Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Complete Bjstcm for Collecting nn < l Dis
tributing the News.
IliiIIHla * Will Ilr llcrclvrd In Many
I'lniTN In DM'll > Thr llr < - Will
Keep the lVoil | ! Informed
of DIP Ill-null.
It Is rlouhtfnl If ono out of a hundred of
the pcoplo who will throng Ihe streets nnd
public resorts tonight lovnlt for Iho
resull of the count hnve any Idea of the
nmoimt of work Involved In secur
ing the Information contained In
the bulletins which the wires will
constantly cnrry to them. Aside
from the systems organized by the various
newspapers to rolled the returns nnd pet
them before Ihe public nt the earliest pos-
ululit moment , the MR telegraph companies
have complete sjstems which cover every
clecuon precinct In Ihc Unllcd States. This
year more attention Is centered on N'ebraskn
than ever before , and the \Vcslern Union
Telegraph rotnpany has organized Ihe most
complete system that H has ever had In
this state. Omaha Is the cenlrnl point for
Nebraska , nnd for the past three weeks
Manager Urnated of the local ofilce has
been working almost night and day to per
fect the Bystem by which Iho results of the
count In this state are lo be exchanged for
the latest bulletins from other parts of the
country. The Western Union company has
requested the stnto committees of nil the
political parties to unite In n request that
each election board ehall count the vote on
prealilcnllal electors , governor nnd congress
men first. As fast as the results nre known
In each precinct Ihey will bo wired lo the
Omaha headquarters. Here n force of
opcratoro will be waiting to take the re.
turns nnd tabulate them , after which the
bulk-tins will bo distributed In Omaha and
pent out over scwrs of wires to other polnls.
Krequcnt comparisons will be made with the
vote for governor In 1SDI. Tills vote Is taktn
ns a basis because there was fusion be
tween the democrats nnd populists In that
year anil the comparison Is more batlsfnctory
than If Iho figures of Ihu previous prcsl-
ilenllal election were used. The bulletins
go fn-m Onmhn dlrcdly lo Ihe central ofllco
at rhlcngo , which Is Ihe dlslrlbullng point
for the western country. There Is n similar
arrangement In every slalo nnd lerrllory In
the. United Stales , nnd n small nrmy of
operators and nicraongur boyn are employed
to furnish the service. On election night
the Western Union company will have 130
t-xpert operators al work In Omaha alone.
Highly of them will be nt wcrk In the
cenlral ofilce anil fifty more will bo dis
tributed over the city. Nrwrly forty special
wires have been put In to carry the bulletlnf
to the local clubs , hotels nnd other resorts.
The service will bo given to all Iho com
mittees of the various parties. The local
Sln-lnera will receive the rot 111113 In Masonic
lemple , and Incidentally they will enjoy n
nodal session Ihnl will make Iho tlmo pass
ngrceably. The full returns will also be
delivered by special wire In the Young
Men's Christian Association building. The
Omaha Church Choral society will receive
Ihe relurns In Ihe auditorium , and facilities
will be provided for the convenience of all
Iho members of Iho association. The wires
have also been run to the Omaha club.
Hlks' club. Metropolitan club , Omaha Whlsi
club , the Omaha Turnvcrcln. the thealers ,
Mauer's. Schlltz'n and Iho Vienna restau
rants , Frank Handle's cigar store. Uobcrt-
BOH'S cigar store , all the hotels. the prom
inent saloons and several cnlcrprlslng drug
To transmit the returns from Omaha
there will bo one and sometimes two wires
exclusively reserved on every railroad line
running out of the city. Thrso
are exclusively for hullellns. as Ihc
press specials will be sent on oilier wires.
Moat of the large commercial concerns will
also receive returns over the Uiroueh cir
Throe full circuits will be exclusively
used for receiving the returns from the
ensl. These will employ four operators at
the Omaha end. The messages arc laltcn
on manifold wllh typewriter- , each operator
making fifteen copies. Thcso copies are
then distributed over tlio various circuits
All offices will be kept open until at least
3 o clock In the morning , nnd with the ar
rangements that have been made It Is ex
pected thai by lhat time it will be known
now the stale has gone ou clectora , governor
and congressmen.
The bullcllns will be read from the st jfec
In bolh IhentcrH. and Ihe girls In pink llghls
and iho comedians wllh spoclalllcs Jim
out of Ihe box will he compelled lo yield
now and Ihcn lo the greater Interest In the
actors on the political stage.
