fe { d us he tor ? over ib
track , but i > r bafely aot one of the preai
ca-owd b 3Jeved It * could break the rec i-i
A ? he snttWr tiie oord at the finif-h the
time-kf-epers' watches recorded 0 : ( , S-S er i
one-nftb better than the run he made in
i the international eempeUtisn in New Tork
, a yar ape last sumait-r Toe timers * an- :
I nouncement was preeted with -RlM eAeer-
j "V\"aeri the atfj-yarfls race twa called
J Wefer ? acain Uwd the scratch This tlnne
] he t&6 Julias Waleh and > leAvwy as
J jt > Ria > c r Jtad a escort of Georcotown i
thlt ' and students At the finish Wefers
was about ten fwt llilnd "Walt * and made
tbe run is * Ju. ' . thus Ueatiag his and the
world's record l y ea-flftb of a second. The
track at Georp-tstowB bap the diwountlris
of ccrw in addition te bt-lnc a trlSt
Mow mud it U B id by authorities on ath
letics that on a * troigataway trad ; AVefers
could have miide this Ui t run in thirty
fieoonds flat.
el lxiTVr TJirt-r Mure.
NEW ORU1ANS. La. Nov 7. Jimmy
j Michael broke more bicyd jeoord * az the
* cement track tbi * afternoon He rode
fw mites Ui irA > I-S. thrt-e iniltts in f.'J < ' ] ! >
i and fl\e miles In > .i ; S-S Tnew wtrt- all
tiacwl The previous- records were : Two
1 iniies by Berlo. at Ltoutevilte. in I:4S I-S ;
, thr * * jniics in r.-4 ! . and five milt * in fcfls , by '
I MJchwl ill CMcugo. |
1 . _
c isiiitif Kind 11 lainl'linK lllocU. j 1
MINNEAI'OLIS Minn. . Nov. 7. A sjeS >
rial from Winnipeg sjys Official unraunc- <
muit of 1stttrms of : tle.nenl of the |
pajuchiul > c-toool qooKCImi wes not lerth-
oamine itwuir ASxtH > cstbd T&e Roman '
Cfltiolicdraire somt jmrticular tsmt <
Oi. iu Tt-KU-i * t the lijrt iti tbe * cfco
for the rfiUriMis innrurtion.RbicJ ) J'i
nutr Green way will not conrent Ui Tno I
I > ooi will prritaltty be oompremifwd nrid
tiif ontteaMiit not dHt > (4 Refund Mei.duy ,
av hoife ProUsMjuit * ntd Jjonuo Cititjili-i
art fjiftT te bring t e strife to an ted ,
Killed iu ll u Kai > lo luu. '
Pa. . Nev 7A boiler explo-
at ihe. Omrnlia fjllk-ry today tr
m the killing of junn R vJite r.J
iMuriot k. Mit'j < ivu.i'-t na Jn
kwtrital * ! } roH-mt-d bu h
Now is your chance to economize. Don't delay cold weather is upon us buy now
7 The lowest prices on stoves ever offered in Omaha.
The grt ize "Be V.'b Tint Vt > OAK
I"OR 1SSC The rf'-atest har3 aad * ft IIA.DUVT HOME STORES utf lew coal A.RT RINGGUlfD- feeder tad bas
coal Ktoie ever tna > Keeps fi'tcrr. . and give jtcTf te thao tor o'ber Orpr Vjrccfft. . t. ve " trtctrgs all the lat-
uses Its * soft coal than acy other oak tt ve. S OM .sold is oiaa'a an3 TI , r < t ac3 we rn i jroterceif" ! pfrfe"t f I ( O parlor
Price 110 71 reJerto ncry o-e oT thea Pr.r ? JJI ind up Leatcr Sj > ertaJ tale price flkTu.
K9L ionior5 {
ajestis , TeyfoniG
The best made , even * one warranted. \ces w'h water back cjmpete , $24 and up.
3 s > ° " l"Ut'ii - -la * - < t
KJ w "v K bMtt * " 7TolT ? lj' * * ' fcllJ VV iuT2211 t ( 1
AIB TIGHT HEATERS For wood , great fuel savers , $5.00
, , . C . 14tli and Farnam
ilton 02erS & OOtlS , Streets.
