Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1896, Editorial Sheet, Page 12, Image 12

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IX UOSttWATRII , Kdllor.
Dally lice ( Without Snn.lnV ) , Ons Year . I M
IJnlly UMI miJ Hiuulnj , One Ycnr . 10 JO
HI * MnntlM . 523
Three Month > . s * °
Hunilny tin- . One Vmr . 2W
PAtunlny five. Ono Vonr . * S
Wckly lire. One Your . w
Omnlm : The llii Hull-Unit.
Houlh Oinnhn : Hlnnor Ilik. , Ccr. N unit 2 < th 8U.
Council Illurrn : Id Nut-tli Mult ) 8tn-t-t.
Clili-nifn Oilier : J17 ChHinliT nf Conmiorcr.
Ni-wr York : lln-mis 13. H nn'1 IS. Trlb'ino
Wiuldmtton : 1107 V Strwl. N. W.
All rr.tnrminUHtlrins tflatlnn In novn nnd fill-
torlnl nintlir flu UM te nililrcs'od : To Oi9 l.illtor
All InmlnmH Idlers nin ! r'ii > IHano * should ! > <
ndclrvmwt to Th * Ilco I'libllnhlms ( Vmiiwny ,
Otnnhn. Draft * . cliwki mid p > tolllc ordi-i * W
lx > inmlo jmVHliIe tn ilw order "f tli < fimimiiy.
fitnlp of Nrbrnrkn , I
DnuRlns fotmty. |
HwrKn II. TnwhUPk , rtcretnry of Tha life till ) ,
flchlnic rompnny , IHIIR duly sworn , sys Hint th
nrtiinl nutnlitr of fall and complete oolite * of Ino
Unlly Morning , Kvtnlnir nnd Sunday lice printed
the month of Oclolii-r. 1S * I , was its fol-
1 20.807 It 21. IM
5 M.9W ! > 8 5I.S
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Totnl Cl3'1'1
I.CM ilnluellnns for unsold find returned
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copies <
Tntnl not Mtcs < & 5"
Net ilnlly nvrrnsc " " '
ncount : n. TSWCUUCK.
Sworn in boforc inn nnd ful ) c-rllifl ; In my
pro cnrp Hits 3l t day or Octolirr. 1 y- ,
. Notary
( S.a ) j
Xo Mexican peon n so for the American
Tlit1 campaign Is over , but lhr > eduea-
linn .still coes on.
Xo Imitations of Abraham Mncoln po
with the American people.
No si'dlniiMl iiolltlcs In ( lie Innil of
UliiM'ty. f in > country , one people , one
j ; , one destiny.
The tnrl ey solililer's deaih warrant Is
out anil the execution will take plan-
on schedule ( line.
Ainonc the candidates for Senator
1'cnVr'n shoes nolmdy has mentioned
Kockless .lerry Simpson.
I'olltlcs In the pnlplt and the pnlpll
In polities may lie put down now as
regular features of our national cain-
Now for the prodigal son act on the
part of the tearful bolters who played
the leading roles In that dramatic scene
nt the St. Louts convention.
When a defeated politician tells what
is Kolii to happen four years hence
you may put him down us a gambler
hi political futures and options.
Mexican dollars remain at tholr pres
ent bullion value tn the absence of all )
prospect for conversion Into American
coin at twlcu the market quotation.
It must be admitted that Bryan did as
well as any one voted for In the Chicago
convention could have done. It was the
cause that was foredoomed lo defeat.
Tin.1 Douglas county populist who
boasted that he had voted In ten presi
dential campaigns but had never struck
It rlKht on the winner has kept up hit ;
It will IMI noticed by casual reference
to the election tables that the states In
which Itryan talked the most are the
states which n ve the largest majorities
for .McKlnley.
When a woman moving In upper
temloin steals valuable merchandise she
Is allllcted with kleptomania. When a
poor working woman steals a spool of
thread she Is branded as a thief.
Under the federal
we can
not be allllcted with a presidential elec
tion oflcner than four years. There
nre some things we may be thankful
for , Irrespective- the outcome of the
The anti-cigarette button Is one of the
latest and most sensible developments of
the generally Idiotic button habit. Chil
dren who wear them , however , should
not smoke cigarettes at the saint1 time ;
they Khnnh ! stick to pipes.
Next spring's prize college- orator will
have a mine of new material to crib
from In the outpourings of the campaign
talkers who have been
busy and so
lirollllc from the very betflnnhif , ' of. Iho
present presidential contest ,
The Turkish sultan seems to bo the
only man who successfully fools all
the powers of Knrope all the time. And
the Knropean powers , like the people of
the United Slates , In Itanium's story ,
llko to be humhtiKKcil ' 'Wit
Times must hi hard Indeed In Okla
homa ami Indian Territory when the
notorious robber , Oklahoma Hill , Is
forced to commit suicide. If Hill could
not make a living there longer , how can
It bo possible for legitimate business to
thrive ?
