I10LC01IB RUNS FAR AHEAD 'Governor Gota n Hantlsome Load Over the Presidential Oandidatc. BRYAN'S ' PLURALITY GROWS SLIGHTLY I'nr from Coni | > 1ri ( > , litit , \rr In to .Show tliut the Iti-Kiilt IM A I rend } Crrliiln. OlTlclal return * from Nebraska continue to como In with cxaiporatlng BlownoM , but nearly all of the larger counties have been received and arc Incluiletl In the tabulated statement presented below. Nothing In the later returns shows n tendency to decrease the plurality given Mr. Bryan. He will have between 10.000 and 11,000 more votes In the Btato than his opponent. Governor Hoi- comb's vote Is far In advance of that Klven to llryan , and ho will lead the ticket. The constitutional amendments arc hopelessly beaten. In nearly every county so far heard from the number of votes cast for the amendments exceeds those cast against them by a large majority ; but In every case they were iRiiorcd by hundreds of voters , thus precluding any possibility of their adoption. The following , statements Include the counties from which returns were received up tu 3 o'clock this morning : -nw Me- MaHoi - County. Klnloy. Hrynn. Jors. comb. Jllnlne S7 Cl 05 02 lloone 1.588 1.0S9 971 1.12' ) IJox Hutto 43S tfA Oil 021 lloyd C02 055 413 CI6 itrown ass 3ia 401 avi Hurt l.oos 1,253 " 1.14S l.orti lllltler l SS 2.257 1,252 l.c ! Cnss 2.7Ji ( 2 , 17 2.R73 l.SSI Cedar 1,012 1,474 Ml 9 < l ChllSU 242 218 SOU 211 Cheyenne . . 433 Tffi 370 4li > Cluv lr,7 ! I,7f.S 1,713 I.OS7 Colfnx ! " 21 1.120 711 l.OSS CumlllK 1.312 1.700 9SS 1.41. ) Dakota 019 1T.S Ml 5VJ Dawes MS MS 777 915 Peilel 3-11 2SI 222 M7 Dlxon 931 1,297 717 950 Dodgu 2.453 2,0 2 1,725 2.113 Douglas 11,311 11,773 10,012 10,111 Dundy 273 2S7 2Mi 273 Franklin S'23 1.052 S10 9HG Oago j 3.013 ' 2,710 3.5S9 2,111 Onrfleld 117 IS2 KM 1G7 CJospur 411 093 KB COS nrnnt M 93 7(1 109 JRrePlpy 35 7S1 300 Oil Hall 1.917 1.SI3 I.Rfil lrIS H.'l'nllton 1,3 1 lr.O ? 1,270 1,3T"0 H\inl ( \ G9S l,2bfl 073 l,0-iI ; Jerferno"h 1.0-il 1.H17 1.7tX ) 1,131 Johnson 1.4IS 1,218 1,401 9S : Kearney ! 4 1.1S5 9i1 l.nio KCVJI Palm ISfi 291 2i3 a',7 Keith 174 2ffl IM 2 > 9 Klmlmll ! * 02 K2 91 Knox 1.043 1,10 ! 912 1 S15 Llincnstc. ' C.KK 5.68J C,9I7 ! 4,275 -Loup 113 127 112 122 Mnilli-on 1.S17 1,713 1.401 ! , $ Mprrlck 979 I.MI SIO S ) > 7 Nance Wl 0:2 Ml Xemnlm 1.173 1.79S l.t-K 1M2 Nuckollh 1.13t l.S'JI 1.197 1.3TI Otoc 2.437 2r , ( l 2.0SO l.WS Pawnee 1.4S1 1,105 1,3(11 ( 920 Perkins 1CS 2r 211 291 Plerco 031 9fiO 574 700 Phelps 972 1.190 S10 1,130 Plnlto , . 1.30S 2.209 TO3 ] , ? ' ! Polk MO ] .rl 792 l.K'3 Ited Willow 9V , 1.013 1,001 S76 Illcliardson 2,291 2,534 2.107 1.7CI llock 3Jfl 223 325 2N2 Sallno 2.0JO 2,012 2,053 1.G15 Karpy 070 1.1SI f,70 973 Raunders 2,103 2.730 1,70.2.592 ! ScottS HluffM 229 211 2OT 155 Scwnnl 1,687 1,9-il 1.4M l.OVi Hherman 431 Wl 3'.i9 719 Stanton ' . . 059 S32 431 ffiS Tlmyer 1,497 1,3(2 ( 1.5S7 1.1SO Thomas 35 SO K ! 5' ! Thurston 505 711 313 f,72 Volley < M W7 Kit T93 AVhlhlngton . . . . 1,697 1.142 1.141 1.291 Wnyno 995 1.110 1.150 1.1SS Webster 1,112 l.r.ra 1,150 l.ISS Wheeler 90 170 95 ISO York 1,025 1.S07 1.S40 1.027 Totals . 9C.S97 101,503 S3.0S ) ft . .MI- n GOVERNOR COMPLETE. ISM. -1591.- Hol County. comb. Tilalnc . 70 Hoono . 1.2S1 Hex Iluttc. . 511 Uoyd . .Urown . Hurt . 1.432 1.321 l.fil ( ) Hutlcr . 1.15S 2.277 Ca M . 2.422 2.422 Cedar . 1,012 1,474 CllilHP . 233 2cil Cheyenne . . 407 51 ! Clay . 1,515 1,771 Colfax . 770 1.3(3 ( CumlllB . 1,151 1.780 Dakota . 573 j. 3 DawpH . 725 943 Dcuel . . . . . . 2fi3 291 Dlxon . M3 1'T3 . _ , DoilKO . 2.09S 2.203 -4 noilKlas . . . .11,5C 12,301 . 2B8 2S8 3.250 2.GV5 3nS9 nartleld . 141 200 1C8 GOSIXT . 3S2 G92 33:1 : Grant . 90 91 70 T.rec-ley . 333 755 300 Hull . 1.S20 1.S7I 1,501 Hamilton . . . 1.30S 1.M9 1,270 Holt . 705 1,021 978 Howard . C41 1,231 073 Johnson . . . . 1,403 1.213 1.404 Keith . 1W 233 19) ICeya Pnha. 174 293 2H.1 Klmball . . . . 93 07 2H.1KJ Knox . 953 1.591 912 Unncaslcr . . 5,472 4,742 0.997 Lincoln . M'3 1.062 PW Loup . 113 130 112 Madison . 1.C35 1,731 1.101 . Nance . 700 ! 37 C32 Nemaha . . . . l,33fl 1,79 ? 1,528 Nuckolls . . . . 1,077 1,373 1,197 Oleo . 2.074 2.7m 2,0 < ; 0 I'awnco . 1,4ns 1,170 i.sr.i IMercu . 559 9iV. 574 Plalte . 1,177 2,2Vi ( i03 1'olk . C99 1,520 792 Itcil Willow. 915 1.003 1,001 niclinnlson 2.1G2 2,151 2,107 Hock . 33S 213 K5 Ballno . 1,932 2.012 2,033 Sarpy . 535 1.1SS 570 Saunders . . 1.S91 2.7C.S 1,703 b'cotls llluffs 23i ) 227 2TO Sc'ward . 1,545 2.036 1,498 Sherman . . . Sfll S7G 3M fitantoti . 5CI WO 491 Tlmyer . 1,312 1,331"tt 1.5S7 Thomas . . . . 3X "tt 53 Thurston . . . 4KC. 07S 313 Valley . ( ill M17 313Ml Washington. . 1.3S1 1.4PI 1.1 11 Wnyno . 931 l.IKi 1.150 Webster . . . . 1.0J7 1,378 1,150 Wheeler . . . . 93 1G7 93 York . /1.S17 1,767 1.K40 Totals . .81.405 P9.77J BS.639 598 YOTI : ox Tin : STATIJ oK ItONlllt Of Oil * Illlllot IIH KillUN tilt / Count IN Complete. , Following Is the tabulated vole on the Btato olllcers after governor , except for supreme promo judges , aa far as the official count has progressed : Lieut. Oov'nor. Feorct'y State. ' Coiintlo ) . T.'lTt. HurrK Pipi-r. Porter Brawn 351 311 sv riy HOX ButtC 401 M < i 400 531 Hurt 1.500 1.201 1.4S9 1,201 I li.nl an obotlnsto iVIn illnoato , called Kczcm.i. My tinly , houd , and uniit were COUTH ! nlia | > oU Ilka dropi of mortnr , wlilrh came elf In layer * of dry c.ilc > . I nuffrrvd for our nji-nr without icllcf , connullrd moral doctors with , out aid , and had atmoit d\cn up hope. I > atr n mlvcrlltciuetit ntiuut CuTici'iu HEMGIIIKI , ; took tin-in , ami la tly/tt tm * I WAI at wrll iu ever , for ray tkln U a nice ml clear i a Inuy'i. OKU. RliAIIUU.V , Ilauovcr , Outarla , cWda. firrnnr CUIIK Tnr TMKNT. Warm b.ilhi with Uuricim * Binp , fentlc apjiHcatloni of Cu. Ticuiu ( ointment ) . Ihe tcrent Hklu Cure , ritcr- nally , and mild doti'i of CUTIcuiu ROOLVENT , greatest uf burner curr * . Bold Ilirouihtut lh * oiU. IMe , . Crnci'n , idc.i o > r. IVM iu > . ) Ltt r. toe. inJ n , roitu l ( i 4in CHIH , Coir..Soli i-roju , U t < m. . aJ-"U u fun Evilttklu Uli < u , " mtlltd li < * > Wheeler , t | 1G7 1C ? Totals . 4P,901 51,413 4S.230 tslsV. Land Commissioner. Ilesent WhitKaxv - Wolfe. more. lln Hex Butte . 4iRi 533 411 fi ! Hrown . 375 3i)7 3i ! 30. Hurt . 1.527 1.177 1.510 MS Hutlcr . 1.235 2.1R5 1.252 21R. . 2.511 2.2O ) 2.457 2211 Colfnx . S4i ; 1.303 MO 1,29 : Cheyenne . 411 410 431 Dakota . 5S4 S14 f.SO 79 nawcs . 74rt sso 757 Dlxon . n.vi iio G5S Deucl . 27S 214 278 2 : ! Douglas . II.vos 50.913 1I.SP8 10.5S.nm . Duiuly . 271 273 273 nm Krnnklln . Mil 1,0:7 S12 l.WK CJarlleld . IM 2t > 3 158 20. GM > 403 OS Oreeley . Z'M 702 331 7S Hall . 