S..VXTA rn ori'iciAis LAY
Sctirnir to Orl Ont til Uic Muddle IJur
1c Judut * Mj * * > * Jrdor.
7OPEKA. Kaa . Nov 7. Charles F Johu-
tos. who was apppiated eeeiver of the Santa
Fe property la KsasasTtiy Judge M > ers of
the state district court pn Thursday la at
OskaloDsa. will -qualifyas , receiver on Mon
day nest , aad .Jt if Ftrppb ea - newill then
serve notice oa the Santa 'FT oSrta\i liere
and demand possewiea of "the property. The
tiSdals ot the railroad will refuse to Tecog-
nlre him as receiver , and the attorneys of
tbe corpDratlon will KO at ence lo OsValoosa
end Sle * motion with Jnflge Myers to va
cate tbe order. This coarse was derided
cpoa at a coa'ereace of Santa Fe officials
held here today. Should Judge Mjers refuse
to vjscste his order ae probably will do.
Judge Foster of tbe Vailed Statns court will
be appealed to for a writ TetihitMting the
ttate court frora interfering "with the prop
erty o ! the corapaay It -maintained by
the Santa Fe that tbe Vailed States court
cader the former receivership proceediacs.
still has sufficient bold -upoa the Saata Fete
to wurrant itf iaterlerence ra the present j
proceeiiac la tie state court Some of tbe !
debts contracted under tbe late federal rej -j
ceJverthip are still ia the federal court for
adjudication , end lor thi * reason It will he
claimed that tae property ia * ant absolutely
nassed from the coatro-J ol tbe raited State *
circuit court.
Anotlitr S ] > unUli Rrnrrnl Trick III"
Karl ; nt CjiiiipnlS"tilnir.
HAVANA. Nov. 7. General CasteJlanos
with reinforcements of 3 16 troops from the
province of Santiago de Cuba , left his head-
< qu rters a few days ago and advanced in
the direction of Cascorro. the town ot tbe
Nuaj-Jtas & GaamariHo railroad , which , with
the town of Gtiitmara on the same road ,
both on the borders of lie proviace of
Puerto Pnacipe , has beea besieged for a ;
lone time past by the larcrgeatE. Cascorro
aad Guiamara were both reported lo have
fallen , but the former was said to hare been I
relieved E month ago by General Castella-
not , tad aeexirdirp to the latest
from Puerto Priacipe tie ceacral in com- "
laaad at that pltce nxrted with n Etroag-
force to tbe relief of Guiamara.
General Castellanos a later report says ,
has beea engaged with the insurgents under
Gomez and Calixto Garcia and Jits broken
their formation. No details of the ecpape-
meat , however are 1"A
lack of facilities for oommuaicatins with
the Spanish troops The insurgent * iasist
that tbe Spaniards have , susaalm-d tt-riout
defeats ia that part of Cn"ba. '
Hold And Silver IJIf npin-nr. .
CX31.0N. Nov. 7. ( via Galvesstoa.j Specie ;
from tbe south for London cad cold and silver - ;
ver aotes to the value of U.dOO ayneriously
flisappeared while beiag transported on tbe '
railroad bptwt-e-a Panama and Coloa on Fri
day. ;
AVJU Hill Id TJirirT * 5teairirrK. ]
HAMBIT.G. Nov 7. Tb * Hamburg- i
Americaa Steamship llje" J s descidtid to j
buHd three new aeameff , Ir cargo Jind ptfc-
Chit-net ) ' * Grriil C.'iiiiil.
