Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1896, Page 2, Image 2

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    o TJIB fmAHA DATLY IIEI ? ; VEDlSnCSDAY , ypYlSMBEK * l , 1800.
clnotn In York county glvo MrKlnloy. 810 :
nrynn. C21
RICHARDSON PAS | | City Pour out of
txvonty-one * precincts In Richardson county
gtvo McKlnloy , 150 ; Itrynn , 113 , MacColl
120 ; llolcmnh 12 ; Strode. 110 ; llroady , 110
DUNDY Honkoliiian licnkelman pro-
clnct , Dumly county. glvo * McKlnloy , 73 ,
llryan 42. Maet'oll , C7 , Holcomb. 46 ; An
drews , 71 , Sutherland , 42
SAUNDIJHS Wahoo Fifteen nut of
twenty-four precincts In Sfiundors county
Blvo McKlnloy , 1.B10 , Ilr > an , 1.C11. Indi
cations arc that Hrjau will carry thu county
Jiy about r.OO Nothing IH obtalnoblo jot of
Iho state and congroMloml tickets
OIIANT Hjnnnls Ono out of tbo thrco
proclncn In Grant county Rises McKInley -
ley , 15 , llrynn , 12 ; MacColl , 45 , Holcomb ,
42 ; CaJy. 40. Greene , 45.
Uii ) WILLOW McCook Six nut of
txxenty-throo precincts In lied Wllloxt
roiinty glxes MoKlnley , 431 ; nrynn. 211 ;
MncColl , 407 , Ilolcomb , 215 ; Andrews. 123 ,
Sutherland. 1 %
JOHNSON Tocumsch Four out of nine
precincts In Johnson county glxo McKln
loy , 6T1 , llrjan 476 , Mar-foil 572 ; Holcomb
4CO ; Strode ( two precincts ) , 301 , llroadey , 217
The county will glvo MeKlnlcy , MacColl nnd
Strode at least 225 plurality
PHRKINS Orant Liberty precinct In
1'erklns county gives MeKlnlcy , 10 , Hrjnn ,
24 ; MaoColl , 11 , Holcomb , 2S , Andrews. 39 ,
Sutherland , 25
CHASi : Imperial Three precincts out of
fifteen , Chast county , glxe McKlnley , 70 ,
Bryan , 6S. MacColl , 76 , Ilolcomb , C9 ; An
drews , 77 , Sutherland DO UKTI IINS rium MIIKASIC\ .
Vole iif ( Insinfr 11.-i 1'riTlnMt IIH Pur
* UN tin * Count IN Comjili'toil.
Ono hundred and ninety-four precincts In
Nebraska , outside of Omaha Rive McKInley -
ley , 20,030 , Ilrjan , 18,001 Two years IIRO
these Ra\o Majors. 1S7'I7. Ilolcomb , 15,933
Tlrst ward , city of Hastings McKlnley.
211 ; llryan , 181 Two jears ago , Majors
25V. Ilolcomb , 173. The city of Hustings
Rives McKlnley a plurality of 214 In the
city McKlnloy Rets 7S1 nnd Bryan 509.
Junlnttt glxcs MoKlt.lcy , 1CS ; Brjan , 95
Two } oars aRe Majors. 100 ; Holcomb , 00
Denver precinct , McKlnley , 62. llrjan , 100 ;
Palmer , 11 , Ixjverlng. 1 Two years ago
Majors , 39 , Ilolcomb , OS
Hastings Second ward , Holcomb , 151 ;
MncColl , 111 , Harris , 111 ; Teftt , 1'JS. Piper.
19S , Harter , 140 Two years BRO , Majors ,
230 ; Ilolcomb , 111
West Hlue precinct , McKlnley , 70 , llrynn ,
83 Two years ago , Majors , 59 ; Holcomb ,
70. Illalr prtclnct , McKlnley , S7 , llryan ,
92 Two > cara nRo , Majors , 39 , Holcomb ,
NHLIGH , Neb , Nov. 3 ( Special Tclo-
Rram ) night out of twenty-omen precincts
In Antelope county Rlvo McKlnley 410 ;
llrynn , 370
KLGIN Neb , Nov. 3 ( Spccl-il Telegram )
Logan township nnkos big republicnn
Rains McKliilcj Ins [ i < * . llrjan. 1U" The
nlato nnd county are running accordliiRlj.
Oarllcld precinct MtKlnley , IT , llryan.
41 Two jears BRO Majors , 3'J ' ; Ilolcomb ,
Kim Creek township , llryan. Ill ; McKln
loy , 51 ; Holcomb 121 , MacColl , 41 , Greene.
112. Cady , ( T Two jears aRo. Majors. 01 ,
Holcomb , 99. DailRlierty , 77 , Kern. 8
Odcs'.i Irwnshlp. Ilrjan , 110 , McKlnley ,
10. Ilolcomb. Ill ; MacColl. 10 , Greene16 ;
Cndj10 , Gnjlord. 102 , Hale 101 ; Heapy.
110 , Hlaek , 10 ; IloKors , 10 , Wall. 10. Two
jears npo Majors. 14. Holcomb , 97 ; Daugh-
crtj 10 , Kcm , 9"
Center iireclnct R\C | ) Ilrjin , 101 , McKln
loy , CO Two jeans aRe , Majors , 01 ; Hol
comb , S8
Armadi precinct , McKlnley , 52 ; Ilryan , 50 ;
Cndy , 67 ; Greene , 52 Two jears ago Majors ,
61 , Holcomb , 17 , Datighe-rty. 1C , Kern , 50 ,
Shclton precinct , MiKlnlcy , 151 , llrynn ,
134 , Palmer. 2 Two years ngo Majors ,
177 , Ilolcomb , SS
Gibbon towt.sblp , McKlnlej , 117 , llrjan.
156 , Loxorlng , 5 ; Palmer. 2 Two years
nRo , Majors , 125 , Holcomh , 118.
nox nurri : COUNTY.
Allance , Plrat ward , McKlnley. 117 ;
llrjan. 51 , Alliance , second ward , McKlnley.
01 , llrjan , 07. Two jears BRO , Majoi-s , 210 ,
Holcomb. 89
ALLIANCI3 , Neb , Nov 3 ( Special Tolo-
grnm ) Tlio Plrsl nnd Second wards glvo
McKlnley 181 , Ilrjnn. 118 , Palmer , 5.
11UAINAHD. Neb , Nov 3 ( Special Tele
gram ) Oak precinct , count complete
llryan , 143 ; McKlnluy , 99. Two jears ago ,
Majore , 63 , Holcomb , 105
DAVID CITY , Neb. Nov. 3 ( Special. )
The election Is progressing ( iiilctly. There
was considerable stiifo over "tho
organization of the election boards
lit the wards , the county clerk
claiming1 the appointment of the
board In the absence of the regularly
elected Judges nnd clerks or those who had
not qualified before him. but Iho boards
wore organized by the republicans
Union township , McKlnloy. 85 ; llrynn , llfi ;
Palmer , 1 Two jears ago Mnjors , 97 ;
Ilolcomb , 99.
Uljsses township , McKlnlej , 110 , llrjan ,
212 ; scattering , 11. Two years ago. Majors ,
119 ; Holcomb. 109
llralnard llrynn , 143 ; McKlnlej99
Two years ago. Majors , 31 , Holcoinh. 133
Ulysaes township , Holcomb , 213 , MacColl.
David City gives McICInley 234 ; llryan. 101
Two years ago , Majois , 250 , Holcomb , 138.
Oakland precinct , McKlnloy. 03 ; llrjan ,
215. Two jears ngo Majors , 02 ; Holcomb , 159.
North Maiuhostcr precinct gives llrjan ,
93 ; McKlnley. 115. Two jears ago Majors ,
111 , Holcomb , 91.
Midland precinct gl\cs Ilrjnn. 03 ; McKln
ley , 62 Two yenrs ago Mnjors , 47 , Hol
comb , 51
Itoono precinct gives MoKlnley. CO , Ilijnn ,
70. Two jears ago Mnjors. 40 ; Ilolcomb ,
Cedar picclnct gl\cs McKlnley , 1CS , llrjan ,
284 Two jeara ago , Majors , 106 , HoUomb ,
! } 2
Oakland , Second precinct , McKlnloy. 22S ,
llrjan , 79 , Palmer , 4 , prohibition , 37. Two
} oars ago , Majors , 179 , Holcomb , S2.