The government of India sees In the
drouth In that country mich a serious
calamity as to call for government re
lief. The necessity of coming to the aid
of drouth sufferers with public contribu
tions Is not peculiar to the 1'nlled
Pitchfork Til I man declares that "the
natural nlllanco of the south and
west" has received an Impetus which
t'uiinut 1m stopped or prevented. " The
Konth Carolina tire eater does not ueem
to realize that thu patriotic and pro-
jjre.SHlve west will never enter any alll-
aiicu that IIIIH for its object sectional
Belllsluu'ss. Tliu people of the great
west Know of 110 "enemy's country"
within the boundaries of thu United
VKitim i is ruxi.rvmK. .
In his manifesto to the "blinetallUts"
of the United .States annoiincliijr his de-
feat fof the presidency. William .Ion-
Mings Itryan proves himself to be the
champion of tin * age. After
reciting the causes which In his Judg
ment brought abiint the election nfVII -
Ham M'-lvlnley. Mr. Itryan says :
In spltr of the efforts of the mlmlnlxlrntloti
nml Its supporters : In splto of the throat. * of
money lo.incr.i nt home nnd nhroail ; In plto
of the coercion practical ! by corporate em
ployers ; In spltp of trusts nml syndicates ; In
spiteof an enormous republican cnmpal a
fund , nml In splto of thr lufluciice of a IKM-
tile dally pro * * , liltni'tnlllsin tins nlmoat
trlnmplicil In the > nnt grprtt nsht. The IMS
of n few slates , and that , lee , by very .imnll
tiluralltln , hns ilcfentcd hlmotulllcm for the
present , tmt bimetallism cmi'rgn ' from the
cntitrst stronger than It i" s four montln
It Is nmaxlug that any man presmnrd
to be fairly Informed coneernlug the
conditions under which the campaign
was fought and familiar with Aineilcan
geography should delnili1 himself and
try to delude others by such inlsstate-
Mr. Itryan knows that the oitpo-iltlon
of the admiiiKlratlon was more of : i
help ( n his cause than It was to that of
MVKInley. It relieved him at least In
part of responsibility for the cia.h of
IS ! ) ) ! and the suhx ( < < mcnt unpopular
bond Issues all-Mil which he and liN cam
paign stumpers haiped so mneh. The
opposition of the administration enabled
the Hryans. Tlllnmns and Altgelds to
turn to their own advantnge the acts of
Cleveland that had given offeut-e to
wageworkers and pro'dueers.
It Is ama/.lii ! ; that a man backed by
the silver mine millionaires ami , mining
slock gambler.- ' , whose chief capital lay
in his attacks on the money power , the
plutocrats , the syndicates and the trusts ,
should now charge up Id * defeat to the
inllilences Unit were the weakest spot
In Ids opponent's armor and gave him
his only strength.
It Is ama/.lng. ton. that a man who
had been specially favored by the great
newspapers of the country , who consti
tute and support with their money and
ihoir newsgatherlng machinery the na
tional press associations , with the wid
est publicity of everything he had to say
In the campaign without price , should
persist In chaiglng hU defeat- tills
The most nnnr/lng thing of all Is the
sublime conceit that prompts Mr. Hryau
to-assert that "bimetallism has almost
triumphed" In Ids unsuccessful I'onte-it
and that Ids failure Is due to "the loss
of only a few stales by very small plu
ralities. " The facts are just the re
verse. There has not been a more
crushing rebuke administered at the bal
lot box by the people of the United
States since IS" : . ' , when Horace < ifeeley
was nominated by two parties , with
neither of whom he had anything In
Crediting Mr. Hryan with all the state ?
he lias carried and adding to them the
stales of Kentucky , South Dakota and
Wyolnlng. whose electoral votes may In
part or In whole be cast for McKIuley.
we have slates representing an aggre
gate census population of 1.'I.-I1S.I11.
Computing the present population of the
United States at 70,000,000 and giving
these slates their proportion of the
growth since 1S)0 ! ) , their present popu
lation cannot exceed 'J7.000.000. while
the stales carried for McKIuley have a
population of Ci.ono.onn. The pluralities
for McKlnley are 1 . .VJO.OOO. while the
pluralities for Hryau are computed at
r > 7 < > .000. The states of New York and
IVnnsylvauIa alone have given almost
as great a plurality for McKlnley as all
the states together that have cast their
votes for Hryan. and these include at
least 7.ri,000 votes of women In Colorado
rado , Utah and Wyoming.
Instead of being on the verge of a
triumph the combined silver forces have
met ti signal and irretrievable disaster.
In spite of the efforts of their standard
bearer to rouse the passions and preju
dices of thejumr against the rich , the
debtor against the creditor , the bread
winner against the employer ; In spile of
prevailing low prices of farm products
and the general discontent growing out
of long-continued llnanclal depression ;
In spite of ilu > temptation lo debt-sealing
and repudiation , nearly two-thirds of
the plain people deliberately rejected
the Hryan panacea nnd voted for Mc
KIuley and sound money. This verdict
Is conclusive and will be so accepted by
Intelligent men of all parties.
There Is a bill in congress , which has
the backing of the League of American
Wheelmen , providing for a special coin-
mlsson on lighways. It that
such a commission shall consist of the
chief of engineers of the tinny , the direc
tor of the geological survey and the chief
of road Inquiry of the Department of
Agriculture. The duly of the commis
sion Is to be to Inquire generally how the
government may promote the Improve
ment of highways and to consider the
expediency and best methods of provid
ing for the selentllle location of high
ways on the public domain , the employ
ment of the geological survey In the dis
covery of road materials , the free test < .
