THE OMAITA TXA1LV IfjTCE : TinCSDAT , ! TOV3flMl aR a , 1.800. Tim OMAHA DAILY BUM ill. Keillor llV M01lNfxcF. TliltMH 01. ' Ht-HXCHIITION. ttally lice ( Without Sunday ) , Ono Year . * 00 Daily Itro nnJ Kunitny , Ono \rnr . > 5 < > Bl Month * . "I" Three Mimth < . "J Hundny Uf * . Ono Ywir . f JJ Butunlny life. One Viiir . * ) Weekly Use , One Your . ra OKi'H.'KS : Omntin : Tlie lleillulhlltiR. . . . , . . . Bouth Oinnlmi Hlnser nik. , Ccr. N nnrt 21th Sis. Council Illuffn : 16 North Mnlti Street. UhleoRo OlllciSIT : flmmlxT nf Conimcrre. New York : Itoonm 1S. II nn < l 15. Tribune IIM * Wnihlnmnn : ll 7 ! ' Street , N. W. All communications relating to newii nnd oill- torlnl matter rlinuM I.e . ndilnnrrj : To the I.Utlor. . . . All Ininlnera letters ntul rrmlltHtvon MiouM t > " ddmued tn The tinI'ulillnhlnif tit > mW. \ . Omaha. nrnftn. cherl < nn.l t iMollei ! < orders to tm mncie imvnlilp to Irw order of the cotwiii ) . Tin : nr.n i'tm.ismxo ; COMI-ANV. -a. . , 8TATIJMBNT OP C111CUI.ATJON. Slnle of Nebraska , I of The Iloe I 'lib. iiporRo 11. i zncnm-k. upcretnry llfthlnircnmpnny , being duly sworn , ny tlml tne nclunl niimlit-r nf full nml coinpli-te coile | of Tlie Dnlly MornltiR , Kvcnlnif nnd Pumlay Itec lirliittM durlnR Urn month of October. 1MH. wns ns rot ' " ' * s'.8. . S0.097 " 2 JH.9M is" ; : ; ; ; . ! t.s x.m 10 . M.MJ si.sso y\ \ . J0.9TS -I . M.SIO e ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . ! ! ! ! ! . " si.'ov ) ' 7 W.CSl ft 29.IM3 M ' ' ' . 50S 1 s. SUM I iol'.I ! ! ! ! ! ! ! " . . " solt" KUfiS it SI. < M M.03J 12 SO.M5 U iO.SHO II SO.UI M. SI. , ic ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . ' . ' . ' . w'.wt CI9.I7I Total Less deductions for unsold nnd returned copies . l'-MT ' Totnl net unlM . "iS-l . * J- " * Net dally average ; ( inOIKIK It T/.SCHUOH. Sworn to heforc me nnd Kiilmrrllie.1 In my this 3I t < lny of Oclol r- . presence , : , , ; Ij , . Nnlnr'y I'uld'lC. ( Heal. ) _ I'alrlotlsm above jmrtlsiinslilp. Tills Is tintlity tlmt tells tinlulu. . Tlint cry for u l" > rt t-unpiljn : ? died n.-bornlii' . Voti ? for nn horn-si ilollur nnd u clnincu tO earll 11. Hot your vole In vnrly nnd ns ninny times ns tinlnv allows you. Vole uarly nnd innUc way for the oilier iii'oplo who want to vole. A vole for I last-nil Is n vote for the mast notorious rascal that lias over lli- ! Kracetl the i-lty i-ouiii-ll of Omaha. It Is votes Hint counl. All the cam paign P t < > tl'is ' I' ' " ' * ' bas bi-t'ii solely for the purpose of Ki-ttlii } , ' people to vote Hvory man must be ; l\H'ii nit oppor tunity to i-ast a five and untramnielfd ballot niTortlliiK to his own convictions. That Is the foundation stone of repub licanism. It's easy enough to cry coercion , butte to coerce a voter who doesn't want to 1m cooreutl , under the Australian ballot system that prevails In Nebraska , Is an absolute Impossibility. If Forecaster Welsh expects to hold on under the coming republican administra tion it will be well for him to put up n good article of sound money republican weather on election day. Vote for the best men for city council and school board. The republican nom inees are on the whole superlur to their opponents nnd are always entitled to the lu-nellt of the duubt. Why should Mr. Hryan's paper be more anxious to elect Frank Kaiisom , the so-culled silver republican candidate for state senator , than nny one else on the fusion legislative ticket ? Mexican dollars are quoted In the market reports at fioUi cents , even though they are heavier than the Amer ican standard dollar. The m-ccnt dollar lar In a silver basis country Is n reality , not a. llctlou. U will only take it fraction of n second to mark an X opposite the word "Yes" at the top of the ticket of amendments. Ky doing so you will record your vote for all the amendments nnd nssist the Interests of true prosperity. Itryan's paper talks about Mryan "try- Ing to elude the crowd" to explain his chilly reception on again setting foot on Nebraska soil. That Is decidedly rich when Bryan has been doing nothing for months but trying to Uml the crowd. Democrats sire urged to vote for .Judge Dullle for congress because Dave Mer cer ha.s left no stone unturned to defeat Itryan. That Is Just the reason every friend of sound money , republican or democrat , should vote for .Mercer anil against Dtttlle. The attempt of a local fake mill to In- jeel Into the campaign the controversy between the opposing schools of medl- clno will prove as futile as It Is silly. The doctors , like all other thinking men , are for sound money regardless of pro fessional differences. Frank Hansom counts on carrying the Third ward on his promise that he will have the laws against gambling re pealed. This Is a promise Mr. Hansom can never fulfill. The people of Nebraska will never allow gambling to bu licensed nml no governor will dare to sign a bill. Don't l > L lieve any story to the effect that republican legislative candidates tire tools of Hie Insurance combine. The only legislation we have regulating In surance companies doing business In Nebraska was enacted by republican legislatures. The best way to protect that legislation Is to make sure that : he next legislature Is republican. Dave Mercer's manly determination to remain at the side of his sick wife will have the approval of all decent men of all parties. The wretched charge that ho Is using this sad emergency to cover his own disinclination to appear before his constituents , who respect and honor him , Is too