Laurel precinct gives McKlnloy 118 ; Ilrjnn ,
87 , Palmer , 1 Two yeais ago It gave Majors
70 , Holcomb , 56
Victoria pieclnct , McKlnlej' , 35 ; llrjan.
120. MacColl. 33 ; Ilolcomb. 114 ; Cady. 15 ,
Greene , 10ri Two jears ago. Majors , 44 ;
Holcumb. UO , Daughcrty. 65 , Kern. 74
ANSULA1O , Neb , Nov. 3 ( Special Tele
gram ) Victoria picdnct , MncCcll. 31 ; Cady ,
45 , Holcomb , 114 ; , 105
Salt Creek pieclnct , Drjnn , 120 ;
McKlnley , 103 ; Holcomb , 131 , Mac-
Cell , SS Two jears ago. Ilolcomb , ill ;
Majors , f > C Denton prcclnu gives McKlnley ,
This Is the complaint of
thousnu/lti at this Benson.
They Imvo no nppctlto ; food
does not rcllah. They need the toning upof
the stomach and digestive organs , which
a course of Hood's Sarsapnrilla1II K\O !
them. It also purl lira and enriches the
blood , cures that distress after tn' nnd
Internal misery only n dyspeptic cnn
know , creates an appetite , o\ercomes that
tired feeling and builds up mill sustains
the wholophjslcnlsj stem. It so prompt
ly and eHlclently rollo\ea d > npcptlcnymp-
toms and curea nervous headaches , Hint it
uccms to hnso almost "a magic touch. "
- Sarsaparilla
J Uio bent In fact the Ono True Dlood 1'urlfler ,
nro the best after dinner
. . . < m-nn
Hood S PillS pills , aid diction. 26o.
C1 , llrynn , 78 , Palmer , 5 Two } cars ago
Majors , G6 , Holcomb no.
Loulsvlllo precinct. McKlnley , US ; llrynn ,
no , Pnltncr , 3. Two jenrs ago , Majors , 12. ! ;
Ilolcomb , ns.
NHHAWKA , Nob. Nov 3 ( Special Teile-
gram ) The > count islvis McKlnloy 119 ;
lrnn. ) 07. MacColl , 112. Holcomb. 02. Two
jcarg ago. Majors , 103 , Ilolcomb , 40.
Harward pre-Inct , McKlnley , 210 ; llryan
Hi ! . Two years ago , Majors , 25 ; liolcomb ,
IMgnr City , McKlnley , 162 ; llryan. 75.
Txxo jears ngo , Mnjors , 23S ; Ilolcomb , 138.
SCHUYLCIl. Neb. , Nov , 3 ( Special )
I'ji to noon today an unusunl quietness has
prevailed , although the voting has been
unprccedcntcdly rapid , more than liilf of
Iho voting In the three vvnrds of the city
being done Klcctlor. jiassed qulctlj * .
An unupunlly large vote * xvas polled
No anxiety was manifested until
after the count xx'as begun , when
racing from ward to xxard began to
learn the result The Third xxard vvis
counted first , then the Plrst nnd tnen th"
Second , the result showing n majority of
thlrtj-seven for Ilrjnn Immedlii.-ly on
the announcement of the vote Mia 'lestrlo
H5ht went out The total vote of the
pieclnct Is CIS the usual vote nbour ilOO
Howcllfl , Lincoln precinct , McKlnley ,
10R ; Ilrjnn. 143 , Palmer , 8 Two jcars ngo
Majors , 53 , Holcomb , 74
Hogcrs precinct , McKlnley , 12 ; llryan , 49 ;
Palmer , a Two years ago , Majora , 27 ,
Holcomb , 53
VALUNTlNi : , Neb , Nov 3 ( Special Tele
gram ) Valentine , Cherry county , glvo Mc
Klnley 111 , llryan , 86 , Palmer , 9. Txxo
jears ago , Majors U7 ; Holcomb , 10S.
Plshor precinct. llryan , 10 , McKlnloy , 34 ,
Palmer , 2 MacColl. 34 ; Holcomb , 40 ,
Andrews. 34 , Sutherland , 3' ' ! ; Allen , 3G
Graham , 27 , Cole , 32 , Phelps. 31 Two jeara
ago , Mijors 57 , Holcomb , 2.V Andrews , C3 ,
McKolghnn. 2ti
PUI3MONT , Nov 3 ( Special Telegram )
Tlio election passed off quietly , 1,196otes
xvere cast , the largest \oto ever cast In
this cltj A majority of Iho votes vvcie
In bj noon Chairman Cleveland of the
republican committee sajs "I cstlmato Me-
Klulcy's majorltj In the count j at 400 , with
a possibility of 600 "
Chairman Hollctibeck of the democratic
comml'.tco estimates llrjan's majority In
Iho county nt 200 McKinlej will run ahead
of the ticket Hammond , for congress , Is
consldcrablv ahead In the city , and is re
ported to haxe run behind In Nlckcraou
toxxnshlp. Republicans claim the cltj by
over 400
night out of nineteen precincts In Dodge
county glvo McKlnley , 1.4SS ; llrjan , 1.093 ;
MncColl , f.83 , live precincts , Holcomb , 692 ;
Hammond , S10 ; five precincts. Maxwell , 761.
North Ilend , McKlnlej. 151 ; Iliynr. , 101 ;
MacColl , 158 , Holcomb , 93 , Hammond , 143 ;
Maxwell , 103 ; total , 271. Two jears ngo
Majors. 109 ; Ilolcomb. 97. Plonsnnt Valley
precinct Ilrjnu. 93 , McKlnloy , 60 , total vote
171. Two jears ago , Mijors , 32 ; Holcomb ,
Webster township , McKlnlej , 151 , IIIan ,
111. Txxo jears ago , Majors , 90 , Holcomb ,
Sprlngbank precinct glxcs McKlnley 100 ;
llrjan , 97 , Palmer , 5 , MacColl. 91. Holcoml ) .
9T jears ago gave Majors , 83 , Hoi-
euiuu , < u.
Otto Cre'ok precinct , McKlnloy , 2S , Mnc
Cell , 21 , Hammond. 26 ; Haupl. 24 ; Davis.
2S ; llrjan , 71 ; Holcomb , 72 , Maxwell , 72 ,
Frit ? G7 , Schroii , 7C Txxo jears ago , Maj
ors , 21 ; Holcomb , 52 ; Melklejohn , 20 ; fu
sion , 50.
Lexington precinct , McKlnlej' , 200 ; Hrjan ,
ISO , Mae Coll. 201 , Holcomb , 178 Two jenrs
ngo Mnjors , 181 , Holcomb , 1C9. Oxetton
precinct , McKlnlej , .15 , Hrjan , 110 , MacColl ,
US ; Ilolcomb , 129 Txvo jears ago , Majors
39 , Holcoml ) . IS
Kennebec precinct. McKlnlcj. 60 ; Ilrjan.
48 ; MacColl. 45 ; Holcomb , 1C ; Cndy. 48 ;
Greene , 42 Two jenrs ago , Majors , 41 , Hol
comb , 30
North Pratiklln precinct : McKlulej' , 63 ;
Ilrjan , 124 ; Palmer , 4 Two jcars agn :
Mnjors , 41 , Holcoml ) , 100
Silcm precinct MeKliilej' , S3 ; Ilrjan , 71.
Two jears ngo Majors , 67 , Holcomb , 51.
I vin precinct McKlnley , 38 , Ilrjan , 51 ;
MncColl , 38 ; Holcomb , 47. Two years ngo ,
Majors , 2S ; Holcomb , 47
Geneva city nr.d precinct , McKlnloy , 2S7 ;
Urjnii , ICO ; scattering , 24. Txxo years go ,
Majois. 143 , Holcomb. 175
Hxcter city gives .McKlnlej 140 ; MacColl ,
132 ; Hrjan , 161 , Holcomb , 101. Two je.ira
ago , Mnjors , 143 ; Holcomb , 127.
Franklin precinct McKlnlcj , 151 , Hijnn ,
70 ; Palmer , C Txvo years a o Majoi& , :30 ;
Holcomb , 101
Cltj of Fairmont , McKinlej , 219 ; Ilrjan.