Ing of all road material offerinl , the con-
stiucllon of model roads and Instruction
In road making at agricultural colleges
and experiment stations. The creation
of the commission would Involve practi
cally no outlay to the government , since
the only appropriation Is of about $10-
000 , the amount of previous appropria
tions for road Inquiry which have not
been expended. Thus there would sim
ply be turning to use money which Is
now lying Idle.
The creation of the proposed commis
sion would In no sense mean that the
national government was going Into the
work of road construction , save on the
public domain. It Is universally ncog- ;
nlxcd that the building nnd Im
proving of highways must be
done by the slates , or by the
communities most Immediately In
terested , but nt tin1 same time It Is evi
dent Unit a commission composed of the
otllclals named might be Instrumental
In aiding the movement which has al
ready made such marked advances In
certain portions of thu country. Then-
Is umiui'dtlouubly need of popular edu
cation on this subject nnd n special commission -
mission ctvttt'd : by congress to carry on
Investigations would be helpful nnd MUR-
The League of American Wheelmen ,
whose Interest In good roads has done
much to create a public sentiment on
the subject , that 1ms already led to Im
portant results. Is stronger than It was
a year ago and will b. < able tr > bring
greater inllueiice to bear In behalf of the
proposed commls-dnii nt the coining ses
sion of congress. With the election over
and belter conditions prevailing In the
country , there ought to be no dllllculty
In securing the proposed legislation , par
ticularly In view of the fact thai ll In
volves really no outlay by the govern
ment nnd there N no politics In It. The
question of Improving the highways Is
a very Important one nnd II will continue
to be agitated until the desired Improve
ment Is attained. The progress that has
been made in this direction Is to the
credit of the bicycle.
xinr ron run nxi't
The promoters of ihe Traiwmisslsslppl
Exposition have no time to lose if the
ciiterprls-e Is to be credllnbly can led out
as originally planned. The opening of
the exposition has been set for .lune 1 ,
1NIS. This leaves only eighteen months
for the active work of location , laying
out of grounds , designing and construct
ing the buildings and collecting and
placing the exhibits. The energy of the
new board of managers to be elected
next month will be taxed to the utmost
to execute the stupendous task devolv
ing upon It.
In entering upon this great undi'rtak-
lug theie must be no friction and no
back-llring from inossbacks or obstruc
tionists. Those who do not want to as
sist in the work should at least desist
from discouraging or Interfering with
those who have the nerve and the public
spirit to push Ihe exposition to rumple-
lion. While II was naturally to have
been expected that some men who have
large Interests III Omaha would lag be
hind and offer all sorts of excuses for
not coming to the front with liberal sub
scriptions , the exposition project Is lee
far under way to be seriously affected
by those who lack In courage or conll-
ilencc as lo its success.
These men must be made to realize
that the people of Omaha are In dead
earnest and that they nre enlisted for
ihe whole exposition campaign. Omaha's
reputation and Its immediate future are
at stake. No proposition looking to an
ludetlnlte postponement of the exposi
tion will be for a moment entertained ,
much less any talk of Its abandonment.
To do so would not only react Injuri
ously upon Omaha but would handicap
It In the race for supremacy with rival
cities for a long time to come.
hi : < nsr..inox.
The republican party enacted the first
anti-trust legislation , the law of IS'.K ) .
It was the result of much careful con
sideration and was passed after extended -
tended discussion. The belief of some
of the ablest lawyers In congress was
that Ibis act would prove adequate and
effective for the suppression of all com
binations against the freedom of com
petition and for the restraint of trade.
It has not done so. The few efforts that
have been made to enforce It have come
to naught. Prosecutions Instituted
against trusts during ( lie Harrison ad
ministration and continued under Ihe
jiresent administration failed.
In Ihe case of the American Sugar Ke-
lliiing company , the supreme court de
cided that the penalties of the anti-trust
act of ISilt ) apply only to a monopoly of
the Instrumentalities of Interstate coin-
mere.1 , Iteferrlng to this decision , At
torney Ceneral Harmon said In a com
munication to congress that the act docs
not apply to the most complete monopo
lies acquired by unlawful combination
of concerns which are naturally competi
tive , although these are engaged In interstate
terstate- commerce , that being an Inci
dent of their business and not its direct
and immediate object. Congress. In the
exercise of Its authority to regulate com
merce between the slates , may make It
unlawful for commercial combinations
to sldp from one slate to another , but
this Is not done by the existing law.
