Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Wbcat Advftncc9 Over Two Cents on a
Narrow "Margin ,
Corn Ittilex Slronw nil Vrry Minllfil
HiiHlncMN , Dci-lilrd MlrciiKlli 1"
Win-ill , rirm Ciililinnil liiillcn-
llotm of hiiiiilhT llccclplN ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 2. Wheat advanced 2'-o '
on ii narrow market today. Mtich of Uio
ntrenjith wan due to the advance at Liv
erpool. Other markets were neglected ,
corn advanced 4C and oats titiout the same.
I'ldvlslotm closed with but little change.
Wheat proved more InterestlnR than had
been expected of It the day before elec
tion. TradltiK was not heavy , but the
orders to buy were In the majority , and
nellers could only be found when prices
\v.-re bill. The BtreliBth came principally
from the foreign Munition. Liverpool
opened lyd higher for futures and reported
11 diTTcase In stocks of wheat which were
already small , of 135.000 bu. Thu llures (
on world's shipments wete conflicting , but
nil of them were largo , and this was a dis
quieting Influence , but only temporarily so.
The quantity on ocean passage was GIO.OOO
l u Uss. The net result was a very strong
market. December , which at the cloc
Suinrd.iy , was bringing from 72H to 72ic ,
opened this morning with buyers at from
" : " , e to 73'e. A reaction to 73'c ( followed ,
bin from that point It turned upward apaln
nixl with steady persistency , but without
much activity In the tradlm ; II rose to
74 ,1- before 12 o'clock and later , after a
reaction to 7IVic It rose to 74V. Thu
nonlnxesit receipts of wheat were I.4.V ) cars ,
o 4i ) less than a week u.o , and 3 0'less than
u yenr ngo , which , was u partial contlrma-
tl'jn of the predictions so freely made last
week that the dellveiles In tniit quarter
WI-H > to fall off sharply. rio. lng cables
( ii > iwd an advance of 2'4d at Liverpool
nnil Ihe olo.ilng price of December which
Iind III the meantime fallen to 74''ic , nil-
viuireil iiKaln to 74'ie. Utirliifr the last
Jlfi < n minutes an extra spasm of bull
ishness carried the price mi to 7."ie. The
closing was ( Inn at from 74 ; < i to 73c.
t'orn ruled strong on very limited busi
ness It wa affected a nimd deal by Un
decided strength In wheat , by the llrm
cabhs and by the Indications of smaller
local rf'elptF. .May started n shade higher
nt .Mic and advance.l to I ! > ' .lc. selling nt
from Lli'ic to Ki' c at the close.
cuts were very quiet , but a llrm feeling
existed and prices ruled higher , sympathy
with wheat and corn largely ruled lluetiia-
tlons. .May opened ifc higher at 2IV. sold
lo i'li'ic ' and closed steady at from l'2c to
In provisions almost nothing was done.
The small run of bo s had but little In-
Jluenci- view of the proximity of elec
tion. Live stock prices were higher and
tills , with 'the strength of grain maln-
talnid the opening advance. January pork
closed r.e higher at JS.i- ) ' ' . ! : January lard
Unchanged , at 14 fO. January rlb 2''C ' higher
. , .
Ksllmated receipts Tuesday : Wheat. 1C3
oars ; corn , 711 cars ; oats , 4UI cars ; hogs ,
11.000 head.
The lending futures ranged ns follows :
AM elnH. Opon. | High. | Low. | duo.
Whl I't.N'o.'J
Nov 71H
Di'C 7SH -
May 7UJJ 77H 70J
Cm n.No. 'J.
Nov 54
CJlMh.No. _ ' . .
Nov 1R
isn MIX , is-K 1UU
JJliy 81 H ' MIX.1
IKl ! H ll.-i H or. 8 OJ >
4 :1 : ( ) 4 ill ) 4 i7H ! t 27s !
Jan 4 C''i 4 .V.'hi 4 47 ! ) 4 SO
lire . . . . 3 7i."i 3 7'J > i H 72)4 )
Jan a 7h : < Him
CnMi quotations wire as follow * ;
KLOHIl Firm , wlnli r paunm , J3.7r.5tl ( V ) ;
tralKhlH. | ] .404r3.M : > : i-prlUK rx-clnb | < . JI.OWI.23 ;
print ; pnlenlH , I3.MI/4.U ; nlriilKhlB. J3.4l > { | 3.75 ;
baker * . J2.7Mf3.IO.
WIIi\T-No. 2 pprlnir. 73',4c ; No. 3 tprlng , CC'.b
CSV. No. ! red. 7ii7r4e.
COIlN-No. 2 , 2lc ; No. 2 yellow. 24 > ie.
OATS Xo. 1. lSVi il ! > 'io ; No. 2 white. 2lO : : ' . e ;
< So. 3. f. o. b. . 17Ulil'Oc.
HYK-No. Z. SCo.
. HAHLiV-No. iinmlnal ; No. 3. f. o. b. , IIO
toe. No. 4. f. o. I ) . , 23'/4CIZSc.
l''LA.\HI-ii : : > No. 1 , 7l71'to. |
TIMOTHY HiiiPrlmc. : : . J2.M.
1'OI'LTHV Mnrlit-t nrm : turkeys. 8Jfl9ic ! ! ;
chlckeiiH. 707I4c ; ibicki * . KiSUe.
PUOVIHIONS-Piirk. per bbl. , J7.1Si7.:0. Lnid.
prr ! ( ) Ibi. . 11.30. Short ribs , | . | ilcn ( loote ) , J3.70W
3.1-0. Dry willed Flioiibb-m llHixeil ) . J4.OOU4.2T .
Kliort rli'iir rlitrn ( boxeil ) , JI.OOij4.l2H.
UMIlHKYDlstllleritllnlrlicil foodi ) , per fc-al. .
The following were the receipts nnd hlpments
Yoitit < : I.MH.\I , WAHICBT.
UiiiilalliuiN of I be nny on VnrliuiM
( ' ( lllllllllllllll'N.
N1JW YORK. Nov. Z.-KIXtil-Hecclpt : , 27.-
4CO lihlB. ; exporm , CM btla. .MaiUut quiet anil
livlil MTISc higher , without Luyem except to 1111
urgent wants ; Mlnneeolu pnlentK , J4.liOfr4.40 ;
Mlnm-HOta biikem , J3.30tf3.tK ) ; elty mill pulenu ,
J4.WJ5.1J ; winter t-trnlKlit.i , J4.10fjl0 ; u Inter pat
ent * . JI.43ti4.GO ; winter eMras , J3.wa3.35 ; win
ter low Krailex. JZ.CCKJZ.OO. Suuthein Hour ,
MCaily ; p.uKeil Koixls , J4.UOII I 15. llye Hour.
llrm ; Ktiperllne. J2.7SW2.M ; fancy. JWjffa.IO.
Ill'l-ICWIII-AT-Julet : ; 37e , trade , for prime.
C011N MKAIr-Qulvt ; yellow western. co.
HYl- > Dull ; weflera feeillng. SHatH'SV.e.
1IAULKY Uull ; i\r tt-rn fveillng. Skfubljc.
IIAIII.UV MAI.T Dull : western , Mjj55c.
WIIKAT Iterrlptii , 491.700 bu. ; export * . 31.551
Lu. ; fpot llrnii-r ; No. Z red. f. o. b. . 8Cc ; No.
1 hnnl , S5 > 4c. OptloiiH opened llrm and atl-
vuneed all day un higher calilcH. llsht Uverpoul
Hoclta. pro > peclH of em.iller worlifu * liliinvnt | * .
local covering illul n dlMppulntlni ; vIMIile up-
ply Incrcurv ; elowd liiit ! io net hluhcr ; No. 2
red. Novemlier. cloced at 7 ! < ; ic ; Dtfcvmber , Wi !
tlMS.e , eloieil lit W.c.
COUN lteeelil | , 243,700 bu. ; pot firmer ; No.
3. 3Iu. Optlinn cHli't-l'ilt | ' KlroiiK all day , with
' . hval , clcfiiin nt Un < ! net advance ; Novem-
lier elovcd nl 30e ; December , 3''ij3 1ic , clowd
ill 32'e.
OA'IS HeeelptH. 2S2.700 bu. ; tpot firmer ; No.
J , l'2'ie. Option * Millet but fctruimrr ; coi-d |
lit ii'.ie net advanee ; May- closed ut M-Sc ; tie-
i-cintn-r , ZJ ? ( | Z4c. elored at Sic.
HAY Dull ; vhlppliiK , > 5.50aG.OO.
IlOl'S'-l'Irin ; hlaltroinmon lo choice. 1SCG
crc'p , 3d HIK'O crop , SdlOVjo ; 1'aclllc count , ISM
crop , 3fo 7c ; U ! ' crup , 7B110 ; Ixnuluii llrm ; C0if70o.
IHDHS Klrin ; lluenos A > re , dry. nuialnal ;
Texii * . dry , ! H,4 IOc ; Callfornln , 15c.
LKATHKIt-Hrin ; hrmlock tole , II. A. , light
to hi-uvy\\i-lBlit , I91tvih ! ; acid , SOHZJo.
Ilt'TTKIJ-llei-flptB. S.1C8 pUn . ; nli-iidy ; wcvt-
ern creiiinery , liKdZtfc ; wcblern dairy , fcWl ! ! o ;
KlKlnx , 20u ; factory , 7tni- .
t'lIKKHU llri-rlpt * . 9.UCS pkgn. : Inige. 7'.if78iic ! ;
Binall , H4nO'ic ; part vklmn , SUUTc ; full vklma ,
IXJOS lli-eelptu , 3.K2 pkB . : vteady ; Blalc nnd
Pennnylvanln , lS'iCJlce ; lern , ISttlOc.
I'HOVIHIONH llecf. Btrndy. .Cut incuts ,
Ktuady ; plekled iH-lllcn , 5O ! > } ic ; pickled
Hhoulders , 4',4c ' ; plrklrd hams , S SC.i'.io. ' Uiril ,
dull ; wevlera Bleameil. elutft-d Jl.d5. nominal ;
rrllaed , llrm. I'cnk , tlull ; mc , J8.DOiJ9.tiO ; fam
ily ,
OILS ( otlonvecd oil , barely steady ; prime
cniilr , ZZ' ' . o ; prime jellow , 2Cc nclUHl. IVlroleum ,
quiet ; llnlted clokod J1.17U. HuiMn , llrm ;
Mrjlncil , eonimon to good , J1.94. Turpoiitlni- ,
Blcndy ; : S' ' ( i'c- ; ' ,
TAI.t.O\r-Dull ; city. 3Hc ; country , 3jo ! , us
to nunlliy ,
llli'i : Klein ; donievllc , fair to extrn , 37iQCc ;
Japan , 3iIilVie.