The telephone company will assist mate
rially In telling the public how the battle has.
gone. It will receive copies of the bulletins
wh ch come over the Western Union wires
and the gst | of these will bo communicated
from the central station to all the subscrib
ers. Then the
out-of-town olllces will
keep the Omaha ofllco supplied wllh nil
the Information that comes to them , and
Omaha subscribers will also receive the
benelll. As If would be manifestly Impos
sible to call up each subscriber to inform
him of the bulletins , the various circuits
will be grouped , and the message will ihus
bo transmitted to a largo number of private
telephones nt ono tlmo. The luekv In
dividual who has a telephone In his ires -
dcnce. will thus bo able to get n fairly
arm chair" SCrV'CO ' wllhout IcnvluB - '
' / Al'10 ? ' , the Ircl'ar ' tlons thus afforded
Information of the public the IICWH-
papera will afford every facility for the dis
semination of the news. Kvory bulletin
that cornea over the Western Union wires Is
also received at The llee oftlce ,
and this Is In the special dispatches from lie"
correspondents In every county seat In this
and adjoining stales , lleglnnlng as soon as
the first bulletins are received The Dee will
nhow the returns with a stereopilcon on an
Immense screen thnt will bo hung on the
west side of the New York LlfeVlldlm
kver bulletin of Importance will bo thrown ;
on the canvas as noon as It Is received and
the pcoplo in iho street will bo kept In touch
with the Intent
development ! ! in every nart
of the country. Thla year The Dee has the
most complete tyilun ever organized In this
stnto for bocurlug the returns from each pro-
duel al Iho rnrlloxt possible moment. The
vote on presidential electors will bo wired
first by the correspondents , then the vole
ou governor , nnd then thai of the candidates
for congress In the various districts This
will probably be nil that tan bo secured
Tueiduy night. Many of the counly seats
nro distant from the telegraph olllceu and
ai ustml the returns from some points will
be delayed. Hut It U expected that the result
can bo estimated In round numbers before
midnight on electors anil
soon after on gov-
etnor nnd congressmen.
\ulnrlfN to StviMir In V it T .
Thn mayor has appointed L.'I. Abbott nnd
John 'W. Parish ns notaries to bo present
In the clly clerk's oillee today to swear
Highest Honors World's Fair.
A pura Crape Cream of Powder. Free
fioin Ammonia , Alum or any other aduttciant.
40 Years the Standard ,
In Voters who have not registered. They
will be In the ofilce from the time of the
opening of the polls until they arc closed.
The city authorities have rent out notices
to nil judged nnd clerks of election requesting -
questing them to be on hand promptly In
the morning , that there may be no delay In
opening the polls ,
Ii-Nicrnlc | Tm'llc'H Adopted liy 1'roc
Silver MniiniriTN.
An WM anticipate , the free silver party
during the last days of the campaign has
been dally setting afloat roorbacks which
It was hoped would not be contradicted
for lack of time. The local foko mill has
been especially active In circulating these
stories of ir representation. It has devel
oped that the objects have been two In
number. The lesser one was to gain voters
for the popocratlc candidate by the misrep
resentation. The greater ono was to cover
up under the cry of fraud the most dis
graceful policy of Intimidation that has
marked the campaign , In order to keep
republicans away from the poll * .
This policy , which was Inaugurated last
Saturday , was to work upon the minds of
the republican foreign voters with throats
that tlity would bo arrested If they at-
lemplcd to cast their ballots en election day.
It has been found that only such foreign re
publicans as were not well acquainted with
the election laws of the country were approached
preached In this manner. A number of ca es
have been retried lo the sound money
committees which have Ihc local campaign
In charge. The worst case which has been
brought to the attention tf the committees
was that of C. John Oyllenflyght , , a Swede
residing at 1411 Jones street , who Is n
tailor. Oyllenllyght has been In this country
for year * nnd has lwcn the posscnsor of
naturalization papers which are dated years
back. He has never taken much Intcresl
In national polities until this year , when he
was convinced that his Inlcrcsts were being
threatened by the free silver craze. There
fore , despite the fact that he has been a
democrat as long ns ho has been In this
country , ho has signified his Intention of
this year voting for McKinley.
Gyllenflyrjlit was approached on last Sat
urday night by two Swedish free sllvcrltcs.
They Informed him llmt if ho tried to vote
on election day ho would be arrested. More
over , they stated that his registration had
been Illegal nnd that ho was liable to arrest
on that account. They left him with the
Intimation that If he attempted to east his
ballot on election day he would bop roso-
cillcd at once. These threats had their ef
fect. Oyllenflyght was not acquainted with
the election laws , and although he had his
naturalization papers , he believed that ho
had already In some manner become gullly
of some offense. When ho was brought Into
the headquarters of the republican com-
mlttco ho was In lears , believing that he
was likely to bo arrested at any moment.
QyllenllyRht told his story , and the com
mittee at once todk steps to discover who
the two lying free sllvcrllcs were. ( Jyllen-
flyght did not know their names .although he
doeB know that they were Swedes. It Is
believed that the free silver committee haa
hired them to threaten McKinley voters who
are not thoroughly conversant with the elec
tion laws. In order to In this manner cut
down the republican majority , because other
similar cases of intimidation have been re-
porled. If the guilty parties can bo dis
covered they will be prosecuted.
This policy of misrepresentation has been
pursued not only among the Swedes , but
among other nationalities also. It bore a
slightly different face among the Italians.
.Most of this nationality In the city , In fact
practically nil of them , will vole for Mc-
Klnlcy tomorrow. On Saturday there were
numbers who had not registered. Tills was
the class which was approached. Krec
silver hirelings eamo to them and told
them that It was not necessary for them to
leave their business an Saturday , n busy
day , to register , because Monday was an
other registration day. Fortunately In the
majority of cases the men learned dif
ferently from their fellow countrymen and
registered. Ncverlhelcss a few were prac
tically disfranchised , but the republican
committee is preparing to undo the damage
by learning the names of such and havfng
their votes sworn In on election day.