low for serious notice. It will react sharply , upon those who made It M.IHK ror/i IOTA ; TUI * The choice of the voter In Nebraska on candidates for president lies lyetweeu the nominee of the republican pnrly , William MeKluley. who Htauds for sound money , protection nnd the preser vation of the national credit , nnd the pnpocratle nominee , William .1. Iryau. who stands for depreciated silver money , repudiation of debts nnd national dis honor. Then- no possible chance that the electoral votes of Nebraska can go to any other presidential candidate. The friends of sound money , therefore , should make their votes tell. The way to make their votes tell Is to mark their ballots for the republican electors In stead of throwing their votes away on men who have not the ghost of a chance to In' elected nnd who do not expect to b ; > elected. H'tlih O.V.I//.1 / NTVl.vIII' o.v.ifM ? Will Omaha stand by Omaha ? The people of Omaha have more at stnRe In the present election than the people of any other part of Nebraska. The people of Omaha have more at stake In the present election than the people of any other city In the United States. I'pon the outcome of the present election of president and congress depends the prosperity of Omaha for the Immediate future more than that of any other place In ( he country. Omaha hopes to present to the world In .lune. 1SOS. a great exposition of the resources and products of the trans- mlssNslppI region. Unless , however. McKlnley and Mercer are elected n Transmlsslsslppl Exposition In the year 1S ! S will become an utter Impossibility. Only nineteen months remain till the day set by congress for the opening of the exposition nnd to complete the work mapped out will require every moment of the lime. Should I'.ryan triumph all business will be unsettled for an Indefinite period. It will be an absolute Impossibility to raise the funds neces sary to defray the expenses of so huge an enterprise. The exposition. If not altogether abandoned , will have "io be postponed to some remote future period. The fate of the exposition involves the fate of a dozen great projects for Omaha's advancement. Insure the ex position nnd the union depot problem Is solved at once. With an exposition In isS : ) the railroads will lu < compelled. In order to accommodate their trallie , to erect a new depot and Invest from S.'IH- ) ( KIO to $ ltMMM ( ( ( In Improving their terminal facilities In this city. On the other hand , the defeat of McKlnley and sound money would make It as Impos sible for the railroads to raise money for depot purposes as for the exposition managers to raise money for the ex position. The railroads could not build u new depot If they wanted to so long as the money market was demoralized and no estimates on future earnings re liable. With the assurance of the exposition by the restoration of business conll- denco will come' the construction of two or three metropolitan hotels to ac commodate visitors in IS'.lS. With It will come .extensions of our water works system , our street railway , our gas and electric lighting plants. All the public Improvements In the shape of replacing wornout pavements , com pleting our sewerage system , Improving the public parks , hinge on the outcome of tint election. Destroy all credits by endorsing a scheme for debt-scaling and repudiation and no new municipal bonds can be sold for months and years to come. Public works must come to n standstill and labor be denied employ ment. h-t Omaha and Nebraska speak out In no uncertain tones for McKinley and sound money and we shall witness a revival of prosperity by the tlipe the president Is Inaugurated such as we have never seen before. Active work will be begun on the exposition , prep arations for a union depot will be under way. hotels and new buildings by tin- score will be projected and plans laid for the early expenditure of hundreds of thousands of dollars on public Im provements of various kinds. Can tin- people of Omaha afford to neglect such an opportunity ? We believe they will answer an almost unanimous "No" at the ballot box. Tin : QVhUTiux ur ISKVKXUK. When the smoke of the political battle shall have cleared away and the public attention can be directed to some other question than that of the currency , the matter of more revenue for the govern ment is likely to receive greater con sideration than has been accorded it dur ing the campaign. Indeed , for the past three months It has received scarcely any attention from the people. The republican presidential candidate has frequently referred to it as a question of commanding Importance , but It has been utterly Ignored by the opposition , for the obvious reason that It could not be ills- cussed without disclosing the utter In adequacy of the present economic system. Yet each month has recorded n livasury deliclt , that for Ottob.'innun.nt - Ing to This condition of affairs can not be allowed to go on indefinitely. The necessity of providing sufllclent revenue to enable the government to meet Us current -expenditures Is Imperative. The credit of the government Is dependent upon it. There will probably be nothing done by the present congress. The same inllncncc that thwarted the effort of the house at the llrst session to provide more revenue will dominate the senate and defeat any further attempt , should It be made. In this direction. Iteslde.s , It is by no means certain that If revenue legislation should pass congress It would receive the approval of the administra