Confessedly eiae of tit joost important
eaginewiBg - uadertaklnrefmofiera date is
the Chits so drainage ciuf. , . the rocky bed
of thic eitrpendouc < 'ici-c .uon tibllntins
inoet remarkable ceulosic-.iliformatioat. Of
the le&dlag nurdern t-aaalr.-yueh as tbe Bal
tic , the Maacbester , tlJ " ijet. the Nicaj j
raguE. and the Paacnia , ib < - sdvocaies of the
Cliio Ro ucderii.'klnc am IU undsubted
Euj.i.rioruy la boldneu-3 of coaceptioa.
rafiSity of exocutioa , chjgfajest of coaKruc-
tioa. aad ia importanoT resuHi 31-
ntacially , it It know that of
tUe three greet chips rtsnjiy Uulit f lib in a
comparatively recent peraothe Baltic , with
iu riEty-tMie milw rf tares ! , dejah ef nearly
thirty feet and width o ! tl ht-aiae. 0011- '
i > BtBed eight yt re in coactructian and txrst ;
nearly Wi. * eMi. the MMMeetcrehal vlj > i
) U rte < m End uat-iiaif mill * of eiixaael.
< wcoty-fcii fti depth tad 1 * fee * width t- . ]
tir years to build and con la the neighborhood - |
hood a ! ! 77,000.M. ( and now the < * .timat . c
of the Chicago canal are tweaty-elgat miles
of fhtEOfci. a deptii of thirty-file lotii in4
width frwn 3 ( i ID ; ifi , coktiag IHBI thaa fSS1.-
WaRliiDcrt Star : "Ixt ott w * the. cl n
dar " tfcid the fnUaa
"He-re it ic , your majaity , " replied his at. <
As ctaaoed tt itJM * Uerotu + ii hit
" 1 didn't think It wtt k Awir , " he said.
i "In thert trcul > .e imprnilne * "
" \ff H'e onty c-oupi * of monthK l-
f.rt ? " < Year day It nmk > s tot Bhud-
a r 1hirt df r , < it i ie ta go through
Jn tie . y of 1"
A Vt-ry LiUrrnl Conlrilmtloii < i tli -
Uaile Sam IE a liberal coatrlbutor to tae
campaign fund this year Few people real
ize how liberal this patriotic personage it.
ia this matter His direct ooatributioa this j
j ear. tayi the Washington Star , it some- .
thlag 'over | S,400.6W. This U avery mod
erate estimate. Tlie fact that no aooouats
are kept makes it impossible to ascertain
the exact amount. This amount coverr the
more direct contribution , taS does not take
into account that which IF doae iadlrectly.
Accordiap to the very lowest estimate ,
the two parties , through their distributing
agencies , have tent out 40.ODD.09ti pieces of
literature uader congressional frank. The
probability is that this estimate is alto
gether too low. Mr Hanaa has statej that
the repnblicaa committees have distributed
Cl'O.dOD.OOfi doeumeats Tbe deaiocrau have
not distributed anything like as many , but j
their number is unusually high. It it likely ,
that at least a third of all the dosumeau '
tent out were part * of the Congressional ]
Record and were seat under frank , free of j
postage Theee documents are sealed la ]
envelopes , and would be subject to letter j
postage if not sent free. The average post- '
ace would be C cents or more per piece. (
Taking the low estimate -of 40.009.0M docu- ,
meats , the postage would amouat to fI,40D.- ,
000.This IB oae item. There is a Rood deal bej j
rides that Tncle Sara does i
The priating of documents is paid for by I
the committees but to a very large -extent
they are taved the cost of composition OB
speeches and ooagressioaal doEumentr
through the ase of Mereatyre plate * made
at government expense for the Congressional
Record. How much this government
tribution amounts to it would be difficult to I
calculate. It is not a direct expense to the
overameat la addition to the part * of the .
Congressional Re-eard which go through th * J
mails free uader frank there are many < 3 < EU- j
meats from the departmeau which go fre > e i
as official mctter. Matter o ! this KM has j
f oae out under the covers of the Bureau of
Statistics. , the Treasury deriErtmeat and the '
I > epartm al of Agriculture.
Of course the cost of collecting iaforma- |
tioa caaaot lie taken into account , but if tbic |
had to "be doce by the campaign committee * !
the cost to them would beenormous. . Those
campaign documents \viich are a part of
the Congressioaal Reeord are folded that
it put ia to-envelopes end sealed at govern- ,
meat expense. One dollar a taouEaad is
paid for this work , aad there is always a
large appropriation made fcr thit jmrpta *
This year the amouat of fo'.diag vas t o
great that the appropriation was exhausted
about three week * ago tad the werk hat
bfeea done since oa credit , under a promiw
Jotaed ia by the senators and members of
the house -on the two canrpaiga committeee
that they would secure a deficiency apjiro-
priatioa from congiets lo pay the bills as
tc aa 6 the next * eloa begin * . A large
number of perwiBE tre { agege d ia th work
tad have beta making good wages out of it
The jaersge u not bt ow $4 a fisy. and a
few are cijn make us much as J12
E day.
