Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 15, Image 15

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    rrrr-m r-\r.\TT A n A TT/V niTTrrc. QTTXTJ A \ ' \rnvi.AMi"rci ? Q TQOP. t K
Business in a Jobbing Way Reaches Very
Satisfactory Proportions.
Movement of ( Inoiln .Shown 11 DcHiloil
CliiuiKi * fur tlio Ili'ltcr ( irnln
Dolller * ! Will MllVC Oil
i CliluitKO Tlilx'cck. .
The Influences which governed
for o long a ixjrlod wore full during thu
earlier part of the pa at week In nil InlenM-
lied doRree.
ho few clay * ImmfTillntely preceding u
nntlonnl election nro almost always ex
tremely dull In a bunlm-sn sense. nnd this
year pronouncedly ao. lluycrs who hnd
followed the hand-to-mouth policy for the
pant year or more could discover no reason
for abandoning It on the eve of an election
when such Important Issues were In ques
tion. In fact , for some weeks previous to
election day merchants In all departments
of trade hnvo enormously curtailed their
purchases , only the most pressing require
ments being- attended to nnd nothing more.
Consumers ) as well as merchants have
l > ten holding hack , even refusing to buy
noccssltles. such < is wearing apparel nnd
shoes , until after election.
No sooner was the sweeping extent of
Tuesday's victory fully understood than
people eommenced flocking to the loeal
retail houses and supplying their wants.
On Thursday many nmicnnnts reported
that their sales were tlin heaviest of any
day since State fair week , and business
contlnufd good with the retailers * until the
close of the week. All of the Improvement ,
however , eannot be ascribed to the result
of the election. The arrival of decidedly
colder weather has brought out considerable
buying of such goods as shoes , underwear ,
clothing. ilaiincln , etc.
Gold Is commencing to appear once more
In circulation , and It Is apparent that many
IM > oplo of very moderate means put away In
Kold nil their surplus savings as a ppecnla-
I tlon In cnso of the adoption of the free
colnaK'1 of silver , nnd their reluctance to
, break In upon their little hoards of gold
i was one. of the reason's why trade was HO
dull before the election.
Buflloletit tlmu since the results of the
election were kiiOA'ii has not elapsed for
the Jobbers to fuel any decided chatiRe In
the bualnpss situation , but country stoeks
are so small that any Improvement In the
N retail trade must make an Impression on
tr 'tho jobbing business very soon. Omaha
\ Jobbers , as a rule , are doing u very fair
business , inking all things Into considera
tion , and about as mueh as they could
1 reasonably expect at Ibis time. The feeling ,
1 however. If not the volume of business , has
I been much better slnee the results of the
I election have become known and jobbers
i without exception are preparing for a mueh
1 better trade In the near future. There Is
every prospect that money will be easier
and there ought to be more opportunity
ior business onterprls-X's to expand.
The feeling that this Is the time for action
nppeais to bo almost universal with busi
ness men In all departments of trade. If
every manufacturer and im-rchnnt Is going
to Hit still and timidly wait until he sees
what others are doing the revival of busi
ness will bo delayed. If every business
man will act upon the assumption that tin ?
condition ! ) call for an extension of opera
tions there cannot fall to be a speedy re-
miinptton of business that will prove last-
Ing. The only drawback to be guarded
against Is the old spirit of timidity begottTi
by thu three and a half yuirs of depression.
A wnltliiR policy might be excusable If
there was any good reason for It , but with
the country full of produce , for which there
In a growing demand at advanced prices ,
nnd with the mercantile community gener
ally solvent after three years of liquid. i-
tlon , It would seem as If the time for waitIng -
Ing hail passed. A business man covered
the whole ground In the remark that "It Is
work we want now and not talk. "
A meeting of the regular grain dealers of
the country has hern called lor November
9 at Chicago for the purpose of organizing
a grain dealers' national association. A
number of grain men from this slate have
arranged to nttend this meeting. An
elaborate program covering many points of
Interest to grain men has been prepared
for the occasion.
Condition of Trade ntnl Quotation *
fin Stnplr nnd Kntiey Produce.
ROOS Fresh gathered , ICfflTe.
HUTTUH Common to fair. 6Jr7c ; choice to
fancy , country , llfTISc ; separator creamery ,
ICc : gathered crenm , ii13c.
( JAM K Prairie chickens. per doz. , JU.O5.00
quail , tl.WM/I.Ci ; teal ducks , $ l.M ; red heads nil.
mallards. JS.75OS.OO.
CIlHKHi : Domestic lirlclt. 9c ; K.lnm. per rtoz. ,
J.5.I5 ; club IIOUKP. 1-lt ) . Jam , per doz. . 53.13 ; I.lm
berger. fancy , per 111. . Be ; Itoquefort , ' .4-tt > .
Jars , per doz. . J3.CO ; Young Amcilcas. lOUc ;
twins. fancy , V c ,
VHAL Cholcn fat , M to 120 Its. , nro quoted at
7O74e ; InrKQ and coarse. 4f5e.
DHKSSKI ) POULTIlV-SprlnK chickens , 7c ;
1.1 hens. 6V4W7c ; turkeys , SfllOc ; gees * , 10c ;
iiks. . lOc. _
J.IVB 1'OUI.THV lien * . Cc ; cocks. 3o ; spring I ,
chickens , Co ; spring ducks , TiJS'o ; turkeys > ,
PIOiONS Live. 75J90c ; dead pigeons not
HAY-Uplnml. J5 ; niMlniul. JI.W ; lowlan'l. '
} 4 ; rye Mrnw , Jl ; color makes the price on
bay : llcht ti.iles bell the bc t ; only top urndu
bring tup prices.
j IlllOOM rOItN K trcmely flow sale ; new
Jv crop , delivered m ; track In country ; choice Kreen
. \ . . . 'Hr-wormiiB carpet. r r lb. S'.ic : choice green.
" running to hurl ? 'je : cnrrnon , IHe.
8V IS 1ST I'OTATOKS-On orders , per bbl. ,
ONIONS Good Hlock , per bu. , 303Mc.
LIMA WJANS-Per lb. . 4c.
JIUANS Hnnd i.lrkml navy , per liu. . Il.4nOI.rA
CAIIIIAOR Home grown , per hundred , 7SflMc.
rKI.nilV IVr itez. . : ; < ; fancy , large. 45l50c.
POTATOKR Oood Mock. per bu. . Kc.
Throughout the Mutt * * of chief
proiltiction , Inclutllni : New 1'iiKluiKl. New York ,
. . . . . . . . . . . .
t. „ , , F tvl .tAi. mmU > < i IM vr-rv larce.
The nKKrcgate yield Is n sh.iiliunder U.OOrt.noO
barrels for nil of the t'ntied Stales , iiKnlnst
60,500,000 barrel * In ISM nnd M.WJ.i'OO barrels two
years ago. Thu Oransw Judd Partner hays that
the crop In New KiiKland. New Yoilt. Michigan
and parts of a few other states Is simply phc-
nomennl. New England and New Yoik alone
have o\rr 16,000COO bariels , against little mure
than 7,000.000 n year ago , while .Michigan IH liar-
veiling the Rrcntesl crop of the flno fruit ever
retired In that slntc. In sharp contrast , th" report -
port covering the central west hews In very
many Instances Ihe crnp u Insullle.lcnt to supply
hmne riMtuireiiiPnls. The Canada crop \a \ among
the InrueFl on record.
Under oxIxllnR known conditions. It Is not
stninKo that opening prices of winter fruit
Hhould Im cxcepllonallv low. A full undcrMand-
Ing of tinsituation. . limvcviT. may lesull In n
more profltablo dlstrlliiillon of the eatdern nnd
Canadian surplus later In th * winter. Kxporls
from Ihi- Atlantic coast nro already i.wo.ont.
barrels this yenr , or u third mure than exported -
ported nil of last season , mil the foreign mar-
ki'ts Imve n capacity fur iibsorlilng further vn t
quantities before nnother spring. Perhaps the
most hopeful situation Is the poFslbllltles In
thu way ef ati outlet for the eastern surplus In
tlu > wcel nnd southwest. QuoUtloiis :
OHAI'KS New York. UVio ; Jarnu lots , Ke.
PLIJMH--NO shipping stock.
CALIl'OriNIA HHAPiS Tokays and other
fancy varieties , J1.75.
CHANItKIUill KSCnpiTod. . per l > tl , K.04RC M.
APl'LKS-r-nol klnK. per lihJI.75 \ : entlnc. Jl
C2.00 ; Jonathan s. fancy. JJ.2S ; fancy New York ,
CAL1FOHNIA PPAHS-Per box , J2 ; New
York , per bbl. . J3.Mfl. {
QU1NCKS Per bid . Jl.
OltANilCSMexican. . It.
LKMONS - Mesilnnii , J5.00B3.CO ; California
lemcins , > l OOflf 15.
HAN..NAH-ChoIrp larcp stock , per linnclf
llum-slr.ed bunches. ll.SOOI.OO.
nntlva steers , VXi to COO Ibs. , CWO
7o : wettein i-teers , iOO'.iiuood ; cuus and heif
ers , SflS'.tc : medium co\ts and helfets. 4He ; goot
. . fen ijuarteiH cuw * and heifers , 3ic ; good
\f \ foreiiuurlers native vleen , dc ; coed hind-
[ ) iiuarleis cows and hetfvni , C'jc. good Illinliiuai-
tcrs native steers , SVjicow : loimds. ic ; eou
plates , 3c : boneli-ss chueks , 4i < : co\r cnurks. 3c ;
steers chucks. 3 > ; c ; beef tenderloins. ISc ; beef
rolls , boneless. 9e ; klrluln luitts , bonelvio , S c ;
loin backs , Uinclrn. IV ; . tku-ka , Te : cow
rlb , No. 3. Cc ; cow Ioln . No. 3 , Be ; beef
3'c ; rump butts , 5o ; eliouUer clods ,
tic ,
POHIC Drrsicd IIORS , f - ; pork loins , Co ; pork
tenderloins , ISc ; spare ribs , Cc ; bam sauiaue ,
butts , Cc ; pork ( houlders , much , ( c ; pork shoul
der * , skinned , 4'io ; pork trimmings. So ; leaf lard ,
not rendered , to ,
MUTTON Oreo * * lamb. CVJc ; dr # s .M mutton ,
Co ; racks , mutton , i > c ; Iccn , mutton , Ntiio ; ad-
dlei , mutton , S c ; stew , 3o ; ihecp pluclia. 3c ;
cheep toiiKues , per doz. , ; Sc.
t HON1IYTancy * hlle , hr lb. . HJJISc. choice ,
He : California , amber color , lOc.