1.S13 1.S1I 1.R20 1.74 Howard . r. ! ) " > 1,143 C93 Ml Jeffer. on . 1.571 1,409 1 579 1.31 Koya Pnha . 1SI 279Cl 1S1 1.312S. . Klmball . HI Cl 91 2S.G ( Knox . 974 1'fl.l 1.4S Merrlck . 925 MS Nance . 01 ? S71 Nemaha . . 1"C3 1.714 1.C71 Otoo . 2.227 2.2 3 2.245 2.23S Pnwnco . 1.440 1.112 1.4.11 ; 1,11'H ' Plerco . 5 < i | SDT 579 S5U Hlchardsou . . . 2,210 2.3SI 2.2:19 : 2,337 Sarpy . GOT i.c.c U2 ! 1.041 R.iuiulcrs . 1,974 2.59(3 ( 1,979 2,523 Slanlon . CC-5 719 CI7 7K floux . 152 : ; o 151 2U7 Thomas . 33 G9 31 70 Thtiraton . 4 < S3 017WS 479 017 Valley . G51 WS 070 V,7 Washington . . 1.443 1.315 1,453 1.2 0 Way no . 9tU 9G2 952 930 Webster . 1.0S2 lr ( > 0 1.25C Wheeler . 98 105 Totals 47.M7 63.001 47.232 53"r2l iir.Tuu.vs Kito.M THIS cou.vnr.s Oillflal Vole on All tinonieerH Till Stud- mill I.ocnl. KollowliiR are the official returns from th counties of the state , In addition to thos already reported to The Dee : POX nUTTK : HemlnKford County com plcto gives : McKlnley. 438 ; airyan , 568 ; Mnc Cell , 407 ; Holcomb. 554 ; Tefft. 401 ; Harris 53i ( ; Piper. 400 ; Porter. 634 ; Hcdlund , r.9.0 Cornell , 505 ; Corbett. 402 ; Jackson. 512 Casey , 40 ! ) ; Mesirve. 629 ; Churchill. 405 Smyth. 515 ; Huiwell , 409 ; Wolfe. 539Vhll ; more , 411 ; Uavvlins , 52K ; Cady. 432 ; Greene 550. Legislative camlldates : Ely , 41S ; Jlutz 449 ; Tultlc , 470 ; Sheldon. 521. 1IUWAU ) : Kearney oniclal returns. E far as completed , give : liryan , 2,433 ; McKln ley. 1.S35 ; Palmer , 49 ; Holcomb , 2.499 ; Mac Coll. 1.697 : Greene , 2.433 ; Cady , 1.S05. Ill'IlT : TalfoniaH County complete gives McKlnley. " l.COS ; llryan , 1.253 ; Palmer. 31 nibb" , 31 : lliwley , 1C ; Holcomb , 1.324 ; Mac Call. 1.132 ; Warner. 20 ; Illglln. 26 ; Harris 1.204 ; Jones , 0 ; Kent. 2S ; Tcfft. 1.500 ; Dll worth. 9 ; Filch. 2S ; Maltes , 31 ; Piper , 1,489 Portf , 1,201 ; Cornell , 1,116 ; Crowcll. 41 Gorrard. 41 ; Hedlund. 1.514 ; Heller. 4 ; Case } 1.521 ; Davlcs. 45 ; McCulloch. 6 ; McGlvcrli 44 ; Mescrve , 1.203 ; Corbelt. 1.45S : Glover ' 49 ; Jackson. 1,186 ; Whitman. 47 ; Churchll l.r.40 . : Ddell. 6 ; Patrick. 47 ; Smyth , 1.101 Strong. 26 ; Daer , 34 ; Hopper , 32 ; Hoe. II Husscli , 1.527 ; Wolfe , 1,177 ; Johnson , 7 Lnwson. 31 ; I.cas , 27 ; Howllns , 1.1S2 ; Whit more , 1,610 ; Illttenbender. 47 ; Irvine. 3 ? Neville. 1.166 ; Ilyan. 1.474 ; Klnkald. 1.499 KIrkpatrlclc. 1,210 ; Plnttc , 33 : Whltham , 35 Wlgton , S ; Hrown , 35 ; drinith , 16 ; Ham mond. 1,500 ; Maxwell. 1.189 ; Lcglslatlv candidates senator. Seventh district , Miller 1.154 ; Swanson. 1.441 ; rep. , Twelfth district Ilyram. 1.400 ; Jones , 1.172 ; rep. Thlrleenl district. IxesBlcr , 1.137 ; Neiblt. 1,541 Amendments , light vote and probably dc ffated. nUTLKH : David City Complete return glxv : McKlnley. 1.288 ; llryan. 2.257 ; MacColl l.lfiS ; Holcomb , 2.277 ; Tefft , 1,102 ; Harris 2.1SO ; Piper. 1.10S ; Porter. 2,193 ; Medium 1,220 ; Cornell , 2.021 ; Corbett , 1,20 ; Jack son , 2,116 ; Casey. 1,254 ; Meserve. 2,173 Churchill , 1.251 ; Smyth , 2.146 ; Uusaell. 1.235 Wolfe. 2.1S5 ; Wliltmore. 1,252 ; Hawllns 2.1S5 ; Halner. 1,246 ; Slark , 2.1S7. Uglslatlv candidates : Clock. 1.2CS ; Hahn. 1,262 ; Ham llton , 2,074 ; Ixiomls , 2,013 ; Holland , 1,220 Hltchlo , 2.075. CASS : Plnttsmouth The county complete ploto gives : McKlnley , 2.765 ; Hrynn , 2,617 MacColl , 2.422 ; Holcomb. 2,435 ; Tcfft , 2,493 Harris , 2.J29 ; Piper. 2.401 ; Porter. 2,204 Hcdlund , 2,490 ; Cornell. 2.199 : Corbett , 2,160 Jackson , 2,136 ; Casey , 2,447 ; Mescrvo , 2.231 Churchill , 2.613 ; Smyth , 3,401 ; Hussell , 2,611 Wolfe , 2.260 ; Whltmort > . 2,467 : Ilawllns 2,240 ; Strode , 2,608 ; Uroady , 2,376. lallvo candliUIrs-Davits , rep , , 2140 , Dcnr- , Ing , fusion. 2.5S5 , Pollard n-p , . 2.J. < I , YUUIIR , rep. , 2.217 , Hempcl , fusion. 2,149V uih ; , fusion. 2.147. ClIKVKNls'K : Sidney County complete Elves : McKlnley , 139 ; llryan , B07j MncCnll. 407 ; Holcomb. 511 ; Teffl , 419 ; Harris. 4S2 : Piper , 421 ; Porter , 410 ; Hedlund. 42S ; Cor nell , 417 ; Corbett , 418 ; Jackson , 411 ; Casey. 420 : Mescrve , 441 ; Churchill. 428 ; Smyth , 44S ; Ilussell , 428 ; Wolfe. 440 ; Whltmore , 431 ; Hawllns , 445. For amendments , 4S9 ; aRnlnst , 167 ; Cady , 400 ; Greene , 459. Legislative candidates : F. 0. Feltr , 413 ; J. S. Hoag- land , 489 ; J. It. Abbott , 437 ; L. Stcbblua. 421. 421.COLFAX COLFAXColfax County complete gives : McKlnley. 911 ; t'rynn. 1,426 ; MacColl , 770 : Holcomb , 1,363 ; To fit , 775 ; Harris , 1,3.11 ; Piper , 7DS ; Porter , 1,268 ; Hcdlund , 832 ; Cor nell , 1.302 ; Corbett , SOO ; Jackson. 1.201 ; Casey. SI6 ; Meserve. 1.206 ; Churchill , SID ; Smyth. 1,323 ; Russell , 816 : Wolfe. 1.305 ; Whltmore , SOO ; Knwllns , 1.29D ; for amend ments , 025 ; against , 430 ; Hammond , S29 : Maxvu'll , 1,391. Legislative candidates for senator. Twenty-sixth district , dondrlng , tlem. . 1,333 ; Gray , rep. , 91C ; for representa tive. Twenty-sixth district , Dunn , pop. . 707 ; McLeoil , rep. , 93S ; Van Houjcn. dem. , C66. Ct'.MING : West Point County complete gives : McKlnley , 1,312 : Uryan , 1,760 : Mac- Coll. 1.151 ; Holcomb. 1,760 ; T. fft. 1.212 ; liar- rs. ! 1,703 ; Piper. 1,191 ; Porter , 1,014 ; Hed- luud , 1.1S9 ; Cornell. 1.5" : Corbett. 1,243 ; Jackson , 1,511 : Casey , 1,225 ; Mcserve , 1,022 ; Churchill , 1,210 ; Smyth. 1.023 ; Russell , 1.231 ; Wolfe , UlS ; Whlimorf. 1.219 ; Hawllns. 1.9S ; Hamaiond. 1,210 ; Maxwell , 1,732. Lrg- Irlatlvo candidates scr.ator , Seventh dis trict. Miller. 1.017 ; Swanson , 1,160 ; repre sentative , Fifteenth district , Glffcrt , 1,231 ; Glvcits , 1,000 ; representative , Sixteenth dis trict , Alderman. l.KJS : Dartlott , 1,293. DAKOTA : Dakota City County complete gives : McKlnley. 619 ; Hryan. 938 ; Pclmcr. S ; Levering. 0 ; Ilentley. 0 : lllbb. 63 ; Hnw- ey , 1 ; Holcomb. 803 ; MarColl , 573 ; Warner. 6 ; Hlglln. 59 ; Harris , S21 : Jones , 13 ; Kent. ; Tcfft. 561 ; Dllworth. 3 ; Fitch. 13 ; Mattes. 5 ; Piper , 502 ; Porter. 799 ; Cornell , 753 ; 'rowell. 15 ; Gerrard. IS ; Hcdlund. 503 ; ltd- er. 00 ; Casey. SSI ; Oavlcs , 20 ; McCulloch. 7 ; McfJlvcrln. 03 ; .Mtservo , S10 ; Corbett , 582 ; Hover , 60 ; Jackson , 778 ; Whitman , 12 ; 'hurrhlll. 6&9 ; Odcll. 10 ; Patrick , 58 ; Smyth , ; 03 ; Strong. 13 ; Uaer , 57 ; Hopper , 14 ; lloe.'S ; tussoll. 5SI ; Wolfe. S14 ; Johnson , 10 ; Law- lon , 16 ; t.cas , 51 ; Hawllns. 797 ; Whltmore. ISO ; Illttenbender , 15 ; Irvine , 62 ; Neville. ' 02 ; Ilyan , 553 ; Klnkald , 5S1 ; Klrkpatrlck. SO ; Platte. til ; Whllham. 15 ; Wlgton.1 ; 1ro\vR. 19 ; Grllfith. 14 ; Hammond. 