117 Two yenia ago , Majors , 212 ; Holcomb ,
Hello Pralrlo precinct McKlnley. 91 ,
Hixan , 101 , Palmer , 7. Two j-ears ago
Majors , 96 ; Ilolcomb. 84
Hungary precinct llrj in , 147. McKlnloy ,
61 ; Palmer , 3. Txxo jears ngo Majcis , OS ,
Holcomli. 105
Genexa precinct gives McKlnlej' , 219 ,
nryan , 143 ; Mac-Coll , 241 , Holcomb , 161 ;
Halner , 124 , Stnrk. 151.
llcatrlce , Second vxnid , McKlnloj' , CI ;
Ilrjnn , 84 Two years ngo , Majors , 285 , Hol
comb , 7S Fourth , MeKlnley , 335 ,
Hrjan , 156 Two jeara ago Majors , 329 ,
Holcomb , 119 Plfth. McKlnlej. 37 , Hrjau
16 Two jearn ago. Major * . 31 Ilolcomb. 16
Sixth MoKlnloy 84 , Ilrjau , 5r Two yenis
ngo Majors , 107 , Holcomb. 36 Majorities
for MeKinley In Hoatrlce. 601
Midland piecluct , McKinlej , 120 , lliyan
124 , Two } uars ago , -Majors , S3 , Holcomb ,
Wjinoro precinct. McKlnlej' . 103 , Ilrjnu ,
2SO. Txvo jcarj ago. Majors , 3S7. Holcomb ,
Hlakelx precinct McKlnlej 77 ; Hrjan , 52
Txxo jears ago. Majois. 31 , Holcomb , 51
Sherman pieelnct McKlnlej , 96 , Ilrjan , 5S
Two jo.irs ago , Mnjors 7.1. Holcomb , 57
Holmcsxlllo precinct , McKlnlej. 106 , Hrjan ,
78 Liberty picciuct MeKinley. 139. Ilrjau ,
125 Two jears ago , Majors. 148 ; Ho'comb. '
79. R&ckford precinct. McKlnluy. 106. HrjJii.
78 Txxo jcars ago. Majors 105. Holcoblb ,
73 MacColl 95. Holtomb. 79
Llbcrtj precinct. McKlnley , 139. nrynn.
124 ; Palmer , 7 , Holcomb. 119. MacColl , 1.14 ,
Halnur , 162 , Stark , 113 Two jears ago ,
Majors , 148. Ilolcomb , 79. Halner. 119 , fu
sion. 101
llluo Springs. McKlnley , 161 ; Ilrjan , 110 ,
Lexerlng , 5 , Hentloy , 1 Two jeurs ngo ,
Majors , 179 ; Ilolcomb. CI
Pllloy precinct. McKlnloy. 130 , Hrjan , 75 ;
MncColl , 131 , Holcomb. 75. Txxo years ngo.
Majors. 128 , Ilolcomb , GO Hanover precinct
McKlnley , 62 ; Hrjan. 69 Txxo jenrs ago ,
Majors , 30 ; Holcomb. 39 Third ward , Heat-
rice. McKlnluy , 149 , 133 Two years
ngo Majors 179 , Holcomb , 98 Kim pre
cinct McKlnlej' , SI , Hrjnn 65 Two jcars
ngo Majors 91 , Holcomb. 35 Paddock pre
cinct , McKlnley 101 , llrjan , 113 Two jears
ago Majors 109. Holeomb. 113 Adnms prc-
clnct McKlnlej , 127. Ilrjan. 9S : Palmer. 2
Two years ago , MJjora. 130 , Holcomb , 67.
Hooker precinct , McKlnley. 61 ; nryan. 15 ;
Palmer. 2 Txxo jears ago , Majors , 54 , Hol
comb , IS
Hlghlnnd precinct gives McKlnloy , 129 ;
Ilrj-nn. 124. Palmer , 1 Two jears ago Ma
jors. Ill ; Holcomb , 111
Harneston precinct , McKlnley. 103. Urjan ,
112. Palmer , 3 ; Holcomb 109 ; MpcGoU. 95
Txxo years ago , Majors 10S ; Holcomb 97 ,
HYANNIS , Neb , Nov 3 ( Special Tele
gram. ) The complete vote of Hyannls pro
duct glxca McKlnloy , 63 , llrynn. 60 , Mae-
Cell 53 , Holcomb , CO. Cndy. 48 : Grcono , 02
Two years ato. ; Majors , 17 ; Holcomb , 47.
01tni3LiY COUNTY.
Scotia precinct , McKlnley , 106 ; llrjan. 55 ;
Cady , 113 , Greene 61 Two jears ago , Maj
ors , 97 , Holcomb. 47
GRAND ISLAND , Neb . Nov 3 ( Special
Telegram ( Republicans haxo made a good
light In this county and the IIrut returns
Indicate that It was very necessary. The
City of Grand Island will not glxo McKluley
the plurality expected ; It xxlll bo less than
300 , Voting xvna heavy today. There vxas
no disturbance. The campaign throughout
the county has been Intense , bui generally
good natured. Chairman Horth a : 0 o'clock
felt that tbe outlook was very good ( or
the republicans No county preelm'a ' hove
jet been reported.
Wood River precinct , McKlnley , 179 ;
llrjan , 130 , Palmer , 10 ; rejectel , 13 Tno
jears ago , Mnjorn , 133 , Holcomb , 109
St Paul city mid precinct glvo McKlnley
252 ; Ilrynn. 209 , Cad } , 281 , Greene. 170.
Two } enrs ago , Mnjors , 270 ; Holcomb , 151 ;
Daughcrt } , 2S3 ; Kcm. 148
Verdigris precinct. Ilrj-an. 01 ; MrKlnloy ,
41 ; Palmer. 1. Two jenrs niro Mnjors , 33 ;
Holcomb , 59. I
Orvlllo precinct gives llrjan. US ; Me-
Kluley 71 ; Ilolcomb , 101 ; MacColl , 71 Two
years ngo Mnjors , 77 , Holcomb , 100.
McKlnlej' . 2B4 , llrvan 142 ; MacColl , 217 ;
Holcomb 136 , Hnlnor 244 ; Stark , 141. Two
jears ngo Majois , 275 ; Holcomb , 133 ;
Ilalncr. 277 , fusion. IIS
Strntton precinct. llryan , 48 ; McKlnloy ,
20 , Holcomb 4S ; MacColl , 19 , Sutherland
48 , Andrews , 21. Txxo years ago. Majors. 3i3 ,
Holcomb. IS , Andrews 31 , McKelghan , 43
Helena precinct McKlnloy 75 , llryan ,
14ri ; Palmer. 3 , Holcomb 14S. MacColl. 70.
Two jears ngo. Majors 75 , Holcomb , 121
Todd Creek precinct , McKlnley , 141 :
nrjnn. 78 , Palmer , 3 , MacColl. Ill ; Ilolcomb.
70 ; Strode 143 , llroady , 73 Two yenrs ngo ,
Mnjors , 151 , Holcomb , 116 ; Strode , 149 ;
\Vulr. 137
Hurckn precinct. MeKlnlej. 130 ; Ilrjnn ,
65. Two jcars ngo , Majors , 124 ; Holcomb ,
Antelope precinct , McKlnley , 51 ; llryan ,
77 ; Piper 54 , Porter , 76 ; Hnlnor , 5S ; SUrk ,
71 Two jears ago , Mnjors. 51 ; Holcomb ,
73 , Hnlnci , 67 , Puslon. 70
Oueldn precinct gives Rrjan , ll&t
McKinlej , 100 Two years ngo , Hol
comb , B7 , Majors , 111
Onolda township , McKlnlej' . 100 ; Ilrjan ,
118. Two jears ngo Majors , 114 ; Holcomb ,
SPIUNOVinU' , Nob. Nox3 ( Speciil
Telegram ) Pour out of nine precincts In
Kej-a Palm county glxo McKlnley 91 votes ;
Hrj'an , 10S ; MncColl , 93 ; Holcomb , 101 ;
Cady , 95 , Greene , 102
Havclock gives McKlnley , 193 , Hrjan , 85.
Two jears ago , Majors , Majors , 17. . ' , Ilol
comb , 52
Siiltello prtclnct , MrKlnloy. 6S ; nrjan. 62 ;
MacColl. 60. Holccmb. 63 , Strode , 62. Ilroady.