CltiKH-CUrlned Julc , i r half tbl. , j.75i per
MAPLU nYIHlP-rUe-Bal. cans. each. U.TSi
eat. cans , | n.r dox. , 1C ; Imlf-tul. cam. J .S5 |
yuurt , JJ.W ,
KlOH-linporled fancy , I crown , SO-lb , l ixri ,
34c ; choice , 10-lb. IKIXPI , 3 crown SOlOo.
NUTS Almonds , Cullfurnla , per lit. , medium
plif , loci Tarrncona almonui , i > rr Iti. . larce ,
llVio ; llraslln , per lb. . tOlOo. Kniillfh walnuti ,
per lb. , fancy , noft shell , c ; tanjard , " -
Ibsrts. txr H > . . 10c , pfcnns , poHhed meillum ,
Oo ; lnrjrc , le.
Accm-rtlnir to thr Hhw nnd Ix ith'r ncvlrw there
s n munlfeKt tendency to wi > H < Up a Injom In
mrr hides. Tli- election of McKlnlty nas taken
s n pretext fnr ilcmandlnif ! > < . Many buyer *
leplore the rndd | adviincn In hldn and are of
he opinion thut then- nil ) IT a sudden slump
f values nre crowded up too furl nnd ton far.
"i'hn Oilemtn pnckers Imve mnrkcd up their
.irlre * on all selections nnd for the time l'lni < all
Jinpc of Inw-prlceil hides IB ( jnnf. The nilxnnrei
nr < 5 of course UrRply predlcatetl on the victory
if McKtnUy , but the srnrrlty nf enttle Is nn
mirartnnt fnrtiT. Tli * receipts and slaughter of
tittle In Octoti r were very small end thin eek
hi- total entry for the three days was only
3.WI IIMII ) . The | > rkers are In n dominant
position an ) If the leather markets respond
ili'inplly to thi- upward movrment we nre likely
: n witness n period of animated trade nnd buoy
ant values.
A few sales only hnvo tieen nmdi * at this
writing at the new prl-es , but the packers are
( Inn Wheat seonii loss artlve. eorn tins de
clined xllKhtly and the provision bullB nte quite
despondent amtut | mrk. The l < rkerV salesmen.
howevef , claim for hlde < that a world's scarcity
exists , nnd now that silver M burled under a
andslide nnd confidence Is restored , nothing can
"tep the upward trend of prices. A rcpjrt from
Manchester , UnRland. shows that heavy hldm
"irought t'ld. fir dV4r In our money , at the auc-
: lon sale hold October 21. Quntatlonx :
Ilini.'S No. I preen hlde , Sc ; No. ! green
hl'Ien. 4c ; No. 1 ureen salted hides , Co : No. 2
Knen salted Iddes. So ; No. 1 veal c.ilf. 8 to IS
Ibs. . Co ; No. I veal cnlf , R to IB liu. . 4c ; No. 1
ilry Hint hl.lcs. SfT9o : No. 5 dry ( lint hides ,
7rSc : No. 1 dry salted hides , S J ! > o ; part cured
dde . He per lb less than fully cured.' ritT.S-Oreen : snlteil. each. SJgcOtf :
green salted shearings ( short wooled early
skins ) , each , lfu ; dry Hhmrltius ( s lort wooled
early skins ) , No. 1. each. Sc ; dry shearing *
( short wooled eaily Fklns ) . N" . 1. each. Be ; dry
Hint , Kansas ntnl Nehraskn butcher wool pelts ,
per lb. , actual weight , 4f/So ; dry flint Katifn'
nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 3Ulc ; dry Hint Colorado butiticr wool
pelts , per lb , actual weight. Iflta ; dry Hint
'olorndo murrain wool j-elt . per lb. . actual
weight. 34" ; feet cut off , ns It Is useless to pay
freight on them.
TAM.OW ANI > OIlKASi : Tallow , No. 1. 3c :
fallow. No. 2. 2'4r ; grease , while A. 3c ; grease ,
whlto II. 2c ; greai-e. yellow , 2c ; grease , dark.
l\c : old butter. 2il21.4c ; besswax , prime , ISff
22c ; rough tallow , le.
( liiotatlniisi of tln > Day on VnrloiiN
CiiiiiiniiilltleM ,
NHXV YOIHC. Nov. 7. KlXJUIl-necelpts. 13.-
! K.iO libK ; exports. 9,411 bbls. ; dull nnd held 10
( fir.c higher with buyers withdrawn ; Minnesota
patent * , JI.400I.7S ; Minnesota bakers , { 3.4 < ) fM.OO ;
winter patents , J4. 501/1.75 ; winter straights , J4.20
WI.30. 1 1 yo Hour , dull ; superllne. JJ.SOtfiM ; fancy.
J3.9 j3. | : : . Ituckwhtat Hour , linn at Jl.OO.
IIUCICWHIJAT tjulet ; prime , 37c.
CO1IN MliAIr-ldlll ; yellow ucstrtn , C2c.
HYK Ste.idy ; No. 2 western , JIlHOo ; car lots.
IIAIlMY-Qulet ; feeding , 27',4fSFc , malting , 41
IIAHI.nV MAI.T-rinn ; western.
WIIKAT lleccliits. W.PCJ ) bu. ; exports , 7.94 ! ) bu. ;
spot , higher ; Ni > . 2 red. SO c ; No. 1 hard. OOMjC.
Opll > in3 were steady , with an excited advance this
muinlng , lenchlnf ; the top price for the year on
firm cables , light spring wheat receipts anil
local covering ; Hnally en ed off on realizing nnd
closed Hii ? < c higher ; mica Include ! No. 2 red.
November , clooul , Sl'ic ; December , 8l'tfS6i4C ,
closed bfc
( UNItccelpts. . lir.,900 Im. ; exports. X733 bu. ;
spot , steady : No. 2 , 30T V31c , Options were ( inlet
and only fairly steady , closing unchariKeil : No
vember closed , 3osc ; December. SI'iWSlJjc ,
closed 31'nC.
OATS llecelpts , 132.IM bu. ; spot , steadier ; No.
2 , 83'ic. Options were dull but ( Inner and clorcd
at < if advance : May closed nt 28Hc ; December.
23Ml2lc. close. ! 2lc.
llOl'ri rirm ; 1S93 crop , 38Sc ; HJi ! crop , 9ffI3c.
Iond < in. llrm nt .
HlPis : .Strong : Onlvrston , Uc : Ituenos Ayrvs.
dry , nominal ; Texas , drj9'4010c : California.
I.KATHin-I-'lrm ; hemlock sole , II. A. ,
20 -
1'HOVISIONH Heef , dull ; family , 9.nO710.00 { ;
beef Immx , JlC.OOffl7.PO : packet. JS.Oflfl9.00. Cut
meats , quiet ; plrklci ! bellies. $5.00 | 5.r.O. I ird.
rti-ady ; western steameit cloned nt Jt.V ) ; reHned.
Fteady. I'ork , dull ; menu. JS.M89.00 ; short clear.
JS.755fIO.50 : family , J10.60iJll.trt.
Ill'TTKIl llecelpts , 4.777 pkgs. ; stcaily : west
ern dairy. HM2'jc ; western creamery , I24Q20V ;
Klglns. 2cKfactory. ; . 7flI2c.
CIII-IESU-llfcrlpts. 2.117 pkgs.i nulot : large ,
7'4J'10'io : small. 7'igiOWc ; part skims.
full skims.
K(5iS' Uerrl | > ls. 4,41 ? pkps. : steady ; state and
IVnnsylvnnla , LMi23c : western. IW21c.
TAI.IXl\V-Dull ; city. 3'4c ' ; country , 3Sc.
OILS Cottonsi'ed , easy ; prime crude , 22c : off
crude. Jlr , nominal ; prime summer yellow , 2.1'tc ;
butler grades. 2 'tc : prime while. 2Sff c. Pe
troleum. oulct ; rmted closed at 11.17 bid. Itcsln ,
llrm : strained , I1.92V . Turpentine , steady at 2SV4
fl2S ic.
4'4c. ' HICK Firm ; domestic , 3iOGc ; Japan , . 34 < ?
MOLASSHR-Stcady ; New Orleans , open kettle
20fr33c. nominal.
MKTAI.S Pig Iron , steady : southern. 110.750
12.53 ; northern. J10.75fl2.IO. Copper , firm : lake
brokers , til.CO.
Lead , strong ; domestic brokers.
} 2.fA Tin .
plates , quiet : strnlts , tl2.80312.90 ,
Spelter , ( Inn ; domestic , J3.WSI.OO.
St. IiiiulH ( .eiieral
ST. JJOVia. Nov. 7.-FUHW-Dul | nn.l
lilk-her ; patents. H. 81.3. , ; extra fancy .
3. ! * ) ; fancy. J.1.5/3.40 ; choice. J2.65 2 75. , I3.K09
WHKAT Futures opened Weiik ami with i
pressure to sell , which caused a conslderabl
decline. The market soon milled and recovcreu
nil or more of the early IOHS. finally
"tff'ic higher than yesterday : No. 2 red. cash ,
elevator , M'jc bid ; irack , S4fiS,4c , : No. ' hard
cash. 75o axkrd * ; December. 83' c : May. SlfiSI'ic.
CMItN l > utures were tame ilurlng the whole
session , and the close was V&c below yesterday
spot , llrm and higher ; No. 2 cash , 23i234c |
Hwcinlwr. 23'ic ; May. Wic.
OATS I'Mtur s , dull , but higher ; spot , dull
No. 2 caah , 16Hc bid ; May. S2i4c.
HYI3c bid.
IMIIN MKA--Jt.40. ,
1IUAN Steady : 40e , cast track , sacked.
TIMOTHY HKKD-1'rlme. J2.40.
HAY Itetter tone , due to lighter receipts
prnlile. J5.COQ7.SO ; timothy , JC.OOfilO.W. thin side.
KdOS-lIlghcr : l5Hc.
I < KA1 > Kasler for chemical nt J2.CS : desllver
Izeil. K.70-ff2.7J'4. - ' Spelter , nominally J3.C2i4fr3. ,
ixrrroN TH-sv-ti.43.
IIAOilIN'tJ Blflfiiie.
I'UOVISIONS I'ork. standard mess , Jobbing ,
J7.2.V I.-inl. prime steam , JJ.'T'i ' : choice. JI.05.