592 ; Max- veil. K" > 7 ; Initiative candidates senator , Vlck Frllz. SIG ; Grey. 33 ; Haupt. 563 ; repre- enMtlve Alderman. 711 : Ilartlctt. 703. DI'UKL : Crappel County complete gives : MrKlnley. 301 : Hryan. 281 ; MacColl. 203 ; lol.-omb. 291 ; Tefft. 203 : Harris. 261 : Piper. 217 ; Pnrter. 201 ? Hedlund. 2S9 ; Cornell. 220 ; Corbett. 271 : Jackson. 211 ; Casey , 201 ; Me serve. 229 ; Churchill. 2SO ; Smyth , 239 ; Rus sell. 27S ; Wolfe. 241 ; Whltmore. 270 ; Raw- ins , 2.10 : Cady. 313 ; Greene. 230 ; HoagUml. 27S : Fcltz 204 : Abbott. 333 ; Stobblns , 213. OIXON" : Ponca County complete gives : MrKlnley , 034 ; Flryan. 1.297 ; Palmer. 53 Levering , 5 ; tlentley , 13 ; nibh. 02 ; Hawley. ) ; Holcomb. 1.279 ; MacColl , S03 ; Warner. 20 : Hfglln. SO ; Harris. 1.190 ; Jones. 3S : Kent. 7 ; Tefft. SOO ; Dllworth , 7 : Filch. 37 ; Matte * . 73 : Piper. S37 ; Porlcr , 1,183 : Cornell. 1,138 ; Crowell , 43 ; Gerrard. 9 : IloJli.mil. SV Heller. 73 ; Casry , SSI ; Davlcs. 60 : McCul loch , G : McGlvorln. 71 ; Mescrve , 1,215 ; Cor belt. Oil ; Glover. 71 : Jat'kurn. 1.1IS ; Whit man. SO : Churchill. S90 ; Odrll , 9 ; Patrick. 71 ; Smytii , 1,203 ; Strong , 37 ; 'Haer ' , 71 ; Hop per , II ; Hoe. 10 ; Hussell. < > 99 ; Wolfe. 1.217 ; lohnson. S ; Lawson. 30 : Leas. 67 ; Hawllns. 1,235 ; Whltmore. S29 : Hittenbcnder. 43 ; It- vine. 73 ; Neville. 1.1SS ; Hyan , 821 ; Kin kald. S13 ; Klrkpatrlck. 1.22" ! : Platte. 72 : Whltham , 33 : Wlgton. 11 : Ilrown. 27 ; Grif fith. 10 ; Hammond. 901 : Maxwell. 1.272. Legislative candidates Fritz , fusion , l..io Haupt , rep. . S93 ; Grey , pro. , 49 ; C. W. Schram , fusion. 1,175 ; A. A. Davis , rep. . 92S. DODGK : Fremont County complete give * : McKlnley. 2.453 ; llryan. 2.082 ; P.il- r , 113 ; Levering. IS ; Ilentley. 50 ; Hlbb. 16 < ; Hawley. 23 : Holcomb. 2.20.1 ; MacColl. 2.098 : Warner. 3S ; Dlglln. 216 ; Harris. 1.991 ; Jones. 49 ; Kent. 17 : Tefft. 2.1:0 ; Dll worth. 19 ; Fitch. 45 ; Matter. 249 ; Piper. 2.10S ; Per ter. 2,002 : Cornell. 1.826 ; Crnwell. 50 ; Ger- rard. 20 ; Hedlund. 2,13.1 : Heller. SSI : Casry 2.120 ; Davles. 59 : McCullorh , 18 : McGlverln 387 ; Meserve. 1.922 ; Corbelt , 2,001 ; Glover. 324 ; Jackson. 1.937 ; Whitman. r.O ; Church- Ill. 2.19S ; Odcll. 12 ; Patrick. 252 ; Sraylh 1.979 ; Strong. 05 ; llacr. 241 : Hopprr.SO ; Hoe , IS : nussell. 2.201 ; Wolfe. 1,919 ; Johnson , 1.1 l awson. 51 ; . Lois. 259 ; Hawllng , 1,943 Whltmore. 2.170 ; Illltenbcndcr , 53 ; Inlce 236 ; Neville. 1.S77 ; Hyan. 1.927 ; Klnkald 2.123 ; Klrkpatrlck , 1,974 : Platte , 254 Whltham. 01 ; Wlgton. 14 : Hrown. f,7 ; Grif fith. 2S ; Hammond. 2.171 ; Maxwell , 2,304 Legislative candidates : Holbrook. 2,271 Peevers. 2.011 ; Wllfon. 1.925 ; Van Horn 2.014 : Haller. 2.0.13 ; Tyson. 1.810. FHANKLIN : Hloomlngton County com plelo gives : McKlnley , S23 ; Dryan 1.092 ; Palmer. 11 ; Lcvcrinp , 11 ; IJcnt ley , 11 ; Hlbb. 27 ; Hawley , 16 Holcomb. ' I.04S ; MacColl , 802 ; War uer , 10 ; Hl-jlln. 23 ; Horris. 1,056 ; Jones , 25 Kent. 1C ; Tefft. S04 ; Dllworth , 12 ; Fitch , 30 Mattes , 32 ; Piper. 7S2 ; Porter , 1,013 ; Cornell 997 : Crowell. IS ; Gerrard. 16 ; Hedlund. E25 Heller. 29 ; Casey. 817 ; Davles. 27 : McCul loch , 13 : MsGlverln , 31 ; Mcserve , 1.032 ; Cor belt. S02 ; Glover , 23 ; Jackson , 9S1 : Whit man. 25 ; Churchill , S31 : Odell. 18 ; Patrlcl , 28 ; Smyth. 1.025 : Strong. 13 ; Daer. 25 ; Hop per. 23 ; Hoo. 17 ; Russell , SOI ; Wolfe. 1.027 Johnson , 17 ; Lawnon. 22 ; Leas , 26 ; Hawllnr 1.009 ; Whltmore. S12 ; Hittcnbemlor. 28 ; lr vine , 25 ; Neville , 1.029 ; Hyan. 783 : Klnltali 761 ; Klrkpatrlck , 1.021 : Platte , 30 ; Whit ham , 25 ; Wiglon , 17 ; Andrews. S16 ; Mlllci IS ; Preston , 20 ; Proudflt. 31 ; Siithcrlaiu 1.043. Legislative candidates : Calduell , 700 Guthrle , 541 ; for representative , McCrackcn dem. , 1,025 ; Pollard , rep. , SOI ; for amend mcnts. S30 ; against amendments. 310. GAGK : Beatrice Official count of th county commenced this afternoon and the following figures arc all that can be obtained this evening : McKlnley. 3.613 : llryan. 2.710 ; MacColl. 3.250 ; Holcomb. 2.6S5 ; Corbett. 3.447 ; Jackson , 2.431 ; Halner. 3.413 ; Stark. 2.535 ; Murphy , rep. for senalor. 2.999 ; Kret- slngcr. deni-pnp. . 2,797. Republican mem bers of the lower house eleclcd. GOSPKH : Klv.ood County complete gives : McKlnley , 411 ; llryan , 693 ; MarColl. 3S2 ; Holcomb. 692 ; Tefft. 391 ; Harris , CSO ; Piper , 395 ; Porter. 072 ; lledlund , 397 ; Cornell , 027 ; Corbett. 410 ; JarkFOii. C29 ; Casey , 399 ; Mc serve. 045 : Churchill. 40fi ; Smyth. 675 ; Hus sell. 395 ; Wolfe. 6SO ; Whltmore , 405 ; Hawllns , 657 ; Andrews. S99 : Sutherland. 6S3. Legis lative candidates : Gnmint'l. 411 ; Muslow , 079. GHKIJLKY : Grceley County complete gives : McKlnley. 395 ; llryan , 781 ; Palmer , 2 ; Hlbb. 27 ; Hawley. 3 ; Holcomb. 755 ; Mac- Coll. 355 ; Warner. 6 ; IllBlln. 39 ; Harris. 723 ; Jones. 4 ; Kent. 1 : Teftt. 366 : Dllworth. 2 : Fitch. 4 ; Mattes. 40 ; Piper. 372 ; Porter , 70S ; Cornell. 091 ; Crowell. 5 ; Gerrard. 2 ; Hedlund. 373 : Heller. 39 ; Casey. 370 ; Davlcs. 6 ; Mc Culloch. 2 ; McGlvcrln. 36 ; Mcserve , 709 ; Cor bett , 371 ; Glover. 36 ; Jackson. 711 ; Whitman. 7 : Churchill. 373 : Odell. 2 ; Patrick , 41 ; Smyth , 721 ; Strong. 4 ; Uacr. 33 ; Hopper , 3 ; Hoe. 3 ; Husscli. 370 ; Wolfe , 711 : Johnson. 3 : Lawson. 7 ; Leas. 35 : Hawllns , 703 ; Whltino.-c. 374 ; Dlttenbender , 6 ; Irvine. 32 ; Neville. 725 : Hyan. 306 ; Klnkald. 375 ; KIrkpatrick. 715 ; Platte , 29 : Whltham , 7 : Wlgton , 2 ; Cady , 410 : George. 4 ; Greene. 727 : Sloan. 2. HALL : Grand Island Count-/ complete gives : McKlnley. 1.917 ; Dryan , 1.815 : Palmer. 70 ; Levering. 3 ; Ilentley. 16 ; lllbb. 52 ; Haw- ley. 7 ; Holcomb. 1.S74 : MacColl. l.f-'O ; Warner. 15 ; Illglln , 72 ; Harris. 1.S07 ; Jones. 27 : Kent 7 ; Tefft 1.S01 ; Dllnorth , 14 ; FlU-n. 26 ; Mattes. S7 : Piper. 1.77S ; Porter. 1.701 : Cornell. 1.701 ; Crowell. 33 ; C errant. S ; Hert- lund. 1,813 ; Heller. 70 ; Casey. 1.S25 ; Davles. 41 ; McCulloch , 10 ; McGlverln , W ; Meserve. 1.763 ; Corhctt 1.S31 ; Glover. Ml : Jackson. 1.686 ; Whitman. 31 ; Churchill. 1,867 : Odell. 3 ; Patrick , S2 ; Smyth , 1.787 : Strong 22 ; Ilaer. 84 ; Hopper. 37 ; Hoe , 12 : Husscli. 1.S13 ; Wolfe , 1.811 ; Johnson. C : Lawson. 33 ; Leas. 76 ; Hawllns. 1.74S ; Whltmore. 1.820 : Dltten- bendcr , 42 ; Irvine , 81 ; Neville , 1.741 ; Ilyan , 1.76S ; Klnkald. 1.720 ; Klrkpatrlck. 1,737 ; Platte. 147 : Whltham. 35 ; Wlgton. G ; An drews , 1,851 : Miller , C ; Preston , 27 ; Prou.l- . fit , 66 ; Sutherland , 1,773. Legislative candi dates : House , rep , 1.865 : Harrison rep. . 