Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    G THE OMAHA DAILY HFC : .mint-WAV , NOVEMBER 5 , 1800.
All the Speculative Marketa SufTorod from
tlio Soiling.
Thine Who llouitlil llpnvlly In Antlel-
liiitlon of HIiM-llon Ituliiriin
LiiNt \ < i ThinI" Tiik-
ItiK 1'roillN.
CHICAGO , Nov. 4. All the speculative
markets suffered from tlio Hulling of
tradiTH who had lo-.ulcd up In anticipation
of nn election boom. Whcnt started . , \lth
n rush , but mine down rnimlly as fust ,
closing ixt a net advance or I'.ic. The other
tnnrkctrt suffered more , corn declining 'S.o ' ,
oats Uc nnil provisions from 2'fcc to 15c.
Two factors were Inlluenllril In causing
the strength In wheat. One was the re
sult of the election , which wua very satis
factory to the majority of the traders'
boom , but there WOH much legitimate en
couragement In the fact that the early
Liverpool cables showed nn advance there
Mnce Monday of over 5c per bu. The con
tinental markets were also higher. De
cember , which closed at i.rc on Monday
afternoon , could not bo boiiRlit at the start
for less than 7"c. and sellers were able to
obtain 77',4u In two or three InsUinccs.
In five minutes It was dan n to "G'.lc , and
ngaln Inside of another twenty minutes
It wiu bringing 7iUc. All outside markets
felt the enthusiasm of the moment , and
started off with an upward turn. A-Ivan , c
cables Mild that California wheat had ul-
tently arrived at Calcutta , and added that
1 OCO.DOO bu. had been taken at Snn Iran -
clsro for Indian account. Hut on the ad
vance the xi-lllng quickly assumed ennr-
inoim ( o-oportlons ; that part of the crowd
that had gone home long Monday , con
fident that the election returns would be
Hatlsfaetorly , sold heavily , and took prolltii
at the advance. New York was the heavi
est seller , and other law commission
houses bail selling orders linker
and other * of thn linll clique ure
said to have sold. but this was
doubled. Hut there - ns enough for
sale to start the market off. Short breaks
of < 1 In Liverpool by noon equal to 2Hc
per bu. , accelerated the decline. During
the last hour , the market had a sharp
spurt , and sold to the highest pilci' of the
day : this was duo to the much smaller In
crease In the world's stocks , an reported
by Hrudstreet's , than the trade hail ex-
tirc-tpil. It being only 2 , : ; > 0,000 ( in. Dec-em-
lirr reacted to 77tiie , but there was suf
ficient sidling to cause a decline to 7Gse
before the close.
Corn was quiet and kept within a nar
row margin. Liverpool prices showed a
substantial advance , and this , with the
Htrt'tigth In wheat , started corn strong
nnd higher. Realizing inles by those who
loaded up before election , after a large
amount of short selling , Tiroiifbt about a
roaetlon. Mny started at about 2i'ic ! to
2sc. ! sold down to 2S' c , and closcO easy
at 2.s 40.
oats followed much the same path a
corn. The opening was at a slight ad
vance , but rcallzlnz by speculators , who hail
bought In anticipation of an advance , soon
brought prices down again. May opened
about UcMetier at from 22Vlc to 22V4e. de
clined to 21 xc. and closed easy at from
ZITdc to 22c bid.
Provisions were dull after the llrt few
moments' trading ; opening prices were at
Irregulnr advances on outside buying or
ders , but lower ; hard prices and selling
by packers on expectatloni of large ho ; ?
runs caused a steady decline. The closing
was my at botttom figures ; January pork
12'Je lower , at Ji.'jO ; January lard Lie
lower , at $ I37'4 : January ribs 2Vic lower , at
finm | 392' , to W.93.
Estimated receipts * Thursday : Wheat , 17.
rars : corn , 07.1 cars ; oats , 4M cars ; hogs ,
2.1.i'00 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cah quotations were an follows :
KUM'll Klrin : winter patentx , J3.75CI.OO ;
MraUhtx , J3.40/3.fO ; Fprlns ( "pedals. JI.WSfl.25.
FprhiK liatentH , ; BtnilKhtR , J3.40i3.7S ;
baker * . J2.73H3.10.
W1IHAT--No. 2 hprliiK , 7c ; Nu. 3 nirlnK. C9y
70c ; No. 2 red , 77lid77T < , c.
roilN No. 2 , 2lt ! S4ic ! ; No. 2 yellotf , 2lli
24 V.
OATS No. 2. I8',4c ; No. 2 while , f. o. b. , 200
21V ; No. 3 while , f. o. b. , 17Uil20'&c.
HVi-No. 2. 37c.
HAIlLiV-No. : 2. S5c ; No. 3. f. o. b. . 3ttJ3 c :
No. 4. f. o. Ii. . 23li 2ie.
rLA.HiiiNo. : . i. 7sc.
TIMOTHY .Sr.MD-l'rlme. JS.W.
HlHJAHS-rnt loaf. J.V07 ; Krnnulnted , JI.45.
The following were the receipt * and hlpinent
today :
On ihol'roluco cxclnm.M toJ-iviiio butto.mar -
kei wan iulet | : cn-amury , UOIKc : dairy , lit.
Itlc. KfifB , iiulut ; irt-Hh. 17c. Chei-m : , steadj :
( iiioliitloiiN n r ( In. nny on VarlniiM
NI5W YOIIIC , Nov. < . KI.OlTIl-Ilecelpts. 41.900
bhl . ; exports. : CI5'J hbls. ; winter patent ! ) , tl.SSff
I.T5 ; winter tralKlits , f I.Kfj 1.20 ; Minnesota | it-
ciitB , J4.20fl4.CO : Minnesota bakerj , I3.30tf3.90city
mill patent * , Jl.HOfll.15 ; winter MrnlKhts. $4 1001
4.10 ; winter extniB. J3.0W3.K ; winter low
cnidrs. f2.3ufi2.lO. Southern Hour Heady
jroodH , I4.00fil.15.
jmcked llye Hour , llrm ; mjiier-
llne , t.75fT2.K ! ) ; fancy.
HUCIvVIIiATJulet : ; 37c , traek. for prime
4.-OHN MlCAI-Qulet ; 'yellow western , C2c.
UYi-qulel ; No. 2 , 4 s j455 < .c.
llAIU.KV-Diill ; western feeding. SSfTJSCc.
IIAUI.KY MAl.T-Dull ; western. Wii3c |
WIIiAT-Hecelpl . 31.400 1)U. ; exports 315 C3'
bu. ; spot , llrmer ; No. s red , * : % ; No. t hard"
Sic. Options opened BtroiiB and decidedly his ter
on bullish cablex and the u-sult of yesterdaVH
eleellon ; ruled quiet within a narrow ranir.- nil
day. and llnnlly broke sharply under heavy
rejllzlni : and disappointing- reports , closing
iniKetlleil at UkOISo net advance ; .vu 3 red
November , closed 81\o ; December , MTi'&SIc closl
IIIB M'lc.
t.'OKN Heeelpls , 3WSOO 1m. ; exports S9 17"
Im. ; spot , easier ; No. 2. 3l c : November closed
8liC ! Dei-ember , 32 ? c. closlliR 3Ie.
OATS Iteeelpls , 353.COO bu. ; exports. SOO O1 * !
l. . pot , stcndy ; No. 2 , 23O ; Decemlwr. cloke'd
IIAY .Steady ; shlpplnif , . . .
HOl'ri l-'lrm ; stale , common to choice 1895
crop , 3 > c ; ISM crop , MflOlie ; Paclllo coast. 1195
crop , SBIc ; IS'Jti crop , 7fllc ; London , llrm ; COOTOo
IIIDI.'K l-'lrnii lluenos Ayres , dry. "om"ml-
Texas , dry. 9'.i 10c ; California. 15c. -
I.IATHI-H : l-'lrm ; hemlock i-oles , ll. A. IlKht
to hcavyivelKht , 194 :0o ; aeld. 20fj23c
llUTTKll-Uecelpts , 8.IC8 plKs. ; sleady ; west
ern creamery , 12Virf2vc ; western dairy & l2'ie-
iUlns. : oc ; Inclory , 74jl2c. '
ClIKKHi : Itecelpts. 9.1' 8 pkRS. : InrKe "HtriO'tc-
small , M W1014c ; part skims , 3'4K7c ' ; full skims '
. . . onilnnl
rellned. firm. Pork , dull ; imss , | 8.f,089.00 ; fainl
OILS Cuttonrecil oil , barely steady ; prime
crudp , 22tio ; prime yellon2Co asked. IVlroleum
quiet ; tlnlled clou'd tl.lTifc. Itosln , nrm ;
Hlralned , roininon to Kood , fl.90. Turpentine'
stendy ; 2S4C29c. ! '
TAM.O\Y Uulli city , 3 jo ; country , SVic. in
to quality.
HICIl'lrm ; domeitlr , fair to extra , 3 i jCo-
Japan , SMTIVic.
\SHiH-IrreBidnr ; New Orleans , open
kettle , Kood lo choice , 29ft37c.
, . .