Ilacon ( boxed ) , Klioulders and cxlni fhort clear ,
H.37ii ; ribs , JI.M ; shorts , } I.C2'J. Dry Kail
moats ( boxed ) , shoulders. Jl ; extra short clear ,
J4 ; ribs , JI.12H : shorta. JI.23.
I'OULTHY 1'lrm ; chickens , old. 5 4c ; spring ,
7ff7iac ; turkeys llrm lit 9c ; ducks flrm at 7if7ic !
gi-eje steady ut 4fCc. |
UI-X UIIT.15 riour , 4,000 bbls. : w'.ieat , 20,00 :
! m. ; corn , 13I.OCO hu oats. tt.OOO bu.
8IIII'MiNT8-Fluur , n.OOi ) bbls. ; wheat , Ii3.0 0
bu. ; corn , HO.OOO bu. ; oats. 11,100 bu.
Liverpool .MnrlctM.
Nov. 7. WHEAT Spot , nrm :
demand | > oor ; No. 2 red , spring , Cs ted ; No. 1 ,
Callfoinla , 7s M. Kutiirr * closed tlrm ; near nnd
I distant positions lM(2d lilglie-r ; biKlnesx about
etpially distributed ; November , Cs < 10'Jd ; December -
| , ber , Ca 104.1 ; Jumuiry , February and March , Co
< lOVtd ; April , nominal.
I COIIN Ppot. steady : American ml\ed. new ,
j ; 3 * 3'j'l. rmurCH cloveil o.ulet with December < ? d
lower nnd other months ' t ? ' . d higher ; business
about equally illstrlhute l ; Noxember. 4s 3'id ;
Ii.cember , January. Tebruary and March , 3s "Hit.
; Pl.orit Firm : dfinand fair mill freely nuii-
I piled. St. I.milk fancy , winter. 8 3d.
! 1 PIIOVISIONS Dacon , dull.jlcmnnd poor ; Cum-
lierland cut , 2S to 30 Ibs. . 30s ; short ribs. 20 to
21 Ihs. . 29s M : long clear. light , X to 31 Ibs. ,
i 30a M : long clear , heavy , 40 to 45 Ibs. . 29s Cd ;
. short clear backs , light. 18 Ibs. , 2S * C.I ; short
' i clear middles , heavy , 4 * to CO Ibs. , 25n ; clear
bellies , II to Hi Ibs. , nominal. Shoulders , square ,
: 13 to IS Ibs. , 30 * Cd. Hams , short cut , II to ID
' '
tbx. . 4Cs. Tallow , line North American. 2s Gd.
Ileef. extra India mess , 62 fid ; prime mess , 42s
CJ. I'ork. prime moss Hno
, western , 22 9d ; relined -
lined la palls , 2Cs.
CHBKHU Klrm : demand poor : Hneet AmerU *
can. white nnd colored. September , 51s.
IltJTTKH-Flrrn ; good. C0 .
OILS Unseed oil , 17.s W , 1'ctrolcum , refined ,
IIIIKF-Forequnrtcrs , 3 id
hlndiiunrtcrs , Md. ;
HOI'S At London ( Pacific const ) , 2 5s.
Wool MnrK-el.
NK.W YOHK. Nov. 7.VOOIFlrm ; .lomestlc
lleece , 14Iili > c ; pulled , 15:0c.
ST. IXII'IS , Nov. 7. WOOL Choice grades
higher at Hie advance nuteil yesterday.
LONDON , Nov. 7. The arrivals of wool to
date for the sixth rerles of auction sales arc as
followii : New South Wales. 7.VK ( ) bales : Queens-
bind , 2I.9S7 hnlex ; Victoria , 17,153 bales ; Tas
mania , 211 1 in Ion ; South Australia. 5.031 bales ;
Weit Australia. O.U bales ; New /.ealnnd , 6.393
ball's ; Cnpc of ( Inod Hope and 11,507 bales ;
total , Cfi.370 bales. Including H.OuO sent direct. I
Imports during the week were : New South Wales , '
I.5CI bales ; Vletorln. i.f SS tin lor : K uth Australia. 1
2.191 bales ; New Zealand , Gil bales ; I'.ipe of
( lno.l Hope and N.ital , 2.751 bales ; China , 233
bales : r.nn India. 101 bales ; Singapore , 4'J halca : 1
France. CI3 b.iles : Uusila , 91 bales ; tolul 14.129 ,
bales. The Antwerp sales \vlll be held Noveni- i '
bcr ID to 14 , Inclusive. The offerings Include ,
10.000 bales of Itlver 1'latte. 1.400 bales of i
Aiintrallnn and 200 bales of Cape of Oood Hope 1
nnd N.itnl. At HIA s eeprkln Kiitcu , to be held
November I . 4.CM bales of Australian wool
will be offered , and on the following day n
quantity of Ouo-1 Hope nnd Natal will be put
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'eorln MnrlcrlM.
I'KOniA. Nov. T.-COIlN-FIrm ; No. I , J44ci !
No , 3 , S4c.
OATrt-KIrm ; No , 3 while. J70l7Uc.
HYlV-FIrm ; No. 2 , SJiiflJCv.- .
WHIfilCY Market steady : finished t oda on
tlio bail uf tl.18 for IdKli wines.
IlicniITa-Corn. : 19,250 tin. ; ti.-xti , 15.CJO bui. ;
r > 't' . none : ivhliky , 75 g.ili : wheat , COO but.
HIIII'MBNTS Corn. 11,350 bus. ; onU , IK.KA
bu > . ; ry , K9 bu . ; whltky , 1,777 pil . ; uheut ,
1MO bu .
Oil Clt > Market.
OIL CITY , Nov. 7. Credit balances. JI.IT ; cer
tificates , no bld ; fhtprneuts , 101.HI Lbli , ; ruim ,
Wheat Was Extremely Errotio Within ft
Brief Range ,
I'Vellnu ; Developed \Vnsj Stiineivlint
in : ler Under Cent-nil liiiliiiidlnu ;
and ' 1'nKlnu ; of 1'rollt * unit Tbeii
Selllnu ; I'renntiri *
CHICAGO , Nov. 7. Wheat was extremely
ernitlc today , within Hie rnnw , and clonnl
I > I'itctlenlly iinchanired. Corn tind oata
moved over ' .jo rnmjc , closltiK V e lower
tml "Ac ItlKhcr respectively. Provisions
Improved sllRhtly , pork ndvanced lOc and
lard and ribs 2'jc each.
Thcro waa n KOOI ! trade nnd nn netlve ,
broad market In wheat. The fcellnB de
veloped wns Bomewliat easier under fiin-
cral unloading nnd taking of proMtx and
after this selllnK precsnre ccunotl thu mar
ket a pi 1 11 turned up , selling to " ' . " .te for
December and SIHc for May , with Html
Hhou-IiiK little chnnRC. The action
of the market was due partially to Liv
erpool advices , the advance there not coinIng -
Ing tip to expectations , conslderltiK the
bulge here yesterday. Spot was quoted
at 2d tip , nnd futures Hid to 2d hlglur.
Argentine shipments weru larger , at 12J.OOO
Int. . against M.OOO bu. for the same week
last year. On the other hand , the north
western movement wan smaller than last
werk nnd n year ago , and Minneapolis
repotted the sale of 40,000 barrels , which
tended to strengthen the situation. The
rice was also helped by the sale of 7.0.0W
bu. N'o. 2 red here at "c over Utvember
price , f. o. li. , and then the demand for
cash , In n car lot way , was good and cut
considerable figure with the action of the
speculative market. The market was
rushed tip on the report that Hrndstrt-et's
figured the cxportnblu surplus for the re
maining eight months at r-,000OOO Im. Clos
ing continental cables were very strong.
The market receded some , duo to free sell
ing for New York nnd St. Ixnils account ,
there being general realizing , nnd this wns
due , possibly , to the rather bad New York
bank statement. Exports weru moderate
at 20I.OW ) bu. , of which 1C2.000 bu. was In
Hour. Outside markets were- firm , north
western receipts were 773 cars , against
l.Ul cars last year. Local receipts were
12"J cars , or which 12 cars were of contract
grade. December opent-d from < ic to > 4c
higher nt from "S'.ic to 7Sie. declined rapIdly -
Idly to 77lic , advanced to 7UV-C , nnd de
clined on liberal realizing to 7S"jc " at the
close , a shade higher than Krlday.
Corn was rather heavy and business far
from netlve. In the end It was from
Sc to lie below for May and ' , ic lower
for December than on the day before. The
range In May wan ftom 2t .4c at the open
ing. down to 2Sie , with 2S'je the closing
llgures. Liverpool was firm at ' ,41 ! ad
vance. A fair cash demand was reported.
In oats the easy feeling nt the opening
was supplanted by considerable strength
and Independence of wheat , based chlelly
on liberal cash demand. Shorts covered
and some outside buying was noted. May
opened a shade higher nt from 22'ic to 22\c ,
sold at 22'4c. ' advanced to SIlJc and closing
with sellers at 2-c.
Provisions were weak during the greater
part of the session , but near the end a
few buying orders appeared , closing prices
for pork being lOc higher , nnd lard and film
2V c melt.
Ustlmated receipts for Monday : Wheat ,
79 earn : corn , 200 cars ; oats , 150 cars ; hogs ,
SS.OOO head.
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
77W 74 77
8KW > 774 ! 7w > 4
t4 > j 82H S'JJi
2fiM 24 ! < 24 H
S.1UWH JSS' ' 25H JiH
21I > 4H ! < - ' [ > ! < VSJ1 JWi
IfiW IPX 1S ! { 1R4
IDKirtM 1UH 1UHM' ( 1'JM
0 1P5 7 05 0 CIO 7 05
7 SO 7 nr 7 s-0 7 US
' '
H''S 8 10 U -'S
4 10 4 OS I 10
4 l7 ! > i 4 asw 4 S7 * 4 H2U
4 0-JW 4 67 4 CO 4 67H
3 1)5 ) 3 07K 3 OS 3 07
3 87W 3 | IO H. 5 t < U
4 II ) 4 PJW 4 07Mi
Cash ( luotatlono wore as .unuivn :
PLOl'lt Firm ; hnnl fprlng piitents. tl.004.25 :
soft spring ixitcnts , t3.9DQ4.U ; liakcrs , fi.W(3.W.
\VHI2AT-No. 1 fprlng. 77' , 7J4c ! ; No. 3 spring.
70ff7c ; No. 2 red. S3VjBS4'/ic.
fOHN No. 2 , 2ii024 , c.