01 Two jears ago. Majors. 57 , Holcomb ,
CO. Strode * , 57. Weir. 57. Klk precinct , Mc-
Klnloy , 62 , Hrjan. 98 Two jears ago ,
Majors , CI , Holcomb , 93
NORTH PLATTK. Neb , Nov. 3 ( Spe
cial Telegram ) North Platte had n very
quiet day for election , but polled the
heaviest vote ever known In her hlstoij,759
The republican chairman claims the city
for McKlnley by 135 nnd the county by the
simo vote The populist chairman con
cedes North Pintle to McKlnley by fifty
nnd claims the eountj for Ilrjnn by 151
A county precinct heard from glxes McKln
lej' . 50. Ilrjon 5 The day vxas clear and
nnd Ideal election day The republicans
polled nearly their full \ote
TILDHN Neb , Nov 3 ( Special Tele
gram ) Jefferson precinct , llryan , 91 ; Me-
Klnley 135 , Palmer. 2 Txvo jcarj ago ,
Holcomb , 78 , Majors. 112.
CKNTRAL CITY. Neb , Nov. 3 ( Special
Telegram ) Central City and Lone Tree
township glxcs McKlnlej 285 ; Ilrjan. 242 ,
Two jcais ago , Mnjors , 251 ; Holcomb , 213
ClarKs gives McKlnley 161 , Ilrjan , 150. Twc
jears ago , Majors. 117 , Ilolcomb , ICO
Sllxer Creek township , McKlnlcj' , 5S
MacColl , 56 , Hammond , 67 , Ross , rep. sen-
ale * . 51 , Hanson , rep , house 59 , llrjan. Ill
Holcomb , 116. Maxwell. 116 , Rice , elciii
Ronate , 106 , Webster , dcm , house. 119
Palmer , 1 Two jeais ngo. Majors. 76 , Hoi-
tomb , 04 , Mcl'tlejohll ' 74 , fusion , 78.
Central Cltj , seven precincts , glvo Mc
Klnley 642 , Ilrjan , 731
Silver Crtck precinct , MoKlnloy. 5S
llrjan , 114 Two jeara ago. Majors , 76 , Hoi
comb. 61 Clarks precinct , McKlnley , 151
nrjan , 150 Two je.ers ago. .Majors. 117
Holcomb , 160. Central precinct , " McKlnley
21 ; llryan , 15 Two jears ago. Majors 21
Ilolcomb , 14 Pialrlo Island precinct , Me
Klnlej' , 6 ; llryan , 19 Two jeais ngo , Maj
ors. 1 ; Holcomb , 20. Loup precinct , Me
Klnley. 7C ; Hryan. Ill Txxo jears ago
Majors. 73 ; Holcomb , SI Lone Tree pro
clnct , McKlnley. 291. llryan , 252 Two jean
ago. Majors. 253. Holcomb. 213 Mldlanc
precinct , McKlnley , 34 ; Hryan , 83 Txve
years ago. Majors 34 ; Holcomb , 78 Chap
man pieclnct , McKlnloy , 11G ; Hryan , 67
Txxo years ago. Majors , 102 , Holcomb. 55
Prairie Creek precinct , McKlnloy , 54 , nrj'an
SI Two jears ago. Majors , 49 ; Holcomb , 73
Ixuip precinct Ilolcomb , 114 , MacColl , 73
Maxwell , 107 , Hammond , 87. Two jcars ago
Meikeljohn , SO. fusion , SI
Klk precinct , McKlnlej' . 100 ; llrj'an. 70 ,
Palmer. 3 Two jcars ago , Majors , 107 , Hcl-
comb , 65
llostwlck precinct. McKlnloy , 12 ; Bryan
42 ; MdcColl 12 , Holcomb. 19 ; Sutherland ,
19 , Andrews. 38. Txxo years ago. Majors
37 ; Holcomb , 46 , Audi-own , 36 , McKcighan
Heaver precinct , Including Superior , Me-
Klu'ey , 251 , Hryan , 109 , MacColl , 221. Hnl-
comb , 177 , Anclrows. 231 , Sutherland , 169
Two jears ago , Majors , 277 ; Holcomb , 164
Andrews , 275 ; McKcighan , 168
Stolnhauer. Clear Creek precinct : Me-
Klnloj' . 99 ; Hrjan , 74 Txvo years ago , Ma
jors , bl , Holcomb , 52
Pawnee precinct olllclal balljf McKlnley ,
3'iO , llrj-an , 204 Txvo years ago Majors ,
360 , Holcomb 162
Plum Creek precinct. McKlnle-j , 95 , Mac-
Cell 92 , Strode 9 , Ilrjan , 90 , Holcomb ,
77. Hroady 77 Two jears ago. Majors , 77
Holcomb , 51 ; Strode. f9. Weir , 51
Prairlo prccii.ct. MclKnley , 42 ; llryan , 76 ;
MacColl , 37 , Ilolcomb , 7t > , Andrews , .18 ,
Southerland , 74 Txxo jears ngo llajors , 30 ;
Ilolcomb , 72
Holdrcgo , Plrst vxaid , McKlnley. US ,
Ilrjnn , D9 , MacColl , 1.13 , Ilolcomb. bO ,
Andicvxs , 131 , Southland , 51 Two jears ago ,
Majors. 110. Holcomb , 51.
Second ward , Holdrcge. McKlnley , 150 ;
llryan. 75 , MacColl. 112 , Holcomb , 78 ; An
drews , 149 , Sutherland , 70 Txxo years ngo ,
Majors , 18" , Holcomb 54 West .Mark prc-
clnct. McKlnley 62 , llryan , 74 , MacColl , 65.
Holcomb , 71 , Andrews , 65 , Sutherland , 56
Two jcars ago , Majors , 28 ; Holcomb , 69 ;
Andrews. 51 , McKelghan , 12
I'lKRCK , Neb. Nov 3 ( Special Telo-
giam ) Three precincts out of thirteen glvo
Hryan 251 ; McKlnley. 178
Plum Grove precinct. McKlnley , 06. llryan ,
7S , Holcomb , 70 ; MacColl , 53 , Hammond , C6 ,
Maxwell , 67. Muflly. C4 ; Randall. 61 Two
ycarb ago , Majors , 57 , Holcomb , 67 , Molklo-
John 51 , fusion , 69
Ihompson pieclnct glxes 'McKlnley , 52 ,
llrjan , 75 Two jears ago Majors , 42 , Hol-
conib , 49 Logan precinct nrjan , CO , Mc
Klnlej , 20 Tvxo jears ago Majors , 20 ;
Ilolcomb , 41
COLUMHUS. Neb . Nov 3. ( Special Tele
gram ) This city polled 774 votes , which
Is about eighty In excess of any previous
election The xxeather wns the very best ,
nnd there vxns nothing In the way of demon-
Btiatlons. owing to the heavy vote. Nothing
dellnlte In the shape of returns Is expected
before 2 a m
Granvlllo precinct gives Ilrjan 216 ; Mc
Klnley 66. Palmer , 4 Two jcars ago , Ma-
lors , CI , Ilolcomb. 152 Humphrey glxcs
Hryan 111 , MeKinley , 5s. Ilolcomb , 105 ,
MacColl , 67 Txxo joars ago , Majors , 45 ,
Ilolcomb , 87.
Six out of twcntj-ono precincts In Pintle
county glxo McKlnley. 510 , Hryan , 877 , Mac-
Col ) . 592 , Holcomb , COS
Creston precinct MeKlnley. 72 , lliyan.
119 ; MacColl 60 , Holcomb , 121 , Hammond ,
07 , Maxxvull , 111 Txvo jears ago Majors ,
5C , Hplcamh , 92
Ulkhorn pieclnct , llryan , 39 , McKlnloy ,
2 Two years ngo , Majors , 2 ; Holcomb , 49.
Jeasell pri'clnct , Hryan , 7 ; McKlnloy , S.
Txvo years ago , Majors , 9 ; Holcomb , 20
Clinton precinct , llryan , 35 ; McKlnloy , 5.
Two years ago , Majors , 9 ; Holcomb , 47 ,
Sheridan precinct , llryan , 22 ; McKlnley , 5.