Some years ago the franking privilege w-ai ,
extended to ell member * of the boutc aad
lenate for their oorr * poasence , both jin-
vate and official. This was regarded AC BE
* bute. and &a act WEE pasted withdraw lap
the privflege. Being deprived of the right
to sead their letters free cf puetage tddfo
a greet decl to the trrptiite of sli.iisJ
life tea was reperded HE a great burdea
by congressmen. Th * money pcat for post-
tge made a hole of no email eize ia tbeir
xaleriee of IX.OiiO. It cost merit/err jiay-
uhtac from Jl to n a day. During OxIzxl
K iluc of the Fifty-third coagrcet ea act
Va * passed graatiag the fraaXlog privilege
ID all official corravpoadesee. Tnlt rtljti'tafl
congreEeniep ef the eipenw cf poiUge on
ell except tueir private correspoad ' ce. The
term "official" u given a iircad coactructloa
cad many s.teat utmp It * .uv-d ;
This a toe firu peatral eles&tav v&d r ]
this new di iti&a of Irei- postage , aa ?
the volume of official mail hat K B is
n > < nf * It Is impouible ; o make kcytliio ;
like aa adequate e. tUnite of the amooat i * '
li&t oott the t'CNtuU reveauet Durlag tlif ;
MKCiocs of eoiigreM fifty lettcn & day fcr ;
cftcli nicTabcx If not a high i &r&o iAtliZi&U1.1
The average has probably ut s > liigber taaa
fifty duriag the l&ci two inocthc of the
caiaioiga. Tfite item , tbuatorc , miy be
i.aftly ectimated ct cbott H7.0&S lor tbe
liny dtji-
Mor m-r. the sia&tore ad aeoiliwf htvt
haj to a large exieat tbe service of tbe
ralarled eMkBr MM > Dkl employee nnS have
b4 timir private * .Tettri < * .
Tae entire ruai ttf UaokSum's euo-
tributioa u > the catapaica is aot t.mall
S Y Nov T-Bifchoj Jolir.
i T IHt IffiM iLllllA il
Illustrations Given Below Showing the Excellent Results Obtainable
From the Office Treatment and Through the Mails.
On the occasion ef ils la t visit to Amer
ica the late Sir Morrell Mackensie. the
greatest of all English physician * . -wa
u-ked his opinion of tbe climate of America
and its action on diseases of the throat
and lunfrs He refclk-d :
"Jn your American climate catarrh is un
questionably the CfeUE-e < of more < ltMth
tiian any other dlseaw. .At iirst it is , cs
a rule. a. little thing , merely a cold in tbe
head. But in a climate like this one t.o',6
is not entirely cored before before another
follows. A Kuoeesston ef oelds constitutes
chronic catarrh. A strong and healthy
constitution wlH suffer only Inoonvenkntn
from catarrh , but all others run a creat
rifk of what may follow. The bejilth is
broken , the constitution weakened , and
although tbe catarrb itself may not lie t e
actual cause of death. still Indirc-otly. 1-y
so weakening the rystera that it IK unable
to resist the attack of another diM fee. It
is a dangerous factor in any ilnes ! "
Mrthodlfct 1'rfnrlifr und Vftrrnii
tlif Wor.
The inrrlt < > f I r - . Coprlnnd A. Sin
artl" * firor < * Kl < ual vitirk i *
firoi t-n l j tlir brt of * vldf HOC. Tt > -
itiij Itfi. Mi-Kemlrf - ! ) < Mottr. inriii-
} rr uf tlif ! \ * lrji .Uiz ronfrrmt t * nud
I'nmir tif the > -llmill l t KjiUrojml
rliurc-li of TKlmcKf nud llri.i-U. utlili.