OATS-NO. 2. is c ; NO. z white , iaviC22Vtc
No. 3 white , Ifi20c. :
HYi : N < > . 2 , SCHc.
HAHLKV No. 1 , nominal ; No. 3 , 2133'c , t. o.
b. ; No. 4. 24i/27'c ' , f. o. b.
FLAXSICKD No. 1. 74'ic.
TIMOTHY SHKD Prime. f2.55.
PHOVISIONS Mes * pork , per bbl. , t7.05ft7.10 ;
lard , per leO Ibs. , t4.I ai.l2'.i ; short ribs , sides ,
loose. tl.37Hif74.uO ; dry salted shoulders , lioxed ,
tl. ( > irl.2J ; short clear sides , boxed , tU2HB4.25.
WHISKY Distillers' finished good * , per mil. .
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
ArtlclcV Receipt * . Shipments ,
Flour , bills. . . 0.7 Ifl . . HI , ' ,3(1 (
Coni.bu 217.fiOS
OatB , bii 31)11. ) 47.1
Hye.bu ,
Barley , bu. . . . UO.l-JO 81.019
On thel'rolucu oxcliiiifA toiivtlm butter
ket W.-IH quiet : creamer ' . I''iHHc
; dairy , l > < 2
lUc. Kfea , llrm ; fresh , 17K < J. Cheuse , Htcady ;
Volume of IlilxIneNMVllM nil an Kx-
eeeIlnnl > Ilenvy Sen It * .
ROW YOIHC. Nov. 7. The volume of buslnefs
was upon nn extremely heavy scale for n half
holiday , reaching 31S.OOI ) shares , a reconl that
ban not lHken approached on any Saturday Klnce i
the Venezuelan encode. Airirresiiii-o irrtt , 'fi .na i
displayed all alon ? the line , with the brondunlni ;
tendency of the market , the eafe with which nil
offcrlnsa were obnurljed rxoltlne ceiKTal Inter-
eat and comment. The buying \S.IH larKfly by.
connnlsi'lon houn's , ami thu low-priced shares
were unusually prominent. Tnc upward nune-I
mcnt halted iirouml 11:30 : o'clock on the nppcar-
unco of the bank Rtntemcnt. showing a decrease
In tnu IriruI lenerve of J2Ui : ,823. Operators ho
Iind overlooked the fact of the heavy with-1
dniwal from the bankii In the early part of the
week were dUiippolnted nt the exhibit and Hold
n few clocks , but the offerlnK3 were taken with- i
i > ut u Hpjile and
the advance resumed with renewed - !
newed vlcor. There were a number of Inktances '
In which the beet figures recorded In the present
rise were reached , lliaructerlitlrnlly wide Hue- !
tuntluim occurred In the i-perlaltlcH. Jletropol- !
I tnu Traction exceptionally jumped 4 ! : per cent , I
reacting a point later. Consolidated Can gained i
3 i > cr cent , and other eubntnntlal Impruvementii
wtro recorded , dei-plte u further advance la Bter-
lliur cxchanRe. The trading wait well dlntrlh-
uled , with , IleadlimKt. . I'nul am ! liur-
HliKton recordlni ! ' the heaviest dealings. The ad-
vancen In active Kliaren extended i 2 per cent
In KiiKar. Manhattan In thu early operations
rose 2 per cent , but later developed Irregularity. I
closing Ji,4 per cent hlKher. The market left oft
Htrong in about the best prices. The Mock i-pec- j I
ulatlon of the week was animated and many
Htlrrlng phases were pretented , aiirf .il\e' | '
strrnKth and extreme activity marking the deal-1
lnB . pivotal f.ictor In the market wns tha
chati o In the general htiBlnexii and financial
outlet and complete abatement of monetary !
Btrtnuency. i
Iteports on every side of the starting of In
dustrial and mercantile operation * on a largo
ncali * . anil further animated speculation in the
cereal markets , encouniKCd expectation of Im
pending radical Improvement In the earning of
the rallronds'nnd stimulated enormous jiurehate.i
of our stocks and bonds for local and forclKii ,
account , nnd the shorts were scattered In nil
direction" . The return to normal ( Inures for call
and time monetary accommodatluna and a cun- ;
BiMiuem levlved Inquiry fur mercantile paper , i
caused cncourngpment In and out of Wall street
and the furore with which the stock market I
opened on Wednesday morning wns dramatic In
point of nnttclpatory Interest. In the money
nmikcts movements have been brisker than slnco
the Venezuelan episode. On Monday call money-
had been i .oar at 97 per cent , and time funds
were practically unobtainable fur short period * ,
while there wns no market for mercantile paper.
Uito In the werk call money fell tu 3',1 per cent I
and llmo money was In nbundant supply , nt as
low as S per cent for all periods , while prime- ,
mercantile paper was readily discounted nt from
6 to 7 per cent. An Interesting development wns
HIP complete disappearance of the premium on '
Bold , and the anxiety of the people , who had I
previously withdrawn the coin , to exclmnco It '
for currency. Heavy accumulations of gold at
tlio banks , owing f > the refusal of the sublrcas-
ury otllcl.ils to receive It except subject to tem
porary delay , arc expected to result In payments
of clearing house balances , and ut the custom
lioiire. In the yellow coin.
\Ycdnejilny the cxchans * market broke 2o for
nctiiM nnd lo for posted sterling inulrr the
ofTcrlniu of exchange that bail previously been
hoarded , but during the latter part of Ihu week ,
partly nn the ease In money here nnd Its harden.
Ine tendency abroad , and particularly ft" n result
nf payments for Bold ly Importers mid cover
ings by tliortt , the mnikct advance.I . sharply.
Th closing figures were ut Jl.iMi to J.Ui ! for
Actual demand und II.S2' , , nnd Jl.62 for sixty
day bills. Iluy Stnto ( las was n contplruous
nenro of itrength on the settlement between the
cunfllcllnic Interests nnd coniequtnt dlsclinrge
f the receiver. The unexpei tdl ilcclarrttlun
of n dividend of 4 per cenVpn , Tobacco common
wn followed by an erratic 10 point movement ,
the distrust entertained of th manipulators by
the street precluding n Mifft < < fill marketing of
stork by Inftl'ter * n' ImJ. , .been anticipated.
Prices ( enet-nlly Mm-timleif , violently , the early
top level reconllng gains , over the preceding
week's close of 4 tn 10 per cent , the lust In Sinrnr.
A sharp reaction In prices occurred Thursday on
icflllaatlcns , partly ln plrert liy unfounded flock
jobbing alarmist reports. MIL t lip market steadied
later anil most of the declines were recovered.
Home stocks had the befit Trices tecorded In
thu present movement nt tric.clpee. The railway
bond market developed nipjrevtve strength on
enormous denllmrs , with levels ! Inquiry for the
bunds of recently reorganized rninimnles. Oov-
ernmrnl bonds were also yliaAlve demand nnd
advanced materially nn largt Invesltnent orders.
A feature of tin- market In the midweek dealIngs -
Ings was n break of 2V wr cent In sliver cer
tificates to CJ'ic. ' The decline wns subsequently
The Mock markets left off strong at net gains
of from 3 to S per cent , with the granKers ,
southwestern * nnd Industrials leading. Tne ag-
Kreirnte sales were 2.00S.OM shnres. Tlie bond
market during the week displayed buoyancy en
hvnvy trnnrnctloni. Including all varieties of
mortgages , foreign houses purchasing larso
locks of the lending Issues. Hendlng and
Atchlson mortgages were the lenders In nctlvlly.
The final prices were nt about the best of the
week , recording gains of from 3 to 7 per cent
In the prlnrlpnl Issues. The total sale * ; were
tl4.674.COO. Oovernmcnt bonds were active nn a
revival of the Investment demand. The new 4 *
rose 3H per cent and oilier Issues from Hi to 2
per cent. The silcs were tJ39.000. Silver certifi
cates were pre. ed for sale during the early
part of the week and yielded 3 per cent to
(34 , but rallied later to KHJ. The dealings
amounted to J.1l2.0fO.
The Kvonlnic Post's London cablegram fays ;
The stock markels were nulet loday In view of
the cenornl settlement which will commence
Tuesday , when stiff money rates nre expected.
The lime was very good. Americans were buoy
ant at thn best. Co.lsols were 110
The following were the closing quotation * ! on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
AtClllHOII . . . . . . luliiS . Y. . 0
ArtnniR Kx . ISO IN. Y. AN. n . 0fil' <
Al'on.T II . 57 Ontario AV . fil'K. J
Am. KxnrnsH . Ill lOreeoii bill ) . m
HnltlinoreAOhio. lll'4 'Orcjon Niv ; .
Cnnmln I'acltlc. . . . M-H O. S. TJ. .V U. N .
C.tnnnaSouthnra. . fiO > M > .iclflo Mall . J3X ,
reutral 1'acllle. . . . ISU'l-eomfVc. .V K. . .
riico. A otilu . 17 | I'lttsbure
Chlc.ico V Alton. . 111 ! ! Pullman Paiaeo.ii Kill
C. . U. .VO . Kit Rc.idlinr
ridcaco Uai 7S U. O. XV is
U O.V | , M 10
P. C. . J. A St. L. . . HOCK Island
Colo. Coai .V Iron. St. Paul
Cotton OH Uort. . . . do pro.
Delaware b Hud. .
Iel..Lauk..t . . . do nfd.
1) . iH.U. pfd . . . . , Southern 1'acifla. . 14
KaHtTcnn . 17 ( ilSuarUoHnerv. . . .
Krlo . 3si Tenn. coal fclroa
rtontd . 22 TetaiPaclflc ' '
KortWavno . l.lll T. &o.Cent. Did. . . fo'T'
11. Nortliorn pfd. . . IIS Union Pnclnc
C. ka. I. nfrt . U.I U. S. Kxuresi
Hcclilns Vallov. . . 17K XV. St. 1 * ttV
Illlnolx Ccntr.ll. . . UU XV. SL L ft P. nf.l
SI. ! > . . ( Diiluui. . . . 22 Wells K.irvn Kx. . .