Two years ago , Majors , 7 ; Halcomb , 32 ,
Liberty prednct McKluley , CO ; Bryan ,
SI , MacColl , r.V ; Holcomb , S2 Two years
ago , .Majorsfu IlnlrMnb , 61
Car.ada precinct , McKlnley , 117 ; nrjnn ,
1SI ; Halner , 118 ; Stark , 171. state ticket
about the annu1.Two ago , Majors , 93
Holcomb , 17J ! ffilliier , 101 ; fusion. 173.
PALLS CITY , Neb. , Nox' . 3 ( Special Tel
egram ) The election pas od off very quietly
In this eltj'.A'.VoijIiiK vxas fast from the tlmo
thu polls opeiled and by noon a majority ot
thn votes xxcro cast The total number of
votes polled was 757 , the largest vote e-ver
cast , nnd wns 'divided ' ns follows Pirst
wnrd 231 ; Needful. 1126 ; Thlnl. 200 It Is
sifo to nay not an Illegal vote xxas east.
Ktrbt watch being kept by both sides. Stnto
Commltteemnn K O Lewis sijs the county
Is very clone , the majority for the presi
dential cm dldntcx being not to oxcocdo 100
either way but the republicans xxlll elect n
majority o. ' the county ticket.
Humboldt cltj gives McKlnley , 174 ; Ilrjnn ,
131 ; Pnlmcr , 1 Two jenrs ngo. Majors ,
247 ; Holcomb , 136
Osceoln precinct , McKlnlej' , 179 , Ilrjan ,
228. Stark , 223. Halner. 168 , Holcomb. 2Js ;
MacCcll. 163. Two jcars ago , Mnjors. IS" ;
Ilolcomb. 19S ; Halner , 109. fusion , 1S1.
VKRDON. Neb . Nov. 3 ( Speclnl Tele
gram ) Liberty precinct , Richardson
county , McKlnlej' , 149 ; llrjan , 114 ; Palmer ,
11 ; scattering , 5 Txxo jenrs ngo , Mnjois ,
130 ; Holcomb , 101.
Wllbcr precinct , llonn , 272 ; Mc
Klnley , 167 , Palmer , 15 Two jears ngo ,
ILolcomb , 204 ; Mnjors , 180 Cre'te pieclnct ,
MoKlnloy , 356 , lliyan , 337 Txxo jears ngo ,
Mnjors , .TO , Holcomb. 288
Hush Creek precinct , Urjnn , 93 ; McKln
ley , 53 Two jenrs ngo , Mnjors , 27 ; Ilol
comb , 92
Northfork precinct gives McKlnley 161) )
Ilrjnn , 79 , Palmer , 5 ; llttlo scnttcrlng. Two
jcnrs ngo. Mnjors , 112 , Ilolcomb , 75.
Olive precinct , McKlnley. US ; llrj mi. 101 ;
Pnlmor , 3. Lnxcrlng , 2 Txxo jenrs ngo ,
Majors , 129. Holcomb , 89. Atlanta precinct ,
McKlnloy. 81 , llrynn , 78. Txvo jcnrs ngo ,
Mnjors , 77 ; Ilolcomb , 61.
Crete precinct , MacColl. 336 ; Holcomb , 156
Swnn Creek precinct , McKlnley , 121 ,
Hrj-nn , 72 ; Palmer , 2 Two jears ngo , Maj
ors , 122 , Holcomb. 50
LA PLATrn , Nob. Nov 3 McKlnlcj' ,
72 ; Mcreei. 77 , Hryan. 39 , Dulllo , 92. Two
jcars ago Majors. 53 , Holcomb , 87
HASTINGS , Neb. . Nov. 3 Third ward ,
city of Hastings McKlnloy , 189 ; MacColl ,
ISO ; Hrjan , 125. Holcomb. 125. Two j-eaia
ago- Majors , 216 ; Holcorab , 02. Pourth
vxard MeKinley 173 ; llryan , 119 Txxo
ycnra ngo Mnjors , 197 ; Holcomb , 92. Second
end ward McKiuloy. 207 ; Ilrj-an , 144 Two
years ngo Majors 216 ; Holcomb 111. Ver
ona precinct. Adams county McKlnley 96 ,
Hrjan. 72. Two years ago Majors , 68 , Hol
comb , 75.
Palrxlovv precinct has McKlnloy , 47 ; Pal
mer , 2 , Ilrjan , 92 ; Ilolcomb , 95 ; MacColl ,
39 ; Illbb , 4 ; Duffle , 98 , Mercer , 15 Txxci
jears ago , Majors , 39 , Holcomb , 82 ; Mercer ,
39 , fusion , S7.
Heo precinct , llrynn. 140 ; McKlnley. 53 ;
Two yeirs ngo Mnjors , 49 , Holcomb. 125 ,
Six precincts of this county glxo McKltilev ,
70 , Ilrjnn 140.
1 township. SlcKlnley. 107 ; nrjnn , C5 ;
MncColl. 93 , Holcomb , C6 ; Hnlnor , 94 ; Stark.
56 ; Holland , 102 ; nicker , 60 , Dankors , 122 ;
Mitchell. 48 , I-'orlc , 01 ; Knger , 46. Two jcais
ngo. Majors , SO ; Holcomb , 60 ; Halner. 78 ,
fusion , 59. '
now en precinct , llryan , 39 ; .McKlnley , 31 ,
Holcomb , 39 , MaoColl , 31 ; Cady , 31 ; Greene ,
31. Two years ago. Majors , 30 ; Holcomb ,
16 ; Diugherty , 31f Kcm 13
Ponder precinct gives McKlnlcj' , 135 ;
Ilrjan , 117 ' Two jears ago Majors , 130 ;
Holcomb 123.
Iljron precinct , McKlnlcy , 63 ; Hrj-an , C6 ;
MacColl 561Holcomb. ; 68 , Halnor. 56 ; Stark ,
C9 ; Pilmer 4 Ttxo jears ago , Majors , 39 ;
Holcomb , 76 ; flalucr , 40 , fusion , S2.
Orel township , McKlnley , 202 , nrjan , 174 ;
Cady , 209 , Greene1 , * 172 Two jeais ago.
Majors , 210 ; Holcomb , 133 ; Daugherty , 21S.
Kem , 132.
Six picclncts , Including the toxvns of Hos-
Uns. Cairoll and cltj of Wajne McKlnloy ,
475 , llryan , 354
Seven precincts , complete glvo McKlnley
64S ; Urjan. r,54 In 1S92 gnx'o Harrison 490 ;
Cleveland. 122 , Weaver , 317.
Wlnsldc' precinct gives MeKinley 25 ;
Ilrjau , 55 , Palmer , nothing. Txxo years ngo ,
Majors 29 , Holcomb , 45 Ilojltlns precinct
gives McKlnloy 99 , nrynn , IS. Palmer , noth
ing. Tx.o jears ago , Majors , 71 ; Holcomb , 29.
winsTiit COUNTY.
Glcnwood precinct , McKlnloj' , 57 ; Ilrjan ,
115 , MacColl , 5S ; ilolcomb , 110. Two jcars
ago. Majors. 70 ; Holcomb , 87.
1NAVALU , Neb. Nox 3 ( Special Tele
gram Inavalo precinct gives McKlnley 67 ,
nrjan , 53 ; MacColl , 56 ; Holcomb , 51 , An
drews , 56 , Sutherland , 52 Two jcars ago-
Majors , 48 ; Holcomb , 68 ; Andrews , 48 ; Mc-
Kelghnn , 59.
Hlalr city. McKlnley. 302 ; Iryan. 292 ;
Palmer. C Two years ago , Mnjors , 2SO ; Hol
comb , 23J
HRADSIIAW , Neb , Nox. 3 ( Speclnl Tele-
grnm ) A full vote vxas polled. Mc-
Kluloy , 131 ; llrjan , 116 , Palmer , 3 ; LeverIng -
Ing , 3. Txxo jears ago , Majors , 109 ; Hol
comb , 109.
Henderson glx-es nrj'an. S3 ; McKlnlej' , 82 ,
MacColl , 82 , Holcomb , 29 , Ha I net * . 78 , Stark ,
S3. Txvo jean. ago. Majors , 92 ; Ilolcomb , 53.
s \ijnei : cnnvr K
Ta11C of 'I'linm litre < > ' < < lu > Voti > 111
Soniiof tilt- Ward of St. I.oillx.
