Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1896, Image 1

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Both Sides Still Proclaiming There is No
Question of Their Victory.
Xleptititlcnii Clinlrmnii Coiitlilentlr An-
tlclpntltiK Three Iluiulreil nml
Uleien Volen In tlie Kleetornl
College for .MeKlnley.
CHICAGO , Nov. 2. On the night before
the battle , serene and unbounded con
fidence reigns In the headquarters' camp
of the democratic party , aad In that of
their republican rivals as well. On neither
Bide Is there a shadow of a doubt of the
re-suit of the struggle , and , In fact , so sure
arc the tvro parties of victory , that there
is on both sides a feeling of astonlnhment
that the other fellow has the audacity to
claim anything at all.
At both headquarters there was today a
general exodus for home and voting booths.
Chairman Hanna left for Cleveland tonight
nnd , after casting his vote , ho will go to
Cantor for a visit to Major McKlnley , re
turning to Cleveland at 2:30 : , and will re
ceive the election returns In his office.
Henry C. Payne , at republican headquarters ,
left for Milwaukee this evening and will
return tomorrow after casting his vote. At
the democratic headquarters. Chairman Jonea
will remain at his post. He U confident of
the result In Arkansas without his vote , and
will receive returns In this city. With him
when the rebult becomes known will be
Comniltteemen Campau of Michigan , Gabar
of Illinois , Johnson of Indiana , Walsh of
low ? , Senator Teller of Colorado and Sen
ator Tlllman of South Carolina. Chairman
Geoige F. Wasbburne will remain at tht
headquarters of the populist party In Chi
The following final forecasts were madn
by Chairmen Hunna and Jones tonight :
( jl AKT't US , CHICAGO , Nov. 2.-1 um
confident th t theMrength of McKlnley
nnd Holinrt In the e-lectoral college as a
result of toworrow-'H election will not be
less tliuti 311 votes. Our polls , taken by
trained men. Indicate that we will carry
not only California and Oregon , but every
one of the central western btates , Includ
ing Missouri und Kansas. Thtre Is reason
for us to believe , tt > o. that Texas
will cast her ele-ctorul vote for tlie ii-pub-
llcmi candidates and that Virginia , Kt n-
tucky , Maryland. TemieiMec ana West Vlr-
plnlu. will be found In tne saun'l num y
column. North Carolina I * iiraotijally con
ceded ami altogether the victory prt.mlM-s
to bo one of the greatest tint ! ever
been won by a candidate- for prerlMit. .
QL'AUTKllS. CIirCAUU , Nov. 2.-ln to-
jnorrow'8 presidential cle-ctlon , the west
and the south will present a solid front
against those classes of the east yet dom
inated 'o ) the money Influences of Nen
York City and London. The force * back
of thin movement are not yet fully undor-
piooJ by the- conservative iwoiilc of N < , : \
Kngland and -wime of the middle and east
ern state's. This Issue itby no means
wctloiml ami their r l Intere-sln arc the
as thene of the great producln , !
of the weM anil south. Thin Is a
ign In which politicians , of both pisr-
tli-B have bren practically powerless , either
to advance or re-tnrd the- onward march
of the people In their di-innnd for national
financial Independence. It ban liet-n the
people's fight and It will IIP their victory.
lU-puIillcniiM Will Take KverylliliiK' In
SlKlit I' } 1IIK MnjorltleH.
CHICAGO. Nov. 2. On the eve of ele-ctlon
the- lines of the two great parties arc In
practically about the same condition as
when the situation was outlined forty-eight
hours earlier. The admission of Chairman
Jonee that this state could be classed among
those In the "doubtful" column has not
been over encouraging to tbo managers of
the state election on the democratic side .
but they have not weakened In the least and
Kay tonight that they are sure of carrying
the state by a majority of from 25,000 to
10 000. They claim fourteen out of twenty-
one congressmen , u majority of the lower
house In the ctate legislature/ eay that
with the aid of the populists to be elected
they w-Ill elect n silver man to be the suc-
ct'Esor of Senator John M. Palmer. The
claims of the republicans are more exten
sive. and. with two or three exceptions , they
claim every one of the congressmen , all of
the etate ticket and the electoral vote for
McKlnley by anywhere from Sfi.OOO to 150-
000. They eay that they are absolutely sure
of the result of the ntate and national
tickets , us the poll of the state , which they
liave been conducting , has been so thorough
and so exact that there Is very little chance
of any estimate made upon U being far
out of the way.
Allen Maxwell , the candidate for state
auditor on the democratic silver ticket , sent
word to Chairman Jones today that he had
discovered "a plan of the republicans to
ttcal the election In Lawrence county. " The
re-publicans were disposed to ridicule the
story and said that If anybody was caught
trying to steal the election , no matter to
whom he might be about to try to deliver
It , they would join hands with the demo
crats In prosecuting him. The struggle In
the Fifth congressional district has been
ono of the hottest of the campaign and Con
gressman White , who Is pltte'd against E.
T. Noanan , the fusion candidate , and Dr.
John A. McDonnell , an Independent repub
lican. Is having a sharp fight for election.
Of the other Chicago congressmen , Cook of
the Sixth district and Foss , In the Seventh ,
seem fairly well assured of , re-election. The
opposition against them seems to be badly
split up. The republicans say that they will
have all the congrc smen In the nortncrn
part of the state ) by Icrge majorities , and
the only men they stand to lone ore from the
roiillieru portion , where they admit they
have no bright chances of winning out.
They are. however , they assort , absolutely
euro of carrying by far the larger portion
of the congressional delegation.
rciiiiM.vli-nnlii AVI1I < ! lve ail Kmphntlc
Vrnllet for Soum ! .Money.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 2. Pennsylvania
tomorrow will elect thirty-two presidential
electors , two congrcssmcn-at-large and con
gressmen In the twenty-eight districts of
the state , twenty-five out of fifty state sen-
ntors and a general assembly of 204 mem
bers. None of the republican estimates
Klve McKluley less than 250,000 plurality In
the state , while many think he will have
more than 300.000. "All the democrats con
cede a blK plurality for McKlnley , but give
no figures. Of the thirty congressmen to be
chosen It Is believed five , and possibly six ,
will be democrats. The Incoming legis
lature , which will elect a successor to
United States Senator J. Donald Cameron ,
will bo about 00 per cent republican.
lleN Wny llelilnil on ClnliiiN.
