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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1896)
11 TUT' ' ] OMAHA DAILY 8 , 180(5 ( , AtlvorllM-mrillN for Ilirno polmuiiM will In ; Inki-ii unlll lUiitll 11. in. , for Hu rt-oil luff unit imlU X | i , in. foi' ' iiiiiriiliiir mill SiimliinHllim * . AilvrrllNi-r-i , li.v rpiilill"K | " " < - tii'irit HiicKcnn IIIIVP nii m 'rN ml- iln-MKiMl to 11 niiiiilicri-il li-tli-r In rnrc of Tlif ll 'i . AIIMVITM tin mliliM-HM-il ill ln > ili-llv. i-r.l mi | -Ni-ntnll m "I UKcli ' ( 'U only. llnlOM , I ! - ' _ < n Miml Itrnl liiHi-i-llunt Ita wui-il llHTonfli-r. Xiillilntr liiKf" for II-MX Iliiui l"ifor ! ( Inllrsl Inm-r- ( Inii. Tin-HP Milvi-rllM-inenlN niiixt lie run riiiiM'i-iitl vl > ' . SPITATIO.NSVAXTIi : > . WANTED. SITUATION 11Y A YOI'N'I MAN UK riih-Miinn or any vvoik ; five > onrs with one Hi in , K " 'l rof.rences nnd a hustler. Ad.hcss A fl , lice OMIro. A--S74 S' WANTED , nv RKSPONHIIILI : PARTY WITH hornnni ! buggy , position ns collector. Ad- dr.-ss A r.7. l-f. ! A-2T3 * " " WANTED - SITUATION' IIY GENTLEMAN Mm. Kr.ipjior , rapid , accurate , five s-nr ' ex- pfrino | , ; Knnil references ; salary lonsonnble. i : . U. C. . ISO So. ' Till ft. , Council lllutTs , In. A35f. S WANTED , POSITION IIY IXIMUT : MAI , ! : Monographer ; fnur Jours' actual experience. Address A Co , llc-c. A-311 S WA.Vrii > _ M.\lli HUM1. WANTED. AN IDIA ; WHO CAN THINK nv s > rme i"lmp'i. thing to patent ? Protect your lilnns. Iliry mn > bring you won ltd. Write John Weil t'Mbuin & Co. , Kept. V. , Talent Attorneys , \\mh.iiRtnn , D. C. . for tliflr il.MO prl/.e offer nml n lift of Si * ) Invention ! " wanted. I1-10S WANTKD. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR clems ; < M ii'll.ililc house ; experience unnooos- rnrv ; extra Inducements to cu lnniera ; ITS to jr.o per ninnlh nnd expense * . Chns ' ' . lllshnp K < > . . HI LouK IJ-M5M-N10 * WANTKD. MKN TO LEARN TIAHRKH TRADE : only clisht weeks rt'iulied liy our ne\\ unit pimtlrnl sy < tcin ; untie * Saturdays wlillo Irani- Jn ; no trade offers better Inducements ; KOOI ! waps the entire yrnr ; vvo donate romph't.- imlllt nl tool * to ench Krnduate ; Illuftrjleil i-ntiilriRiir mnll'd free. Miller's llailior Solinol. 2X1 Smith Clark sliei-t. Chlr.iRO. It M2CT 0 LAiuiK cnuii KIUM WANTS SALESMEN IN every luenllty ; J.f > 0 per month nnil expenses to beginners , llov 1210 , Chicago. II J800 TO JIO.OO A DAY. LADIES Oil GENTS , rclllng " .MiiirlB Towel Hack. " A ilulnty IH.UFC- h.tlil inllrlp , nlrkleiiliiteil , very nrnatnvnlnl. kirp't towel * In their pliice ; every store , house keeper , lniFlii < - man will huy. Jurt wliat iiKviilH uant , raxy to rell ; sample for ten 2- cent ttnmiiH , The Watt MfR. Co. . Clnclnnntl. HAMSMIN : ANI > niNiiiAi. : AOIJNTS. MALI ; nnil female , locnt ami traveling , to npixilnt mnvan-oiH , Shle line or rxclnplve. No ran- vaiwlnir. cniiltal nr experience rrqulrnl.'x \ - pen e palil. Net profit IIW monthly. I-'rep K.implc.o. (1. A. rubllrhliiR Co. . KII3 Mark-t rt. . I'hlla. . IM. I-JI-S . I-XPI-UII-NTII : : : ) PIMCIAI.TY Kalemnun to ilcvolc exuhiFlvc nttt-ntlon to nur line. W < - want men who can work the host traile. No hoyg necil apply , Ho311 , Chlcaco. WANTBH-TItt'HTWOUTIIV I'P.UKON TO trn\ol. Hnlnry J7SO ami pxpciipm. Ilefi-rencc. Knelnrc Fi-lf-nililrerreil tninpeil I'livehipo I'res't Itox I1 , ChlraKO. II-.2 < 9-i rilAvcMNci KAI.ISMIN-JM : TO ire miinlhly ami cxpetws. llnre liiilureinents make oxp4-rlenco iinnecc iiry.Vrlto for | > ar- tlculurn. Acme C'lirar Co. . Cllicntjo. \VANTHn-HI iniNT : fAMWMr.N TO IIAN- ille our line of tlruKHlnt ' uprrhiltles on com- tnlfiilon. In this city. T.iiwo with nniiinln- tnlnec In the ilrup timle iireferreil. ChlenKi ) l ihel ami Ilex Co. , I'lilmpi ) . WANTED. RALtrSMKa ; TO SELL CIGARS TO dealers ; Jl ) monlhly nnd expenses ; experi ence unneresMiry ; Clinton Cigar Co. , 12.So. . Clinton St. . Chicago. 11-2S3 S' MKN WHO wn.i , wnmc Foil M * i\V- ' - nry or commlrrlun paid. Clifton Sonp A MfK. Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio. 11 WAN-run. iviuYwi im : , MUN AT IIOMI : or truvi-llnt , ' , to advert Ise and Fell onr cnnps" and other tpeclnltles. tack flk'ii" . illhtrlhutc clrculara , place Famplps , orders , etc. : steady position ; ( utlary 110 a week ami nil expenses or larsc ootnmlislon. Hchacfcr llros. , Milwaukee , Win. 11-275 S DON'T STAIlVn 175.00 A MONTIT INTIIOnilC- Inc $ S.OO roMIni ; Vapor Hath Cnhlmt to hurl- ness men , families ami physicians ; furnlvhefl Turkish and Vapor Ilnths nt home. 3c each ; nn hath tuhs , Dr. or medlclno hills ; cures and prevents Oln-npc : new. cntchy i-elU-r ; customers ilollKUIed ; llKht , easy wnik ; write iiulck. I' . World MfKCo. . , CnluinlitiH. O. 11-300 E THI : IIIST : RII.I.- : Imr MmIn the west ; nlro shh- line men ; lib eral terms , California Cider Co. , Clilcnio. II-M323 ll MKN AND 1IOYS TO COI.t.KCT NAMHS OK nsldents for National Directory. JIO per LOCK ) paid. National Directory , Catndcn , N. .1.1IM2 1IM2 6 ' 1-3VKN TUB 1IAIIY. " IIIT COIJI.O lllIAD. would tell > ou that the "hent" accident policy U Issued liy the raclflc of California. I'or rales write or call on A. V. Todd. ireneral net-lit. 310 Ili-p llldi ; . 11 317 8 co.Mi'irrKNT , itni.iAin.n MAN TO CAIUrou hort < p and row ; mu < * t have references. Imiulre at l.TO .South 32d ht. 11330 S WANTIUi. MKN NOW THAVKMNO TO HUM , uanli'ii liosilieltlnir , packliiK. ete . for inaim- facturcrH on llheral comnilsKlon hasls ; KOO < ! S are rlKht ; prices to meet competition ; Plato experience ami nlvireferences. . Address lluh- lier. llox 1.W , IMillftdelphla. 11-310 k' WAXTHH I < M-M.\lili 11 KM1. roii ROOD. iinsiT.CTAiii.n Scand. Y. M. C. A. Home , 201S Davenport. C-M75C-NI7 * WANTKn. OIUL FOH IlOUSKWOllK. "sT"w. cor. , : ! ) th nml DouKlas Sis. C 9C9 IjADII--S TO DO I'LAIN NKKDLKWOIIK AT home ; fend Htampeil addreh ed envelope for particulars. Wllday & Ilulton , 41 North 4th Btiect , rhlladelphhi , I'l-mi. . U. H. A. C-NI-i > LADIKH. HOYS AND OIIILS KAHN A WATCHer or lilcycle hy taking ? orders for ten and liaklnK powder nmont ; your frknds. No capital or cxn'rlenc | ( > n-qulreil. lllc casli commissions. Write for particulars. Ceylon ImportliiK Co. , ChlciiRO. III. O-S93-S * LADIIS : TO wuiTi : rou tis AT IIOMINO ; canvassing ; reply eneloslni ; stamp. Silver I-Vrn Co. , Aurora , InJInna. C 277 S * UADIKS , I MAKB 11IO WAOKrt AT 1IOMK AND want all to have the same opportunity ; the work Isery pleasant and will easily pay | 18 weekly ; IM < Is no deception ; 1 want no money anil will Kladly pend full particulars to all rendliiK stamp. Miss M. A. Btelihlns , Uiw- rencc. Mich. C 276 i WANTID. iioi'si-Kiii'iu rou couNTiiY home ; elderly lady preferred ; must furnish best references. Addreis A C2 , llei- . C M3I9 10 * COOKB I-\ll OIT OlCITY. . J20 TO $30 1'KIl month ; waltrrrpcii and Kltis for housework. City Employment Ilureau , 1C03 Dodne. C32J S _ _ _ WANTii-WOMAN 1'AST 25 YIIS. OI' AcTijToT- ' unnin