ST LOUIS , Nov 3 The Post-Dispatch
In a Into Issue sajs As wo go to press
Governor Stone is closeted at the Planters
housexxlth Chairman Cooke and Mr. Salmon
and Judges Harvey and Edmunds Chair
man Cooke has been out at a number of
picclncts with Judge Haivey and Chief of
Detectives Desmond. Mr. Cooke admits
that a sensational dlscoxcij has been made
and that an explosion Is Imminent The
Himor in the hotel lobby Is that the elec
tion commlBhloners vxlll bo immediately sus
pended by Gox error Stone
A reprcsentatlvo of the Associated proas
called at the democratic headqunitcis mid
learned that the confeicncu as stated was
being held. Neither Governor Stone nor
Chairman Cooke xxould bo scon. It vxas
said by an attache of , the hcadquaitors that
flagrant coiruptlon had been dlscoxcred lit
four or flxo xxards , which xxould probably
result In throwing out the entire vote In
these wards Jntcnso excitement prevails
about the hot I. Vlth the closing of the
polls the saloons opened and thousands of
enthusiasts nw-fm * becoming drunk.
GoxeTuorStono xvas ween after the conference -
feronco in tho''diimocratlc state headquar-
tc-is Ho denied ho had suspcmlcel the-
election cominJkHloueig for St. Louis , but
refused to say whether ho Intended to do
BO Ho xxould not say how much evidence
ho had that fraud had been perpctiited
John Klelj. a democint. xvas shot and
mortally woundedJiwt before 2 o'clock In
an election lol jaL Tenth street nnd Cass
nvonuo bj Join , a republican xxard
M > UTH C\ll < .N \ isle
I'oiiullNln Itn > lo I lit' Support of
llrjnii mill nrrli-M ( InSlulis
RALKIGH , N Nox. 3 The election
passed off vcry . ( lufetly. llrjan. so far as
licard from , -iftis supported by both the
lemocrats and populists , and has carried the
electoral vote of the state by u majority
variously estimated at between 10.000 nnd
. ' 0,000. Holton. the republican chairman ,
liowexer , claims the slnto for McKlnlej by
ictwccn 8,000 and 10.000
Reports are too meager to ntato tbo re
mit for congress Iho populists have ear-
led the First , Third Fouith. Sixth and Hev-
: nth districts The republicans have car-
lud the Second district curtain , electing
< V hlto ( colored ) over Woodard Pearson , ro-
publlcan , In the Ninth , Is probably elected
flio only two doubtful districts are the
Blgbth and Fifth , xxhero the contest Is be-
uxeen Ltnoy , republican , and Doughton ,
Icmocrat. In the eighth , and Settle , icpub-
.lean . , aud Kitchen , democrat , In the Fifth
The republicans will haxo more members
) f the legislature * than either ot the other
.wo parties , but not enough to organize
ilther hou < o of the general assembly.
( Continued from Plrat Page )
Klrst District Thomas II. Longue , rep.
Second District \V. It. Kills , rep.
Plrst District Henry II. lllnghnm , rep
Second District Ilobert Adnms , rep. , re-
Third District \Vllllnm McAlecr , gold.
Pourth District Jnmcs Itnnkln Youtig
ren.riflh District Alfred Charmon , rep , re
Twctitj-first district , IMward K , Hobblns
Twentj-.Sccond District John Dalzell , rep.
Twenty-Third District William A. Stone
rep , re-elected.
itiiom : isi.vM ) .
Pirst District Hull , rep
Second District Capron , rep.
\ niMiovr.
Pirst District H. H Powers , rep.
Second District \ V.V. . C.rout , rep.
\ \ I'.l'ONSIV.
Plrst District CoQiji-r , rep.
Second Dlstiltt IMxxard SaucrherliiK , rep.
Sixth district. J. II Daxldson , rep
Sflxonth District Michael nrlllln. rep.
nighth District Kdxxnrd S Miner , rep.
Tenth Dlstilet John J Jenkins , rep.
I'mxpi-olN In 'IVnin-NNi'i1.
MnMPHIS. Nox 3 Partial retuins fron
Eighth congressional dUtrlct Indlcatn clec
tlou of Sims. Pierce , democrat , Ninth dis
trict , probably elected Vote \cry tloso It
both , may take ofllclal count to decide.
NASHVILL12 , Nov 3 Congrc slona
Sixth district Indications point to the olec
lion of Oalnca , sllxer democrat , for con
gress , ox-or Illehards , national democrat.
Ili'putillriuiM from TI-MIH.
OALVKSTON , Tex , Nov. 3 Per congress
II. B Hnxvlej- , rep , in the Tenth , U
rensonably sure of election. In the Twolftl
G II. Noonnn , lep. , nnd J. L Slaj-
den , dcm. , are running ( Jose. , Hepub
licans claim the election of H. Gipss in tin
Ulovcnth nnd populists claim the electlor
of 1) ) . Gibbs In the Sixth.
AVIitTf lln-L-UfiiflilKv AVi'lil lo\\ll.
PUANKKOHT , Ky , Nox3 Per congress
Settle. 2,459 , Ilrcckenrldge. 2,103.
cool ) A\iATinit rou MJTIM :
from Ml I'm Is of ( InCouutr ;
An *
CHICAGO. Nov. 3 12 m Rcpoits from
all sections of the country Indicate vxeat'ici '
conditions generally favorable' for voting
Only In the southern Atlantic states and In
North Dakota , northern Minnesota , Wiscon
sin and ono or two other western states has
rain or snow fallen , with light showers In
eastern Nebraska Elsewhere thc day has
been an Ideal 0110 and an Immense vote If
being btcadily polled Throughout New
England. New York. New Jersej. Delaxxare ,
Pennsylvania and Ohio clear skies and
beautiful autumn vventhcr is the rule , nnd
Illinois and loxxa are enjoying a eel and
bracing atmosphere. In Arkansas , threat
ened rain failed to materialize , and the nun
Is shining Texas Is polling a heavj vote
In damp nnd disagreeable weather. Sou'h
Dakota reports clear xxcathcr , but rough
and muddy roads from jcstenlny's htoim
Parts of Indiana nnd Kentucky show some
piospect of rain , but climatic conditions for
the most part are all that can be dcthcd for
election day In Missouri the sun Is shin
ing and the air Is clear and keen Snow fe-ll
nt Salt Lake City In the early morning
but there \xcro Indications of clearing nt
noon Pine xveather and unclouded Hklcs
prexall throughout tbo Pacific coast states
and In Colorado
SIIJM ( Insiilnlni ; sun I n ill i-ii ( CM n
Cli'llli S oi > | i for MolCliilr > ,
CLUVHLAND , Nox 3 National Ilc-
publlcan Chairman M. A Hann.i airlxcd In
the city from Chicago this morning. To a
reporter Mr. Hannn said "There Is hardlv
anj thing I can say additional to xxhat I
ha\o given out during the past few dnjn
and I have seen nothing In the past.twenty-
four hours that would Influence me to alter
or withdraw any of thse predictions"
"Hoxv about the effect of Ilrjan's toui
thiough Nebraska jesterday' "
4 Oh , that's not xxorrjlnn mo anj' . Ho maj
gain half a dozen xotea by It In the-state "
"What can you say of the general re
sult' "
"Well , don't jou BCD the sun Is shhUnp
this morning ? Serlouslj I tell jou that it
is going to bo a clean sweep There Is not
a \catlgo of doubt as to tht > result , and ic-
publicans are entlixily justified In feeling
coulldent "
"What Is joiir program for today , Mr
"Well , I am going tooto as soon as 1
can get to the house and get something
to cat At 11 o'clock this morning I will go
to Canton and will remain with Major Me-
ICiulej until about 4 o'clock this afternoon ,
when I will return to CIoxeland , arriving
heie at 0 30 , and will go direct to the Union
club , xxhero I xxlll rccelxe returns tonight
Tomorroxv I will leave for New York Cltj "
Kivnric\ .v si ni > msn TO AM. .
Sound Monr > li'loo In
Sllllc IN Iliiiiul Ml Donlil.