Siniiiil Money I.rmlcrN Tall ln\vii tlir
I''r i Sllvi'r OrjiKii.
OMAHA , Nov. 2.--To the IMItor of The
Dee : The Saturday evening World-Herald
contained what purported to bo a letter
Ifisueil by this league addressed to a citizen
of Omaha and asking him to call on Alfred
Mlllard with reference to the sound money
campaign In this city. The letter pur
ported to bo signed by mias chairman of
( ho executive committee of this league. The
letter was not genuine , had never been
signed by mo nor sent out by any member
of this committee. I at once denied the
authenticity of the letter and published my
denial. This morning , because other copies
of the eamo letter have turned up , the
World-Herald rcitciates its assertion that
the letter was sent out by this league. I
deslro to state through the columns of
your paper that the letter Is not genuine.
I do not know whether It was n joke or a
fake or the over-zealous act of some one
working for sound money. The World-
Herald makes the positive ( insertion that
those who received the letters anil presented
them lo Mlllard received money. That
statement so made by the World-Herald
was knowingly and deliberately falso.
Chairman Executive Committee.
Mercer Itcpllcn ( o tin *
.South Oniiiliu Oluli.
WASHINGTON. D. C. , Oct. 27. J. II.
Erlon , Esq. , South Omaha , Neb. Dear Sir :
I received your telegram In behalf of the
Union Veteran club and It touched mo very
Impressively. I have BO many friends In
South Omala. and they have always been
so loyal and so steadfas tin their support
of me , that I fear sometimes that I overdo
the matter In again soliciting their suffrage- .
I have always taken a great Interest In
that young , enterprising city and whenever
the opporlunlty IB presented I turn condi
tions to her account. It has afforded me
much pleasure In the past to bo of service
to the people of South Omaha and I believe
llmt In the future * , as a public servant , I can
render them additional service. It Is un
fortunate Hint my.vlfe'K Illness should have
happened at this time , but , as you know , we
are not the arbiters of such happening
and must accept the situation In a phil
osophic manner.
Thanking you and my other friends for
your support. I am. 1UI. MKHUHK.
I'uplU of the Holux.lM Will Cunt Tlii-lr
Whllo the men nre busily engaged In
electing a president today the children In
the public schools of the city will bo per
forming the ramo ofilce on n smaller t.calc.
While the votes cast by the children may
not change the- result , the practice of hav
ing an election In the schools Li encouraged
by the heads or the department. It Is as
sumed thai the ability to vote Intelligently
Is an essential feature of education , and to
day the * school children will have an
hour's amusement and nt the name time bo
mndo familiar with the workings of the
Australian ballot system. The pupils have
already registered and today they will
vote In exactly the same manner ns their
elders are voting. Thcro will be an election
board In each room nnd the votes will be
ca t nnd counted In accmlnnce with the
regular proceeding. As a preliminary the
children will be given a short explanation
of the ballot laws , and when the day Is
over every child will know exactly how the
system workn. _
lllktrlll-tlOIIN tO rillTBUlCMTll VllllTH.
In spite of the exceptionally heavy regis
tration In Omaha It Is likely that there will
bo nwtiy citizens who have not been able
to register on trcnimt of abvonco from the
city. Any om who has for any rcaaon been
prevented from rcgUtcrlns may vote by ob
taining a certificate from the city clerk.
The voter must apply at the clerk's ofllco
and bo accompanied by two rccldunt free
holders of hie precinct who uro prepared
to support his ( K'oUratlon that ho IH entitled
to vote In that precinct. 't'ho city clerk
will then provide him with a curtlllcalo
which will entitle him to vole as tbouch
his iiatr.B was on the rcgUtrctloti ) ht.
For hoarieufta , aaro throat and cough
tike Ur. Uuir CouU Brrup , th ipeelllc
( or AffecUous of. tU ; thre&t and olicst ,
Election Boards Manipulated for tlio Benefit
of the 811vorit03 ,
t'u INC MnrliliiK of ItitlliilN , Sill III UK of
Iliillol llovrn mill MMMIIIII | | f the
VulCM CtiKt All on tinPro -
ArrnitKiMl P
From persons whoso reliability cannot he
called In question It Is learned that
a plot has been concocted In South
Omaha to perpetrate wholesale election
frauds , through false marking of ballots ,
stufTlng of ballot boxes nnd a prearranged
miscount of the votes. The Instigators nnd
prime movers In this arc certain keep
ers of South Omahn gambling houses ,
which are being operated under the
protection of Mayor Ensor and other
city ofllclals , who arc reputed to
be sharing In the pioflts of the keepers of
unlawful resorts. The election machinery ,
being all In Iho hands of Iho mayor nnd
council , Ihe election boards are packed with
men ready lo do their bidding.