hurlncss ability , to repn-rent us In every county In Neb. : J50 per month earned easily. Address , with stamp , Nuvlta Co. , 222 N. 10th tt. . Omaha. C32I t" A MAN SAID NOT ii > No AooT"rnroiiij i know anylhlni ; nboul ucchlent Insurance I looked upon It as fuollih. but after I was hurt nml nol Insured I concluded ne\er to K < > without a i > ocy | | , " and he now has OIK- Issued by tlm I'acino of California , t'.ie "bent" policy to be hail. Are your Inmred ? If not. write to or call on A. V. Todd , general OKI-MI. 310 llec Illdtr. C 317 S WANTUD-YOl'NO LADY WIIO 1IA8 SOMII knowledKe of mimic for outride position : salary | oO n muiilli. AdilrrtH 1' . O. llox 250 , City. CC27 6 _ _ _ _ WOMAN OK IIKKINKMKNT WILI.1NO TO work for promotion. Call or address , with Hump , ; ? : ; K. mb tt. , Omaha. C328 fc * WANTKD. A rillST-CLASS ALL IIOPNI ) cook for family of live , to l-ecln Monday ; mum have refrreiH'c * ; wiiKeH , J7.W per week. Apply before 9 o'clock Monday morning. J. O. Hmyth ' DIl Ho. 12th t. C 311 S run IIOUHIH IN ALL TAUTS op TIU : CITY. TIIK Q , 1Davl Company. VM Funmni. l > lu'j IIOUBIB , UINI\VA & co. , los N , IITH HT. D-no _ WoTTilN IIOUSIW. C. A. STAIUl 925 N ' . LIKB D-111 CHOICi : IIOL'HKH AND COTTAOK8 AMToVKU Hi * oily , | i to JiO. I'lilelliy , 1701 Fiirnntii. O-IK LIHT OP TUB I1Y1ION H l Co. 212 H. 14th Kt. D-113 JIOL'HJM ) , WALLACE IlllOWN UUC. , 1CT1I Utl ] U-lli run m.vr-.iiousis. ( ContlnucO. ) niflllT-HOOM MODKItN IMIAMI5. DiTACIIUt ) , Z7I8 I'oppleton nvtnup ; cholcoi IM. 10-r.H.m miKtorn brick. SO N. < l. IK.OO. 9-roorn iniMern brick. Oil . th , IB.W. l-routn modi-ni , J6th iind Wonlwortii , IK.BO. C. A. STAIlIt. N. V. Life 1IM . D-MU6 " " " Kort"uKNT. & N"rioTn ST. , io nooxts. MOD- crn , IIO.M ) . lf < CnllfoTnln. PI. , 7 roo-nn. JIS.M. S.-.Z7 Unvrnport ft. , 7 rooms , < * 0.u9. en fnr rent In nil p.irt-i of the. city. Illir.NNAN-LOVI- : . , 4W I'axton blk. U-MS11-N10 iorsKH , KnoM ir. ui : LAUOI : LIST. McCacuc Investment Co. , 1304 Dotlge St. . D M7C3 A mAtiTn-'UL HOMI : IN i.AFAYirrri : I'laco ; S-rnoms ; nil modern ; uplcrdld condition ; ne lit-tM rented before ; now offered nt n low rental to tlrst-class ter.Mtu. ridcllty Trust Company. 170 ! Iarnnni Ht. D-MS3S m-iTi : op , ootf worth. J. W. Siiulio , SIS llec llldR. I ) DM TWO MODI'.HN IIHICIC. 10 & ll-UOOM IIRHI- denros ; oak tloom anJ finish ; mantels , Krntes , laundry nnd every cnnvlnencc. ItD , 1031 Ho , 30th Avc. Inquire of owner on premises. D-W7 BTltlCTLY MODiitN 10-HOOM COTTAOK. N. W. corner 2Mh nnd .Inrkron ; lurne lot : half prleo. J. W. Squire , 24S _ Ilee. _ D 170 _ MODKHN nillCIC ( CIIBAl1) ) . ICO' CAIMTOL nvonue. D-M223 10 N\VKuNa : HOT Aii fuinaro nnd laundry In basement ; l.irce Imrn , lawn , etc. ; In Rood repilr ; 701 ni-urttla nvenue , near I.eavenworth street. Apply J. II. Kclken * ney , Kiirbach building. _ D-.M23S 8 MoiTl-ilN' TKN-HOOM HOlTSi : . ON DODQi : street ; JIO.CO ; nlwj moilerii 10-room houses , > 1.GO ! ) per month. Apply to J. A. Scott , nt Omaha Na tional bank. D-.M233 iToims ; : & ruvrs. UAUVIN Tmos. . icu KAH. D-210 I-'OIl HKNT. S-TlOOM HollSK AT 2Tl3 111 MIT Kt. : nil eonxenlcnces ; low rental. Iimulre of t : . 15. XhniMormnn , at county clerk's olllco , dtir- ItiK bunnies * hours. l > M2SO n-ulY NKVV riHST-OLAKS KIX-IIOOM house ; bath , hot nnd coM water , cistern , tower , coal l.lns. nice lawn : (15.02731 Sew- ard. IriUlre | 2 10 fc'eward. D M2C4 S * nouaii , MODKIIN. raz so. i2Nii. D-ca-s TO HKNT , IIY Till : HVHON KKKD CO. , 1711 Dodse. 10 rooms , modern , JMI.CO. . 2.110 Dodsp. 10 rooms , modern , 115.00. 2215 DodKc. 9 rnoinx , modern , barn , 15.00. 2401 Capitol IVP. 8 rooms , modern. } So.(0. 1111 Ir.nrd. f > roomt. city water , IIO.M. 121 N 37th , B rooms , city water , barn. J'.0fl. ' 2117 I'opplctnn. C rooms , city wnter , $10.00. 913 N. 2Sth Avc. , 4 rooms , city wnter , H.OO.D3008 D-300-8 i oiT IUNT. : s-u HOUSI : . ' NO. I TH ST. . i.-.i-o ; 4-r cotlnRo , No. ISIh fit. , J1.00 ; 7-r , modem hoitfo. No. 20th St. , 113.00. W. O. Kchrlver. 1403 Fnrnam St. D 301-S HUNT , C-IIOOM MODIMIN COTTAOK , furnished ; choice locality. Address A ri. ( lice. D-278 K 6-HOOM MODKIIN COTTAOKH IlKDl'CKD TO Jlo.fO ; 7-room hotife , InrRe yard , 3017 California St. D-313-S' I--OII HKNT. 7-IIOOM MODKIIN HOfHIX S12 N. 39th st. Apply on premises. D 3oi ; 10 * DO YOU KNOW HOW KASY IT IS AND HOW little It costs to have nn accident policy ? In buylm ; net the best. The Combination Acci dent 1'ollcy , Ifsucd by the "I'aclllo of Cali fornia. " has never liven equalled. I-'or rates wilto to or call on A. V. Todd. Ki-neral iiKent. 340 lieu llldif. D-317 8 HOI'HKS.rLATS. OAHVIN HUO3..16I3 KAHNAM D-210 KOIl HKNT-NKW COTTAOK , COIl. 30TII AND Sahler sts. ; 4 rooms , cellar , cistern , city water ; only JO.IO. Inquire 131S Kiirnam. D345 8 I'OH ] II-\TKIMtMSIII-i > KOIl 11KNT. HOOMS WITH OK WITHOUT board ; steam boat , tlectrlc llRht , elevator , free baths ; rates reasonable , llrunswlck hotel , G-117 3 rrilNISHKD HOOMS TOH HOUSKKKKIMNCl for man nnd wlfo. Kent taken In hoard , 319 N. 17th. B M970 I'UHNIHIIKll AND "ulsfFuilNISIIKD HOOMS ; 175-0 JIM A MONTH 8ALAUY AND KXI'KN- te to rell clRars to dealers ; position perma nent ; experience unnecessary ; largest ami lln- ort line ; extra Inducements. W. I/ . Kline Co. , St. I-ouls. 11-2SG S * NICKLY KUIIN18HKD IIOOMS. WITHOUT boanl ; steam bent , electric Unlit , bath , tele phone , rundt residence , 212 S. 17lli st. I-XIIO 9 ROOMS l-'Oll OKNTLKMKN AND L1OIIT housekeeping. ( M North 17lh. K-M33S 10 * LAIIOK. 1IANDSOMKLY Kl'IlNISHKD I-'UONT room , faclnir south : "II modern lniirovenients | private family. Gentlemen deslrhiK niix.'ilor | ncconiliiodatlons , convenient nnd desirable lo cation , nt n fair price , will llnd same b > calllnt : at 226 Knrnnni t. I3ll S" roil TiTNT. I-THNISIIKD HOO.M ; s : A hcnt ; south front. 024 S. ICth ft. , 2d Moor. K-353 S IlKAl'TIKtlLLY I'THNISIIOD AND WKLL hoateil rooms nt reduced rates for the winter Iftnkiin at once. 2222 Karnam t. . K3IC 8 IMHMSlli : ! ) ROOMS AM ) IIOAIU ) . FOH IlKNT. KL'HNISHKD IIOOMS , WITH On without board ; steam heat and all modern Improvements ; special low lutes fur the winter. Midland hotel , ICth und Chicago. M. J. Frnnck , properltor. V 9M HOOM AND DOAHDj STKAM ; f,02 S. I3TII. F .11871 N2S Till : MADISON HOTKL WILL MAKK OOOD nites to families for the winter ; rooms nl steam healed and electric belle. ! ' M200 13 IIOOMS WITH HOAIin , STKAM IIKAT ; THAN- uU'llts accoinmodated. Utopia , 1721 Davenport St. I272 13 SWKLLI.-L'HNISHKD IIOOMS AND I1OAHD AT 2205 Fnrnam St. F-271-13' WANTKD TO IlKNT. STRICTLY PIUVATB family near HaiiFcom park will rent one or two nicely furnished rooms with or without boanl-to one or two youiiK Kcntlemcn , who cnn ulve llrst class references. Address A M Ilee. F 311-8 STKAM IIKATKD HOOMS , 2011 IIAHNKY. 1C3I2-D7 * MODKIIN FIJIINISHKD IIOOMS. HOAHl)71l.CO week. .Mt North 1'Jth. K M315 14 * IIKAUTIFI'L LAIU'.K MODKHN FHONT HOOM bay window ; board optional ; board 1. Cl North mil. F314 E SOl'TH HOOMS. WITH HOAHD ; STKAM ; HBP erences. 