LI3XINGTON. KjNox - . 3 The latest
news from the state Indicates that McKlnlej
( xlll cany the state by a much greater ma-
lorltj than lliadley can led It In 1S95 for
governor The state xxlll piobablj glxe Mc
Klnley 25,000 to 30.000 The ro ult Is n
ijreat surpilse to the free sllxer leadeis
und the slzo of the result Is n surprlso to
the sound ironej men Not much news
lias been heard from the western part of
Lha state , xxhero free sllxci Is strongest ,
mt the Indorsed republican majorities in
Iho central nnd eastern parts put the state
tie } nnd question Into the bound money col
umn LOIUSVILLT3. Nov 3 The returns from
[ lie Ktato received up to 10 o'clock Indl-
: ate that Kentucky will give the McKlnley
electors n majority of from 10.000 to 12 000
Republicans nro claiming It by 10.000 , whllo
3haliman Sen mere of the democratic com-
nltteo t > ays all returns show democratic
; alus night of the txxelxo xvards of the
; lty and Jefferson count j , with the excep-
, lon of ono precinct , glvo McKlnley n ma-
orlty of 8,238 All returns from eastern
ind central Kentucky nro fnxorablo to re-
itiblleans Democrats haxo probably car-
led but three congressional districts
Irccklurldge'b election la piobahlo
At republican hcadquprtere 5S8 preclnctj
mxo been heard from and show a repub-
Ican gain of 0,051 ox or the llrlsh republican
, oto In 1890 The counties to hear from
TO laigclj icpubllcan.
Ionic of Confi'ilfi'iii1)lll ( ilt < * SlUrr
'r xMl > 'I'lioiiHiinil riiirnlll ) .
IHCHMOND. Nov 3 The returns rex -
x lxcd here up to 1 a in. Indicate that the
lomoernts have carried Virginia by 20.000
Phoj galrcd In the back counties , but lost
n the cities and some white counties Dcm-
icratlc cuiigrcbBmen are elected ns follows Plrst district , Limb , Third district ;
iwnnson , Fifth district , Oloy , Sixth ; Gray ,
ioxonth and nice , Pourth The Second
mil Fourth , Ninth and Tenth are In doubt
vlth chances fnxorlng the democrats In the
wo flint named , and the republicans li. the
ast named
TlllllVNllTII Votl-N.
HOiai : . Idaho Nov 3 From present In-
Icatlous thU city xvlll glvo the McKlnloy
lectoral ticket a majority It Is Impossible
o glvo statu returns until tomorrow night
n account ot county complication *
ClIRVKNN'i : , \VQ. Nov. 3. Ueturns
omo In very slowly. Indications point to
small majority for the winning candtilattii ,
oth on the electoral and congreniilonal
Ickots. The election may not bo nettled
efnro tomtiroxv night.
LINCOLN Nov 3. MeKlnluy'a majority
In Lincoln Is 1,019 This In a
gain , ns thn city ban generally been repuli
llean by H ronsldorAbly lorger voln llryan
\xard. the Plflh. R.INO n majority of ! fl
nnalnst him and liU precinct 7 mnjiirlt
In oppasltlati These nro nil reductions c (
former mnjorltles.
llcplilillotltiM | IINM | | Hull II U Clnlj
Iliii-xllon iin ( o Mnjurllj.
WIIiiLlNl : ( , W. Vn . Nov. I-No oinclti
rotuniR haxe been recelxed from any pat
of the state nt 1 n m ( Wodnemla ) ) . At re
publican lieaibiunrlers the titntcmcnt Is mad
that It Is now only n question of innjorltj
Doxenor , congressman Plrst district , Is eel
tnlnly re-elected and the republicans clalt
nil three of the others , the legislature an
the Mate ticket.
orricin.s nut NOT vtrn
Cl < * \ I'lnnil unit Ollirrn Sprti
Klrittlon llu > \\itnliliiKtoii ,
WASHINGTON. Nov 3 An unusual prr
poitlon of government odlclals In tht > hlgho
olllces remnlned In Washington nnd did m
vote This list Included President Cleveland
land nnd Prlxnto. Secretary Thurber , vxh
xxcro nt the xxhlte house * most of tbo dnj
Secretaries Olney , Carlisle ( who lost his \ot
by n. technicality of the lav. ) and Mortoi
Solicitor General Holmes Conrad of Vli
glnla. Assistant Attorney General Thomai
Assistant Secretaries Hockhlll Dahiioy an
Sims nnd n number of bureau chiefs eom
ofhom , however , have lost their votes b
reason of long residence In Washlngtoi
Among those who did vote were SiHretarlc
Piancls. Herbert and Lamont. Postmantr
General Wilson , Attorney General Hnrmoi
Assistant Attoruej General \Vhltne > y <
Nexx York. Assistant Secretary W W
of the State Department , Assistant Seert
tarles Hamlln. Curtis , and Wlkeof th
Treasurj department. Comptroller Kckeh
A slstant Secretaty Itcj Holds nnd Asslstnn
Attoinoy Llonbergcr and Lnnd Commlf
sloncr Limoroux of the Interior dcpirtnior
and Assistant Postmaetcr Generals Jouc ;
Cralgo and Maxwell. Aaslstnnt Secretar
McAdoo of the Navy department went t
New Jersey , but may find his right to vet
has been lost
I.O.MHIV is ivnv'.iiY Vvri5iiKt < rnii
V < M N1IIIMTH IlllllcCltl tllC Itl'NIlltH II
llrrclx-d from tin * I nlli-il Sliitei.
LONDON , Nov 3 Interest In Iho presl
dentlal election In the United States Is th
greatest ever known In thin country In
similar event The cltj pipeis are publlshln
columns of matter on the subject , and th
question la discussed in public places Som
Idea of tbo extraordinary Interest may b
gklncd from the fact that the London newt
papers aie preparing to bulletin the result
ot the balloting on receipt of the cable new
from the United States The feature e
business on the Stock exchange todaj wa
the btiojancy of Amerliaii securities In re
spouse to the American market The Glob
says "Rlexcn hundred millions sterling e
American securities nro held. " and contlmi
Ing. the Globe advises Investors to hoi
them , "even if llrjan Is elected"
PAItlS , Nox 3 The Trench newspaper
arc devoting much space to the prcsldentla
election In the United States The Gaulol
remarks ' In the financial world , McKln
ley's success Is no longer doubted , but xv
Europeans expect nothing from either can
< > ! \M2 11' I'l' ' n\UIV
\t tlii Nnllonnl Hrniliiniirlfrn Mr
ICInlo'M niiM-llon IN roiiiMMlcd.
CHICAGO. Nov 3 Karly In the da
telegrams began to arrtxo at tbo varlou
national hcadqunttcrs Ono to the repub
llcati he.idquaiters from John H MIluolUui
of Now York vxas "McKlnlej will carr ;
Noxv York City by n largo mijorlty. He
publican vote la pouring In at an unprccc
dented rate Weather perfect Absolut
conlldpiico here about Chliago' "
The replj was "Lirge vote polled. Low
silver leaders have given up hope The ;
are now trjlng to save Altgeld , but conced
state nnd county to McKlnley
C , 1) Stahlman , chairman of the stati
commltli'o , telegraphed from Tenncsseo
"Heaviest vote ever known In the state1
My ndx ices from all parts of the state an
that xxo xxlll carry Tenncsseo by 20,000 fo
McKlnley "
At tbo national democratic headquarter
J. K Jones , Jr , said "Wo absolutely havi
not iceolved nny Information , on the con
trary excrj * telegram 1ms been asking ui
for news " _ IS STHONii IN COI.OH MIO
llrj un's rlnmllly n Hundred Tlion.
Hiunl , lint SliiiiDlllrcrx In Donlit.
DHNVnil. Nov 3 The result of the elec
tion of state ofl'.cors Ls still In do ibt Ilrja i'i
plurality xxlll icach 110,000 in the state , am :
Congressman Shafroth , silver republican
and Hell , populist , are re-elected by 50.00C
to 00,000 each.
Returns from half the precincts In the cltj
Indicate that Ilalloy , populist silver candi
date for vovcrnor , vxlll have a small plurnlltj
in the city , but advices from the state Hhov\
that In many places Adams , democrat-silver-
republicnn candidate , has run far abend
No definite figures can be given on legis
lature , but the re-election of Senator Tellc-i
Is assured In nny overt , all panics excepl
the McKlnloy republicans having cndorset :
M.'Klnli-j's Miijoill > In dial SlnO V11
i\i-iM-ii rit < 'riioiiMiiiiii.