tion , unless it were on administration lines , which Is not to be expected from a republican house. It Is safe to say , therefore , that monthly dullclts will con- tlntio to bo lite rule during the term of the Cleveland administration. It will be the duty of the succeeding administration , whoever shall bu electei president , to call congress In spi > cla session as soon as possible to consldei this question of providing more rove line. It Is understood that In the event of the election of Major MeKluley this will be done nnd should the house of representatives to bo elected today bo republican there Is little doubt that wenue legislation could be enacted. Therel.s reason to believe that some of the senators who blocked such legisla tion In the Interest of sliver would yield n the fai-e of n sound money victory , mrtlcttlurly If It sliould be so over whelming as the supporters of sound noney hope for. On the other hand , u the event of the election of Mr. Itrynn , with a house adverse to Ids urreney policy , it l.s questionable whether he would call congress in ipec-lnl session to consider the revenue , lie hns not indicated that lie has any merest In that subject and especially sl'ouhl the house be republican , as there semis not the least doubt It will be , U would be hardly possible that nny igreement as to revenue legislation ould be reached between the executive mil legislative branches of the gov- rnmeiit. In that case two things would be assured n silver basis , with ill Its disturbing effects , nnd the bank- uptcy of the national treasury , of " a Mryan administration would ntve authority to borrow under exist- ng law. but would It be able to borrow when the country had gone to a silver msls ami tlnanclal disorder prevailed ? " "mild It sell bonds even for silver tin ier such conditions , at the highest ate of Interest now prescribed by law ? rhat it would have dillicitlly In doing so there can bno , doubt. Obviously , therefore , this question of H'ovldlng more revenue Is not the lea , t inportant Involved In today's election. It will not prove troublesome In the eveiit of republican success , but other wise l ! Is likely to become a matter of very grjive concern. urn ; rs XK A statement regarding ihe foreign rade of Cnnnda shows our northern lelghbor made notable progress last vcar In both exports and imports. This s so unusual a fact In recent yrar.s an o be worthy of passing attention , sine ? the American people cannot but enter tain ti more or les- ) lively Interest In Oanadlan commercial affairs. We have 10 reason to fear any serious rivalry from that soiim- . but the trade of the Dominion Is a factor in the commerce of North America which we ought not to AI > altogether Indifferent to. An intending feature of the statistics s that the exports to the Hilled States declined , while the imports from the I'lilted States increased , but Canada still found a market here for her products to the amount of < s : ; < i.- MO.MH ) ( ) and as this was largely made up of agricultural commodities which came into competition with our own. the imoitnt is quite as large as Is desirable. The present tariff law Is much mor favorable to the Canadian producers than was the law It superseded anil the farmers on our northern border have Mtfferod no inconsiderable loss from th- competition. They will take the oppor tunity today to protest against this and if the republican party Is again given a' chance to revise the tariff these Ameri can farmers will not be neglected. Ca nada lias protection and the gold stand ard and she Is imikln-j progress under them. She would make more rapid pro gress If thi' 1'nlled Slates had a silver standard ami free trade. tt/.SJ/.l/.VK-.S Xl/UIVHK ( HlL'liSK. In permitting his personal organ to dis close state secrets of the highest Import ance i'rince illsmarck may be actuated by * a prop'-r and pardonable desire to vindicate the International policy of Cier- many under Its llrst emperor , William 1. for which lUsmarck was wholly or largely responsible. lie may fe"l that It Is necessary to the truth of history as well as to IIM ! own fame for statesman ship , that tlies-j disclosures be mad. * . Hut it has been suggested that hostility to his successor. Von Caprivl. has been the inciting motive with him. a sugges tion which If it could be verified would rellect unfavorably upon the as well as the Judgment of U'snmHk. The world will be slow to believe , how ever , that that great man l.s capable < > ' allowing personal hostility to carry him so far away from the requirements of duty and propriety. In any event , how ever , his Is strange and remark able and It Is to be apprehended will not increase his fame. lie has had rea son , unquestionably , to feel that his great services to ( iermany have not been fully appreciated by the present em- per-jr , but tills will hardly serve as a jttstillcation for tin- disclosure of state secrets that might u-ad to complications more or less serious. The reports that the government will Institute prosecutions of lUsmarck. by court martial or otherwise , probably have no substantial foundation. We are not aware what Herman law would permit to be done in such a case , but It would seem safe to assume that the gov ernment will not Invoke the law against the veteran statesman. It would be a mistake to do so and It might be a dangerous mistake , for lUsinurdc still holds the lirst place In the affections of the ( icrnian people and It Is more than probable that there