For five jvare ihp. w jihvsuian * have h ld
the leading j.iac-f ic the ttedtment of chron
ic dii.ei - > Tbo > btx * jwtin : * ill ni > - ;
county In thr sta'r. trd jicnseBS ory '
equipment for irv-tlnp tir mo * : piuHbom '
ciw * . tatiifr ut tb.r itftn t or throueb the
mails Head Hev Ue Mo't' * -stiBfiny
He KB * , treated by mn'i at bis o n bvime ]
If you want addltioniu fat-t * write ium. I
erx-iosiDg stamp. He writes Dr. Sbep rd
us , follows :
Since ruinini ; mil of ilio nnuy in
IM1-J. I hu.l licru Krillj ulHji-ird iilth
silarsrinrnt iitid 4ll | ilueiurut < > 1
llic hriirt tiitii ucruuipnu } iuK uruk-
\ \ > < nltli H AlotUrr'o IMiii.d. It f ; < u-
m u lloj f r Irul * rtiuu I
A young boy jih a pet fawn trottiag be i
hind him Ef-rirod EU otioc oc a receat
tlteraooa on th white bouse ruad ia Par *
land. Ore. Tie little crttture- was per
fectly uiujc , La4 OE the afti-tarunce of a
team would timidly run te tbe b.y't Fldt at
Oiougu seeV.iag protection To a reporter ,
t > f lae Partita * Tl Braa ise lad u.ld Uw 1
cutry f lilt acquisition of tit favn j j
Some weeks age tlir t f WB fii-biBE OB ! i
the Tnalstla rJvtr Fi h wert nlea'.if * ! .
t-cr.rtid ic ibe sport the Ud l.eut aU
na the rijJ'f ttUiOK sia oocai snee a ! * hat '
rac i rliip CM bdttOd Ilia A IdfiiUtiC JuMlud
Jrom the bwk Eliore hi he j ld n f'.tea- ;
ilM to , thinking it MH * f. me xtray ) iwb.
Tbe hktttlm : was rei-efited a aumber of
ilaast. but tb * bor var hiag tad the tiout
-ei - riiiec freljTbcre CM Mu put r of
tiny hoofs dou-n tintlter bane i < i. li < -
: h cold tit-w it l-ufbtfl intc hit iiicd
ii'j i itg i > oy 'ciur.3 ii fn" u
* jar.nR ! 'tn r tu'srer , if i ' * t' '
ft-ar " * j'csiirE ' loc-1. n 'it b.j ' AD
; hbl ; ite seek tai oav 14J af
inof tliul ortran. In Intrr jrnr I
lin\r nlTin > K Krrnll > onfTrrfd from
fhronlr t-alarrli. .
IJIP.I M Intern i rr > -
irrrUnr k Irfl ror In nn ri-
tmnelr frrMr rondltliin uiid uliollj-
unfll far mi } itorl. . Aftrr n r ur .r
ti > mnll ltli lir. s | , . | > nri Jf u , lrli.
xnr irrr i | ilra . .nrilo tntr HIM ! I
tinir I o n nil much .
rrllrf nnd > ubsl/i > i.
tin ) lirnriii friini liU Irratiurut. Mj-
rutr 11 a liuuillrd nith rxcrllrut
Judirinrnt mill .Will mid I mutt lirnrl-
IIroiniiifiid I r - . C4i | > rlttud . - | > -
urtl u * . c-tiurtrtinik. luinurnlilr crntli
turn , tliiiniutrlil ; < jntillfi < - < I ii < . | irrinl-
l t in ilirlr rlio ru i > r < ir . l < iu. "
A Kuiikn * SrlKiol Trnrlifr Currd
TiircmKh Ilir MniU.
Mrs lx > ttie Scrii chfieJd. Havens -lljf ,
Kari. . writes with ecrtiUKiiKm of the Honie
Treatment Her letter is dd-tt < d Oc--tober Sii.