MOLAHKUH-lrrcBulnr ; New Orleiitm , open
kellle , good lo choice , 227c.
MIOTAl.KI'll , - Initi. o.ulel ; Foulhvrn , JIO. JJ
11.75 ; norlhi-rii , J10.7r.Jj 12.50. Copper , Bteady ;
Iwlie lirokrm , J10.75 ; exehatiKO , JIO.75fflO.iiJ. Lead ,
Mrady ; dnmectle , S..ttl ; exclmiiKv , U'.WfiJ.W.
i'ln , llrmer ; ctiiilKhln , J13.05 < n3.15 ; platc > , quiet.
Bpfllcr , iiulct ; dome-die , J3.Mi/3.S74.
KANHAH CITY. Z.-WHUAT-Dilll ; nom.
limlly He hliihcr : No , z hard , nominally n , * > c ;
* . 3 , KHfiC3Ue ! ; No. 2 led. noinlniilly M c ;
' 3 , nombmlly 74Q77c ; No , Z.Bprlne , Clo ; No.
A le.
t'OUN-lrrrKUlur ; No. Z mixed , l'J021c ; No. Z
\Ytllle. Z2e.
OATS Steady enrly ; clo ej lower ; No , Z mixed ,
nominally ICc ; No. 3 while , old , nominally WViU1
: : c ; New , nomliiiilly ICfflSc.
llYI-Klrm ; No , 2. Sic.
HAY Ktcady ; eholro timothy , JSOW.50 ;
liolcc prairie. J4. OjS.OO ,
JltTTIJIl-Htcaily but aulet ; creamery ,
KllflS Nominally ttendy at HHc.
l.lveriiool MurUclx.
MVKHI'OOU Nov. Z.-\VlliAT-Spot. : firm !
demaiut poor ; No. Z red vprlni ; , CH 5HJ ; No. 1
Cullfoinln , 7 * M. Kntiir B enrned Bleady , with
i.rnr and dlilnnt pollloiii 1'id lilchrr ; clofed
firm , with nrnr pnsltloin l ( i2U hlxhrr nnd
dlntnot oonltliiiiB Mill ; burlnrm nbout niii lly
d'alr.tutril ! NottinUr , < CUd ; Die mber , f 6UJ ;
January , February , March and April , ( < 6Ji < l.
{ , l fli-m Anirrknn mix. .1 . ntw r.i
SM l-iiturm < I" i > - - < lmil l iind unihunn'ii tinfni
llrm with ii'i.r rn. | , i.tmil | .riii.n . * ' l hlKlicr.
liunlni * * uli'iilt e < | iiall > illnlrlliiltdl. Ni'Vrmlicr ,
3 * 2'i'l. ' In com.r. 3 < ! ' ' ! .lanunry , > * 1 vl <
Ktbrimiy unit Mar < h. I * 1'jd.
KLol'll Dull , demand poor ; St."Ixnil * , fancy
wlntr , 8 M
IMlOVIBIONS-Itaeon. utendy ; demnml iioor ;
CumbM'Iniiil eut , lo SO Hi * . , M M ; flint t rlb ,
M In II ! ! , . , to * ; long clcnr IlKht. V < In JS Ib * . ,
SI * ; lung cirnr , liravy. 40 to { ft Ib * . , Ms ; Miorl
eleiir Ixiek * . It lb . , ton ; * liort elc r mlilillo * .
hemy , IS tn to Ib * . , nominal ; clear llllw , II to
10 Ib * . , SO * , mimihler * . * quar ) > , 12 to IS Hi * . , d *
Cd. Ilnm * . 'hrrt cut. 11 tn IS tb * . . < ! > . . Tnlloiv ,
Hne North Amprlran , Z0 . H * f. extra India me * * ,
M * fld ; prime m < - * , 42s fld. Pnik , prims innf.
tine wvntrrn , Sn ; meillnm wet'rn , 4S fld. l ard ,
dull : prime werlrrn , S3 M ; rcllned. In i > nlp | , 24 .
CIIKKSK Klrin ; flnenl Amrrlean white , 4M ;
flne l tnitrlean rrlnipil , to * .
Ili'TTKH I'lni-H fnlted Slale * . ! * ; Rftod. m .
liiiliniHrUrx. EVI.
HOPS At Lnmlon ( Pnrino const ) , JC3 t .
Coiiillllnn of Trnili- unit
on Simile n nil l n IKI'riiiliice ,
KflOS Orwul flock. ICr.
IlL'TTLMt-fonimnn to fair. M7e ; choice ta
fnney. country. llftIZe ; fcpnrator crrnmcry , ISO
ICe ; galhrred eream. 12Q13c.
OAMIi-PrnlMc chicken * , per iloz. . J3.730l.0fl ;
qunll , (1.75(12.00 ; lent duck * , tl.M ; red hcatln nnd
tnnll.irdii , JZ 75 < 03.C'0. '
CHKKHi : DomeKt'c hrlck , 9c ; Kdnm. per doz. ,
J9.Z , " ; club IHHISO. 1-lb. jnr. , per doz. , S3.1J ; I.lni-
tiprger. fnney , pr Ib. . Jc ; Hoquefort. U-lti.
Jars , per doz. , I3.CO ; Young Amerlni * , lOVic ;
twlnn. fancy. J'l c.
VRAICliolce fnt. fO lo 120 lb . , nro quoted nt
7fi7'4e ; Inrgo nnd eonrfe , 4fc.
nitllSSKI ) roiJLTHY Spring cldcki-n * . 7e ;
old henC'4iT7e ' ( ; turkey * , lOc ; peefe , 10o ;
'bii kn. lOo.
t.IVIJ I'Oft.TI5V-Hcn . f.Ho ; eoek * . 5e ; jprlng
rhlrlcn * . .Vie : Fprlnu ibiek * . 7fie ; turkey * , fc.
I'lfiONS : Live , 75JI-Oe ! ; dead pigeons not
IIAY-1'pInnd. J5 ; mldlnnO. Jl.r,0 ; Inwlnnd ,
' 4 ; r > e mraw , J4 ; color make * the prlec on
liny ; llglil bales ell the I BI ; only top gradi- *
lirlnc inp prleeH.
llllOOM cOtlN-Hxtrcmely flow rale ; new
crop. OrliviTo.l in , track In1 conntry ; c'lolco ' green
rnlr.worklnB rati t. per Ib. . z'je : ct.olce grcon.
running to hurl ? vo : eomnnn. U5c.K
S\ViRT l'OTATOiS-On order * , per bbl. , $1.63
TOMATOKS-I'cr M-bu. baxket. f.OnfOc.
ONIONS-Oood Flock , per bu. , SOffMc.
LIMA HRANS-1'cr Ib. . 4c.
r.MNMUp'l i.lrked navy , pr' Im SI 4nfl * fi.
"AIlllAOR Hoine grown , per hundred. 7S T ! > Oc.
n.M.nilY-T'cr ilo ? . . : > ; fnney. Inree. 45I7EOc.
I'OTATOKS Ooml Ftoek. per till. , 25c.
( JUAPI-.S-Ncw York 12'ic ; l.irgc lot * . IZc.
CALIKollNIA I'llAriins None.
Pl.tJMB-Nn fhlpplng Floek.
r-AI.IKOHNIA flllAI'KH Tokay * ami other
fancy vnfletlr * . JI.M.
CltANIIMIlHIIW-riipe roil , per bbl. . J Oftfjfi rn
Ari-LnS-Cnohlntr per bbl. . fl.75 : enllng. JI.S.1
(72 CO ; .tr.nathnns , fnney. J2.ZS ; fnney New York ,
r-ALiroilNMA I'HAHS I'cr box. J2 ; New
York , per bbl. . J3. iftl.
Qn.Nris-ivr bid. , jt.
ClIIANORS Mcxleiin , Jl.
I.KMONH MoMlna * . J5.C005.50 ; Cnllfornla
lemrma , J4. 0084.25.
II VJI..I.'AS riinleo. large stock , per bunch ,
t.tx' T2.25 ; medium-sized bunches , Jl MffZ.CO.
IIONKY Knncy white , per Ib. , UQKci choice.
13c ; California , umber color. lOe.
CtDiitarintJ : | Juice , per half bbl. , J2.73 ; p r
bid. , J4.MJ14.75.
MAI'M-5 SVIlfP Flve-iwl. enns , e.ich , J2.75 :
gal. enn * . per djz. , J12 ; half-gal , cans , J0.25 ;
q-.inrt onnn. J3.r,0.
riOS linporled fnney. S crown. 30-lb. boxes.
I4r ; elmlce , 10-lb. boxo * . 3 crown OOlOc.
NUTS Almond" . California , per Ib , . medium
Jlr.i > . lOc : Tartiipona nlniond * . per Ib. , Inrge ,
i2ite ; Itrnzlls. per Ib. , Fc ; KrmllFh walnut * , per
Ib. , fanry Foft * hcl | , 120 ; ntum slzi- , lOc ; til-
orrts , per Ib. . lOc : pecanpollfhed ! medium. So ;
Inrre , lOc : pennuts , raw , G'i87c ; ronsted , 7V4c ;
clicstnuts , lOe.
_ IlKKl.Ocod unlive deer * . 400 lo CCO Ibs. . C',4f
e ; weptetn Fleer * . 5fi5ut ; Bid CUWH nnd belf-
r * . satHc ; inrdlum cow * nnd heifer * , 4''c ; good
rnrrquniiei * row * ant lielffrn. 3' i" ; goml
forniunrleta nallic Fleer * . Cc ; good bind-
Itiat-lcrn ws nnd hrlfi-rs. C'ir ; good htndunr- |
lera native Bleer * . SI P ; cow rnumlo , f * ; cow
rdali- * , ? ! , IMIU-IPMM chuekii. 4e ; cow clntrkH. .V :
Dleer * chucks , 3 c ; beef tenderloin * . ISc ; beef
roll * , bnnclcra. tc ; sirloin bull * , boupkii * . Me ;
loin bneka. bonclpFa , tkloin ; back * . 7c ; cow
rllis , Ni , . 3. Cc ; cow loin * . No. 3. Sib : > -ef
irlmmbiKs. 36c ! ; rump butla , 5c ; shoulder clods ,
PORK Dn-FFed bogs. 5c ; pork loins , 7e ; pork
tcmlerlnlna. l.V ; spare rlbi. 5o ; bam sausage ,
butt * . 5'ic ' ; pork shoulder * , rnugn , 4'te ; pork
shoulder * , t-klnned. 6e ; pork trimming * , B'.ic ;
It-af lard , not lendered. O'AP.