"The limitation of the piesent law , "
said the attorney general , "enables
those engaged In such attempts to es
cape from both stale and federal govern
ments , the former having no authority
over Interstate commerce and the latter
having authority over nothing else. "
The attorney general suggested that con
gress should clearly dcllne what Is
meant by monopolies , combinations and
conspiracies in restraint of trade and
commerce. He also pointed out , as was
done by the supreme court , that slate
anti-trust legislation , supplementing that
of congress , Is necessary for the sup
pression of these combinations. As to
lids lite supreme court decision said :
"The relief of the- citizens of each state
fiom the burden of monopoly and the
evils resulting from the restraint of
trade among such elli/.ens was left to
the states to deal with and this court
has recognized their possession of Unit
power even lo Ihe extent of holding that
an employment or business carried on
by private Individuals , when It becomes
n matter of such public interest and
importance as to create n common
charge or bntden upon the clli/.en In
other word- ) , when it becomes a practi
cal lUonopoly to which the cltl/.cn Is
tompelled to resort and by means of
which a tribute can be exacted from
the community. Is subject to regulation
by state legislative power. " It Is thun
apparent thai with the states , rather
than with congress Is ihe duty as well
as tlio power of legislating against the
Hut congress Is not wholly powerless
In the mat'er. It may dellne what is
meant by monopolies , combinations and
conspiracies In restraint of trade and
commerce and having done this It may
make It unlawful for such combinations
to hhlp from one state to another.
Such legislation , there can be no doubt ,
would le ) most effective against ev.'ry
trust now In existence. Tim republican
party Is committed by the law which It
enacted In ISto ! lo .the suppression of
combinations In restraint of trade. Af
ter March next that party will be
again lu control of thu
nml the pittiiltfwIU expect of It further
action against the trusts , Wo believe it
can be confidently predicted that , they
will not bidisappointed. .
r. nn :
The Her prints In another column a
carefnlly'preparcd article giving nil the
accsslblo fads bearing on growth and
condition of the kindergarten depart
ment In Ihe Omaha public schools and
throwing light on a problem with which
the Hoard of Education must grapple
before very long. As to the effect of
the kindergarten Instruction on the
children In a I tendance there appears to
be an honest difference of opinion
among the t achcrs who are lu position
lo make Impartial observations. There
Is no question that kindergartens
accomplish some good , but whether ,
relatively speaking , the advantages are
greater than would be secured by the
same expenditure of money on other de
partments of the public school system.
Is a proposition both sides of which has
strong supporters.
At the same time , however , there are
apparent certain facts about the kinder
gartens which are not disputed nnd
which nre Indisputable. Among these
Is the fact ( hat the establishment of
tlie kindergarten has been an extension
of the period of public ! school Instruc
tion , meaning for some children tin
extra year's work and for othersan
enforced departure from the schools at
a lower grade than would formerly have
been the cave. Kurlher than Ibis , it
has meant an encroachment on Ihe
primary department by appropriating
for the kindergartens the best situated
rooms In each building , by decreasing
the force of p'rlmary teachers , by divid
ing the enrollment and by shortening the
primary grade school hours to half-day
When parents begin to take their
children out of the lower grades of the
public schools , as they have been do
ing , there must be something that
prejudices ( hem against the schools.
The kindergarten experiment has
certainly been long enough In operation
in Omaha to nlVord evidence of Its
success or failure. A thorough In
vestigation by ( he Hoaid of Education
or by some unbiased committee ap
pointed by ir , of the work and relations
of Ihe kindergartens to the other
branches of the school system would
bring out Information of vital interest-
to the taxpayers and public school
patrons and point ( he way to reforms
to remedy existing evils.
roM'Ay.i 11 r .1 itnrnt.
It Is a fijet that will have to be ad
mitted , that. s.tato arbitration lias not
been a sitm'ks. The .Massachusetts
Slate Itoani \ > ( Atbltratlon has accom
plished more than any other In the ami
cable settlement of labor controversies ,
the New Yolk.board having done almost
nothing , but-nut observer of the opera
tions of the former for several years ,
Mr. S. D. North , says he is convinced
that slate arbitration Is : i failure. The
state arbitrator * are rarely desired by
either party to h labor controversy" , and
they have had a chance to act only In
small dllllculties , such as are settled al
most every day without any arbitration
at nil. The state board has not been
called In to adjust any of the recent
great strikes In Massachusetts and
when It has volunteered Us services
they have been declined. This does not
necessarily Imply any distrust of the
board , but Is due to a feeling common
to the parties to such disputes that they
must settle their dltllciilties in their own
way. each party believing lu Its ability
or power to win.
The voluntary arbitrations In England
Mr. North refers to as more ellicieiit. He
notes that labor organizations have
reached a higher level there than here.
Many of the English unions maintain
an elliclent disciplinary action over their
members , their engagements can be de
pended on and they sometimes guaran
tee' the quality of the work of their
members. In most of the manufactur
ing colliers of England there have been
organlx.ed boards of conciliation , con
sisting of an equal number of represent j
atives of employers and of represenia
lives of the men. No agreement can be
leached unless one side or the other
yields , and it Is said that under this sys
tem strikes have become very rare.
These boards of conciliation have one
great advantage over state boards and
over individual arbitrators in that they
nre perfectly familiar witlMill the tech
nicalities of the trade concerned. In the
councils of conciliation the employers
and the employes meet more nearly as
two business men do , on n level , set
tling their affairs on the basis of
the best terms each can get in a fair and
open Held than anywhere else.
I'crhaps It would not be practicable
to establish generally In this country
boards of conciliation fashioned on the
English plan , but it would seem that In
many of our manufacturing centers such
boards could'be made an elliclent means
of settling htjjor'ontrovcisle.s. . The sub
ject of arbitration Is one to which
American work1 ! ng men should give
greater atle'nllotr than they have done
" '
nnd a . | ' voluntary arbitration
' '
tion system 'limt , generally prevails In
England Is well , worthy of their consid
eration. 11/ . !