It also trnnsplrcfl that the money for al
most all the bets on Hryan's election madp
In Omntu has como from Iho South Omnhn
gamblers , who are also notoriously In col
lusion with men who formerly were per
mitted to run gambling rooms In this city.
It Is also reported In this connecllon that
$ IiflO has been raised nnd paid to South
Omaha city ofllclals as an Inducement to
perpctrato these frauds.
South Omaha has been nolcd for flagrant
violation of the election law. nnd the fact
that heretofore the perjured and bribed
election otllccra nnd their co-workers have
not been prosecuted has doubtless en
couraged the plot that has been set on foot
to rcvcrso the honest verdict of the voters.
The great majority of the citizens of South
Omaha are lawnbldlng people , and It be
hooves them to sco lo It that proper protec
tion Is given to Insure an honest ballot and
a fair count.
Inasmuch ns the South Omaha police can
not bo depended on to do their work. It In
comes the duty of the sheriff of Douglas
county to dotall n sufllclcnt number of
deputies to protect voters In their rights
and nrrcst nil parties who undertake lo
obstruct the election or attempt nny viola
tion of the election laws Inside or outside
of the election booths.
I'oimrriitlc .Mininut-rw Tarry Uio Cain-
lialKM of Intimidation ( o i\frrinr.
The extreme to which the free silver
forces have been driven to cut down McKln-
ley's majority In this city was exhibited ycs-
lerday afternoon , when Lee Herdman of the
popocratlc state committee filed complaints
against republican voters , Bomo of them
well known citizens In the city , charging
them with Illegal rcglstrnllon.
The men lo bo arrested are as follows , to-
gethcr with the precincts In which they
registered : Sol Prince , Fourth precinct of
the Third ward ; Charles F. Tuttle , Fourth
precinct of the Third ward ; Jacob I.androck.
Sixth precinct of the Second : John Adams ,
Third precinct of the Third ; I'cter Ilclchert.
Fourth precinct of the Third ; H. E. Oakley ,
First ward ; G. W. Krcncmcyer , Fourth
precinct of the Third ward ; Albert Wind-
helm , Third precinct of Iho Third ; \V. C.
I.eslcr. Third of the Third ; Nick Trencrey.
Third ward.
Tlieso complaints were drawn up within
the confines of the headquarters of the pope
cratlc committee nnd were not presented to
the county atlorney for Inspection. As a
matter of fact a time was chosen for filing
them when It was known that the county
attorney would not bo present In police
It has been the habit of Police Judge
Gordon to refer complaints of every
charactc'r during the daytlmo to either the
city prosecutor or the counly attorney. In
this Instance , however , the police judge
Allowed them lo bo filed before the county
attorney was able to Inspect them or In-
qulro Into the circumstances. Police Judge
Gordon has for some tlmo past been an
outspoken advocate of free silver.
H Is charged that the men have violated
the election laws In varjous ways. Some
of them are said to have resided In the
stale less than the time required by law ;
other are accused of not being residents
In the precincts In which they registered.
As a mailer of fact In all the cases thai
have so far been investigated by the repub
lican committees thcro Is not the slightest
foundation for any prosecution.
It Is believed that It Is not the Intention
of the democratic committee to prosecute
the cases. As a matler of fact It may be
said that this Instance Is but another of
bluff , a scheme on Ihe- part of Iho popo-
cratlc eommllleo lo cover up Us own dis
graceful attempts at ballot box stuffing by
accusing republicans of the attempt. Chair
man John Lewis of the republican county
committee Is of this opinion. Ho bases this
belief on evidence he has In his possession
that Iho popocrals In a number of Iho wards
have stuffed the registration books with
Illegal voters. Chairman Lowls has now In
his desk the names of 200 or more Hryan
men who were Illegally registered. Chair
man Lewis , however , has not uncovered his
hand as the popocrats have done. On the
other hand he has kept quiet , but ho will
get In his work today. Challengers In Ihe
various wards have been given the names
of the Illegal voters and they have been
Instructed to ' cause their arrest If they
atlempt to 'vote. It la the Intention to
prosecute such lo the fullest extent of the
! aw.
That Ihero Is nothing In this latest blufl
of the popocrats Is evidenced from Ihc
fact that the names chosen are those of
well known republicans , Iho majority of
whom have lived and voted In this city for
years past.
i > ui < : i Aui\r : roil . -run KI.KCTIOX.
lllNtrilHIollN iNNIHMl ( O tillJllcltfCN II III !
Yesterday Mayor Droatch Issued the
following proclamation , relative to countIng -
Ing the vote : To All Judges and
Clerks of Election : In order to
Insure uniformity In the counting
of votes and to secure results In the ahoricst
possible time all election boards In the city
of Omnbn nre hereby requested count the
ballots In the following order ; and ns the
result Is asccrtalnc-d In each case , to give
the Information to the public :
First Presidentlil : electors.
Second Congressmen.
Third Governor.
Fourth Coiinellmen.
And , thereafter. In the regular order. "
IN .Still In ( InIt lire.