1.721 ; Francis , pop. , 1.637 ; Wlehe , pop. . 1,760. HOWARD : St. Paul County complete gives : McKlnley , 698 ; Hryan , 1 2S6 ; Palmer , 9 ; Levering , 11 ; Ilentley , 7 ; Hlbb , 35 ; Haw ley , 7 : Holcomb. 1,231 ; MacColl , 611 ; Warner. 12 ; Dlglln. 28 ; Harris. 1 227 ; Jones. 11 : Kent. 5 ; Tcfft. 071 ; Dllworth. 4 ; Kltcb. 21 ; Mattes , 51 ; Piper. 662 ; Porter. 1.16S ; Cornell , 1,187 ; CUrrard , 10 ; Hedlund , C91 ; Heller , 26 ; Casey. 684 ; Davles. 16 ; McCulloch. 6 ; McGlverln , 43 ; Mcwcrvo. 1,197 : Corbftt , 678 ; Glover , 34 ; Jack- sou , 1,191 ; Whitman , 16 ; Churchill , C99 ; OtKII , S. Pntr , k 4. , Smyth. 1 2lo , Siruan | 13 , llacr , t.7 , Hopper 17 , Hn 8 , Russdl , C33. Wolfe. I.IIP. Johnson , 7 * Lti on. 19. Lcac. | 39 , lUwlliis , 1.112. WhltrtfJ/oi 693 ; Illtttll bender. 26 , Inlnc. 46 , Neville ; 1.1S9 ; Ryan. 606 ; Klnkald. 076 ; KlrkpatMck.il ISO ; Platte , B3 ; Whltham , " . ' ; Wlsttm , , 2 ; Cady. 821 ; George. 33 ; Greene , 1.138 ; , Sloan , 2 ; legisla tive candidates senator , Seventeenth dis trict Grothan , dcm.-lnd. , rlM9 ; Leflwlch. rep. , 723 ; representative Folty.ulghth district. Rower , dcm.-lnd. , 1,261 ; .HndJoliUen. rep. , 701 ; for amendment * , C07j against amend ments. 077. JEFFI3KSON : Falrbury County complete gives : McKlnley. 1.061 ; Hryan , 1.517 ; Palmer , 43 ; Levering. 2 ; Nontley , 10 ; lllbb. 62 ; Hawley. 9 ; Holcomb' , l.ttl ; MacColl , 1.587 ; Warner. 10 ; Hlglln , ftlj'llarrls. ' 1,458 ; Jones , 30 ; Kent , 6 ; Tcltt. UBtOf Dllworth. 11 ; Fitch , 30 ; Matte * , 73 ; Ploor. J.B30 ; Porter , 1,4IS ; Cornell. 1,315 : Crowed ) . 63 ; Grrrard , 13 : Hedlund , 1,677 : Heller. TS : ICascy. 1,691 ; Davles. 42 : McCulloch , 13 ; ' 'McQlvcrln. 66 ; Mr-serve , 1.130 ; Corbett , 1.5S9 ; Glover. OS ; Jackson. 1.311 ; Whitman , 46 : Churchill , 1,573 ; O.lcll , 9 ; Patrick , 72 ; Smyth , 1.357 ; Strong. 30 ; Dacr , 75 : Hopper. 3C ; Hoe , 70 ; Russell , 1.374 : Wolfo. 1.409 ; Johnson , 29 ; Lawson. 09 ; Leas. 10 ; Rawllns. 1.3SS ; Wliltmore. 1,579 : Ulttcuben.lpr . , 3S ; Irvine , 69 ; Neville1.416 ; Ryan , 1.5P3 ; Klnkald , ' 1,612 ; Klrkpatrlck. 1.114 ; Platto. 09 ; Whltham , 29 : WlRtoli. 9 ; DC eh , 12 ; Dunphy. 63 ; Halner , 1,605 ; Spur- Inrk. 22 ; Stark , 1,162. Legislative candidates : Icnator , Twenty-third district. C. F. Sleelp , ,670 ; A. ! ! . Thompson , 1.266 ; rcprcscnta- Ive , Thirty-six district , W. F. Cramb , 1.457 ; ! . S. Goshorn , 1.520 ; representative. Thirty- ourth district , G. E. Juckln. 1.5SO ; C. York , ,121. KBYA PAHA : Sprlngvlew County com- ilcto gives : McKlnley. 1S5 ; llryan. 294 : Mac- . 'oll. 174 ; Holcomb. 293 ; Tcfft. 172 ; Harris. J97 ; Piper. 171 ; Porter , 269 ; Hcdlund , 173 : Cornell. 209 ; Corbett , ISO ; Jackson. 2S6 , Casey. 180 Mcserve. 281 : Churchill. 155 ; Smyth. 295 ; Kunsell , 1S4 ; Wolfe , 279 ; Whlt- nore , 1S1 ; Hawllns. 2S3 : Cady , 1S7 ; Greene. :97. : Senate , Fourteenth district , Ely. 193 ; , lutz , 271. Legislature. Flfty-scoond dis- rlct. Horton , 160 ; Hillings , 291. Amend ments lost. KNOX : Nlobrara County complete gives : McKlnley. 1.043 ; Hryan. 1.592 ; Palmer. 61 ; Levering , 7 ; Dentley. 25 : lllbb , 2 ; Hawley. G : Holcomb. 1,591 ; MacColl. 953 ; Warner , 46 ; niRlln. 6S ; Harris , 1,562 : Jones , 42 ; Kent. 7 ; Tcrft. 961 ; Dllworth , 6 ; Fitch , 19 ; Mattes , 49 ; Piper , 016 ; Porter , 1,531 ; Cornell. 1.100 ; Crowcll , 45 ; Gorrard , S ; Hcd- uml , 977 ; Heller , 06 ; Casey , 9S3 ; Davlcs. 61 ; McCulloch , 'J ; McQlvcrln , 03 ; Mcserve , ,515 ; Corbett , 965 ; Glover. 63 ; Jackson , 1,136 ; Whitman , 61 ; Churchill , 97S ; Odell. 7 ; . Pat rick. 62 ; Smyth. 1,509 ; Strong. 52 ; Haci , 8 ; Hopper. 40 ; Roc , S ; Russell. 974 ; Wolfe. 1.603 : Johnson , S : tawson. 66 : Leas , 51 ; lawllns , 1.4S1 ; Whltmoro , 9S2 Dlttcnbcmlcr , 4S ; Irvine. 56 ; Neville , 1.171 ; Ryan. 930 ; Kln kald. 977 ; Klrkpatrlck. 1I5 : Platte. 58 ; Whltham , 43 ; Wlgton , S ; Urown , 5 : Grimth. IS ; Hammond , 1,000 ; Maxwell , 1.313. Leg islative candidates senator. Fritz , 1.430 ; Iloupt , 071 ; representative. Twentieth dis trict , Kapp. 1,193 ; Wills , 911 ; for amend ments. 1.031 ( average ) ; against. 395 ( average ) . MADISON : Madison County complete : givesMcKlnley , l.SCO ; llryan , 1.70S ; MacColl. 1.055 ; Holcomb , 1,731 ; Tefft. 1.CS3 : Harris , 1,042 ; Piper , 1,030 ; Porter , 1,630 ; Cornell. 1.,06 ; Hedlund , 1.093 ; Casry , 1:711 ; Mrscrvc. 1.079 ; forbctt , 1.19,5 ; Jackson , 1.3'JS ; Churchill. 1.723 ; Smyth , l.fiSI : Russell. 1,721 ; Wolfo. 1.5S9 ; Rawllns. 1560 ; Whltmore. 1.722 ; Ne ville. 1.510 ; Ryan , 1,023 ; Kinkald. 1.CS6 ; Klrkpatrlek. 1 fS9 : Hammpml , 1.74S : Max well. 1.712. Legislature : Senate. Mullly. 1.403 ; Randall. 1.003 ; hone , Kocnlgslcln. 1.690 ? Prince , 1,743 ; county attorney , Kelly , 1.6S6 : Tyler. 1.712. ' NANCE : Fullcrton The following are the oHlcl.il rcti.ins for the 'ccuiity : Dryan. 904 : MoKlnley. 730 : HolcomU , ' 937 ; MarColl. 700 ; Harris , 910 ; Tofft. 711 : ' 1'ortor 912 ; Piper. 710 ; Cornell S63 ; Hrdlunc 728 ; Mescrve. 901 ; fluey. 733 ; Jackson. " 872 : Corbett , 710 ; Smyth. S99 ; Churchill.1'747 : Wolfe. SSI ; Rollins 871 : Hue-soil , tflS : Whllmorp , 733 ; Neville. 906 : Ryan , 73i ( Klrkpatrlck. 921 ; Klnkald , 740 ; Maxwell. 010 : Hammond. 736 ; Farrell. senator. SSO : Miller , 719 ; Hyatt , float , 921 ; Thomas. 712 ; Lenker. treasurer , pop. . 892 ; Kr.app. rep. , 7SO : McClnlland , at torney , rep. , 813 ; Moudyvpop. , S2I. " PIERCE : Pierce County complete gives : McKlnley. 634 ; Dryant. 9flO ; Palmer , 12 ; Levering , 7 ; Dentley , . 2 : lllbb. 29 ; Hawley. 6 ; Holcomb. 964 ; MacColl , 552 ; Warner. 15 : Dlglln. 49 ; Harris. $15 ; Jouea. ? 0 ; Kent , 3 ; Tcfft. 556 ; Dllworth. 1 ; Filch. 1C : Mattes , 03 ; Piper. C5t ; Porter. 895 ; Cornell. 851 ; Crowell. 23 ; Gerrard. 1 ; Hcdlund. 570 ; Heller. 52 ; Casey. 578 ; Davles. 19 ; McCulloch. 1 ; Mc- Glverin , 02 ; Mcscrvo , SSO ; Corbett , 537 ; Glover , 47 ; Jackson , 60 ; Whitman , 19 ; Churchill. 697 ; Odell , 1) ) Patrick , VI : Smyth , SSO ; Strong , 14 ; Daer , 45 ; Hopper. 22 ; Hoe 1 ; HinseH. 5SI ; Wolfe. S97 ; Johnson , 4 Lawson. 19 : Leas , 48 ; Hawllns. S59 ; Whit- more , 579 ; Dlttenbeudcr , 18 : Irvine. 53 ; Ne ville. 887 ; Ryan , 540 ; Klnkald. 067 : Klrkpat rlck. 890 ; Platte. 48 ; Whiiham IS ; Wlgton , 8 ; Drown. 'S ; Griffith 3 ; Hammocd , 698 ; Maxwell , 929. Leglsla tlvo candidates , II. T. Ankeny , fusion , car rles the county by 342 for representative C. T. Mufftey , fusion , for senator , carries the county by 235. M. M. Leaney Is electee county attorney and C. F. Rohrke re-elected commissioner. PLATTE : Columbus County complete Elves : McKlnley. 