202 N. ISth. F MJ33 9 NICK WAHM HOOMS ; OOOD 11OAHD ; HATKS reasonable. The Hose , 2020 Hurney. F M332 1D TWO NICKLY FITHNIRIIKI ) HOOMS , WITI or without bnaril ; furnace heat ; xan ; hath within wiilkliiK dlstancu of bufelncbs. 2100 din street. F 312 S HUNT STOICS AMI oi''i-'icis. FIIIST-CLASS IIHICIC STOHK I1UILD1NO , 101 Fnrnam ; three Btorles nnd busement ; will nlte to suit tenant ; low lent. 311 1st Nafl II'Ic lil.lK 1-118 FOR IlKNT , TIIK 4-RTOHY IIHICIC IIUM DINO at 916 Purnnin st. This bulldliiK liu a llreproo cement liatemcnt , complete steam healing Us lures , water on nil floors , KUH itc. Apply a tlm olllce of The lite , 1 1110 ACK.VI'S WA.\TI-ni. WANTKD. ON OUAHANTKKD CASH RAI.ARY canvasHliiK agents , liuvlns practical , successfu expcrlencti In veiling bookn by subscription condition * of mMin-l salary and POK | | | | | | | of very large Inco on Inn most nueccssfu book keued slneo Orant's Memoirs. Aildrcsa HutlnK experience , miino nnd number of bookB scdil. salary expected , etc. iluiiriinlro Publish Ini ; Co. , H. W. Cor. Ollvo und 2d sts. . Ht. Loul J M243 AGENTS .MAKE JO.OO TO Jls.00 A DAY INTRO- duclng tlm "Comet. " the only Jl Knap shot cuineia made ; the gre lest holler of the cen tury ; general und li-ciil iigi-mii wanted nil over the world ; exclusive territory ; write today for terms and samples. Alken-CHcusnn Co. , X 25. la Crotso , Win. J M2GI 10 * AGENTS MAKI-flOO TO JOO PlYlfcENT ON OUR .jc article , every her o owii'-r ininit IIHVB one or more ; cells on inn It , no tulkhiR ; c-xuluslvc territory. F. Hunter Co , . Ituclnc , WIs. J AGENTS WANTKD ; JVOO DAILY H"RK ; EVER. InktlliK lublevvure , cannot wear out ; Imiks ex- notly nuo silver ; write today for full Informa tion c.itnloKue und slurl. Aluminum Novelty Co. . 335 llroadwny. New York. J WANTED" AGENTS TO SKLL FOLDING HAH- kels , Iiuumhohl novplly ; sells on lKhli semi 2o < j for Fiimpliby express , ternu , etc. Folding llJtliet Co. , Hit Hroadwiiy , Clnclimutl , O. J AGENTS WANTED ITvi ill Y WHERE FOH OUR niiiirnlilcenl lhu < of Holiday Gill Hooks ; some- Ihlius new ; uales wonderful , Fur full purtlcu- him and ti-rnin uddrvnH IVuple , 3911 Market jt J'hlla elphlu , Pn. J AG L\Vrs'-H USTLERS M A KK VlJA I l'V HKl.l Ini ; only rcvulvlnic yrldillu cuke turner ; ample t IV' : V- ' Mlck l , tulu uutuufucturrr. lluvn-- hill , Uuu , , , J lt' t' ( Continued. ) \OINTS , IIUTTON-HOLI : LANTKIINSI PKH- ffcteil ; crate of the worhl ; inllllonn iwld ; s.unpli-s U cents. Heck Slovo Co. , HI Centto St. . N. Y. J-M-- _ \OKNTS OF AIIILITY WANTKD. FOIl NBW ilcek specialty , every de. k worker nnd busi ness man needs them. In Omnhn nnd cities over SO.OOO. Address F , A. Hale Co. , Ijikosldc Ilultdlni ; , ChlcnRO , -302-S JASLIOHT IN WBUY HOI'SK , NKWKST thine out ; nttnches to ordinary lamps ; no chimneys ; j ife , economlcnl , outfit free to nc- llvii workers , cither sex. Stnndnr > l Hrnss Co. , Mfffi. . CovliiKton. Ky. J-I79 8 _ VANTKD , AOKNTS MAKK 3T..OO WKKKLY selllni ; nnr hotirehotd. specialties , blR pronts , quirk rnles , steady employment ; term * , par ticulars , territory , free. Central Supply Co. , Cincinnati. Ohio , J VANTKD , MblLK-AOiD LADY AOKNTS for city nnd neighboring towns , Hoom 30 , DotiRlns blk. , 16th und DiMlge sts. J 306 S * VANTKD , AOKNTS ; SCWtTrn fl NcTKNTI HEl'.Y new ; can make 120.00 to Jt..dO | > er week ; ex perience nol necessary. Call 415 Hep llldir. J-3M 14 WANTKD. I.IVK PKOPLK IN F.VKHY Ity at weekly salary nnd ex | > enscs to tnko orders for Christmas Hoods ; permanent employment If rUht. Manufacturer. P. O. Hex 5301. I lor- ton , Mnss. J M852 D23 WANTKD , LADIKS AND OKNTLK M K N ; IN- telllRent , earnest workers , for city nnd coun try ; ttood p.iy RUnrnntceil ; Investigate. Ail- drops or call 21C Grace strccl , Council Illuffs. J-3IS 8 AVANTIJII TO UKXT. WANTKD , A LADY \VHOSB TIMR IS FULLY occuplo'I , ileslies two nicely furnished connect- Ins rooms , bath and board. In a refined , cul tivated nnd strictly private family ; location and surroundings must bo ileslrablp nml within ten minutes' easy walk of Ilee building ; answers must bo definite ns to bouse n'Jtnher nnd num ber of persons In family ; references exchanged. Address I. 11. Ilto olllco. K-S03-S STOIIACI : . ACIFIC STOHAOK AND WAHKIIOUSB CO. . WS10 ) ! Jones , llcneral stornRo und forwnrdlnR. M 119 O.M. VAN & STOHAOK. 1115 FAH'M. TKL. 1559. M-2S3 \VAXTiiT : ( ) IlfV. TO LKASK OH HUY. KLKVATOH OF TKN OH llftcen thousnn.l cnpaclly In South Plattc country. Address A 24 , care Omnhn Ilee. N-SI4 N20 V SKCOND HAND SAI'TT IHB " FAHNAM. N MI71 N20 WANTKD TO III'Y. A DKSK. HOLLKH TOP. for olllce ; wants to bo of good size ; give de scription nnd price. Address A 55. Ilee olllce. N 2M ) 8' I'OU SALK HOHSKS. AVACJOX.S , BTC. Jlft.OO I1FYS PONY , SADDLK. HHIDLK ; trained herder ; formerly with Iluffnlo Hill's show ; teen nt 2COS Pierce. P 351 S KOIl .SALIJ MI.SCni.LANKOUS. CHKAPKST HAHDWOOD WOVKN COHN-CIUH- bliig made. C. H. U'e. 01 Douglas. Q-120 SKCOND-HAND HAFKS CIIKAP. m _ Q-M172 N30 LADIKS , CIXJAKP. ITHS. DHKSS OOODS ; easy payments ; drop postal nnJ will call with samples. K. Hlish. olllce Drexel Hotel. _ _ _ Q-.MM3 30 THKiti : AIIEI SKVKHAL" DISTINCT POINTS of greal Imporlnnop In which the combination accident policy Issued by the Paclllc Mutual of Callfoinla exceli nil ofiers ; Investigate them and you will tnko no other. Apply to A. V. Todd. general ngrnt. 310 llec Illdg. Q 317 S FOH SALK , 250 CHAIRS : SI'ITAHLK FOH hall purpose * ; n bargain. 415 llroadwny , Coun. ell Hlurfs. Q-M3IS 10 OLAIHVOYAXTS. ONi : IIONKST CLAIRVOYANT. I OIVK LIFH readings from 10 to 7 dally nnd Sundays. I make no charges , hut pay what you can. "Omar , " Midland Hotel , ICth nnd Chicago sts. 8-M253 ll MARY FRITZ. CLAIRVOYANT ? S2I N. J6T1I. S 254 D5 SI.VSSAUK II.VTIIS , I3TC. MMK. SMmi , 1121 DOUGLAS , HOOM C ; MAS- sngo nml stcnm baths. T M3 8 ll MISS AMF.S , VAI-OR HATHS. MASSAOI:7 K07 a. 13th St. , room 3. T M263 DC- MRS. DR. LIX1N , KLKCTHIC MASSAGK PAH- lors ; refreshing nnd curative ; don'l fall to call. 417 Ho. lllh M. , upstair * . T-M335 12 riiltSO.VAI , . MISS VAN VALKKNHURO DKSTHOYS PF.H- monenlly by electricity buperlluoua hulr , moles , wnrts , etc. Room 416 , N. Y. Life Illds. U-121 HtllTt'HB CPRKD ; NO PAIN ; NO DKTKN- tlon from business ; we refer to hundreds of patients cured. O. K. Miller Co. , 307 N. Y. Life building. Omaha , Neb. U 122 I1ATHS MASSAGK. MMK. POST. 319'.4 S. 15TII. U 123 VIAVi ; IIOMK THKATMKNT FOR UTKRINK troubles. Physician In attendance. Consulta tion or healtii book free. 316 llec bldg. U-124 HKIJ CARTKR HARDWARK CO. , 1405 DOUO- las , for mantels , grates , tiles , maible work. etc. U-12j KNLAROK YOUR Ill'ST U\DIKS. 4 TO 10 Inches , at home , wltU Dr. Conway'H Hue Tabloids , nt trilling cost ; tl.OOO for u case we cannot ; those developed In past 12 years prov-t 'tis permanent ; absolutely safe ; they cannot fall ; sealed facts , 4c. stamps. Conway Specific Co. . 