Ifhn. and runs as foliowp-
Tr Copeiiind & Shcpard OmahaTuis
testimony nedue yo w.mMrilnp k u
year ago. .nd I now give It with a crest
wnse of thankfuln , * * . After ttsaohlng
KHoo ! several yiiars 1 found I was a vic
tim of catarrh in it * n ot > t offensive form
I tried doctoi * and numerous rem-
edifswith littlf b * K-flt Tbt-n I took a
course wih you eixS found It a jierfec :
cure My pcnrt-aJ neaJth lias t > sftn splendid
Unc-e you disbarred oxJis c-ured in Uie
SLmrDt-r of 'Hu 1'li-as.t send fne a symptom
l-.unk 'o til ! ( ut t < f rr.j mother. I hope
jou can cure her "
Mr. J. "Kirllirnp. liT < < iutb " ! * lli 01. .
nddrkb - > thl Irttrr 10 Ir . C iirland
A MirpHrd uiitlrr d tr of ( U'tobrr " < l.
l" ! i J. Mr. Ntirthruji na ftiniirrly
l > < > oklrrirr for .MrCfird. llriulj A Co. .
Ilir wli lri njr rrorr s
" 1 vaxt to eifftrvrj emphatic tep'i-
n > ory ; in ifais * of your treatment for Ca
tarrh ef stomarti a.nd liowt-l.
"T > osUl ! isf- JlJjst I FHld to yon at
the * id of the firs' month' * treatment that
I frit ic'taily inJfli'.ej to you in u.'dltjc i
to Lhtcafiti airmdy paid No man eou' < l
hare conrincc-iJ mi ofthe effects without a
ccors * of treatment J4y dicbFtion was .c.
iriartlve It wt-iued practically d "Hd and 1
f uSect-d the thousand * Jid o&e dihcMnfortf
* rl iiiK tbtrttrana and after only * i-hon
rouree of treattntmt 1 ff-e ! a burden has
been Ufl2 fiom my t > e < k and fhouldt-rs
as well ac fcMnts In faxa , 1rijo > llvtnc
1 c < imldfr the cost of tills trea.unent a
mere compmed with th * < -.hji fd
fi-t-Unc * arid oondl-.ioi.K. J mill feel lu-
d-bled to > ou "
\v. u. cornu.\-\D. > L D. ,
C. . . MIEI-AHU , M. IJ
Office Hours ! i to Jl a , m ; S to C j > rn Eve > -
nines " \VfdHHfcduyf and Saturdnyt only
C to S. Sunday 10 to U m
sue lic&d wai covered wuh blood still wet.
I itt limb * br/-ly sujiportiag tb * frail body.
T'be bey't. fint thought was that the wlf
had Wen wounded aad In ctlein : > tiac to
react water bad ( .time out < * the ri t r baak
I at ibe point wb re be was fikbtag , tad
through shew w * lai wf be tag unable tc go
further. hd tumbled down the Mroaio , land
ing by hit side Picking tbe little thins
up ia hit trnik tic Ia4 w dd nut OL tbe rip
ple , aad. wakfciag the Mood from tbe icwa *
attsk f&vcd it uninjured.
> toimi i hUBtiir hjid i4 M the J&w.U - doe
' and with irt-T dj-tag vueueth the htd iduuged
bite ) : through tb * timber to lunch tbe i by
iftier , bore Uot L lew dajs before Tie fa a
ha4 evlitiBlly ixxutia * alanu d k i tttr.ed
la Cad the l uc ) : . iu due jx i ) l U Ibeanbn
l ei c tie ruBB-way at tbe rivw , where ,
duriug Ht iff dtyt of life , tbe two had
nightly ( Kfme t * drink.
' The lwwho c ve hit came as Frank
HarrUon took the fawa to his borne. wb ro
ltmr was n. bubf brother aad a Burning bottle
tle attd uigether Mrs Htrriw * U bringing
tip iuc own baby laid tbe oridiu&ed deer It
a ( leM than en boar befor * the fnvu lud
urro * ujed Uwlf to the sew eurrouadlata
cuil 'Ant perrictly at borne It at oote & ? -
tiuhei } uttlf 10 the boy Frank , titminr to
' ' . ' . ,1. bobe lid b * itt LEtvnl pro'.wtor tnd
: ' v ---cier the lad EX.I Uie fawn fol-