Tlie Hee IMS' ' 'received from General
(5. ( M. DodgV , it's president , the notice
of the twcnt.Y-e. litli annual reunion of
the Society of. the Army of the Tennes
see , which will ) be held In St. Louis on
November \ # -'find 10. Tills will be
a notable ' JiietHIng In the old home
of Ceneral shcjYnan. Many old com
manders have signified their Inten
tion to be present , as well as ( ien-
eral D. S. Stanley , Ceneral .lames
A. Williamson , 1' . Tecumseh Slu-rman ,
Colonel Kri'd ( irant and Mrs. John A.
Logan , ( ieneral O. O. Howard will de
liver the oration. At the banquet there
will be many noted speakers , among
them Senator Yilns , Colonel Fred D.
( tiMiit , General Horace Porter , I' . Te-
cmiiseh Sherman and Colonel Itasll
Duke. An thu members of the society
have passed away many of their wiven
and daughters havu taken their places ,
until now they have become such an Im
portant part of thu society that thcy'arc
given a prominent place lu'tho exer
cises. At this year's banquet Mrs. Major
M , A. Illgley will respond tn u tount and
Miss Mary Logan Pearson will tnke part
In the exercises. The members of tlio
society are specially urged to be present
at this meeting , and olllcers of the Army
of the Tennessee who have not Jollied
the society to attend the St. Louis
meet lug and becomu members.
Chairman . ( ones certainly exhibits
bra/en effrontery when ho asserts that
Ihe sllverltes will abide by the results
of the election , "with none of the unit-
terliigs that would have come from the
moneyed power had It been unsuccess
ful. " It Is not only Impertinence for. lone *
to refer to the supporters of McKlnley
as the moneyed power , but also unwar
ranted license for him lo pretend lo tell
how tlie republicans would have acted
had they met with defeat. Chairman
Jones still has to learn that the parly
manager Is expected to observe the
rules of ordinary decency both before
and after election without regard to the
According to the Chicago llecord's
postal card ballot. Nebraska was made
to appear overwhelmingly republican.
II certainly seemed to be that way until
the election returns demonstrated dif-
fercnlly. but Ihe postal card vote did
not give any better indication of the
true situation than Hie forecast of any
well Informed and careful observer. In
other words , the postal card scheme
threw no light upon Nebraska , no
matter what It may have accomplished
In other states.
Henry Irving must have become In
fected while In this country with the
mania displayed by American actors for
novel advertising dodges. Only a few
months ago he sent a neat sum as a
contribution toward Ihe relief of the St.
Louis cyclone sufferers. Now be cables
Ids congratulations to tlie presi
dent-elect. We should not be surprised
next to hear that Henry Irvlug's diamonds
mends had been stolen.
It Is quite apparent now that Great
Hrltaiu Is preparing to let Itself down
out of Its Veiie/.iielan boundary con
troversy as gracefully as possible. It
has practically come to the conclusion
that there Is something lo arbltiale and
pretty soon It may be willing to admit
in public that the United Stales is the
parly to arbitrate.
Canadian banks may now 'accept
American silver money freely without
discount without the slightest fear that
tlie coins will depreciate while in their
custody. The money of the United
States will be maintained equal In pur
chasing ( lower to gold.
Nebraska Is going to share In the
prosperity produced by McKlulcy'B elec
tion , even though It did not contribute
directly to that result. Prosperity is no
more sectional than Is depression and
Ihe coming good limes must spread over
tlio whole country.
The adoption of the voting machine
would make It next to Impossible to Im
pose upon the public with false election
figures for days after the result Is reg
istered. Perhaps that is the reason the
\Vorld-Ilerald is opposed to the voting
Tnllx UN ii Sinker.
C'ldciigu TlmeM-llcrald.
It Is a pretty safe wager that the experi
ment of Ityint ; a presidential kite with tv.'o
tails will not t > u repeated.
Crovrr'N Cull lo ( In1VllNl. .
Kansas Clly Slur.
Mr. Cleveland's facility for rising lo Iho
requirements of the occasion was pleasantly
demoiiEtratcd by the issuance of his Thanks
giving proclamation on the heels of thu
sound money victory.
lIllllIlKStlltlNtlCN. .
Chicago Newfl.
Xow that the time for the payment of
election bets has arrived It would be a good
time for taking the census of thu fools of the
nation by kccph.g tub on the men with
wheelbarrows , lopsided beards and other
frcakUh traits.
\o\v Tor n ( 'IIIIIIKI * .
Detroit Journal.
The country will now take a breathing
.spell nnd listen to thu report of the Vene
zuelan commission , the accounts of the lat
est \Veyler victories In Cuba , a jaw-jaw con
test between Jim Corbutt and any other
old put ; , or whatever may come along.
( 'iinilinlwriiN Ton l'V < Miirnl ,
Kansas Clly Stnr.
A few more campaigns like the one
through which the people have just passed
would create a strong sentiment In favor of
extending thu term of thu president and
lengthening the Interval between national
Drift of lo\vcr lo ( he Wcxt.