TRENTON. N. J. , Nov. 2 The election.In In
Hilt state tomorrow bide fair to be unus
ually quiet. No state officer * are to be
elected , the ticket , outside of the imtlona
candidates , Including state senators In right
dlslrlcts and a full house of assembly. Chair
man Murphy of the republican state com
mittee Is confident ot a majority of 40.009
to r.0.000 for McKlnley whllo Chairman Price
of the democrats U equally ponlllvu Bryai
will carry the state by 10.000. The demo
crats will make special efforts In the Fourth
consrrcfiNlnnal dlitrlct.
Sixty Tlioiikiinil Apnrl In Xetv YorU
NEW YORK. Nov. 2. The chairman of
the democntlc and republican campaign
committees ot New York county are * CO.OOO
opart lit their estimates today of the result
of UIH I'U.-llon here' tomorrow. Chairman
Van Con > publican , predicts a pluralltj
of I'JS.Ol'O 'or Ms party , while Chalraan Sbee-
jJ * * *
ban think * the d morratlc plurality will be
at least 35.000. _
I.ooUn Very Mtirli I.Ike n
MclClnley Mute Tlilx Venr.
WILMINGTON . DeJ. . Nov. 2. Doth sides
tonight are claiming this state. National
Commltterman Wilson of the republican
committee rays McKlnley may have' 3,000
plurality. State Chairman Browne believes
there will be a majority of at least 1.500.
Hoth admit the election of governor , con
gressmen and legislature Is In doubt. Stans-
ttury J. Wlllcy. slate chairman of the union
republican ( Addlckt ) committee , declares
that McKlnley will carry the state by 2.500
plurality , and that the unlou state ticket
will probably be elected. Mr. Addtcks pre
dicts the triumph of the entire republican
union ticket. Democratic State Chairman
BlggR asserts the democrats will elect a
governor. congressman and legislature , and
that the electoral ticket Is In doubt , while
County Chairman Cochran says the demo
cratic state ticket will be successful , and
Bryan will pull through by a small plural
ity. Mr. Cochran concedes the gold demo
crats COO votes In the state. Christopher
L. Ward , secretary of the Democratic Hon
est Money league , says there ore 2.509 democrats -
crats in the Elate who will not support
SI. I.nulH Will CeHnlnly Hi- for Sou ml
Money mill Slntc Mny lie , Too.
ST. LOUIS , Mo. . Nov. 2. Never before
since the war has there been a campaign
In Missouri where there was as much bitter-
tees of feeling between the opposing par-
tics as the one which closet ! tonight. Some
of t > > o leaders In both the democratic and
republican parties predict trouble at the
polls tomorrow. Governor Stor.e Is In St.
Louis tonight , and be declares the right
of every citizen to east his ballot shall be
maintained at any cost. He said he would
not bo surprised to see the St. Louis jail
filled to overflowing before tomorrow night.
Chairman Samuel Cook of the democratic
state central committee says that Bryan
will carry the state by 70,000 plurality over
McKlnley. The republicans may carry St.
Louis , but , he cays , the country outside
will overcome that by 70,000. R. C. Kerens ,
republican national cominlttermnn , from
Missouri , on the other hand , says the re
publicans will carry the state by 40.000 for
McKlnley. He figures that St. Louis will
give McKlnley anywhere from 26.000 to
10.000 plurality , and that he wi'.l carry the
state outside by 10,000 to 10,000.
\1I Are I.lkely to Co for Ilrynn i\oept
I'oN ll > \Vyoinln r.
SALT LAKE CITY , Nov. 2. The cam-
mlgn closes In the Intel-mountain states
with very little change from forecasts ol-
ready sent out. Thcro U ; \cry strong frci
silver sentiment In Utah , Montana. Idaho
and Wyoming and with the exception of
Wyoming , the Bryan electors will almost
certainly receive i > afe majorities In all the
s'-s'.cs named.
In AVyomlng the republicans claim llu
state by 1,600 , while ( he democrats ex
pect to carry It by 3.600 majority.
In Idaho the republicans claim they will
elect the congressman , but concede the elec
tion of the Bryan ticket by about 12.000.
In Montana , the fusion , or Bryan , sup
porters claim they will secure two-thirds
) f the vote of the state. The republicans
concede them C.OOO majority , but claim that
Botkln , republican for governor , will be
In Utah , the democrats claim a majority
of 30,000 for the Bryan ticket , and the
election of congressman and thelegislature. .
The republicans claim the > will carry a
majority of the legislature , whk-h will elect
the next United States senator.
iiior.ivr ix TIII ; IIISTOHY OP OHIO
McKliiIcy AYIII Almon ! .MnUe a Ilerurit
In 111 * Ottu Stnlc.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 2. There were meetIngs -
Ings throughout Ohio and Kentucky today.
The meetings were more active today and
tonight than ever , and much feeling was
manifested in certain quarters. There U
more Interest taken here In the result In
the border states than in Ohio.
The republicans generally concur In the
official statement of Chairman Kurtz that
Ohio will give McKlDley a larger plurality
than It has eve ; given any candidate- for
president or governor with the single ex
ception of Brough's majority in 1S63 o !
101.000. While Chairman McConvlIle of
the democratic state o.-ramlttee has given
out" no official forecast , yet the democratic
managers are claiming an even chuni-c on
the state and even on Hamilton county ,
which Includes Cincinnati. The republican
county committee ela4ms Cincinnati will
give McKlnley over 20,000 plurality , and
that the county will not reduce it any.
Cluliiih of the Tuo I'nrlieH In '
liiKtoii in 1'iivor of Ilrj aiillfs.
SEATTLE. Wash. . Nov. . On the eve of
election In Washington the republicans and
fuslcnlsts both claim to be sure of victory.
Chairman Sweetland of the republican com
mittee has mode a careful canvass of the
state , and as a reult gives out the fol
lowing figures : Fusionlsts will come to
western Washington from the eastern part
of the state with 2,000 majority and western
Washington will give the republicans S.OOO
majority , leaking a majority of 5.000 for
the republicans in the entire Mate. Sulli
van , republican , for goveinor. will run
ahead of bis ticket. Secretary Maloney
of the fusion committee claims everything
by a majority of from 15.000 to 20,000. He
claims to be absolutely confident of carryIng -
Ing the elate for the national , fctate and
county ticket. A conservative estimate
might give the go\ernor and legislature to
the republicans , with the electoral ticket
much In doubt.
Orruoii \ \ lll C.u 1'or McKiiilcy rrllli
Tlifir Sollil Mipporl.