Tin , firm ; straits , f3.f.O ! ; plates , quiet. Snelter
flrnii domesllc. fJ.Wia3.87H.
1,1 vi > riiiulliirkttN. | .
MVIMIPOOU Nov. . -\VIIi\T-Hjiot , nnn-
demuiiil ( ior ; No. 2 red , uprlmr , Cs llUd ; Nu
I , California , 7s tul. I'lMures opened llrm wllli
nt-nr mid dlilant poilllons 2d lil lii-r ; closed
firm , will ) ni-ur positions (4d hlKher ted lower
nml distant posltlnmi Ud hlKher ; butlness al > out
r'tuully dlsirlbuted ; Nuvemlxr , 7s kVI ! : Deceni.
bcr , Cs HU.
4'OIlN-Hpot , llnnj American mixed , new , 3 <
5 d ; .Vavvmbrr. } H Slid ; Decenihtr , Is 3Ud.
I'ltOVIHIONH-Ilucon , dull ; demand poor ;
Cumberland cut , JOs ; short rib * . IDs 6.1 ; short
tlitr backs , Mi U ; short clear mldaies , tiij
Inn * , hfy. . 3A" lonff elenr , Ikht , J0 fidt I
1'inir t-lenr ln-my. 29 ftl , clenr bellies , 30s , I
limn * , siintl cut , 4 Tnlluw , fine Nurlh Am < r >
Irnn , 20s. lleef prime mi-s-i. 41 * 0.1. Pork , prlmo
iHfrt line wrrlrrn , Con ; medium western , 42
ftl. I-flrd , slmdy ; prlmo wortern , W < Ml re-
Tneil. In pulls. If * .
C'HKBUB-rirm ; demand motlerntc ; Hnct
Atnf-rlcnn , while nnd cnlorr-d ( September ) , Ms.
PiTliniWMIlellncd : , 6Hd-
UHKIUrjHIlATull Hi : 't--Korcquiirter , JHJi
hlndnunrler. fiSd.
HUPS At London ( Paclllc const ) , 3 El.
OMAHA ( Jn.MuAi7.uA'tKiT.
Condition nf 1'rndc ntnl
nn Stnplc' nml Fnney rrodnof.
HOGS- Good slock. ICc.
IIUTTKIl Common lo fair , CJ7c : choice to
fancy , country , ! Hl2c : separator crtnmery. 150
IBc ; gathered cream , I2f)13c. )
flAMIPrnlrlc : chickens , per doz. , J3.7504.00s
quail , tl.7M12.00 ; teal ducks , II.CO ; red heads and
mallards , I2.73ff.00.
CHUFHH-Domest'c hrlck. Oc ; per dot. .
15.25 ; club house , 1-lb. Jars , per doz. . 13.13 ; Llm-
Lerger. fnncy , pr lh. . PC : Roquefort. U-lb.
Jars , per doz. , 13.CO ; Young A ruction * . 10 Vic ;
twins , fancy. ! " e.
VKAI Chnlw fat. SO to 120 Ibs. , are quoted nt
7fl7Vsc ; largo and course , 4HJc.
Dlll-SSiiJ : rot'LTRV Fprlng chickens. 7c ;
old hens. 6iJ7ci turkeys , lOcj geeec , lOci
ducks , loc.
MVn POULTRY-Hens. SVtc : cocks. Sc : sprlns
chlcki-ns. r,4o ; spring ducks , 7fSc : turkeys , Sc.
Pin ioNS-Live : , 7S350c ; dead pigeons not
lIAY-Pplnnil. JS : mldlnml. JI.M ; lowland.
II : rye straw , tl ; color makes the price on
hay ; light tales cell the best : only top grades
brine Kip prices.
nitOOM CORN Extremely slow sale : new
crnn. delivered on track In counlry : c'mlco ' green
elr-wrirklnir carpet , per lh. . HJc ; choice green ,
running to hurl ? 'ic ' : cornnon , I'.tc.
SWKHT POTATOES-On orders , per bbl. , * 1.63
TOMATOIIS Per U-hu. basket , MiKOc.
ONIONS--Good Mock , per hu. , SOff&Oe.
LIMA I1KANH- Per Ib. . 4c.
r.KANS nni l i.lrkl navy , per Im . Jl 4nfM V ) .
JAIIIlAnn Home grown , per hundred , 75SIMV.
CtlLKRY'-Pcr doz. . Be : fancy , large. 453500.
POTATOES-Good slock , per hu. , 23c.
ORAI'KS New York. 12Vic ; Urge lots , 12c.
CALiroHNIA ri\'IIKS-Nonc.
I'Lf.MS No shlpplnc stock.
( A-LIKOIINIA (111 A PEP Tokays nnd other
fancy varieties. JI.CO.
ritANIIKItltlKS rape C.M | , per hbl. . J5 OOtlC 50.
AI'l'I.KS-rooklnit. per bbl . 11.75 : entlnc J1.15
O20 ; Jonalhans , fancy , J2.2J ; fancy New York ,
r-ALlI-'OItNtA PiAnS-l' r box. f2 ; New
York , per bid. . I3.G04JI.
QflNOHt--Per bbl . 14.
UIMNOKH Mrxlcnn. fl.
LEMONS - Me > sln s. f J 0003.50 ; California
lemons , JI.OOWI.23.
IIAN/.NAS Cholro laree stock , per bunch ,
JSIUJKII : m < * illuml7.ed bunches. 11 EOiJ2.CO.
nnEF-Or.oJ native steers , 100 to COO Ibs. . CSO !
7c ; wektein steers , Sftri p ; food cows and helf-
CIT , Cflf.'ic ' ; medium cows nnd heifers. 4 Vic ; Rood
I'.ri-ui.MiKin cons anil nelterH , 3c ; peed
forequnrtcin native steers , DC ; coed hind-
quarleis ows and heifers , G''c ; good lilntliiunr-
Icrs natUc steers , 8Uc ; cow rounds , 5r ; cow
plalrs. 3 < - , Itonelefs chucks. 4c : row ehnrks , V :
steers chucks , 3 ic ; beef tenderloins , ISc ; beef
rolls , boneless , ! > c ; sirloin butts , lionelei < , t'.tc. '
loin backs , bonelets. Su : loin backs. 7c ; cow
rl ) ! . No. S to ; cnw loins. No. 3. Sc ; beef
trimming * , 3'ic ' : rump butts , 5c ; shoulder clod.s ,
uf.POHIC Dressed hens. He : pork loins , 7c ; pork
tenderloins , lie ; spare ribs. 5c ; ham sausaKe ,
butts , 6140 ; pork shoulders , rotiK'i , 4'.4c ' ; pork
Rhnuldirs , skinned , 5c ; pork trlmndnKS , 5ic ! ;
lenf lard , not rendered , C'.le.
MUTTON Dressed Iamb. " < . dressed mutton ,
Cc ; racks , mutton , 9c ; lens , mutton , &Hc ; saddles ,
mullnn , Sijc : slew. 3o ; sheep plucks , 3c ; sheep
toiiKUes , per dcz. , 23o.
HONEY Kaney while , per Hi. , I4C15c ; cholc * .
13c ; California , amber color , lOc.
. Juice , per half bbl. , J2.73 ; per
1)1,1. ) . JI.MH4.73.
MAPLE SYRfl'-Flve-Ral. cans , each. J2.75-
Kat. cans , per doz. , 112 ; Imii'-cul. cans , JG.25 ;
Itmrt ran : ' . J.1.50.
Tins Imported fancy , K crown. 30-lb. boxes ,
4c : choice. 10-lh. boxes. 3 crown. 9010c.
NUTS Almonds. California , per lu. . medium
, lr.p. 1WTarrnRonn ( ; nlmonus. per in. . large.
2iic ; llrnzlls. per In. , fc ; EnclUh walnuts , per
ib. , faiivy soft shell. I2c ; medium > ! > < , lOc ; 111-
iierls , per Hi , lOe ; pecans , polished medium , fcc :
larco. lOc ; t-cnmits. raw , C4H7c ; lonstcd , 7,4c :
rheslnuls , lOc.
IHDES-No. 1 Kreen hides , 5c ; No. 2 Kreen
hides , 4c ; No. 1 Kreen salted hides , Cc ; No. 2
Ki-i-eii sailed hides. Be ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
ll * . . Cc ; No. 2 veal calf. S to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No. 1
dry Hint hides , Mi9o ; No. 2 dry Hint hides.
7 mNo. ; . 1 dry salted hides , ffJSo ; part cured
hides , Vic per Ib. less than fully cured ,
SHEEP PELT.S-dredi palled , each , 25COo :
Rrti-n salted shearing ( short woolcd early
skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( snort wooled
early skins ) , No , 1 , each , Cc ; dry shearliiRS
( r'uirl wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , lc : dry
flint , Kansas nnd Nehrnska Initcher wool pelts ,
l-or Ib. , actual w-elRhl , 4fj5c : dry Mint Kansas
nnd Nebraska murrain wool pells , per Hi. , actual
weight , S/4c ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
pells , per Ib. , actual welchl , 4iCc ; dry flint
Colorado murrain wool pells , per Hi. ,
welKht , 3iHc ; feet cut off , an It Is useless to pay
frelKhl on tli m.