1,368 : Bryan. 2,209 ; Pal mer. 52 ; Lover Ing. 84 : Holccmb. 2.206 ; Mat- Cell , 1,177 ; Harris , 2,206 ; Teft 1.177 ; Piper , 1.192 ; Porter. 2.000 Cornell. 1,958 ; Hcdlund , 1.239 ; Casey 1,232 ; Meserve. 2.010 ; Cornell , 1,180 ; Jack son. 1.996 ; Churchill , 1,254 ; Smyth. 2.078 Russell. 1,236 ; Wolfe , 2.024 : Rawllns , 1.9S2 Whltmore. U30 ; Neville. 2.045 ; Ryan. 1.009 Klukald. 1.160 ; Klrkpatrlck. 2.03S ; Hammond mend , 1.273 : Maxwell , 2.185. Leglfl lativo candidates : Gondrlng , dem. defeats Gray , rc-p. , In the Twelfth senatorla district. O. S. Moran. dem. . defeats Smlih rep. . In the Twenty-fourth representative district. Hyatt , silver , defeats Thomas rop. . In the Twenty-fifth representative din trirt Platte and Nance. RICHARDSON : Falls City Complet Rives : McKlnley , 2.291 ; llryan. 2.r,34 ; Mac Cell , 2.102 ; Holcomb , 2.131 ; Tefft , 2.172 ; Har rls , 2,445 ; Piper , 2.13S : Porter , 2,432 ; Hod lund. 2.173 ; Cornell. 2,326 ; Corbett , 2.244 Jackson , 2.328 ; Casey. 2,247 ; ( Mcserve , 2,414 Churchill. 2.293 ; Smyth. 2.413 ; Hussell , 2.210 Wolfe , 2.3SI ; Whltmore. 223D ; Rawllna. 2. 357 ; Strode , 2.220 ; Urody , 2,514 ; Icglslatlv candidates Huttcrflcld. rep. . 2,275 ; Clark dc-m. , 2.45S ; Gcrdes , detn. , 2/573 ; Grimth. rep 2.213 ; Poor. rep. . 2,173 ; Smith , dem. . 2,315. SALINE : Wilbcr County complete ghvs McKlnley , 2.003 to 2.0SO ; Dryan. 2.004 t 2.012 ; Palmer , CO ; Levering , 11 ; Dentley. 30 Hlbb. 71 ; Hawley , 42 ; Holcomb , 2.012 ; Mac Coll. 1.932 ; Warner. 33 ; Dlglln. 85 ; Harris 1,900 : Jones , 35 ; Kent , 31 ; Tefft , 1.920 : Dll worth. 37 ; Fitch. 38 ; Mattes. 120 ; Piper 1 923 ; Porter , 1.S6G ; Cornell. 1,803 ; Crowcll 50 ; Gerrard. 35 ; Hedlund. 1.942 ; Heller. 102 Casey , 1,976 ; Davles , 45 ; McCulloch , 35 McGlvcrln. 100 ; Meserve. 1.849 ; Corbett 1.972 ; Glover , 103 ; Jackson , 1.749 ; Whitman 7S1 ; Churchill. 1.944 ; OJell. 39 ; Patrick. 100 Smyth. 1.901 ; Strong. 41 ; Hacr , 77 ; Hopper 51 ; Hoe. 42 ; Russell. 1.851 ; Wolfe. 1.898 Johnson. 33 ; Lawson. 65 ; Leas. 79 ; Hawllns 1.811 Whltmoro. l.9S7:1littenbender. : ) 70 : lr vine. S7 ; Neville , l.SIl ; Jtyon. 1,899 ; Kin kald. 1&02 ; Klrkpatrlck.1.881 ; Platte. 89 Whltham , 44 : Wlgton , 33.pech. ; 5 ; Dunphy 72 ; Halner. 1,973 ; SpurJock. , 61 ; Stark. 1,917 Legislative candidates : Dr. E. G. Watson of Friend , free silver , el ptcd state senator W. H. Mann of Wilbcr , rep. , and Fred En dorf of Tobias , fusion , representatives ; M H. Fleming , Crete , coflnty attorney ; W. H Staley , Do Witt , county commissioner. SCOTTS BLUFF : Gering Scotts Bluff county complete gives : McKlnley , 229 Dryan , 241 ; MacColl. , 230. ; Holcomb , 227 Cady , 235 ; Greene , 223. Legislative candl dates , Hoagland , 228 ; Fcl& , 242 ; Abbott and Stebblnu run about the fame. SIOUX : Harrison ThVofllclal count give McKlnley. 154 ; Hryan. ' 305 ; MacColl. 152 Holcomb , 275 ; Tefft , 151 ! Harris. 268 : Piper 146 : Porter , 265 ; Hedlund. 146 ; Cornell , 262 Corbett , 146 : Jackson. 273 ; Casey , 161 ; Me serve , 267 ; Churchill. 170 ; Smyth. 270 Russell. 152 ; Wolfe. 270 ; Whltmore. 164 Hawllns , 267 ; Cady. 163 ; Greene. 279. Legls lativo candidates senator. Fourteenth dls trlct. Ely. 149 : Mutz , 241 : representative Fifty-third district , Sheldon. 200 ; Tuttle. 160 STANTON : Stanton County complete gives : McKlnley. 059 ; Dryan. 832 ; Palmer 32 ; Levering. 2 ; Dentley. 10 ; lllbb. 49 ; Haw ley. 2 ; Holcomb. 849 ; MacColl. 601 ; War ncr. 10 ; Illglln , 60 : Harris , " 772 ; Jonca , 14 Kent. 2 ; Tcfft , 691 ; Dllworth. 2 ; Filch , 13 Mattes , 66 ; Piper. 662 ; Porter , J65 ; Cornell 700 ; Crowell. 19 ; Gerrard. 2 ; Ikdlund. 6S9 Hfllur , 05 ; Casey , GOO ; navies , 10 ; McCul loch , 2 : McGIvorln. 76 ; Mcserve. 741 ; Corboit 695 ; Glover , 64 ; Jackaon. 711 ; Whitman. 23 Churchill. 612 ; Odell , 2 ; Patrick , 66 ; Smyth 73C ; Strong , 11 ; Dacr , 63 ; Hopper , 17 ; Hoc ! 2 : , Russell COG , Wi-lfe 749 , Johnson. - ; Lawion. 1 II. 1'Cfls ts , Hawlms. .2. , \\hlt I more , 617. Dtttenbendor. 15 , Irvine. G.1. Neville. 733. Ryan , 667 , Klnkald , 5S3 , Kirk alrk-k , 752 ; Platto. 02 ; Whltlmm. IIViR ; - on. 2 ; Drown. 14 ; Griffith , 2 ; Hammond. 27 ; Maxwell , SIO. Legislative candidates Slate senator : lull ! ) , ( UHlon. GIG ; Randall , rep. . 595. Hep- niallvo : Jones , dem. , 773 ; Carter , rep. . 309. 309.THOMAS THOMAS : Thrdford County complete Ives : McKlnley. S3 ; llryan. SO ; Holcomb , 3 ; MacColl , 32 : Harris. C ! > ; Tpfft , S3 ; Piper , 3 ; Porter. 68 ; Cornell. 70 ; Casey , 34 ; Mc- crve. OS ; Corbett , 30 ; Jackson , 74 ; Churchill , 3 ; Smyth. 70 ; Husspll , 33 ; Wolfe , 09 ; Raw- ns , 70 : Whllmorc. .11 : Neville. 72 ; Ryan , 2 ; Klnkald , 30 ; Klrkpatrlck , 79 ; Cady , 31 : rccne , 75. Legislative candidates : \lcCnr- hy , detn-pop. . 72 ; Moon , rrp. , 31. For mendmcntft , 69 ; against , 22. THL'RSTON : Pender County complete Ivcs : McKlnley. 506 ; llryan , 711 ; Palmer. 1 : .rvcrliifc , 2 ; llentlry , 1 ; Dlbb , 20 ; Hawley. 0 ; lolcomb. 678 ; MacColl , 1S6 ; Warner. 0 ; Ills- In. 15 ; Harris. 066 ; Jones , 11 ; Kent. 3 ; Tefft. SI ; Dllworth. 0 ; Fitch , 10 , Mattes. 30 ; Piper. 70 ; Porter , 681 ; Cornell , CIS ; Crowcll , S ; Jerrard , 7 ; Hcdlund. 477 : Hiller , 21 ; Caspy , S6 ; Davlcs , 6 ; McCulloch , C ; McOlvcrln. ; ' 0 ; Irsnrve. Oil : Corbett. 477 ; Glover. ID ; Jack- on. G17 ; Whitman , 10 ; Churchill , 4SG ; Odcll. ; Patrick. 20 ; Smyth. 612 ; Strong , 15 ; llacr , 6 ; Hopper , 7 ; Hoe. S ; Hussell , 4S3 ; Wolfe , 37 ; Johnson , 1 ; Lawson. S ; Leas. 21 ; Raw- Ins , 617 ; Wliltmore. 479 ; Dlttenbondcr. 10 : rvlne , 2S ; Neville , 031 ; H > an , 457 ; Klnkald. 73 ; Klrkpatrlek. 075 ; Platte , 21 ; Whllham , ; Wlgton. S ; Drown , G ; Grimth , 26 ; Ham mond. 474 : Maxwell , 677. VALLEY : Ord County complete gives- IcKlnley , 093 ; Dryan , S90 ; Hlbb. 15 ; Hawley , Holcomb. 917 ; MacColl. G41 ; Warner. 5 ; llslln , 23 : Harris , S9I ; Jotie . 12 : TcfP. , C.50- "Itch , 13 ; Mattes. 30 ; Piper , G17 ; Porter , " ; Cornell , S47 : Crowell , 11 : Ger-ard. 2 ; ledlund. 053 ; Heller. 22 : Casey. 672 ; Davles 1 ; McCullooh , 1 ; McGlvorln. 23. Mricrv , 7G ; Corbett , 671 ; Glo\cr. 23 ; JncUson , M5 : Vhltman. 17 ; Churchill , 6GO ; OJell. 1 ; Pat- ick , 30 ; Smyth , 873 ; Strong , 8 ; Ilaer , 31 : loppcr , 12 ; Hoe. 7 ; Russell. ' 551 ; Wolfo. SOS ; ohnsoti. 4 ; Lawscn. 12 ; Leas 27 ; H.iwlins , 37 ; Whltmore. 071 ; Rlttcnbt > ml-r. 10 ; Irvine , 3 ; Neville. 873 ; Ryan. 030 ; Klnkall , CCS ; \irkpatrlck , 879 ; Piattc , 23 ; Whitlmm , 9 ; Vlgton. 2 ; Casey , 703 ; GcorgII ; Greene. SI ; Sloan. 