PORTLAND , Ore. . Nov. 2.--The rempalgn
In Oregon practically closed last Sa'tirJay
night. As to the final rejuli , liotu side ?
are equally confident. The republican ;
claim the statu for McKltilfy by 4,500 at
the lowest. On the other hand the < ! mo
crats aud populists claim It 'o < - Bryan try
5,000. An Important factor In the umilt
will be tbo vote of the gold ptaail.ini drmo
crats. It IE estimated that their strength
Is about 4.000 In the state. During the | LI > I
few days there has been manifested an in
clination on the part of a srcit : many ut
them to vote for the McKlaley if.iors uu-
dcr the conviction that the E'.V.L will be
ivr vuiniMA is run .M-KIXI.KY.
netting- Tito to Our In 1' of n
Sound 31onf > Victor ; .
WHEELING , W. Vr. . . Nov. 2. The repub
lican manager * maintain toi'lgln ilir.t Me-
Klnley'B plurality xvlll If from WOO to
12.000. On tin- other hand , the democratic
managert claim the , tate is solid fur Rrriu ,
by 8.0M. licpuhllcaiiE claim nil ( our eoa-
grovRnicn , nnd the. democratk concede thea
oil but oniovener. . In thr First district.
BetB are made tonight at ; to I on M-.KIn-
Joy carrying the Mate.
\ulloiiiil Ihkiich Are Silfc.
CONCORD , N. I ! . . Nov. 2. On the CM o'
ole-ellcm in New Hampshire there ii no De
cided change In the political outlook , for r
publicans are Increasing the tlie of their
claims at to majorities on presidential cn < S
gubernatorial candidates , but are not so can
fldcnl with regard to local olllcui. Thr
democrats are ) mal.lng a very cncrKetlc can.
vast ) on county , town and city ollices enc
( Continued on Seventh Page. )
Republicans of the State in Line for To
day's Balloting.
iHlneHH Prnellcnlly Stinpemleil Iti the
City While tlie People ( live Over
Their Time to Ueinon-
utriitlonn. ,
LINCOLN. Nov. 2. ( Special. ) The closing
day of the campaign In this city was marked
by an almost total cessation of the ordinary
business of the day. Worklngmen. clerks ,
business men. lawyers and artlssns have
naraded the streets since early morning.
dressed In their Sunday clothes and Inter
ested In nothing apparently but the out
come of tomorrow's contest. The Bryan
parade of this afternoon was a pltUblc
farce. Five eighths of It was composed of
hobble-do-hoy boys , under elghte-cn ; three-
eighths of shouting women and children and
one-eighth legal voters and brass band
The republicans of Lincoln are confident
and are claiming the county for McKlnley
by fully 2,000. They have perfected a splen
did organization In each and every precinct
and a full republican vote will be polled.
A vigilance committee has been appointed
In every precinct to see that every repub
lican vote IB got out , and not Intimidated
at the polling places. Chairman Stephenson
furnished the following statement for pub-
Bent Ion today :
The campaign Is closed with the ex
ception of counting the ballots. The
followers of Bryan and re-pudlatlon are
dectlm-d to be the v.-orst surprised rem-
nunts of political parties that ever ad-
\ocate d n hopeless caus < p. For the past
two weeks they have flooded the streets
with all forts of campaign dodgers for
the wind to blow about , attacking every
body. Intimidating voters and threat
ening election otllcers. For weeks the
opposition has been fighting with a dis
organized and desperate effort that will
avail them nothing but crushing de
feat. The free silver campaign has de
scended Into one of fraud and forgery and
fit-nscless and foolish claims.
For weeks we have been ready to BO
to the polls at any hour fully confident
of the result. We have no charges to
make , no iipologleto offer for any one
nor no characters to defend ; but submit
our cause o.uarely upon Its merits as
for the best Interests of all the people
of the whole country. Below we give
a statement of the majorities McKlnley
will receive In Lincoln :
First ward . SM
St-cond ward . . . 1
Third -warel . "
Fourth ward . 4JO
Fifth ward . ) ?
fllxth ward . 211
Seventh ward . l <
Total . c
Country precincts . . "
Total . . 2. < 6
These arc the figures In round number ?
by which McKlnley will carry Lincoln and
Lone-aster county , as shown by a careful
eonseie-ntlous poll. giving liryun every
doubtful vote. McKlnley will carry Uryan'n
own precinct by 133 majority ana perhaps-
a few votes more. We have the Ilsht won
and the result will Justify the accuracy
of our claims.
The republicans of Lincoln closed the
campaign tonight with a fire works parade
and two monster mass meetings. The prin
cipal speaker was Hon. John 1' . insn. tne
noted California orator , who met Bryan In
Joint debate at the Crete Chautauqua July
4. The distinguished orator spoke at both
the Funke and Lansing theaters , deliver
ing a one-hour's address at each meeting-
Hon. I. W. Lansing , the singing pilgrim ,
who has been making speeches In the east
nd south , divided the time with Mr. Irish
at the Funko. W. S. Summers assisted Mr.
Irish at the Lansing theater.
The mass meetings were preceded by o
parade of the uniformed and ladle's' clubs
and a fireworks display. The demonstration
was the most brilliant of any teen In Lin
coln during the campaign.
Mr. Iriflh spoke at the Lansing first and
at the Funke next. Hon. N. S. Harwood ,
thu well known -sound money democrat ,
presided at the Lansing meeting aud Hon.
C. H. Gere * t the Funke meeting.
Mr. Iritb llkencxl the present repudiation
and anarchistic Chicago platform to the
nullification acts of South Carolina , which
we-re prompily stamped out by Andrew Jack
son without the army or navy and without
the aid or consent of any other nation on
earth. Ho urged all sound money voters ,
Irrespective of party affiliations , to crush
the head of the nullification snake at the
polls tomorrow , and prophesied that even
though the tall should dlo hard , the entire
snake * would be dead as a door nail by
Wednesday noon.
Ono by ono he nailed Bryan's fallacious
arguments for the demolition of the su
preme court , national banks , railway cor
porations and Insurance companies , and
clearly proved to the voters present that
In America there Is fusion between the
masses and classes and not the discrimina
tion claimed by populists and demagogues.
After holding populist rule in Kansas up to
the deTlslon of the whole country. Mr. Irish
captured his house by characterizing Mary
Ellen Lease as a Bryan in petticoats and
Bryan as a Mary Ellen Lease In trousers.