TALLOW AND OIlEASE-Tallow. No. 1 , 3c ;
tallow. No. 2. 2'.4c ; Krense , while A. 3c ; urcasc ,
white II , 2c : iirrnio. yellow , 2c ; grease , dark.
I\c ; old butter , 2f/2'.ic ; besswax , prime , 13 { ?
? 2c ; niugh lallow , Ic.
u \ < MVN HUH a Splfiiillil Kin-cl
ill ( In- Minify .Murlli-t.
Ni\V : YORK , Nov. 4. The llrtl post-election
Iradlnir on Ihe Stock exchange this morning was
strong In tone nnd buoynnt In chnracler. nnd for
the lli > t ipmrter of an hour prices rose sharply.
The advances ranged up lo 7 | > cr cenl. with
Sugar ns the lender of the market. There was ,
however , a feverlshness nboul the transaction
which quickly led In realizing rates , resulting In
it-jctlonn of nlxjta 1 lo 24 per cenl. These weie
followed liy thnrp but only partial recoveries
the dealings meanwhile belns on nn enormous
hi-nlu and reaching proporllons lhai have not
been wllm-jtml for u long time. There wan
good buying on orders from out of town , which
was MlinulnU-d by the receipt of cable nihlccs
leportlng higher prices for American securities
on the London Slock exchange , l-'orclgn buying
older * were executed In fairly larsc volume , and
materially nFtUlcd In Ihe upward movement.
There was. however , large selling for Ihe account
of operators , who desired lo take advantage of
the rise which was expected to occur In the
Initial dealing , opinions differing ns to the sta
bility of the advance. The hour preceding noon
was marl.ed by a fairly steady lone on n moder
atebuhimis. - . which brought the market to about
Its normal condition. Approaching midday the
market was again cm the upward turn , and the
specialties attained considerable prominence by
reason of wide fluctuation ? .
The Inquiry for the low price shares also ex
cited In Iho comment , nnd. In FOIIIU In-
slances. Ihe licsl lUun-s of the tiny were nt-
talned , notably In Chicago Has and Reading. The
trading In the nflernoon session was character-
zed by conMdernlde nervousness , nnd a dimin
ished volume < if business , which , was , however
l. . Utr liUlcd than In the for. noon. Th ruwa
developments , bearing upon the tributary mar
kets were varied nnd extremely Interesting
In sharp contrasl lo recenlly ruling condlllonY
Korelgn news was Irregular larg"
, and. to a ex-
U-nl Ihe
quotations were nominal. AetnaI ster
ling was ijuoled at 2c
, anil posted llgures ai le
l ; low the linnl tales on Monday but la r railed
Leading houtcs wire reported unde
cided ns lo the ImmedUle
course of ejcliaiiKe
and as appearing disinclined
lo transact ch
liuslnchs temporarily. The premiums
on gold that
have ruled for n long period entirely disappointed
those who had
wltlidraHU the gold
some time
ago. 'I hey made Ineffeclual efforts lo exchnnifi >
their holdings for currency al Hie nllce | of the
l.ulllon brokers.
Al the sulitreasury
we , , , i ejected , except subject to di-fay npiillcatlo for exa !
nation , and In return for receipts It
B ated thai Ihe enllro
clerical ;
Ihe - fore. . o
t-Hlaldlshmenl was taxi-d to th "
° U ' " .T " " " ' " " " of si !
. - , . , .
tr. many , gold was
turned over iitii. .
hanks and savings Instltutlnrts , amisome [ of
the hanks that are understood to lie short of
nt the clearing house temporarily In 'gold8
Monday was .llstlnelly easier. Largo Iransac-
funds wns ; not pressing. A corelallve removal
of rcttrlctloiiH In
Hie mercanllle pam-r market
wan also noted , nnd the demand for choice
paper wan In excess of Iho supply. Ralea were
oucred to d 7 per cent , nnd a fairly large
business wns reported at Ihe lower figures.
hllvcr certlllcates were conspicuous by Iho
decline of 2'ic to C2sc ! In Ihe early dealings ,
but Mibeequcntly. with liberal purchases , n rally
' . ' .TV' ' ] ' " c < 1'icTl11' lotul transactions were
JI20diO. Aside from Sugar. w-dcli : came third
In iwlnt of acllvliy and tcored Ihe extreme
advance of 7 per eenl In Ihe active list , the
Industrials were overshadowed In extenl of irad-
li ; by the railway shares , wllh Heading and
St. Paul leading the last named class. The In
itial prices were In moil Instances the best
figures of the day. In the so-called specialties
the changes In prices were very material , par
ticularly In Hay Stile ( las , which , after on
early rlso of 4 | ier rent , broke nnd left off only
' per cent higher than on Monday.Vheellng
A : I < akp Erie preferred Jumped 3 J per cent to
3j , reacted lo 31. and clofed at 11 , Commercial
cables , which Hero 138 bid on Monday , sold at
Ij' on ii Ininracllon of 100 bharcM , and closed
nl 14.1 bid , HMt urlcod.
CUivernment and railway bonds mmle substan
tial gains , with Ihe International Issues In the
last named the morn prominent. Some Irregti-
hittly was evident In the Hunt dealings , and
Ihe market left off easy In tone , closing prices ,
however , showing net tains ranglnif from 1 to
G per cent In Ihe prlnchial shares- . The bond
itmikct exhibited decided buoyancy , nnd the
denllnini were attended wit" Tnnldernble anima
tion , targe blocks of lli Irudlni ; Issues were
taken for domettlc and forolun accounl , cnus-
Ins advances of from 1 to 4 per cent. Hubsa-
quenlly there were tome malt-rial declines on
pro/li / taklnir , In which Ihe Hendlnir , Atchlson
and Kansas & Texas Issues were the chief
nufferers. The sales were JI.US.OW. Ooveni-
nienls were buoyant and moved up from H tu I
p r cent on good lnv tm nt dimanda. Large
were sold over the counter. The trans-
n. linns In the hoard footed up JI2.1 7(0.
The livenlnir Post's I'ti'on ; llnnnclal cable
gram snys.Shorlers' court this eu-nlntt presents
nn animated scene , Mich ns has not hern fen
for years pist , nnd thoiiRli prices am clislng
about I ! nniHr the Iwsl , deal 01 temaln chferfully
confldent of the further rise. So far ns the
Stock exchange Is concerned , the result of the
election In the United Htntes Is the biggest
sensation experienced In n long while , Uencr-
ally sprnklng , the nnlnK | prices of nil the mir-
kets were the best of the day. Dealing * In
Americans began liefore 9 o'clock n. m. Consols
touched 110 , closing1 at 109H , nnd the other mar
kets also slid awny. The movtmcnls today were
mainly duo to professional operators. The money
market dealers , while Immensely relieved hy the
result of the election , rcsard the matter In a
calmrr innfxl nnl more philosophical light. It
hns certainly not made money rales ersltr. After
Interviewing nit the tending English nnd Amer
ican bankers , the following In the result of my
Inquiries : The Hank of England nppenrs to be
laklnx Ihe view that more K'd ' 1 will go to Amer-
Icn In connection with wheat. I cannot stale
ihli ns nn admltslan from them , hill you may
lake II so , Following what nppenrs lo l > e n lead
from Ihe of England , bankers nre generally
taking the view of n dear money maikct for
the rest of the ) ear. They nrgue Hint while the
Riild In the t'nlled States will come out of hoard
ing , Ihe revival In speculation will keep up In
terest rates In the United iUntes , nnd money
will lie nb orbed In the New York stock markets
to say nothing of the possible effect of exchange
through the purchases here of Americans. Again ,
It Is fnl.I. . although on this point the Information
Is vague , that American bankers have been
holding nn Itnmenrc nmount of sterling gnln .
which hnv tcntel to cm > f < rwnrd In re ARn'n '
nil this , II Is , of course , nllegeil Hint gnld may
How In favor of England , ns n result of n smart
revlvnl of American Imports from lids country.
On this pnlnt. I nm credltnbly Informed that
orders for goods , nKgregatlng 1.000.000
have been actually received from New York
today. The P.irls scttlrmcnl Ii passlnR off Batln-
faclorlly , although It Is recognized that the po l-
llon has been dangerously near a panic. The i
tone Is weak lliere. The llerlln market was
The following were the closing quotations on
tlie lending stocks of the New York exchange
today :
Alchlaon ! ( ) ! < N. V. US
Adam * K 14rt N. Y. , VN. E. . 4ft ! {
Al'on.T H Bit Ontario .tW 18H
Am. HxtiresR Ill On-con linn 14-J
llalllmoruAOhlo. HIU'OrOKon Nav 10 !
rnnndn t'aclllo. . . . f > 7' ' $ O. S. L.-V U. N 141 %
CinadiSuuthi : > rn. . 41) ) , Paclllc MalLi iMVt
rrntral IMclllu. . . . im''Pecimt : ' > oc. A : E. . . ' - ' ? !