would be vigorous resentment of anything that savored of persecution toward him. The matter may have still more Interesting develop ments or It may turn out to be merely "u tempest In n teapot. " Hi-member that Nebraska contains no silver mines and that It has nothing to gain anil much in lose by arllllclal boost ing of the price of sliver. If Nebraska were full of silver mines there might be some plausible excuse for Us people to cast wistful glances at free silver , but as It Is there is no cxciisn whatever for any one In this state wanting to double the millions of the silver millionaires at the expense of the. tolling masses. Princess Ilelene , bride of the prince of Naples , asked an American woman In Home several questions ns to the polit ical situation In the United .Stale ; . : UT > Is another flagrant Instance of ICuiopcan Interference with American affairs , an Insidious attempt of a foreign potentate to dominate American politics , a for power seeking to dictate Amer ! can polK-y. Such an Insult ought to be Indignant ; " ( scntcd and another ques tion on suchik.subject . from the Prlmes.i Ilelene otj-HMo } ' furnish good cause for breaking .un'idlplomatle , , relations with Italy. TlK- United States , saya Mr. Itryan , iitf fjirtvo a tlnauclnl policy in dependent , of , every other nation on caith. ' ' < Not eonleiit'wlth running as a petition candidate for the council in the Klghth ward aga\ns\ \ \ ' tl'ic regular republican nominee , . ( Jatlct Taylor is out with a circular liVvVbleh he attacks not only his opponent , but IIM ! > two other candidates on the republican legislative and city tickets. For a man whose only political capital has been Ids boast of straight republicanism and party regularity this l.s a , very peculiar proceeding. Cadet Taylor has put himself In a position wherehe ha's no claim whatever to Hie support of any republican or of any i decent cltlKcn. His candidacy for reelection - | election should he repudiated by such nn i emphatic majority as to be n warning i against men of his caliber aspiring to 1 public olllce. The United States experimented In free coinage of silver on private ac count when 11 coined trade dollars of IK ! grains for every one offering the sliver bullion. P.ut the trade dollar , though heavier than the standard silver dollar , passed only for Its bullion value and never came Into domestic circula tion. The government had finally to recoln the trade dollars at no little expanse and without benellt to tin- pub lic. In trade dollar times the silver In the trade dollar was worth nearly a dollar. With silver at ( > r > cent an ounce free coinage would only multiply the evils that attended the trade dollar. The local Itrynn organ makes a ma licious , personal attack on II. .1. Pen- fold , candidate for member of the Hoard of Kdueatlon on the republican ticket , as "not a proper man to be en trusted with a position on Omaha's school board. " Mr. Penfold Is one of Omaha's most successful merchants , he has been an active leader In the Ak-Sar-Hen and other movements for the upbuilding of oinnha nnd Is known everywhere as an honest ; , capable business man. lie should receive Ihe votes of every one Irrespective of party who wants a busi ness management of the public schools. Nebraska hits eight presidential elec tors , and to give McKinley Nebraska's electoral vote' each voter must make eight cross marks , one nfter the name of each of the candidates for elector designated republican. One cross after the group of republican electors will not snlilcient : There must be eight crosses If the voter's choice is to be made fully effe.elive. As we remarked several times before. Nt-ln-aska needs to be counted In the McKlnley oluinii a great deal more than McKinley needs Nebraska. The ivpudlallun of Bryan and ids free silver repudiation doctrine by Nebraska means the renewal of the stream of capital coming here for Investment that wau the distinguishing mark of boom times. Nebraska's delegation to congress niitsi be made up of republicans if It is to li.ive Influence in the house , which is r.ure to be republican. A democrat or a populist in a republican house of rcpiv- st-mailves will be like a tUh out of water. Make sure of Nebraska exerting n power In the next congress by voting for the republican congressional candidate. TinDntj of rhlladeli'hla ' Ledger. ICvrry consideration nf patriotism malrn It Imperative that Uryuii should bo beaten. Criiutiil for IMniilliiK. Philadelphia Times. Ilrynii li Raining ground la Xcbrnslfa. An admirer thuru has given him a lot. The1'ntli In I'l-oiiiM-rtly. ( llolip-Demrcrat. Tim bigger the majority U against Ilry.m the sooner will the good tlines re turn. l m ( Tlirm lci < | > . Ini'dnnupollx News idem. ) Vote against repudiation nnd nullification , and fur the honor and Integrity or thu nu- premo court. _ ljl Wiice KnriKTM Itrinrinlicr. New York Woild ( dcm. ) \VaRC enrniTH are not likely to forgot on Tuesday the Chicago candidate's udml&slon that under free coinage "tho purehnainR power of u dollar will ho less. " Their mar ket baskets are not too heavy now. TinVny ! < Ho U. ChluiiKO Times-Herald. Times cro hard when work Is scarce. Work Is scarce when Investments nro few. Investments are few when confidence la lucking. Ilostore to pc.wor the party which nlways has given this country Its grcatost prosperity and the wheels of Industry will hum. I'roNiM'rlty I nili-r n Culd Itnnls. HI. 1'nul I'loneur 1'ivH * . It IB truiV'thitt no nation or people under heaven lmsuiv < jr proapcred as 1ms this coun try \vhllo doing bimlntH.s on the gold stand ard from 1S7S to 18'JI ! . and then panic am ) doprnssinn uamc chiefly In conspqncnco of the Imminent < Un er that the country would bu forced to'llio t.llver basis. fi1" - Tliut SIK | i , r IIol Shrinks . ' No Incldi'ntM'-hn campaign lias so stirred the pity or ' 111 * tender-hearted American public for Qandljlnto tlrynn as the deed ot a Unjoin htf&wjand lot from W. SI. Jl'oyt , of which hWMthci beneficiary. When It was first anftiutJced the popular linaglna- tlo ) saw thij/wiftfltcd / candidate of next Tues day safely njovlctvd with n harbor of refuge to which he might retlro to reflect on tlir Ingratltudu of republics. Having strutted and bellowed his brief hour In the public eye It w.xs felt that ho would appreciate an $18.