MI'TTON Drcsrrd lamb , 7r ; dresred null ton ,
Cc ; rack * , minion , 9c : legs , mutton. Hie ; vnddles ,
mutton. S'.jc ; slew. 3o ; sheep plucks , 3e ; kheep
tonguen , per doz. . 2Tc.
HIDES-No. 1 gncn bides. Kc ; No. 2 green
bides. 4c ; No. 1 groin snlted bides. Cc ; No. Z
green Failed hides , Cc ; No. 1 venl calf , 8 to 12
Ibp. , Ce : No. 2 venl cnlf. S to 15 Ihs. , 4o ; No. 1
dry Hint hides. Miv ! ; No. 2 dry Hint bides ,
7 Sc ; No. t dry Milled bides , H9c | : part cured per Ib. less than fully cured.
HIIKKP PKLTS ( Irien Failed , each , Z5SCOo ;
green vailed shearings ( short woolrd early
skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( s'.iorl wooletl
early Bklns ) . No. l , each. fc ; dry ehcarlnss
( Fbort wooled early Fklns ) , No. 1 , each , r.c ; dry
flint. KmiFiin nnd Nebraska butcher wool polls ,
per Ib. . actual weight , 4i)5o ) ; Ory Hint Knmms
Hiul Nclirnnkn murrain wool pells , per lh. . netiial
weight , 3 4e ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelt * , per Ib. , netiinl wclghl , 4f5c ; dry Hint
Colorndo murrain wool pcltn. PIT Ib. , nctual
Wflght , 3ti4c ; fret eut off. aa It Is iifelc s to nny
frplKhl on them.
TALt/JW AND CUiAHi-Tallow. No. 1. 3c ;
tallow. N'o. Z , 2'ie ' ; greaFe. while A , 3c ; grease ,
white II , 2c ; grease , yellow. Zc ; grenne. dark.
IJlc ; old butler. 2fl2'ic ; bcebuax , prime. 15SJ
22e ; rough tallow , Ic.
SI. LiinlH ficncrnl .
ST. LOI'IS Nov. 2-KLOUIl-Klnn nnd higher ;
' VlTn f"nt'y' * 3' < iiwi- ; :
VvlIKAT The bullish features of the market
brought nbout n > hnrp iboiiBh llinlu-,1 .U-maiul
mid ( -iiUMMl nn advance of 2c for the ilny In
future * . Spot dull , bill higher. No. 2 re-d , cash.
' ? " ' ! ' ' : lrnck77 ' -'c ; December , 7SHc ;
c-u'ltN Kuturei slroiiR nnd blKhe-r. In sympathy
wllb vvlicnt , though Irndliii ; was i > lack ; hpol
higher : No. Jj cash. 2214j23c ; Dtcrmber. 23'.4Jf
OATS immure * llrm nnd higher ; spot dull nnd
iiinnliipl ; No. 2 cash. levic ; May. l'2"-c.
ItTK Klrvntor , 33c.
rOIINMHAL lt.40.
1I1IAN Klrin ; Flicked , 41tf east track ,
I-'LAXSCKD-Kaslcr nt fSc.
TIMOTHY Siii-Prlme. : : J2.50.
HAY Dull. but tlrm ; prairie , J7.OOiT7.SO-
tlniolby , jo.oofiio.r.o. thu flile ,
Hl'TTKIl-Qulel ; creamery , ICJJSlc ; dairy , HJf
KOOS Klrm nt He.
pniJLTHY Market nrm ; chickens , olil , Jiffllc-
tprlns , 5140 ; turkeys , 7c ; duckti , ( jii87c ; Kecsa )
LH AD Nominally worth J2.CO for common nnd
"pltOVISIONK-Pork. rtendy ; Mamlnr.1 mess.
Jobbing. J7.25Ji7.C2V4. Lnnl. Mcnily : prime rtcam'
J 1.12',4 : choice. J4.20. llaccn , boxed slmul.lcrs nnd
extrn short clenr , J4.M : ribs. M.tW ; PhorlB Jl 75
Dry Kail me-ntn. boxe.l phoiiblcrs and oxlni short
clear. J4.W ; ilbK , J4.1ii ; > horl . J4.25.
HccelnlB : l-'lour. 111.000 bbls ; whent , 4 < ! 000 bu
corn. 337.0X ) bu. ; oat . 107.0CO bu. '
.Shipments : Flour. n.COrt blil . ; whent , 53,000 bu.
corn. 177,000 bu. ; oats , 1R.OOO bu.
ColTec .Mai-lire.
opened utemly. with prices unchnnced to JO polnis
lower ; ruled Kenernllv aulet , Kurnpe-an nilvlceH
belli * dlfnppolnlliiB. PelllnB wnH rhcrKe.l . by
world' * vlilbbsupply fnllbiR to | . | inw expected
Increui-p : irmllni ; conrrrvntlve pendlni ; e-lecllon.
Clor.eil flearty at net ndvnnce of lOc ; net ilrcllne
of fi pnlnix ; call's. ll.WX ) li.ii-s. floveil : March
I .MCS W ; IX-cember , J9.H5O10.tO. Spot coffee"mi
dull ; inlbl ( inlet.
IIAMIIPIIU. Nov. 2.-COi-'Fri-Qtiet | nt lit ?
K-nfB lifeline : sales , 10 000 bni ; * .
HAVHi : . Nov. S.-roi-TKB-Clorml ( nilet nt If
net ilecllne : rnle * . 12.f\XI liacs.
.J10' , N'OV - fOKKnK-Slenily ; No. 7. Illo.
12.400 rels ; exchange. K1-3M : received. H.fCfl baf -
cb-nreil for the Pnlted Pialos. 5.COO bac ; cleared
for Kiirope , 1.000 baus : stock. Zili.OOO baKH.
Weekly : Sleaily ; exchange ulninlnril , 12.400 re-Is-
recelptu il 4rlm ; the week. 91,000 baK ; MilpmrnlH
tn the United Slnlen , 76.000 bam. ; nlock , 296,000
SANTOS. Nov. 2-COrPI-n-Oulet : ; Keel nver-
nue Santos. 13 f 0 rein ; receipts. :9.dOO baiiKutock
411.000 baits. Weekly : Quiet : Koo < l nveniKe Sanl
ton. per 15 MliiH. 13.000 rels ; receipts during the
week. 13MOO b.iKs ; shipments to the United
Stales , 6.000 bans ; Mock. 441,000 bat's.
Xi-vv York AVIii-n | .MnrKet.
NHW YOIIK. Nov. 2.-Krom start to flnlnh today -
day the wlient market cave n Mirprlrlnic exhlbl-
lion of HtreiiKth cnnslilvrlnK the fact that to
morrow IB a holl'Iny. ' openlnK Uc hlKher nt fcO'.le
December kept on rlMntr. H r.-acheil Sl .c. where
It cliweil. Speculation vvns moiit active In llie
last half hour , und the tolnl fnlc for the day
only reached 3.1&O.OCO bu. It wn n cafe of bull
centime-lit , reinforced by strom ; foreign news nml
Kuropi-an buylmerpcclnlly on the Pacific coast ,
wlie-ret further export orders were reported. Llv-
eipool stocks showed n fnlllnt ; off for Hie month-
! ' ! 1SIrV1' ! * 'hll'ments ' were ertlmnti-il nearly
1,0(10 ( 000 bu. lei's than Intt week , nml there was
a reduction of C40000bu. in pawaRC , TheAmeVI -
enn vlillile mipply Increased only half aa much
H ciperlpit , I'orn ami oat a were ipileter than
whent , but shnica Un trontr umlcrlonc.
Ilr > - CooitH.
NHW YOIIK. Nov. -Mnny buyers have
madu fairly free engagement * of brown , blenchei ]
and colored collomi nml fancy prlnta , of which
the collective laklliKH will reach n inexl ; larnc
qunnllty. Home makes nf wlilo vhertlnuH weie
nvliifluled for nn nitvnnce In prices Wednes
day inornlnir. Priming clotlm wenllrm nt 1&3
bid nml declined , ami finall saleu vve-ru made nt
2 11-ir.o.
KALI , HIVKIt. Mnts. . Nov. Z.-Prlnllng
cloths llrm at : % c ; good elcmaml ; mills ( low
' ( Hern.
| | | | > ( irnlii Sup n ! } .
NEW YOHIC. Nov. 2. The vlilbld supply of
Kraln Saturday , October 31. n compiled by the
New York Produce exchange , U an follows ;
Whcut. IS,678.000 bu. ; Increase. l.UI.OOO bu.i
com , 19,310,000 tu , ; tncrcu * , 1.U4.000 bu. ; cats ,
lt.7l UN ) tu j liunnff , S.tHX ) bu - rye ? 84l,0"fl
bll , 3-i.i.lH ) bu , . t.uUy 6. ' . J7.l'00 ' bll.j
lni.rr.irc. 1 tl'l.UH ' ) bu.
Keeui-ll.v .Mnrkel i\bltillM : Proiiiilineed
Stn-imtli All liny.
NK\V YOHIC , Nov. 2. Tile stock mnrkfl to
day exhibited prnnounretl strenglh nnd nn un-
Uoually broad dltlrlbullnn of a mndeft vnlumc of
bUFlnpM , The abnormal conditions confronting
the ( imulatlvp nnd Invectmrnt eomnumlty were
irFpoiiFlble for t.ic Indifference dlnplnyed to ex
ceptional stringency In money rntes. The snme
ennslderatlon comiiplhil HIP clranlnit up of short
contract * tlmt In some stock * had been long
outitnndlnn. In the face of rnte * for call fund * ,
running up lo H per cent with Interest n dny
nnd li per cent nnd Interest on loiins over
eleetloti dny. togeiher with higher actual and
pn i l ipiolallon * for foreli i exchange , * liK'k * ,
were buoyant , nnd scored mlteine ndvancM
of 1 to 3 per cenl In the rcgulnr shaie , nnd 6'4
( ipr cint In the liny Stain ( In * . The strcnKlb
of Tie last mentioned wn * due to the den I bnr-
nu.nlzlng nil of the recently eonlllcllng Inter-
csts In the properly nnd vneallng llie ri-cclxer-
ship. Tin- Mock left off 1H per cent below the
blKhe t on renllzlng. A fpatuip of fie day
wni the expcutlon of numerous ( .ales of stocks
fur rash. The granger * nnd nnthrnclle eonlers
rcoreil tlip grentrsl Improvement * In the mil-
way * , rlMng ZW3 per i-ent , nnd the maximum
; nln noted wn * In the Industrlnl * , recorded In
Sugnr. which nlso led t IP market In point
of activity. Other crnsplcunuly strong slock *
were C.ilengo Oaa nnd Aim-rlcnn Tobacco.