OMAHA. Nov. 2. To the Kdltor of The
Bco : Having heard that there nro many
friends who have been lold lhat I nm not
In the race for councilman In the Eighth
ward , I take this means of letlliu ; them
know lhat I am still In the race , and with
the help of my friends shall bo the next
councilman from the Eighth ward. I will
stale further I am not In the rnce In the
Interest of any ono but myself and have
not received a dollar from any person or
corporation to make the race or to with ,
draw , and believing that all the democrats
and popullsls will stay by the ticket , and
hoping my many republican friends will
glvo mo their support tomorrow at the
polls for good government , I remain.
Colored VoterH Are l.nynl.
OMAHA , Nov. 2. To the Editor of The
Dee : H has been whispered In certain
quarters that the colored pcoplo are not
going to support the entire republican
Allow mo to assure you that such osscr-
tlon ur Impression la absolutely without
foundation. On the contrary , It can bo mi-
thorltiitlvely stated that with the possible
exception of a "baker's dozen" of dis
gruntled colored voters , our voting popula
tion Intend lo support the republican ticket
from top to bottom , The colored pcoplo
for thirty year * have exercised a scrupulous
fealty to the republican party , and wo rcc-
o.nlzo that this Is u highly Inopportune
jaocieat to withdraw yur support , la part
or Ir. whole , from Uib grand old party on
account of the petty \xrlcvnnccs of one or
two persons. We nrr for McKinley , Mercer ,
MncColl and the entlro republican ticket.
C ( i.\j 'run I'MrTiiVAiin. .
Vnlprw ItrKlftfrnrrf from
\Vlilcli IIooKol HxlHt.
The Fifth ward ppors to have received
especial Httentloni In the colonization
schemes of the popncrats , particularly that
portion of Seventeenth from Nicholas to
Grace. Among the- names registered by the
popocratlc workers from that section nre
ecvcrnl who give their residences nt num
bers which nre distinguished by n vacancy
so far as houses are concerned. The chal
lengers will bo Instructed to keep n sharp
lookout , and when the persons giving the
names from these fictitious numbers come
up to vote they will be promptly arrested.
Among the many caaeo of this kind which
have been traced out In this ward are the
following : W. II. Adams. 1131 North Sev
enteenth ; this place has been vacant t > lx
months. Thomas Kennedy and Joseph Ken
nedy nro registered from IGlfi ; this place has
been vacant for three months. IMt Nonnan
Is registered from 1549 , but there Is no mich
person living at that place. Dennis Keller
purports In live nt 1012. when In fact tlu-re
Is no such number on the street. Frank
Kasncy and P. M. Mortenson are down on
the boo s ns living at 1C10 , but there Is no
such number on the street.
These * are only a few of the Inslances that
have boon discovered by the republican com-
mlllee , but It docs not propose to allow the
popocrats to profit by any auch tactics If It
la possible to prevent It , and steps have
been taken lo checkmate thcso barefaced
efforts at fra"'J.
lOxtrit ( iiuirilliiiiM of ( lie Peace to Ilr
on Duty.
In response to a notice Issued by Mayor
Droatch , n crowd of ablebodlod clltzens ap
peared nt the city hall yesterday morning to
bo examined as to their qualifications for duty
as special policemen on election day. They
were examined by the chief of police nnd
the names of the eligible ones were handed
to Iho mayor. At Ihe mcollng of the Fire
nnd Police commission last evening llicro
were about thirty men appointed for duty
today , and they will bo assigned by Chief
With the thirty-five appointed a week
ngo for duty nt the boc'lis Uie mayor
thinks there will be no difficulty In pre
serving order. The new men will bo de
tailed for duty In the residence dlslrlcls
nnd the regular force will bo kept within
reach In case of any serious disturbance.
SlniiilH 1 > \ Fraternal COIIIIIIIII | < N.
Frank Uurman , ono of the republican can
didates for the legislature , has taken an
emphatic stand on the question of fraternal
Insurance In n letter which ho has nd-
dressed to the Protective league In answer
to questions lhat were propounded to him.
Ho stated that ho would resist by all means
In his power nny and all attempts In the
coming legislature to change the existing
laws nnd would submit to the league n
copy of any legislation that was detrimental
to fraternal Insurance. As a guaranty of
good fnllh Mr. Ilurnmn Informed the league
that ho Is n member of four secret societies.
all the Insurance he cnrrles being of thnt
class , nnd that ho has assisted In the or
ganization of a number of secret soclcly
lodges. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Can it ii I lie i\rellcil. :
FUIENI ) , Neb. , Ocl. 6 , 1S9G. Charlra Ilcd-
mnn of this place wrllcs the following
voluntary statement : "We hnve tnkcn
Hold's Pills with good results for biliousness
nnd a bad tnstc In the mouth , and we be-
llovo they cannot bo excelled , " Charles Red
man ,
Hood's Pills become the favorite cathartic
with every ono who tries them.
Comfort to California.
Every Thursday morning n tourist sleep
ing car for Salt Lake. City , San Francisco
and Los Angeles leaved Omaha via thp Itur-
llngton Haute.
It Is carpeted ; upholstered In rattan ; has
tprlng seats and backs and la provided with
curtains , bedding , towels , soap , etc. An
experienced sxcurslon conductor ami a uni
formed Pullman porter accompany It
through to the Pacific coast.