- 000 house In Lincoln with all the comforts of a home. Ycstrrdny , however , the public was shocked to learn that the gift was Kiime- thlng In the nature of Dead Sea fruit beau tiful to look upon , but unhcti to the taste. Almost before the campaign committed could remark fxaltlugly , behold ! Its value dropped Illio silver from 118000 to $500. This morn ing , however , wo nro grieved to learn that the handsome housi * nnd lot In the busi ness center uf Lincoln consists of a shanty and two lots In the bottoms , three mllcu from the capltol , U annexed ut $ ir > 4 , was covered by a JWO mortgage , with $5.18 taxm for last year upon It unpaid. This may he fun for Mr. Iloyt , who de- icrlbcs himself as "rich In real rsUto and poor In cash , which U hard to get , " but U Is hard on bryuu I.MIUK . .Hii.vr.u-.rnKi : IUOT. I.oulnvllle Courier-Journal ( lt m.V An other umnlfcfitnllon of that oplrlt of din- order nnd Inwlcmncwg which nrc the nnlurnl rcaului ot such a rampalgn n.i tlmt con * diloteJ by Ilrj-nn was nmdp In Missouri , whrn Pnlmor nnd Ilttckncr narrowly cs. cnped physlrnl vlolonro nl the hands ot rlotrra. The cecds which tiryan hn so peraUiently sown are rapid of fruition , Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin ( rep. ) : The treatment of ( icnerals Pnlmer and Hurkncr on their stroking tour through Missouri , nt Hoonvlllo and Kttyctte , WAS shameful , yet It la nbuuthnt one would expect when the southern dcmocr.itn show thdr real disposition. Hryan's utterances , nnd his populUUIc and revolutionary tendencies nat urally Infect his followers , nnd the rude In sults to Palmer and Hucktu-r because they will not support tlrynn are the weapons whlrh the rx-slavc-lioldlng democracy employ against those who differ from them In opinion. Chicago Chronicle ( Join. ) : The Missouri occurrence Is of conseciuenco mainly as further attestation that the whole spirit of populism M one of Intolerant tyranny nnd brutal violence. Theru are gentlemen In f col 1111 ; In that party without doubt , but blnckguiirdlsm Is eo gem-rally attracted within Its lines that Its more or lrR fre- nuent manifestation Is to be expected of coarse. It Is Hhnply ami solely n eivaturo of passion and not uf reason at all. No man ahould expect n wild beast to undcrxlnnd the uics of a | , low. No loafer was ever ap preciative of the virtue nf Industry. The populist knows as little of the reason which alone can determine slate- policy as a Digger Indian liiious of a bath room. Kansas City Star ( donO : There Is no doubt about what part } Is responsible for this brutal IntoU-ianre. It has gone on the rocoid unfortunately an ItiolTaccahlp record that nt Paris and Mexico nnd nt Kayettc and other Missouri towns , two eminent cltl- ZPIIS of the t'tiited States , both old soldiers , one a senator of the I'nltrd ' States from our neighboring state of Illinois , were disgrace fully treated , hlrsed. honied , howled down unit shamefully Insulted by Mlxsonrliing and Missouri democrats. It will further be remembered that this Indescribable nu-an- ncsi was committed with deliberation nnd entirely without provocation. No man can say that General I'.ilmer and ( lenurnl lluckiier. b > word , look or gesture , gave the slightest excuse for the treatment they re ceived. Chicago Tlnips-Herald ( rep. ) : Whether de- rrnt silver organizers ate responsible for tills flagrant Insult and riotous outbreak l. * Immaterial. They will doubtless dUclnlm all cympiitlty with this violation of personal and political rights. Hut It Is the Inevitable outcome' of the teachings and policy cf the leadoi-j who have bcn appealing to paralon and prejudice and trying to foment disorder. Jones' circular virtually advising strike * nnd the wild talk about "conspiracies" against labor and the people cannot fall to have such onVeta ns wp hnvo witnessed in Kentucky end .Missouri. The Covlngton out rage. howevfr , pal.a Into Insignificance lie- side this Missouri Incident. It ought to disgust the ivputaldo democracy and prompt all ( k-pcnt men to how their love of order , fair play nnd freedom by voting ngnhnt a riot-creating candidacy nnd platform. * 'J'ni : TAIL \vis TIM : ntu : . A I'licMTfiil IM 't-f of : wtv for Silver Itnltlmore Sun ( di-m. ) No democrat , whether In the present un happy disintegration of the democratic party he means to vote for Bryan or for McKlnley or for Palmer , If he has one lingering senti ment of pride or affection for the grand old party , which has herctoforo commanik.l his allegiance and his vote , can read with out a foclliiK of slnime the address put forth by Scnctor Hutlor of North Carolina , chair man of tin- national popullsttc committee , ono of the throe organisation ! ; whose nomi nation Mr. llryan has accepted anil whose support ho Is courting. In this address the puimlistle committee says : "Hrotliron : h'omo of you fear that this campaign will destroy the people's party. Wo have no such apprehensions. Its prin ciples nrc- right , and being right , they are Immortal. In four yt-irs they have taken possession of the democratic party and on November 3 they will tnlio possession of the nation. In 1S92 wo had but l.OOO.OOO votes. On November .1. 