The Mrenglh of the slmre speculation ex
truded to the rrfllwny bond market , which was
inusunlly nellve nnd broad nt material nd-
vnnce * . In government bondi nn extreme ad-
vnncp nf 5 per cent wns recorded In the IIPW
I * , rcglsteipd , which Is nn exccpllnnnlly wide
luctunllon In that Is-u * . TUP buying wn * nt-
trlliutpd to Investment nrcount. To return to
the Block mnrkPt eonsldernble Interest wns nt-
tnchcd to heavy dpnlltiKS In the low priced
sharps. Including Union Pacific. TennesFce Coal ,
Papltlc Mall nnd Laeb-de ( la * . In tie Inactlxo
Fpeclnltlr * Illlnnl * Stcpl TOFP 4'i per cent to
'iM . Sll\er cerlltlcate * were denlt 111 nl eon-
ees'lons from pn-vlPiis Fiiles , closing nl S3 , as
ngabiFt fS'4. the tlnal sale on Saturday. The
liond ninrket developed decided strength n * the
lay prosrc sed. nnd closed buoynnt , with heavy
iL-mand for the speculative IFFUP * . which
n-conled net Improvements of IflZ per cent.
The sale * were * Jl.57Z.CiOO. Government * dis
played buoyancy , rlslns H2 | per cent , the extreme
treme- gain In new 4s. leglstered. Tlie snips
were t.V.fOO. Silver certllli-ate * were active , nnd
declined ' ,4 to C5 ! on snlci of J72. ( < k ) .
Tlip Hvcnlng Post' * London flnnnclnl cnblo-
gram says : The position of tie : money imr-
kpt Is n * described on Saturday , nnd It will
remain FO until the result ot the elecllon of
Ihe United Ktntcs I * announced. The Paris
bourse wa cheerful todny. The selllement tiiere
Is going more smoothly thnn had been ex
pected It I * reported , but not confirmed , thnt
a Spanlsti Inlernal loan of 5PO.CCin.PCO P etus bn
been taken by the North of Spnln Uallttay ;
rompnny. or rather by Paris nnd Mndrld lianks ,
behind the railway company.
The following werp the closing quotations on
Ihe lending stocks of the New York exchange
todny : _ . _
Atclilnoh i.lMi N. Y. . IM
Ailanm lit 14 , N. Y. & N. K .
Al'on.T H OS Onlarlo . .tV .
Ill ) 'Oregon ' Imn .
llallltiioreAOiiib. . lil'i ' Oreeou Nnv . . - . . o
rnnaila I'aclllo. . . . 57M O. S. L. , VU. N . Jfi
CatiailaSomhorn. . 47 ! Pacific Mall . " Pacific. . . . lUSi Poonn Dec. , V K. . .
CheH.A Ohio
IChlcnco .t Alton. Hill H'ullmnn Palace. . 1Q3
C. . R .to llcadlmr sirtii
Chlcaro ' ( .it H. G. W IS
CoiiHolldntcd ( Ini. 141) ) U. O. W. lifJ 41) )
( ' . . ( ! . . J. ASl. L. . . JH : Itocx Iil.imt (17 (
Colo. Coni , V Iron. Si. Paul 73
Cotton Oil Cori. . . . 14 doufii las
Delaware t Hint. . II ! 4 SUP. AO.nini. . . . 4 a
Del. . Lack. A vV. . . dnnfJ i . ' -
D..VR.C. . PM 41 Soulhern Paciflo. 1:1 :
Rail Term . Hurar Kotbierv. . . .
Krlci ftl'flTcnn. * Iro-i.
rtuiitil ltl ) TexanIMclHe t >
FortWiivno K.U , nta. . . CO
fi. Norttiorn nM . Union P.iclnc 10U
C. &K. I. lfl tilHi U. S. KxuroBS U )
llocliliic Vallov. . . Hi VV. St. I * AP
IlllnolH . . W. SL I * , ft P. i ( I
St. P. & Dublin. . . . 1H Wc-lls Kiirao K-c. . .
K. . .T.pM \ \ vmni Union. . . .
U'lknKrlu AVm' IM i Wheeling AL , K. . 7
ileuM OH Un | iM 58
LaheSliorj 14smiM. AMI. L
Li-ad Trust lM'6 I ) , .tit. U
I.OIllHVllIU X N. . . . 4KH r. . K - u
L. A N. A IM N. L lit
MniiballnnCon. . . . 14)4 O.F.A1
MciiinhlH.V C 1ft l 'do pfil
MlchicnuCeiit 111 'T. ' st. r .vic. o. . . .
Mluxoiirl P.iclllo. . U''H'T.St. ' L. AK.C. Pfl
Mobilet Ohio ] H S. K. 11
NanhvllluClrit. . . . US , S. K. It , M
National C'or.lavo. 6' < Am Tab. Co 78
NauConlazuiiM. . I > U do uM us
N'.J. Cotnml lOil i Am. Tol.AO. Co. . . ni4
N..VW. uM 17' < , < Com'l O.itiHi Co. . . IB *
North Am. Co 6 i Am. Suz'ir pM HUM
Northern I'.iolllo. . lOi. U. s. Corilaito irt'l. . lll't ,
K. Paclllc nM J'-Jli U. S. Li'atlio. pfd , . tt ; :
U. P. U. A O S i U. H. Ullbtfoi * ji
NorthwoBtem 10-JX U. a UuuburpM. . 7m
_ eiLo iM . . . 14441 _
Ibid , * ollered. ; ex-dlv.
The total pales of mocks loilay was 232.IFO
share-a , Incluillng Ihe fnlluvrlnR : American To
bacco , 4.100 ; Sugar , 17,700 ; Hurllnglon & qulncy ,
10.300 ; Clilrago ( Ian , 8.4W ) ; Ohcsapeake & Ohio ,
3,3iiO ; ( St-ncrnl Klectrlc , C.VVO : l iulnvlllc fc Nash
ville , 7,300 ; Manhattan Consolidated , 3.300 ; Mis
souri Paclllc , 4.COO ; Henillng , 22.WO ; St. P.iul ,
11.300 ; TtnneMee frail nnil Iron , 4,100. Union Pa
clllc , 10.400 : Wnbusli. S.tXM ; Weslein t'lllon. 4.COO ;
Wlu-i-llnR & IwiluKrle , 4COO. Southern Hallroad.
4.COO : Soulhern Hnllroad preferred , 4,1 ) ; Silver
cerllllcates , 22,000.
Xr\v York Jloncy.
Stringent nt Cii40 pe-r cent nml IWi'.i per cenl ,
und Inleresl for Iwn days ; last loan Vi pe-r eent
and Intcreiit ; closed olfercd at U per cenl und ln-
10 per cenl.
STHItLINO HXCHANGI Firm. with actual
tiurlneFX In bankers' bills. J4.SJKI.tC for demand ,
nml J4.S2f(4.(3 for sixty days. Posted rules. J4.S2
Q4.S2li anil tl.SSHU4.SC. Commercial bills , JUu'.i.
--ilTlFK'ATnS-C.IiC5Uc. | : .
OOViilNMiNT : HONDS Uuoynnl ; state bonds
Inactive ; railroad bonds Ftrong.
rioslni : quotations on bonds were as follows : .
iiV. S. IH , renew orpTTuis -'j5."To-j
U.S. iHCDiiH.nuvv. US D. & It.a. la Ill )
U. S. Ss , ruif Ill D. A R. G. ti fen
| U. S. D . coup Ill Krle-.Ms liIJ ( <
U.S.4 .ro7 IDS C. H. AS. A. 111. . . HltlVJ
U.S. 4n. co.m 1IIU ( ! . I ! . .VS. A. 7b. . . 11)1) ) )
tU.S. vs.r U.I II. AT.C. Sa 110
M'acinellnof ' 1)3. 11)1 ) do II4 Ill.Sli
Ala. , cl-ns A M. . K. AT. 1st U. H-JU
AI.1..C1.1HHII 1UU ! { do''cl 4 ? till
tAla..clis- IM Mniu.-ii Union ! . . 1(17 (
* Aliu Ciirr.inov. . . . nl : N. J. R. ( ion , ut. . . . 1 llt1
Ln.Neivv Con. Is. . ll-J No. IMcUlB lati. 1H'4
ID. ) ilo _ ! ! 107
IX. ( Mm 11 I { N. V.V. Comols. . . . 1:15 :
N. C.- 03 ( loS. V. ljt > . .Ii.
S.C. iionfuirl. . . . 14 It. G. Wmt. Isu. . .
Tenii. now Hot Us. 7S St. P. CoiiiN .
Trim. nnvVHStSi. 11) ) j do ( ! . i P. W. ' JPJ
iTeim. oldlls . " . _ * Sl. L. A 1. M.'Jon "I 7m ;
Vn. Cuiitiirini 57 ISt. L.AS. P. ( JI. 1. 1114
dodifirred S dTeixaH ' tsu. . . SIM
AlClllBllll li 7 4'Texis : P.ic.'d * . . . 21i (
AlcnlNOii'Jd A 41 U. P. . lu-j
Canada So..Mi. . . . Hll Wc > at Shorn .
L. AN. unlflitit IS. 7I1 , , Ci. K. .VN.
Southern3 - - H7' < 'N'- ' 71)
ofTered. Ibid. ; ox-lnl.
IliiHlnii Stock Uuotatloiix.