The speaker protested against the non-
contract of the Chicago platform and
went into the coinage question fit
length. declaring that if It was
the dollar of ' 73 which the Bryanltes
want , they would have to coin a dollar which
would telescope , readily to keep pace with
the fluctuations of the silver market. As
to there being less money In circulation
now than some little time ago. he admitted
that there was a great deal less In circula
tion on the very day following Mr. Bryan's
nomination , than upon the aay proceeding
it. In conclusion he urged i.ound money
voters to bury the Chicago platform so
deep tomorrow that the third trump of
Gabriel's born will not rouse It on the
resurrection morn.
Among the Omaha men on the stage were.
Euclid Martin and Lee Spratiln. The meet
ing was held under the auspices of the
sound money democracy , as was also the
overllow meeting at the Funke.
YORK. Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special. ) W. J.
Bryan uas here this morning , but York
county Is ftill for MeKlnley. He came on
a. Fpct-lal at 0.15 and spoke from a tem
porary platform for ten minutes. A crowd
of 2.000 greeted him. Many wore yellow
badges , and a majority of those present
were Impelled by the same motive which
leads ono to \ Ult a dime museum to sec ,
the 'aleM monstrosity. After the Bryan
train bad left , the special bearing Hon.
John P. Irish and puny arrived and they
were Orlveii to the court house. Mr. Irish
rpoVcto a tten'cndoiuly enthusiastic crowd.
He had a copy of Mr. Bryan's York tpcech
and-he OUfeete.l It paragraph by paragraph.
The cpeech wcs one of the best things York
people- have yet heard , even though It wus
0'ily ten minutes' duratluii.
DUNCAN. NeiL. Nov. 2.-Special. ( ! Con
siderable ineiiiey 1 : going up here today on
thrilectio : : . One- hundred dollars \\a * the
Ijrgrtit amount put up. one-hnlf 0,1 Nebraska
unil one-hnlf on goucru' ' testilta One
thotiERJiil dollar * If offered on tin- same
terms heie today b > McKluley men and
Mo.on't ' that McKluley If th nrxi president.
r.MRlM'RY , Nrb . Nov.FpocUI ( >
Hen. A. V. Flrld of Lincoln r.ddifjtpfd r.
larpo and enthusiastic m'-stini : ' .an evening
in the interest of th ? republican ticket.
The flambeau club and McKlnley Drum
orpi paraded th * principal before
the meeting. Judge Field : uaiUa oplcndld
pferh , aad has done a peed ucrl' In this
county. Hen. T. J. Do > | t > tpokc in the
afternoon and Dr. Hippie of Omaha In the
evening at tut Bryeii wigwam. They had
fair elzril ciotvds composed iniii'-ipBlly of
U'Or-A. Neb. . Nov 2. - ( SpecialHoa. ) .
M. II. Kerie of Lincoln end County Judge
Spurlock tit Plattemoutu addressed the
largest political meeting ever held In Avoca
Saturday evening. Both speaker * laid bare
the fallacies of the Chicago platform In a
most convincing way. Cnss county will
give a substantial republican majority.
HASTINGS. Nov. 2. ( ffpoelal Telegram. )
The great political campaign was closed
hero tonight amid a blaze of fireworks , red
flro and loud cheers for both parties. The
republicans and the free ellverttce had big
parades all diy and * tonight There were
fully 20.000 people In * the city. In the big
parade this afternoon , nfter Bryan had
gone , the republicans were In the lead , both
In numbers and procession. A special train
bearing POO voters from Lincoln helped to
swell the republican forces. Hon. John P.
Irish ot California addressed the repub
licans this afternoon and Hon. W. E. An
drews delivered the principal address In the
evening. L. Schellenbergcr of Alma spoke
In the opera houte tonight for free silver.
The parade tonight W B a short one. but
thousands of spectator * lined the streets
and sent up loud cheers , as the parade
passed. The republicans are more confident
than ever of carrying Atlanta county by about
300 majority. Today wa considered Bryan's
day In Hastings , but there were thousands
of golden ribbons floating from the coats
of voters and It was hard to tell which party
had the larger turnout , ,
FREMONT. Nov. 2. ( Special Telegram. )
The republicans held thclr closing parade
of the season hero this evening. It was
by far the biggest nnd best p lltlcil parade
ever seen In this city , requiring over on
hour to pats a given point. Special trains
from Wiener and Wahoa brought In crowds
from those places and Intervening towns.
Thcro were also largo delegations present
from Valley , North Bend , .Ames , Sounders
county and the adjoining counties. The
parade .was formed at 8 o'cJock. under the
direction of J. C. Clclland , marshal , with
Fred Delamatyr , J. M. Shlvcly and George
P. Wtlz as assistants. Some of the floats
were very elaborate. A detachment of
sixty-three horsemen wearing Ak-Sar-Ben
suits attracted much attention along the
lineof march. There wore eight bands
In line and fully 3.000 men. The streets
were crowded with people and the en
thusiasm for McKlnley and sound money
was unbounded. After the parade there
was speaking at the opera house by Hon.
Ben Baker of Omaha. " and Ross L. Ham-
moaci. MRX Adlcr of Omaha and R. Noack
of Fremont spoke In German at the court
HEBRON. Neb. , Nor. 2 ( Special Tele
gram. ) The final rally of the campaign to-
nlEht , af which the people were addressed
by H. H. Wilson of Lincoln , was one o !
the best of the wmpa'lsa. The republican
ticket will receive lt usual majority If not
more , as never before wcs such un earnest
campaign made.
FRANKLIN. Neb. , Nor. S. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A. F. Moore of Jilc'Cool : spoke here
tonight to the largest crowd , that has been
out to any of the meetings of this cam
paign. He was here as i guest of the Mc
Klnley club and his talk tonight was fine.
Mr. Moore has made many vote-it for AlcKln-
lev la this county by , the few spee-chcs
ho his made. Better wcathec could not be
asked. The sky 18 dear , cod. no wind. In
dications are that lotdorrow will be a
perfect day and a heavy ' . .rotewill be polled.
KEARNEY. Neb. , Nor. -Speclal Tele
gram. ) The closing rally of the campaign
was held here this evening. Addresses were
made by W. W. Young of Stanton and Dr.
Blxby of Lincoln. , Before the speaking
there was a monster street parade and re
publican enthuslasrn was of a degree which
Is only enjoyed by thosb confident of uccets.