ChcH. k Ohio 17i ! IMttsbur * HW
Chicago i Allan. . lill , Pullman P.ilace. . . liV.i
P. . II. A ; W 71HJ llcadliiff.
7lU : II. U. W. in
( 14:1M : K. O. W.uM 40
T. ( ? . . J. A. St. It. . . M 'Itocx ' Inland
Colo. Coal , v Iron. 1 , St. Paul. 7Hlt ,
. 17 I''tl
roilonOII Uurt , ii ilopfcl
Delaware ( t Hud. . PJU St. P. . .lO.nina.n i
Del. . Lack..t W. . 1011
D..VK.G. nf.l 4.W Southern P.iciQs 1:4 :
Kast-1-e.nn K1M1 Snsar Kollner ? . . . . 121K
Krlo " : m .Vlrov , , , , <
'tlomdT.y..T. . . . . TcxnilMclllc .
Fort Wavno i fin T. .tO.Coi't. nf.l. . . rn
n. Northern nfd . 11H Union P.iclnc . 11
C. A K. I. nf I : U. S. Kxnrc.15 . 4.1
llocklm. V'-illa.- . . . H ! > ( \V. St. It. A P . 7
Illinois Centra. . ! ! " ! Vf. Ht It. & P. nf I. ll'ii
Fl. P..VI > .iluth. . . Wolli Rireo Rx. . . HH
K.AT.pfd J7 < < XV Hlern Union. . . . HHHU (
LnkoKrloVost la WliuQllnr K. . n
dotiM 70 if ) pfd nn
LnltpStiora 150 IM. AS' L 18 (
lx-nd Trim -'UK D.Ac U , U
LoulHVlllc.VN. . . . BU' 13 at
L. AN. A 1 N. L 111
ManhiitinnCim. . . . PS14 C. P. , t I SO
Mcinuhls.v O ir , un nfci I'D '
Michigan Cunt 111 T. St. UAK. O. . . . 41
Missouri IMclllo. . IMitlT.Sl. U .Vil.0. p.'l 10
. SIW S. H.U im.
NnHlivlllnUIiit. . . . eS ! IS. R. 11 fd S S
N.-itlonalCor.lT.'j. r.H Am. Tob. Co FO '
Nat.Conl.irciifJ. . in do nfd 100
N.J. . 107'J Am. Tel. A 0. Co. . . 11:1 :
N..VVV. oM . 17S' Com'lC.iuloCo. . . 14. )
North Am. Co . S' { Am. pfl . IIIIIH
Northern I'.ieltlo. . 15W.II. S.CorJ.iire cU. . 104
N. P.iclllu ufd . 14HU. ! | S. li'JH
II. P D. t ( i . HHU. | S Uiibbprpfd. . 74' <
Norilixvcotorn 10l ! ! s L.S..VKlntTR.y3 IO
donfil 145 I
The lolal sales of stocks today were & 31.77I
shares. Including the following : American To
bacco , .i,3 0 : American Sugar , CC,3"0 ; Rurllngton
& Qulncy , 42,200 ; Chicago ( las. 24.SCO ; C. . C. . C.
fi St. L. , 6,200 ; Chesapeake K Ohio , ( i. ! iO ; Hrlc ,
6,400 ; G. H. P. preferred. 200 ; Louisville k. Nash-
vllle. 21,700 ; Manhattan , n.'jCO ; Missouri Pacific ,
6.WO ; Northweslern , 3MX ) ; Nort.iern Paclllc. 5,200 ;
Paclllc Mall. C.200 ; Reading , C9.000 ; Rock Island.
14.SOO ; St. Paul , C.700 ; Tennessee Coal nnd Iron ,
15.200 : Union Pnclllc. 17.Ci ; Wnbash , 7,300 ; We i-
cm t'nlon. 8.BOO : Wheeling ft l.-ikc Erie , C.fM ;
Southern railroad. 5,700 ; Southern rallrtnd , pre
ferred , 13.2X ( ) ; Unlle.1 Slates Cordage , 3.GOO ; Sil
ver cerllllcales. 120.CCO.
\IMV York .Altiney t1irl < t.
Easier at C5T10 per cent.
It per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE \\Vak nnd lower ,
wllh actual busings In hankers' hills nt ! 4.M' < . ( i
4.S3V , r , > r demand and for sixty clays ,
posted rates , SI.IHQI. ! > 2'i ' and ll.fofrl.S7 ; com
mercial Mils , tlj7I- % .
GOVERNMENT HONUS-Strong ; new 4s. reg-
ular. 110 ; coupon. 119 : 5s regular. Hl'.i ; coupon.
HP.i ; 4s regular. 109 : coupon , 10D ; 2s regular. 93 :
Pncllle. Cs of ' 07. 101.
nosing quotations on bonds were us follows :
lloMtim Slock QiiiitatlfitiN.
I1OSTON. Nov.l.Call loaim. ii < * 7 per cent :
tlnii1. loana. (137 ncr c-'nt. Clcuhij prlcas for
Htoektt. lionda and mlnlmr sharoM :
Sun FriiiiclHi'o lluliif ; ( liiofnlloiiM.
SAN FHANCISCO , Nov. 4. Tim olllol tl c-lo.4ln ;
qnol.-itloim for mliilii ? Htoc'.ia toJiy : w-oro UH fjl-
Alta 10 Gould .f Cnrrv . 77
Andes S3 Halc.V Norerosi. .
lU-lclier f- ' JllHllCC .
lli-Ht.t Ilplclior. . . . H7 Moxlc.'iii .
UoilioOoii r > 'J Mono . 17
Bullion , IK OccldcnlalCon. . . . 41
IliUwcrCon 4. , Ophlr . 1:10 :
Challenco Con. . . . 41) . is
Chollar. UDJ Poioii . isii Ill ) -ii
Con. Oal. di V.I. . . . 1HO Seornlon n
Con. ImnerlM . . . . ' _ ' Slurr.i Kovaux. on
Oi-i/wn Point 44 Utah Con 11
Exulieuucr 3 Yi-llow Jacket CO
Sllvi-r burn , Misxlc-m dollar ) , BIUc.
Slchtdraftu , ; pir.
NIMV Vdrk .tllnliiK' Quiil'iitloiiH.
NEW YOIIK. Nov. J.-Tho followhii- are Iho
closlnir inlnliif iiuu'atlonu :
Ill Onhlr. HB
Con. Cal. A Va. . . . 171) ) Plvmouln -JO
Di-ndwood . 11.1 OulckHllvur l-i ! ( )
noukl&dirry. . . . . 70 UuIcUHllvur nf.l.15110
llalu.V Noruroa9. . ) Sierra Nnviai : Ill )
Hoinehlaka . ) Stand.-inl Con 12ft
IronSlivcr. . tu Union Con ; , u
Ontario . 700 Yullow Jac < Kt. . . . 40
offered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Liilldiili SI u-U ( luoliitloiiH ,
LONDON , Nov. 4. 1 p. m. oloslnyi
HAH 8ILVER-29 15-1C.I per ounce.
MONEY 31 | r cenl.
The rale of discount In the open market for
short and three nionlhs' bills Is 3'-i ' per cent.
l-'orclKii Klniiiiflul.
HERLIN , Nov. 4. Exchange on London , eight
days' eight , 20 marks 30 pfg.
PARIS , Nov. 4. Three per cent rentes , IC2f
55o for Ihe account ; exchange on Ixindon , 25f
10c ! for checks ,
IXIKUOK , Nov. 4 , Oold Is qtictcd nt Ilucnos
Ayres today at UO.EO ; Madrid , 19.23 ; Llhlion , 27 :
Rome , ICC.kJ. Ilur guld Is quoted at 77s 10-d.
I-'liiniiflnl .Viilt-M.
ROSTON. Nov. 4.-Clearlngs , J15,220,191 ; bal
ances , J2.0C7.073.
HALTIMORE , Nav. 4.-ClearlniC3. JI.OH.ISS ;
balances , JM4.175.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4.-Cleiirln s. J178K8,154j
balances , 19,597,741.
PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 4-ClcarInirs , J1C.1M-
734 : balances , (2,104,934.
HT. LOUIS. Nov. 4. Clearings. $ I,593,77C ; | ui | .
antes , 1320.942 ; money , 6H8 per cenl ; New York
exchange , I1.2S dlicount bid ; II discount asked.
CIIICAOO , Nov , 4. Clearlnir" . :0,343.CM !
money , steady at 7 per cent for all loans ; New
York exchange , COa discount : foreign exchange ,
weak ; demand , 14,83 ; sixty days , JI.SO.
York M'liuut ICxolU-d ,
NBW YOUK. Kov. 4 Whtat opened with
Miiue u , n , now ar-uluy nlnlit The sharp
rite vjs ii ; . . . . i , u li.iitifli sentiment
treated by t , , ; i nfrTkiilts. After reaching Me
It stalled srndunll : ) tl > * inalk off until It touched
MV. from which ltv.tpjllcd. sharply , only lo fall
back to MUc nt the close. On the aiUsm-c
hsnvy linlfNidlng of wnt-nt wns a feature. Cables
at nrst stimulated Ihe bull feeling here by
showing nn advance of ! He since Monday , but
Inter foreign nrww 'fjl'in Liverpool was dl ap-
pointing. Except rlxhl nt the op nlnn nnd close
speculation wns rnllu-r slack , tnlal Iriinsacllons
fooling up Ili.S1. ' , < xw. rurelxn ht.uccs state that
the opening In pils ; < howrd ' 1'nBlHc ncl ad-
vnncc. _ _ Z '
SI. * Conrrn ! MiirUi'l.