HObTON. Nov.Call loaim. & 7 per cenl :
time , loans. Ojt7 pur com. Closbii' nrlce-i for
HlockN , bonda nnd inliiliii ; Hlian s ;
A.T..VS. f 15 W , Bice. Ufa
Am. Stnrar 111) ) Win. OMtr.ll -
Am. | iM. . . . 1U,1 KU. Eiec. Ill HI.-
liny Statu Gas , , Him. Elo. . nM HI.113
lii-ll Toluphono. . . JOS Atc-lila-jn I'd
lloaton .V Alb mr. JO 7 lAtctilson Is
UOBton AM.Him. . HID | Alloue.zMlnlnO > ' 3
C. 11. xu 71HAtianflo | . .V.'T. . . iim
Fltcbbiinr l < lli jlloaloii A Monl-itil 7H ! (
( 'CM. Kloctrio Jlijjllutlo.t Iloiton. . . .
Mexican CcMitr.ll. .
OliK.'oloiiv 177 ! Franklin. HI
Ore. Short Lino. . . . Kcarantva '
I'oioii P.icllla HIM OHCOOl.l lf'
WcHtKnel im Oumcv
Went Unit I'M 8 ! ) Tainar.icK Kf
WeHllnirb. Klec- . . ' 'I XYolvurlnd
Sun I'rnnnlMeo lllnlni ; QiiolutloiiN.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 'J.-Tho ulllclil cloning
quotation ! ) for mlnbiff HtoA:4 : lo liy woru uu fol-
AlLi II ) Jull.i
AlbbnCon 11 JiiHllce
Konluoltv Con
lielvber ni Mexican 44
lieBl.V llelclior. . . H7 Mono 18
llmllnOon 114 Occidental Don. . . . 43
million IS Onlnr 1'JS
UulwerCon 4. > Overman
Cali'ilniaii 11 Poioai
Cballeneu Con. . . 41) ) S.ivairn 117
Chollnr . .Ml.I .Scorpion 04I
Connnencn 113 Slum Novadi. . . , I )
Con.Oal. v V.i. . . . 17fi Union Uoi : 04
Crow n Point 44 UUH Con 04n
Rxchcauor Yellow JucUot . . . fit )
HuloA. Noreroii. . 14U
Silver bint , ll.Vtc ; Mrtxlc.m dollar l. D14c.
, p r ; lele'ilu. pir.
\e v York Mliilnu < inoliitl < inn.
NKW YORK. Nov. 'J.-Tho following are Hid
cloblnf mining ( ino'atloiiBi
Dulwer . 55" Ontario 730
Chollar. . 10.1 Oohlr. 1'JII
Crown Point . 41) ) tl'lvinonln VII
Con. Cftl. A Va. . . . 1HD UulultHllver - . ' . ' , ( )
Dendwood . lin UulcKHllvor i > M..lull ) )
Ootild A. curry. . . . . 7.1 Slorr.t Nnvaua t3 !
Ilalc.VNorcrosi. . 1'3 Stauilnnt Con 1B3
Union Cor fill
Iron Stiver ; I3 Yellow JaoKut. . . . CO
Mexican . . . . 43
} : iKked. offered ,
I' ' < irelK" I'liiiiiieliil.
IIERL1N , Nov. Z. Exchange on London , eight
dayn1' ' night , 20m SCpfg ,
PAHIH , Nov. Z , Three per cent rentes , 1021
STljc for the account. Exchange on London , Z5I
20o for checks
LONDON , Nov. Z. Blocks , bur silver , 30d per
ounce ; money , 3 ! > per cenl , The rnlo of illsi'ounl
In HIP oprn market for Bhurt nnd three iiioiillm'
bllU. 3U03Xe. Guld Is iiuoted ut Huenoa Ayrca
today nt 17k.)0 : at MailrlJ. 19.Z5 ; at Llvbon , IS ;
nt Home , 1CC.UO. United Klatea coin amounting
to JiZ.OOO WIIB withdrawn from the Hank of Eng
land today , _ _
Kliiiineliil .Volex ,
WAHHINGTON. Nov , J. The treasury today
lo t 11,351,000 In EOM coin auJ 111,100 In ban ,
Whl , h I-ii o t . t-I. V utilf HiRjlil re-
" ' '
"HiisrVw'Vv '
anre-s , 12 ZW.svS.
HALTIMi.Hn , " Now , J.-Olwirlnw. H.27J.540 ;
balance * ,
NKW YOIIK , Nov , , . -Clwrlnit. 73.749S :
luilnnce-s , IMM1
PHILAHP.LPHIA. JSgr.iS.-Clearlnn * , JUH.fOO ;
, balances , J1.M0.7CI.
i HT. IRITIS , Nov. I.lcifiirlitrM' . W.7II.7M ; Iwl-
nncps , JJsS.072. MOIICJ' , ' jfi per rent. New York
exchange , J1.3R illrcourif-Md : Jl discount nuKe-d.
I rillUAno , Nov. 2-i-fltnrlngn. JH.filfl.iMI. Mnney
1 fir" nt 7 per rent for t | ) limuc. New York ex-
i ennnge , ,60 ill-count. J-'urclgti evchanne rlrong ;
I dcm m , J4.JJ74 ; sixty TfflVs. JI.MH.
Cotton . tnrliit.
ST. LOflS. Nov , , 2.-COTTON-Stenily nnd
1-lfc hlRlier ; mlihllliiR , 7f-lGc ; sales , iw Imlts ;
receipts. 0,371) ) bnles ; shipments , 491 bales ; slock.
59,117 bales.
NHW YOHK. No\i. 2.-COTTON-rutures
closed steady ; snles. K.ROO bnlrs ; January , } S. ! ' ;
I-Vbrunry. Jt.21 ; .March. JS.27 : April , JS.3I ; Mny ,
JH.3C ; June , J8.40 ; July , J3.4I ; November , Ji.SS ;
December , JS.OI.-
middling. 7 , c ; low middling. 7 3-16c.
P < -orlu .11 M IlieI M.
PKOIIIA. Nov. 2.-COIIN l-'lrm ; No. 2 , : < c ;
No. 3 , 23'4e.
_ OATS Plnii ; No. 2 white. 2P.4C ! No. 3 white ,
IIY13 Firm ; No. 2 , 35H4J3i : .
WHISKY Market stemly ; Ilnlshed goods on
the biifls of Jl IS for high wines.
UKt'KIPTH-rorn. SU.ICO bu. ; ontB , IM.eM bu. ;
rye. 3t ) ! ) bu. ; whisky , 7. gals. ; wheat , 4,100 bu ,
SHIP.MHNTS-rnrii. .10.7(10 ( bu. ; onls. f.B.OSO . bu. ;
rye , none ; whUky , 77u gals. ; wheat , none1.
SlIKlll.Ilitrkct. .
NIIW YOIIK , Nov. -StJOAK Haw. nrm ;
fair rednlng. 2'c ; centrifugal , W test , 3'ie.
Hcilneil , llrm ; stnmlanl "A , " 4Uc ; granulated ,
LONDON' . Nov. 2. St'OAH Cane , iUlet ] ;
rentiIfusal. Java , 10s M ; Muscovndn. fair rc-
flnlnK , 9s Gil. llect sugar , steady ; little doing ;
November , ! > sl',4d ; December , 9s 3J.
Lonitoii Whent .1lni-l > ct.
LONDON. Nov. 2. Whrnt nt the llaltlc closed
firm toilay nl 3d to dl inlvnnce. California
wheat , October nnd November shipments' , soi.l
nt 34s. ami Walla Wnlla wheat. Novcnih'-r and
December shipments , cell nt 33s. No. 1 northern
spring v\hent. off the const , sold for 31s IM , luid
was n-offercil nt 32s 3d.
Liverpool Slock * eif
LIVERPOOL , Nov. Z. Followlm ; lire the stocks
of tiread turfs mil pro\l lnns : Flour. SS.OtO Ibp. ;
whrnt , SI7.0M cenln's ; c > rn 4f4 COO Cflil'ls ; bacon.
fi.eC'O ' boxes ; hnin , 1,100 boxes ; shoulders , l.fiuo
lioxrs ; lard. 1'J.ffn llerecs ; cheese. 49,100 boxes ;
butter , 10,500 puns.
Oil Clt MiirTiet.
OIL CITY. Pa. . Nov. Z. Credit balances ,
JI.17 ; certificates opened higher nnd closed nt
51.17 : shipments. 30th nnd 31st. 3tt.4H bbls. ; ship
ments November 1 , C4,5ft ! bbls. : runs , October
50 nnd 31 , 111.C51 bbls. ; runs , November 1 , CG.ZVO
Toledo Crnln.
TOLEDO. Nov. Z.-WHEAT-HlKhcr : nrm : No.
Z cash , I3le ! ; December , SS'je ; May , S3'lc.
CORN Active ; higher ; No. 2 mixed. Z3ic. !
OATM-Dull : steady ; No. Z mixed , 15c.
KYE-FIrm : No. Z cnsli. ? 2' ' i--
CLOVER 8EED Higher ; llrm ; J5.40.
IMIH Win-ill.
rioscd : Novembfr. 73'ic : DecPlntwr , 7ic ; Mny.
7fe. On track : No. t hard , 74 > ic ; No. 1 northern ,
73'4c ; No. Z northern , 7 ! < ,4e. RecPlpts , 971 cure.
itnln llntli-r.
ELGIN. Nov. Z. IIUTTER Slendy ; offerings ,
C.3SO | Ibs. ; sales. ! ioO Ibs. , nt ISc ; 37,220 Ibs. , nt
IS'jc ; l.SOO IbB. , nt 19c.
l.oiidon 1'ieliniiwre CtoKi-d.
LONDON , Nov. Z. This belns n bank holiday ,
the Stock exchange Is closed.
PrlMeoVluilt. .
Mny , J1.4S 4 ; December. Jl.40 % .
InorciiNc for OetobriIN Over Seven
Million DiitlarM.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The October
statement of tlio public debt shows debt
less cash In the treasury on October 31 to
have been $ DS7,4ftS,9o § , nn Increase for the
month of $7,103.720 , which Is accounted for
by a corresponding decrease In thu cash ( in
hand. The debt Is recapitulated as follow :
Interat bearing debt , ' ' $ S47.3CI.4GO ; debt on
which Interest has ceased since maturity ,
$1,007,010 ; debt jiearliiK no Interest , $372-
100,247 ; total ,
This , however , docs not Include $564.340-
023 In certificates and treasury notes out
standing , which arc offset by an equal
amount , of cash In the treasury.