WAYNE. Neb. . Nov 2. { Special Tele
gram. ) The largest demonstration ever wit
nessed In northern Xebracka occurred here
tonight under the auspices of the Wayne
McKlaley club. Spccln.1 trains .were run
from Norfolk. BloumnVid. Hartlncton. Pen.
dor and all Intermediate -points. Nearly
2.000 people were In the parade , together
with two traction engines pulling "trains to
Canton. " aud the heavens were ablaze with
fireworks. Six bands and one drum corps
furnished the mutlc. Delegations were
present from Norfolk , Hosklns , Wlnslde ,
Bloomfield. Wausa. Randolph. Carroll. Pcn-
der , Hartlngton , Laurel , DIxon. Coleridge ,
and WakcfUild.
Five quartets furnished music at the
opera house and the largd tent. Judge W.
F. Norrls delivered an able address to 1,200
people at the opera house , and John R.
Hayes addressed .800 people In the. large
tent. The decorations of the business build
ings were elaborate. The Women's McKln-
ley club of Wayne entertained about 300
visiting women and all the glee clubs fur
nished the music
CRETE. Neb. . Nov. 2. { Special Telegram. )
The campaign closed fa .this city tonight
with a magnificent speechj by Mr. E. Rose-
water. Of course the usual torchlight pro
cession and other demons'tratlons preceded
the meeting. There- never was a larger or
more Intelligent audience 'assembled In tfils
city. Mr. Rosewater explained the financial
questions of the campaign more satisfac
torily to his audience than-any other sr .ker
during the long campaign. Before closing
the speaker showed up Bryan's congressional
record as no speaker ever-attempted. Great
applause at all points showed the feeling
of the audience.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb. . Nov. 2. ( Special
Telegram. ) This city waa completely car
ried by storm this evening by the repub
licans and one of the grandest dcmonstra *
lions ever witnessed In 'this etato was the
result. At 7 o'clock Main street was packed
with a dense mass of enthusiastic humanity
and the wonderful preparations being made
for the gigantic parads awakened the ex
pectancy of the crowds to fever heat. The
parade was magnificent , both In proportions
and design. The beautiful floats elicited
applause. All the people were tired and
hoarse. The Plattsmouth baod led the pa
rade , followed by carriages containing Hon.
Jesse B. Stiode and prominent citizens. Then
come the Haveloek Railway Men's Sound
Money league. Woman's McKlnley club and
band , about seventy women and men on
horseback , a monstpr eJephant attcuded by
Indian rajahs , followe-d by a magnificent
float drawn by four hortrs. on which was
represented every- state In the union by the
fur-famed lovely young women of this city ,
arrayed In white robe's , with golden crowns ,
waving tar-spangled banners and singing
patriotic songs ; Louisville's delegation of
about 200 , comprising band and Women's
and Men's Uniformed Marching club ; Green
wood's delegation otover-200 ! and band and
Woman's Marching .club , and banners and
transparencies. H. NI Ijovcy Flambeau club ,
followed by hundreds of railroad men. swingIng -
Ing red. white and blue Jauterns. hundreds
of mounted enthusiasts with , torches and fog
horns , traction engine , attached to street
car gaily decorated with Its whistle blow
ing every short while , nnd dozens of dif
ferent floats concluded tbc.parade , represent
ing catchy Ideas , The parade was over three
miles in length and was the grandest ever
conceived and carried out In Ibis city. After
the parade , which' consumed over two bourn ,
the crowds bcsclgrd Waterman hall and
White's opera house , 'where speeches wore
made. At Waterman liall tic crowd wcs Im
mense and Dr. Hall , , chairman of the central
committee ! , presided , The meeting was opened
by a grand chorus by the state's young
women and they were followed by Mr. How
ard , with several EcJectlons. and the Chris
tian Bisters of Ashlcud. Ernest Pollard spoke
a few words and then Congressman Strode
made a epecch , which was cheered to the
LOUISVILLE , Neb. . Nov. 2. ( Special Tele ,
gram. ) On account ot the rcpubllccu rally
at Plattsinouth thl * evening the B. & M.
ran a special from Haveloek. Wbrn the
train of live cars reached here It was found
uccfsH&ry to take on two box care to EC-
ommodate * the nrowd. One hundred an1
sixty-eight tickets wrrc sold at this place.
GRAND ISLAND } Nor. 2 , ( Special Tele
gram ) The r puVi lcin league of Grand
Ul&ud closed t hot campaign tonight with c
splendid rufly. A larga parade was held ,
in which there was a display of fireworks -
works and a full farce of torch bearers.
Hon. Charles Greene of Omaha addressed an
audience ut the opera house , every beat In
the gallery and main floor being taken and
the fctage well crowded with leading repub-
llcatu. Mr. Greene Is a favorite * with Gromi
( Continued on Seventh Page. )
Califoraian Spreads Bound Mcnoj Gospel
Among Bontli Platte People.
free Sliver Miontern Attempt to Ilrenk
I'll ' Severn ! .MeetltiKN nml Pre
vent tUe MieuUrr
Unparalleled In western politics were the
scenes attendant upon John P. Irish's flying
trip through the farms , the hamlets and the
cities of Nebraska yesterday. Old campaign-
ire who have stood In the forefront of
many a political battle eay that the closing
day of this most sensational campaign was
without an equal in the enthusiasm dis
played and the crowds that attended upon
the meetings arranged by the sound money
democracy for the orator from the Pacific
Coupled , however , with the fairly decorous
treatment accorded the orator , who was born
In Iowa and who dignified his native state
by an upright , honorable life , were situations
that showed how greatly the people were
wrought up over the class prejudices
preached by the popocratlc candidate , Wil
liam J. Bryan. At Fairmont , In Flllmore
county , the Irish special was hooted and
Jeered , nnd when Mr. Irish endeavored to
speak the crowd of 3.000 would not allow
him to be heard , , although he appealed to
them us men who held dear the right of
free speech to accord him the same consid
eration KK sound money republicans and
democrats had accorded Mr. Bryan but an
hour before. In epeakliig of the attempt to
choke off free spicch Mr. Irish eald : "The
first thing necessary to the general enlight
enment of the friemen of the country Is
the absolute freedom of speech. Free spttch
U the first and highest American birthright ,
the foundation of good government , the guar
anty of perpetual liberty. The political party
which advlMs Its followers to stay away
from discussion of all sides of every political
Isruo or advises them to be present only to
prevent such discussion and assassinate free
speech Is a party In Its essence treasonable
to the republic , and managed by leaders
whose conduct Is cowardice , seasoned with
treachery. Supporters of Mr. Bryan by their
conduct In this campaign In many states
their denial of free speech , their proffer of
mob violence , have convinced the American
people that nullification and treason , rotten
morals , rotten manners , rotten money and
rotten government have tbctr only and ap
propriate expression In the rotten eggs which
are the arguments addressed to the people
by supporters of Mr. Bryau. "
At Crete , where argument Is supposed to
have Its highest education , some membero
of the party accompanying Mr. Irish were
compelled to go among the crowd collected
at the station ecd forcibly Insist upon a
proper hearing being accorded Irish and Mr.