Iloaton Rluliu.
The campaign that has just ended Is a
very Interesting reminder of tuo Kcncral drift ,
of population In the land. Thu national
political center follows thu center of gravity
ob population. That center Is not far from
Chicago , and the tremendous excitement that
has shaken the HO-ealled doubtful states In
thin campaign , whllti comparative ( jnlet 'has
lelgncd In the east , la thu natural result of
the drift of our national development.
Hcronilin-rlni ; KInn-loom.
l'hllndrlihla | IUror.1.
John Hull has his eyes upon Khartoum.
Thu return of General Kitchener to London
foreshadows almost beyond doubt thu ad
vance of thu Anglo-lCiyptlan army from
Dongola to that old seat of British power in
thu Soudan. No one who Is nt all conversant
with the long nnd disgraceful career of
ICnglaml In the land of the N'llo can bc-
liove otherwise than that English determina
tion Is yet to reconquer Khartoum. The
great founder of the Soudanese empire natu
rally cho3o the ground between the- White
ami thu IlluoNlle.i as the site for his capital ,
and General Gordon was to have reigned
there us "sultan. " Khartoum is the key to
all the empire of Islam.
A Cli'iui
Chicago Clironlclf.
In ono respect the political campaign which
has juat closed Iia3 been In the main rather
gratifying then otherwise , nnd that IK ( hero
liau been so llttlo of what is called "mud
HllngbiK. "
Comparatively few ntlacfru hnvo been made-
on tlie personal character of candidates , row
attempts mnd to smirch them by "dressing
up" old Htorles Into scandals , by putting de
famatory construction on stories which might
easily bear another , or by wholtwilo Inven
tions In thu same general direction.
Tills may argue that purlieu have been
generally more careful than on sotno other
occualoiu In the selection of their candidates
or It may mean that when tlio Iwuita at
atako In nny c/unpalgn aru deep , vital nnd
far-reaching men'/ ) minds aru given to them
rather than to the men cliuu-u to stand
for them.
In either event the fact ID , for what It Is
worth , gratifying. The calnmiiloim character
of our political tactics hav been sharply cen
sured at homo and abroad. It U pleauant to
know that ono of the meal oxeltlni ; cam
paigns tn our" history ban la en conducted
with no little resort to tactics of that typu ,
Chicago Chronicle- The n.iylna
In bindnra * " explains the situation. Hut
Just hccniun "business Is business" even
honornblo men who hnvo tlio misfortune to
llvo In repudiation Mnto * will hnvc to nUnd
thu unpleasant ronseiiuencrs of ( tin conduct
of their less honorable neighbors.
St. I'.mt 1'loneer I'ress : The news of Me-
Klnlcy's election hns lilted nn Immense
burden of anxiety from Hie minds nf nil the
millions otiKimed In trade unit Industry nml
of the llnnnclnl nnd business world In gen-
ernl The Imtnedlnte t-rfoct was SITU yes
terday In the nihnnro of wheat nnd In thr.
netlvc itemnnd nml rising prices for Ameri
can securities. It ennnol fall to show Itself
In Increased activity In all lines of business
this fall.
Hi's Molnes Lender : Is It not worth while
to expeet nn Industrial millennium ? Wo do
not Imvo sueh thing * In this world. H will
bo necessary for men to work , and to exer
cise prudenre nnd sagacity nml thrift. Hut
there IH no reasonable doubt tint that times
wllf become belter. They have become bet
tor. Wo nre started In the right direction.
nnd In viich 111:1 : Hers It docs not HO much
matter OH to the speed nf the train , the
principal thing being to he headed rU'lil-
Cincinnati Tribune : The election of Me-
Klnley does not mean that every worklng-
innn nnd every employe will llml n diamond
under his plate nt the breakfast table every
morning. It does not mean that everybody
Is lo be miraculously made rich without
work. Hut the election of McKlnley does
mean that the hundreds of thousands nnd
perhaps millions of men who have long been
Idle will Hpeedlty be given opportunities to
exchange their Idleness for employment nnd
to once again earn American wages.
Chicago Journal : The uncertainty Is over ,
the confidence of thu business community
Is n cloud and the prospects are excellent
for ihi' speedy return of prosperity , lleason-
able expectations ulll not be disappointed.
It must not b < > forgot ten. however , that In
a Irnnntry of "O.OOrt.roo people time Is re-
( | Ulred to Inaugurate n new era. There linn
been n Inng period of waiting nnd there
tnutU now be a period of preparation. The
people should possess themselves In patience
and not act like children , nil eager for
innrveln to bo produced by nn enchanter's
( . 'hleigo Tribune : The result of the elec
tion v\lll luivo n good effect all over thltt
country nnd In Kurope as well. If we want
to "burrow money we enn get nil we want.
If weMint lo nell ploekH we can get belter
prices , and there will be an ample home
market for stock * . Tim rhnnnels of lm-i-
nr s are reopening. Thu obstructions Imvo
been n moved nnd the country ought to
n-allze a linn outcome from this contest for
public honor and private right , for the
preservation of conservative liberty nnd for
Iho protection of earnings and accumula
tions. There will tic no more talk of half
value money and sIlveT bullion money under
the control of Lombard street. All who did
their duty In that contort enn heartily re
joice. thank providence , take hold all to
gether nnd move forward on the lines of
protjperlty with fresh fallh In the peoplu
nnd In the government.
i'\\i. AMI ( criiioit\visi : .