133 Trcmont St. . Hoston , Mass. U-2S2 i. ' FOIl SAIJJ. Jl.KO.W KQl'lTY IN COR. HOL'SL and lot for 4COO.W. Address A 53 , Hee. U-281 8' HASTINGS CONFINKMKNT 11OMK ; Posi tively Christian , private. Inexpensive ; prutcc society and save your ilaughter sister , friend sealed circular. P. O. Hex No. - 5G , Hustings Neb. _ i : MANY PKRSONS OVKRKSTIMATK THEM ability of taking1 rare of themselves. Tills Is why a great many have no accident Insurance when It Is needed. Ale you Insured ? . If no get t.'ie "bent , " Issued by the Paclllc Mutua of California. For rates write to or call 01 A. V , Todd. feneral agent , 310 llec llldg. U 317 8 LADY OH OKNTLKMAN TO RKPHKSKNT OLD established house ; ] r0 per month und expenses Monday ut 2222 No. llth. ! t'339 is * DRESSMAKINO-I WILL T'AKK PLAIN drcusfH for (5.10 for the next W days. f > I ! > ' . ; N ICth. U M33I ! ) MO.VKY TO 1,0'A.V HKAI. KSTATK. ANTHONY LOAN k TIll'ST CO. . 315 N. Y. L Quick money nt low rules for choice farm loan In Iowa , northern Missouri , rat-tern Nebr.isku \V-120 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR , 525 N. Y. LIFE W-127 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Ilrennan , I ovc Co. , Pnxton block W 128 LOANS ON IMPROVED ft UNIMPROVED CITV piopeily , W. Fuimini Smith & Co. , 1320 Furnani \V-129 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. Till O. F. niivl _ Co. . K.05 Fiirnain Ht. _ \V 130 C PKR CENT MONEY TO I/IAN ON OMAHA real estate & Neb. furnm. W. H. Melklc , Omnhn W-77'J- MONKY TO IX1AN ON OMAHA PROPERTY A'l lowest rates , llulMIng loans wanted , fidelity Truet-compuny. W 832 MONEY TO 1X1.VN ON IMPROVKD OMAII. prcperty. Pupey & Thomas , Flmt Nallonu Hank llldg. W-30J HURPASSKS ALL OTHERS-ALL OVER Till world the accident policies Issued by the Pn clllo of California. When buying get In "bert. " For rates write to or cull on A. V Todd , Keneral iigenl , 310 Ileo llldf. W 317 S .MO.VKY TO LOAN OIIATTHI.S. MONI-T LOAN ON FURNITl'HK. ' PIANOS horses , wagons , etc. ; ut lowest rate In city no removal of goods ; strictly confidential : yo can pay the Iran off ut any tlmu or In an amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE IX1AN CO. . ZOO Ho. Kill Ht. X 1S1 MONEY TO IXAN. 30. CO. 90 DAYS Ft'RNI ti re. plnnos , etc. Duff Ure n. loom 8 , Hi rlt r h 3 Illi.SI.VKSS CIIAXC'KS. KOIl SALE , AIIOUT 2.000 LI1S. MINION TYPE 70U I IK. iiKute. IV ) imlr two-third cu m. 4 iloublu Iron fctamlt for two-third cute * . Till mati-rlul uun uie < l on The Omaha lice nnd I In fnlrly coed condition. Will ln > old cheni In bulk or In < iuunlttlei to milt purclmtrr Apply In pcr on or by mall la The Ilee Pub Milling Co. , Olililhu , Neb. 1 713 I'OR HP.NT-A SMALL WATER POWER MILL ran nlio liundlu tsralu. Adarciu Hos K. Lln coin. NeUriukg. JC-MI05 NU III .SINS' CHANCKM. ST. AVERACli : wlJKtv NET INCOMK WITH MM Invested. sSfe ; fen er\ntlve. Pronpectun , proofo , free. K,1' Daly , 1R3 Ilrondw-ny , New York , ; Y-M8R Nil * IETAIL DRUG BTOfli : TOR SALE ; OREAT tmriraln ; write. llarJe , llnan & Co. , Council Illuffii. In , . , i Y-MI1 ! mon , mortKagee , I'nlrtmry. Neb. Y MK8 11 * GET RICH QnitKLY-HEND TOR " 300 IN- vrntlnnn wanted. KdRur Tale & Co. , SIS Ilrondwny , New YrrH' , Y SPECL'LATU JUTMCFOUSLY AND YOU CAN make money ; excellent facilities for handling larKC or uninll ordern In tock , cotton , Rrnln nnd provlrlonii. Rent book putillnhed nnd dally review of market * rent free , Member Chlc.tKO lloanl of Trade IS yearn. Robl. H. Kelly A Co. . KG Ui Salic St. . Chicago. Y WITH 3OdO TO carry stock of coodn nnd manage trnnch for I'll lea KO house ; salary ! ? 00 per month and nil expenses ; nleo extra iwrcentnRo ; permanent position with Rood future prospect * . AddrcsH Henry Morton. 21S Madison St. , Chicago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y-297-S * 391.CO. REALI'/Ki ) IN ONE WEEK ON AN IN- vriiltncnt of JIOO ; smaller Invcutinctitd realized In proportion to capital Invested ; could better irmiltn be expected ; n perpetual Income within the reach of all ; Inul years nvernKC more than 11,100 PIT month. Write for partlciilnri" , Condcn & Co. , Clinton building , Covlngton , Ky. _ _ Y-208-S V YOITNO WOMAN , IS YEARS Ol- ' AGE , would like to buy half Interest In millinery or rome other established huslncsx ; KOOI ! coun try town preferred. Address A 13 , lU-e. Y-2S4 6- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - START A PROnTAIlLE MAIL OltDKIl Hl'St- ncsK , requiring little or no capital ; for pnr- tlculnrii nddress lluslncsfi Ouldo Co. . 3S E. Fourth St. . Cincinnati. Ohio. Y-2SJS * N'ET PROFITS TOR SEPT. . lTl"brT. ; J7SO. ON Inveslment of $ luO ; send for partleularfi. Strllller & Co. , It5 WashlnRlon St. , ChlcuKO. Y CHICAGO HOARD OI- ' TRADE ; GREAT OP- portunltlcs now exltt far coiii-crvatlvc traders to mnkc prolltiiblc Investmrnts ; we RVC | cus- tiinpiB the benellt of 1C > enr ' experience us members of the ClilcnRti lloanl of Trade ; Fend for nur Speculators Manual und dally nnd weekly market letter , nn.I "Expose ot Ilucket ; " ( most htokcra who ndvertlse In thetc columns nro bucket shops ) all free. Write tin secretary of the Hoard cf Trade us to our ic < pnnslhlllty. C. A. Whyland & Co. , 10 Pa- clflis Avc. , Chicago. Y \ iINI : AND coMPLirru STOCK op IIARD- waie. Moves nnd tinware , with n BOO < I cetab- llMied buMneiiH ; xtock will Invoice nbout J7.COO.W : iiothlnR but cash nnd short time paper will buy this utock ; a rare chance that will bear InvestlKullon ; no traders. Address A CO. Hee. Y M321 SALE , HANK TAnusiKD I--OUH- tecn years , In Miutheastern Nebraska ; only bank ; excellent opportunity for party with IIO.OW.OO to 120,0(10.11) ) . Address A Cl. Hee. Y M320 17 _ _ _ WANTI3D. YOI'NG"MAN. SWEDISH. TO TAKE onc-thlnl Intercsl In n paylnp huslncn nnd innmiRemenl In Seundlnnvlan dei > arlmenl ; JICO cas'i required. Call SOS N. 7th St. , Council IIIUITs , In. Y 3J2 § I-'OK i-xciiAXsn. \\-ANTII ) TO'TRADE , iiuPTfiin cum : Call S4C llroadwny. Council muffs. 7. : w > 8 Kdll SAM11UAI. . I5STATH. "EI ECTION is ovr.ii. THE OREAT TRANS- MIHHISSIPPI EXPOSITION IS ASSURED. Now Is tintlnio to buy Oniilha property before prices ndvniK-t' . The Orent Exposition of ' S will create a. tre- nunilous ndvnnre. In Real KMate values. IT MKANS the i-xpemllture of several million dollars In construction , nffordlns nn Inmicnie nmount of work for the mechanics and laborltiR men of thii city. IT MEANS thn vxpcnilllure of hundreds of thousands of dollars In pavlm ; . parliliiR , bulld- IIIK .of boulevards and olher public Improve ments. IT MEANS constant , nnd hlendy employment to thousands of people on the now houses nml new bulblliiRs that will be erected to ( belter the Rreat number of 'people who will make Omaha their future home. IT MEANS the brltiRlUK to Omaha of several million of people , who will leave from forty to llfly million dollars In thin city. IT MEANS u firent Increase of from fifty to one hundred thousand to the population of this city. IT MKANS the heRlnnlne of n period of OREAT GROWTH AND PROSPERITY to this city. READ OUR LIST Ol' HEAL ESTATE HAH- 'GAINS. ACHE PROPERTY. M ACHES. 