K. .VT.uM . 2tiJ < W.-Htern Union. . . .
LakoKrloAVost. . lUHi Wliccllnir AL B. .
donfi ! . T''hl ilo Pfd
LakeShore . ISO'tlM.AML L
I.eail Trust . OI D..VII. (5 in
LoulHVUIc. .V N. . . . 0214 O. K
I. . AN. A . 1 N. L
Manhattan Ton. . . 01)4 C. P. .VI i'.l
'McmnhlH.v 0. . . . Ifl "do nfn I'll
Mlcliie-iinC'cnt. . . . f)4 ) T. St. UtcK. C. . . . '
MUhonrl ranlflo. . SSH.T. St. L. * K.C. pfi It )
Mobile , t Ohio. . „ ! M S. U. H ion . Ort 's. ' U.H .fd Jim
National CorJauj f > H Ain Tob. Cede SO'i
Nat. Cord.iire nf J. do nfd 10.1
N.J. Central . 107 i .VO. Co. . . DO
N.A W. nfd . IH licom'l Cabin Co. . 1.VI
North Am. Co . iM ! Am.jiiiK.iriifil. . . . 10- . '
Northern I'.iolllo. 1S)4 tl. S. Conlaira etl
N. 1'acillc nfd . ' . ' 3 | U. S. Irf.-ithur pfd
IT. P.O. i II . SHIU. S.lubt > * p .
Northwestern . 10lJ'tI.S , ' UubberpM. 71" "
doufd . 147 I
1bld. 'ofTerrd.
Total sales of stocks tally were 33R.W > shares.
Including the following : American Tobacco. r.3i.O ;
American Sugar. 43.KO ; UiirllliKtun K Qiilncy ,
21,31)0 ; Chicago ( ias , ! iH , ) ; riOUls\'HI' * N'nsbvllle ,
I'.cOO ; Manhattan. 2.W ) N. Y.
. ; , H. & \Y. prx > -
fcrreil. 3 , & ) ; Nurtheni Pnclllu preferrt-d , fi.100 ;
Ontario & \Veslcrn. r..00i ) : iHiiidlnK. 3.1.4' ' > ; Hock
Island. 10.300 ; Ht. 1'nill , S4.SOO ; Tenneswe Coal
nnd Iron. 0,200 : Union I'nclllc. 9.100 ; Western
t'nlon , 10.POO ; Southern railroad. 3,3t ; Southern
railroad prefeircd , D.SOO.
X * w Vnrlc'Sloin'y.
4 per cent ; last loan , 5 ptr cent ; closed , & per
1'lil.Mi : MKHCANTIU : l'Al Iill-eB7 per cent.
HVKHI.INO iXCHANai-Kti\mg nnd hlRher.
with actual business In hanker. , ' hills nt Jl. Wi
t4. H for demand nnd Jl.WUI.SI'i for sixty
days ; polled rates , Jl. 2gi.53 and J4.UUQ4.1U ;
commercial bills , J4.SO'i. '
MIIXICAN lOM.AUS-I05icVcertincntc : ! ! , C5't
' '
KONDS-.terfJy ( : state bonds ,
firm ; irovernment bonds , flrm ,
Closing quotations on bond * were as follows :
U.S. 4H. rcir. now I''U c , . . . . "iiii
U.S. 4NCJUU.IIUW ISO D. Aill. O. 78
U. S. 6s. re ; . . . . um 1) . .V It. O. 41 . l'0l ' (
U. S. 61. coup. . . nm Krln''iln . tlSH
( ! . II. .tS. A , IH. . . ll ) > l > (
U.S. IB. caiiu. . , Hill tl. K. ft S. A. 7s. . . llltl
iU.S.'JB.POff. . . . or 11. ftT.O. ra . nn
ll'acltlcOiot ' 0 . . 101 do On . U7K
Ala. , clan A. . . . 101 M..K..VT. IslH. H2VJ
AI.-I. . class U. . . . lot do''d 4s . 110
Aia..olas < i O . . . . 1)5 ) Mmim Union ( In. . 107
Aln. CiirrAtioy. . . 113 N. J.C. Oen. St. . . . 111 !
La. New Con. 41. . 1)3 No. Pacltlo IHU. . . 1K > U
101) 113U
N. C.II3 . 114 N. W. Consoli . inm :
N. C.-45 . US dos. P. Deb. ,1i. 105
S.C. nonfand. . . . IS. G. Woil. iHti. . . 7fl
Tonn.nmv sot 01. St. 1 . CoimolH 7 > . 120
Tcnn. nnw not 3i. 101) ) UoO. .VP. W. 5i. irttj
f Tenn. old OB . no St. L. , V I. M.Oon .1 . 7(1 (
Va. Centurtoi , . . . inHH St.Ij..VS. F.lio.i.-l. 1II3H
iloileforretl . HH TuxasPac. iHtt . . S7
Atchlfion IH. . . . . . "on TIIX.IHP.IC. adi. . . 21
Atcnlhon''d A. . . . U. '
4m P. UMoC'ilJ. . . . ins !
Camilla So. ' 'di. . . 1021. Wont Shore 4s . Ill
L..VN. unlllinl is. HO O. u. iN. l u. . . . 111) )
Southern fit . U1M N. Pao. ; ldi . 73
Ibid , offered.
IlONtnii Stock IliiotatloiiN.
HOSTON. Nov. T.-Call loaiiB. 0 7 per cent :
time , loans , 0 7 per c'.Mit. Cioiliif urloos for
Blocks , bonds and mliiln ? Hlianm :
A.T. A.S. t" Went Kud nfd 8fi
Am. WcHtlnch. Klcc. . . .
Am. Suyar pfd. , . . 1USM W. Kleo. nfj 4K !
Ilav St.ito O.-IB Wts.
Hell Tolophouo. . . 210 Ed. KIPC. Ill 135
lioblon .V Albany. 207 Atchlson 2d
Hohton.v.Malno. . lUil Atchlson is
C.H. AU hll ; < Allotioz Mlnlnff OJ SI )
Kltchburir oa All.tntlc
Gen. Eh-clnc : oaui Uosloii.tMoiitiai ua
Illtnom Steel sn , Hutlo.Vlloiton. . . .
Mexican Central. . n Calumet A Hocli. . 32.1
N Y. iN. K 17rt Franlillu
OldColouv 178 Kuarsirjo
On ; . Short Lino. . . . Oienola
Ituboer. Oiilncy 109
Union IMclua IS Tamarack 101
Went End 70 Wolvurlno 71.
Can. 1'aclQc Ul ! N. Y. Central 8l !
Krle 17tVI'uliiiH i'vttiu : 6SH
llrlulhtnM : i ) iiUclitlln-l HiK ,
111. Central I'll ' iMMt. Uen. now -it. . 7H
HAH 8ILVKII-M 15-ICd pr ouE
MONliY-3H$3i per cent , . ,
The rate of discount In 'llio Yipen market for
short and three months' bVsG'3i ( / ! per cent.
> < York . Iliilni ( ilKilntliiiiN ,
NK\V \ YOUK. Nov.Thoi JuUuwlntf are the ' i
closing mining iiuo'jillouu : < t > 1 I
Bulwvr 10 ODlHi.1. . . 110"
Con. Cal. A Va.
. . . liu tl'lviuoma "ll
DeadvvooJ 113 UtihttMrvur 1110
Oould A Curry. . . . . to OiilMrMlvcr pf.l..12110
Hal .VNururo3i. ! . 115 Slo r.\'Nnv.irii. ' : . . . . DO
HimienlaUu 20 0 SuuManiCoii 12fl
Ironsiivcr 3.1 UulunCoa 4H
Ontario. . , . 700 YclluwjJacnot. . . . 4a
lasUwl. offured.
I'tlllllH'llll iNllIfM.
HOSTON , Nov. " . Clcnrlllgs1. 'tlO,832.3S3 ' ; bal
ances , Jl.CiC.MI. '
HALTIMOIti : . Nov. 7-Clearlngs , t2CI7.970 ; i
balances , f273o.1. I
I'HH.ADIII.I'IIIA. Nov. 7 , Clearlnga. t9 , J- '
137 ; bahinces , tl.400,223.
CII1CAOO , Nov. 7-ClenrlfiSB , tII,03K7 ! : Iml-
iinceH , tl.4S2.lEO ; money , 7 per cent ; exchange ,
nrm ; bank\ > ' sterling , JI.M'.i nnd JI.S.'i , ; .
HT. IXJUIS , Nov. T.-ClrarlnK > . t3o )0l l ; lm | .
anci'H , J137.Hi ; money , Clji per cent : New York
excluinge , 11.23 discount bid ; tl dlwxmnt avked.
KVJVf YOIHC. Nov. 7.-ClenrlliBS , I112.SID.OW ;
balances. t1,2 > ! .40J. ( The exports of twelc |
from iho port of New York for the week
amount to CCO In gold and IMXI & 0 > In silver. The
Import * were : dold. IJ.O.'O.oaJ ; Mlver. tlv,310 ; dry
KCKMl , tlOI2,773 ; fii-nerol meru.iandliv , JO,271,177.
I'irluii KlmilHtlnl.
IliilLIN , Nov. 7 , nxchange on London , eight
days' sight , 20 marks 361S pfg ,
TAHIH , Nov. 7. Three per cent rentes , ! 0 f
7ic far the account ; exchange on I < ondon , It ? i\ic \
tor checks ,
LONDON. Nov. 7 Clnld Is ouoM at Iluenns
Ayres today nt UO.W ; Madrid , 1 .2J ; LUbon , 31 ;
Home ,
\Veok Winds Un with Very Light Receipts
| ! IITM TnUe llvorj-lltlnu ; OITereil nl
( loud I'rleex llun-i Cluwc Slrnnu ;
\\itli n I'Ue-Cenl Advance
for the DIIJ .
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. 7.-Ilccelit3 | for
Hie dnyi Indicated weru :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
November 7 1.4IS 2 , ; > 55
November 0 1SM n.0.'l ' S.VS 1
November S CI3 3,70) C19
November 1 3 S 2,713 l.OIS
November 3 f.12 lKa " 33
November 2 2.3M 1.M3 3i2 SI
October 31 1.M1 3.0IG 24,1
October 30 1,737 l.l'ft I.OiW
October 29 2.ROI 3,7tG S57
October 2S I.SSo 3,911 3.f 1
Tlie olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs.
O. & St. I. , lly 3
Tnlon rnellle system 2tl 11
C. & N. W. Hy I
It. .1 M. U. H. U 15 H !
C. . H. .t Q. lly 12 -I
C. . U. I. A : P. Hy. , east 2
C. . H. I. it P. Hy. , west 1
C. , St. P. , M. * O. P.y 4 -I
R. 13. ci M. V. 11. It fi
Total receipts 63 45
The dlsno.sltlon of the day's receipts wns
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Htiyora. Cattle. Hogs.