ST. I.OflS , No < - . l.t-I-'I.OI'R-Patents , tl.lSff
4.23 : extra fancyI3.71I8S.W ; fancy , $ J.10 JJ.20 ;
I choice. I2.t0b2.,0 ( ,
' WHEAT T.icrc Wa Si wild opening this morn-
I Inp. nn ndvnnce over Monday's close of 3io
I for DecemN-r being "paid , so scarce were n-11-
i ers , while .May , more freely offered , was l ; c
I higher. Ijiter. on heavy off" ! * , the mnrkel de-
. cllned. bill closed with nn advance of IV over
Monday's closing for futures. Hpol. strong nnd
' higher ; No , 2 red , cnh , elevator. 7 ! i 7lOe :
track , Sic : December , tu'io ; Mny. WXc bid.
CORN I-'utures easy , with tr.-ullnt ? Ilinltnt ;
rpot , llrm and higher : No. 2 onsh , 2Sc ; Decem
ber , 23 0 bid ; Mny , 20'ic.
OATS-nilurcs lame , but showing an advance
of Uc over Monday ; spot , higher ; No. 2 , cash ,
17Vtc ; May , 22 c ,
KLAXSEED-Nomlnnlly 70c.
HAY-Pnilrle. Il.00fl7.50 : timothy , } I.Wrt0.23 ,
this side.
Ill'TTER-Ensy ; creamer ) ' . IIB201ic ; dairy ,
I EOOP Higher ;
I PROVISIONS-Pork , higher : standard mess.
Jobbing , J7.2507.7.V Lord , easier ; prime steam ,
J4.10 ; choice. M.12U. Ilncon , ( boxed ) , shoulders
nnd extra shorl ribs. JI.50 ; rlbt. JIMH : shorts ,
J4.75. Dry salt meats , ( boxed ) , shoulders and
extra short clear. 14.1214 ; shorls. J4.23.
LEAD-HlRhcr , but unsettled ; J2.G5 bid , J2.j
81'ELTEIt-IIIgher ; .t2Uff.1.Gi.
IIIX'KIITS Flour. 11,000 bids. ; wheat. 4 ,000
bu. : corn. 327.000 bu. ; oats. fS.OOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. IW-ro - bids. ; whcnt , 30,000
bu. ; curn , 40.000 bu. ; oats. Hi.CW bu.
Dry ( liioilM.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. Election results have
surprised every one. There nre few buyers In
the market nnd but a moderate business was
done. Agents will rell stock goods , but no con
tract ! are available. Many sales contingent | > on
McKlnley's election were forwarded today. With
the hoard of money released from tlio safety
vaults business will Mart , nnd within a week
n decided Improvement Is looked for by sellers
nnd buyers. Printing-cloths were very lit in. wlt'.i
sales of spot regulars lit 2 11-lBc nnd wide goods
nt 3 13-lfc. Domestic nnd white rock wide shcct-
Ing * ndvnnccd to the basis of 13'.to ' for 10-4
bleached. _ _ _ _ _
CiilToe .Murlicl.
NEW YORK , Nov. 4 COFFKE-Opfons op-ncd
steady , with prices nt fi to If , points higher ;
further Improved partially 5 points ; trading local
and the market featureless : closed barely slealy
nl 10 li > 15 | Kilnls net advance ; December. JlO.OSJf
10.10 ; March. J10.IO. Spot coffee , Illo , quiel.
HAVRE , Nov. 4. COFFEE I'lojeil steady at
lif to 2f advance , net ; sales , 10.000 bags.
'SANTOS. Nov. 4.-COFFEi-qulH ; rjt-od aver
age Sanlos , 13.000 rels.
IIAMHUHO , Nov. 4. COFFEE-Qulct and un-
CRIOttNov. 4. No. 7 Illo. 13.400 rcls ; exchange.
8 l-32d. _ _ _ .
KniiNiiN City Ornln.
KANSAS CITY , Nov. 4.-WllEAT-Qulet !
l T2c higher : No. 2 hard , nominally C7 CSc : No.
3. Cin T.c ; No. 2 rt-1. nominally K S3e : No. 3 ,
81e ; No. 2 spring , C7i-70c - ; No. .1 , nominally C4e.
CORN-Steady ; No. 2 mixed. W4H20c ; No. 2
OATS-Oenernlly steady : No. 2- mixed , nom
inally ICc ; No. 2 white , old , 22c ; new , nominally
1IUTTER Steaily ; creamery , 15QlGc : dnlrj' .
lMM2c. (
EOOS-Dull ; 14'.jc. ' _ _
< fi7ttoti MnrUi't.
NEW ORL12ANS. Nov. 4.-COTTON-Stcnily :
middling , 7ic ; low mlddllnB. 7'c ' ; Rood ordinary.
C '
Ni'w YORK. Nov. 4.-COTTON-Sppt closed
quiet : mlidllng. uplands. 8 1-lCc : middling , gulf.
8 7-tno : sales. 2Mi balep. I-ulnres rliweil weak :
snlro r22COl inles ; January. J .9i : Ihn n y. JS O' ;
March. JS.07 ; April , ; Mnv. JS.K. ; June. JS.18 ;
July. JS.2I ; November , J7.7C ; December , liM.
NEW YORK. Nov. -SUOAR-Raw. . firm ;
fair rcllnlnir. 2Tic ; conlrlfURiil. tG lesl , 3ic.
Refined , llrm : slnndard "A. " 4ic ; Krnniilalcd.
loNDON. ! Nov.,4.-SUnAR-Cnne. quiet ; ccn-
Irlfugnl. Java. 10,1 lOitd ; Mureovnilo. fair re
fining. 9s ! > d. Itcvt sugar , uleady ; November , t-s
9d ; December. 9s 3d. _
Ollljlty MarliV-t.
OIL CITY. Nov. 4. Credit balances J1.I7 : cer.
tincates. no bids ; shipments. 14,423 bbls. ; runs.
64.S34 bbls. _
M'rlnpo AVIicnt.
December , J1.44 ; May , Jl.51 % .
\-lirnHK-n l I'roinlHi-iI a l-'liio liny ivlth
AVInilH from Hit' AVi-Mt.
WASHINGTON , Nov. l.-Thc forcciiBt
for Thursday In :
Kor Ncbniskn , South Dakota. Kansas ,
Colorado and WyomliiB Fair ; west whuls.
Kor lov.'a and Mlfsourl-Gciu-rally fair ;
southerly winds.
Vor Montana Occasional llghti rain or
snow southwest winds.
I , in-ill Hi'iMinl.
OMAHA , Nov. 4. Omaha record of U-m-
lieraturo and rainfall , compared with the
L-orrc-spondlnK day of the piist Uu--e yenrs :
Maximum temperature. . . 40 72 K5 0.1
Minimum temperature. . . . 2S .14It 2S
Avc-raso tcmperatuic . 3.i Kl M V ,
Hnlnfnll . 00 T T .00
Condition of tcmpernttirp and pree.pHa-
tlon at Omaha for the day and Hlnco March
NorVna'l temperature for the day . 41
nelli'li-nry for the day . . . ! >
Accumulated dcllelency sliu-c March 1. . . t )
Normnl precipitation for the day .03 Inches
Dollrlpncy for the day . 03 Inches
Total precipitation since Men. 1..32.S7 Inches
Kxeoss Hlnce March 1 . -I.M Inehew
Oellclency corrcap'K period ISK..10C2 Inehes
Uellclency corrcsp'i ; period 1S9I. . 13.91 Inches
ItcpurlM fr iii StntliiiiM at S 11. in. _
i § .
f 3
Omaha , clear 4 !
North Platle. clear 50
Sail Lake Cliy. part cloudy. 4S
Cheyenne , cloudy
Rapid City , part cloudy
Huron , cloudy
Chicago , cloudy
St. Louis , raining
St. Paul , cloudy
Davenport , cloudy
Helena , snowing 4u | T
Knnsns City , clear 4i > | .CO
Havre , raining f.2 | .02
lllEinnrck , cloudy : o | .co
WHIIston , part cloudy 3S | .00
cloudy 70 .00
Unlveslon ,
1 infllr.iteH trace of prcclpltnllon.
L. A. WELSH. Ixcnl Forecast Ofilcliil.
AlMiiit tlif Way It IH Now.
Chicago I'oat : "I tell you , sir. It Is absurd
to talk of there being no Ilryan money to
hot" said tbo with the IOIIK beard.