10 miles from Omaha pontolllce ; Kooj house and burn , orchard , fine spring water ; Fpkmll.l fin in ; only (4.000. 10 ACRES covered with handsome ehade trees , beautifully situated , between Dodge and Center els. , which have boon pnveil by the county , IS.tuO. 20 ACRES near Khnwood park In West Omaha. The city paid I'M per ucrc for the 200 ucres In this park. We can pell this 20 acres for ! 3it > per 20'ACHES within 4'.4 miles of the P. O. ; es pecially desirable for truckage or ManufneturliiK purposes. Surrounding property held at iOOO per ncie. We can offer this land for JIOO per acre. 45 ACRES close to So. Omaha. Finest kind of BnrJen land ; r.nly JJ7B per acre. 10 ACRES ndJolnliiR State Fair grounds. Hoau- tlfully situated nnd rlRlu on pnvc-d streets. Only J3.200. 10 ACRES jusl ouuldo city limits Co. muffs. All In small fruit ; S4.GH ) . 33 ACRES near Co. Ilhiffn ; tine fruit land ; owner will accept rniiw trad" . HOUSES AND LOTS. HANDSOME LOT. fO feet south frontaRe , small barn , benullful bhiide trees , with two Kood cot- taEi's , Just northf IluiiBcom pink ; Rround nlone Is wurth | 70 per front foot ; price , J3.7M. Tine icjldencc File. COxl'O feet , south front , near Hniihcom park , J3.FPO.vO. Mod < rn S-room house ; splendidly located ; cost owner $7.:00. < X > : cnn soil for Jo.uoo.OO. HandM'ine residence lot , near 331 and Dodge ; splendid location ; JI.3JDOO. House and lot , close to new Stnte Fnlr Rrounds ami Drivint , " parK : . Full cast front lot , 46x247. faring Hnnscom paik ; free from all paving ami rpcclal taxes ; J3,7tO.OO. Choice Investment , larfie soulh front lot. with two Rood cottaRes , near Hanscom park ; will Kimiuntfc Income of 10 per cent on price ; $3.7-0. Ileautlful lot , vvllh cottnKe , near Hnnscom paik ; Fplonilld local Inn ; J3.CCO.OO. FINE HOUSE nn 1 lot on No. 18th el. Modern In every way. Price. J4rco. NEAT COTTAGE home near 2Sth nnd Ohio St. Price. J200I. oil EASY TERMS. FINE HOME on Uiko SI. , near 22nd. Modern III every particular. If TAKEN SOON can b - liniiKht for Jl 000. FINE HOME onVst Fainnm St. Cost JC.CCO. Can bo hmiKlit for J4.WO. NICE IIOtlSE AND LOT near Ames Avc. Car line. tt.fiCO. Easy terms. 12-ROOM IIOl'SE near JCth and Dnvrnport Sis. Property cost J7.COi ) . t4.r.CO will buy It. NICE V-HOOM HOUSE , Inrn. In fact , n com- jdete home , ndjarent to car line. J1.WM. FINE HOME Northwest part of city ; 9 rooms ; modern. Price. J2.000. NEAT HOME near car line for JfCO. NK'k5 COTTAGE HOME near HanEcom Park. Cost 14.MK ) cash. If Fold this week can be had for ? COO on VERY EASY TERMS. HEAUTIFUL ACRE near NEW STATE FAIR GROUNDS Fine shade trees. > COO. FINE I.OT nenr 2.1th and Munderson Sis. Jttln. TII ; FINE LOTS near 2Sth and Ohio Sts. J400 to JCW ench. FINE CORNER LOT nenr 24th St. car line. JCIO. N1PII.OT roar AIMCS Ave. car line. JCJO. FINE LOT Just west nf 24lh SI. } - > r.O. (1OOD 1JOT 2th nml Ohio streets. J500. 21 FINE RESIDHNltH LOTS close to car lines from j : > lo J(00' ( . ' , FINE HESIDKN4I < , .LOT nenr car line. JIOO. IRM LANDS. 400 ACRES closnto lin-tnn. Snrpy Co. , Neb. : 2 : miles fmm Oinalm , Well Improved , For oulcl ; sale nt HI COO. ' ' " 431 ACRES Wnshlmston C.I , . Neb. ; nbout 12 miles from Omuli.-i. CU il fnrm bulhlliiRs. Splen did slorfnrm. ! . T3S pf-r nere. ffio ACRFS ci-ntr J Nelirni-kn. Good soil , run- nine wnler Clos ' to rrtllro.-ids. Only J8 per acre. IfO ACRES Wheclor Co. . Neb. One of the liert onarlprs In the Cr. JS per acre. ISO ACRES well iraprovt-d In Harrison Co. , In. J27J.O per ncrp. . , , , | 40 ACRES < i mlljw Irnm fo. Valley , Iowa. Well liiuiri vwl TIS npi ioici 115 ACRES 3 inllortifrom Rood town In Western Irvvrvir frrirt.i' ' f2K * nn nrre , M ACHES nnn Foiltn Omnhn. I'lrst-clnss bottom tom land. IntprftV * ! . ' ' 1S im acre. M2 ACRES Mills Co. In. Well Imprnrcil. Owner init sncrldce nnd vvlll take > 22 per ncri * . in ) ACRES Nnnco Co. . Neb. Well Improved. f2'i ' Her ncre Eo y tvrms. CIO ACRES near C-idiir Hnplds , Roonc Co. I-'lrst- clans soil. JI2 per ncrc. FOIl SAI E AND EXCHANGE. 3.000 ACRE Slock f rm Nnnce Co. , Neb. WM CXI-IIIIIIRP for Hrsl-chiFS city properly. 1.7PO ACRE RANCH Lincoln Co. . Neb. With r.'nrk nnd lmiil ments for ( rood Omaha property. FINE M > 0 A 'RE STOCJC FARM In On-eley Co. , Ni-b Price. J10 nn ncie ; ' ,4 tinile. 420 ACRFS well Improved. Close to Mo. Val ley. In. Cnn lnle ; icmo trade. CO-ACHE farm In Mnnono Co. . low-u. ImprovH. for rood hoiiKe nnd lot In Omihn. FOR EXCHANGE. M VALUAI1LE IX5TS. close In builnoi" ! centrr. Omnliu , nil clear of Incum- lirnnco ; price , IM.WO ; owner wnntii InrRe clock ranch. AUo offer one of the llnr t bunlness lots In Omnha , vnlueil ut JU.OOO , for uood slock farm. CO NICE lota on nlRC of city , all clear of In- cumbranre ; price , 1375 ouch wnnl Nebraska l.ind. HANDSOME Wock. wi-ll Ircuted for rentlns : price 120,000 ; Inciunbrnnce. 15(00 : C per crnl , lonir time , for Rood lowu farm : write u . Hick's Rt-nl Kstnte AK ncy. 306 N. Y. Life bldir. WE DO n Rrnernl ral fstnto bujiif | , Ffll and flxclmnce properllts of nil klndr. If you want to buv , sell or trade cell nn I see or write us , TIIEJIICKS REAL ESTATE AGENCY , JOS New York Life Hide. JU2I7 8 i-'ou S.\LIHI' vi ,'i : . ( Continued. ) AII9TUACTS. THE I1YRON HICEU COMPANY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . . . nc-m _ HOUHES. I/JT8 , FARMS. LANDS- Ueo. P. Ilcmls Real Estate Co. , Pnxton Hlk. RETTY B-HOO.M COTTAO A . llsvrnpnrt ( four blocks went of High school ) , pnrtly modem , only Jllilfl.oOi cnsy terms. ilyron R. llnsllnRs , ! ! 2So. Hth ! . HE--MISO . . . ELECTION" IS NOW HERE. 1IUSI- ness prospcrlly Is assured nnil lenl estnte vnluta are bound to ndvnnce. Two pieces sold last week. Come In nnd select sonu-thliu from the llnest list ot bnwlns In Omnhn. A 4- room house , 26-foot lol on pnved Mrejt. JCW ; A C-room house , sightly tO-foot lot. JWO ; A llm- modern cottage , B-moin * nnd balh on Ilrsl lloor. new. W.oeO. Have three Rrcat bargain * In llnnscom Plnce , 7-riHims with b.irns. lnrne lots , J2,20i > , J2.f.uO , nnd J3.600. These prices nro nbout CO pep cent of the renl value. Look nt the corner of 31th & Jackson mid make us nn offer. H Is n , bargain. Some J500 vacant lots near ear line , north part of the city for JS26 ench. These nrc samples ; no trouble to how property. Fidelity Trust Co. , Ii02 Fnrnnm PI. in310s WIl LAY UPON THE ALTAR THE FOLLOW- ItiR real eslnte sncrinrcs : A beautiful llnrney street lot. between lh nnd 27th streets , C0xl32 It. ; will be sold for almost any each offer. lMx2ir. ft. on Ro. 32,1. north of Center , 1 front- IIIK nml overlooking llnnscom park ; we b-K fern n cash offer. DSxlCS ft. , onc-hnlf block west of Hanscom pnrk , frontlnR on Center si. ; price , J2.C.OO. One flrsl mortRnRC of J3.000. due In five ycnrs , benrlnR G per cent