The O. H Hammond Co 31 SIS
Swift nnd Company Cftl 700
The Ctidahy Packing Co 211 1,133
It. Decker and Di'gan 3. . . . .
Vaiisant , t Co 3 . . . .
J. L. Carey 27
\V. I. Stephens 0
Hcntoti & Underwood 7
Nelson Morris , Chicago , II. . . . XI
CiidahY 331
Sperry & llarnus 277
Other Iluyem 75 &
Total 1,11- 2K3
The receipts for the week with com-
parl.sotiH , were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Past week 15,472 13,7fi7 S.l'.if !
Previous week 1S.772 21,473 12,3iO
A year ago 12,972 22i93 'AOI2
OATTW3 Today's cattle run was the
largest of the week rlnco slunday , and still
there were not enough cattle hero lo make
tmteh of n test of the market. After de
ducting the cattle consigned direct to pack
ers there were only 1,100 head left on sale ,
the most of which , were westerns. There
was one train of Oregon heifers , 430 head ,
which constituted almost one-half of all
miiaino on sate.
The market was strong nnd active on
killing cattle of nil kinds , nnd the offer-
liifs were not long In changing hands. A
two-load liuncll of common native meers
cold lit J3.50. and the range steers brought
$ : i.33J 3.33. The train of western heifers re
ferred to above sold at S'l.Gri. and the bulk
of the cow stuff at fJ.COur..v ) .
They mere no stocki-rs and feeders In
the yard to amount to anything a few
yeatterlng loads nnd a few odds and ends.
but everything Hold and at ioud , steady
Thu past week as regard. * the rattle
Itade has been different from anything
experienced In some time. It ml .t nlmof-i
Im cMlleil a. holiday week. On Monday
there was n very fair HIM s : e.'iitle and
the shippers slopped tlio cattle from com
ing until the market should bu settled
down after election , and the wenk has
come to nn end before the cattle got
started again. A guod run Is atillclnatrd
for the coming week , as shippers are likely
to all commence forwarding ngaln at tl-e
s. line time. As to values on killing cattle
the past wei'k has witnessed pomn llttb-
Improvement , especially In the case of
butchers' stock. There were BO few cattle
here that If a buyer wanted a load or t.v\o
to make a killing he had to settle for them ,
and ns a result porno c.ittlo Imve sold
pretty high as compared with values of
the previous week. Shipper * can hardly
depend upon the permanency of nn ad-
vnnco brought about under such condi
tions , nnd It would not be WF | to count
upon obtaining the prices paid for killing
cattle the i > ast few days , especially for
cow stuff. Very little business has been
transacted In the feeder nnd stoeker di
vision. Operators Jmvo been walling until
tl'.rro were more cattle and until business
had settled down to the normal. The few
received the past week have sold , but
thr-rt ) Im * been no material advance In
values. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Tr.
1 . . . .1310 J3 W . . . . 1213 J3 CO
9. . . . f03 150 1..IOIO 250 2..11M 270
1..1120 173 1..10CO 2 M 1..I049 275
2. . . . 025 IK 1..10UO 250 10. . . . S3S 275
C..1075 220 1. . . . kW 2W 1..13IO 325
L. . . Wi > 220
1. . . . 770 I 10 1.ISO 2 40 23. . . . CU 2 W
1. . . . 710 240 4. . . . M7 255 I. , . . 630 2 CO
1..11SO 185 1..11CO 223 1..12SO 245
1..I520 2 15 1..1250 2 10 1..1S70 3 CO
1..1310 2 20
1. . . . 200 300 1. . . . 149 523 1. . . . ICO C 25
1. . . . 210 325
1. . . . 740 263 20. . . . 539 323 3. . . . CS3 333
1..HC0 3iO 2. . . . 4S5 323 6. . . . 730 340
No. Tr.
1 cow nnd calf . J25.00
1 cow and calf . 35.CO
1 cow nnd calf . 2S.OO
1 cow nnd calf . 40.IX )
1 cow nnd cnlf . 33.00
1 cow and calf . 45.00
No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
1 bull . 1230 J2 15 1 heifer . 810 J3 25
llnill . 1330 250 22 feeders - 1003 330
1 cow 12W 2 50 20 Hteers . .1123 3 40
5 ecnvx 1131 2 TJ 19 steers .1380 3 50
1 cow lOliO S 10 fi bteem .12112 350
I cow 1WO 30) 21 httvru .1220 3 50
9 co\v 103S 3 10 . .1123 350
4 cows HOT 3 15 21 Hecr.-i. , . ! | 350
C H leers 1110 3 15 22 steers. .1233 350
L. Salsbury.
20 steers 1171 3 DO
M. K. Parsons.
120 heifers. . . . 017 3 05
1 feeder 710 2 S3 30 feeders. . . . 010 3 SO
2 bulls 12CO 175 27 feeders. . . . Ott 300
LU cou-H..1071 2 50 Icalf 2UO 4 23
C heifers CSI 2 90
Clark & Porter.
I bull IWO 1 3 heifers. , .1013 305
1 Lull 1WO 1 M 7 feeders. .103i 3 10
1 bull 1G40 200 3 steers. . .1183 3 35
12 heifers C21 250 3 eteers. . . .11(0 3 40
Sulrs , tig..1070 2 GO 1 Hteer. . . . .1300 3
4 coivs IOCS 2 r 14 ttecrs. . . . .1307 3 55
HOGS The week ended with a moderate run
of hogs nnd with nn Improved market , values
showing nn advance of about 5c. The demand
was good nnd the market active , after the trad
ing wns once commenced , nnd an early clearance
ance- was effected.
The best heavy hogs cold very largely nt J3.20 ,
with a few cxlremu heavy nnd rough loads as
low as J3.10. The medium weights sold princi
pally at J3.20j3.20 , nnd lights as high as J3.40.
While there has beiti moru doing with bogs
than with cattle the ] t week , the refHpts
were very light on inobt day and largo on no
days. The demand has been good , nnd the re-
celpto nil sold readily on arrival ut good prices ,
Thu week opened with values Just where they
wciu nt the opening of thu previous week : In
fact for throi ) weeks pndt thu inniket on Mon
days has been In Identically Ihu Kuno notch.
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week the
muikrt advance 1 and hugs cold nt the highest
average price plnce the middle of last month.
On Thursday and Friday prices dropped b.-ick ,
but recovered some of Iho IUHH on the last day
of the week , the week closing alxiut 5c lower
than It opened. Hepresentatlvu rales :
No Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. fill. IV.
C7. 1ST 200 J3 10 51. " . 'I 210 J ] 20
41. 363 2i 3 10 2VJ . . . 3 2214
33. ,3 'J ICO 3 IS 74. .297 . . . 3 22H
JSI. . . 3 15 74.CO. . .278 200 3 2214
53. .303 0 3 mi 7S. .250 120 3 2214
tl.M. . .311 M 3 17i ! 7S.K ! . .215 120 3 25
M. " ' 3 W .ISO 40 3 2"
,2S7 V ) 3 21 72. .2K3 325
C3. .201 3 21 Cl. .ill 10 3 2.- ,
4C. 320 . 18. 3 25
70. 20 ! 3S0 ! CS. .29i ICO 3 21
C'J. 200 3 20 02.CO. . 10 3 27"
.311 . . . 3 20 CO. . .274 ICO 3 30
511.W. . fO 3 20 60. . .221 ZDO 3 30
W. ICO 3 20 45. 3 SO
52.Cl. . ISO 320 111. .257 SO 330
Cl.ra. . to 3 ! 'l .273 . . 330
ra. .Ul .1 24 M.M. . ,80) , . . . 330
.275 bO 320 M. ,21' ) 120 3 30
M. .ST. 1 0 3 SO . 170 40 3 M
10. .29S 120 3 20 ca. 251 ICO 3 Si )
.318 . . . 320 210 40 3 3. * ,
11. 10 3 20 69. 211 1TO 3 33
54. . . . 320 3 : . . .n : 3 40
t 2M . . . 1 50 21. . SO 3 10
1 410 . . 3 10 3'J 70 3 10
5 Wi . . . 3 10 4 215 3 25
ni''ii'Tht.r | : < , were no bheep hero tu muko a
Trnde In MORI Wnn Active nt
Prler. .
O11H\VOO , Nov. 7. Trade In IIORS w s active
nt strotmer prices , i.ite * rnnRlnR at from J3.10
to } J.W , with the bulk of HIP trading nt J1.5S.
I.JUKP rrrrlpts of bet ( nre expected hero next
wcok. diolro bogs were at from lOo In no
hither than a week ago ,
IlMflptK off \ than M.OOO hend of sheep till * )
wr k hnvi * resulted In nn advance of frtmi 15o
to I.V In jhofi | and from 3.V to XV * In lambs.
Sale * nro now made on a bnM < f from Jl.SS tn
11.50 for Inferior sheep , up to from J .W to JJ.ti )
fnr prime Hooks. Thn bulk of the wi-stern rntiKO
shiH < p M-ll nt from It " ' to Jiff. IxiintK sell at
from P. K to 15. ehlrlly nt from H.5" t Jl to.
In cattle the week eliwd with tmtUe \ < ttt
steers solllmr on n basis of from ) to JJ K
for IHMT to prlntn lots , the Kenernl run bring
almui lOc lower than n week BKII. nlthoucli tin ?
weck'i receipts fixtt up but 3i > W head , ngiilnst
on.Mn ) l-rad I'ist year. The bulk of the cattle rrll
nt from Jl. tit Jl.SS. l.URer receipts are ex
pected next week.
Hocrlpl.i. 11 ok15.00i > head : cattle , 3,000 head :
sheep , ! .5eO head.
Kniiini City Iilvc Stueti ,
KANSAS riTV. Nov. 7.PA1TI.Kvolptii. .
l.r'M head ; shipments , t.200 head. Market steady ;
only retail market.
lions * Heoelpts. S.K head : shipments. 100
h'rt. I. Market steady to tlrm ; bulk of s.ilr * .
J3.20f3.3.1 : lintvy , J.t.l W.35 : p.ii'ker' . JX15 l3.3i ) ;
mined , l.2c ? J.4n ; llRl-f. J32frt : o Vo ker * . Jl.rotf
3.10 ; plK > . J3.054T3.25.
SIII3IU1 Itocclpts , none ; shipments , 1,700 head.
No market.
Stool.Iti Sight.
Hpcord of receipts of live stock at the four
principal markets Noveinlx-r 7 , 1KH1 :
Cattle , llecs. Sheep.
South Omaha . I.4M ! , nvi .