The people have decided that the Ameri
can dollar shall remain nt par.
The text and the time of Cleveland' ! )
Thanksgiving proclamation stamps It ns "n
grand invert hong. "
It him been judicially decided in Missouri
that the courts must recognize u common
law widower thu same as u common law
In Mlsrionrl .1 one-armed man 1ms been
nrresled for hugging girls on the street.
What would have been done to him If ho had
had two arms ?
Rev. Miles Grant of Boston thinks lie has
solved the problem of living. He Is a strict
vegetarian , nnd never uses meats , pies ,
cakes , tea , coffee , migar , salt or splcts. Ills
dally food Is unleavened graham bread , vege
tables , cheesci nnd milk , nnd he says that
ho lives well nt a cost of 87 cents a week ,
the redult being that he is healthy and
Germany l.s fast turning out Its older
generals , thirty-two having been forced
to retire within a year , which bcata the
record. The average ago of a brigade com
mander Is 53 yeais to 57 In the French army ,
where the average age of nil rnnks Is higher
than In thu German. No German brigadier
Is moro than f > G , while thirty French briga
diers nro ovr 01.
According to "Tho Dnlry of nn Idle
Womnn tn Constantinople" thu sultan of
Turkey tn a domestic man , Intensely fond ot
his children , for whom ho has n tiny thea
ter , wherein they play small parts for the
delectation of their papa. The principal
beio noire of tils majesty , the sultan , Is the
bicycle , which he declares Is Immoral and
dangerous to the stnto.
The historic Chase mansion nt Annapolis
Is to be used as a homo for Infirm and des
titute women. The house , which ante
dates the revolution by many years , Is n
line specimen of colonial architecture , nnd
still contains ninny of Its nnelet.t furnish
ings. N'lnu years ngo It was given to tlie
Kplscopnl church of thu Maryland diocese
by Mrs. Hester Chase Uldoiit.
The Irish colony In Paris forms an Inter
esting segment of a much dispersed race.
It comprises about 1,000 persons scattered
through all divisions of society. There nre
the MaiMahons , of whom the marshal was
the most celebrated member ; the O'Con-
nells , of whom one Is a count ; the O'Con
nors , the O'Cnllaghans , the O'lCeenaim and
the MacSwecneys , all of whom move In the
very swellest set.
General Prank C. Armstrong of the Dawes
Indian commission says that the prospect
Is bright for reaching a satisfactory agree
ment with the Indians hy the end of the
winter. There IIIIH been u complete chant : ' ,
of sentiment , hu ays , lnco last year , when
thu Indians were almost a unit against ihe
government propositions. Now the dele
gates who nre In Washington looking after
the Interests of their respective tribes are
almost unanimously favorable to nn agree
rinln TrnlliH Alioul AHlnlliI.niior In
( lit * iNliiuil IvIiiKiloin.
Hon. John Barrett , United States minister
tn Slam , gives some plain truths about
Asiatic labor in Japan In thu North Amer
ican Huvlew. "There Is n boom In Japan , "
ho writes "a boom In floating and establish
ing numburlcBs varlotle-s of manufacturing
pliui'u from Nagasaki to Hakodate. This
may lead to overproduction and financial
disaster. Let us liopo not , for thu proud
lltllo kingdom deserves n better fate. Hut
soini' of Japan'K ablest business men ac
knowledge the boom and fear the cense
quences. Coming right after the war with
China , It benrs Berne resemblance to the
remarkable American Industrial develop
ment following thu civil war.
"Thu haste and effort to muko large profIts -
Its have resulted oftentimes In producing
n poor quality of goods nnd the consequent
loss of markets. The Japanese manufac
turers , an a whole , liuvo not yet learned
to maintain a permanent high standard. It
la claimed that they do not plan for the
future. They think too much of the pres
ent. This Is used as an argument against
their competitive capability and may prove
\alld If n change Is not accomplished , but
It would deem that time would remedy thu
"Tlio Japanese nnd Chinese homo demand
Is today different from that of America nnd
Kurope , nnd It may hu Home time before
Japan and China can provide goodn , es
pecially for the foreign .market , which can
compete with the homo supply of these for
eign countries. The visitor to Yokohama
Is continually reminded , moreover , that ho
should liny his clothing there , especially
ulilrtH , because prices nro apparently HO
much lens than in .Sail Francisco or New
York. If the enterprising traveler will
go to half the trouble In America to rend
the advertisements In local papers hu will
find thnt ho can obtain shirts of equal qual
ity ut the sntnu or a less price. Perhaps n
man can purchase n dress milt In Yokohama
for $ L'D. gold , but ho will get u Jl0 ! nt , nnd
the llrst evening ho wrnrit It nt the club
or theater or ut homo will nlso bo the hist
one. Nor ran n Jnpanesu tailor ninko nn
American laboring man's suit for $10 , gold ,
that ran equal In wear can hn pur
chased for that mini In n hundred Chicago
clothing Htorcx. If largo wholenale cloth
ing manufacturing plants nrn established In
thu place of the present smill hack rooms ,
It Is possible that cheap clothing may bo
extensively exported. "
Boottlsh Nights : "Why don't yon nr.ury
llml Klrl ? Him IH n rout iienrl. "
"All , ye. * ; lint I don't Illio the mother of
ttcurl. - k
Cleveland Lender : "In thereno wny to
convince you , " he pleaded , "that I would
do niiyllilng In the world to mnke you
Imppy ? "
"Yen , " she eohlly replied ; "Ret a move on
you before t become u totul wreck from
loss of Hleep , "
Homervllle Jniirnnl : Hhe Anil now , Cb ir-
tle. I Hitppose tomorrow you Will bn\ . 10
spenk to pnpu about this. * >
HeVs , ilenreMt , t MUppncii t nnwt. ( Afler
n pause. ) MM * your futher gut tele
phone ?