Interest ; secured by llrst-clns.i Improved Omaha renl estate ; a. good Invest ment. ICO acres of choice Improved land 40 rods south east of Ix > ulsvllle , Neb. ; 140 ncres now In corn iml n very heavy crop ; 20 ncres of splendid natural timber ; llvlnp wnter ; located In a rich 'nrm community ; this fnrm ROCS to the Ilrsl cash ilddcr. We dislike to slaughter prices , nlrondy tro ovv , with the nbove pmpertlos , lint it has to no. These properties must be sold within ten dnys. llrmember , Oinnhn Is the city which Is to carry the van of nil Trnnsmlssls-lppl cities In their returning miirch to new prosperity. The day nf ftanillni ? IJIy on the street corners hns passed. The reluming Hood of honnled money will sweep nwny such sacrificial offorltiRs of property ns Is hereby Inln upon the auction block. O. W. CARLOCK , U. S. National Hank HldR. , entrance ( fllrp. RE318 S WHAT HAVE YOU FOR J2.000 COTTAGE home with or without barn. 1701 Farnnm. G. M. NnttlnRer A Co. RE337 8 HATH ROOMS. RUSSIAN. TURKISH AND MEDICATED b.ilhs , 0 cents ; nlso exclusive dcpnttmcnt for ladles ; everything new ; ladles' hair dressing and barber shop In connection. 107 S. 14th. 17.1 MUSIC , AHT AM ) I.AXRt'AHK. GEORGE F. OELLENHKCK. HAN.1O , MANDO- lln nnd RUltnr teacher. Room 412 Hee Rid ? . Tel. 23S. _ IM J225 HUY8 A I1EAUTIFUL WALNUT. UPRIGHT piano. JIOO an excellent graml : JG.O > 1 monthly payments. Vose Sons. Knabe & Stelnwny plnnos , cheap , rented. 318 McCaRue bldu. 201-11 t GO TO M. P. WALKLLN TOR RIOIIT PRICKS on furniture packing , rcpalrliiR , innttr < - . ci- ! < . couches , cnlilon . 2111 CumliiK. Tel. 1331. 124 noitsr.s Avi.vriitt-i > . GOOD SHEDDING ; REST CARE ; JI.M MONTH ; W. F. Hnyiler , Wth and I nvcnvv-orth ; write 2C02 Mnrcy. M-741 N17 PLENTY OF ViEIT SHEDS "AND WATER : hones culled for nnd dellvoioil : rntos , 13 per month. Address Dnlley , Crescent City. la. M-SOD N20 IAXCIX ! SCHOOL. A CLASS FOR ADVANCi : Pl'IMLS IS NOW forming ut Morand' to meel every Monday nt 8 p. in. : ticket for 10 wcckH , $ .1 ; good until used. Cull at 1510 Harney St. ; always open. MSOS N20 VI.VK MACIII.VKS AMI SUI'PLIKS. NfiW HOMIHOUSKHOLO AND WIIITH tewing machine olllce , 1514 Cup. avc. Tel , IS'l. 137 SIIOUTII.VM ) AMI TVIM5WUITIXCJ. A. C. VAN SANTS SCHOOL. M3 N. Y. LIFE. ATOMAHA HUS. COLLIDE , ICTH &DOt'aLAS (31 MASOV AVOHIC .IOmiKH. L P. IIEALY , 1K2 CLARK STREET.RCC4 R-CC4 Ni SWAPS. WANTKD. GOOD IMPROVED FARM FOR A N.i. 1 city property. Address A 62 , Omaha IV , M-K2 ! > : AM ) I.OAX AS OCIATIO.\S. SHARES IN MITTUAL L. ft II. APS'N PAYS fi. 7. 8 per cent when 1. 2. 3 yearn old ; always re- deeinahle. 1704 Farnam vt. XattlnRcr , Sec. HOW TO GET A HOME OH SECURE OOOD Interest on mvlnss. Apply lo Oniahu U Hi H. Axs'n , 1704 Fnrnuin. ( ! . M. NntlliiKcr , Sec.13G PHYSICAL ctM/rnti- : . EI-OCl'TION-MHS. W. DOHWARD. R3 N. 19th. M Coo Nil * El.OCtTlON , V.ULEMA FULLER. ICU DOUCI- ISC N-30 * laa street. TYPHWIUTI5H9. OF.T THE HEST TYPEWRITERS : SUPPLIER- repairs. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. . 1010 Farnnm ctreet. MS30 June SO SI1OHTIIAM ) . PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN SHORTHAND. Special opportunity. Permanent. 210 ! ) Diiimlim. 2o7 I ! * I'AU.MIIIOKIIHS. II. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY , -118 N. 1C ST. IlliXTISTS. SAVE MONEY IIY dOINO TO SEYMOUR , dentlft , ! ' 35 North 24th M. ; lowest cluirKei ; work Ktiarantied , palnh-BH extraction ; examina tion free ; open fcU'iiInK" . _ .W Mu LOST. J400.00 REWARD O1VKN AND NO QUESTIONS iiHkuil for the rtturn of the Jewelry and dla. imni'lH tuken from F. P. Kllkeiidnll'H ieM- ilenrv. IxjBt M2CH-8 A "REWARD "WILL HB PAID FOR THI : HI- : turn to 101 South 32d nvi-iuio of a em-ill fox terrier ; white ; one ear Hack , one i-potted. I/out M334 11 MICDIOAL. LADIES ! CIUCHESTER'S ENGLISH PENN\- RGvul plllu ( Diamond brand ) nro the beat. Kafe reliable. Take no other , h'end 4u vtninni for particulars. "Relief for Luillcn , " In lelter by relurn mall. At ilniEKlntH. Chlc-heslcr Chemical Co. . Philadelphia , Pu. Mention Hee. IIIOVCIiKS. fllCYCLKS , HANKTllT'T STOCK , NEW 'M mc-delK. hlKh crude. KO. r0 line Bcnnd-hand wlu-elB fi ! to Jli ; ut-entH wanted , \\rlte for lIstK , R. C. Mead & PmilUH. ChlcuKO , III. IIAIHDHF.S.SIM ; . THE PALACIJ HEAl"riKt.'L. ICI3 DOUOLAS ; inunlPiirlnK. inawnKP. hair dnimlnK. oomplxlon UcatmentH u kpeelulty. M3 1 > 7 WAXTHII TO IIOH HOV. . WANTKD-TO 1IORROW JS.OOO FOR 5 YKARB : Ut inurtgugo M-curlly on Ho. Omaha property worth JiS.COO. Address , NtntlnB Inu-rc-hl re- nulled , A C4 , lite. 336 8 SUES & CO. , . . PATIuNT SOLICITORS , " " " ' " " ' & , Nuur AUvIco und I'iUunl Uuu , > AMUSEMENTS. The only cli.inco of r.nfply for bklillnn for puliltc fnvoi- lust wcc-lt outulilo of politics was In combining with politic * nml go tihitrliiK the popularity of that liiiulit- bio pursuit. The Ihprttciu illil thU to far KM they could , nml camp out pictty well on iho whole , nlthouRh the Crelghton was ilnrli the latter part of the week nnd "In Mlxtuurn" nt Doyil'g ilhl nothing llko the busliiCHs it lewcrvcil. "In Ony Now York" opfnil att plrlou ly nt the CrclRhton n wcolt RO today ami held Its own hr.ivoly ncnlnat tremendous counter attraction ! ) on Monday night , with the nld of the Into Mr. illryau , who was annotmcctt to speak from the stupe Immrdlatply nftcr the performance , lie did sppal tln'ro , after liavlug npoken nl lloyd's and In a lot of olhor places that nlijht. The Civlghlon had n , bg ! crowd Tuesday night , but the ninlloiieo did not fiocm to vnjoy the entertainment pro vided , which took tlu- form of H Mercoptli-on display of election returns. The artists In charge did tholr best , but the material fur- nUhcd was not of n kind to console a tree silver audience. "The Old Homestead. " with n prnr-tleally unknown companj. pleafed pa trons of Hoyd'a for n couple of nights early In the week , and retuma were also read from the stage nt thta house. If Nat Goodwin had boon announced lust week In connection with ' "In Mlxzourn , " the chances nro that Hoyd's theater would not have contained the crowds which would have flocked thither. And yet A. S. Llpman. who has been playing Mr. Ooodvvln'H original part of thu sheriff , Is at least ns good In the character ns the red-eyed nnd rod-hahvd comedian over was. In some resnoot ho Is bettor. Goodwin Is volatile enough to do anything creditably , but he was In no wise great In this play. Mr. Mpmiin's uherlff has a rugged Rtrength and virility which was lacking In Goodwin's. The company at pi-efcnl at Iloyd's Is likewise an excellent one. In the original production there were many who considered Mre. Jean darn Wal ters' work as the blacksmith's wife the best thing In the performance. Mrs. 