Chleago . 3oi ) 15,000 2.500 .
Knnsas City . l.ooi ) 5,000 .
St. Ixmls . 3,003,000 50. . )
Totals . S.I3S 25,955 3.0i)0 )
St. l.onli ll\e StoeU- .
KT. 1X5PIS , Nov. 7. CATTt.K llecelpts. 3.000
bend : steady.
HOUS Hecflpts. 3li ( bend ; netlve. 5c higher ;
Yoikers. J3.S5y3.43 ; packers , J3.25U3.45 ; heavy.
SlinUl'-llecelpts. tOO ; steady.
I'olTee Market.
NP.W YOHK , Nov. 7. rOKPKK Optlnni
opened barely steady at MflO points decline on
InrKcr Hr.ulllan movement ; ndvanred on local
supliort nnd ll.iltlnioti * buying : turned easier nn
lliiuldatlnn ; closed uraU at 5 point * decline to 5
points ndinnci * : sah-s. H.OiiO bngK. Including
March. JH.50 lo.oo ; poremlwr , J9.Wffin.05. Sinit
cetToe. Itlo , market quirt ; No. 7. Involiv. JIO.S-1 ;
johhlng. } 11.37'j. Mild , iiulet : Cordova. Il.VOOt/i
I7.W. Totul wnivhnure dtllvcrles fnun the tlnlted
Stales. 10.S50 liugs. Including 9.251 IUKS fmm
New ' York : New York stork today. 212.171 baxs ;
I'nlted States stock. 2Pi SV , IHIKS ; nllnat for tin *
t'nlted Stales 433.r > V ) IUIKK ; total visible supply
for the United Stairs. C'il.M'J hags , agaliut 517.-
W Irnss last year.
SANTOS. Nov. 7.-OOWIJK Steady ; good nv-
croKe Santo , ! 3.20i } ri-ls ; n-ce.pts , Jt.KX ( ) lags ;
ft'H'k , . ' ! ? . ! * * ! linKS.
HAMIIPltll. Nov. 7.rol.FiiQulet ; HS's
pfp. dpcllnc : sales. 7.CW bugs.
HID. Nov. 7. YU-TiB : Steady ; No. 7 Itlo. 12.-
V ) n > ls ; exciniiKP. : S'l ' ; receipts. 10. no * b.iirs :
clenrrd. for th < - tnlted ! States. lO.Ono lugs ; for
Kurope. 9.CCO bags ; slock. 309.100 bass.
XIMV ViirliVliinf Mnrl > t.
Ni\V YOHK. Nov. 7. Wheat got within
of the year's highest point this morning , nnd
thru Ml for want of support. The built woru
much In evidence , drspltifolcUn tclllni ; nnd n
rather llm array of helpful m > ws. The action
created n wave of bull etcltoiurnt
among bull traders. but the tempta
tion lo accept prollts tlnally upt tholr
plans , nftcr their plans nboiit prices had
boon c.irrit-d up n good bit. The break came
In the last quarter of nn hour. December
dmppod nharply to tr. e and on tin * curb to
M > c , and conForx'atlvp traders refucod to buy
on the ndvnnro. Most of the Inlying was by
shells nnd local trmlers. The news roiiplsli-,1 nf
strong LlveriuHd nnd Ilorlln cabins , light spilng
wheat receipts , llboral weekly oxpoits and strong
Paelllr coast maiketi * . DoalliiKs In futures dur
ing the morning footed up 4.47U.OOO bu.
London Weekly Crnlil HCMV. | .
IX1NI > ON. Nov. 7. The weather during fie
past week has licen favorable nnd farm work
has boon making good progress. In the inaikot
wlioat moved In unl < on with Amorlcn In prlro ,
nnd the price remained strong to 2s M minium.
It wns aftorwnrd Irregular nnd unrortaln , but
rallied today. wJien lop prloos wore atraln
quutod. Iluslnrss wns fairly netlve nnd
oM-ratnrs | were hopeful. Whont , Si-ptoinlMT.
was quoted nt SCs. Norlh ostorii FprlUK
wheat , parcels prompt delivery , wns
fiuoted nt 33s 9d. I lour \\as stronir. M.ilzoiis
llrm. American mixed wns hardly offered.
eels were quoted nl 13s 9d. Itarley was very
firm. Oats were flrm. American clipped oats.
November and December , were quoted at lls 3d.
ICiuiMiiH City MnrketM.
KANRAS CITY. Nox7. . WHBAT Hnnl. nom
inally nbout 2c lower ; red sold nt nn ndvanco of
f < c ; offerings llxht : No. 2 hard , nominally. 71i72c :
No. 3. nominally. C71f70o ; No. 2 rod. fsc : No. 3 ,
S2ffSlc ; No. 2 Fprlng. nomlnnlly , 70c : No. 3 , TV.
lVtN ! He higher nnd nrtlvo ; No. 2 mixed ,
19'ifr2Ho : No. 2 whlto. 22Uf22'c.
OATJV Dull ; unrhnngril ; No. 2 mixed , nom
inally. IlkNo. ; . 2 white , old. nominally 21j23c ;
now. nominally I7iSc. !
IIYI1 Klnii : No. S , nominally 3lc.
HAY Steady ; unchancod.
IIUTTKIl Klrm : creamery , 1581Cc ; dairy , 100
IX1GS Vcr > ' firm ; 15c.
NRW YOHK. Nov. 7. Sl'OAIl Haw , stronger ;
fair refining. 2c ; contrlfuiral , 90 tesl , 3ic. lle-
nned. strong ; standard "A. " 4Uc : confectlnnerH'
"A , " 4S c ; cut loaf , Oc : crushed , 5o ; granulated ,
IlONDON. Nov. 7. SUdAH Cnno , quiet but
dull ; Java , 10s 10i-t ; Muscoxndo , fair rrllnlng.
9s 9'4d. Heel sugar , firm anil dear ; Nuvembvr ,
9s HI ] ; December , 9s 4Vjd.
Ciittiin .Mnrkrt.
NEW YOHK. Nov. 7. CK > TTON3ulot ; mid-
steady ; middling. "He ; low middling , 75-lCc ;
coed ordinary , 0 15-16c.
FT. Ixll'IS Nov. 7. COTTON Steady : mid
dling 7V- ; pales , 4W bales ; receipts. 3.733 bales ;
shipments. 31 ! ' bales : slock , 32.0I.J bales.
MliiiieiiiinllNVlient. .
November. 77'ic ; Ilocember. 7S\iC : May , SH.c : on
track , No. 1 hnnl. Wo : No. 1 northern , 79'.4c ;
No. 2 northern , 77'4c ; receipts , 503 cars.
Krlxon AVIiont.
SAN FIlANriSro , Nov. 7. WHEAT I'lrm :
December. 51.4C'May ; , $1.6314.
Di-ntliN of it Day.
PHUnY , Okl. , Nov. 7. David Dodge , a
well known western lawyer , who for many
year-.l practiced law at St. Joseph , Mo. , waa
found ded In a chair here this morning.
Ho doubtlcui succumbed to heart disease.
Dodge was reared In PouRhkcepsle , N. Y.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 7. J. Waldo , one of the
eomtnnilssloners of tlio Southwestern
Passenger association , died at the
Southern hotel this forenoon. liu
had been 111 but for a few days.
Mr. Waldo for many years has been promi
nent In southern railroad circles. In 1SS3
ho was made traffic manager of the Oal-
veston. I iPortu & Ilnuxtnn railroad. Two
years later ho succeeded to the vice presi
dency of this road. Ho occupied this posi
tion tinjtll 1SS9 , when he was made first
vice president of the Missouri , Kansas &
Texas railroad. In 1S91 ho wan made presi
dent of the Galveston.'orto & Houston.
Hu wii.s 57 years old and leaves a widow and
several children.
NB\V YOHK , Nov. 7. Lewis Iloas , ono of
the owners of the Hamburg-American
Packet line , died suddenly today. Ho was
78 years of ago. Ills eon , Lewis Unas , Is
ngont for the line In this city. Death wan
duo to heart disease.
PAHIS , Nov. 7. Mgr. Maurice lo Sago
d'Haiitcrochc d'Hul. who represented ono
of the divisions of Until In tile Chamber
of Deputies and who waa rector of thu Cath
olic Inatltuto of Paris , a prelate of the hotmo
ofthe pope , honorary vicar general of the
dlocceu of Paris , etc. . In dead. Ho wns born
In 1S41 anil ( Irat entered the Chamber of
Deputies In 18U2 , succeeding thu late Myr.
Kfcphul , bishop of Angers.
Trouble * In tin * lliinlneHH World.
IJOSTON , Nov. 7. William II. TroworRy.
lumber dealer of this city , has filed a
voluntary plea of Insolvency , caused by tlio
failure of thu Portsmouth Lumber Manu
facturing company , to which ho had ad
vanced money. Hln liabilities are scheduled
at $304,433. His assets uro not yet known ,
but consist of real e.itatc , personal property ,
stock , otc. . which hu has transferred to
trusteed for the benefit cf his cri'iHtorn.
Among them are : Thu Peregoy-Jnnka com
pany , Wilmington. N. C. , tu which U dim
$2MKfj , and thu Townncnd National bank ,
which Ins claims of $33.0:13. :
MISSOULA. Mont. . Nnv. 7.--Tho Golden
SccpttT Mining company tit Qulgjuy hits an-
signed , with debts of J2i. * > 000. AKSUUH arn
( vttlmited nt I&OO.OOO. consisting of the com-
piny'H inliH'h and Its vast Incnmpluto mills ,
uluutrlr powoi works , railroad , otc. The
company has spent Hi Li year nearly 1100.000
In opening Its mines ami building llu works ,
and the failure ls alleged to bo on account
of Inability to net unuiifh niuiioy to com-
plute thoin. ,
NRW YOHK , Nov. 7. The Parker Litho I
graphic company today asilKnuil to llunol '
Lock wood , Jr Liabilities , $30,000 ; nominal I
unsold , JflO.OOO. Tlio eotnpftiiy wns Inrorpo *
rated In 1S92 with a capital stock of (50.000.
( Jnod.TlllIP til .toll lionds.
NEW YOUK , Nov. " . The JK.ROO.OOO of
New York City bonds , for which bids nro to
bo offered on Monday , owing lo the activity
In Investment nnd speculative circles mid the
other monetary conditions , nro expected to
bo largely oversubscribed. At least two
syndicates of hanker * and Investment firms
nre understood to hnvo bren formed to bUl
for all or nny part of the boml.i.