1S ! 0. wi- shall have ti majority of Ihe whole country. Wo have not become democrats , but the democrats havo. In the broad EOIISLof the word , bc- como populists. " MAXIMS ( on voTiu : ; . lti-iiiciiil > iT Tin-in Wlillo i\rrrlHliiK : liltIlljiht of SniTfllKi * . The New York Sun 1ms published the fol lowing maxima for the guidance of voten , today ; they each anil all bear the sign- manual of that scholar ! } , public-spirited ed itor , philosopher and democrat , Charles A. Dana : Hebuko those who would put a stain on the need name of the American people by re buking riot , anarchy , confiscation and re pudiation ! Stand for faith , honor nnd coun try. try.Stand Stand for the flag and nil that It uymbol- Izus ! Iet no stripe be tarnished , no star dimmed ! Three cheers for the red. white and blue ! Is our heritage worth preserving ? Then let Fontli join north and west join cast in lundlng It down unsullied to our children's children ! "What moro Is necessary. " ald Judge Story , "than for the people to preserve what they thi-mselves have created ? " Wo have Indeed a glorious heritage ! Vote to prcecrvo It ! llryan'H financial theories. If realized by his election , may benefit silver mine owners , but to all others they will bring panic and ruin. To the country they will bring panic , ruin and lasting dishonor. When the policy of insurance on your house expires , you me careful to have It renewed. Tnkc equal cnro that half your savings are not consumed next Tuesday ! AMKItlCAX IIO.Mtll AT STA KK. liiiviiiilltSiln < I'ropiiHi'il ! > > n Po- Illh-nl I'ni-l.v. I'lillii'lflphiu ' I cdeer. The descent of this country to n silver basis would deal a acrlous blow to American credit In the money markets of the world , and the recovery of our llnanclal standing abroad would bo n slow process , during which important American enterprises would be checked. Nations do not live unto themselves alone In financial matter * ! , notwithstanding the advantages which Mr. llryan pretends to have discovered In the Isolated action of the United States aj to the free nnd unlimited colnngo of both gold and silver at the legal ratio of 1C to 1. "without waiting , for the aid or consent of any other nation. " .Mr. Hryiui has rung the changes on the currcnc } plank of the Chicago plutform in hla rhetorical outbursts , and doubtless some of his Impnaslhlc hearers have pcrsdadcd themselves that It would be highly bene ficial If thu United States should part company with other great trading countries In dealing with the white metal. Mr. llryan han hern upholding a policy of Iso lation In this rcupcct , and has apparently given no htatesmurillkc eonsldnratlou to the danger of Impairing American credit by taking the United ? tutcs out of Ihe ranks of the gold standard nations. A distinctively "American" policy with re spect to every Issue Is very neductlvo to certain minds , but wo cannot sever the ties of trade nnd business which our pre.sunt monetary standard has established with foreign nations without KcrloUKly Injuring our Intorestfl. Iho domund for American secnritlcu abroad has been of Immense assistance in dcveloolni ; our railway systems and fosterIng - Ing other American projects. Mr. Ilrynn and his followers , fur the uukiof promot ing the ono Interest , silver , are willing ti < risk the sacrifice of this foreign coiitldenci In American UlulitrtaUngH. nnd to ght pauao to enterprises which depend , more or lean , upon the Inclination of foreign capitalists to Invent la thorn. Millions of dollam have been paid by foreigner ! In premiums to American llfo n- JUTAIICO companies , In the prosperity of which million * of the citizens of the t'nltiHl ' States nro nlso vitally concerned. If the country , contrary to present Indica tion * , nhoulil RO on n silver basis , the hold ings In these useful Institutions , measured by the slnndard under which the pre miums were paid , would be seriously di minished. The wrong thus Inflicted upon foreign policy holders , many of t"pl11 Canadians , our nc-ir neighbors , would IIP oven morp reprehensible than that visited upon the citizen | > olley holders , for I IIP rrnson that the fon-lgn Investors could not pronounce against the- swindle by po litical netlon. The patriot Is over Jealous of his coun try's financial Integrity , not only as nffeet- Ing his fellow citizens , but nlso as nffect- Ing the people of other nations. The par- tlnl repudlntlon of debts due from n foreign country to tin- citizens of the fulled States would be resented here In tinmost dcclfilvo nnd formidable manner. Nations - - > < < been drawn Into serious collision bv much less mihstantlnl grounds of dispute. The coming election. It Is confidently be lieved , will show the world that this nation Intends to keep Us plighted faith not only with Us domestic creditors , but with the foreigners who Invo reposed Im plicit confidence In American honor. The fnltod States has declared by congres sional action that It Is the "established policy" of the country to maintain gold nnd silver on n parity with each other. This pledge must bo kept. i'i < : iiso\.vi. AM ) oTnuiiwisr. . V He-hold how cany It Is to bo n gold bug ! There are mon- than 100.000,000.000 tons of gold In the- water of the e.