Mahoney. While the crowd was large-ly for
McKlnley , small groups of men and women
termed to get together by concerted action
and by vociferous demonstration try to cm-
harass and rattle the speakers. But above
the Jeers and yells of the mobs at Fairmont
and Crete. Irish and Mahoney forced atten
tion and In that neutralizing the harangues
of Bryan. Whether tfie men and women
carrying white badges were advised to thus
treat the Irish parti" Is net known , hut cer
tain It Is that In some cases their efforts
were decidedly effective.
Mr. Irish , accompanied by Lee Spratlcn ,
was met at Pacific Junction yesterday morn
ing according to the schedule prepared
for his trip through the South Platte coun
try and the ewlng crouod the circle com
menced. The special train was made up
of an engine In charge of H. T. Beatty , spe
cial ear No. 34 and a day coach , the train
being operated by Assistant General Pas
senger Agent A. B. Smith of the Burlington
and Assistant Superintendent English ofthe
northern division. The morning was cold
and foggy , but by 8 o'clock people began U
congregate at the small stations along the
route , greeting the train as It passed with
In addition to those already mentioned
there were Included in the party Euclid
Martin. T. J. Mahoney , C. S. Montgomery
Jume E. North. J. E Kclby. Judge J. C.
Crawford of West Point , W. A. Babcock ,
W. L May , Frank Heller , J. B. Shcchan.
S. F. Burcli of Papilllon. Dr. S. G. Glover oj ,
Arlington , C. It. Glover of Valentine. Tobias
Castor , A. J. Sawyer , Albert Watklns , W
J. St. Clalr of Lincoln. Frank White o. '
Plattsmouth. George N. Hicks. W. R. Mor
ris. George L. Hlnes , Adam Morrel , Lysle I
Abbott. W. S. Gilbert. W. I. Hawkcs. W. D.
McHugh. John Parish. George T. Mills , D
W. myncs. C. S. Elguttcr. Will Cowln , A.
E. Touzalln and The Bee correspondent.
On leaving Lincoln , which was reached on
schedule time. Mr. Irish began to unlimbcr
himself for his day's campaign. The party
was in the best of spirits , to be suddenly
plunged In sadness on account of the Fpe-
clal crashing Into the rear end of a freight
train and Instantly killing a traveling ninu
The engine hauling the Irish party was con
siderably used up. while the caboose and
ono freight car were completely shattered.
The Jar accompanying the striking of the
rear of the freight train threw a number
of the party off their feet , dislocating the
shoulder of Assistant Superintendent English
and bruising others. But no other Eerlous
Injury occurred.
At Seward a crowd of people were con
gregated , the arrival of the special being
greeted by the playing of a brans band.
Mr. Irish spoke from the station platform
anil was accorded the closest attention. He
cald he came to them as a man who wa < =
seeking to bury his party affiliations for
his country's honor. That patriotism should
1)0 placed high above every other considera
tion , for he believed these dayij of 18 %
were almost similar to the days of IKfil.
He then touched upon the nullification spirit
of the Chicago platform and asked all good
citizens to Etamp out this spirit as did
Andrew Jackoon when he put his "hickory
heel flown upon the serpent , which remained
crushed until its hiss echoed in Chicago in
July , and resulted In the choice of William
J. Bryan , a bolter from his party , as the
poporratlc nominee. "
At York the Irish party encountered a
Bryan crowd and for prudential reasons It
was thought best to have Irish Epcak from
the court house steps. Instead of from the
platform occupied by Bryan. Two thousand
people faced the speaker as lie mounted the
steps , and the cheers for McKlnle-y showed
that York county would give a good account
of Itself on election day.
Mr. Irish having been furnished with the
salient points ot Bryan's speech , started In
to meet the popocratlc nominee on his own
proposition In regard to the per head money
circulation. "I want to ay right here. "
said Irish , "that there was lees money In
circulation the day after Bryan's nomination
than the day before. His nomination brought
about * conditions which now threaten to
overthrow law and order and bring thU
country upon a level with Mexico , China
end Japan. And If Mr. Bryan loves these
nations GO well. I bid him godspeed to
them. " He then touched on the whef.t quw-
tlon , ntatlng that lie had Just received a
v.-rc from Chicago Indicating that wheat
had advanced - cents over Palurday's clos
ing prices , because of the demand abroad.
Aurora turned out a thousand people to
hear Irish and the predominance of McKln
ley badges and gold colors showed how
high the feeling was running. The rpeakrv
tosk up the nuuttiun of contract sought to
be Invalidated by the Chicago platform. He
followed It through the varying ohangeli
frcm the marrUn ( relation 1o the employe's
contract and called upon hli hearers to lcup :
It Invlolstc by their votes. "As for the
crime of 1873. " cald he. "thtre have been
( Continued ou Second Page. )
Tile YVenllier IltirenuV foreeiiM of
flie nentlier for totlii ) xnjul Partly
elomlyi elrnrlnn vtrntliert MC
Oinnlin MMii Dnticerotmly Cut
Knee liy n I'opoerntle I
H. Brown , one of the judges e > t
tlon at the Eighth precinct In the
ward , will be on duty today with hi
He was on his way home from wat
the parade , and was walking along C
avenue between Eleventh and T
streets , when two men accosted him.
"Who are you ? " one asked.
Brown answered briefly.
"Are you for Bryan ? "
"No. " replied Brown. This was all that
was said. With a lightning move one of
the men drew a knife acreisa Brown's face
and both ran.
Brown was badly cut. a deep gash e-xtcnd-
Ing diagonally across his face.
Ilorvemeti Hlile Down Mnrelilnu People
ple mill Injure M'vrrnl Pert > otiN.
ELK CREEK. Neb. . Nov. 2. ( Special Tel
egram. ) The republicans wound up the
campaign here tonight with a big lally.
Judge Tucker of Humboldt addressed the
large audience that filled the hall.