The cash In the treasury Is classified as
follows : Gold , 1C5.323.S2C ; silver , $509.058-
741 ; paper , $1C4C51,2SC ; bonds , disbursing
officers' balances , etc. , $17,639,361 ; total.
$ S3CC76,221 , against which there are domain ]
liabilities amounting to $603,103,460 , which
leaves a cash balance of $233,572,761.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 2. The monthly
comparative statement of the receipts and
expenditures of the United States shows
the total receipts for the month of October
to have been $20,232,829 , ns compared with
$27,901,818 for October , 1S95. The disburse
ment during tbo month aggregates $33,978-
277 , showing a deficit for October of $7,655-
I5S , as compared with tlio deficit of $6,601-
CS7 for October last year. The receipts for
the month are classified as follows : Cus
toms , $11,105.493 ; Internal revenue , $13.363-
156 ; miscellaneous , JlSI 1,180 , as compared
with October , 1S95 , the customs receipts
decreased about $2t6SSOW. and the Internal
revenue receipts Increased about $150,000.
The total deficit slnco July 1 , 1S96 , Is $32-
Many lives of usefulness nave betn ci > *
short by neglect to break up an ordlnan
cold. Pneumonia , bronchitis and even con
sumption can bo averted by the prompt use
nf Ono Minute Cough Cure.
Two Children Stricken While Trnvul-
ItitS "Mil Their Puri-litH.
CHICAGO , Nov. 2. Visitors at the Union
depot yesterday vvcro given a diphtheria
scare. Shortly after 1 o'clock the health
department officials were notlllcd that two
children suffering from the disease were In
the ladles' waiting room of the depot. lrs.
Murdoch nnd Kngleman of the health de
partment went to the ficene and found two
children of Hoy. John Hutter lying on the
benches In the waiting room. The J.-mlly
arrived at noon from California. When
the family left the wc-st there were Mr.
Huttor and wife and throe children In the
party. Heforo reaching Denver ono of the
children was stricken with the disease and
died before the train left the city. Shortly
afterward the other two children were taken
down with the disease. The family was on
Its way to Philadelphia. When the family
reached the "Union depot yesterday the
father was thoroughly alnrmcd at the con
dition of his children and called Dr. Sum
mers. The physician saw at a glance-
that the casea vvcro diphtheria and promptly
notified the health department. Later
the patients were , .removed to the diphtheria
ward of the county hospital and the roomu
at thu depot thbrou'ehly ' fumigated to pre
vent a spread of the contagion. Mrs. Rut-
ter Is at the hospital nursing the patlcntu.
The condition of the--children is reported to
bo critical. Antltoxlnc was administered
and the attending physicians have hopes ot
saving the lives of ( ho children.
They are so lltt'.o you nanny know you
are taking them. ] They cause no griplns.
yet they act < iurcWnnd ; most thorough ! } .
Such are the famous little pills known as
DeWItt'a Little JJa'rly Risers. Small In
size , great In r'eKUlls. _
IniliortM of Canned .11 en IN .Not Hnrred
HBUL1N , Nov. ' 2.- The North German Gazette -
zetto today says that the statement Is In
correct that a rc'eut order renders the Im
port of American itlnncd meat virtually Im
possible by providing for the examination
of each tin on Importation ,
The lIng ; of pills'Is Hficcaarn' * fleccham's.
INSTHUMRNTS placed on record Monday ,
November 2 , 18 6 :
Theresa Otla nnd hunhnml to William
Cirncnltf , lot 1C , block 5 , I'lnlnvlcw
add $ MOO
William Gentleman and vvlfo to KlliiH
BvciiHon , lotH 13 , II und 15 , block C ,
HowlingUreen . " 330
C. V. Mos nnd M. T. Moi to A. K.
HlanfiiHH , lot .1 , block 21 , Omaha
View extension 1,200
William /ClmmiTinan and vvlfu to H. K ,
Huber , lot 2 , block 2 , Avondiilo
Park , 1,600
Aiitiu OlbboiiH tu It. n. McCrow , lot 2 ,
block C. Kotmtzo I'laco C.OOO
C. A. Plank to 1-V B , Kolliuwbeo , n'/i
lot 10 , block \ , Hoi'KB & H'H 21 add. . liM (
M. C , Wear and liuxbnnd to John nnd
Hcrtlui Welinur , lot G , block 12 , Cor-
rigun Pluco 300
Total amount of transfers
Less Than Two Thousand Ilend of Oiittlo
Offered for Sale ,
Kv < > -lliliiK Ol ( until V\t Kurty nnil
IIU-NM CliiicN Firm Mou * Open
SI run | j anil Sell lllKher
All Tlirouisli.
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. S.-HecelptS for
the ilnys Indicated were :
Cnttlc. HORS. Sheep. Horses.
November 2 2 KM l.XG 3.522 SI
October 31 lV.ll 3,010 213
October 30 I.TO7 I.JWi 2.KM
October ESI L'.ROI 3,705 SC > 7
October 2S 4,8X5 3.911 3.0H3
October 27 3.SSO 7.41W l.lfil
October M 4 787 1.3V5 5,03.1
October 24 1,111 42.4 ' 447
October 23 2.M1 3.C.03 2K > 7
October 72 2,7.V 3,710 1193
CATTL1S As anticipated today's run of
cnttto wan very tight for u Monday , tliero
bcliiK lens thnn hnlf ns many n were hero
ti week ago. The offering * on the mai'.tel
were considerably lighter than this receipts ,
ns 410 head of the number reported In were
consigned direct to n packer , and were not
on the market at nil.
Killing cuttle of nil kinds were scarce
and It did not reiinlre much time for the.
buyers to clean up the few head on sale.
There were a few bunches' of natives , which
Hold at $3.7" > fr I.SO. The prices paid for beef
steers were Just about steady with the
close of lant week.
Cows and Jielfers were also fully steady
or even strong , mid with the demand peed
the eight or nine loads on sale were soon
Stoekers and feeders were In light sup
ply for the llrst of the week , but still con
sidering the fact that buyers are In
clined to hold buck until after election , the
offerings were fair. The demand , however ,
pioved to be quite good and the. market
was fairly active nt strong prices. The
moat of the cattle changed hands In good
season and practically everything sold be
fore the close. lteprerentiitlvc sales :
1. . 2 CO 53. . , . S27 2 f.O . . f.fiS 270
1. . 2M 1. . . . GoO SCO . .1030 313
1. . . . MO 2 CO
B. . . 1M 22 * . 4. . . . 130 3 r,0 1. . 130 f. CO
K. . . 23) ) 313 1. . . . 100 4 M 1. . ISO 523
CC. . . 334 3 tO 1. . . . 120 4 73
1. . . . : o 2 M 35. . . . B2i ) 273 2. . . .1033 310
1C. . . 4SO 275 II. . . . 7M 275
J. Lnycock.
No. Av. IT. No. Av. I'r.
7 cows. S71 Jl 7-i 2 fce-de-ra. . . ttt.1 $3 CO
1 bull 13CO 2 10 79 feivlfTS. . . 700 340
2 Mills . 1245 210 4 ctrs. tlt.232 275
6 COH-8 . 1041 270 1C feeders. . . .1GOI 313
1 It'll IloborlM.
1 bull . KM 173 11 heifer * . 1001 273
I Inill . 1410 200 1 slir. . . 1410 310
2cows . 1CCO 2 SO 7 alters . 1220 320
1 sine SfcO.
J. H. Illicit.
1 feeder ! > SO 22.1 62 feeders. . . . f91 27.1
2.1 sirs. tig..1023 2 XI
( ' . Nllglf.
2 steers 1327 273 43 Fleers 1327 340
Wllllahi IlliiKhnm.
7 fcrilvnt. . . . 912 2 ! ) 22 feeders. . . . CISC 2 SO
Oeorgo L. Shoup.
S bulls Hi7 ! 1ST , S slrs.roiiBh.124S 2 SO
1 sir. tig. . . . MO 200 17.1 feeders..111.9 320
2 Mi-ers 1332 273 1C steers 1332 340
1 klr. UB..IIW 2fO
4 bulls I HO 2 00 2 ir I IK. tig..110 02 K
1 bull Itcp 215 5' ' ) cows M-0 2 70
220 2S feeders. . . . till ) 3 CO
C cow S.76 213 1 ete-er. low ) 3 23
23 hclferc S07 2M 1 cnlf 2uO 4 50
P. Travis.
1 bull 13JO 1 M 8 feeders..1002 2 W >
38 heifers 1041 2 61
D. Hanna.
23 rows 707 1 9.1 15 sirs. tig..1070 2 BO
1 sir. tie. . . . WOi 50 2C feeders. . . . k57 2 73
A. Leonard.
4 cows 19.1 2 steers 1030 27.1
1 feeder MO 2 23 1 feeder CM 2 73
2 sirs. llg. . . 970 2 2,1 7 feeders. . . . Ml 2 73
1 Mag 1330 2 40 1 feeder 910 310
2 heifers 710 2 CO 23 fcuilera. . . . ! U3 3 10
15 cows S3 2 50 6 steers K3 3 15
1 heifer CIO 2 70 1 Me-er 1000 3 23
0 hclfera MO 270 7 feeders. . . . Dill 3 23
r > bulls ir-o i so 47 fecik > rs. . .l005 325
1 bull 1PGO 2 ( XI 19 Fleers 1111 3 SO
5 cows 107S 2 13 32 feeders. . . 1005 3 SO
35 feeders. . . . MS 2 70 16 steers 11M 3 4J
81 feeders..1059 3 10
HOO3 It wits the kind of n hog market Hint
salesmen like to sec It opened nt an iidvjnci-
nnd held tu It until the close. The demand
was good nnd the twenty-two loads on sale
were aoon cleared up. The prices pal.l showed
tin advance of MTlOc , mostly lOe , as compared
with tiie clohe of last week.
A few heavy loads sold nt J3.20. but the great
bulk went nt J3.2.1. ns against on Satur
day. Light bogs were scarce , but one load
sold nt J3.S5.
Tlio week opens with the market back Just
about when * It was n week ago , nnd at Ihe
highest point touched since October 26. llepie-
Fcntnttve sales :
8HKI3P Tlie rceelpts weie larRe , but n KOOI !
many cf ibcm were common. The market wus
jui < t about Etunily. with ilolrnble niuttoim la
oil demand. Heprcucntnllvc rale :
No. Av. Pr.