NPW Ynik Weekly : Mr. Itnppy-Yra. sir ,
I iniikimy wife n regular nlUwiinee every
week. Pnn'i vmi yourn7
Mr. Ilenpeck--No- . Hho ninld'H me nn
idlownneo , when I eurn unoilKh.
IVwl : I'd you bellevo In signs
anil omens ? "
"Why. yes In a measure. "
"That's ' "
rnlhrr Imlpllulle.
"Well. 1 wouldn't try to court n girl nfler
I had seen u good wlilo-nwaUe watchdog
In her father's front yard. "
Detroit Free I'ress : "My daughter Is en-
tliely too young to marry , " snorted old
( Joldilek.
"Well , " replied the dejected dittlnr , "what
would you nay to my taking her nmrrlngo
dot now nml waiting u few years for Iho
glil ? "
Huston Transcript : Clara I wonder how
I'Mltli came tn marry that horrid Mr. Kree-
sux , nfler having been wulttil upon by Hint
eharmllig riiarley Dudeklus. C'liarley was
so fond of muHc , and Kreesus doesn't
know ououili about it to turn over thu
leaven of tiiusti * for one.
Aunt HIISIIII ivrlmps not ; but Mr. Kreo-
sus can turn over the leaves of Ills check
book most beautifully.
Cleveland 1'loln Healer : "liNtrcsMlnjy
thing happened at our IIOIHO this morn
ing. "
What wis It ? "
"Our eooU ran away with nil the spoons. "
"That's "
"Not HO bait ns It might me. She currleij
oft my wife's rook book , too. "
Unitttl Itapldn 1'rext.
If I biid a girl with KoUleli hair ,
Ami teeth of cxqulsltei pearl ,
Anil eyes that were geinn. resplendent , r.irc ,
Do you know Til do with thai girl ?
I'd carry HIP beautiful , precious thing1
ili > ivn lo i ti'Wi-lcr's place ,
Anil IM sell her quick for what Hhu wonlj
liilui ;
AH nn ornament to her race.
Poim.l I'lontliiK , _
lt'n not my disposition , 'A
I any It ami again ,
To envy the condition
Or wealth of other moil.
The rich mairhns Ids troubles ,
As well MS I hnve mine ;
Ambitious nre but bubble ? ,
However great and line.
Though love and funio may favor
.My neighbor , tint n jot
Can that lediiee the savor
Of what poor joys 1'vu got.
Yet when Hlx-thlrty Hilda tuo
Hy loud alarm aroused ,
And wcurluctiH still binds me ,
With half my i ! reams nmlrowscd.
I must confess to knowing
A covt'tousiiess then
Of thoHc who keep n-golng
Their HiioroM till lialf-past ten.
I1II5H farinon la tlie Independent.
You know It. It.-iys of iiHhy blue
Above a center HIM.ill and golden ,
An autumn I'aru of cheery line
Ami fashion uldrii.
When tln yi'iir rents nt MIchaclnriH
Hefnre thu leaven must vanish faster.
The country people 8eo It pass
Ami call it aster.
It does not come with Joy and Juno :
It known Clod's time l HUinetlmes lardy ;
Ami w.-ilis until we need the boon
Of spirit hardy.
To unobtrusive , yet BO fair.
About a world It million .so human ,
Its touelt of grace Is everywhere-
Just like : i woman.
Along thrt road and up the dike
It wanders when the nouns nro hnzy ,
To tell ox what conic nt Is like ;
That's Mnlyn's daisy.
Hu can tell you lots of things about thn
city , but he can't tell you of a better
equipped or more Inviting Clolhln
SI ore than ours. Look about as much
as yon jileasu at the "Ilarpiln Kales , "
examine the piods and K > 't tlie prices ,
and then come here and sec If our $ K.X ( )
Sack Suits don't beat any you have
Keen for more money. We have better
ones at $10.00 , and ? ir > . < ) ( ) . ,
We aim to make the. best , and a pur
chaser at our store lakes no chances.
We Ktiarantcu our clothing In every
ICIe ant warm Overcoats and I'lslern '
from $10.00 to $1(1,00 ( , We don't make
the cheaper kind , bccaiiKu If we sold
yon one \vc would lose your friendship
and destroy your confidence by such
Wo KVO ! you Inmost at honest
S. W. Cor.
Ifith nml
loit"lus ) St