Just at the close of the torchlight pro
cession about thirty Bryan cavalrymen
charged upon the procession , knocked down
and Injured several persons. The hoodlums
were.led by ex-Rebel W. T. H. McClanahun.
who lias been putting In his time for the
past week In organizing the gang , mostly
composed of young men from this and Paw
nee county , to break up the meeting.
MeKlnley Cluli * . lit Mlllnnl CUen n
Itoncli lleeepllnn.
M1LLARD , Neb. , .Vov. 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) As the McKlnley clubs from west
ern Douglar. and Sarpy countle-B returned to
their train tonight they were followed by a
gang of hoodlums yelling for Bryan , and
as the train pulled out they began throwing
stones at the cars , one of which crushed
through the window where J. C. Robinson
of Waterloo sat. covering him with glaug
and cutting a severe gosh In the head ot
William Kellett.
I'opoerntN Attempt to Ilrenk Up 11
Ilnllr nt Denver Clt.i.
BEAVER CITY , Neb. , Nov. 2. ( Special
Telegram. ) At the republican rally at
Hendley Saturday night the speakers and
audience were pelted wit rotten eggs by
Bryan sympathizers on the * outside of the
hall. People of all parties are very Indig
nant at the outrage.
HOOT nowx Tut : Tii.vvni.i.Nn MUV
CroTvil fit ( irnfton XVonldot Llnteii ( o
Soiinil Honey TnlUeri.
GRAFTON. Neb. . Nov. 2. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The traveling men's train from
Lincoln was here. The crowd would not
listen to the orators. There Is great ex
citement and much bad feeling.
Ilffnoril o Sciitl Hi * .Money to X MV
VorU , Where ItVnn I'overeil.
NEW YORK. Nov. 2. The $100000 wager
of Colonel W. R. Stratton. the Colorado
mine owner , against $300,000 of an eastern
syndicate. Is "off. " Late tojay Colonel N.
B. Scott of thct republican national com-
mlttr-e. who knows Stratton and was to
have bad a share of the * $300,000 if ho won
It received the following telegram from
itratton's representative :
"If you will send your money to El Paso
bank , Colorado Springs , jou will get all
ho betting you want. "
Upon receipt of this telegram Colonel
Scott declared negotiations at an end. The
opinion was advanced that the offer was
not a sanguine one. Altogether lera than
10,000 had changed hands up to a late
Betting on the ele-ction result was without
'paturo on the Stock exchange during Hu
'orenoon. the only trausactlon noted beln ?
an even wager of $2 000 that McKlnley will
have 200 000 plurality in New York state. small bets were niado in the Fifth
Avenut. hotel today , one of $200 to $100 that
McKlnley'a majority in this cltv will bf
W.OO ! ) and another of $100 even that McKln-
ey will receive 2G5 electoral votes. The
bettors In every case were local politicians
and trone.
CHICAGO , Nov. 2. There has been vcrj
ittle belt inn today and what small wager *
A ere posted were at odds of 3 and 4 to 1
on McKlnley. W. T. Ball bet $1.000 even
with John NeumUter that 'McKinley will
airy Illinois by 30,000. A number of belt
iverc made at 2 to 1 that Altgeld will be
defeated by 30.000.
tuxli Tor Colil In CliletiKo Itf .Men AVlio
12xptet II to Go to n Premium.
CHICAGO , Nov. 2. There was a run on
the subtreasury In this city for gold. Wbcr.
the announcement of the San Francisco run
ivus made public and $1,000,000 In gold re
ceived from the mint last week , the local
subtrcasury noticed an Increase In the num
ber of persons who wanted to exchange bllli ,
for gold. Today the rush began at the open
ing of the doors. An unbroken line passed
In nnd out cf the narrow corridor In front
of the money changer's widow all day. Two-
thirds of those asking for gold handed In
greenbacks end national bank notes.
"Only treasury notes of 1SSO Issue and gold
certificates acccpltd , " said Mr. Shanahan ,
the ttllw.
The office vas kept open half an hour after
the usual time to clean up the line of people
ple In waiting. The total output of golO
for the day was $83,000 three times at
much as that of Saturday. About twice that
amount was asked for.
\viii3c-K ox Tim r.viox
TTVO Trn'liiN Collide InY > online unil
Three .Men Are Iliully Hurt.
RAWLINS , Wyo. . Nov. 2. ( Special Tcle-
; ram. ) Train No. 20 and a helper on the
Union Pacific collldc-d four miles east o <
\Vamtuiter this evening , and three men
wcro badly huit. Their names are : John-
Bralcurd , engineer , Gawley , fireman
Barker , fireman. A wrecking crew has been
sent west from here.
Illkliop WnlUer Deelinen lo TnlU.
BATAVIA. N. Y. , Nov. 2. Bishop Walker
of North Dakota , lately elected bishop ol
the diocese of western New York , has be
here visiting friends. Before departing foi
his home In Fargo , N. D. , he was esk
If be would accept the election as bUboi
of western New York , and he replied : "At
prccent I should prefer to say nothing , for
varlcuE reasons which I do m > t tare to >
plain. "
.MovemeiitK of Oeeiin Vehoelk , .Nov. -
At New York Arrived llovlr. from
cr , eel ; CMve , from Leghorn ; State of Call
fornla , from Glan ow ; Fiihlii , from Genoa
Chester , from Ainilenlum ; Sene-ca , fron
Huvanu , etc. ; City pf Kingston , from Per
Matin e'tc. ; Corlnthta. from Tarn IK on a
etcFuldw ; , from Genoa , etc. Sailed--Jlrll
Hunt , f'jr Fluxhlng.
At Nutilns Snlle-el Italia , foi Now Yorl
At Olbralur SulU'd 12ms. from Oenon
for New York
At Urowhouel I'BKStid Bothnia , from
Ucmton. for Liverpool
At SwaniMtH fiullod Bartiadlnii , for Now
Grimm *
At Ya ohamii Bulled Oiympla , from Tn
C'Olll I
A Hamburg-Bulled Persia , for Nc
Sound Money Hosts Move in One Mighty
Republican Voters Show Their Magnificent
Strength in Omaha.
Intense Patriotic Enthusiasm Marks the
Whole Proceeding.
Final Parude of ( lie .Men OppoKetl to
Che up .Money iiiul lteiuiltiilloii
-Millie * n Truly \Voinlcr-
flll Appenrnncc. .