Whllo neither as expensively finished nor
as fine to look at as a palace sleeper. It Is
just as good to ride In. Second class
tickets are honored , and the prlco of u
berth , wide enough and big enough for two ,
Is only J5.
For a folder giving full particulars call
at Ihc city ticket office , 1502 Farnam street ,
or write lo J. Francis , general passenger
agent , Omaha , Neb.
Klccllon bulletins will bo received at
Iho Mlllard hotel rotunda tonight.
Atlfllf loll , DrpoNllorH.
There will bo a special meeting Wednes
day night at S o'clock. Gcrmanla hall In
the interest of all depositors of Ihc Ger
man Savings bank.
Sprc'lnl Klfotlmi Aiiiioiiiiccnit'iit.
In order lo gl.-o everybody an opportunity
to vote , "Tho nig Sloro" will be closed until
9:30 : n. m. Tuesday. HAYDEN 11HOS.
J. C. Itltchli ; Sfrlonxly , If Not Fatally ,
llljnrcil ,
J. C. nitchlo of 1510 Soulh Twenty-fifth
street was struck by the South Omaha dummy
at Twenty-fourth street yesterday morning nt
C:40 : o'clock nnd was very severely Injured.
The phyelclans In attendance found that he
was hurt Internally In addition to external
bruises and are unprepared to say whether
or not ho will live.
Hltchlc , with a party of workfngmen , was
standing at the Twenty-fourth street cross
ing , , waiting for the dummy , which carries
them every morning to South Omaha , their
place of employment. The group was stand
ing on Iho Iracka In conversation when a
Milwaukee train approached from the west.
All the party except Ritchie and another
moved away to one side out of danger , but
those two stepped directly In front of Ihe
dummy , which was coming from Iho oilier
Hltchlp wag lruck by Ihe cowcatcher and
was throtfn to one side. Spectators stale
lhat It was a mlraclo that he was not killed
outright. Ho was picked up unconscious and
some of his friends , believing that ho was
dead , summoned the coroner. Deforo Iho ar
rival of that official 'physicians ' were called
and nitchle was convoyed to his homo In the
Union Pacific ambulance.
lUtchlo'fl companion'- ' who was standing by
hit side whenthe , accident occurred , saw the
dummy In tlmo to get out of danger.
Teller , eczema and all similar skin
troubles are cured' by the use of De-Witt's
Witch Hazel Salve.-Ut soothes at once , and
restores the tissues to their natural cor.- and never fail * lo euro Dllet.
Clirnii HatcK. > ov. 'Ill ,
Via the Uurllngton rUoule to points south
and west Arkansos.TToxas , Nebraska , Colorado
rado , Utah , WyomltiB , etc.
Ono faro for Ihe round Irlp. plus $2.
Call at ticket ofllif , 1H02 Farnam atrcct ,
nnd get full Information.
nii.ix < iii\T ; TJVX : HAI.H IIKCI.VS.
I'Viv llnyt-rN fnnlliu IiiinilN anil I.olH
The county treasurer opened the delin
quent tax sale yesterday morning , offering for
sale the long list of property In this county
onhlnh taxes have become delinquent.
There was no rush of purchasers and , In
fact , there were no more- persons In the
treasurer's ofllco than are usually thcro
In the ordinary run of business. The sale
commenced at 1) ) o'clock. George Anthes con
ducting the auction. He read off a long list
of lands in thu county outuldo the city ,
but found only one buyer. This Individual
was Iho agent of the owner of a mortgage
on the property. The property was a plecu
of farm land containing ICO acres , lying In
tha wcitorn part of the county. The taxes
amounted to $13.31. and these wt > ro paid by
the holdur of the mortgage. The sale wan
continued for about in hour , and was then
adjourned until this morning. It will
bo continued from day lo day until the Ha1
has been gene through with.
For Ilronchlul. Authmutlo and Pulmonary
Complaints. "Urown's Ilronchlal Troches"
have remarkable curative prouertk-u. Bold
only in boxes.
B. R , Kitchie of the Northwestern Gets a
Promotion ,
( ! < ! ! < rut AKi-nt oT \ortlnvoMlrrtt
In TlilM City OOI-N Went to Look
ATI or lloiul'H I'lixxoiiKor anil
Ilobert II. Ultchle. for the past seven years
general ngent of the Northwester's freight
nnd passenger department ! * In this city
will on November 15 take charge of the
San Francisco office of the snmo road , with
jurisdiction of Iho freight nnd passenger
business of Iho entlro Pacific coast. Ills
successor hero has not yet been named
but he wll" be an atlache of Iho North-
western's headquarters In Chicago. Mr.
Hltchlc was In at headquarters yesterdaj
completing arrangements for Ihc change
and will return this morning.
The Northwestern has heretofore main
tained a freight and a passenger department
In San Francisco , but the management has
recently decided to consolidate the two
offices. In looking around for an official
competent to assume charge of the two de-
parliupnls Iho management found no repre
sentative of the Northwestern better quali
fied to fill the joint position than H. U.