10 culls M $1 M
2 tallliiKB M 1 r ( )
14 tallliiKH 101 210
45 I'lnb mlxe.l 102 225
21S western wethe-r t6 240
247 weKlein wetbero S7 2 40
24S western wethers t-r 2 40
CO Wyomlm : wetbr M 250
( it lltuli wcthem 97 260
f2 native wet hern 114 275
15 Wyoming limlm 61 3 PO
25 Wyoming liunlix CO 3 M
li Wyomlm ; lambs . ' .0 3 00
23 Utah lambs 00 300
10 I'tali lambs M 300
9 Ulab lambs r.r 3 00
742 Mrfker 61 315
IOC I'la h lambs G.1 3 0
24S tJlnh lambn C'J 3 SO
R5 t'tnh Uinbn M 3W
110 Wyoming laintis Oi SCO
IIS Wyoming lambs C2 3 f.O
\VyombiK luinbu 67 3 CO
J I to Choice CiiUle Moved Olf Quito
H < -Klllllrl.v.
CHICAGO. Nov. 2. Oood to choice cattle
moved off readily at nbout lOc higher than was
paid nt the clone of last week. Sales were
brisk nt from f3.CO to JS.10 for common to choice
native beef Mecrs , with the bulk of catth- going
nt from J4.25 to Jl.fT , nnd fancy entile wi-ru
sold nt from J5.15 to J5.2.1. Hutc icrs' nnd fan
ners' cnlllc rold veiy well , Ihe weakness re
cently wllncsted being checked by the llmlled
offerings , and calve-s were llrmer. Texas nml
weslerns were nellvo nml In iood demand.
Then was u good demand for hogs , nnd Ihe
fcupply was ( jiilcltly taken nl nn advance of
fully lOc , the bulk selling nt from J3.20 to 13.M.
Kales were at nil extreme range of from J3 10
In 13.CO , choice lots of different weights again
selling cloi-u tOKCthor.
Prices for shrep were largely lOo higher.
There was n brisk Ir.ule nt from Jl-25 to J2.15 for
Inferior to from 12.75 to J3 for good fat Hocks ,
nnd u fuw prime native sheep brought 13.10.
I.ainbH were uctlvo at from 12.75 to It.40 , with
nnles chlilly ut from J3.25 to 11.2. . Choice
bimtis were very scarce. The demand for feed
ing sheep wan unalmteil.
HccclpU Cattle , 12.DCO head ; hogs , 10,000 head ;
iihccp , 13,000 head.
SI. Li.ulH Live * Slock ,
HT. LOPIfl. Nov. 2-CATTLIi-Itecclptfl , 2,000
lend. Market strong to lOo lilgheT.
HOafi-Hecclptii , 4,100 head. Market lOo
ilgher ; Yoikers. J3.40i73.50 ; puckers , J3.:003.4S ;
heavy , J3.10fi3.50.
BHHHP Ilecdpts1,000 head. Market lOc
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
KIIIINMH City Live Nloek ,
KANHAH CITY. Nov. 2-CATTLIJ-Heceliti | ,
6,000 head ; ihlpments. 2,200 bend ; market ulroiig
to lOu higher nml active ; Texas tie-en , 12304/1,0) .
Texas cows , J2.00/2.UO ; nnllvo strem. J3.litil.75 :
native cows nnd hrlf r , JI.2SiT3.40 ; utockiTS und
feeder * . J2.304,00 | ; bulls. tl.75 r..W.
8-IUiclpt , 3wo head ; lilpmenm , none ;
mnrkft fi/lCc1 / blRlu-r mil ncllv. - U t > I '
ef rah i , $ .iacft3.45. Ii. nvy J I 'i , , | i . .r
l.i : n i 1,40 mlxe-1 H ; 1.14 , . Ib-lus , i- '
YurUcr * , J 4i' i3 15 , plgn JJ .MI3.3 : .
SUMP. ! ' llferllitii. 5 mil Lend. hlrninit * tn-iie.
mnrkrt ttruiiRer , lAinl" . $3.nil'S , multnnip. | l . . . .
fl3.K > . i
\ MV YorU Live StoeU. !
NiW : YOIIK , Nov. : : | ! < . S.74S
it-nil ; HM-I-K , fnlrly nelUe mid tiUtirr ; roimb
Mock t-Ttirmlly rnrler , unlive Ho r . 13.toff4.SO ( ;
Coloinilux M lotJ3,7ri , rtmen mill iiten , > ! .Cuff 1.15 ;
lillllii. J ! ( 4J2.M ; city eiwu. | l. ! tf2.l . I'uhleK
iiuole American rttrn nt IPc to tn ie i1rr rel
welRbt ; nhrrp nt 7c In e dtpmrd Mriuht ; ietrlit r-
ntnr lifef nt 7\e to > 'nKxpnrtii ' liniinireiw , 1.340
be-even. 1,400 sheep Hint 3.1'V nlinrlcru of l < -f
SIIMKP ANP LAMIWItieflptK. . ll. hfn.l . ;
mere nrtlve and llrmer ; Mieep. J.e > lff3.W.
HOaS-Itrerlptii , 1. < M bHil ; fleaib lit } 8 70ft
4.10. t
Slock In Sliilit.
lleennl of recclpln of live Hwk nl t ic four
prlnclm | ! nipiketn N'nvpinber ! , IVW :
( , 'nttle. llocn. Hhorp.
Pniitli Omalm 2 XW IMS 3.Z2
flileiiKo 12 r.on to.roi I3.1KX )
KntiMi * Oily f. coo 3 ( 00
St. Louis 2. o 4.MO l.-'ifl
Totnls K.S36 M.05 ! 19.SK
The following proposed amendments to tin
Constitution nf the Stnto of Nebraska , n > 4
hereinafter set forth In full , urc submitted
to the electors of the State of Nebraska , to
ho voted upon nt the general election to be j |
held Tuesday , November 3 , A. IJ. IS'JS : [
A Joint resolution proposing to amend
sections two (2) ( ) , four ( I ) , and live (5) ( ) , tit
article six ( C ) of the Constitution of the
Stale of Nebraska , relating to number of
Judges of the supreme court and their term
of ofllco.
He It resolved nnil enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska :
Kcetlon 1. That section two (2) of article
six ( C ) of the Conntltutlon of the State of
Nebraska be amended so as to read as follows - ,
lows :
Section 2. The supreme court shall until
otherwise provided by law , consist of ' ! vi'
( u ) Judges , a majority of whom shall bo
necessary to form a quorum or to pro
nounce a decision. 11 shall have original I
Jurisdiction In cases I elating to revenue , j l
civil cases In which the state shall be a I ;
party , mandamus , quo warninto , habeas
col pus , and such appellate Jurisdiction , as
may be provided by law. I
Section 2. That section four ( I ) of article
tlx ( ( i ) of the C'onntltutlon of the state of
Nebraska , be amended so as to read as fol
lows :
Section 4. The judges of thu supreme
court shall be elected by the electors of
the state nt large , and their term of olllee ,
except as herelnalter provided , shall bo fern
n period of not less than live (5) ) years as
the legislature may preseilbe.
Section 3 That section live ( ) of article
( dx ( G ) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska , bo amended to read ns follows :
Section 5. At the first general election to
be held In the year UM. there shall be
elected two Judges of the supreme court
one of whom shall be elected for a term of
two (2) ( ) years , one for he term of four (4) ( )
years , and at each general election there
after , there shall be elected one Judge of
the supreme court for the term of live (5) (
years , unless otherwise provided by law ;
1'rovlded , That Ihe Judges of the supreme
court whose terms have not expired nt the
time of holding the general election of ISM.
shall continue to hold their ol\ci ! \ > for the
remainder of the term for which they
were respectively commissioned.
Approved March 2S , A. I ) . U93.
A joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to section thirteen (13) ( ) of article six
of the Constitution of the Stnto of Nebraska ,
relating to compensation of supreme and
district court Judges.
He It resolved by the Legislature of the
State of Nebraska :
Section I. That section thirteen (1.1) ) of
article six ( ti ) of the Constitution of thu
State of Nehrnska be amended so as to
read as follows :
Sec. 13. The Judges of the supreme and
district courts shall receive for their ser
vices such compensation as may be pro
vided by law. payable quarterly.
The legislature shall at Its first session
after the adoption of this amendment ,
three-fifths of the members elected to
each house concurring , establish their
compensation. The compensation so es
tablished shall not be changed oflener than
once In four years and In no event unless
two-thirds of the members elected to each
house of the legislature concur therein.
Approved March TO , A. U 1M3.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section twenty-four (24) ( ) of nrtlcln five (5) ( )
of the Constitution of the Slate of Nebraska ,
relating to compensation of the olllcera of the
executive department.
Do It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That portion twenty-four (21) ( )
of article five (5) ) of the Constitution of
the Stnto of Nebraska bo amended to read
ns follows :
Section 21. The olllcers of the executive
department of the state government Hhall
receive 1'or their services a compensation
to be established by law. which shall bu
neither Increased nor diminished during
the term for which they shall have been
commissioned and they shall not receive
to their own usi > any fees , costs , Intercom ,
upon public moneys In their hands or
under their control , perquisites of olllee or
other compensation , and all fees that may
hereafter ue payable by law for services
performed by an olllc-er provided for In
thK M shall be pnld In advance Into
the state treasury. The legislature shall
nt Its llrst session nftfr the adoption o (
this amendment , three-fifths of the mem
bers wlrctcd 10 each house of the legisla
ture concurring , establish the pal.-.rlca of
Inn olllcers named In this article. Tno
compensation PO established shall not ba
changed oftener than once In four years
and In no event unless two-thirds of thu
members elected to eucb house of thu leg
islature concur therein.
Approved March 29. A. D. H03.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section ono ( i ) of article six ( G ) of the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating
to judicial power.
He It resolved and enacted by the Legis
lature of the Htato of Nebraska :
Section J. That section one (1) ) of article
six ( G ) of the Constitution of the State ot
Nebraska bo amended to read aa follows :
Section 1. The Judicial power of this state
shall be vested In n supreme court , dis
trict courts , county courtu. Justices of the
peace , police magistrates , mid In xuch
other courts Inferior to the Kiiprem ? court
us may lie created by law In which two-
thirds of the members elected lo each house
Approved March 29 , A. D. ISI'5. '
A joint resolution proposing to amend sec
tion eleven (11) ( ) of article six ( G ) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , re
lating to Increase in number of supremu
and district court judges.