3. Legislative c-iudldatcs : Ren- csentatlve. Fifty-fifth district , J. II. Cronk. lem-pop. , 892 ; E. J. Dabcock. rep. , 613 ; sen ior. Fifteenth dlslrlct , C. W. Deal , dem- iop. . S32 ; H. W. Talbot. vcp. 066. WASHINGTON : Blair County complete Rive : McKlnley. 1,597 : Dryan. 1.412 : Palmer. S ; Dlbb. ( ! 3 ; Holcomb , 1.101 ; MacColl , 1.SS4 : Warner. 13 ; Dlglln , 94 ; Harris , 1,369 ; Jones. 21 ; Tcfft , 1.400 ; Dllworth. 3 ; Fitch. 22 ; lattes. 9S ; Piper. 1.412 ; Porter , 1,328 ; Cor- icll. 1,245 ; Crowcll , CS ; Gerrard , 4 ; Hed- und. 1.100 ; Heller. 9S ; Casey , 1.143 ; Davlcs. 7 ; McCulloch. 3 : McGlvcrln. 105 ; .Meserve. .335 ; Corbett. 1.3S9 ; Glover. 1GS ; Jackson. .295 ; Whitman. 25 ; Churchill. 1.4CS ; O.lell. . ; Patrick. 93 ; Smyth. 1.311 ; Strong. 16 ; Dacr. SI ; Hooper , 28 ; Roe. 10 ; Russell , l.-ltt ; A'olfe. 1.315 ; Johnson. 4 ; Lawson. 22 ; Leas. .5 . ; Hawllns. 1.280 ; Whllmore. 1.453 ; Dlltcn- berdcr , 34 ; Irvine. 96 ; Neville. 1.312 ; Ryan. .373 ; Klnkald. l.SSii ; Klrkpatrlck. 1,321 : lofte. SS ; Whltham. 29 ; Wlgton. 4 ; Mercer. .501' Duffy. 1,363. Legislative candidates A' . D. Holier , rep. , senator , Dodge and Washington , John F. Nels. Amendments all lost WAYNE : Wayne County complete gives : McKlnley. 993 ; Dryan. 1.110 ; Palmer. 4 : Levering , 3 ; Uentlcy , 2 ; lllbb. 4 ! > : Ilawley. Holcomb. 1.055 ; MacColl , 931 ; Warner , 3 ; Dlglln. 01 ; Hanls. 1.001 ; Jones , 15 ; Kent. 4 ; Tefft , 925 ; Dllworth. 2 ; Fitch. 12 : Mattes. 71 ; Piper. 90S ; Porter , 007 ; Cornell , 91S ; Crowcll. 17. Gerrard. I ; Hedlund. 922 ; Hel ler , 74 : Case > , 940 ; Davles. 17 : McCulloch. 13 ; McGlvcrln. 57 ; Metervc. 9SS ; Corbett. 951 ; Gluvcr. 00 ; Jackson , 910 ; Whitman. 12 ; Churchill. 971 ; Odell , 3 ; Patrick. 01 : Smyth , 970 ; Daer , 61 ; Hopper. 11 : Hoe , S ; Hussell. 961 ; Wolfe. 962 : Johnson. 2 ; Lawson. 12 ; LC.IS. 51 ; Riwllns , 930 ; Whltmore. 952 ; Hit tcnbcnder , 12 ; Irvine. 71 ; Neville. t'GO ' ; Ryan , 920 ; Kinkald , 921 ; KIrkpotrlck. HIS ; Platte. 63 ; Whltham , 16 ; Wlgton. 9 : Drown , IS ; Grif fith , 9 ; Hammond , 952 ; Maxwell , 1,033 ; total vote In Wayne county , 2.1M ) . Legislative candidates : For representative Cerlls. rep. . 931 ; James , dem. . 69i ) ; senator , Randall , rep. , S09 ; Millly , dem. , 847 ; against amendments , by about l.COO. WEBSTER : Red Cloud County com plcto gives : McKlnley , 1.112 ; Dryan , 1.315 ; Palmer. 33 ; Levering , 7 ; Dently , 17 : Dlbb , 36 ; Hawley. S ; Holcomb. 1.370 ; Mac- Cell , 1,027 ; Warner , 20 ; BIglln. 3S : Harris. 1,312 ; Jones. 31 ; Kent , 13 : Tefft , 1.060 ; Dil- worth. 10 ; Fitch. 21 ; Mattes , 40 ; Piper. 1.0S2 ; Porter , 1,306 ; Cornell. 1.225 : Crowell. 33 ; Gerrard , 12 : Hedlund , 1,051 ; Heller , 45 ; Casey , 1,090 ; Davles. 32 : McCulloch. 10 ; McGlvcrln , 32 : Mejcrve. 1.307 ; Corbett , 1.107 ; Glover , 43Jackson. ; . 1,2:0 ; Whitman. 37 ; Churchill. 1.112 ; Odell. 9 ; Patrick. 41 ; Smyth. 1.302 ; Strong. 24 : Daer. 47 : Hopper. 31 ; Hoe 11 ; Russell. 1.0S2 ; Wolfe. 1.300 ; Johnson. 9 Lawson. 24 ; Leas. 50 ; Hawllns. 1.256 ; Whlt more , 1,108 ; Illttenbender. 31 : Irvine. 45 ; Neville , 1.200 ; Ryan. 1,002 ; Klnkald , 1.061 : Klrkpatrlck. 1.290 ; Platte. 4S ; Whltham. 29 , Wlgton , 7 ; Andrews. 1.095 ; Miller. 9 ; Pres ton , 24 ; Proudflt. 56 ; Sutherland , 1.31S Legislative candidates Caldwell. 1.140 : Guthrle , 1.109 ; Forty-fourth district. Crary. 1.111 ; Grandstnff. 1.253 ; Forty-sixth district. Phlllio. 1,058 : Wesllng. 1.271. WHEELER : Dartlctl County complete gives : McKlnley , 97 ; Drjan , 169 : Palmer. 3 ; Levering , 1 ; Dentley , 2 ; Dlbb. 6 ; Hawley , ; Holcomb. 161 ; MacColl , 88 ; Warner , 2 : Dlr.- lln. 7 ; Harris. 103 ; Jones , 2 ; Kent. 1 ; Tcfft 92 ; Dllworth. ; Fitch. 1 ; Mattes , S ; Piper. 92 ; Porter. 162 ; Cornell , 150 ; Crowell , ; Ger rard. 1 ; Hedlund , 93 ; Heller. 6 ; Casey , 95 ; Davles , 3 : McCulloch , ; McGlverln. 7 : Mo- scrve , 107 ; Corbett , 91 ; Glover. 5 ; Jackfon. 159 ; Whitman. 3 ; Churchill. 96 ; Odell. 1 : Patrick. 6 ; Smyth , 102 ; Strung. 3 ; Dacr , C : Hopper. 2 ; Hoe. 1 ; Russell. 93 ; Wolfe. 161 ; Johnson , 1 ; Lawson. 2 ; Leas. 6 ; Rawllns , 158 ; Whltmore , 96 ; Dlttcnbrnder. 4 ; Irvine. 7 ; Neville. 163 ; Ryan. SS ; Klnkald. 91 ; KIrk patrick. 16S ; Platte , 7 ; Whitham. 1 ; Wlgton. ; Cady , 94 ; George. 3 ; Greene , 163 ; Sloin. ; legislative candidates senators. Dillon. 2 ; Glassbun. 102 ; Lee , 15S ; representative- McCarthy , 156 ; 'Moore ' , 93 ; amendments all carried. YORK : York County complete gives : McKlnley. 1,015 ; Bryan , 1.800 ; MacColl , 1.S09 ; Holcomb. 1.779 ; Tcfft. 1,817 ; Harris. 1.763 : Churchill , 1.S59 ; Smyth , 1.756 ; Russell , 1.S43 ; Wolfe , 1.762 ; Neville. 1.724 ; Ryan. 1.790 ; Piper. 1,825 ; Porter 1.733 ; Cornell , 1.707 : Hcdlund. 1.857 ; Casey , 1.869 ; Mescrvc. 1.73S ; Corbett. 1.856 ; Jackson , 1,740 ; Halner , 1.831 ; Stark , 1.773. Legislature senate. Conaway. 1.687 : Smith. 1,699 ; house , Gilbert , 1.635 ; Henderson. 1.728 ; .Tucker. 1.097Ammcr ; - man. 1.744 : county attorney , Harlan , 1,853 ; Purlnton , 1,006. OUTI.OOIC FOIl THH Poiiorriilx llnvc Aiiiiirt'iitl.v | Scoured t'u 11 Control of llotli IIr < inrIi > N , On the partial returns from Nebraska re ceived by The Dee up to 3 o'clock this mornIng - Ing It appears the combined populists and Dryan democrats have a big working ma jority In both branches of the legislature. A show of hands counts : Senate , republicans , 8 ; fuslonlsts , 25. House , republicans , 37 ; fuslonlsts , 03. This statement Is based on the complete retuins at hand and an esti mate of the vote In the counties not reported. It may bo changed conslderaoiy when the count Is complete. The nann-a of the ne-vly- chosen lawma'.ioro according to present pros pects are : SENATORIAL DISTRICTS. First Richardson and Pawn to counties : Fusion. J. M. Oaborne. Second Nemaha and Jounson counties : Fusion. J. H. Dundas. Third Otoo county : Fusion , Amos Wcl- ler. Fourth Cass county : Fusion , W. II. Dear- Ing. Fifth Pniin.lers and Sarpy counties Fu Rlon.illlnin SJiaal. Sixth Douglas county Republican , John I Evans , fusion , E. E. llowell , F. T Ran- 80111. Seventh--Cumlng and Hurt counties : Fu sion. William Miller. Elghlh Dlxnn , Dakota , Knox , Cedar and Thurston counties : Fusion , Sick Fritz , Ninth Antelope , lloone and Oreeley coun ties : Fusion. M. W. McGulre. Tenth Washington and Uodgo counties : Icpubllcan. W. 1) . Hallcr. Eleventh Wayne. Stanton , Madison and Pierce counties : Fusion , C. T. Mullley. Twelfth Platfe nnd Colfax counties : Fu sion , J. M. Gondrlng. Thirteenth Holt , Onrfleld , Wheeler nnd .inorgmilzed territory north of Holt and \oya Palm counties : Fusion , J. t ) . Lee. Fourteenth Ilrown. Keyn Palm , Cherry , Sheridan. Dawen , Hex llutte and Sioux coun ties : Fusion. Otto Mutz. Flftcptith Custrr , Valley , Loup nmt Dlnlno counties : Fusion. C. W. Heal. Sixteenth Buffalo nnd Sherman counties : Fusion , J. W. Heapny. Seventeenth Hall ami Howard counties : Fusion. O. Groth.in. Elghieenih Polk. MCrrlck and Nanco counties : Fusion. Thomas Fnrrell. Nineteenth Butler nnd Scward comities : Fusion. William Hichey. Twentieth Lancaster county : Republican , A. H. Talbott , E. R. Spencer. Twenty-Ural Gage county : Republican , 0. 