\ . and anybody U welcome to take all he wnnls of It. John Redmond : , M. 1' . . will sail for Now York In the course of two or three weeks to engage In n lecturing tour which will Include the entire United States. The outlook for business Is certainly growing brlffnter. Clrrlnnntl has paid $10,000 for a bnso ball pitcher and the New- York Jockey club offers $2,1,000 for n first- class starter. Judge Honll Tyler , whose death In llrat- tlcboro , Vt. . Is announced , wns n prominent ami respected citizen of Vermont for fifty years. As a lawyer nnd jurist ho was re garded np an authority. King Otto of Ilavarla Is Incurably mad. being nnilcted with that form of Insanity called "matheslK , " nnd which , like that as cribed In biblical history to Nebuchadnezzar , takes the form of the victim Imagining him self to be either n bird or an nnlmal. Julia K. Williams has been the keeper of the Pantn Uarbarn. Cal. . lighthouse for thirty-one years. During that period sin- bin * climbed the tower nnd attended to the light herself pvery night , with the excep tion of three weeks twenty years ago. I.ouls Napoleon was of the opinion that nn man should vote who was not married. Mar- tied men. ho thought , had n different senti ment toward ( heir country than the un- i larrlcd , nnd n greater stake In Ita wel fare. In his opinion , nlso , neither priests nor soldiers should be permitted to vote. If Senator Morrlll lives to the end of the term which he Is now serving that Is. till March 3 , IRflT ho will then have served five full terms In the senate , which no man has yet done. Many people think that Thomas II. Henton served for live full terms , but this la not a fact , llenton served from the time of Missouri's admission to the union till Murch S , 1S51 , but us Missouri did not become a state until August , 1821. It Is seen that Henton did not serve for live full senatorial terms. The last lines addressed by the prince of Montenegro to his daughter on her betrothal have attracted much attention. They were- "All Is not gold that glitters ; be mindful of this , O my daughter , and know that happiness bus never chosen for her seat a throne. Un der the kingly crown Is the crown of thorns , and not even In fable can we find a happy king. Seek happiness In the graceful corner of thy home. In work within thy human power , und obedient to divine command. Th\ father , Nicholas. " .IDKKltS' ll.VI.I.OTS. Philadelphia Heron ) : Sllllpus Our plumbcr'H daughter Is n perfect dream. Cynlcus A plo ) dream ? 1'uck : I ord Notasent ( moodily ) ) dreamt last nlK'hl , JIIIIICH , Hint 1 hail plenty of money. The Vnlft ( eagerly ) An' 'oo wns th' 'appy H'amcrlcnn r.lrl , nulud ? Hi > eonl : "What nro you dolnu with u Turkish lounge In this eoal otllreV "Our bookkeeper writes poetry , and we had to fix up a pin PC for him to llo down when lib ; mimi.erlptM ; como bnck. " I'lttslmm Cl.ronlc-le : DiiUnno Spllllns him refused to honor that ( tight draft. Cu.s- well 1'erhaps he regarded It a.s an over night draft. Philadelphia Times : Mr. Shybourd Hut , niadiim , you do not understand the Issue. Would you want dollara worth only M cents ? " Mrs. HoardliiKhouse Well , to tell th' truth. .Mr. Khylioniil. I'll take anything ye choose ter give me ter settle that old ac count o' yourn. " Detroit Free : "What n wide-awake young felU , v Jlarter N. " unltl Alice. "Altogether \\lile-n\vnko , " responded Killtll. "Tho last evening he enlled at our housxhe stayed till 1 o'clock , and then papa had to net the burglar alarm going. " Chicago Tribune : "Women have moie sense about marriage than men. " ' "You can't piove U. " "Yes , I can. A woman knows when sin Is old. but as long a.s n man can tot : < r l eonaldurx hlmwelf marriageable. Detroit Tribune : "And the captive , " linked the savage potentate. "Sire , " answered the chief do cuisine , "she's a bird. " "Very well , old man , " Hald his majesty "In that event , don't forget the cold bol tie. " Boston Transrrlpt : Kuddy Thlnf s : ip , e.i- to be pretty ilull In your church Buciety No socials and no evening meetings , and on Sundays there's hardly a handful present. Duddy I ' .enow It. The fact Is , since \\v got our church debt paid on" there has seemed nothing worth struggling for. Indianapolis Journal : "IleaUy. " said Mr. lltirnes 'former , with ( omit show of pelii lance , aa he wiped the egg from Hamlet's eloak , " 1 with that landlord hnd been a little more Hpeclllc svhen he said Mint there was trouble In storu for me. If 1 had known be meant U was lit eold storage , I should have worn my second best. " THIS UUNTISH'S .MOON. Detroit News. The hunter's moon climbs slowly up Tim vaulting iirch of a/urn sky ; IH glory fulls In forest dells , And un the hike hard by. 11 tlpp the antlers of the stng Who proudly stands at bay. And shows the bullet holes In trc-ca Klevoii yards away. M > viMinit. ; : Wllllnm C-ullcn llryanl. Yet ono mi He more , departing , distant nun ! Ono mellow smile through the noft vapory air. ICru o'er the earth the loud winds run , Or HIIOWS are sifted o'er the meadows bare ; Ono mnllo on the brown hills and naked trees , And the dailt rouka who u summer wreaths me east , And the blue gentian flower that , In the breeze , Nods lonily , of her beauteous race the last ; Vet a few sunny days , In which thn bee Khali murmur by the hedgu that sklrtti Ihi ) way , The crleUel chirp upon the russnt lea And man delight to linger In thu ray ; Yet one rich sinlle , nnd wo will try to bear The plerclirs winter frost , and winds , and darkened air. IIiyhcst of all In Lcivcning : Strength. Latest U. S. Cov't Report. © IMIOM 11OMI8 , OOM'I.K'TIKH STOHIKS Illoorao of itiifTnlit Jlity He a .MlrtiM Ut " ! . . LONDON' . Nov. 8.