Polnndcri Killed by nil i\iiloiliin. :
ASHLAND. Prt. . Nov. 7. Ono man was
killed , ono was fatally Injured and thrco
others were seriously hurt today by the ox-
tMlon of the boilers In the Contrail * eol-
lery near this place. All bus one of the
men nro Polnuders. The Conlralla rolllery
Is operated by ih Lehlgh Valley Coal com
Snvei MM | N'reU by n Srrnteb.
TOl'KKA , Kan. , Nov. " . Among jovernl
ileclslons retulered today by the supreme
court M nn Ion of the judgment of
the district court nf Labotto county In the
case of Mnrlnn Aabell , convicted of the mur
der of his wife and sentenced to he hanged.
This means llfo Imprisonment.
Whitney In n ( JrnndfnlberOTV ,
NRW YOHK Nov. 7. A daughter has
been born to Mr. and MM. Almerle H. Paget
nt the residence of Colonel Oliver H. Payne
In thlrf elty today. Tim mother , the daugh
ter of ex-Secretary W. C. Whitney , Is re
ported by the family physician to ho In a
favornblo condition.
Wheat Again on the Aclvnnco.
The markets wora never In bolter condition
for Miri'fi-ful Imrstmcnts than they nto at tlin
pro ont time. Wheat Is liotmd to loach actual
fnlne , an t with tin- return of oonfldoni-o and
the contlnuallKii of lamer rxport demand II Is
nnly a question of n few days licfntv uhoallll
be selling at Si ! conts. Our oltlros bolng nearest
to I hiplls enaldos us to plnev tradrs piomptly.
! > enil fur our Hook on Margin Triullng nnd Ad-
rlsory Hheet.
II. II. II At M \ \ .V CO. ,
: ! . - > Hiinrd of Trndei t'lilenuo , III.
on , , earn 300 PRR CENT
per annum In our Systematic I'o-nprrntlva
Plan uf Hporulatlnn.
xnw .sv.Miir\Ti < : xo\v KOH Mixes.
Hond for desorlpllv patnphli-ts and Market
Hevleivs : niallod free on nppltratlon.
inMIICIV. : .
Ill'V < M.K A CO. , HnnltcrM .V HroUerN ,
Hank Hcferoncos. DO Hroadnuy , N. Y.
MAICI : voi'it MII\I-V
Under our systemallc co-oper.ill\c plan of
1-pefuhitlon. "You Avol.l IHrks. " Settle
ments made once a wik. Sums of | 20 lo
tl.K * ) lim'Mt'd under nur pbin will yield
s.itlsfacti.ry rt-turns. l'i i pei'lus explain
ing our ni-tluid. mallfil free.
.x v.i. KIIIIH .v co. ,
II Hronilii ny. .NtMV York.
llest reference. Agents wanted In every
Money ! Money ! !
Mills lllilldliiR , New York.
Iluyer for It.s own nnd foreign necount
C3old , Copper and Lend mines ; ICIeotrlil
Street Hallrondu ; Waler Povvi-ra ; Timber
nnd Coal Lamls. Money ndvnnocd fnr
Mine. Hiillrond and other development.
and never offered a better opportunity lui nmk-
InK money. Wrllo U. B. Murray & Co. ,
Hauliers & lrokei ! ! > . ii Hlalto lildi ; . , C ilr.ino.
incmlicrs of the Chli-iKo Hoard of TradiIn 1'uod
Ftandlng. for their ln i k on Blalli'llrs mid Specu
lative Informatlun , nnd Dnlly Market Letter ,
"iiy or TOWV
All peraons Interested nro hereby notified
that the city council of the city of Omaha
will sit n.s n board of equalization of ns-
seH.suients for general taxes for thu year
1S30 , n provided by section S5 of the Char
ter of .Metropolitan Cltlea , on the 8th day
of November , 1 M. betwivn the hours of
o'clock n. m. and r o'clock p. in. , In
committee room A , In the city hall , for the
purpose of hearing and determining all
complalntH of urroueou.s or unjust MHSUHH-
inentH for said year. And said hearlngn
will bo continued from day to day for n
period of at least live dayx from the date
of mild tlrxt Hitting.
All per.Mons having taxable property with
in the elty are n-iUested | to examine their
nHseHMinentri , HO I hat , If nny error oxlRtx , or
any injustice hns bei-n done tn tluiiHse.s.s -
ment of property , correction may bo made
by said board of equalization. It being thu
Intent of the law that no eorrectloiiH shall
bo made nfter the board of ciiuallzatlon
adjourns , except for reasons sot forth In
the statutes.
The assessment books are now rendy for
examination. All complalntH must bo In
writing nnd llled with the city picric for
the consideration nnd action of said board
when convened.
Omaha , Nebraska , October 31. 1KW.
ItKKPHKIt HIGI1Y , City Cleric.
lA-a\c lllt'HMNGTUN ft MO. HI VKH. I Arrives"
_ OniihuL'nlonJJciot ; | , lutli & Mason titu.j Umaha
S:3"-iln.r : Denver Hxpross 7.
4rii > n.lllk Illllm M.ic. . i. u..i . - . . . . .
4:35pm Denver Hxpiess
7OJpni..NebniBk.i : . 4i5pm ;
l.iral ( ex Sunday ) . . . 7IJpm :
. . . .Lincoln ( ex. Sunday ) . . , . 12:304in :
2Spm..Fast Mall ( for Lincoln ) dally. . .
Leaves | niIICAIO ( , Hl'IlI.lNdTON & Q.Arrives ( *
OmalmiUiUiiii Depot , luth . < ; Mason rii . [ Oiniiha
5"jiin : '
| Chicago X'cutllmli * S:00ini :
9:4 : um Chicago Kxprc&h
4:15pm :
7Wiin..Chlcngo ; | and St. Ltiuls Impress. , s.buain
ll:40um : I'uclllc Junction Local C:10pm :
Flint Mall 2:5Cpin
Len ves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.Arrhea (
( JmahujlJnlon Depot , 10th & Mason SU.j Omaha
G:30pin : Chicago Limited , . 8:05.1 : in
HIIUIII. ; ( . .C-lilciiKu i\press : ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 3:2.i'ii :
I > 'aw ( CHICAGO & NOHTIIWKHT'N.\rrlvCH |
OiiinhaUnluti | Depot. 10th K Maeon His. | Oinali l
10 : Cum . Eastern Express . 7..7sIOpm :
Vemibulcd Limited SllOpin
5:55pm : St. Paul Kxpremi ! io.un :
S:40am : St. Paul Limited 9:05imi :
70am..Carroll : & Sioux
City 1/ical. . , Il:10 | > m
G:30pm : Oimiha Chlcngu Special Si : ain
Missouri X'ulley Ixicnl 0:3ftun :
Leaves ICIIICAOO. H. I. K. PACIFIC ( Arrives
OiiialialUiiloii Depot " , lOlh Mason Sin [ Oinnhit
_ 1SAST. _
10:40.un..Atlantic : Kxpress . " "
( ex. KuiTday ) : ! ! !
7 : < Xpm ) NiKlit Hxiireca
t,0ilii..Clilono : | [ XVstlbuled Limited. . . . l:3ii : > m
450pm..St ! " , Paul ' Vestlhuled Limited. . . . l:55pm :
" " " "
_ _ WKST. _ _ _ _
CtJirn.Oklahoma : | & Texas Kx ( ex. fiun.)7lO:3"am ) :
1 ; IOpin. . . . . Colonulo Limited 4Wpm :
LenveTj C. , ' BT. P. . " M. & 0. " ( Arrived"
OmahnDepol ! _ _ , 15th nnd XVcbater fit * . \ Oiii'iha
St.'nm..Sioux : City Accommodation. . . . S'M'ym
123i ; pin..Sioux city Uxprons ( ex. Sun.II:5 ) : m
C15pin ; .St. Paul Limited luIOam
Leaves I 1'V I- . & MO. VALI.iv. : ( Arrlvo"
Oninlinf Depot , J'lth und\Vi'li _ tiT sis. I Oinidia
SlC'lHil ' I'jnt Mull nnd Klprrnn. . . " . . . SfOOptil
3.l < | ini.ex ( .S.ilVyo ) Ivk ( ex Mnn ) . . . . iidOplil
7SOam..rn : > inoiit I .oral ( Kundays unl- ) , ,
7S'iuii : Norfolk KxpiesH ( ex Ktinj 10:3nm :
Cl.ini. : | . . . Kt. I'aul Kxpress DilOain
leaves I 1C. C. , ST. J. & C. 11. lArrlvcs
* UniiilmUnion Depot , loth & Mason Kti. : | Omaha
9:0.rum : Kansas city Day KMMOHH Cl''pm ; '
-ti"iili.K. l | " " . i' . NJKhtUx. via IJ. P. Trans. C:3yim : :
I -avi-H I MISSOl'HI PACIFIC. " I. " ,
Omalinl Depvl , 15th nnd XX'ebsler St . I Omuh.k
3.tOpm..Nebrn : kii fi Kiinsan Limited. . .
9:20pm : Kansas city Kxpiesj
3uOpim..Ncbraika : Ix.cul ( ex. Hun. ) . . . . ,
SIOIIX'CITY & "PACIFIC. " ( Arrive. ? '
J _ l. ISjh andX\VbsU-r _ ' " Hta. J _ Omnli't
' " " "
SI. 'Paul
Lonveji r'HIOIJX C1TV & PACIFIC. " lArrlva
Uiiialinlnlon | Depot , loth ft Muiun .el . [ Oinali.i
fiH'i.nn ' . Ht. I'aul I'il s > 'iii ; < ! r . .TllilCpm
7SOiim : . Floux City I'mnefiuitr . li'Cim ) |
f.Mpm. : . . . . . Ht. Puul J.lmlttd . . . . .
l i"NION ) PACIl'-rc.
_ OinaliaL'nl'in " Depot. 10th & Mktfon Kli.i Omaha
l:0atn . Overland 1. 1 in I ltd . < Mijiu
lKipin.Ili-n'ce : ! ( & Hlrom 'K ' ( ex Bun.i:0iuni )
0l.nn : | . ( Irani ! luliiml C picus ( ux Kim.liUpm ) ! :
3nin. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1l''ui't Mall . 1 lOwin
" " '
Oinahal Union Depot , Kill & XU un Kit [ Om l ,
1,30pm . y.St. lxuis Cmninn Hall . llKO rn
Oinuh | Depot , IMu tr.d WeL.ltr till. | An IV *