'Walters In still In the cast In her former part. And other member ? of the company are almost oiiually competent. The play may be si-en once more , at the matinee this afternoon , nnil a largo audience should see the really excellent presentation. L'liinlni ; I'vcnl- * . Davis K Keogh's scenic production , "On the Howcry , " will be presented nt lloyd'h tonight and tomorrow ( Monday ) night. Day and star are remembered from their Joint appearance hero lust year. There Is abun dant comedy In every act and sensational melodrama as well. The piny Is made very realistic by tlui Introduction of that famous llowcry personage , Steve Hrodlo. bridge Jumper nnd philanthropist , who plays him self , tends bar In a representation of his own llowcry saloon , helps the persecuted nnd rescues lives in ptrll. exnrtly ns ho would do In real life. One of the most applauded features of the play Is the wonderful scen ery. The scene showing the Ilrooklyn bridge has never been excelled us an example of fine perspective painting. It Is In this sriuc that Steve llroille Jumps from the bridge to save a woman's life. The piece contains a of new specialties this season. \Vnlkor 'Whltesldo will be Iho attraction nt the Crelghton for four nights , commenc ing with this evening's performance , when he- will appear In the title role In his latest production. "Kugeno Aram. " The character of ! 3ugcnc Aram , the un fortunate scholar of England , who lived no long n solitary recluse during the eighteenth century. Is well known to history , and the romance which surrounded his life should make him a fruitful subject for the play wright to deal with , llulwer Lytton has woven a powerful novel out of the history of Aram's life , nnd Thomas Hood , In his ballad , "The Dream of Eugene Aram , " deals with the wretched schoolmaster In a manner which at once excites the render's Interest and sympathy. Paul Kester and Walker Whltesldc hi collaborated la writing a poetic drama with Aram as the central figure , which. It Is said , U strong and dignified In construction , powerful without being melodramatic In Its situations and climaxes. The authors have taken In n measure the plot of Lord Lyttnn'u novel ns the basis for their play , and have also Interwoven a charming love story throughout the drama. The famous defense made , by Aram , when on trial for his life In York prison. 17D9. and which was published and Is still cxtrnt. Is retained , with but ollght curtailments , In the trial scene In the play. The characters are , It Is stated , nil well drawn. rspiVlally that of Richard House man , with whom ICugeno Aram was an ac complice In the murder of Daniel Clark. Mr. Kester and Mr.Vhltrshle have nlso written some quaintly amusing scenes , which go far toward lightening the play. During this young player's stay In this city lie will bo seen in "Hamlet. " "Othello" and "Tho Met chant of Venice , " in which productions ho Is familiar to local playgoers. "Thoroughbred , " produced by Charles Krohman. conns lo the Crelghton for a half week engagement , beginning Thursday night , with the record of two very succcbs- ful runs In Xcw York. The story of the play concerns a ploua old llrlton , who suddenly abandons the stralghtlaced practices of a lifetime nnd becomes ardently In terested In horse races. He Is , of course , a erltnble sheep among wolves In his now ele ment , and ho has moreover great trouble In his endeavors to avoid exposure to Ills wlfo. One of the nmuslng Incidents of the play Is whore ho disguises himself as a strolling negro mln.strel. In this masquer ade he has two companions who adopt similar disguises for purposes of their own and unexpected perplexities ensue. The part of the old Kngllshman Is played by Thomas Q. Scubrooko. Other prominent members of the company are Kdgar Davenport , Isabel Kvcsson , Maggie Hollowny Kischor. H. M. I'ltt , William Xorris and Charles W. Dul ler. "Thoroughbred" has , U Is said , some very pretty ncenlc effects. Among Its In cidental songs are these entitled "Keep t lu llaby Warm" nnd "Onr 'Appy Little 'Udson 'Ome. " Scots for the engagement will bo placed on sale tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. At last the Industrious playwright has In vaded the quaint precincts of Coney Island anil bulliloil therefrom n stage representa tion. "At Gay Coney Island" Is the title selected for the play , and Mat hewn & Ilul- gcr. two favorably known comedians , appear In the production. Faithful pictures of the unique features of New York's famous play ground ought lo do goo.1 service as stage attractions , anil doubtless have been put to proper uses In the new comedy. As Coney Island abounds In types not to bo found anywhere else on earth , originality may be expected to mark the entourage. A large company of upcciallsts In the musical com edy line In announced to surround the new stars , and the venture has all the elcmcntn of success. "At Gay Coney Island" will bo the attrac tion at Iloyl's for four days , commencing Sunday matinee , November 10. A genuine dramatic treat Is her alded for the coming engagement ot Hoyd'H of IM A. Church'a Metropolitan company , which gives n\x \ per formance , commencing Wednesday mati nee , November II. "Hip Van Winkle" will lo presented at the opening matinee , also Frlilay night ; and a rendition of the story ( f the vagabond of the Catskllls Is promised that will plcaao the mcst exacting. "Tho Prisoner of Alglcni , " written hy Frank Lin den , will be the bill Wednesday anil Satur day nights. On Thursday night and at the matlnco Saturday "The Count of Monte Crlsto" will be presented. Ily special arrangement made yesterday with Mr. Hamilton of iho "In Mlzzoura" company an extra matlnco will b vlvcn ut the Hoyd this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. The play U full of Ktiong dramatic points and lias an established position among theater patrons as a papular arjd successful stage picture of life "In Mlz-.oura. " No company that has ever produceIt ! has been MO carefully - fully selected as the one that Mr. Hamilton has under his management. Mr. Thomas , the author ut the play , picked the players , nnd cni-h ono wa * selected for his or her n lapliblltty to the particular part fiss. ned , therefore a thoroughly competent nnd cvetily tmlnnced company has been nccurcd. ? l MUSIC. 1. Tht.