Hltchlc. He was the first man to be offered
the place , and after some consideration ol
the proxisltlon | , decided lo accept It. In
addition to the San Francisco olllcc , hi
will hnve Iho freight and passenger olllces
of Portland and Los Angeles under his
Jurisdiction. In San Francisco ho will
succeed W. II. Hamilton , general agent In
the freight department , and C. E. Hray ,
general ngent In the passenger department.
There will bo general regret among Omaha
railroaders and shippers at Mr. Ritchie's
departure , for ho has made a host of friends
for himself while here. All his friends
however , are glad thnt he has received
what they regard ns a well earned promo
tion. During the seven years that he
has been utalloned In Omaha he has Im
proved both tin- freight and passenger traffic
of his road and the extent of his jurisdic
tion , which at first Included only Kansas
and Nebraska , has been gradually en
larged. Only Ihls year Mr. Ultchle was
given jurisdiction over all Northwestern live
stock business originating on the Union
Pacific system.
Mr. Ritchie was born In Wisconsin In
March , 1857. Ho began railroading nt the
ago of 17 years , with the St. Paul & Pacific ,
row the Great Northern , at Anoka. Minn.
Ho was a telegraph cperalor Ihcre , bill was
promoted within a > car. Ho accepted n
better position nt Wlnont , M mi. . In 187i. nnl
from then until 1SS9 served In vnrlo-is
capacities nt different points on the North
western , among them belnrj DCS Molnos ,
Clinton and Oltumwa. in Iowa.
Hnllttay .Noti-H anil I'l-rscinnls.
TravcllUK Passenger Agent Uarrctt of tin
Mexican National Is In the city.
The railroad weather reports ycstorda *
morning showed thai considerable snow fcl
In Iho western part of the state and In Wyo
mlng Sunday.
General Solicitor Mandcrson of the II. fi.
M. hns returned from a trip to Kearney
Aurora nnd Hastings , at which points he
addressed largo < ound money rallies. He
Is confident that McKinley will carrj
Yesterday was the time when the advance
In western freight rates became effective
In the excitement of election , however , the
freight Irafllc has como almost lo a stand
still , nnd Iho effect of fhc raise will not be
appreciated for a few days yet.
The reports of the I ) . & M. wreck rccclvei
at local headquarters confirm the special dis
patches to The lieo In every detail. It Is
generally regreltod that the affair happencc
at all , but as long as It did occur rnllro.i <
men are glad that it happened to the spccla
train bearing the Irish party rather than to
that carrying Mr. Hryan.
&pced < md safety are the watchwords o !
the age. Ono Minute Cough Cure acta
speedily , safely and never falls. Asthma ,
irocchltls. coughs and enlds cr cared by It
Operates two through superbly equipped
trains EVERY day In the year.
OMAHA.1:45 : p. m. CHICAGO. 7:45 : a. m.
OMAHA. 0:30 : p. m. CHICAGO , 9:30 : a. in.
1401 R. R. RITCHIE.
l.Miv-H lit < - ! : \ < MirsloiiN.
The Missouri Pacific railway will sell
homescekers' excursion tickets November 3
and 17 , also December 1 and 15 , to points In
the south nnd west , at half rales ( plus $2
for the round trip. Full Information can
be obtained at tbo city olllces , northca&t
corner of 13lh and Farnam. or depol , 15th
nnd Webster slreels.
Six Thirty I > . M. Train.
of the
llest service ,
Dining car.
City ofllce : 1501 Farnam.
Tin- Overland Limited.
Runs every day In the week.
Fastest Iraln In Iho west.
Duffel smoking and library cars.
City' licket office ,
1302 Fnrnam.
'I'll Uc Afllon on Dunily's Di-nth.
The members of Iho bench of the dla
trict court of Douglas counly who arc in ' .he
city , met In court room No. 1 yesterday after
noon and took official action on Iho death
of Elmer S. Dundy , judge of the United
States district court. The meeting ap
pointed a eommllleo composed of members
of the bar of the county to draft appro
priate resolutions and present them to a
meeting to bo held In court room No. 1 ul
10 o'clock next Saturday morning. The
committee Is composed of the following at
torneys : J. M. Woolworth , C. F. Mander-
son. J. L. Webster. W. A. Redlck. W. R.
Kelley , C. S. .Montgomery and J , L. Ken
nedy. f _ .
Permits to wed have been Issued to the
following parties by the county Judge :
Name and address. Ago.
David K. C'liirU. Omaha . ; w
Daisy A. Woosley , Omnhii . . . is
William McAvoy , Omaha . 33
Annie llrunnnn , Omaha . , . 33
John ReiiKan , Omaha . , . 51
llcrtba llazulton , Omahn . _ ;
Relieved byTe
To clcaaio , purify , aod beautify Iho tUn ,
ecalp , unit lialr , to allay liclilnu anil Irritation , to
lu-ul dialing * , cxcorlutloni , uud ulccrallve weak-
ni'Mei , to rprcillly euro tuo Urtt ) iuptoina of , Olillcuniitf eklu awl nr.alti humor * ,
nolliliiK go puru , no nvcct , no wlioloiomo , 10
rpcrillly cfTcctho alT7m b.itln wltu CUTJCUiu
Uo r , nnd Rcullo application * of CUTICUIU
( oliitmcut ) , the arcat Ua cum.