Bu It ret-olved and enacted by the I-eg-
Islatun : of the State of Nebraska :
Section I. That section eleven (11) ( ) ol arti
cle ulx ( G ) of thu Constitution of the State
of Nebraska bo amended to read us fol
lows :
Section 11 The legislature , whenever two-
thirds of the members elected to each house
shall concur therein , may , in or after the
year 0110 thousand eight hundred and
ninety-seven and nut oftener than once In
every four years , Increase Ihoiiiumber of
judges of supreme and district Vourla , and
thu judicial districts of the Htate. Such
dlstrlctu Hhall be formed of compact terri
tory , and bounded by county lines ; and
such Increase , or any change In the
boundaries of n district , ahull not vacate
the olllco of any judge.
Approved March 33 , A. IX , 1S93.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section EX ( G ) of article ono (1) ( ) of the Con
stitution of the State of Nebraska , relating
to trial by jury.
13o It resolved and enacted by the Leg-
talaluru of the Htatu of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section ulx ( G ) , article ono
(1) ( ) of the Constitution of the Htatn of Nebraska
braska bu amended to read aa follows :
Section fi , Tim right of irl"i ) jury shall
remain inviolate , nut the Ipetilaturff"mny
provide that In civil nctluiiH live-sixths of
thu Jury may render n verdict , and the
leglnlaturu by also nuthnrlzo trial by a
Jury of a less number than twelve mull ,
In courts Inferior to thu district court.
Approved March 29 , A , U , 1S95 ,
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section ono (1) ( ) of article live ( C ) of the COD-
stltutlon of Nebraska , relating to oQlccra of
the executive department.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the Lcu-
Islaturo of Hid Blato of NfhrueKn :
Section 1. That Hcclton one (1) ( ) of article
flvo ( C ) of thu Constitution of thu State
of Nebraska bu amended to read an fol
lows ;
Section 1 , Ilia c.xo < : utlvu department shall
consist of n governor , lluutfimnt governor ,
secretary of state , auditor of publlu uc-
counU. .treasurer , superintendent or uubllo
Instruction , nttornev gincrnl. rommlMloner
of public latins an.l buildings , and thru commission-in , i , u-h of whom , ex-
c.T'l tlii- said ral' ' tommlsMoncrs , shall
hold his otllco for u trrm of two years ,
from the llrst Thursday nfter the first
Tuesdav In January , after his election ,
nnd until lilt miccessor Is elected mid quail-
Hod. Kncti railroad commissioner shall
hold bis ofllec for n term of three years ,
beginning on the first Thursday after the
tint Tuesday In January after hla election ,
nnd until his ti cccssnr Is elected nnd quali
fied ; 1'rovlded. however. That nt the first
Konrrnl rlce'Mu held after the adoption
of this nmeiidmenl there shall be elected
three railroad commissioners , ono for the
period of one year , one for the petlod of
two years , nnd one for the period of threw
years. The governor , secretary of mute ,
auditor of public accounts , and treasurer
Bhall eslde nt the capltol during their
term of olllee ; they shall keep the publlo
records , books and papers there , and shall
perform such dutlcH IIH may bo required by
"Approved March SO , A. tX. 1S > 3.
A joint resolution proposing to amend cc
: lnn twenty-six (20) ( ) of article five (5) ( ) of th *
Constitution of the Slate of Nebraska , limit *
lug the number of cxi-cutlvc Male oincers
lie It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section twenty-six (2o ( ) ot
article live ( S ) of the Constitution of vhti
State of Nebraska be amended to iread ns
follows :
Section JC. No other executive state olll
cers except those mimed In ruction one (1) )
of this nillulu shall bo created , except by
nn act of the legislature which Is con
curred In by not less than three-fourth ; !
of the members elected to each houca
thereof ;
1'rovlded. That any olDce created by an
net of the leitl-daluro may be nbollthed by
the legislature , two-thirds ot the members
elected to each hou e thereof concurring.
Approved Moroh sA. . IX. ISO.
A joint resolution proponing to amend
section nine (9) ( ) of article eight ( S ) of the
Constitution ot the State of Nebraska , pro-
vldlng tor the Investment of the porm.incnt
educational funds ot the Mate.
He It resolved and enacted by the Leg
islature of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section nine i > of artlcln
eight ( S ) of the Constitution of the Si a to
of Nebraska be amended to lead ns fol
lows :
Section 9. All funds belonging to the stain
for educational purposes , the Interest and
Income whereof onlj are to be used , shall
lie deemed trust funds held by the state ,
nnd the state shall supply nil losses there
of that may In any manner accrue , so Hint
Ihe same shall remain forever Invlol.ilo
nnd undlmliv.-di-nl , and shall not be IM-
.eslcd or loaned except on I'nltcd Sl.itr : !
or state securities , or registered county
bonds or rc rlfitored school district Imnd-j
of this state , and such funds , with tlm
Interest and Inemno thereof are hereby
solemnly pledged for the purposes for
which they are granted and set apirt am ]
shall not bo iransftrrcd to nny other fund
for other uses ;
Provided , The board created by section
I ! 1 of this article U empowered to sell from
time to time nny of the pccurltlca belong
ing to the permanent school fund and In
vest the proceeds arising thcf-from In miy
of the securities enumerated In t'lls s <
t Ian bearing a higher late of Inlirotit ,
whenever an opportunity for better Invst-
tnent Is presented ;
And provided further , That when anj <
warrant upon the ulato treasurer regu
larly Issued In pursuance of an appropii.i-
tlon by the losl.-dalurc and secured by Ida
levy of a tax for Its payment , shall ba
presented to the ulnte treasurer for pay
ment , and there shall not be any money
In the proper fund In pay such warrant ,
Ihe liuaul crealed by section 1 ot this aril-
cle may direct the state treasurer to pay
the amount due on Bitch warrant from
moneys In his hands belonging to the per
manent school fund of thu state , and hu
Bhall hold Fiild wairant as an Investment
of said permanent school fund.
Approved March 2 ! ) . A. D. , 1SS3.
A joint resolution proposing an amend
ment to the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska by adding : i new section to nrtk-lrt
twelve (12) ( ) of said constitution , to bo mini-
bered section two (2) ( ) , relative to the merg
ing of the government of cities ot the
metropolitan class nnd the government ot
the counties wherein tuch ? cities ore lo
He It resolved nnd enacted by the Leg-
Islaluro of tin- State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That article twelve (12) of th i
Constitution uf the State of Nebraska bo
amended by adding to said article a new
section to be numbered section two (2) ( ) . to
read an follows :
Section 2. The government of nny city ot
the metropolitan class and Ihe Kovorntm nt
of thu county In which It Is located may bo
merged wholly or In part when n proposi
tion so to do has been submitted by nu-
thoilty of law to the voters of such city
nnd county and received the assent of a.
majority of the votes east In such city nnd
also n majority of the votes cast In tlm
county exclusive of those cast In KUCU ,
metropolitan city at such election.
Approved March 2U , A D. li''j.
A joint resolution proposing an amendment
to section six ( G ) of article seven (7) ( ) of tlm
Constitution of the State of Nebraska , pre
scribing tlm manner in which votes Bhall
bo cast.
He It resolved and enacted by the Leg.
Ifllnturo of the State of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section six ( C. ) of art-la !
Hoven (7) ( ) of the Constitution of the Stiit
of Nebraska be amended to read as fol
lows :
Section G. All votes shall be by ballot , or
such oilier method as may be preserlbeil
by law , provided the secrecy of voting ba
Approved March 29 A. IX , 1S93.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section two (2) ( ) ot nrtlcln fourteen (14) ( ) ut tha
Constitution cf the State of Nebraska , rela
tive to donations to works of Internal Im
provement nnd manufactories.
Ho It resolved and enacted by the Lnls- ;
Inturc of the Slate of Nebraska :
Section 1. That section two (2) ( of artc | |
fourteen (14) of the Constitution of the
| State of Nebraska , bo amended to rend as
follows :
Section 2 No city , county , town , preilnrt ,
.municipality , or other subdivision of tlio
slate , shall ever make donallons to any
works of Internal Improvement , or miinu-
ftictory , unless a proposition HO to do shall
have been ilrst submitted to the qualified
cleelors and rntllled by a two-thlids vet
at an election by authority of law ; Pro
vided , That such donations of a county
with the donations of ruch subdivisions In
tlio aggregate shall not exceed ten per cent
of the assessed valuation of such county ;
Provided furlber That any city or county
may. by a three fourths vote Increase such
Indebtedness five per cent , In addition lo
tuich ten ner cent and no bomls or evi
dences of IndeblrdnesM so Issued shall bo
valid unless the same shall have endorsed
thereon u certlflcale signed by the secre
tary and auditor of nlntc , showing that
Old same Is Issued pursuant to law.
Approved March 19. A. U. . USD.
I , J. A. Piper , secretary of state of the
Etato of Nebraska , do hereby certify that
the foregoing proposed amendments to tlm
Constitution of the State of Nebraska are
true and correct copies of the original en
rolled and engrossed bills , as passed by tlm
Twenty-fourth session of the legislature ot
the State of Nebraska , as appears from
said original blllx on flic In this office , and
that all and each of cald proposed amend
ments arc submitted to the qualified voters
of the state of Nebraska for their adoption
or rejection at the general election to beheld
held on Tuesday , the 3d day of November ,
A. D. , 1SOG.
In testimony whereof , I have thereunto
set my hand and nfllxcd the great seal ot
the state of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln , this 17th dny of July , In
the year of our Lord , Ono Thousand Hlglit
Hundred and Ninety-six , of the Independ
ence * of the United States the Ono Hundred
nnd Twenty-first , and of this state tlio
Seal , ) J. A. PIPKIl ,
Secretary of State.
AUB 1 DtoN'ovS morn only.
Telephone lOiit ) . Omaha , Neb.
, HourJ of Truile ,
Direct nlrea to Cintucu ami New York ,
Corrcupondenii : John A. Warrtu 4 Co ,
unj rmvtT bffcreJ bvucr oppui tunny for inak *
Hilt money. Write IJ , H , Murray & Co. .
Ilaiilieru & llrtke-m , 1ZJ Illalto 111.1 . . , Cnlcato.
mcmbri * of Hie Cblratru lluaril of Trade In icuj
rtundlnir. for Ihtlr Iwok on Ulnllillc * mij krt < ecu
lathe Information , ami Unity Market l.cller.
OUT oir TOWM onoEita. i