- Omaha Musical society will Rive HH Ilrst concert In Ort-lRhlon tlu-ator Thuradiy ovenlnu , November 19. under HIP dlrrctu. . of Mr. Homer Mooro. The membership con. fdsts of 100 thoroughly competent slngora. among whom arc n number of Oniaha'n lead- Ini ; soloists. The society wan organized In September and hah since been diligently at work lire-paring for this Initial performance. The music has boon selected with the in tuition of really entertaining the uudlcnco nnd the denlro Is to RVI | a concert which , whllo only good music la i-ondcrcd , shall yd bo thorotiKhly popular. To this end selection baa been made of two operatic "flnulca. " which are brilliant and powerful. One Is by Verdi nnd ono by Wagner. The null ) and ensemble I'.irlR ' lutvo been un signed to the followltiK members ot thn society : Mw. Martin Cahn. Mrs. C. M. Wllliplm. Mlas Myrtle C'oon. Mrs. C. W. Mollon. Mrs. J. \i. \ Kennedy , Mrs. Charles. Urquhnrt , Mrs. W. W. Ttinur. Miss 1'aullno I.owo. Mrs. A. T. Klv and Mi-ssru. Jules 0. Lumhard. Walter n. Wllkins. Harry V. lUirkloy. J H. Conrad , H. 1-3. Sundorland. A. hansliiK. W. K. Johnson nnd H. lli-tgron. The society will have the assistance of an orcheslr.i of twenty munlclans , of which Mr. Fran ? Adclmann will bo concert-mclntor. This orKanlzatlnn comes before the public solely on Its merits and without a guaranty fund or ,1 MiltciIptlon list. Its permanence IIH on Institution of this city depends entirely upon public patronage. Much has been written and said by xlngon nnd teachers about breatning , nnd Homo have formulated what they have called a "vocal method" upon this one factor In tone production. Some are ready to stake their eternal musical salvation upun what thn Irreverent call "the abominable system , " meaning the ; others upon "upper chest , " others upon "Inter-costal. " Jean do Heszke uses "upper chest ; " IMancon Iho. "abdominal , " and Mine. Melon , as n gineral thing. "Inter-costal. " These nro three ot the grentest artlsta In the world. As near as can bo determined by observation. Mine. N'ordlca uses. all three , ami there Is no singer anywhere who Is more versatile than Mine. Nordlca. I-'at-h ono seems to use that which Is best adapted to him or her. Any careful student cr.u master all three methods and Icaru to use each with dl < v-re- tlon. It Is poor policy to hang one's whole hope of success upon any one thing unlos.1 It Is necessary HO to do. but a mixture of methods In which nothing Is mastered Is the worst of all pOMlblc conditions. Messrs. Herman Ilasso. cornctlst. and Franz Englc , viola player , two of Omaha's I' < i3t Instrumentalists , have left this city. It Is said Mr. Dasso baa gone lo 1'lttnburg to loin Mr. Archer's orchestra , nnd that Mr. IJnglo Is engaged In Kansas City. Doth players came to this country at the time of the World's fair , nnd since that time liavo made Omaha their home. May they soon return nnd remnln. The musical department of the Woman's club will glvo the Inaugural program ot the Dcrthlck method , Wednesday , October 11 , .1 p. in. , at the club rooms. Program : Address The Dcrthlck Federation Mr Homer .Mooro. I'l.-ino Hi-othoveu'H : ( Irnm Sonata Op. in ) ( u ) Descriptive Amilysl * nnd Illustra tions ( b ) I'erforiniince of U-irgo Mr. Don Long. Address The Ilonutlful In Muslp Mr. ThoumH J. Kelli-y. Piano Chopin's HerrotiKp ( ( . 'railIP Song ) ( n ) Descriptive AnnlyHls with Iluntni- tloiiH ( b ) Performance of Horceuso Mlsn Josephine Hell. Song nnd Analysis The Kvctilnic Stnr. . Tannbauscr Mr. Homer Mooro. I'lnnn ChopIn'H Funeral Mnroh ( n ) Descriptive Analysis with Illustra tions ( b ) Performance' of Mnrch Mr. Don Long. Miss XatiRS Hendtr Mlsa Cunningham Accompanist The following very complimentary artlclo about Mr. I copold Godowsky , the great Rus sian pianist , who Is expected to appear In thin city about November 21 , Is from the pen of W. S. It. Matthews , Chicago's lending music critic , who devoted ten pages to the nrtlst In the July edition of his paper : "Thero Is never any pounding In Go- dowsky's playing. Forte and sforzando there are In plenty , when needed , but never pounding. In all his playing a marvellous clenrness nnd limpid melodiousness , the llko of which you rarely hear , even under the fingers of the greatest artists. Partly thlu Is duo to the method of lilis practice. Ad miring his smooth playing of thirds I had if the curiosity to Imiulre how It had been acr- quired. I found that to begin with he had Invented a new fingering for chrmuatla thirds , possessing the advantage of perfect legato In both the voices. In place of ( { To two breaks In every octave roneccsslt.itod In all other systems of fingering. I found that ho practiced the upper voice by Itself until It went to suit him ; then the lower In llko manner ; and at last both together until the . * A double thirds went with n perfect and me- ' lodlouti legato , exactly llko single runs , This , which all virtuoso pianists aim at , Godowsky attains. " The following letter was received by the editor of The Ileo from far-lift Mpssm hu- scttH. It refers to the musical column that nppoircd In Ibis paper October 11 , ni.d la a very pleasing evidence of the sympathy and unity of feeling which may and often docs exist between musicians. The writer feels very grateful to Mr. Dalton for his very generous letter , nnd trusts that at some future time ho may have the honor of his acquaintance. The letter Is as fol lows : "Sl'IHNGFIRLD. Mass. , Oct. II. To Iho Kdltor of The Omaha lice Dear Sir : Thanks for the excellent artlclo on - Interpretation pretation of 'Music' In your Issue of last Sunday , and especially for the silent ren dering of Sullivan's beautiful 'Lost Chord * given therein. Many times have I phycd nnd sung that subllmo song , full of meanIng - Ing and musical pictures ns It Is , anil thought out Just these sentiments which your artlclo describes. I pity the muti who ban not music enough In his xoul to bo thrilled by that Inspiring union of poetry and music. Yours sincerely , C. F. DALTON. " Kvery year several great Instrumental arl- Isis come from I.iropo to America In search of now worlds to conquer and new dollars to spend. Last yeir we had three violinists , Marslck , Itlvanlo and Ondrlcck. This year we are to have two great pianists , Itoson- thnl nnd Slovoklng. The Inttcr Is already In this country and made his debut In IIos- ten with the Symphony orchestra , October 21. and Iho I'ost sayx ho was given "a splen did ovation" at the eloso of the concerto by Tschalkowsky , which ho plnycd. Roscnthnl will make his first appcarnnco In Carnoglo Music hall , New York , next Tuesday evfiilng with the Symphony or chestra and Mr. Damrosch. There Is no reason to doubt his success. It Is likely that both these great artists will mnko a western tour , nnd If so steps should surely bo taken to glvo Omaha the advantage of hearing them. Thuro Is no olhor way of be coming musical but by hearing music , and these who know music best nnd have heard tlio most are most nnxloiiH to hoar truly great nrttsts. Omaha can build up I la own music by patronizing Us own pluyorti and singers , and also by listening to the greatest that the whole world can send to us. No ono Is too great for Omaha. Interested or disinterested persons liavo tried to circulate n report lo the rffect that .tho great pianist , I'adi-rcwskl. Is sick. cra/.y , or broken down. The follow Ing cablegram hardly alilM thrlr cauxe , If It Ii one "A1X LU3 JIAINS. Oct. 25. 1890 , "William Stolnway , New York In uplto of all no-culled friendly ii-porU. I am enJoying - Joying perfect health ; nt Inut It Is Kfirnl" enough for mo. I'AUUUHvYBKI. " Waller DamroHch and the New York Oratorio society will perform thl < Ht-ason Verdi's "Munzonl lleqillem , " Hamlet's "Mc-sslah , " and ' .MenilclF ohn'fl "Klljuh. " Mine. Llllluu Nordlca will bo one of th noloUU. J10MKH MOOKU.