Balii Ihrouthout lli > world. 1'ifct , Cl'Ticrm , Wc. |
BOAT. &c.i IlikuLYttT , Hie. > n < t II , I'UITIE VHVI
Ann Cum , CUHP. , ttoU Propi. , iJoitoii.
or * " U w Is CUK tiiu IHmiti , " rnilUa bft ,
Hoc , Nov. S. 1800.
Purchasing Power
The political agitators have clone a good thing , They
have turned the people's attention to the purchasing
power of a dollar and they have shown that peop'c ' can
get more for a dollar today than at any time heretofore
known , If you doubt this , so far as clothing is con
cerned , look in our Douglas street window when you
go by. There you will see a suit of clothes marked $5
that a year ago would have cost you $6,00 here and
$7.50 anywhere else. There you can see a suit marked
$8.50 that would have cost you $12.00 not so very long
ago here and is today considered worth that price by
other stores which have similar suits to sell. There
you can sec suits at 54.00 , $3.50 , $10.00 , $12.00 , $13.00
that a year ago would have cost you from 500 to $2.00
more per suit at "The Nebraska" and at the present
moment would cost you from $ t to $5 more per suit
anywhere else. If anybody should tell you that the
purchasing power of your dollar has not increased so
far as clothing is concerned , tell him to look in this
window of ours. If he should tell you it is on account
of overproduction tell him "nit. "
Send for our Citatogue it tells a thingor two.
Bargains that will divide interest with the
presidential race.
We sell the Butlerick Patterns.
OTE OPENS flT 8:3 : ® a , M.
It will pay you as never before to watch
this department for unparalleled saving chances
A big purchase at less than 50c on the
dollar enables us to quote unheard of low prices.
Black Beaver Jackets , box front , new
sleeve , nice and stylish , for $3.75 , worth $7.
Ladies' Frieze Jackets , handsome shades
brown and tan , box front , high storm collar , at
$7.98 , real value $12.75.
Ladies' Boticle Jackets , lined throughout
with changeable silk , new box front , lar e pearl buttons , trimmed
in strips of plain material , at $8.50. worth $12.50.
Your choice of one hundred nobby Hnglish Kersey , box
and fly front , coats in all the latest styles , elegantly lined with
black and fancy silks , best value in the country at $12,50
A complete line of children's garments from 'I to 16 years , in
fancy cheviots , cheviot mixtures , two toned boucles , plain cheviots *
and oxford cloths , at S-1.-15 , for choice.
Children's plain beaver coats at $2.98
Handsome electric seal capes , 30 inches long , full sweep ,
large collar , satin lining , regular $35 values , for $1975
250 Ladies' wrappers , in all wool Henriettas , trimmed with
braid and lace , all shade ? , at $ i95.
Dress Goods
Will buy IlPinnniitH of Dress Goods Unit
25 cents Imve retailed up to $ l..r > pur yard ; the
lengths run from two to six yards ; over
HOO to Hclcut from ,
liuys n l-Inoli all wool novelty , regular
39 cents Wc ) clolli.
Hnys -lO-lne-li Imported I'lald ( war
ranted fast colors ) ,
lluys the latwst lint' of Novelty Weaves.
ever attempted la Omaha.
Huys mi endless variety of Novelties.
50 cents Wo've made this ptirlk'tilar line a spir
ally and have sneeeeded In { jetting all
that's new and eon-cot.
Wo will place in this line goods that
have retailed up to Saturday for $1.50
and $1.7rloneli' ! , nonrettes , Caiilsh ,
Cheviot- , Silk Mixtures , ete.
than Gold , Silver or Diamonds
mends , bringlni ; yon < ; om-
fort and joy three Union u
day at leusU Your tooth
BAILEY , the D.nfisi'
Oijc Tholisaijcl for Oie -
( Trade Murk. )
Coiiijiiuiy at Xcvr York.
THREE MONniS' insurance , ,
$1,000 for $1.00 ,
( o me n ur IMIIIIL-II ,
botwrrn IS und CO year * of age , OEnlnet fataV
Blrei't Ac-L'IdeiUfi u-fout , ur an lllcyclcii , Ilcrten.
WDKOIIH , llorce Cor . llnllroud earn , iievutHd. ;
IlrUKP , Trulley ntid Cnlilo corn , Blcuiiinlilv" .
KtcamlxintB nriil Htrani l' < rrp | , 1100,000 ilrpnulU'J
with Ihc Incurancc Drtmrlmcnt'of the i > iat ol.
Now Ycrl : for tl.c tecurlty of tha Injured.
Koi- Sale ! > >
Clms.Kmif immii ,
UO-.1 Oouglai Street.
Til. f.00 Omatm. Nch.
l Til * ONLY
U'eiLntM & Uiwdirof
CO Veui Kipeiicnce ,
Vein la frnuh * .
Rook Free , Coniull.ilo *
tint Kiimlnatlon r'ret.
Mill and Firnim Sl ,