The republican campaign In Douglai
ouuty ended last night with the most re
markable political demonstration ever seen
u Nebraska. Never before was such a
manifestation of public sentiment witnessed
n Omaha. Sound money enthusiasm rau
lot. It was echoed by the tramping feet
f 15,000 voters marching under the banner
f McKluley and MacColl. It gleamed In
many torches which reemed to populate the
ntlrc center of the city with scintillating
tars. It rang in the shouts of the cnthus-
astlc marchers and found response In the
wild cheers of the thousands who lined the
urbs and filled the windows of the butld-
ugs. It rose again In the Inspiring strains
f twenty bands and filled the atmosphere
vlth buch rampant exuberance of patriotic
entlment as has not been known In presl-
cntlal campaigns since the American peo-
ilo faced the Issue of freedom for the slave.
Nothing could be more Mgulfleant than
uch a spectacle. It war not a parade of
he ward workers mid professional poll-
Iclaus. Hundreds of grey-haired men
narched In the ranks , who had taken no nc-
Ivo part In politics for years. There wcro
HisltifsE men , bankers , lawyers , physicians
nd worklugmcn who had never before pnr-
Icipated ! n such a demonstration. But
ait night they marched for three hours
nd helped to swell the parade In propor-
lans that emphatically Indicated that Doug-
as county will do its duty In the gcat
ontest of today.
The most tuugutne anticipations of the
opubllcan managers were far exceeded. It
md been expected that it would be the btg-
; cst demonstration ever seen in Omaha ,
lut It was more than that. It was fully
wlcc as big an the bluest of previous
ears , and more than twice as enthusiastic.
A dozen Fourth of July celebrations wcro
concentrated 'n one ticmcnclinic burst of
hunderous clamor. From the early evening
until long afcr the parade was over the
noise was deafening end Incessant. The
cheers of the multitude were drowned in
ho blare of thoussndB of horns , the Inces
sant fusillade of the sbotcuu brigades and
he music of the bands. The city WHS ablaze
with red fire and the tsy ! was lit by the
ascending rockets and 'bombs. And in the
ntdst of It all a candidate for the presidency
came and went , hit- advent as unntfllccd as
the chirp of a cricket beside the thunder ol
a battery of twenty-pounders.
Although the paiade was delayed In order
hat Mr. Bryan might have the right of way
o his hall the people began to gather on the
streets soon after supper. They hung on
he street cars by fmscrs. toes and eyelashes
end for a couple of hours every downtown
car was weighted to Its capacity. Most of
he voters were congrciutlng ut their ward
leadquarters to march In the parade and
their wives and daughtiro and sisters and
sweethearts came down town to stand on tbo
sidewalks and cheer them as they pae > sed.
This was In Itself u feature that would have
> ecn Impossible In an nrdjnary campaign. In
the crowd on the streets wcro thousands
of women , who necinrd to be as thoroughly
enthused as the men who inarched past
them. They cheered until they were hoarto
and clapped thiir hands and waved their
handkerchiefs. Many of them had horns
and they stood on their toes and blew them
is energetically ae though the result of the
election depended on tlulr Individual ef
forts. Here and there a knot of Bryan shoot
ers had congregated with the expressed tn-
entlou of interfering with the parade. But
hey changed their minds as the solid line
of men marching from curb to curb tramped
last them and the ImmctiFe army marched
through the crowded streets without any
material disorder. The presence of a heavy
detail of police contributed materially to
this result. There were a half dozen active
bluecoats on every corner and the prospect
of a night In a cell was not encouraging to
the few hoodlums who were disposed for
Soon after 7 o'clock thr various organiza
tions began to form In dlvlslonH. It was
a difficult task to mobilize such un array ,
jut It was finally successfully accomplished.
Some of the clubs were a little out of their
aligned order , but the constant exertloim
of the marshals brought them into a better
alignment than Is usually effected In a po
litical parade. It was nearly ' . ' o'clock when
Chief Marshal Frank E. Moores gave the
order to march and the heart of the proccs *
slon started from Eighteenth and Douglaj
streets. As It passed donn Douglas street
the varlouti divisions filed into line and for
the first time the iir.mentity of the affair
became uppaieiit. The men were massei !
as thickly as possible. The ranks marched
In compact order and in many CBKCB fifteen
and twenty abreast. Even then the parade
was nearly two milt's lung , and the head
had passed back up J'ciMtm. around tbo city
hall and was counteringchlng at Sixteenth
and Nicholas streets before the last division
had fallen into line on Douglas Hired. Tha
panicle wan just on hour in passing u given
point and more than tuo hours In completing
the line of march.
001111(11 ; of tinFllMl DlvUlon fiivrn IIB
IilUllliu of Hie Km ! .
As the long line of ton-lies pasted up Far-
nam street It afforded yomo Indication of
what McKlulcy's mnjailty will be In Omaha.
Flrbt marched a platoon of police with Cap
tain II. 1' . Unite in cniiiiruiud. It Included
Officers ncntfrow , Hultfeld , Honk , Kelly ,
Luverton , Meals , nioglcman and I'oolc.
After them rode the luarMia ! and hU uhU-a
In tbo following order : Frank E. Moores ,
grand marshal : Scrgcmit 0. B. Scrambling ,
orderly : Captain H. K. rainier , chief of bluff ;
chief aides , Captain C. L ChaffeeV. . S.
Askwlth , E. Benedict , Charles A. Goas. 13.
I' . Davis , jHrnec Walsh anil Bert Wll-ox ;
aides , F. A. Brogan , \Vllllan > I'axton , nr , F.
D. Brown. I' . 15. Ilrr , Judge 0. N. Powell ,
Judge W. W. Keybor , Mnjor J. B Fiiray , C.
S. Potter. } . N Wrttbttrg. H. II. Baldrlgc ,
A. L. Frank , Bruce McCullocb , Joel S.
Griffin , W. F. 'Luri'iigcn. Dr.V. . II. Chrlhlia ,
L. Lllllfficld. 0. C. Jol > i. u . John McDonald ,
Ileocher HlRliy. C. w.'orkcrell , David An
derson , AC. . Powcre , G. II. I'C'ursc. John
Itonl(0y , Dr. Glufcgow and E. Stcnhcrg.
Tbn firm division wan In charge of As
sistant Mur hulB J. M. Glllan and C. II. VII-
unn. It was headed by the ContlmmUJ
Drum corps of twenty pieces , and behind it
inarched tbo Thurcton Flambeau club at
Bcvonty-flvo men , under Captulu Leo Forby.
They were attired In white uniforms and
thotr accurate exft-utlon of several d I 111 cult
cvolutloim elicited uiuch favorable comment