"I have lots of It. but no one seems to want
anTd llko a llttlo ! " yelled two or three men
"That's the stuff. " returned the man with
the long beard. - ' 'All I wnnt Is Botnethlng
that'H fair and I'll take tlio anti-McKlnley
cml for all you want to put up. "
"What would you call something that s
fair ? " asked thoMboughtnil man In the
background. *
"Well , " answered the man with the beard
slowly , "I woiildiT'lfjjnlntl hettlng that Mc-
Klnley won't liaTO'a plurallty of more than
COO.OOO In llllnolSiiiThcre. " he added , as the
crowd began to fiJivo away , "I knew you
woi-o blulllng all Uie tlmo. "
INSTRUMENTS plncod on record Wednes
day , November , U1 J :
Llnwood I'ark I and company to
Hnnryton I ind company , lots U and
10 , Hrookllnu add ; lot 3. block 23 ,
Orchard Hill ; lot 3 , block a ; lots 1 , 11
and 13 , block 3 ; lot 5 , block 4 ; lots 7
and S , block 5 ; lot 3. block C ,
"Comer" t MO
C. F. I'alin and wlfo to C. P. Malm-
bcrjf , lot 10 , block 472 , Cirnndvlew
add 403
P. 11. Davis and wlfo to 1. It. Oault ,
lot 33 , Palrmount I'lncu 675
Poiny & fJoKflke to Henry NcHtcr , H
Vt of block 2M ) nnd strip ndjacont
Omaha 2,000
Mary riiclan ct nl. to U J. Wood ,
lots 3. 4 , 28 and 2t , Vlnton I'luco ; w
n of lot 4 , block H2 , Omaha 1,200
Master In chancery to Pennsylvania
Mutual I.lfo IiiHiinuico company , lots
17 to 28 , block 13 , Kounuu & H.'B
add 25.CO )
Sheriff to C. J. Cump , lot 10 , block. 4S ,
South Omaha , , , 420
Total amount of transfers (30,0) ( :
Buyers nntl Sellers Alike Arc Busy All
Day Discussing Politics ,
Hotter Trndc In UOKN mill 1'ulr Ite-
( . rlitfn Sell lli'iullly nl l-'lrm tel
l < 'lv > Ct'iitn Higher I'rlvon
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. 4. llccelpts for
thu days Indicated were :
Cut UP. Hoga. Sheep. Horses.
Novoinbvr 4 ,1 < S 2,71)3 ) l.OIS
November 3 612 1,163 733
November 2 2,336 i.KK ! 3,522 SI
October 31 l.Ml S.Ulii I4J
October SO 1,737 l.p.'G 2KR ) . . . .
October 23 2,561 3.7WJ W7
October 28 4.SS3 3,911 3.003
October 27 3 , : U 7,4SRl 1.1GI
October 26 47S7 1.S93 C.03S 73
October 24 i.JM 1,2.14 447
CATTljK There was nothing to dla-
tlngutah today's market. Iluth buyers
nnd sellers hnd more politic * to tnlk
than they hnd time to sell cat
tle. As fur IIM It went selling wns active ,
but there was not enough on pule In any
department to make a marUut. Of coiiruu
there was no outside Inquiry for any Ulml
of cattle and not enough busliu-ss wns done
to really make comparisons of any value ,
but prices ruled strong all around as far
as the cattle changed hands.
i..loso sw ' . ! . .1135 260 " ? ! . . : 2 cb
L. . . 83CIII 40 1..11CO 2 (0 ( 1..IHO 12 03
L. . . 540 ICO I..1140 216 2..1125 270
4. . . , 4EO 265 C. . . . VW ) a 75
1..1210 1 fO 1..1COO 210 1..1IIO 225
2..I2T5 200
L. . . 2CO 3 23 2. . . . IK 5 CO
2. . . . 4SO 2 M L. . . WO 310 2. . . . C33 325
No. . . Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3 hulls 1C50 } 2 00 1 feeder 520 J2 75
1 hull 1670 2 Ml 26eows 11M 2 SO
Meows 841 223 1 cow 1000 280
1 Mas 13(0 ( 230 1 feeder 105,0 3 20
1 cow..120 233 C feedeis..H53 320
2 cows 12W 233 6 steers 1353 330
1 feeder K' ) 2 CO 20 feeders..1270 335
r > cows 1(23 270 31 feeders..1035 335
1 cow I1W 270 7 feeders..1002 333
7 cows 1055 270 It feeders. . . . 933 385
1 feeder 1130 273 33 slccra 1213 345
2 feeders. . . . 1133 2 75
3S feeders. . . . 10M 3 10
HOGS Receipts 4J cnrs exceeded yesterday
nnd were ns large ns could lie i-xpected for the
day after election. The strcnglh of enstcin
markets Infutcd u stronger lone Into the local
trade < .nd Trin in fc h K'-C' t rlc s w-tre ; nl I. Very
p > < d envy In t h rwtl his toll up to 34) . while
J3.43 wan paid for light weights , with heavy pack
ers largely nt J3.25 lo JI.30. The tinde wn * fa rly
active nil through the session nnd practically
everything sold. RcprcscntnlUc sales :
No. Av. Src. Pr. No. Av. Frg. 1'r.
53 3C3 401320 63 2M > 0 U 30
< I 3S4 2SO 320 (17 SOS ICO 330
17 347 200 320 62 313 200 330
M 311 . . . 323 72 2SS IW 330
60 322 320 323 62 261 . . . 330
515 330 Iffl 323 ffl 316 . . . 330
r-l 32S 60 3 23 63 2CO 120 333
62 34C 2CO 323 B5 231 . . . 333
W 301 ICO 323 10 Ill ICO 333
i' 344 . . . 325 K 233 fO 335
< 321 320 323 74 211 40 333
Kl 32C . . . 325 CS .10I 120 3 3r.
27 33S M 323 11 230 . . . 333
f 312 120 323 K 274 ICO 335
60 267 240 3 2S CO 275 40 335
Cl 341 120 323 07 23 40 333
67 3(9 ( . . . 325 131 25i > 40 3 37K.
41 317 M 32i 61 2k7 . . . 33714
C2 291 10) ) 325 M 2IS SO 340
M 2S2 ICO 3 23 67 232 200 3 40
< l 3.-.S . . . 325 ei . 20D SO 340
f2 261 210 33' 7S 232 120 340
M 351 . . . 323 75 2. . . . 340
60 3 ( > fO 32714 f * 261 . . . 340
68 29S fO 3 24 ! 70 217 40 345
Pins onus AND ENDS.
3 4(0 . . . 310 4 313 . . . 320
( ! . . . . „ . .410 . . . 310 0 262 . . . 323
SHEEP Such sheep as were desirable for mut
ton were In active demand , nt strong prices , hut
sales :
Av. Pr.
41 mixed natives . " 79 J ° 55
kS mixed natives . so " '
203 rtah wetliei-s . " "lM 2 BO
4HS Utah wethers . int S
102 Utah Inmtis . . . . . . " " . . . ' . " c ! SCO
203 Utah lamlis . . . . . . . . . . { 300
A 1-V - Clinic , . CUHI , . Solil nl .SroiiK
I'rloi-H Iliirluur IliiSfNNlon. .
CHIfA(5O. Nov. 4. A few choice cattle fold
at Ftroiu- prices , uut other liliuls were elow nnd
dracnlriB nt barely steady quotations. Sales of
native liecf steers were on a basis of from J3.55
to 13.75 for very common lots , up to from 13 to
J5.25 for prime to fancy cattle , with pales lariwly
lit from J4.25 to } I.M. There \\ns a llshl tralllc
III Mockers nml feeders nt from } 2.KO to J3.70.
I'oxvs and heifers sold nt from Jl.OO to I3.S5.
Hulls sold mostly nt from > I.W to | 2.M , and
( here was no clmiiKp In calves. Texan cattle
worn une.innKfil nnd weslenih were Meady. with
' '
' from
Notwlthblanclliiff IlKlit hoc receipts , the mar
ket failed to show nny clmiiKo for tlio better.
On the contrary , pacldnp drovea were weak lo
a nickel lower , while other kinds wereno more
than steady. Hales draped nt from J3.10 to J3.60
jS'oA00"10" * " fuacy , packeni beUlns at from
f J. 0 to } 3.3 > i >
T.-o tmallne. s of supply of rlieep caused
further Btrcngtliciilni ; In prices , fa far as de-
rlrablo llocks weru concerned , hut Inferior sheep
sold once more nl from J1.25 to 11.50. l-'roni
thene prlci-rt snlesvee all tl > way up to from
J2.5.I to J3.10 for the better clar.s of western sheep.
feeders n-lliiitf freely arouml from J2.65 lo 52.10.
Chclco lo prime native sheep were fcnrce and
mostly nominal nt from t.1.10 to J3.40. Limbs
sold actively at from | 3 to 13.43. chlelly nt from
{ 3.00 to } 4.25.
llccclpts : C'nttle. 11.000 head ; hogs , 24,000 head ;
fcliecp , 15.COO head.
Miirk- <
Ht-iliiftluii from llrci-iit 1'-rludN.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 4. ( Special Tcleuram.- )
Tomorrow's Price Cuircnt will toy : The western
packing has been 280.WK ) IKIBS , compared with
32J.OCO the preceding week and about SCS.OfiO last
> ear. Kor clslit months ending October 31
the returns Indicate n total of 9.S50.000. atralnst
S.193,000 last year. Comparisons of prominent
places for the last eight months follow :
ISM. 1S95.