-A special dlsp.itch from Homo snys tm > t nt the consistory-to iP held nt the end of Iho prcflcnt month tlie } diocese or lUiffalo will t > o raised to the dignity of a metropolitan sco. with Jurisdiction nnd Klmlr.i. tion or Uochcstcr. Syrncuso The illsixitch adds that Ht.ihop Koatio. formerly rector of the Cnthollo unlvcr Hy at Washington , will be Appointed a titular archbishop. , IIOMH. Nov. 2. Cirdliml Snlolll , In nn Interview today , declared there \\.ti ttOs , foundation In the statement thnt the du > c < o of lluffnlo Is to lie mined to the dignity of n metropolitan ee. with jurisdiction over Rochester. Syracuse nnd Klmlrn. nml he also classed nt unfounded the stntcnu-nt lllshop Kenne. formerly rector of the Catholic university nt WiiBhlngtun , Is Jo bo nppolntcd n titular archbishop. The cardinal ndded that nil fwecants ns to lllsh > p Keano'H successor arc prematuro. as th list of candidates submitted by the American bUhops has not yet reached the Vatican Continuing. ( Ordinal Sntolll furtVr clawed ns premature the statement that the Jurisdiction of the nw.tstollc deli-gate to the Uoman Catholic churches was to be ex tended to Canada , as at projcnt. ho explain' < 1 only n suggestion of this character has oem from the Dominion government and HIP Canadian bishops have not yet given il. ir ndherenco to It. In conclusion the cardinal Rtild Hint the teporl thnt Archbishop .Martlnclll weld convoke n council nt tlnltlmoro was n1o premnture , as all Intended at present Is to secure a better application of the derision of the Baltimore council of 1SSS. r.\ 111:1-0111 : : 'i in : MIAMI .n HY. . Illlloniilre Sli ( > | > lirier AYIM lie ItlK- lilly Invenllmiletl. LONDON. Nov. 2. At the opening of the Clerkenwell sessions today Chairman Me- Council directed the special attention of the grand jury to the case of Mr. and Mrs. Castle of San Francisco , who are charged with stealing goods from various London stores , saying that It presented some remarkable clr- cunmtanccs. He added thnt the factH did not differ from the ordinary charges of larceny except for the position of the parlies. Continuing the chairman stated that upon mast occasions the Castles visited the stores together , but sometlmtp Mrs. Castle was alone. Still , he further asserted , there \\an evidence which bore the construction ( lint there was Joint possession of the unities nnd he expressed the opinion that It wns n proper cnse for Investigation by a common jury , na. with the exception of ono , all ih- seven charges were shoplifting. The hean .t . ; of the case was set for Friday next nt 10:30 : n. in. _ _ SI7.I3 OK CAVXDA'S KOIIKUi.V TltVDi : . linpiirln ami 13\iiirlM | Slunv u .Marl.eil 1 ncrcHNo for Hie Yi-tit * . OTTAWA. Out. ' . Nov. 2. Ofllclnl figures of exports and Imports for the fiscal year ended June 30. Issued by the government , show the total foreign trade of Cnnnda to ha\o been $2.02 ! ! ) , Si2 ; , compared with $224,4 0 185 , In 1S'J5. The total Imports were $118,011 Ofto against J110.7S1.000 In 1S9.1 , nnd exports $121 , . 013.SI2 against $114.i3S.S03 ; In 1S'J5. The exports to Great Britain were over { CC.000.000. nn Increase of $5.000.000. while to the United Slates the exports ilpcroas- from $41,000.000 to SDa.OOO.oOO In round figures. There Is n slight Increase In Austra lian trade and also with New Koiindland. tint the exports In the Wrst Indies dropped from $3.000.000 to $2.000.000. The exports fmni Oreat Ilrltaln Increaced by nearly $2.w > o.0oo and from the United Slates they Increased over $1.000.000. \III3 MV CI.OSIXI ! IV I V IIAV\\V. Cilllllll IiiNiii-Keiitn Itenily III HCKCK | the IVupllnl. NKW YOHK , Nov. 2. A dispatch from Key West. Kla. . says : Predictions are made that the city of llnvnna will be besieged by Maximo Gomez within the next sixty d.i > s. To that end. Goino- ; and all the rel > el forr * . It Is reported , are now marching westward toward thu capital. Vlelory for I'eell Illinilci. SALISDUUY , Mntabeleland. Nov. 2.-Col onel Cecil Hhodes and Captain Ferena. with and bur.u'd . thlrty-flvo burghers , captured 1'nngols Kraal on Saturday , killing thirty- ono rebels. Including three chiefs. Cold Ylclil of Vlelol-lll. MRLtlOUKNK. Nov. 2. The gold yield of the colony of Victoria for the first three- quarters of the present year amounts to DSC.512 ounces , nn Increase of 31,000 outlet K over Iho same period of 1SC ! > . WILL SELL A GOOD MANY IN'- KICUIOK RLMTS OK OLOTIIKS TO I'KK.SONS WHO AUK TUMPTHP HY UiniCUl.OUSI.Y LOW I'KIGKS FOU A W111LH. A VICHY GOOD LOOKINC ! Sl'IT MAY UK .MADIi TO SIOLL FOU A FI-3W nOLLAHS , AND YOU CANT TKLL TILL YOU W13AU IT A WI1IUJ THAT IT'S AI10UT HALF COTTON. WK OFFKU YOU TIIK I'.KST UHADY-MADK CLOTHINIJ IN TIIK WOHLD-TIIK I JUST WK KNOW HOW TO .MAKIC-WAHHANTK1) AI.L WOOL-fiUAHANTHHD IN 10VKHY UIO.Sl'ICUT-AND WK CAN FIT YOI U riJH.SK AS WKLL AS YOUIt Fld'HIO. IT WOL'U ) DO YOU NO IIAIIM TO LOOK OVKU OUU ASSOHTMKNT. YOU AUK WKLCOMK , AND WK WOULD LIKK TO I'HOVK Tliu" WOHTH OF OUU ( JOODH OVKU ALL. OTIIKUS. S. W. Cor. IMIi iiml Douglas Sta