11. Murphy. Twenty-second Saline county : Fusion , E. . Watson. Twenty-third Jefferson nnd Tlmyer coun ties : Republican , C. F. Stcele. Twenty-fourth York and Flllmoro coun ties : Republican , J. B. Conaway. Twenty-fifth Clay nnd Hamilton coun ties : Fusion , L. L. Johnson. Twenty-sixth Nuckolls. Webster and Franklin counties : Fusion , W. 11. Guthrle. Twenty-seventh Adams county : Repub lican , W. P. Mcfrpary. Twenty-eighth Kearney. Phclps and Har lan counties : Fusion. F. S. Canady. Twenty-ninth Fnrnas. Red Willow. Hitchcock , Dundy. Gosper. Frontier. Chase and Hayes counties : Fusion , It. L. Graham. Thirtieth Dawson. Lincoln , Keith , Chey enne , Logan and unorganized territory west of lllalue and Logan counties : Fusion , F. ( } . Feltz. REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICTS. First Richardson county : Fusion , Julo Smith. Henry Oerdra. Ralph Clark. Second Pawnee county : Republican , J. J. Deinard. William i'ton. : Third Nemaha county : Fusion , John C. Shull , David N. Jones. Fourth Johnson county : Republican. Palmer Blake. Fifth Nemaha and Johnson counties : Re publican. O. A. Corbln. Sl\th Otoe co'inty : Republican. Patrick Roddy : fusion , O. Sever. Sexenth Cass county : Republican , T. T. Young. Ernest Pollard. Eighth Cass and Otoe counties : Fusion. V. W. Straub. Ninth Sarpy county : Fusion. Clans Grcll. Tenth Douglas county : Republican. John Butler , Frank Burman , Levl Cox , Joseph Crow ; fusion , Dudley Smith. Edson Rich , W. S. Fclker , John Llddeli , Charles E. Cur tis. Eleventh Washington county : Repub lican. 11. J. Carpenter. Twelfth Durt county : Republican. II. D. Byram. Thirteenth Hurt and Washington coun ties : Republican. J. T. Ncsblt. Fourteenth Dodge county : Republican , W. D. Holbrook ; fusion. S. S. Van Horn. Fifteenth Cumlng county : Fusion. Felix Glvens. Sixteenth Cumlng. Dakota nnd Thurston counties : Republican. Frank Alderman. Seventeenth Wayne and Stanton counties : Fusion , D. A. Jones. Eighteenth Dlxon county : Fusion , C. W. bchram. Nineteenth Cedar and Plerco counties : Fusion. H. T. Ankeny. Twentieth Knox and Boyd counties : Fusion. G. F. Knapp. Twenty-first Antelope county : Fusion. S. C. Falrchlld. Twenty-second Boone county : Fusion , H. C. Kelstcr. Twenty-third Madison county : Repub lican , F. P. Prince. Twenty-fourth Plalto county : Fusion , O. S. Moran. Twenty-fifth Platte and Nance counties : Fusion. N. S. Hyatt Twenty-sixth Colfax county : Republican DonaM McLcod. Twenty-seventh Saunders county : FU' slon , J. N. Ganin. C. M. Lcmar. Twtnty-elphth Butler county : Fusion D. W. Hamilton. Frank Loomls. Twenty-ninth Pcward county : Fusion Dowltt Eagar , J. M. Mitchell. Thirtieth Lancaster county : Republican Paul Clark. C. K. Wai to. C. L. Mills , T. M Wlmberly. 13. J. Burkett. Thirty-first Saline county : Republican W. II. Mann ; funion , Fred Endorf. Thirty-second Hugo county : Hi publican W. E. Chlttendcn. J. II. Cascbcci. lleor ; M. Jones. Thirty-third Gage and Sallno counties Republican , G. R. Faulk. Thirty-fourth Jefferson county : Rcpub llcan. G. E. Jenkins. Thirty-fifth Thaycr county : Republican Fred Wllcox. Thirty-sixth Thaycr and Jefferson coun ties : Republican. J. S. Gosboro. Thirty-seventh Flllmorc county : Repub llcan , O. C. Baker. J. E. Allen. Thirty-eighth York county : Republican J. N. Tucker. Robert Henderson. Tnlrty-nlnth Polk county : Fusion , W ! Ham Welch. Fortieth Merrlck county : Republican Emll Kanee : ! . Forty-nift Hamilton county : Fusion. 1 S. Woodard , J. H. Grosvcnor. Forty-second Clay county : Fusion , R. 1 Hill. H. W. Campbell. Forty-third Nuckolls county : Fusion , . H. Wright. Forty-fourth Webster county : Fusion , J L. Grar.dstaff. Forty-fifth Admas county : Fusion , Mar tin Fcrnan. Forty-sixth Webster and Adams counties : Fusion. P. P. Eurhl ? . Forty-seventh Hall county : Republican , G. L. Rouse ; fusion. C. A. Wlebe. Forty-eighth Howard county : Fusion , Samuel Howcrs. Forty-ninth Garfleld , Grceley , Wheeler , Loup. Hlalne and unorganized territory north of Dlalne county : Fusion. Richard McCarty. Fiftieth Holt county : Fusion , M. C. Grimes. J. A. Robertson. Fifty-first Drown county : Republican , P. II. Elghmol. Fifty-second Cherry and Koya Palm coun ties : Fusion. 0. P. Billings. Fifty-third Sheridan. Dawcs. Box Iluttc and Sioux counties : Fusion. A. E. Sheldon. Fifty-fourth Lincoln , Cheyenne , Keith and unorganized territory west of Logan county : Fusion , L. Stcb'ulns. Fifty-fifth Valley county : Fusion , J. H. Cronk. Fifty-sixth Cusler and Logan counties : Fusion , E. M. Webb. W. G.Rastman. Fifty-seventh Sherman county : Fusion J. M. Snyder. Fifty-eighth Buffalo county : Fusion L L. Hlle , Fred Gaylord. Fifty-ninth Dawson county : Fusion , Wil liam Homer. Sixtieth Kearney county : Fusion , Wil liam Coir. Sixty-first Franklin county : Fusion , David McCracken. Sixty-second Harlan county : Fusion , O. Hull. Sixty-third Phelps county : Fusion , E. Sodcrman. Sixty-fourth Furnaa county : Fusion , C. F. Wheeler. Sixty-fifth Red Willow county : Fusloii L. J. Holland. Slxty-Elxth Frontier and Gospcr counties : Fusion. Wilson Wlnstow. Sixty-seventh Hitchcock. Dundy , Hayea and Cliaso counties : Republican , J. W. Co'e. The only hi h Grade Ddkin Rowder 1 Offered af a moderate price , TO UiiM III.KM.N Cl.tUIP. l'ri" lili'iil I ) . \\ooiliniiixor I ( 'rite * Cu ii 1 1 n u eil I'roini nil Ion. C1NVIXNAT1. Nov. C. I'pon the AURKM- tlon of the advisory rommlllee of the Na tional League , President I ) . D. Woodmiuueo has lf tie < l the following address : To the Members of the Republican clubs of the fulled StiitcaOreetlne : The i > plen- did \ letorjof Tun dny. In wlilrh you took n ron ptcuou.t part. Is a hrrltngr to every rlllKcn who believes In good Kovernmelit. I eonpratiilnte you upon the outromo of till * memorable political ronteM. Many of von Imve Inbored to lirlnp about this re sult with 11 xcil : tlmt linn known no wenrl- PW. The effivt of your loynl nervlee IIBM iH-en foil In every xtiite where Ihe IlKht ban been llprceKt. tn ) belmlf of our onmnUu- tlon I extend to you Rnuerul neknowledg- nicnts. The | > nit of the lenKiie I * history. We iiiv now roneerneil ntioiit ll future. It lit the nmbltlon of tliO ! < elio nre most Interested In our IPARIIP tlmt ll Intluetirn for good limy be enlarged nnd tlmt Its position In tttnle nnd tmtlonnl iHilltleH mny IIP elevated ntul ninfntiilnoil. The election to the presidency of Wltllnin Mel\lnle > - , iv man who wn ever n frleml of the lenguo niul one who npprerlntos Its value , will till our henrlH with rotiewed bope nml courage The ilelits of the Ii-nKue , tlmt tmvc so long bei-n n meinre to Its USP- fiilliPHi * . have been pnlil. With i cleuti rec ord , let us nt onre begin tinr.impnlKii of 1W < . The republican party fncrs repon- sllillltles todny tlml will seriously nffert the Amerlenn j > eopli . The hnrd ontiiult.ii | wlilrh bud Just viuteit wns tnnito iloubly hnrd by the silent forefH Hint linil been nt work for yenrs to tindprmlno our llnnn- clal pollry. Ix t us use the lensue be tween cnmpnlKiis ns : i counteracttiiK Influ- OIIPP fnvornlile to our own cntiso. Mnko nil MrKlnley elulis permanent clubs or consolidate tbofe Hint nro In your local ity. Join your state league without ilelny. During the winter months Imve renulnr meetings to study nnd discuss political questions. PriUti-r literature ns freely art 1ms bren done for yonrs by the lllmetnl- e It ague , so tlmt when tin1 iictunl bat- le of nnoiher camimlKM Is upon us our icoplo will already Imve been educntrd .ml . our victory then will become an easy no. AK ; > | II coiiKriitulatliiK you , I bespeak rotir earnest anil cordial support for thi > niccess of tinUiigiiP of irimhllenn clubs. i'ery slncerrly. 1) . D. WOOD.MANSICE. ) WIAI.TII CO.MI.NC orr. IMVII lliinliH ftiiil Cold Co ill I lit ; In ( lultr Cciu-rallj' , FORT DODGE , la. . Nov. C. ( Special Tele- sram.The ) olllclal count shows McKlnley'n lurallty In Webster county to be 1.117. Furt Joilge went for him by 472. Such a vote was otally unexpected. The sound money item- irra's here voted direct for MeKlnley. Tht > day after election the b.tuks of Fort Doilgo ook in { 3.COO In gold and more Is coming In 11 the time. The People's Hank nf 11/jm- boldt ycstrrday took In Jl.SOO of gold from OIID Individual. The banks everywhere In his part of the state arc offering gold on all checks. _ sTiuinr. HAS A SMAI.I , .MA it civ. OIIH-H Out of tlu > Contcsl tiltli 1i.T Ovi < r llronilj' . LINCOLN. Nov. C. ( Special. ) The olliclal pluralities In the counties of the First con- grecjinnal district arc : llroaily. Strode. llehnrdsotl . 2\S . Nomnlm . 411 . Moo . 313 . nwnee . 212 Johnson . IX" Cuss . IM ! Lancaster . 0'U Total . 1,071 1.107 MnJoiity for Strode. 123. nxTit.v sisssiox TO HKVISI : coin : . iovfrnor DrnUi * CnlN tinInun I. < ! . . liilurc lo > ! < M-I In .liiniinry. DES MOINE3. Nov. C. Onvcrnor Drake announced today that ho will call on extra ezslon of the legislature , to meet January 19 , to revise the code. rli-klrr for lVlllon ( TiiiiiiiilNNliini'r. HURON. S. D. . Nov. fi. ( Special Tele gram. ) Congressman PIcklcr , having wlth- drav.-n from the contest for United States senator , tomorrow's Huronlte , backed by the sentiment of the politicians and Grand Army men throughout the northv.-est , will illlcrlally urge .Major PIcklcr for commls- ioncr ut pensions. The dreamer finds himself at the edge of a cliff. He stumbles , falls , rrasps fran- nt n rope , - _ breaks use lessly , letting him fill straight down the precipice. He awakes with a start and a strug- . - pic. If he has a little spot of su perstition in him , he tries to figure out the meaning of the dream. If he is not hupcrstitious , he looks for the cause , finds it in indigestion and nervousness , and then heeds the real mean ing. It is a good thing to believe indicants , but to believe in them in the right way. A bad dream is a warning. It is a sign that all is not right in the dreamer's body. It means that his digestion is out of order ; nnd that means that bis blood is not re ceiving sufficient nourishment ; nnd that has its , effect on the nerves ; and the nerves , on tinbrain. . Imperfect digestion means imperfect nutrition. It means that the strength and food that ought to gx > into the blood from the digestive organs that should go to build the tissues that waste every day is being perverted and is doing no good. It means that there will be loss of solid , strcngthful flesh ; that the nerves will be uncovered just that much ; that de bility will ensue ; and that the man's body is ready for the reception of disease-germs. That is the real meaning of the man's dreams , and such dreams should always be taken to mean that the use of Dr. Picrce's Golden Medical Discovery is urgent nnd imperative , if health would be preserved. The " Discovery " is n certain cure for iudi- gcstion , dyspepsia and liver complaint. When constipation is present , it is fre quently necessary to supplement the "Dis covery " by the use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelk-ts. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxative , and two a mild cathartic. They greatly facilitate the action of the "Golden Medical Discovery , " by ridding the system of pouonaus , effete matter , increasing- activity of the lower bowels no that the impure matter forced out of the blood by the "Golden Medical Discovery" may find quick egress. Hutu the "Golden Medical Discovery "and the ' Pellets" may be ob tamed at any drug store. Complete information mation concerning them may be had by addressing the World's Dispensary Med ical Association , Buffalo , N. Y. NJ5W Last THO TIIHATRH Performance * 'llAIlfUIN DAY" I All MATINKK 10DAY f HeatH TtmlKlit n < Htl. _ IIAMII/I'O.VH CO.MPA.VY OK PIA YKIIS. S88IKO IN MIZZOURA Nlelit iirlces : Parquet nnd 3 rows or circle , 7Sc ; half of the firm fluor at Mo ; all bnlcony t.eam , &c ; Kallcry , l c ami 2c. > TIIIUTlUt Itt'MUI.AIl L. M. Crawford , Mar. I'ltlUI'.H , Siiudny mill Minnlny , .Vov. H unit I ) . The fentatluM uf Die century ON THE B0 > KTIIVI ) liHOIHi : on < l u mammoth company. New rcKulur nlB it iirlrrsrarnuct und 3 rows of circle , 'in. half Uic llr t lloor ut tOc , all bal cony tcule 0v , nllery Ue anJ Z3c. \iiv < > iiilii-r K-II-1O-1I ICiiKc-iu * Aram Iliiinlft Merc-limit of Vi-ulce Ollicllu. MnllncoVpilmmltiy. . Heals now on hale. Prices : ic , COc , 7Sc. } t.W , tl.CO , Matinee jirlces Me. We. 7 ; . Tiiiu'rii\Tii AMI JO.VKS 110 rDoini , Lalhi , itenm hcnt und all .nodera convenience * . Itulei , Jl.W und 13.00 \ > tr 0 y. Tabir unrxcelled. Knicnil low rain to riiculal toardci * . I'ltANU 1IILU1TCU , UCr.