Chicago 3,700OM ) 3,115.001 }
KantaH City 1,30.000 i,2.r.HW
Omaha 083.001
SI. Louis . fAO.COl ) 4IU00
Indianapolis .
Cincinnati . . . 3S1.000 310.0UO
Milwaukee . . . . 437.000 319,00)
Ottiimwn . 187.000
Cedar ItnpliU 2I3 , ( KI 205.000
Sioux City . . 93. (10
St. Paul . li2COO 200,000
St. Jopeph . . . . 135. OHO
Cleveland . 260,000
Loulsvlllo . 160.WIO 119.000
Detroit 96. MO
All oilier places. COO.bOO 030.000
KIIIIMIIH City Live SdM-K- .
KANSAS ( MTV. Nov. 4. PATTLK Itccclpta.
C.OOO head ; shipments , 200 head : market MruiiK tu
ICc hlKher ; Texuu Fleers , 12 60W3.05 ; Texas cous.
> l.CGff2.75 ; natlvisteers. . J3.00S 1.75 ; natlvn cows
nnd heifers , } l.2r > fj3.23 ; stockcrs nnd feeders , J2.00
( tl.'M ; bulls , S1.70j3.00.
HOOK Itccelpts. C. ( 0 hrnd ; shipments , none ;
market opened elroni ; : eloped weak ; bulk of sales
nt (3.001(3.40 ( ; heavb-s , t3.iKJir3.25 ; packers , i3.25fi
3.40 : mixed. | 3.3lfi3.CO. ) llKhlH , | 3.3u'3.45 | ; yorkcrs ,
J3.40fl3.4r , . plKS , .15f < 3.r > .
KICKKP Hecelpts , 2. ( 0 head ; PhlpmentF. 900
head : market clroni ; ; lambs , i-.70Q'4.23 ; muttons ,
X MV York Live Slni'lc.
NI3\V YOIIK. Nov. 4. HKKVKS-Itecelpls. 4SO
head ; roiiKh stock , easier ; native steers , 13.400'
4.70 ; Tcxans , J3.40 ; HIIKB nnd uxen. } 2.00iil.u3 ;
bulls , JI.fOS2.25 ; dry cows , Jl.10fJ2.IO. Cables
quote American steers at loffllc ; sheep at 8fl >
U'ie ; refrlBerator lieef. 7HQ8iO. ! Imports , 400
beevtii anil 03.860 quarters of beef.
HOdH-Itccelpts , 7,201 head ; firm at J3.ft004.15.
SI , LoillN LlviSKutU. .
BT. LOUIS , Nov. 4. CATTLIUecclpts , l.CW
licuil ; market 10o hlk'lier.
IIOC3S llecelpts. 3,000 head ; market Co lower ;
Yorkers. J3.30it3.40 ; puckers , J3.20U3.00 ; heavy ,
BIIISKP Ilccelpts , 1,000 head ; market > teady.
Sloclc In Slulil.
Itecord of receipts of llvn stock at the four
principal murkeK , November 4 :
Cattle. lings. Bheep ,
Honlli Omaha ? M 3 , < 0 l.OuO
Chlcaen 11.000 24.Cdu 10,000
ICnnna * City 6.000 COW 2'MO
tit. LouU , 1,000 3,000 1,000
Totull ,18tW 10,000 19,060
Till : OIMJItATlllt'S STDHV.
A lilt of l-\iprI : ( < ! Diirlnu- Vm'ii-
Iliin In ( lie SinitnM" ( l.
A Rreat rtcnl hns been written about tlio
summary manner In which Jiistk-o was < ll -
lirnscd by the onicors of the law ihuliiK
the cirly dnys thronihniit ; the west , nyi <
ti writer In tlio St. l.onls Hepublle , but In
my pxpcrlonco with the Bcnus elly mnrshnl
of tlie frontier , the Mimmary ontwolglioil the
Justlco hy several tlrnfrloma.
litirliiK my vacation from the service of
the Snnla Ko ronil ng train dispatcher. 1
Joined n contractor's otitllt , which wns
bullilliiK 5ome IOK huts In the moinitnlna
about forty miles west of Union ( Ilntoon ) . N.
M. I stayed out there nbout three weeks.
When I returned to town 1 wns n pretty
tough looking spcrlmen of biped , but I did
not realize- the fact RO forcibly as did the
city marshal of Union , for 1 hail not been
In town long enough to malio n preventable
toilet when I was halted by one of a trio
of men while on my way to the hotel for
tint purpose. The mnn who stopped me was
no less a persounRc that his royal Impor
tance. , the city marshal , with a very flowery
JnK. nml the cute little way Hint he had of
twlrllni ; his " 44 Colls" on one finger nit
ho spoke Imbued me with a very strops de
termination to listen attentively as he ad
dressed myself and the two men who wcro
with htm.
"Sceln1 ns how the coroner o' this 'ere
town la sufTcrln' frtim overwork , the council
ling appointed yer humble sarvlnt a com
mittee o' one to Inform yew gents Hint
thnr's a mighty night heallhlor town than
this 'ore over tothcr side the Union mount
ing , an' the quicker ye git In motion the
quicker yo'll pit thnr. Now git. " And the
eloquent motion of the revolving six-shooter
on the marshal's linger caused the other men
to move awny without n word. Itnt I tried
to explain. Everything I owned In the shape
of portable property was In the hotel not
a block away. There were papers to Iden
tify me ; there wns my money In the hotel
safe ; It was a pretty tough lob to have to
walk out of town at a moment's notice In
the costume which I wore without a clmnco
to Identify myself. Hut I had not spoken
three words when his majesty said : "OU ! "
and shot n hole In the sidewalk so clnso to
my pedals that I also decided to march away
with the two strange men. The sweat was
already pouring off me , but It wns delight
ful compared with the experience of walking
up a steep credo , over n track with sharp-
cornered rocks for ballast , between two
steel rails which seemed to concentrate and
throw upon us all the rays of the sun within
the right of way.
We had walked up this grade about five
miles toward the great Haton tunnel , when
we came upon the section gnng nt work
upon the track , and about 600 yards further
on , around a long curve , we found their
hand-car set off beside the track.
Unable to resist the temptation to steal , these two victims of misshapen
Intellect Immediately proposed that wo steal
the handcar and ride It to the next stallon.
Knowing It would be useless to rralst. hav
ing learned from their conversation on the
way up that they wcro pickpockets , bur
glars and nil round despcralo characters. I
did not dare to refuse wheji they ordered
mo to lend a hand to place the car upon
the track.
I had Informed them that I was a dis
patcher en a vacation and when they drew
off to one side , out of my hearing and con
versed earnestly for a few minutes I knew
Instinctively that there was going to be
serious trouble.
As wo were out of hearing and sight of
the section gang , they jumped onto the
handcar , ordered me to follcw suit and
pumped rapidly up the short distance to the
lonely little telegraph station , which was
located at the mouth of the tunnel In a
deep cut. Arrived In front of the little
shanty , they hurried In. pushing mo before
them , and Immediately they had got Inside
the door , each of them whipped out a re
volver and ordered the operator to throw
up his hands and at the same time ordered
mo to take a seat facing the wall and not
to move or speak on pain of Instant death.
They then proceeded to bind and gag the
poor operator and place him In an adjoin
ing room. This done , the spokesman or
dered me to face about and addressed me
as follows ;
"Now , you find out If there Is any trains
coming south this side of Trinidad Inside
the next hour , and don't try any funny
work , ns wo arc going to take the handles
off that handcar and let It run down the
grade on the other side of the tunnel , and
If wo run Inlo anything , you'll bo In the
mess , for you're going to bo In front. "
"All right , sir , " said I. "I sco the point. "
And I did ; ho was pointing a big six-
shooter right at my head.
"And don't telegraph 'anything about of
ficers ; If I see one between here and Trin
idad , I'll shoot you dead ; sure. "
Opening the key , I sent the following
message to tbo dispatcher , who I knew
was occupying the chair that I had left ,
thirty days before , in Las Vegas :
"Hold trains bound south at Trinidad
until I arrive there on n handcar , if I ever
do. I am In the hands of two desperate
men , who arc going to drop me down the
grade on the other side of the tunnel. Have
oflicers concealed nt Trinidad , for If they
are seen by these men 1 will bo Instantly
phot. "
The dispatcher assured me that he would
fix a plan by telegraph while wo wcro on
the way through tbo tunnel and meet them
when they arrived. I then told the men
that there was not a train within fifty miles
coming south , but , I said : "My God , men.
you are crazy to run down that mountain
on a light hand car with no means to stop
it ; we will be hilled as sure as fate. "
Dut it was useless to tell these desperate
fools anything , and the next moment I was
seated on the front end of the car and they
were behind , pushing It Into the tunnel.