YANKTON , S I ) . , Nov. 3 ( Special Tele
gram ) Returns nro sloxx Chnlrmnn Klllott
of the republican committee Is sanguine
that his estimate of 8.000 foi McKlnloy vvlll
lie low It all depends upon the county pi e-
eincts The towns all glvo McKlnley good
majorities , but the county Is liable to re
duce the majority to 5.000 About all that
can be learned tonight vxlll be the result
on pioRldoi lal electors The ballots aio
so badly scratched that the count cannot
bo completed In some of thu huge pn-tlncts
before morning.
I.iirK ) ' Miijorllj for Siiiinil Xliuii-5 llr-
iMiriliMl In Oni > Solidn-rii sliid' .
llALTIMOIin , Mil Nox 3 Chairman Tal-
bott of the democratic central committee to
night conceded Marjland to the republicans ,
but xxould give no figures. Chairman Wel
lington of the republican eommltteo claims
the state for McKlnley by at least 30,000
majority , the city of naltlmoro by oxer 20-
000 and fixe congressmen out of six , with
the sixth as jet In doubt
IOWA SII\IH MnvsMI : : Mi'i'ui ) .
C'luTokoIInil ArrcNlcd on tlif Cliui'Kc
of llli'Kiil VolliiK.
CIinuOKni : , la. Nov -Special ( Tele-
Kram ) W Staloy was arrested hero today
for Illegal voting Ho vxas bound over to
the grand Jury , bond being fUcil at $500 , In
ilefault of which ho was committed to the
count } jail U Is saCd that Stalcy was the
Drst of a largo number of Illegal votera
ho wore to bo run In by the ullvorltes
Phclr little game xvas nipped In the bud ,
lioxxcxer , and the other members of the
-aiiR slunk an ay
lllH Mnjoillj III the Slnlc May Heiieli
to rifli-cn 'riioiiNiinil.
IlUTTn , Mont , Nov. 3 Bryan's majority
In the state may reach 15.000 Hartmnn ,
sllxor republican. U elected to congress by
from 8,000 to 10,000 over Goddard , regular
republican. The entire * democratic-populist
fusion state ticket Is elected , with the pos-
nlblo exception of associate juatlcu ot the
supreme court , treasurer and secretary of
Ilnurcr nii'cilrd In IOV > M.
CASBY , la. . Nov. J ( Special Tclegram. )
[ ncompluto returns from Adalr county Indi
cate * that McKlnley and Hftger's majority
ivlll bo nearly COO , Returns from Guthrlu
county shows tliut McKlnley will carry
Clutlirlo county by 00. Hagor ran oven with
the head of the ticket. A foxv returns from
nther counties In JUtrlcto Indicate that the
ropubllcaiiB xvlll carry every county In the
illstrlct , and tlia1. Haeer'n plurality will bo
over 4,000.
fronllmirsl from Flrntl'nge ) A *
elnctn In 1S1I gnve Mnjors , rep , 779 , Hoi-
comb , fUNlon , RIO.
In tint Sixth ward tlvo | ireclnrt > , \ $
MoKlnli-y. 801. 6M2 The sime- [
clnclx In IVll tr\\v Mnjorn 730 ami II . ]
comb 101
In thu HindiIM ward two prccliii t < i , .
McKlnley 400. Ilrjnn l t The
clnct * In 1S.9I KRVO Majors , 34 ,
In tlu > CiKhth wird two prcclncls gi\o Me.
Klnley. 30" . , Ilrjnn. 213. The nnme pre-
elncts In IS'H ' ga\o Mnjors. 2V ) , MoKoinb.
In the Ninth wnrd three precincts gixo
MeKlnley , 111 , Ilrjnn. 292 The snmc prc-
clui'ts In IS'14 gn\e Majors , 413 , lloliomb
At 2 o'clock this morning the Note on the
presidential candidates had been eompletiM
In Rcxcntv-ono of the seentjslprmlmt
In the city of Omahn These preclm-ls gl\e
MeKlnley. 017S , Hrjnii. s 005 , n net cilu
of 127 oxer the \oto for Majors , lepul'llcan
nomltiiH' for governor In 1S94 Plfteeu of
the counlrj precincts R\O | McKlnlej 1 507
llrjan. 1 Vi7 , a gain of 46 over the \ to of
Tlio democratic central eommltteo con-
ceiles that McKlnley Ins carried Douglas
coiintj bj , i majorltv all the way from 1 2' ' > eli
li > 1 500 Tim democra'le ' committee al o
concedes the election or Mercer , lepubllun
eandldato for oongre w , by a plurality ot
1 000 oxer Dullle fu.-don
notoi.vs ecu \ vrun M'iciM.m ,
Ncurt ) 1,00(1 ( IMitrnllM for ( InItepuli -
llcnii I'll ilillillllr ,
lie-low Is gl\cn the detailed xoto of Doug
las county on president , bj wards and pre
cincts , with the exception of elexon pie-
clncts ml'-alng , nnmelj One In the Third
wnrd two In the KlRhlh xxard. four In
South Omaha nnd four In the countrj Thu
totals show that the plurality of Mi Klnley
oxer llrjan In Douglas count } will hi oxer
800 and maj run up close to 1000 The
missing precincts ought to balance one an
other :
iMiisimNT. :
Plrstnrd. .
Total l.KO 743 1,110 7S3
Pifth xx.ird :
I 011)1) ,
Precinct McKlnloy. Ilrvin 1"M 1S.II
Plrst . Ill 131 12) ) 121
Second . 18 03 111 121n
Thlnl . 12s 110 121 im
Pourth . 101 112h2 121V7 inSO
Fifth . 1 3 h2 * SO
Sixth . 10) ) 12 > ! 112 SI
Soxenth . SO 111 SIU7
Total 7C7
SKtli xx-ard :
Mnjorn , < 01 b
Precinct. McKlnley. Ilryau 1K.M
Plrst 1TJ 116 1.U )
Second bs. l7 !
Third 210 112 201
Pourth 91 ill SS
l'Alfth 10X 124 140
sixth no ! riT 133
Siixcnth 83 T SI
niRhth 22S 192 211 no
Ninth 177 Ui 141 IS
Tenth 107 39 13S i
iiexenth 10S 140 111 ' 2
Total 1,009 1,200 1,400 91H
Sexenth xxard :
Majors. < onili ,
Precinct. Clnloy llrj'.in ivi ) i 'ii
Plrst . . 172 109 111 VI
Second . 2.H SO I'M
Third . 170 ll'l 10U ' ' 2
Pourtll . 119 VA 1 1 I" )
Plfth . IIS VAM ) 121 il
Sixth . 149 7S 121 ; 01
Total CJ9 S3S 471
KlghthMird :
Mnjors inili.
Precinct JIoKlnloj' . nij'nii Ml
Second ir.7 12J 111
Third Ill 120 ' 7
Pourth 102 SI 7S
Fifth \n \ ) 115 111 nl
Sixth ri S7 111
Seventh 10S 115 101 us
Ul us
'lotals Sl ! CS3 1.UI3
Ninth xxaid-
Pieclnct MuKlnloj' .
Plriu 97
Sfionil HH
Thlnl IK )
Pourth Ill
Plfth ln
Sixth 170
Totals 979 771 ll
ArC InnSitjill UI-JOIM-H | I hit I Siiinn
Mnli'H ( in for Hij mi.
I1ATII , Mo. . Nov. 3 Artlnn Smxall , Utm-
aciatlcro [ piesldentlal candlditc , was In-
tcrx lowed by an Associated press repnscnt-
itlxe. Said hoVe xvlll be under a gov
ernment u/ntroHcd by sjiidlcatcH foi inn
next four ycais , aa xxell aa bj Injiinclioii.
Mr Hrjan retehed HO electoral xotM
wlilch uliows there aie omo honest mtn la
Iho countrj "
ni-iiiiu-iiidit ( inliiN lii I'Oih.
SALT LAKi : CUT , Nov. -Meager ro-
Uirns recolxed HIOW Lugo democratic gains.
Iho chairman of the dunocratlc Kioto tcn-
iral cominllleo claims that King dcm for
-ongrtsii , Is clootod by 11,000 majority and
: hat the democrats haxo tarried forty-Mvo
.o Hl\ty-thrco niLinbura of the RglMlaturo
i ! Tfie MA Hcino
Is ( lie \m \ M8d0ine ! (
The only medal awarded to
unrsapatrilla nt the World'n 1'nir ,
1093 , at Chicago , was n warded to