Tills was continued until the center of the
tunnel was readied , where the grade re
verses and an Incline of a hundred and
twenty feet to the mile begins. Then , JumpIng -
Ing onto the car , they let U go of Its own
Slowly at first. In the darkness of the
tunnel , the car rolled onward , out , through
the north entrance and around the first
curve. Yo Gods , I hope I may never have
another such ride ; on , down the mountain ,
through deep cuts , arounn sharp reverse
curves our speed Increasing every Instant ,
until the very air seemed to scorch my faro
with the swiftness of the motion , lurching
from side to side , now only two wlieclo
touched tliii track and now the opposite
pair as wo struck the reverses , under great
overhanging rocks wo flew and , looking
down the other side over dizzy heights of
ravines and jagged rocks and dwarfed plno
trees , the sight was too much. I covered
my face with the lapel of my coat and
waited for the nhock that I knew must como
as wo left the track ; every minute seemed a
year , but finally I felt the liirclilng-jnotlnn
ccaso and our speed begin to slacken , and
a little later wo came to a dead stop and I
looked about me to find that wo wcro less
than a quarter of a mile from the depot at
Trinidad and directly In front of the sec
tion tool
"Give us a lift here , cully , and then we'll
quit you , " said the leader , addressing mi' ,
and when wo had placed the car off thn
track In front of the tool house they started
off the track at right angles , after rilling
my pockets of their entire contents , and
ordered mo to keep utralght on up the
I felt very much disappointed that no
officers were on hand to arrest them and
had taken a couple of steps toward thu
depot , when three men stepped out from be
hind the tool house and , leveling their
rifles at the desperadoes , persuaded them
to return and accept a fine pair cf bracelets
That was the consequence of the frontier
method In my case and It cost mo another
month's leave from duty , as my nerves wcro
pretty well shaken up.
Three days later on , when I returned lo
Itaton with a now milt of clothes and a
clean shave and Introduced mynolf to the
marshal , ho wanted to get the town drunk
to sijuaro himself.
Tlio ICiinuiiriMi Kill ,
Ono of the most Interesting little animals
known to Inhabit any portion of America
Is the kangaroo rat. This queer little ro
dent Is found only In the Death valley
region of California. H ban long and pow
erful hind legs and makes Its way wherever
It goes by jumping. Its coloring varies
from light gray to dark brown , according
to whether U frequents the alkali sands or
the lava beds , nature probably Intending
to protect It from capture by likening Its
line to thn surroundings , Thu kangaroo rut
lives In burrowu , na doca a smaller apcclca
of rodent called tbo kangaroo moui .
HAWKS onsn urn THU SUN.
Thr Miillmtton NIMIHIIII Contlinu-n lu'
MIII-J land.
Next lo the eastern ulioro , tlio western
counties ni-o HIP most Intorratlnir portion of"
Maryland. It Is nexer dull In western Mnry.
Intnl. There Is always something fioliiR on ,
relates the llaltlmore Sun. Directly Jim
Simla- season closes In Washington county
the hawk Benson begin * In Allegany. Thin
past season was one of the best snnko eras
In the history of Washington county. Kach
day there wan n snake story , until pcopln
got to expect thorn In tlio morning paper and
feel sorry when by some ? rlianco they did not
appear. The closing one of the series ap
peared the other day. A miakr nloim the
canal had mined Us digestion by swallowing
, an enormous car of Washington county corn ,
with the shuck on. In the same raw comlt-
! t tlon an wire thu nturles people had to
Hut , nso have salil , that story ends the
eerlca nml Iho hawk season has promptly
opened In Allegany , the adjoining county.
Last week the Sun received the followltiR
dispatch from a correspondent lu Cumber
land :
"l-'armers from the loxver section of Al-
legany county report the passage In a south
westerly direction of a Mock of hawks that
xvas two mill's wlilc ami was fully tlirco
hours In crossing the valley. The sun xvan
olwcured for n while hy the moving black
cloud. One fanner , not satisfied as to thn
; spec-leu of. tlio birds , IIred Into the Hook nnd
| ' brought down six. They wcro found to belong -
long to the blnl and not chicken hnwlt
POCl08. "
Some people may think that this story to
exaggerated nml that the fanners In tlm
lower part of Allegany expanded two yards
Into two miles , just as some people supposa
they can expand BO cents Into a dollar. Uut
the story may be entirely correct , except
posalbly with respect to the elouil being twd
mile * wldo. U may have lacked some llttlo
of that width.
Wo have some Indistinct recollection of m
true hawk story which camp from the- east
ern shore some years ago. According to that
story one of the remote districts of Dor
chester county , bordering on the bay , , was
visited by hawks In n miiltltudo such an la
described In the Cumberland dispatch ; pos
sibly not qtilto Biich n multitude , but still a
multitude. At that time the county wan
paying n reward for hawks' scalps. When
the hawks appeared , therefore , every man
nnd boy who had a gun went to slaughtering
hawks nnd the county was only saved from
bankruptcy by the failure of the supply of nm-
munltlcn. As It was the bill for hawk scalps
was so great that nn net was rushed through
the next legislature to repeal the hawlc
bounty. Indeed , some of the eastern shore
men wanted n special session called.
The great domestic stand-by. Dr. Hull's
Cough Syrup. Is now recognized to bo -
family necessity. Keep It handy.
Canof Sii
An experienced oculist says that a great
many people Injure their eyesight by not
keeping their glasses bright and highly pol
ished. They allow dust and perspiration to
accumulate upon them , then they are dim
and semi-opaque and the eyes are strained r y
wllh trying to look through them. It Is not "
an easy matter to keep glasses In perfect
order , especially In warm weather , and Juat
what Is best to clean them with has long
been an unsettled question. A woman had
used a Japanese napkin wllh most pleasing
results and says she buys paper napkins by
the dozen and keeps them on hand for 111 In
purpose. Another woman , who must bo
very particular about her glasses , keeps on
hand bits of mosquito netting thoroughly
washed nnd rinsed In clear water and Ironed ,
and pronounces them In every way better
than anything she hart ever tried. The
ordinary pocktt handkerchief Is not a prac
tical glass clcpner.
Iluy It and try It If you want a dellrloue
wine with a beautiful boquct Cook'i
Imperial Extra Dry Champagne.
Tlio OviTliiiul LlniKoiL
Huns every day In the week.
Fastest ( rain In the west.
Durfet smoking and library cars.
CHy ticket ol'.lce ,
1302 Farnam.
Y purchasing needs nuido
at the f'illowi K Nebnis-
ku f ictorics. 11 you cannot -
not liii.l wli..t yon want ,
communicate with the
manufacturers as to
w h a t tlu.ilcrs hanUIo
their goods. = , = = :
Manufacturer ! 'it all klndj of cotton and 1mr.
lap liagH. cotton Hour sailu and twine a cues-
laity. CH-CIO-CIS S. lllh ft.
Cur load ihlpmcnls made In our own refnk.
eralor cars , lime KlU.on. . Klltc Uxport. Vlen&
Kxport nnd I-'amliy Hxporl delivered lo all pn-nu
of the city.
Iron and Ili-nxs Kiiuuilern.
Manufacturem and JolLers of Machinery. 'J n-
< ral repairing a Bpecinliy. JWJ , 150) and 1MJ
Jickson mree : . OiuuliA , NeD.
Manufacturing and repairing oj all klnfa of
machinery , engines , pump * , tlevulura. pr nilnz
prcbJcM , hangi * , Ehnrnni ; ana cuupllrgs. 14(1 ( and
140 ! Howard St. . Omaha.
Manufacturer ! of Archlteciitral Iran Work.
General Foundry. Machine anil Illaclotinltl wurk.
KngliieerH and Cunlraclon for Klin I'roof llulld-
Inui. Olllce nnd woiks : U. P. Hy. tnd I ! < J.
17th etrett. Omaha.
The only perfect protection to propirty Uxnm-
Ine 'I. Ilesl llilng on curlli. Reducca laturanc *
rates. 1J04 Doiiftlus street.
exclusive ciutoni thlrt lallnr * 1M1 Farnam.
| Happy Days
> are those upon which sufferers experience the
return of lost strciiKlh , vllallly and energy.
The famous Drain and Nerve Ttxxl , brine ' '
about Ihk happy result. They create hcalihy ' '
dlgesllun , pure , rich boiid ! , fum muscles ,
ruRgeJ strcnRlh , steady nerves and a clear
brain. Drains checked forever ,
$1.00 Per Bor , 6 Boxes , $5.00.
A leual fruarinleo lu cure or refund thu
money wllh every l5 order Ad lru
Bherman & McConnell Drue Co. ,
1613 DoilL-e HU. Omaha. Neo.
Telephone lj ( ; ( ) . Omaha , Nob.
, Hoard of Trade ,
Direct wire * to Ciuuuro and Ntw York.
( XrrcmKindentu John A , Warrtn * ( X
nnd never crttn-d IL teller opportunity fur inak.
jnc money , Wrlto u , u. Murray & Co. ,
Hunkers & Ilrokt-rs , 122 Rlullo Illdi. , Cnlcuco.
members of the Chicago Ilourd of Trude In uooj
rlundlnf , for Ihtlr book on MlalUlk-s und Mpccu.
Ullv. InfurniHtlon , and Dully Murkrl liler. (